Teenager social disadaptation backgrounds. Factors, reasons and forms of adolescents

Teenager social disadaptation backgrounds. Factors, reasons and forms of adolescents
Teenager social disadaptation backgrounds. Factors, reasons and forms of adolescents

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Committee of the General and Vocational Education of the Leningrad Obsess

Autonomous educational institution of high-profesional education "Leningradian public administration them. A.S. Pushkin "


Department of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies


Teenage Social Deazadaption Backgrounds


student 3 courses of absentee learning

faculty of psychology

A.V. Krivoshein


candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Gruzdeva M.V.

p. Gorbunki, 2013


1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

2. The concept of personality deadaption

3. Causes of social and psychological deadaption of personality


Bibliographic list

deviant Teen Anxiety Psychological


The crisis state of the education system in the current economic and social instability of the state not only does not eliminate, but often aggravates the problem of minors associated with the lack of family education, which contributes to even greater deviations in the behavior of children and adolescents. As a result, the process of socialization of adolescents is becoming increasingly negative, minors are currently experiencing a greater degree of spiritual pressing of the criminal world and its values, and not civil society institutions. The destruction of traditional institutions of socialization of young people and children is the only constant factors of societies where the crime among minors occurs.

Apparently, an increase in the number of dedapted adolescents and young people also influence the existing social contradictions between:

Reconciliation in secondary schools with smoking, students who have become almost the norm of behavior in the school team, on the one hand, and the continued reduction of educational and preventive work in government agencies and in organizations involved in the organization of leisure and education of children, adolescents and youth - on the other ;

The replenishment of the contingent of minor criminals and offenders at the expense of adolescents who quit schools, the beginning of the student and lagging students who have never reached classes, on the one hand, and a decrease in social relationships with pedagogical teams, on the other hand, which facilitates the establishment of contacting the above-mentioned contingent of minors with sources of negative impact, associations in groups where illegal, criminal behavior is unhindered and improved;

Crisis phenomena in society, contributing to the growth of defectiveness of the socialization of adolescents, on the one hand, and the weakening of the educational impact on minor public formations, whose competence includes education and the implementation of public control over minors' behavior - on the other.

Thus, the increase in deadaption, deviant behavior, increasing crime among minors is a consequence of global "social outsider", when young people and children are out of the existing society, pushed out of it. This occurs as a result of violations of the process of socialization process, which began to wear a spontaneous, unmanaged. The Russian society loses the system of social control over the process of becoming the younger generation, many traditional socialization institutions, such as a family, school, children's and youth organizations lose their significance, and to replace them, except for the "Institute of Street and Satellites", nothing has come.

A comparative analysis of the impact on the state of crime of the economic situation, the nature of the work of the media, the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, the level of social stability in different countries shows that their influence is present, but does not have the defining, dominant value. It can be assumed that it is the defectiveness of socialization caused by the family crisis, the system of education and education, the lack of state youth and child politics and other reasons leads to an increase in adolescent crime.

1. Problems of socialization of the individual in modern conditions

Interest in the phenomenon of socialization of the personality has increased significantly in the middle of the last century. The concept of socialization is extremely broad and includes processes and results of the formation and development of the individual. Socialization is the process and result of the interaction of the individual and society, the entry, "implementation" of the individual in public structures by developing socially necessary qualities.

Socialization, understood as a person's interaction with the medium, determines the adaptation of the person to various social situations, micro and macrogroups of people. The levels of adaptation are: conformism (the subject is valid as a social environment requires, but adheres to its value system (A. Oil); mutual tolerance, condescension to the values \u200b\u200band forms of each other's behavior (Ya. Schepański); accommodation manifested in recognition by a person of values Social environment and recognition of the human individual characteristics (Ya. Schepański); assimilation or complete adaptation, when a person refuses its previous values. In humanistic foreign pedagogy and psychology, the essence of socialization is presented as a process of self-actualization, self-realization of their potencies and creative abilities, as a process Overcoming the negative effects of the medium that prevents self-development and self-affirmation (A. Oil, K. Rogers, etc.). In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the concept of socialization is presented as "assimilation of social experience" (I. S. Kon); as "occurs in social Wednesday, adaptation to it, mastering Lena roles and functions "(B.D. Parygin). According to I.B. Kotova and E.N. Shiyanov, the meaning of socialization is revealed at the intersection of such processes as adaptation, integration, self-development and self-realization. Self-realization acts as a manifestation of internal freedom and adequate management of themselves in social conditions. Self-development is a process associated with overcoming contradictions towards achieving spiritual, physical and social harmony.

Analyzing the work of A.V. Petrovsky, one can allocate three macrophases of social development of the person at the dotter stage of socialization: childhood, where the personality adaptation is expressed in possession of social life standards; adolescence - the period of individualization, expressed in the needs of the individual in maximum personalization, in the need to "be personality"; Youth is integration expressed in the acquisition of the features and properties of the personality responsible for the need and the needs of group and own development. In modern Russian society, there are stormy processes of change, which, accordingly, affect the socialization of children and adolescents. The peculiarity of the current situation in which the formation of the spiritual appearance of adolescents and young people is being implemented, it is that this process takes place in the context of the weakening of political and ideological pressing, expanding social independence and the initiative of young people. It is accompanied by reassessment of values, critical understanding of the experience of preceding generations, new ideas about his professional future and the future of society.

In the study of socialization problems, special significance has the identification of the characteristics of the relations of high school students. It is at this age that studies of I.S. Kona, I.B. Cat, so-called. Malkovskoye, R.G. Gurova, A.V. Mudrica, S.A. Smirnova, R.M. Shamionova, E.N. Shiyanova, the social environment is expanding, affecting students. Senior adolescents, boys and girls develop the desire to emancipate from adults, determine their place in life. An important channel of information is communicating with peers, it becomes a means of psychological protection from peers. As the time spent by children outside the family and school increases, the proportion of the Society of People's Society is increasing, which in many cases outweighs the authority of the parents. Society of peers as a socialization factor is heterogeneously and now has changed: before, they were led and sent to adult children's teams and organizations (pioneers, Komsomol), today these are a variety of informal communities, mostly multiple and socially mixed socially. Thirdly, these are defects of family life, the emergence and reproduction at the level of the child's microenvironment of various non-adaptive, destructive forms of relations both between him and adults, and simply adults with each other, family infantilism and egoism, the desire to "lose" social structures with social structures for Education and education of own children. The family forms not only socially significant qualities of the individual, but also inherent appraisal criteria; The influence of the family at the teenager is stronger than the influence of the school, society as a whole. For example, the barbaric principle "Eye for the Eye, tooth for the tooth" seems to be a teenager that grew up in an asocial family, natural and fair (Ermakov. D., 1987). Analyzing V. Potashov's work, it can be noted that the consumerism formed in the family is dangerous affecting minors, as they try to achieve the desired by any means.

Research I.I. Shurygin (1999) proved that in families whose mothers have a higher education, there was not a single case that 14-15-year-old schoolchildren show a tendency to deviations. Among the poor children of poor mothers were theft, and suicide. The transition from the traditional patriarchal family to modern, based on the equality of spouses, led to a decrease in father's authority, loss of consistency of educational influences of parents. Family became common with one or two children, for whom childocentrism is characterized, and hence the egocentrism of children. Parental authority is no longer absolute, now the conviction comes to the place of prohibition and coercion. Moral authority to support much more difficult than power based on force, especially when the range of information sources and the choice of communication circle expands. Fourthly, these are defects associated with the economic disproportion, the division of citizens on the poor and rich, the growth of unemployment, cultivated by a certain part of the society "Psychology of Nazis", disregard for honest daily work, a demonstrative cult of "steepness", "Lo." and "Rapid", nothing justified by the "quarry", which clearly show the younger generation a real "truth of life", in which there is no place for a high level of education, nor intelligence, nor solid moral imperatives.

As it turned out, a factor in improving parental authority for children is their employment to commercial activities. Children are more readily relying on their advice, justly considering their parents more adapted to new living conditions, sobering asking the real life situation (Shurygin I.I., 1999). Fifth, these are defects associated with the current practice of the existence and work of public and youth organizations. Most of them, in words, declaring high ideals and moral values, conducting a lot of all kinds of educational events, in fact, they only conduct them "for a tick", create the so-called fictitious-demonstrative product, which is necessary for them to obtain a variety of resources, from the local authority, So and other structures and organizations. It should also be noted the activity of all sorts of pro-Western organizations of a sectarian type, informal associations of adolescents actively, on commercial or free of sale by schoolchildren to their ranks and imposing their own value system, which sometimes contradicts not only traditional values \u200b\u200bfor society, but also the basics of normal healthy life Child. Sixth, these are defects associated with circulating in the society of all sorts of information flows, whose key agent is the media.

Such phenomena of society can not be noticed by the younger generation and do not damage their spiritual and moral health. As a result, the occurrence of depressive states, which manifest themselves in the form of such symptoms as:

Apathy - the state of indifference, indifference, complete indifference to what is happening, surrounding, self-reliance, past life, the prospects for the future. This is a persistent or transient total loss of both higher social senses and congenital emotional programs;

Hypothymia (reduced mood) is an affective depression in the form of adolescence, sadness with the experience of loss, hopelessness, disappointment, doomed, weakening attachment to life. Positive emotions at the same time are superficial, extracits may be completely absent;

Dysphoria - gloomy, burgough, hostility, sullen mood with gridness, grinding, discontent, dislike to surround, outbreaks of irritation, anger, rage with aggression and destructive actions;

The confusion is a sharp sense of inability, helplessness, misunderstandings of the easiest situations and changes in their mental state. Typical: Hellism, instability of attention, asking facial expression, postures and gestures of puzzled and extremely uncertain man;

Anxiety is an unclear, incomprehensible to the person himself a feeling of growing danger, premonition of the catastrophe, intense waiting for a tragic outcome. Emotional energy acts so powerfully that there are peculiar physical sensations. Anxiety is accompanied by motor excitation, disturbing exclamations, shades of intonations, extended expressive acts;

Fear is a spilled state, transferred to all the circumstances and projected into everything in the surrounding. Fear can also be associated with certain situations, objects, persons and is expressed by the experience of danger, the immediate threat of life, health, well-being, prestige. It may be accompanied by peculiar physical sensations indicating the internal concentration of energies.

The alarm of parents and teachers increases, on the one hand, the absence of many desired properties in modern children: a sense of responsibility, self-esteem, empathy, vital energy, acceptable rules of behavior, positive emotional contact with others; On the other hand, the loss of sense of control of developing children around the children, by their powerlessness to oppose the adverse trends in this issue.

The percentage of socially dezadapted children, children - with disorders of socialization, with somatic diseases of neurogenic and psychogenic origin, with mental disorders and completely unknown forms of painful mental dependence (for example, the so-called visitors and fans of computer clubs and games, slot machines, etc. .).

The number of purely nominal teenage and youth public organizations living on the principle of the so-called "double morality" and demonstrating fictitious activity and a fake civil position that are perfectly understood who and why use them in their own big game.

The quality of training graduates of schools, which realize that the only correct condition for the prestigious education is the presence of the amount of the amount necessary for payment of training in the wallet of their parents.

All of the above are the symptoms of a certain crisis for working with children, which has a social nature and a long history of its development. There are several types of adult reactions to the problems of the socialization of children:

A) Avoidance reaction: the fact of availability and (or) the scale of the problem is not recognized. This type of reaction is especially characteristic of the local administration and a large number of public organizations and is that the factors of anxiety (but not the problems themselves) are accepted, they are talking about them, they are discussed, certain ritual actions are committed, but real, and even more efficient measures, Let even delayed in time, are rarely applied, as an exception from the rules. Problem issues have a property not solve, but simply transmitted "in a circle", from one group of administrators to others.

