Scenario of extracurricular activities in literature. Extracurricular event on literature: "Modern literature: read or not"

Scenario of extracurricular activities in literature. Extracurricular event in literature:
Scenario of extracurricular activities in literature. Extracurricular event on literature: "Modern literature: read or not"

Extracurricular occupation on literature on the topic: in the magic world of literature

Author: Kirilicheva Nadezhda Grigorievna, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature MKOU "Rogozhinskaya Oosh" Mikhailovsky District Volgograd region

Extracurricular literature

Subject: In the magic world of literature.
It is recommended to teachers, educators to work with children 6-8 classes.
Purpose: Develop Communicative Student Skills, creative imagination.
Tasks: show the beauty, expressiveness, the observance of the Russian language, to form a public speech skills, educate the feeling of patriotism, aesthetic taste, interest in Russian literature, the ability to navigate the world in the world of literary works and heroes, correction and development of oral speech abilities, cognitive activity.
Equipment: cards with verses, with a description and words of heroes, with a table for drawing up words (K-K), envelope + letter (2 pcs.), Laptop, projector for presentation, exhibition of drawings and books.

Travel course:

1. Not a tree, but with leaves.
Not a shirt, but stitched.
Not a man, but tells. What is it? Right. This is a book.
- The book helps learn a lot of new and interesting. Books teach us good and wisdom. Books allow you to find new and faithful friends.
Today we will check your smelter, erudition and literacy.
1.Linguistic warm-up.
- Letters built for roll call. (alphabet)
- Hunting to other people. (Mole)
- Stationery "Prash". (button)
- Home porthole. (Window)
- part of the person who is sometimes hanging. (Nose)
- Egg in geometry. (oval)
- It's time, which in September there is "Babiy." (summer)
- Green, from which "flies do". (yearning)
- Alien, where the stones throw, but do not let goat. (garden)
- A complex of funds, with which from Baba-Yaga, you can make Vasilisa beautiful. (Cosmetics)
(It takes out items when the audience guess them by description)
1. Behind them went Hercules in Gardens Geversch. It also became the subject of discord between the hero, Athenium and Aphrodite. When closely, he has no place to fall. What do you think it is for the subject? (Apple)
2. It happens the urgent, and is someone else's; sometimes interrupted from it to kvass; And he is friends with salt. What is it? (bread)
3. The name of the Apostle Peter translated from the Hebrew indicates exactly what lies in this box. It is the cornerstone, and happens - stumbling. A bad man wears his sinus. In the dispute braid can find it. (a rock)
4. It is very small, but with its help you can interrupt the life of one influential, distinguished by its excessive impact of Mr. A stupid person will look for her among the beveled herbs, and the one who is very worried will sit on them. What is this subject? (needle)
5. It needs to eat 16.36 kg to find out a person better. Long ago she was almost on gold weight. It was placed by guest directly in the existence. If the guest was respected, then put it a lot of it, and if not, did not put it at all. What is this edible product? (salt)
6. It has a strange ability to ignite on who participated in theft. It can be removed, breaking, grab into a shock. They can even thwart! Without it, it is not to do in ordinary life, given the features of our climate. And for fabulous heroes, it is often invisible. And what is this required subject? (cap)
7. It can sometimes rush to the throat and get stuck in it. Contradictions are woven into it. And in folk tales, he indicates the path of Ivan-Tsarevich. What is this folk assistant? (clew)
8. He can beat, and can open. It can be wet, and maybe dry. Sometimes it is only a means for a raying or understanding of something. What is in the "black box"? (key)
9. It can be placed on a waterfowl, but everything will be unsuccessful. It can be thrown in a step and wear in Sweat. You can hide the ends into it and led along it. It happens dead and in Kisel. And if you do not want to answer my question, you can dial it in your mouth. But in your own interests answer. What is it? (water)
10. When his whole vessel, then are, they are not afraid of this word, pests who are willing to spoil him, adding there at least a little bit of bitter and inedible. (honey)
3. "Read the poem"
(Properly laying the string by adding the right word, participants should read quadruses)
I love a thunderstorm at the beginning ...
Dinged with snow, for sure ......
And he brought himself, shifting her eyes: "Guys, not .................. .. for us!"
The wind on the sea walks and the boat ................
Evening, you remember, the blizzard ......... on the muddy sky of the midst
And marching important, in calm the fucking horse leads under the coziness .............
And you are friends like everyone else in the musicians not ...............
We are free birds, it's time, brother, it's time to where whites for a cloud ...............
The lamb on a hot day came to the stream ................
And the Lark is just ...................... /
4."Make a word"
1. Fist 2. Cun 3. Culb 4.Kourk.Klerk 6.Ancack 7.Kabak 8.kotik 9.Comok 10.Kushak
11. Cube 12.cons 13.kat 14.kayyak 15.Kadyk 16.kulok
5."Find out the hero, author, work"
(I solve the riddles of literary heroes. In music, the film from the movie was determined by the work)
Tales of Pushkin, "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Dubrovsky", "Misel", "Night before Christmas", "Taras Bulba", "Lessons of French", "Children of Captain Grant."
6."Without phraseologism and we are not talking about"
Shooting words! (Presentation)
- the friendly of these two guys
You won't find in the world.
They usually say:
("Water do not overcome")
- We proceeded by the town
Literally (along and across).
- And so we are tired on the road,
That barely (finished legs).
- Fake, confused words.
Sing (who is in the forest, who is on firewood).
What does this mean? (Presentation)
- led behind the nose - deceive
- insert sticks in the wheels - interfere
- in Held Mittens - Strictly
- Loose the nose - be proud of, to be accommodated.
- Far and far away - for raid lands
- Run very quickly - begging
- work very well - drizzling sleeves
- I have not seen me for a long time - how old is how many winters.
(Children are distributed cards with a description, phrases of heroes of literary works. They read, the rest should call the name of the hero) (presentation)
"I - Odikmantyev Son, I sit on the oak, withered - when I want" (nightingale-robber)
"On nine heads, a horse stumbled under it" (miracle yudo)
"Morals of meekly, and the bridegroom turned her ..." (Tsarevna)
"He took two cocks, gave them a friend about each other, so they didn't fight anymore" (Gerasim)
"Invested a gun in his ear and fired" (Dubrovsky)
"In large mittens, and myself with marigolds" (Vlas)
"There are no brothers with me, there is still no father and year" (lamb)
"The hair is hidden, buttons are not, and the Owner is old" (Left -sha)
"I don't want to be a free queen, I want to be a Ladyman of the Marine" (old woman)
"He was wounded in battle, and everyone considered a duty to feed him" (horse)
8."A few more words ..."
- Who was the creator of the first Slavic alphabet?
a) Boris and Gleb
b) Cyril and Methodius
c) minin and fire
d) Chuk and Gek
- Did you know that the most concise correspondence in the world took place between the French writer Viktor Hugo and the publisher of his book "Rejected". Hugo sent a letter to his publisher, where was just "?". What did the writer in response?
a) blank sheet of paper
b) empty SMS
c) "ё"
d) "!"
"So the writer learned that his book was gaining great interest among readers.
9. "Smile"
- Onegin liked Bayron, so he hung it over the bed.
- With M.Yu.Lermontov I met in kindergarten.
- The writer in his works shows us a simple language.
- Moumu pressed against the wall when the lady came up and scolded his teeth.
"The fighters regretted hungry children and gave them cans.
- on the belt Taras Bulba held the cradle, a gun and a mustache.
- I hope that you do not admit such mistakes in your speech, but try to make it interesting, bright and expressive. Read books, they will help you. To new meetings!
This development contributes to the development of intellectual, creative sphere.

