The most beautiful Russian male singers. Beautiful and talented actors of Russia

The most beautiful Russian male singers.  Beautiful and talented actors of Russia
The most beautiful Russian male singers. Beautiful and talented actors of Russia

// Photo: Roman Galasun / KINOSLOVO and Art Picture

1st place. Danila Kozlovsky

For the role in "Duhless 2" Danila Kozlovsky has mastered surfing almost perfectly. Filming took place on Uluwatu, a favorite spot for experienced surfers
on Bali. Beginners don't go there: there are reefs nearby! At the height of the shooting, the rescuers reported: a swell is moving towards us - a big wave. The group hastened. There was only one frame missing - how the hero stands up to his full height on the board. It was possible, of course, to do without him, but Danila always strives for the ideal. We waited for a favorable moment - a small wave. And finally Danila went to sea. Suddenly, a small wave rose and turned into a three-meter wave. In this case, the surfer must dive under it on the board. But, finding himself on the crest of the wave, Danila continued to work - and got to his feet! The film crew was numb with horror to see how he was almost instantly blown off the board and spun. "The feeling that I was caught in
washing machine drum during spinning! - says Kozlovsky. “And the next wave also threw a T-shirt over my face!” All new waves began to nail the actor to the reefs. He rallied his strength and made a cellar to the shore - and then he saw a drowning guy, almost unconscious. Risking his life, Danila swam to him and picked him up on his surf. So they with the tourist, who did not calculate the strength, and held out until the boat arrived. “The Australian rescuers, pulling us out of the water, said:“ Crazy Russian! ” - Danila laughs. - I answered them: "I want it again!"

// Photo: Press service of Dima Bilan

2nd place. Dima Bilan

The singer says: "I try for my parents, I feel responsible." The future Eurovision winner grew up in a poor family. But if he asked for sneakers, mom and dad bought with their last money. Now Dima helps the family, at his own expense he sent his younger sister Anya to study in America. “He remains a simple guy, no star fever,” actress Christina Koles told StarHit. - Once I call him, and he is somewhere nearby, on Krasnopresnenskaya embankment. “Do you see a fancy restaurant on the water? - I see. - Cross the road, I'm in the playground. Found it. Sitting on a small rocker, eating a hamburger, around six huge bags from McDonald's ... "

// Photo: Yuri Samolygo / ITAR-TASS

3rd place. Maksim Galkin

Before filming the series “Kings Can Do Everything” (details on pages 40–41), where Maxim played a medieval duke, he had to learn to ride. “The Duke should definitely be able to stay in the saddle! - Galkin told "StarHit". - Friends from the equestrian complex "New Age" in New Riga have long called me to study, and I used the invitation. For several months I studied for an hour or two a day. It turned out to be easy to climb in and out.
The hardest part was getting the horses to obey. I talked to them and tried to persuade me not to dump. And the stuntmen taught me how to fall correctly and effectively. "

// Photo: Press Service of Philip Kirkorov

4th place. Philip Kirkorov

The pop king of the Russian stage is kind to his fans, always ready to help them. Philip was once told about a 15-year-old
Daniel, who is seriously ill with viral infections and diabetes mellitus. His grandmother turned to the singer: can you visit Danya? "Doctors believe that positive emotions will help their son to overcome the disease, and you are his favorite singer!" Kirkorov came on tour to St. Petersburg and stayed another day to visit the boy at the hospital. I talked to him, gave him toys, wished: "Be sure to get well!" Recently, the artist received a call. We were delighted: Danya remembered Philip every day and was happy. And so the doctors said that his blood sugar returned to normal. Doctors say it's a miracle!

5th place. Sergey Zhorin

Last year, the lawyer saw how a Honda flying along the Garden Ring hit a girl on a pedestrian zebra crossing and disappeared. “A blonde 25 years old was lying unconscious. I approached, the pulse is there - I'm alive! - says Sergey. - The ambulance was delayed. I know that it is impossible to carry a person after an accident, but there was no way out. I carefully put the girl on the seat of my car and drove her to the nearest clinic. I found a cell phone in her bag. I called the last number she dialed - it turned out to be my mother. Reassured, gave the address of the hospital. And when he left, he paid for the services. Next day
learned that her family had taken her home. Lena escaped with a broken arm. By the way, I was late for court then. And they wrote a complaint against me to the lawyer chamber ”.

// Photo: Press Service of Sergey Lazarev

6th place. Sergey Lazarev

The singer donates money every month to animal shelters. Daisy, a mongrel living in his house, was found there a year and a half ago.

