Music works about winter nature. Musical works about Nature: a selection of good music with a story about her

Music works about winter nature. Musical works about Nature: a selection of good music with a story about her
Music works about winter nature. Musical works about Nature: a selection of good music with a story about her

Nature is surprisingly diverse with paints and forms. And how much beauty in the forest, in the meadow, among the field, by the river, at the lake! And how many in nature sounds, whole polyphony of insect choirs, birds, and other animals!

Nature is a real temple of beauty, and it is not by chance that all poets, artists, musicians drew their ideas, watching them surrounded by nature.
Music and poems are the beautiful, without which a person cannot live. Many composers, poets composed beautiful works on the beauty of nature. In nature there is a soul, it has a language in it, and everyone is given to hear this language, understand it. Many talented people, poets, musicians managed to understand the language of nature and to love her with all his heart, therefore, they created many wonderful works.
Nature sounds served as the basis for creating many musical works. Nature is powerful sounds in music. The music was already among the ancient people. Primitive people sought to study the sounds of the surrounding world, they helped them to navigate, learn about the danger, hunting. Watching the objects and phenomena of nature, they created the first musical instruments - drum, harp, flute. Musicians have always studied from nature. Even the sounds of the bells, which are heard in church holidays, sound a blessing that the bell created the likeness of the bell flower.
In 1500 in Italy, a copper flower was made, he was accidentally hit, and a melodious ringing rang out, the servants of the religious cult were interested in the bell, and now he sounds, pleaseing the parishioners. Nature and great musicians studied: Tchaikovsky did not leave the forest when he wrote children's songs about nature and cycle "Seasons". The forest suggested him the mood and motifs of the musical work.

We took a special place in the repertoire, Sergei Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov was taken in the repertoire.

It is distinguished sensitivity to the poetic text, which gave birth to a melody, full of lively "breathable" phrase.
One of the best Rakhmaninov romances to F. Tyutchev is "Spring Water", a full busting force of the awakening of nature, youth, joy and optimism.

Still in the fields white snow,
And the water is noisy in the spring.
Run and wake a sleepy brag,
Run and shook and say ..
They say to all ends:
"Spring goes, spring comes!
We are young spring messengers
She sent us forward! "

Rachmaninov. "Spring water".

Rachmaninov. Romance "Spring Water".

The poems of the great Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev from ornamental years are known to all Russian people. Not yet learned to read and write, we by heart remember his heartfelt lines.

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, first thunder,
As it were, begging and playing,
Rinsing in the sky blue.

In the life of the poet, love and nature occupy a special place.

. I. Tyutcheva is customary to call a singer of love and nature. He was really a master of poetic landscapes, but his inspirational poems are completely devoid of empty and mindless admissions, they are deeply philosophical. For Tyutchev, nature is identified with man, nature for him is a reasonable creature, endowed with the ability to love, suffer, hate, admire and admire:

Fedor Tyutchev. Poem.

The theme of nature for the first time with such force and pathos sounded in the lyrics of Tchaikovsky. This romance is one of the most advanced Tchaikovsky creations. It refers to the number of relatively few pages of his music, filled with inner harmony, the completeness of happiness.

.P. Tchaikovsky was under the charm of the lyricism of poems A. Tolstoy, their bright open emotionality. These of their artistic qualities helped Tchaikovsky to create a series of masterpieces of vocal lyrics on poems A. Tolstoy - 11 lyrical romances and 2 duets that entered the whole range of human feelings, the romance "bless you, forests" has become an expression of the composer's own thoughts about nature and the universe.

Bless you, forests,
Valley, Niva, Mountains, Water,
I bless freedom
And blue skies.
And my staff blesses,
And this poor Suma,
And steppe from the edge and to the edge,
And the sun light, and night darkness,
And a lonely path,
By whom, beggar, I am going
And in the field every epics,
And in the sky every star.
Oh, if I could mix my whole life,
All souls with you merge;
Oh, if I could in my arms
I, enemies, friends and brothers,
And to conclude the whole nature!

Tchaikovsky. Romance "I bless you forest."

The Russian composer of Rimsky-Korsakov knew about the sea not at the break. Mademaryan, and then Michman on the clip of "Almaz" he did a distant path to the North American coast. Favorite seaside images arise in many of his creations.
Such is, for example, the topic of the "ocean-sea of \u200b\u200bblue" in Opera "Sadko". Literally in several sounds, the author transmits the hidden power of the ocean, and this motive permeates the entire opera.

Rimsky-Korsakov. Entry to Opera "Sadko".

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is the sunrise. Here immediately come to mind the two most famous morning topics, something incense with each other. Each in its own way defias the awakening of nature. This is the romantic "morning" E. Grieg and a solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" M. P. Mussorgsky.
Dawn Mussorgsky begins with the shepherd melody, in the string orchestral sound as if the ringing of the bells is woven, and the sun climbs above the river, the sun covering the water with gold ripples.