MBOU "Zolotoginskaya SOSH"

Extracurricular Event on Literature

for 6, 7 classes

"The book is a great thing ..."

prepared teacher

russian language and literature

Kuzmina Valentina Fedorovna

year 2013

"The book is a great thing ..."


integ children with reading books, expand the horizons and vocabulary of students;

provide students with the opportunity to reveal their abilities; develop thinking, memory, ability to use previously obtained knowledge;

to form the ability to work in a team, be responsible to the members of the team.

Both from kopecks are made up rubles and

from the grains read knowledge is drawn up.

V. I. Dal.

Advanced homework:

each team should prepare

1) Representation of the literary hero (suit + phrase),

2) Literary Crossword for its competitors.


1) 2 teams consisting of students from grades 6 and 7 participate in the game;

2) for each right answer of the jury (2 student grade 9) awards 1 point, the team gets a token - the key of knowledge; For the presentation of the literary hero - 2 points.

Event flow

Teacher: I am glad to welcome you here, and today we will hold an event dedicated to the book. A. Blok said: "The book is a great thing while a person knows how to use it." To begin with, I would like to introduce you to the story of the book.

1 Host: Book is a periodic publication in the form of a refreshing sheet of printing material, a means of mass, scientific and technical information. One of the oldest forms of the book is a scroll (6 - 3 millennium BC, later replaced by the Code). The main material for the manufacture of books: Initially - Papyrus, from the 2nd century BC - Parchment and from the 13th century (in Europe) - paper.

2 Host:

In the ancient world in the Middle Ages, the books were reproduced by rewriting. The first printed book is the text reproduced by the xylographic way (the image was obtained with a flat wooden printed form) in Korea (704-751). The typography emerged in China (11th century), in Europe, printed books appeared in the middle of the 15th century (the creator of Johann Guttenberg, 1456).

1 contest. "Blitz-Intellect"

List all the proverbs and sayings about the books known to you.

(The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comfort.

Not everyone who reads in reading the power knows.

One book is a thousand people teaches.

Book book, and with your mind move.

Who reads a lot, he knows a lot.

Mind without a book, like a bird without wings.

In vain work without a hook and learn without a book.

I read the new book - met with a friend (whale).

Gold is mined from the ground, and knowledge from the book.

The book is for the mind that warm rain for shoots.)

2 contest. "It's elementary"

    The title page is ... (Beginning of the book).

    The bookmy is a person ... (loves books).

    Notes, literary memories of ordinary events made by a contemporary or participant of these events (memoirs).

    An old manuscript in a binding, replacing a scroll (code).

    The creator of the first library in Russia (Yaroslav Wise, 1037).

    In the 15th century, the first printed book appeared in Europe. Who is her creator? (Johann Guttenberg.)

    In 1564, Ivan Fedorov published the first printed book in Russia. What was it called? ("Apostle".)

    Number of copies of the book released by the publisher (circulation).

    What is the name of the training subject, allowing to think deeply, be able to reason, ask questions and just helping to live? (literature)

    What did the pahahar called in ancient Russia? (Ostay)

    The robber who killed people with the sound of his voice, defeated a man, barely learned to walk. Name their names (nightingale-robber and Ilya Muromets).

    I. I. Pushchin recalled: "My friend, the famous poet and writer, was a nickname French." How is the name of this writer? (A. Pushkin)

    Which of the Russian poets called the winter "Chargeo"? (F. Tyutchev)

    Name the subject that Geclberry Finn, having fun, was spinning on his head on his head? (Duffle Cat)

3 contest. "Continue"

Representatives of teams and pull tickets. It is necessary to continue the poem of at least 1 quatrain. Name the poem and the author.

1. It's time, beautiful, wake up ... (A. Pushkin "Winter Morning.")

2. Under it is a jet of light lazuri ... (M. Lermontov "Sail".)

3. Who drives you: the fate of Lee ... (m. Lermontov Tuchi.)

4. Yes, do not Roby for the depletion of the kind ... (ruled enough Russian people, / made this road to Iron - / will lead everything that the Lord either send! N. Nekrasov "Railway".)

4 Competition. "Where is the proverb"

Commands must determine the proverb appeared from which source.

1. The poor is lucky (from the fairy tale "Fox and Wolf").

2. The strong is always powerless to blame (from the Basnie "Wolf and Lamina").

3. And Vaska listens yes eats (from the Basnie "Cat and Cook").

4.An WHO and now there (from the Basnie "Swan, Pike and Cancer").

5 Competition. "Library"

Each team receives a list of works. Need to sign the author.

Demianova Ear (I. Krylov.)

"Night before Merry Christmas" (N. Gogol.)

"Horsepointhmia" (A. Chekhov.)

"Baryshnya-peasant woman" (A. Pushkin.)

"Three palm trees" (M. Lermontov.)

"Grandfather" (N. Nekrasov.)

"Black chicken, or underground residents" (A. Pogorelsky.)

"Frost, red nose" (N. Nekrasov.)

"Sleeping Tsarevna" (V. Zhukovsky.)

"Enchanted place" (N. Gogol.)

"Lessons of French" (V. Rasputin.)

"Surgery" (A. Chekhov.)

6 competition

Determine the work and name the author on the set of heroes:

1) Mirror, boy, girl, troll; (H. Andersen "Snow Queen")

2) janitor, Castelian, Tatyana, Baryn; (I. Turgenev "Mumu")

3) grandfather, grades, witch, cards; (N. Gogol "Missing Grand")

4) Robber, Crash, Veresky, Bear; (A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky")

5) Alexander Pavlovich, Count Kisellevode, fees; (N. Leskov "Levsh")

6) Dead, Count Kleinmich, road, hunger. (N. Nekrasov "Railway")

7 Competition. "Restore the proverb in 2 words" (proverbs are written on the signs).

For example: The case is idleness (a small thing is better than a big idleness).

1) barks - biting (on a bold dog barks, and cowardly biting);

2) Hands - boredom (do not sit back, it will not be boredom);

3) Labor - laziness (man's work feeds, and Linen spoils);

4) Motherland - to stand (Motherland - Mother, able to stand for her);

5) a penny - ruble (penny ruble eats);

6) it will appear - it will respond (as it will appear, it will respond);

7) silver - gold (word - silver, and silence - gold);

8) Pen - ax (which is written in pen, you will not cut off the ax).

8 Competition. "Restore the rhyme structures":

1) will allow, after the stream, I will do it.

(When the light wolf will allow

I dare me to convey that below in the stream ...)

2) In the window, one, yours, spit.

(Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,

As if she conceived one thing ...)

9 Competition. The game "Burim" (the word French, translated "rhymed ends"). The game is to write verses to the specified rhymes:

…a business

... Class



For example: our Petrusha knows the case.