“For a charity project to help homeless animals, I was photographed with the shelter's pet - a funny black puppy with a white stripe on its face. And I liked him so much that I played with him for two hours. Then he gave it away: I had to go on tour, - says Sergey. - While performing, I caught myself thinking that I miss him. And when he returned, he took him home. Now this is my best alarm clock. At 8 am sharp, Daisy sits down by the bed, paws on the bed and whimpers. Of course, I immediately get up and take her for a walk. "

7th place. Dmitry Nagiyev

In the second season of the series "Fizruk" on TNT, the hero of Nagiyev will crush a car with an ax. During the filming, Dmitry was picked up by an understudy, who was supposed to smash the windshield of the car on a grand scale, not paying attention to the fragments. But the actor, who really gets used to each role, chose to perform the dangerous stunt himself. Nagiyev has sports skills: he is a master of sports in sambo. “Dmitry hit so hard that he broke not only the glass, but also broke the ax! - told "StarHit" on the set. - We were shocked: he played this scene without a single unnecessary movement. The entire film crew applauded! "

// Photo: Vlad Loktev for ELLE Russia

8th place. Vladimir Mashkov

The actor supported the desire of Andrei's adopted son to join the army. The guy graduated from the Moscow Georgievsky Cadet Corps No. 6, was a squad leader and was promoted to vice senior sergeant. “I like military affairs,” 18-year-old Andrey told StarHit. “Dad was there when I entered the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Margelov.” Now Andrey serves in the intelligence unit near Vladivostok. Vladimir more than once flew to him for a short meeting and a man's heart-to-heart talk.

// Photo: Press service of Vyacheslav Malafeev

9th place: Vyacheslav Malafeev

The Zenit goalkeeper forgave commentator Dmitry Guberniev, who in August 2011 allowed himself to make public offensive statements about him. Malafeev won the trial, received moral compensation. But only in December 2013 Guberniev matured - and called the goalkeeper to apologize. “And Slava invited him to his country house,” says a friend of the footballer Levan. - Dima talked to his family, wished him a Happy New Year. The men shook hands tightly. And Slava said: "It is stupid to be vindictive, we are adults!"

// Photo: Press Service of Denis Matsuev

10th place. Denis Matsuev

Long before moving to Moscow in his native Irkutsk, the pianist played with enthusiasm in the yard football team. It was unexpectedly useful in the capital. “I reconciled the local punks with the musicians from the Central Music School, whom they beat,” said Denis. - They waited at the exit from the school and beat me. I realized that I needed to create my own football team. We played against the local punks, showed them that we are not sickly players, and then we became friends. "

// Photo: Press service of Nikolai Baskov

11th place. Nikolay Baskov

A year ago, while filming the television movie "The Reverse Turn", Nikolai risked not getting on the "New Wave". Bad weather prevented the filming of some of the episodes, and the director Alena Semenova did not let the artist go. “It's not my rule to let people down,” says Baskov. - Persuaded the director to let me go. Igor Krutoy, who had sent an SMS the day before: "Kolya, we are waiting for you!", I replied: "I'll be back soon!" Hired a private jet for the next evening. After the shooting, I flew to Jurmala on it, promising: "I'll be there in the evening!" At 17.00 the singer landed in Riga, at 19.30 he went on stage, and at 20.30 he was already flying back. "

// Photo: Press service of Stas Piekha

12th place. Stas Piekha

Somehow, on the way to rehearsal, the 34-year-old singer pulled up at the store - he wanted to buy a bottle of water. An old grandmother who stood in front of him at the cashier,
for a long time it took trifles from the bag - I was gaining 24 rubles for a loaf of white bread. “I felt sorry for her, I suggested:“ Let's pay! ” And she refused
she began to apologize that she was delaying the queue, she made excuses that she had missed the pension a little, '' says Stas. "Then I took her hand and led her back to the trading floor." After 20 minutes, they returned to the checkout with a full cart containing milk, cottage cheese, bread, vegetables, cheese, sugar, vegetables and fruits ... The singer paid for everything.

// Photo: Press service of TNT TV channel

13th place. Vitaly Gogunsky

In his frantic work schedule, the artist finds time for his daughter from his first marriage, 4-year-old Milana. “In my opinion, a real man is the one who loves and does not hide his feelings,” Vitaly says to StarHit. - I remember how we performed with her in the show "One to One": I portrayed Leps, and Milan - Ani Lorak. And now I see my daughter, fearlessly standing on stage in front of a thousandth audience, - and I forgot the words from pride, I forgot the words, tears well up in my eyes, I can't sing ... "The artist's daughter can not only sing, but already even composes melodies, playing along yourself on the synthesizer.

