The most interesting facts about Hinduism. Nutrition in religions: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism

The most interesting facts about Hinduism. Nutrition in religions: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism
The most interesting facts about Hinduism. Nutrition in religions: Hinduism, Islam, Judaism

What do you know about India, probably absolutely all people? The first: India is in second place after China in terms of population - for 2009, more than 1 billion. And the second: in India, the cow is considered to be a sacred animal. More precisely - Hindus and Jainists.

But besides the cows, the Hindus tremendously relate to monkeys, snakes, and in the city of Cheka - also rats. Hindus even has a holiday of nagapanes, this is the day when they worship live snakes. On this day, no one works. Snakes bring from the forest and release to the street and to the courtyards. They are tremended by floral pollen, thank for the crop saved from rodents and eat - milk, fused oil, honey, turmeric and roasted rice. Snake Noram put flowers oleander, red lotus and jasmine. By the way, the poison from the site glands do not remove, as they consider it to blasphemy.

So, somewhat interesting facts about Hinduism:

Hinduism professes about 1 billion people, and this is the third in the number of adherents of religion - after Christianity and Islam.

Hinduism is the oldest religion of the world. Rather, not even religion, but a lifestyle.

In Hinduism thousands of gods, and each Hindu can choose God to taste. At the same time, it is not necessary to worship one God at all.

In Hinduism there are no standards and a generally accepted doctrine, as not and the central control body. But despite the fact, unlike other world faults, it was not some kind of founder in Hinduism, this faith has its own unique form and features that allocate it in a separate religion.

Key aspects of Hinduism are karma, Sansara and Moksha. Karma is a law, according to which the fate of a person defines his own righteous or sinful actions, suffering or pleasure, which he is experiencing. Sansara is a cycle of birth and death in the worlds limited by karma. Moksha is exemption from the cycle of rebirths (Sansairs) and the end of material incarnations.

Some Hindus lead a monastic lifestyle, whose goal is to achieve spiritual perfection. Such monks fully devote themselves to the ascetic lifestyle, they give any vow of celibacy and focus on spiritual practices. Monks in Hinduism call sannyasi, sadhu or swami, women - sannyasin. Monks enjoy great respect in Indian society. They live in monasteries, or wound, relying only on God in providing bodily needs. To feed the wandering sadh, or to provide him with any other assistance, is considered a very pious act, and for family people, besides the duty.

Many Hindus Vegetarians are such a lifestyle is considered one of the means to achieve a pure, poor lifestyle. But even Hindus non-vegetarians use meat food infrequently, only less than 30% do it all the time. Also, the overwhelming majority of puppies are meatseeds do not eat beef. The bottom of the cows is limited or prohibited by law, in all states of India, except Kerala and West Bengal.

Mandatory rite for all Hindus, with the exception of sannyasi and small children, is the cremation of the body after death.

In previous times, among the Hindus, the rite of "Sati" was very common - when a woman who had a husband who had died to the funeral bonfire. In theory, Sati - the case is purely voluntary. However, in some communities it was considered natural that the widow should die on the fire, and it was waiting for it, and accordingly they had pressure. On the preserved drawings, the connected women sitting on the burial fire are often depicted, on one even people standing around the fire holds long sixts, so as not to give widow to get out of the flame.

Sati is sometimes committed and in our time, mainly in rural areas. So, in 1987, a childless 18-year-old widow RUE Kallar was burned; On May 18, 2006, Vidyavati jumped into the funeral fire of her husband (according to people's allegations) 35-year-old widow, and on August 21, 2006, burned on the funeral fire of her husband Prem Naraiana 40-year-old woman, in the Sagar area.

A small review of one of the most shocking and strange cities in the world and India, Varancy.

It is a healthy lifestyle to live on creeds, Industors, Muslims, Jews consider. Consider these religions from the point of view of healthy nutrition, an important component of a healthy lifestyle.


Unified religion, called Hinduism, no. Hinduism represents many religious traditions and beliefs, with its philosophy.