Although ask the whole class.

Twenty Sandwiches

For one eats time.

10 Competition. "Crossword"

Teams must solve the literary crossword, which they have prepared competitors. Time is 10 minutes.

For viewers at this time, a competition "What growth ..."

1) What growth was A. Pushkin, if the brother of Poet Lev Sergeevich recalled: "He was small in height (it was with a small 5 versh) ..."? (As of course, of course, Lev Pushkin did not mention 2 ARSHIN, because in the old days it was made to mark the increase in the number of tops over 2 Arshin; Arshin - 71.12 cm, the heap - 4.45, i.e. 165 cm.)

2) What growth was the main character of the story "Muma" - Gerasim, if I. Turgenev writes that it was a "man of 12 heights"? (196 cm)

11 Competition. "Find out the hero" (homework).

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

List of used literature

1.Zhirenko O.E., Savchenko E.V., Lobacheva S.I. World of Holidays, Show and Quiz: 5 - 11th Class. M.: LLC "5 for knowledge", 2008.

2. Malyugina V.A., Black O.G. Game lessons on literature: Grade 6. M.: Vako, 2009.

3. Music work in Russian lessons. 5 - 11 classes. Authors-compilers: Sulitskaya N.M. and others. Volgograd: Teacher, 2011.

Қазақstan republicasy bіlіm әне ғЛюм

Shyғysh қазақstan baldnessң Білім BERE BASARMASA

"Deep Agrarles College" KMM

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Department of Education of the East Kazakhstan region

KSU "Devo Agricultural College"

Subject: Rows, laid war»

Prepared: russian language and literature teacher

Legostiev E.I.

p. Belustovka

2018 year

Open extracurricular event on literature

Subject: Poetry of the period of the Great Patriotic War. " Rows, laid war»


Educational: to introduce students to the heroic pages of Russian poetry, show the meaning of the literature during the Great Patriotic War;

Developing: develop the skills of the ability to analyze; expressive reading; Improving the monologic speech of students, the skill of independent training of an individual message on a given topic, the skill systematize materials on the topic, to generalize, allocate the main thing, formulate conclusions;

Educational: the upbringing of patriotism, the feelings of pride for the heroic past of the country.

Event form: oral magazine.

Equipment: Exhibition of books and pych collections about the Great Patriotic War; Song records about war; Installation of portraits and photographs of military prose; Projects of students on the topic "Song of the War"

Epigraph: War - tough there is no word,

War - sad there is no word,

War - No Words

In longing and glory these years,

And we have another

Still can not be no ...


Event flow:

Lead 1. : Today we gathered with you in this room to once again talk about the Great Patriotic War, about the Great Victory. And we will talk about her in a wonderful language, in the language of poetry. It seems that war and poems are incompatible things, but it is not. From the very first days of war and to the very victorious May 1945, and before this day the poets wrote and write about the war. And this is amazing poems - piercing, tragic and very honest.


Lead 2. : We open our oral literary log first page: History (8 minutes)

Lead 1. : Memory ... She returns us to anxious dawn on June 22, 1941. Four distant years, 1418 days, walked on our land the most bloody and terrible war in the history of mankind.

Lead 2. : On June 22, 1941, at 3 o'clock 15 minutes in the morning, German troops crossed the border of the Soviet Union. It was a deadly avalanche perfectly trained, disciplined German soldiers. They already captured Europe. 190 divisions, about 5 thousand aircraft, over 3 thousand tanks - all this was moving to our land.

Lead 1. : "Russia must be eliminated," Hitler announced at a meeting at his rate on August 1, 1940. And on May 12, 1942, I clarified: "The goal of my east policy is to settle this territory at least 100 million people of the German race."

Lead 2: Peaceful Soviet work the people were broken, the Great Patriotic War began. Over our homeland hung a formidable danger. The whole country rose to the great liberation struggle against the fascist invaders.

Lead 1. : "The Great Patriotic War - wrote G.K. Zhukov, was the largest military collision. It was a nationwide battle against an evil enemy, which has encroached the most expensive, which only has Soviet people. "
Lead 2. : War brought our country a lot of grief. She ruined hundreds of cities and villages.

Lead 1. : War brought a lot of grief. But our people won. Won because he showed a lot of excerpts, courage and courage. Won because he could not not win. It was a fair war for happiness and peace on Earth.

Lead 2. : The word for congratulations is provided by the Deputy Director for UVS Hilkevich N.V.

Lead 2: 2nd page of our magazine: Poetic notebook.

Lead 1. : The literature was first responded to the call of the party and the government. For the first time in history, the judgment was refuted that when the guns say, the muses are silent. The war has become for the writers "not material for books, but the fate - the people and their own." From day one, they felt "mobilized and designed."

Lead 2. : The poetic word sounded on rallies and meetings, poems could be seen almost on every printed page. The poets became propagandists of combat experience, army agitators. They wrote about what they saw and what they felt.

Lead 1: The poems of the first weeks of war are a formidable speech, open publicism, extremely harsh intonation, but the farther, that confessional, they become more lyrical.

The most strongest were poems K. Simonov "You remember, Alyosha", "Roads of Smolensk region" and "Wait for me."

Lead 2: That's how the poet himself told the history of the appearance of this poem:

Lead 1. : "Wait me" - a deeply personal poem, I didn't intend to print me. In December, forty-first year, arriving from the front, I went to see Peter Nikolayevich Pospelov (the responsible editor of the Truth). In a conversation, he asked if I had any poems for "truth." I had nothing suitable. There is, however, one poem, I said, but it is intimate ... "The poem printed in the newspaper for another day responded in the hearts of millions.

Expressive reading poem "Wait for me". (SHTYMETS E.Group P1-17)

Song "Wait" (SHTYMETS)

Lead 1: During the war, many and many, opening their personal, personal, individual, at the same time have experienced them with the country and her people. So recovered broken before the connection.

On August 25, 1941, returning from Anna Akhmatova, P. N. Luknitsky records in his diary: "She lay - sick. I met me very friendly, her mood is good, with visible pleasure she said that he was invited to perform on the radio. She is Patriot, and the consciousness that now she is soul with everyone, apparently, very encouraging it. "

Lead 2. : The courageous lines of Anna Akhmatova expressed the feelings of the fighting people, hatred for the enemy, the willingness to die for their homeland. They found their place in battle rank. These are her poems such as "courage", "oath", "winners" and others.

Expressive reading of the poem "Courage" Akhmatova (Levchenko C, group M-17)

Lead 1: "I was smelled to the chinel and tightly sewed." These words of Khalimat Bayramukova can be attributed to all eight hundred thousand girls and guys who have made along with men to protect their homeland. In seventeen years in the first month of war, the volunteer went to the front Edward Asadov.

Lead 2. : After a short study in September 1941, as part of the 4th Guards artimetic shelf gave the first volley on the enemy from the famous Katyusch. In the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol on May 4, 1944, he was seriously injured. Then the hospital and 26 days of struggle between life and death and the verdict of the doctors: "Everything will be ahead. Everything except the light."

