Olga Polomasharnya. Olga Gromova: Sugar Baby

Olga Polomasharnya. Olga Gromova: Sugar Baby
Olga Polomasharnya. Olga Gromova: Sugar Baby

The ID "Compassgid" and Vitaly Zriesko know how to "fall into the nerve". Literally the other day in the online store "Labyrinth" will begin the sale of the book of Olga Thunderous "Sugar Baby". This small story should be in every home library. "Sugar Baby" Olga Gromovoova, Chief Editor "Library in School" magazine and a deep, finely sensitive person, is a classic "novel of education" on an extreme historical material. For a long time mastered by the "adults" of cinema and literature, "difficult pages" our history still remain a tabooed topic in Russian children's literature.

This book should certainly have to appear. For Russian (and then Soviet) literature, the genre of the "Roman of Education" was always organic, which had to be present in reading teenagers. In it, the formation of a young person committing a choice occurs in an inseparable connection with historical formation. Following the Trilogy of L. Tolstoy, "Inethuctoral Nezvanovaya" F. M. Dostoevsky, books P.P. Kataeva and V.A. Oseva, which was read by the great-grandmothers and grandmothers of the current teenagers, were the books of modern authors, created on a new material for a new generation. But the genre of "Roman / Tale of Education" completely disappeared from the latest children's literature. Due to the lack of a clear ideology that established in the pedagogy of the totalitarian system of "artistic taste" and a very narrow corridor of the conventional system of criteria for assessing literary works.

"Sugar child" is a classic "romance of education" on an extreme historical material that has long developed by adults and literature, but still tabooed in Russian children's literature. The author does not need to invent extreme conditions and numerous tests that have struck on a happy loving family, they are created by history.

Tale of autobiographical. 1937 year. From the cozy world filled with love and care, the countries of the elves and gnomes, six-year-old Ale and her mother Julia after his father's arrest fall into the link to the camp in Kyrgyzstan as Cheir (family member of the Motherland) and ESO (socially dangerous element). With a light irony, the author notes: "The element, of course, was very dangerous: the higher education, he owns five foreign languages, playing the piano, perfectly draws, to the revolution he studied at the Smolny Institute, her mother - Polka, grandmother - Swedish, Father - Russian pillars The nobleman, he worked as an engineer on the Tula Armory and was certainly a poor White Guard, since all men in the family (except for him, my grandfather) were artillery officers. And also married the Baltic Jew, which is also in the camp ... "

Despite the fact that a six-year-old child and a mother, a disabled with the consequences of transferred bone tuberculosis, fall into inhuman conditions, they sing songs, read poetry, tell fairy tales and stories, joke, most afraid to upset and hurt each other. It is the internal world that opposes the external horror that is created with the help of literature and helps to survive. The nose and jaw-crushed rifles and the jaw of Eli in a punishment abandoned to the tulip hand, the beating of the Kamach do not harm and do not change the picture of the world. In response to the perplexity of the child: "We were sold to slavery, or what? Are we now slaves? " - Wise and full of dignity of the Mother's answer sounds: "Slavery is the state of the soul. Free person to make a slave impossible. "

After the wrapping camp in search of work, life in the Kyrgyz villages. And here they are lucky on good people. Among them, and familiar families from Ukraine, and sedentary Kyrgyz, the head of the claim of Sosarans, his son Sapkos, so Kyrgyz pronounce "SOVOZ". Knowledge of Kyrgyz culture and language (this is necessarily for intelligent people) and here brings respect. In addition, the little Ale, Kant Bala, a Kyrgyz baby's kyrgyz, becomes Manaschi (Manaschi - a man who knew Manas by heart and sang him with a cleaner on a simple melody). Russian girl helps Kirgiza better know their culture and performs first in front of the elders, and then in front of Kyrgyz youth so that they do not forget their history.

One of the brightest chapters of the book is "Great Reading." Every evening, exile Russians, Ukrainians and local Kyrgyz gather in one of the Barack rooms to tell stories, read poems and stories, Pushkin and Gogol, with a translation to Kyrgyz. It is reading that unites, helps to preserve the dignity in unthinkable conditions. Narrationit covers 10 years, subsequent events are summarized in epilogue.

"Sugar Baby", no doubt, the book required for family reading. Historned stories that have fallen in the millstone, unfairly accused, subjected to persecutions and humiliation, mother and daughter, retained the dignity and strength of the Spirit, faith in good people, and love for their land. Classic eternal story on a new material for children's literature. From this book light on the soul.

The book is remarkably illustrated by the artist Maria Pasternak, it seems that the Little Eli life lived in his pictures along with Olga Gromovoy.


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    I started reading this book last night and finished at 2 o'clock in the morning. And until 4 in the morning I could not fall asleep, digested read. This one is the book that you want to have in two copies, or even three.
    A couple of days ago, I left the book "About Dolphin", but this impressed me, hooked, wounded even more. I read a few hours in a row and interrupted from time to time to just sit, think, to present everything that happened in the book, to rest.
    This story in which terrible things are served from the face of the child. Little six-year-old girl named Stella, which is translated from Latin, star. She had a full happy, loving family. First Pages I read admiring what kind of friendly, understanding parents, what are they happy. The narration begins very fun, easy, with wonderful jokes. They constantly sang the whole family, painted, read and told poems. According to Stella, "all her childhood was a solid game, full of joy and happiness." They were secured family by those standards. The girl had a lot of toys, outfits, all the best .. But one day the dad did not return from work. Stella said she left for work. Only later, she learns that political repression began, her father was declared the enemy of the people and sent to the camp, to Kolyma. And he was not expelled absolutely not deservedly, as a result, it was not clear why it was he expelled, or because of what he interpreted for his friend, who was sent in the same way, or just slandered.
    And then, with her mom, as "relatives of the enemy of the people" were sent to the camp in Kyrgyzstan. Here the childhood stella and ended. Not toys, warm Moscow apartment, clothes and abundance of food. There was no nanny. They stayed alone.
    In the camp, he and Mom had to sleep on crude land, under piercing winds, Mom in the morning went on hard work, where his hands knocked into the blood, and the girl remained alone, alone with the steppe and barbed wire.
    So this story begins. True story. What admires, surprises and scares.
    One life. One child.
    We will see the whole life of an incredible woman from her 6 years old, to deep old age. I admired the power of a little girl, the power of the will, the power of the Spirit. Her mind and courage, striving for honesty and truth. I admired her mother, who remained alone, with a child, survived in inhuman conditions, and never, never was in a bad mood. No matter how bad it was, she always instilled faith in a child that everything will be fine.
    This story shocked me a little, it is so scary and so incredible. I can not believe that so many events, so much tests fell on one human life. It is not believed that this is not an artistic image, but a real person, from flesh and blood, which has mastered all this.
    This story scares and admires. Such strength of the spirit, resistance, courage, optimism and faith in the best.
    This book is from those who, in my opinion, must be read. Olga Gromova "Sugar Baby"

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    In the publishing house "Compassgid" published a teenage book, which twenty years ago would certainly become an event

    A few years ago, a lot of viewers chained a documentary film "Interlayer": the simplest in shape - the heroine looks into the chamber and says only occasionally this plan is replaced by archival pictures, - the story of one life touched stronger than other famously swirling plots. Later, the memories of the translator Lilianna Longina were published in the form of the same name, which became a bestseller.

