The tragedy of the fate of Eugene Onegin. What in the text of the novel seemed especially modern to you? What is interesting about Onegin's life and fate? What is his usual behavior

The tragedy of the fate of Eugene Onegin. What in the text of the novel seemed especially modern to you? What is interesting about Onegin's life and fate? What is his usual behavior

Russian Literature XIX century is a constellation of the brightest names and the most talented masters of the word. But it is A.S. Pushkin that we rightly consider the beginning of all the beginnings of Russian classical literature. We never cease to be amazed at his unparalleled creative power, versatility of the writer's appearance, unprecedented swiftness creative development and creative power. "When" the name of Pushkin immediately dawns on the idea of ​​a Russian national poet ... In him is Russian nature, Russian soul, Russian language, Russian character. His very life is remarkably Russian. "

Pushkin was not a revolutionary in the literal sense of the word. But a proud striving for freedom, a constant protest against everything inert, slavish, hindering the flourishing of the individual, the development of the people is an essential side of Pushkin's character and his work. Onegin has a bored life, full of longing and laziness. The thirst for monotonous pleasures in the absence of a real, living Cause took root in his psychology, he was unable to overcome it: "He was sick of persistent work." Pushkin believes that only in work could the creative powers of the individual manifest themselves, therefore the result of Onegin's life is bleak:

Having lived without a goal, without work
Until twenty six,

Languishing in the inaction of leisure,
No service, no wife, no deeds
I didn't know how to do anything.

In the person of the protagonist of the novel "Eugene Onegin" the poet managed to "cope" with typical character a representative of the enlightened noble youth of his day. Eugene Onegin is a true image of a hero who, being head and shoulders above the insignificant society that surrounds him, finds no use for his powers and abilities and therefore becomes a "superfluous person." In his novel, Pushkin revealed social reasons the appearance in Russian society of such characters and at the same time created the broadest art picture Russian life of its time. The main conflict of the novel is a deep contradiction between the demands of an awakening, self-aware personality and its environment, the so-called society, frozen in inert immobility, living according to dead laws.

Seeing Tatiana, Onegin immediately appreciated her: both her discreet external beauty and her rich inner world. After reading her declaration of love, Yevgeny did not deceive her, did not take advantage of the "credulity of an innocent soul": "This is not the first time he has shown his soul a direct nobility." Not paying attention to Tatiana during the receipt of the letter, unable then to love, having experienced only involuntary excitement, later Onegin, who again met Tatiana, suddenly acquired the ability to feel great and strong. At the beginning of the novel, Onegin is a rational and feigned man, who knows how to charm, seduce and seem to be in love, and not really be him:

How early could he be a hypocrite
Conceal hope, be jealous
Reassure, make you believe
To seem gloomy, languish ...

Therefore, love passed by Onegin.

The duel with Lensky, which took place against the wishes of Onegin, was perceived by Eugene as a crime, as a murder. That is why the "bloody shadow" former friend"She appeared to him every day." The worries and thoughts caused by the duel determined an even more serious perception of life than Onegin had before the fight. But deeper and deeper disagreeing with the people of his circle, surpassing them in intelligence, education, humanity, vague striving for the best, he remained at the same time alien to the people. Herzen noted that "he never takes the side of the government" and "is never able to take the side of the people." Onegin is bored among the people around him, sad for him and with himself. Without doing anything, not bringing anyone benefit, he turned, according to Herzen, "into clever uselessness."

Onegin is an aristocrat by origin and upbringing, an individualist and an egoist in terms of his moral and psychological appearance. This is a "fun and luxury child", a trendsetter, a frequent visitor of theatrical scenes, a skilled expert in the "science of tender passion." But, being a man of a restless, acutely critical, seeking mind, he soon became disillusioned with everything that was close and sweet to him from childhood, was fed up with secular life, began to read, except for the artistic, Russian and foreign literature, socio-political and even economic literature. This led the "young rake" to discontent with the surrounding reality, determined his opposition to the then prevailing social order and the life of high society.