B) the reaction of external charges. It is most important, along with the response of avoidance, characteristic of professional groups (doctors, teachers, cultural workers, sports schools, representatives of the ATC). In one case, some professional groups accuse other professional groups, in another - do not recognize any problems in their department at all. In the third, they simply blame the surrounding social structures in egoism and in reluctance to understand the essence and causes of problems facing the departments.

C) Egoism reaction. It is characteristic of the majority of Socyur groups, which is not directly related to the areas related to working with children. Along with the response of avoiding, these, externally, well-beneficial social groups of residents (managers and specialists of industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs) demonstrate a complete neglect of the problems of the sphere and sincerely believe that "these are not concerned" and "these are not their problem," and "they They themselves are to blame that they live like that. "

Thus, in the modern Russian society, the socialization of the younger generation, on the one hand, is managed and targeted, and mostly, a spontaneous, unconscious and therefore unmanaged or poorly managed and is not ensured by the necessary for its successful flow and completion of resources: financial, material, personnel , technological, etc.

2. The concept of personality deadaption

The process of socialization is the inclusion of a child in society. This is a complex, multifactor and multi-vector process, which weathered ultimately in the final result. Especially since the socialization process can continue throughout the human life, intertwining with historical, ideological, economic, cultural and other processes. Domestic psychology, not denying the influence of the innate features of the body on the properties of the personality, stands on the positions that a person becomes a person as it is included in the surrounding life. The personality is formed with the participation and under the influence of other people who have accumulated knowledge and experience. This happens not by simple assimilation of social relations, but as a result of the complex interaction of external (social) and internal (psychophysical) development deposit, represents the unity of individual-significant and social and typical features and qualities (Bozovich L.I., 1966; BRUIS B ., 1988; and others). Consequently, the personality and its anomaly are considered socially determined, developing vital activity, in the change of child's relations to the surrounding reality. It is necessary to emphasize that the development of personal qualities and certain features of the behavior of the individual is due to congenital prerequisites, social conditions (features of relationships with parents surrounding adults and peers, content); The inner position of the individual himself (Vyotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N.).

Thus, the degree of socialization of the individual is determined by many components, which together constitute the overall structure of the exposure to society into a separate personality. The presence of defects in each of such affecting components leads to the emergence of socio-psychological characteristics that can lead it in a certain situation to the conflict with society. Under the influence of socio-psychological factors of the external environment, in the presence of internal conditions, the child appears, one appears, which manifests itself in the form of a deviant (divinted, addictive, etc.) of behavior.

Deadaption occurs in disorders of socialization, is characterized by the deformation of the value and reference orientations of a schoolboy, a decrease in the reference importance and alienation of a dezadaptive teenager, primarily from the "socializing" influence of the school teacher. At the same time, depending on the degree of alienation and depth of deformation of reference and value orientations, two stages of social disadaptation are put forward. The first stage - pedagogical nestry - is characterized by loss of reference importance and alienation from school as the institution of socialization while maintaining a high family reference. The second (and more dangerous) stage of deadaption - social nestness - is characterized by the fact that, along with the school, the teenager is alienated from the family and, losing contact with the main institutions of socialization, becomes like social magli, absorbing distorted value-normative ideas and criminal experience in deviant Teenage and youthful companies and groupings. The consequence of this is not only the lagging in their studies, failure, but also an increasing psychological discomfort, tested by students at school, which in adolescence pushes on the search for another, out-of-school environment of communication, other reference group of peers, beginning to play crucial importance in the socialization of the teenager.

The factors of deadaption are the displacement of a child from the situation of personal growth, development and disregard by his desire for self-affirmation and self-realization, a socially welcomed method. The consequence of deadaption is psychological isolation in the field of communication with the loss of feelings of belonging to the culture inherent in it and the transition to microcreonal values \u200b\u200band installations.

Increased social activity - as a result of unsatisfied needs - can manifest themselves either in social work (positive deviation), or in antisocial activities, or, not finding realization neither there, nor there, finish "departure" of its subjects into alcohol, drugs, and even suicidal act. According to the works of D.I. Feldstein, you can allocate the following factors affecting the formation of deviant behavior:

1. An individual factor acting at the level of psycho-biological prerequisites of asocial behavior, which make it difficult for social adaptation of the individual;

2. The psychological factor that reveals the unfavorable features of the interaction of a minor with its nearest environment in the family, on the street, in the school team;

3. Personal factor that manifests itself primarily in the socially active electoral attitude of the individual to the preferred community environment, to the norms and values \u200b\u200bof its social environment, to the pedagogical opportunities of the family, school, public, etc., as well as personal value orientations and personal ability and readiness for self-regulation of their behavior;

4. Social factor determined by the socio-cultural and socio-economic conditions for the existence of society;

5. Socio-pedagogical factor manifested in school and family education defects. Consequently, if a person absorbed the values \u200b\u200bthat are inappropriate to the norms of morality and the right, here it is not about the process of socialization, but about the deviation. T.Parson said this, noting that the devians are "people with inadequate socialization. These are those who insufficiently learned the values \u200b\u200band norms of society. "

6. Different bases may be based on the classification of species and forms of deviant behavior. Depending on the subject (that is, who violates the norm), deviant behavior can be individual or group. From the point of view of the object, deviant behavior is divided into the following categories:

Anomalous behavior deviating from mental health standards and implies the presence of explicit or hidden psychopathology;

Asocial or antisocial behavior that violates any social and cultural norms, especially legal.

For students with unsatisfactory adaptation in an interactive education system, characteristic:

1. accentuations of the nature of astheno-neurotic, sensitive, schizoid, epileptoid, and steroid types;

2. Conflict nature of relations in the interactive system


3. High anxiety levels;

4. Deviant interaction style with teacher;

5. Aggressive compensation for unsuccessful adaptation in an interactive education system.

These characteristics indicate the fact of the deficit of the personal potential of the socio-psychological adaptation of the student. The concept of the deficit of personal social and psychological potential of the student includes the following shortages:

1) the shortage of the social identity of the student's personality;

2) the scarce of social intelligence of the student's personality;

3) the deficit of the social competence of the student's personality;

4) student self confidence deficiency.

I. The shortage of the social identity of the student's personality.

The category of "social identity" is borrowed from sociology and social psychology. In the characteristic of social identity, which leads V.A. Poisons, clearly indicates that it is "awareness, the experience of its belonging to various social communities." Based on the injuries V.S. Ageeva and VS Tasmasovoy, representing the theory of social identity, one can characterize its following provisions:

1) Social identity develops from those aspects of the image "I", which arise from the perception by a person itself as a member of certain social groups;

2) People strive to preserve or enhance their self-esteem, that is, they strive for a positive image of themselves.

Social identity deficiency:

In the reflective measurement, the indicators of social desirability and the absence of their identity are clearly recorded;

In the axiological measurement, dissatisfaction with themselves, their capabilities, a high level of tension, lack of confidence in their forces and opportunities, depreciation of their I;

In the adaptive dimension - the absence of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bits social identity and a weak level of personal intervention;

In an interpersonal dimension - distrust of people whose estimates and opinions do not reflect their own attitude towards themselves, an increase in the trend of egocentration with simultaneous social self-insulation;

In the existential dimension - underestimation of the meaning of the acquisition of social identity, the lack of interest to identify itself with socially acceptable groups, the identification of asocial groups;

In the intractile dimension - internal deadaption, low self-propeller, refusal to interact with social intriched, off the socializing communication in school;

In a personalized dimension - a rigid i-concept, unwillingness to change on a general background of a positive attitude towards himself, affection for an inadequate image I, the active use of primitive forms of psychological protection for maintaining intraschic equilibrium;

In a dynamic measurement, the strengthening of the adaptation conflict, the dynamic development of anxiety, emotional and psychological discomfort, the denial of their own liability for failures and failure in its social functioning, the formation of the trend of non-adaptive subject relations;

In conflict measurement - inducing in itself internal conflicts and "jams" on the problems generated by the adaptation conflict and consequences and its strengthening, which leads to transformation into conflict - conflict instigator.

Phenomenological characteristics of social identity deficit:

1) refusal to take on social obligations and social responsibility even for the fact of its own social functioning;

2) a high level of social anxiety, generating social immaturity and the uncertainty of social status;

3) the desire for conformal forms of their social functioning;

4) Egocentration and social self-isolation.

II. Student personality intelligence deficit.

In most cases, living conditions and activity changes are not as noticeable for the person. However, in some cases, these changes occur as sharply that they require a sharp change in the mental qualities of the person. In such cases, there is a need for social and psychological adaptation (adaptation) of the person. There may be various defects of socio-psychological adaptation, which lead to very serious changes in the structure of the individual. The concept of "social intelligence" was first used by E. Torndayk in 1920 as a characteristic of the prognostic and operational-communicative ability of a person, which manifests itself in its interpersonal relationship. This phenomenon is considered as a special ability to predict and ensure an adequate device in interpersonal relations. Mastering a social role means not only the acquisition of skills to perform the amount of certain functions, but is always associated with the assimilation of the characteristics of the consciousness inherent in this social group.

Between the mental properties of the individual and social roles there is mutual conditionality. Defects of mental properties can lead to defects of social roles. Moreover, the defects of mental properties can increase even more if they are constantly manifested in these social roles. Defects in the fulfillment of the social role, in turn, can generate the emergence of such negative mental properties of the individual, which previously did not have. Different defects in the fulfillment of the social role in the event of their repetition inevitably lead to the development of negative mental properties of the individual. A social role is in the form of a catalyst that enhances the effect and the development of the negative mental properties of the individual in the event that there is a negative attitude towards the implementation of this role.

So, social intelligence is a global ability arising from a complex of intellectual, personal, communicative and behavioral features, including the level of energy security of self-regulation processes; These features determine the forecasting of the development of interpersonal situations, the interpretation of information information, willingness to social interaction and decision-making. The deficit of intellectual development is characterized by the deficit of the main processes of human social thinking: problematization, reflection, interpretation, representation, categorization. The formation of a shortage of intellectual development of the student's personality is determined by the nature and target installations of the functioning of the interactive structure of the family. Namely to the socio-pedagogical installation, from the position of which in the family determines the attitude towards a developing person and interpreted the actions and actions of this person. The socio-pedagogical effectiveness of the functioning of the interactive family system is determined by the level of development of the adaptive abilities of the developing personality.

The deficit of social intelligence significantly affects the formation of the subjective qualities of the individual personality (primarily responsibility). As noted by E.A. Alekseeva, responsibility is a fairly broad concept. It includes a formal aspect (responsibility to law), and actually personal, in which you can also allocate at least two sides:

1) responsibility in the sense of regulativity, obedience, social debt;

2) responsibility as an involvement of an event, as responsible, first of all, before itself.

In the first case, responsibility reflects the accountability of the subject in terms of the implementation of the Company's requirements, with the subsequent use of sanctions, depending on the degree of guilt or merit. Consequently, responsibility here as a means of external control and external regulation of the activity of the personality, which fulfills due contrary to his will (E.A. Alekseeva calls it an external responsibility). In the second case, the responsibility reflects the attitude towards the subject itself, its predisposition, acceptance, willingness to fulfill due, here the responsibility serves as a means of internal control (self-control) and the internal regulation (self-regulation) of the personality activity, which performs due at its discretion, consciously and voluntarily (by E.A. Alekseeva, this is internal responsibility).

