I have such a flawless reputation. Quotes from the movie "Service Romance"

I have such a flawless reputation. Quotes from the film
I have such a flawless reputation. Quotes from the movie "Service Romance"

"Service Roman" - the lyrical comedy of Director of Eldar Ryazanov, has long been a classic of domestic cinema and refers to the unique films that you can see countless times. Brilliant phrases of the film, thin humor, music and a wonderful acting game can not but cause a smile.

Phrases from the film "Service Roman" have long been disassembled by quotes:

Personally, I go to the service only because she enlisters me.

If there were no statistics, we would not even suspect how well we work.

We call her "Our Mimra". Of course, for the eyes.

And this Shura is pretty, but unfortunately, active. Once it was nominated for public operation and since then they can not push back.

Each new broom puts everywhere of its people.

She is not a woman, she is director.

When I see her, I have straight legs.

Just you cried - and as if you are normal ... And it shocked me ...

It is the shoes that makes a woman woman.

What distinguishes a business woman from ... Women?

After all, here ... how do you go! After all, this is the mind is incomprehensible! All will respond to the knot here it will be covered here, the whole will be bored, like an old torn shoe, and now - it scratches to work, as if piles are shaking!

The woman should be a mystery! The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered, everything is free here, the shoulders are thrown back. Hip free from hips. Fitted free plastic Panther before jumping. Men such a woman do not miss!

Lyudmila Prokofievna, where did you get this vulgarity? You are waging the hips like an obscene woman!

In general, let the men think that you have everything in order.

How is non-drinking? Very even ... Why? From good wine I will not refuse ...

When a woman say that she is clever, does it mean that she is a round fool?

Nobody from employees would not allow themselves to thwart into a physiognomy bouquet. Are you not indifferent to me?

Not only do you like, coward and fuck, - you are also a dracne!

And how do you like my hairstyle?
- Dish - do not get up!

I have such a flawless reputation that I have long been time to compromise.

Let's leave my dark past alone.

You know, I understood, because of what we went to you: we need a child!
- Do you want to have a child?
- Yes! And as soon as possible!
- But I can't now. Until the end of the work, two more hours and Kalugina here ... I can't leave!

Do not beat me on your head, it's my sick place!
- This is your empty place!

And I generally exiled in the accounting department!
- Yes, you need to plow!

What does it come out that everyone consider me so much so monster?
- No need to exaggerate. Not all ... not so a monster ...

People, passing 50 kopecks. Masha selese replenishment of the family!
- Personally, I'm not doing here!

So, unsuccessful legs, Lyudmila Prokofievna, it is necessary to hide.
- Where to?
- Under Maxi!

Poorly studied at school? I also knew that you were a former dude!
- Let's leave my dark past alone.

This is a hever. It is curious, like all women, and feminine, like all the secretary.

Friends argue that I have a beautiful .. Baritonal .. Cotton.
- Wait, I painted a guess: Are you drunk?
- No, what are you! When I was drunk, I'm a row. Gee-gee-gee! Here. And now I'm quiet.
- I was lucky.

In short, I have already signed an order for your appointment by the head of the department.
- For what? What did I do this bad one?

What about the circus?
- The circus is enough for me in life.

We already said goodbye to you!
- I said goodbye? So let's say hello!

Not only do you like, coward and fuck, - you are also a dracne!
- Yes, I am a strong nut!

I really want to make a pleasant impression.
- You managed it ... already.
- I want to strengthen.

When I see her, I have straight legs.
- And you do not stand, you sit down!

How thirty six?
- Yes, yes, I am younger than you, Anatoly Efremovich, and how much I look like?
- Thirty ... five ...

Put a horse! What do you! She is hard. What are you clung to her?!
- I cried with her.

Peter Ivanovich Bublikov, Head of Passion Department. Maybe therefore it is so ... absorbed.

Stop crying! What are you, you are not supposed to.

If today someone else will die or born, then I will stay without lunch.

And how do you like my hairstyle?
- Die - do not get up.

Yeah, I want to sing.
- What misfortune!

Breast forward!
- Chest? Faith, you flatter me.
- All are flattened.

Irony - mask for defenseless.

Just, please quickly: I have a lot of things.
- Nothing, your bunch will wait. Nothing to do nothing.

You are smart.
- When a woman say that she is clever, does it mean that she is a round fool?

How do you like boots?
- Very causing, I would not have taken such.
- So good boots, you have to take.

We love you. Somewhere in the depths of the soul, somewhere very deep.

What are you for a person? I can't take you ...
- Do not bite me, why to divert.

