The work of Schubert 4 letters. Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary

The work of Schubert 4 letters. Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary
The work of Schubert 4 letters. Illustrated Biographical Encyclopedic Dictionary

Franz Schubert

creativity Composer Schubert

Childhood and years of exercise. Franz Schubert was born in 1797 in the suburb of Vienna - Likhtental. His father, school teacher, took place from the peasant family. Mother was a follower of a locksmith. In the family, they loved the music and constantly sat down musical evenings. Father played a cello, and brothers on various tools.

Having found musical abilities from a little Franz, father and elder brother Ignac began to train his violin and piano. Franz possessed an excellent voice. He sang in church church, performing difficult solo parties. Father was pleased with the success of the Son.

When the French was eleven years old, he was determined in Convict - the school of training church singers. The situation of the educational institution favored the development of the boy's musical abilities. In the school student orchestra, he played in the group of first violins, and sometimes even performed the duties of the conductor.

Already in those years, Schubert began to compose. His first works - fantasy for piano, a number of songs. The young composer writes a lot, with great passion, often to the detriment of other school classes. The outstanding abilities of the boy turned to him the attention of the famous Court composer Salieri, with whom Schubert was engaged in the course of the year.

Over time, the rapid development of the Franz's musical talent began to cause an alarm from his father. But no prohibitions could delay the development of a boy's dating.

Years of creative heyday. For three years, he served as an assistant teacher, teaching children by literacy and other initial subjects. But his attraction to music, the desire to compose becomes more and more. Father's desire to make a teacher's son with a small, but reliable earnings failed. The young composer firmly decided to devote himself to music and left teaching at school. For several years (from 1817 to 1822), Schubert lived alternately, then from another of his comrades. Some of them (Spada and Stadler) were composer friends by Convict. The soul of this mug was Schubert. Little growth, dense, chunky, very short, Schubert possessed a huge charm. During meetings, friends got acquainted with fiction literature, poetry of the past and modernity.

But sometimes such meetings were dedicated exclusively to the music of Schubert, they even got the name "Schuberty". At such pursions, the composer did not move away from the piano, immediately composed the ecosesis, wals, lenders and other dances. Many of them remained unapplied.

Recent years of life and creativity. He writes symphonies, sonata for piano, quartets, quintes, trio, mass, operas, mass of songs and a lot of other music. Without having any means nor influential patrons, Schubert almost did not have the opportunity to publish their writings.

And yet the crowns learned and loved the music of Schubert. Like old folk songs, passing from the singer to the singer, his works gradually acquired admirers.

Insecurity, constant life failures were hard to affect Schubert's health. At 27 years old, the composer wrote to his friend to Schever: "... I feel like an unfortunate, insignificant person in the world ..." This mood was reflected in the music of the last period. If Earlier, Schubert created predominantly bright, joyful works, then a year before death he writes songs, combining them with a common name "Winter Way". In 1828, the only concert from his works was organized by the efforts of friends. The concert had a huge success and brought to the composer greater joy and hope for the future. The end came unexpectedly. Schubert fell ill with a typhoid, and in the fall of 1828, Schubert died. The remaining property was assessed for pennies, many writings were disappeared. The famous poet of that time Grillparter, writing a year earlier by the gravestone Beethoven, wrote on a modest monument to Schubert at the Vienna cemetery: "Death buried here a rich treasure, but even more excellent hopes."

Main works.

More than 600 songs

  • 9 Symphony (one of them is lost)
  • 13 Overture for Symphony Orchestra
  • 22 Sonats for Piano

Several collections of plays and individual dances for piano

  • 8 expression
  • 6 "Musical Moments"

"Hungarian Divertiment" (for piano in 4 hands)

Trio, quartets, quintes for different compositions

Franz Schubert was born in 1797, in the suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher.

The boy's musical abilities were too early, and he already in early childhood with the help of his father and her older brother learned to play piano and violin.