Common concepts for all currents are:

Sansara- Vera in reincarnation, cycle of births and deaths. Reincarnation is possible from the body of the animal to the Divine;

Karma- responsibility for perfect deeds, expressed in higher or lower reincarnation;

Moksha- care to Nirvana, exemption from the reincarnation wheel;

Nirvana- the ultimate goal of self-improvement, merging with divine consciousness;

Dharma- moral debt, ethical obligations, without their implementation, no way out of the wheel of the reincarnation is possible;

Yoga- Spiritual practice, self-improvement, path to the divine consciousness.

The believer Hindu initially will offer the gods (prasad), only then will be himself. Each house has a separate room or an angle where the ritual is carried out. Usually the gods are offered vegetables, fruits, rice, water, sweets made from fruit. It is strictly prohibited by the proposal to the gods of food animal origin. And since there is food that is not offered to God, it is possible only in case of extreme need, most of the Indians are vegetarians. Everything that the sacred animal gives is a cow, especially revered, most of the Hindus do not consider food animal origin. Many do not belong to animals and fish. Food in Hinduism with plenty of herbs, spices, often she is acute.

In Hinduism, there is a special ritual - Mahaprasad, food is preparing in the temple and he is heard to all pilgrims, which contributes to the union of the nation. This is relevant, because in India there is still a division into the caste.

Hindus - adherents of the theory of reincarnation, so respect any life. They believe that, firstly, any creature is a spark of God, to kill living things - it means to glorify the spark, secondly, each of them can become any of these creatures in the next life.

Refusal of animal food, as well as the desire to smaller food use - is a step towards self-improvement. Among the Hindus up to 20% of full vegetarians. The faces of the highest caste do not eat onions and garlic. Mopeds do not eat beef and use meat extremely rare. The killing of the cow in most states of India (except two) is punishable by law. Religious law does not control the consumption of eggs. The most orthodox evalues \u200b\u200bof the egg, as a possible source of life, do not consume. But most do not eat eggs only at the moments of spiritual practices.


Islam is world monotheistic religion. The word "Islam" has the meaning of God for God. The believer completely presents Allah and is guided by the Sacred Quran and Sunnov (explanations).

Despite the fact that in Islam, it seems to be not so many food prohibitions and "everything is permitted, which is clearly not prohibited," Halal (manual for nutrition) has many limitations for food types, animal feeding and food intake.

It is prohibited:

Meat of strangled animals;

Meat of dead animals;

Alcoholic beverages.

All prohibitions came to Islam from Judaism, in which the food prohibitions are more than in any other religion. But if the prohibitions are clearly argued in Judaism, then in Islam, some restrictions are difficult to understand. These prohibitions include pork. The concept that the "dirty" pig came in Islam later to explain the rationality of the failure (in Judaism, the pig "does not chew a chewing", so it can not eat, like other animals that do not chew or (and) have ineffective hooves).

Unusual thoughts are expressed that the pig once was the Muslim cattle animals, but this could not be reflected in the Quran, and so that there is a sacred animal (as they do not eat in Hinduism a cow), the Koran simply introduces the prohibition without explanation. Although the most reasonable argument seems to be the one that Muslims, mostly live in countries with a hot climate. Pork, like very fat meat, is harmful to health. For the same reason, we will explain the ban on alcohol (in Judaism it is not).

In Muslim posts, there are posts, but the posts are not recommended to eat and drink during the day, after sunset you can use any food. In the Quran prescribes moderation in food and preference to plant food. Allah grown vineyards, olives, grenades, dates. "Eat from these fruits when they ripe ... Do not touch a lot, but be moderate."

Very interesting phrase from the Quran, saying that among the followers of Allah there will be people who use pork and alcohol, and they will not be convicted.

Currently, in Islam, the meat of pigs, dogs, monkeys, predators with fangs, donkeys, rats, reptiles, amphibians, birds, insects, insects are prohibited in Islam. Prohibited foaming plants, alcoholic beverages. Legal food is called Halal, a prerequisite for the chilence of meat is his slaughter Muslim. In the process of slaughter, prayer is read.

Dairy products, eggs, baking are always allowed.

