Modern British writers and their works. English writers of world fame

Modern British writers and their works. English writers of world fame
Modern British writers and their works. English writers of world fame

Today in many schools no longer exercise such an item as foreign literature. On some famous English writers, their fascinating works are the younger generation, as a rule, learns from textbooks in English class lessons and thanks to modern cinema. However, everyone who studies English needs to know which British writers are classics of foreign literature. Thanks to these knowledge, you can expand the overall horizon and replenish the vocabulary, reading the works in the original.

Even those who are not particularly interested in reading literature, had to hear the names of the British writers who acquired world glory. We are talking about Shakespeare, Kipling, Byrone, Conan Doyle and others. We will tell briefly about the authors whose works are worthy of everyone.

Rudyard Kipling (Sir Joseph Rudyard Kipling) - English poet, writer and novelist, who lived in the period from 1865 to 1936. In the history of world literature is known as the creator of stories and fairy tales for children, many of the cowors were fused. Rudyard Kipling became not only the most young laureate of the Nobel Prize in literature, but also the first Englishman who received this award. The most famous works are: "Jungle Book", "Ricky Tika-Tavi", "Kim", "Kaa Hunt" and others. Children's stories: "Elephant", "How was the first letter", "Cat, who walked on ourselves "," why at the rhino skins in the folds "and others.

Oscar Wilde (Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde) - An outstanding Irish poet, playwright, writer and essayist. One of the most famous playwrights of the late Victorian period and a key figure in the development of aestheticism and European modernism. The famous work is considered to be the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" (1890). Years of the writer - 1854-1900.

George Bayron (George Gordon Byron) - The English poet Romantic, which was from 1788 to 1824 a symbol of romanticism and political liberalism in Europe of the 19th century. During his life, it was usually called "Lord Byron". Thanks to him, such terms such as the "bayronic" hero and Bayronism appeared in the literature. The creative heritage left by the poet was represented by the poem "Fald Harold Pilgrimage" (1812), Roman "Don Juan", Pooms "Gyur" and "Corsair" and others.

Arthur Conan Doyle (Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle) - English writer (although the doctor's education). He is the author of an uncountable number of the ages and stories that carry adventure, historical, journalistic, fantastic and humorous character. The most popular detective stories about Sherlock Holmes, scientific fiction about Professor Challenger, as well as a number of historical novels. Peru Conan Doyle also owns plays and poems. The creative legacy is represented by such works as the "White Detachment", the "Lost World", "Baskerville Dog" and others. Years of the writer - 1859-1930.

Daniel Defoe (Daniel Defoe) - English writer and publicist who wrote about 500 books, magazines and pamphlets on various topics. It is one of the founders of the European realistic novel. In 1719, Daniel Defo saw the first and best novel for the entire creative life of a writer called "Robinson Cruzo". The famous works also include "Captain Singleton", "The History of the Colonel Jack", "Mol Flanders", "Roxana" (1724), etc.

William Somerset Maugham (William Somerset Maugham) - British writer, playwright, screenwriter and literary critic. One of the most successful prosaikov of the twentieth century. For achievements in art and literature was awarded the Order of Honor's Cavaliers. On the account of the Moem 78 works, among which stories, essays and travel notes. Main works: "The burden of human passions", "Moon and Ground", "Pies and Wine", "Razor's Trees".

Who wrote for children

Not all well-known English writers were passionate about serious life themes. Some great authors dedicated part of their creativity to the younger generation, writing fairy tales and stories for children. Who did not hear about Alice, visiting Wonderland or Mowgli in the country, the boy who grew up in the jungle?

Biography writer Lewis Carroll (Lewis Carroll), The real name of which Charles Lutvija Dodzhson is no less interesting than his book "Alice in Wonderland." He grew up in a large family, where there were 11 children. The boy loved to draw and always dreamed of becoming an artist. This writer told us a story about the nonsense heroine Alis and her endless travels to a wonderful magical world, where she is found a lot of interesting characters: Cheshire cat, and a mad hat, and the queen of cards.

ROLAD DAL (ROALD DAHL) Right from Wales. The author spent most of his childhood in boarding houses. One of these pensions was located not far from the famous chocolate Cadbury factory. It is assumed that the idea to write its best children's story called "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" came to him during this period. The hero of the story becomes a boy named Charlie, who receives one of five tickets, allowing him to get on the closed chocolate factory. Charlie, together with 4 other participants, passes all tasks in the factory, and remains the winner.

