Converting Catherine II in the budget. Basic reforms of Catherine II Great - Causes, Goals, Meaning

Converting Catherine II in the budget. Basic reforms of Catherine II Great - Causes, Goals, Meaning
Converting Catherine II in the budget. Basic reforms of Catherine II Great - Causes, Goals, Meaning

Introduction ........................................................................... .. ............

1. Brief biography of Catherine II ............................................. 4

2. The beginning of the reign ............................................................ 6

3. Reforms of Catherine II ..........................................................7

Conclusion .............................................................................. ..17

List of references ............................................................... ......... 19


In a number of self-containers of the Russian Empire, many strong, volitional personalities, political and legislative activities of which had a huge impact on the growth of not only Russia as a whole, but also individual social layers, the life and culture of society. The gradual modernization of life in Russia, the main impetus was given to the European policy of Peter I, was continued by other monarchs, the epoch of which played an equally important role in the formation of a powerful Russian Empire. Russian Empress Catherine II was the power legislation; In his state management, she sought reforms and made an invaluable contribution to the development and strengthening of Russia. The era of its board is highlighted by historians as a separate stage in the development of the empire, since it was Catherine II that a course of reforms was conducted in the socio-political life of Russia, aimed at modernizing and strengthened state power in the country. This legislative activity of the Empress responded to the spirit of time, new European trends and ideas that brought with them in the XVIII century an era of enlightenment. The policy of the enlightened absolutism of Catherine II, as the main reflection of the principles of the Epoch of Enlightenment in Russia, is interesting not only by its innovations, but also a combination of Western trends with the identity of Russia.

1. Brief biography of Catherine II

Catherine was born in 1729 in the German seaside town of Shattin. The innocent Sophia Frederick Augustus Anhalt-Crembed originated from the poor German Prince.

Ekaterina Alekseevna was rather complicated and, of course, an outstanding personality. On the one hand, it is a pleasant and loving woman, on the other - the largest statesman.

In 1745, Ekaterina II adopted the Orthodox faith and was married to the heir to the Russian throne, the future of Peter III. After hitting Russia a fifteen-year-old girl, she quickly mastered the Russian language and customs. But with all the abilities, adapt to the Grand Princess was difficult: there were attacks from the Empress (Elizabeth Petrovna) and disregard from her husband (Peter Fedorovich). Her pride suffered. Then Catherine appealed to literature. Possessing random abilities, will and hardworking, acquired extensive knowledge. She read a lot of books: French enlighteners, antique authors, special works on history and philosophy, compositions of Russian writers. As a result, Catherine learned the ideas of public benefit enlighteners as the highest goal of a statesman, about the need to upbringing and educating subjects, about the primacy of laws in society.

In 1754, Catherine had a son (Pavel Petrovich), the future heir to the Russian throne. But the child was taken from Mother to Apartments Empress Elizabeth Petrovna.

In December 1761, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna died. Peter III entered the throne.

Catherine II was distinguished by the vast workability, the power of will, purposefulness, courage, cunning, hypocrisy, unlimited ambition and vanity, in general, with all the features characterizing a strong woman. She could suppress her emotions in favor of developed rationalism. She was inherent in a special talent to conquer general sympathies.

Catherine slowly, but right, moved to the Russian throne, and, in the end, took power from her husband. Shortly after the top of the unpopular among Peter III's generic nobility, relying on the Guards Shelves, overtook him.

From the first days of the reign of Catherine wanted to be popular in the widest masses of the people, she defiantly attended a manty manty, worshiped to holy places.

In the first years of the reign of Catherine II, it was intensively looking for ways of approval on the throne, showing extreme prudency. Solving the fate of the favorites and the favorite of the previous reign, she showed generosity and condescension, saving to chop off the shoulder. As a result, many people really talented and useful people remained in their former positions. Catherine loved and knew how to appreciate the merits of people. She understood that her praise and rewards would force people to work more diligently.

2. Beginning of reign

At the beginning of the reign of Catherine, Ekaterina has not yet mastered the role for himself and either continued to implement policies scheduled for the previous time or completed it. Separate innovations of the empress were privately carried out and did not give reason to attribute the reign of Catherine to the category of outstanding phenomena in domestic history.

Catherine not without reason pointed out a rather difficult circumstance at which she began to reign. Finance has been exhausted. The army did not receive a salary for three months. Trade was in decline, because many of its industries were given to a monopoly. There was no correct system in state economy. Military department was immersed in debt; Sea barely held, being in extreme disregard. The clergy was displeased with his lands. Justice was sold with trade, and the laws were guided only in cases where they favored the face strong.

Immediately after the court, Catherine was noticeable to a championship in the state organism. At the same time, in all respects, the personal participation of the Empress was discussed in solving all sorts of issues.

From the moment of seeing the throne and before the coronation, Catherine participated in 15 sessions of the Senate, and unsuccessfully. In 1963, the Senate was reformed: it was divided into six departments with strictly defined functions and under the guidance of the prosecutor general appointed by the monarch, became the body control over the activities of the state apparatus and the highest judicial authority. The Senate lost its main function - legislative initiative, it actually moved to the Empress. The death of John Antonovich saved Catherine from fear for the future of his throne. Now her ambition could be satisfied with the implementation of its own plans. She has accumulated a certain management experience, ideas appeared to implement innovations.

3. Reforms of Catherine II.

"Okaz" and commission 1767 - 1768.

In January 1765, Catherine began working on a legislative project directly.

In July 1767, more than 500 deputies who have formed the "Commission on the preparation of the project of new deposits" have been gathered in Moscow, which worked seven years. On June 30, the Commission began its work, "Okaz" was officially announced, and all deputies received the texts of the Code of Legal Principles.

The official text "of the Commission on the preparation of the project of new deposits" consisted of 20 thematic chapters and 526 articles. Most of the text was, as seen borrowed. However, in the end, Catherine had an independent design and political principles of creation. The discharges developed by it were aimed at strengthening the unlimited power of the monarch, the legality based on "reasonable condescension", on guarantees civil rights in the form of privilege estates, for the general reform of the legal system in the spirit of these principles.

The first five chapters fixed the most important principles of the authorities of the State Board in Russia as an indisputable, "fundamental" starts of society in general. One of the very first articles "Pok" proclaimed Russia of the European Power. This situation had an important political subtext: following the criteria of Montesquieu, all the laws of the European statehood are inherent in Russia, despite its special extensity. The main one of these patterns is "the sovereign in Russia is autocratic; for no other, as soon as the power connected in his particular can act similarly to the space of such a great state." A "Any other board would not only be in Russia harmful, but also at the end of a ruin." However, the new, legal, monarchy has a new goal: all the actions of people "send to getting the largest all the good", promote the prosperity of society, guarantee the rights of citizens-subjects. The sovereign cannot and should not edit himself everywhere, although it was he who relied on the legal source of any power in the state. This shows that the "Okaz" completely preserved the absolutism of the monarchy.

