Youth and book. The influence of literature on the spiritual and moral formation of young people in the XXI century

Youth and book. The influence of literature on the spiritual and moral formation of young people in the XXI century
Youth and book. The influence of literature on the spiritual and moral formation of young people in the XXI century

Taking any "behavioral decisions", a person is usually focused on some life principles, values \u200b\u200band ideals learned in the process of socialization. Hence the category "Ideal" has a deep social value. Ideals are essentially expressing universal values, organize human activity, affect its spiritual potential and on creative activity, act as an indicator of social maturity.

Today on the formation of ideals and value orientations young man Many different factors affect. There is an opinion that in society information technologies The role of traditional channels for the formation of ideals, such as family, school, art, including fiction, gradually loses its meaning, yielding the place of mass communication channels.

Despite this, artistic culture continues to have a significant impact on the inner spiritual world of man. Art and literature are the most important means of self-knowledge, determining value references and preferences in which the worldview of a young man is being formed. Today, people continue to look for answers to questions about the good and evil, justice and the powerlessness, meaning of life and fate.

A young man because of his age and psychological features It is typical to compare, compare ourselves with the heroes of works of art, to transfer the events taking place on the stage on the screen or in the book, dive into the world of illusions created by the imagination of the author.

Of particular interest in this plan represents fiction as a special kind of art, where artistic image Not static, but acts in a certain time and space, thereby sets the behavior models in certain situations. Each hero has a specific picture of the world. A person often evaluates its actions and actions, sometimes not conscious of it, comparing them with those values \u200b\u200bthat the reference hero adheres to. Hence the images created by fiction, can have a direct impact on human life in a particular situation.

Thus, fiction is designed to perform a number of functions that allow people to know the world around us, survive certain emotions, get aesthetic pleasure, to get away from reality into the world of imagination, to make experienced experiences of other people by comparing themselves with the heroes of literary works. However, not all of these functions are fully fulfilled.

From here there is a problem of the inconsistency of the role that society assigns fiction as a special kind of art in the process of forming moral and aesthetic ideals young generation, and the real place of fiction in the lives of modern youth in the conditions of the diversity of channels of broadcasting values \u200b\u200band ideals.

The problem of studying the value orientations of young people, as well as factors for the formation of values \u200b\u200band ideals, on the basis of which young people will build their future and the future of the whole country, presents special research socio-psychological interest.

In 2010, on the basis of the Department of Sociology and Youth Policy, the Faculty of Sociology Sociology, SPbSU conducted an empirical study on the topic "The role of fiction in the formation of ideals of students of young people in St. Petersburg".

Subject of study: Reading self-esteem of students of St. Petersburg, as well as factors affecting the motivation of reading young people.

Was delivered target - to identify the mechanism for the formation of ideals through fiction in the structure different species Art and leisure youth.

Object research Personal schools and universities of St. Petersburg (257 respondents) were performed. The age interval is represented by three groups: 15-17 years, 18-22 years, 23 years and more. Of these - 103 young men (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). Students of various profiles were involved in the survey - humanitarian, technical, natural science.

The data obtained during the study make it possible to assert that modern youth retains interest in reading: 82.1% of respondents confirmed that they love to read. At the same time, a third of respondents (29.7%) read constantly, every day; More than half of the respondents (54.7%) read from the case to occasion, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once a week; Only 1.6% do not read at all.

In the context of this study, fiction is the greatest interest in the point of view of its influence on the formation of ideals of young people. The survey results showed that young people show considerable interest in artistic literature. In the system of other art types, fiction ranks third in popularity after music and cinema.

Among the books read over the past six months with high school students, most often called works school Course: "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev, "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov et al. From works that are not included in the program, it was named a large number of works of modern foreign writers (Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephanie Meyer, etc.).

As for students, they show great interest in the works of Russian classical literature. The list of books read over the past six months, works from the school program on literature (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time", etc.), which may indicate the desire of students to re-read and rethink some works of the school course from the point of view of their new personal positions. At the same time, the respondents were listed by unsolving works of software authors ("Karamazov Brothers" F.M. Dostoevsky, "In the Circle of the First" A.I. Solzhenitsyn, "Turbine Days" M.A. Bulgakov), which indicates the preserved interest in Works of Russian classics.

On the other hand, students are exhibiting considerable interest in the works of foreign literature, both classical and modern. The following works are most popular among student youth: "J. Sallinger," Above the Cukushkina Nest "," Three Comrades "," Life "by E.M. Remarika and others.

At each age stage, new motives for reading appear in readership in reader's reading, which is due to the contents of the tasks and requirements that the learning-role-playing and solid life position. This is evidenced by changes in genre preferences depending on the training profile. So, for example, students of the humanitarian profile are the greatest interest to foreign classics (54.9%), to the Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature (48%), while students of technical specialties prefer, primarily fiction (51.1%), adventure literature (38.6%), "Fantues" (34.1%) and Russian classics (31, eight %). As for students of the natural science profile, in contrast to the previous category, they put Russian classical literature on the first place, and then adventure literature and fiction.

With age, a young man more felt his connection with the surrounding people, peers and the need to analyze their actions in accordance with accepted standards. Hence the interest in artworks, which are forced to think about important moral problems: 52.9% of students noted that they pay attention to the problems affected in the work, for 70% of respondents, it is very important to read fiction, to be able to think about these issues.

It is worth noting that young people paying a significant part of the time to read fiction, more often show the ability to creative activities in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results of correlation analysis, which make it possible to assert that there is a connection between active reading and creative activity: the desire and ability to write writings, poems, stories, essay (Pearson correlation coefficient R \u003d 0.157, the level of significance p \u003d 0.05).

However, the main purpose of this study was to identify the mechanism for the formation of ideals of young people through fiction. It was shown that this process is carried out not directly, through the imitation of the appearance and manner of the behavior of the hero, and in a hidden, indirect form, by comparing, identifying with the heroes of literary works and their actions in situations similar to their own life circumstances.

Table 1. The results of correlation analysis in terms of reading frequency and creative activity

Most respondents (71.5%) agreed that "reading fiction, a young man compares himself with the heroes of works and thereby forms his own perfect image" At the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that artistic literature does not affect the creation of images and ideals, since, in their opinion, the young man forms his ideal image by other means.

For most survey participants (62.6%) are also important when reading the fiction literature of the coincidence of life situations, events, characteristic features Heroes with their own. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents noted that the behavior of the hero can serve as a personal example. The results of the correlation analysis presented in Table. 2, show that young people for whom behavior literary heroes It can serve as an example, need a positive hero (a positive correlation is revealed R \u003d 0.196 with the level of significance p \u003d 0.01). The presence of a positive hero in the literature is also significant when comparing its own life experience With the experience of heroes literary work (r \u003d 0.158 with a level of significance p \u003d 0.05).

