Informat people. Who are you and who are they? Discipline: "Social Psychology"

Informat people. Who are you and who are they? Discipline:
Informat people. Who are you and who are they? Discipline: "Social Psychology"

Sometimes there are people on the streets, the appearance of which causes questions. Who are they? Why are they so much to bright colors, absurd forms and screaming accessories? Why do they like to escape from the norms of decency and morality? They are called one

general term - "informals", without sharing on castes and groups. Who are such informals and what is the meaning of their being - really just differ from others?

Serious world

No one knows when humanity began to strain the similarity of the features and behavior. After all, there was a time when people were content with the animal skiing as a clothing and ate one mammoth together. How would the tribe responded if one of his members suddenly dyed the mined hoora and tied it in a new way? Probably, at first, the elders were indignant, and then, realizing the convenience or beauty of the novelties, would take the idea of \u200b\u200bweapons.

What are the difference between today's days from the past? There is also a rebel who do not want to resemble the rest of the world. For them, Kitych in clothes is a way of self-expression, a sort of soul cry, with which they declare themselves and their rules. Basically, adolescent informals are inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing bright, and in fact they do not even realize that every subculture has its own history and its values.

Beauty in your own way ...

Each person is beautiful and unique. Therefore, humanity cannot be equated to the gray mass. But sometimes we have little of these facts, and we strive to color weekdays.

Informals "Emo" in today's world have become somewhat limited, although the initial idea of \u200b\u200btheir formation was truly delightful. The reduction of "emo" happened from the word "emotional", thereby expressing the essence of subculture. Emo is not afraid to express their feelings. They laugh when the soul is good, and cry, when tears are noted. Such openness of the soul quite logically coexists next to the external fragility and tenderness. But this is not a pupa in human appearance, but real romantic informals. Photos of girls dressed in the style of "emo" give only an approximate picture, not a guide to action. Really "emo" love pink color and complement it black, but it does not mean that they bring overall picture before the absurdity. Just their main values \u200b\u200bare the brightness and power of thought, and the easiest way to express it in clothes is to combine the most gentle and coarse color. If you are really interested in the culture of "emo", do not limit yourself in color. In the end, who are such informals, if not rebellious, violate the rules? Combine in your image juicy green and golden redhead, add softness gray or create an image in a gentle-turquoise shade.

Gracom in the world

Though Emo and appreciate the black color, but they seek to dilute it, but the true adepts of the darkness are, of course, the goths. Initially, they were equal to panks, and the style was characterized by sharpness and cynicity. Gradually, girls came to the image of Goth. Style adherents can be found easily on the street. Long raincoats, corsets and black leather, high platform boots and black lace. There is also a gothic makeup, which, by the way, is applied not only girls. Men with densely suspended eyes look somewhat strange, but with a reasonable approach even stylish.

Several aside from style is ready to be the style of Gothic Lolita. Remember such a heroine novel Nabokov? So, her seductivity and puppet features were complemented by notes of the Victorian era and Gothic darkness. As a result, fragile girls appeared in lace outfits and coarse shoes with accessories in the form of crosses, skulls and other elements of darkness.

And was there a boy?

Do male representatives may have weaknesses? Do they also want to express themselves in everything? Concerned parents who have noticed how their child changes

begin to convulsely monitor the media and look for an answer to the question of who are neformals. Fear is affected for his child, the desire to patronize it and control every step. But the riot is a natural part of growing up, which only suggests that life is going on with her! It is important to the growing boy to know that he has its own world where he can be anyone, regardless of his social status.

The guys of the informals are combined on the basis of common musical interests, introduce to a special social group. Sometimes in love becomes the reason for interest. And not necessarily in a girl, distant from the accepted ideals of beauty. Who are informals, if not bright birds in the mass? Girls often allocate them at least for the brightness of the image. And there is not far to mutual interest (with the right approach). On the subconscious level, the guys are trying to remember and stand out from the group of friends to be worthy of their chosen.

Internal crisis

Unfortunately, the adjoining to any subculture is not part of the self-expression, and the desire to issue themselves for someone else. To be tough, as representatives of the style of "Punk", do not be afraid of their feelings as "emo", rejoice in life like "hippie". Sometimes it even simplifies life, because even the same hairstyles choose many informals. Photo of girls in the article - a bright indicator.

