Evaluation of olympics on literature. Analysis of the school stage of subject Olympiad Analysis of the Literature Olympics Sample

Evaluation of olympics on literature. Analysis of the school stage of subject Olympiad Analysis of the Literature Olympics Sample

Qualitative analysis of the results of schoolchildren's participation in the republican stage of the student Olympiad in Russian and literature and guidelines for the further support of gifted students

Rules Follow Perseve:

in order for words to be closely, and thoughts are spacious.
N. A. Nekrasov

The Russian language and literature and literature was held in order to identify educational institutions of philological abilities, the development of interest in Russian and literature, supporting gifted children. Tasks are aimed at identity with humanitarian abilities, the personality reading, erudite, thinking, able to reflect and analyze.

Task set three levels It was designed for capable students. Some tasks demanded a creative approach, while for a complete and adequate response to most issues did not need knowledge leaving for the school program. All tasks required the use of theoretical information relating to the rigging sections of literary literature literature.

In intellectual competitions took part 115 schoolchildren from 135 submitted applications.

Jury members carefully checked the participants and summed up the Olympics. The winners who became the best young philologists were identified! Among the eighth graders, schoolchildren won, whose works were estimated from 93 to 81 points out of 100 possible. Among the ninth classes, the winners of the Olympiad became students who scored from 96 to 80 points. Participants who scored from 84.5 to 61.5 points won among ten-graders. The works of graders graders 11 were the strongest, which received points from 89.5 to 71.5 points. Unfortunately, due to technical problems, not all of the work sent to the Organizing Committee were presented in full. This explains single low points for completed tasks.

With results protocols Republican stage of the student Olympiad in Russian language and literature you can find a blog Donetsk IPGOhttp://donippo.blogspot.com/ in chapter "R eUPUBANCAN STAGE OF STUEND OLYMPIAD ».

Love for the native word us is relative

The verb will unite all!

Poznan's key again manites

And the moves hoppy all!

V.V. Bobrova

Separate tasks required the participants of a certain commentary, their own examples or mini-reasoning. The third level of olympiad tasks, creative, did not cause difficulties in students, but called questions from the jury members, since in mini-essay it was necessary to demonstrate a circle of reading and quality of a qualified reader, quote artworks, bring examples from literary texts, name the names of literary heroes etc., and not only throw out emotions and make a beautiful text. In addition, some mistakes, in our opinion, were explained by inattentive reading job formulations by participants.

The students better coped with the tasks from the section "The norms of the Russian Literary Language", "Language of Art Works", "Modern Russian". Schoolchildren's difficulties caused a question from the history of the Russian language and creative task. The greatest difficulties caused creative and analytical tasks, the formulation of their own opinion.

The quality of Olympics made by eighth graders testifies to the effective advisory, including the remote work of literary teachers with students on the subject, a qualitative selection, which carried out methodical services in cities and districts. The work of the participants testify to deep knowledge of Russian language and literature, the ability to apply them in practice, the ability to argue and logically think. The use of artworks as evidence of its arguments testifies to the readiness and erudition of olympodics.

Verification of work showed some flaws in the works of students. The following points should be paid: the syntax of a simple supply with homogeneous members and the syntax of a complex proposal; Characteristic of the vocabulary of the work; figurative means of language; The ability to distinguish the topic, idea, describe the composition and images of a lyrical work. Special attention should be paid to the development of logical thinking skills (teaching the culture of the presentation of thoughts, drawing up a work plan), the ability to determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe composition, to prove it throughout the composition and draw conclusions in accordance with the desire.

We consider it necessary to stimulate work to increase the literacy of schoolchildren.

As it turned out, the analysis of the poetic text is an exercise for students, since it was not possible to successfully fulfill the task, a selection of the author's creative manner was required, but also the "Language Face", a clear pre-structural elements of the artwork.

Eighth graders and nine-graders of allotment work demonstrated good knowledge of the theory of literature; There are no errors in determining the topic, the size of the verse, rhythm and rhyme. If the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, composite elements of poems K. Balmont and F. Tyutchev caused difficulty.
In the works allowedlexical (Unreasonable repeats, n the current choice of words, incorrect use due to misunderstanding), from tilistic speecherrors ( consumption of stamps and offices,words and expressions of purely spoken style). Vomnogi workthere is no logical connection between the parts of the text, the present Moldogisms that contradict each other's thoughts.
The listed shortcomings are undiscable and cannot affect a good impression on the preparation of students to the Olympiad.Grade 10 students were offered 9 questions on the definition of the level of ability to interpret the text (poem A.S. Pushkin "I will not regret the roses ..." ("Grapes"). Incentive score earned detailed answers to the question or task (for example, an answer to 7 question:The poem is written by a four-stranded yamb with cross-rhyme. Rhymes are accurate. Anakruise single-bedroom (except for the seventh string, there are three unstressed), clausely alternating (men's - women's)). The maximum score for the task number 1 of the second level is 20 points.

In general, ten-graders coped with the task, some interpretations turned out to be interesting, emotional, revealing the thoughts of the authors and personal impressions.

For questions 2 (t eMA, idea, motifs, mood of poem),3 (lyrical hero, figurative system), 5 (n oethical vocabulary, artistic and visual means of language),7 (rhythm, rhythm elements, size, rhyme)all students answered correctly. Some responses are incomplete: Examples of epithets, comparisons are not specified.

Most of all the difficulties caused questions 4 (about the composition of the poem), 8(about sounding), 9 (About the holistic perception of poem), some students left them without answers.

Works are issued competently. More often than others repeated lexical error young Moldy.

In general, the participants in the Olympics coped with the tasks, performing a linguistic analysis of the text. Certain difficulties were caused by students of the tasks associated with the ability to find contextual synonyms. Not all tenth graders can see separate secondary members, in particular, separate additions in proposals. Task 5 (Specify the offer in which the parcel is used) none of the participants of the Olympiad fulfill correctly.

III The level of operations of the 10th grade did not please the knowledge of the language. Despite the fact that the essay was electronically and many mistakes were corrected automatically, a lot of spelling and punctuation errors was allowed. The main problems experienced students with the construction of phrases, the most typical errors are associated with lexical redundancy. 20% of the writings were taken from the Internet. Students had to rely on literary sources, but only 30% of participants mentioned or quoted fiction. The set of texts presented in writings: I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", N.V.Gogol "Taras Bulba", "Dead Souls", A.S. Griboedov "grief from the mind." Many olympics could not even edit their texts. In general, the impressions of the essays leave to desire the best, you can note only 4 works in which all the conditions set to the participants were observed.

The settings of the 1st level, which assumed a unambiguous answer, all eleven graders fulfilled successfully (perhaps, thanks to the Internet capabilities; True, some participants in the answers did not even delete references, which is definitely unacceptable). The tasks that have assumed an independent commentary, many participants ignored, limiting the statement response (so, in 1 task, where it was necessary to recall the works that were prepositioned epigraphs, and explain why they are used, the full response suggested reasoningself author). When performing the task, 9 participants were not attentive enough. It was necessary not only to list insufficient verbs, but also give your comment or at least specify the forms in which this (E) verb (s) is (s) inadequate (s). Analogy situation with the task 10. This indicates the need to read carefully Questions and tasks, offering your own comment, which makes the work of creative and individual. However, it should not be answered more than the task requires, as grammatical errors that are allowed in the response text, reduce the score and affect the overall impression of the answer.

Checking the second level task showed that grade 11 students have a good skill to determine the rhymes, identifying composite and stylistic methods of poem, determining the main point of the philosophical poem of the Arseny of Tarkovsky, descriptions of the shaped poem system, which contributes to the disclosure of the primary work. However, it is still difficult to analyze the poem of the concepts such as a poetic size, feature of the rhythmic organization of poem, trails and figurative expressions of the poem, artistic techniques in the development of lyrical conflict.

In the second task of the second level, eleventh graders were asked to hold linguistic Text Analysis, responding to questions and performing the appropriate tasks. All students coped with the task. However, it should be noted typical errors made in the works. So, not all eleven graders were able to argue to prove the belonging of the proposed text to a popular science style. For most participants of the Olympiad, it turned out to be difficult to determine the level of their own wording and suggest ways to improve their vocabulary stock. Somewhat surprised that when performing the 5th task (to make a text plan ) Students of grade 11 were limited to a simple plan consisting of three points. Also mistakes were allowed when performing the 9th task, which required to give morphological characteristics of the word what In these proposals. Students have determined that in one of the proposals, this word is an allied word, and in another - the union, suggesting their syntactic characteristic, and the description of these words as few people spent the parties. In the 12th task, it was necessary to explain the punctuation in a certain sentence. Schoolchildren explained the formulation of punctuation marks under a separate definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover, but did not pay attention to the absence of a comma at the junction of the unions but and if In a complex sentence.

Pupils of grade 11 in the taskIII level the themes of the works from the block "Questions asked by mankind of war" were proposed and were focused on thinking about the causes of war, the influence of the war on the fate of a person and the state, about the moral choice of a person in the war (with a support for the works of domestic and world literature). Of the 11 suggested the most important, the following was called: "Why does the topic of war leave not from the literature?" (№3), "Wait for me, and I will return ... Love and War" (№5), "Do you agree with L.N. Tolstoy, arguing that war "Natural human mind and the whole human nature event? (№9), "How affects the essence of a man of war?" (№11). The topics were not in demand: "The work about the war that was excited" (№6), "War is not a fireworks at all, but just a difficult job ... (M.V. Kulchitskiy)" (№7).Works were evaluated by three criteria: the content of creative work, speech design, literacy.

When checking the content of creative work, compliance with the topic, style, genre; composite design; Fullness of the disclosure of the topic. Speech design of creative work included parameters: meaningful integrity, speech connectivity, sequence of presentation; Accuracy and expressiveness of speech. The assessment of the literacy of the work included adherence to spelling, punctuation, linguistic and speech rules.

Analysis of the olympics showed that, based on the "Compliance with the topic" criterion, the participants of the Olympiad were to respond to the proposed task, to avoid its substitution, choose their way of reasoning, formulating the theses that are to be argued to disclose. All participants coped with this criterion, but with different degrees of success of the task.

The works have shown that many participants of the Olympiad have their reading preferences and are able to deeply, sincerely, informally argue within the framework of a given topic, choosing the personalist of its disclosure. They managed to make an interesting choice of reference text, problematic material, think over the original theses and evidence of the composition.