Table 2. The results of correlation analysis in two indicators:

* Correlation is significant at the level of 0.05 (2 sides.);
** Correlation is meaningful at the level of 0.01 (2 sides.);
N - the number of variable values \u200b\u200bused.

Most respondents (84.3%) are peculiar to compare their personal life experience with the experience of the heroes of literary works, of which 70.8% appeal to the experiments of the heroes of favorite books, when the situation described in the literary work is identical to their own life situation. On the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary work can help solve personal problems.

In the course of the survey, part of the respondents noted that among the artistic works read, there are those that allowed them to form some life principles, such as "believing to people as you want to treat you," a person must strive for the better, work Over yourself, reaching the goals, "" bad experience is also an experience "," attitude to life as a great miracle ", etc.

Thus, the results of the study make it possible to conclude that modern young people have an interest in the artistic literature. In addition, many young people have a need for positive heroes where you could navigate in certain life situations. Unfortunately, as the research results have shown, modern domestic literature does not provide young people with a sufficient number of such characters that could perform a role model. Question of development domestic literature, promoting works of domestic authors, increase art level books, stimulating the issue and distribution of social meaningful literature It requires attention from the scientific environment, media and state institutions in order to identify priority areas for the support and development of reading in Russia, including in St. Petersburg.

Pushkin A.V. The effect of fiction on the formation of ideals of modern Russian youth // Social Psychology and society. 2014. Volume 5. No. 2. P. 152-157.


1. Bakhtin M.M. Author and hero: to the philosophical foundations of humanitarian sciences. St. Petersburg., 2000.
2. Lisovsky V.T. Spiritual world and value orientations of young people of Russia. St. Petersburg., 2000.
3. Sichevich Z.V. Youth culture: for and against: notes of the sociologist. L., 1990.
4. Artistic literature. Problems historical Development, functioning and interpretation of text. Sat Scientific Tr. Minsk, 2001.

The problem of youth B. modern literature

The poison of the throat world is incredibly terrible. Poisonment this poison is the plant of all the human in man. This flicker breathing breathe everything that comes into contact with this world.

Varlam Shalamov.

We know what is in the army to be decent. Many guys after the service were morally broken, especially intelligent.

From the letter to the newspaper.

"I have sixteen, I hug a world by loving ..." - wrote the young Volgograd poet, tragically died at 18 years old. I will also soon be 18. Sometimes I feel the immensity of vitality, unfortunate fun and love for the whole world. What does it seem to worry when everything is well in life? Why other times the brutal longing covers me, nothing pleases, life seems to be meaningless? I noticed that most often it happens when in reality or in art I come across new phenomena for me, cruelty, inhumanity.

How to spend time almost most of my peers? They chase to the dies on the motorcycles, preventing resting residents, wanted through the streets, looking for where to drink, or having fun and disgrace on discos. Interestingly, many of my comrades even thoughts do not arise to help their parents. I have nothing to even talk to those who belong to one generation. But most of all I am striking the cruelty of guys and girls. To all: to parents who do not regret at all; to teachers who bring to illness; to the weak, on which they can mock infinitely; To animals.

I reflected a lot about where cruelty comes from and why she often triumphs. Of course, there are many reasons: the war and the revolution of this century, the Stalin camp, through which almost half-stands passed, the craftsmanship and non-trap, even the fact that the school puts for any triple, allowing you to idle. And in recent years, when the facts of abuse of authorities turned out, many of us were completely deliberate.

But in this essay I would like to say about two phenomena and the times of our society, which give rise to cruelty. Many people pass through the colony, and almost everything is through the army. About the zone and army two works of modern literature.

Roman Leonid Gabysheva "Destiny, or the air of Freedom" - a narrative of a teenager, later the young man, Kolya, her nickname, first, Kambala, then the eye, later cunning eyes. If briefly, this is a story about the world where continuous humiliation and violence dominate. "The eye became nemogue. The vice was so sled to the brush that it was laughed in half: the little finger had a nasty finger. It seemed that the hand would break, but the flexible bones were kept.

Eye, but smile. And know: I will slowly compress, while the bones are not chirping or until they confess.

Okay, the eye is enough. Let's go in the evening With you in a stag. Suna your hand, right hand, in the furnace and wait until you confess. "

The worst thing that, on demand, was reflecting the zone (in this case, Kamani) Kolya himself fuss in a vice or applies his head under the blow. Otherwise it will be even worse. You read the novel and understand: a person gets into the colony, and society ceases to defend him. The camp boss pretends to notice anything. No, worse, deliberately uses a part of the prisoners (so-called horns and thieves), which are provided with benefits and relief, so that those kept everyone else in order. "And the order of the Sea-refrain can be causing ... scenes confirming said, in the novel a lot . Here is one. Kolya first days in the zone. Major, nicknamed Rybik, checks his duty. He asks the guy:

Refiscius made?

Kohl was silent. The guys buried.

Made, Comrade Major, - answered Gypsy.

Cyrhel got?

I received, "Kolya replied now.

Which nickname was given?

Kambala, - Misha answered.

What Major smiled with the tsekami, registration and quage, were cruel beating and humiliation, but to this, the people set followed by the correction of prisoners belong as due.

A significant part of the novel consists of similar episodes. What, maybe thanks to the writer, not only a tricky eye, but the reader comprehends what freedom is.

In the story of Sergey Kaltedina "Stroybat" shown several days from the life of military builders who perform the "Honorary Responsibility of Soviet Citizens." This is a team, a kind of landfill, where they gathered a "swing" from many construction cyats. Therefore, the morals here are not so different from the zone, and the same interests. "In short, we went to hell, and got into paradise. Here is the gate, but on the right, two hundred meters, - the store. And in the store - Moldavian, seventeen degrees, two twenty liters. From ten in the morning. Malinnik!"

Law Here: Strong is always worthless to blame! Strengths are grandfathers, weak-Salabons. It would seem that the difference is small: a year earlier came to the service. But it is like skin color or language. Grandparents may not work, get drunk, mock overland. Those must endure everything. Moreover, being separated by the heads, grandfathers manage as slave owners. "At first, Zhenka decided to give Egor to Maksimkaya Costa, yes, and then dressed up with the Paramen, these two. Echorka, except for the main work, Zhenka with Misha Popov, serves: Bed to fill, bring a soldering from the dining room, wash the little things, and Maxim - Kolya, Edik and Old. " The order here also suggests quickly: "Egorka Zhenka processed immediately, he almost did not shit. A couple of times he put the blood slightly, and for some reason the blood is afraid of their blood. And ... with Maksim.

