How to go to the best theaters in town at a great discount. Subscriptions

How to go to the best theaters in town at a great discount. Subscriptions

Recently, many people consider going to the theater an expensive pleasure, and therefore they very rarely visit it. However, few people know that tickets to the leading theaters of St. Petersburg can be purchased with a discount of 15 to 50%, and one of them can be visited for free. In this article, we will show you how you can do this.

How to get a discount:

In the theater group on the social network, information is published every month about the preferential program, thanks to which you can purchase a subscription that provides a 50% discount on visits to ballet or opera performances. You just need to leave a request, and then, within two days, redeem tickets at the theater box office.

Since 1931, since the founding of the puppet theater, it managed to change several names, but the mission of the theater has remained unchanged: to show the uniqueness and originality of the human person, to teach faith and love. Here you can choose a performance for any age and interest: dramatic, musical, puppet, plastic, performances for children from four to 14 years old.

How to get a discount:

You can go to the performances for free! To do this, it is enough to choose a session, come half an hour before its start and distribute special questionnaires to the audience in the foyer.

The theater is interesting, first of all, because most of the performances are performed based on classical plays, but, nevertheless, the repertoire also offers a significant number of avant-garde performances.

How to get a discount:

It is enough to come to the theater box office at happy hour - from 11:00 to 12:00. On weekdays, the discount will be 30%, and on weekends - 15%. Another pleasant moment - an hour before the start of the performance, you can buy the remaining tickets (the cost of which exceeds 300 rubles) with a 50% discount.

Today the theater, preserving the faithfulness to the age-old traditions of the Russian musical theater, strives to keep a hand on the pulse of a modern world-class theater. On the stage of the theater, both Russian, foreign and international opera and ballet performances are staged.

How to get a discount:

On the day of the performance, students and pensioners can purchase tickets with a 50% discount; all they need to do is present the appropriate certificate at the box office. The discount does not apply to touring performances.

It was on this stage that famous Russian actors played. The theater shines with new performances under the direction of artistic director Valery Fokin, People's Artist of Russia. The theater building itself is unique - a majestic facade, a palace foyer, a huge stage, a five-tiered auditorium - all this corresponds to the imperial spirit.

How to get a discount:

It is enough to come to the theater box office at happy hour - from 13:00 to 14:00. The discount on tickets will be 10%.

Theater "On Liteiny"

The State Drama Theater "Na Liteiny" is very nice and cozy. A pleasant atmosphere reigns here, and the repertoire is quite varied. In the staging of the performances, not only outstanding representatives of St. Petersburg stage direction are involved, but also young, promising directors.

In the most famous and rightfully the best theater in St. Petersburg, ticket prices sometimes reach simply unimaginable sums. However, even here there is an opportunity to cheat and save a lot. Not many people know that the theater has a monthly preferential subscription program that will allow theatergoers to visit the Mariinsky Theater at half the price of usual. The program includes both opera and ballet performances in modern and classical performances. To purchase such a subscription, you just need to find a group in the vastness of the social network and send an application. Then you will be able to redeem your tickets within 48 hours with a 50% discount at the theater box office. Of course, such a program has a small drawback - it will not be possible to buy one ticket.

    Teatralnaya pl., 1; Tel .: 326-41-52

There is also a preferential program in Mikhailovsky. This time, these are not subscriptions, but exclusively individual tickets, which students and pensioners can buy with a 50% discount right on the day of the performance. In order to purchase a ticket, all you need to do is present an appropriate certificate at the ticket office: for example, a student card, pension or ISIC card. True, there is one "but": discounts apply exclusively to performances included in the theater's repertoire - alas, you will not be able to see the performance of the touring troupe.

    pl. Arts, 1; Tel .: 595-43-05

Of course, not the most effective option, but the cheapest: half an hour before the performance at the Na Liteyny theater, students can purchase the coveted ticket for only 100 rubles. However, here's the problem: it all depends on the available seats. By the way, you can also watch an interesting production of the theater "On Liteiny" on the new chamber stage, which the theater opened literally in mid-February. Experimental performances are shown here, and tickets are half the price even without any promotions.