Based on the criterion "Argumentation. Attracting literary material "It should be noted that a more work was well-argued answers. Participants reasoned on the proposed problem, most often choosing a multidimensional projection on "themselves" and "us." The works of K. Simonova, B. Vasilyeva, L.N. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, V. Grossman, V.Nekrasov, Y. Bondarev, Yu.Drunina were most often used as a literary source.

From the point of view of the composition and logic of the argument of reasoning, the following should be noted: the entry, theses and evidence, the conclusion of the participants of the Olympiad tried to closely communicate with each other, it should be noted the impeccable logic of reasoning related to the overall idea and relying on several (most often) artistic works. Students tried to consistently develop the thought from the text to the text with the extension of additional personal meanings. Students demonstrated the ability not only to logically build argument on the proposed topic, but also showed the ability to specify it in accordance with his own intention and at the same time not to deviate from the topic.

It is natural that a good level of training of participants of the Olympiad manifested itself not only in the virtues of the work on the criterion "Composition and the logic of reasoning". The writings also demonstrated an excellent speech culture, reading, formation of such reader skills, as the ability to reflect on independently read works and compare them in a given perspective. In terms of written speech, students of 11 classes have demonstrated the wealth of vocabulary, a variety of syntactic structures. They easily enjoyed their thoughts into an accurate, expressive verbal form. But at the same time, in writings, we observe and the presence of speech errors of different types: unsuccessful wording, excessive complication of the phrase that does not correspond to the style of the rest of the work; The presence of speech stamps, many of which are repeated several times, pleonism. The characteristic logical errors of eleventh graders can be attributed as follows:

1) violation of the sequence of statement;

2) lack of communication between parts of the statement;

3) unjustified repetition of the previously expressed thought;

4) the fragmentation of microthema by another microthemia;

5) disproportion of statement;

6) lack of necessary parts of the statement, etc.;

7) violation of causal relationships;

8) violation of the logic-composite structure of the text.

Among speech errors should be selected as follows:

1) consumption of indinction words and expressions;

2) the inappropriate use of expressive, emotionally painted means;

3) violation of lexical compatibility;

4) the use of an extra word (pleonism);

5) repetition or double use in the verbal text of loved ones in the meaning of synonyms without justified need (tautology);

6) unreasonable word skip;

7) The order of words leading to an ambiguous understanding of the work.

General conclusions and guidelines:

Ø knowledge, skills and skills of students within the school program in Russian and literature are generally formed;

Ø preparing for testing and participation in the Olympiad stimulate the interest of students to study the Russian language, their intellectual and creative abilities are activated, allow you to create a certain intellectual environment that promotes conscious and creative attitude to the process of education and self-education;

Ø in the preparation of schoolchildren to the Olympiad, it is necessary to pay attention to the issues of the etymology, the historical commenting of modern spelling norms, diachronic morph, to work out the skills for analyzing the syntactic phenomena of increased complexity, to conduct targeted work on the clarification and explanation of the word lexical importance, special attention should be paid to outdated words and words of foreign language origin (due to the fact that the Olympics package includes tasks that require explain the linguistic phenomena of the modern Russian language from a historical point of view);

Thank you for the professionalism and competence of members of the Methodological Commission for the preparation of tasks and members of the jury by checking the Olympics: Danilov I.N. (Torez), Dyachenko L.V. . (Donetsk, Voroshilovsky district), Simonov I.V. (Donetsk, Kiev district), Solovyuva L.E. (Donetsk), Ikonnikov S.V. (Donetsk, Kalininsky district), Dyachenko L.V. . (Donetsk, Voroshilovsky district), Rzeses S.A. (Donetsk, Petrovsky district), Yarkovich E.B. (Makeyevka), Nafan E.A. . (Personnel Lyceum at Donna), General A.V. (Donetsk, Budyennovsky district), Saint I.A. (Donetsk, Kalininsky district).

Russian Language and Literature

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on history

Olympiad tasks included test tasks on courses from 7 to grade 9, the knowledge of the terminology, chronology, assignment tasks, knowledge of architecture, life of antiquity was checked, and also needed writing an essay. It should be noted that the students did not cope with the tasks very well. In all paralles were winners, but only one student class 9 was able to perform above 3 places. There were works that scored 6-10 points that for the results of the district Olympiad inappropriate, attention should be paid to the preparation of students during the autumn holidays, and more carefully select participants in the competition.

For students of grades 10-11, work was sent from the regional center. They presented a variety of issues that covered the whole history with ancient Russia and up to the 21st century, the skills of critical thinking were checked. Test tasks, conformity setting, missed terms, personality in history - all this required a serious preparation for the Olympiad. Unfortunately, it should be noted that this year the students could cope only with a small number of tasks. The greatest difficulties, in all students, caused the tasks of the knowledge of the history of Russia of the 20th century, poorly coped with the knowledge of terminology, especially 9 classes. Students of the 10-11 classes weakly own knowledge at an elevated level of complexity. Based on the results of the Olympics, the following recommendations are identified:

  1. Work with gifted children from grade 5.
  2. During the year, determine the time to prepare for the Olympics (at least 20 hours).
  3. Make an analysis of the most common mistakes, having determined the gaps in knowledge.
  4. Improve work with terminology in history lessons.
  5. Examine methodological literature on preparation for subject Olympiads.
  6. Pay attention to the study of the history of the native edge.

Chairman of the Commission: Pyryzalova L.T.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on biology

During the analysis of the Olympics, it turned out:

Students 7. Classes are hampered by:

Perform assignment assignments;

Perform tasks with a detailed answer

Errors on the themes are made:

Systematic taxa;

Double fertilization;

Environmental groups of birds.

In 8 sklass Called difficulties of tasks in the form:

Judgments with which it is necessary to agree or reject them;

Test tasks with a choice of one correct answer.

Errors on the themes are made:

Determination of agrotechnical techniques;

Compilation of a flower formula;

Determining the level of living organization;

Morphology of birds.

Students 9 Class Tested difficulties when performing tasks:

With one option of response from four possible, but requiring a preliminary multiple selection;

Practical part of the morphological description of the plant.

Many mistakes are made on topics:

Plants morphology;

Systematics of plants;

Human anatomy.

Students of grades 10-11 find it difficult:

- Perform tasks for multiple choices;

Find compliance.

Errors on the themes are made:

Systematics of plants and animals;

Characteristics of class insect units.

  1. More often in the form of knowledge control use tasks close to GIA and EGE.
  2. Pay attention to the development of students of the skills to perform test tasks in the form of judgments, correspondences, tasks with multiple response.
  3. Pay attention to morphology and environmental groups of birds.
  4. More attention to pay issues associated with plant physiology, systematics.
  5. Pay attention to questions related to the anatomy and human physiology.
  6. Teach students to work with drawings.

Chairman of the Commission: Belousova I.I.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on the right

Olympiad tasks were very specific and calculated, on students of the socio-economic profile, as well as the guys of students of the subject of the right for 2 to 3 years. In order to prepare decent participants in the Olympiad, it is necessary to engage in the appropriate profile a circle or prepare on elective courses in grades 8-11. The negative point of the Olympiad is a small number of participants.

Based on the results of the Olympics, recommendations are identified:

  1. Work with gifted children since the 8th grade.
  2. During the year, determine the time to prepare for the Olympics (at least 20 hours).
  3. Make an analysis of the most common mistakes, having determined the gaps in knowledge.

Chairman of the Commission: Pyryzalova L.T.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in the Russian language

The results of the Olympiad indicate the average level of training of students in the Russian language. Students 7-1, classes could not gain the maximum possible number of points, when answering the Olympics tasks.

In the preparation of students to the Olympics in the Russian language, special attention should be paid:

  • work with the intelligent dictionary V.Dal, S. Oghegova;
  • working with linguistic terms;
  • word-forming analysis;
  • omonimity of words and parts of speech;
  • etymology of words;
  • the ability to find spelling and punctuation errors in the text.

Chairman of the Commission: Lyamin T.N.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature

The results of the Olympics indicate the average level of training of students in literature. Students 7,8,9,11, classes could not score the maximum possible number of points, when answering the Olympiad tasks.

In the preparation of students to the Olympics in literature, special attention should be paid to:

· Integrated analysis of artistic text, the quality of written monologic speech, ideological and thematic analysis of the text;

· Questions of literature theory (artistic techniques and syntactic features of text, poetic size);

· Studying in the lessons of extracurricular reading of foreign literature.

Chairman of the Commission: Lyamin T.N.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in physics

When performing olympics, students Grade 7 Mixed errors:

1) When solving graphic tasks for determining the time of movement - 3 people, did not start running -1.

2) in the problem of determining the mass of honey, when determining the volume of the cube - 4.

3) In the movement task: when determining the speed of rapprochet -4., When determining the remaining part of the path after 3h. - 1.

4) When determining the thickness of the plate of 4 people.

As a result of the work performed, it was determined: winner Korotkov E. (Krasnokommunarskaya SOSH) and camera (3 beds) Mantaev T. (Sakmar School).

Students Grade 8 Mixed errors:

1) When solving Task No. 1, for the calculation of the pushing force, they gave an incomplete answer to 2 people, the incorrect reasoning was led - 2 people, they did not start fulfillment.

2) The problem on the relativity of the movement was not accounted for an equation of speed and ways - 4., Did not begin to perform -1 people.

3) in the problem of drawing up the equation of the thermal balance-5, when determining the temperature - 2.

4) when determining the density of substance -4 people.

As a result of the work performed, decided veritor (3 place) Ponomarev N. (Svellus School).

Students Grade 9 Mixed errors:

1) When solving Problem No. 1 on the law of conservation of energy - 2 people.

2) In the task on the calculation of the path and time, there are no speed calculations - 2.

3) In the problem on the calculation of the pushing force, incorrect reasoning and incorrect calculations 2 were led.

4) The problem for calculating the amount of heat did not begin - 2 people.

5) When solving the problem on the construction of the circuit of the current flow rate from voltage, the equation is not composed, there is no construction of the graph-1 person. Did not start doing -1chel.

The greatest number of points are scored student Tasane J. Belousovskaya Sosh.There are no prizes.

Students 10 Klass Mixed errors:

1) When solving Problem No. 1 on the immersion of bodies into a liquid, 3 people, did not begin to perform -4.