Chapters 9 and 10 established the principles of legislation in the field of criminal law. Properly built criminal law proclaimed the most important guarantee of civilian "liberty". "Okaz" categorically prohibited any cruel in the form of punishment, reduced possible cases of death. The court is also an institution not so much punitive as an organ of protection of society and citizen. And since the court acts in a real estate society, then in it guarantees judicial justice should be to participate in elected representatives from estates in consideration.

Chapters 11-18 were dedicated to legislation in the socio-legal sphere and civil law. Society is divided into three estates based on the natural and historical differences in occupation. More honorable place of the nobles guaranteed them special privileges in the service, owned. But for the peasantry it is important to "establish something useful". The law must protect all, but civil rights are provided according to the estate.

The last, 19 and 20 chapters of "orders" established some rules in certain issues of legislation. Freedom of religion was declared, the courts not provided for by law were prohibited.

Despite the complete failure of the Commission, she still had important consequences for the follow-up of Ekaterina II. In this regard, the meeting of deputies 1767-1768 played a major role. The deputies brought a mass of orders, their speeches were left in the archives of the Commission, thus the opinions of both the estates and individuals elected themselves about the subjects interested in the empress were expressed. A huge actual material was collected, reflected the picture of the views, sentiment and interests of the then society. In addition, Catherine managed to force Russians to think about state liberty, political rights, relief, the equality of all subjects in the face of the law. The Commission showed that it is necessary to correct and what to make these principles should be applied. After the dissolution of the commission, Catherine II, began its own development of a series of legislative acts, who made up the reform of "enlightened absolutism", the basis for which the principles and rules of previously published "orders" were becoming. Especially important was the reform of local self-government.

Provincial reform

The provincial institutions of Empress Catherine II amounted to a whole epoch in the history of local management of Russia. In 1775, an extensive legislative document "Institution for the Office of the provincial" was published. In accordance with this document, new administrative and territorial division entered into force, large changes in local governance were made. This system existed for almost a century.

All newly educated provinces and counties received a uniform device based on the strict division of administrative, financial and court cases. At the head of the province stood the governor appointed by the government with his deputy - Vice-Governor. Sometimes two or three provisions were combined under the control of the governor - the Governor-General. The country was divided into 50 provinces; The provinces were abolished, each province was divided into 10-12 counties. At the heart of this division lay the principle of the number of consolidated population. For the provinces and counties, a certain number of inhabitants were installed: 300-400 thousand and 20-30 thousand people, respectively.

With a change in the boundaries of previous administrative territories, new county and provincial centers arose. The system of local authorities was reorganized. The weakness of the past local authorities manifested itself in its inability to suppress anti-government speeches by its own forces. This convincingly proved the events of the Moscow "Plant Bunth" of 1771 (a wide performance caused by the rigories of quarantine), and especially the uprising of Pugachev. Now at the disposal of the central authorities were numerous administrative institutions, any armed performance would have met a quick and cruel respord.

Ekaterina II developed its provisions on the provinces, seeking, first of all, to increase the forces of the administration, delimit the departments and attract the management of the Zemstvo elements. In each provincial city, the provincial government led by the governor (had an administrative nature, represented government authorities and was the auditor of the entire management), the Criminal and Civil Chamber (the highest authorities of the province), the Cassenaya Chamber (financial management body), the Upper Zemskoy The court (judicial place for the noble litigation and for the court over the nobles), the provincial magistrate (judicial place for the persons of the city class on the claims and litigation on them), the upper disappearance (judicial place for the simorals and state peasants), the order of public charity for the school of schools, It was virtied and so on. All these institutions were collegial in nature and were considered class, but really all power belonged to the governor.

In each district, there were: the Lower Zemsky Court (conducted the deed police and administration affairs, consisted of correction and assessors), a county court (for the nobles, submitted to the Upper Zemsky Court), the city magistrate (the court seat for the townspeople was subordinate to the provincial magistrate), Lower Spring (court for state peasants, submitted to the top reprisal).

Judicial reform

For the first time in Russia, a court came out, separated from the executive branch, although dependent on her. The activities of new bodies acquired the traits of self-government, as local residents took part in it. New courts were elected. Separately elected the courts for the nobles, urban population and for those peasants who were not in serfdom.

Due to the regional reform, a police officer supervision was strengthened, the number of officials was increased. There were 216 new cities due to the abolition of autonomy Okrain (in 1775, Zaporizhzhya Schish was destroyed, the Cossack self-government was abolished, the autonomy of Estland and Liflandia was eliminated).

Such were the main measures taken by Catherine II regarding the management of the state. As a result, the empress has strengthened the composition of the administration, the departments properly distributed between the management bodies and gave the extensive participation of the foreign institutions in new institutions. But the disadvantage of the local institution of 1775 was the previous system in central administration, the duty of leadership and overall observation. With the exception of two institutions (conscientious court and the order of public charity), all the others were organs of any one class. The self-government received a strictly class character: it was not an innovation for citizens, but was a major reform for the nobility.

"Plugged diplomacy"

In 1785, Catherine II announced a complained literacy to the nobility and confirmed all his rights received from the previous sovereigns by turning new ones.

Under Catherine II, the nobleman became a member of the provincial nobility corporation, a local self-government privileged and held in his arms. The letter of 1785 found that the nobleman could not otherwise, as a court, to lose his title, transmits his wife and children. He was released from the serves and bodily punishment, owned as an integral property of everything that was in his estate, was completely frequent from the obligatory staff of the public service, but could not take part in the elections for noble positions, if he did not have an officer rank. The deprivation of noble dignity could only be made by the decision of the Senate with the highest statement. The estates of condemned nobles were not subject to confiscation. The nobility was now called "noble".

Peasant reforms

She banned free people and released to the will peasants re-enter the fortress dependence. At its disposal for newly instituted cities, the government redeemed the fortress peasants and addressed them in the townspeople. The children of serfs adopted on the state care in educational houses became free. Catherine was preparing a decree, according to which the children of serfs, born after 1785, were considered free. She dreamed of implementing another project - he would have led the gradual liberation of peasants when the estimates from one hand to others. But this project was not published, since the Empress feared the noble discontent.

"Plugged diploma cities"

Simultaneously with the humble diploma, the nobility was published on the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire. Like noble, urban society was viewed as a legal entity using corporate rights, the main of which was the right to self-government. His primary body was the urban meeting that being the urban chapter and representatives of judicial institutions. The ownership body of the class self-government became the common city Duma, which was gathering every three years. It featured the urban head and the so-called vowels (deputies) from six discharges of the urban population ("real city inhabitants", that is, property owners of real estate within the city); Three guild merchants; workshop artisans; Russian and foreign specialists; "Eminent citizens" is a large group of persons who have served in elections, merchants, intelligentsia, Posaly. In the interval between the Assembly of the City Duma, its functions were transferred to the executive body - a six-chain Duma, which included one vowel from each discharge of the population. Compared to the nobility self-government, elected city authorities had much less rights and underwent petty state-bureaucratic care.

