Fantasy in literature. Fantastic motifs and images in the works of domestic literature What is fiction definition

Fantasy in literature. Fantastic motifs and images in the works of domestic literature What is fiction definition
Fantasy in literature. Fantastic motifs and images in the works of domestic literature What is fiction definition

Fantasy (from Dr. Greek. Φανταστική - the art of imagination, fantasy) - genre and creative method in fiction, cinema, visual and other forms of art, characterized by using a fantastic assumption, "element of extraordinary", violation of the boundaries of reality, conventions taken. Modern fantasy includes such genres as science fiction, fantasy, horrors, magic realism and many others.

Fantastic origins

The origins of fiction - in post-myth-making folklore consciousness, primarily in a magical fairy tale.

Fantasy is distinguished as a special type of artistic creativity as the folklore forms are given from the practical problems of mythological understanding of reality (the most ancient cosmogonic myths are essentially nephoantastic). Primitive world staff faces new ideas about reality, mythical and real plans are mixed, and this mixture is purely fantastic. Fantasy, according to Olga Freudenberg, - "The first generation of realism": the characteristic sign of the invasion of realism in the myth is the emergence of "fantastic creatures" (deities that combine animal and human traits, centaurs, etc.). Primary fiction genres, utopia and fantastic journey, were also the most ancient forms of narration as such, first of all in the "Odyssee" of Homer. The plot, images and incidents "Odyssey" - the beginning of all literary Western European fiction.

However, the collision of Mimesis with the myth, which produces the effect of fiction, it has yet been involuntary. The first who are deliberately confronted, and, therefore, the first conscious fictionity is Aristophane.

Fiction in the ancient literature

In the era of Hellenism, Hektei Abdersky, Evgemer, Yambul combines the genres of fantastic travel and utopia in their writings.

In the Roman time, the moment of socio-political utopia, characteristic of Hellenistic pseudo-destroyers, has already milder; Only a series of fantastic adventures remained in different parts of the globe and beyond - on the moon, connected to the theme of the love novel. This type includes "incredible adventures on the other side of Tula" Anthony Diogen.

Between the continuation of the tradition of fantastic travel, the novel of Pseudo-Callisphen "History of Alexander the Great", where the hero falls in the field of giants, dwarfs, cannibals, freaks, in terrain with strange nature, with unusual animals and plants. Many places are given to the wonders of India and her "Nagim Wise men", Brahmanam. The mythological prototype of all these fabulous wanderings is not forgotten, visiting the country of blissful.

Fiction in medieval literature

During the early Middle Ages, about V to the XI century, it happens if not rejection, then at least suppressing the wonderful, the basics of fantastic. In the XII-XIII century, according to Jacques, Le Goff, "there is a genuine invasion of wonderful to scientist culture." At this time, the so-called "Books of Miracles" (Gervasy Tilberian, Marco Polo, Raymund Lully, John Mandeville, and others) appear one after another.

Fiction in the era of the revival

The development of fiction during the Renaissance period is completed by Don Quixote, M. Cervantes - a parody of fiction of knightly adventures and at the same time starting a realistic novel, and "Gargantua and Pantagruel" F. Rabel, using the profan name of the knightly novel to develop humanistic utopia and humanistic satire. We find the chapters (chapters about the Telem abbey) one of the first examples of the fantastic development of the utopian genre, although the originally uncharacteristic: after all, the prosecutors of the genre T. Mora (1516) and T. Campanella (1602) Utopia is to the didactic treatise and only in " New Atlantis "F. Beckon is a science fiction game of imagination. An example of a more traditional combination of fiction with a dream about the fabulous kingdom of justice - "storm" W. Shakespeare.

Fantasy in the XVII and XVIII century

By the end of the 18th century, mannerism and baroque, for which fiction was a permanent background, an additional artistic plan (at the same time there was aesthetization of the perception of fiction, the loss of the living sensation of wonderful), changed classicism, in its essence alien fiction: his appeal to myth is completely rationalistic.

The French "tragic stories" of the XVII century draw material from the chronicles and paint the fatal passions, murders and cruelty, obsession with the devil, etc. This is the distant predecessors of the works of Marquis de Gadomanist and in general "black novel", combining a paradoxographic tradition with a narrative fiction . Infernal themes in a pious frame (the history of the struggle against terrible passions on the path of serving God) are in the novels of Bishop Jean Pierre Cam.

Fiction in romanticism

Romantics duality turns into a split personality leading to poetically beneficial "sacred madness." "Refuge in the kingdom of fantasy" was looking for all romance: the "Ianians" fantasy, that is, the aspiration of imagination into the fantasy world of myths and legends, was put forward as an attachment to the highest insight, as a life program - relatively prosperous (at the expense of romantic irony) at L. Tika , Panthetic and tragic Novalis, whose "Heinrich von Ofe Anterdingen" is a sample of an updated fantastic allegory, meaningful in the spirit of searches for an unattainable and incomprehensible ideal spiritual world.