Many of them are sincerely worried, envying special with a similar haircut, and strive to stand out at the expense of a new styling or fashion painting. And the adherents of one style sometimes simply copy each other. So where is the essence of this separation from the mass? It turns out that the crowd of familiarly dressed people is distinguished by a crowd of frics, which are similar to each other as clones. Surface attitude to the subculture gives just such an effect, so to answer the question of who such informals will have to be able to sort themselves first.

Who are you and who are they?

Who do you want to see yourself? What attracts you in subculture? Does she meet your style of life, and can you exist within such society? If the answers to these questions are affirmative, then forward to new achievements, but only it is worth remembering about the rationality of the approach. Little to be bright, like a parrot, you have to be beautiful, like a Phoenix bird. Direct your style to your image. What colors go to you? Not pink, and yellow? Great, this is also an emotional shade! This is the color of the sun and joy, so make your image appropriate. Complete yellow Blue - and get a harmonious combination. But do not forget about the rules of three colors. If your shades ensemble are more, then you risk calling ripples in the eyes.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal GOU SPO


On the topic: "Neformals"

Discipline: "Social Psychology"

Performed: St.Gr. 23PV

Lyuoyan Rosa Amarovna



I. Main part.

one). The concept of "informals". "Informals" - who are they?

The concept of "informals", "informals" - who are they? The answers to these questions are ambiguous, informal associations themselves are ambiguous and inhomogeneous. In addition, the stormy political life causes amateur formations to change, and these changes often concern not only forms and methods of their activities, but also proclaimed goals. Formal is usually called a social group with legal status, which is part of social Institute, organizations where the situation of individual members is strictly regulated by official rules and laws. And informal organizations and associations do not have it.

Informal associations are a massive phenomenon. For what only people and children, teenagers and young people, adults and even the old men are not united for interests? The number of such associations is measured tens of thousands, and the number of their participants - millions. Depending on which interests of people are based on the basis of the union, various types of associations arise. Recently in major cities Countries, looking for the possibility of implementing their needs, and not always finding them within the framework of existing organizations, the youth began to unite in the so-called "informal" groupings, which would be more correct to call "amateur amateur associations of young people." The attitude towards them is ambiguous. Depending on the direction, they can be both the addition of organized groups and their antipodes. Members of amateur associations are struggling for saving ambient From pollution and destruction, rescue cultural monuments are saved, it is free to restore them, care about people with disabilities and elderly people, they are struggling with corruption. The spontaneously emerging youth groups are called that informal, then amateur, then amateur. From my point of view, the term "amateur movement" is most adequate. And that is why: first, all of them are formed on the principle of voluntariness and are organizationally independent; Secondly, for the most part, they are engaged in some kind of a certain type of activity in the calculation of the real return. That is why the initially used term "informals" is not entirely accurate and can only be used relative to such groups and associations as "hippies", "punks", "Metalists" and other other groups. It is characteristic, most often, spontaneous, unorganized, unstable.

"Lovers" according to tradition, they call people who dedicated themselves to creativity in non-professional form, be it scenic or visual art, collecting, invention, social activity. Therefore, the term "amateur organizations" in relation to such associations is more optimal and can be assigned to all types and directions of youth activity. Speaking about amateur associations and their mutual communication with state and public institutions, it is necessary to note three situations on their significance:

1. Cooperation.

2. Oponing and criticism.

3. Opposition and struggle.

All these three functions are organically interrelated and cannot be artificially canceled.

So, I think we have already figured out a little question: "Who are" informals "? Although it is pretty short explanation This concept, still, I think that the essence is more or less clear. You can say an even shorter definition that I will try to formulate myself: "Informals" is a group of people who arose on someone's initiative or spontaneously to achieve any goal with common interests and needs.

Maybe my definition is not quite complete and accurate. I just tried to put it briefly.

BUT). External culture.

External cultures existed and exist in different societies. Early Christians were externals in the Roman Empire. In medieval Europe, these are numerous heresy. In Russia - split.

External cultures accumulate certain norms and symbols. If the main culture is those norms and symbols that ask the basic principle of streamlining this society, then everything that remains outside the main myth - self-describing society remains in external.

There is a balance of two subsystems of society: a countercultitude is unthinkable and does not exist without an official society. They are complementary and connected. This is one. For this kind of crops, it is possible to offer the term "external" (from lat. "Externus" -Heneg). The community of the type "system" is indeed alienated from society, although inseparable from it. The sphere of external culture includes, in fact, a variety of different subcultures: for example, criminal, bohemian, drug addict, I.T.D. They are externally to the extent that their internal values \u200b\u200bare opposed to the so-called "generally accepted". They are combined by the fact that all of them are local communication systems located outside the framework of the main network (the one that determines the state device).