Thanks to the good voice of eleven-year-old Franz managed to arrange in a closed music educational institution that served the court church. A five-year stay there gave Schubert the basics of general and musical education. Already at school Schubert worked a lot, and his ability was noticed by outstanding musicians.

But life in this school was a cargo for Schubert due to a half-starving existence and the inability to completely surrender music. In 1813 he left the school and returned home, but it was impossible to live on the funds of his father, and soon Schubert took the position of teacher, his father's assistant at school.

With difficulties, worked at the school for three years, he left her, and this led Schubert to a gap with his father. The father was against the Son to leave the service and engaged in music, because the profession of the musician at that time did not provide an appropriate position in society or material well-being. But the giftedness of Schubert until that time was so brightly that he could not deal with something else, except for musical creativity.

When he was 16-17 years old, he wrote the first symphony, and then such wonderful songs like "Gretchen for a spank" and "Forest King" on the text Goethe. Over the years of school (1814-1817) he wrote a lot of chamber, instrumental music and about three hundred songs.

After the gap with the father, Schubert moved to Vienna. He lived there in great need, did not have his own angle, but was in turns from his buddies - Viennese poets, artists, musicians, often the same poor, as he himself. The need came out sometimes before he had to buy musical paper, and he had to record his works on the scraps of newspapers, on the dining menu, and others. But such an existence reflected little on his mood, usually cheerful and cheerful.

In the work of Schubert, Romance combines fun, cheerfulness with melancholy-sad sentiments that sometimes reach. to gloomy tragic hopelessness.

It was the time of political reaction, the inhabitants of Vienna tried to forget and turn away from frowning moods caused by a heavy political blink, a lot was entertained, having fun and danced.

Around Schubert grouped a circle of young artists, writers, musicians. During parties and the surgorant walks, he wrote a lot of waltz, lendlers and ecosesov. But these "Schubertiadi" were not limited to entertainment. In this circle, the issues of social and political life were discussed, disappointed with the surrounding reality, Vi-wanted protests and discontent against the then reactionary mode, was brewing a feeling of anxiety, disappointed. Next to this were strong and optimistic looks, cheerful mood, faith in the future. The whole life and creative path of Schubert was filthy, which are so characteristic of the romantic artists of that era.

With the exception of a minor period, when Schubert reconciled with his father and lived in the family, the life of the composer was very heavy. In addition to material needs, Schubert suppressed his position in society as a musician. His music was not known, they did not understand her, the creativity was not encouraged.

Cooked Schubert very quickly and much, but for his life almost nothing was printed and was not fulfilled.

Most of his works remained in manuscripts and were identified many years after his death. For example, one of the most popular and favorite symphonic works - "unfinished symphony" - never was fulfilled for his life and was first revealed 37 years after the death of Schubert, as well as many other works. But however, heard the need for his own works was such a big thing that he specifically wrote men's quartets on spiritual texts that could fulfill his brother with his singers in the church, where he served as regent.

Franz Schubert entered the history of music as the first of the Great Composers-Romantics. In that "Epoch of Disappointment", which followed the French revolution, it seemed that it seemed attention to a separate person with his passions, sorrows and joys - and this "human soul song" received a brilliant embodiment in the creations of Schubert, who remained "song" even in large forms .

Motherland Franz Schubert - Lichtental, suburb of Vienna - European Music Capital. In a large familiar family of a teacher of parish school, the music was valued: the father owned the cello and the violin, and the older brother of Franz - the piano, they became the first mentors of the talented boy. From the age of seven, he studied the game by the organ at the church dropsuser and singing at the regent. A beautiful voice allowed him to become a student of Convict in eleven years old - schools with a guesthouse prepared for court chapels. Here, one of his mentors was Antonio Salieri. Playing in the school orchestra, where he eventually began to trust the execution of the duties of the conductor, Schubert met many symphony masterpieces, especially shook him and symphony.