Rudyard Kipling Known by his "Jungle Book", in which he is talking about the boy Mowgli, grown among animals in wild forests. Most likely this story was written under the impression of his own childhood. The fact is, after birth, the first 5 years of his life, the writer lived in India.

Joan Rowling (Joanne Rowling) - The most famous writer is "Fairy Tale" of our time. It she presented us with such a character like Harry Potter. The story of Harry's Wizard's Wizard, who goes to Hogwarts School, Joan composed for his children. This allowed them to plunge into the world of magic and magic and forget for a time about poverty, in which the family lived at that moment. The book is full of advanced adventure.

Joan Delano Aiken She became a writer, because in her family wrote everything: from his father to sister. However, Joan was engaged in children's literature. Its most famous for its work was the story "A piece of sky in the cake."

Robert Louis Stevenson (Robert Louis Balfour Stevenson) Invented Pirates of Captain Flint in his famous history of the Treasure Island. Hundreds of boys watched the adventures of this hero. Robert himself comes from cold Scotland, engineer and lawyer by education. The first book came out when the author was only 16 years old, he lent money for the publication at his father. The story of the Treasure Island was invented by him much later during the Games with the Son, during which they painted the treasure card together and came up with the plots.

John Tolkien (John Ronald Reuel Tolkien) - The author of the fantastic and exciting spirit of the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. John by education teacher. As a child, the writer early learned to read, and did it often throughout his life. How John himself admits, he hated the story of the Treasure Island story, but was crazy about Alice in Wonderland. The writer after his stories itself became the founder of the genre of Fantauzy, it was no coincidence that he was called "Fantues".

If you captured English enough to read English books in the original without adaptation, we recommend starting with modern authors. First, modern books are easier reading, they do not have such confusing and complex revolutions and rare expressions, as in the classics. Secondly, modern prose is more useful for a spoken language, it gives more relevant vocabulary and grammar. We made a selection of interesting modern English authors.

Ian McCuen

The famous British writer, owner of prestigious book awards. McKewan's first books illuminate brutal topics, in other novels the subject of violence is also present, but not in such a large number. Some works of the writer are already fascinated, which speaks of its popularity. The best books of the author - "Atonement" and "Cement Sadik".

Sofia Kinsella

Former financial browser London newspapers, and now the author of bestsellers, popular not only in the UK, but also around the world. Kinsella books are an exciting series about the life and financial problems of Rebecca Bloomwood. The heroine suffers from Shopogolism, which makes it falls into different difficult situations, but with the help of his knowledge of the economy always comes out of the situation. Total in a series of five books. There are still separate works of Kinsella - for example, " REMEMBER ME? " or " CAN You Keep The Secret? ».

Stephen Frey.

Actor, comedian, blogger, writer, TV presenter, as well as the "carrier of the reference spirit of England." This is one of the most versatile and talented people of Britain. All his books instantly become bestsellers. He wrote more than a dozen, part of their autobiographic them. Be sure to read "Moab - my washbasin of my", "liar" and "how to create history."

Joanne Rowling

The famous author of books does not need a presentation. We will not advise reading books about the young wizard - you probably know about them. But Rowling writes not only fantasy and children's books, she has an adult romance "Random Vacancy" and several detectives.

Neil Geymna

Modern writer and screenwriter, whom they call the "Fairy Tale." His first novel developed from the scenario to the mini-series BBC, and with the rest of the books the opposite came around - the Hollywood producers struggle with each other for the right to film them. The works of gamean are entertaining and at the same time intelligent terrible fairy tales: "Coralina", "Star dust", "History with a cemetery".

These writers are worthy of the same attention as the famous British classics Jane Austin, or. If you are not ready to read these books in the original, read them in Russian - they are worth it.

Macuen masterfully combines a concise manner of narration with an unpredictable final. In the center of his history - two friends, the editor of the popular newspaper and the composer, writing the "Millennium Symphony". True, there were practically nothing left of their friendship, one hidden anger and resentment. It is worth reading to find out what ended the opposition of old comrades.

