What is the worldview of Bubnov and Satina. What is more correct for me: the saving lies of Luke or "True - God's free man

What is the worldview of Bubnov and Satina. What is more correct for me: the saving lies of Luke or
What is the worldview of Bubnov and Satina. What is more correct for me: the saving lies of Luke or "True - God's free man

Many of us remember the famous play M. Gorky, in which there are two heroes: Luka and Satin. Each of them defends its point of view, and only viewers can decide which of them right.

Consider the dispute of these characters in more detail.

The plot and the main characters of the Plays of Gorky

It was not surprising, because the young playwright was able to create not only touched by the living plot, but also brilliant images of the main characters.

The plot was the life of the inhabitants of the night for the poor, people who have nothing: neither money, no status, nor social status and even simple bread. The fate of their tragic, they do not see the meaning of their existence, their future is only death and poverty.

Among the heroes, two antipodes were distinguished - onions and satin, who were reported to the audience the main meaning of the play.

Position Luke

Luke, an old woman - a wanderer about 60 years old, appears in the play not immediately. He comes to the night and in his own way tries to console the country inhabitants.

He promises anneary blissful from the disease Anna Paradise Bliss for those transferred on the earth of torment, the robber Vaska - the ability to start a new life in a distant and cold Siberia, an alcoholic - the hospital in which he will be cured, a prostitute - the opportunity to find true love, etc.

Some inhabitants of this institution begin to believe the kind old man, but some of them rejects his stories, considering (and deservedly) their lies.

Philosophy Luke

In fact, Luke offers its listeners primitively understood by the Christian man must endure everything, because he is sinny, he carries a deserved penalty on earth, and after death will be awarded for his affairs.

This philosophy is essentially justifying evil on earth, turns God in a powerful and fierce lord of people who give everyone to merit.

Therefore, Luka and seeks to deceive the unfortunate people who came to the night, believing that such a deception would help them cope with life difficulties. Luka is ready to take social injustice as a given, considering it by the consequence of the imperfection of human nature.

Position Satina

Satin is the only character of an overview, which is trying to maintain his human dignity in inhuman conditions of extreme poverty.

Once he was a more significant person (although he was a shoeler and a gambler), but lost his status after having entered the honor of the sister, was convicted of imprisonment for a period of 5 years.

Luke and satin are very different. They are distinguished not so much age how many convictions.

Satin - Humanist, in difficult conditions, he did not lose faith in people, he does not want to believe the sweet speacks of Luke, believing that every person is "blacksmithing his happiness."

Philosophy Satina

The argument of Luke and Satin begins with the fact that the latter begins to contradict the words of the old man. No, satina does not need consolation, it is looking for active activities. His truth is not a Christian philosophy. Satina is closer to the position of atheism, which believes that everything is in the hands of the person himself, and does not depend on the action of the higher forces. Satin does not believe in the immortality of the human soul, he does not need God, he believes that it turned out to be "at the bottom" because his fate was formed, but because he did no longer and honestly and was punished unfairly.

"True - there is a man of a person free!", - Satin exclaims. He seeks to build a new socially fair society of free people who could live in harmony with them.

The characteristic of Satin and Luke shows us that two of these people demonstrate two completely different positions, two different relationships to life and understanding the place of man in this world.

The position of Luke is compassionate, but passive, the position of satin is active, converting, active. In the play, Satin won the actual victory in the dispute, because it was Luka who left the night.

Spore Luke and Satina: Reaction of contemporaries

Gorky's play enjoyed a great success in the audience also because the author could feel and convey the spirit of his time.

Society craved change. Luke's philosophy did not suit young people who are seeking to transform society on newhekala. They were opposed by a more conservative part of the older generation, who wanted to preserve the state and social system.

Luka and Satin just expressed public split. They appeared two of these irreconcilable positions and vital philosophies.

By the way, the author of the play, of course, belonged to the latter, he divided the position of satin, for him this hero embodied what he thought himself. All his life, bitter struggled with those who tried to preach tolerance and all states, his values \u200b\u200bwere struggle and faith in the great future of his country.

In fact, Gorky himself could be called the "revolutionary in Russian literature", which in his works was alive and brightly transferred the atmosphere of the expectation of a new life part of progressively tuned young people.

People wanted to abandon the monarchist device, they wanted to abandon the power of the capitalists, believed that they themselves could build a new and more fair state.