2) In the problem number 2, there is no output of the formula for calculating the density of -4 people, did not begin to perform -3.

3) In the problem for calculating the average speed, the equation is incorrectly composed.

4) In the problem of calculating the electrical circuit, 4 people.

5) When solving a problem on the movement of bound bodies-5 people. Did not start doing -1chel.

The greatest number of points are scored by students. Kireva S. (Krasnokommunarskaya SOSH) and Pouchesov A. (Sakmar School). There are no prizes.

Students 11Klassa Mixed errors:

1) when solving problems No. 1 on a rotational movement in the output of the formula for calculating the angular velocity, 3 people.

2) In Prokom number 2, the equation is incorrectly compiled to determine the time interval -1., Did not start running -2.

3) In the task of calculating the specific heat -1chel., I did not start the execution -2.

4) In the task of the ballistic movement, 2 people., Did not proceed to execution, 1.

5) When solving the problem on the calculation of the electrical circuit, 2.

The greatest number of points are scored by Kosnos Andrey students (Nikolskaya Sosh). There are no prizes.

The preparation of the student to participate in physics in the competitions should include several components. First of all, the student must fully and comprehensively master the material of the school program of the relevant class in physics and mathematics. In addition to the materials of the school program, it is necessary to master additional sections of the school course of physics in the amount provided for by the program of All-Russian physical Olympics. Use a differentiated approach to working with students to conduct additional classes to solve non-standard tasks. When preparing students for the Olympics, take into account typical errors in the execution of the Olympics of the previous year. Eliminate gaps on the themes: "The Equation of the Heat Balance", "Calculation of Electric Chains"

Chairman of the Commission: Vlasova L.V.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in chemistry

Analysis of the Olympics of students showedthat students of grade 8 copied well with the following tasks:

v determining the valence of atoms of chemical elements by formulas;

v skills to arrange the coefficients;

v skills to determine the purpose of laboratory equipment;

v ability to determine the relative molecular weights of complex substances.

Errors are allowed when performing tasks:

v on the determination of the mass fraction of the element in the substance (many students did not take into account the number of element atoms, the mass fraction of which was determined in the task)

v When solving a problem with the use of constant avogadro.

v for determining physical and chemical phenomena;

v to the ability to decipher the records;

Olympiad tasks for students of grade 9 are acceptable. The low number of scored points is explained by the inattentive analysis of the tasks. So in the tasks of the 9-10 9-5mnogi participants did not take into account the mass fraction of the solution, from here and the whole decision turned out to be incorrect. In the task 9-4 additional reagents were used, although the task is clearly spelled out, the inadmissibility of the use of other substances.

When performing a thought experiment, students showed the ability to draw up the corresponding equations in molecular and ion form.

When performing a task 9-2 per mixture, the reaction equations are properly recorded correctly, but errors are allowed when solving the system of equations.

Tasks 10-11 skills were identical.

Partially coped with students with the execution of tasks for the definition of reactants for reaction products (10-2.11-3). Although errors are made in the equations when specifying coefficients.

During the implementation of the mental experiment, a number of students build a logical chain of reasoning, but do not fulfill the task to the end, as not enough knowledge for its proof.

Participants of the 11th grade Olympics did not cope with the definition of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the solution.

Grade 10 studies have not proceeded to perform the task associated with the knowledge of silicon properties, silicon interaction with a mixture of packing and nitric acids.

Chairman of the Commission: Belousova I.I.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in geography

Students of Nikolskaya High School, Yegoryevskaya secondary school, did not take part in the Olympics. The teams of Sliminskaya, Krasnokommunarskaya, Dmitrievskaya, Central, Arkhipovskaya, Belovskaya, Tat. Carkalin, Sakmarin, Verkhnechebenkovsky secondary schools were most fully presented. Only one student took part in the Olympiad from the Kamensky major school.

Analyzing the results of the Olympics of the past years, the number of tasks and their content aimed at the gifted, and not on the average student, so this year the disciples did not quickly leave the audience, and operated an average of 2.5 - 3 hours.

Tasks 9, 10-11 classes were calculated on very capable students who not only know the program material in geography, but they also do a lot in addition on the subject with broad erudition.

According to the subject jury, the tasks for the 7 - 8 classes were made up without taking into account software material. Climatograms in grade 7 by this time are not yet studied, students do not even know the principle of their construction, and in the tasks, such a question was present. In the same class, the program was just started by the study of the mainland (Africa), nevertheless questions were both on other continents, and far from cognitive, designed for erudition.

The winners among students of 9-10 grades was not identified, which indicates not enough qualitative training of participants.

In the 10th grade, the winner was not identified, 2nd place Voronina K. (Central Soset, Teacher SEMYKINA I.M.), 3th place Bashirov I. (Tat.KargalinskSosh. Teacher Akhmetova L.I.) and Melnikov N. (SakmarskayaSosh, Teacher Rusnak L.A.)

Not bad results showed students grade 11. 1st place occupied Shabaldin D. (KrasnokommunarskayaSosh., Teacher Lebedeva O.N.) 2nd place - Golobova A. (SakmarskayaSosh., Teacher Rusnak L.A.) and Panarin E. (BelovskayaSosh., Teacher Ruzheynikova N.A.); 3th place - Bictimarova Z. (TAT. KargalinskSosh., Teacher Akhmetova L.I.) and Ishmukhametova R. (VerkhnechebenkovskayaSosh., Teacher Abdrashitova A.G.).

Weakly performed students in high school practical tasks to solve problems. At the previously held Olympiads, the tasks of this nature did not meet, so teachers who prepared students did not pay due attention to the topic of themes.

Based on the analysis of the Municipal Olympiad by Geography Jury recommendteachers of the Geography of the Area:

Follow and promptly use guidelines for the content of the tasks of the school and municipal olympics;

Strengthen work with gifted children;

Planning work with gifted on individual routes;

Increase interest in geography on training sessions and in extracurricular time;

Pay attention to the development of cartographic skills;

Strengthen in training the countryed orientation.

Chairman of the Commission: Semikina I.M.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in mathematics

In the Olympiad, students of 7-11 classes from 13 district educational institutions (3 main schools and 10 secondary schools) took part in the Olympiad.

P / P.

Name OU

10 cl.

11 cl.


Sakmar School

Tat. Kargali School

Svetlinskaya School

Egorievskaya Sosh

Belousovskaya Sosh

Maryevskaya Oosh

Orlovskaya shosh

Krasnokommunarskaya School

Dmitrievskaya Sosh.

Upperhebenkovskaya School

Central School

Nikolskaya Sosh

Timashevskaya Oosh

Kamenskaya Oosh

Arkhipovskaya School

Belovskaya School

Chapaevskaya Oosh

There were no students Egoryevskaya Sosh, Mar'evskaya Oosh, Oryol Oosh, Chapaevskaya Oosh.

Student works were assessed by the jury in the composition:

chairman of the Jury Mashenkova G.V., Mathematics Teacher of the Higher Category MBOU "Belousovskaya School"; Members of the jury - Commissionerova T.G., teacher of the highest category MBOU "Dmitrievskaya Sosh", Khasanova G.A. Teacher of the highest category of MBOU "Belovskaya Sosh", laddoms L.V. Mathematics teacher of the first category "Krasnokommunarskaya SOSH", Dautova G.A. Mathematics teacher of the first category "TAT. Kargali School. "

Works were evaluated on the basis of criteria of methodical recommendations Prepared by the Central Sub-Methodological Commission on Mathematics to assist the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren in mathematics in the subjects of the Russian Federation in the 2013/2014 academic year.

In accordance with the regulations of the Mathematical Olympics of Schoolchildren, each task was estimated from 5 points. The tasks of mathematical olympics were creative, allow several different solutions options. In addition, partial movements were evaluated in tasks (for example, the analysis of one of the cases, the transition from the private to the general and vice versa, graphic illustrations to tasks, solution of logical tasks in different ways, including using the table).

Winners and winners of the Olympics were determined by the jury in accordance with the final table of the Regulation on the All-Russian School Olympiad.

11-15 points - III place,

16-19 points -II place

20-25 points - I place.

The tasks are interesting, correspond to the level of students of the Middle and Main School, the requirement of mathematical preparation of students in this age. In each class, the work contained tasks on the theory of numbers (divisibility, residues, parity, finding a numerical set with the specified properties.), Proof of the rationality and irrationality of numbers, arithmetic progression, equation in integer or in natural numbers, geometric tasks for the triangle properties, Equipment of figures. Performing work is designed for 3-4 hours.

Basic mistakes and difficulty students when performing work

7th grade. The most resolved geometric task for cutting figures and the text task, but students are hampered in the design of tasks. Do not bring logical reflections to the end. Most students solved numeric rebus No. 1 by the method of the selection, the condition of the task did not quite well understand.

8th grade. We solve mainly the task of weighing, a text problem. The geometrical task to find the triangle angle was solved by a guessed method without explanation. Feature difficulties in the arguments of a geometric problem. The task of factorial is not clear.

Grade 9.. The most resolved task for cutting figures. This is the task of complexity 1. Then the task of finding a set of numbers with a certain multiplicity (5 students) and the geometric problem on the properties of a triangle (5 students), the task of evidence of rationality 2 students and the task No. 5 performed 1 student. 1 student Mozartsev Sergei (21 points) began to solve all 5 tasks.

10 classes. The main tasks that resolved students are: tasks on the equivalence of figures No. 5, on the proof of arithmetic progression, the divisibility of numbers. Two right decisions of the geometric problem. The tasks for 9 and 10 classes on the divisibility of the numbers and the solution of the equation in natural numbers were the same, but these tasks were solved mainly grade 9 students. Basic mistakes and difficulties are similar. Not everyone correctly understood the condition of the problem number 1. There is no solution method, the solution of problem No. 5 (equation in natural numbers) was carried out by the method of selection.

Grade 11. There is a scatter when solving tasks, students proceeded to solve all tasks. We solve mainly the task on arithmetic progression, the equation in integers. There are no good, reasonable solutions. There is no logical justification of tasks, students are guessing the method of guessing, provide private solutions that does not correspond to the level of students of grade 11.

Perform more attention to solving problems for the use of the theory of numbers (the divisibility of numbers, residues, parity, patterns), ways to solve logical problems, geometric problems, logicality and completeness of the rationale for solving problems, methods of decisions.