Mussorgsky. "Dawn in Moscow River."

Among the musical works about nature, the mansion is the "big zoological fantasy" of Saint-Sansa for the chamber ensemble. Non-reliance of the plan identified the fate of the work: "Carnival", whose score of Saint-Sans even forbade publishing during his lifetime, was completely performed only in the circle of composer's friends. " The only cycle number, published and published publicly during Saint-Sansa, is the famous Swan, who has become in 1907 and masterpiece of ballet art performed by the Great Anna Pavlova.

Saint-Sans. "Swan"

Haydn, like his predecessor, widely uses the possibilities of different tools for the transmission of nature sounds, such as summer thunderstorms, rogue of grasshoppers and frogs. Haidna's musical works about nature are associated with people's life - they are almost always present on his "paintings". So, for example, in the final of the 103rd symphony, we are as if we are in the forest and hear hunter signals, for the image of which the composer resorts to a known tool - the golden of the horn. Listen:

Haydn. Symphony number 103, final.

The text is made from different sources.

"In the kingdom of Berendeya. Poets and composers about nature "

Literary and musical composition

Objectives: restoration of the natural relationship of children with Russian nature, with the historical and cultural values \u200b\u200bof Russia; Education from schoolchildren feeling patriotism, love for native nature, poetry, music.
Equipment and decoration: The hall is decorated in a Russian style, on the wall - the name of the holiday in the framework of the Russian ornament; Posters with statements of Russian poets about nature, musical works about nature, presentation of portraits of poets and paintings of Russian nature, children in Russian costumes.

Event flow

Sounds music. Video clip "Happiness of the Russian Earth"

Lead 1.
"Motherland!" - We pronounce,
And in the eyes of thoughtful we
Guckling slowly
And the ray is smoked in the dawn.

Lead 2.
The river is remembered, probably
Clean, transparent to the bottom,
And earrings glow on the willow
And in the grass, the path is visible.

Lead 1.
"Motherland!" - We are talking, worried,
The distance without the edge is visible.
This is our childhood, our youth.
That's all we call fate.
Motherland! Fatherland Holy!
Armor, groves, shores,
Field from wheat golden,
Blue from the moon stack.
Sweet smell of bevelled hay,
Conversation in the village of Naraspov,
Where the star at Stanka sat down,
Before the ground, almost almost loss.
Motherland! Land of fathers and grandfathers!
We fell in love with these clovers,
Spring freshness of tastes
From the edge of the ringing bucket.
It takes up hardly
And forever will remain holy ...
The land is the fact that the birthplace called

Kohl will have to protect the heart.

Lead 2. . What is the Motherland for man? What does he consider his homeland? The country in which was born? House in which lives? Birch at the native threshold, the place where his ancestors lived?

Video clip "Where are you born"

Lead 1. . Look around: What a lovely, amazing world of us surrounds -lesa, fields, seas, oceans, mountains, sky, sun, animals, birds. This is nature. Our life is inherent from her. Nature feeds us, sew, clothes. She is generous and disinterested. Our Russian nature, full of poetry and charms, touches and worries every person who loving his homeland has a beneficial effect on his soul.

Lead 2.

The beauty of Russian Nature is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for poets, artists, composers. Many poems, paintings, musical works were born due to love for her.


Wave rolls behind wave

In an immeasurable ocean ...

Winter replaced in spring

And less frequent hurricane;

Does not wait ruthless time

It is in a hurry for a term;

Fields and Niv of the rich burden,

While whining snowball disappeared

Flowers cheerful nature,

Severe a dense boron,

Meets noisy morning

Pernaya birds Thunder Choir;

They sing her anthem brought

In the glory of God and father

And gentle a song cherished

Sad singer.

Beautiful blue sky

Everywhere cool and peace

And generous sun gold

Nources the earth with warmth

Necessary, gracious;

From impregnable embroidery

Aromatic air flows

On the kingdom of light and spring.

Widely, proudly sickly,

Leaving the old Brecha

Through the snowy Niva

Transparent river flowing

And everything blooms, and everything is fine!

But where w Wyime, where the next winter is

Where is the ridiculous riders,

Where is the sad glow of grave darkness?

Winter passed. Spring will pass

Summer is gold,

Nature, joy is full,

Sighs good enough at rest.

But not for long; No, again

Dreamed, by will

Releader winds will whistle

And swing swing in the field.

And the hill is dense boron,

He will wake, like a wolf hungry,

And from the height of the desert mountains

It becomes in the fall of cold;

And again a gloomy darkness

Sparks your cover sad

And Almighty Winter

Caught in the sabotage of the funeral -

Blooming meadow, green boron

And all faded nature

And make the tops of the mountains

And snacks with frost water;

And after the wonderful beauty

Nature will be sad again;

So life: il May flowers,

Or swollen grave ...

