"Jack London. Talk about kiche." - Read an interesting book

"Jack London. Talk about kiche." - Read an interesting book

On the shore of the harsh North Sea, where the winter night is infinite, and the summer so briefly, the Eskimo tribe lived. People were engaged in hunting for the bear and harvested the meat of the future, because the hunt was not always successful. Most of all prey brought the father of the main character, side, because he was an experienced and smart hunter.

It happened so that the side died, hunting on a huge bear, and his son Kish remained together with his mother and became the only breadwinner in the family. Soon the boy noticed that weak - women, old men, children, reach the remains of mining. These poor people often cry from hunger in their needle, while strong hunters suffer from increment.

KISH inherited from his father an exacerbated sense of justice, pride and courage. At one of the Soviets, the boy boldly spoke in defense of the weak, which caused ridicule of senior tribesmen. The boy was expelled from the Council, and so had to prove his right thing. He went hunting. Soon, people appreciated the courage and the smelter of young Kish, who, to the shada of the elders, proved how a bold hunter and a real man should do. After a while, he returns with prey. He manages to kill the bear and two cubs. He shares meat with others by justice.

Affairs go well, Kish goes to hunt, returns with prey. He only kills bears, and sees them himself, as it relys to a real man. Even experienced hunters are not clear how he manages to cope with ferocious bears, and especially with the bears, who go with children. His even begins to suspect in witchcraft. When the people of his tribe ask him a direct question about it, the boy reveals his secret.

Helped him very simple things - whale whale grease. He twisted the whale mustache, placed him into the ball from fat, and left in the cold. Then these balls he fed to bears, and when they melted in their stomach, whale mustache straightened, and with his acute ends, the victim was unbearable. After a few days of torment, the exhausted bear had no longer a threat to the boy, and Kish killed him with a spear.

Mind and Strength

They see how the mind helped the boy to earn respect for people of the tribe and save them from hunger. But besides intention, the boy has courage and perseverance.

Thus, he was able to defend justice in relation to the old and weak people of the tribe. Respect for him is so big that they want to make the leader when Cloch-Kwan, the old chief of the tribe, will die.

Kish - "equal among equal men"

Children's images in the works of Jack London occupy a place. They are written with great warmth and love, perhaps a little more autobiographical.

The fact is that the life of the writer himself from early childhood was not easy: too early a little Jack had to become adults and find out what grave labor. Jack London himself said that he was already "equal among equal men." Perhaps this is explained by the appearance of such a hero in his works as proud and wise Kish, who is not satisfied with union, but wants a worthy existence for himself, his mother, other deprived. "I've never become talking on the advice, never before you come to me and do not say:" Speak, Kish, we want you to say. " Kish pronounces words full of huge dignity, and in the future the tribesmen really come to him and ask him to speak.

Tale, legend, parable ...

"The legend of the chance" is a work, not quite characteristic of Jack London's creativity. It is written in the style of legends, to which the stained "long ago" indicate. The author refers to the lengthy of events, indicating that the life expectancy, the measurement of time sections is calculated by the heroes of the work in the "Suns". London writes: "Kish has already seen 13 suns", that is, the boy is 13 years old.

The lexica of the heroes is also very specific. And it is not surprising. Walking on America, the writer watched the life of the indigenous population, looked at their life, studied cultural traditions. In other works, the author more than once expresses the admiration of the resourcefulness, strength and endurance of local residents, Indians, Eskimos. Favorite writer's heroes are real men, few and courageous. Their nationality, belonging to different epochs does not matter. The main thing - they all live in harsh conditions, have their own credibility, painfully fair, and sometimes merciless, both to them and others. The Kish's tribe lives away from civilization. In the tribe there are their laws, from our point of view, strange, tough, sometimes cruel, but with a certain share of justice.

"... watch each other in the face"

It is worth noting the deep philosophic of the "Legend of Kishe". "The sun rises above the ground so people can get warm and see each other in the face." This phrase laid a great meaning: the hopes of people for the best, waiting for heat not only from sunlight, but also from those with whom you live side by side, confidence that life continues, and the sun warms not only the body, but also Soul.

People in the tribe can not be unambiguously called evil and unkind. They are ordinary, with the advantages of the whole human tribe and disadvantages. Having exhibited with ridiculous sishas with the council, they at the same time begin to be sincerely worried when the boy does not appear in the settlement for a long time, and even equipped behind him a rescue expedition. Later, even the biggest skeptics recognize the Boy's right to their opinion and the justice of his claims.

The love of the boy's love is touching for animals living in a tribe and truly employees. For a very long time, the people of the tribe could not understand why Kish does not take with him a dog hunt, because each Eskimo is known - no better than the assistant than a well-trained hunting dog. And only later, when the boy reveals the secrets of his success, the tribesmen understand that KISH thus cares about the dogs: eating the ball, the four-legged friends will die in flour. There can be no need to admit this, and leaves dogs in the cereal.

Jack London's stories are specific, they carry the charge of indestructible faith in man.