In the story more than once is described as soldiers drink or osculate. The central scenarius is a grand fight between the Rotami. After all the terrible bullying is perceived by the characteristic of Karamychev's costume. For the past eight months, he worked as a loader at the bakery and cradle, which could only. From drunkenness "I did not sink." When, "Broadcast Overseas", got caught, the commander of the dorsman's company "offered a costa to choose from: or he turns the case, or Kostya urgently cleans ... all four detachment sorts". He chose the last, taking, of course, assistants from the young. At the "demobel", this commander gave the crosse the following characteristic: "During the service ... Private Karamychev K.M. manifested himself as an initiative, performing all the statutory requirements of the Warrior ... Morally stable ... Characteristic Dana for presentation to Moscow University ". Well, ready intellectual. Lawlessness, as Zeks say. Now prepare military reform. I'm afraid, however, my peers will not have time to take advantage of it. Perhaps soon I have to go to serve. Do not have to live with guys who are missing for two years human feelings? No, I'm not afraid of physical deprivation. As they say: "It would be glad to serve it sick."

Read both works. They are not too artistic, there are errors against the style and laws of literature. There are no errors against the truth. Writers believe. And you believe in the fact that if we very want, then cruelty will become less.

Tags: The problem of young people in modern literature Composition of literature

Taking any "behavioral decisions", a person is usually focused on some life principles, values \u200b\u200band ideals learned in the process of socialization. Hence the category "Ideal" has a deep social value. Ideals are essentially expressing universal values, organize human activity, affect its spiritual potential and on creative activity, act as an indicator of social maturity. Today, the formation of ideals and value orientations of a young man has an influence of many different factors. There is an opinion that in the information technology society, the role of traditional channels for the formation of ideals, such as a family, school, art, including fiction, gradually loses its meaning, giving way to mass communication channels. Despite this, artistic culture continues to have a significant impact on the inner spiritual world of man. Art and literature are the most important means of self-knowledge, determining value references and preferences in which the worldview of a young man is being formed. Today, people continue to look for answers to questions about the good and evil, justice and the powerlessness, meaning of life and fate. The young man due to its age and psychological characteristics is characteristic of comparing, compare himself with the heroes of works of art, to transfer the events taking place on the stage on the screen or in the book, to dive into the world of illusions created by the imagination of the author. Of particular interest in this plan represents fiction as a special kind of art, where artistic image is not statical, but acts in a certain time and space, thereby sets the behavior models in certain situations. Each hero has a specific picture of the world. A person often evaluates its actions and actions, sometimes not conscious of it, comparing them with those values \u200b\u200bthat the reference hero adheres to. Hence the images created by fiction, can have a direct impact on human life in a particular situation. Thus, fiction is designed to perform a number of functions that allow people to know the world around us, survive certain emotions, get aesthetic pleasure, to get away from reality into the world of imagination, to make experienced experiences of other people by comparing themselves with the heroes of literary works. However, not all of these functions are fully fulfilled. From here there is a problem of the inconsistency of the role that society assigns fiction as a special type of art in the process of forming the moral and aesthetic ideals of the younger generation, and the real place of fiction in the lives of modern youth in the conditions of the diversity of channels broadcasting values \u200b\u200band ideals. The problem of studying the value orientations of young people, as well as factors for the formation of values \u200b\u200band ideals, on the basis of which young people will build their future and the future of the whole country, presents special research socio-psychological interest. In 2010, on the basis of the Department of Sociology and Youth Policy, the Faculty of Sociology Sociology, SPbSU conducted an empirical study on the topic "The role of fiction in the formation of ideals of students of young people in St. Petersburg". Subject of study: Reading self-esteem of students of St. Petersburg, as well as factors affecting the motivation of reading young people. Was delivered target - identify the mechanism of formation of ideals through fiction in the structure of various types of art and leisure youth. Object research Personal schools and universities of St. Petersburg (257 respondents) were performed. The age interval is represented by three groups: 15-17 years, 18-22 years, 23 years and more. Of these - 103 young men (40.1%) and 154 girls (59.9%). Students of various profiles were involved in the survey - humanitarian, technical, natural science. The data obtained during the study make it possible to assert that modern youth retains interest in reading: 82.1% of respondents confirmed that they love to read. At the same time, a third of respondents (29.7%) read constantly, every day; More than half of the respondents (54.7%) read from the case to occasion, not daily; 14.1% read very rarely, no more than once a week; Only 1.6% do not read at all. In the context of this study, fiction is the greatest interest in the point of view of its influence on the formation of ideals of young people. The survey results showed that young people show considerable interest in artistic literature. In the system of other art types, fiction ranks third in popularity after music and cinema. Among the books read over the past six months with high school students, the works of the school course were most often called: "Crime and Punishment" F.M. Dostoevsky, "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy, "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev, "Master and Margarita" M.A. Bulgakov et al. From works that are not included in the program, a large number of works of modern foreign writers were named (Paulo Coelho, Haruki Murakami, Stephanie Meyer, etc.). As for students, they show great interest in the works of Russian classical literature. The list of books read over the past six months, works from the school program on literature (L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", MA Bulgakov "Master and Margarita", M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time", etc.), which may indicate the desire of students to re-read and rethink some works of the school course from the point of view of their new personal positions. At the same time, the respondents were listed by unsolving works of software authors ("Karamazov Brothers" F.M. Dostoevsky, "In the Circle of the First" A.I. Solzhenitsyn, "Turbine Days" M.A. Bulgakov), which indicates the preserved interest in Works of Russian classics. On the other hand, students are exhibiting considerable interest in the works of foreign literature, both classical and modern. The following works are most popular among student youth: "J. Sallinger," Above the Cukushkina Nest "," Three Comrades "," Life "by E.M. Remarika and others. On each age stage, new motives appear in reader's demand for students, which is explained by the contents of the tasks and requirements that the learning-role-playing and solid positions in front of them. This is evidenced by changes in genre preferences depending on the training profile. So, for example, students of the humanitarian profile are the greatest interest to foreign classics (54.9%), to Russian classics (52%) and modern foreign literature (48%), while students of technical specialties prefer, first of all, fiction (51.1%), adventure literature (38.6%), "Fantues" (34.1%) and Russian classics (31.8%). As for students of the natural science profile, in contrast to the previous category, they put Russian classical literature on the first place, and then adventure literature and fiction. With age, a young man more felt his connection with the surrounding people, peers and the need to analyze their actions in accordance with accepted standards. Hence the interest in artworks, which are forced to think about important moral problems: 52.9% of students noted that they pay attention to the problems affected in the work, for 70% of respondents, it is very important to read fiction, to be able to think about these issues. It is worth noting that young people paying a significant part of the time to read fiction, more often show the ability to creative activities in the field of literature. Table 1 presents the results of correlation analysis, which make it possible to assert that there is a connection between active reading and creative activity: the desire and ability to write writings, poems, stories, essay (Pearson correlation coefficient R \u003d 0.157, the level of significance p \u003d 0.05). However, the main purpose of this study was to identify the mechanism for the formation of ideals of young people through fiction. It was shown that this process is carried out not directly, through the imitation of the appearance and manner of the behavior of the hero, and in a hidden, indirect form, by comparing, identifying with the heroes of literary works and their actions in situations similar to their own life circumstances. Table 1. The results of correlation analysis in terms of reading frequency and creative activity * Correlation is significant at the level of 0.05 (2 sides.); N - the number of variable values \u200b\u200bused. Most respondents (71.5%) agreed that "reading fiction, a young man compares himself with the heroes of works and thereby forms his own ideal image." At the same time, 28.5% of respondents believe that artistic literature does not affect the creation of images and ideals, since, in their opinion, the young man forms his ideal image by other means. For most survey participants (62.6%) are also important when reading the fiction literature of the coincidence of life situations, events characteristic of the characteristics of heroes with their own. At the same time, 41.4% of respondents noted that the behavior of the hero can serve as a personal example. The results of the correlation analysis presented in Table. 2, show that young people for whom the behavior of literary heroes can serve as an example, need a positive hero (revealed positive correlation R \u003d 0.196 with a level of importance p \u003d 0.01). The presence of a positive hero in the literature is also significantly in comparison of its own life experience with the experience of the heroes of the literary work (R \u003d 0.158 with the level of importance P \u003d 0.05). Table 2. The results of correlation analysis in two indicators: * Correlation is significant at the level of 0.05 (2 sides.); * Correlation is significant at the level of 0.01 (2 sides.); N - the number of variable values \u200b\u200bused. Most respondents (84.3%) are peculiar to compare their personal life experience with the experience of the heroes of literary works, of which 70.8% appeal to the experiments of the heroes of favorite books, when the situation described in the literary work is identical to their own life situation. On the other hand, 30.1% of respondents believe that no literary work can help solve personal problems. In the course of the survey, part of the respondents noted that among the artistic works read, there are those that allowed them to form some life principles, such as "believing to people as you want to treat you," a person must strive for the better, work Over yourself, reaching the goals, "" bad experience is also an experience "," attitude to life as a great miracle ", etc. Thus, the results of the study make it possible to conclude that modern young people have an interest in the artistic literature. In addition, many young people have a need for positive heroes, which could be navigated in certain life situations. Unfortunately, as the research results have shown, modern domestic literature does not provide young people with a sufficient number of such characters that could perform a role model. The issue of the development of domestic literature, promoting the works of domestic authors, to increase the art level of books, stimulating the issue and dissemination of socially significant literature requires attention from the scientific environment, media and state institutions in order to identify priority areas for the support and development of reading in Russia, including including in St. Petersburg. Pushkin A.V. The influence of fiction on the formation of ideals of modern Russian youth // Social psychology and society. 2014. Volume 5. No. 2. P. 152-157. Literature 1. Bakhtin M.M. Author and hero: to the philosophical foundations of humanitarian sciences. St. Petersburg., 2000. 2. Lisovsky V.T. The spiritual world and value orientations of young people of Russia. SPB., 2000. 3. Sichevich Z.V. Youth culture: for and against: notes of the sociologist. L., 1990. 4. Fiction. Problems of historical development, functioning and interpretation of text. Sat Scientific Tr. Minsk, 2001.