In Convitte, Schubert created his first works, including. She was dedicated to the director of the Convict, but the young composer did not experience a special sympathy to this person, nor to the educational institution headed by him: Schuberta and the strictest discipline, and the crashing mind, and far from the best relationship with mentors - giving all the power of music, he is not Paying special attention to other educational disciplines. Schubert was not expelled for unsuitably because he left the convict commony in time.

As early as Schubert, the Schubert has conflicts from Schubert: the son's displeased success, Schubert-senior forbade him to go home on the weekend (the exception was made only on the day of the mother's funeral). An even more serious conflict emerged when a question arose about the choice of life path: with all his interest in music, Schubert's father did not consider the profession of a musician worthy. He wanted the Son to choose a more respected profession of the teacher, guaranteeing earnings at least a small, but reliable, besides, freed from service in the army. The young man had to obey. In school, he worked for four years, but it did not prevent him from creating a lot of music - Opera, Symphony, Mass, Sonatas, many songs. But if the operas of Schubert are now forgotten, and in the instrumental works of those years, the influence of Vienna classicism is quite strong, then in the songs the individual features of the composer's creative appearance manifested in all its glory. Among the works of these years are such masterpieces as "", "rose", "".

Then Schubert suffered one of the most significant disappointments in his life. His beloved Teresa The coffin was forced to obey his mother who did not want to see his son-in-law teacher with a belly earnings. With tears in the eyes, the girl went under the crown with another and lived a long, prosperous life of the wife of a wealthy burgher. As far as it was happy, it remains only to guess, but Schubert of personal happiness in marriage never gained.

Boring school duties distracted from creating music, more and more than Schubert, and in 1817 he throws school. Father after that and hear did not want to want his son. In Vienna, the composer lives, then one friend, then the other - these artists, poets and musicians were not much richer than himself. At Schubert, often there was no money even on the tank paper - he recorded his musical thoughts on scraps of newspapers. But poverty did not make it sullen and gloomy - he always remained cheerful and sociable.

It was not easy for the composer to lay a path in the musical world of Vienna - he was not a virtuoso performer, and he was distinguished by extreme modesty, Sonatas and Schubert Symphonies during the life of the author of popularity did not acquire, but they found a living understanding of friends. On friendly meetings, the soul of which was Schubert (they were even called "Schubertiad") a discussion about art, politics and philosophy, but an integral part of such evenings were dancing. The music for the dance improvised Schubert, and he recorded the most successful finds - Schubert waltz, lands and ecosesa were born. One of the participants "Schuberty" - Michael Fogl - often performed Schubert's songs on a concert stage, becoming a promoter of his work.

The time of creative heyday becomes for the composer of the 1820s. Then he created two last symphonies - and, sonates, chamber ensembles, as well as musical moments and impromptu. In 1823, one of its best creations is born - the vocal cycle "", a kind of "novel in songs". Despite the tragic junction, the cycle does not leave the feeling of hopelessness.

But everything is obvious in the music of Schubert tragic motifs. Their secondary vocal cycle becomes the secondary cycle (the composer himself called it "terrible"). He often refers to the work of Heinrich Heine - along with the songs on the poems of other poets, the works on his verses were posthumously in the form of a collection ".

In 1828, the composer's friends organized a concert from his works, which Schubert brought greater joy. Unfortunately, the first concert turned out to be the last, held during his life: In the same year, the composer died of illness. On the tombstones of Schubert, the words are inscribed: "The music buried rich treasures here, but even more excellent hopes."

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Schubert lived only thirty-one. He died exhausted physically and mentally exhausted in life in life. None of the nine symphones of the composer was filled with his life. From the six hundred songs was printed about two hundred, and from two tens of piano sonatas - only three.


In his dissatisfaction with the surrounding life, Schubert was not alone. This dissatisfaction and protest of the best people of society were reflected in the new direction in art - in romanticism. Schubert was one of the first romantic composers.
Franz Schubert was born in 1797 in the suburb of Vienna - Likhtental. His father, school teacher, took place from the peasant family. Mother was a follower of a locksmith. In the family, they loved the music and constantly sat down musical evenings. Father played a cello, and brothers on various tools.