The concept of conformism is closely connected with the concept of external liability (social regulation). Social standards at the same time act rather not as direct regulators of actions, but as subsequent justifications for a person of his line of behavior and choosing action options in a particular situation. But then it is rather a formal report before others than the real responsibility for what is happening in me with me, with my participation. The flight in the "crowd" is always a way to throw off the burden of own responsibility. Take the responsibility for yourself - it means to realize our involvement and willingness to act, not looking at the circumstances, often even contrary to them, change anything in yourself or the surrounding reality. Such responsibility is the main condition for constructive activities, the activity of the subject, and, consequently, its continuous development. And, on the contrary, any protective actions (care, negation of problems, aggression) are most often associated with attempts to remove personal responsibility for what is happening.

III. The deficit of social competence of the personality of students.

To the number of personality characteristics, providing successful socialization, such as the ability to change their value orientations can be attributed; the ability to find a balance between its values \u200b\u200band the requirements of the role with electoral terms to social roles; Orientation is not on specific requirements, but approaching universal moral human values.

Social competence - the ability to socially distinguish norms, values, rules, flexibility in understanding the context of action, possession of a wide repertoire of behavioral reactions. In the work of E.I. Krukovich, based on a comprehensive analysis of this concept, a three-component hierarchical model of social competence is presented.

1) Social fitness is a degree characteristic in which the student's identity reaches socially deterministic and important goals for it.

2) Social execution is the degree of personality reaction reaction in a specific social situation.

3) Social skills (skills) are behavioral and cognitive skills, on the basis of which the personality reaches the relevance of their behavior in specific social situations of its functioning.

Social competence deficit appears in the unity of three dimensions: intrasubetic - the socio-psychological adaptability of the student's personality; Intersubjective - socio-communicative competence of the student's personality; As well as the subjectively personal - personal social and psychological potential of the student.

The criteria for social and communicative competence were first formulated by T. Gordon. He defined it as a skill to get out of any situation, without losing the inner freedom, and at the same time, not giving it to losing her partner to communicate. Thus, the main criterion of competence is an affiliate position in the communication "on equal" (as opposed to the "extension from above" or "an extension below").

In the works of Yu.I. Emelyanova, L A. Petrovskaya and others. Under the communicative competence it is understood as the "ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with people." Competence includes some combination of knowledge and skills that ensure the effective course of the communicative process. In the work of L.D. Stolyarenko is offered a similar characteristic: "Communicative competence - the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. For effective communication, it is characteristic: the achievement of mutual understanding of partners, a better understanding of the situation and the subject of communication. Communicative competence is considered as a system of internal resources necessary to build effective communication in a certain circle of interpersonal situations. " Based on the concept of "social competence" used by R. Ulrich de Mink, the following characteristics of a socially competent person can be called:

Makes decisions regarding himself and seeks to understand your own feelings;

Forgets blocking unpleasant feelings and own uncertainty;

Represents how the goals should be achieved in the most efficient way;

Correctly understands the desires, expectations and requirements of other people, weighs and takes into account their rights;

Analyzes the area defined by social structures and institutions, the role of their representatives and includes these knowledge to their own behavior;

Presents how taking into account specific circumstances and time to behave, taking into account other people, restrictions on social structures and their own requirements;

It is aware that social competence has nothing to do with aggressiveness and implies respect for the rights and obligations of other people.

The phenomenological characteristics of the social competence of the student's personality, which was formed under the influence of a deficient interactive education system, in an intrasubetic aspect include (by E.V. Rudensky):

1) Intrasubjective personality disadvantage;

2) the tendency to strengthen the adaptation conflict;

3) intersubetic conformism;

4) Socio-psychological deformation.

The phenomenological characteristics of the social competence deficit of a developing personality in an interactive education system are represented by the following components:

1) socio-psychological autistic;

2) Socio-psychological conformism;

3) Low level of claims.

The deficit of social competence generates a personal annomy, which is characterized by the disintegration of the system of value orientations of the student and puts it in the situation of a socially indigestive person. For the first time, the sociological explanation of devianity was proposed in the theory of annomia developed by Emil Durkheim (1897) in a classic examination of the essence of suicide. He considered one of its causes a phenomenon called anomy (literally "inclustedness"). Explaining this phenomenon, he emphasized that social rules play an important role in regulating the life of people, the norms manage their behavior. Therefore, usually people know what should be expected from others, and what they expect from them. However, during crises or radical social changes, life experience ceases to comply with ideals embodied in social norms. As a result, people experience the condition of confusion and disorientation, leading to the rise in suicide levels. Thus, the "violation of a collective order" contributes to deviant behavior. Anomy is also peculiar to the modern Russian society: a significant part of the population, which is not accustomed to competition, pluralism, perceives the events occurring in society as an increasing chaos and anarchy.

IV. Student personality confidence deficiency.

The deficit of the person's confidence in itself is the result of an imbalance or in the direction of strengthening in the process of socializing the formation of a socio-adapted personality, or towards the formation of a socio-autonomous person. The development of a socially adapted personality often leads to the formation of the conformism of the individual. The degree of manifestation of the personality of the desire for self-actualization characterizes the intrasuberate indicators of the deficit (or its absence) of self-confidence.

The intersestic indicator of the deficit of the person's confidence in itself is the positive cognitive-emotional attitude of the student to his social skills, which brings the understanding of self-effectiveness to the concept of self-efficiency, which A. Bandura introduced. The phenomenological analysis of confidence deficit is characterized by the following signs:

1) the average level of mental adapitation and mental deadapotation;

2) reducing the energy potential of the individual, which determines the emergence of social apathy, frustration of sociogenic needs, emotional instability, low self-control, a weak organization of difficulties in communication;

3) emotional instability leading to the spontaneous occurrence of conflicts in the socio-educational process and outside it;

4) reducing activity and narrowing of the circle of communication, the developmental tendency;

5) refusal to any forms of dominance in social functioning and decrease in expressiveness in relationships with other people;

6) Disabled from socio-group relationships, disintegration of value orientations leading to the formation of personal annomy.

The deficiency of self-confidence determines the emergence of the difficulties of the person's personality self-realization and generate socio-pedagogical problems, defined as the communicative destruction of personality and diskomotivation syndrome.

The communicative destruction of the personality is the state of its off from the system of the life and functional-needed relationship, generating the social alienation of the individual. As a result of this state, the spectrum of social interaction of the individual is narrowed and the syndrome of psychosocial alienation is developing. Discomotion syndrome can be represented in four main versions:

1) loneliness in the circle of people - the desire to contact is faced with the inability to find the interlocutor;

2) Communicative helplessness - an active desire for contact is not realized due to the inability to tie and establish it even if there are suitable interlocutors;

3) conflict communication - the desire for contact for the discharge of accumulated aggression;

4) the extinction of the desire for contacts is fatigue from communication, intolerance of communication, care.

The deficiency of self-confidence as a morphological component of the deadaption of a developing personality is phenomenologically characterized as a genetic source of formation of social defectiveness of the personality regarding the mechanisms of compliant behavior. The deficit of social intelligence and social competence deficit act as factors that determine the formation of a student's personality deficit. However, the main factor determining the formation of a deficiency of confidence is the state of self-awareness of the student's personality. Self-consciousness is considered as a three-level structure:

Cognitive component (presented in the process of self-knowledge);

Affective component (seems to be in the process of self-relation);

The behavioral component (characterized by the process of self-regulation).

One of the components of the deficit of the interactive education system is the presence of a shortage of professional-pedagogical potentials of the teacher as a socialization agent. The deficiency of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of the socio-educational process of the school is determined:

1. A deficiency of the subject qualities required by the student to interact with the teacher as a socialization agent;

2. A deficit of the subject and professional-pedagogical qualities of the teacher's personality;

3. Role teacher deficit as a socialization agent;

4. The deficit of the systemic socialization mechanism, which is formed due to the use of the socialization agent of pedagogical coercive technologies leading to blocking the development of problem thinking and reflection;

5. A shortage of the main condition for the constructive socialization of the personality is an attraction, which determines the loss by the teacher of the status of a significant person for the developing personality of the student.

These five basic deficits and determine the deficit of the interactive education system as an organizational and pedagogical mechanism of the socio-educational process of the school. Thus, the student's personality deadaption is one of the socio-psychological characteristics of the quality of education, on the one hand, and on the other, is the indicator of the problem state of the educational school process. This gives us the basis to put forward a student personality in the educational process of the school as a problem of social psychology on the following grounds:

The student's personality deadaption is determined by the "costs" of the educational activities of the modern school;

The student's personality dezadaplation arises as a result of the inconsistency of the concepts of education and education in the modern Russian school of real sociordynamics of the Russian community;

The student's personality dedaption is formed due to the inconsistency of the educational activities of social and psychological technologies for the development of the development mechanism of the personality;

The student's personality dedaption develops as a result of an inadequate actual situation of the state of the educational system in Russia, training of pedagogical personnel;

The student's personality dedaption occurs due to the dysfunction of a modern family, which loses socializing functions, and the school to compensate for these losses is not yet ready.

3. Causes of social and psychological deadaption of personality

The degree of socialization of the individual is determined by the identity ratio to all major elements determining the essence of this social system. In the process of socializing the person, which is projected to be sent, is carried out, monitored by society, there may be various defects. Thus, due to a number of reasons, the personality can distortively perceive social experience, it turns out to be isolated from the purposeful impact of positive social influence, it is under the influence of various anti-social attitudes, aspirations, needs. Social living conditions determine the development of the psyche of a particular person - its experience, knowledge, relationships, aspirations, interests, needs. Social necessarily refracted through the psyche - the psychology of the person is always socially determined. In accordance with this, defects of the psychological structure of a given person determine the defects of the personality. The terms of the conditions affecting the personality socialization process, along with intersubjective, are also socio-psychological. As a mechanism for the personality, in the opinion of Sullivan, interpersonal relationships are interpersonal. This means that the main psychological condition for the development of the personality is the quality of its inclusion in interactive systems of culture, family and schools.

Sullivan has an interactive development system is defined as an interpersonal development situation. Interaction is understood by the interaction caused by the mutual interpretation of actions by their participants. At the heart of the interaction lies, above all, the cognitive psychological mechanism, which ensures the interaction of personalities as the basis of social functioning. This means that interactive identity development is associated with the formation of social intelligence and social competence with the simultaneous development of psychocultural maturity and socio-role readiness. It all together and characterizes the subjectivity of the person as an integral indicator of its social capacity. The positive result of the interaction of a growing personality with the medium at various levels is its successful socialization. Otherwise, disadaptation arises. As part of this paper, it seems important to consider the social and psychological conditions in which socialization becomes defective. One of them is the conversion of culture and subculture, and at the institutional level. The fact that has recently been the culture of society (good literature, music, theater, deep cinema, etc.), becomes, in fact, the narrow elite region, a small part of the population, which preserves the feeling of taste and measures and not fearing to burden themselves with mental operations in The process of art perception. The same, what was called subculture (slang, "Blatnik", drug and crimmorfology, etc.) - becomes the lot of the overwhelming majority of Russians, and, it means turns into the real culture of this society. It is logical that the main objects of this transformation are the youth, the most susceptible to innovation, part of the society, which is replicated cultural and valuable samples.