The writer went down in history and literature as a real humanist and idealist. His belief is obvious to each reader: the world will change the strong, kind and fair men-workers for the better. So he himself, who began to earn money as a child. Sale of newspapers, exhausting work at the canning plant, the hard side of the sailor ... Easy to read: Dynamic, with clearly dedicated semantic parts, the plot facilitates the work of those who want to write a brief retelling on them. "The legend of the chance" is no exception. This is the retelling of the legend of the 13-year-old Canadian Eskimo named after Kish.

Story - Children

Why did the American writer chose the main character of his story not the most strong physically and not at all of the most educated hunter, but a teenage boy? Moreover, the events described them are torn off from the spirit of time, they relate to gray antiquity. At that time, the whole life of Eskimos was determined by birth relations. Jack London, the Writer on the vocation and Socialist on conviction, pushed the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial justice to create a plot. The story of the mind, the courage and kindness of the boy contains our brief retelling. "Tale of Church" introduces the reader with the difficult life of Canadian Eskimos.


The tribe lives from the Canadian coast of the harsh North Ocean, behind the polar circle.

On Earth lies such a layer of snow that it is impossible to move without skis. Power for NARTS Eskimo serve dogs. Most of the year, the polar night occupies and at the head of the tribe is the leader of Closh-Kwan. Eskimos are destined to live together and withstand cold, hunger. Tundra is a very harsh environment for life. Hunters are believed to the breeds of the tribe. The fate of the tribe, whose hunters come to failure.

Feat Boc Hunter, Father Kish

The young man Kish is proud of his father, who was the best hunter and killed a glorious death worthy of remembering the subsequent generations of single-bills. During his lifetime, he was hunted for two, and when the prey was shared between the tribesmen, the side was followed, in order not to be deprived of the old and weak. The big heart had this man. When there were difficult times and the best tribe hunters were returned from the hunt with nothing, and the old men, children and women seemed to be completely lost hope, he decided on a brave act. A tribe that is eating from hunger, in dire need of food. And a selfless hunter joined the thunderstorms of snow tundra - a bear.

Hunting turned out to be very dramatic, as its short retelling testifies. "The legend of Kishe" tells us the story about the feat of the hunger-exhausted man, clogging in a fatal match with a mighty beast. The sides of the sides were faithful, he managed to apply him a decisive blow to his faithful spear. However, the power of the Tundra owner significantly exceeded human. Even the last forces had enough to dwell the sides and deprive him of life.

Thanks to the dedication of his best hunter, the tribe then survived ...

Dishonest section of provisions

It was not easy to further fate the family of the deceased: the widow of the Aikigi and the Son of Kish. In the hearts of their tribesmen sprouted the valethers and egoism: the tribe hunters after the death of the BOK forgotten about the fair and equal section of the production and endowed with sufficient meat.

Rod of the leader of Cloš-Quana, the family of hunters: Ug-Glob and Mass. But at the same time, in the tribe, such as Aikig and Kish, which tells the readers a brief retelling. "The legend of Kishe" is the history of the approval and formation of a new leader of the tribe of Canadian Eskimos, firmly decided to put an end to this dishonesty and disgrace.

Congenital mind and rare even for his adult tribesmen skilling was distinguished by a 13-year-old teenager.

Bold speech of Kish in front of the tribe

One evening, when in the most larger needle belonging to the leader, the tribe gathered to the Council, unexpectedly for all the word picked up Kish. His speech was bold before the recklessness. He opposed the greed of adult men-hunters, staying in the minority (the rest of the tribesmen were obviously afraid). At first, the boy reminded the hunted hunters about the feat of his father. Then formulated the main idea of \u200b\u200bhis speech: families lost by the breadwinner, also in the production section of the mining deserve to get good pieces of meat, and not bone. From the words of Kische, there was no expertise hunter in the conscience, and the most strong man of the Massish tribe.

The guy after such words was practically kicked out of the Council, tells the "Tale of Chiche." The brief content of the work contains the scene when the borestolobi hunters of UG-Glute and Massak tried angry cries to embarrass the boy, and those present to the tribesmen convinced that he had no advisory vote.

Young hunter goes to the tundra

But Kish, to their surprise, was not afraid of them, at the verification of the "hard nut". He is quite worthy and not in childish answered them. His words surprised men with a solid faith in herself and, again, a non-displacement principle. He obviously expected support for deprived and starving tribesmen. But those frightened silent. Then Kyu had to go to the Waiver. A thirteen-year-old boy openedly opposed himself to the right in the tribe, when the best pieces were given to strong men, and widows and old people remained hungry, and promised them to change them. How did it sound?

He recalled the fair section of the extraction by his father sideways, in the past, the best hunter tribe, the feat of which causes the story of the story about Kishe. The summary of its speech can be described as approval of a fundamentally different society.

Then, at the meeting of the tribe, the words of the boy seriously did not accept anyone. Following him leaving the needle of the Chief, ridiculed. But his words on calibration were not opposite to the child: the next day Kish, armed with the hunting accessories of the Father, he himself went hunting the one way, where the ocean ice was closed with the snow-listed land. It did not stop him and unexpectedly low temperature.