As a result, the truth of Luke and Satina turned out to be unequal. A revolution occurred in the country, the authorities captured the Bolsheviks, who, like Satina, decided to abandon religion as from an excess social link.

So Gorky's play truly turned out to be a prophetic. And this consists of the genius of this work of Russian literature.

Lesson 15 "Three Truths" in the play of Gorky "on the bottom"

30.03.2013 79374 0

Lesson 15.
"Three truths" in the play of Gorky "at the bottom"

Objectives: consider understanding the heroes of the play of the Gorky "Truth"; Find out the value of the tragic collision of different points of view: the truth of the fact (Bubnov), the truth of the consolation lies (Luka), the truth of faith in the person (satin); Determine the features of Humanism Gorky.

During the classes

Lord! If the holy truth is

The world does not know how to find the road -

Honor madman who will have

Humanity Sleep Golden!

I. Introductory conversation.

- Restore the event series of plays. What events take place on stage, and what are the "kulisami"? What The role in the development of the dramatic action of the traditional "conflict polygon" is Kostylev, Vasilisa, ash, Natasha?

The relationship of Vasilisa, Kostyleva, ash, Natasha only externally motivate the stage action. Part of the events constituting the plot canvas of the play, occurs outside the scene (Fight Vasilisa and Natasha, the revenge of Vasilisa - overturning the boiling singer to the sister, the murder of Kostyleva are performed around the corner of the night and the viewer is almost not visible).

All other heroes of the plays are not involved in love intrigue. The compositional and plot disconnectness of the acting persons is expressed in the organization of the stage space - the characters are dispersed at different angles scenes and "closed»In unrelated microspace.

Teacher. Thus, two actions are in parallel in parallel. First - we see on stage (alleged and real). Detective story with a conspiracy, escape, murder, suicide. The second is the exposure of "masks" and identifying the true essence of man. This happens as if for the text and requires decryption. For example, here is the dialogue of Baron and Luke.

Baron. Lived better ... yes! I ... it happened ... I wake up in the morning and, lying in bed, drink coffee ... Coffee! - With cream ... yes!

Luke. And all - people! No matter how pretending to do anything, but a man was born, man and alert ...

But to be "just a man" Baron is afraid. And "just a man" he does not recognize.

Baron. You, the old man, who is? .. Where did you come from?

Luke. I mean?

Baron. Wanderer?

Luke. We all on earth wanderers ... They say, I heard, - that and the Earth is our wanderer.

The culmination of the second (implicit) action occurs when the "truth" of Bubnov, Satina and Luke is faced at the "narrow living area".

II. Work on the problem declared in the lesson.

1. Philosophy of Truth in the play of Gorky.

- What is the main leitmotif of the play? Who among the characters first formulates the main question of the drama "at the bottom"?

The argument about the truth is the semantic center of the play. The word "truth" will be performed on the first page of the play, in the replica Kvashny: "Ah! Do not tolerate truth! " True - a lie ("Vresh!" - a sharp cry of a tick, which sounded even earlier than the words "True"), the truth is the faith - these are the most important semantic poles that determine the problems "at the bottom".

- How do you understand the words of Luke: "What do you believe, then there are"? How are heroes "at the bottom" are separated depending on their relationship to the concepts of "faith" and "truth"?

In contrast to the "prose of fact" Luka offers the truth of the ideal - "Poet of Fact." If the Bubnov (the main ideologist literally understand "truth"), satin, the baron is far from illusions and do not need ideally, the actor, Nastya, Anna, Natasha, the ashes respond to the replica of Luke - for them the faith is more important for them.

The uncertain story of Luke on the hospitals for alcoholics sounded like this: "They treat from drunkenness, hear! Free, brothers are treated ... Such a hospital is arranged for drunkards ... Recognized, you see that the drunkard is also a person ... "In the imagination of the actor, the hospital turns into the" Marble Palace ":" Excellent care ... Marble .. . Marble floor! Light ... Clean, Food ... Everything is for nothing! And marble floor. Yes!" The actor is the hero of faith, and not the truth of the fact, and the loss of the ability to believe for him is deadly.

- What is the truth for the heroes of the play? How to relate their views? (Work with text.)

A) How does the "truth" of the Bubnov understand? What is the contradictions of his views and philosophy of Luke?