Surname, name, patronymic (full) Smirnova Irina Yurevna

Workplace / Studies MBOU "Novoportovskaya boarding school named after L.V. Laptsuya"

Name municipal Education Name social Point village new port

Today, in the age of computers, superal gadgets, robots, nano-technologies of one of the main problems is the problem of spiritual and moral, aesthetic and patriotic education Youth.

Our society aims young people for success, self-sufficiency, the ability to make money. These are the requirements of a market economy. Media promote norms modern life Inspecifying young people that there are vices like pride, anger, curls, envy, despondency, sarebrobivia, for a damn at all and not sins. As a result, in the process of the formation of a person, we get a person-consumer, absolutely indifferent to someone else's pain, other people's problems, a man, who suddenly forgotten that no wealth would be able to replace honesty, kindness, decency. A modern young man developed in a mental plan, who owns certain scientific knowledge, in spiritual and emotional plan is at the lowest level.

The main goal school Library It is the formation of a thinking and feeling, loving and active person, ready for creativity in any field of life. Moral education The younger generation is the primary task of society, since morality is the highest measure of humanity. School and library must combine efforts in the formation moral values.

I am as a librarian who interests how emotionally young readers perceive the artistic text, how deeply understand it, do literary heroes empathize. The ability of the reader, and even more the more young reader to the experience of joy, anger, sadness is important in the spiritual life of a person. Emotional imagination gives the reader to understand the world of feelings of literary heroes, live their lives with them, to present himself with any character from the book, tear away from reality and survive incredible adventures. Hence the conclusion - reading develops imagination. "The reader lives a thousand lives before dying. A person who never reads is worried only one "(D. Martin).

In our library often pass loud readings with stops for answers to those who arose during the reading artistic work, questions, for discussing the actions of literary characters. And even those guys who do not like to read, are penetrated by interest to the participants of the heroes of the book, to find out that it will be later, as the plot will end.

Of particular interest are books in which the fate of the same adolescents, as well as our dear readers (Zheleznyakov VK "Scarecrow," Caveryin V. "Two Captain"), books about the Great Patriotic War (Kuznetsov A. "Babi Yar "Cassil L." Street junior Son", Baklanov G." Forever nineteen-year-old ", Cherkashin," Doll ", etc.) about friendship and love (Shcherbakova G." You never dreamed, "Grossman D." Whether to run ", Sabitova Dina" Three Your name ", Sheron Drope" Hi, let's talk "), historical stories.