// Photo: Gilles Bensimon for ELLE Russia

14th place. Ivan Urgant

“Ivan was lucky to be born in a family like ours, a dad like me, and a grandmother like Nina Nikolaevna,” Father Andrei Urgant told StarHit. - It must be won somewhere above! " Despite his family status, Ivan was not afraid of any job. “I studied at the institute and at the same time worked in a nightclub,” he says. - He shook out ashtrays, washed glasses in the bar ... "The future showman worked as a loader, and a janitor, and
strip club, playing guitar in a spanish restaurant.

15th place. Daniil Strakhov

Daniel sought the location of his classmate Masha Leonova all five years of study at the Shchukin School. But she was probably the only one among the students who did not go crazy "for this handsome man." Daniel got a job as a waiter and bought her expensive silver earrings.
But neither this, nor his desperate offer - "Masha, marry me!" - did not change her attitude towards him. And she did not take the gift, and did not marry him. After graduation, both ended up in the theater. Gogol. And only then, according to Maria, "everything happened by itself." The couple have been together for 14 years.

16th place. Sergey Bezrukov

One day the actor received a call from his former class teacher from school # 402 in Veshnyaki, asking him to help the 12-year-old daughter of his classmate with money. “The girl was found to have an inoperable brain tumor, and the chemotherapy drug was fabulously expensive. My son didn't have that much! - tells "StarHit" the actor's father Vitaly Sergeevich. - But he organized a charity concert in a week, invited businessmen he knew. By the end of the evening, the amount was almost collected from donations. "

// Photo: Press service of Vladimir Yaglych

17th place. Vladimir Yaglych

Traveling across Europe on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, Vladimir was ferrying from Italy to Greece. And suddenly he noticed a man who was looking around in confusion. “I asked what happened. It turned out that he left for a short time, but during this time money and credit cards were stolen from the car, - Yaglych told StarHit. - The only thing left was that the gift to my son for his 5th birthday was a toy car. He did not know how to get home: the gasoline in the car was at zero. I gave him money for gas and borrowed a laptop so he could talk to his wife on Skype. "

18th place. Nikita Presnyakov

At the end of June, Nikita's 17-year-old friend Alena Krasnova went to Bulgaria with her parents. “Nikita and I contacted every day, sharing literally everything,” the girl tells StarHit. - I liked Bulgaria, but this time my father and mother noticed that I was depressed. They suggested: maybe Nikita will come to us? I answer - he cannot, he has rehearsals, preparations for the "New Wave" ... In the evening Nikita and I texted. I admitted that I missed him terribly. He too. Well, and then we talk about something else. And a few days later he wrote: "I am arriving."
- and your flight number. We met him at the airport. How he freed these few days, I do not know. But when I saw him, I was happy! "

19th place. Alexey Makarov

In just four months, Alexey managed to lose 23 kg! When Makarov starred as Porthos in The Three Musketeers in 2012, his weight was almost 100 kg. After filming ended, I found the jeans I wore in my first year at home and decided to try to fit into them again. I was shocked! Two days later, a treadmill was delivered to the actor's home, he installed it himself. And 4 months every other day for an hour I ran at least 10
km. He went on a salt-free diet, gave up fried food and switched to boiled food. Today Alexei Makarov is unrecognizable. Slim, fit. And now running has just become a habit.

20th place. Maxim Averin

At the IV Trans-Baikal International Film Festival in Chita, Maxim led the opening ceremony, showed his play "It All Starts with Love", but most of all he is proud that his personal maple is now on the star alley. He had long dreamed of "planting a tree", but there was no time. Even in Chita he managed to be late, appearing on the alley later than other stars. But he immediately put on an apron, took a shovel, singing "Chita-grita-chita-margarita ...", dug a hole and lowered the seedling into it, threw earth at the root, poured it from the watering can. Straightening up, he joked: "Well, now it remains to build a house and get an ostrich!"

// Photo: Press Service of Evgeni Plushenko

21st place. Evgeny Plushenko

The passion of the Olympic figure skating champion is fast driving. “My personal speed record for driving a Maserati on the ring road of St. Petersburg is 270 km / h,” says Evgeny. "But I'm not putting anyone at risk." The athlete graduated from extreme driving courses, so he does not lose control of the car. Plushenko loves Mercedes jeeps and uses a minibus for family trips. And he dreams of a motor rally with friends around the country.