Chairman of the Commission: Mashenkova G.V.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on ecology

Olympics includes 3 blocks of kima of different complexity and technique of execution.

The first part is 50 test tasks that require only one response from four possible. Each correctly performed task is estimated at one point. The number of scored points in this block by the participants of the Olympiad is from 24 to 36 points. The greatest difficulty in responses cause questions on the following topics:

  • Ecology of environmental management (85% of students made mistakes)
  • Environmental rules and laws (70% of students allowed errors)
  • Environmental characteristics of biogeocenoses (45% of students allowed errors)
  • Environmental Sukessia (60% of students made mistakes)
  • Ecology of populations (85% of students made mistakes)

The first part of the tasks also included 7 tasks to select the right statements. The issues of practicality practically did not cause difficulties in students.

Part Two - Environmental Cases to choose the right judgment with the rationale for this choice. Difficulties caused tasks for commenting the rules and laws of ecology. With the task of the structure of ecology as science, 60% of the participants of the Olympiad coped.

The third part is environmental cases to choose the right narrowing with the rationale for the right and incorrect answers. These tasks caused the greatest difficulty, as the majority of students could not disclose the causal relationships between environmental concepts and events, indicating one-step responses when motivating the choice. Therefore, the maximum score out of 10 possible only - 6 points.

After analyzing the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on ecology, it should be noted the emergence of positive dynamics in the preparation of students. But it should also be indicated for insufficient training according to the above topics, which must be taken into account by teachers when planning and in the preparation of schoolchildren to the Olympics in the next academic year.

Acrobatics - 7, 8-9, 10-11 classes (boys and girls).

Athletics - was not conducted due to lack of space


Compared to last year, the program on the Olympic tasks was simplified. Excluded the shealing gymnastics, bar axle and light athletics. There were no injuries and disorders. Before starting the competition, we conducted a safety instructions, each student signed in an introductory briefing log. During the entire time of the Olympics, a duty officer was attended.

In general, the guys showed an average level of preparedness to the Olympics with the exception of certain types.

Volleyball, bottom and upper gears in girls of the 7th grade are low. It is necessary to finalize the program of tasks and estimates for this type.

According to acrobatics, many students were not ready at all, showed weak technical training, the appearance did not correspond to the implementation of the acrobatic combination.

According to the results of the regional Olympiad in physical culture, it should be noted the effectiveness of educational activities of teachers of physical culture Sartova G.G. (Svetlinskaya Sosh), Bolotov R.Ya. (Arkhipovskaya SOSH), Yuriev S.P. (Belovskaya Sosh), Rakhmatullina R.B. (Upperhebenkovskaya Sosh), Klimushkin S.V. (Belousovskaya Sosh), Majartsev L.G. (Sakmarskaya Sosh), Abdulna G.Z., Mavelutov G.T. (Dmitrievskaya Sosh.), Sultanova S.S. (Egoryevskaya SOSH).

Students 8 classes coped with the tasks of the Olympics well. Difficulties aroused answers on the provision of first aid, water safety, flood types, do not understand the essence of the tasks. The tasks corresponded to the studied software material.

Students of the 9th grades coped with the tasks satisfactory. Some tasks did not correspond to the course of the training program of the Obzh. Many students did not cope with the tasks of the practical orientation, there is no clear and occupational response. Large difficulties caused tasks according to the methods of orientation, do not know how to decipher the disaster signals, do not know the examples of natural phenomena, not enough knowledge according to the rules of the road, Ahkh, they do not understand the essence of the tasks, you need to teach students to teach the spending tasks of a practical nature on various topics of the OBZH rate. On theoretical issues, the greatest difficulty caused questions on the following sections of the Course of the Obzh in the 9th grade - the safety and protection of a person in emergency, ensuring personal security in everyday life, the basis of a healthy lifestyle.

Students of the 10-11 classes coped with the tasks of the district Olympiad satisfactorily. Difficulties caused some themes of the organization of the RSHS, its structures, methods of orientation, the description of gas masks. Names of disinfecting activities, military ranks LUgel teachers recommended paying attention to these topics. Students well performed the tasks of practicality.

Many of the tasks of the Olympics for students of grade 10 did not comply with the studied software material, for example, themes on the basics of military service. Tasks contain a large volume of answers.

Unfortunately, the practical tasks of the Olympiad, which must be performed on the simulators were not conducted due to the lack of material opportunities.

The results of the district Olympiad on the Obzh showed high effectiveness of educational activities: TeachersOrzhzh Sveza Sosh (Episheva FF, Sartov G.G.), the teacher Obtatat. Karkalinskaya SOSH (Valeeva F.A.), teacher Obzhitov G.M. .). Teachers of the Obzhsakmar Sosh (Lebedev S.P., Bashkatov A.N.), teacher of the Obzh Krasnokommunsky Sosh (Popovan.A.), teacher Obzhov Belousovskaya Sosh (Pavelev A.N.), teachers of the Obzh Krasnokommunar School (Popova N .BUT.)

Many schools did not participate in the Ovzh Olympiad (Dmitrievskaya Sosh., Egoryevskaya Sosh., Kamenskaya Sosh., Nikolskaya Sosh., Orlovskaya Sosh and Chapaevskaya School). All this reduces the educational trajectory of students and teachers.

The results of the tasks among the participants were mainly justified. Most participants coped with the tasks successfully. The observance of the Olympiad on the Obzh is that the material is available for students. The preparation of students is hampered by the fact that in many schools the subject of the OBZH is not conducted in all classes. The material base for the preparation of students, especially in practical parties to be better.

  1. Strengthen the practical focus of the course of the courage
  2. Prepare students throughout the year to the Olympiad
  3. Use not only software
  4. Improve the material base

Chairman of the Commission: Valeeva F.A.

Analysis of the results of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on technology

The following schools participated in the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren on technology: Sakmar, Tat. Kargali, Svetlinskaya, Marievskaya, Upperhebenkovskaya, Belovskaya, Krasnokimmunarskaya, Nikolskaya, Dmitrievskaya.

Students 7 classes in the nomination "Culture of the house and decorative and applied creativity" Difficult in the choice of artificial fibers, the material has not yet been studied.

The elements of the Ukrainian national costume did not mention, did not establish conformity of the cutting sleeves in the figure. Students 8 classes did not recognize the trademark of the ecological purity of the product, did not define the barcode of Russia. Did not establish conformity between the properties of the goods and their definitions. Missing errors in determining rational nutrition, nutritional standards, found it difficult to the source of the student's income. 9th grade students do not know the definition of the word "project", the main building material for tissue and organ cells, the concepts of a reusable pattern. Did not establish conformity of the measure, do not know the definitions of the consumer basket, a computer program for building charts. Students 10-11 classes do not know the definition of the word "project", food caloric content, machine needle, ergonomics, computer program for building diagrams, the concept of "contract".

In the nomination " Technique and technical creativity » Students of the 7th grades could not find conformations between the types of tree breeds and the names of the trees.

Do not know the types of artistic design of products, physical properties of metals and alloys, technological operations when drilling holes in metal harvesting.

Students 8 classes were unable to determine the type of metal artistic processing, a rental profile, an axis line of the Symmetry of the part, the pyramid of the needs of the oil, the sequence of technological operations. Students 9 classes could not list the properties of wood, set the compliance of parts in the drawing, to define marketing, select tools for plastering. Students of grades 10-11 do not know the priority of the production of ears of the neck, it was difficult to determine the partition shape, located behind the securing plane.

Analysis of the school stage

All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren

branch of MKOU SOSH No. 26 PGT Rftachevo

From October 6 to October 31, 2011, a school stage was held by the All-Russian School Olympics.

The purpose of the holding: Detection and development of creative abilities and interest in research activities, supporting gifted children.

Regulations on the organization and conduct of the school stage of the Vosh in the branch of MKOU SOSH No. 26 of PGT Rftachevo

Schedule of Olympiad

List of jury members

Requirements for the school stage Wash for the relevant subject

The school tour Olympics were held on 17 general education subjects: law, social studies, history, geography, physical culture, informatics, chemistry, MHC, literature, ecology, Russian, English, physics, technology, mathematics, obzh, biology. The school stage of the Olympics was held on the tasks drawn up on the basis of exemplary main general educational programs of the main and secondary (complete) general education developed by municipal subject-methodical commissions published on the MMC website. Byshi.

Students on subjects took part in the school tour:

2 people


8 people

Social science

24 people


6 people

29 people


6 people


12 people

13 people

Physical education

4 people

3 persons

Russian language

25 people


26 people


14 people

14 people

Art (MHC)

5 people

Computer science

1 person

9 people

Winners and prize-winners were determined on the basis of the results that were entered into the final table of the results of the participants of the Olympiad, which is a ranked list of participants, located as they launched scored points. Participants with an equal number of points were alphabetical. The winners and prize-winners are:


Ranyanova Diana

Social science

Novikova P., Bryndina M, Sorokina K, Zhukov and Ivanov D

Rogozhina A, Hairislamova E, Pchensh E, Beevza, Svetlynaya A, Kolrolova A, Serov A, Cosmynin T.

Krivonosov and, Sorokina K, Yudin and, Ivanov D, Rajanova D

Myzgin T, Rudakova E, Bryndina M, Svetlynaya A, Gubina C, Korolev A, Yudin and, Hopovov N, Kurbatov N


Kurbatov N, Ivanov D

Kiselevat, Serov A, Rajanova d

Physical education

Russian language

Krivonosov and, Bryndina M, Svetlynaya A, Scarlygin E

Novikova P, Sorokina K, Gainanov R, Swedov M, Korolev A, Zhukov and, Zhukov Oh, Rajanova D


Art (MHC)



Safiullin E,

Kiselev T, Blajabaeva M, Zhukova about


Svetnya a

Zhukov and, Korolev a

Technology (girls, boys)

Scarlygin E.


Sundine E, Korolev a

Rajanova D.

Kiselev T, Lumpova

Computer science

Kurbatov N.

The Olympiad is complicated by the fact that there are no parallels at school, the number of students is small and participate in the Olympiads of the same students. An active part accepted and became either winners, or the prizes following students: Ranyanov D., Kurbatov N, Zhukov, and ,. As a result, at school 21 winners and 34 prizes.

Subject teachers made a detailed analysis of its school stage of the All-Russian School Olympiad.