To attract students to reading spiritual and moral literature, book-illustrative exhibitions dedicated to the life of Sergius of Radonezh, Alexander Nevsky, great enlighteners Kirill and Methodius. In the days of the Orthodox book in the library are reviewed conversations, round tables, loud readings of the evangelical themes of Russian writers I. S. Shmeleva ("Summer Lord", "Bogomol"), L. Andreeva ("Hotel"), A. P. Chekhov ("On Passion"), N. S. Leskova ( "Figure"), L. N. Tolstoy ("Candle"), F. M. Dostoevsky ("Boy from Christ on the Christmas tree"),

In our library, as well as in any other, there is a fund orthodox literatureused in exhibition workwhen we are talking On the ethnocultural traditions of the Russian people. And, as you know, the culture of the Russian people is inextricably linked with Orthodoxy. All well-known and celebrated orthodox holidays: Day Nauma Day December 14, January 25 - Saint Tatiana Day, celebrated as Student Day, May 24 - Memorial Day equal to the Apostles Kirill and Methodius, he is the day slavic writing and culture. Always to these holidays are held a number of events at school. These are exhibitions of artistic and Orthodox literature, review conversations, loud readings, quizzes, flash mobs, etc.

The teenage period, according to many teachers and parents, is difficult, critical. Help the teenager to deal with the system of moral values \u200b\u200band ideals, organize your behavior and activity, teach a self-control and responsibility for the results of their actions can help a good book. There are many modern authors, both Russian and foreign writing for teenagers.

Here are some of them: Eduard Verkin "Cloud Regiment"; Olga Gromova " Sugar child"; Vladislav Krapivin "On the night of a large tide"; Tamara Kryukova "Witch"; Mark Levi "Insecurity of Shadows"; Boris Diazov "Look - I'm Rasta"; Nikolai and Svetlana Ponomarev "Are you afraid of darkness?" and "photo on the ruins"; Mikhail Samara "Rainbow for a friend", Evgeny Yelchin "Stalin's Nose"; Tale Boris Balter "Goodbye, boys!". These are the books of modern authors about human lion, moral issues, about understanding the meaning of life, about the experiences of the heroes, their struggle for justice and honesty, their nobility, willingness to come to help their friends and their dedication.

Children's book should give children the hope that everything can be good that there is a good choice. The book helps to figure out where there is good, mercy, compassion, what is repentance and what is a pride, idleness, anger, envy, pride. Find and recommend good book Teenage Task Librarian and Literature Teacher. Heads of reading a teenager can be both reading parents, because they can attach to reading they can with a personal example.

Over the past two or three years, there has been an increased demand for classical literature that is not included in the school curriculum. This is Dostoevsky F.M. "Karamazov Brothers"; Tolstoy L.N, "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection"; Fadeev "Young Guard", Summers "Summer Lord".

And, of course, the works of Pushkin A. S., Lermontova M. Yu., Gogol N. V., Tolstoy L. N., Dostoevsky F. M., Chekhov A. P., Sholokhov M. - allow young reader Not only to recognize the past, but also to worry with the heroes of their books, form views, feelings, character, awaken love for the beautiful, educate the readiness for the struggle for the triumph of good and truth.

Modern teenagers prefer to watch a film shot based on literary works, and not to read the work itself as a lot of time is spent on reading. But the one who read the book did not regret the time spent. Here's what the guys say the books about the war:

"Any book about war teaches us to appreciate life, protect the most expensive, believe, hope. We learn about such qualities as kindness, self-sacrifice, the ability to be friends. Each self-respecting person is obliged to read at least one book about the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945! "

The guys believe that reading books about the war is necessary to every person to know the history of his country, to know which price was paid for the world in which we all live to remember the heroes of the war, about their exploits.

Reading books about war teaches to be humane even in the most difficult and terrible situations, teaches to adhere to their principles to the end, teaches to love, believe, hope, teaches people to unite for one great goal - Pouring.

Nowadays, it is necessary to read books about the war, especially about the great domestic to educate the spirit of patriotism, pride for their country, and most importantly, that the current generation does not forget, thanks to whom it lives on this earth under a peaceful sky. This is not necessarily fiction, but also documentary, reading which allows you to develop your point of view on the events.

Youth reading knowing tradition, the history and culture of their country is high potential for the future of Russia.

Remember, a young citizen,

Book - Growth Vitamin!

Great Russian writer A. M. Gorky wrote: "Everything is a good in life I owe books."

Today, more than ever, it is important to introduce children and adolescents to the world of spiritual values \u200b\u200bof history and culture. Russian classical literature, directed towards harmony and finding the meaning of life, to permit eternal questions, makes it possible to use the richest material for the formation of a person's culture. For example, in a new way to comprehend the essence of human relations and actions help the books "Living" B. Mozhaev, "The usual case" of V. Belova, "Farewell to the Materia" V. Rasputin. They argue the ideals of mind, beauty, harmony, talk about the responsibility of a person for each step on Earth.

Modern youth need to read and read the best of the classics, in order to understand themselves who you are, what you want to achieve. Moral problems Persons are traced in the works of such writers as Chingiz Aitmatov, B. Vasilyev, V. Astafiev, V. Rasputin, Y. Bondarev and many others.

But the most important thing is that the book gives, - wise advice.

Teenager watching thoughts, feelings, experiences and actions literary characters, I study not to make mistakes in your life, trying to take an example only with positive heroes.

Books teach a young generation to reflect, imagine, worry and sympathize. Sometimes they just help them have a pleasant time, and sometimes become indispensable friends and advisors. Books teach properly acting in one situation or another, they seem to ask their readers to be better, help to navigate in life.

An important role in the formation of a teenager is played by books about outstanding People both our country and other countries of the world. The history of mankind for the millennium of its existence has accumulated a lot of life experience, and this experience would be nice to explore our children. A series of books "The Life of Wonderful People" will open the details of the biographies of outstanding personalities.

Reading books about outstanding people helps readers worthy to go in life roads, form their own character, achieve their goal. These books become an excellent motivator for those who met with barriers to the dream. Books are educated by the moral qualities of a person, learn to think and argue, help develop the inner world.

  • The book teaches to think.
  • The book teaches to speak.
  • The book teaches to understand people.

I consider the poems of Vladimir Vysotsky "Ballad about the fight" by the best poems dedicated to children and teenage reading. A summary of ballads in the poem V. V. Radina:

Books teach children

All wisdom of life -

How to be a man

And be the desired depreciation

And how truth from lies

Everyone should distinguish.

How to deal with the enemy

And how evil to win.