If you submit a society as a whole as a hierarchy of interconnected positions (status), then the "system" will be between positions, that is outside of society. It is not by chance that by public opinion and scientific tradition, it belongs to the scope of underground (from the English. "Undeground" - underground), counter-culture, or in the domestic lexicon, another word "informals" was popular. All these definitions indicate the unlucky, for which the console "counter-", "under -", "non-". It is clear that we are talking about something opposed ("counter-"), not visible and secretive (under -), unformed. This localization outside the structures of society is quite consistent with the actual "systemic" worldview.

It is necessary to give the characteristic of the "system", at least the most common thing that could be represented about what this is speech. But this is not easy to do. The familiar features of the community here seems to not. The "system" itself categorically rejects attempts to reduce it to any social scheme. A typical example of its self-determination - an excerpt from Article A. Madison - Very Old (Old) Hippie from Tagin:

"Movement, and it incomparably it would be more correct to be called a shift, did not put in cumbersome leaders dressed in the bulletproof Harizm, did not give rise to organizations that declare the sacred war to everyone and, of course, especially to each other for the right to oversee non-mine Orthodoxia finally did not lend to this non-existent orthodoxia any special hippan philosophy, ideology or religion. Instead of ideology, from the very beginning, ideals, forming enough simply - peace and love were grounded.

Indeed, the "system" can not be identified as an organization or a batch, nor as a community or political (ideological, religious) movement. And how to determine it?

Outside society.

There is a way to determine the community through its place in the social structure. As for the "system", its typical representative is in the interval between the positions of the social structure. Let's say one "Old Piple" from Pskov so talks about himself:

"At the expense of work: I worked in many enterprises, but I understood that it was not mine ... There is one job to which I want to get, she is mine.

This is archeology. There I could even work for free. "(Liretv, the transfer" VIEW ", February 25, 1987)

It is characteristic that he, on the one hand, a worker at the plant (this is the place that the society has gone to him), but he himself does not identify himself with this status: "This is not mine." On the other hand, he considers archeology "his" business, but such self-determination is not authorized by society. Accordingly, this "PIPL" turns out to be indefinable and for the norms labor activity, because the rules are associated with the status. In general, a typical example of a liminal personality, "suspended" between positions.

In the "system" to whom do not come, the same intermediate considers himself an artist, among friends is known as an artist, but works in a boiler house; Poet (janitor), philosopher (tramp without a certain place of residence). Here are the majority. Status in own eyes does not coincide with the status in the eyes of society. Accepted norms and values \u200b\u200bother than those prescribed by society. The system that unites such people turns out to be a community that is in the intervals of the social structure, outside it. We will quote once again Madison once again, since he himself assisted the role of hippovsky historian and theorist: "Hippism, he declares, does not enter into relationships with the Constitution, its uncontrollable possessions begin where there is no and in the messenger of state borders. These possessions are everywhere where the fire is burning in creative independence. "

Everyone without exception "Pipla" insist on its non-delicacy to society, or otherwise independence. This is an important feature of the "systemic" self-consciousness. V.Terner, speaking about the communities of Western Hippie, carried them to "Liminal Communities", that is, arising and existing in intermediate areas of social structures (from Lat. "Lim" -Porogov). Here are "Linding" personality, faces with an indefinite status, which are in the process of transition or supposed from society.

Where and why are the "fallen" people appear? Here are two directions. The first: in this who fell, an uncertain, "suspended" state, a person is in the period of transition from the position of one to the position of another social structure. Then he, as a rule, finds his permanent place, it acquires constant status, enters society and leaves the sphere of counterculture. Such arguments are based on the concepts of V. Turner, t. Parsons, l. Foira.

Seriously discuss this article does not make sense. And I put it, like most of these articles, only because of cultural interest. Only two questions arose - and what is this "Dark Metal" in 89? And what is the "Moscow Satanic Church"?

The article was framed by two tasteless collages from some kind of rock stars and their fans. One of the two, because They are poor quality, and indeed, an article is not about music.

A source: "Science and Religion", №7 for 1989.

The article talk about four groups with title"MEMORY" . I know about the existence of two organizations under this title: Orthodox "Memory" Dmitry Vasilyeva and the less well-known pro-pagan "memory" Valery Emelyanova.

Today we offer readers a conversation of our correspondent Sergei Barsukov with sociologist Andrei Bystritsky. Andrey 28 years, and the youth "informal" associations, some of which calls themselves the "system" - the main subject of its research.