Romantic fiction was synthesized by creativity E. T. A. Gofman: here and the Gothic novel ("Elixir Devil"), and the literary fairy tale ("Lord of Bloch", "Nutcracker and Mouse King"), and an enchanting phantasmagoria ("Princess Brambill"), and a realistic story with a fantastic population ("Selection of the Bride", "Golden Pot").

Fiction in realism

In the era of realism, fiction was again on the periphery of literature, although it was often attracted for satirical and utopian purposes (as in the stories of Dostoevsky "Bobok" and "Sleep of a funny person"). At the same time, scientific fiction actually emerges, which in the work of Epigon Romanticism J. Verne ("Five weeks in a balloon", "Journey to the Center for Earth", "From the Earth to the Moon", "Twenty Thousands of Water under water", "Mysterious Island "," Robur-Conqueror ") and an outstanding realist of the city of Wells are fundamentally inspired by the competent tradition; She draws a real world, transformed by science (to thin or good) and a newly open view of the researcher. (True, the development of cosmic fiction leads to the discovery of new worlds, according to the inevitability of somehow correlated with traditional-fabulous, but this is the moment of cruising.)

Read more about the genre

The question of the allocation of fiction in an independent concept was as a result of development in the second half of 19 and early 20th centuries. Literature, firmly related to scientific and technical progress. The plot basis of fantastic works was scientific discoveries, inventions, technical foresight ... Herbert Wells and Jules Verne were recognized as recognized fantastic authorities. Until the middle of the 20th century Fantasy kept somewhat mansion from the rest of the literature: it was too much connected with science. The theoreticals of the literary process, this gave reason to say that fiction is a very special kind of literature, existing according to the rules inherent in him, and has a special task.

Subsequently, this opinion was shaken. Characteristically, the statement of the famous American science fistina Ray Bradbury: "Fantasy - literature." In other words, no significant partitions exist. In the second half of the 20th century. The former theories gradually retreated under the onslaught of changes in fantastics.

First, the concept of "fiction" began to include not only the "science fiction" actually, i.e. Works ascending by its samples of Julvernovsky and Wells production. Under one with them, the roofs were the texts associated with the "horror" (horror literature), mysticism and fantasy (magic, magical fiction).

Secondly, significant changes occurred in science fiction: "New Wave" of American science and "Fourth Wave" in the USSR (1950-1980-E 20 century) led an active struggle for the destruction of the borders of the "ghetto" of fiction, its merger with literature "Basic flow", the destruction of the tested taboo that dominated the classic science fiction of the old sample. A number of directions in the "Neafantastic" literature, one way or another, gained a fantastic sound, borrowed fiction entourage. Romantic literature, literary fairy tale (E. Shvartz), Fyshvagoria (A.Grin), Esoteric Roman (P.Kuelo, V. Velevin), a lot of texts lying in the tradition of postmodernism (for example, Mantissa Faulza) are recognized in the science of science fiction " "Or" almost their own ", i.e. Border, lying in the Broadband, to which the spheres of influence simultaneously are the literature of the "main flow" and fiction.

In the late 20 and the first years of 21 centuries. The destruction of the concepts of "fantasy" and "Scientific fiction" are growing up for fantastic literature. A lot of theories were created, one way or another, fixed on these types of fiction strictly defined boundaries. But for the mass reader, everything was clear on Ancturing: Fantasy is there, where witchcraft, swords and elves; Scientific fiction is there where robots, starships and blasters.

Gradually appeared "Science Fantasy", i.e. "Scientific Fantasy", which perfectly connected witchcraft with starships, and swords with robots. A special type of fantasy was born - "Alternative History", in the future replenished "cryptoistory". And there, and there are science fiction as a familiar withdrawal of science fiction, and fantasy, or even connect them into a non-historical whole. There were directions, within which there is no particular importance to scientific fiction or fantasy. In Anglo-American literature, this is primarily cyberpunk, and in domestic - turbolysis and "sacred fiction".

As a result, the situation was developed when the concepts of science fiction and fantasy, previously firmly separated fantastic literature, blurred to the limit.

Fantasy - genres and southes

It is known that fiction can be divided into different directions: fantasy and science fiction, solid science fiction, cosmic fiction, combat and humorous, love and social, mysticism and horrors.

Perhaps these genres or as they are also called, subspecies today are the most famous in their circles. Let's try to characterize each of them separately.

Science fiction (NF)

So, science fiction is the genre of literature and film industry, which describes the events taking place in the real world, and differ from historical reality in any meaning.

These differences can be technological, scientific, social, historical and any other, but not magical, otherwise the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "science fiction" is lost. In other words, science fiction reflects the impact of scientific and technological progress on the ordinary and familiar life of a person. Among the popular stories of the works of this genre can be noted flights to the uncharted planets, the invention of robots, the opening of new forms of life, the invention of the latest weapons and so on.

Among the admirers of this genre are popular with the following works: "I, Robot" (Azekza Azimov), "Star Pandora" (Peter Hamilton), "Attempt to escape" (Boris and Arkady Strugatsky), "Red Mars" (Kim Wednie Robinson) and Many other wonderful books.