("Spring" N.A.Nekrasov)


Nature music! I will listen to you ...

Not silent, the song sings

The whole world about life, which he breathes,

And that blessed who listens and hears.

Oh how much he recognizes and understand

Divoring the way to the sounding world of harmony,

Incomprehensible poems, unknown symphony!

(Alexey Pheezhnikov)

Song "Seasons" with a video clip

Lead 2.

Spring. The sun shines brighter than in winter, it became warmer, the snow darkened and donkey, the streams ran, the day was added, it became longer, and the night is shorter, the spring heaven becomes high and blue.

Lead 1.

In nature, it often happens that snow suddenly comes up before warming, and nature will come true. This is told in the poem of a wonderful Russian poet.Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev which surprisingly vividly drew such weather changes in the spring, her struggle in winter.


"Winter is not angry ..."

Winter is no wonder angry,
Passed her time -
Spring is knocking in the window
And drives off the yard.

And everything has risen,
All nudifies winter out -
And the larks in the sky
We raised the sober.

Winter is still cotton
And for spring grumbling.
She laughs in her eyes
And the forest is only noise ...

And, the snow is capturing,
Lasted, running,
In a wonderful child ...

Spring and grief little:
Washed in the snow
And only the rush has become
Nighting the enemy.


F. I. Tyutchev. Spring Water Video Clip. Reads artist.

Still in the fields white snow,

And the water is noisy in the spring -

Run and wake a sleepy brag,

Run, and shook, and say ...

They say to all ends:

"Spring is coming, spring goes,

We are young spring messengers

She sent us forward!

Spring goes, spring goes,

And quiet, warm May days

Ruddy, light dance

Walking fun behind her! .. "

Lead 1.

Fragment of a puppet play

"With love for nature" - Twitter birds.

Lead 2.

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.

Great Russian poetNikolay Alekseevich Nekrasov He loved and widespread folk tales, proverbs, riddles, songs, well, knew the native Russian language in his work. To the title of his poem "Green Noise", the poet made such a note: "So the people call the awakening of nature in the spring."

Pictures of the forest - the clip "In the field of Bereza stood"

Reader "Green Noise"

There is a buzzing noise,

Green noise, Spring Noise!

How milk lured

Facing gardens cherries

Tihochonko noise;

Priges a warm sun,

No funny

Pine forests,

A number of new greens

Will love the song

And linden pale

And White Berezonka

With green oblique!

Malaya straws cohesive

Noise cheerful male ...

They noise in a new way,

In new, spring ..

Go-buzz, green noise,

Green noise, Spring Noise!

Lead 1.

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet. - a sophisticated lyrics endowed with ingenious giving. Many of his poems entered the Golden Fund of Russian Poetry. The works of feta are affected by emotionality, light mood, a kind of transmission of shades of mental life, a subtle sense of nature, the beauty of the melodies. The poet seeks to capture and touch the beautiful. His poems - about the beauty of the world, about the harmony of human feelings.

Among the earliest works are poems dedicated to the beauty of nature, the change of seasons.

Pictures of artists about spring. "Spring". Chopin.



Already the willow is all fluffy

Spread around the circle;

Spring again fragrant

Owned the wing.

Stanny Tuchka rushing

Warmly illuminated

And in the soul again ask

Pleny dreams.

Everywhere diverse

Painting is busy looking

Summit crowd idle

People, something glad,

Some kind of secret thirst

The dream is broken -

And over my soul

Spring swears.


More May night

What night! On all some kind of nonsense!

Thank you, my native impact edge!

From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzard and snow

How fresh and clean yours departs May!

What night! All stars to one

Heat and krotko in the soul look again,

And in the air for the song of the nightingale

Alarm and love is dealt.

Birchs are waiting. Their sheet is translucent

Shyly manitis and techite gaze.

They are trembling. So the virgin newlywed

And pleased with her joy.

No, never gentle and disembodied

Your face, about the night, could not tomorrow!

Again to you I am going with the unwitting song,

Unwashed - and the latter may be.

Edward Grieg "Morning"


This morning, this joy,It's power and day, and light,This blue archThis is a cry and string,These flocks, these birds,This voice is written,These willows and birch,

These drops are these tears,This fluff is not a sheet,These mountains, these doings,These midges, these bees,This zyk and whistle.

These dawns without eclipseThis sigh of the night serenities,This night is without sleep,This meal and heat bed,This fraction and these trills,It's all - spring.


Slavs considered themselves an integral part of nature, worshiping the sun.

Video clip and fragment from the movie "Snow Maiden". The same rite occurs on the scene - the stage of episode.


Alexey NikolaevichPlescheev, Ivan Savvich Nikitin, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin loved Russian nature. Dedicated her poems

Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.



Again in spring the window my smelled,

And it breathes more beautifully and free ...

In the chest of longing the oppressive fell asleep,

Roy Light Dum goes to shift to her.

