The essence of the conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife. Latest news about Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina

The essence of the conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife.  Latest news about Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina
The essence of the conflict between Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife. Latest news about Dzhigarkhanyan and Vitalina

The scandal in the theatrical family of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan takes a new turn. After the people's artist accused his wife of stealing and wanting to kill him, Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, who is not only Dzhigarkhanyan's wife, but also the director of the theater named after him, threatens to fire him.

Dzhigarkhanyan's theater today is not happy with visitors - especially with a TV camera.

We are the press! Why are you so embarrassed? You just work here! - Why shoot us ?!

The sudden disappearance of the founder of the theater, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, was announced by his young wife. And he ended up in the hospital, where he made it clear: he ends all relations with his wife, including business ones.

Vitalina, Vitalina - now I can hardly pronounce her last name. She brought me a lot of pain, a lot of unjust pain, she behaved vile, vile, a thief, she is a thief, not a man!

Dzhigarkhanyan's friends believe that Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya seized power in the theater and is enriching herself on behalf of her husband.

“An unprofessional person, he has never before led not only a theater, but even some small team. I know that her parents work there, some girlfriends work there that do not suit Armen Borisovich. He does not hide it. today there is simply a non-working atmosphere in the theater, "says Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's friend Artur Soghomonyan.

Representatives of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya - she herself does not communicate with journalists - declare Soghomonyan a swindler, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan's hospitalization is called abduction.

“I believe that the employee of the 57th city hospital, Lyudmila Shagenova, showed the highest degree of incompetence and took responsibility for the fate and life of Armen Borisovich in a state when he had a diabetes crisis,” says Elina Mazur, confidant of Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

The camp of Dzhigarkhanyan's wife is against the camp of Dzhigarkhanyan's friends. Vitalina's supporters are sure that she left her husband and headed the theater to help him. Those who once left the theater believe that this is not entirely true.

“At first, as far as I know, she was the head of the musical department. Then she gradually became the general director of the theater. And these unlimited possibilities in this case led to such, in my opinion, a deplorable result,” says director Vladimir Yachmenev.

One thousand two hundred and sixty from you.

Today, the ticket office of the theater, as before, sells tickets. People come here to Dzhigarkhanyan.

And the fact that dirty linen came out of the hut, so let's say, how do you feel about this? - But as? It's okay! Yesterday he clearly said - I do not tolerate betrayal. And with this one - he quit, divorced, or whatever, and fired from the directors - that's all! - This is your opinion? - Well, of course! Yes, this is the opinion of all - women!

And the theater administration still opened the door.

At least tell me, is everything all right in the theater?

"Everything is all right! There are some kind of family relations, this does not concern the collective at all," assures the head of the troupe of the Moscow Drama Theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Vyacheslav Dyachenko.

But you yourself are nervous, you understand perfectly well ... - We are nervous that you come here!

Doctors say: the blood sugar of Armen Borisovich, which is why he was admitted to the hospital, has returned to normal. The temperature of the wife of Armen Borisovich jumped - on the basis of nervousness.

So are these disagreements personal or already public? Everyone judges in their own way. Nevertheless, the theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan works, and in the new, 22nd season, the theater plays 24 performances, including five premieres. Even for a theater in the capital, this is very good.

While the theater is being run by deputies. But who will be in charge when Dzhigarkhanyan returns to the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater?

For several days now, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya remain in the center of public attention. The theater and film star has lost understanding with his wife. Yesterday, searches were carried out at the artist's theater in connection with a previously initiated criminal case on the theft of his passport. Armen Borisovich claims that Vitalina deceived him and robbed him, so the actor is going to dissolve his marriage. Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya herself refutes such accusations. Dzhigarkhanyan's wife and her mother Lidia Ivanovna shared their version of the events in the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live".

Vitalina's parents work at the Dzhigarkhanyan Theater. The mother of the artist's wife, Lidia Ivanovna, is the head of the sewing department, and his father, Viktor Vladimirovich, is the chief engineer. Talking about the flared up conflict, Dzhigarkhanyan's mother-in-law could not contain her emotions. The woman burst into tears because her daughter Vitalina devoted her entire life to the artist - at first they met for 15 years, and then legalized the relationship in February last year.