Having found musical abilities from a little Franz, father and elder brother Ignac began to train his violin and piano. Soon the boy was able to take part in the home execution of string quartets, playing the party of Alta. Franz possessed an excellent voice. He sang in church church, performing difficult solo parties. Father was pleased with the success of the Son.

When the French was eleven years old, he was determined in Convict - the school of training church singers. The situation of the educational institution favored the development of the boy's musical abilities. In the school student orchestra, he played in the group of first violins, and sometimes even performed the responsibilities of Conductor. The repertoire of the orchestra was diverse. Schubert got acquainted with the symphony works of various genres (symphones, overtures), quarters, vocal essays. He confessed his friends that Mozart Symphony Sol Minor shocked him. A high model for him was the music of Beethoven.

Already in those years, Schubert began to compose. His first works - fantasy for piano, a number of songs. The young composer writes a lot, with great passion, often to the detriment of other school classes. The outstanding abilities of the boy turned to him the attention of the famous Court composer Salieri, with whom Schubert was engaged in the course of the year.
Over time, the rapid development of the Franz's musical talent began to cause an alarm from his father. Well knowing how difficult was the path of musicians, even world famous, the father wanted to protect his son from a similar fate. In punishment for excessive passion for music, he even forbade him on holidays to go at home. But no prohibitions could delay the development of a boy's dating.

Schubert decided to break with the convict. Throw boring and unnecessary textbooks, forget about the worthless, tearsing heart and the mind of a bunning and to get out of freedom. It is completely given to music, live only by it and for her. On October 28, 1813, he finished his first symphony of re-major. On the last sheet of scores, Schubert wrote: "end and end". The end of the symphony and the end of the convict.

For three years, he served as an assistant teacher, teaching children by literacy and other initial subjects. But his attraction to music, the desire to compose becomes more and more. We only have to amazeless the viability of his creative nature. It was during these years that school cortics from 1814 to 1817, when it seemed to be all against him, they created a striking lot of works.

Only for one 1815, Schubert wrote 144 songs, 4 operas, 2 symphonies, 2 knee, 2 piano sonats, string quartet. In the midst of the creations of this period there are a lot of such that they are illuminated by the non-correct flame of genius. This is the tragic and fifth SI-BImol-major symphony, as well as the songs of "Roseta", "Margarita for Sanger", "Forest Tsar", "Margarita for Broken" - Monodrama, Confession of the Soul.

"Forest Tsar" is a drama with several acting persons. They have their own characters, sharply different from each other, their actions, completely prominent, their aspirations, opposing and hostile, their feelings, incompatible and polar.

The story of creating this masterpiece is striking. It originated in the catch of inspiration. " Once, - recalls Spane, a friend of the composer, - we went to Schubert, who then lived at her father. We found a friend in the greatest excitement. With a book in his hand, he, having taught back and forward around the room, read out loud of the "Forest King". Suddenly he sat down at the table and began to write. When he got up, the magnificent ballad was ready. "

Father's desire to make a teacher's son with a small one, but a reliable earnings failed. The young composer firmly decided to devote himself to music and left teaching at school. He was not afraid of a quarrel with his father. All further short-lived life of Schubert is a creative feat. Testing greater material needs and deprivation, he worked tirelessly, creating one work after another.

Material adversity, unfortunately, they prevented him to marry his beloved girl. Teresa coffin sang in church church. From the first rehearsals, Schubert noticed her, although it was inconspicuous. Blindowing, with whiten, as if faded in the sun with eyebrows and a sharp, like most of the latter blondes, face, she did not shine with beauty at all.Rather, on the contrary - at first glance, it seemed a disadvantage. On a round face, it clearly appeared traces of smallpox. But it was worth it to sound music, as a colorless face was transformed. Just it was extinct and therefore non-living. Now, illuminated by the inner light, it lived and turned out.

No matter what Schubert is used to the worrit of fate, but he did not assume that fate would cost him so cruel. "Happy one who finds a true friend. Another happier is the one who finds him in his wife " , he recorded in his diary.