A teacher as an agent for the socialization of the developing personality student is an intermediary between him and society. As an intermediary in the implementation of the socio-pedagogical problems of managing the socialization of the student's personality, the teacher is called upon to have personally and professionally necessary potentials. The main problem for the pedagogy of the transformation period is in violation of the mental health of the participants in the educational process, which is associated with the crisis of relations and too fast change of social landmarks, social regulators and social institutions and the extremely slow restructuring of the system of higher professional pedagogical education, when the knowledge gained often come into conflict with Realities of the pedagogical and social life of the teacher. The transformation of society gave rise to a tendency to individualized forms of existence, which force a person to put themselves in the center of their own life plans to survive materially. This trend is also characteristic of teachers. There is a conflict between soci-centralized and egocentrated sociocultural systems. It becomes a source of psychotrauming impact on the teacher's personality, strengthens the deformation processes and destroys the integrity of the personal functioning of the teacher as an agent for the socialization of the developing personality of the student. After all, the majority of teachers are persons who have experienced the deformal character of a person influence the dominant soci-centered education system. The soci-centered system of education, which has the purpose of the functioning of education - the formation of a sociotype, and not a person - led to the suppression of personogenic needs, which caused the pathological syndrome in the form of fear, discontent with himself and depressed aggressiveness. The deformation of the character of the teacher as an agent, which is a pathogenic factor in the formation of a deficit of socialization, manifests itself in the form:

Complex: deficiency of self-regulation, worship before authoriters, sense of inferiority, sociophobia;

Obsessive actions: Pedantism, exaggerated desire for order and discipline, accuracy, excessive diligence.

The following factor is socio-economic. According to sociological studies conducted by O.V. Carpushina, 4.3% of young people include banditism and rackets in the list of the most prestigious professions. This is due to the idealization of the market; The desire for welfare, by all means - a kind of socio-psychological phenomenon of youth consciousness, at the base of which - enrichment and life success achieved at any cost. According to the study, 18.1% of respondents of young people consider it possible to participate in criminal groups; 9.1% believe that today is a normal way to "earn money". According to the results of S. Paramonic surveys, quite recently in the consciousness of young people a priority was creating activities, and the highest justice was considered to be paid by labor. Today, the prestigious is increasingly becoming activity about sharing and consumption. Most of the respondents (76.6%) would prefer to realize their activity in non-political organizations. The main form of such organizations is the taking "Tusovki", which are emerging on the basis of common interests: sports, musical and other parties become the form of uniting youth, the tool of its socialization, being outside the sphere of influence (educational, cultural, educational) state and society. As part of criminal acts, minors prevail (up to 85%) crimes against property (theft, fraud, robbery, robbery, theft of the vehicle, intentional destruction or damage to property). The predominance of these types of crime reflects, on the one hand, an increased financial property stratification in society, on the other, the growth of social intolerance and aggressiveness.


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Health, well-being and success of a person is largely determined by his ability to adapt to the surrounding conditions and establish links to people. Someone succeeds very easily, someone learns during life, and for some it turns into a real problem. Psychological dezadaption not only worsens the quality of human life, but can also cause development many psychological and social problems - from the lack of a circle of communication to the inability to work and contain itself.

Desocialization or social dezadaption is a complete or partial inability of a person to adapt to the environment and society existing around it.

The adaptation mechanism is one of the most important conditions for the successful existence of a person, thanks to him, he learns from childhood to comply with certain rules, communicate according to the rules existing in a particular society and behave according to the situation accordingly. The violation of this adaptation mechanism leads to a "breakdown" or the absence of the emergence of established links between an individual and society, the person does not fit into the existing framework and cannot fully interact with others.

The reasons for social dezadaption can be different, only a part of people suffering from such a disorder have various psychopathology, the rest of this state arises as a result of improper education, stress or deprivation.

Deazadaption in children

Of particular importance acquires the deadaplation of children in modern society. More and more children in developed and developing countries suffer from various violations of behavior and psyche. Most of them cannot normally adapt to society and, as they are growing and growing, the number of problems is only increasing. Moreover, according to specialists, only a little more than half of such children suffers from neurological diseases and psychopathologies, other violation of social adaptation arises due to the conditions of their livelihoods, improper education or its absence, as well as the influence of parents and the environment.

Social deducidation of children and adolescents can be extremely negatively affecting their development - such children cannot normally establish contacts with peers, and then with people around them, they have deformities of personality, asocial inclinations, a neurological disease may develop or they will not be able to achieve any -Lo success in the future.

The timely correction of such violations in children and adolescents helps them quickly quickly overcome the state of deadaption and assimilate all the necessary skills. In adulthood and in senior adolescents, it takes much more time and efforts - this is due to the smallest plasticity of the psyche, and with the number of "skills" that must be fill.

This was repeatedly confirmed by numerous studies and practical activities - children at an early age were in a state of social deadaption, easily and quickly catch up and even ahead of their peers in development when placing them in favorable conditions. But adults who grew up in a state of disadaptation are much more difficult to learn the necessary information and "join" in a more complex society.

Causes of dezadaption

Desocialization or mental decadation may arise due to psychological, physical or social reasons. The most significant, today, the social and socio-economic causes and violations of the nervous system and the features of the psyche can be corrected by correct education and development, but not compliance with the rules of education in society can lead to problems with social adaptation even with full physical and mental health.

Socially psychological deadaption occurs when:

  • Physical or biological violations - brain injuries, diseases of the nervous system, infectious diseases leaking with high temperature and intoxication.
  • Psychological disorders - the peculiarities of the nervous system (weakness, excessive excitation, violation of volitional processes), accentuation of character and so on.
  • Social violations - especially this factor in children's and adolescent age. Incorrect education, a child's rejection or a teenager with family or team can lead to disadaptation and development of serious impairments of psyche. Adults can also suffer from social and psychological disadaptation by finding an unusual and hostile atmosphere for them, the situation of universal rejection or injury (for example, a mentally healthy, fully adapted adult man when indulging in place of imprisonment or asocial community).

Desocialization in children's and adolescence can be caused by some other factors, for example, a long-term content of a child without parents or a violation of communication at school.

Hospitalism in children is a pathological syndrome, which develops in children, for a long time in a hospital or boarding school, violent from parents and the usual circle of communication. The shortage of communication leads to the lagging in physical and mental development, the formation of emotional violations and social deadaption. Such violations arise due to the lack of sufficient attention from adults, as well as the lack of positive and negative stimuli from society. The child in such conditions is granted to itself and cannot be fully developed.

Hospitalism syndrome in children is developing not only when placed in the hospital, but also with a long stay in the boarding school, orphanage and other places where the child is deprived of the usual circle of communication.

In adolescents, school disadaptation occurs more often. Desocialization develops in the case of a "dissimilar" student on other peers, with any distinctive feature of "expulsion from society": low or high performance, external data, individual traits or something else. School dezadaption often occurs when changing the familiar environment for a child, a sharp change in its appearance or social factor, sometimes without visible reasons. Rejection, ridicule on the part of peers and the lack of support from teachers and adults lead to a violation of the establishment of social relations and loss of their place in society.

In addition to the above reasons, desocialization may occur due to nervous and mental disorders in children and adults:

  • Autism
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipolar - personality disorder
  • Ossessive compulsive disorder and so on.

Symptoms of desocialization

Social dezadaption is manifested in the impossibility of a person to fully adapt to the conditions around him. Allocate complete and partial social dezadaption. With partial disadaptation, a person ceases to contact or touch with certain areas of life: does not go to work, does not attend events, refuses to communicate with friends. With complete - violations arise in all spheres of life, a person closes in itself, ceases to communicate even with the most close and gradually losing touch with its surrounding reality.

Signs of social disadaptation:

  • Aggressiveness is one of the most characteristic signs. Dezadapted children become aggressive, as they simply do not understand how to behave and in advance occupy a protective position. Teens and adults also use verbal and non-verbal aggression, manipulation and lies for the fastest achievement of goals. In such a state, they do not attempt to establish interaction with others and are not trying to understand which norms and rules exist in this society.
  • The closure is another characteristic feature. A person stops communicating with others, he completely goes into herself, hiding from people, prevents attempts to tie a relationship with him.
  • Sociophobia - Fear is gradually developing before communication, a large number of people, the need to talk to someone and so on. It's becoming more difficult for a person to do something, going beyond his daily affairs, he begins to be afraid to visit an unfamiliar place, go somewhere, to make a conversation with a stranger or even get out of the house.
  • Deviating behavior - the lack of social contacts leads to ignoring the norms and rules existing in society. The result of this often becomes deflecting or asocial behavior.


Social deducation is characterized by loss of connections with the society and the outside world and if the correction of this state will not be corrected, then the personality destruction is possible or its underdevelopment.

Correction of social disadaptation begins with the establishment of the causes of its development and depends on the age of the patient.

People who have desocialization syndrome, arose in adulthood, recommended assistance to a psychotherapist or a psychologist, visiting trainings, mandatory establishment of social contacts, working with its own behavior, fear, and so on.

Dezadapted children need long joint work of parents or educators, teachers and psychologists. It is necessary to assess the degree of backlog in development, it is understood that the child has changed in the psyche due to social deadaption and adjust these violations.

The prevention of school deadaption, pedagogical and social nesting in children and adolescents today is the most important task of modern society.

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Social dezadaption

  • Introduction
  • 1. Deazadaption of teenagers
    • 1.1 Age and Psychological Features of Teenagers
    • 1.2 Concept and species of adolescents
  • 2. Social deadaption and its factors
    • 2.1 Essence of Social Dezadaption
    • 2.2 Social Dezadaption Factors
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The problems of adolescents are always relevant, but never stood so acutely, as at present in the conditions of an unstable social and political situation, the unresolved economic crisis, weakening the role of the family, the devaluation of moral and moral norms, a sharp difference in the material conditions of life, the continuing polarization of the segments of the population.

Adverse domestic, microsococilities are the source of numerous, different strength and duration of the impact of psychotrauming factors. Personal and mental deviations lead to disadaptation and increased criminal activity. Psycho-conditioned depressive states in adolescents may cause, and in certain cases and a consequence of social disadaptation.

Teenage age is defined as the "Second Birth". The birth of a social person, ready to engage in life. Social deadaption in adolescence leads to the formation of people of poorly educated, not having skills to work, create a family, to be good parents. Currently, a system of education of children and young people has practically destroyed, the possibilities of the full start of their independent live activity are reduced. There is no guarantee of receiving children and young people in general and vocational education and the entry into people in socio-professional activities (due to unemployment). This problem has identified the topic of work: "Social deadaption of adolescents as a socio-pedagogical problem."

The purpose of the abstract is to study the psychological problems of adolescents, in particular, their deadaption and social deadaption as the most important psychological problem of a teenager.

1. Deazadaption of teenagers

1.1 Age and psychological features of adolescents

There are various age differentiation. Children is considered age up to 10-11 years. Age from 11-12 to 23-25 \u200b\u200byears is considered as a transition from childhood to maturity and is divided into three stages:

Stage I is a teenage, adolescent age from 11 to 15 years;

Stage II is a youthful age from 14-15 to 16 years;

III Stage - late youth from 18 to 23-25 \u200b\u200byears.

We will consider the I and II stages.

The transition from childhood to adolescence (in the traditional classification of psychology and pedagogy age from 11-12 to 15 years) is named with adolescence. At this time, there is a transition from childhood to adulthood.

For a period of adolescence (adolescence), the concepts of "difficult age" were fixed long ago, the "turning period", transitional age. Teenager, as if Vityat on the crossroads, he reserves the world around him, because he first reveals the world in himself. Considering this period by The rule of the "Sexological Triangle", i.e., seeking to achieve the unity of the biological, social and psychological aspects of human ripening, should be limited to the age framework from 11-15 to 17-18 years.