Analysis of the school tour of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in mathematics

26 students took part in the Olympiad

Count Completed tasks from 12 balls and above corresponds to the title winner or winner.

Over 12 ball. The place of the winner is determined.

Grade 5.

First task - 3 points

Second task- 3 points

Third task - 4 points

Fourth task - 4 points

Fifth task- 5 points

Sixth task - 6 points

Number of correct tasks

Gadelshina Olesya Baryevna

Izyumov Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Izyumov Roman Vyacheslavovich

Izyumova Daria Anatolyevna

Krivonosova Irina Andreevna

Total number of -25 points

First task -Logic task. True fulfilled one student, with a mistake of 4 people

The second task is a numerical rus. Nobody fulfilled the task,

The third task is a logical task. Nobody fulfilled the task true

Fourth task- text task. Three people began to solve the task, but until the end did not bring the decision. Two people did not proceed to solve the problem

The fifth task is to transfusion. Four people completed the task without a proper explanation. One person did not get to the task

stage all-Russianolympiadschoolchildren In 2009-2010 academic year 1. General provisions This Regulation on holdingschoolstageAll-Russianolympiadschoolchildren In 2009 ...

  • All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature Methodical recommendations on the development of tasks for the school and municipal stages of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren in literature in the 2009/2010 academic year Moscow 2009 Table of Contents


    ...) stagefor holdschoolstageAll-Russianolympiadschoolchildren In literature, two options are offered: the first option is a complex analysis ...

  • At the Literature Olympics (Regional Stage) there will be 2 options for tasks. 1 Option - Comprehensive Prosecutic Text Analysis, 2 Option - Comparative Analysis of Poems

    Analysis of lyrical poem

    The method of analysis is dictated by ideological and artistic features of the work, takes into account intuitive-irrational, poetic comprehension and theoretical and logical beginning. There are general principles of scientific analysis of poetic works, based on the typological properties of genres, types of lyric compositions, etc. The analysis should not be random, fragmentary, should not be reduced to a simple transmission of the impression or retelling.

    Analysis of the lyric poem identifies compliance between the distribution of grammatical categories and metric, stubological correlations, semantics of text. The following is an exemplary scheme for a holistic (multidimensional) analysis of lyrical poems in the unity of its formal and meaningful sides (in accordance with the poetic world and the artistic system of the author).

    Scheme analysis

    VNEECKLY ties

    Creative history of the work (date of writing, textology); Place a poem in the creative evolution of the poet; Historical and literary, household context; Real-biographic commentary, history of critical estimates.

    Idea content.

    Thematic structure. Motivation. Leitmotifs.

    Type of lyric poems (meditative, meditative and visual, visual lyrics).

    Specificity of genre form (elegy, ballad, sonnet, message, etc.).


    Semantics title, his connection with the main poetic idea.

    Building (Structure) verse


    Composition. Reversals, contrasts, opposition. Types of composition. Ending. Comparison and development of basic verbal images (in similarity, in contrast, by association, by conclusion).

    Morphological aspect of the poetic model. Distribution of grammatical categories, speech parts.

    Lyrical hero. Speech subject and addressing lyrics.

    Forms of speech communication (dialogue, monologue).

    Poetic vocabulary.

    Rhythm and metric.

    Fonika. Sound (phonological) structure (alliteration, association, sound repeat, paronymic attraction and other types of sound tools). Eufony (fraudulent).

    In the pavement scheme proposed below, the sequence of items is not rigidly complied with the main requirement - accounting (if possible) of all these components.

    An important aspect in the study of the literary work remains the definition of the methodology for analyzing and receiving its interpretation. In modern philological studies, the methodologies of various scientific systems are creatively used and complement each other, each of which is significant in the history of critical thought.

    Samples 1) holistic (system); 2) formal; 3) a structural-semiotic and 4) linguophoethic analysis of poems, see the literature below:

    1) Muryanov M.F. Issues of interpretation of the anthology lyrics (Pushkin's poem "The fire burns in the blood") // Analysis of the literary work. L., 1976. p.173-212; Analysis of one poem. L., 1985; Girschman M.M. Rhythmic composition and stylistic originality of poetic works // Girschman M.M. Literary work: theory of artistic integrity. M., 2002, p.215-247; Broitman S.N. Secret poetics A.S. Pushkin. Tver. 2002. p.13-43 (see: A. Pushkin "On the hills of Georgia is a night blah," "for the shores of the late", "What is my name?").

    2) Jacobson R. Pushkin Poems about the Virgin Statue, Vakhanka and Smirenice; About the "verses composed at night during insomnia", the texture of one quatrain of Pushkin // Jacobson R. works on the poetics. M., 1987. P. 181-197; P.198-205; P.210-212.

    3) Lotman Yu. M. Analysis of the poetic text. L., 1972. p.133-270; Ivanov Vysh. Sun. The structure of the bubbnikov poem "I rush on elephants" // Russian literature. From the theory of literature to the text structure: anthology. M., 1997. C.245-257; Levin Yu.I. O. Mandelshtam. Analysis of six poems; B. Pasternak. Analysis of three poems; A.S. Pushkin. "To the portrait of Zhukovsky"; Ivanov "Good that there is no king ..." // Levin Yu.I. Selected Works. Poetics. Semiotics. M., 1998. P.9-51; P.156-174; P. 267-270; Pp. 271-275; Taranovsky K. Essays on Poetry O. Mandelstam // Taranovsky K. On poetry and poetics. M., 2000; Lotman M. on the death of Zhukov // How the poem of Brodsky works. Sat Art. M., 2002. P. 64 -76.

    4) Fateeva N.A. "When the streams sing romances with almost the words of man" // Language as creativity. M., 1996. C.170-189; Shestakova L.L. Language techniques for the formation of the text in E. Baratynsky Poetry (on the "Definition" material // Language as creativity. M., 1996. P.118-125; Shestakova L.L. Osip Mandelshtam. "Sisters gravity and tenderness, your sisters" // Russian language at school. 2000. No. 2. S.69-75.

    2. Analysis of prosaic text

    The scheme of the complex philological analysis of the text (prosaic, first of all) includes the following steps: the generalizing characteristic of ideological and aesthetic content, determination of the genre of the work, characteristic of text architectonics, consideration of the structure of the narration, analysis of the spatial-temporal organization of the work, systems of images and the poetic language, identification of intertext elements .

    Scheme analysis

    Introduction Creative history (textology), history of critical assessments, place of work (story, essay, story, novels) in creative evolution or artistic system of the writer, in the history of the literary process.

    Problem-thematic aspect.

    Text analysis.

    Semantics (symbolism) name. The latitude of the semantic range through the prism of the title.


    The space-time organization of the artistic world: the image of time and space ("chronotope", the space-time continuum, the relationship between the character and the place of action). Spatial and temporal opposition (top / bottom, far / close, day / night, etc.).

    Composition. Composite techniques (repeat, installation, etc.). Supporting "points" composition.

    Plot. Metamental fragments.

    Rhythm, tempo, tone, intonation of narration.

    Functionally semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning).

    Style originality. System of fine means.

    Image system. Speech of heroes.


    Artistic detail (exterior, psychological, detail symbol). Functional part. Detail.

    Scenery. Interior. The world of things. Zoologists.

    The role of the subtext and intertextual ties.

    Analysis of the literary work. L., 1976.

    Girschman M.M. The rhythmic composition and the style of prosaic works ("After Bala", "Death Ivan Ilyich" L.N. Tolstoy; "Krotkaya" F.M. Dostoevsky; "Student" A.P. Chekhov), etc. // Girshman M. M. Literary work: theory of artistic integrity. M., 2002, p.314-407.

    Esaulov I. A. Spectrum of adequacy in interpretation of the literary work (Mirgorod N. V. Gogol). M., 1995.

    Nikolina N.A. Philological analysis of text. M., 2003 (aspect analysis of text - "Other shores" V. Nabokova: genre of the originality of the text; "Bezhin meads" I.S. Turgenev: a figurative structure of the text; Story I.A. Bunina "Cold Autumn": Conceptualization of time; " The Sun of the Dead "I.S. Shmeleva: keywords in the structure of the text; intertextual connections of the story T. Tolstoy" Love - do not love "; a comprehensive analysis of prosaic text - the story of I.A. Bunin" Mr. San Francisco ").

    Scheglov Yu.K. Poetics Chekhov ("Anna on the neck") // Jolkovsky A.K., Scheglov Yu.K. Works on the poetics of expressiveness: Invariants - Topic - Tests - Text. M., 1996. P. 157-189.

    Yablov E.A. Text and subtext in the stories of M. Bulgakov ("Notes of the Young Doctor"). Tver, 2002.

    Comparative analysis of poems M. Yu. Lermontov "Cross on a rock" and A. S. Pushkin "Monastery on Kazbek"

    Cross on the rock

    (M-lle souchkoff)

    In the Caucasus Tesne I know the cliff,

    There is only a steppe eagle there,

    But the cross wooden black over it,

    It rotates and bends from the storms and rains.

    And many years flowed without traces

    Since he is visible from distant hills.

    And each upward hand up

    As if he wants to grab the clouds.

    O If we can go to me there

    As I would pray and cried then;

    And after I drop the chain of being

    And I would be called with a brew brother!

    Monastery at Kazbek

    High above the mountains

    Kazbek, your royal tent

    Shines eternal rays.

    Your monastery for clouds,

    As in the sky, the cutting ark,

    Parit, a little prominent, above the mountains.

    Far, believed Bregg!

    There b, saying, forgive the gorge,

    Climb free embroidery!

    There b, in the exclusive celle,

    In the neighborhood of God hide me! ..

    It would be tempting to assume that M.Yu. Lermontov was familiar with the text of the poem "Monastery on Kazbek" (1829). Then it would be possible to write about the absentee response of the audacious teenager a great contemporary. But, most likely, a number of coincidences at different levels that we will fix with comparative analysis are due to the specifics of the romantic method that both works are written.

    Community is noticed at the first look at the name of poems. The initial lines of texts immediately ask a common topic and color. (Caucasus). It is clear that both authors have lyrical heroes at the foot (rocks, mountains), and the views of them and thoughts are rushed. So the very location of the heroes is given by the romantic antithesis "here" and "there." The poem A. S. Pushkin was created at a time when the poet himself regularly declared his departure from the romantic method. For example, in one of the private letters, it commented in detail the course of creating a "winter morning", published in the same 1829, explains why all the editors were from the "Kon Cherkasy" to the "Bura Fair", that is, to a more "prosaic" figurative system , vocabulary, syntax and so on.