However, dreams went as shock. Mother Teresa intervened, which raised her without a father. Her father owned her little silk-propelled factory. He died, he left the family a little fortune, and the widow all the concerns drew to the fact that without that meager capital did not decrease.
Naturally, with a marriage of his daughter, she tied hope for the best future. And even more naturally, Schubert did not suit her. In addition to the pennation of the assistant school teacher, he had music, and she, as we know, did not capital. You can live music, but I will not live.
The submissive girl out of the outskirts, brought up in subordinate to the eldest, even in thoughts did not admit healing. The only thing she allowed she was tears. Quietly putting up to the wedding itself, Teresa with swollen eyes went under the crown.
She became the wife of a pastryer and lived a long, uniform-safe gray life, dies at the seventy eighth year. By the time, when she was brought to the cemetery, Schubert's dust had long been in the grave.

For several years (from 1817 to 1822), Schubert lived alternately, then from another of his comrades. Some of them (Spaun and Stadler) were friends of the composer even by Convict. Later, they were joined by a versatile style gifted in the field of art Schuber, artist Schwind, Poet Mayrhofer, singer Fogl and others. The soul of this mug was Schubert.
Little growth, dense, chunky, very short, Schubert possessed a huge charm. Especially good were his radiant eyes, in which, as in the mirror, they reflected the kindness, shyness and softness of character. A gentle, variable complexion and curly brown hair gave it a special appeal to his appearance.

During meetings, friends got acquainted with fiction literature, poetry of the past and modernity. Around argued, discussing the issues arising, criticized existing public orders. But sometimes such meetings were devoted exclusively to the music of Schubert, they even got the name "Schuberty".
At such pursions, the composer did not move away from the piano, immediately composed the ecosesis, wals, lenders and other dances. Many of them remained unapplied. No less admiration called Schubert's songs, which he often performed himself. Often, these friendly meetings turned into rustic walks.

Saturated bold, lively thought, poetry, beautiful music, these meetings were represented by a rare contrast with empty and empty entertainment of secular youth.
Uniqueness of life, funny entertainment could not distract Schubert from creativity, stormy, continuous, inspired. He worked systematically, day after day. "I compose every morning when I finish one play, I start another" - the composer admitted. Schubert composed music unusually quickly.

On some days, he created up to a dozen songs! Musical thoughts were born continuously, the composer barely managed to put them on paper. And if it was not at hand, wrote on the back of the menu, on scraps and shreds. Needing money, he especially suffered from lack of tank paper. Thoughtful friends supplied the composer. Music attended him and in a dream.
Awakening, he sought to write it more soon, so he did not part with the glasses even at night. And if the work has not poured immediately into the perfect and finished shape, the composer continued to work on it until it was completely satisfied.

So, on some poetic texts Schubert wrote up to seven songs! During this period, Schubert writes two of their wonderful works - "an unfinished symphony" and the cycle of songs "Beautiful Melnichikha". "An unfinished symphony" consists not of four parts, as accepted, and from two. And the point is not at all that Schubert did not have time to add the remaining two parts. He began to be for the third - Menuet, as the classical symphony required, but left his venture. Symphony as it sounded was completely completed. EVERYTHING EVERYTHING WILL BE EXTENDED, NEW.
And if the classic form requires two more parts, you need to enjoy the form. What he did. The elements of Schubert was a song. In it, he reached unprecedented heights. The genre previously considered insignificant, he raised the degree of artistic perfection. And making it, I went further - I sat down a chamber music with a song - quartets, quintes, and then symphonic.

The connection of what seemed indigestible, a miniature with a large-scale, small with a large, song with a symphony - gave a new, qualitatively different from everything that was before, is a lyric-romantic symphony. Her world is the world of ordinary and intimate human feelings, the subtlest and deep psychological experiences. This is the confession of the soul, expressed not in pen and not in a word, and sound.

