The most famous children's writers: a list, biographies and interesting facts. Best modern children's writers and their works: List, rating and reviews Famous foreign childrens writers

The most famous children's writers: a list, biographies and interesting facts. Best modern children's writers and their works: List, rating and reviews Famous foreign childrens writers
The most famous children's writers: a list, biographies and interesting facts. Best modern children's writers and their works: List, rating and reviews Famous foreign childrens writers

The art created for children is a diverse and extensive part of modern culture.

The literature is present in our lives since childhood, it is with its help that the concept of good and evil is laid, an ideological idea is formed.

Even in preschool and younger school age, small readers can already evaluate the dynamics of poems or beautiful fairy tales, and in the older age they begin to read thoughtfully, so that the books need to pick up appropriate.

Let's talk about Russian and foreign children's writers and their works.

Children's Writers 19-20th century and the development of children's literature

For the first time, it was for the first time for children in Russia to write in the 17th century, in the first 18 century began the formation of children's literature: at that time there were such people like M. Lonosov, N. Karamzin, A.Surokov and others. The 19th century is the flourishing of children's literature, the "silver age", and many books of writers of that time we read to this day.

Lewis Caroll (1832-1898)

The present name of the writer - Charles Dodgson, he grew up in a big family: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He studied in college, became a professor of mathematics, even received San Diacon. He really wanted to become an artist, painted a lot, loved to photograph. He also composed the books, funny stories, adored the theater.

If his friends were not persuading Charles to rewrite their story on paper, "Alice in Wonderland" could not see the light, but in 1865 the book was published.

Carolla's books are written as original and juicy that it is difficult to choose the appropriate translation to some words: there are more than 10 versions of the translation of its works into Russian, and readers themselves choose which one to give preference.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (in Marriage Lindgren) grew in a farmer's family, her childhood was held in games, adventures and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid learned a diploma, she began writing various stories and first poems.

The story "Peppi Long Stocking" Astrid composed for his daughter when she was sick. Later they left the story "Mio, My Mio", "Roni, a Rogue Daughter", the trilogy about the detective Calli Blumkivist, who are beloved by many triology, in which it is narrated by the merry and restless Carlson.

Astrid's works are conducted in many children's theaters of the world, and her books adore all ages.

In 2002, the literary premium was approved in honor of Astrid Lindgren - it is awarded for their contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlef (1858-1940)

This is a Swedish writer, the first woman who received the Nobel Prize in literature.

About his childhood Selm recalled reluctantly: in 3 years, the girl paralyzed, she did not get up from bed and the only consolation for her was fairy tales and stories told by Grandmother. At 9 years after treatment, the ability to move in Selma returned, she began to dream of a writer's career. She learned diligently, received a degree of Dr. Science, became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, her book about the travels of Little Niels on the back of the Goose Martin was published, then the writer released a collection of "Trolli and People", they included fantastic legends, fairy tales and novels, and many novels for adults were written.

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien (1892-1973)

This English writer cannot be called exclusively childish, since his books with delight read and adults.

When he was three years old, mother, early widowed, transported two children to England. The boy was fond of painting, he was easily given foreign languages, he even became interested in learning the "dead" languages: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others.

During the war, Tolkien, who went there with a volunteer, picks up a rapid tit: It was in nonsense that he comes up with the "Elf Children" who became a business card of many of his heroes.

His works are immortal, they enjoy great popularity and in our time.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and scientist. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, it was Lewis one of the first to hear about the world of Mediterranean, and Tolkien - about the beautiful Narnia.

Clive was born in Ireland, but most of his life lived in England. The first works he produces under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton.

Clive Lewis traveled a lot, wrote poems, loved to discuss on various topics and was a comprehensively developed person.

His works are loved by adults and children to this day.

Russian children's writers

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

The real name is Nikolai Kornechukov known for children's fairy tales and stories in verses and prose.

He was born in St. Petersburg, lived in Nikolaev for a long time, Odessa, since childhood he decided to become a writer, but, having arrived in St. Petersburg, faced with refusal of the editors of magazines.

He became a member of the literary mug, criticized, wrote poems and stories.

For bold statements, it was even arrested. During the war, Chukovsky was a military correspondent, editor of Almanach, magazines.

He owned foreign languages \u200b\u200band translated the works of foreign authors.

The most famous works of Chukovsky is a "cockroach", "fly of the cloak", "Barmalei", "Aibolit", "Miracle tree", "Middodir" and others.

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, poet, translator, literary critic, talented author. It is in his translation that for the first time read the sonnets of Shakespeare, poems Burns, fairy tales of different peoples of the world.

The talent of Samuel began to manifest himself in early childhood: the boy wrote poems, had the ability to foreign languages.

The poetic books of Marshak, who moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, immediately enjoyed great success, and their feature is a variety of genres: poems, ballads, sonnets, riddles, songs, promsories - he was under power everything.

He was awarded many premiums, and his poems were transferred to tens of languages.