    "Sugar Child" Olga Gromovoova - the work is largely close to the "subtercourt", however, to become an equally popular for him almost a single reason: no one removed (and there is a risk, will not remove) on it, a film, no gaming, nor Documentary. Today, literature is in the role of cobwebs relatively other types of arts, and the book becomes an authentic event of cultural life is incredibly hard. And twenty years ago, the "sugar child" would claim confidently for the title of events.

    The story, told in this small novel, reminds recognized by the bucker jury the best book of the last decade "goes to the old steps ..." Alexander Chudakova: The main character of both books is a child whose childhood has become a test. Five-year-old Stella Nudolskaya and her mother were sent to Kyrgyzstan as family members of the Motherland - and here they have to return to normal life, having only a kitomka with things for the soul. Moreover, it is repeated repeatedly, because when circumstances are thrown into the unknown and not lighter "tomorrow".

    The genre of novel-upbringing is from among the immortal, and how much do not change the background, on which there is a growing, what problems in front of children or adolescents are neither given, this kind of works do not take away the main - continuous development if not the plot, then the character. How baby Stella masters the wisdom of the adult world on a dozen years earlier than it is supposed to observe even more fascinating than the brief, but with seamless ethnographic sketches. Olga Gromova gives exactly so much the "spirit of the era" and the "spirit of the place", how much is necessary for the optimal balance between the accuracy of historical parts and space for reader imagination. The author of the writing of the book, set forth in the Afterword, was helped by a paradoxical way: she met the real Stella Dubrovy when she was already in the years, and there simply did not have time from her childhood. But he managed to learn from the memories of the "testimon of history" a few bright scenes, a story can be found and - separate happiness for us, readers! - Good, apparently, reflexed and rethinking children's impressions.

    "Sugar Child", despite the story of the face of a little girl, does not give any "childish look" on the history of 1930-1940, does not play with us into fetaled "reincarnations in the child": on the contrary, the tale of allegedly girls clearly visible an adult rather removed from the events described to detect the hidden causal relationships during its own life and its psychological formation. For example, in the first chapter of Stella, except for jokes, it decodes the meanings that hide behind the words "good man" facing her father. "A good person knows how to do everything yourself," "Good man is not afraid of anything," "A good man unleashes all the nodes of myself" - these words, being for quite uncompressed allocated in italics, obviously perform the function of Stell Credo: the whole further plot can be considered as an attempt. Girls become a "good man" in the father's understanding.

    Since the novel is designed primarily for adolescents, the existential problems facing the heroine are extremely naked. Even where they poured as if they were impartial facts, the feeling of injustice, overcoming the fear of death and learning himself to be free, they still control the heroine. It is naively to expect from the fictional memories (and this is still that memoirs, in some places for the text of Olga Gromovochnye, even a disgraced speech of Stella Dubry, especially when it comes to her mother) philosophical transcriptions of Kierkegan's depth, but a "sugar child" already contains more What could be expected. This is not just a chain of scattered scenes of the boundary of 30-40s, where the plot is replaced by the description of the development of the personality, and the potent antidepressant: what tests would have fallen out the family of Nudolsky, good people around always turn out to be more. Maybe this is an estimate against the truth of the AD Verbum, but therefore the book also passes on the department of fiction. Books and the whole palette of human abomination - to the literature of documentary.

    Rates a book

    This is a cognitive, striking imagination story. It's amazing how much an ale girl in such a young age, which became the main character of this book. If you consider a book a kind of document, evidence of the witness of many difficult events from our history, then this is definitely an interesting and important document.

    But this is not a documentary prose, but still an artistic work, a story. And from this point of view, the book, alas, turned out to be weak. Dry, like a stale bread.

    The personality of Mother Stella is difficult not to admire, of course - she passed through a lot, without bowing his head, and not only passed, but he spent a child alone. It is difficult to admire, but not to believe - honestly, easily. As in Elia itself. Memories of Stella recorded by another person, whether they asked from time to time, whether they were sinking in foreign hands, but very few people were left in the characters. The girl is just a superhero in the rubber skirt. It's almost never crying, everything with a half-word understands, memory as an encyclopedia, and all this at a six-year-old age. Stalling tolerates hunger, cold, boredom, fear, pain, anything. Almost never remembers the favorite father, does not pesimize the questions, where dad and when he returns, this man practically evaporated from the text at all, as soon as he was arrested in the plot. Mother Stella and then a little more kind of tiny daughter, she occasionally shows some human feelings - but she is too increasing, never a disgusting wonder-woman. I understand that, in reality, Stella had a wonderful education, the ability to maintain a person in any situation, an inconsistent inner rod, and her mother was probably the same man unique. But in the story, these heroines became extended, some sterile and because completely untrue.

    And in general, the story is very scary to feel. It is very popular about how the heroines survived in the monstrous conditions, as they were saved from hunger, as they walked, but there was practically nothing about what was happening in the soul in the daughter of the enemy of the people. Stella was not a living girl, but thus the pioneer guys-an example, for nothing that of the pioneers they were excluded. Truly sugar girl. Often, such boys and girls with sacraparated knees and perfectly pure soul become the favorite heroes of children's stories, but from documentary history I want a completely different.

    In addition, the story was very important that it was recorded with the words of the heroine, and not created by her. Very much remains behind the scenes, many gaps are not closed, and all the time the feeling that the reader is not inside the story, but somewhere far beyond the fence, and only the echoes are coming to it.

    I do not see this story of a living person. And without a man what remains? Well, tutorial. In informative, thanks, you can be treated.

