What happened to guitarist Lube. After cruel beating, bass guitarist Lube

What happened to guitarist Lube. After cruel beating, bass guitarist Lube
What happened to guitarist Lube. After cruel beating, bass guitarist Lube

Farewell to the artist Pavel Usanov and the new details of his tragic death

In the Temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Moscow passed the funeral of the tragically killed bass - guitarist of the group "Lube" Pavel Usanov. A musician spun the abbot of the temple, a famous preacher, Father Dmitry (Smirnov). More than a thousand people came to say goodbye to Paul.

Friends, colleagues and comrades shared with MK, which he was a musician, a benefactor and man.

Nikolay Rastorguev said goodbye to another and colleague.

All who went from Dynamo subway towards the Petrovsky Park with flowers, it was clear that they were to Pasha.

In the courtyard of the Temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, there were strong, shrugged men with a military gauge, long-haired musicians in scarves, clergymen in the regions ... There was a big circle of friends and familiar Pavel Usanov.

Oak coffin with the body of Paul was installed in the southernmost limit of the temple. From the morning, all the space around it was forced by baskets with flowers, and they were all continued to carry them.

We came to honor the memory of a light man Pasha Usanov, as well as to convey a mourning bouquet from St. Petersburg actors from the series "Street of broken lanterns," - says one of the Musician's fans, Elmira. - Pasha with these artists was friends. Unfortunately, they could not come themselves, passed flowers through us. We grieve together with the actors, together with the whole country.

Men in dark suits and camouflage silently came up with flowers in the temple. And only at the output agreed to tell about Pavel.

With Paul, we are familiar for more than three years. We had joint projects on the military-patriotic education of young people. For him, the word "Motherland" had a special meaning, "the commander of the special purpose of the Saturn Saturn is shared with us the Office of the Federal Service for the City of Moscow, Colonel of the Interior Service Boris Nikolaev. - Paul traveled with concerts to Donbass, sang for wounded in hospitals, for children from the shelter. He was also constantly in parts of the internal troops, in the Dzerzhinsky division, in the special purpose center. This is a very big loss for all of us.

Right with the suitcase in his hands came to say goodbye to Paper His fan of Igor Kuznetsov from Kirov.

I'm traveling in Moscow. In our city, Paul studied on the pop office, in the Art School. And also - played for the Kirov "Dynamo". We consider it a countryman. Arriving on tour in Kirov, he instead of a restaurant, went to his native student dining room. He said that the taste of Techy returns him to happy student years. I specifically took tickets for the evening train to put flowers to the coffin Pavel Usanov.

With a huge bouquet of roses, a close friend of Russia's ninth-positive record holder in the power records Alexander Muromsky came to remember.

Pasha and I were familiar with many years, together read over 17 children's homes, constantly circled them. Pasha almost every week gave charitable concerts. Never refused to a serviceman. He believed that he should ... After all, he at one time passed the urgent service in the Totskaya motorized rifle division. Many guys came to Chechnya with his call, he was in the dress and did not get into that party. The guys joked, they say, soon back ... walked 1991. Returned 6 people, 90 - died. Pasha, as they say, "hurt", remembering this time, he was very worried ...

He shared what he knew best, gave lessons in the paristers, taught music guys with difficult fate. The year went to the village of Village Village. Then his disciples at the international competition in Bulgaria took the first place. When I organized my group "Counter Fight", went to vocal courses. And even made an operation on the partition in the nose to improve breathing. Before he wanted to convey what the Lord gave him, namely, a sense of love for his homeland.

Pasha is the person who could donate absolutely everyone. Take at least a case with a priest who was kidnapped several years ago at the Stavropol, intruders. It was necessary to make a redemption in two days. Pasha immediately responded. He had a dream to build a house in Novokosino, a plot was already acquired. To rescue a priest from captivity, Pasha sold his site. This amount was not enough for redemption, he called me, in two days we collected the necessary funds, saved the priest.

Also, with Pasha helped to send humanitarian assistance in Donetsk and Lugansk. When they learned that she did not reach Pervomaisk, gathered a new batch of cargo. Basically it was products. There, people elementally lacked food elementary.

On the events of that ill-fated night, when Pavlu was injured, Alexander says:

Those who were in the restaurant were told that Pasha raised a toast for Donbass. He did it often, because all the soul was sick for peaceful inhabitants who lived in the basements of houses because of permanent bombing. At the next table, as I understood, the guys from Odessa were. They expressed another point of view, different from the one that Paul voiced. After that, there was a push, Pasha had a good friend on the surname, who then called on his friends, they caught Pasha already on the approach to the house, made him deadly injuries.