The most famous works are "twelve months", "baggage", "a fairy tale of a stupid little mouse", "That's what scattered", "past-striped" and others.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981)

Agnia Barto was an exemplary student, at school she began to write poems and epigrams for the first time.

Now, many children are brought up on her verses, her lungs, rhythmic poems are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Agnia all his life was an active literary figure, a member of the jury of the Andersen Competition.

In 1976, she received a prize named after G. Heandersen.

The most famous poems are a "bull", "bullfding", "we are Tamara", "Loika", "Mishka", "Man", "I Rasta" and others.

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

He paid a lot of time to social activities, although he did not have a writer first to become a writer: he was in his junior and a handyman and a member of the geological exploration expedition.

We all remember such works as "Uncle Stepa - a policeman", "And what do you have", "Song of friends", "three pigs", "under the New Year" and others.

Modern children's writers

Gregory Benezovich Oster.

Children's writer, in the works of which adults can also draw a lot of interesting things.

He was born in Odessa, served on a fleet, his life and now very active: he is a leading, talented author, cartoon screenwriter. "Monkey", "Kitten named Gav", "38 Parrots", "caught, which was biting" - all these cartoons were removed according to his scenario, and "harmful tips" is a book that has enormous popularity.

By the way, in Canada, the Anthology of Children's Literature was published: the books of most writers have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Ostter's "harmful advice" diverged a circulation of 12 million copies!

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Since childhood, Edward Uspensky was the coincidence, participated in KVN, organized the cabbage, then he first tried his hand at the writer's field, later began writing the play for children's radio programs, children's theaters, dreamed of creating his own magazine for children.

Fame to the writer brought the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and his friends", since then the eared symbol is Cheburashka, settled almost in every home.

Also, we still love the book and cartoon "Three of Prostokvashino", "the investigation leads kolobki", "Plasticine Crow", "Baba Yagi against!" other.

Joan K. Rowling

Speaking of modern children's writers, it's just not possible not to remember the author of the books of books about Harry Potter, the boys-wizard and his friends.

This is the best-selling series of books in history, and films shot on them collected huge cashiers.

Rowling happened to pass the way from obscurity and poverty to world famous fame. At first, no edition agreed to accept and publish a book about the wizard, believing that such a genre would be uninteresting to readers.

Only a small publishing house Bloomsbury agreed - and did not lose.

Now Rowling continues to write, engaged in charity and public activities, she realized by the author and a happy mother and wife.


Fallen Agatha Christie and Spiritualist Conan Doyle

Have you ever wondered that the two greatest deductive minds of England lived and worked at one time? Moreover, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was an active participant in the search operation during the disappearance of Agatha Christie. In 1926, the writer's husband asked her divorce, as he was already in love with another. It became a huge blow for the creator of the Usatoy Poiro. And she disappeared. They say that Christie wanted to end the life of suicide and fabricate evidence against her wrong husband.

And among the volunteers of the whole country, who helped find the literary divide, and was Sir Conan Doyle himself. True, his all his assistance was that he took the glove of Agata to one known medium. You will not believe, but the person who invented the pragmatic and atheistic character of all times, was a tary supporter and a propaganda of spiritualism, simply believed in all otherworldly forces. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the medium did not help any search operation, and the writer was found in 10 days in a small spa outside the city, where she calmly registered under the name of a negligent spinning and drank cocktails all 10 days. By the way, when, how and why Agata Christie found himself in that hotel, no one knows. The writer itself claims that she had short-term amnesia. But we are girls, we guessed ...

Lord Byron or Kazanova?

About the love adventures of Byron go legends. Biographers unequivocally contribute to his life fact that once in one year Venice Byron had the happiness of "communication" with more than 250 ladies. And this is despite the fact that the poet perfectly chrome and was extremely inclined to completeness. In addition, the pride of all England had a rather strange collection. He collected a strand of hair from the most intimate places of his mistresses. Locks, and at that time were surely they were stored in converters, where the poet himself took the names: "Gwichchi Countess", "Carolina Lam" ... in the 80s, to the great regret of literary crops, the collection was lost and the trace was not found until pores.

But the most common gossip go around the love of George Bairon to the Yunsham and Animals. If the first is exactly what you thought about, then the second is Platonic. In the Personal Mini Pet of the Poet, it was possible to meet crocodiles, badgers, horses, monkeys and many different living things. And the Great English poet Romantic came to rabies at the sight of ordinary salt salty. It is rumored that such has never been on lush festivities with Lord. The mystery of such a lute aggression to Salonka remained underestimated.

Dad chem and his cats

Everything is heard about the cat, alcoholic and suicide hemingue. He really suffered from the heavy form of paranoia, a number of sophisticated psychiatric techniques really pulled and stopped writing to the end of his life. And when Hemingway did not become, the American intelligence services confirmed what the Great Writer helped all his life - he really was surveillance.