I want to finish my reflections in words A. M. Gorky: "Love a book, she will facilitate your life, a friendly will help to understand the Petroy and raven confusion of thoughts, feelings, events. She will teach you to respect the person and himself, she wores the mind and the heart with a sense of love for the world, to man. "


  1. Spiritual and moral education of children and adolescents in modern library / auth. Cost. E. M. Zueva. - M.: Russian School Library Association, 2008. - 336 p.
  2. Kagan M. S. Philosophical theory Values. - St. Petersburg., 1997.
  3. Komensesky Ya. A. On the skilled use of books - the first tool for the development of natural tissues / School Library - 2000. - № 5 - S.58-62

1. Methodological section.

1.1. Relevance of the topic.

1.2. Defining a problem.

1.3. Scientific research topic research.

1.4. Logic analysis of concepts.

1.5. Purpose of the study.

1.6. Tasks for research.

1.7. Object of study.

1.8. Subject of study.

1.9. Hypotheses.

2. Methodology - procedural section.

2.1. Methods for collecting primary empirical information.

2.2. Place, time research. Tools name.

2.3. Characteristics of the toolkit.

2.4. Sample.

2.5. Methods for processing social information.

2.6. Practical significance of the study.


2.7. Questionnaire.

2.8. Work plan for research.

2.9. Bibliography.

3. Analytical section.

1. Methodological section of the program.

1.1. Relevance of the topic.

Currently, all the big scales acquire the problem with the fact that people of different ages, social accessories and nationalities are beginning to read books less and less, because Use mostly only the Internet or listen to music.

Personally, I was advocated to choose from this topic, the fact that all people began to read less and level spoken Speech It gets worse, and some do not even know very well-known writers.

At the moment, the number of people who love to read becomes less and less. This phenomenon is associated with all with great penetration. western culture In our country and with the increasing pressure of it to the consciousness of our compatriots, especially the youth. That is why I am interested in the opinion of people, not so much older than young.

Let my sociological research program be an incentive for all this. After all, it is useful to read various literature, every time you can learn more and more.

1.2 Definition of the problem.

Currently worth huge problem What people do not want to read. I think this is due to the fact that some do not have time, others after work or study are very tired and therefore can no longer read, others prefer the Internet or listen to music.

1.3. Scientific research topic research.

Reader culture of youth: myths and reality.

Anna Akimova

1) respondents answered the question of attitude to school Program on literature. 42% replied that she needs addition to modern literature. In second place, the answer "is collected in it best Literature"- 32.2%. But mostly answered those who still study at school. Those who are already working, which means it has the opportunity to read more for themselves, the attitude towards the school program is very skeptic - 21.1% answered that it needs complete revision.

The most famous modern writers For respondents, Boris Akunin, Sergey Lukyanenko , as well as the authors of ironic detectives. On the question of modern british writer Only 19 people were able to answer, they all called the author of a series of books about Harry Potter (Joan Rolling) . The rest were called either old english writersor and altogether American.

According to the answers of young people, it is clear that they have home libraries: 38.6% answered that they have at home more than 200 books, 43.6% - from 50 to 200 books. But despite this, youth prefers books to read in bookstores (42.9%), in third place after domestic libraries were public libraries (18.7%). Of course, the source of receipt of the book is highly dependent on age: schoolchildren take books in libraries (39.4%), only 2.8% are used among libraries working libraries.

80% of librarians are confident that modern youth reads less than in the 80s and the 90s of the XX century. Although the analysis of sales and activity of readers shows that now young people read more than in the 1990s when sharp social problems pushed the young on the streets, and there were no new famous authorswhich would be "locomotives". Now there are books such as Harry Potter, Coelho books , Lukyanenko, Akunina, attracting young people more and more, and famous ads only incite this interest. Regarding the 1980s, something definite is difficult due to the fact that the official statistics of those years gives very distorted information.

What prevents reading? 45% of respondents answered that television is the most important obstacle to youth reading; More than 50% - which interfere with the Internet and computers. High load at school here also found itself among the leaders - 25% of librarians see this basic obstacle to reading young people.

Visnikina Katya (Source of the "Newspaper Alternative")

Address :

2) Most more popular now is a modern philosophy. It turned out that for the most part, teenagers choose "advertised" authors of philosophical action - Angel de Kutier and Paulo Coelho. Today, the Japanese philosopher Haruki Murakami, Richard Bach, who wrote the famous (and no less complex) "seagull Jonathan Livingston" was also popular. It explained that after the release in 2006, Dan Brown's book "Da Vinci Code", it instantly dares from store shelves, and In the libraries, this book is forever "in the hands." Very fashionable work! In second place is usually fiction. Many young people prefer her. Fantastics can be divided into two branches - these are fantasy (fairy tales) and horrors. The king of horrors is invariably, Stephen King ("The Guy of Colorado"). No matter how scolding King, dear teachers of literature, his books will always be popular, people read them of different ages.
Several inferior to King Ding Kunz is a modern wonderful science fiction writer.
Self readable books - Series about Harry Potter writer Joan Rolling. They are reading everything - from Mala to Great. The topic of the famous fantastic world continues the books of the famous French director Luke Bessenna. Magic Adventures of the Arthur boy even began to be shielded. Unfortunately, only units read books with interest, passion. About 70 percent of schoolchildren take in libraries only school literature and materials for reports. Of classic works Youth prefers "Masters and Margarita." This work entails the younger generation for a long time. And finally, the entertainment literature are magazines. They "divorced" a lot of different. For example, "Yes!", "Lisa", "Glamor". I think that you should not complain about what we have become less. Yes, the facts are very deplorable: 52% of Russians do not buy books at all, 37% do not read them, 79% do not use libraries.

About literary evolution.

Yu. N. Tyanyanov

3) The position of the history of literature continues to remain in a number of cultural disciplines by the position of the colonial power. On the one hand, it largely owns individualistic psychologism (especially in the West), where the question of literature is illegally replaced by the issue of author's psychology, and the question of literary evolution is a question about the genesis of literary phenomena. On the other hand, a simplified causal approach to the literary row leads to a rupture between the point that the literary series is observed is - and they always turn out to be the main, but also further social series, and the most literary nearby. The construction of a closed literary series and the consideration of evolution inside it is based on the case on neighboring cultural, household in wide sense, Social rows and, therefore, is doomed for non-completely. The theory of value in the literary science caused the danger of studying the main, but also separate phenomena and leads the history of literature in the appearance of the "history of the generals". The blind rebuff "History of the General" caused an interest in learning mass literatureBut without a clear theoretical awareness of the methods of studying and character of its value.

Finally, the connection of the history of literature with a pet with modern literature - the relationship is profitable and necessary for science - it turns out that it is not always necessary and beneficial for developing literature, representatives of which are ready to take the history of literature for establishing certain traditional norms and laws and "historicity" of the literary phenomenon are mixed with "Historism" in relation to him. As a result last conflict The desire to study individual things and the laws of their construction in an abathedral plan (cancellation of the history of literature) appeared.