True, Bubnova consists in the discovery of the origin of being, this is "the truth of the fact." "What do you need, Vaska, do you need? And for what? You know the truth about myself ... Yes, and everyone knows it ... "- He pounds as the ashes in the doomed to be a thief when he tried to sort himself. "Kashing stopped, it means," reacted to the death of Anna.

After listening to the allegorical story of Luke about his life at the cottage in Siberia and shelter (salvation) of a runaway camorzhan, Bubnov admitted: "And here I ... I don't know how to lie! What for? In my opinion, - Vali all the truth as it is! What to be shy? "

Bubnov sees only the negative side of life and destroys the remnants of faith and hopes in people, Luka knows that the ideal word becomes real: "A person can teach a good ... Very simple," -he concluded a story about life in the country, and setting out the "story" about righteous land, brought it to the fact that the destruction of faith kills a man. Luke (thoughtfully, Bubnova): "Here ... You say - really ... she, the truth, - not always by fellow people ... not always the truth soul cure ..."Luka treats the soul.

The position of Luke is humane and effective than the naked truth of Bubnov, because he appeals to the remnants of human in the souls of the nights. A man for Luke, "What is neither - and always costs its price." "I just say that if anyone who did not do well, then I did it." "Man climbnever harmful. "

Such moral Credo harmonizes the relationship between people, cancels the wolf principle, and ideally leads to the acquaintance of internal completeness and self-sufficiency, confidence that, contrary to external circumstances, a person has found the truth that no one has ever takes away.

B) What does the truth of life satin sees?

One of the culminating moments of the play are famous, from the fourth act, monologues of Satina about a person, truth, freedom.

Prepared student reads a monologue Satina by heart.

Interestingly, Satin's arguments have supported Luke's authority, a person in respect of which we are at the beginning of the play. represented satin antipod. Moreover, Links Satin onions in 4 act prove the proximity of both. "Old man? He is a clever! .. He ... worked on me, like an acid on an old and dirty coin ... Let's drink, for his health! " "Man is true! He understood it ... You are not! "

Actually, the "truth" and "lie" satin and bows almost coincide.

Both believe that "respecting a person needs" (focus on the last word) is not his "mask"; But they differ in how to inform people their "truth". After all, she, if you think deadly for those who fall into its area.

If everything "merged" and one "naked" man remained, then "what's next"? This thought leads to suicide.

C) What role does Luca play in the disclosure of the problem of "truth" in the play?

For Luke True in "Comforting Lie".

Luka regrets man and tessifs his dream. He promises Anna the afterlife, listens to Nastya's fairy tales, sends the actor to the hospital. He lies for hope, and it may be better than cynical "truth" Bubnova, "abomination and lies".

In the form of Luke there are hints on the biblical bows, which was one of the seventy students sent by the Lord "in every city and the place where he wanted to go."

Gorky Luke makes the inhabitants of the bottom think about God and man, about the "best person", about the highest calling of people.

"Luka" is also light. Luka comes to illuminate the Kostylevsky basement with the light of new ideas forgotten on the bottom of the senses. He talks about how it should be, and not necessarily look for practical recommendations or instructions for survival in his arguments.

Evangelist Luka was a doctor. In his own way healsion in the play - attitude to life, advice, word, sympathy, love.

Luka treats, but not everyone, but selectively, those who need words. His philosophy is revealed in relation to other characters. He compresses the victims of life: Anna, Natasha, Nastya. Teaches, giving practical advice, ash, actor. Understandingly, multivalial, often without words, is explained with the smart Bubnov. Spelfully leaves unnecessary explanations.

Luke flexible, soft. "Mills, therefore, and soft ..." - he said in the final of 1 act.

Luke with his "lies" is sympathetic satina. "Dubier ... to be silent about the old man! .. The old man is not a charlatan! .. He lied ... But - it's out of pity for you, damn you!" And yet, the "lie" of Luke does not suit him. "Lies - religion of slaves and owners! True - God's free man! "

Thus, rejecting the "truth" of Bubnov, Gorky does not deny the "truth" satin, nor "truth" of Luke. Essentially, he highlights two truths: "truth-truth" and "truth-dream".

2. Features of Humanism Gorky.

Problem Man In the play of Gorky "at the bottom" (individual message).