    Liteiny pr., 51; Tel .: 273-53-35

Everything is much simpler here, and those who like to save money even have a choice: tickets with a 30% discount are sold directly at the theater box office from 11:00 to 12:00. Happy Hour applies to weekday performances. However, tickets for the weekend performance can be purchased at the same time. True, the discount will be much lower - only 15%. If this seemed not enough for you, you can try to buy a ticket with a higher discount, but again everything will depend on the available seats: an hour before the start of the performance, there is a 50% discount on tickets from 300 rubles.

    Vladimirsky prospect, 12; Tel .: 713-21-91

There are also Happy Hours at the box office of the Alexandrinsky Theater. But the discount, unlike other scenes, is much lower: only 10%, although this small amount will not be superfluous. Discount tickets can be purchased any day of the week from 13:00 to 14:00.

    pl. Ostrovsky, 6; emb. Fontanka river, 49 A; Tel .: 380-80-50

Where without the beloved by many Petersburgers "Molodezhka"? An interesting production can also be watched quite cheaply, although compared to other theaters, the Youth Theater on Fontanka is already relatively inexpensive. An hour before the start of the performance, you can buy an admission ticket here that is not tied to a place: such a ticket will cost much less than the usual one, but such a promotion does not apply to all performances. One of the disadvantages is that you can find out about the possibility of buying an entrance ticket only in the theater on the day of the performance.

    emb. Fontanka river, 114; Tel .: 316-65-64

We decided to take your child to the theater and do not want to pay big money - then you have a direct road to BTK. Here you can not only buy a cheap ticket, but even attend the performance for free. To do this, you will need to distribute questionnaires to the audience in the theater foyer half an hour before the start of the performance.

On the eve of the new theatrical season of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov announced the launch of a subscription system for his performances. Now you can be “ample” for the year ahead and not worry about your leisure time.

Subscription- the right to use a seat in the theater for a certain number of performances.

Back in the 19th century, it was fashionable to book a box in the theater for the season. The aristocracy was not so much watching the performance as trying to attract attention to itself. Today, only a few opera houses in Europe practice this tradition. In Russia, if you are a sponsor or a trustee, the Bolshoi Theater also reserves this opportunity for you, and you can watch the shine of the Jewels ballet from the Benoir box.

For ordinary viewers, some theaters have put on sale subscription system for the season. Most often, philharmonic societies and concert halls work with her. As a rule, when buying tickets for several performances at once, you get a range of benefits... They depend on the theater's policy: someone promises tickets for 50% of the face value, while someone is limited only by the prerogative of choosing the best seats.

The pros are that you buy tickets on privileged and sometimes concessional terms. Prices usually for such tickets below than when buying retail. You don't have to think about buying a ticket every time and stand in queues - you are provided with a spectacle for the season. This is especially suitable for aspiring theatergoers who are not yet familiar with the playbill. But season tickets also have a minus. You will immediately need to spend a large amount of money. You won't be able to pass such a subscription either. Therefore, if you cannot plan your leisure time in advance, then it is better to abandon this idea, otherwise you will see how the ticket "burns out" one after another.

The Forum in the choice of season tickets is given by St. Petersburg: the Mariinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters offer various combinations that allow the whole family to get to the scarce ballet, while saving the budget. In Moscow, this system is still only trying to take root, and there are only a few theaters that could “boast” such a service.

Mariinskii Opera House

Saint Petersburg

Ballet "The Rite of Spring"

The theater's website has published 64 subscriptions for the upcoming season. You can choose performances for yourself based on your interests, since they are all divided by topic. There are also family passes, and shows only run on weekends.



1.1. This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) determines the procedure for accessing the website of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution of Culture "St. Petersburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after MP Mussorgsky-Mikhailovsky Theater "(hereinafter - Mikhailovsky Theater), located on the domain name

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