Different definitions of the boundaries of this age are offered:

· Medical and biological criteria are repelled from the indicators of ripening of biological functions

· Psychological maturity (ripening of frontal brain fractions, with which behavior planning is associated, women are completed by about 18-19 years old, men? By 21.)

· Social transition from childhood to adulthood.

The duration of the adolescence often depends on the specific conditions for the education of children. The period of puberty takes about ten years, it is considered to be the age boundaries 7 (8) - 17 (18) years.

During this time, in addition to the ripening of the reproductive system, the physical development of the female organism ends: the growth of the body is long, the ossification of the growth zones of tubular bones is completed; The physique and distribution of fat and muscle tissue for the female type is formed. The course of the physiological period of puberty flows in a strictly defined sequence.

In the first phase of the puberty period (10-13 years), the increase in the mammary glands, the lobster (11-12 years old) begins. Completes this period the onset of the first menstruation, which coincides with the time with the end of rapid growth in length.

In the second phase of the pubertal period (14-17 years), the dairy glands and sexual comprehension are completed, the latter ends the armpit collar, which begins at 13 years. The menstrual cycle acquires a constant character, there is a stop of the growth of the body in length and the female pelvis is finally formed.

At the time of the offensive and the course of the period of puberty, numerous factors affect the external and internal and internal. The inner includes hereditary, constitutional, state of health and body weight.

The external factors affecting the offensive and the course of the period of puberty include: climatic (illumination, height above sea level, geographical position), meals (sufficient content in food proteins, fats, carbohydrates, trace elements and vitamins). A large role during the puberty period is given to such diseases as heart disease with heart failure, tonsillitis, heavy gastrointestinal diseases with impaired absorption, renal failure, liver function. Listed diseases weaken the girl's body and inhibit the normal course of puberty.

Sexual maturity occurs by 16-18, when the entire body of the woman is finally formed and ready for conception, tooling the fetus, childbirth and feeding the newborn.

Thus, during puberty, the functional improvement of all organs and systems, which prepare the girl's body to perform the motherhood function.

The period of puberty begins in boys from 10 years of age, is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual signs and the final formation of genitals and sex glands. There is a more intense growth of the body, the muscles of the body increase, vegetation appears on the pubic and axillary depressions, the mustache and beard begin to break through. Poland occurs at a time when the sex glands begin to function, i.e. They are able to produce mature spermatozoa. However, the body of the young man at this point has not yet been formed or physically nor mentally, it is in the stage of growth. All the organism develops hard, all internal organs work with an increased load, the activity of the nervous system is rebuilt, the psyche changes. Anxious novelty of changing bodily forms, the appearance of unusual angularity and awkwardness.

Psychologically, the psyche is not stable, inadequate nervousness, intolerance, stubbornness - characteristic manifestations of character at this age, noticeably desire for girls in the form of valid respect, the provision of attention signs. There is a breaking of character, there is a so-called adequacy of a teenager and not yet men. This is an important socio-age moment when the young man under the influence of favorable factors (sports, art, friend's meetings, etc.) will "step up" to good in the social plan, and on the contrary, the influence of the company, drugs, alcohol, and even worse - Meeting with a disheveled peer, and more often a lot of herself "girlfriend" - will affect the establishment of a psychological character with negative habits and life environments.

For this age, sometimes crowded, "Studity" in communication, which is even more dangerous for an improper nature. Hence the increased crime at this age, bordering the full degradation of the person. A sexual intercourse of such a young man can end with the conception of a new life, but the anatomy-physiological "incompleteness" of the young man threatens the inferiority of the concerned fetus.

According to the exact remark I.S. Kona: "Paulic development is a rod, around which self-consciousness of a teenager is structured. The need to make sure in the normality of its development, dictated by all the same anxiety, acquires the power of the dominant idea."

In the early 80s A.E. Church noted that physical and sexual maturity is ahead of social for 5-7 years. And the more it is ahead, the more likely the conflict flow of the adolescence. Teenagers are economically inspired, they are still demanding social protection and do not act participants in legal relations. They are not owners, managers, manufacturers, legislators. In a legal sense, they cannot take vital decisions, they are commonly ripe for them. But parents limit them. This is the contradiction.

Teenagers face ideological and moral problems that have already been resolved in adulthood. The lack of life experience forces them to make them much more mistakes than adults, old people, children do. The seriousness of errors, their consequences: crime, drug use, alcoholism, sexual license, violence against personality. Some teenagers throw a school, resulting in a natural socialization process. Lacking knowledge affects their economic situation. Testing obstacles from society and remaining dependent on it, adolescents are gradually socialized.

Comparing himself with adults, the teenager comes to the conclusion that there is no difference between it and adults. He begins to demand from others so that he is no longer considered small, aware of what is also posing rights. The teenager feels an adult, seeks to be and reckoned with an adult, rejects his belonging to children, but he has no feeling of genuine, full-fledged adulthood, but there is a huge need for recognizing his adulgers to others.

Types of adulthood are highlighted and studied by T.V. Dragunova:

· Imitation of external signs of adulthood - smoking, game of cards, drinking alcohol, etc. The most light and at the same time the most dangerous achievements of adulthood.

· Equality of teenage boys, on the qualities of the "real man" - is power, courage, endurance, will, etc. A tool of self-education becomes sports. The girls at the present time also want to have qualities that are considered for the centuries. An example of this is my niece - visiting the Section of Oriental Martial Arts.

· Social maturity. It arises in the conditions of cooperation of a teenager and an adult in various activities where the teenager occupies an adult assistant. This is observed in families experienced difficulties. Caring for loved ones, their well-being is taking the nature of life value. Psychologists emphasize that it is necessary to include adolescents on assistant rights to appropriate adult classes.

· Intellectual maturity. Significant knowledge of adolescents - the result of independent work. The ability in such schoolchildren acquires personal meaning and turns into self-education.

Modern teenager is alarming, often afraid and does not want to grow up. In adolescence, he finds a sense of dissatisfaction with himself. During this period, the teenager seeks to gain independence, starting in a new way to evaluate his relationship with his family. The desire to find itself as a unique person gives rise to the need for the need from its loved ones. Separation from family members is expressed in closures, alienation, aggression, negativism. These manifestations are tormented by not only close, but also a teenager himself.

Before adolescents in a difficult period of transition from childhood in adulthood there are many difficult problems that they are not able to solve, relying on their own experience either on the life experience of adults. They need a group of peers that faces the same problems, has the same values \u200b\u200band ideals. A group of peers includes people of one age, which are considered quite suitable for the role of judges of those actions and actions that make a teenager. In the group of peers, the individual encourages the social clothing of an adult. Starting from the adolescent period, the group of peers no longer leaves the life of a person. All adult life is surrounded by many groups of peers: at work, in everyday life, on the road.

During this period, the teenager begins to relate to its peers, appreciate relations with them. Communication with those who possess equal life experience and solves the same problems, gives a teenager the opportunity to better understand himself and their peers. The desire to identify with yourself similar generates the need for another. Friendship through trusting relationships allows you to more deeply know the other and yourself. Friendship teaches not only excellent gust and serving to another, but also complex reflection on the other.

Teenagers in the family often act as negatives, and with peers they often have a conformist. The desire to open through the constant reflection of its escorting essence deprives a teenager peaceful peace of mind. It is in adolescence that the range of polar feelings is extremely large. In a teenager, ardent feelings, nothing can stop him in a desire for a chosen goal: for him there is no moral barrier, there is no fear of people and even in the face of danger. The wasting of physical and mental energy does not pass for nothing: so he already fell into a stupor, sluggish and inactive. The eyes were dead, the point is empty. He is empty and, it seems, nothing attaches to him, but also a little bit and he again covered by the passion of a new goal. It is easily inspired, but also easily cools and, exhausted, barely moves his legs. The teenager "then runs, it lies," then contact and charming is closed and alienated, then loving is aggressive.

The reflection on itself and other opens the depth of his imperfection in adolescence, the teenager goes into the state of the psychological crisis. He talks about "boredom", about the "meaninglessness" of life, about the vitality of the surrounding world, devoid of bright colors. He cannot feel the joy of life, deprived of the opportunity to experience love for loved ones and is being disliked for a former friend. Subjectively, these are heavy experiences. But the crisis of this period enriches the teenager with the knowledge and feelings of such depths, which he did not suspect in childhood. A teenager through his own spiritual flour enriches the sphere of his feelings and thoughts, he passes a complex school identification with himself and with others, firstly by the experience of targeted extraction. The ability to add from others helps a teenager to defend their right to be a person.

In relations with peers, the teenager seeks to realize his identity, determine its capabilities in communication. He seeks to defend his personal freedom as the right to adhere. Successes in the peer medium in adolescence are valued most of all.

Orientation and assessment in communication, characteristic of adolescents, in general, coincide with the orientations of adults. Only the assessment of the actions of peers is more maximal and emotionally than in adults.

At the same time, adolescents are distinguished by extreme conformism. One depends on all. He feels confident when it acts at the same time with the group. The group creates a sense of "we", which supports a teenager and strengthens its internal positions. Often, to strengthen this "we" group resorts to autonomous speech, non-verbal signs (gestures, postures, facial expressions). Combining each other, teens tend to demonstrate the separation from adults. But these emotional motives really ephemeral teenagers need adults and deeply ready to focus on their opinion.

Intensive physical, sexual, mental and social development pays close attention of a teenager to the opposite sex peer. A teenager becomes especially important, as others belong to it. This is primarily associated with its own importance. To what extent is the face, hairstyle, figure, manner to keep yourself, etc. Corresponding sex identification: "I like a man", "I like a woman." Special importance in the same connection is attached personal attraction - it is of paramount importance in the eyes of peers. Disproportions in the development between boys and girls serve as a source of experiences.

For boys of junior adolescent age, such forms of appealing attention as "joining", marigions and even painful actions are characteristic. Girls are aware of the causes of such actions and are not seriously offended, in turn, demonstrating that they do not notice, they ignore the boys. In general, the boys also with intuitive understanding relate to these manifestations of girls.

Later the relationship is complicated. Disappears directness in communication. The stage occurs when an interest in the other floor is even more intensified, but externally in the relationship of boys and girls there are a large isolation. Against this background, there is a great interest in establishing relationships, to the one who likes.

Elder adolescents, communication between boys and girls becomes more open: teenagers of both sexes are included in the circle of communication. The attachment to the peer of the other sex may be intense, it is given very important importance. The lack of reciprocity sometimes becomes the cause of strong negative emotions.

The interest in the opposite sex peers leads to an increase in the ability to allocate and evaluate the experiences and acts of another, to the development of reflection and identification ability. Initial interest in another, the desire to understand the peer gives the beginning of the development of people's perception at all.

Romantic relationships may occur when talking time. The desire to like becomes one of the significant aspirations. Special value is acquired by touch. Hands become conductors of internal tensions associated with the physical and psychological acquisition of the body. These magnetized touches are remembered by the soul and body for the entire subsequent life. It is very important to heat the adolescent relationship, but do not remake them.

The first feelings have such a strong impact on a young soul that many people already remember exactly these feelings and the subject of the heart leaning that has long been dissolved in real life for years.

In adventure, sexual attractions are beginning to be formed, which are characterized by a certain undifferentiation and increased excitability.