Olga Gromova Sugar Child History of the Girls from the last century, told by Stella Nudolskaya Stella and Eric. I fulfilled my promise. O. G. Prologov did not want to think about the lessons in general, nor specifically about German - so good was outside the window Early autumn with a bright autumn sun, so manila in the forest. I listened in the catch, as the teacher announced the results of yesterday's control. "Nudolskaya - three ..." I heard, or what? The class fell fearfully, but under a strict look of our new "German" quickly subsided. From the first part, classmates looked at me amazedly: the second troika in German for the week. Everyone knew that in German I speak almost as freely as in Russian, and the school dictation could not write in any way on the top three. And I suddenly understood everything.


Picture to the story now read

Sugar Baby Olga Thunder


And when Elya went to the tenth grade, mom and daughter allowed to settle near Moscow. The girl went to school. She studied brilliantly, but taking into account her past, she always reduced the estimates. Eli finished learning at school, and entered the agricultural technical school.

Studying in the third year, they received a document with Mom, who talked about what they were justified, and they were not guilty of anything. Father home did not return. The dry line of the telegram stateed that he died in the 40s.
The story teaches patience and endurance in the most difficult situations. Read the brief content of Gromov - a sugar child.
Short retelling.

Olga Gromova, Sugar Baby: Summary, Main Heroes, Topic

If I launched there (almost to the shoulder), there was always something delicious. I remember a big warm hand for which I kept when we went to walk on weekends. And the voice is very low, velvet.

And here Dad tells me a fairy tale. But how little, but a bold girl without a name saves her mother from evil robbers and earns a name - asterisk. A brief content of Sugar Baby Olga Gromovoy began, and Gromov with Nudolskaya began to process these memories and publish them in the form of essays in newspapers and magazines.

Soon, her son returned from the north. He was incurably sick and could not work as before. The main goal of Nudolskaya was the concern for him, visiting hospitals and a clinic, it was necessary to obtain the necessary medicines.

She did not break even at that moment, became a sample of persistence and vitality. And for the gross, and for her readers.

Brief content of grommet sugar child for reader diary

It is written on the basis of the memories of Stella Nudolskaya. It is she who is the prototype of the main heroine - Girls Eli.


And Stella Mom and Dad had a higher education, owned several foreign languages \u200b\u200bat once, they painted in their free time, played on musical instruments. They had an enviable pedigree. Grandfather Eli is a pillar nobleman who worked on the Tula Armory.

Thus, it turns out that this book is the only one, which tells about the Stalinist repressions and is addressed to children. Nudolskaya, who became a prototype for this novel, also wrote his own documentary biography. She got the name "Do not allow yourself to be afraid."

Sugar child

The novel "Sugar Child", which briefly briefed in this article, is the work of the writer Thunder. In essence, this is a documentary book written by the real character, a little girl Stella.

Her childhood accounted for difficult times in the Soviet Union - 30-40s. The book, written in early 2010, immediately became a bestseller, won the love of readers and respect for literary critics.

The novel about the girl "Sugar Child", which makes it possible to understand what the essence of the work is very sincere novel. Readers admit that he takes per soul and fascinates from the first pages.
In the center of the story - Little Alay. It grows in a strong family, where love reigns and respect for each other. Happy idyll collapses at one moment when it turns out that her father was recognized by the "enemy of the people." What it is, she still does not fully understand.

Olga Gromova - Sugar Baby

And the recent troika in Russian for the composition (the teacher said that I began to allow stylistic mistakes and did not reveal the topic), and today's no longer seemed so amazing. Inize - yes, unfair - of course ... But at that moment it became clear to me that now, in the last grade, these troops will appear inevitably, no matter how hard I tried. And then at the end of the year the fourths will be released in Russian and German. And do not see me neither a gold medal or even silver, despite all my "fifth" tables of past years.

I completely stopped listening to lesson. I thought. It is clear that the fourths in Russian cannot be avoided - then I will definitely do not give a medal. You can get a medal, even having two fourths over the past year, but not if one of them is in Russian.

This is the law. And it looks like it will be. It's a shame and it is unclear why my favorite German was the second item.

Read online "Sugar Baby"

From three years, parents taught the girl in different languages, and now living in these places, the girl with Mom tried to explore the language of the local population. In the Kyrgyz village, the girl began to call Elya. Mom often told her daughter different fairy tales and sang songs.

Baby quickly made friends with other children. They played on the street, learned to ride horses. The horse in those edges was very valued. One day, some rider slipped around their yurt.

He shouted some words, and gently looked at the girl. As it turned out later, he shouted: "Ak Bala, Kant Bala," that in the translation meant "white baby, a sugar girl."

With his light hand, Ely was called. It was in the thirties. Then there was a war of 1941, the echoes of which came in those edges.

The war brought with him hunger. People tried to survive, as they could, picking up wheat along the grain. War is over.

One More Step.

Today, we came to the Magic Country of Elves and Dwarfs, where, as everyone knows, dairy rivers flow in richly shores. In deep plates with a steep bright berry oxygen and poured on the edges of milk, you need to "proper", laying the bed for dairy rivers in rigorous shores. If you do not hurry and act neatly, the country map with lakes, rivers, streams and ocean around is turned out in a plate. We have been treated for a long time, and then compare, who else turned out: I, my mother or dad.
Dad even managed to build some kind of mountain from Kisel and assures that this dairy river flows. While we consider paintings in plates, the mountain is spread and the muddy sea is obtained. My mother and I laugh, and nanny grieves: "Well, babies gathered - the balletness one." "Okay, Move," says Dad, "coming quickly to Kisel and sleep. - Will the tale be? - There will be a fairy tale.
While there was no crib, I slept in a suitcase, stood on a big chair, and the cover was tied to the back. Then I called Makely, Buba or somehound.

And this creation should have got a name. Pope liked some names, mom - others, and they argued without end. One of the friends of the family suggested: - Name the MYCCOP girl - this is a Turkish "Star".

But Mom decided to garbage her daughter not called. Would argue for a long time if after two months the parents did not bring a strict agenda about the fine and the official reminder that there are registered regions in the country where they should be registered a child. Let's follow: Dad, Mom and their friend Alexander. While the parents in the corridor at the window thoroughly argued how this miracle will be called, they handed the child to a friend, so that he would have held something, they decide something.

And brother is an uncle paw? - Well, for example, he, although in his life, no one calls him that, only one little girl. But the girl was very long called all sorts of different words, but not by name ... because she was not.