22nd place. Konstantin Khabensky

The actor 5 years ago created a charitable foundation to help children with brain cancer. However, he does not refuse to help his friends either. “Several years ago, one of our dressers was diagnosed with breast cancer,” they told StarHit at the Moscow Art Theater. Chekhov, where the actor serves. - Not to say that Kostya was friends with her - so, we talked about work. But, having learned that she had no money for the operation, he paid for everything himself. The woman was operated on, she still
since then it has been working for us. God forbid, more people like Kostya! "

// Photo: Press Service of Denis Klyaver

23rd place. Denis Klyaver

Two years ago, Denis publicly admitted that he is the father of Eva Polna's eldest daughter, Evelina. For six years they kept their secret, but the older the girl got, the more clearly they understood that questions about her father could hurt her - and Denis decided to open up. “Yes, we have a daughter, she
certainly the fruit of our love. Look what a beauty is growing! " - he told the editor of "StarHit" Andrey Malakhov. Denis continues to take care of his daughter, visits school, knows her teachers ... In addition to Evelina, his sons Timofey and Daniel are growing up, and he is also a godfather three times.

24th place. Igor Petrenko

The actor admitted that he took on the image of Sherlock Holmes with fear. But the more he got used to the role, the less fears remained in life. He even tamed a tarantula, which, according to the plot, lived with a detective, and after filming he took the spider home and put it in an aquarium. “The children were delighted: how fluffy, beautiful, let's call him Snowflake! - Igor tells "StarHit". - We feed him with crickets and cockroaches. And we watch him change his skin. "

25th place. Pavel Priluchny

“After the birth of Timosha’s son in January 2013, my husband and I took a three-month maternity leave,” actress Agata Muceniece tells StarHit. - We were then constrained in funds, and Pasha, sending me with his son to his family, did the repairs with his own hands. He demolished unnecessary partitions with a crowbar. In the living room and hallway, he tore off the wallpaper, removed the plaster and left the bare brick walls. From morning to evening, covered with orange dust, he leveled them, and then covered them with transparent varnish. Friends did not even believe: "Pasha, are you all this yourself ?!"

On the most masculine holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day,PEOPLETALK recalls 35 of the coolest men in Russia. With such and into fire, and into water, and on copper pipes to jump.


Fedor Sergeevich is like a good cognac - it only gets better over the years (although it seems that this is impossible). In the working arsenal of Bondarchuk leather jackets, caps and parkas Arctic explorer get along with ties, jackets and shirts (preferably Tom ford).

From the last significant works of the director - "" with Alexander Petrov and (24), this is where half of the heroes are from Mars, and half are from Chertanovo. And this year we are waiting for his produced " Myths about Moscow», « Selfie", TV series " Sleeping" and .


The son of a businessman Aras Agalarova Emin in no time wins the hearts of listeners with her voice ( Crocus City Hall during his concerts it is overcrowded, and this is, for a second, 7000 seats) and in a stylish way: expensive suits, white T-shirts and leather jackets.

Roman Abramovich (50)

Billionaire Roman Abramovich not only knows how to make money, but also knows how to spend it: villas in Of Russia, America, France and England, three yachts and the most expensive cars.


Perhaps the most famous Serb in Russia. In 2014 - “ Sunstroke» Nikita Mikhalkov, in 2015 - “ Duhless-2"With Kozlovsky," Love with and without accent" and of course, " Hotel Eleon". Milosz's style is a reflection of his worldview. “My style is changing, as is my worldview, it is determined by some values. This means that if you like the way a person is dressed, there is some chance that his values ​​coincide with yours, ”he said in an interview. PEOPLETALK... Bikovich still has many interesting projects ahead and, it seems, world fame. You can't stop this guy.


Show " National artist"In 2003, 13 years of creative activity, the project" Voice", And here it is - recognition. from Russia, he is guaranteed world fame, work with the best music producers on the planet and platinum discs.

If in the summer on Tverskaya you meet a tall and pumped-up guy in a plaid jacket, slates and cropped trousers with a print - 99% out of 100 are Kolokolnikov. And all this really suits him. The outrageous actor starred in the popular Anglo-American TV series " Game of Thrones"Is strong.

Yuri Kolokolnikov in the series "Game of Thrones"

And in total, Kolokolnikov played in more than 50 films and TV series (and even managed to play the role of a genital organ in the film " A happy ending"). And the momentum is not slowing down: in 2017, another American film with his participation will be released -. But what happens in the actor's personal life, we do not know. In August 2015, it became known that after several years of relationship. Rappoport, according to rumors, very soon married a restaurateur Dmitry Borisov, but nothing is known about Kolokolnikov - he does not like to spread about this.


Almost a veteran of Russian pop music. No joke: Dima has been on stage for 17 years! And he managed a lot: to record nine studio albums, to act in films (“ Hero"2016 and several cameo roles) and become a mentor in the show" ". Bilan is preparing a new album for the release and will play in “ Midshipmen IV", Which will be released this year.

Simachev was born into a military family, and went to study at an art school and a pedagogical school. Then there was the Spanish academy, the advertising school and the textile academy. In general, after years of training: tracksuits, jeans, shirts and black long sleeves. And in 2002 the long-awaited Denis Simachev Shop & Bar, in which since then all gloss editors hang out.