    Fortunately, it took the past while we tried to straighten the creative path of any author and were looking for evidence that all the great poets moved "from romanticism to realism." At the same time it was implied that the realistic method, of course, is better.

    The Caucasus is almost all Russian lyrics and in any of their "creative period" awakened and awakens a romantic globility.

    Pushkin's lyrical hero, standing at the foot of a high mountain, looks at the top of Kazbek and reflects on eternity, about God, about freedom ...

    In the poem M. Yu. Lermontov "Cross on a rock" (1830), the lyrical hero was also shocked by the Caucasian landscape, but his thoughts and feelings are completely different. The named work of M. Yu. Lermontov, like many other poems of 1830, is dedicated to E. A. Sushkova, (subsequently, a fairness of Rostopchina.) It should be noted that this woman was a poetess, so Lermontov turned to her not only poems on the love topic, But it hoped that the girlfriend would be divided, they would understand those Duma and the moods that had experienced his lyrical hero.

    Images of rocks, cliffs, mountains pass through all the work of Lermontov, repeatedly, this author declared his love for the mountains of the Caucasus. But the love of nature, like the love of a woman, the young poet is gloomy and overshadown.

    The lyrical hero of the "early" Lermontov his "familiar" and favorite place in the Caucasus calls the rock, on the top of which someone is located the nameless grave with a simple wooden cross on it. The cross blackened and almost already rotted from the rain, but the description of this precisely the landscape was given 6 out of 12 lines of text.

    This poem according to the "form" is very simple: it is written by four-stranded amphiberage with cesury, consists of three katrenins with adjacent rhymes, and the rhyme is accurate and banal. The work disintegrates into two parts: two quatrains - this is a description of the cross on a rock, the last four verses - emotional response.

    In the first stitching, the eagle appears with romantics, which - on his happiness - can take off so high that resting on the top of the rock. The lyrical hero is languishing by the fact that he cannot climb on the rock, and the personnel cross, the distance resembling a person, stretches even higher, as if he wants to grab the clouds. " So through all the poem, one direction of movement passes: from below - up. In the work two contrasting color spots: black cross and white, unattainable clouds.

    The last quatrain is one exclamation offer, almost completely consisting of romantic stamps and starting, of course, with "Oh!".

    The hero is torn "there", "swell", there he will "pray and cry", because it is probably from here, from the bottom, God does not hear his moans. The young romantic wants to "lose the chain of being," to get rid of the shackles and get sick with the storm (it is worth remembering the MTSIR).

    The last katrer was written in the subjunctive tilting and repeatedly repeated "would", together with the words "dropped", "being", "from the buzzy", "brother" gives a sonorous altitude.

    In general, this poem seems to me weaker than the "sail" or "beggar" created at about the same time. The paradox is that, although the analyzed text is self-imperative, it, at the same time, is very characteristic of the Africa of the early Lermontov and his style, which, according to E. Mint, was the "standard of romanticism."

    Pushkin poem creates a completely different mood from the reader. Yes, the lyrical hero also dreams of getting "there", to the top of the mountain, where the old Georgian church is located. But he strives just not to the storms, but to peace. The top of Kazbek "shines the eternal rays", and light clouds are needed only for the protected place to be seen not to everyone. The sky, like the sea, for Pushkin is a free element, so naturally there is a comparison of a slightly prominent church with a "solving ark", in which only the chosen one should be saved.

    The work of Pushkin is also shaken into two parts corresponding to two strangers, but the second stanza consists of five lines, which is knowingly, the rhythm system itself puts one of the rows in the "strong position". Here this exclamation: "Far, linedbreck!" The image of the desired and unattainable coast (and even the solemn - the archaic, eternal "barge") is also quite logical after the description of the Symbol ship. Pushkin's lyrical hero is not looking for storms, for him, happiness is "peace and will". He is committed to the "transcendental celia", and it is in solitude that it hopes to gain freedom, for it is inside the soul, and not given from the outside.

    It is not by chance that the lyrical hero dreams of the "neighborhood of God." He does not ask for an almighty about anything, he himself is almost equal to him.

    All poem is written by a traditional four-stranded yamba, with a large number of pyrrilev, facilitating verse. In the first stanza, the adjacent rhymes are unobtrusively divides sextin on two-bedish. But the first line of the five-hundredth rhyme is associated with the first part, and the remaining four verses are stamped "Cross-". All this, as we have already noted, allocates the key line of the spirit to the distant, mashed rays, the Divine "Bang".

    In the second storm at Pushkin, like Lermontov, the maximum of emotions is concentrated. Quintet Pushkin Text consists of three exclamation purposes, two of which begin with a romantic impulse: "There's ...!" This desire from the gorge to the top is recognized by the lyrical hero as a natural gust of the Spirit. Natural and unattainableness of this dream. Pushkin poem - light and wise, without youthful donkey and pain.

    So, the comparison of the two "Caucasian" works of Pushkin and Lermontov once again emphasizes the difference and maidos, and the idios of these Russian classics.

    "Monument" G. R. Dervin and "Monument" V. Ya. Bolsova

    (Methodical aspect of comparable analysis)

    Theme of the monument, methodical aspect, comparable analysis, poetics, figurative system

    The topic of the monument occupies a large place in the work of Russian poets, so this topic is paid to considerable attention in school programs. Comparative analysis of poems of G.R. Derzhavin and V. Ya. Bolsova will help students understand the originality of the decision of the monument in the work of the poet of the XVIII and XX century, to reveal the individuality of the style, the worldview of artists.

    The basis of these two poems is one topic, one source - Ode Horace "Monument". The poem of G. R. Derzhavin and V. Ya. Brysov is difficult to name in the exact sense of the translations of ODA Horace - it is rather free imitation or alteration of the latter, which allows literary criticism to consider these works as independent and peculiar.

    The poem of Derzhavin "Monument" was first published in 1795 under the title "To the Museum. Imprint Horace." Brysov's "Monument" was written in 1912. The teacher asks students to read the poems, compare them and answer the questions:

    What exactly did each poet recognize deserving immortality in his activities?

    Compare the sharing system of poems, rhythmic organization, stroke, syntax. How does this affect the overall pathos of poems?

    What is the originality of the lyrical hero of poems?

    Pay attention to geographic names. How do they determine the space of poems? Derzhavin sees their merits in the fact that:

    That the first I kept in a funny Russian syllable

    About the virtues of Felitsa to heal,

    In the heart ease of talking about God

    And the truth of the kings with a smile to speak.

    Students comment on that the poet made the Russian syllable simple, sharp, cheerful. He "daring" to write not about the greatness, not about the exploits, but about the virtues of the Empress, seeing an ordinary person in it. The poet managed to preserve human dignity, sincerity, truthfulness.

    Brucers speaks about their merits in the fourth stanza:

    I thought for many, I knew the flour passion,

    But it will become clear to all that this song is about them,

    And at distant dreams in invincible power

    They glorify proudly every verse.

    Human Duma and Passion managed to convey, according to the author, in the "singer" words of their creations.

    The poem of Derzhavin and Brysov come closer not only thematically, but also on the external features of their construction: both are written by four-stroke stanches (Derzhavin - 5 stanza, near Brysov - 6) with men's and female rhymes alternating in all stanches according to the scheme: avav. Meter of both poems - yamb. At Derzhavina Yamb Sixtust in all rows, Brysov has a six-star in the first three lines and a four-stranded in the fourth line of each stanza.

    Students celebrate the difference and on the syntactic level. Brysov, the poem is complicated not only by exclaiming forms, but also rhetorical issues, which gives intriguration and tensions.

    In the poem of Derzhavin, the image of the lyrical character binds all the stains, only the image of the muse appears in the latter, to which the hero with the thought of immortality appears. Bruces already in the first stanza, the image of the lyrical hero is opposed to those who did not understand the poet, "the crowd": "My monument is standing out of the construction of consonant with a consonant. / Shout, tear, you do not dump it!". This opposition gives rise to the tragity of the briefness of the lyrical hero.

    It is interesting to compare spatial plans of poems. Drozhina: "The rumor will take me from white waters to black, / where the Volga, Don, Neva, pours Urals with Rifey; ..". Bruce writes that his pages will fly: "in the gardens of Ukraine, into the noise and bright dream of the capital / to the Finalwers of India, ashore Irtysh." In the fifth stanza, the geography of verse is enriched with new countries:

    And, in new sounds, call will penetrate

    Sad homeland, and German, and French

    Submissively repeat my verse aspired,

    The gift of favorable music.

    Students conclude that the space of the symbolist poem is much wider: it is not only the expanses of Russia, but also European countries - Germany, France. The symbolist's poet is characterized by hyperbolization of the topic of the monument, the scale of influence of both their own poetry and poetry at all.

    The next stage of work may be associated with the comparison of fine-expressive means used by the classicist poet and poet symbolist. Students discharge epithets, comparisons, metaphors in the notebook, summarize examples and draw conclusions. They note the dominance of the Derzhavin epithets: "Monument to the wonderful, eternal", "Milestone" whirlpool, "" nations of unarranged "," merit fair ", etc., as well as the use of intverse reception, which gives solemnity, distinctness, image object. Brysov has a significant role in the poem of metaphors: "Decay of singers of words", "gift of favorable music", etc., which as it were to emphasize the scale of style, a tendency to generalizations. The poem of the poet classicist is naturally naturally the image of the empress and the theme of power associated with it. Symbolist is not interested in images of statesmen, kings, commander. Bruce shows the inconsistency of the world real. In his poem is opposed to "Kamorka Poor" and "Palace of the King", which makes the tragic beginning to the work of the poet symbolist.

    The teacher can draw the attention of students to the vocabulary, the sounds and the flowers of poems. Finding the general and differences, students come to the conclusion about the continuity of traditions in Russian literature and about the diversity and wealth of styles, methods, directions.

    The leading start of Bruce Poetry is the thought. The vocabulary of his poems is a sonorous, close to oratory. The verse is compressed, strong, "with developed muscles" /D.Maximov/. The thought is dominated in the poem of the poet classicist, for whose style is characterized by rhetoric, solemnity, monumentality. And at the same time, in the work of each of them there is something of its own, unique.