Olga Gromova - Sugar Baby game Today, we fell into the magic country of elves and dwarves, where, as everyone knows, dairy rivers flow in richly banks. In deep plates with a steep bright berry oxygen and poured on the edges of milk, you need to "proper", laying the bed for dairy rivers in rigorous shores.

If you do not hurry and act neatly, the country map with lakes, rivers, streams and ocean around is turned out in a plate. We have been treated for a long time, and then compare, who else turned out: I, my mother or dad.

Dad even managed to build some kind of mountain from Kisel and assures that this dairy river flows.

The Tale of Olga Thunder Sugar Baby has become popular unexpectedly for the author himself. The story is written by Stella Nudolskaya, whose childhood accounted for the end of the 30s - the beginning of the 40s in the Soviet Union. This is a story about how a five-year-old Ale, growing in a loving family, suddenly turns out to be a daughter of the "enemy of the people" and falls into a terrible world of her: After their father's arrest, they are sent to the camp in Kyrgyzstan as family members of the Motherland and socially dangerous elements. But, despite the inhuman tests that Stella and her mother are experiencing, they do not fall in spirit: they save songs, poems, music and a clear understanding of what is the dignity and freedom of man. Olga Gromova told in an interview with the "real time" on how the story was created, what was the main character of the main heroine - Stella, as well as about the training lessons, which is divided with all her parents.

- Olga Konstantinovna, please tell us the story of creating this story.

In fact, I never was going to be a writer. If 7-10 years ago, someone told me that I would be a writer, and even childish, I would twist my finger in different places of my head. For many years I was the chief editor of the magazine "Library in School" and wrote a lot, but it was not an artistic prose.

Therefore, if it were not for a meeting with the genuine heroine of this story, Stella, there was no story. We met her in 1988, for many years she did not tell me about this part of his life, then he said, slowly began to share memories, and after the restructuring I offered her to write memories. And received a refusal. This is a logical reaction of people who survived a lot. They do not like to remember. It is also very difficult to force the front-line to tell the truth about the war. In the end, I persuaded her, she wrote a few essays for the "First September" pedagogical newspaper then. But at some point, Stella got sick, and I hooked: suggested that we proceed that there were, and published. And suddenly she says to me: "No need to do from this memoirs. Who will read these 125th memoirs? Already so much published, and I will not write better "steep route" or Chukovskaya. To make a story for adolescents from this, because no one speaks about it. " And it is true. By the time the repressions existed adult literature or memoirs. On the schoolchildren it is impossible to enjoy all the power of Solzhenitsyn or Shalamov. It is not for him. However, after 10 years, he is already able to understand a lot, empathize with book heroes.

I caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story. We began to redo the material, but we managed to make only a few chapters together. In the story it is the strongest chapters.

- What are these chapters?

The first chapter "Game", "War with the Mouse King", "Tests" about the camp and the head of "Ataman", where she was died with the head of the NKVD. It was also carefully prepared by her essay, which entered the story entitled "Yuzhaki." She wrote him on someone's order (perhaps "Memorial"), I rechecked by historical materials the accuracy of the facts, because a six-year-old child could not remember the story in such details in which we described it. Essay did not have been published for some reason, but now in the book it is, in my opinion, a very strong chapter. The rest is written in memories, much remained simply unsubscribed in the personal conversations recorded on the film or in my head. And I all processed after Stella gone.

Now we are preparing an adult edition of the book "Sugar Baby". The story will almost not change. But comments will be expanded - writing, historical, cultural

- How did you work on this story, not having a writer experience?

At first I did not understand at all how to take. I thought for a long time and painfully, and then something clicked in my head, and I understood: "That's how it should be done." I understood how the story should be built. The prologue and epilogue came up. And then my task was - just add what is not written at all. To complete the characters, because Stella did not paint them at all in memories. About your friend Sapkos, Kyrgyz boy with a strange name, she very warmly recalled in conversations with me: it was such a Kyrgyz peasant, with his very adult understanding of life, independent. From these memories, I completed the image.

I had to double-check quite a lot of information. For example, find out how Pioneer fees sounded in those times. I was a pioneer in 1970, and when I took up the chapter about pioneer in the 40s, I realized that I did not understand anything. Then the pioneer oath sounded differently, not to mention the speeches that were uttered on the pioneer fees. I had to sit down for the "Pioneer Truth", which, thank God, was posted on the Internet, and I read it to nausea, until I realized that the older leader could say, whether the director participates in the pioneer fee, and if so, how, And how it all happened in a rural school.

"They saved not reading, not the number of knowledge in the head. And the cultural layer, which teachs the child to think all "

As you yourself said, this story is about how to preserve humanity in inhuman conditions. What qualities helped Stelle and her mother stayed by people, passing through the camp, link, life at the bottom of the earth pit, in a stack of hay and other harsh tests?

For this narrow layer of a well-educated class, which did not have time to destroy during the revolution, the behavior of Stella and her mom was not unusual. It was normal - not to do so and so, to raise children, without stuffing them with unnecessary information, and surrounding them with a wide cultural layer so that they just lived in it. I am younger than Stella for 25 years, and my grandfather from the "former", as they said, also got a good education before the revolution. When he first led me, seven-year-old, in the Tretyakov Gallery, his first phrase was like this: "You are not here for the last time." That is, he laid my idea that a normal person goes to the museum more than once, not two, not three, and just from time to time comes there and something new for himself looks, do not try to see the entire Tretyakov at a time. And every time I pulled him somewhere, he said: "You are not here for the last time here, we agreed that today we are looking at this."

And I grew up with this feeling - you have no music for the last time, there are always books around you, museums. And just once, I, having heard some adult conversation, asked the grandfather: "What did he do that, what did you tell him that now he does not serve his hands?" Grandpa answered: "You see, there are things that people should not do under any circumstances." I did not learn: "Why?" - "Why not why. Just do not have everything. "

Stella in old age

These are the same rules of a good person who said Stella in their memoirs. A good man does something and does not make something. This parents did not write on the wall. They did not ask her to learn by heart. They just lived. And she was explained: "Good people should live like this."

For us now, their education seems unusual. And for that layer it was unusual. It was the norm. And in fact, I think this is exactly what they saved them. Not read, not the number of knowledge in the head. And the cultural layer, which tears a child to think over everything. Remember how Stella played in childhood to salvation Zhanna D "Ark. The average teacher will say:" My God, it's wrong! What a baby's porridge in the head of Zhanna d "Ark, Dmitry Donskoy and Suvorov!"