But there is another side of the medal. The ideal of a man, life-seat and lovelass American dad Hem loved Cuban Mojito, beautiful journalists and honesty in everything. One day, sipping a friendly cocktail another giant of American literature, Francis Scott Fitzgerald, complained Hemingway that Zeld's wife considers his "male dignity" relatively small. To which the writer fascinated him to the toilet, arranged a control check, and then reassured the poor Fitzgerald, that everything is fine. I also knew.

But as for the cats, Hemingway has the most favorite pet was Snowubol, which has a not a big defect - six fingers on soft legs. Now you can get acquainted with the descendants of the snowball, which continue to give tribute to the genius of literature, and live in the House-Museum of Uncle Chem in Florida.

Charlie and Vax Factory

Being a completely child, the future pride of England Charles Dickensha had to be at all very sweet. The writer's father got into a debt prison, and the little Charlie had to go to work, unfortunately, not on a chocolate, but on the occurrence of a vaccine factory, where young giving had a whole day to glue labels on banks with Vax. Neither you football with slingshots, nor a halabud on a tree. That is why the images of the unfortunate orphans went out from Dickens such realistic.

In general, about the oddities of Charles John Dickens, you can write and write. The very famous one says that the writer could not sit down at the table or go to sleep his head not north. Charlie wrote his ingenious works precisely in such a direction.

Legends say that Dickens was knocked out by hypnosis and mesmerism (telepathic connection between people and animals), and even arbitrarily fell into trance. During such a state, the writer told his hats, which after the seizures very soon wear out. Later even had to abandon headdress altogether. Well, among other things, the favorite entertainment of English prose was hiking in the morgue. Especially in the ones of its sections where unidentified bodies exhibited. Wonderful pastime, I must say!

Antosha Chekhonte

The domestic example of the Heavy Childhood of the Writer - by all the favorite Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, whose father kept the tailored shop and forced his departures to work in it. Little Anton managed to learn and sing in the church choir, but he did not find his childhood.

Another extremely interesting fact about the great satirik: Chekhov in their arsenal kept more than 50 original pseudonyms: champagne, brother of my brother, a man without a spleen, Arkhip of Indykin, and of course, Antosha Chekhonte - only part of the endless fantasy Chekhov.

But Stanislavsky in his memoirs describes such a story. One day, during the way, Anton Pavlovich was located, a friend came to him. During the conversation, Chekhov was silent and only stared at the came. When the guest was gone, the master of the short genre was left: "Listen, he suicide", for which Stanislavsky was just laughed, because a more joyful, happy and optimistic man than this friend did not meet. Immember the director when a few years later, the "cheerful" guest poisoned.
Yet contemporaries describe Chekhov as the best person himself on Earth. With Mild Hand Anton Pavlovich Chekhov Russia has become richer for schools, hospitals and shelters for those who have nowhere to go.

Coffee instead of sex

Somehow to the young, while not very successful, the writer in the apartment was climbed by a thief. When he began to rebound the boxes in the sole in the apartment of the dresser, heard a loud laugh behind his back. Onor de Balzac, so called a novice writer, noted loudly that it was hardly a wage to find money where he could not find them himself.

The author's contemporaries claim that it was the sharp sense of humor who helped Balzak to survive in the sorrows and poverty. Humor and coffee. The famous Frenchman could have a day about 50 cups of extremely strong coffee. Someone even counted that during the writing of the "human comedy" Balzac drank 15,000 cups fragrant. And this is without grains that Cofeman loved to chew when it was not possible to cook a favorite drink.

And another onion de Balzac believed that sex is equivalent to one good novel. Male seed, according to his competent opinion, nothing else like particles of cerebral tissue. After his friend after the night of love, he even somehow confessed with bitterness that she probably lost the brilliant work.

From comet to comet

Another lover of pseudonyms, Mark Twain, invented themselves more than a dozen. And the Mark Twain itself meant "By The Mark Twain", that is, the safe dive of the ship in two sea soot. In his youth, the creator of Tom Sawyer worked for a long time on the same sea vessel somewhere in the waters of Mississippi.

Few people know that Samuel Clemens, so truly names the writer, born two weeks after the comet of Gallei swept over the earth. And in 1909, Twain wrote: "I was born with Gallei, and I will leave with her." On April 20, the comet again renounced the planet, and the next day the genius did not become.

Probably, this particular fact predicted Mark Twen such an unreal life, full of secrets. One of the best friends of Prosaik was a mysterious Nikola Tesla. Together with him, Twain participated in the development of mysterious inventions and even patented several, among which an album with adhesive pages for the photo and the original suspenders with self-regulation.

And the world famous American hated children (in spite of our pets - Tom and Gope), but he adored cats and tobacco. He began smoking when he was only 8 years old, and until the last day his life smoked for 30 cigars daily. Moreover, tween grade chose the cheapest and flicker.

Among other things, Mark Twain was one of the most famous American masons. About his activity in the bed is known a little. His initiation occurred in 1861 in the small town of St. Louis and he very quickly advanced on the "career ladder".

