Rest - so together! Where to go with children during the fall school holidays. All Entertainment Where to go with your child 12 June

Rest - so together!  Where to go with children during the fall school holidays.  All Entertainment Where to go with your child 12 June
Rest - so together! Where to go with children during the fall school holidays. All Entertainment Where to go with your child 12 June

What could be more pleasant than getting together with the whole family, young and old, and devote the day to joint entertainment? If you are planning to spend a weekend in Moscow with children, then hundreds of possibilities open up before you. Parks and sports areas, attractions and museums, cinemas and quests - everywhere they are ready to accept a family company, ready for exploits, miracles and adventure. First, decide who is counting on what. Adults will certainly not mind eating tasty food, discovering new urban spaces, and chatting with family and friends. And, of course, the biggest joy for them is to see the happy faces of the kids! Representatives of the young generation crave activity, new knowledge and impressions. This is exactly why weekend entertainment for children was invented!

If you and your household are fond of sports, then spend the weekend with your children under the proven motto "Dad, Mom and I are a sports family!" You will be delighted with the bike paths, rollerdromes and team sports grounds that can be found in Moscow parks. Football match is the best warm-up! An active lifestyle should be combined with educational excursions. But a weekend with children in Moscow is also a reason to indulge in carefree hedonism. Forget about worries and problems, because this bright and joyful day will be remembered for a lifetime! A family trip to the cinema, to a cafe or to the zoo will also be appreciated by young and old alike. To ensure that the incredible families have enough entertainment and events for every day and for any weekend, feel free to refer to the recommendations of the KudaGo portal.

1. Experimentanium. Museum of entertaining sciences, which will be interesting for both kids and adults. You can safely go there with children from 2 years old. Metro Sokol, Leningradskiy prospect, 80, building 11

2. State Darwin Museum. Even the smallest will be interested there. Vavilova st., 57

15. City of Masters "Masterslavl" Here a child can try himself in different professions. Age 5+ Presnenskaya emb., 4, bldg. 1.

16. Bird Park. Also not in Moscow, but interesting. Kaluga Region, Zhukovsky District, Village State Farm "Pobeda".

17. House-Museum of Vasnetsov Vasnetsov lane, 13

18. Father Frost's estate. Better, of course, on New Year's Eve, but at other times it is possible. Volgogradsky prospect, possession 168D

19. Theater "Grandfather Durov's Corner" Tickets should be bought in advance. Usually they are gone in 2-3 months.

20. Museum of Fairy Tales in Domodedovo. Moscow Region, Domodedovo, Kashirskoe highway, 44th km

Winter has come, and it's time to decide where to go with the child for the winter holidays in Moscow. Since there are many different events and entertainment in the capital, we advise you to build on the characteristics of your baby's character.

Smart little guy

If your child is curious, take the young Pochuchuchka to interesting events, where children are introduced to the sciences or taught children’s wisdom in a playful way.

One of the best solutions will be the InnoPark children's center for scientific discoveries. It is an interactive museum where you can touch exhibits, press buttons, fire propellers, pull levers, in other words, explore.

An equally interesting place for a teenager is the Aerodynamics entertainment center. It has 4 floors and 2,500 m² dedicated to dynamic entertainment, where there is a passion for every visitor. In all activities of the center, advanced technologies are used for safe and comfortable immersion in the world of active entertainment without special training.