“For the past two weeks we have been terrified of what is happening. We must save people. This is not about marriage. Danger hangs over her, with all the threats she hears. I think many will agree that Dzhigarkhanyan is also in danger, "admitted the mother-in-law of the movie and theater star.

Lydia Ivanovna admitted that she knows people who threaten her daughter. “They came with Armen Borisovich to our house. They admired my hospitality. All the time that Vitalina was with Armen Borisovich, they were there and seemed to help, ”said mother Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya.

Vitalina said that she had not yet gone to the theater, although she left some of the things there that she did not have time to pick up during her dismissal. The wife of the star believes that she will not be allowed there. According to the woman, she cannot comment on the searches. Instead, Vitalina remembered a recent meeting with her husband. Armen Borisovich, according to Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya, behaved like an outsider.

“There was a situation, he came with a man to pick up his things. He came home for just a few minutes, did not look into my eyes, did not speak. I answered in one or two words, it was impossible to communicate with him. He said that he walks only with an escort and simply said: "Give me my things." Mom and I collected all our things. He took the safe with him. Mom tried to approach him, but he didn’t speak, ”Vitalina shared.

Dzhigarkhanyan's mother-in-law confirmed that she really wanted to talk to him. “I took out a chair, I said:“ Armen Borisovich, come in ”. I was afraid to be a third person ... "- the woman recalled.

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Everything happens like in a bad, implausible melodrama, where everyone is replaying.

The scandalous details of the conflict between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were revealed.

Not only is the legendary actor without property and he literally has nowhere to go after being discharged from the hospital, it is so likely that Vitalina will simply fire the artist from his own theater.

Armen Borisovich is 82 years old, Vitalina is 38.

The journalists talked with a close friend of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, businessman Artur Soghomonyan, who is now helping the artist who is in the hospital (“I am a close friend of Armen Borisovich.

By the way, the actor was there for a reason.
Dzhigarkhanyan was very upset when he learned that his wife had released a "raw" performance, although she promised not to do so.

Then Soghomonyan asked the artist's wife for a list of medications he needed, a passport and clothes.
However, Vitalina did not convey anything.
As a result, Dzhigarkhanyan's phone number was changed and now they are getting a new passport.

"Vitalina upset him deeply and deeply.
Armen Borisovich wants to change the situation.
He is tired of the fact that she is lying all the time, "- said a friend of the actor.
The relationship between the spouses has been upset for a long time. "Armen Borisovich is categorically determined to get a divorce. This is not today's decision.
He is upset with what is happening with the theater: very unprofessional management and many strange facts.
Armen Borisovich called Sergei Sobyanin and asked him to check the theater for the entire period when Vitalina was running it, "Soghomonyan said.

According to a friend of Dzhigarkhanyan, some time ago Vitalina, taking advantage of the fact that the master was in the hospital with a stroke, began her life in the theater.

“The first thing I did was fired 11 actors from the theater, and these were the leading actors - Duzhnikov, Merzlikin, Kapustin ...
These guys with Armen were 15 years old.
Naturally, they did not really perceive her as a leader.
But she continues to command there, "said Dzhigarkhanyan's friend.

The most interesting thing is that, having come to power, Vitalina changed the statutory documents, and now she can fire her husband, but he cannot.
Moreover, according to Soghomonyan, the young wife made a firm decision to deprive her husband of work.
"Vitalina has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his post due to his health condition," said a friend of the actor.

In turn, Dzhigarkhanyan sent a letter to the theater, in which he expressed no confidence in the leadership.
The message was read to the entire troupe.
In the near future, the artist intends to return to work.
"But purely legally, we will ask the Ministry of Culture to take measures, because only they can appoint or remove a director," Soghomonyan said.

The current state of affairs can be easily explained - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan "trusted very much" and now he is worried and very disappointed.
"Vitalina hired her mom, dad, friends, people who are not related to the theater.
Vitalina has three of her own companies that provide some kind of services to the theater.
And we ask the prosecutor's office to conduct a financial audit.
Today the theater is in debt and is delaying tax payments.
Everything that concerns everyday issues, Vitalina is quite skillful in them.
She reissued all the bills, all the apartments.
Armen Borisovich was calm about this.
But when the theater puts out half-finished performances one after another, and his name is on the posters, he could not stand it, "explained the actor's friend.
All property of Dzhigarkhanyan is recorded in the name of his young wife.
Moreover, according to a friend of the master, for a long time the artist felt the insincerity of Vitalina's attitude.
“And even we tried to persuade ourselves that maybe it would cost: Vitalina was there, giving him medications, because he had a second stroke due to the fact that he forgot to drink the medications that were prescribed to him.
We saw great mercantile interests on her part.
And all the time there are some intrigues, showdowns, trials, "Soghomonyan said.