In Islam, there is a ritual sacrifice. It is carried out on holidays (Kurban-Bayram and others), on the occasion of the birth of a child, weddings. As a rule, a ram (from the whole family) is sacrificed, but maybe the sacrifice of a cow or a camel (no more than seven people), sheep, goats (from one person). The sacrificial animal must be a certain age, killed by a special way to complete blood output. Prayers are read in the process. The sacrifice is considered legal, mandatory. The sacrificial animal is used for cooking.

Muslims themselves consider food adopted in Islam, healthy, as it is recommended by Allah, which knows better that it is necessary for a person. From the point of view of European standards, nutrition in Islam is impossible to attribute to healthy. Islam is mainly distributed in countries with a hot climate. Do not drink all day in the heat - dangerous for health, besides, water improves the brain.


Judaism is a religious course, a set of moral laws of Jews. One of the oldest monotheistic religions. Jews become a Jew from birth (after the circumcision rite, which is performed on the seventh day after birth), not a Jew may not be Jews, the genus goes on the mother line. Tanahs are considered to be holy books (Old Testament: Pentateuch Moses), Talah and Talmud (General Name: Torah).

Jews belong to cooking and eating it as a ritual. In religion, everything is regulated from growing to the preparation of food, and meat should score a specially trained person. The food that the Jew can eat is called Kos e.rous, and food requirements - Kashr w.tom, not kosher food is called abouthowl.

Kosher food is considered the most rational and healthy, the products are environmentally friendly, prepared in compliance with the rules of hygiene. The rules set is given in Torah.

All plants are clean, but insects are considered not kosher, so all products are viewed in the most thorough way before you cook food, are washed, sieved (in plants there may be insect caterpillars, in flour - bugs).

Clean meat: Herbal animals (chew a chewing gum) and woodenfall (twisted hooves). If one of these signs is present, they are not kosher, prohibiting the use of such animals in food is even more strict. For example, a pig - a wooden animal, but it is not a herbivore, so it is impossible to eat pork in food. Hare chews a chewing, but the hooves are not split, the use of such meat is also a sin. The animals with two signs include cows, sheep, rams, giraffes and others. From non-kosher animals, a pig, camel, rabbit, Daman, especially marked. Eagle, owl belong to the forbidden birds. In nature, recognize the kosher of birds is quite difficult, the Jews use meat of poultry. But food from the allowed meat is possible only in the case of a certain method of slaughter, only a special person, you can not eat some parts of the animal. Allowed eggs of all kosher birds.

It is strictly prohibited by the use of meat and dairy products together. There should be at least 2 hours between the use of such food. For the cutting of such products, different boards and knives are used, in no case wash them in one sink, usually wash in different dishes. Jew will not be in the restaurant, if notes that meat and dairy products lie nearby. The ban is very strict.

Products that are not milk or meat, such as vegetables, fruits, fish, can be used with meat and dairy food.

Kosher is also installed on the types of fish: the fish must have a scaly (easily separated) and fins. In case of doubt, two more signs are: gills and throwing caviar. Some kind of fish includes, for example, som, sturgeon, shark. Prohibited crustaceans and mollusks.

Strict ban on blood. The meat is soaked before use, salted for a while, then wash off. Only then it is prepared.

All insects are prohibited, except locust (acrides). Honey is allowed, it is considered a product of plant origin.

Allowed Drinks: Grape Wine, but grapes should be grown on Earth of Israel, berries from a plant of a certain year (at least 4 years). There is a prescription not to use wine, open not by the Jew, but usually the wine is simply heated. You can drink vodka if it is prepared without using additives not vegetable origin.

There are special bans on holidays. Especially they apply to "kvass". On holidays in the house are not allowed to even keep foods that can be worn. In Judaism, six posts. They are brief, but very strict, it is impossible not only to eat, but also to drink. On Saturday, food cannot be prepared.

All prohibitions for food, no matter how unusual they seem to have, should be carried out strictly, as the Creator created everything on Earth and knows better about the utility of certain products.

In Israel's stores, kosher products are marked.

Israeli lawmakers suggest that unclean food prevents human spiritual development. Permanent concern for food makes for a minute not forget about God.