His truth about man and overcoming the impasse of Bitter invested in the mouth of the actor, Luke and Satina.

At the beginning of the play, indulging in theatrical memories, Actor Selflessly spoke out about the miracle of the talent - the game of reincarnation of man in the hero. Coming to Satin's words about read books, education, he divided education and talent: "Education - nonsense, the main thing - talent"; "I say - talent, that's what a hero need. And talent is faith in yourself, in your power ... "

It is known that Gorky bowed to knowledge, education, book, but even higher appreciated talent. Through the actor, it is a polemone, the maximalist accepted and polarly divorced two faces of the spirit: education as an amount of knowledge and living knowledge is "a system of thought."

In monologues Satina The ideas of Gorky reflections about a person are confirmed.

Man - "He is all. He created even God "; "Man is a compatibility of God's God"; "Faith in the strength of thought ... This is a belief of a person in itself." So in the letters of Gorky. And so - in the play: "A person can believe and not believe ... this is his business! A person is free ... He pays for everything himself ... a person is true! What is a person ... that's you, me, they, old man, Napoleon, Magomet ... In one ... In one - all the starts and ends ... Everything in man, everything for a person! There is only a person, yet the rest is the case of his hands and his brain! "

Actor said first about talent and faith. Satin generally generalized. What role Luki.? It carries expensive for the bitter idea of \u200b\u200bthe transformation and improvement of life with the price of the creative efforts of a person.

"And all, I look, I feel smarter than people, everything is engaged ... And even though they live - worse, but they want - all better ... stubborn!" - reveals the elder in the first act, meaning the general aspirations of all to a better life.

At the same time, in 1902, Gorky shared with Verseev with his observations and sentiments: "Everything grows and growing a vital mood, more and more noticeable vigor and faith in people, and - well lives on Earth - to God!" Some words, alone thoughts, even intonation alone in the play and writing.

In the fourth act Satin I remembered and reproduced Luke's answer to my question "Why do people live?": "And - for better people and live ... in Stu years ... Or maybe more - for the best person live! .. Everything, cute , All as it is, for the best live! That is why it is necessary to respect anyone ... It is unknown after all, we, who he is so, why was born and what could do ... "And already, by continuing to talk about a person, I asked, repeating onions:" We must respect the person! Do not regret ... not to humiliate his pity ... I need to respect! " Satin repeated Luka, speaking of respect, did not agree with him, speaking of pity, but the other is more important - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "best person."

The statements of three characters are similar, and, mutually bye, they work on the problem of man celebrations.

In one of the letters of Gorky, we read: "I am sure that a person is able to endlessly cultivate, and his whole activity - along with him will also develop ... from century to century. I believe in infinity of life ... "Again onions, satin, bitter - about one.

3. What is the value of the 4th Act of the Gorky Play?

In this act - the former furnishings, but the "fermentation" begins before the sleepy thought of Bosyakov.

It started from the scene of the death of Anna.

Luke says over the dying woman: "Jesus Christ is a multi-facing! Spirit of the newly represented slave of your Anna with the world of admission ... "But the last words Anna were words about life: "Well ... a little more ... would like ... a little! If there will be no flour there ... here you can suffer ... you can! "

- How to regard these words Anna - how to win Luke or how his defeat? Bitter does not give an unequivocal answer, it is possible to comment on this phrase in different ways. One thing is clear:

Anna spoke first about life positive Thanks to Luke.

In the last act, there is a strange, to the end of the unconscious convergence of "bitter brethren". In the 4th act of tick, the harmonica of Aleshka, having tried the Lada, the familiar prison song sounded. And this final is perceived in two ways. You can like this: you can not leave from the bottom - "The sun is booming and comes ... And in my jail dark!" You can otherwise: the price of death man broke off the song of tragic hopelessness ...

Suicide Actor interrupted the song.

What prevents the night cars to change your life for the better? Natasha's rock mistake - in disbelief to people, ashes ("I don't believe somehow ... no words"), hoping together to change fate.

"That's why I was that other name no one ever guess to call me ... You call you ... Natasha, well?"

Her answer is convinced, endured: "Nowhere to go ... I know ... I thought ... just here I do not believe anyone."

One word of faith in a person could change the life of both, but it did not sound.

I did not believe in myself and the actor for whom creativity is the meaning of life, calling. The news of the death of the actor came after the famous Satin monologues, contrasting them: so I did not cope, did not play, but I could not believe in myself.