Snow ... icy icy

Do not sparkling waves ...

And the plow waiting for distant, dumb

Fields of my sides.

In the field! In the field! Familiar Nature

To her red shy manit ...

In the field! there is a song of the risen people

Free and powerful sounds.


"Spring" A.N.Plechev Clip "Symphony of Spring"

Snow melts, streams run,

The window did the spring ...

Shovely will sentence

And the forest will dress foliage!

Chista Heavenly azure

Warm and brighter the sun has become

It's time for the blizzards of evil and storm

Again for a long time passed.

And the heart is very so in the chest

Knocks As if waiting for something

As if happiness ahead

And she took the winter of care!

All faces are fun look:

"Spring!" - You read in every gaze.

And the one's holiday is glad to her

Whose life is only a grievous work and grief.

But frisky kids ringing laughter

And carefree birds singing

I say that most

Nature loves an update.


A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.

I. S. Nikitin "Adjust: Spring is coming"

Full, the steppe is my sleep, sleeping dust:

Winter Mother Kingdom passed,

Dries the tank tablecloth desertless

Snow disappeared - and warm, and light.

Awaken and cleaned dear,

In a beloved beauty, show

Approach your chest ant

Like the bride, in flowers are surrounding.

Adjust: Spring is coming,

Caravan caravas fly

In bright gold, the day is drowning,

And streams on ravines are noisy ...

Soon the guests will gather in you,

How many nests will watch - look!

What sounds are poured for songs

Day-day, from dawn to dawn!

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.


I. A. Bunin "Large rain in the forest green ..."

Large rain in the forest green

Avumel for slim maples,

Forest colors ...

Hear? - Single song is pouring,

Carefree is distributed

Large rain in the forest green

Avumel for slim maples,

Dee the Heaven clear ...

In every heart occurs -

And tomit and fascinates

Your image, spring!

About the hope of gold!

Grove dark, thick

Deceived you ...

You sounded a lot of song -

And in Dali Ugas!

Lead 1.

The educational value of the poetry of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is huge. No poet created such a wise and bright landscape lyrics. "Pushkin is an emergency phenomenon ... This is a Russian man in his development, which it may be, will appear in two hundred years." N. V. Gogol.

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.


A. S. Pushkin. "Gonyami with weed rays ..." (from the novel "Eugene Onegin"

Gonimy rays,

From the surrounding mountains already snow

Fucked with muddy streams

On rummaged meadows.

Smile clear nature

Through the dream meets the morning of the year;

Sinea shook heaven.

More transparent forests

As if the fortune is greine.

Bee for tribute field

Flies from Celi wax.

Valley dry and motley;

Herds are noisy and nightingale

I sang in silence nights.


How sad it is your sense,

Spring, spring! It's time for love!

What a languid excitement

In my soul, in my blood!

With what heavy diesel

I enjoy Dunzen

In my face having fun

On the village of rural silence!

Or I am alien to pleasure

And everyone who pleases, lives,

All that bother and glitter

Gave boredom and tomorrow

Per capita dead long ago

And everything seems to me dark?


The poems of Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin - sincere confession of his romantic soul, which attracts primarily the manifestation of the best human feelings. The attractive force of the Yesenin poetry in this piercing sincerity.

A portrait of the poet is displayed on the screen.



Cherryumuch siny

With spring bloom

And golden branches,

What curves, curled.

Circle Dew Medunica

Slides on the crust,

Under her greenery spicy

Shins silver.

And near, Protalyanka,

In the grass, between the roots,

Runs, flowing small

Silver stream.

Heart cherry

Having fun

And Golden Green

On the sun burns.

Rucching Raduchheu wave

All branches emphasize

And spiritually under the rager

She sings songs.

Songs are sounded on the verses of S.A. Jeshenina "Bereza", "Cherry".

On the screen, pictures with the image of nature, churches, etc. are displayed on the background of music and when changing pictures, children utter text.

Student 1. Unsurried widest fields. Swimpberry birch. River spills. Steppes immense space. This is Russia.
Pupil 2. You look into a clear blue sky. You go to forest paths. Sit at cool river. This is Russia.
Student 1. The ancient walls of the Kremlin. Brilliance of domes over temples. Life passed trail. And this is Russia.
Pupil 2. Mother's hands. Her songs from your cradle. Easy bread for a festive table. This is also Russia.

Music and showing pictures stop.
Student 1. deep seas
Pupil 2. Wide our fields
Student 1. abundant, native,
Choir. Nice, Russian Earth!

Corner registration in the assembly hall of the school

"Motherland! Fatherland Holy! Armor, rivers, coast,

The field, from wheat gold, blue from the moon stack .. "

Leading - Veluban Ivan and Petrova Lyudmila, 9B CL.

"Nature-mother! I will listen to you ... "Reading a poem about spring.

Overlook Vladislav, 11 to l.

"The air fragrant is flowing to the kingdom of light and spring ...".