In this selection, we included the most English novel writer in which he is trying to explain what old kind of good England is. Events unfold on the island attraction White, where all sorts of stereotypes about the country are collected: monarchy, Robin Hood, The Beatles, beer ... Indeed, why tourists are modern England, if there is a miniature copy that combines all the most interesting?

The novel about the love of the Victorian poets of the XIX century, which is intertwined with the history of modern scientists. A book for an intellectual reader who will enjoy a rich language, classic plots and numerous allusions to cultural and historical phenomena.

Cow for a long time composed jazz music, which was reflected in his literary creativity. "What kind of sell!" Akin to improvisation, this is a bold and unexpected novel.

Michael, the Writer of the Middle Hand, is able to present the story of a rich and very influential family of Winsow. The problem is that these greed relatives who captured all the spheres of public life, poison their lives to other people and do not cause sympathy.

If you watched the "cloud atlas", then know: David Mitchell invented this incredible tangled story. But today we recommend to take on reading another, no less interesting novel.

"Son # 9" is often compared with the best works. Young guy Eyji arrives in Tokyo in search of a father, whom he never seen. Over eight weeks in the metropolis, he managed to find love, get into the paws to Yakuza, make up with the mother and alcoholic, find friends ... You yourself will figure out what happened from this, and what - in a dream.

"Tennis balls of heaven" - the modern version of the "Count Monte Cristo", supplemented with new details and meanings. Although the plot is known to us, it is simply impossible to tear away from reading.

The protagonist is a student of Maddstone, who has everything in life it is better for nowhere. He is beautiful, clever, rich, raised, from a good family. But because of the fool's jokes of envious comrades, his whole life changes radically. Ned is locked in a psychiatric hospital, where only one goal lives - get out to take revenge.

Roman about the life of 30-year-old Bridget Jones is popular all over the world. In part, thanks to the Hollywood film release with Rene Zelweger and Colin Further in the lead roles. But by and large because of the excommunical and such charming breeze. She believes calories, trying to quit smoking and drink less, experiences failures in his personal life, but still looks at the future with optimism and believes in love.

There are books that you forgive and ease of plot, and the banality of scenes, and stupid coincidences simply because they have a soulfulness. "Bridget Jones Diary" - the very rarest case.

The story of a boy with a scar is a real cultural phenomenon. The first book "Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone" rejected 12 publishers, and only a little Bloomsbury on his own fear and risk decided to publish it. And did not lose. "" I was waiting for a deafening success, and the Rowling itself is the love of readers around the world.

Against the background of magic and magic, we are talking about things acquaintances and important - friendship, honesty, courage, readiness to help and resist evil. Because the invented world of Rowling fascins readers of any age.

"Collector" is the most frightening and at the same time exciting novel John Faulza. Frederick's protagonist Frederick Kelg loves to collect butterflies, but at some point decides to add to his collection a cute girl Miranda. We learn this story from the words of the kidnapper and from the diary of his victim.

English writers The 17-20th century is less popular today, and the subject of foreign literature is no longer taught at school. It is strange, but even recently in the times of stagnation, an iron curtain and a cold war, schoolchildren knew and loved English classics. And their parents collected the pasture for a whole year, in order for 20 kilograms to get the opportunity to purchase the cherished Tomik Jerome K. Jerome or Willow Collins. Today, however, asking who Charles Dickens or Thomas Gardi, most often you see in response only a perceptible look. Yes, and the truth, from where it is modern teenagers to learn about it, if the school does not pass ???!

Well, those who still looked at this page with the heading "English writers", I want to offer the most interesting books and no less interesting biographies of these most English writers. So, I invite you to read, listen and watch purely English stories, and both in Russian and English. Below the list of their most interesting works, as well as their screenings. And for studying English, we offer movies and cartoons in English with subtitles, video interviews and free English lessons online.

Below list of English writers 17-20th centurywhose books are available on site:

You can get acquainted with the biography of English writers, which filled with the events of which was reflected in exciting works. What book do not take, it is simply impossible to tear off! And for those who want to know more, overview article about English literature. Read!

English writers and their works (classics)

Robert Stevenson / Robert Stevenson (1850-1894

Psychological novels from the Creator of Mr. Heyd and the breeding of Ballandtre. Take a look into your soul ...

Charles Dickens / Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

The most human-loving writer, mercilessly fought with the injustice and vices of the Victorian society.