« The night Watch"Opened all the doors for the novice actor Alexei Chadov - after him there were sensational" 9th company», « HEAT», « Alive"And the trilogy" Sex and the City". For the last couple of years, Chadov has been actively acting in films - in 2015 after nine years of relationship. So Chadov is free, open to love and interesting proposals!


So far, Mikael has only the main role in the series “ Stairway to Heaven"Yes cameo appearance in the drama" Earthquake", But still ahead! This year we are waiting for another series and several full-length films with his participation. cannot reveal all the secrets, but one thing is clear - these projects will become more popular than "Ladders".


“My style is free, doltish. He may not be so attractive, but he is convenient for my soul, ”says Petrov. He always wears black and mixes sporty and extravagant: he can easily be seen in a regular tracksuit and a long jacket from a Japanese designer. The "dolt" does not wear jewelry (except for leather bracelets, which he winds up almost to the elbows). (remember “ Policeman from Rublyovka" or " Stone Jungle Law"). Therefore, we are looking forward to the series " Gogol", For which Sasha has grown a mustache. There will be a wig too.


The heart of this man has long and firmly been occupied - the marriage of Matveyev and Elizaveta Boyarskaya(31) are considered exemplary. But no one forbids admiring Maxim on the screen, especially since this year the film “ Anna Karenina: Vronsky's story", Where Matveev plays the main role.


TV. And sometimes the most pleasant and sweet moments of life are lived in films. The main male characters become the most beloved and desired. We are discussing among ourselves which of them is better, more beautiful, more courageous. We argue, swear and take offense at each other for the opinions expressed, but in the end everyone comes to the same opinion that beauty is not only about appearance.

Russia is an idol for millions of girls and an eternal role model, as well as an object of rivalry for many young guys. Indeed, in the concept of "beauty" is invested not only the appearance and gloss, given to a person by nature. A handsome male actor also needs to have a certain charm, charisma, the ability to correctly present himself in the frame and in life. It is these qualities that make it possible to hold the leading positions in the rating for a long time, to act again and again in a wide variety of projects and to conquer women's hearts.

Therefore, when various publications and companies compile a rating of the most beautiful actors in Russia, the opinions of women largely converge. And this is despite the fact that they are all completely different, and they have their own ideas about modern male beauty.

Over time, absolutely everything changes. Even the idea of ​​beauty. Before proceeding to the rating of modern handsome actors, you can plunge into several decades ago and look at the most beautiful male actors of the USSR.

For many years, the image of a simple worker was promoted from the blue Soviet screens. However, the frame almost always included people of exceptionally intelligent appearance. Among them were the following personalities.

  1. Vasily Lanovoy. His roles in "Scarlet Sails" and "Officers" attracted the admiring and enchanted glances of millions of women and men.
  2. Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The flamboyant actor was a constant example for many men.
  3. Oleg Yankovsky. This man excited the dreams of many Soviet and then Russian women.
  4. Alexey Batalov. Every conqueror of Moscow and other big cities dreamed of meeting such a handsome, kind and economical man.
  5. Georgy Yumatov. This "officer" easily captured the hearts of all Soviet beauties.
  6. Nikolay Eremenko (junior). This strong, stately man left in the prime of his acting talent and career. His fearlessness and courage are admired to this day.

Unlike the Soviet ideals, now in fashion are more daring, overtly sexual and a little bit. However, there are still no uniform evaluation criteria. That is why the top most beautiful actors in Russia are the most diverse externally and internally men. Each of them has its own flavor and its own style. It is also worth noting that the popularity rating of every modern male actor, like a female actress, depends entirely on the number of appearances in various media and television projects. Therefore, the peak or new round of popularity of many personalities falls on the successful premiere of a film or series. Then the replication of the face and talent of the male actor reaches simply incredible proportions. At the same time, the main character occupies the top and most prestigious lines of various top ratings and charts.

In contrast to the Soviet and post-Soviet periods, today the rating is formed not only on the basis of letters to the editor or polls on the streets. Today, researchers have been provided with various sources of information collection to help researchers: the most popular social networks, blogs, thematic sites (about movies, about beauty, etc.), SMS voting, etc. However, this also causes many versions of top lists, where the same male actors can be both at the beginning and at the end of the list, or not at all.

Therefore, with minor errors, the top-list "The Most Handsome Actor of Russia" is as follows.