Arefiev Vladislav, 11 CL.

The forest also wakes up from the winter hibernation.

Puppet spectacle about spring. 5b cl.

"I love any time of the year ...". Duet 7b cl.

Staged fragment from the play A.N.ostrovsky "Snow Maiden"

(Sun worship), 11 and 9b cl.

"Adjust - Spring is coming: caravas cranes fly ..."

Yapakova Sabina. 11 cl.

"Large rain in the forest is green

Avumel for slim maples,

The depths of heaven clear ... " Dobrovolskaya Anastasia. 9b cl.

"Again in the spring in the window my smelled ...". Aituganova Diana. 11 cl.

"Gonimy rays, from the surrounding mountains already snow

Escaped with muddy streams on rummaged meadows ... "

Rigun hope, 10 cl.

"How sad it is your sense, spring, spring! It's time for love! .. "

Nurlubayev Regina, 10 CL.

Participants of the literary and musical composition

"In the kingdom of Berendey. Poets and composers about nature. "

Music and other types of art

Lesson 26.

Subject: Landscape in music. Images of nature in the work of musicians.

Objectives of the lesson: analyze the diversity of music and visual arts; arguing about the community and difference of expressive means of music and visual art; Self select similar poetic and picturesque works to the topic studied.

Materials for lesson: portraits of composers, paintings of paintings, musical material.

During the classes:

Organizing time:

Hearing: M. Mussorgsky. "Gnome" from the cycle "Pictures from the exhibition".

Read the epigraph to the lesson. How do you understand it?

Recording on the board:

"So far there was no music, the human spirit was unable to imagine the image of the adorable, beautiful, completeness of life ..."
(I.V. Götte)

Message Topics Lesson:

Guys, what do you think, is there something in common in the image of nature in the pictures and in musical works? (We think that yes. Because nature transmits this or that mood. And what it is - you can hear in music and see in the picture.)

Work on the lesson.

1. Nature in art.

An image of nature in art has never been simple copying it. No matter how beautiful the forests and meadows are, no matter how the artists are the element of the sea, no matter how fascinating the moonlight soul, all these images, being captured on canvas, in verses or sounds, caused sophisticated feelings, experiences, moods. Nature in art spiritualized, it is sad or joyful, thoughtful or magnicity; She is as follows by her man.

Once you wake up in amazement,
You hear birds trills in the meadow.
And the heart creates in admiration -
Around everything in white and pink snow!
What happened overnight suddenly with nature?
Where so much light and heat?
Overcoming frost and bad weather
Fluffy foam cherry blossomed!
All the space flooded
Shooting flowers fountains in the embroidery!
Throwing the fragrant decoration
Welcomes Beauty Spring!
Smoking white flowers
Bride young to himself manit.
And freezes the heart under the branches.
Store love, hope and dream!

(T. Lavrov)

The theme of nature has long been attracted by musicians. Nature gave music sounds and timbres, who were heard in the singing of birds, in the murmur of streams, in the noise of thunderstorms.

Sound image as imitation of nature sounds can be found already in the music of the XV century - for example, in the choral plays K. Zheken "singing birds", "hunting", "nightingale".

Hearing: K. Zheken. "Birdsong".

Gradually, in addition to imitating the sounds of nature, the music has learned to cause visual impressions. In it, nature not only sounded, but also played with paints, flowers, glare - became visible.

There is even such an expression - "Music painting". This expression of the composer and criticism of A. Serov is not just a metaphor; It reflects the increased expressiveness of music that discovered another figurative sphere - spatial-visual.

2. Seasons.

Among the bright musical paintings associated with the image of nature, the cycle of P. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Each of the twelve plays of the cycle represents the image of one of the months of the year, and this image is most often transmitted through the landscape.

According to the program proposed by the music publisher, he wrote his famous piano cycle. In these small plays, resembling musical watercolors, the mood of the season is reflected - winter feces, spring freshness, summer expanse, autumn sadness. The composer puts all his huge love in them to the whole native - to the Russian person, Russian nature, Russian customs. Each of the twelve miniatures is presented by the title and epigraph, which reveal the nature of the music, lines from the poem of Russian poets.

Despite the poetic source, the music of Tchaikovsky is brightly picturesque - and in a generalized-emotional plan associated with the "way" of each month, and in terms of musical image.

Here, for example, the Piece "April", which is given by the subtitle "Snowdrop" and predicted the epigraph from the poem A. Makov:

Bluish, clean
Or beside a density
Last snowball.
Latest horses
About the mountain was
And the first horses
About happiness in another ...

As often happens in lyrical poetry, the image of early spring, the first spring flower is associated with the awakening of the forces of a person after winter stupor, the dusk of frost and blizzard - to new feelings, light, the sun.

Hearing: P. Tchaikovsky. "April. Snowdrop "from the piano cycle" Seasons of the Year ".