Comparison of all three documents (complained diplomas of the nobility, complained by the cities and unpublished verbal diplomas to state peasants) suggests that the Empress was not so much sought to support this or that class, how much did the strengthening of the state, the basis of which was, in her opinion, the strong estate of Western European Type. It is under Catherine II, a civil society based on the strengthening of clasies begins to develop.

Other works on legislation and law developed by Catherine II in 1770-1780 were an important role in the formation of civil society of the Russian Empire. Catherine II was engaged in other projects: about the reorrection of prisons, about changing the search order. From the deployment, a small decree of 1781 was increased about the change in responsibility for various types of theft. At the same time, Catherine amounted to an extensive charter of the rally, promulgated in 1782. The charter identified the principles of reforming police institutions in the country, new tasks of police institutions - not only on the search for criminals and the protection of the order, but also on regulation of social life in cities. The Charter included the Criminal Code (since the authority was made right not only to give a court, but also to determine punishment for insignificant crimes).

Trade and Industry Development

From individual events of the enlightened government, Catherine II, the patronage of the Empress of Russian trade is also allocated, the proof of what is a complained diploma to the cities of 1785. At such respects, the dependence of the empress from Western European ideas affected Catherine to Russian trade and industry. From Peter I in Russia, the system of old government control was established on trade and industry, and the activity of the trade and industrial class was struck by regulation. Catherine II removed these constrictions, destroyed the controls of the Berg Manufactory-Board. She promoted the development of industry and trade. With it, it was for the first time the appliances were issued, or paper money, which helped trade very much. Wanting better to organize a loan, Catherine II established a state borrowed bank with greater capital.

In November 1775, for the development of trade and industry, a manifesto on the freedom of industry of industrial enterprises ("mill") was published, freedom of entrepreneurship was announced. The merchants, who owned capital over 500 rubles, were exempted from the pillow of Podati and paid the collection of one percent from capital; Frequently from the recruitous service, the representative of the merchant class could pay 360 rubles. Also in 1775, the Empress was adopted by the preferential customs tariff for Black Sea ports and industrial and trading monopolies were canceled. The development of southern Russia made a possible trade in grain on the Black Sea; New cities were laid in Russia, a naval base in Sevastopol was built. These events conducted by Catherine in Russia's economic policy contributed to the expansion of exports and improving various industries.

Expansion of national education

The important results of the government of "enlightened absolutism" are the measures taken by Catherine II regarding public education. Ekaterina II in his "AUDMAY" The first spoke about the educational meaning of education and then began to take care of the establishment of various educational institutions.

In accordance with the "General Institution on Education of both Geangers", a school at the Academy of Arts (1764), Society of two hundred noble maidens (1764) with branches for Meshchansky Maiden, Commercial School (1772)

In 1782, a commission of the institution of school was formed to conduct a larger school reform. These collections were all-known and kept at the expense of the state.

The main merit of Catherine II in the field of educational transformation can be considered the first experience in the creation of a system of general primary education in Russia, not limited to class barriers (with the exception of serf peasants). The importance of this reform is very high, because it was about creating the all-Russian educational school system.

Organization of medical care to the population

It is noteworthy that in Catherine II, the organization of medical care to the population was resting on power. Caring for folk health and hygiene caused an attempt to correctly organize medical care throughout the country. The medical commission, established in 1763, and orders of public charity should have been observing the medical part in the empire and prepare medical workers. Each city was obliged to have a hospital and a pharmacy, where the patients were offered not those medicines that are cheaper, but those that appointed a doctor. The city was also to raise shelters for incurable patients and crazy. Since the doctors lacked, they were discharged from abroad and conducted training of Russian drugs and surgeons. At the same time, pharmacies and factors of surgical instruments were founded. In 1783, Catherine II organized a medical service to observe the health of the population. She established hospitals and psychiatric hospitals.

Development of Russian science

A big step forward makes Russian science. In 1783, the Special Russian Academy was founded to study the language and literature. The Academy of Sciences existing from Petrovsky during the years 1768-1774 held five geographical expeditions, which made a valuable contribution to the study of the geography of the country. The Academy of Sciences began the publication of Russian chronicles, twenty-five volumes of ancient Russian documents were published. In 1765, a free economic society arises, intended to popularize advanced agronomic knowledge and promoting landlords. Numerous articles on the organization and management of agriculture printed in the works of free economic society. The number of Russian scientists has significantly increased in the Academy of Sciences, among them - outstanding naturalists I. I. Lepёhin, N. Ya. Ozerkivsky, Astronon S. Ya. Rumovsky, Minnerologist V. M. Serygin and others. To the second half of the XVIII century, the activities of prominent historians M. M. Shcherbatova and I. N. Boltin; Sources in Russian history (N. I. Novikov, Academy of Sciences) were actively published. Publishing products increase extremely. For the entire XVIII century, 9,500 books were published in Russia, of which about 85% accounted for the reign of Catherine II. On January 15, the Empress signed a decree on allowing "free" printing houses.

Positive changes occurred in the organization of research work. In 1783, Princess E. R. Dashkov was appointed director of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which manifested non-cold abilities on an administrative field. For twelve years of her stay in this post, academic economy and academic educational institutions were put in order, the work of public courses for the main sectors of science was established, the publishing activities of the Academy were activated.


Catherine II was a subtle psychologist and a wonderful connoisseur of people, she skillfully selected assistants, not afraid of people of bright and talented. That is why Catherine's time is noted by the emergence of the prospect of outstanding statesmen, commander, writers, artists, musicians. In communicating with the subjects, Catherine was, as a rule, restrained, patient, tactical. She was an excellent interlocutor, able to listen to everyone carefully. According to her own confession, she did not have a creative mind, but she traveled all sorts of little thought and used her for their own purposes.

For all the time of the reign of Catherine, there were practically no noisy resignation, none of the items were subjected to opal, was not exiled and all the more executed. Therefore, there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Ekaterininsky reign as the "golden age" of the Russian nobility. At the same time, Catherine was very vain and most in the world treated his authority. For its preservation, she is ready to go to any compromises to the detriment of their beliefs.

In Catherine II, the territory of the country, the population (by 75%), incomes (more than four times) increased significantly. Victory on land and sea glorified Russian weapons, military art. Such impressive successes in the farm and culture. But it is impossible not to see with all this severe position of labor segments of the population. No wonder in the Board of Catherine II, a popular uprising of E. I. Pugachev occurred in the history of feudal Russia.

In his policy, Ekaterina II relied on the Russian nobility. No wonder the Russian nobles and during her life, and after the death they spoke and wrote about the golden age of Catherine the Great, Mother's sovereign, the wise government.

It is difficult to unequivocally assess the results of the reign of Catherine II. Many of its endeavors are externally efficient, wondered with a wide scale, led to a modest result or gave not expected and often erroneous result.