Edward Asadova's poem "Letter from Front". (audio recording)

Lead 1: How many of them, those who left without fucking, not telling anything. War is death. And for the right to talk on behalf of the warring people, poetry paid the lives of his children. Let's remove their memory and the memory of all the defenders of the Fatherland who did not return from the bloody fields, a minute of silence.

(Minute silence)

Lead 2: During the war, the pen was equated to the bayonet. Poetry put on the front overcoat and stepped into the burning of the battle. 1215 writers went to the front, every third died. These are big losses. Maybe they would be smaller, but very often the writers had to be engaged not only by their direct responsibilities (however, bullets and fragments bombs did not spare anyone): Many were in the ranks - fought in the infantry parts, in the militia, in the partisans.

The song "Finished Fight" (Ivanov)

Lead 1. : Page 3: Poems that have become songs.

( Work in groups: Song view. It may be singing under the guitar, and listening to the phonogram, and drawing.Z. atham listening stories about the fate of songs.)

Lead 2. : From the first day of the Great Patriotic War to a victorious festive salute, the song has always been with a soldier. She helped him overcome the difficulties and deprivation of front-line life, raised the warriors of warriors, ragged them. As a faithful friend, she did not leave the front-line in a minute of sadness, shershed the separation with her beloved, with relatives and friends. She walked with a soldier into battle, poured into him new forces, courage, courage ...

Lead 1. : Songs of the military years are very diverse in nature: heroic and comic, combat and lyrical ... They spread very quickly, passed from the mouth to the mouth, often flew through the front line, penetrating into the deep rear of the enemy, in the partisan dugouts. These songs are:

Slide: List of songs about war:

    A. Novikov "Roads"

    A. Alexandrov "Sacred War"

    K. Sheets "in the dugout"

    E.Kolmanovsky "Alesha"

    V.Muradel "Buchenvald Nabat"

    D.Tukhmanov "Victory Day"

    I. Frenkel "Cranes"

    N. Bogoslovsky "Dark Night"

    M. Blanter "Katyusha"

    A. Novikov "Darkovanka"

    "Blue scarf"

Lead 2. : Groups prepared reports of these songs. Let's give them the word. (Regulation 2 minutes)

1 group (TM-17) represents the song "Sacred War" (during the performance by the background sounds the song "Sacred War")

The history of creating one of the most famous songs of the Great Patriotic War is interesting - "Sacred War". On June 24, 1941, the newspaper Izvestia and the Red Star published a poem V. I. Lebedeva-Kumacha, who began words: "Get up, the country is huge, get up for the death fight ..."
STI the drive in the newspaper read the head of the red-known ensemble of the song and dance of the Red Army A. V. Alexandrov. It made such a strong impression that he immediately sat down for the piano. The next day, coming to the rehearsal, the composer announced:
- We will learn a new song - "Sacred War".
He wrote in chalk on a stylistic board of the word and notes of the song - there was no time to print! - And singers and musicians rewrote them into their notebooks. Another day - at the rehearsal with the orchestra, and in the evening - the premiere in the Belarusian station, a nodal point, from where in those days went to the front of the combat echelons.
Immediately after a tense rehearsal, the ensemble group went to the Belarusian station to perform in front of fighters leaving for the forefront. The view of the station was unusual: all the premises to the refusal filled with the military, as they say, there is nowhere to fall apple. At all new, not yet fitted outfit. Many have already managed to get rifles, machine guns, sapper blades, gas masks, in a word, everything that the front-line is relied.
In the waiting room, it was incomplete from freshly sungled platform boards - a kind of pop for a speech. The artists of the ensemble rose to this exaltation, and doubt involuntarily originated: is it possible to act in such an atmosphere? In the hall - noise, sharp commands, sounds of radio. The words of the lead that announces that the song "Sacred War" will be performed for the first time, drown in general hum. But the hand of Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrova rises, and the hall gradually subsides ...
The excitements were in vain. From the first clocks, the song captured the fighters. And when the second verse helped, an absolute silence came in the hall. Everyone stood up as during the exercise of the hymn. Tears are visible on harshs, and this excitement is transmitted to performers. They also have tears in their eyes ... Song subsided, but the fighters demanded a repetition. Again and again - five times in a row! - Sang an ensemble "Sacred War".

Group 2 (F-17) represents the song "Katyusha".

The name of Mikhail Vasilyevich Isakovsky (1900-1973) is widely known in our country: after all, millions of people sang "gives him an order to the West ...", "in the forest is a front-line ...". The poet folded his songs from surprisingly simple words, who managed to convey and joy, and the mountain of their people, and these words were truly popular songs. Among them, a special place belongs to Katyusha. For more than 60 years she sings her country. And not only our. Moreover, when at one of the international festivals in Zagreb, "Katyusha", Yugoslav began to say quite seriously that it was their song and sang she allegedly in Serbia and Croatia at the time of the past war. This is what popularity the girl won, having sent her hello "Fighter on the Far Border".

The poem "Katyusha" was written in 1938. And the song it became the following - 39th. Its appearance was at that time it was not random. The poetry of those years experienced the state of the approaching military thunderstorm. It turned out to be fused the best song quality: the musicality of the verse and the simplicity of the plot, close and clear to many: the appeal of the girl to the beloved, complete care for him.

Isakovsky did so that the poems became "their", intimate for millions of people. And this is the perception of "Katyusha" by the people of something, personal, sincerely became the cause of an amazing phenomenon - the birth of many new arrangement songs.

On Hi-message of the girl, the border guard fighter followed the songs of the same responses from the border chopping. In them, the warriors turned to girlfriends, real or imaginary.

The song has become an event in a musical life. Millions of people perceived the heroine of the song as a real girl who loves the fighter and is waiting for an answer. She wrote letters.

During the war "Katyusha" introduced himself in a new capacity, she "fell" by gun volley. The beautiful name "Katyusha" dubbed the weapon, which was horrified on the enemy.

Her military journey began in Belarus, under Orsha, i.e. Next door to Smolensk countrywood, July 14, 1941. The first volley from BM-13, nicknamed by Katyushami, gave the battery of Captain Fedorov. The War was "Katyusha", "Transferring Flame Greetings" by the enemy, as soldiers joked. And they composed their continuation of the song.

I turned rare, and everyone sing in different languages. This song served as a kind of youth password around the world at international festivals, and by the past summer of 1985 in Moscow, the 12th World Festival of Youth and Students was decided to create a souvenir in honor of her. The numerous guests of our capital met a pretty, having fun smiling, a friendly girl with a gentle and acquaintance to everyone, sought the name Katyusha. Like the famous Olympic Bedside, she became the famous planet. And, of course, a wonderful song sounded everywhere.

Performance of the song "Katyusha".

3 Group (M-17): Song "Dugout".

The most popular on the front were love songs. That this was exactly the case, the fate of "dugouts" Alexey Surkov is convincing.

For his long literary life, the poet wrote quite a few songs and poems. But the "dugout" and now worries the soul and artist, and the listener. The secret of her extraordinary song success maybe, just that she did not write for singing. And it was not intended for publication at all. This letter, private, personal, intimate letter to your beloved woman.