At the same time, internal discomfort arise between the teenager's desire to master new forms of behavior, such as physical contacts, and forbids, both external ones, and their own internal taboos.

It is in adolescence that the tendency towards personal development begins to manifest itself when a minor himself, reflecting on himself, makes efforts to establish itself as a person. During this period, development is intensified simultaneously in two directions:

1 - the desire for mastering and mastering the entire range of social space (from adolescent groups to the political life of the country and international politics);

2 - the desire for reflection on its inner, intimate world (through self-smuggling and separation from peers, close, total macrosocyium).

The adolescence begins even more than as a child, the gap between the way, with various teenagers from the natural infantality of childhood to the in-depth reflection and the pronounced personality personality. Therefore, some adolescents (regardless of the number of years and passport age, growth, etc.) give the impression of small children, while others are intellectual, moral and socio-politically well-developed people. We are seeing typical for our time for our culture.

1.2. The concept and types of additional teenagers

Over the years, the term "dezadaption" (through E) has been operated in the domestic literature. In Western Literature, it is found in a similar context The term "disadaptation" (through "and"). In the same sense difference, if it is, in these discrepancies? And the difference is that the Latin Prefix DE or French des means first of all the disappearance, destruction, the complete absence and only in the second place with a much stronger use - a decrease. At the same time, Latin DIS - in its main sense - means violation, distortion, deformation, but much less often - disappearance. Therefore, if we are talking about violations, distortion, adaptation, we obviously should be noticed exactly about disadaptation (through "and"), since a complete loss, the disappearance of adaptation is to use to a thinking creature should mean the termination of meaningful existence in general, for while it is a creature of vividly in consciousness, it is somehow adapted in the medium; The whole question is like how much this adaptation corresponds to its capabilities and the requirements that the environment presents it.

The question of the true hidden deep features of public consciousness, "mentality", which predetermine the "reservations uncriticly accepted by the public, is predetermined, why implying violations, we are talking about destruction.

In the West, destroying, self-destructive behavior is called such a form of socially passive abnormalities as the use of drugs and toxic substances, which leads to the rapid and irreversible destruction of the psyche and the body of the teenager. Drugs and toxic substances immerse him into the world of artificial illusions. Up to 20 percent of adolescents have experience in the use of narcotic and toxicomic drugs. In our country, as anywhere in the world, polynarkomania is developed. When heroin and alcohol, ecstasy and alcohol are taken, etc. As a result, the unlawful behavior of minors grows twice as fast as among adults. Deviation behavior is the result of adverse psychosocial development and violations of the socialization process, which is expressed in various forms of teenage deadaption.

The term "deadaption" has previously arose in psychiatric literature. He received his interpretation within the framework of the concept of prefabs. Deazadaption is considered here as an intermediate state of human health in the overall spectrum of states from the norm to pathology.

So, teenage deadaption is manifested in difficulties in the assimilation of social roles, curricula, norms and requirements of social institutions (families, schools, etc.) performing the functions of sociology institutions.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences Belicheva S.A. Depending on the nature and nature of deadaption, pathogenic, psychosocial and social dezadaption, which can be presented both separately and in a complex combination.

Pathogenic deadaption is caused by deviations, pathologies of mental development and neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional and organic lesions of the central nervous system. In turn, pathogenic deadaption in the degree and depth of its manifestation can wear a steady, chronic character (psychosis, psychopathy, organic lesions of the brain, lagging in mental development, defects of analyzers, based on serious organic damage).

There are also so-called psychogenic dezadaption (phobias, obsessive bad habits, enuresis, etc.), which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation. According to experts, 15 - 20% of school-age children suffer from those or other forms of psychogenic deadaption and need comprehensive medical and pedagogical assistance (V.E. Kagan). In total, according to research A.I. Zakharova, up to 42% of preschool children attending kindergartens, suffer from those or other psychosomatic problems and need the help of pediatrician doctors, psychoneurologists and psychotherapists. The absence of timely assistance leads to a deeper and serious forms of social disadaptation, to consolidate sustainable psychopathic and pathopsychological manifestations.

Among the forms of pathogenic deadaption, problems of oligophrenia, social adaptation of mentally retarded children are separately allocated. With their mental development of training and education methods, they are able to absorb certain social programs, to receive simple professions, work and to the best of their opportunities to be useful members of society. However, the mental inferiority of these children is definitely difficult to comply with their social adaptation and requires special rehabilitation socio-pedagogical conditions.

Psychosocial deadaption is associated with the sexually agreed and individual psychological features of the child, a teenager, which cause them a certain non-standardity, hardness, requiring an individual pedagogical approach and in some cases of special psychological and pedagogical correctional programs that can be implemented in the context of general educational institutions. By nature and nature, various forms of psychosocial deadaption can also be divided into sustainable and temporary.

The sustainable forms of psychosocial dezadaption include the characteristics of the character, which are defined as the extreme manifestation of the norm, followed by psychopathic manifestations. Accentuations are expressed in a noticeable specific peculiarity of the character of a child, a teenager (hypertension, sensitive, schizoid, epileptoid, and other types), require an individual-pedagogical approach in the family, school, and in some cases, psychotherapeutic and psychocorrection programs may also be shown.

Sustainable forms of psychosocial deadaption that requires special psychological and pedagogical correction programs can also include various adverse and individually psychological features of the emotional-volitional, motivational and educational sphere, including such defects as a decrease in empathiness, indifference of interests, low cognitive activity, sharp contrast in The sphere of cognitive activity and motivation of verbal (logical) and non-verbal (figurative)! Intellect, volitional defects (bravery, compliance with someone else's influence, impulsiveness, disinhibition, unjustified stubbornness, etc.).

Certain difficulty support is also the so-called "uncomfortable" students, leading peers in their intellectual development, which may be accompanied by such features as incontinence, egoism, sassay, disgraceful attitude towards elder and peers. Often, the teachers themselves occupy an incorrect position in relation to such children, exacerbating relationships with them and causing unnecessary conflicts. This category of difficult raising rarely manifests itself in the asocial agencies, and all the problems arising from "uncomfortable" students should be solved, as a rule, due to an individually differentiated approach in school and family education.

To temporary unstable forms of psychosocial deadaption, it is primarily to attribute the psychophysiological agent features of individual crisis periods of development, a teenager.

The temporary forms of psychosocial deadaption include various manifestations of uneven mental development, which can be expressed in partial delay or advance development of individual cognitive processes, leading or lagging psychosexual development, etc. This kind of manifestations also require fine diagnosis and special developing and corrective programs.

Temporary psychosocial dezadaption may cause individual mental states provoked by various psychotrauming circumstances (conflict with parents, comrades, teachers, uncontrolled emotional state caused by the first youthful love, the experience of married breakdowns in parental relations, etc.). All these states require tactful, understanding the relationship of teachers and psychological support from practical psychologists.

Social dezadaption is manifested in violating the norms of morality and law, in the asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientation, social attitudes., With social disadaptation, it is a violation of the social development process, the socialization of the individual, when there is a violation of both functional, So the meaningful side of socialization. In this case, violations of socialization can be caused by both direct desocializing influences, when the closest entourage demonstrates samples of asocial, antisocial behavior, views, installations, in this way, as the institution of desocialization and indirect desocializing influences, when there is a decrease in the reference importance of leading institutions. Socialization, which is for a student, in particular, are family, school.

Social deadaption - the process is reversible. To prevent deviations in the psychosocial development of children and adolescents, the organization of the process of resocialization and social rehabilitation of disadnant minors is included.

Resocialization - organized socio-pedagogical process of restoring social status, lost either inconsecrated social skills of dezadapted minors, reorienting their social attitudes and reference orientation through inclusion in new positively oriented relations and activities of the pedagogically organized environment.

The process of resocialization may be difficult because social deadaption is not always presented in "pure form". More often there are quite complex combinations of various forms of social, mental and pathogenic deadaption. And then the question arises about the medical and social rehabilitation, which involves the implementation of medical and psychological and socio-pedagogical assistance measures in order to overcome social disadaptation arising from various psychosomatic and neuropsychiatric diseases and pathologies.

2. Social dezadaption and its factors

2.1 Essence of Social Dezadaption

Social dezadaption is the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the successful adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment. Social dezadaption is manifested in a wide list of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dramoscale (vagabondancy), early alcoholization, toxicizing and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, moral disorders. Teens are experiencing painful mature - a gap between the adult and child period - a certain emptiness is created that it is necessary to fill something. Social deadaption in adolescence leads to the formation of people of poorly educated, not having skills to work, create a family, to be good parents. They easily turn the boundary of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social disadaptation is manifested in the asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

The relevance of the problem of additional adolescents is associated with a sharp increase in deviant behavior in this age group. Social deadaption has biological, personal psychological and psychopathological roots, closely related to the phenomena of family and school deadaption, being its consequence. Social dezadaption - a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based on not one, but many factors. To the number of such, some experts include:

a. individual;

b. Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglence);

c. Socio-psychological factors;

d. personal factors;

e. Social factors.

2.2 Social Dezadaption Factors

Individual factors operating at the level of psychobiological prerequisites that make the social adaptation of the individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, violations of the motor sphere, violations and reduction of the functions of sensory systems, non-formation of higher mental functions, awareness and organic lesions of the CNS with cerebrastience, a decrease in volitional activity , focusing, productivity of cognitive processes, motor dismissal syndrome, pathological traits, pathological flowing pubertat, inburable reactions and neurosis, endogenous mental diseases. The nature of crime and delinquency is considered along with the forms of deviating behavior, such as neurosis, psycho-ward, state of obsession, sexual disorders. Persons with deviating behavior, including neuropsychiatric deviations and social deviation, distinguish the feelings of increased anxiety, aggressiveness, climacy, complex of inferiority. Special attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which serves as root causes of violent crimes. Aggression is a behavior whose goal is to make harm to some object or person, resulting from the fact that for various reasons do not receive implementation of some initial congenital unconscious attractions, which causes the aggressive energy of destruction. Suppression of these impulses, the rigid blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, generates feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socio-deadaptive forms of behavior.

One of the manifestations of an individual social deadaptation factor is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders in dezadapted adolescents. The basis of the formation of psycho-somatic disadaptation of a person is a violation of the function of the entire adaptation system. A significant place in the formation of the mechanisms of functioning of the individual belongs to the adaptation processes to environmental conditions, in particular, to its social component.

Environmental, economic, demographic and other adverse social factors of recent years led to significant changes in the health of the children's-teenage population. The overwhelming majority of children still under one year detect the functional organic insufficiency of the brain in the range from the lightest, detecting themselves only in the conditions of an unfavorable environment or related diseases, to obvious defects and anomalies of psychophysical development. The enhanced attention of education and health authorities to the health issues of students has serious grounds. The number of children with deficiencies and disadvantaged health among newborns is 85%. Among children entering the first class, over 60% refer to the risk category of school, somatic and psychophysical deadaption. Of these, about 30% discover the disorder of the nerve-sphere still in the younger group of kindergarten. The number of primary school students who do not cope with the requirements of the standard school program have increased twice over the past 20 years, reaching 30%. In many cases, violation of health is borderline. The number of children and adolescents with weakly pronounced problems is constantly increasing. Diseases lead to a decrease in working capacity, passing training activities, a decrease in their effectiveness, violation of a system of relations with adults (teachers, parents) and peers, there is a complex dependence of the psychological and somatic. Experiences regarding these changes may disrupt the functioning of internal organs and their systems. A conversation is possible in psychogeneity and vice versa with the emergence of "vicious circle" in some cases. Help the patient from the "vicious circle" can psychotherapeutic effects in the complex with other methods of treatment.

Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglence) manifested in school and family education defects. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to a teenager in a lesson, the inadequacy of educational measures taken by educational measures, unfair, rough, insulting the teacher, to undertake estimates, refusal in timely assistance with a reasonable passage of classes, in the misunderstanding of the student's mental state. This also includes a heavy emotional climate in the family, parental alcoholization, family mood against school, school deadaption of senior brothers and sisters. With pedagogical neglection, despite the lag in school, skipping lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents are not observed a sharp deformation of value-standard representations. The value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and receiving a profession (as a rule, working), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, socially significant reference ties have been preserved. Teens have difficulty in self-regulation not so much on cognitive (cognitive), as on an affective and volitional level. That is, the various deeds and asocial manifestations are connected not so much with ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of the generally accepted social norms, as the inability to slow themselves, their affective outbreaks or to resist the effects of others.

Pedagogically launched teenagers with appropriate psychological and pedagogical support can be rehabilitated already in the conditions of a school educational process, where the key factors can be "confidence", support for useful interests that are connected not so much with educational activities, but with future professional plans and Intent, also restructuring on a more emotionally warm relationship of deadaptive students with teachers and peers.

Socio-psychological factors that reveal the adverse features of the interaction of a minor with their closest surroundings in the family, on the street, in the educational team. One of the important social situations for the personality of the teenager is the school as a whole system of meaningful relations. Under the definition of school deadaption implies the impossibility of adequate school learning, respectively, natural abilities, also adequately interacting the teenager with the environment in the conditions of an individual microsococial environment in which it exists. The emergence of school, psychological and pedagogical factors are based on the occurrence of school, psychological and pedagogical nature. School dezadaption is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - social disadaptation of juvenile. Over one million teenagers vagrants. The number of orphans exceeded five hundred thousand, forty percent of children is subject to violence in families, the same amount of violence in schools, the death rate of adolescents from suicide increased by 60%. The unlawful behavior of adolescents grows twice as fast as among adults. 95% of dezadapted adolescents have mental deviations. Only 10% of those in need of psychocorement assistance can get it. In the study of adolescents, 13-14 years old, the parents of which were treated for psychiatric assistance, identified the personal properties of minors, the social conditions of their education, the role of the biological factor (early residual-organic damage to the central nervous system), the influence of early mental deprivation in the formation of social disadaptation. There are observations according to which family deprivation has a crucial importance to the formation of a child's personality in preschool age, manifested in the form of pathocharacterological reactions with signs of active and passive protest, children's aggressiveness.

Personal factors that are manifested in the active electoral attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, the norms and values \u200b\u200bof their environment, to the pedagogical impacts of families, schools, the public, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulating their behavior. Value-normative ideas, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values \u200b\u200bthat perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators include cognitive (knowledge), affective (relationships) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, the asocial and unlawful behavior of the individual may be due to defects in the internal regulation system at any - cognitive, emotional-volition, behavioral level. At the age of 13-14 years, behavioral disorders become dominant, there is a tendency to group with asocial adolescents of older age with criminal behavior, phenomena of toxicia are joined. The reason for the appeal of parents to the psychiatrum was violations of behavior, school and social disadaptation, phenomena of toxication. Teenage toxicizing has an unfavorable prognosis, and after 6-8 months after it began, signs of psycho-organic syndrome with intellectual-enerstic disorders, persistent mood violations in the form of dysphorous and thoughtless euphoria, increase sharply. The problem of deadaption and the associated toxicization in adolescents is largely determined by social conditions - family, microcrous, lack of adequate professional and labor rehabilitation. Expansion in school opportunities for classrooms a variety of productive labor, early professional orientation favorably affects the education of pedagogically launched, hard-primed students. Labor - the real scope of the application of the forces of the pedagogically launched student, in which he is able to raise his authority among classmates, overcome its isolation and dissatisfaction. The development of these qualities and support on them make it possible to prevent the alienation and social dezadaption of difficult educated in school groups, compensate for the failure in training activities.

Social factors: unfavorable material and domestic living conditions that are determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. The problems of adolescents were always relevant, but never stood so acute, as at present in the conditions of an unstable social and political situation, the unresolved economic crisis, the weakening of the role of the family, the devaluation of moral and moral norms, sharply opposing forms of material support. Notes inaccessibility to all adolescents of many forms of training, reducing the number of educational institutions, recreation places for adolescents. Social neglence compared to the pedagogical is primarily characterized by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, also useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and requirements of the team, reluctance to reckon with the norms of collective life. The alienation of socially launched adolescents from the most important institutions of socialization as a family and school leads to difficulties in professional self-determination, significantly reduces their ability to assimilate value-regulatory representations, the norms of morality and law, the ability to evaluate themselves and others from these positions, to be guided by generally accepted standards in His behavior.

If the problems of the teenager are not solved, they deepen, acquire complexity, that is, such a minor has several forms of manifestation of deadapotation. It is such adolescents that make up a particularly difficult group of socially dezadapted. Among the many reasons leading adolescents to severe social disadaptation, the main phenomena of the organic pathology of the CNS, the pathocharacterological or neurotic development of the individual, or pedagogical neurotic behavior becomes the main ones. A significant significance in explaining the causes and nature of social disadaptation is played by the system of self-assessment and expected evaluations of the individual, what relates to the prestigious mechanisms of self-regulation of the behavior of adolescents and deviating behavior in the first place.


In conclusion, we will summarize the results. Based on the studied study, you can draw the following conclusions.

It is necessary to study the individual-psychological and socio-psychological features of the personality of a socially disadaptable adolescent. It is necessary to determine the nature and causes of deviations, outline and implement a complex of medical and psychological and socio-pedagogical measures that can improve the social situation that caused the deadaptation of adolescents, to conduct an individual psychological correction.

A study of the social situation provoking the disadaptation of adolescents should be carried out. The social situation is represented by unfavorable folding children's-parent relations, the atmosphere of the family, the nature of interpersonal relationships and the sociometric status of the teenager in the peer, the pedagogical position of the teacher, the socio-psychological climate in the educational group. It requires a complex of socio-psychological and primarily sociometric methods: observations, conversations, the method of independent characteristics and so on.

In the prevention of dezadapted behavior of adolescents, psychological knowledge acquires particular importance to psychological knowledge, on the basis of which the nature of the deviating behavior of adolescents is investigated, and preventive measures to prevent asocial manifestations are being developed. Early prevention should be solved in the following main directions:

- first, timely diagnosis of asocial deviations and social disadvantages of adolescents and the implementation of a differentiated approach in the selection of educational and preventive facilities of psychological and pedagogical correction of deviating behavior;

- Secondly, identifying adverse factors and desocializing effects by the nearest environment and timely neutralization of these adverse disadapting effects.


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Social dezadaptation - Violation of normal relations of a person with society, with people and the emergence due to this difficulties of communication and interaction with them. Social dezadaption includes, in particular, the deterioration of personal and business relationships of a person, the inability to fulfill their work at a high level (taking into account the requirements of the requirements), a violation of socio-role or polishetics with people

Children's deadaptation is perceived as hard-to-absorption - the resistance of the child is a targeted pedagogical effect caused by the most different reasons:

§ miscalculations of upbringing;

§ Features of character and temperament;

§ personal characteristics.

Deazadaption may be pathogenic (psychogenic), psychosocial, social.

Pathogenic deadaption caused by deviations of mental development, neuropsychiatric diseases, which are based on functional and organic lesions of the nervous system. Pathogenic deadaption can be stable. Eliminate psychogenic deadaption, which can be caused by an unfavorable social, school, family situation (bad habits, enuresis, etc.)

Psychosocial dezadaption It is related to the age-agent and individual psychological characteristics of the child, which determine its non-standardity and require an individual approach in the conditions of a children's educational institution.

Sustainable forms of psychosocial deadaption

§ accentuation of character,

§ Features of the emotional-volitional and motivational and cognitive sphere,

§ An advanced development of a child making a child "uncomfortable" students.

Unstable forms of psychosocial deadaption:

§ crisis periods of child development,

§ Mental states provoked by psychotrambulating circumstances (the divorce of parents, conflict, love).

Social dezadaption Manifested in violations of morality, asocial forms of behavior, deformation of value orientations. Two stages are distinguished: pedagogical nestness and social nestry. Social deadaptation is characterized by the following features:

§ no communication skills,

§ inadequate assessment of yourself in the communication system,

§ High demands for others

§ Emotional impassableness,

§ Installations that prevent communication

§ Anxiety and fear of communication,

§ closure.

Factors of dezadaptionthere may be a family and school.

The teacher is the most significant adult for the child at the beginning of school at school, and the presence of such qualities as an effortfulness, self-control, self-esteem, the pupil leads to the fact that the teacher takes the student, satisfies its claims neither recognition. If these qualities are not formed - the child is possible.

Studies conducted in England have shown that the greatest problems among students arise in schools with an unstable teaching staff. Waiting by the teacher only bad from the student leads to strengthening of disadaptation, classmates adopt the poor attitude of the teacher to a certain student. The following scheme arises: rough personnel children; Body punishment - aggression.

Teacher's task (and psychologist) Find opportunities to encourage weak students for achieving (for improvements), children should receive positive emotions from school, should feel their need, responsibility. Interest in the study and success of the child (and not controlling study) by teachers and parents improve performance.

Styles of communicating teachers and students can be different: authoritarian, democratic, connivor. Children need a direction and guidance, therefore authoritarian (or democratic) approach in junior classes is preferable than consisting. In high school classes, the best results gives a democratic style.

The claims for recognition among peers cause an ambivalent relationship in children (friendship - rivalry), the desire to be like everything and the best of all; pronounced comfort reactions and the desire to approve themselves among the peers; (feelings of gloating and envy) lead to the fact that the failure of others can cause a sense of superiority. Comparison by teacher of students among themselves leads to alienation among children, which can cause rivalry and complexity in relations.

The lack of communication skills, meaningful skills and skills can lead to disorders of relations with peers, which will lead to increased difficulties in communicating with peers and adults and the emergence of problems with study. Violation of the relationship between the child with other children is an indicator of the anomalies of the mental development process, can serve as a kind of "Lacmus paper" adaptation of a child to the conditions of existence in school. The sympathies are more often arising in the neighborhood (in the classroom, in the courtyard, on extracurricular activities) than the teacher and psychologist can use in order to improve the relationship between complex children with peers. It is important that the identification of a child and a teenager is presented in the reference for him, since it strongly affects the student's behavior, the increased conformity of children in relation to the settings and group standards of reference groups is known. The claim for recognition among peers is an important side of the relationship between the child inside the school and these relationships are often characterized by ambivalence (friendship - rivalry), the child simultaneously needs to be like everything and the best. Pronounced conformal reactions and the desire to approve themselves among the peers - such is the possible picture of the personal conflict of the child, leading to the emergence of the feeling of gloating and envy: the failure of others can cause a sense of superiority. Comparison by teacher of students among themselves leads to alienation among children and swells a sense of empathy.

Violation of relationships with other children is an indicator of the anomalies of the process of mental development. The lack of communication skills, significant skills and skills can lead to disorders of relationships with peers, increases school difficulties.

Internal School Factors:

§ somatic weakness;

§ MMD (minimum brain dysfunction), violation of the formation of individual mental functions, violation of cognitive processes (attention, memory, thinking, speech, motorik);

§ Features of temperament (weak nervous system, explosive nature of reactions);

§ Personal features of the child (character accentuation):

§ Features of self-regulation of behavior,

§ anxiety level

§ High intelligent activity,

§ verbalism,

§ schizoide.