We are talking about two apartments, one of which was bought in marriage.
The second has nothing to do with Vitalina, but, according to a friend of the artist, she insisted that Armen re-register her with her.
By the way, lawyers representing the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya reported that she resold this apartment.
However, no one lives there.
According to Soghomonyan, "the resale is purely formal."
Plus, Dzhigarkhanyan has money in his account.

A friend of the artist stressed that they do not want to sue and are ready to divide all the property in half.
“But she, together with the lawyers, is building some kind of schemes,” the man said. Dzhigarkhanyan asked his wife through him to give him one apartment in exchange for everything else, but she refused.

As a result, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan leaves the hospital, he has nowhere to go.
"We will look for an apartment for rent.
Thank God, there are friends and we will rectify this situation, he will not have problems either with housing or with money.
You know, we were sitting in a friend’s kitchen and Armen said: can you imagine, I’m 82 years old, but there’s nowhere to go. To what he lived, "- quotes a friend of the master

New details have emerged in the story of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, who was admitted to the hospital on Sunday evening. His acquaintance, Artur Soghomonyan, told reporters that the famous actor and director was going to divorce his wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya. According to a friend of the celebrity, a few years ago his wife changed the statutory documents of the theater, thus, according to the new charter, Armen Borisovich is the artistic director, but all decisions are made by the general director, that is, she. According to a friend, Vitalina can even fire Armen Borisovich, but he does not.

“She has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his post due to his health condition,” noted Soghomonyan.

Also, a close friend of the artist added that the legal wife of Dzhigarkhanyan could not cope with the management of the theater. The last production, which Vitalina was engaged in, was obviously a failure. In addition, Soghomonyan claims that Tsimbalyuk-Romanovskaya did not give medicine to Dzhigarkhanyan for several days: the movie star has been sick with diabetes for many years.

“On the fourth day, he went home and there he found out that Vitalina had deceived him and was putting on a play. Then he called Ayrapet, I was not in the city, asked to pick him up. The next day I flew in. We went to the hospital to check his health, because Armen Borisovich did not look very well. Vitalina also arrived. I asked her to give him a list of medications he was taking, his passport and clothes. She promised me. I sent a driver, he stood for hours, but she never gave anything. We sent Armen Borisovich to the 57th city hospital. He's been there for the fifth day. Now in a good condition, ”Soghomonyan said.

Vitalina herself does not comment on the information to journalists. Arthur continued that the theater is now in debt, and that the organization is delaying tax payments. According to a friend of the artist, Vitalina re-registered all the bills and apartments for herself.

“Armen Borisovich was calm about it. But when the theater, one after another, releases semi-finished performances, and his name is on the posters, he could not stand it. “Armen said: I am 82 years old, and there is nowhere to go. To what he lived, ”a close friend of Dzhigarkhanyan said.

Soghomonyan noted that all the property was transferred to Vitalina, and these are two apartments. Dzhigarkhanyan bought one before marriage, but the woman re-registered the living space for herself.

“Another, which they bought already in marriage. Plus there was some money in the account. I very much hope that we will reach an agreement peacefully. I don’t want to go to court, ”comrade Armen Borisovich said in an interview with the newspaper "TVNZ".

According to Soghomonyan, in less than a year of marriage, Vitalina received half of everything that the famous artist made.

The artist's friends do not yet know where Armen Borisovich will go after leaving the hospital. “We will look for an apartment for rent. Thank God, there are friends and we will rectify this situation, he will not have problems either with housing or with money, ”said Artur Soghomonyan.

Everything happens like in a bad, implausible melodrama, where everyone is replaying.

The scandalous details of the conflict between Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and his young wife Vitalina Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya were revealed.

Not only is the legendary actor without property and he literally has nowhere to go after being discharged from the hospital, it is so likely that Vitalina will simply fire the artist from his own theater.