The image of Onegin, complex and contradictory, contains both positive signs of progressiveness, humanity of enlightenment, and sharply negative traits clearly expressed individualist, practical inactivity, became the ancestor of the so-called "superfluous people" in Russian literature. Onegin, according to V.G.Belinsky's definition, is a “suffering egoist”, “an egoist against his will,” that is, a man of excellent inclinations, but spoiled by a secular upbringing, the circumstances of an aristocratic environment, who despised tastes high life and who did not find the true purpose and therefore tormented by his loneliness. Herzen said: “Onegin ... is extra person in the environment where he is, not possessing the necessary strength of character to break out of it. "

"Eugene Onegin" is a work in which "the century is reflected". The disease of the century, the disease of "superfluous people" was the "Russian blues". Pushkin dedicated his own to the study of this phenomenon. The main character the novel, possessing a rich spiritual and intellectual potential, cannot find application for his abilities in the society in which he lives. In the novel, Pushkin poses the question: why did this happen? To answer it, the poet explores both the personality of Onegin, a young nobleman of the 10s - early 20s of the XIX century, and the environment that shaped him. Therefore, the novel tells in such detail about the upbringing and education of Onegin. His upbringing is superficial and fruitless, devoid of national foundations.

In the first chapter, the poet describes in detail Onegin's pastime, his office, moreover, his lunch. We see a young nobleman, "fun and luxury child." The life of the Petersburg world is "monotonous and variegated," empty and artificial. Onegin, being a rather intelligent and critical person, capable of judging himself and the world, became disillusioned with the bustle of the world, he was possessed by the "Russian blues". This critical attitude to reality places Onegin above most of the people in his circle. But Pushkin does not accept his pessimism and "gloominess". The desire for personal and social freedom, creativity, love could be available to Onegin, but drowned out in him by the environment, education, society.

External circumstances - the death of his uncle, the need to enter into inheritance rights - make it possible for Onegin to change his usual environment.

Two days seemed new to him.

Secluded fields

The coolness of the gloomy oak tree,

The murmur of a quiet stream;

To the third grove, hill and field

He was no longer interested in:

Onegin's instant chilling to rural beauty communicates his satiety and loss of the ability to admire beauty. However, when he saw the Larin sisters for the first time, he was able to discern the special, hidden beauty of Tatyana:

: I would choose another,

When I was like you, a poet.

Agreeing with Lensky, Onegin reflects on Russo's "social contract", on science, religion, moral issues, that is, about everything that occupied the minds of the progressive people of that time. But Pushkin shows intricate weave"old" and "new" in the personality of the hero. Onegin, having gone to a duel with Lensky, turned out to be "not a husband with honor and intelligence," he was frightened by the "opinion of the world", which he despised so much.

The murder of a friend shocked Onegin. He felt lonely, devastated, he had a "wanderlust".

The journey changed Onegin. Intense experiences and reflections enriched his inner world. Now he is able not only to coldly analyze, but also to feel strongly, to love. For Pushkin, love is the likelihood of the "awakening of the soul." After Tatyana's refusal, after spiritual rebirth, after a moral shock Onegin must begin new life, it can no longer develop in the same direction.

The final is open. Onegin's future is unknown. After all, a person depends not only on the characteristics of his personality, his aspirations and ideals, but also on external events. Time changes, brings many unexpected things. Social conditions are taking shape in a new way, and future life the hero - whether his human essence is reborn or completely extinguished - remains outside the novel.

Especially modern in the text of the novel I found the theme of opposition between the opinion of "society" and the personal conscience of a person. A person can surpass the environment, but depend on his opinions and be in bondage to mediocrity. This is exactly what Eugene Onegin is himself, especially in a quarrel with Lensky, which he himself realizes as completely artificial. Pushkin's mockery of the deceit and spiritual primitiveness of secular society is very relevant today. The poet's observations on the behavior of people in certain emotional states are also very modern. He presents every feeling, deed or experience completely unadorned, but with a slight good-natured irony of a wise man. Now this is not enough for many of those who seek to rip off all the veils and expose this or that motive for any action.

The life and fate of Onegin is interesting primarily because his example shows the drama of a man trying to gradually get out of the control of the social environment that gave birth to him. This path is long and it takes a lot of time before the very fact of such a confrontation is realized. Onegin surpassed the environment, but for a very long time could not disidentify with it, becoming a kind of dissident within the system. He was, as it were, a companion of the world, which he considered insignificant. This often happens when a person, outwardly breaking off all relations with one or another circle of people or with an idea, in fact cannot overcome the force of their attraction and is unable to go to another coordinate system. Having renounced the false ideals of light in his heart, Eugene Onegin would inevitably have to join the Decembrists, that is, to challenge the system that mutilates the souls of people. The last, encrypted chapter of the novel is just about that.

Onegin's behavior is usually when he is subject to the opinion of the very light from which he hid and which he considered immeasurably inferior to himself. On the contrary, he is original compared to other landlord neighbors in the management of the estate. He replaced the heavy duty - corvee (the need to work on the land of the landowner several days a week) with a light rent, but he did it not just from the kindness of his soul, but on the basis of serious knowledge. He carefully read the greatest economist of the time, Adam Smith. The landowners around him, for the most part, did not know how to read at all.