- The classical beginning of the conversation requires to designate the subject of the conversation, namely the main types of informal associations.

- For me and some of my colleagues are more acceptable typology built on the attitude of a particular grouping to the person as such, to the knowledge of the surrounding world and what is called "socially significant action". We highlight the groups where the collective start "we" clearly prevails over the personal beginning of the "I". These include mostly extremist associations of both the right and left sense. Here is a person - a kind of derivative from the generic whole, it is not right to count on an independent value. There are groups in which equilibrium and personal and collective principle are observed. This is a hippie, punks and them like. And there are groups where personal effort is necessary.

Speaking about typology of groups, it must be said that the word itself "Informal" implies a large set of various characteristics that are difficult to reduce to one whole, because, for example, put in one row "Lubers" And "democratic restructuring" is simply unthinkable. There is a different typology based on the age value at which informal groups are divided into adolescent and adults. The first is hippie, punks, krishnaitis, lubes, "repair", "Dzerzhinsky's grandchildren" and many others. The second is mostly socio-political groups, from the "Democratic Union" to "Memory". They are customary to divide on "left" and "right" - depending on the political installation, often even unconscious.

- How do religious groups fit here?

- The fact is that the consciousness of very many people is not religious in the usual sense of the word, but not atheistic. It can be said that it is mythological. We will return to this definition, until I say that the religiosity so or other impregnates many informal groups. Let's say "Metalists". It would seem just music. However, if we climb the steps of the "heavy metal-rock", it will face the TRASH-Metal groups, Dark-Metal, "AIDS-Metal", etc. Many of them are associated with the eastern bioenergetic symbolism. Teenagers are popular icons with the image of the characters "Yin" and "Yang", although, as a rule, they do not understand until the end of these values.

In groups of ecological type, along with a declaration of some generally immunitarian values, they are engaged in the occult painted meditative practice. As for, let's say, groups "Memory" (only in Moscow there are four of them), then you can meet a variety of different religious flows: neo-language, orthodox Christians (mainly Orthodox), bioenergy. I encountered, for example, with one group whose members are engaged in combating Shambhala's forces. What is Shambala, they know very vaguely, since information about it has learned from books, the writings of a certain Andrei Tomashevsky (he is Andrew Thomas) and some separate texts related to the spouses Roerich.

In the capital there is even "Moscow Satanian Church".

- And what do they do?

- According to my information, mainly "black" meditative practice. A bit of simplifying, it can be said that among the "Satanists" there is an installation: take with you to the world as less than possible sin. And since serious sin should be made difficult, if you take into account the Criminal Code, then a certain kind of compensation is required, a special kind of condition in which a person is internally experiencing the commission of this sin. Since it is not so easy to enter into a state of fall, then various meditative directions are used, which have been distributed in the West: the experience of the momentary paradoxical situations, the Dzen's games of the most different properties, etc.

- What is "Orthodox hippie"?

- these are groups of quite hippov worldviews that share common gospel installations on universal love, Refusal of violence oriented on the religiousness of the Orthodox sense. They often do very peculiar missionary activitiesFor example, they are trying to treat drug addicts by attachment to the faith of Christ, making emphasis on the horizontalness of the soul and its cleansing. The activity sometimes is quite successful.

- By the way, do drugs use drugs as a meditative?

- Such groups are. As a rule, the hashish smoke there, they use Kohnar.

- I think no. Many participants in the youth informal movement simply not forces a holistic religious worldview. And those groups of young people who are focused on the Christian idea are usually grouped around the clergy. Let's say, evangelical Christian Baptists is your youth club.

Some groups are interested in Russian religious philosophy, studying the works of N. Fedorov, P. Florensky, Vl. Solovyov. S. Bulgakov. But these are groups formed by individual interests and outside the spontaneous current.

- Where does a certain identification wage passes between the consciousness of religious and mythological, or rather neomophologic?

- Religious consciousness is focused on sacral, intangible values \u200b\u200bexisting beyond the "Dolly World" in the "Mountain Mountain". It is characterized by the concept of "Our World" and "Peace of Other". Mythological consciousness unrelated, he sacred meaning May be attached to the most ordinary things. For religious consciousness, their concepts are of good and evil are characteristic. There are forces of evil and good, and the forces of evil themselves are not so much worldly as interesting: they can enter a person can leave it. The consciousness of the mythological simply divides the actually living people on "their" (good) and "strangers" (evil), and the "strangers" are rejected all human qualities. "Alien" can be killed, to overeat - for mythological consciousness, he is not a person, whereas for a holistic religious consciousness, especially Christian - people are the same.