It is very difficult to estimate the diet of the Jews from the point of view of healthy nutrition. The undoubted advantages is to resolve the use of all vegetables and fruits, reasonable in cooking strict hygiene rules, the separation of dairy and meat foods took as a basis supporters of separation nutrition. Positive can be considered a ban on pork, as rich in saturated fats. Not clear the ban on rabbit, seafood, some kind of fish. There is no lean and unloading days that the health affects negatively. One-day starvation is useful, but not to drink all day for health is not recommended.

"India, the cradle of the human race, the place of birth of human speech, the mother of history, grandmother of the legend and the great-grandmother of traditions. The most valuable and most instructive lessons in the history of mankind are valued only in India "(Mark Twain).

1. Among the countries of the world, India ranks second after the United States in the number of English speakers. In India, it speaks about 125 million people, which is only 10% of the country's population. The number of speakers in English Hindus is constantly growing.

River Gang, Varanasi

2. In India, the greatest number of vegetarians in the world live. Whether because of religious or personal considerations, about 40% of Indians are vegetarians. In India, the world's lowest indicator for the consumption of meat per capita.

3. As long as the diamonds were not found in Brazil in the XVIII century, India ranked first in the world for the extraction and production of diamonds. For the first time, diamonds were found in alluvial sediments in the Guntur and Krishna districts in the Delta of the Krishna River.

4. Up to 100 million people attend Kumbh Mela Festival - a collection of pilgrims, which occurs every three years. This is the world's largest meeting of people in one place.

5. 13 of the 20 most polluted cities in the world are located in India. Raise air to Mumbai for one day is equivalent to smoking 100 cigarettes.

On Delhi Street

7. About 70% of all the spices of the world come from India.

8. 14 million slaves live in India, this is the largest indicator among all countries of the world.

9. To make money on Big Mac, the average person in India will have to work for almost 6 hours.

10. Judaism appeared in India 2500 years ago. Since then, the local population never showed any signs of anti-Semitism.

11. It is predicted that by 2050 India will be the most densely populated country in the world. The number of residents by that time can be 1.6 billion people, which will be almost equal to the population of the United States and China combined.

12. Indian households own 11% of the gold of the world. This is more than the total reserves of the USA, IMF, Switzerland and Germany.

13. 74% of young Indians prefer a personal choice of marriage by agreement. It is possible so only 1 of 100 marriages in India ends with a divorce. This is one of the lowest indicators in the world.

14. Residents of the North Sentella Island (North Sentinel Island) in India - one of the last people whose life remains untouched modern civilization.

15. Mawsynram, village in Meghala, - the wettest place in the world. It accounts for the highest average precipitation rate in the world.

What do you know about Hinduism? Most people have all the knowledge of this religion can be formulated in 9-10 points. Which are just delusion. And most often there, in these ideas the red line of separation of religious and cultural traditions does not pass. Here they are, these several principles that can be lit in the lines in the pair))).

This is called Hinduism

The terms "Hindu" and "Hinduism" - anachronism and there are no them in any ancient texts of Hinduism. The term refers to the people of the Indian River India. The concepts of "Hindu" and "Hinduism" probably came from Persians who invaded the Indian subcontinent and who may have referred to people of the river valley, using the word "Hindu", which means "River".
The general name for Hinduism of Sanatana Dharma ("Eternal Debt of God") is not too famous in the Western world. Followers call Dharmis, which means "Dharma followers". The use of the words "Hinda" and "Hinduism" is mainly used in Western cultures, though, it must be said that many modern Indians accepted them.

All Hindu Vegetarians

It is true that many inductors practice vegetarianism, but not the majority.
Some Indians believe that all animals are creatures with soul, so they do not eat meat. But many others eat almost all that they are pleased.
Only 30-35 percent of the Hindus of vegetarians due to the spiritual faith of Akhimsi, this is the principle of refusing violence towards the whole living.

Most spiritual leaders (Swami, Sadhu and Guru) are really vegetarians.
Ahims describes negative karma at various levels due to slaughter and consumption of meat products, but not all Hindus follow it.

Followers of Hinduism actively distribute their religion

The reasons why religions become organized are related to the spread of religious teachings and political influence of the main nation.
Christianity applied through Romans / Byzantines, and Islam spread through Muslim campaigns in Asia and Europe.