Son was worthy of his father

On the third day of his absence, a sharp storm broke out. Hope that the guy will survive, practically did not remain. And now in the morning of the third day, he appeared in the village, when the hunters of the tribe were going to go to his corpse, and his desperate Ikig's mother in the premonition of the loss of rushed her hair and smeared the face of soot.

The effect of the unexpected action of Solna used the author of Jack London's story ("Tale of Chiche"). A brief retelling of the work displays the main aspect of this event. Kish returned from the tundra with prey (he carried on the shoulder a weighty piece carved from the carcass of the bear killed him). He tried, because he was a worthy successor to his father. The misstitution killed on the hunt with two cubs was the extraction of the ultra-empty, which was on the shoulder only an outstanding wizard of hunting. After all, the nursing bear attacks any, waged in her possession, with incredible cruelty.

Chief Minor of the Tribe

Turning to the men of the tribe, the teenager reported that they could bring his hunting trophy to the village of Troli, if they would go to his trails. So the hunters of the tribe were disappeared by the boy, provided in the delight of all fellow fellow meat. They wondered, because such a hunt was not on the shoulder. For tribesmen, ordinary boy suddenly acquired mysteriousness, mystery.

A brief retelling of the story of the "Tale of Chiche" confirms the seriousness of the intentions of the main character, expressed by him earlier on the Council in the needle of Klos-Kvaang. He argued his truth with new hunting successes. The hunters openly envied the boy, which became a real breadwinner for his tribe. Evil languages \u200b\u200b(and among them the first - Ug-Glock) in the open accused of a young hunter in witchcraft. But their goats were destroyed by the opinion of other Kish's tribes. After all, thanks to him, everyone, even widows and old men, were now satisfied. Following the naked young bear, the young bear was at first, and then the bear is really huge.

New housing

One day a young, but already recognized as the best hunter declared the leader that he wants to build a new spacious home for himself and his mother. Having received a formal "good", Kish was not limited to this. He knew the price, and therefore, on the right of the main minister of the tribe, demanded that the new needle would be built by tribesmen. It really made sense, because the hunt demanded full dedication from the boy, and, staying in the village, he had to restore forces. But now his mother, living in the most spacious needle of the tribe, has become the most respected woman. Her self-esteem rose, women began to consult with her.

Fears of Eskimos

The story is really mysterious. How to make a bear strength and a teenage boy? The readers of the story are intrigued, and Soon this secret tells them D. London ("Tale of Chiche"). A brief retelling of the work informs us about the secret council of hunters. Ug-deaf continued to insist that the young lucky man enjoys witchcraft and insisted that he was secretly sent followed by a hunt, when he hunting, skewed out of the best tribe hunters. After a rapid debate with an old hunter, agreed. We obliged to look after the worship, the skillful bouncing hunters and Bima. They had to follow the boy, but not to come across his eyes.

A brief retelling of the Tale "Tale of Chiche" at this stage should not be limited to the dry statement of the plot events, it should be told the evaluation of the heroes. The fact is that there is a conflict in this work, but there are no negative characters. In the understanding of Eskimos, the amazing success of the boy borders with a miracle. No wonder the cautious ul-deaf organizes someone's surveillance. This fully corresponds to the views of Eskimos on the world around. They are convinced that witchcraft is a sin who can brighten into all the tribe of misfortune. It is unacceptable. Persuaded in its narrative logic Jack London ("Tale of Chiche"). The short content of the story hereinafter contains a convincing solution to the victories of a boy over huge bears, testifying to his main heritage - an acute mind.

An unusual hunt of the bag. View from the outside

Bim and Bowe hunters really went to the pending tribe behind the breadwinner. They followed him as a shadow, and traced as he worked the bear. His hunt seemed to them as strange and mysterious. Returning to the village, they hurried to tell about what he saw.

From afar, Bim Bown noticed how the new Kisch's Bear did not pay any attention to him and followed his way. However, the boy provoked him with loud cries and persecution. The predator rushed after him. Here, Kishu needed all his dexterity and speed. However, a young hunter did not just fly to all the blades. On the path of the bear, he sometimes threw small blond balls, and they immediately eaten them during the chase.

But the beast was not destined to put the boy. Soon he looked out of pain. Obviously, these balls were fatal for him ... The bear weakened in front of her eyes, lagging behind Kish. Soon he turned back, then his traces began to be confused ... Weave the giant began to roar from pain and ride helplessly on the ground. Here him and overt was the fatal blow to the death of Kish ...

Instead of imprisonment

The end of the story is like the final scene of the Gogol "auditor" - universal amazement. A summary of the story "Tale of Chiche" in detail shows the plot of the plot.

From the story of Bim and Bowen Eskimos concluded that they deal with the sorcerer.

But soon they had to change their opinion. When the crowd of hunters led by the leader broke into the needle of Kish, he drove. Greeting the included, he seeded guests to sentence. Then the leader declared the boy that he was accused of witchcraft and demanded an explanation.

A brief content of the story "Tale of Chiche" originally describes the boy's answer. He visually showed them his know-how in the first Kish sliced \u200b\u200ba piece of whale CES and demonstrated to the audience his elasticity and sharpness. Then I took it a piece and turned into a ring. Then the boy put a whale mustache in a small earthen jamb and filled it turned out to be a ball, a simple adaptation, who first melted in the esophagus at the bear, and then hit him.