- At least it is not Smeshariki and not a spongebob ...

In fact, it does not matter. In modern children from these characters, sometimes interesting thoughts arise. The question is not in this. And in the fact that this porridge in the head of the child will gradually decompose as the general education layer builds. But this general education layer will not fall on an empty place. Let her now play them in all. Never mind. It is important that when she plays in them, she learns to think, she builds logical connections, she is not lazy to look at the map. By the way, five-year children are easier to teach to navigate the map than children over 10 years old. They have better developed abstract intuitive thinking.

That is, parents taught Stella to think over to all that she sees, hears, gets. It saved them. Well, of course, the mumina strength, Mamino skill to support the child at the moment when he had to break. When I wrote, I thought about myself all the time: "God forbid, if I turned out to be so with the children, I would have enough for it?" I'm not at all sure of it.

"In extreme conditions, the child is important that the adult is near, who understands that he hurts and scary"

Yes, I was impressed by the words of the mother to the question of Stella: "We were sold to slavery?" "Slavery is the state of the soul, a free person to make a slave cannot be made." In addition, she surrounded her daughter with fairy tales, songs, verses, she told her stories and thereby distracted from severe reality.

In extreme conditions, when the child is frightened when he is bad when he just sick, it is important for him not only to distract, but to be adult with him, who understands that he hurts and scary. But instead of causing and strengthening it and strengthen this feeling of pain, an adult should take a child something else: "I'm with you, I'm there, and we have more interesting things than crying." And Mom, using the margin of his memory, how much she read and knows, it did, she defended the child with this general living layer. After all, in fact, as doctors say, when a child has severe illness, a very important role in the recovery of the child is the position of the parent. If my mother is crushed and frightened, then the child will be frightened and is depressed much more. And it understood Stellin Mom. She showed her that she was not afraid.

There is a feeling that Stella lived surrounded by the heroes of the past - the same Zhanna d "Ark, Suvorov, Decembrists, poets, writers. It is clear that this is the result of what she grew up in the family where history plays great importance, and patriotism is not empty In a word. It seems that now people who are imbued with such love for their homeland, to her history, very little.

And then there were people who don't need it all, not interesting, which was worried that there was food, water and shelter, and if the shelter is still rich, and the house will be a servant in the mirrors and gold in the ears, they will consider Himself happy, and they are absolutely not worried about the story. Such people were always. Miracles do not happen. It does not happen that one generation still thinks entirely, and the other is different.

Disappointment was then. When you understand what happens in your country, and in the 30s there it happened that we did not dream, disappointment comes. But remember what important things Mom makes when he tells Stelle about the heroes of the past years. After all, she tells about them not from the point of view of the upbringing of patriotism as such, love for the Great Russia. She talks about personal durability, an honest word, about sailors, faithful oath. That is, tells about the universal qualities of these people, regardless of which country they belong to. Just on the example of your country it is more convenient.

But again, it is not about the global history of Russia, these are stories about people. It is possible to argue as much as you like the correctness or irregularity of the ideas of the Decembrists, about what would be if the Pestel came to power. But the story of the Decabrists, who went for her husbands to Siberia, is a story about people, and not about certain ideas.

Once many years ago, the student asked me about the uprising of the Decembrists: "I don't understand one thing that it was necessary to this noble people? They were all. So, they fought for something else? Why did they take up the ideas of reorganization of society? It was not a palace coup with the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging one king to another. "

And I attracted me this side of the upbringing of Mom. Whatever she tells the child, she did not just stuff her head with actual knowledge about what and when it happened. She told about people.

Stella with parents. 1932 year

- History thus revived.

Also not quite so. This is a stamp. We are accustomed to think so. No story came to life. People came to know. That's what she was important. And the fact that these people were in the context of history, so this is because we know more about them, they are easier to tell about them.

"My grandfather was an engineer. Nevertheless, he played on the piano, he spoke German and French, knew the visual arts "

The idealization of childhood and youth is always present. With age, it seems that in childhood everything was fine, and I do not want to remember what was bad. As for my memories,, for example, in my family he adored to read out loud. We have already studied who in high schools who at the institute, and flew in the morning somewhere, left a note on the table: "Without me, do not start reading without me, I will come to so much." Because reading out loud is a separate process. Everyone had a million of her books on the table, one for the soul, the other for work. But at the same time there was one book, which was read out loud. Sometimes a novelty, sometimes someone's favorite. When I was small, and we lived at grandparents in the center of Moscow, then we were put to sleep, and my mother opened the door to the next room. And in the next room, the grandfather sat down for the piano. And we fell asleep to the music. At the same time, my grandfather was neither a musician or an artist. He was an engineer and by profession all his life was engaged in things, alien art in general. But nevertheless, he played on the piano, he spoke German and French, he knew music, visual art, he drove me in museums, he told me so interesting and so built our hikes that I remember them so far. At the same time, he worked a lot, he was not up to us, the mother and grandmother were engaged in the current educational affairs.

The beloved game in our family was - spread the map, lie on the floor, crawl around the card and compose who I sailed, who does what is doing there, how people live there, in which narts go. I have a notebook somewhere in the archive about different places - about Tundra, about Taiga, with his drawings and all sorts of funny plots and descriptions: "There are such trees, they are such curves, and there are such trees there. "

Stella told me about his family games, and I recognized my, although I am 25 years old.

- And what kind of games?

In poems, in words. One of your favorite games and in our house, and Stella - Burim, when four random rhymes are given, random words are chosen in rhyme, and then they need to compose the quathers so that these words are rhymed. We had a more complex version: it was necessary to take a well-known poetic phrase, for example, "my bonfire is shining in the fog." Then they opened any book or newspaper, poke your finger into a random word, and it should also be present in the poem. It was necessary to compose verse on this topic. It was allowed to change this initial phrase a little: say, in one of the dads it was "whose bonfire is shining in the fog." We were terribly fond of this.

Just as Stella, we loved to remember poems on the topic. For example, the poems about winter chalk, who will remember more. Let the line. Or, for example, a well-known game in the "cities", when you call the city, the next call is the city on the last letter in your city and so on. But we, in addition, were so played to countries, in literary heroes, and with the last focus was that it was necessary to call, from what work the hero. Because if you say "D" ARTANYAN ", everything is clear, from where he, and if you say" Vanka ", it is not clear who it is - Vanka Zhukov from Chekhov's story or Vanya Solntse from the" Son of the Regiment ". There were great games lots of.