The poet himself recalled this as follows: "It was not going to be a song. And did not even claim to become a printed poem. It was sixteen "homely" lines from the letter to his wife. The letter was written at the end of November 1941, after one very difficult front-day front day under ISTROW, when we had to night, after a hard battle, make your goal from the environment with the headquarters of one of the Guards regiments. "

As you can see, this is not just a letter. It was written immediately after death was probably closer than four steps. Maybe because death retreated, the poet so grateful to life. For the fact that it is, for this crackling fire in the dugout, for a smallest tear, for friends playing harmony, and for the lightest feeling, overwhelming the heart with tenderness and sadness, anxiety and warmth. And he hurries to tell his beloved "about his negascique love" and those thank her and the life itself, the fate itself.

Once in a situation in which there were hundreds of thousands of soldiers almost every day, Surkov said that he would like to say every soldier. Therefore, the "dugout" immediately recognized the front-line.

Even before the well-known music is written by all the music by composer by Constantine Least, the soldiers themselves began to pick up the melody to love words. The text "dugouts" corresponded to the notebooks. And soon the soldiers began to send the poetic letters home, in which intonation was easily recognized, individual words, and sometimes whole stanzas "dugouts". And then these songs, composed by soldiers on the motive of "dugouts," began singing.

They did not remain indifferent to the poetic messages from earthlings and trenches and those for whom they were composed - wives and brides of warriors. In post-war folklore compilations published hundreds of replies to "dugout". In these responses that women sent to the front, the words of support, tender love, the desire to encourage her beloved, strengthen his strength.

Execution of the song "Dugout".

4 Group: Song "Blue Pockets".

Happy and unusual fate at the song "Blue Pockets": She was born twice. In 1939, for the first time it sounded its imperious melody. Participants of the popular Polish pop-up team "Blue Jazz" arrived in the Soviet Union. In the spring of 1940, the ensemble toured in Moscow. His concerts took place in the Hermitage Garden. On one of them visited the poet and playwright Yakov Markovich Galitsky.

A few days later, the premiere of the song "Blue Platles", accompanied by "Blue Jazz", sang Solist Stanislav Lyandau. Among the numerous improvisations of the composer and the pianist jazz orchestra, Jazz Petersburg, who sounded at the concert, one particularly liked Jacob Markovich Galitsky. During the concert, he contacted the melody favored. Words about the girl's blue handkerchief filled it with a new meaning, as if inhaled life. After the concert, the poet got acquainted with the composer, showed him the sketch of his poems. Jerzy Petershoban Stanislav Lyandau.

In the first months, a strange and unexpected metamorphosis occurred with the songs with the songs: peaceful, pre-war, they became the first military, found a second, who did not exist before the sense that became the main thing. Talking about love and loved ones, about separation and meetings, about the hometown and Russian nature, they sounded like stories as a reminder of those peaceful days, that peaceful life, for whose return was waged, for which soldiers fought and sacrificed their own lives.

Newly born, the songs helped to fight. They became a symbol and a kind of key to the fact that peaceful time returns that it should be returned, the estimate of the invaders from the native land. Remembering about this time, Poet Alexei Surkov wrote: "From the first days of the war, it became audible that next to the forged rows" the War of the People's Holy, Holy War "goes" in the soldier's heart, the silent lyrical words "Celente's modest screech" are warm. In August 1942, Lydia Andreevna Ruslanova recorded the version of the "Blue Handle" on the Gramplastine together with the "dugout" K. Listov and A. Surkov. However, the record with this record was destined to see the light of only forty years later, in 1982, since only the matrices were made in the war and a trial writing was made with them, and she did not go to the circulation.

The widest fame and distribution during the war received, beyond any doubt, the front-line version of the "Blue Handle", the initiator of the creation and the first performer of which was the wonderful singer, the People's Artist of the Soviet Union of Claudia Ivanovna Shulzhenko. From the voice of this popular performer "Blue Platlek" found as if the second birth and the second life, became one of the most famous songs of the War Years. The time of writing the poems of this front-end version of the "Blue Handle" - April 9, 1942. Their author is the luttchpad of the newspaper "To the decisive fight!" 54th Army of the Volkhov Front, Lieutenant Mikhail Alexandrovich Maximov.

In November 1942, the film directed by Mikhail Slutsky "Concert - Front" was released on the screens of the country "The Maksimov version of the" Blue Handle "performed by K. I. Shulzhenko. Soon the postcard was released with this song. She today is kept in the families of many front-line as an expensive relic.

The song lives, for almost 76 years. Every year, on the Victory Day, a song sounds performed by modern artists, in various musical processing.

Equipment of the song "Blue Pockets" (Shakiev Camila)

Group: Song "Darkness".

Surely most people song "Darkovanka" familiar to the wonderful film "Only old men go into battle" (1973). But many know that the composition was written long before the release of the director Leonid Bykov's military drama screens. Let's remember the story of creating a popular musical work.

In 1940, the poet songwriter Jacob Swedes and composer Anatoly Novikov received from the ensemble of the Kiev Special Military District an order for Suite dedicated to Gregory Kotovsky.

In the autumn of 1940, the poet of Jacob Swedes and composer Anatoly Novikov wrote a song suite about Moldovan partisans. Suite was written at the request of the political enforcement of the Kiev Military District for the District Song and Dance Ensemble. It consisted of seven songs, including"Darkness" - Song about the girl-guerriana. Written on the basis of Moldovan folklore, she was in his warehouse lyrical, gaming. When the Great Patriotic War began, the notes of this cycle in Novikov were disappeared. Only draft sketches have been preserved. Restoring some songs, the composer decided to show the "Smuggling" on the radio. But there it was rejected. - What is the song about love, a date, parting, about some kind of dark-minded Moldova? After all, now there is such a hard war ... You are the author of heroic songs, "Novikov said. These arguments sounded very convincing, and "smoke" was abandoned in the farthest hand drawer. Probably, so it remained there if not one case. - Somehow in 1944, the artistic director of the Red Banner Ensemble A. V. Alexandrov, he recalled Novikov, "and asked if I had new songs. I brought him a few novelties, including "Darkzhanka". To the great one surprise, it was this cheerful, a lyrical song about the love of the Moldavian girl most liked the famous musician. In 1944, the ensemble first performed the song, speaking in the concert hall. Tchaikovsky. The soloist was Nikolai Ustinov. Thanks to the broadcast of the concert on Radio "Darkovanka", became a real hat and, as it was customary to speak, went into the people.
"Darkovanka" loved to fighters, and although it was said about the partisans of the Civil War, she was perceived as the song today.

In subsequent years, many famous artists sang her. Laureate "Song-75" was "Drevilovka" performed by the Duet of Sofia Rotaru and Miodrag of the Jurashovich.

Some old men go to battle from k \\ f "

6 Group: Song "Dark Night" (group P1-17)

The Military Song "Dark Night" is considered one of the most beloved and popular songs written during the years of the Great Patriotic War.

The song Mark Bernes "Dark Night" has a very interesting story of the occurrence. In 1943, during the work on the film "Two Fighters" at the director, the paintings by Leonid Lukov had difficulty shooting an episode where the soldier writes a letter home.

After many unsuccessful attempts to the director came to mind the idea that the song performed by the hero of the song is best to give the feeling of a fighter who writes a letter to loved ones.