Features of temperament that prevent successful adaptation of children to school:

§ Increased reactivity (the reduction of volitional moments),

§ High Activity

§ hyperoportability

§ Zaboism,

§ Psychomotor instability,

§ age features temperament.

An adult often acts as a church of school deadaption, and the deadapting influence of parents on a child is noticeably more serious than a similar influence of the teacher and other significant adults. You can select the following factors of influence of adults For children's deadaptation:

§ Family system factors.

§ Medical and sanitary factors (diseases of parents, heredity, etc.).

§ Socio-economic factors (material, housing conditions).

§ Socio-demographic factors (incomplete, large family, elderly parents, repeated marriages, consolidated children).

§ Socio-psychological factors (family conflicts, pedagogical failure of parents, low educational level, deformed value orientations).

§ Criminal factors (alcoholism, drug addiction, cruelty, sadism, etc.).

In addition to the dedicated factors, affect the possible disadaptation of the child and other features of the family system and the nearest social environment, for example, a "problem" child, acting as a family-binding factor of the family system on the role of the role in the family, becomes less adapted than the child, in the family of which there is no pronounced problem areas tied to a child. An important factor can also serve the order of birth of children and their role positions in the family, which can lead to children's jealousy and inadequate ways to compensate. An adult childhood has a strong influence on his pedagogical activity and attitudes towards his own child or a student.

Correction of social deadaption The child can be held in the following areas:

§ formation of communication skills,

§ harmonization of relations in the family,

§ Correction of some personal properties,

§ Correction of child self-assessment.

Social dezadaption is the process of loss of socially significant qualities that prevent the successful adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment. Social dezadaption is manifested in a wide list of deviations in the behavior of a teenager: dramoscale (vagabondancy), early alcoholization, toxicizing and drug addiction, venereal diseases, illegal actions, moral disorders. Teens are experiencing painful mature - a gap between the adult and child period - a certain emptiness is created that it is necessary to fill something. Social deadaption in adolescence leads to the formation of people of poorly educated, not having skills to work, create a family, to be good parents. They easily turn the boundary of moral and legal norms. Accordingly, social disadaptation is manifested in the asocial forms of behavior and deformation of the system of internal regulation, reference and value orientations, social attitudes.

The relevance of the problem of additional adolescents is associated with a sharp increase in deviant behavior in this age group. Social deadaption has biological, personal psychological and psychopathological roots, closely related to the phenomena of family and school deadaption, being its consequence. Social dezadaption - a multifaceted phenomenon, which is based on not one, but many factors. To the number of such, some experts include:

A. Customized;

B. Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglence);

C. Socio-psychological factors;

D. Personal factors;

E. Social factors.

Social deadaption factors

Individual factors operating at the level of psychobiological prerequisites that make the social adaptation of the individual: severe or chronic somatic diseases, congenital deformities, violations of the motor sphere, violations and reduction of the functions of sensory systems, non-formation of higher mental functions, awareness and organic lesions of the CNS with cerebrastience, a decrease in volitional activity , focusing, productivity of cognitive processes, motor dismissal syndrome, pathological traits, pathological flowing pubertat, inburable reactions and neurosis, endogenous mental diseases. The nature of crime and delinquency is considered along with the forms of deviating behavior, such as neurosis, psycho-ward, state of obsession, sexual disorders. Persons with deviating behavior, including neuropsychiatric deviations and social deviation, distinguish the feelings of increased anxiety, aggressiveness, climacy, complex of inferiority. Special attention is paid to the nature of aggressiveness, which serves as root causes of violent crimes. Aggression is a behavior whose goal is to make harm to some object or person, resulting from the fact that for various reasons do not receive implementation of some initial congenital unconscious attractions, which causes the aggressive energy of destruction. Suppression of these impulses, the rigid blocking of their implementation, starting from early childhood, generates feelings of anxiety, inferiority and aggressiveness, which leads to socio-deadaptive forms of behavior.

One of the manifestations of an individual social deadaptation factor is the emergence and existence of psychosomatic disorders in dezadapted adolescents. The basis of the formation of psycho-somatic disadaptation of a person is a violation of the function of the entire adaptation system. A significant place in the formation of the mechanisms of functioning of the individual belongs to the adaptation processes to environmental conditions, in particular, to its social component.

Environmental, economic, demographic and other adverse social factors of recent years led to significant changes in the health of the children's-teenage population. The overwhelming majority of children still under one year detect the functional organic insufficiency of the brain in the range from the lightest, detecting themselves only in the conditions of an unfavorable environment or related diseases, to obvious defects and anomalies of psychophysical development. The enhanced attention of education and health authorities to the health issues of students has serious grounds. The number of children with deficiencies and disadvantaged health among newborns is 85%. Among children entering the first class, over 60% refer to the risk category of school, somatic and psychophysical deadaption. Of these, about 30% discover the disorder of the nerve-sphere still in the younger group of kindergarten. The number of primary school students who do not cope with the requirements of the standard school program have increased twice over the past 20 years, reaching 30%. In many cases, violation of health is borderline. The number of children and adolescents with weakly pronounced problems is constantly increasing. Diseases lead to a decrease in working capacity, passing training activities, a decrease in their effectiveness, violation of a system of relations with adults (teachers, parents) and peers, there is a complex dependence of the psychological and somatic. Experiences regarding these changes may disrupt the functioning of internal organs and their systems. A conversation is possible in psychogeneity and vice versa with the emergence of "vicious circle" in some cases. Help the patient from the "vicious circle" can psychotherapeutic effects in the complex with other methods of treatment.

Psychological and pedagogical factors (pedagogical neglence) manifested in school and family education defects. They are expressed in the absence of an individual approach to a teenager in a lesson, the inadequacy of educational measures taken by educational measures, unfair, rough, insulting the teacher, to undertake estimates, refusal in timely assistance with a reasonable passage of classes, in the misunderstanding of the student's mental state. This also includes a heavy emotional climate in the family, parental alcoholization, family mood against school, school deadaption of senior brothers and sisters. With pedagogical neglection, despite the lag in school, skipping lessons, conflicts with teachers and classmates, adolescents are not observed a sharp deformation of value-standard representations. The value of labor remains high, they are focused on choosing and receiving a profession (as a rule, working), they are not indifferent to the public opinion of others, socially significant reference ties have been preserved. Teens have difficulty in self-regulation not so much on cognitive (cognitive), as on an affective and volitional level. That is, the various deeds and asocial manifestations are connected not so much with ignorance, misunderstanding or rejection of the generally accepted social norms, as the inability to slow themselves, their affective outbreaks or to resist the effects of others.

Pedagogically launched teenagers with appropriate psychological and pedagogical support can be rehabilitated already in the conditions of a school educational process, where the key factors can be "confidence", support for useful interests that are connected not so much with educational activities, but with future professional plans and Intent, also restructuring on a more emotionally warm relationship of deadaptive students with teachers and peers.

Socio-psychological factors that reveal the adverse features of the interaction of a minor with their closest surroundings in the family, on the street, in the educational team. One of the important social situations for the personality of the teenager is the school as a whole system of meaningful relations. Under the definition of school deadaption implies the impossibility of adequate school learning, respectively, natural abilities, also adequately interacting the teenager with the environment in the conditions of an individual microsococial environment in which it exists. The emergence of school, psychological and pedagogical factors are based on the occurrence of school, psychological and pedagogical nature. School dezadaption is one of the forms of a more complex phenomenon - social disadaptation of juvenile. Over one million teenagers vagrants. The number of orphans exceeded five hundred thousand, forty percent of children is subject to violence in families, the same amount of violence in schools, the death rate of adolescents from suicide increased by 60%. The unlawful behavior of adolescents grows twice as fast as among adults. 95% of dezadapted adolescents have mental deviations. Only 10% of those in need of psychocorement assistance can get it. In the study of adolescents, 13-14 years old, the parents of which were treated for psychiatric assistance, identified the personal properties of minors, the social conditions of their education, the role of the biological factor (early residual-organic damage to the central nervous system), the influence of early mental deprivation in the formation of social disadaptation. There are observations according to which family deprivation has a crucial importance to the formation of a child's personality in preschool age, manifested in the form of pathocharacterological reactions with signs of active and passive protest, children's aggressiveness.

Personal factors that are manifested in the active electoral attitude of the individual to the preferred environment of communication, the norms and values \u200b\u200bof their environment, to the pedagogical impacts of families, schools, the public, in personal value orientations and personal ability to self-regulating their behavior. Value-normative ideas, that is, ideas about legal, ethical norms and values \u200b\u200bthat perform the functions of internal behavioral regulators include cognitive (knowledge), affective (relationships) and volitional behavioral components. At the same time, the asocial and unlawful behavior of the individual may be due to defects in the internal regulation system at any - cognitive, emotional-volition, behavioral level. At the age of 13-14 years, behavioral disorders become dominant, there is a tendency to group with asocial adolescents of older age with criminal behavior, phenomena of toxicia are joined. The reason for the appeal of parents to the psychiatrum was violations of behavior, school and social disadaptation, phenomena of toxication. Teenage toxicizing has an unfavorable prognosis, and after 6-8 months after it began, signs of psycho-organic syndrome with intellectual-enerstic disorders, persistent mood violations in the form of dysphorous and thoughtless euphoria, increase sharply. The problem of deadaption and the associated toxicization in adolescents is largely determined by social conditions - family, microcrous, lack of adequate professional and labor rehabilitation. Expansion in school opportunities for classrooms a variety of productive labor, early professional orientation favorably affects the education of pedagogically launched, hard-primed students. Labor - the real scope of the application of the forces of the pedagogically launched student, in which he is able to raise his authority among classmates, overcome its isolation and dissatisfaction. The development of these qualities and support on them make it possible to prevent the alienation and social dezadaption of difficult educated in school groups, compensate for the failure in training activities.

Social factors: unfavorable material and domestic living conditions that are determined by the social and socio-economic conditions of society. The problems of adolescents were always relevant, but never stood so acute, as at present in the conditions of an unstable social and political situation, the unresolved economic crisis, the weakening of the role of the family, the devaluation of moral and moral norms, sharply opposing forms of material support. Notes inaccessibility to all adolescents of many forms of training, reducing the number of educational institutions, recreation places for adolescents. Social neglence compared to the pedagogical is primarily characterized by a low level of development of professional intentions and orientations, also useful interests, knowledge, skills, even more active resistance to pedagogical requirements and requirements of the team, reluctance to reckon with the norms of collective life. The alienation of socially launched adolescents from the most important institutions of socialization as a family and school leads to difficulties in professional self-determination, significantly reduces their ability to assimilate value-regulatory representations, the norms of morality and law, the ability to evaluate themselves and others from these positions, to be guided by generally accepted standards in His behavior.

If the problems of the teenager are not solved, they deepen, acquire complexity, that is, such a minor has several forms of manifestation of deadapotation. It is such adolescents that make up a particularly difficult group of socially dezadapted. Among the many reasons leading adolescents to severe social disadaptation, the main phenomena of the organic pathology of the CNS, the pathocharacterological or neurotic development of the individual, or pedagogical neurotic behavior becomes the main ones. A significant significance in explaining the causes and nature of social disadaptation is played by the system of self-assessment and expected evaluations of the individual, what relates to the prestigious mechanisms of self-regulation of the behavior of adolescents and deviating behavior in the first place.