The song cycle "Beautiful Mellenchikha" is a bright confirmation of this. Schubert wrote him to the poems of the German poet Wilhelm Muller. "Beautiful Melnichikha" - inspired creation, illuminated by the tender poetchiness, joy, romance of pure and high feelings.
The cycle consists of twenty individual songs. And all together they form a single dramatic play with riot, peripetia and junction, with one lyrical hero - the wandering milling subset.
However, the hero in the "Beautiful Mellenchikha" is not alone. Next to it acts another, no less important hero - stream. He lives with his bourgeois, intensely changeable life.

Works of the last decade of Schubert's life are very diverse. He writes symphonies, sonata for piano, quartets, quintes, trio, mass, operas, mass of songs and a lot of other music. But during the life of the composer, his works were rarely performed, and most of them remained in manuscripts.
Without having any means nor influential patrons, Schubert almost did not have the opportunity to publish their writings. Songs, the main thing in the work of Schubert, was considered more suitable for homemovicing than for open concerts. Compared to the symphony and the opera, the song was not counted on important musical genres.

No Schubert Opera was accepted for production, none of his symphony was performed by the orchestra. Moreover: notes of his best eighth and ninth symphonies were found only many years after the death of the composer. And songs on the words of Goethe sent to him Schubert, and did not receive attention of the poet.
Robility, inability to arrange their affairs, unwillingness to ask, to humiliate before influential persons were also an important cause of the permanent material difficulties of Schubert. But, despite the constant lack of money, often hunger, the composer did not want to go to the service to the prince of Estergazy, nor in court organists, where he was invited. At times, Schubert did not even have piano and composed without a tool. Material difficulties did not interfere with it to write music.

And yet the crowns learned and loved the music of Schubert, who herself struck the path to their hearts. Like old folk songs, passing from the singer to the singer, his works gradually acquired admirers. It was not regulars of brilliant court salons, representatives of the highest estate. As a forest stream, Music Schubert found a way to the hearts of ordinary inhabitants of Vienna and consider it.
An outstanding singer of the time Johann Michael Fogl played a big role here, who performed Schubert's songs under the accompaniment of the composer himself. Insecurity, continuous life failures hardly affected Schubert's health. Its organism was exhausted. Reconciliation with the Father In the last years of life, a more relaxed, balanced homemade life could no longer change anything. Skubert could not stop writing music, this was the meaning of his life.

But creativity required the huge costs of strength, the energy, which became less and less. At the age of twenty-seven years, the composer wrote to his friend to the Schever: "I feel like an unfortunate, insignitive person in the world."
This mood was reflected in the music of the last period. If Earlier, Schubert created predominantly bright, joyful works, then a year before death he writes songs, combining them with the common name "Winter Way".
This happened to him yet. He wrote about suffering and suffered. He wrote about hopeless longing and despulsed. He wrote about painful pain of the soul and experienced spiritual flour. "Winter Way" is walking on flour and lyrical hero, and the author.

The cycle written by blood of the heart, blocking blood and beaten the heart. Thin thread, woven by the artist, combined the invisible, but the soul with the soul of millions of people with a unspoken tie of the soul. Opened their hearts in the flow of feelings, rushing from his heart.

In 1828, the only concert from his works was organized by the efforts of friends. The concert had a huge success and brought great joy to the composer. His plans for the future became more rainbow. Despite the shameless health, he continues to compose. The end came unexpectedly. Schubert fell ill with a typhoid.
The weakened organism could not stand heavily illness, and on November 19, 1828, Schubert died. The remaining property was rated for pennies. Many writings disappeared.

The famous poet of that time Grillparter, writing a year earlier by the gravestone Beethoven, wrote on a modest monument to Schubert at the Vienna Cemetery:

Stunning, deep and, as it seems to me, the mysterious melody. Sadness, faith, renunciation.
F. Schubert composed his song Ave Maria in 1825. Initially, this work F. Shubert had a little relation to Ave Mary. The name of the song was the "Third Song of Ellen", and the text on which music was written was taken from the German translation of the poem Walter Scott "Deva Lake" made by Adam Stork.