Without losing time, Leonid Lukov turned to the composer Nikita theological and poet Vladimir Agatov. From the memories of Nikita Theological: "Once evening, Leonid Lukov came to me and said:" You see, I can not have a scene in the dugout without a song. " And so excitedly, so talentedly told me the topic of the song, and her mood that I, sowing to the piano, immediately, without a single stop played a "Dark Night" melody, which then entered the film without changing. Onions immediately and unconditionally accepted music - apparently, she completely coincided with his vision of the future scene. A urgent poet of Vladimir Agatov was raised, he immediately cropped to the table, wrote poems, almost without blots. Bernes was woken after tedious filming, somewhere late in the evening they got a guitarist, at night they recorded the phonogram at night, and the onion of the onions in the scenery had already filmed Bernes under this phonogram. "

Nightly beloved military song "Dark Night" became after her execution Bernes, which in the role of Arkady Dzibin - the main character of the picture - sings her at night under the guitar, in the dugout with the flowing roof, surrounded by front-line comrades.

It is worth noting that after recording the song, the shooting of the film went much easier - the ill-fated scene with the letter was removed from the first dubl. After entering the screens of the film "Two Fighters", the song was singing the whole. She sang on the front line, sang her and at home, waiting for her relatives from the front.

But the history of the song "Dark Night" does not end on this. In the distant 40th, the entire first circulation of the record with just written the song "Dark Night" was rejected: the technical control department discovered an unplanned rustle in the phonogram. It turned out that one of the workers of the plant, listening to the song, could not restrain and cried. The tears fell on the wax matrix and ... So simple worker Galya Zhuravleva entered the story.

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War, the "Dark Night" began its triumphal march in the world. When Ivan Semenovich Kozlovsky, one of the performers, came to visit the leader of the American Communist Party William Fostera, he asked if he would not want to listen to the Soviet song in a lively performance. William replied to him that he would love to listen to the song "Dark Night", and that she was very loved in America.

The performance of the song "Dark Night".

Teacher : Read the last page of the oral magazine. We thank all the participants for good training, the heartfelt reading of the poems, personal creativity. Thanks to everyone. Today, we only once a little discussed the lyrical page of the poetry of the Great Patriotic War, the page from the life of the people, penetrated the atmosphere of the time of those who had full right to say about themselves: "We were all released in excess of the norm: love, and anger, and courage in battle " Those who thought about us, their descendants, then, in distant forties, and bequeathed we live for themselves and for the sake of themselves.

And we, today's generation should not forget about that war, you should know our story. Read books, poems, sing songs of those years and about that time.

Happy holiday Victory Day! Peaceful sky over your head!


Municipal General Education

"Secondary School No. 55"

cities of Saratov Saratov region

Extracurricular Event on Literature
in 5-6 classes



russian language and literature teacher

Kulakov Flour Fervazna



Extracurricular Event on Literature

Age: 5-6 classes. Number of participants: Two teams players, viewers. Location: Class.

Scenarios for holding

Children! Help corrected these proverbs! Dear student! Help, help perishers in pairwise gather boots!


Look, think the little, Dorisui, so that it is rhymed.

    Competition "Tales"

Remember the fairy tales A.S. Pushkin. Answer questions and name the fairy tale

    Of the three maiden, one has become a queen, another weave. And who became their sister? (Province. "Tale of Tsar Saltan") Did Tsar Saltan punished Babarich's Babarich and Envious Sisters of the Queen? (No. "Let's let all three go home." "Tale of Tsar Saltan"). How many years lived an old man with an old woman in the dugout near the blue sea? (Exactly thirty years and three years. "The fairy tale of fisherman and fish"). Who helped Elishe find a bride? (Wind. "The fairy tale of the Dead Tsarevna and about seven heroes").

New fairy tales brought to the library. Listen to the names of fairy tales, in my opinion, here something is intended. Correct errors in the title.

    "Tsarevna-turkey". ("Princess Frog"). "Dog Travel." ("By magic"). "Red Skura". ("Little Red Riding Hood"). "Noodle from the ax." ("Porridge from the ax"). "Boy with cam." ("Tom Thumb"). "Ivan-Tsarevich and a green wolf." ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf").
    Competition "Burim"
    Competition "Literary Works"

Name the genres of works.

Task for the first team:
    "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale-robber." (Epics). "Vasilisa is removed." (Story).
Task for the second team:
    "A Crow and a fox". (Fable). "May night, or drowning". (Tale).
    Competition "Tale in a fairy tale"

Key: "Repka"; "Silver Cochites" (P.P. Bazhov); "Ryaba chicken";

"Tale of fisherman and fish" (A.S. Pushkin); Petukhan Kurikhanych; "Black Chicken" (A. Pogorelsky); "Tale of the Golden Cockerel" (A.S. Pushkin); "Konon-Gorboon" (P.P. Ershov); "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"; "Princess Frog"; "By magic"; "Squa Burk"; "Teremok"; "Tale of Tsar Saltan ..." (A.S. Pushkin); "Ruslan and Lyudmila" (A.S. Pushkin); "The fairy tale of the dead princess ..." (A.S. Pushkin).

List of used literature

1. A comprehensive educational project "Step by step". The author of borrowing is unknown.

2. N.A. Shaulian "Let's play in erudites." Rostov on Don. "Phoenix", 2005

3. ON Zaitseva, M.B. Ladygin "Literary Education". M.: Drop, 2000

Extracurricular event on literature.

Oral magazine

"Everything is alive - near!"

Russian language and literature teacher

Zaripova Nafis Munirovna,


Theme extracurricular reading. Oral magazine. Everything is alive nearby! (for students of 6-8 grades)


Integ children to the problems of ecology of their street, village, city;

Teach children to be sensitive, kind, attentive;

- to summarize, systematize, deepen knowledge of students about nature, ecology.

Form: Oral Journal

Registration: Book-clamshell, made of large watman sheets, consisting of pages, each of which has its name.


2. Metric

3. Correspondent

4. Literary


Good afternoon, dear guys. Everyone knows what an amazing world is forests, rivers, seas, sky, sun, animals, birds. All this is nature. Our life is inseparable from her. She is generous and disinterested, she gives us everything for life and requires respectful relationship from us. The poet Yakova Akim has wonderful poems about our planet:

There is one planet - garden,

In this space is cold.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Sliding birds migrating.

Only on it one bloom

Lilies in the grass green

And dragonflies only here

In the river look surprised.

Take care of your planet

After all, another, similar, no!

1st page.


All our life is associated with nature. Nature decorates our lives. She delivers us a lot of joy. With what pleasure we listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of the stream, the mysterious forest whisper! With what pleasure we admire the rag of fields, a mirror stitching rivers and the majestic huge mountains!

(Students listen to the "Voice of Birds").

. Reading students of poems.

1." The smell of roses and jasmine "

The smell of roses and jasmine,
The thrill of the leaves, the shine of the moon ...
Outdoor windows pour
South South Song ...
And tomatov and gentle soul
This night and the song to me;
What subsided that he fell asleep -
Again will be on her.
And unexpectedly fixed
Renief of long-lasting dreams;
And it seemed forever
These dreams Rock took;
And that everything is in young
The days of the soul was full,
Absorbed non-confusion
Life are a muddy wave!
But again the extinct flame
Lights up in blood
And the heart revealed again
For delight and love!
Roses and jasmine smells,
Silver moon ...
And sings, sings about happiness
Someone's voice! ..