In search of a green stick

Well, the last hero of our article, the writer whose image has become legendary for the whole Mother of Russia. Lion's life of Nikolayevich Tolstoy has been studied by us from school along and across. But do you know what influenced the ideas of the writer about the universal world, love and harmony? As a child, a little Levushka briefly told a story about a magic green wand, which can be found on the outskirts of that very clear clearing and with its help to make the world much better. It was this tale that influenced the entire future life and the worldview of the great novelist and the teacher.

But in his youth, the future star of Russian literature suffered from a common disease - gambling. In one card game with a neighbor, a landlord Gorokhov Tolstoy lost a house in which he grows, and everything on the same clear clearing. Gorokhov, not thinking short, disassembled the building on a brick and transported to his estate.

On this oddity, Tolstoy does not end. In his first wedding night, Lev Nikolayevich forced 18-year-old Sofia Bers to re-read his entire diary, especially by paying moments with love adventures. Tolstoy wanted to be honest with a woman who took his wife, and told her about all his mistresses, including about adventure with countless peasants. It is rumored that what should happen between husband and wife, this night never happened.

March 31, 1882 was born the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky - a Russian poet, a literary critic, a children's writer and a journalist. The passion for children's literature, glorified Chukovsky, began relatively late when he was already famous critic.
In 1916, Chukovsky made a collection of "Christmas tree" and wrote his first fairy tale "Crocodile". In 1923, his famous fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Tarakanishche" came out.

Charles Perret

The French poet and the critic of the era of classicism, now known mainly as the author of the "Tales of Mother Goose". Charles Perrot was the fourth in the USSR foreign writer for 1917-1987: the overall circulation of its publications amounted to 60.798 million copies.

Beresov Valentin Dmitrievich

Russian poet and lirik, writing for adults and children. He is the author of such children's works as "Snake-Bushnishka", "Mother and - Machech", "Aist and the Nightingale", etc.

Marshak Samuel Yakovlevich

Russian Soviet poet, playwright, translator and literary critic. The author of the works of "Teremok", "Koshkin House", "Dr. Faust" and others. Almost all the time of their literary activities, Marshak wrote both poetic feuethms, and serious, "adult" lyrics. In addition, Marshak is the author of the classical translations of Sotets William Shakespeare. Marshak's books were translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and for the translations of Robert Burns Marshak was awarded the title of Honor Citizen Scotland.

Mikhalkov Sergey Vladimirovich

In addition to the career of the Basinist and Military Correspondent, Sergey Vladimirovich is also the author of the texts of the hymns of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation. Among his famous children's works can be noted "Uncle Stepa", "Nightingale and Crow", "And what do you have," hare and turtle ", etc.

Hans Christian Andersen

The author of the world famous fairy tales for children and adults: "Ugly duck", "New Dress of the King", "Thumbelina", "Resistant Tin Soldier", "Princess on the Pea", "Ole Lukee", "Snow Queen" and many others.

Agniya Barto

The first husband's ox was the poet Pavel Barto. Together with him, she wrote three poems - "Girl-Rövushka", "Girl Chumazay" and "Piece". During the Great Patriotic War, the Barto family was evacuated to Sverdlovsk. There Agnes had to master the profession of Tokary. The premium received during the war, she gave to the construction of a tank. In 1944, the family returned to Moscow.

Nosov Nikolai Nikolaevich

The winner of the Stalinist Prize of the Third Degree of 1952 Nicholas Nosov is most famous as a children's writer. Before you by the author of the works about the minor.

Moshkovskaya Emma Efraimovna

At the beginning of his creative path, Emma received approval from Samuel Marshak himself. In 1962, she released the first collection of poems for children "Uncle Ball", followed by more than 20 collections of poems and fairy tales for pre-school and younger school age. It is also worth noting that many Soviet composers wrote on the verses of Moshkovskaya.

Lunin Viktor Vladimirovich

Victor Lunin's poems and fairy tales began to compose even at school, but on the path of the professional writer entered significantly later. The first publishing of poems in the periodicals appeared in the early 70s (writer 1945 writer himself). Viktor Vladimirovich had more than thirty books of poems and prose. His poem "AZ-bu-ka" for children became a reference to the transfer of alphabetic sounding, and his book "Children's Album" on the 3rd All-Russian Children's Book Competition "Father's House" in 1996 was marked with a diploma. For the "children's album", Viktor Lunina, in the same year, the title of Laureate of the Literary Prize magazine "Murzilka" was awarded. In 1997, his fabulous story of the "Adventures of the Lisa" was awarded as the best fairy tale of cats, a library of foreign literature.