It can also be said that Catherine simply embodied the change, dictated by time, continued the policy scheduled to previous reigns.

Or recognize in it a paramount historical figure who made the second, after Peter I, step along the path of the country's Europeanization, and the first - on the path of reforming it in the liberal-educational spirit.


1. Encyclopedia for "Avanta +" children. Russian history. Volume 5, part of the second. M.: Avanta +, 1997.

2. "Assurance" Empress Catherine II. S. - Petersburg, 1907.

3. History of Russia. A. Ishimova. M.: Olma-Press, 2000.

Board of Catherine II (1762-1796)

The palace coup of 1762 led to the throne of Peter III III Ekaterina II, the princess of the Sofia Augustus Frederick Anhalt-Crebst. The formed and wise of Ekaterina managed to arrange not only approximate, but also foreign monarchs, diplomats, scientists. Having come to power as a result of the palace coup, Catherine II was forced to conduct flexible policies, given the public opinion and interests of the noble. At the same time, it was the most difficult task of strengthening the regime of personal power and increasing its authority. For this, the empress called on the French service Education (Ideas of Voltaire philosophers, Montesquieu, Didro).

Epoch of Enlightenment (XVII - XVIII centuries) is one of the key eras in the history of European culture associated with the development of scientific, philosophical and social thought. At the heart of this intellectual movement lay rationalism and freedomiff. Began in England under the influence of the scientific revolution of the XVII century, this movement spread to France, Germany, Russia and covered other European countries. Particularly influential were French enlighteners who became the "rulers of the Dum". The principles of enlightenment were based on the American Declaration of Independence and French Declaration of Human Rights and Citizen. The intellectual movement of this era had a great influence on the following changes in the ethics and social life of Europe and America, the struggle for the national independence of American colonies of European countries, the abolition of slavery, the formulation of human rights. In addition, it the authority of the aristocracy and the influence of the churchon social, intellectual and cultural life.

Catherine Board Time is called a period enlightened absolutism, i.e. the period when the supreme power has strengthened due to the use of advanced ideas, and, in addition, it sought to fix the barbaric remnants of the feudal system. The Russian version of Enlightened Absolutism was a special stage of state-political development associated with in socio-economic plan from decomposition of feudal engagement, in political plan - With search for compromise monarch with nobility and aristocracy, formerly the main driving force of the preceding state coups. With the legal principles of enlightened absolutism were not the principles of a legal state, since the entire fullness of the authorities (legislative, judicial and administrative) was in the hands of the monarch, in addition, the inviolability of the status division of society was approved.

At the same time, Ekaterina II wanted not so much to drag the Russian absolutism advanced ideas, how much to promote the country along the path of European progress. Visual confirmation of this serves Messenger»The laid commission convened under the influence of the ideas of French enlighteners, to develop reforms that were to weaken social tension and strengthen the contents of autocracy.

In the "Agolay", written in 1765--1767, the Empress expressed thoughts about spreading education, eradicating lawlessness, cruelty, despotism, about multiplication of folk welfare. In addition, the document substantiated "naturalness" of unlimited autocracy in Russia and public inequality. "Okaz" was to serve as a leadership in the work of the Commission for the preparation of new deposits in July 1767.

Located commission It was a special temporary form of attracting representatives of free estates to government management at the administrative and bureaucratic basis and became another step towards the design of the class representative office. It was approximately 564 deputies, including 161 representative from the nobility, 208 - from the cities, 167 - from free peasants. In December 1768, under the pretext of the war with the Ottoman Empire, the commissioned commission, which began to take the empress, was dissolved. The main task of the laid commission (the creation of a new Code of laws) was never implemented.

Catherine 2 reforms (briefly)

Catherine 2, like most monarchs, rules at least a considerable time, sought to conduct reforms. Moreover, Russia went to her in a difficult situation: the army and fleet were weakened, a large external debt, corruption, a collapse of the judicial system, etc., and so paragraph.

Provincial reform: "The institution to manage the provincial All-Russian Empire" adopted on November 7, 1775. Instead of the former administrative division on the provinces, provinces and treasures of steel divide the territory on the province(300-400 thousand people) and counties(20-30 thousand people). The number of provinces increased from twenty-three to fifty. They were divided into 10-12 counties.The troops of two or three provinces commanded the Governor-General, otherwise called governor. At the head of each province stood governor., senate appointed and submitted directly to Empress. The vice-governor was engaged in finances, he was subordinate to the State Chamber. The highest official of the county was Captitipa Corp. Cities of counties were cities, but since they were not enough, the status of the city received 216 large rural settlements (Tetyushi, Chistopol, Bugulma, etc.).

Judicial reform: For each class, his court was established. Sudil's nobles zemskie, citizens - magistrates, and peasants - resection. Also were the conscientious courts of representatives of all three classes that performed the function of the conciliatory instance were established. All these courts were elected. Higher instance was the court chambers whose members were appointed. And the supreme judicial authority of the Russian Empire was Senate.

Secularization reform:

Secularization (Late. Saecularis is worldly, secular): - In historical science, seizure of any of the church, spiritual conduct and transfer to secular, civil jurisdiction.

Was held in 1764. All monastery lands, as well as the peasants who lived on them were transferred to the management of a specially established collegium of economy. The maintenance of the monasticity took over the state, but from now on, the number of monasteries and monks and monks received the right to determine the necessary empire. February 26, 1764

All church defenders (911 thousand peasants) were transferred from the spiritual department to the state (in the savings collegium); For the maintenance of monasteries and bishops are appointed regular salaries in three classes; Required monasteries are partly abolished, partly granted their fate (not listed in the States).

Senata reform: On December 15, 1763, Manifesto Catherine 2 "On the establishment in the Senate, Justice, Vulting and Revision-Collegiums of Departments, about the division of the affairs of it" was published. The role of the Senate was narrowed, and the powers of his head, the prosecutor general, on the contrary, were expanded. The Senate became the highest judicial authority. He was divided into six departments: The first (headed by the prosecutor himself) conducted state and political affairs in St. Petersburg, the second - court in St. Petersburg, the third - transport, medicine, science, education, art, the fourth - military-land and naval affairs, The fifth - state and political in Moscow and the Sixth - the Moscow Judicial Department. The heads of all departments, besides the first, there were obur-prosecutors subordinate prosecutor general.

The fragmentation of the functions of the Senate and the filling of its obedient officials substantially weakened its value. Thus, at the beginning of the reign, measures were taken, designed to stop any restrictions of autocracy.

City reform: Reform of the cities of Russia regulated " Let's literacy on the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire", Which was issued Catherine II in 1785. Were introduced new elected institutions. The number of voters has increased. Residents of cities were divided into six discharges By varying property, Costs, as well as according to the merit to society and the state, namely: real city inhabitants - those who owned real estate within the city; merchant three guilds; workshop artisans; foreign, as well as nonresident guests; eminent citizens - architects, painters, composers, scientists, as well as rich merchants and bankers; posad people - Those who engaged in the city of needlework and crafts. Each category had its rights, duties and privileges.