Fedor Bondarchuk

"The most bald" handsome man from the most popular creative dynasty. For many years, he has easily been included in the top ten ratings according to the versions of various magazines and publications. What is the secret of its popularity and attractiveness? Probably because he is a strong and independent man. This can be seen almost immediately, at first glance. He knows what he wants from life at the moment, and it hooks. Bondarchuk is a director, actor, showman, producer, etc. This is a truly versatile developed personality.

Vladimir Mashkov

This is one of the few modern actors who conquered not only the national cinema, but also successfully entered the foreign industry. His truly brutal image bewitches and draws in like a whirlpool. Mashkov has a huge number of various awards, including the repeatedly confirmed title of "The Most Handsome Russian Actor". Many girls and women fell in love with him thanks to the amazing work in such famous and cult films as Limita, Kandahar, Thief, American Daughter. The fair sex abroad can admire Vladimir in the films Behind Enemy Lines, Let's Do It Quickly, The Spy, etc.

Vladimir Yaglych

This young, effective guy is a representative of the modern generation. He is cocky, hot-tempered and hot. This is what catches. His path to fame and the hearts of women went through work in such interesting films as "We are from the future", "Smersh", "Undercover", "Operation Puppeteer" ", etc. Numerous messages about his incontinence and jealousy are not only they did not discourage the fans, but only fueled their personal interest. Therefore, he takes a place with dignity in the most popular nomination "The most beautiful actors in Russian cinema."

Vasily Stepanov

This handsome and bright actor blew up the world of fans of modern cinema, playing a blue-eyed earthling in the film series "Inhabited Island". Despite his exceptional appearance and the title of "The Most Handsome Actor of Russia", Vasya is an ordinary guy in his life. He is a simple student and tries not to get infected. In addition, he is not a windy handsome man, but a real family man - the dream of any good girl. Stepanov tries to spend all his free time with his girlfriend Dasha.

Alexey Chadov

The main character of the beloved romantic comedy "Love in the Big City" with every appearance conquered and won not only the heart of the heroine Vera Brezhneva, but also countless female fans. However, even before the main one, Chadov was already the favorite of all, without exception, ladies. His participation in such years as "Night Watch", "Street Racers", "At Nameless Heights", "Games of Moths" left an indelible impression on the hearts and souls of the audience. It is not for nothing that he often tops the list of "The most handsome Russian male actors".

Danila Kozlovsky

Friendly and simple guy. This is how everyone who previously worked with him speaks of Danil. He easily won over his Hollywood colleagues as well, playing in Rachel Mead's Vampire Academy project. Danila does not look like a sugary boy. The image of a courageous and responsible hero suits him well. In addition, Danila is fluent in vocals and the art of dance. It also conquers that the future sex symbol studied at the Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps. Agree that just a handsome man is cute, and a man with a military bearing is just wonderful. Kozlovsky was remembered for such bright and interesting films as "We are from the future", "Rasputin", "Dubrovsky", "Dukh-less" and "Legend No. 17". These films made it possible to take leading positions in numerous ratings "The Most Beautiful Young Actors of Russia".

This is not a complete list of all the most beautiful male actors in Russia. To tell, or at least simply list them all, you will need more than one article. In addition, the top rating "The Most Handsome Actor of Russia" is constantly updated with new interesting and promising nominees.

(born May 14, 1970, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor. His films: "Mine", "Star of the Era", "Ambulance", "Your Honor", "Team", "Anna Karenina".

24. (born July 8, 1963, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, singer, People's Artist of Russia (2001). His films: "Nicknamed the Beast", "Mother", "Contract with Death", "Kinship Exchange", "Turkish Gambit", "Bachelors", "The Artist", "Queen Margot", "Countess de Monsoro".

23. (born July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Thank you for the love", "Hipsters", "New Year's rate", "On the hook!", "Exchange wedding", "August the eighth".

22. (born July 2, 1985, Dneprorudny, Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian theater and film actor. Currently works at the Mossovet Theater. His films: "Talisman of Love", "Street Racers", "Plato", "Provincial", "Looking for You", "Nanolove", "Unloved", "Kiss of Fate".

21. (born September 2, 1981, in Solntsevo, Moscow Region, now part of Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, younger brother of actor Andrei Chadov. His films: "War", "At Nameless Height", "Games of Moths", "Night Watch", "Love in the City", "Street Racers", "Irony of Love", "You Was Beloved".

20. (born August 13, 1970, in Leningrad) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Glazed", "By the name of the Baron", "Antisniper", "Montecristo", "Viola Tarakanova", "Favorsky", "Multiplying Sorrow", "The Fugitive".

19. (born January 11, 1981, Balashikha, Moscow region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films and series: "Doctor Zhivago", "And yet I love ...", "Nobody but us", "Bros 2", "Mother's Heart", "Closed School", etc.