After such a revelation, the tribesmen began to respect the bag even more. When his time came, he was changed at the head of the Cloš-Kvaang tribe. Thanks to his mind, justice and wisdom tribesmen did not just be respected, but they loved. Hundreds of years, his name is remembered by the subsequent generations of Canadian Eskimos.

Lesson number _______ Date of implementation: _______

Theme lesson. Extracurricular reading. Talk about kiche.

The purpose of the lesson: familiarize students with the unsurpassed Master of Northern Storys, a representative of American literature by J. London; Through the work, introduce the traditions of the Eskimos - the Northern People.

Epigraph: In fifteen years I was a man equal to among men.

J. London.

During the classes

Planned results:

subject: to be able to perceive the readable artistic text; answer questions about the content of the read text;

personal: show positive human qualities, such as empathy, hard work;

systemic activities: Apply text analysis techniques, finding means of expressive; To assess the actions of the heroes of the work.

Learning results:

    Develop a speech enriching the vocabulary of students - to know the meanings of new words and be able to apply them in speech.

    Creation of research skills: learn independently new material, draw up a response plan, abstract, posters

    Develop creative imagination

    Acquire to culture another country

    Know the story and literature of England

    Call interest in the work of the writer and literature.

    Be able to characterize the main character.

Key ideas: Images of children in literature, autobiography, childhood, legend, legend, England.

Type of lesson: lesson for the formation of skills and skills.

Intergovernmental ties: russian, knowledge of the world.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.Emotional mood.

In the lesson, be diligent

Be calm and attentive.

Read everything, not behind

Listen, not interrupting.

Speak clearly, intelligible

So that everyone is understandable.

If a friend has become answered,

Do not rush to interrupt.

2. Speech workout. Read the county clearly, clearly.

3. Checking homework.

4. Motivation to educational activities.

The introductory word of the teacher. - Hello guys! Today we learn about one personality, a representative of foreign literature, which wrote a wonderful work for children - the legend that has become a legend.

5. The assimilation of new knowledge and ways of activity.

Opening Word about the life and work of the writer . Jack London - One of the most popular American writers in our country. His biography, his personality of a man of active, volitional, in something resembling his Jack-London heroes, caused no less interest than his work, which strongly affected the autobiographical principle.

So who is this Jack London?

Schoolgirl: Jack London, the extramarital son of Astrologer William Cheney and the spirits of Flora Wallman, did not meet with her father and wore the schuchima schism - John London, Farmer.It happened so that Jack London did not have to finish the school. It was necessary to work a lot. NOTOR FATHER (stepfather) was a good man, but could not contain a family in a satiety. Hardly graduating from primary school, Jack settled on a tin factory with a decadatholic worker. It was a day hell, and at the fifteen years he left the factory. At 16, Jack first went into swim. He learned the harsh sides of life and later always fought for the rights of people against poverty and injustice. Huge pleasure in difficult years for Jack was a visit to the library.

Then he alternate free lives with a subanely labor and attempts to complete education. Ocean swimming on schoon "Sofa Sutherland", jut factory in Auckland, vagrancy, prison, a year and a half in high school, semester in California University, random earnings; In the midst of the "gold fever" - wintering on Klondike.

From there, Jack returned without a single ounce of gold and the complete determination to extract the livelihood of writing labor. Fancy, his literary fate was paradoxically for cruelty . He clearly realized that talent, impressions and diligence he did not occupy. He put himself a rule to produce a thousand words per day. In the twenties century, twenty-year-old Jack London entered the professional writer. And quickly became a writer famous and highly paid. In 1907, according to his own project, he built a yacht "Snark" and made a biennial swimming for Oceania's islands on it. Mad money and crazy spending. It is impossible to say that he was lucky. Already built "Wolf House", conceived as a "generic castle" for future generations of London, burned down. The long-awaited heir never appeared. Creative imagination dried up.

November 22, 1916, Jack London died. Probably it was suicide.

I. Stone wrote about London: "Jack was from nature kind, the reckless generous is truly a friend of his friends, the king of nice small ... that it was for an excellent sample of the human breed! He had a clean, full of joy, a gentle, an endoblat heart ... He looked older than his years, the body is flexible and strong, open at the gate of the neck, a copper of confused hair - they fell on his forehead, and he was engaged in a lively conversation, impatiently discarded them back . ... not a room inhabitant, but a person of free spaces - a word, a real man, a man. He was obsessed with thirst for truth. " Jack London lived the life of a fighter, "the sailor in the saddle," as he once put it, became a big writer, although life from ornamentarily crushed him one obstacle after another. He left the life of a forty-male. Fifty books - the result of his literary activities * .

Primary testing of understanding.

1) Reading text.


Raise, pens up, like foxes roam the logo.

Move your fingers wolf look around,

So they move the ears and we will turn the heads.

Serious bunnies. Now we sit quieter, quieter

Shatter quietly on the socks, I will sweat, as if in mice minks.

2) Text Discussion. Work on issues.