More expensive, I have no one for several days ...

You argued that I am fucking!
- Why? Soft!
- inhuman!
- Human!
- heartless!
- Cardiac!
- Dry!
- Wet!

I think about whom you say.
- And besides you, someone else thinks?
- All team.
- The information is supplied with us well!

You will not say anything, you are a real contemporary man!
- What are you right you have so insult?!

You leave, because director of your Kalugina Institution ...
- Well, bolder, bolder!
- Samodor?!
- Yeah. Self!

Some of the most popular are the quotes from the movie Official Roman! This is very beloved by many generations film and in something very relevant even today. Therefore, phrases from the service novel so like many.

Just you cried - and as if you are normal ...

More expensive, I have no one for several days ...
Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

Poorly studied at school? I also knew that you were a former dude!
- Let's leave my dark past alone.

We love you. Somewhere in the depths of the soul, somewhere very deep.
Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

Imagine, bagels died!
- Why did he die? I did not give such an order ... How died?
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina. "Mumra" Activist Shura

A service novel, quotes from which are collected here, was removed by Eldar Ryazanov in 1977.

How do you like boots?
- Very causing, I would not have taken such.
- So good boots, you have to take.

Breast forward!
- Chest? Faith, you flatter me.
- All are flattened.
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Veroch

You are non-singing.
- How is non-drinking? Very even ... Why?
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

You will not say anything, you are a real contemporary man!
- What are you right you have so insult?!
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

I have such a flawless reputation that I have long been time to compromise.

And the berries do not interest you?
- Only in the form of jam.
- How do you feel about poems ... in the form of poetry?
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

How much do not reread phrases from the movie The service affair is still not enough!

What are you for a person? I can't take you ...
- Do not bite me, why to divert.
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

Nobody from employees would not allow themselves to pop into a physiognomy bouquet. Are you not indifferent to me?
- one more word, and I will run in you a decanter!
- If you do a graph, then you really me ... that's it ...
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

Do not beat me on your head, it's my sick place!
- This is your empty place!
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

Sometimes it happens that I want to cry, but what will I roar alone? It's like an alcoholic who drinks alone.
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mumra"

She basically does not know that there are children in the world. She is sure that people appear on the light of adults according to a staffing schedule, with the post and salary.
Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

You leave, because director of your Kalugina Institution ...
- Well, bolder, bolder!
- Samodor?!
- Yeah. Self!
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra". Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev

The woman should be a mystery! The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered, everything is free here, the shoulders are thrown back. Hip free from hips. Fitted free plastic Panther before jumping. Men such a woman do not miss!

How could she leave children, Leontiev? She is a mother.
- ha! Mother! .. Mother had new seeds!
Lyudmila Prokofievna Kalugina "Mymra" Veroch

It is the shoes that makes a woman woman.

Sayings, dialogues and quotes from the film Service Roman - Art Soviet film, lyrical comedy from two episodes. The film director is Eldar Ryazanov. The film was shot in 1977 on Mosfilm film studio. The film is the leader of the 1978 Rental, it was viewed over 58 million viewers.

This is not a horse, it's some kind of mammoth. Let's come already!

Without statistics, it's not life without statistics ... And some kind of cautious ...

I have such a flawless reputation that I have long been time to compromise.

Guess what I smoke now? Malboro. The new deputy from the Bar's shoulder has threw a block. Gets friendship with secretary. Now he is sitting at the old woman.

Take, for example, woven. They grow on the stump. If you come to the forest and you will be lucky with the night, then you can score a whole mountain ... Stumps ... oh, oh ...

"Quietly around, just not sleeping a badger. He hung her ears on the bitches and dances quietly. "

Cigarette, match, boxes?

I look at you, Veroch, and I think: If I am more expensive, I would ... Wow !!!

Just you cried - and as if you are normal ... And it shocked me ...

You have not done anything special, you spoiled me a new dress.

You see, bagels died ... and then he did not die ...

We did not reach her to the closet.

She basically does not know that there are children in the world. She is confident that they appear on the light of adults, according to a staffing schedule, with the post and salary.

  • - Did you buy new boots, faith?
  • - Yes, I have not yet decided, Lyudmila Prokofievna. You like?
  • - Very causing. I would not have taken such. And in your place I would be interested in boots not during work, but after it.
  • - So good boots, you have to take.

Why do you do me personally? Tell me your secretary.

Well, all, new seeds, your business pipe.

Go you ... in accounting !!!

I did not wear you bouquets! Why am I ... what am I, stupid, or what?! Whlen are smoking?!