All playing characters are in the area of \u200b\u200baction at first glance, abstract good and evil, but becoming quite specific when it comes to fate, worldviews, relations with the life of each of the actors. And they associate people with good and evil their thoughts, words and affairs. They directly or indirectly affect life. Life is the way to choose your direction between good and evil. In the play, Gorky explored a person and checked his capabilities. The play is deprived of utopian optimism, as elsewhere - disbelief in humans. But one conclusion is indisputable: "Talent, that's what a hero need. And talent is faith in yourself, its strength ... "

III. The aphoricity of the Language of the play of Gorky.

Teacher. One of the characteristic features of Gorky creativity is aphoristic. It is characteristic of both the author's speech and speech of characters, which is always sharply individual. Many aphorisms of the play "At the bottom", like the aphorisms of "songs" about falcon and petrel, became covered. Recall some of them.

- What characterians are the following aphorisms, gifts, sayings?

a) Noise - death is not a hindrance.

b) such a life that both in the morning got up and for dressing.

c) Wait from the wolf sense.

d) when the work is the duty, life is slavery.

e) No flea is bad: all black, everyone is jumping.

e) old man where heat, there is homeland.

g) all want order, and the mind is shortage.

h) not any - do not listen, but do not bother.

(Bubnov - A, B, F; Luka - D, E; Satin - G, Baron - Z, ash - in.)

- What is the role of aphoristic statements of characters in a speech strict play?

Aphoristic judgments have the greatest importance in the speech of the main "ideologues" of the play - Luke and Bubnov, heroes, whose positions are marked extremely clear. The philosophical dispute, in which each of the heroes of the play occupies its position, is supported by the common folk wisdom expressed in proverbs and sayings.

IV. Creative work.

Write reasoning, expressing its attitude towards the work experience. (Answer to one question about choosing.)

- What is the meaning of the dispute onions and satin?

- Whose side hold the controversy "about the truth"?

- What are the problems raised by M. Gorky in the play "At the bottom", did not leave you indifferent?

When preparing an answer, pay attention to the speech of the characters, on how it helps to reveal the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.


Select an episode for analysis (oral). This will be the topic of your future essay.

1. The story of Luke about "righteous land." (Analysis of the episode from the 3rd act of Plays of Gorky.)

2. Spores of the nightnamons about a person (analysis of the dialogue at the beginning of the 3rd action of the play "At the bottom".)