I suggest you answer questions on the text "Taken. . . ", Determine the degree of awareness read.

- Did you like the story? Why?

Name the characters of the story.

Notice that this story is called - "Tale". He creates as if imitating local Indian legends, similar to fairy tales.

Let us turn to the support records and read what the "legend" is.

What lines of this work say that this happened a long time ago?

How does the writer transmits the characteristics of the speech of the storyteller?

What was the father of Kish? Why did people forget about the feat of the father?

Why did the hunters considered his words by audacity? What did Kische demand? What did Kish saw on the Council, looking at these people in the face?

- How did you make your intentions of Kish, what did he do?

How did the tribesmen attributive to the disappearance of Kish?So were these people really bad? How did they know themselves when the Purga rose, and KISH did not return from hunting?
- What was crowned with the first Hunt Hero?

- Did the tribesmen believe this?

- But luck did not leave the young hunter. It was even more worried tribesmen. How did the tribesmen know the mystery of the "successful hunt" of Kish?

- What do you think, why did not Kish, be afraid to tell the tribesmen of their secret?

From the little boy, Kish became the leader of the tribe. It was achieved thanks to the qualities of character. What? (Fearlessness, cutter, observation, willpower, sense of justice, responsibility to tribesmen) Celebration of human will and responsibility.

The north makes fight for existence. And this requires not only strong biceps and a clear head, but the irreparable sense of mercy and responsibility. It is it that raises a person over the harsh nature and gives you to feel it part of it and the owner

Yes, this is the qualities of a non-little boy, a teenager, it is the qualities of a man who can come to the rescue at any moment. Probably, he saw himself and Kish, who lived something of "13 suns".

6. Fastening the knowledge and ways of action.

Work in the notebook.

How was the attitude of the tribesmen to Kishu as "Mushes"?(test)


The attitude of the tribesmen

1. Kish on the Council of Elders

"The storm of protest and perturbation", "the wrath of them boiled the key", "squeezed by Brand", "threatened to completely deprive meat, promised to ask him a cruel spanking"

2. Kish goes to the first hunt

"There were a lot of things and a lot of laughter on this occasion," "the men just shared their heads, regretfully looked at Aikigu"

3. "Lost" of Kish

"Women are bitter words Consil Men for the fact that they had a bad thing with a boy," "the men were silent, getting ready to go in search of the body"

4. Return of the boy

"At first there were a lot of doubts and disputes," "could not believe," "they saw what they did not want to believe," "began to happen about witchcraft"

5. KISH - brave hunter

"He began to look at him with respect and be afraid of him and began to say that he should become the leader after the death of Closh-Kvaang"

7. Final word about the work of the writer.

Jack London's writing style is Samobitane. He was able to work out only to write him a manner as if heroes themselves talk about themselves, bypassing the author. In the northern stories, the writer rejected the lack of will, heartlessness. His heroes are persistent people, they boldly joined the fights with nature, were devoid of a lot and shared small, did not feel the feelings of envy to each other.

1. What is the name of the Canadian Eskimos hut? (Needle)

2. Who was the father of Kish? (Brave hunter)

3. Name of the leader of the tribe? (Cloch - Kwan)

4. Name Mother Kish? (Aikiga)

5. What remains in the inheritance silence from the Father? (A spear)

6. What did Aikiga do in the sign of the silence? (Smeared the face of soot)

7. First "catch" of Kish? (Bear and two bear)

8. How many hours did you sleep after the first hunt? (20 hours)

9. Why did the hunt of Kische have always been successful? (Knew one secret)

10. Who "threw the accusation of witchcraft in the eyes"? (UG - GOOT)

11. What was the secret of the successful hunt of the sisha? (In a small ball from the seal of fat and whale outer)

12. Who chose the silence of tribesmen for respectableness? (Chief tribe)

A long time ago, the polar sea lived in Kish. For many and happy years he was the first person in his village, died, surrounded by honorable, and his name was all on the mouth. So much water has flowed since the old men remember his name, remember and the truthful story about him, which they heard from their fathers and which themselves will give their children and children their children, and those - their own, and so it will go from mouth in mouth until the end of times. Winter polar night, when the northern storm oversleep over the ice expanses, and white flakes are worn in the air and no one dares to look out, to listen to the story about how Kish, that came out of the poorest needle [Canadian Eskimos's huts, isolated from snow plates] I achieved honorable and took a high place in my village.

Kish, as the legend says, was an intelligent boy, healthy and strong and seen already thirteen suns. So they say in the north of the years, because every winter the sun leaves the Earth in the darkness, and the next year rises above the earth the new sun, so that people can again keep warm and look at each other in the face. Kische's father was a brave hunter and met death in Hungry Godina, when he wanted to take away his life from a large polar bear to give life to his tribesmen. One for one he grabbed his bear, and he broke all the bones; But there was a lot of meat on the bear, and it saved the people. Kish was the only son, and when his father died, he began to live together with his mother. But people quickly forget everyone, forgot about the feat of his father, and KISH was just a boy, his mother is just a woman, and they also forgot about them, and they lived so forgotten by everyone, in the poorest needle.