Police reform: In 1782, Empress Catherine 2 was introduced Charter of the punching or policeman" According to him, the authority of the city police department has become pereptying. It consisted of bailiffs, Gingerbread and Politzmeister, as well as citizens determined by elections. Court for public disordersi: drunkenness, insults, gambling, etc., as well as for unauthorized building and bribescarried out police authorities themselves, and on other things preliminary investigation was carried out, after which it was transmitted to court. The punishments applied by the police were arrest, the censure, conclusion in the workshop, a fine, and in addition - the prohibition of some activities.

Reform Education: Creation in the cities of people's schools Put the beginning of the state system of secondary schools in Russia. They were two types: main schools in provincial cities and small - in county. These educational institutions were kept at the expense of the treasury, and people of all classes could study in them. School reform was held in 1782, and earlier in 1764 it was open school at the Academy of Artsas well as April 24 (May 5) 1764 Smolny Institute of Noble Maiden St. Petersburg - the first female educational institution in Russia, putting the beginning of women's education in the country, then (in 1772) - commercial school. Open public library.

Social politics - The provinces were orders of public charity. In Moscow and St. Petersburg - Educational houses For street children, where they received education and upbringing. To help widows was created WDD Toroda. Mandatory preciseness has been introduced,under Catherine II. fighting epidemics In Russia, began to acquire the nature of state events directly included in the terms of the responsibilities of the Imperial Council, the Senate. By decree Catherine, outposts were created, placed not only at the borders, but also on the roads leading to the center of Russia. Was created " Charter of border and port quarantines" The emergence of the Jews after the sections of Poland led to the appearance " Damage sideways»For Jews, limiting the right to reside Jews. According to the manifesto "On the permitting to all foreigners, to Russia entering, to settle in which the provinces they wish about the rights given to them" (1762) many foreigners moved to Russia, mostly Germans - in the Volga region, then the Greeks and Serbs to the south of Russia - For many "new" peoples, many benefits were introduced mainly on the issue of taxation. In total, during the reign of Catherine II, due to the country's attached and settlers, the population of the country increased by 7 million people (not counting internal growth).

Monetary reform In the reign of Catherine 2 were a state bank and loan cash desk. As well as for the first time in Russia, purchased paper money (assignments). Implemented in turnover in 1769 paper money - Assignments - In the first decade of its existence, there were only a few percent of the metallic (silver and copper) money supply, and played a positive role, allowing the state to reduce their expenses for moving money within the empire. However, due to the lack of money in the treasury, which has become permanent phenomenon, since the beginning of the 1780s, there was an increasing issue of assignments, the volume of which by 1796 reached 156 million rubles, and their cost depreciated by 1.5 times. In addition, the state occupied abroad money in the amount of 33 million rubles. and had various unpaid domestic obligations (accounts, salary, etc.) in the amount of 15.5 million rubles. So The total amount of government debts amounted to 205 million rubles, the treasury was empty, and budget expenditures significantly exceeded income,

In the second half of the XVIII century. much strengthening legislation expanded. By decree of 1765, the landowners were allowed to refer the sheltered peasants to the cowboy to Siberia, and by decree 1767, the peasants were forbidden to bring complaints against landowners. Trade began the peasants.

Economic reforms - In 1775, the freedom of entrepreneurship was declared, and from 1762 a monopoly was abolished in trade and industry. Paying the collection, merchants could free themselves from the pillow of the Podachi and Recruit Meal.

In 1785 were made public posted letters of nobilityconfirmed all the privileges that the nobility acquired in the XVIII century., In addition, it was released from the duties of civil service and corporal punishment. The grarity completed the legal formation of the first estate and provided him with broad rights, including the right to self-government in the noble meetings.

Poshorized diploma city Included the liberation of the tips of the merchants from the pillow of Podachi and Recruit Meal. The urban population was divided into six discharges (each with their rights and responsibilities). She is introduced urban self-government.

By the end of the reign of Catherine II in the government course there was a sharp turn to the right, associated with the reaction to the Great French Revolution and the Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugachev. The ideas of enlightenment discredited themselves, becoming an ideological base of the Great French Revolution, during which the monarchy was overthrown, and the monarch was executed. Naturally, the Empress could not use the ideology more, under whose banners the monarchy was overthrown and the heads of the kings were cut off. Fearing repetition of the history of the French Revolution, the government prohibited "harmful" ideas, karos for participating in secret organizations, and all opposition forces within the country were defeated. In 1790, A. Radishchev, author of the book "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow", was arrested and sentenced to the death penalty. The Empress saw in the book spread French ideas. In 1792, N. Novikov's book publisher was arrested, accused of belonging to Masonic society.

An aging empress could no longer control public thought, finance disorder and bureaucracy. On November 6, 1796, Ekaterina Great died, leaving the throne to his son - 42-year-old Pavel Petrovich.

Peasant War 1773-1775, under the leadership of Emelyan Pugacheva (Pugachevshchyna, Pugachev uprising, Pugachev Buncture) - the uprising (rebellion) of the Yaitsky (subsequently Ural) Cossacks, grew into a full-scale war under the leadership of E. I. Pugacheva against Empress Catherine Great. The uprising began on September 17, 1773 from Budarinsky outpost and continued until the middle of 1775, despite the military defeat of the Bashkir-Cossack troops and Pugacheva captivity in September 1774.

To the main reasons of folk performances The second half of the XVIII century. You can attribute:

1) strengthening serfdom (1760 - permission to landowners without trial Slimming serfs in Siberia, 1765 - at Katorga, 1767 - prohibition to complain about the owner of the sovereign, the increase in the bargains), which forced the peasants to escape from landowners on the outskirts of the country, in Cossack region and northern Forests, as well as rebel against the Lords (in the 1760s. Only in the Moscow province, 27 landowners were killed from the hands of serfs).

2) intensive exploitation of slave people on manuffwhich brought to unauthorized care from the enterprise, as well as invoked the requirements to improve working conditions and raise the salary.

3) government policy in relation to the Cossacks, reinforcing the privileges of prosperous Cossacks to the detriment of the interests of the rest, deprived of the Cossacks of autonomy and the right to practice traditional fishery (fisheries, etc.).

4) violent Russification of indigenous peoples of national dies (Volga).

5) general deterioration of the economic situation in the country - Growth of the tax burden associated with permanent wars.

6) izvestia about palace coups that caused distrust of power and the growth of impostor (The appearance of the "sons of King Ivan", "Tsarevichi Alekseev", "Petrov II" and, most often, Petrov III).