    This form of work contributes to an increase in the level of perception of the lyrics of Derzhavin and Brysov, the complex and thinnest images of poetry, allows us to form and consolidate the presentation of students on the theory and practice of classicism and symbolism.

    1. Analysis of the artwork

    1. Determine the topic and idea / main thought / this work; problems affected in it; Paphos, with which the work is written;

    2. Show the relationship of the plot and composition;

    3. To consider the subject organization of the work / artistic image of a person, the techniques for creating a character, the types of characters, the character-character system /;

    5. Determine the features of functioning in this product of the literature of the illustrative means of the language;

    6. Determine the features of the genre of the work and style of the writer.

    Note: According to this scheme, it is possible to write an elastic review about the book read, and in this work also present:

    1. Emotional and appraisal attitude to the read.

    2. The detailed substantiation of an independent assessment of the characters of the heroes of the work, their actions and experiences.

    3. Deployed rationale for conclusions.

    2. Analysis of prosaic literary work

    Starting to the analysis of the artistic work, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific historical context of the work during the creation of this artistic work. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of the historical and historical and literary situation, in the latter case it is meant

    Literary directions of the era;

    The place of this work among the works of other authors written during this period;

    Creative history of the work;

    Evaluation of the work in criticism;

    The originality of the perception of this product with contemporaries of the writer;

    Evaluation of the work in the context of modern reading;

    Then to refer to the question of the ideological and artistic unity of the work, its content and forms (at the same time, the content plan is considered - what the author wanted to say and the expression plan - how he managed to do).

    Conceptual level of artwork

    (Topics, Problems, Conflict and Paphos)

    The topic is what we are talking about in the work, the main problem, supplied and considered by the author in the work, which unites the content into a single integer; These are the typical phenomena and real life events that are reflected in the work. Is the topic of their time consonant with the topic? Is the name associated with the topic? Each phenomenon of life is a separate topic; A combination of topics - the subject of the work.

    The problem is that side of life, which is particularly interested in the writer. The same problem can serve as the basis for the formulation of different problems (the topic of serfdom is the problem of the internal non-versatility of the serf, the problem of mutual corruption, ugliness and serfs, and destroyers, the problem of social injustice ...). Problems - a list of problems affected by the work. (They can wear an additional character and obey the main problem.)

    Pafos is an emotional-assessment of a writer to a told, distinguished by a great power of feelings (M.B. Approving, denying, justifying, elevating ...).

    The level of organization of the work as an artistic whole

    Composition - Building a literary work; Combines parts of the work in one.

    Fixed assets of the composition:

    The plot is what is happening in the work; System of basic events and conflicts.

    The conflict is a clash of characters and circumstances, views and principles of life, based on action. The conflict can occur between a person and society between the characters. In the consciousness of the hero can be clear and hidden. The plot elements reflect the level of development of the conflict;

    Prologue - a peculiar entry into the work that is narrating on the events of the past, it emotionally sets the reader to perception (rarely found);

    Exposure - enhancing, image of conditions and circumstances preceding the immediate start of actions (can be deployed and no, solid and "broken"; can be located not only at the beginning, but also in the middle, end of the work); introduces the characters of the work, the situation, the time and circumstances of the action;

    Zaguka - the beginning of the plot movement; The event from which the conflict begins, subsequent events are developing.

    Development of action - the system of events that leak out of the risk; In the course of the development of action, as a rule, the conflict is exacerbated, and the contradictions are developing clearer and sharper;

    Culmination - the moment of the highest voltage, the peak of the conflict, the culmination represents the main problem of the work and the characters of the characters extremely clearly, after it the action weakens.

    An isolation is the solution of the conflict depicted or an indication of the possible ways to solve it. The final moment in the development of an artistic work. As a rule, it is also resolved conflict or its principled insoluability is demonstrated.

    Epilogue - the final part of the work, in which the direction of the further development of events and the fate of heroes is denoted (sometimes the assessment is given to the shown); This is a brief story about what happened with the actors of the work after the end of the main storyline.

    The plot can be made:

    In a direct chronological sequence of events;

    With retreats in the past - retrospective - and "excursions" in


    In a deliberately modified sequence (see Artistic Time in the Work).

    Non-sales elements are considered:

    Plug-in episodes;

    Their main function is to expand the frames of the depicted, to enable the author to express their thoughts and feelings about the various phenomena of life that are not directly related to the plot.

    In the work there may be no individual elements of the plot; It is sometimes difficult to divide these elements; Sometimes there are several plots in one work - otherwise, plot lines. There are various interpretations of the concepts of "plot" and "Fabul":

    1) the plot is the main conflict of the work; Fabul - a number of events in which it is expressed;

    2) the plot is the artistic order of events; Fabul - Natural Events

    Composite principles and elements:

    The presenter compositional principle (composition multifaceted, linear, ring, "thread with beads"; in the chronology of events or not ...).

    Additional means of composition:

    Lyrical retreats - forms of disclosure and transfer of the senses and thoughts of the writer about the depicted (express the author's attitude to the characters, to the image of life, may be reflections on any occasion or explanation of their goal, position);

    Introductory (inserted) episodes (not related directly to the plot of the work);

    Artistic premium - the image of scenes, which, as it were, predict, finish the further development of events;

    Art framing - scenes that begin and finish an event or work, complementing it, giving additional meaning;

    Composite techniques - internal monologues, diary, etc.

    The level of the inner form of the work

    Subjectual organization of the narration (its consideration includes the following): the narrative may be personal: on behalf of the lyrical character (confession), on behalf of the character of the narrator, and impersonal (on behalf of the narrator).

    1) artistic image of a person - the typical phenomena of life, which was reflected in this image; Individual features inherent in the character; The originality of the created image of a person is revealed:

    External features - face, figure, suit;

    Character character - it is revealed in actions, in relation to other people, manifests itself in the portrait, in the descriptions of the senses of the hero, in his speech. An image of the conditions in which the character lives and operates;

    An image of nature that helps better understand the thoughts and sense of character;

    An image of a social environment, society in which the character lives and operates;

    The presence or absence of a prototype.

    2) 0Clous character image creation techniques:

    Characteristic of the hero through its actions and actions (in the plot system);

    Portrait, portrait characteristic of the hero (often expresses copyright to the character);

    Psychological analysis - detailed, in detail recreation of feelings, thoughts, motivations - the inner world of the character; Here, the image "Dialectics of the Soul" is of particular importance, i.e. movements of the inner life of the hero;

    Characteristic of the hero by other actors;

    Art Detail - a description of the objects and phenomena of the surrounding character of reality (parts that reflect a wide generalization can act as details symbols);

    3) types of characters:

    Lyrical - if the writer shows only the feelings and thoughts of the hero, not mentioning the events of his life, the actions of the hero (found primarily in poetry);

    Dramatic - in the event that the impression arises that the heroes are "ourselves", "without the help of the author", i.e. The author uses the characteristics of the taking self-discharge, characteristics itself (found, mainly in dramatic works);

    Epic - the author-narrator or storyteller consistently describes the heroes, their actions, characters, appearance, the situation in which they live, relationships with others (are found in epic novels, the ones, stories, novels, essays).

    4) system of character imagers;

    Separate images can be combined into groups (grouping images) - their interaction helps to fully present and disclose each acting person, and through them the theme and ideological meaning of the work.

    All these groups are combined into society depicted in the work (multifaceted or one planned with social, ethnic, etc. point of view).

    Artistic space and artistic time (chronotope): space and time shown by the author.

    The artistic space can be conditional and concrete; compressed and volume;

    Artistic time can be correlated with historical or not, intermittent and continuous, in the chronology of events (epic time) or the chronology of internal mental processes of characters (lyric time), long or instantaneous, final or infinite, closed (i.e., only within the plot , outside of historical time) and open (against the background of a certain historical era).

    The method of creating artistic images: a narrative (image of occurring in the work of events), description (consistent enumeration of individual signs, features, properties and phenomena), forms of oral speech (dialogue, monologue).

    The place and value of the artistic part (artistic detail, reinforcing the perception of the whole).

    Level of external form. Speech and rhythm modeling organization of artistic text

    Speech of characters - expressive or not, acting as a means of typing; Individual peculiarities of speech; Discloses character and helps to understand the attitude of the author.

    Speech of the narrator - evaluation of events and their participants

    The nature of the use of a common language (the activity of inclusion of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, warbris, professionalism).

    Pattern techniques (trails - the use of words in a figurative value) - the simplest (epithet and comparison) and complex (metaphor, personification, allegory, litt, periprase).

    Plan analysis poem

    1. Comment elements to poem:

    Time (place) of writing, creating history;

    Genre peculiarity;

    The place of this poem in the work of the poet or in a number of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);

    Explanation of unclear places, complex metaphors and other decoding.

    2. Feelings expressed by the lyrical hero of the poem; Feelings that believes a poem from the reader.

    4. Interconnection of the content of the poem and its artistic form:

    Composite solutions;

    Features of the self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the narration;

    Sound series of poems, the use of sound recording, association, allyteration;

    Rhythm, storm, graphics, their meaning role;

    Motivation and accuracy of expressive use.

    4. Associations caused by this poem (literary, vital, musical, picturesque - any).

    5. Typic and originality of this poem in the work of the poet, the deep moral or philosophical meaning of the work that opened as a result of the analysis; The degree of "eternity" of raised problems or their interpretations. Riddles and secrets poem.

    6. Additional (free) reflections.

    Analysis of the poetic work


    Starting to analyze the poetic work, it is necessary to determine the immediate content of the lyrical work - experience, feeling;

    Determine the "belonging" of feelings and thoughts expressed in a lyrical work: a lyrical hero (an image in which these feelings are expressed);

    Determine the subject of the description and its connection with the poetic idea (direct - indirect);

    Determine the organization (composition) of the lyrical work;

    Determine the originality of the use of fine funds by the author (active - stingy); Determine the lexical drawing (spacious, book - literary vocabulary ...);

    Determine the rhythm (homogeneous - heterogeneous; rhythmic movement);

    Determine the sound pattern;

    Determine intonation (the ratio of speech-speaking and the interlocutor).