But somehow the Board of Kloshva-Kwana's leader was gathered in the big needle, and then Kish showed that he had hot blood in the veins, and in the heart - the courage of a man, and he would not bend back. With the advantage of an adult, he rose and waited, when silence comes and the buzz of votes will appear.

I will tell the truth, "he began. - My mother and mother gives the laid share of meat. But this meat is often the old and rigid, and in it too many bones.

Hunters - and very gray, and just started gray, and those that were in the flourishing of years, and those that were still young, - everyone was rushed. I never brought them to hear such speeches. So that the child spoke like an adult man, and threw them in the face of the bold words!

But KISH continued firmly and sternly:

My father, side, was a brave hunter, that's why I say so. People tell that the side one brought more meat than any two hunters, even from the best, with their own hands he shared this meat and watched with his own eyes to make the most ancient old woman and his sickly old man.

Won! - shouted hunters. - Remove this boys from here! Make him sleep. Almost he is still talking to gray-haired men.

But Kish was quietly waiting until the excitement was being taken.

You have a wife, Ug-deaf, - he said, - and you are talking for her. And you, Massak, is a wife and mother, and you are talking for them. My mother has no one except me, and therefore I say. And I said: the side died because he was a brave hunter, and now I am his son, and Aikiga, my mother, who was his wife, should have plenty of meat until there is plenty of meat at the tribe. I, KISH, SON BOK, said.

He sat down, but his ears were listened to the drill of protest and indignation caused by him with the words.

Does the boy dare to talk on the Council? - I stuck the old ugr-deaf.

Since when did the breast babies become teaching us, men? - asked Massac. - Or am I no longer a man that any boy who wanted meat, can you laugh in my face?

Their wank they boiled the key. They ordered Kishh now to go to bed, threatened to completely deprive his meat, promised to ask him the cruel spanking for the bold act. Kische's eyes caught fire, blood clouded and the hot blush stuck to the cheeks. Shooted by Braffoy, he jumped out of place.

Listen to me, you, men! - he shouted. "I will never be no longer going to talk on the advice, never before you come to me and do not say:" Speak, Kish, we want you to say. " So listen to the same, men, my last word. By side, my father was a great hunter. I, Kish, his son, will also hunt and bring meat and eat it. And know from now on that the delegation of my prey will be fair. And not a single widow, no defenseless old man will cry at night because they have no meat, while strong men moan from a gravily pain, for they ate too much. And then will be considered a shame if strong men will argue with meat! I, Kish, said everything.

They spent silence and mockery, when he left the needle, but he squeezed his teeth and went his dear, without looking neither to the right, nor left.

The next day, he headed along the coast, where the Earth occurs with ice. Those who have seen him noticed that he took onions with him and a large stock of arrows with bone tips, and on the shoulder a large hunting spear of his father. And there were many people and a lot of laughter about this. It was an unprecedented event. It never happened that the boy of his age walked to hunt, and one more. Men just shared their heads and prophetically mumbled something, and women looked at Aikigu with regret, whose face was strictly and sad.

He will come back soon, women said sympathetically.

Let him go. This will serve as a good lesson, "the hunters said. - He will come back soon, quiet and humble, and his words will be kobry.

But the day and the other passed, and the cruel blizzard rose on the third, but everything was not. Aikiga rushed her hair and smeared the face of the soot as a sign of grief, and women were bitter words Consil men for the fact that they had a bad boy and sent him to death; The men were silent, getting ready to go looking for a body when the storm subsides.

However, the next day, early in the morning, Kish appeared in the village. He came with proudly raised head. On the shoulder, he carried a part of the carcass killed by the beast. And it became arrogant, and speech sounded.

You, Men, Take Dogs and Narts and go to my trail, "he said. - During the day of the way, you will find a lot of meat on the ice - a bear and two cubs.

Aikiga was beside himself from joy, he took her enthusiasm like a real man, saying:

We go, Aikiga, you need to eat. And then I'm lying to sleep, because I am very tired.

And he entered the needle and sat down, after which he slept twenty hours in a row.

At first there were a lot of doubts, a lot of doubts and disputes. Going to the polar bear is a dangerous thing, but three times and three times three times more dangerous - go to the bear with bearings. Men could not believe that the boy was Kish alone, quite alone, committed such a great feat. But women told about the fresh meat just a dead beast, which brought Kish, and it shake their distrust. And now, finally, they went on the road, grumble, that if even Kish and killed the beast, then, right, he did not take care to refresh him and divide the carcass. And in the north you need to do it immediately, as soon as the beast is killed, - otherwise the meat will wander so hard that even the most acute knife will take it; And to stick the ice cream in a three hundred pounds on the narts and carry on uneven ice - the case is illick. But, having come to the place, they saw what they did not want to believe: Kish not only killed bears, but the cutting of carcasses into four parts, like an extreme hunter, and removed the insides.

So it was the beginning of the mystery of the silence. The days went over the day, and this secret remained the undivided. Kish again went hunting and killed a young, almost adult bear, and another time - a huge male bear and his female. Usually he left for three to four days, but it happened that he disappeared among ice spaces and a whole week. He did not want to take anyone, and the people only Diva was given. "How he does it? - Ask hunters from each other. "Even the dog does not take with them, and after all, the dog is a big tog on the hunt."