Spread the field with a wavy cloth
And with the sky merged with a dark blue face,
And in the sky transparent shield gold
The brilliant sun shines over it;
As in the sea, the wind walks the wind
And white fog hills dress up
About something sneaking with grass says
And boldly in rye Golden noise.
One I ... and the heart and thinking freedom ...
Here my mother, friend and mentor - nature.
And it seems life to me light ahead,
When to its powerful, wide breast
She like a baby, allow me
And part of your strength pours to me in the soul.


Shumi, Shumi, Green Forest!
Familiar to me your magnificent noise
And your peace and gloss heaven
Above your kudrya's head.
I'm used to understand since childhood
Your silence is somewhat
And your mysterious language
Like something close, native.
How I loved when sometimes
Sullen nature,
You argued with strong thunderstorms
In minutes of terrible bad weather,
When big your oaks
The vertices are dark swinging
And hundreds of different voices
In your wilderness echoed ...
Or when the day shovel
In the far west shone
And bright purple fire
Your clothes illuminated.
Meanwhile, in the wilderness of your trees
There was no night, and over to you
Chain of multicolored clouds
Stretched in the morning. Grocery.
And here I come again
To you with a melancholy
Again your dusk look
And I listen to the voice free.
And maybe in your wilderness
As a prisoner, the will of the lively,
Forget sorrow of my soul
And bitterness of life ordinary.

- Poems about nature - challenge the beauty and uniqueness of our planet, its diversity and splendor. Fine forests and steppes, snow-covered vertices, fascinating the game of water and light and unique dawn.

2nd page


- After all, for the saturated life of a person, he needed, like air, an introduction to the beautiful and, quiet soothing sounds of the river and, air filled with the aromas of the morning and, pacifying dawn paints, who are in the heart of peace and peace. Nothing can be compared with the state of a person who falls into this world of prowness and Nirvana, while dreams and thoughts become deeper and sharper.

Writing students.

"Human and nature"

I live in the village of Urban-type Lower Maktama Almetyevsky District of the Republic of Tatarstan and often came to visit her grandmother in the village of Sugushli Leninogorsk District.

The village is located in the hollow of the mountains. We often climbed the mountain, especially in summer. The view of the village from the height is beautiful, clean and many greens. At the top of the glade. A daisies, bells and many other colors grew on it. We often saw and listened to the whistle gym. Collected strawberries. Three net mountain spring springs. The whole village came for healing water.

On green grass, closer to homes, small calves, sheep, geese. True, they became little every year. It smelled with a pleasant pure rustic odor.

Now everything looks at all as soon as before: Polyana disappeared, people made a quarry, a quarry. Passed the road through the glades. Drivers from cars throw out bottles, bags, bags and many different garbage on the cleaves. There are many oil spots, where the grass will not grow up, the air has become not clean, it constantly smells with gas, then gasoline. She wishes and hurt her. Berries now do not grow, there are no colors. Beautiful glade died, for some reason, people have forgotten about the beauty of nature.

I think a person should guard and protect the nature. It may be that with a negligence person to nature, all animals will be disappeared first, and then we ...

Student 8B class Khairullina Gusel.

People or planet?

People use technical superiority over other organisms. They use various planet resources in their needs, contaminate the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer, cut down the forests, kill animals. They destroy the planet! Is it possible to re-educate people? It is too difficult!

Conclusion: the complete destruction of our species will lead the planet to normal.

Student 8B Class Hanipova Alina.


We do not break the world that we have. We know about the existence of the "Red Book", however, we continue to kill animals and destroy the plants. When we rest in nature, we forget to stew fires, from which the hectares of forest and hundreds of animals suffer in the future.

People do not protect nature, do not know how to enjoy her beauty, do not understand its significance. If we relate more careful to nature! Perhaps someday a person learns to do it. Keyword "ever" ...

Tukhbat Arthur Grade 8

Our smaller friends.

How can you not love animals? Is there such a person who will not sleep at the sight of a shaggy lump with a curious wet nose? Any animal for us will remain forever a child, completely dependent, defenseless. A pet becomes a family member, he loves and indulge. Homeless - doomed.

In our village there are a lot of homeless dogs and cats - victims of human cruelty, because many people drive out pets on the street, throw away, like an unnecessary thing. Once on the street, they become dangerous.

We certainly feed them, many hungry. But no shelter for them. How to assist assistance in solving this problem? Drew pictures and glued on the bulletin board "You are responsible for those who have tamed!"

I have a pet domestic pet - the dog's skirt, the life and happiness of which completely depends on me. She gives me a selfless love, devotion and friendship. I want to say to all people: "Do not betray your friends!"

Student of Harrasov Amir, 6A class.,

Careful attitude towards nature is a manifestation of good deeds and actions in cases where it is necessary, and you guys should know how to care for plants and animals, what conditions to create for their favorable growth and development. Knowledge of living organism, the ability to distinguish them from objects of inanimate nature is of particular importance for the formation of a careful attitude towards nature. Such knowledge in the process of communicating with nature provides you with understanding the specific situations in the behavior of animals, the state of plants.

3rd page


- As society developed, the ecology is increasingly acquiring social importance. She became a science that should help people survive, make their habitat with acceptable to existence. Unfortunately, the Society realized this when the negative consequences of the consumer attitude of people towards nature were visible when the fortifications of the habitat had already adversely affected the health of a huge number of people. From the problem "Organism - Wednesday" Ecology approached the problem "Man - Nature".

Reading articles of students .

Dear editorship of the newspaper "Banner of Labor"!

As you know that our village of Lower Mactam with a 11 thousandthly population is located in the industrial area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Almetyevsk. As not to us, young, do not worry about the further fate of the village. We want it to see beautiful, clean. We want to breathe fresh air.

And the air requires better. Often in the morning and evenings smell like gas. It is impossible to get out on the street. Not far from us is a gas processing plant. So the plant makes gas emissions. Hence the disease.

About careful attitude to nature

Nature surrounds a person from the moment of birth until the last day of life. And now, with a high level of development of civilization, the lives of people are still subordinated by biological laws.

The person is in nature and belongs to her. Nature was and remains a cormal of mankind, its resources serve as the main source of his vitality.

Today, in some parts of the planet, living conditions are disastrously deteriorating under the influence of the air pollution, water bodies and soils. It is also constantly noting an increase in the number of different harmful stimuli influencing both per person and the world around.

The singer of the Russian nature K. G. Pouustovsky, who argued that a modern man, we need ship forests, full-flow rivers, oceans of healing air, rich gardens and flowering meadows. We need fresh lakes, ringing springs, bird flocks, stretching in the foggy sky over the golden autumn groves, crucify the birds, the radiance of night constellations in the smokeless sky and wide bright rainbows - forerunners of fat yields.

In our country, reserved places are known from the XI-XII centuries. In the modern world of nature, the concept is complex. This is a state policy, and a public movement, and the practice industry, and a new science. Remember that from birth in the little man laid a huge potential of love for nature ...