He could express himself perfectly in French and wrote;

Easily danced the mazurka And bowed at ease ...

Onegin's childhood and adolescence are the same as those of many of Pushkin's contemporaries. Onegin does not receive a formal education. What is unusual about him is that he does not serve anywhere, is not interested in a career and ranks. He is favorably received in the world, but rather quickly becomes disillusioned with the empty and vain social life. At this time, the author meets Onegin;
I became friends with him at that time.
I liked his features
Unwitting devotion to dreams
Inimitable strangeness
And a sharp, chilled mind.
Unusual in the fate of Onegin is that he decides to imprison himself in the village, which he inherited after the death of his uncle. In rural life, he hopes to find that food for the heart and mind, which he lacked in secular life. But even here he gets bored. Nevertheless, Eugene is engaged in farming, in particular, he replaces his peasants with a heavy corvee for a light rent, for which his neighbors immediately call him "the most dangerous eccentric." Unlike other landowners, Onegin does not travel around for guests and does not receive anyone at his place. The offended neighbors condemn him in unison:
Our neighbor is ignorant, crazy,
He is a freemason; he drinks one
A glass of red wine;
He does not fit ladies to the handle;
Yes and no; won't say yes
Or no, sir ...
The above lines refer the reader to Griboyedov's Woe from Wit. Like Chatsky, Eugene finds himself in an unfamiliar environment for himself. Like Chatsky, Onegin is a man of modern times, and the society he finds himself in is living according to the old way. But then the author deceives the reader's expectations, showing that the rural life of Russian landowners has its own charm and magical charm. Onegin's character changes over the course of the novel. At the beginning, the author calls him "a young rake", then his "good friend". Foreseeing the outcome of the duel with Lensky, the author reproaches Eugene for indifference and false pride. Onegin had to ... prove himself
Not a ball of prejudice
Not an ardent youth, a fighter,
But a husband with honor and intelligence.
He could discover feelings
And not bristle like a beast.
In the last chapter, the author, as if in response to someone's reproach to Onegin, replies:
- Why so unfavorably
Do you comment on him?
For the fact that we are restless
We bother, we judge everything,
That ardent souls are imprudent
Proud insignificance
Or it insults, or it makes you laugh,
That the mind, loving space, cramp ...
In these lines, the author recognizes in Onegin a broad mind and an ardent soul - qualities that Onegin does not find application in his contemporary life, where "mediocrity" reigns. But this assessment is not final either. The character of Onegin is in development, we can understand him only by adding up all the author's assessments (often contradictory), analyzing the actions and deeds of the hero.
The life of Eugene Onegin is full of internal contradictions, tragedy and experiences. Its bright, outstanding personality cannot realize himself in modern world... From class limitation, inspired by education and an idle life, through denial life values, to the discovery of love - such a path of development inner peace the hero is drawn in the novel by Pushkin. This path is dramatic, but it radically changes the “suffering egoist” Eugene Onegin.

Especially modern in the text of the novel I found the theme of opposition between the opinion of "society" and the personal conscience of a person. A person can surpass the environment, but depend on his opinions and be in bondage to mediocrity. This is exactly what Eugene Onegin is himself, especially in a quarrel with Lensky, which he himself realizes as completely artificial. Pushkin's mockery of deceit and spiritual primitiveness secular society very relevant today. The poet's observations on the behavior of people in certain emotional states are also very modern. He presents every feeling, deed or experience completely unadorned, but with a slight good-natured irony of a wise man. Now this is not enough for many of those who seek to rip off all the veils and expose this or that motive for any action.

The life and fate of Onegin is interesting primarily because his example shows the drama of a man trying to gradually get out of the control of the social environment that gave birth to him. This path is long and it takes a lot of time before the very fact of such a confrontation is realized. Onegin surpassed the environment, but for a very long time could not disidentify with it, becoming a kind of dissident within the system. He was, as it were, a companion of the world, which he considered insignificant. This often happens when a person, outwardly breaking off all relations with one or another circle of people or with an idea, in fact cannot overcome the force of their attraction and is unable to go to another coordinate system. Having renounced the false ideals of light in his heart, Eugene Onegin would inevitably have to join the Decembrists, that is, to challenge the system that mutilates the souls of people. The last, encrypted chapter of the novel is just about that.

Onegin's behavior is usually when he is subject to the opinion of the very light from which he hid and which he considered immeasurably inferior to himself. On the contrary, he is original compared to other landlord neighbors in the management of the estate. He replaced the heavy duty - corvee (the need to work on the land of the landowner several days a week) with a light rent, but he did it not just from the kindness of his soul, but on the basis of serious knowledge. He carefully read the greatest economist of the time, Adam Smith. The landowners around him, for the most part, did not know how to read at all.