What is the advanced reproduction "Joconda"!

We call her "Our Mimra". Of course, for the eyes.

Lyudmila Prokofievna, where did you get this vulgarity? You are waging the hips like an obscene woman!

My good advice to you: how good comrade, throw it all, throw out of my head and return to the family, in the team, to work! So necessary!

Personally, I go to the service only because she enlisters me.

I'm sorry for Masha Selezneva.

It is the shoes that makes a woman woman.

Well, in the same way she sits, in terrible robes!

Hello ... Proofs ... Lyudmilovna ...

Well, what are your plans for the evening? What company? And men there will be? Well, come on, I know me. I am now a woman lonely ...

If there were no statistics, we would not even suspect how well we work.

You paid attention to that we have interruptions with those or other goods? This comes from the fact that certain goods are not planned by such rotosles as you. Allow remake.

Put faith in place! And do not touch any more hands!

Get up finally! And ... go ... do ... what about? .. Affairs!

Sit down ... uh ... ta.

In general, let the men think that you have everything in order.

Statistics are science, it does not tolerate approximate ...

The woman should be a mystery! The head is slightly raised, the eyes are slightly lowered, everything is free here, the shoulders are thrown back. Hip free from hips. Fitted free plastic Panther before jumping. Men such a woman do not miss!

Our leadership, that is, I was born, oddly enough, Nam Yam, the thought: to appoint you, one of the leading workers of the Patriotic Statistics - what to hide, ha ha ha! - Head of the Light Industry Department. LE-EONGYA industry.

And this Shura is pretty, but unfortunately, active. Once it was nominated for public operation and since then they can not push back.

Whether he will die once again - it is unknown, and the flowers disappear. Shura twirls them from Bublik and ... oh, that is, from a wreath from under Bublik, makes bouquets and gives women.

"Women when they are forty, often make stupidity." Well, she, of course, see!

  • - We love you ... in the depths of the soul ... somewhere very deep ...
  • - Very deep! So deep that I don't even notice this!
  • - No, it's noticeable, it should be noticeable ...

Only one month it took Eldar Ryazanov and Emily Braginsky to write a scenario of the breathtaking Soviet Comedy "Service Roman". But the main secret of the success of this film is not at all in the scenario, but in the trick of improvisation of talented actors, which director Eldar Ryazanov allowed, and even welcomed during filming. After the release of the film, all the actors received the USSR state awards, and the reviews of officials were only positive.

We are in Isralove. Several times revised this film, and chose the twenty funniest, most unusual and most insidious dialogues.

- And this Shura is pretty, but, unfortunately, active. Once it was nominated for public operation and since then they can not push back.

- You will not say anything, you are a real contemporary man!
- What are you right you have so insult?!

- Breast forward!
- Chest? You flatter me, faith.
- All are flattened!

- She basically does not know that children are in the world. She is confident that they appear on the light of adults, according to a staffing schedule, with the post and salary.

Where is your door here ...?
- Where necessary, there and the door!

- Well, all, new seats, your business pipe.
- Hello ... Prokeys ... Lyudmilovna ...
- Just you cried - and as if you are normal ... And it shocked me ...

- You have not done anything special, you spoiled me a new dress.
- I look at you, Veroch, and I think: If I am more expensive, I would ... Wow !!!
- I have such a flawless reputation that I have long been time to compromise.

- She is an unclear, ugly, lonely woman ...
- She is not a woman, she director.

I really want to make a pleasant impression.
- You managed it ... already.
- I want to strengthen.

- Mushrooms are not interested in you, I understand ...
- Correctly understand.
- Berries do not interest?
- Only in the form of jam.
- And poems ... in the form of poetry ... How do you feel about them?

- I bit the fly yesterday.
- Yes. I have noticed that.
- Or I fell off the chain.
- It's closer to the truth.
- So I'm from the chain.

- Why are you wably all the time? What are you for a person? I can't take you!
- Do not bite me! Why deal?

"Quietly around, just not sleeping a badger." He hung her ears on the bitches and dances quietly. "

- You argued that I am smoldering!
- Why? Soft!
- inhuman!
- Human!
- heartless!
- Cardiac!
- Dry!
- Wet!

Well, what are your plans for the evening? What company? And men there will be? Well, come on, I know me. I am now a woman lonely ...

- If there were no statistics, we would not even suspect how well we work.

- We love you ... in the depths of the soul ... somewhere very deep ...
- Very deep! So deep that I don't even notice this!
- No, it's noticeable, it should be noticeable ...

- And after all, only thirty six. - So good boots, you have to take.