Evgeny Leschinsky (source "Our World")

Address: http: // www. Knigi .ru / Lilit / .html

4) The most difficult question is solved in a similar way, the least studied: about literary genres. The novel, apparently, inside itself, throughout the centuries, the developing genre turns out to be not a single, and variable, with a material varying from the literary system to the system, with a changing method of introducing extrapharic materials into literature, and the most signs of the genre evolve. The genres "Story", "Tale" in the system of the 20s - 40s was determined, as it appears from the very names, other signs rather than here. We tend to call genres on secondary productive signs, roughly speaking, largest. Names "Story", "Tale", "Roman" for us are adequate to determine the number of printed sheets. This proves not so much "automated" genres for our literary system, how much is that genres are determined by our signs. The magnitude of the thing, the speech space is not indifferent sign. In an isolated work system, we are not able to determine the genre and is not able to determine what was called in the 20s of the XIX century or, finally, Fet, was called one not in the fact that during Lomonosov.

On this basis, we conclude: the study of isolated genres outside the signs of the genre system with which they relate is impossible. The historic novel of Tolstoy is not correlated with the historic novel of Zagoskina, and correlates with the modern prose.

Strictly speaking, outside the correlation of literary phenomena and there is no consideration. Such, for example, the question of prose and poetry. We silently consider metric prose - prose and nonmetric vertin - verse, without giving yourself a report in that in other literary system We would be delivered to the difficult position.

But the prose is differentiated, evolving, simultaneously evolving and verse. Differentiation of one correlated type entails or, it is better to say, is associated with differential type differentiation. Metric prose arises (eg, Andrey White). This is due to the transfer of the verse function in the verse from the meter to other signs, part of the secondary, productive: on rhythm as a sign of poems, special syntax, special vocabulary, etc. The function of prose to verse remains, but formal elements, which are performing, - Others.

Further evolution of forms can either for centuries to consolidate the function of verse to prose, transfer it to a number of other signs, or disrupt it, to make insignificant; And just as in modern literature, the correlation of genres (according to secondary, efficient signs) is unimportant, so maybe the period may not be in the work, whether it is written or prose.

Anna Skvortsova

Address: http: // Gazeta. RU /

5) If we agree in the fact that the evolution is a change in the ratio of the members of the system, i.e. the change in functions and formal elements, the evolution turns out to be a "change" of systems. These are shifted from the era to the era, then slower, then jump in nature and do not imply a sudden and complete update and replacement of formal elements, but they suggest a new function of these formal elements. Therefore, the most draining of certain literary phenomena should be carried out according to functions, and not only for forms. Completely non-visible phenomena of different functional systems can be similar to functions. and vice versa. The question is darkened here by the fact that each literary direction In a certain period, it is looking for its reference points in the preceding systems, - what can be called "traditional".

So, perhaps, the functions of Pushkin prose are closer to the functions of the prose of thick, rather than the functions of Pushkin verse to the functions of the imiters in the 1930s and Majkova.

Summary: the study of the evolution of literature is possible only with the attitude towards literature as a series, a system associated with other rows, systems, they are determined. Consideration should go from the constructive function to the function of the literary, from the literary to speech. It should find out the evolutionary interaction of functions and forms. Evolutionary study should go from the literary series to the nearest correcent ranks, and not further, even if the main thing.

The dominant value of the main social factors This is not only not rejected, but it should be found out in full, it is on the issue of the evolution of literature, while the immediate establishment of the "influence" of the main social factors replaces the study of the evolution of literature by studying the modification of literary works, their deformations.

Young people in the new century will read less, do not justify. Young people now read a lot, and on their own, without pressure from school and parents. In the circle of interests of young readers, different genres and authors fall, the book business industry makes it possible to learn more and more new names. It was not affected by reading and from the development of new information technology, while reading competes only television. The reading over the years has become primarily entertainment, to the most popular genre Now they include detectives and fantasy. This is exactly what is disturbing: after all, in the Russian tradition, artistic literature formed for a long time life values And raised the younger generation. Libraries in such a situation should contribute to the development of taste and critical thinking among young readers. Read in our time really prestigious!

1 .four. Logic analysis of concepts.

1.4.1. Interpretation and operationalization of concepts.

Key concepts:

3. Literary genres;

4. Young people.

Theoretical interpretation of key concepts:

1. Books - a selection of sheets of paper, parchment or other sheet material containing in any way moved to them text and / or illustrations, fastened by one edge and protected by the cover. Each side of the sheet in the book is called a page. Sometimes a book is called a large section of the document or literary work. Book recorded in electronic format, It is called an e-book or e-book.

2. The genre is a set of formal and meaningful features of the work. Genres are formed by sets of conditions; Many works use several genres by borrowing and combining these conditions. Possible determinations of the concept of "genre" are sometimes limited to art and culture, especially literature, but the long history of using this concept is also observed in rhetoric. In the studies of the genre, the concept is not compared with the initial value. Rather, all existing works reflect certain conditions, participating in the creation of determining the concept of the genre.

3. Literary genres: epics, drama, soda, elegy, story, story, novel, poem, poem.

The epic - the heroic narrative song.

Drama - the main difference between the drama from other literary genres - the purpose for the scene.

Ode is a solemn pathetic poem. In V - IV centuries. BC. Performed only with music, singing, dancing. IN Ancient Greece Odima glorified sport competitions. IN Ancient Rome Horace separated ODU with music. Big master One was considered in the 16-17 century in France Mahlerbo. At the same time in Russia, Lomonosov, Trediakovsky, Derzhavin were the best in the genre.

Elegy - the genre of lyrics, originated in the 7th century BC in ancient Greece.

Story - that's small form epic prosaic literature.

Tale - ancient genre Russian literature.

Roman occurred by romanesque languages In the ancient and the Middle Ages, but only some features of the modern novel had.

The poem is a variety of the theme of this poetic genre.

The poem is a large form of a lyrol-epic genre, a poetic work with a plot-narrative organization, story or novel in verse. The flourishing of this genre is associated with romanticism. Poems wrote Byron, Shelly, Mitskevich, Pushkin, Lermontov.

4. Youth is a specific socio-demographic physical group, which is characterized by a period of social adaptation, the formation of social maturity and psychological characteristics.

1.5. Purpose of the study.

To identify what kind of literature genres most preferable to young people, since I believe that now in our time it is very important to read.

1.6. Tasks for research.

1) determine the attitude of young people to reading books;

2) to find out the dependence of the choice of book genre from age;

3) identify the dependence of the choice of the genre of the floor of the floor;

4) reveal your favorite books for reading books;

5) Which books are interested in the current youth.

1.7. Object of study.

The object of the study are students of the Day Department of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Moscow, which prefer preference various genres Literature.

1.8. Subject of study.

The subject of the study is genres that students prefer various ages.