Oseev Valentina Aleksandrovna

In 1937, Valentina Alexandrovna referred to the editor of his first story "Grishka", and in 1940 her first book "Red Cat" was published. The following collections of stories were written for children "grandmother", "Magic Word", "Father's Jacket", "My Comrade", the book of poems "Hedgehog", the story "Vasyuk Trubachyov and his comrades", "Dink" and "Dink says with childhood "Having autobiographical roots.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm published several collections called the "Tales of the Grimm Brothers", which became very popular. Among their fairy tales: "Snow White", "Wolf and Seven Cats", "Bremen Musicians", "Hansel and Gretel", "Red Hap" and many others.

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Contemporaries celebrated his brilliant mind, humor, the talent of the interlocutor. His epigrams, sharpness and aphorisms were at all hearing. Slava Tyutchev confirmed many - Turgenev, Fet, Druzhinin, Aksakov, Grigoriev, and others. Lev Tolstoy called Tyutchev "One of those unfortunate people who are immeasurably above the crowd, among which they live, and therefore always alone."

Alexey Nikolayevich Plescheev

In 1846, the first collection of poems did Plescheyev famous in the revolutionary youth environment. Three years later, he was arrested and sent to the link, where he spent almost ten years in military service. Upon returning from the link, Plescheev continued literary activities; Having passed through the years of poverty and deprivation, he became an authoritative writer, criticism, publisher, and at the end of life and the story agent. Many works of the poet (especially poems for children) have become a textbook, are considered a classic. For the verses of Plescheyev, more than a hundred romances were written to the versators.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

This person is not necessary to represent. It will make characters of his works, among which crocodile gene and Cheburashka, cat Matroskin, Uncle Fedor, Postman Pechkin and others.

The art created for children is a diverse and extensive part of modern culture. The literature is present in our lives since childhood, it is with its help that the concept of good and evil is laid, an ideological idea is formed. Even in preschool and younger school age, small readers can already evaluate the dynamics of poems or beautiful fairy tales, and in the older age they begin to read thoughtfully, so that the books need to pick up appropriate. Let's talk about Russian and foreign children's writers and their works.

Children's Writers 19-20th century and the development of children's literature

For the first time, it was for the first time for children in Russia to write in the 17th century, in the first 18 century began the formation of children's literature: at that time there were such people like M. Lonosov, N. Karamzin, A.Surokov and others. The 19th century is the flourishing of children's literature, the "silver age", and many books of writers of that time we read to this day.

Lewis Caroll (1832-1898)

Author "Alice in Wonderland", "Alice in the Looking Game", "Hunting for Snark" appeared on the light in a small village in County Cheshire (hence the name of his character - Cheshire cat). The present name of the writer - Charles Dodgson, he grew up in a big family: Charles had 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He studied in college, became a professor of mathematics, even received San Diacon. He really wanted to become an artist, painted a lot, loved to photograph. He also composed the books, funny stories, adored the theater. If his friends were not persuading Charles to rewrite their story on paper, "Alice in Wonderland" could not see the light, but in 1865 the book was published. Carolla's books are written as original and juicy that it is difficult to choose the appropriate translation to some words: there are more than 10 versions of the translation of its works into Russian, and readers themselves choose which one to give preference.

Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002)

Astrid Eriksson (in Marriage Lindgren) grew in a farmer's family, her childhood was held in games, adventures and work on the farm. As soon as Astrid learned a diploma, she began writing various stories and first poems.

The story "Peppi Long Stocking" Astrid composed for his daughter when she was sick. Later they left the story "Mio, My Mio", "Roni, a Rogue Daughter", the trilogy about the detective Calli Blumkivist, who are beloved by many triology, in which it is narrated by the merry and restless Carlson.

Astrid's works are conducted in many children's theaters of the world, and her books adore all ages. In 2002, the literary premium was approved in honor of Astrid Lindgren - it is awarded for their contribution to the development of literature for children.

Selma Lagerlef (1858-1940)

This is a Swedish writer, the first woman who received the Nobel Prize in literature. About his childhood Selm recalled reluctantly: in 3 years, the girl paralyzed, she did not get up from bed and the only consolation for her was fairy tales and stories told by Grandmother. At 9 years after treatment, the ability to move in Selma returned, she began to dream of a writer's career. She learned diligently, received a degree of Dr. Science, became a member of the Swedish Academy.

In 1906, her book about the travels of Little Niels on the back of the Goose Martin was published, then the writer released a collection of "Trolli and People", they included fantastic legends, fairy tales and novels, and many novels for adults were written.

John Ronald Ruel Tolkien (1892-1973)

This English writer cannot be called exclusively childish, since his books with delight read and adults. The author of the trilogy "Lord of the Rings", "Hobbit: a journey back and forth", the creator of the amazing world of the Mediterranean, according to which incredible films are removed, was born in Africa. When he was three years old, mother, early widowed, transported two children to England. The boy was fond of painting, he was easily given foreign languages, he even became interested in learning the "dead" languages: Anglo-Saxon, Gothic and others. During the war, Tolkien, who went there with a volunteer, picks up a rapid tit: It was in nonsense that he comes up with the "Elf Children" who became a business card of many of his heroes. His works are immortal, they enjoy great popularity and in our time.