He still reached home ... I had to immediately call the "ambulance", but Pasha was strong, thought that she smelled. For help by his wife, Juliana appealed only in the morning. On this insisted Kolya Rastorguev. Time was missed. I remember, the doctor came out after the operation, encouraged us, said that two days Pasha would be in an artificial coma, then the recovery process should begin. We all relax ... But he never came into consciousness.

In what followed many seeing mysticism.

We managed to talk to Valery Lvovich Nikolaev, whose son, bass - guitarist of the "Lube" group Alexander Nikolaev tragically died in a car accident in August 1996.

I believe that everything is in the guitar. I remember how the group, being on tour in America, bought a guitar of some famous blustery. The musician himself died, I do not remember exactly, but in my opinion from drugs. This guitar was made on a well-known company, modern, fed. "Lube" she got cheap, "says Valery Lvovich. - On her my son Sasha and began to play. I also asked him then: "Are you not afraid of? The thing of the deceased can adversely act on the new owner? " Sasha then only dismissed. After a year and a half he died in a car accident. He was replaced by Paul. Moreover, they even were similar to Sasha. Pasha was also very friendly, not scandalous. This guitar switched to Pasha ... How not to become superstitious here?

Friends say that Paul could perish in the Donbas. Their car hit the shelling several times.

Having been in the combat zone in the Donbas for the first time, he returned silent, "his friend Yuri tells him. "Then it was mentioned:" There are eyes, as if ashes, the ashes risen. " And everything asked: "How can you throw Russian where they are hard?" Particularly struck by the teachers who, despite the permanent shelling, did not stop working with children. And they did it for free. They understood how important it is to put talent on the wing, even when the war goes ... And Paul understood it. To give people hope, organized the cultural and educational movement "Native expanses". During the fighting, he spent a children's music contest with comradiers in the Donbas. Paul told that shell breakdowns were heard, and the children continued to work courageously on stage.

Then he with comrades began to buy things, products, medical equipment. All this as part of the column of the Ministry of Emergency Situations was sent to the Donbass.

"I'll leave at night in the field with a horse," the swollen tears of the girl in black headscarves quietly sang.

And the flow of people was already going to the temple.

I came from Peter to light the candle at the coffin Pavel Anatolyevich, "says Gennady, the cadet of Suvorovsky School from St. Petersburg. - I remember, he was on January 27, on the day of complete removal of the blockade of Leningrad. In St. Petersburg, everyone in the windows then the candle was burning in memory of the victims of that terrible time. Paul said that it was specifically arrived in this saint for St. Petersburgers a day to light his candle ... Now I am here.

With Pavel Usanov, meanwhile, his friends went to say goodbye, with whom he studied at the Academy of the name of Gnesins.

We were five friends, now it turns out that one, the most talented, no, "says Kirill. - Pasha has always been a very smiling, friendly, open. We lived in the same room in the hostel. He always left everyone with money. Who and that he should have had, Pasha did not remember when he was given money, he was very surprised. There was a wide soul man, very disinterested. After the end of the Academy, we intersect with him more than once at the Theater of the Soviet Army, when he played already in the Lube group, and in Pijon. Being on tour in Israel, despite the tight schedule, he found our classmate Nicholas there. Friendship for Pasha was holy.

Pasha and I worked together in the group of ten years, says in turn Yuri Rymannov. - For forty years, he did so much that it is not for a decader. He and without "Lube" was a person.

Friends bitterly noticed that today Pavel Usanov "gathered" a few generations of musicians who have not seen under 10-15 years old.

Pasha was for me as the epic warrior: strong, reliable, open people, - says the poet - Songnik Alexander Shaganov. - I have never heard the shuffle words. He was the soul of the "Lube" team. He was a wonderful musician, understandable, and the metropolitan resident, and the inhabitant of a small village. Without advertising his charitable activities, gave a huge number of concerts for children from shelters and orphanages. And also spoke in front of conscripts and veterans. About such as Pasha, they say - "Salt of the Land of Russian." He lived a short life, but managed to do a lot. He left us in the middle of life, in the middle of spring.

In order not to talk about his death, Pasha died for me in battle. It was not some kind of night fueling. He was purposefully killed. They struck off, not compatible with life. Moreover, they attacked atlo, from the back, like jackals ...

Have you seen Pashina fists? - Wrongs a strong guy in the communion called by Roman. - In the open battle with him would not have done the killers. He was engaged in hand-to-hand fight, went to the simulator room, ran the crosses, bought in the lake to deep autumn. He broke his head, going from the back.