- But how then "bassurmans", inverters? ..

- In my opinion, this means the absence of a holistic Christian worldview. Searches for "neformal" in their own way confirm such an assumption. It seems to me that the appearance of Protestantism in the West marked a fundamentally new attitude towards faith. There was no Protestantism in Russia, there was a split in Russia. This is a qualitatively different process. I can not say that Russia really did not know Christianity, because it in itself is deeply inhomogeneous: they mixed the most various directions. But developed religious consciousness, without the words of pagan mythologism, in Russia, it was still a bit. Perhaps only now we are experiencing the situation when mythological consciousness Begins to stand it. For example, take our disputes about what "socialism". Socialism itself is not here for rational knowledge, but rather a question of faith. Urban culture involves a greater degree of pluralism, personal independent choice, while the patriarchal culture is characterized by a much smaller identity of the personality from the world. Therefore, it was the patriarchal-epigal groups to a greater extent focused on syncretic (uncomplicated) religiosity, in which the infarded religious and well-established mythological consciousness is mixed with each other. Differences observed in these groups, very superficial, seemingly. No wonder such an organization as "memory", being a fundamentalist response to the westernization of Russia, combines completely different people. It would seem that in common with non-Christian with a person who considers paganism to the highest achievement of Russian culture? Nevertheless, there is a common. Fear in front independent development Personality, desire to transfer responsibility to some leader, father, sages.

- So this is the preference of the community model?

- Yes, it is similar to the fact that many people are afraid to live independently in such a world, where they would be fully responsible for themselves. Even the most seemingly advanced informal groups are still far from the present understanding of the person and from this civilization. Patriarchal-communal consciousness, besides, which does not meet new living conditions, gives rise to distorted forms of thinking. They feed the so-called "informal" religiosity. I do not intend to touch the feelings of believers, truly religious people are their personal matter. I am talking about the religiosity that is now consistent in the most different layers of our society - this is religiousness secondary, mythological and archaic in their form, and this archaicity is poured into frightening results.

- Do you mean the "Kazan version"?

- And his. But the fact is that the so-called "Kazan version" is implemented not only in Kazan. Similar processes are observed in Astrakhan, in Pavlodar. If teenage fights have always been inherent in the mechanism of youth socialization, this will not say that the degree of cruelty, the oblivion of all humanistic landmarks, which in these places are moving all possible borders. In my presentation, the Kazan version is directly related to such syncretic, inorganic religiosity. The situation in Kazan is characterized by the fact that the city is rigidly divided into areas, and a thousandth army of combat-effective units can be exhibited in a matter of hours. There is neither spontaneity, no spontaneity: the organization of these adolescents is no weaker than the army units.

Such rigid socialization is due to the fact that the two thirds of the residents of Kazan migrated in the 70s from countrysideAnd at the same time, the mass building of the city began. The yard was still holding back social aggressiveness, prescribed certain behavioral rituals: "fight to the first blood", "one on one", etc. Now the old clan structure of Kazan broke up. In such situations, the teenagers are natural to rush to rigid closed groups. Essentially, they reproduce the patterns of patriarchal "Pahan" structures. And if the adolescents do not lead to criminals, then it is only an accident, since the place for criminal leaders is seized there: it has been prepared by patriarchal-communal mythology. No matter how paradoxically, all this happens on a certain polisheligiosis basis of secondary mythological consciousness. If there is a completely incredible politicization, then this picture can cause serious concern. On the one hand, the desocialized young people, on the other, the "Pahan" structures. From the third - some semi-graded ideology, and with the fourth - global politicization with utopians of social justice, the possibility of achieving a universal social benefit by rigid violent actions. Maybe it will seem stretching to bind it with religiosity, but if seriously talk about mythological consciousness, which is very developed in our country, then this is just one of the factors of the disintegiving myth.

Another undoubted symptom of our time is the disintegration of what is accepted by imperial consciousness. The ideas of messianism that were characteristic of people in the 20-40th and even the 50s, now, in general, died. Very few young people now openly declare that the ideas of socialism should spread to the whole world. But this does not mean that the messianic idea of \u200b\u200buniversal violent beneficiaries disappeared completely. Its emissions can be the most striking. This is also a form of peculiar mythological religiosity.

- and smacks a cult magic ...