Historians believe that the peasant war is 1773-1775. was one of the manifestations acute social crisisIn the middle of the reign of Catherine, which was marked by a set of uprisings in different parts of the country (the Kizhsky uprising in Zauchery in 1769-1770, a plaque bunk 1771 in Moscow, the uprising of the Yaik Cossacks 1769-1772. and others). A number of historians indicate a change in the nature of social protests, the acquisition of them class, anti-dvoryan, character. So, D. Blyum notes that the participants of Pugachev's uprising killed about 1600 nobles, and almost half of them were women and children, leads other cases of murder of the nobles during the peasant uprisings of that era. As V. O. Klyuchevsky writes, the peasant uprisings in the Catherine reign "were painted with social color, there were uprisings not managed against the administration, but the lower classes - against the highest, ruling, against the nobility."

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Measures were taken to strengthen the nobility in the center and locally. For the first time in Russian legislation, a document appeared that determined the activities of local government bodies and the court. This system of local authorities existed to the great reforms of the 60s of the XIX century. Ented Catherine II administrative division of the country remained until 1917

On November 7, 1775, an "institution for the Office of the provincial All-Russian Empire" was adopted. The country was divided on the province, in each of which 300-400 thousand male shower should have been living. By the end of the Ekaterininsky reign in Russia there were 50 provinces. Heading the provinces stood governors who submitted directly to the Empress, and their power was significantly expanded. Capital and several other provinces submitted to general governors.

Governor was created by the provincial rule, the provincial prosecutor was subordinated to him. Finance in the province was engaged in the State Chamber headed by the Vice-Governor. The province of Amermer was engaged in land management. Schools, hospitals, the alleged orders of public charity (prison - look after, patronate, take care); For the first time, government agencies with social functions were created.

The province was divided into the counties of 20-30 thousand male shower in each. Since cities - counties of counties were clearly not enough, Catherine II renamed the cities of many large rural settlements, making them administrative centers. The main body of the county was the lower Zemsky Court led by Captain-bypher, elected by the local nobility. The county treasurer and county surveyor were prescribed in the county of the provinces.

Using the theory of separation of the authorities and improving the management system, Catherine II separated the judicial authorities from executive. All class, except for fortresses (for them, the owner and the judge was a landowner), should have taken part in local government. Each class received his court. The landowner judged the Upper Zemsky Court in the provinces and the county court in the counties. The state peasants judged the upper disgrace in the province and the lower gruel in the county, the townspeople - the city magistrate in the county and the provincial magistrate in the province. All these courts were elected, excluding the courts of the lower violence that the governor appointed. The highest judicial authority in the country became the Senate, and in the provinces - the Chambers of the Criminal and Civil Court, whose members were appointed by the state. New for Russia was a conscious court, designed to stop the distribution and peer quarrel. He was unspelled. The separation of the authorities was not complete, as the governor could interfere in the case of the court.

A separate administrative unit was allocated a city. He headed His Gingerbread, endowed with all rights and powers. In the cities introduced strict police control. The city was divided into parts (areas), which was under the supervision of the private attachment, and the parts, in turn, are for the quarters who controlled the quarterly warder.

After the provincial reform, all the colleges stopped functioning, excluding the foreign collegium, military and admiralty. The functions of the colleges switched to the provincial authorities. In 1775, Zaporizhzhya was eliminated, and most Cossacks moved to Kuban.

The current system of managing the territory of the country in the new conditions solved the task of strengthening the power of the nobility in the field, its goal was to prevent new folk performances. Fear before the rebels was so great that Catherine II ordered to rename the Yika River to the Urals, and Yaitskaya Cossacks - to the Urals. More than twice the number of officials in the field.

Poshorized diplomas nobility and cities

April 21, 1785, on the birthday of Catherine II, at the same time, pledged diplomas of nobility and cities were published. It is known that Catherine II was prepared and the project of the humble diplomas of state (stateless) peasants was also prepared, but he was not published due to the concerns of the noble discontent.

The edition of the two literals Catherine II regulated legislation on the rights and obligations of classes. In accordance with the "literacy on the rights, liberty and the benefits of a noble Russian nobility", it was exempted from the mandatory service, personal files, corporal punishments. The estates were announced with the full property of landowners who, in addition, had the right to start their own factories and plants. The nobles could only be sustained with equal and no nobility court could be deprived of noble honor, life and estates. The nobles of the province and counties were respectively the provincial and county corporation of the nobility and elected their leaders, as well as local government officials. The provincial and county noble meetings had the right to make presentations to the government about their needs. The pledged diploma fastened the nobility and legally issued noblewind in Russia. The dominant class was assigned the name "noble". "The grades for the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire" defined the rights and obligations of the urban population, the management system in the cities. All citizens were recorded in the city philistine book and amounted to the Grad Society. It was announced that "the shoes or real city inhabitants the essence of those koi in the city of the house or another structure, or place, or land." The urban population was divided into six discharges. The first one included lives living in the city and clergy; In the second one included merchants who were divided into three guilds; In the third - shop artisans; The fourth discharge was constantly living in the city of foreigners; Fifth - famous citizens who included individuals with higher education and capitalists. Sixth - Posal, who lived in fishing or work. Residents of the city every three years elected the authority of self-government - the common city duma, urban head and judges. The common city district elected the executive body - a six-chain Duma, which consisted of one representative from each discharge of the urban population. The city district decided on improvement, folk education, compliance with trade rules, etc. Only with the knowledge of the Government appointed by the government.

The pledged diploma set all six categories of the urban population under the control of the state. Real power in the city was in the hands of Governing, the advisability and governor.

Reform Education

Catherine II attached great importance to the formation of the country. In the 60-70s of the XVIII century. She, together with the President of the Academy of Arts and the director of the Land Shuttle Corps of I. I. Beetsky, made an attempt to create a system of closed classroom educational institutions. The basis of their device was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe priority of education for education. Considering that "the root of everything evil and good - education," Ekaterina II and I. I. Betski decided to create a "new breed of people." According to the plan I. I. Beetsky in Moscow and St. Petersburg, educational houses were opened, the Smolny Institute of Noble Maidens with the branch for Girls-Meshchanok in St. Petersburg, a commercial school in Moscow, transformed Cadet Corps.

The views of I. I. Beetsky had a progressive character for his time, providing for humane education of children, the development of natural tissues in them, a ban on corporal punishment, the organization of women's education. However, "greenhouse" conditions, isolation from real life, from the influence of family and society, of course, made attempts by I. I. Bezzy to form a "new man" utopian.

The general line of development of Russian enlightenment was not through the utopian venture I. and Bezzky, but along the way to create a secondary school system. She was laid by the school reform of 1782-1786. Serbian teacher F. I. Yankovich de Mirievo played a major role in this reform. In the county cities, two-year small folk schools were established, in the provincial - four-year-old folk schools. The newly created schools introduced a single dates for the beginning and end of classes, a classroom system, the techniques of teaching disciplines and educational literature were developed, united curricula.

New collections together with closed shutters, noble pensions and gymnasiums at Moscow University constituted the structure of secondary education in Russia. According to experts, in Russia, by the end of the century there were 550 educational institutions with a total of 60-70 thousand student, not counting home education. Education, like all other spheres of the country's life, is based on its class.