Near the coffin cried a woman in black: "Three weeks fought, balanced, moved the trepanation of the skull. I didn't have enough sun ... "And already, turning to us, she began to explain:" And how he loved his mother, she tried to come as often as possible to Novocheboksarsk. She worked on the telegraph, and the Pasha from 12 years old worked in that he was spreading telegrams. All my life worked, lived with God in the soul, strength and inspiration Dragged in faith. "

I lived 40 years old, 8 months and 8 days, "says the old woman, straightening the tapes in wreaths. - Look at Paul's photo, what radiant eyes, a prompt smile ... He prayed for many, now the time of responding prayer about his rest.

Someone included on the phone the song "Counter Battle" on the phone, which Pasha organized in 2006. The wind trepal flowers in the hands of the fans of Pavel Usanov. And over the temple lines were broadcast: "Who am I? - Wolf, or brother? Coward, or hero? Or rich? How many people will remember me? ... "

We will remember! Friends spoke out loud.

God, Lord, Novipressed Paul, said quietly, kiss portrait of a musician woman in black. - He is now where there is neither sadness, no frustration.

Began to funeral. The abbot of the temple, Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov, managed to begin. On this day, Father Dmitry had to suggest his ancient friend and mentor who went to the world other than 91 years. Two days later, he began to span Pavl Usanov, who was only 40 years old. Dmitry's father managed to inform us that the priest from the temple of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who knew Pavel Usanov well, managed to gear him several times in the hospital.

The attack on the bass guitarist of the group "Lube", says the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharov, has become a manifestation of the persecution policy for the dissent, which is carried out by supporters of the new government in Ukraine within the country and beyond. Such an approach threatens them to death, she is sure.


"Human rights give them, European values, respect. There will be no values, no respect for you to stop shooting at Maidan, burn in trade union homes and kill in bars on the national ideological sign. First, intensive rehabilitation from nationalism, then all The rest. Otherwise, the clinical death from poisoning themselves, "Zakharov wrote on his Facebook page.

On the details of the outstanding evening in his column on Ren TV, the writer and musician Zakhar Prilepin told. "Pasha sat in a bar, discussed the very topics that we were discussed - Donbass. We have it hurt with him - and, there is nothing to hide, they said and talk about it often," he said. "In the cafe was someone who, apparently, did not like the conversation. Pasha hit the head. Behind. Face to face with him the murderer had much less chance. Pasha could stand for himself. The result: Fracture of the base of the skull and intracerem hematoma "," Added Prilepin.

"Three weeks in a coma. The other day, His wife Julia asked to pray for doctors. Today (April 19th. - Ed.) Pasha, without leaving the coma, died. People who kill for the word, for the position, for courage. He did not take a weapon in his hands. He helped children. How to treat it? How to forgive? Something is broken inside. Very painful, "the writer admitted.

Pavel Usanov is known for using residents of Donbass, in particular to children. In 2015, he organized the cultural and educational movement "Native Prostors", the first project of which became a children's music competition. The event took place in Donetsk during the fighting between the controlled Kiev forces and representatives of the Donbass.

Recall that the musician of the Lube Group Pavel Usanov in the evening of April 2, unconsciously, was emergency hospitalized to the Sklifosovsky Institute with the injury after cruel beatings from the Beer Pub institution in the Dmitrovsky district. It was diagnosed with a fracture of the base of the skull, a closed crank-brain injury and a concussion of the brain.

A crime suspected a resident of Solnechnogorsk district Moscow region Maxim Good. The attacker denied the guilt, but witnesses indicated on him. In addition, its actions recorded surveillance cameras. A criminal case was initiated under the article "Intentional causing grievous harm to health," providing for the punishment of up to eight years of imprisonment. In connection with the death of the musician, the case can be retrained to a more severe article.

The widow of the group "Lube" group of Pavel Usanova Julian is experiencing a loss of his beloved on April 19. According to a woman who happened to the bass guitarist in the near Moscow bar was an absolute accident. Nevertheless, on the eve of Mother Paul, a bad dream about her son was dreaming.

Juliana and Paul were responsible in 2013. The spouse of the musician also played the guitar and sang songs. Shortly before the death of Usanov, he wrote his wife to the casting of the TV project "Voice". Juliana says that now she will have to go there for the sake of Paul. The woman remembered that the day when the fight was happening, Paul did everything that he was unusual.

According to Julian, during the post of Unceanov agreed to go with his friend Alexander to note his daughter's birth.

"I did not discharge and left for business. And when he returned, he found her husband from Alexander for Cognac, who, like other spirits, he never particularly complained. I was very strained, began to persuade him go home. The husband promised that he would soon be, but never came, "said Usanov's wife.