My mother once, at my request, wrote a whole collection of such games for the magazine "Library at School", remembering all our family games.

- Are there such families today?

Yes of course. And today there are families where music does not do because the child goes to music school, but because they love music, and not necessarily classical. We loved very much when my mother sang. It was a separate ritual "Mom, Sleight!". And I know a huge number of songs from the mother from Mom - and the military, and post-war lyrics, and folk songs. Now another century. Other technologies, other games. Another cultural layer.

- That is, you do not share the pessimism of people who say that this culture is lost?

When one culture is lost, another comes. I'm sorry, but it is normal. Mom, who in the morning with children listens to the news in English, and then on the way to school, the French poems remember not because children teach him at school, but because at home they speak French at home - this is normal, I am such parents I know.

Your story is perceived as a guide to raise children. There are a lot of lessons in it. For example, I remembered one when my mother says Stelle: "Remember, daughter, if you can see that you have a bad mood, then you are fiercely raised."

You know, one day many years ago, I then worked in the school library, I had a hard day, I was tired, dissatisfied. The girl with some question resorts. I didn't answer her very kindly, and then Alice was politely asked: "Do you have a bad mood? I hope I'm not to blame for this? " What a lesson was for me! For life. And since then, whoever came to the library, I included a smile. Whatever happens. Your mood does not concern anyone. So this is also a rule for all times, and there are people who use it today.

Another lesson: When Stella fell ill with abdominal typhus and she could not eat a lot, she stayed alone in a room for a whole day with soup pan on the table. Then she asked her neighbor to hide the saucepan in the chest, realizing: "Our shortened desires can push on very dangerous and stupid deeds."

In any ban should be some logic, and it should be clear and obvious to the child. Then he would love to try to cope with this ban. Little Stella explained: if she is excess, she can die, because during the abdominal title of the stomach walls become very thin. She was explained in very detailed, she was not just forbidden. And then it became clear that you wanted you do not want to cope. And the poor child in despair asked to locate food in the chest. Because she realized that he could not cope. This is upbringing. It is not to strictly prohibit something, but that the child understand what he does and why.

My own children regularly taught me, asking Iron question as a child: "Mom, where is the logic?" Because mom should not just scream: "I forbid it to you!" And it is popular to explain why she is against. And if you include logic, then maybe not necessarily against. So also happens.

"Stella buried her husband and Son for several years. She has no one left. "

Your tale ends at that moment when Stella and her mother return from the link and settle in the suburbs. How was their life after?

Stella entered the agricultural academy, finished it, became agrochemistry. For many years, worried a fertilizer based on coal, traveled the entire Soviet Union, worked on Chukotka, in Kamchatka, in Kazakhstan. As she said, she was very useful to ride the ride acquired in childhood. She keeps her horse very well, I saw photos. Her mother has taught German in school for many years after the war, then retired. For the last nine years, she was chained to bed, and Stelle took it difficult, because he had to care for her mother.

Stella had a husband and son, but it so happened that she buried them for several years. And she has no one left. Her husband was a sailor, he graduated from the famous Solovetsky school Jung, participated even in hostilities at the end of the war, then went to geology.

- What Stella Nathanna was in everyday life, in everyday life?

She was not a very light man, straightforward, used to say what he thought was not very easy to enjoy this to the interlocutor or not. She rarely did something that she herself did not like or what she doesn't want to do. It was almost impossible to force it. She was independent in judgments and actions. She was very interested in many. Most of all was able, and I did not know how to master with interest. For example, in childhood it was taught to sew, because she helped mom. Shell kept her well. But to sew around the patterns, she went to learn by a pensioner, being on disability (she received the second group due to problems with his back). She cope with the farm herself, herself sheed himself, she had a very good taste. And in the early 1990s Stella was not rich, but very stylishly dressed. She knew how to wear hats.

At one time was active at the Pensioner Club with the Library. She told a lot about her travels, about books, about fertilizers, what can be used on their site.

After the restructuring, he collaborated with the Memorial, participated in political democratic movements, was even a trustee of one of the deputies.

- How did she perceive the restructuring?

How could the restructuring of a person who broke the Stalinist regime all his life? Well, with enthusiasm. It was hoping that something decent would come out of this. It was hard for telling and remembering their childhood. But cooperation with the Memorial showed what to do it.

"Storm for a strong hand today is driven up thoroughly built propaganda"

Today, the interest in the Personality of Stalin, longing for the "strong hand" is noticeable. Recently, in the same edition, she saw a poster with Stalin on the wall, it was something trendy, stylish. There is some flirting with history. What do you think about it?

I treat Stalin's figure absolutely negatively. In my opinion, everything is good, which was in the country with him, was done in spite, and not thanks to. And the current trend is very bothering me not by the fact that it is, because people with such glances that tear down in a strong hand, who consider that then it was good, and now "Stalin on them are all", "there are always. The current generation does not know what Stalin is. They did not live then. I also did not live then. But the current generation does not even represent what it is - to live in that country. I have a little rendered, because it was born in the 50s, and all this was still alive and fresh in memory of people.

A long-standing longing in them is robbed very diligently quite thoroughly built propaganda. And this is disturbing me: people are kept on this propaganda. In this sense, it seems very important to me what the Karelian historian Yury Dmitriev is doing, the Memorial Society, the writer Sergey Lebedev, who writes important books about memory, about the attitude of our by that time. What Sergey Parkhomenko does with the action "Last address". Unfortunately, these are all crumbs, it should be more. Because it is opposed to the prospects for totalitarianism.

Masha Rolling "I have to tell." Very similar in essence on a "sugar child", written not for children, although for them and published, - Marianna Kozyreva "Girl in front of the door." There is a series of books "Leningrad fairy tales" Yulia Yakovleva. For me, the thing is very controversial, I do not agree with the concept, but in general it can also be read. Although these fairy tales do not have relation to documentary history. A slightly phantasmagoric book, but excellent, for children - Evgeny Yelchin "Stalin's nose". Small, short, not documentary, but also on this topic.

In fact, such books are not very much.

- Why?

The topic for many is still sick, controversial, terrible. It is clear that I do not call the classics, Solzhenitsyn, Shalamov, and so on. I'm talking about what appeared recently. Guzel Yahina "Zuulikha opens his eyes" - also a controversial thing, but in general is good. Also Alexander Chudakov "Misks to the old steps".