Clive Lewis (1898-1963)

Irish and English writer, theologian and scientist. Clive Lewis and John Tolkien were friends, it was Lewis one of the first to hear about the world of Mediterranean, and Tolkien - about the beautiful Narnia. Clive was born in Ireland, but most of his life lived in England. The first works he produces under the pseudonym Clive Hamilton. In 1950-1955, his "Chronicles of Narnia" was published for the first time, telling about the adventure of two brothers and two sisters in a mysterious and magical country. Clive Lewis traveled a lot, wrote poems, loved to discuss on various topics and was a comprehensively developed person. His works are loved by adults and children to this day.

Russian children's writers

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

The real name is Nikolai Kornechukov known for children's fairy tales and stories in verses and prose. He was born in St. Petersburg, lived in Nikolaev for a long time, Odessa, since childhood he decided to become a writer, but, having arrived in St. Petersburg, faced with refusal of the editors of magazines. He became a member of the literary mug, criticized, wrote poems and stories. For bold statements, it was even arrested. During the war, Chukovsky was a military correspondent, editor of Almanach, magazines. He owned foreign languages \u200b\u200band translated the works of foreign authors. The most famous works of Chukovsky is a "cockroach", "fly of the cloak", "Barmalei", "Aibolit", "Miracle tree", "Middodir" and others.

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak (1887-1964)

Playwright, poet, translator, literary critic, talented author. It is in his translation that for the first time read the sonnets of Shakespeare, poems Burns, fairy tales of different peoples of the world. The talent of Samuel began to manifest himself in early childhood: the boy wrote poems, had the ability to foreign languages. The poetic books of Marshak, who moved from Voronezh to Petrograd, immediately enjoyed great success, and their feature is a variety of genres: poems, ballads, sonnets, riddles, songs, promsories - he was under power everything. He was awarded many premiums, and his poems were transferred to tens of languages. The most famous works are "twelve months", "baggage", "a fairy tale of a stupid little mouse", "That's what scattered", "past-striped" and others.

Agnia Lvovna Barto (1906-1981)

Agnia Barto was an exemplary student, at school she began to write poems and epigrams for the first time. Now, many children are brought up on her verses, her lungs, rhythmic poems are translated into many languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Agnia all his life was an active literary figure, a member of the jury of the Andersen Competition. In 1976, she received a prize named after G. Heandersen. The most famous poems are a "bull", "bullfding", "we are Tamara", "Loika", "Mishka", "Man", "I Rasta" and others.

Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009)

It can be considered a classic of domestic children's literature: the writer, Chairman of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, a talented poet, writer, Basinist, playwright. It is he who is the author of two hymns: the USSR and the Russian Federation. He paid a lot of time to social activities, although he did not have a writer first to become a writer: he was in his junior and a handyman and a member of the geological exploration expedition. We all remember such works as "Uncle Stepa - a policeman", "And what do you have", "Song of friends", "three pigs", "under the New Year" and others.

Modern children's writers

Gregory Benezovich Oster.

Children's writer, in the works of which adults can also draw a lot of interesting things. He was born in Odessa, served on a fleet, his life and now very active: he is a leading, talented author, cartoon screenwriter. "Monkey", "Kitten named Gav", "38 Parrots", "caught, which was biting" - all these cartoons were removed according to his scenario, and "harmful tips" is a book that has enormous popularity. By the way, in Canada, the Anthology of Children's Literature was published: the books of most writers have a circulation of 300-400 thousand, and Ostter's "harmful advice" diverged a circulation of 12 million copies!

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky

Since childhood, Edward Uspensky was the coincidence, participated in KVN, organized the cabbage, then he first tried his hand at the writer's field, later began writing the play for children's radio programs, children's theaters, dreamed of creating his own magazine for children. Fame to the writer brought the cartoon "Crocodile Gena and his friends", since then the eared symbol is Cheburashka, settled almost in every home. Also, we still love the book and cartoon "Three of Prostokvashino", "the investigation leads kolobki", "Plasticine Crow", "Baba Yagi against!" other.

Joan K. Rowling

Speaking of modern children's writers, it's just not possible not to remember the author of the books of books about Harry Potter, the boys-wizard and his friends. This is the best-selling series of books in history, and films shot on them collected huge cashiers. Rowling happened to pass the way from obscurity and poverty to world famous fame. At first, no edition agreed to accept and publish a book about the wizard, believing that such a genre would be uninteresting to readers. Only a small publishing house Bloomsbury agreed - and did not lose. Now Rowling continues to write, engaged in charity and public activities, she realized by the author and a happy mother and wife.

If not to be frequenter of book sites and festivals, it may seem that it is better for a nose, Rybakov and Boylchev for children did not come up with anything. Meanwhile, children's literature in Russia develops well. Every day new books, contests and authors appear. A journalist Lisa Birger chose 10 modern writers whose books can safely put on a bookcover in the nursery.