So let's develop it in yourself, let's take care and love the parents of all living living, live in harmony and with plants, and with the brothers are our smaller!

And as a conclusion, you can take a wonderful poem A. Usacheva:

Run, bug,

Campus, cricket,

And the butterfly - fly ...

I will not hurt you

Have a good trip!

4th page


- "We are the owners of our Motherland, and she is for us a storehouse with a great treasure of life. Not only that these treasures need to be protected, they must be opened and show. For fish, clean water is needed - we will guard our reservoirs. In the forests, steppes, the mountains are different valuable animals - we will guard the forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - Water, Bird - Air, Beasts - Forest, Steppe, Mountains. And man needs homeland. And to protect nature - it means to protect the Motherland, "wrote M.M. Prishvin.

Reading students passages about nature from artistic works.

"Gray cervical"

Dmitry Narcsovich Mamin-Sibiryak

"The first snow soon fell, and the river was still not amenable to cold. Everything that frozen at night, the water broke. The struggle was not on the stomach, but to death. All the more dangerous were clear star nights, when everything died and there was no on the river. Waves. The river fell asleep accurately, and the cold tried to sow her sleepy ice. So it happened. There was a quiet-quiet starry night. Quietly stood the dark forest on the shore, for sure the guards from the giants. Mountains seemed higher, as it happens at night. High month poured all With his sparkling light. The mountain river climbed the mountain river, and the cold quietly crept back to her quietly, firmly hugged a dismissed beauty and accumulated her mirror glass. " Mamin-Siberian "Gray Shaika"

"Forest in autumn"

Ivan Sergeevich Sokolov-Mikitov

Beautiful and searched Russian forest in early autumn days. On the golden background of yellowed foliage, bright stains of red-yellow kleov and Osin are distinguished. Slowly circling in the air, fall and fall with birch light, weightless yellow leaves. From the tree to the tree stretched thin silvery threads with lightweight web. Late autumn flowers bloom.

Transparent and clean air. Water is transparent in forest duties and streams. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in the autumn forest. Only sovest under his feet of foliage. Sometimes it will give a tipper thin. And from this silence is still heard.

Easy breathing in the autumn forest. And for a long time I do not want to leave it. Well in the autumnal flowery forest ... But something sad, farewell hears and seemed in it.

"Good girl"

K.V. Lukashevich

Stood harsh winter. Everything was covered with snow. It was hard from this sparrow. The poor things could not find food. Potted grooves around the house and plaintively tweeted.
Pretty girl Masha's Girl Masha. She began to collect bread crumbs, and every day poured them from her porch. The gaps flew to the food and soon they stopped being afraid of Masha. So a good girl sodged the poor birds to the spring ...

"Hello, Winter!"

Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich

So she came, the long-awaited winter! Going around the frost in the first winter morning! Streets, yesterday, more and autumn are dull, completely covered with white snow, and the sun overflows in a blinding glitter. The fancy frost pattern lay on shop windows and tightly closed windows of houses, the frost covered the branches of the poplars. Whether we look along the street stretched by a smooth ribbon, you look around yourself, everywhere else is the same: snow, snow, snow. Occasionally risening the breeze pains the face and ears, but how beautiful everything is around! What delicate, soft snowflakes smoothly spin in the air. Like neither barbed frost, he is also pleasant. Not for whether we all love winter, that it is just like spring, fills the chest with an exciting feeling. All alive, everything is bright in the transformed nature, everything is full of invigorating freshness. So easily breathes and so good in the soul, which is involuntarily smiling and I want to say the friendly of this wonderful winter morning: "Hello, winter!"

"Morning rays"

Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich

Floored the red sun and began to send his golden rays everywhere - to wake the earth.
The first beam flew and got on the lark. The larks were fixed, he spoiled out of the nest, rose highly, high and sang his silver song: "Oh, how good in the fresh morning air! How good! How Differently! "
The second beam hit the bunny. Having overtook the bunny's ears and mercedly jumped in a rowing meadow: he ran to mine a juicy herb for breakfast.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. The rooster slammed the wings and sang: ku-ka-re-ku! The chickens flew off from the nursing, bored, began to rake the litter and worms to look. The fourth beam hit the hive. Crawled the bee from wax celi, sat down on the window, plagued the wings and - ZUM ZUM ZUM! - flew to collect a naked with fragrant colors.
The fifth beam hit the nursery, to the bed to a small lazy man: cuts him straight into his eyes, and he turned to another side and fell asleep again.

5th page


Ecology is the topic and important, and complex. Health, well-being, the well-being of a person is in close relationship with the state of the environment. Therefore, information about ecology is perceived by the population acute.

Speeches of students


The rapid and extensive development of industry in Soviet times left the Republic of Tatarstan a serious environmental situation for the most part of its territory.

oil industry, chemical and machine-building production, construction complex, agriculture, an increase in the number of vehicles are the cause of an increased level of air pollution in the republic, and over the past decade the last factor has become dominant.

The problem is most pronounced in major cities, such as Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetyevsk, Bugulma and Zainsk. To date, the level of pollution in the atmosphere of the capital of the republic is characterized as "high", and in Naberezhnye Chelny and Nizhnekamsk - as "very high".

Water spaces

The problem of clean water is relevant worldwide. Tatarstan is one of the most socio-economic developed regions of the country. The republic is also the most popular subject in the Volga basin.

The quality of the surface waters of the Kuibyshev and Nizhnekamsky reservoir, the major rivers of Tatarstan are characterized as "dirty" 4 "a" class.

In Tatarstan, water is used from surface and underground sources. 80 percent of the population of Kazan drink water from the Volga. The largest Kuibyshev reservoir in Europe on this river is the main drinking tank for the capital.

Because of oil production enterprises in Almetyevsky, Bavlinsky, Oktyabrsky districts, due to the sugar plant in Buinsk, there are rapid pollution of groundwater in these territories.

No less problem for the republic - soil pollution with pesticides, salts of heavy metals, oil lines.

In places of oil, there is a strong soil pollution, exceeding the background content from 10 to 100 times.

verse. Pupils of Habibulline Camilla on verses V.V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad?"

"What is good and what is bad in ecology?"

Baby-son came to his father

And asked Kroch:

"The garbage is good

Or is it bad?

On the knees put

Her son

Pope sensitly reasoned:

"Must know the point!

If garbage does not remove

From courtyards and squares,

Nowhere will you play -

It will be bad!

Here is the plant big smoke,

Waste pouring into the river.

Here the water already "boils" -

This is very bad.

If you in the forest passed

Not breaking the branches

It is very good

Both owls and protein.

If on the trumpet,

Oil flows through the field,

It's a guy like a blast

Worse than any pain.

If you did good

People and animals,

This is my friend, good,

Will the world will be good!

Remember this, every son,

Know any child

How to protect the nature

Need to know with diaper

Every citizen knows

" Protect the environment!".

It is a slogan as one

We take to work.

Ecology, son,

Important science.

Kohl learned the lesson,

It is very cool!

The boy joyful went

And solved the crumb:

"I will do well,

And I will not be bad! "

Outcome. That ended the pages of our environmental magazine. All that surrounds us, alive! I want to remind you again: Love in nature, take care of her and guard her!