3. What is the meaning of the final of the play of Gorky "at the bottom"?

4. The appearance of Luke at a bed. (Analysis of the scene from the 1st act of the play.)

What is this world worth? Why in the most bitter, it would seem, the irresistible moments of our life suddenly appear a person who resurrect us, giving new hope and love? But there are such cases when someone else's pity, someone else's compassion deteriorates proud, independent people these questions illuminate M. Gorky in their play "at the bottom". He, as if an ancient Greek philosopher, believes that the truth is born in a dispute, in comparing two opposite points of view, therefore, the positions of Luke and Satina as carriers of the main ideas are particularly important. Luke's position is the idea of \u200b\u200bcompassion for people, to their misfortunes, the idea of \u200b\u200bactive good, which consists of a man, exciting faith in it, able to lead him further, the idea of \u200b\u200b"elevating deception", which will allow a person to withstand the burden of truth of life.
On the threshold of the bowl of the bow appears with the Key and Kotomka. We know very little about him. Only the fact that he is a wanderer in sixty. Luke does not hide his attitude towards the bedrooms. To the "gentlemen", the hosts of the situation - Kostylev, Vasilis, partly Medvedev, - it applies clearly negatively. Vasilisa calls the "beast evil" and "Gadyukha Poison", Medvedev ironically magnifies "... the visibility of the heroic", Kostyleva he declares: "If the Lord himself will tell you:" Mikhail! Be human! "All the same - there will be no sense ..."
Anna, Nastya, Natasha, the actor and the ashes of Luke surrounds care, love and caress. It shows a relation that, regardless of the results, testifies to his sincere desire to do good. He believes that he can give a support to a person in life, "taking the golden dream" dreams. Pravda also pulls out this support from under man, which may be every idea if she is able to console a person, protect him, give him a repel. Turning to the ashes, Luka says: "And ... What do you really care for the truth ... Think! She, the truth, maybe, volatile for you ... She, truth, - not always for no fellow man ... I do not always cure the truth soul. " Weak people unconsciously reach the "truth" of Luke. So, he inspires the dying Anna faith in the best life after death, helps her to go into the world other without heavy thoughts. The actor and ashes he gives the hope of "start life first."
Satin and Luke converge on the fact that "everything in man, everything for a person," and diverge in understanding what paths lead to the celebration of this truth.
About satin, we learn that he is a card shover, a former telegraphist, in his own way educated person. It is largely unusual against the background of other inhabitants of the night. It is indicated by his first replicas in which he uses rare and interesting words: "Siksbr", "macrobi-ostic", "transcendental" and many others. Then we learn how he sank to the "bottom of life." That's what he says Luke: "Prison, grandfather! For four years, seven months in prison served ... I killed a scoundrel in passing and annoyance ... because of my sister ... In prison, I learned to play in the card ... "Understanding that it would not be possible to get out of this Omut, he sees the advantage in this position - this is freedom. Satin against lies. Announce that "Lies - the religion of slaves and owners" and that "the truth is the God of a free man," he is not looking for a comforting deception: "Man is true."
Love Luke to a person feeds pity for him, and pity is nothing but the recognition of human weakness in the fight against adverse circumstances. Satin believes that a person does not need consumption of a lie generated by pity. Regarding a person - it means to humiliate him with distrust of his abilities.
True, according to Satina, it opens up in front of a person with great opportunities to really appreciate his strength and try to find a way out. Preaching Luke can be in a dead end. The fate of the actor can serve as a bright example. Luke did not say untruth, did not lie on the existence of the hospital for alcoholics. But the actor himself would not find the strength in herself to look for this hospital. When the time came to wake up from "sleep, inspired by Luka, the actor crashed on the harsh reality, falling from the height of his dreams.
The first act of the play shows the world of "humiliated and offended", but who did not lose faith in the best life of people. At the end of the play we see the same people, but already lost at least some hope of salvation. Here you can see the "truth" satin. Illusions only calmed down and whipped people. Here is the logic of the play itself, proving the inconsistency of the views of Luke.
The success of the play "At the bottom" is to be relevant. She and in our time makes the reader or the viewer stop and thinking. And each person makes definite conclusions for yourself. I, like many others, this work did not leave indifferent. Agreeing in many respects with the position of Satin, I believe that it is impossible to refuse from compassion, and on sympathy. It is necessary to help people believe in yourself and their strength.
Makar Miraha is a skeptic, disappointed in people. Much lived and seeing, he appreciates only freedom. This is the only criterion that Makar Merit is a human person. It is not even an absolute value for miracles, if there is a turn of the will. Radda and Loyko Zobar - the heroes of the legend, told by Miracle, also put freedom above their lives and love. Sacrificing life and happiness, heroes do not know why they need freedom. Will as a givenness, but how to dispose, the heroes do not think. Larra from the story of the "old worm of Izergil" will ultimately be a priceless gift - freedom and immortality. The author claims that individualism and loneliness cannot bring happiness. Larra perceives his freedom from human laws as a punishment, since he has no one to share an infinite will. Gradually, the author leads readers to the idea that loneliness is a person, becomes his cross, from which there is no salvation. Gorky milking romantic individualist.
And only Bubnov and Satin understand that there is no exit "from the bottom" - this is the lot of only strong. Weak people need self-deception. They treated themselves to the thought that sooner or later become full members of society. This hope in the night cars is actively supported by Luke, a wanderer, unexpectedly appeared among them. The old man with each finds the faithful tone: Anna he comforts heavenly happiness after death. It persuades her that in the afterlife she will find peace that still did not feel. Vaska Suska Luka persuades to leave to Siberia. There is the place for strong and purposeful people. He soothes Nastya, believing in her stories about unearthly love. The actor promises healing from alcoholism in a special clinic. The most striking in all this is that Luka lies disinterestedly. He regrets people, trying to give them hope as an incentive to life. But the consolation of the old man leads to the opposite results. Anna dies, the actor dies, in the prison of Vaska ash. It seems that Satina's mouth is condemned by Luka, refutes the conventional philosophy of the wanderer. "There is a comforting lies, a false reconciling ... who is weak soul ... and who lives with Chu-Yasimi juices - the lies are needed ... she supports it, they are hiding behind it ... And who is the owner himself ... who is independent and not eating someone else's. False? Lies - Religion of slaves and owners ... True - God of a free man! "
But bitter is not so simple and straightforward; It gives the opportunity to readers and viewers themselves to decide: whether onions are needed in real life or do they carry evil? It is amazing and the other that over the years I changed the attitude of society to this character. If during the creation of the play "At the bottom" of Luke was almost a negative hero, with his endless foulness to people, then with time the attitude towards him changed. In our cruel time, when a person feels his loneliness and unnecessary to others, Luke got a "second life", became an almost positive hero. He regrets people living nearby, let it be mechanically, not spending his mental strength on it, but it finds time to listen to the suffering, instills hope in them, and this is already a lot. The play "On the bottom" refers to those few works that are not aging over time, and every generation opens thoughts in them, consonant with their time, views, life situations. This is the great power of diving playwork, his ability to look into the future.