Why do you hunt only a bear? - asked him somehow Cloch-Kwan.

And Kish managed to give him a proper answer:

Who does not know that only the bear is so much meat.

But in the village began to happen to witchcraft.

Evil spirits are hunting with him - they argued alone. - Therefore, his hunt is always successful. What otherwise can this be explained, how are evil spirits help him?

Who knows? Or maybe this is not evil spirits, but good? - Others spoke. "After all, his father was a great hunter." Maybe he is now hunting together with her son and teaches him patience, dexterity and courage. Who knows!

So or not, but Kisch did not leave luck, and often less skilled hunters had to deliver it to the village. And in the division, he was fair. Just like his father, he watched the most sophisticated old man and the most ancient old woman to receive a fair share, and he left smoothly as much as necessary for food. And therefore, and even because he was a brave hunter, he began to look at him with respect and be afraid of him and began to say that he should become the leader after the death of the old Cloch-Kvaang. Now, when he glorified himself with such feats, everyone was waiting for him to appear in the Council again, but he did not come, and they were ashamed to call him.

I want to build a new needle, "Kish said once Clash Kwana and other hunters. "It should be a spacious needle to Aikig and I feel comfortable in it to live."

So, they said those with the importance of nodding head.

But I do not have time. My business is hunting, and she takes all my time. It would be fair and correct to the men and women who eat meat that I bring, built me \u200b\u200ba needle.

And they built him such a big spacious needle that she was more and more spacious even the dwellings of the Klosh-Kvaang itself. Kish and his mother moved there, and for the first time after the death of the Boca Aikig began to live in contentment. And not only one contention was surrounded by Aikigu: she was the mother of a wonderful hunter, and they looked at her now, as the first woman in the village, and other women visited her to ascend her advice, and referred to her wise words in disputes with each other Or with her husbands.

But most of all occupied all the minds of the mystery of the wonderful hunt of Kish. And once again, Ug-deaf threw a chance in the face of witchcraft.

You are accused of, "Umouschy said Ug-Glob, - in intercourse with evil spirits; That is why your hunt is successful.

Do you eat bad meat? - asked Kish. - Did anyone in the village fell ill from him? How can you know that the witchcraft is involved here? Or are you talking at random - just because you shrink envy?

And the ugr-deaf went ashamed, and women laughed after him. But somehow evening on the advice after long disputes it was decided to send Soglyatayev on the trail of the kishv when he will go to the bear again, and learn his secret. And now Kish went hunting, and Bim and Bowon, two young, the best in the village of the hunter, went for him on his heels, trying not to get on his eyes. Five days later they returned, trembling from impatience, - so wanted to ask them as soon as they saw. In the dwelling of Kloshe-Kvaang, the Council was hastily convened, and Bim, dying from the amazement of the eye, began his story.

Brothers! As we were ordered, we walked along the trail. And so cautiously we walked that he never noticed us. In the middle of the first day, he met with a big male bear, and it was a very, very big bear ...

More and does not happen, - Bowen interrupted and led the story further. - But the bear did not want to join the fight, he turned back and began to go through ice. We looked at him from the cliff on the shore, and he walked into our direction, and after him, without any fear, was kiche. And Kish shouted to the bear, shouted him by Brand, swung his hands and raised a very big noise. And then the bear was angry, got up on the hind legs and buried. Kish walked straight on the bear ...

Yes, yes, - picked up Bim. - Kish walked straight on the bear, and the bear rushed to him, and Kish ran. But when Kish fled, he dropped a small round ball on the ice, and the bear stopped, sniffed this ball and swallowed him. And KISHA fled everything and threw small round balls, and the bear swallowed them.

There was a cry, and everyone expressed doubt, and Ug-deaf directly stated that he did not believe in these fairy tales.

We saw it with our own eyes, "Bim convinced them.

Yes, yes, with your own eyes, - confirmed Bowne. "And so it continued for a long time, and then the bear suddenly stopped, overwhelmed from pain and began, like mad, bold front paws about ice. And Kish ran further on the ice and became at a safe distance. But the bear was not up to Kish, because small round balls made it in him in a big trouble.

Yes, Big Bed, - interrupted Bim. - The bear scratched himself with claws and jumped on ice, as if the puppy was playing. But only he did not play, but he was growling and sang, - and it was clear to anything that this is not a game, but pain. I have never seen this in life.

Yes, and I did not see, Bowne intervened again. - And what it was a huge bear!

Witchcraft, - rushed Ug-Glock.

I do not know, - Bowne answered. - I only tell what you saw my eyes. The bear was so heavy and jumped with such a force that he soon was tired and weakened and, then he went away along the coast and walked his head from side to side, and then he sat down, and growled, and left the pain - and went again. And Kish, too, went beyond the bear, and we are behind our worship, and so we walked all day and three more days. The bear weakens and out of pain.

This witchcraft! - exclaimed Ug-Glock. - It is clear that this is witchcraft!

Everything can be.