Armen Borisovich is 82 years old, Vitalina is 38.

The journalists talked with a close friend of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, businessman Artur Soghomonyan, who is now helping the artist who is in the hospital (“I am a close friend of Armen Borisovich.

By the way, the actor was there for a reason.
Dzhigarkhanyan was very upset when he learned that his wife had released a "raw" performance, although she promised not to do so.

Then Soghomonyan asked the artist's wife for a list of medications he needed, a passport and clothes.
However, Vitalina did not convey anything.
As a result, Dzhigarkhanyan's phone number was changed and now they are getting a new passport.

"Vitalina upset him deeply and deeply.
Armen Borisovich wants to change the situation.
He is tired of the fact that she is lying all the time, "- said a friend of the actor.
The relationship between the spouses has been upset for a long time. "Armen Borisovich is categorically determined to get a divorce. This is not today's decision.
He is upset with what is happening with the theater: very unprofessional management and many strange facts.
Armen Borisovich called Sergei Sobyanin and asked him to check the theater for the entire period when Vitalina was running it, "Soghomonyan said.

According to a friend of Dzhigarkhanyan, some time ago Vitalina, taking advantage of the fact that the master was in the hospital with a stroke, began her life in the theater.

“The first thing I did was fired 11 actors from the theater, and these were the leading actors - Duzhnikov, Merzlikin, Kapustin ...
These guys with Armen were 15 years old.
Naturally, they did not really perceive her as a leader.
But she continues to command there, "said Dzhigarkhanyan's friend.

The most interesting thing is that, having come to power, Vitalina changed the statutory documents, and now she can fire her husband, but he cannot.
Moreover, according to Soghomonyan, the young wife made a firm decision to deprive her husband of work.
"Vitalina has already sent a letter to the Ministry of Culture with a request to remove Armen Borisovich from his post due to his health condition," said a friend of the actor.

In turn, Dzhigarkhanyan sent a letter to the theater, in which he expressed no confidence in the leadership.
The message was read to the entire troupe.
In the near future, the artist intends to return to work.
"But purely legally, we will ask the Ministry of Culture to take measures, because only they can appoint or remove a director," Soghomonyan said.

The current state of affairs can be easily explained - Armen Dzhigarkhanyan "trusted very much" and now he is worried and very disappointed.
"Vitalina hired her mom, dad, friends, people who are not related to the theater.
Vitalina has three of her own companies that provide some kind of services to the theater.
And we ask the prosecutor's office to conduct a financial audit.
Today the theater is in debt and is delaying tax payments.
Everything that concerns everyday issues, Vitalina is quite skillful in them.
She reissued all the bills, all the apartments.
Armen Borisovich was calm about this.
But when the theater puts out half-finished performances one after another, and his name is on the posters, he could not stand it, "explained the actor's friend.
All property of Dzhigarkhanyan is recorded in the name of his young wife.
Moreover, according to a friend of the master, for a long time the artist felt the insincerity of Vitalina's attitude.
“And even we tried to persuade ourselves that maybe it would cost: Vitalina was there, giving him medications, because he had a second stroke due to the fact that he forgot to drink the medications that were prescribed to him.
We saw great mercantile interests on her part.
And all the time there are some intrigues, showdowns, trials, "Soghomonyan said.

We are talking about two apartments, one of which was bought in marriage.
The second has nothing to do with Vitalina, but, according to a friend of the artist, she insisted that Armen re-register her with her.
By the way, lawyers representing the interests of Tsymbalyuk-Romanovskaya reported that she resold this apartment.
However, no one lives there.
According to Soghomonyan, "the resale is purely formal."
Plus, Dzhigarkhanyan has money in his account.

A friend of the artist stressed that they do not want to sue and are ready to divide all the property in half.
“But she, together with the lawyers, is building some kind of schemes,” the man said. Dzhigarkhanyan asked his wife through him to give him one apartment in exchange for everything else, but she refused.

As a result, when Armen Dzhigarkhanyan leaves the hospital, he has nowhere to go.
"We will look for an apartment for rent.
Thank God, there are friends and we will rectify this situation, he will not have problems either with housing or with money.
You know, we were sitting in a friend’s kitchen and Armen said: can you imagine, I’m 82 years old, but there’s nowhere to go. To what he lived, "- quotes a friend of the master