A.N. Radishchev

The peasant war, the ideas of Russian and French enlighteners, the Great French Revolution and War for Independence in North America (1775-1783), which led to the formation of the United States, the origin of Russian anti-refrete thoughts in the face of N. I. Novikov, the advanced deputies of the commissioned commission had an impact on the formation Alexander Nikolayevich Radishcheva's views (1749-1802). In "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow", in Oda "Wolnia", in the "conversation that there is a son of the Fatherland" A. N. Radishchev appeared with the appeal of the "perfect destruction of slavery" and the transfer of land to the peasants. He believed that "autocracy there is the most resistant human nature," and insisted on his revolutionary overall. A real patriot, the true son of the Fatherland of A. N. Radishv called the one who struggles for the interests of the people, "for liberty - the gift is invalid, the source of all the great cases." For the first time in Russia, a call for the revolutionary overthrow of autocracy and serfdom was called.

"The Buntingman is worse than Pugacheva," so estimated the first Russian revolutionary Ekaterina II. According to her order, the circulation of the book "Travel from St. Petersburg to Moscow" was confiscated, and its author was arrested and sentenced to death, replaced by a decade of reference to Ilimsky Ostrog in Siberia.

Paul I.

The Board of Paul I (1796-1801) Some historians call "unenmended absolutism", the other - "military police dictatorship", others, are considered to be a "Russian Hamlet", the fourth - "romantic emperor". However, even those historians who find positive features in the Board of Paul, recognize that he put the sign of equality between autocracy and personal despotism.

Paul I entered the throne after the death of the mother at the age of 42 years already mature, established by the person. Catherine II, giving the son of Gatchina near Petersburg, removed it from the courtyard. Paul in Gatchina began tough orders based on iron discipline and asceticism, opposing their luxury and wealth of the Petersburg yard. Becoming the emperor, he tried to strengthen the regime by strengthening the discipline and power in order to eliminate all the manifestations of liberalism and freedomiff in Russia. Characteristic features of Paul were sharpness, impassable and quick temper. He believed that everything in the country should be subordinated to the ordinances established by the king, the execution and accuracy put on the first place, did not tolerate the objections, sometimes reaching the samotor.

In 1797, Paul issued a "institution about the imperial surname", according to which Petrovsky decree was abolished by the Preconsession. The throne from now on was to move strictly along the male line from the father to his son, and in the absence of sons - to the older of the brothers. For the content of the imperial house, the department of "Ducks" was formed, which was ruled by the lands belonging to the imperial family name, and the peasants living on them. The order of service of the nobles was tightened, the action of a humble diploma is limited to the nobility. In the army, Prussian orders were put on.

In 1797, a manifesto about a three-day bargain was published. He forbade landowners to use peasants in the field work on Sundays, recommending to limit the barbecue in three days a week.

Paul I accepted the Maltese Order under his patronage, and when Napoleon seized Malta in 1798, declared France War in Union with England and Austria. When England occupied Malta, repleteing it to the French, followed the rupture of relations with England and Union with France. By agreement with Napoleon, Pavel sent 40 regiments of the Don Cossacks to conquer India to annoy the British.

Further stay of Paul in power was fraught with a country loss of political stability. Did not meet the interests of Russia and the foreign policy of the emperor. On March 12, 1801, with the participation of the heir to the throne of the future Emperor Alexander I, the Palace coup in the history of Russia was committed. Paul I was killed in Mikhailovsky Castle in St. Petersburg.

(1762 - 1796)
Agriculture. In Catherine, legislative acts were adopted, allowing to say that the serfdom has reached its peak. Decree of 1765 allowed the landowners to link their peasants without trial and investigators in Siberia to Katorga. By decree of 1763, the peasants had to pay for the costs associated with the suppression of their speeches. In 1767, a decree was issued, prohibiting the peasants to file complaints by Empress on their landowners.
Industry. In 1785, a special "craft position" was published, according to which at least 5 artisans of a certain specialty were supposed to compile a workshop that eating their elder.
Finance. With Catherine, for the first time in 1769, paper money appeared. Also, for the first time in Catherine, Russia appealed to external loans. The first one was made in 1769 in Holland, the second - next year in Italy.
The first years of reign. One of the first reforms of Catherine II was the division of the Senate for 6 departments with certain powers and competence. The Senate Reform improved the management of the country from the center, but the Senate lost the legislative function, which was all over more than the Empress. In 1764, Hetmanism was abolished in Ukraine. The autonomy of Ukraine was eliminated.
Provincial reform 1775 Measures were taken to strengthen the nobility in the center and on the ground. The administrative division of the country was introduced by Catherine II preserved until 1917. On November 7, 1775, an "institution for the management of the provincial All-Russian Empire" was adopted. The country shared on the province, at the head of which the governors stood. Capital and several other provinces submitted to general governors. The province created the provincial board, he was subordinated to the provincial prosecutor. Finance was engaged in the Casual Chamber led by the Vice-Governor. The provincial Amerlember was engaged in land management, schools, hospitals, led the orders of public charity. The province was divided into the counties. In them, by the sample of the provinces, the county treasurer and the county land surveyor were prescribed. A separate administrative unit was allocated a city. He headed his granue. In the cities introduced strict police control. After the provincial reform ceased to function all the colleges, excluding foreign, military and admiralty. The functions of the colleges switched to the provincial authorities.
Praised diplomas nobility and cities. On April 21, 1785, puzzled diplomas of nobility and cities were published. The issuance of these Mud, Catherine regulated legislation on the rights and obligations of classes. In accordance with the "literacy on the rights, liberty and the benefits of a noble Russian nobility", it was exempted from the mandatory service, personal files, corporal punishments. "The grades for the rights and benefits of the cities of the Russian Empire" defined the rights and obligations of the urban population, the management system in the cities. Also, now the townspeople were divided into 6 discharges: nobles and clergy, merchants, shop artisans, foreigners, famous citizens, Posaly. Residents of the city every 3 years elected the authority of self-government - the common urban Duma, the city chapter and judges. The common city did the executive body elected the executive body - a hexagonal Duma.
Education reform. Catherine attached great importance to the formation of the country. The concerns of the empress are established institutions, cadet corps and educational houses. But its main merit in this area can be considered the first experience in the creation of a general primary education system in Russia, not limited to class obstacles (with the exception of serfs).
Reform value. The serfdom has reached its greatness, a colossal legislative and administrative work was carried out, which turned Russia into the Europeanized power.