Writing on literature on the topic: True Satina in the play "On the bottom"

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  4. Piece "On the bottom" was written in 1902. It is of great importance in the work of Maxim Gorky. In this work, philosophical questions about the meaning of life, about the paths of its change. The author calls everyone to departure from creepy and unworthy existence to read more ......
  5. I read the play M. Gorky "at the bottom" and allocated the main problem of this work. This is the problem of true and false humanism. The play is a dispute about what is better: the truth, what it really is, or pity, compassion and lies. In Read more ......
  6. What is true and what is a lie? By this issue, humanity is asked for many hundreds of years. True, lies, good and evil always stand next to, one without another simply does not exist. The collision of these concepts is the basis of many world-famous literary Read more ......
  7. In the play "On the bottom", Gorky shows people of broken life, discarded by society. The play "On the bottom" is a work that is devoid of actions, there are no strings, the main conflict and the junction. It is like a set of revelations of various people who gathered at the night. Heroes, their read more ......
True Satina in the play "On the bottom"

In the socio-philosophical drama of Gorky "At the bottom", the main philosophical problem is the understanding of the truth by heroes. They consider their truth from different positions. The worldview of Satin and Luke is especially allocated here, which have differences and interact with each other in the development of the action of the play.

Onion from the first time the appearance at the night starts to tell people about their views. His attitude towards people is based on love and faith in the best life that you need to wait, suffering vital difficulties with the help of the mercy of good people. So Luka acts on the nightnamons that begin to believe it is unknown in what, in a fairy tale, which will appear in their lives, is easy only if you believe in it. Luke himself becomes for some who believed the nights to decorate their lives, his words about beauty, justice, kindness revive hope in the souls of people from the bottom.

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But such a hope based on lies cannot make a person's life better, only in his mind there will be beautiful paintings, tormenting him, but without pointing out the road for the better life. Such faith has become the truth of some characters of the play, and when they lost her, it turned into a tragedy for them. Because the nightnits believed in a fairy tale, but did not believe in themselves, compassing themselves.

True Satina is the most vital. Before the meeting with Luka, he believed that he saw around, called his names with his names and about the terrible things in the life of the nightnamies, he said how about the usual things, nothing was in charge of the soul. He lived, not knowing why. Attentively listening to Luke words, he only complemented them with his skeptical remarks, although she laughed at those who were under a strong impression of Luke. Luke undoubtedly influenced the thoughts and representation of satin, worked on it, like an acid on the old rusty coin.

True, in the last action Satin speaks a lot about the truth and man. He understood from Luke's statements the main thing, this is not a pity, and faith in a person, without mercy, but with respect. We must believe in the strength of a person, so that he realize that Silen, was proud, and then he would not hurt any obstacle.

Thus, in the play "At the bottom", the truth truth becomes the truth of satin, in its best, the highest sense, despite the fact that the hero himself who knew her and remains at the bottom. Because it is not capable of any words, and it suits him. He did not find, as he says, in the life of work, which he would like. And without pleasure, it cannot be fulfilled - after all, he is free and this is the best thing that he has.

Updated: 2014-05-23

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    Luka is the most difficult image in the play M. Gorky "at the bottom." It is with him that the main philosophical question of the work is connected: "What is better: truth or compassion? Do I need to bring compassion before using a lie like a bow? " Before the appearance ...

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