Sisters Bronte: Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), Ann (1820-1849)

Three stars who spurred in the sky of English literature, incredible women, each of which was amazingly talented and unspokenly unhappy.

  1. Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre"
  2. "Thunderstorm Pass" (Emily Bronte's Email
  3. Ann Bronte "Agnes Gray"

Oscar Wilde / Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)

A witty genius, a philosopher, a master of a red sense, famous for his quotes, "Father" Dorian Graya.

Jerome K. Jerome / Jerome K. Jerome (1859-1927)

  1. warming works -\u003e in development

Thomas Gardi / Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)

Hot hello to my readers!

And small and big. Although today's lesson will be devoted to the first. We are waiting for English writers for children and their works. We will touch on the "old men" of the 19th century. And consider the "youth" out of the 20th century. And I will give you a list where their famous books and famous are arranged in the order of my sincere love :).

Let `s start?

  • Lewis Carrol

This writer, many know by his unreasonable heroine Alice and its endless travels to the country of miracles, then in the castorgal. The biography of the writer itself is no less interesting than his books. He grew up in a big family - with 3 brothers and 7 sisters. I loved to draw and dreamed of becoming an artist.

The story itself tells us about the girl who falls into a wonderful magical world. Where meets many interesting characters: and Cheshire cat, and a crazy hat, and the queen of cards.

  • ROALD Dal.

Roald was born in Wales in the Norwegian family. Most of my childhood spent in boarding houses. One of the latter was located near the famous chocolate factory Cadbury. It is believed that it was then that it was the idea to write his best children's story - "Charlie and Chocolate Factory."

This story about the boy Charlie, who receives one of five tickets. This ticket will miss it on a closed chocolate factory. Together with 4 other participants, he passes all the tasks in the factory and remains the winner.

  • Rudyard Kipling

This author is known for us by his story "The Jungle Book", which tells about the boy named Mowgli, which has grown among wild forests together with the most different animals. Most likely, his own childhood inspired this story. The fact was that the first 5 years of his life, Rudyard lived in India.

  • Joanne Rowling

The most famous "fairy tale" of modernity presented us. This story Joan composed for his children. And at that time, the family lived very poorly.

And the books themselves give us the opportunity to plunge into the world of magic and magic. Harry boy learns that he is a wizard and goes to Hogwarts School. There I am waiting for an interesting adventure.

Here books buy more profitable!

  • Joan Eiken

This woman simply had to become a writer, because in her family wrote everything: from his father to sister. But Joan was engaged in children's literature. So the story of the "Sky of the sky in the Pie" became its most famous work. And it was her who was shielded by our domestic television channels. True, this story is known for the Russian people under the name "Apple Pie".

  • Robert Lewis Stevenson

Not a man - pirate! So I want to scream "Ege Gay!", After all, this person came up with the Pirate of Captain Flint in his history "Treasure Island". Hundreds of boys did not sleep at night to keep track of the adventures of this hero.

The author himself was born in cold Scotland. Learned on the engineer and lawyer. At the same time, his first books came out when Robert was only 16 years old on the father borrowed from his father. But he came up with the story about the island of treasure much later. And what is interesting - during the game with the son. They painted the treasure map together and came up with plots.

  • John Tolkin

The creator of modern from another world is the "Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" - the stories are so fantastic and exciting that it intercepts the Spirit.

The author of books - John, - worked as a teacher. As a child, he learned early, so he did it often. He confessed that the story of the Treasure Island is hated by Luta, but Madly loved "Alice in Wonderland." The author himself wrote history for which he was called the "father of Fantues".

  • Pamela Travers

The real name of this woman is Helen. She was born in distant-distant Australia. But at 8 years old moved with her mother in Wales. As a child, Pamela loved animals very much. He was in the courtyard, and imagined the bird. When she grew up, she traveled a lot, but still he returned to England.

One day she was asked to sit with two small and restless kids. So, during the game, she began to invent a story about Nyan, which carried things with him in a suitcase, and in which there was an umbrella in the pitch's handle. Then the plot develops on paper and so the world received the famous Nanny Maryry Poppins. At the first book, others followed - the continuation of the history of Nyan.

On this, I think we will finish. Read interesting books, learn language and develop. And do not miss the opportunity to receive new blog articles instantly to your mail - subscribe to the newsletter.

To new meetings!

In the video below, a few more excellent writers and their works that should be read!