House Paul was brought in a state of alcohol intoxication employees of the settlement of the village. Only in the morning in the hospital Dmitrov, it turned out that he had a fracture of a frontal bone and numerous brain bruises. Thanks to the leader of the Lube group, Nikolay Rastorguev, Usanov at the reanimobile delivered to the name of Sklifosovsky.

Spouse Usanova said that her husband became a participant in the scuffle with two Odessans in the bar. Paul and his neighbor Alexander there were celebrated the birth of the Son. Usanov accidentally threw a small man behind a bar. Bar visitor aggressively responded to such a gesture. They turned out to be Maxim, who is now suspected of cruel beating a musician.

"When the institution began to close, Alexander, not a word, got up and went home. Leaded and Odessans. The babe had Pasha, kind and his friend who just called a taxi. When the car arrived, good refused to leave. But I know for sure if he had thrown into my husband alone, Pasha would have laid him on the blades. A few people attacked him unequivocally, which confirms the witness, which was observed by all of the window of his house, "revealed the details of the Julian's details with Usanov. According to the woman, the musician was beaten professionally - so that there were no traces.

The wife Paul recalls that in that evening Paul left the house without a native cross, that is, remained without protection. And shortly before that, he starred in a clip with a guitar who had given him from the tragically deceased member of "Lube." Nikolay Rastorguev previously also argued that in the death of a bass guitarist there is something mystical.

"I worked for a long time: suddenly we missed precious time without causing" ambulance ". But the doctors said that the injury was so serious that processes were impossible to prevent the destructive brain, "said Julian in a frank interview with Express Gazeta.

Recall that the doctors fought for the life of Usanov about 17 days, they conducted an operation on the trepanation of the skull, but they could not save the life of the musician. From the first marriage of Paul, the daughter of Sofia and the son of Vasya remained.

The bass guitarist of the Lube Group Pavel Usanov, died at the Moscow City Research Institute of Ambulance named after N. V. Sklifosovsky.

The 40-year-old bass guitarist of the group "Lube" Pavel Usanov, who received severe skull injuries as a result of an attack, died in the Moscow City Research Institute of Ambulance named after N. V. Sklifosovsky.

This was reported in the press service of the Production Center Igor Matvienko.

"Today it was not Pasha Usanov, the bass guitarist" Lube ", a talented musician, a good guy and our good friend," said in the official profile of the Lube group in Facebook.

Recall. On April 2, a musician who later attacked him. Later it was reported that a suspect in the attack was detained - a 39-year-old resident of the Solnechnogorsky district. Now he is under arrest.

The musician was delivered to the intensive care of the Sklifosovsky Institute with a severe cranial trauma and a fracture of the base of the skull.

Doctors about two weeks tried to save the musician, but unsuccessfully.

Pavel Anatolyevich Usanov Born on August 11, 1975 in Novocheboksarsk. He studied at high school number 5.

He graduated from the Kirov School of Art, served in the army, he studied at the Faculty of Military Conductors at the Moscow State Conservatory. P. I. Tchaikovsky. Then - the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins with honors and graduate school. Brew private lessons composition at Professor of the Moscow Conservatory Yu.V. Vorontsova.

In the years when he was a cadet of the Faculty of military conduits, Jazz played in Moscow in the Manhattan group, then in the group "Phonograph Jazz Band" Sergey Zilina.

In 1996, an announcement appeared in newspapers, which, in connection with the tragic death of the BAS-guitarist Alexander Nikolaev, the group "Lube" announces a competition for a new bassist. After he was noticed in the jazz quartet, Paul passed the competition and became a bass guitarist "Lube".

Pavel Usanov and Nikolay Rastorguev

Studying at the Academy. Gnesins, Usanov took up the composition and began writing music to theatrical productions, audiopects and movies.

Created music to 15 documentary films on the first channel, cooperating with Pavel Sheremet, to the film "Russian Sacrifice" about Pskov paratroopers, etc.

Continuing to work in "Lube" as a musician, Usanov in 2006 created a group of "Counter Battle", becoming her artistic director and composer.

After a long search for soloist in 2009, the album was released "Everything will be as necessary!"in which the officers of the Special Forces "Alpha" and Alexey Petrenko participated.

Continuing to work in "Lube", spoke with the group "Counter Fight", but in 2012 it changes the composition and further becomes a soloist in his group.

Created an acoustic version of his program called the "Acoustic Look", where the singer Juliana Green took part. Actively concert in the country with his own repertoire.

Pavel Usanov - Everything will be as it should

Since 2012, the founder and the leader of the Foundation "Cultural and educational movement" Promoting creative education "(CPD STD) was found.

In 2015, he created his cultural and educational movement "Native Scriptures", and the first project was the children's music competition, who passed in Donetsk - during hostilities.