Franz Peter Schubert (Him. Franz Peter Schubert.; January 31, 1797, Liktental, Austria - November 19, 1828, Vienna) - the great Austrian composer, one of the founders of romanticism in music, author about 600 songs, nine symphones (including the famous "unfinished symphony"), as well as a large number of chamber and Solo piano music.

1. Biography

Franz Peter Schubert was born on January 31, 1797 in Lichtentale (now Alzergrund), a small suburb of Vienna, in the family of a school teacher, amateurly engaged in Muzitia. His father came from the peasant family. Mother was a follower of a locksmith. Of the fifteen children in the family, a decorter died at an early age. Franz showed musical abilities very early. From six years he studied at the parish school, and the household taught him to play the violin and piano.

At the age of eleven, Franz was adopted in Convict - a court chapel, where, besides singing, he studied the game on many tools and the theory of music (under the leadership of Antonio Salieri). Leaving a chapel in 1813, Schubert got a job as a teacher to school. He studied predominantly glitch, Mozart and Beethoven. The first independent works - Opera "Messenger Castle Satan" and Mass Major - he wrote in 1814.

The composer died of abdominal typhus in Vienna on November 19, 1828. According to the last wishes, Schubert buried in the cemetery, where the Benthoven's buddert was buried for the year before that. The eloquence of the inscription is engraved on the monument: "Death buried here a rich treasure here, but even more excellent hopes" in honor of Schubert was called Crater on Mercury.

2. Creativity

In the field of the song Schubert was the successor of Beethoven. Thanks to Schubert, this genre got an artistic form, enriching the area of \u200b\u200bconcert vocal music. Ballad "Forest Tsar", written in 1816, brought a composer to fame. Soon after she appeared the "Skitalets", "praise tears", "Zuleika", etc.

Great importance in vocal literature have large collections of Schubert's songs on Vilhelm Muller - "Beautiful Mellenchikha" and "Winter Way", which are a continuation of the idea of \u200b\u200bBeethoven, expressed in the collection of songs "to a distant beloved." In all these works, Schubert showed a wonderful melodic talent and a wide variety of sentiments; He gave accompaniment more important, larger feature. The collection "Swan song" is also remarkable, from which many songs have acquired worldwide fame (for example, "Serenade", "shelter", "Fisherman", "by the sea"). Schubert did not try, as his predecessors, to imitate popular character, but a national jet was involuntarily reflected in his songs, and they became the country's property. Schubert wrote nearly 600 songs. The amazing musical gift of Schubert affected both the piano and symphonic area. His fantasy to major and fa minor, impromptu, musical moments, sonata are proof of the richest imagination and a large harmonic erudition. In the String Quartet of Re Minor, Quintet to Major, Piano Quintet "Trout" (often called "Forellenquintett", "Fortel"), big symphony to major and unfinished symphony SI Minor Schubert is the successor of Beethoven. In the field of opera, Schubert was not so apparent; Although they are written about 20, they will add a little to his glory. Among them allocated "conspirators, or home war." Some rooms of its operas (for example, Rosamunde) are quite worthy of the Great Musician. From the numerous church essays of Schubert (Mass, Prix, hymns, etc.), especially Mesia Mi-Bf Major differs in a sublime character and musical wealth. Schubert's musical performance was enormous. Starting from 1813, he composed incentively. In the highest circle, where Schubert was invited to accompaniment of his vocal writings, he was extremely restrained, was not interested in praise and even avoided them; Among friends, on the contrary, he appreciated approval highly. From the operas who performed at the time, Schubert just liked the "Swiss family" of Weigel, "Medea" Kerubini, "John Paris" Baldier, Sandrillon Isup and especially "Iphigencies in Tavrid" glitch. Italian opera, which was in his time in a big fashion, Schubert was interested in little; Only the "Sevilian Barber" and some passages from the "Othello" of Rossini seized him. According to biographers, Schubert has never changed anything in their writings, because he did not have for that time. He did not gent his health and in the heyday of years and talent died at the age of 31. The last year of his life, despite the upset health, was especially fruitful: it was then that he wrote a symphony to Major and Mesia Mi-Bf Major. During his lifetime, he did not use an outstanding success. After his death, there was a mass of manuscripts, already later saw the light (6 MES, 7 Symphony, 15 operas and so on.).