Sergey Sedov

Sergey Sedov from those writers that fascinate at a personal meeting no less than when meeting with his texts - such a real modern storyteller, a person who is not tied to space and time, a former teacher and Moscow janitor, whose fairy tales we began to read in 80 x. Do not count how many times these fairy tales are about the boy Lesch, about the frog pip, about the kings, about the fools - they were forgotten and published in the last thirty years, and they still sound stiguously new. Sedov has a wonderful manner of a light letter, it seems that everything that he touches, turns into an exciting game, not to join which it is impossible. But the main thing in Sedov is the infinite freedom of his imagination, in the spirit of his completely children's, his branded oddity, thanks to which he can allow his heroes to be amazing transformation into a vacuum cleaner and an air ball, and in his fairy tales about mothers it allows themselves to show mom-drunkard and indifferent mom . All this is manifestations of one touching care, but on different ways. There was a time when Sedov published a little more and better, but now, unfortunately, it is not easy to find any horror counters, nor a remarkably ridiculous retelling of the ancient Greek myths "Hercules. 12 great feats. The story of the eyewitness ", nor even his New Year's fairy tale" as Santa Claus appeared to the world ", written in collaboration with Marina Moskvina. Nevertheless, always on sale "Fairy Tales about Lesha" - Sedov Classical in all respects, causing the same delight of parents and children.

Maria Bershadskaya

Graduate of Vgika and Writer Maria Bershadskaya, who worked, among other things, came up over "Sesame Street" and wrote, probably the best children's series in modern Russian literature, a series of books "Big Little Girl". Her heroine Zhenya, - not a high year (so high that mom has to get up on a stool to heat her pigtails) Seven-year-old girl, remaining, despite the high growth, a small child inside. And each situation from the marital life is a separate story of growing and internal growth, whether it is a story about the death of a loved one, about the school novel, about holidays and losses, about uncomfortable and in their own way of tragic situations in which every child can be. The brilliant invention is to see in the same image, as in the children's world, the extreme and ordinary, small and large, feeling of absolute insecurity in front of the world and daily victories over its obstacles are combined. This situation at the same time fabulous removal and realistic empathy, copyright sympathy to the big and small sufferings of the hero and makes the books of Bershadskaya, understandable and attractive.

Stanislav Eastyok

Large animal lover, Stanislav East from childhood dreamed of going in the footsteps of Gerald Darrell - dreamed and did. Already at the age of fifteen, he published his translations from Darrell in the Tashkent newspaper "Pioneer of the East" and, studying at the art school, painted elephants and caravals. From Tashkent, he went to defend nature in Cambodia, from there - to undergo practice in the International Training Center for the Island of Jersey, founded by Darrell. After she worked in the Moscow Zoo and in the Scientific Research Center for the Protection of Nature, and told all this in his books. Although we fell in love with the East of the story of animals (see "Do not feed and not tease" about the Moscow Zoo and the book "Island, dressed in Jersey"), which he knows how to speak simply, with understanding and sympathy, he has mastered well and Other genres, and today received all imaginable children's premiums. For example, for the book of stories about Froshi Korovin, "the real village woman of seven years old from the village" from the village of Papanovo of the Vologda region, or a series of air, inspired, rather, Yuri Koval, than masters of rustic prose, stories about the village Ukoli Kum King, and Birds and beasts that can be seen from almost the window.

Arthur Givrigiz

The aesthetic Motherland Arthur Givggizova is a Soviet school prose, all this native and beloved, from Nosov to Dragunsky. Just feeling himself and in the plots and in the language is much longer, so that some nerve parents scold him for the shortage (parents who do not understand jokes or require Morality to be in the children's book in the first place - the main enemies of children's prose). In fact, in the light of the achievements of world children's psychology, according to which the game should be important for children, and not a textbook, freedom of imagination, and not a cramp, Guivgizov - exactly the writer who is needed to create a total laughter's atmosphere and fun. He never fails, and, although many of his poems and stories seem for jokes, games, their important theme is invariably become the search for freedom in any single situation, whether conversations with adults, school lessons or long-distance travels. If you do not know that the Earth has attraction, you can take and fly, and if you don't want to write a dictation, you can escape into the forest and instead of slipping a bear teacher and a wolf instead of yourself so that they, referring to and wringing each other as a boring hooligans, diligently output "Her voice rang and trembled, as a progressive glass bell."

Givargizova, fortunately, is uninterrupted, and all his books are very good - one can make an excellent home library from it. But parents make sense not to miss, while there is, the book "With the grandfather to the children's", where the stories and poems of Arthur Givargizov discusses, reading with his grandchildren, Linguist Maxim Krongauz.