But Hinduism has never been organized and did not apply until recently.

It does not have a special leader of faith, that is, the prophet. Religion has become a list of exercises and guidelines, without political influence.
No founder of Hinduism and there is no specific date of origin. He began to develop between 500-300 BC.

Hinduism discriminatory custom system

Common delusion.

The so-called "untouchables" outside of this system, but this is due to the Indian culture and has nothing to do with the teachings and practice of Hinduism.

The Indian caste system reflects the status of a person obtained at birth, but has nothing to do with a person.
At the same time, the Hindu term of Varna describes the social order as the basis of moral duties associated with human characteristics, regardless of birth.

Although these two systems are intertwined, Hinduism does not impose a caste system outside of India. The Indian caste system affects the Hindus and divides them to Brahmans (priests and teachers), Kshatriya (warriors and rulers), Vaishi (farmers and merchants) and shudras (workers). Those who are beyond the system are dalitis (rosters / unsuccessful).

Hindus worship idolam

Many people believe that the Hindus worship idols. Since the rest of the world, most of the world follows Islam and Christianity that banned idolatry, it seems strange.

However, the Hinduses do not consider this worship of idols, but they simply see God in everything.
All objects are Archa ("Live embodiment") of God, and life is considered in every image. Hindus call this practice Murthi Puja ("Worship Image").

Practice worship Cow

Hindus do not worship cows.
This common misconception is related to how the Hindus treat a cow, carefully care for it, for them it is an animal that gives more than it requires in response.
It is a symbol of all other animals, and is life and livelihoods. Getting only grain, grass and water, cow gives milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter, and fertilizer for fields - thus giving more than people give her.
Cows are also respected for soft character and are considered as maternal guardians. Because of all the strangers listed, it seems that cows are worshiped. But the Hinduses see in their respect's respect for animals.

Women with Bindis Are All Married

Bindi (Red Point on the forehead) wear millions of women and girls worldwide, especially in India. Bindi has a sign spiritual role in Hindu culture, although its value has decreased in our time.

Traditionally, a woman wears Red Bindi to show the status of a woman in love marriage, red means also prosperity.
Bindi is applied to the place "third eye", it is where a person loses his ahamkara ("ego").

Nowadays, women can wear any Bindi color.
Black Bindi means a loss and can wear a widow to show the loss of her husband.
Men sometimes wear Bindi, which is called Tilak, it is a series of lines on his forehead, sometimes with a point. Different colors will denote various classes or castes, but these are basically cultural traditions, and they are almost no longer followed.

Hinduism Star as Judaism

Many cultural traditions and religions sprout on the Indian subcontinent for thousands of years before they finally gathered in 1800 AD. MINO to form modern Hinduism.
This is a common misconception that Hinduism has begun during the times of Judaism, the first Arabia religion, which gave birth to Christianity and Islam.

Judaism is an old faith that arose about 1500 BC, and the earliest forms of Hinduism arose from primitive beliefs, which makes it the oldest practitioner religion in the world.

Bhagavadgita - Hindu Bible

Bhagavadgita is one of the most famous Hindu texts in the Western world, but this is not a Hindu Bible. Gita teaches many of the dogmats of Hinduism by dialogue between Prince Arjuna and Krishna.
Hindu sacred texts are divided into shruches ("heard") and Smriti ("what is remembered").
Shruti is considered corroded while the crude occurs from the reflection of the Great Wise men.
Gita is considered by many as an allegory of ethical and moral struggle of a person, used as a guide.
Gandhi led the Gita as his "spiritual dictionary" and relied on the doctrine during the independence of India.

Hinduism - Polytetic religion with 330 million gods

The monotheist is, it is understandable, the belief that there is only one God, while the polytheism is faith in many gods.
Hinduism is usually considered a polytestic faith in connection with 330 million gods, but this is not an exact image of religion.
The concept of God is complex and may be different for every person, but it revolves around a single God or Higher Spirit.
Various Hindu practices allowed various ideas about God, but every representation (Deva), in itself the image of God.
Hindus believe that a single supreme God cannot be completely understood, therefore earthly ideas (Shiva, Vishnu, etc.) are only the symbols of the Supreme God.