How did this work sounded, what feelings wanted to give the composer with his music? (The music sounded very gently, light. It seemed that the flower really stretches to the sun and gradually dismisses his petals. The middle part sounded somewhat excitedly, hear the murmur of the stream, the ripping drops.)

That's right, the lines of the poet Maikova are implemented in a delicate melody that transmits the living breath of spring. We seem to see a small helpless flower that makes the light from under the snow.

"The protocol truth is not needed to anyone," said Isaac Levitan. Your song is important in which you sing a forest or garden path. " Look at the reproduction of the painting "Spring. GREAT WATER ", Surprisingly light, pure tones found a composer for transmitting later spring. Remember another painting of Levitan, which has a musical name. ("Evening ringing", this picture also sounds.)

Levitan is rightly called an unsurpassed mood master in painting. He is often compared with Tchaikovsky, in whose music, the Russian nature found a surprisingly heartfelt expression. And the artist, and the composer, every means of his art, managed to sing his song in art - the lyrical song of the Russian Soul.

3. Images of nature.

If Tchaikovsky's Music - with all its bright pictusivity, is still aimed at the transfer of mood, the experience caused by the first bloom of spring, then in the work of other composers, you can find a bright visual image, accurate and specific.

Ferenz Sheet wrote this: "The flower lives in music, as in other art types, for not only the" experience of the flower ", his smell, its poetic charming properties, but the form itself, the structure, flower itself vision, as phenomenon It can not not find his incarnation in the art of sound, because it finds an embodiment and expression, without exception, which may experience, survive, consider and feel a person.

Flower shape, the vision of the flower is tangible present in joining the ballet I. Stravinsky "Spring sacred". The amazing phenomenon of nature is the dissolving buds, stalks - captured in this music transmitting, according to B. Asafiev, "Action of Spring Growing".

The initial tag-naigry, executed by FAGOT, in its outlines resembles the structure of the stalk, which constantly stretches, rushes up. Just as the stalk of the plant gradually turns the leaves, the melodic line throughout the sound also "facing" melodic pegs. Spear shepherds are gradually turning into a thick musical tissue, in which the bird chirping is heard.

Hearing: I. Stravinsky. "Kiss of the Earth" from the ballet "Spring Sacred".

"The landscape does not have a goal," Savrasov said, "if he is only beautiful." There should be a soul history in it. It should be a sound that meets heart feels. It is difficult to express the word, it looks like music. "

Total lesson:

The landscape in music, probably, you can like the landscape in the works of painting - so diverse paintings of nature, which composers treated. Not only seasons, but also times of day, rain and snow, forestry and sea elements, meadows and fields, earth and sky - everything finds their sound expression, sometimes literally affecting the visual accuracy and power of influence on the listener.

Questions and tasks:

  1. Is it possible to assume that the landscape in art is an exact copy of the picture of nature?
  2. Why can a musical landscape like a landscape in visual art?
  3. What will appear April in the play P. Tchaikovsky from the cycle "Seasons"? What feelings do this music cause?
  4. Why is the music I. Stravinsky perceived as a real "picture of spring growth"?
  5. Pick up poetic and picturesque works on the landscape theme that you know.
  6. Make a task in the "Musical Observation Diary", p. 28.


1. Presentation - 15 slides, PPSX;
2. Music sounds:
Mussorgsky. Pictures from the exhibition. Two Jews, Rich and Poor (2 version options: Symphony Orchestra and Piano), MP3;
Tchaikovsky. Seasons. April - Snowdrop (2 version options: Symphony Orchestra and Piano), MP3;
Stravinsky. Kiss of Earth from Spring Spring Ballet, MP3;
Jequen. Bird singing, mp3;
3. The accompanying article is the lesson, DOCX.

Nature in music, music in nature. Article.

Svelana Svetlana Alexandrovna, music leader.
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten" Birch ", Tambov city.

Description of the material. I offer you an article about the image of nature in music. What ocean sounds surrounds us: bird singing, rustling of leaves, rain noise, rakewall waves. All these sound phenomena of nature can be portrayed, and we, listeners, represent them. This material will be useful to music managers, educators, teachers of preschool institutions as a consultation.

The sounding world around us is constantly, especially in nature, puts peculiar tasks to our hearing. What does it sound? Where does it sound? How does it sound? Hear music in nature, listen to the music of rain, wind, the rustling of leaves, the sea surf, determine, is a loud, fast or barely audible, flowing. Such observations in nature enrich the musical hearing experience of the child, provide the necessary assistance in the perception of musical works with elements of image. The pictures in the music suggested by the sound cloth of nature is illustrated by wonderful phenomena of nature.