    Poetic vocabulary

    It is necessary to find out the activity of the use of individual groups of words commonly used vocabulary - synonyms, antonyms, archaisms, neologisms;

    Find out the measure of the proximity of the poetic language with conversational;

    Determine the originality and activity of the use of trails

    Epithet - artistic definition;

    Comparison - a comparison of two items or phenomena to clarify one of them with the help of another;

    Allegory (allegory) - an image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through specific subjects and images;

    Irony - hidden mockery;

    Hyperbole - an artistic exaggeration used to strengthen the impression;

    Lithota - artistic understatement;

    Elimination - an image of inanimate objects in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - a gift of speech, the ability to think and feel;

    The metaphor is a hidden comparison, built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena, in which the word "as", "as if", "as if" is missing, but are meant.

    Poetic syntax

    (syntactic techniques or figures of poetic speech)

    Rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations - they strengthen the reader's attention, without requiring an answer from him;

    Reversals - a repeated repetition of the same words or expressions;

    Antithesis - opposition;

    Poetic phonetics

    Using sound-modes, sound recording - sound repeats that create a peculiar sound "Figure" of speech.

    Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds;

    Assonance - repetition of vowels;

    AnaFora - Uniagnosed;

    Composition of lyrical work


    Determine the leading experience, feeling, mood, reflected in the poetic product;

    Find out the harness of the composite construction, its subordination to the expression of a certain thought;

    Determine the lyrical situation represented in the poem (the conflict of the hero with it; internal sign of the hero, etc.)

    Determine the life situation that, presumably, could cause this experience;

    Select the main parts of the poetic work: show their connection (define an emotional "drawing").

    Analysis of the dramatic work

    Dramatic Work Analysis Scheme

    1. General characteristics: History of creation, life framework, idea, literary criticism.

    2. Plot, composition:

    The main conflict, the stages of its development;

    Disception character / comic, tragic, dramatic /

    3. Analysis of individual actions, scenes, phenomena.

    4. Collecting material about characters:

    Hero appearance


    Speech characteristic

    Manner / How? /

    Style, Dictionary

    Characteristics itself, mutual characteristics of heroes, author's remarks;

    The role of scenery, interior in the development of the image.

    5. Conclusions: topic, idea, sense title, image system. The genre of the work, artistic originality.

    Dramatic work

    Generic specificity, "border" position of the drama (between literature and the theater) obliges its analysis in the course of the development of dramatic action (in this fundamental difference between the analysis of the dramatic work from epic or lyrical). Therefore, the proposed scheme is conditional in nature, it only takes into account the conglomerate of the main generic categories of the drama, the peculiarity of which can manifest itself in different ways in each individual case in the development of action (according to the principle of the springs of the spring).

    1. General characteristics of dramatic action (character, plan and vector motion, pace, rhythm, etc.). "Through" action and "underwater" flows.

    2. Conflict type. The essence of the drama and the content of the conflict, the nature of the contradictions (biscuit, the external conflict, internal conflict, their interaction), "vertical" and "horizontal" drama plan.

    3. The system of acting persons, their place and role in the development of dramatic deiction and resolution of the conflict. The main and secondary heroes. Extrapty and insignificant characters.

    4. The system of motifs and the motive development of the plot and the microsules of the drama. Text and subtext.

    5. Composition-structural level. The main stages in the development of dramatic action (exposition, tie, development, culmination, junction). Principle of installation.

    6. Features of poetics (semantic key title, the role of theatrical poster, stage chronotype, symbolism, scenic psychologism, final problem). Signs of theatricality: costume, mask, game and post-saturative analysis, role situations, etc.

    7. genre peculiarity (drama, tragedy or comedy?). The origins of the genre, its reminiscence and innovative solutions by the author.

    9. Drama contexts (historical and cultural, creative, self-dramatic).

    10. The problem of interpretations and stage history

    Olympiad in literature (answers grade 10)
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    Olympiad in literature (answers grade 11)

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    All-Russian Olympiad Schoolchildren in Literature

    District Stage 2010 - 2011 academic year Moscow

    7th grade

    To fulfill the tasks of the District Tour of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren, choose one of the options.

    Option 1-1.. Integrated prose text analysis.
    Evgeny Lvovich Schwartz
    Scattered wizard

    He lived on the world, one scientist, a real good wizard, named Ivan Ivanovich Sidorov. And he was such an excellent engineer, which was easy and quickly built cars, huge, like palaces, and small as watch. Between the case, joking, he built for the house of his wonderful cars, lungs, like feathers. And these most cars in Him and Paul Meli, and the flies kicked out, and wrote under dictation, and Molty coffee, and played in Domino. And his favorite machine was magnitude with a cat, ran after the owner, like a dog, and spoken like a person. Ivan Ivanovich leaves from the house, and this machine and the phone calls, and dinner cooks, and opens the doors. Good man she will let go to the house, talk to him, and he will also sing him a song like a real bird. And he rides bad, and even lick him, as a real chain dog. At night, the machine itself was understandable, and in the morning she was going and screamed:

    - Host, and the owner! Rose time!

    Ivan Ivanovich was a good man, but very scattered. It will go out into the street in two hats, it will forget that in the evening he has a meeting. And the machine helped him here very much: when it is necessary - remind you when you need it - it will correct.

    Once Ivan Ivanovich went to the forest. A clever machine runs behind him, calls on his bell like a bike. Having fun. And Ivan Ivanovich asks her:

    - Hush, quieter, do not bother me to reflect.

    And suddenly they heard: the hooves are knocking, the wheels will creak.

    And they saw - the boy leaves them towards them, brings the grain to the mill.

    They greeted.

    The boy stopped the cart and let's ask Ivan Ivanovich, what is this machine yes, how it is done.

    Ivan Ivanovich began to explain.

    And the machine ran into the forest to drive the squirrel, poured like a bell.

    The boy listened to Ivan Ivanovich, laughed and says:

    - No, you are just a real wizard.

    - Yes, like that, Ivan Ivanovich answers.

    - You probably can do everything?

    "Yes," Ivan Ivanovich answers.

    - Well, can you, for example, turn my horse into the cat?

    - From what! - Ivan Ivanovich replies.

    He took out a small device from the vest pocket.

    - It is, "says, zoological magic glass. One two Three!

    And he sent a diminutive magic glass on a horse.

    And suddenly - here wonders! "The arc became a tiny, loosely thin, burning lightly, the entrance was hung with ribbons. And he saw a boy: instead of a horse harnessed in his cart. It is worth the cat, as a horse, and moate the ground with an anterior paw, as if hoof. She touched her boy - Soft wool. Stroked - I was cooled. Real cat, only in the harness.

    They laughed.

    A wonderful machine ran out of the forest. And suddenly stopped as the inserted. And she began to give anxious calls, and the red light bulbs lit with her back.

    - What? - Ivan Ivanovich frightened.

    - Like what? - screamed the machine. - You have forgotten with scattered that our magnifying zoological magic glass lies in repair at the glass factory! How do you now turn the cat again into the horse?

    What to do here?

    The boy is crying, the cat is meachit, the machine is calling, and Ivan Ivanovich asks:

    "Please ask you, hiding, do not interfere with me think."

    He thought, thought and says:

    - There is nothing, friends, cry, there is nothing to meow, there is nothing to call. The horse, of course, turned into a cat, but the strength in it remained the same, horsepower. Go, boy, calmly on this cat in one horsepower. And even in a month, I, without leaving the house, I will send a magic magnifying glass to the cat, and she will again become a horse.

    The boy calmed down.

    Ivan Ivanovich, Ivan Ivanovich, pulled the entrance, said: "But!" And the cat was lucky.

    When they returned from the mill to Mulino village, everyone was escaped, from Mala to Velik, wonderful cat.

    Straightening boy cat.

    The dogs were rushed at her, and she would hit their paw in their entire horsepower. And here the dogs immediately understood that with such a cat it is better not to contact.

    Brought the cat to the house. She began to live-wait. Cat like a cat. Mice catches, milk lacquers, sleeping on the stove. And in the morning they will harb it in the cart, and the cat works like a horse.

    She was very loved and forgot even that she was once a horse.

    So passed twenty five days.

    At night, a cat having a cat on the furnace.

    Suddenly - Bach! boom! Fuck-Tah-Tah!

    All jumped.

    Lit light.

    And see: the furnace collapsed on bricks. And on bricks there is a horse and looks, lifting her ears, can't understand anything from sleep.

    What does it turn out?

    In this very night, Ivan Ivanovich from repairing a magnifying zoological magic glass was brought from repair. The machine has already figured out the night. And Ivan Ivanovich himself was not guessed to say on the phone in Muurino village, to bring the cat to the courtyard from the room, because he will now turn her into a horse. Without warning anyone, he sent a magic device at the specified address: once, two, three - and found himself on the stove, instead of a cat, a whole horse. Of course, the stove under such severity fell apart on small bricks.

    But everything ended well.

    Ivan Ivanovich on the other day built them the stove even better.

    And the horse remained a horse.

    But, however, I got on her cat habits.

    She plows the land, pulls the plow, tries - and suddenly he will see a field mouse. And now everything will forget, the arrow rushes to prey.

    And they have learned.

    Meowed bass.

    And she has a feline, winsted. For the night, the stable ceased to lock. If forbide - shouts the horse to the whole village:

    - Meow! Meow!

    At night, she opened the gate with a stable with hoof and looked into the courtyard. Mice picked up, rats lucked. Or is easy, like a cat, the horse took off on the roof and wandered there until dawn. Other cats loved her. Have friends with her. Were playing. We went to visit her a stable, told her about all his cat affairs, and she was about horsepower. And they understood each other as the best friends.

    Option 1-2. Interpretation of poetic text

    Nikolay Alexandrovich Zabolotsky
    Morning song

    Mighty day came. Trees got up straight

    The leaves sighed. In wooden housilas

    Water ran out. Square window

    Over light earth opened

    And everyone who was in the turret agreed

    Take a look at the sky, full of shyanya.

    And we also stood by the window.

    There was a wife in his spring dress.

    And the boy was sitting on her hands,

    All pink and naked and laughed

    And, full of serene purity,

    I looked at the sky where the sun was shone.

    And there, below, trees, beasts, birds,

    Big, strong, shaggy, alive,

    Come together in a circle and on large guitars,

    On pipes, violins, on boys

    Suddenly played the morning song,

    Meeting us. And all the circle around.

    And all the circle is sick so that the goat

    And he went jumping around the barn.

    And I understood that Golden Morning

    That the happiness of mankind is immortally.