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Theme of article: Reforms Catherine 2.
Rubric (thematic category) Politics

The period of the Board of Catherine 2 is sometimes called time 'Approved Absolutpism'''''s. Under this concept, it is customary to understand the desire to rule in accordance with the ideals of European enlightenment. The policy of enlightened absolutism was expressed in the destruction of the most obsolete feudal institutions (some class privileges, subordination of the Church by the state, conducting some reforms - vessels, schooling, softening censorship, etc.) These measures were aimed at strengthening the position of the nobility, as well as contributed to the development of the emerging bourgeoisie. An important feature of the policy of enlightened absolutism was the desire of monarchs to weaken the severity of social contradictions by improving the political superstructure (system of government, education of legal proceedings, etc.). Among the historians there is no unity on whether she really was "Fofilosophe in the throne'' 'and really was committed to the educational ideals, or she skillfully played a role and wore a mask of the enlightened government, wanting to look adequate in the eyes of enlightened Europe.

Probably, at the beginning of his reign, she was committed to educational ideals. At the same time, conducting policies of the enlightened absolutism, Catherine successfully used it to strengthen its authority. Taking the power of her husband and son Paul, without having sufficient rights to the throne, she sought to show himself a savior of Russia, the Knights''svobody and the rule of law. The Empress has actively rewritten with European enlighteners Voltaire, Didro, who was arrested by Daria Saltykov's cruel fastener, suffering from dozens of fortress peasants, encouraged science and art, wrote himself, instilled in OPU, etc.

The largest event of the policies of enlightened absolutism was convening in 1767ᴦ. Commissions on the composure of the project of new deposits (laid commission). As a leading document, the Commission of the Empress prepared''Nakaz'', written on the basis of educational ideas. In it, as a form of government, an autocracy was approved due to the vast territory of Russia. A guarantee from tyranny should be controls. In this recommendation document, torture was rejected, the use of the death penalty was limited. The main issue was the question of attitude towards the fastener right. Catherine treated him. In the first version, it was referred to a desire to soften the fortress state, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ was expressed in the ban on the establishment of additional duties and the transfer of serf peasants of a special collegium that would charge the duty in favor of landowners. At the same time, only a few deputies from the stapled commission approved this proposal. Realizing that the landowners do not want to change anything, Ekaterina 2 taking advantage of the beginning of the war with Turkey in 1768, dissolved the commission. The cultivation of the enlightened absolutism was influenced by the Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugacheva (1773 - 1775), as well as the bloody events of the Great French Revolution (1789 - 1794).

More successful were the transformation of the outdated system of government.

a) she rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe graph N.Panina about creating the imperial council that was to actually rule the country and did not come with autocratic power.

b) but she spent reform of the Governing SenataBy dividing it with 6 departments. The Senate has lost its former political role, to turn into a bureaucratic superstructure over the entire Empire agencies.

c) changed the system of local self-government in Ukraine. Getman replaced the general - the governor.
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Ukraine finally lost autonomy.

d) in 1763 - 1764gᴦ. Catherine carried out canceled after the overthrow of Peter 3 the secularization of church lands. This replenished the treasury and allowed to stop the excitement of monastic peasants.

To manage former monastic peasants, a collegium of savings was created, and the peasants began to be called economic. The number of monasteries in Russia decreased from 881 to 385. There was a deprivation of state subsidies and Dudin Ambrosis Nikolsky Monastery, located near modern Dzerzhinsk, which largely predetermined his future sting. The clergy lost in many ways the property independence, being on the content of the state. So it was completed, started by Peter 1, the process of turning the clergy into a special squad of officials.

e) B. 1775 year was carried out provincial reform. The provinces were eliminated. In order to increase the efficiency of management, the amount of provinces increased from 23 to 50, the number of their population decreased to 300-400 thousand. At the head of each stood the governor appointed by the Empress. In the county cities, the power also belonged to the appointed government. In the counties, the executive authorities belonged to the lower Zemsky court headed by the captain - by correctionman, elected by the local nobility.

ᴀᴋᴎᴍᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϭᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, in the local government the prevailing role was played by the nobility that was natural at that time.

Especially among the events of Ekaterina 2, it should be noted " Praised literacy nobility'''' (1885). Gramist confirmed the rights of the given nobility earlier: freedom from the television punishments, the pillow, the obligatory service, the right of unlimited ownership of estates and land with its subsoils, the right of trade and industrial activities. The decision of noble dignity could be made only by decision of the Senate with the highest approval. The estates of convicted nobility were not subject to confiscation. The nobility was now called a noble estate. The feed of the powers of noblest facilities were expanded. The nobility received a class self-government: noble collections led by the provincial and county leaders. The nobility could make presentations to the authorities about their needs. It is not by chance that the Board of Catherine 2 is often called the'' rigid century of the Russian nobility'''''''''''''''' Having received the law, the nobles were overcome public responsibilities. In this regard, V.O. Klyuchevsky noticed witty:''prava without duties - legal misfortune, as a result, no reason - nelveryness is logical; The estate with one rights without duties is the political inability, and the inability cannot exist. Alas, the impossible has become possible. Such an order has existed until the cancellation of serfdom in 1861.

True, in a humored literacy it was not said about the right of the nobles to own the souls.Probably, Catherine wanted to show it that this right will not be guided by the nobility.

On one-sided, historically uncomfortable provision of liberty to the nobility, Russian peasants responded with active participation in Pugachev uprising 1773 - 1775. What were the social thoughts and the aspirations of the peasant mass? Especially bright reflection they found in Manifesto E. Pugachev dated July 18, 1774ᴦ. It was a granted diploma of the Peasant Miru'''''', or''Hhartia, on the basis of which the new, Menzitsky kingdom would have to create. Pugachev called on''VSœh, who were previously in the peasantry and citizenship of landowners, being loyal slaves of our own crown'''''', and then kicked the''dried cross and prayer, heads and beards, liberty and freedom and forever the Cossacks, without requiring recruiting sets, pillow and other money supply , possessions of lands, forest and hayfields and fish fishing, and salt lakes without buying and without a lifting and freeing all overlooking the villains of the nobility and hail sophum-judges, the peasants and the people of the people imposed and burden. The peasants, therefore, sought to be liberated from the fortress capture, wanted to get the earth and land and get rid of all overlocks and serving, to arrange community self-government to Cossack Lad.

But this was not destined to come true.

Gotted diploma of the city'''' (1785) was aimed at creating a third estate. She confirmed previously data to the rich merchandise of rights and freedoms: liberation from the pillow of the Podachi, the recruitous service. Eminate citizens and merchants of the first two guilds were released from the body punishments and some other duties. The urban population was divided into six discharges that make up the Grad society. It elected the urban chapter, members of the magistrate and vowels (deputies) '-General Grad Duma''''''. "Most Hradskaya Duma'''' 'elected a six-headed Duma - the executive body of the Office, consisting of representatives of the Gorno-residents.

The reforms remained unfinished due to the serfdom, ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ prevented the folding of a strong third class, sharply raised the nobles over all over the rest of the population. Moreover, the peasants did not have any civil rights and were excluded from the estate structure of society. But Ekaterina could not destroy the serfdom. On the contrary, with her about 900 thousand state peasants were transferred to the fortress unfortunate.

Reforms Catherine 2. - Concept and types. Classification and features of the category "reform Catherine 2." 2017, 2018.

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