Listen: Music around. She is in all - in nature itself,
And for countless melodies, she herself gives rise to sound.
It serve as a wind, a splash of waves, rolled thunders, ringing drops,
Birds are incomplete trill among green silence.
And the fraction and the trains of the beeps, slightly heard in Dremot,

And the shower of a song without words is all on one cheerful note.
And the snow crunch, and the crucible campfire!
And metallic singing and ringing saws and ax!
And the wires steppe hoops!
... so, because sometimes it will come in the concert hall,
What we about the sun told about how water was splashing,
How the wind rustles foliage, like, Skuskripyev, firing fir ...
M. Ivensen

What ocean sounds surrounding us! Singing birds and rustling trees, wind noise and rain rustling, grommet rolls, rakewalls ...
All these sound phenomena of nature can be portrayed, and we, listeners, represent. How does music "depict the sounds of nature"?
One of the most striking and majestic musical paintings was created by Beethoven. In the fourth part of his symphony ("pastoral"), the composer sounds the signs of summer thunderstorms. (This part is called "thunderstorm"). Listening to the mighty sounds of amplifying shower, frequent grommet rolls, howl winds depicted in music, we imagine a summer thunderstorm.
Musical image techniques to which the composer is drawn, dual kind. As an example, the fabulous work of the Lyadova "Kimikor", "Magic Lake", which fascinates with his music not only children, but also adults.
Lyadov wrote: "Give me a fairy tale, dragon, mermaid, Leshego, let's not, only then I am happy." With his musical fairy tale, the composer presented the literary text borrowed from folk fairy tales. "Lives, Kikimora is growing in Kudesman in the stone mountains. From morning to evening, Kikimaro Cote Bayun, says fairy tales of overseas. From the evening to Beara Light, Kickimaru swing in a crystal cradle. Groans growing. Evil on the mind holds for all people honest. " When you read these lines, the imagination begins to draw and the gloomy landscape "At the Kudesnik in the Stone Mountains", and Fluffy Cota-Bayun, and shimmering in the lunar rays of the "crystal cradle".
Master uses Lyadov Orchestra to create a mysterious landscape: a low register of brass tools and cello with double bass - for the image of stone mountains that have powerful in the night darkness, and a transparent, light high sound flute, violins - for the image of the "crystal cradle" and the flickering of night stars. The fabulousness of the three kingdom is depicted by cello and double bass, the alarming rockness Litavr creates the atmosphere of secrecy, lead to a mysterious country. Suddenly, a short, poisonous neck of Kimora is broken into this music. Then in a high transparent register there are magical, celestial sounds of Cheesets and Flutes, like the ringing of the "crystal cradle". All the homework of the orchestra seems to be lazy. Music seems to take us out of the gloom of stone mountains to a transparent sky with a cold mysterious flicker of distant stars.
The musical landscape of "Magic Lake" resembles a watercolor. The same light transparent paints. Music breathes silence and rest. About the landscape depicted in the play, Lyadov told: "That's how it was with my lake. I knew one thing - well, simple, the forest Russian lake and in his imperceptibility and silence is especially beautiful. It was necessary to feel how many lives and how many changes in the paints, black, air occurred in the unceasingly changeable quiet and in the apparent immobility! "
In music heard sounding forest silence and splashing lake.
The creative fantasy of the composer of the Roman-Korsakov awakened the "Tale of Tsar Saltan" Pushkin. In it, there are such extraordinary episodes that "neither in a fairy tale, or describe!". And only the music was under the power to recreate the wonderful world of Pushkin fairy tale. The composer described these miracles in the sound patterns of the symphonic picture "Three Miracles". We will vividly imagine the magic city of a lollipop with teremes and gardens, and in it - the protein that "with all the golden nuts nut", the beautiful princess-swan and mighty warriors. As if truly heard and see a picture of the sea - a calm and violent, bright blue and gloomy gray.
You need to pay attention to the author's definition - "Picture". It is borrowed from fine art painting. In the music depicting the sea storm, heard the rakes of the waves, howl and whistle wind.
One of the most favorite techniques of pictorial in music is imitated by the vocations of birds. The wit "Trio" of the nightingale, cuckoo and quail we hear in the "scene of the stream" - 2 parts of the pastoral symphony of Beethoven. Avian voices sound in the plays for the Harpsichord "Bird Crushing", "Cuckoo", in the piano play "The song Lark" from the Cycle P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons", in the Prolog Opera of the Roman Corsakov "Snow Maiden" and in many other products. Imitation of the sounds and votes of nature is the most common reception of images in music.
Another technique exists for images not sounds, but movements of people, birds, animals. Drawing a bird, a cat, duck and other characters in the music, the composer portrayed their characteristic movements, habits, and so skillfully, that you can personally imagine each of them in motion: flying bird, sanging a cat jumping wolf. Here, the main visual means were rhythm and pace.
After all, the movements of any living being occur in a certain rhythm and pace, and they can very accurately be reflected in the music. In addition, the nature of movements is different: smooth, flying, sliding or, on the contrary, sharp, clumsy. The musical language is sensitive to this.
Wonderful rather is the cycle of "Seasons" P. I. Tchaikovsky, where each of the twelve play reflects this or that natural phenomenon or a characteristic feature of this month: May - "White Nights", March - "Lyubric Song", August - " Harvest, October - "Autumn Song".
Each musical work is preceded by an epigraph. For example: "Blue, clean, magic flower is about a snowdrop (" April ").
Harmony and timbres of musical instruments play a large visual role in music. The gift to portray in music movement of people, animals, birds, the phenomena of nature is not given to each composer. Masterfully turn visible in the audience, Beethoven, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky. They created unique masterpieces that survive the century.