- To some extent. If we talk about today's religious consciousness, the picture occurs quite blurry. It is impossible to say that these people are religious, and these are convinced of atheists. In fact, there are many people living among myths, rumors, biased opinions, painful plants and painful disappointments. All this is largely determined by the spiritual atmosphere of today, and not only youth, but most likely universal.

- It turns out that division on the "formals" n "informals" is happening now according to the principle: "Formals" is some kind social good, and "informals" - social evil?

- You correctly noted this mythological watershed: "Formals" - social good, "informals" - evil. The fact is that public mythological consciousness is prone to polar oppositions when the world is clearly divided into "black" and "white", "evil" and "good", and at the same time on "informal" - as a kind of public evil, and "formal" - Some "right" good. This is one of the utopia, like other representations of everyday consciousness - say, opposition to socialism capitalism (it is noteworthy that such democratic countries, like Sweden, England, Belgium, Holland, Monaco preserved the formal monarchical system).

- Andrei, and "Mitka" Is this a group or social movement?

- The situation is this: on the one hand, we master the culture of the current one, on the other - the culture of former times. And "Mitki" are a kind of intermediate group trying to master the cultural context. They lead a game with cultural symbols and through the likelihood they seek to master that culture from which we are so behind. They write pictures, stories, music. There is such a picture on which "Mitki" give their ears of the veins Gogu. That is, there is an attempt to look at world culture Not from bottom to top, but on equal. But this attempt is not in all "Mitaki" is being implemented equally. They also have enough patriarchal-communal problems: shrinking by a breaker, vest, kizzy boots. In a certain sense, "Mitka" is an alternative cultural movement.

Who are these informals?

Passing down the street past the next part of young people, we involuntarily pay attention to brightly dressed, tattooed or specially combined people. "Here are young people!" - We think. However, few of ordinary people Presents that such clothes, hairstyle and tattoos may mean a lot. For us, of course, they mean little. But for young people who are experiencing a difficult period of their lives due to age such clothes are a symbol of something special. What? Let's try to figure out.

Informals - who are they?

Who are these informals? First of all, informals are a social group. As a rule, the term refers to those young people who seek in any way to stand out from society around them. The desire for informal cultures occurs in a person usually in adolescence. However, exist a large number of Cases when people remain in love for a long time. This is due to the deep awareness of the ideas of the informal movement. Subsequently, such people become a certain spiritual inspirations of young people. They are constantly in a circle of young people and are engaged in the fact that they are spelled out in the informal "rules of rules" of their culture. Naturally, the set of rules does not imply a legal document. Rather, it is just the views and traditions of a certain informal culture.

Perhaps the most frequent cause For the emergence of an informal group - this musical direction. On these yeast, basic informal cultures are formed. For example, hippie, metalists, rappers, indie and so on. Music has some kind of magical influence on young people. Famous musical groups should feel great responsibility for being transmitted from the scene. In order to understand who is such informals or what it means to be, for example, a metalist, you need to love music in the style of metal. Without awareness of music and without her adoption, no person will be truly adopted in one or another informal culture.

Another popular cause of informal crops is a political and historical situation. For example, Nazism in Germany was also an informal culture that has grown into the car for murder of a global scale.

From this point of view, the history of the occurrence of hippie culture is interesting. Initially, the movement of the hipsters (from the word "beat" or "blow"). They can be considered the progenitors of all informal cultures of the current world. The movement originated in the 50s in the United States of America. During World War II, many young people lost their parents, after which their generation was called broken. These young people expressed their grief and protest, dressed in ripped jeans, sagging sweaters and old sneakers. Against the background of the rest of schoolchildren in jackets and ties, hipsters looked like beggars. Such clothes and often causes Informals were a challenge to the traditional polls of society. By the end of the 50s, the drug LSD drug was invented by order of the USA, which was intended to destroy the low-crumbling layers of youth. According to studies, up to 60% of those actively used by LSDs died of heart attacks. But the situation quickly emerged from under control. Drugs turned into a national misfortune. In that environment, such the greatest musical groups arose as "The Doors", "Led Zeppelin" and " Rolling Stones"Musicians actively took drugs and wrote songs under their impact. Groups were very popular, which led to the formation of the hippie movement. These young people led a messy lifestyle, they used light drugs, traveled from the city to the city at various musical festivals. Their motto was famous expression: "Make love, not war" that in translation to Russian sounds like "Cleani love, not war."