3. Unfinished symphony

The exact date of creation of symphony SI Minor (unfinished) is unknown. She was devoted to the Amateur Music Society of Graz, and Schubert presented two parts in 1824.

The manuscript was kept for more than 40 years in a friend of Schubert Anselm Huittenbrenner, until the Viennese conductor Johann Herbeck found it and did not fulfill her at a concert in 1865. The symphony was published in 1866.

The secret of Schubert himself remained, why he did not complete the "unfinished" symphony. It seems that he was intended to bring it to a logical end, the first scherzo were completely finished, and the rest were found in sketches.

From another point of view, the "unfinished" symphony is a fully completed work, as the circle of images and their development exhausts itself within two parts. So, at one time, Beethoven created sonates from two parts, and later in composers-romantics of this kind, the works became the usual phenomenon.

Currently, there are several options for the completion of the "unfinished" symphony (in particular the variants of the English musicologist Brian Newbould (Brian Newbould) and the Russian composer Anton Safronova).

4. Works

    Difficulties with file playback? See Guide (English).

    Operas - Alfonso and Estrella (1822; Standulation of 1854, Weimar), Fi-Barras (1823; Standulation of 1897, Karlsruhe), 3 unfinished, including Count Von Glyahen, etc.;

    Zingshpili (7), including Claudina von Villa Bell (on the text Goethe, 1815, the first of 3 acts has been preserved; Stage 1978, Vienna), Gemini Brothers (1820, Vienna), conspirators, or home war (1823; 1861, Frankfurt am Main);

    Music to plays - Magic harp (1820, Vienna), Rosamund, Princess Cyprus (1823, Ibid);

    For soloists, choir and orchestra - 7 MESS (1814-28), German Requiem (1818), Magnitis (1815), Offerry and other spiritual writings, Osoria, Cantata, including victory song to Miriam (1828);

    For orchestra - symphonies (1813; 1815; 1815; tragic, 1816; 1816; Malaya to major, 1818; 1821, unfinished; unfinished, 1822; large to major, 1828), 8 overture;

    Chamber instrumental ensembles - 4 Sonata (1816-17), fantasy (1827) for violin and piano; Sonata for Arpeggion and Piano (1824), 2 Piano Trio (1827, 1828?), 2 Strings Trios (1816, 1817), 14 or 16 String Quartets (1811-26), Piano Quintet Trout (1819?), String Quintet ( 1828), octet for strings and winds (1824), etc.;

    For piano in 2 hands - 23 sonatas (including 6 unfinished; 1815-28), fantasy (Skitalets, 1822, etc.), 11 expression (1827-28), 6 music moments (1823-28), Rondo, variations and others plays, over 400 dancing (waltza, lenders, German dancing, menuets, ecosesa, hairs, etc.; 1812-27);

    For piano in 4 hands - Sonatas, Overtures, Fantasies, Hungarian Divertiment (1824), Rondo, Variations, Polonesa, Machi, etc.;

    Vocal ensembles for men's, female votes and mixed compositions with accompaniment and non-escort;

    Songs for Voice with Piano, (more than 600) incl. Cycles "Beautiful Mellenchikha" (1823) and "Winter Way" (1827), a collection "Swan song" (1828), "Third Song of Ellen" ("Ellens Dritter Gesang", also known As "Ave Maria Schubert").


    V. Galatskaya. Franz Schubert // Music literature of foreign countries. Vol. III. M.: Music. 1983. With. 155.

    V. Galatskaya. Franz Schubert // Music literature of foreign countries. Vol. III. M.: Music. 1983. With. 212.