I think about a new artistic book, but what will come of it, I'm afraid to say. She will also concern the historical past, although the story will be completely different and completely unlike the "sugar child"

"It is difficult for today children to understand how it is possible to plant a person on one bonospray"

- How do schoolchildren perceive the story "Sugar Child"?

Very good and reasonable. Understand what it is about. Although sometimes kids have to explain things that we seem obvious. But children are free, fortunately, head, and therefore it is difficult for them to understand how it is possible to plant a person on one bonospray. It is difficult to explain to the child that no one put a goal to collect evidence, and that everyone followed the advice of the main prosecutor of the Soviet Union: "Recognition - Queen of evidence, the main thing - to beat recognition." And sometimes recognition was not required, as in the case of Stellin Father. In his case, only denunciations and materials interrogation of the person who has written. "Based on the foregoing to sentence." This is the normal current children to explain difficult. "And how it is: to intimidate everyone? And who will work then? And who then will build the country? " Children sometimes have the most unexpected questions.

Now we are preparing an adult edition of the book "Sugar Baby". The story will almost not change. But comments will be expanded - writing, historical, cultural. I passed into the publishing house almost one and a half of these comments. About how I checked the materials that in the story accurately and not exactly and why. What things I simplified, reduced. What are the present documents on expulsion and rehabilitation look like. For example, Mom with Stella was not sentenced to the camp. It was the pure local government of the local authorities. In the matter of the mother, who Stelle was allowed to look at the KGB, when the archives were opened for the victims and their relatives, there are no documents about the camp in the 90s, there could be no documents about the camp. It was self-government - to drive women sentenced to reference, in the camp conditions, because the local chiefs had to build something. I had to check it. And I found a number of evidence of scientists about the fact that there were so-called illegal camps, unaccounted. I do not know how they were supplied and than fed. They arose as needed and then disappeared. What was in this place later, I could not find out. Kyrgyzstan is closed in this regard, they do not investigate this part of their history. But I found something, and it cite in my comments.

Also, I also talk about songs and verses that are very much in the story. After all, it is almost no known to this new generation.

And in the book there will be an article by one of the largest modern teachers, the head of one of the best Moscow schools and writer Yevgeny Yamburg, dedicated to the "sugar child". In it, just about the upbringing, about this cultural layer. It is called "rapidness of truth."

I recently also wrote a book not at all artistic. This is a "educational" for elementary school, how to collect your herbarium. The book will be released next year.

I think about a new artistic book, but what will come of it, I'm afraid to say. It will also touch the historical past, although the story will be completely different and completely unlike a "sugar child".

"It is fashionable to say that we have no modern children's literature, one pop. But this is not true"

- How do you assess the state of modern children's literature?

A lot of wonderful writers. Now it is fashionable to say that we have no modern children's literature, one pop. But this is not true.

Now it is fashionable to say that we have no modern children's literature, one pop. But this is not true

Very bright author, boyish, male - Evgeny Rudashevsky. From 12 years "Where the Kumutkan" leaves ", the story" Raven "years from 14, the story for adolescents older" Hello, my brother, Bzou ", the adventure novel" Solongo ".

Alexey Oleinikov An interesting writer. Nina Dashevskaya is delightful, my love is stories and tale for teenagers. She is good. Very beautiful stories "Near Music".

Julia Kuznetsova is a very diverse writer. Beautiful trilogy for teenagers, more Girl, "First work", about a girl who earns itself on the first foreign internship. For babies, she has excellent stories "carpentry stories, or like Grisha toys Masteril." New book "Vacation in Riga". The story "invented bug" is very good.

I can give a shared tip. Open the annual catalog "One hundred new books for children." This is not just a directory where you can get for money. These are books that are selected by experts in children's literature, and it really reflects good children's literature, not the whole, but it is a good cut. It is well compounded, is placed in the ages, topics, plots, by the mass of different signs.

Natalia Fedorova, photo provided by Olga Thunder


Olga Gromova is a writer, editor of children's literature, and nineteen years worked by the editor-in-chief of the professional magazine (original newspaper) "Library at School" of the publishing house "The Oven". According to vocational education - a librarian bibliographer. Work experience in the libraries is 25 years old, including 5 years - in scientific, 13 years old - in school. Now it works in the publishing house compaspect.

The novel "Sugar Child", which is briefing in this article, is the work of the Thunder's writer. In fact, it is written by a real character, a little girl Stella. Her childhood accounted for difficult times in the Soviet Union - 30-40s. The book, written in early 2010, immediately became a bestseller, won the love of readers and respect for literary critics.

Roman about the girl

"Sugar child", a short content of which makes it possible to understand what the essence of the work is very sincere novel. Readers admit that he takes per soul and fascinates from the first pages. In the center of the story - Little Alay. It grows in a strong family, where love reigns and respect for each other. Happy idyll collapses at one moment when it turns out that her father was recognized by the "enemy of the people." What it is, she still does not fully understand. But her life changes dramatically. For a change of quiet family evenings, experiences come, daily stress.

Elya finds himself in a terrible, unpleasant world, where she is not happy. Father arrest. He is taken away from the house, nothing is known about further fate. All attempts of the mother of the girl break through the score of the wall almost nothing. The "enemy of the people" turns out to be in the Benches of the NKVD.

With Ela and Mother also treat the inappropriate way. They are sent to the camp for family members of the Motherland. For them, even there is a special unpleasant abbreviation - HSIR. This is also brought to socially dangerous elements (SE).

The camp is located away from their home - in Kyrgyzstan. An unfamiliar and heavy climate, the severity of the move, the difficult conditions of detention. All this negatively affects the state of the girl.

Teenage Roman

Despite all the tests that fall on their share, Ale and her mother are not despair, Olga Gromova writes a classic adolescent novel, in which it shows how the parent is even in critical circumstances and can help the child to transfer the most terrible moments in life.

Mom Eli is constantly joking, sings the songs, reads the poems of their daughter. They are trying in every way to take care of each other. They are coming illness and hunger, but nothing will force them to part. "Sugar child", the main characters of which have to literally survive in the circumstances, is also a novel of education. Very fascinating book about real love, as well as what is internal freedom and human dignity. Freedom, which can be in every person even during the years of repression, the most accurate definition gives Mama Eli. In her opinion, slavery is only the state of the soul. If the person is internally free, it is impossible to make a slave.