It is safe to say that every person, and especially the teenager had to meet people who differ in their external species and behavior from the rest. Someone has long black hair or pink bangs, corsets or roots, a lot of bracelets, high platforms, numerous punctures on the body, causing makeup. Most often it is informals - representatives modern subculture. Moreover, most of them are teenagers studying in the middle educational institutions. One of these is MOU SOSH No. 2, where we study. In this example, we will conduct our research, summarizing the collected data.

IN modern society Dozens of subcultures are distinguished, which are always in motion, change. A person who is not believed to subcultures separate publications The press does not allow a single picture, and sometimes give a distorted idea of \u200b\u200bcertain formations, since they are considered, as a rule, only the ODU some side of their activities. In relation to informal groups, there has been a shortage of objective information. Therefore, we want in our work, examining many sources, fill the gaps about these currents.

As a result of the project, we found out the main reasons for the entry of young people into informal flows. Of these, the main: a) the struggle of fathers and children - confronting the adult world, the unwillingness of the teenager to listen to the desires of the parents; b) the loss of a teenager, the uncertainty of oneself, their capabilities and aspirations; c) self-expression, spiritual and physical acquisition of oneself; d) the influence of the environment and family on the psyche of the teenager; e) inattention to adolescence, homelessness, loneliness, neglence, defenselessness; e) the desire to know the unusual, something new, to get new emotions and impressions, develop your interests.

We believe that any person should at least a little, in general, know what subculture is. As this word increasingly used among young people. Informals live among us, and they are the same people as we, just with their hobbies, maybe even oddities. But isn't people who do not relate to informal, there are no different unusual interests, they are simply not so brightly exposed to their deposit. In each subculture there are different people. In fact, subculture is a colossal colorful world, opening us all the shades of life.

In our work, we started research, based on behavior and clothing of various informals, referring to the fact that there are both differences between representatives of various subcultures, as well as certain similarities in particular, to be individuality, to be heard, understood and be accepted.

The project is a link between the world of adolescent informal groups and the surrounding society. It can also be interesting to parents of representatives of subcultures, teachers and other adults who work with them, besides the adolescents themselves.

Subculture? Informal youth associations - who are they?

Informal associations are not opening of our days. They have a rich history. Of course, now they differ significantly from their predecessors. Nevertheless, to comprehend the nature of today's informals, turn to the history of their appearance.

To begin with, we decided to look into dictionary Russian language Ozhegova and see the clarification of words. So, the definitions of the "subculture" at all, and the "informal" means a representative of an informal, officially not approved organization, group. This information means that these words are not fully studied.

Analyzed science books, allocated modern definition Culture. Culture is convictions, values \u200b\u200band expressive meanswhich are common to a specific group; They serve to streamline the experience and regulation of the behavior of the members of this group. Culture of any Society of Pestera, since it has various social groups and subgroups, different nations and nationalities who have their value traditions and their understanding social norms, orders. Such cultural groups are customary to call subcultures. Different subcultures are distinguished: ethnic, class, religious, youth, etc.

Subculture from the point of view of cultural studies is the association of people who do not contradict the values traditional culture, and complement it - individuality makes, bright elements, accompany their trends with rapid development. Subcultures are also a kind of "sprouting zones" on the body "Big" (mainstream) culture. They are needed as a guarantee against cultural stagnation, and the introduction of new directions - for self-expression. They are a kind of cultural conversion, which always "keeps up with the times."

The term "informal group" began to be widely applied in sociology after the Heporic experiments conducted under the leadership of E.Mayo, in which the essence of the working brigade as a small social group was revealed: each worker felt not alone, but a member of the spot social organization The informal group spontaneously arose in the formal organization of an industrial enterprise. The main function of the informal organization group consisted in protecting the workers of their economic interests: the preservation of the constant standards of development corresponding to the informal group standard. Studies have shown that individual labor productivity is under the strong influence of interpersonal relationships in the brigade.

So words have their own historical certificate, and they matter a little different from the initial.

The phrase "informal unions of youth" arose into opposition to the "formal" associations: the Komsomol organization and other allowed by the authorities. Currently, the term "neformals" is often used as self-disposal by representatives of various subcultures, opposing themselves to others. "Informal" now indicates the unusualness, brightness and extraordination. IN spoken Speech Apply the abbreviated forms - "Nephors", "Nifera" and others. An informal person is the desire to show his "me", to tell the dim mass of people: "I am a person", challenge the world with his endless weekdays and building all in one row . Especially, this applies to us - adolescents in the eternal searches for their unique personality.

We decided on words, now let's talk about competent names or more correct.