But here Bim again changed the boun:

Bear began to circle. He walked in one direction, then to another, then back, then ahead, then in a circle and again and again crossed his mark and finally came to the place where he met his Kish. And then he has already completely weakened and could not even crawl. And Kish walked over to him and finished him with a spear.

And then? - asked Klosh Kwan.

Then KISH began to refresh the bear, and we ran here to tell how Kish hunts the beast.

By the end of this day, women dragged a bear carcass, while men gathered advice. When Kish returned, behind him sent the messenger, inviting him to come too, but he ordered that he was hungry and tired and that his needle was great enough and convenient and can accommodate many people.

And curiosity was so great that the entire Council led by Klos-Kwahn rose and headed in the needle of Kish. They caught him for meals, but he met them with honor and sat down on seniority. Ikiga was pretty straightened, he lowered his eyes in embarrassment, but Kish was completely calm.

Clash-Kwan repeated the story of Bim and Bowen and, having completed him, said to a strict voice:

You must give us an explanation, and Kish. Tell me how you hunt. Is there any witchcraft?

Kish raised his eyes on him and smiled.

No, about Cloch-Kwan! Not a boy is engaged in witchcraft, and in witchcraft I will not mean anything. I only came up with a way to easily kill the polar bear, that's all. This is a moderate, not witchcraft.

And everyone can do it?

There was a long silence.

Men looked at each other, and Kish continued to eat.

And you ... Will you tell us about Kish? - finally asked Klosh Kwan with a trembling voice.

Yes, I will tell you. - Kish cumshot to suck the brain from the bone and rose from the spot. - It's very simple. Look!

He took a narrow strip of a whale oss and showed it to everyone. Ends she had sharp as needles. Kish began to gently roll Us while he did not disappear in his hand; Then he suddenly opened his hand, - and the mustache immediately straightened. Then KISH took a piece of seal of fat.

So, "he said. - It is necessary to take a small piece of seal of fat and make a hole in it - like this. Then you need to put a whale whale in the hole - like this, and, thoroughly folded it, close it from top to another piece of fat. Then it is necessary to put it on the frost, and when the fat will leave, it will turn out a small round ball. The bear will swallow the ball, the fat melt, the sharp whale mustache straightened - the bear will hurt. And when the bear becomes very painful, it is easy to kill a spear. It is quite simple.

And ugr-deaf exclaimed:

And Klosh-Kwan said:

And everyone said in his own way, and everyone understood.

So the legend about Kishe, who lived a long time ago at the polar sea itself. And because KISH acted in a mixture, and not witchcraft, he had risen highly from the pity herself highly and became the leader of his tribe. And they say that while he lived, the people graciously and there was not a single widow, not a single defenseless old man who would cry at night because they had no meat.

The polar sea has a thirteen-year-old Kish boy, together with the mother of Aikiga. The brothers and sisters in Kish are not, and his father side died in a fight with a polar bear, in which he joined, saving people from hungry death. Over time, people have forgotten about the feud of a brave man, like about a mother with a boy living in the poorest needle.

In the needle, the leader Kłos-Kwana is going to advice. Kish gets up and says that they have a laid meat share with her mother, but often it is old and hard. With his speech, the boy stunns all, hunters are amazed by the fact that the young man speaks quite as an adult and throws them in her face such bold words. Participants of the Council are outraged, they send the bag to sleep with the words that he cannot teach adult men. Then the boy says his last word - he will be silent on the Council until he is asked to speak. From now on he himself will hunt and share meat, and his deite will be fair.

The next day, Kish is going to hunt alone. It takes a few days, and it is not all. The tribesmen are already considered his dead, and the mother even smears the face of the soot as a sign of grief, but he is announced in one morning, carrying a part of the murdered bear on his shoulder. He sends men in his trail, and they find a lot of meat on ice. The bear with the bear was not only killed, but also refreacing in all the rules. The silence appears in the silence.

He comes to hunt several times, without taking with him anyone, and returns with constant success. Delate him invariably fair. Kish asks people who eat meat brought by him, build a new needle to him, is more reasonful that the tribesmen do.

Superval people start talking about witchcraft. We are sent to watch two young hunters - Bima and Bowen. They return in five days and tell the story of how Kish met with a bear, angry him, attracting attention, but when the furious predator rushed to him, he began to surprise and drop small balls that the bear went to the ice. After some time, the bear forgot about the sile, since these balls were made, according to Bowen, a lot of trouble. Because of the pain, the bear began to rip himself with claws, until weakened, after which Kish finished the thieves of the exhausted predator.

Upon returning to the silence, the messenger sent to him, inviting to the Council, but he answers that his needle is spacious enough to accommodate everyone. Curiosity of men is so great that everything led by the leader Klos-kvaun is in the house to the young hunter.

Kish explains that he invented an easy way to hunt. He takes a whale mustache, pointed on two sides as a needle, twists him and wraps into the balls from the seal of fat, which puts on the frost, where they are frozen. On the hunt, Kish is thrown these balls to bears. Bears swallow them, fat in the stomach melts, and the mustache straightens, causes the beast of terrible pain and exhausts it.

So ends the story about kiche. Later he becomes the leader of the tribe, and with its board, everyone has enough meat.