Tamara Mikheev

Tamara Mikheev is a professional children's writer. This means that it is equally well the books-pictures about animals, and teenage stories, like "Children of Dolphins". It is invariably kind, invariably bright books inhabited by wonderful magic creatures. In modern children's prose, Tamara Mikheev plays the role of the main fairy tale: living trees grow in her mountains ("light mountains"), magic gnomes are inhabited in her forests ("Asino Summer"), and its noisms, inhabitants of trees, became one of the best children's fantastic serials. In general, impeccable stories for children who are just learn to read and love books, and parents who want these books to be only about the magical and kind - no other world for Mikheeva and does not exist at all.

Marina Aromurstam

Pedagogue, psychologist and specialist in children's reading Mary Aromstham to the middle of zero engaged in writing cognitive books about pedagogy for adults and educational benefits for beginners to read children. But since in 2008, her story "when angels rest received a" cherished dream "award, the aromors turned out not only in one of our favorite writers, but also in the main propagandist of the children's book. Invented by it, the site "Papembook" exists exactly in order to help parents read books along with their children. Over the past ten years, Marina Aromstham has grown a solid bibliography and herself has already become a classic of modern literature. Moreover, the word "classic" wants here to apply for the unobtrusive patrimony of its texts, for which we are accustomed to appreciate the books of our childhood, and it is better to say - for the freedom of thought and feelings that these books invariably promise. She equally confidently feels in different topics and genres, whether it is a realistic story about school life ("When Angels are resting"), a historic story from England of the XIV century ("Lancelot Cat and a Golden City. Old English History"), Fairy-myths about The birth of the world ("Once in the New World") or a book-picture book for children (Zhoolnok). Whatever she wrote, it is always about the therapeutic effect of reading and telling stories - exactly what many ordered.

Maria Boteva

The first book of fairy tales of Mary Botheva "Light alphabet. Two sisters, two winds "reached the UFO publishing house in 2005 - then she received the" Triumph "award and entered the short sheets of Debut and the" cherished dream. " For a long time after that, I did not hear about her until the compassgid publisher did not reveal it, and then it became clear that Botea was primarily an accurate, loyal and careful writer of adolescent life. Two books of her leads, "Ice cream in waffle cups" (2013) and "You are going on the carpet" (2016) is a direct some kind of joyful acquisition for any children's library. Because the main theme is not some exceptional sorrows of adolescence, but, on the contrary, the most recognizable in it, conversations, feelings, daily experiences. So, in the new book "You are walking around the carpet" the main characters drink tea, chatting patters, dangle without a case, but it is this "summer boring again, just a slice" becomes an incredibly rich plot for her. It is such a stunning, sincere understanding of teenage life, that even an adult can help remember how it was all. To imagine why it is so good, it is enough to read.

Asya Petrov

Graduate Sorbonne, a wonderful translator from French, the wife of one of the best modern children's poets Mikhail Musnova and, above all, a wonderful children's author. It is proved if you want, even literary premiums - their Petrova is a whole bouquet, from the first award "Babyur" for the collection of stories "Wolves on Parachutes" and the Marshak Prize before the "Debut" and Baby-Nose Prizes. The main thing in Ace Petrova, however, is the ability to speak with a teenager in his language, to immerse yourself in the world of his experiences, where literally everything becomes an existential question - from unwillingness to put on the rates to fear that grandmother will die. Collection of stories "Wolves on parachutes. Adults are silent ", uniting stories for medium schoolchildren and thoughtful and sympathetic prose about adolescents, is all the beautiful, terrible, sad, ridiculous, from which the usual teenage life is made.

Nina Dashevskaya

The writer Nina Dashevskaya has already received a Literary Prize "Babyur" three times, despite the fact that his first story published in 2011. Musician by education, she graduated from the Moscow Conservatory in the class of violin and now plays in the Orchestra of theater. Natalia Sats. And the first of her books, including "near the music", were devoted to the tremendous change that the sound of music can make in the life of a little man. This is generally the main topic of the teenage prose Dashevsky - a way out of darkness to light, a magic change, which guaranteed to help get rid of loneliness and misfortune. A sad boy will be cheerful, a lonely teenager will have friends, a child with ADHD will find an understanding, everyone is waiting for a good end. Considering how simple and joyfully, these books are written, nothing surprising that they like the children - and adults too.

Natalia Evdokimova

In some other world, where fantasy, for example, would not be considered a genome in literature secondary, Natalia Evdokimova would become a big literary star - it is difficult to find the author who would feel so fluently in this topic. Her anti-nightopia "End of Light" tells about the world, which from time to time changes entirely. His laws are strange, whimsical and sometimes even repressive, but the faith remains that one day some of the worlds will be the fact that you invented you. A completely new book "Kimka & Company" tells about the boy who flew away from the parents stared at the TV on the imaginary worlds, and travels along them, taking a newborn brother with him. And there is still quite simple, piercing at the intonation "Summer smells like salt", the teenage characters of which are breaking free to the fly and the sea from the tightened winter and captivity of high-rise buildings. In general, this is a necessary vaccination of fantasy from boring and sometimes severe everyday life - and just very good literature.

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