Roman "Sugar Child", which is a short content in this article, was marked by prizes and awards. In particular, the book entered the Long-leaf of the prestigious literary premium "Babyur", received a diploma diploma of the famous science of Krapivina.

Next, the posts will stop in more detail on the plot of the work in order to better understand the ideas that the author laid. Almost everyone will find something in the "sugar child." Summary - Excellent proof of this.

In the center of the narration - the mother undergoing bone tuberculosis and received disability, and her 6-year-old daughter. Because of the arrest of the head of the family, they are simply in the inhuman conditions of the camp for unwanted in the Soviet society of elements. But even here they are not despair, in every way trying to raise the mood of each other, most of all fear is not for themselves, but for the fact that they can hurt a loved one.

Created by them inner world opposes external horror. Only he helps them survive. At times, the author of Olga Gromova describes just terrible episodes. Little Elee warden breaks the nose with a rifle for the fact that she wanted to break the tulip on the flower bed. But even it does not give heroes to harm and lower your hands.

Life after camp

Next, Gromov in the "sugar kid" describes the life of heroes after the camp. True, they do not allow to return to their native city, and send to the distant Kyrgyz villages. Here they meet good and good people who are understanding about the situation in which the mother and daughter were.

Here they live sedentary Kyrgyz, smoked Ukrainian families. Everyone is respected to Kyrgyz culture and language, which is even more disposed of local residents.

The meaning of the name of the novel

In this part of the novel, we learn the meaning of his name. Kyrgyz begin to call El "Cant Bala", which in translation from their language means "sugar child." Analysis of this work is best founded on the brightest chapter - "Great reading".

It tells it as almost every evening all the exile, among which are Russians, Ukrainians, as well as local residents, are going together in one of the barracks. They tell each other stories about their lives, retell the famous works related to their culture, read poems, stories and stories. For example, Gogol and Pushkin. And often translated into Kyrgyz.

These evenings, reading at one table unites all living in this village, in heavy, sometimes, simply unbearable conditions.

The novel describes 10 years, and all subsequent events of the life of the main characters are summarized in an epilogue.

Who is this book for?

"Sugar child" is a book for family reading quiet evenings. An excellent opportunity to establish an internal dialogue in the family, tell children about the unpleasant and scary pages of the country's history, which must still be forgotten.

In addition, this is an excellent novel, able to demonstrate to all modern people, as needed to remain a person and not lose their dignity, even finding it in the most difficult conditions. Those who did not seem to get to the millstone history, manage to keep faith in good people, as well as love for their land and their homeland.

In fact, it is an eternal story based on a new material for children's domestic literature. This is the story of the Girls from the last century, which is also brilliantly illustrated by the artist Maria Pasternak. Throughout his work, she was closely in close contact with the author. Therefore, she managed to portray everything as close as possible to how it was a writer when he created his work.

Writer Gromova

The author of the novel "Sugar Child", whose theme can be defined as love for the loved ones and preservation of human dignity, in ordinary life works by the chief editor of the Library in School magazine. Therefore, it knows perfectly, with what works of children's literature today are facing students, what modern children's literature appears on the shelves of shops and bookshelves in libraries.

At the same time, to create such a work, it took it a certain courage. After all, the theme of Stalin's prohibitions was previously practically not rising on the pages of the works of children's literature, she was superfluous to her.

Roman Education

At the same time, the thunder book continues the Russian and Soviet tradition of ragging novels. They must be present at the home library of each teenager. After all, such books allow you to understand internal problems, find out the details of the history of your country, let not the most pleasant, to realize the main moral rules that should be adhere to the whole life.

Previously, such compulsory for reading works were "Non Obzanov" Dostoevsky, the trilogy of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy about growing, the novels of Katheva and Oseva. Today, they come to replace the books of modern authors. "Sugar child" is one of the most successful reading examples for the new modern generation.

Prototypes of the main characters

Another advantage of this novel is that everything that is stated on the pages of the "sugar child", not fiction. Book biographic. It is written on the basis of the memories of Stella Nudolskaya. It is she who is the prototype of the main heroine - Girls Eli.

How ironically notes by the author on the pages of the novel, her parents were indeed socially dangerous elements. At least, so at that time, facts from the biography were often assessed with Eli's parents. And Stella Mom and Dad had a higher education, owned several foreign languages \u200b\u200bat once, they painted in their free time, played on musical instruments. They had an enviable pedigree. Grandfather Eli is a pillar nobleman who worked on the Tula Armory.

Thus, it turns out that this book is the only one, which tells about the Stalinist repressions and is addressed to children.

Nudolskaya, who became a prototype for this novel, also wrote his own documentary biography. She got the name "Do not allow yourself to be afraid." However, for the children's work, such a name, of course, was not suitable. Therefore, the novel and was decided to call a "sugar child."

For the thunder's publication of this book was a fundamental issue. She promised to make her friend Nudolskaya, who died long before this work saw the light.

Acquaintance Thunder with Nudolskaya

Gromova met Nudolsky when they were neighbors in a communal apartment, still in the Soviet Union. The writer describes a woman who has become a prototype for its future work, as a lonely, but strong person. When they met, Nudolskaya lived alone. Her husband died, and the Son worked in the distance from Moscow. Despite all household and vital difficulties, she found the strength to lead an active lifestyle. I read a lot, specially went to the club of veterans, where I introduced old men with literary innovations. Created a group for young mothers in which everyone who wanted to sew and embroidery.

Gromov in his memoirs describes a conversational woman with a sharp mind and a delicate sense of humor. She constantly told her about his life in Central Asia, work at the Chukotka Peninsula, about the Moscow Schools, in which he studied after the war, when she and her mother were finally allowed to return from Kyrgyzstan. In its stories, Nudolskaya described the characters, the situations faced in life, and the world.

Political prisoner day

It was from Nudolsky Gromov that he learned that every year on October 30 in the Soviet Union marks the day of political prisoners. At that time, this topic itself was banned. The new writer's girlfriend was just those who suffered from political repression.

However, more free times came soon. The restructuring began, and Gromov with Nudolskaya began to process these memories and publish them in the form of essays in newspapers and magazines.

Soon, her son returned from the north. He was incurably sick and could not work as before. The main goal of Nudolskaya was the concern for him, visiting hospitals and a clinic, it was necessary to obtain the necessary medicines.

She did not break even at that moment, became a sample of persistence and vitality. And for the gross, and for her readers. Because the image of the heroine is recreated in the novel very realistic.