18. (born June 21, 1978, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Adjutants of Love", "Sisters of the Blood", "Women's Stories", "Thugs", "Gift of God", "Princess of the Circus", "Wedding Ring", "Closed School".

17. (born November 25, 1967 Leningrad, USSR) - Russian actor. Films and series with his participation: "Young and Happy", "Thunders", "Web", "Kings of the Game", "Rich and Beloved", "Life for Two", "Hell's Granny" and others.

16. (until April 18, 2011 - Vitaly Emashov; born July 18, 1976, Naberezhnye Chelny, USSR) - Russian actor. Since 2004 he has been acting in films. Popularity brought the role in the TV series "Princess of the Circus", where he played two twin brothers: Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. His other films: "Veronica will not come", "Grandfather as a gift", "Captain Gordeev", "General therapy 2", "Game", etc.

15. (January 23, 1973, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. The first film role - little Mozart playing the violin in the French film "Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu". However, having become a professional actor, he did not act in films for a very long time until he got the role of a swimmer in the film "Lady Victory." Captain Gordeev. Blood brothers "," Hear my heart "," Vow of silence ", etc.

14. (born February 7, 1985, Moscow) - Russian film actor, producer, jeweler, artist. His acting debut took place in 2005, when he appeared on the screen as Gioconda in the film "9th company". Other films with his participation: "Heat", "Daughters-Mothers", "Treasure: Scary New Year's Tale", "On the Hook!", "Medicine for Grandma", "Swallow's Nest".

13. (born November 27, 1977 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. The first cameo role in a movie in the TV series "Maroseyka - 12". Other films and series with his participation: "Sins of the Fathers", "Kulagin and Partners", "Capercaillie", "A Man Must Pay", "Almost Real Show", "Albanian 2", "Generation P", "Silent Witness" and etc.

12. (born January 19, 1988, Tula, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian musician and actor, representative of Russia at the competition Eurovision 2011... He began his film career in 2006 with the filming of the television series "Alice's Dreams". His other films: "Suicides", "Deffchonki".

11. (born February 3, 1973, in Kiev) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Free Woman", "Two Fates", "Lady with Spectacles, with a Gun in the Car", "Obsession", "Gemini", "The Right to Love", "General Therapy".

10. (born January 14, 1983 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. In 2004, he made his film debut in several notable roles at once - Lieutenant Malyutin in the military tape "At an unnamed height". In the same year he starred in the film "My Prechistenka", where he played Sergei - the son of a prince and a maid. His other films: "I will show you Moscow", "Love is not what it seems", "The rules of theft", "We are from the future 2", "Only you", "Five brides" and others.

9. (born March 2, 1976 in Moscow, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Maroseyka, 12", "The Fifth Corner", "Leading Roles", "Always Say Always", "Brigade", "Women's Logic-2", "Evlampia Romanova", "Children of the Arbat", "Poor Nastya" ...

8. (born November 8, 1979 in Sarov) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Carmelita", "Fire of Love", "Woman without a Past", "Carmelita. Gypsy Passion".

7. Anton Makarsky (born November 26, 1975, Penza, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor, singer. His films: "Drilling", "Love Adventures", "Poor Nastya", "Pen and Sword", "Bloody Mary", "And Snow Falls".

The most beautiful Russian actors (top 25) (born May 14, 1970, Kiev, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian and Ukrainian theater and film actor. His films: "Mine", "Star of the Era", "Ambulance", "Your Honor", "Team", "Anna Karenina".

(born July 8, 1963, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, singer, People's Artist of Russia (2001). His films: "Nicknamed the Beast", "Mother", "Contract with Death", "Kinship Exchange", "Turkish Gambit", "Bachelors", "The Artist", "Queen Margot", "Countess de Monsoro".

(born July 28, 1982 in the city of Svetly, Kaliningrad region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Thank you for the love", "Hipsters", "New Year's rate", "On the hook!", "Exchange wedding", "August the eighth".

(born July 2, 1985, Dneprorudny, Zaporozhye region, Ukrainian SSR) - Russian theater and film actor. Currently works at the Mossovet Theater. His films: "Talisman of Love", "Street Racers", "Plato", "Provincial", "Looking for You", "Nanolove", "Unloved", "Kiss of Fate".

(born September 2, 1981, in Solntsevo, Moscow Region, now part of Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor, younger brother of actor Andrei Chadov. His films: "War", "At Nameless Height", "Games of Moths", "Night Watch", "Love in the City", "Street Racers", "Irony of Love", "You Was Beloved".

(born August 13, 1970, in Leningrad) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Glazed", "By the name of the Baron", "Antisniper", "Montecristo", "Viola Tarakanova", "Favorsky", "Multiplying Sorrow", "The Fugitive".