Listen: music around. She is in all - in nature itself,

And for countless melodies, she herself gives rise to sound.
It serve as a wind, a splash of waves, rolled thunders, ringing drops,
Birds are incomplete trill among green silence.
And the fraction and the trains of the beeps, slightly heard in Dremot,
And the shower of a song without words is all on one cheerful note.
And the snow crunch, and the crucible campfire!
And metallic singing and ringing saws and ax!
And the wires steppe hoops!
... so, because sometimes it will come in the concert hall,
What we about the sun told about how water was splashing,
How the wind rustles foliage, like, Skuskripyev, firing fir ...

M. Ivensen

What ocean sounds surrounding us! Singing birds and rustling trees, wind noise and rain rustling, grommet rolls, rakewalls ...
All these sound phenomena of nature can be portrayed, and we, listeners, represent.
In the history of culture, nature was often the subject of admiration, reflections, descriptions, images, a powerful source of inspiration, one or another mood. Very often a man sought to express his feeling of nature in art, his attitude towards her.
World of music and the world of nature. As a lot of associations, the DUM, emotions occurs in a person. In diaries and letters P. Tchaikovsky, you can find many examples of its enthusiastic attitude towards nature. Like the music about which Tchaikovsky wrote that she "opens to us inaccessible in any other sphere the elements of beauty, the contemplation of which is not temporary, and forever my life with life", nature was in the life of the composer not just a source of joy and aesthetic pleasure, but What is able to give "thirst for life." Tchaikovsky wrote in the diary about his ability "in every leaflet and flower to see and understand something inaccessible to the beautiful, the enthusiast, pretty, who gives the thirst of life."

Claude Debussy wrote that "Music is just the art that is closest to nature ... Only musicians have the advantage to catch all the poetry of the night and the day, land and the sky, recreate their atmosphere and rhythmically transfer their immense ripple."
On the one hand, nature acts as a source of feelings, emotions, the mood of the composer, which is based on the basis of music about nature. Here and manifests the most expressive possibilities of music, which constitute its essence. On the other hand, nature can perform in music as an image of the image, displaying its specific manifestations (birds singing, sea noise, forests, thunder rollers). Most often, music about nature is the relationship between both.

"Music Landscape" has a centuries-old development history. His roots go to the era of Renaissance, namely in the 16th century - the heyday of the French polyphonic song and the period of creative activity of Clender Zheken. It was in his work that samples of a secular polyphonic song appeared for the first time, which were choral "program" patterns connecting bright visual properties with expressions of strong emotions. One of the characteristic songs of the chaison is the "singing of birds." In this work, you can hear the imitation of the skewer, cuckoo, organizes, seagulls, owls ... Reproducing the characteristic sounds of bird singing in the song, Jequen gives birds with human aspirations and weaknesses.

Jequen. "Birdsong".

Nature Images occupy a considerable place in the lyrical plays of the Grill. In them, Grieg sought to convey the elusive mood of nature. The program in lyrical plays is, first of all, a picture-mood.

Grig. "World of Forest"

A large number of products of program music devoted to nature confirms that nature and music are closely related. Nature often acts as an incentive of the composer's creativity, like a treasury of ideas, as a source of certain feelings, emotions, sentiments who fall into the basis of music, and as an imitation subject in relation to its specific sound. Like painting, poetry, literature, music expressed and opoentized the world of nature with their own language

Beethoven. Fragment of "Pastoral Symphony"

Beethoven loved to spend the summer in quiet villages in the vicinity of Vienna, wander through the forests and meadows from dawn to dawn, in the rain and sun, and in this communication with nature arose planned his writings. "No one can love rural life as I, for the dubbiva, trees, the rocky mountains will respond to the thoughts and experiences of a person." Pastoral, which, according to the composer himself, draws feelings born from contact with the world of nature and rural life, has become one of the most romantic essays of Beethoven. No wonder in it saw the source of his inspiration Many romance.

Beethoven. "Pastoral Symphony" Part 1.

Recruit. "Birds"

Nocturne became a real business card of romanticism. In the classic concept, the night was an evictation of evil, the classic works ended with a triumphal victory of light above darkness. Romance, on the contrary, preferred night - the time in which the soul opens its true features when you can dream and think about everything, contemplating a quiet nature, not burdened by a bustle day.