It turns out that not all people consisting in similar organizations can be called neformals. So there are depending on the direction of targets three names: informal, amateur, amateur. Participants in amateur associations are fighting for the preservation of the environment from pollution and destruction, they save cultural monuments, it is free to revive them, care about people with disabilities and elderly people, they are struggling with corruption in their own way. The rapidly emerging youth groups are called differently. Therefore, the initially used term "informals" is not entirely accurate and can only be used relative to individual groups. It is characteristic, most often, spontaneous, unorganized, unstable. "Lovers" are traditionally called people who dedicated themselves to creativity in non-professional form: stage or visual arts, invention, social activities. Therefore, the term "amateur organizations" in relation to such associations seems more optimal, and can be attributed to all types and directions of youth activity.

Characteristics of subcultures, in general. Separation of them by type

What are the main characteristics of a youth subculture? Her main characteristic feature It is its withdrawal, detachment, often demonstrative, outcast, independent of other people, cultural values \u200b\u200bof older generations, national traditions. In the mass consciousness, the perception of youth subculture is often negative. Against this background, youth subculture with their specific ideals, fashion, language, art is increasingly false as a counterculture.

Another characteristic feature of the modern youth subculture is the predominance of consumption over creativity. This is a very negative feature, because truly introduction to cultural values It happens only in active independent creative activity.

The third characteristic feature of a youth subculture can be called its excessive aspiration in the future, often unsafe. Often these features are combined with the lack of a serious foundation of historical and cultural traditions, knowledge. English sociologist M. Breik noted that subculture as "systems of values, ways to express or life styles": developed social groupswho were in the subordinate position, "in response to the main systems of values: subcultures reflect attempts to solve structural contradictions that arose in a wider social context." Another thing Culture is a massive phenomenon - inherent in most of the Society System of values \u200b\u200band lifestyle, dictated by society. We are all similar and externally, and in terms of life, and in their habit. We are influenced by fashion, public opinion and obey the orders. The informal has its own world and its own rules: when in fashion moccasins, they dress solely, as they want, or as accepted in subculture: be it sneakers or Grinders.

Young people, as the most sensitive and susceptible group, first perceives new forms of development in the field of leisure with all the advantages and minuses. It can not fully satisfy existing generally accepted entertainment and ways to spend time. And young people come up with their way. Previously, under the Soviet Union, there was more control over the youth, there were a pioneer organization and the Komsomol, which were mandatory, but most of their members were passive and entered them rather because "it was so relied." Now everything has changed, youth is granted more, which sometimes bears and negative traits, in addition to the free statement of his "I".

But there are some negative aspects of the adolescent entry into the organization's data. Firstly, the spontaneous, uncontrollable communication of young people in groups is dangerous by rebirthing associations into asocial. Secondly, at present, there is a jump-shaking increase in informal youth associations in our country. The participation of adolescents in informal youth associations can lead to different consequences in their continued life.

And even more so, the urban living conditions create prerequisites for the unification of young people in various groups, movements forming collective consciousness in these groups, collective responsibility and general concepts On socio-cultural values. Thus, youth subcultures appear. There were many attempts to classify informal movements. First we give all possible classifications that found, and after to offer our.

So there are classifications on a socio-legal sign, in the direction of interests (sociologist M.Topalov), also the structure of Professor S.A. Sergeyev, on the informal amateur movement of young people (Professor Z.V. Sichevich) and many others.

We believe that youth organizations can be distributed to the following groups:

  • Sports: sport fans, rollers, skaters, Street - bikers, bikers, snowboarders.
  • Musical: musical fans, cultural followers musical styles: Rockers, Metalists, Pankov, Goths, Rapers, Trans Culture.
  • Games, including other reality: Roleviks, Tolkienists, Gamers
  • The worldview, ideological: Goths, hippies, indianists, punks, rastamans, emo.
  • Computer: hackers, user, gamers.
  • Asocial groups: Panca, Skinhada, Rne, Gopnik, Luber, Nazis, Periodically: Football Fans and Metalists.
  • Religious: Satanists, sects, Krishnaitis, Indianists.
  • Aesthetic, associated with art: graphitera, break dansters, expire artists, sculptors, musical groups.
  • Elite: Majers, Ravers.
  • Antique: hipsters, rokcabils, mods.
  • Counterculture: Gopnik, Redneki.
  • Socio-active: Society for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists.

We allocated the most famous of them, even a little deepening. When drawing up the characteristics, we used many sources of information and our own observations.