1.9. Hypotheses.

  1. Most students believe that reading books is a waste of time. (For verification, a question in the questionnaire number 5 was used).
  2. Than adult man, the more he begins to read scientific books. (A question in Question No. 1 was used to verify.
  3. Girls prefer novels, and young people stories and stories. (A question in Questionnaire No. 3 was used to verify.
  4. Most prefer to read in transport, on vacation, at home, at work and at the university. (For verification, a question in the questionnaire number 11 was used).
  5. Circumstances that prevent reading is the absence of books, time deficit, life cycle Families, interest deficit. (A question in the questionnaire No. 6.7 and 8 was used to verify.

2. Methodical program section.

2.1. Methods for collecting primary sociological information.

Poll in the form of survey.

2.2. Place and time research. Tools name.

Location: Moscow.

Time: November, 2008.

Toolkit: questionnaire.

Trial name: literary literature genres.

2.3. Characteristics of the toolkit.

In total, the questionnaire is 12 questions, including:

1. Content Questions:

1.1. About the personality of the respondent - №1-3.

1.2. On the facts of behavior - №10.

1.3. On the facts of consciousness - №5.

2. Questions in the form:

2.1. Open - № ---.

2.2. Closed - №6,7,8,11.

2.3. Semi-open - №10.

3. Questions about design:

3.1. Linear - No. 1-12.

3.2. Tabular -№ ---

4. Questions filters -№1-12.

5. Questions traps ----.

6. For functions:

6.1 Basic - 10.

6.2 Neznarrow - 2.

2.4. Sample.

This sociological study was attended by 50 people aged 17 to 25 years.

2.5. Methods for processing sociological information.

This sociological study provides a manual method for processing empirical information.

2.6. Practical significance of the study.

This sociological research It has great practical importance. Processed data can be applied as already operating libraries for further development Separate directions or developing absolutely new, previously not attracted attention.

In addition, the results of the study can show what kind of literature genre is most preferable in the Russian Federation.

Attachment 1.


Dear polling member! We appeal to you with a request to express your preference in the literature.

Anonymous survey. The survey results will be used in generalized.

Filling technician: After reading the questions, underline (circle) Answer code that is closest to your personal opinion or write your own option.

2nd year student fu

Trubitsyna Natalia.

1. Your age.

a) younger than 18

b) from 18 to 20

c) from 20 to 23

d) from 23 to 25

2. Your kind of activity.

a) a student who does not work

b) a student working

If your answer b) specify the profession _______________

3. Your floor.

a) Male

b) female

4. Your education.

a) average

b) secondary special

c) incomplete higher

If you answered no, go to question number 12

6. What do you prefer more domestic or foreign literature?

a) domestic literature

b) overseas literature

7. What do you read? (maybe two answers)

a) Classic

b) modern books

8. What genre of the book do you prefer?

a) epic

b) drama (tragedy, comedy)

d) Lyrics (Elegy)

e) story (essay, essay, novel)

e) Tale

h) poem

9. How many usually, in time, are you reading a day?

a) less than an hour

b) from 1 to 3 hours

c) from 3 to 5 hours

d) Other ______________

10. For how much did you read your last book?

a) per day

b) per week

c) for a month

d) Other _________________

11. Where do you usually read? (maybe several answer options)

b) at the Institute

c) at work

d) in public transport

e) on vacation

e) Other ______________

12. If you have a home library?

Thanks for answers!!!
Appendix 2.

Work plan for research.

Name of events Deadlines


Development of the XS program 05.11 – 07.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Development of tools 08.11 – 10.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Development of instructions for organizers and labels 11.11 – 12.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Tooling replication 13.11 -15.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Instructing organizers and abstracts 16.11 – 18.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Collection, processing and preparation of questionnaires 19.11 – 21.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Analysis of the information received, its generalization and display 22.11 – 23.11 Trubitsyn ND ..
Preparation of analytical notes and reports 24.11 - 27.11 Trubitsyn N.D.
Presentations and implementation of the results of the study in practice 28.11 – 30.11 Trubitsyn N.D.

Appendix 3.


1. Reader culture of youth: myths and reality. Anna Akimova.

2. Vishnikina Katya (source "Newspaper Alternative")

3. On literary evolution. Yu. N. Tynyanov.

4. Evgeny Leschinsky (source "Our World") http: // www. Knigi .ru / Lilit / .html

5. Anna Skvortsova http. :// gazeta. . ru /

3. Analytical section.

1. Do youth read (in%):

Conclusion: Young people now read a lot, and independently. Different genres and authors fall into the range of interests of young readers. While reading is only television competition. The reading over the years has become primarily entertainment, the most popular genres now includes detectives and fantasy. This is exactly what is disturbing: after all, in the Russian tradition, artistic literature has formed life values \u200b\u200bfor a long time and raised the younger generation.

2. Choice literary genre, depending on age (in%):

Epics Drama Oh yeah Lyrics Story Tale Novel Poem Poem
<18 0 14 7 0 7 0 36 14 22
18-20 1 17 2 4 13 17 26 13 5
20-23 0 32 0 17 0 17 17 0 17
23-25 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 0 0

Conclusion: the novel, apparently, within himself throughout the centuries by a developing genre, is not a single, but variable, with a material changed from the literary system to the system, with a changing method of introducing extractive speech materials into the literature, and the most signs of the genre evolve. It is most preferable to young people under 18. Mostly, young people aged 18 and up to 25 years are preferred: "Story", "Tale". On this basis, we conclude: the study of isolated genres outside the signs of the genre system with which they relate is impossible.

3. Choosing a literary genre, depending on the floor:

Conclusion: the most difficult question is solved similarly, the least studied: about literary genres.

The fact is that the prose and poetry relate between themselves, there is a mutual function of prose and verse. The function of verse in a certain literary system was performed by a formal meter element.

From the table it is clear that young people love poems, and girls of novels.

4. Most preferred readers:

5. Which books prefers the most young people:

Conclusion: now such modern books like "Harry Potter", books Coelho , Lukyanenko, Akunin, attract young people more and more, and famous filmms only incite this interest, foreign literature also enjoys success.

General conclusion.

In the course of the study, many hypotheses have been proven, some are refuted.

According to the results, we can conclude that many students love to read, others do not like.

Most students read in a public place, along the way from the Institute or to the Institute, it turns out that in the subway and in buses.

The fact is that the prose and poetry relate between themselves, there is a mutual function of prose and verse. The function of verse in a certain literary system was performed by a formal meter element.

The novel, apparently, inside itself, throughout the centuries, the developing genre turns out to be not a single, and variable, with a material varying from the literary system to the system, with a changing method of introducing extrapharic materials into literature, and the most signs of the genre evolve.