(born January 11, 1981, Balashikha, Moscow region) - Russian theater and film actor. His films and series: "Doctor Zhivago", "And yet I love ...", "Nobody but us", "Bros 2", "Mother's Heart", "Closed School", etc.

18.Maxim Radugin(born June 21, 1978, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Adjutants of Love", "Sisters of the Blood", "Women's Stories", "Thugs", "Gift of God", "Princess of the Circus", "Wedding Ring", "Closed School".

(born November 25, 1967 Leningrad, USSR) - Russian actor. Films and series with his participation: "Young and Happy", "Thunders", "Web", "Kings of the Game", "Rich and Beloved", "Life for Two", "Hell's Granny" and others.

(until April 18, 2011 - Vitaly Emashov; born July 18, 1976, Naberezhnye Chelny, USSR) - Russian actor. Since 2004 he has been acting in films. Popularity brought the role in the TV series "Princess of the Circus", where he played two twin brothers: Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. His other films: "Veronica will not come", "Grandfather as a gift", "Captain Gordeev", "General therapy 2", "Game", etc.

(January 23, 1973, Leningrad, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. The first film role - little Mozart playing the violin in the French film "Debussy, or Mademoiselle Shu-Shu". However, having become a professional actor, he did not act in films for a very long time until he got the role of a swimmer in the film "Lady Victory." Captain Gordeev. Blood brothers "," Hear my heart "," Vow of silence ", etc.

(born February 7, 1985, Moscow) - Russian film actor, producer, jeweler, artist. His acting debut took place in 2005, when he appeared on the screen as Gioconda in the film "9th company". Other films with his participation: "Heat", "Daughters-Mothers", "Treasure: Scary New Year's Tale", "On the Hook!", "Medicine for Grandma", "Swallow's Nest".

(born November 27, 1977 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. The first cameo role in a movie in the TV series "Maroseyka - 12". Other films and series with his participation: "Sins of the Fathers", "Kulagin and Partners", "Capercaillie", "A Man Must Pay", "Almost Real Show", "Albanian 2", "Generation P", "Silent Witness" and etc.

(born January 19, 1988, Tula, RSFSR, USSR) - Russian musician and actor, representative of Russia at the competition Eurovision 2011... He began his film career in 2006 with the filming of the television series "Alice's Dreams". His other films: "Suicides", "Deffchonki".

(born February 3, 1973, in Kiev) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Free Woman", "Two Fates", "Lady with Spectacles, with a Gun in the Car", "Obsession", "Gemini", "The Right to Love", "General Therapy".

(born January 14, 1983 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. In 2004, he made his film debut in several notable roles at once - Lieutenant Malyutin in the military tape "At an unnamed height". In the same year he starred in the film "My Prechistenka", where he played Sergei - the son of a prince and a maid. His other films: "I will show you Moscow", "Love is not what it seems", "The rules of theft", "We are from the future 2", "Only you", "Five brides" and others.

(born March 2, 1976 in Moscow, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Maroseyka, 12", "The Fifth Corner", "Leading Roles", "Always Say Always", "Brigade", "Women's Logic-2", "Evlampia Romanova", "Children of the Arbat", "Poor Nastya" ...

(born November 8, 1979 in Sarov) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Carmelita", "Fire of Love", "Woman without a Past", "Carmelita. Gypsy Passion".

(born November 26, 1975, Penza, USSR) - Russian theater and film actor, singer. His films: "Drilling", "Love Adventures", "Poor Nastya", "Pen and Sword", "Bloody Mary", "And Snow Falls".

(born October 10, 1974 in Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. His films: "Do not be born beautiful", "Man without a pistol", "Conspiracy", "Separated woman", "This evening the angels were crying."

(born August 23, 1977, Potsdam, East Germany) - Russian theater and film actor, laureate of the State Prize of Russia (2002). His films: "Moscow Windows", "Star", "Cadets", "Carmen", "Driver for Vera".

(born January 14, 1986 in Moscow) - Russian actor, starring Maxim Kammerer in the film "Inhabited Island".

3. Danila Kozlovsky(born May 3, 1985, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor. Films with his participation: "Simple Truths", "Garpastum", "Vampire Academy", "Dubrovsky", "Rasputin" and many others.

(born October 9, 1977, Moscow) - Russian theater and film actor with Ossetian roots (on his father's side). His films: "Turkish Gambit", "Admiral", "Polar Bear", "The Man Who Knew Everything", "Chemist", "Hindu".

(born November 27, 1963, in Tula, his mother is Italian by birth) - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1996), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). His films: "Limita", "Moscow Nights", "American Daughter", "Thief", "Mom", "Oligarch", "Kandahar", has repeatedly starred in Hollywood films.