He is in French perfectly

I could express myself and write;

Easily danced the mazurka

And bowed at ease ...

Onegin was, in the opinion of many

(The judges are decisive and strict),

A scholarly fellow, but a pedant,

He had a lucky talent

Without being forced into conversation

Touch everything lightly

With the learned air of a connoisseur

Remain silent in an important dispute

And excite the smile of the ladies

By the fire of unexpected epigrams.

He knew pretty much Latin,

To disassemble the epigraphs,

Talk about Juvenal

At the end of the letter put vale,

Yes, I remembered, though not without sin,

Two verses from the Aeneid.

He had no desire to rummage

In chronological dust

Descriptions of the earth;

But days gone by jokes

From Romulus to the present day

He kept it in his memory.

Having no high passion

Do not spare for the sounds of life,

He could not have iamba from a chorea,

No matter how we fought, to distinguish.

Scolded Homer, Theocritus;

But I read Adam Smith

And there was a deep economy,

That is, he knew how to judge

As the state gets richer

And how he lives, and why

He doesn't need gold

When a simple product has.

But what was he really a genius,

What he knew harder than all sciences,

What was izmlad for him

And labor, and torment, and joy,

What took a whole day

His yearning laziness, -

There was a science of tender passion ...

How early could he be a hypocrite

To conceal hope, to be jealous, To dissuade, to make one believe, To seem gloomy, to languish, To be proud and obedient, Attentive and indifferent!

How languid he was silent,

How ardently eloquent

How careless in letters of heart!

Breathing one, loving one,

How he knew how to forget himself!

How quick and gentle his gaze was,

Shy and impudent, and sometimes,

Shone with an obedient tear!

How he knew how to seem new,

Joking innocence to amaze,

To frighten with despair,

To amuse with pleasant flattery,

Catch a moment of emotion

Innocent years of prejudice

To win with mind and passion,

An involuntary caress to expect

Pray and demand recognition

Eavesdrop on the first sound of hearts

Chase love, and suddenly

Get a secret date ...

And after her alone

Give lessons in silence!

Everything that tastes hungry in Paris

Choosing a useful trade,

Invents for fun

For luxury, for fashionable bliss, -

Everything adorned the Philosopher's office at the age of eighteen.

Second Chadayev, my Evgeny,

Afraid of jealous judgments

There was a pedant in his clothes

And what we called dandy.

He's three hours at least

I spent in front of the mirrors

And came out of the restroom

Like windy Venus ...

Having fun and luxury child.

No: early feelings in him cooled down;

He was bored with the noise of the light;

The beauties were not long

The subject of his usual thoughts;

Managed to tire betrayal;

Friends and friendship are tired ...

And although he was an ardent rake,

But he finally fell out of love

And abuse, and saber, and lead.

First Onegin's tongue

Confused me; but I'm used to

To his stinging argument,

And jokingly, with bile in half,

And the anger of gloomy epigrams.

He's a chilling word

I tried to keep in my mouth

And I thought: it's stupid to bother me

His momentary bliss ...

He in his first youth

Was a victim of violent delusions

And unbridled passions.

Spoiled by the habit of life,

One is fascinated for a while,

Frustrated by others

We slowly languish with desire

We are languishing with windy success,

Listening in noise and silence

Murmur eternal soul,

Suppressing yawns with laughter:

This is how he killed eight years,

Losing life best color.

He did not fall in love with beauties,

And he dragged himself somehow;

Refuse - instantly consoled;

They will change - I was glad to have a rest.

He looked for them without ecstasy,

And he left without regret

Faintly remembering their love and anger.

So exactly an indifferent guest

Comes to the evening whist,

Sits down; game over:

He leaves the yard

He falls asleep quietly at home

And he himself does not know in the morning

Where will he go in the evening.

But, having received Tanya's message,

Onegin was vividly moved:

The language of girlish dreams

In it he revolted the thoughts with a swarm;

And he remembered Tatiana dear

And a pale color and a dull look;

And into a sweet, sinless dream

He immersed himself in his soul.

Perhaps the sentiment ardor is old

He took possession of him for a minute;

But he did not want to deceive

The credulity of an innocent soul.

You will agree, my reader,

What he did very nicely

With sad Tanya our friend;

Not for the first time he showed here

Souls straight nobility ...

Evgeniy Alone with his soul

I was dissatisfied with myself.

And rightly so: in a strict analysis,

Calling myself to a secret judgment,

He blamed himself for a lot ...