The film industry also removed many films of the science fiction genre. Among the first foreign paintings, George Milles "Journey to the Moon" came out. It was removed in 1902 and is truly considered the most popular film that was shown on large screens.

You can also note other pictures in the genre "Science Fiction": "District No. 9" (USA), "Matrix" (USA), the legendary "Aliens" (USA). However, there are films that have become a classic genre so to speak.

Among them: "Metropolis" (Fritz Lang, Germany), shot in 1925 struck his idea and representing the future of mankind.

Another movie School, who became a classic, "2001: Space Odyssey (Kubrick, USA), who came to the screens in 1968. This picture tells about extraterrestrial civilizations and very much resembles a scientific material about aliens and their lives - for the audience of the distant 1968, this is really something new, fantastic, that they have never seen and have not heard. Of course, it is impossible to bypass the side and "Star Wars.

Solid science fiction as a subsided NF

Science fiction has the so-called subsoance or subspecies called "solid science fiction". Solid scientific fiction is different from the traditional scientific fact that during the story, scientific facts are distorted, laws.

That is, it can be said that the basis of this subgenar is a natural scientific knowledge base and the entire plot is described around a certain scientific idea, even if fantastic. The plot line in such works is always simple and logical, built on several scientific assumptions - the time machine, ultra-speed movement in space, Extroinsensoric, etc.

Space fiction, one more subgenher NF

Space fiction is a science fiction scene. Its distinctive feature is that the main plot unfolds in outer space or on various planets in the solar system or beyond.

There is a division of cosmic fiction on the species: planetary novel, space opera, cosmic odyssey. Talk about each form.

  1. Space Odyssey. So, the Space Odyssey is a storyline, in which actions occur most often on space vessels (ships) and heroes need to fulfill a global mission, the fate of the person depends on the execution of the execution of which the fate of the person.
  2. Planetary novel. The planetary romance is much easier by the type of development of events and the complexity of the plot. Basically, the entire action is limited to one specific planet, which is inhabited by exotic animals, people. A lot of works in this form of the genre are devoted to a distant future in which people move between worlds on a spacecraft and this is a normal phenomenon, some early works of cosmic fantasy look more simple plots with not so realistic ways of movement. However, the goal and the main theme of the planetary novel is one for all works - the adventures of the heroes on a specific planet.
  3. Space opera. Space opera - no less interesting subspecies of science fiction. Its main idea is the crown and growing conflict between the heroes using the powerful high-tech weapons of the future for the conquest of the galaxy or the liberation of the planet from cosmic aliens, humanoids and other space creatures. The actors of this cosmic conflict are characterized by heroic. The main difference between the cosmic opera from science fiction is that there is almost a complete refusal to the scientific base of the plot.

Among the works of cosmic fiction, which deserve attention can be noted as follows: "Lost paradise", "absolute enemy" (Andrei Livadny), "Steel Rat Saves Peace" (Harry Harrison), "Star Kings", "Return to Stars" (Edmond Hamilton ), "Highway for the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams) and other wonderful books.

And now we note a few bright film in the "Space Fiction" genre. Of course, it is impossible to go around the well-known film "Armageddon" (Michael Bay, USA, 1998); The whole world of Avatar (James Cameron, the USA, 2009) blowing up, which is distinguished by unusual special effects, bright images, rich and unusual nature of the unknown planet; "Star landing" (Paul Verkhovlen, USA, 1997), also popular in his time film, although many kinomans and today are ready to revise this picture more than once; It is impossible not to note all parts (episodes) of "Star Wars" George Lucas, in my opinion, this masterpiece of fiction will be popular and interesting to the viewer at all times.

Boat fiction

Combat fantasy is a form (subway) of fiction, which describes military actions that are coming back or not very distant future, and all actions occur using heavy-duty robots and the newest weapons of the unknown person today.

This genre is quite young, its birth can be attributed to the middle of the 20th century during the war of war in Vietnam. Moreover, I note that combat fiction has become popular and the number of works and films increased, directly in proportion to the growing conflict in the world.

Among the popular authors of the representatives of this genre are allocated: Joe Holdeman "Infinite War"; Harry Harrison "Steel rat", "Bill - Hero of the Galaxy"; Domestic authors Alexander Zorich "Tomorrow War", Oleg Markelov "Adequacy", Igor Paul "Guardian Angel 320" and other wonderful authors.

Many filmed and films in the genre "combat fiction" »Frozen soldiers" (Canada, 2014), "Future Future" (USA, 2014), Starterk: Retribution "(USA, 2013).

Humorous fiction

Humorous fiction is a genre in which the presentation of unusual and fantastic events occurs in a humorous form.

Humorous fiction is known from antiquity and develops in our time. Among the representatives of humorous fiction in the literature are the most bright are our favorite brothers Strugatsky "Monday begins on Saturday", Cyrus Bulychev "Miracles in the Huslar", as well as foreign authors of humorous fiction Predchatt Terry David John "I put on midnight", Bester Alfred "will you wait?" ", Bisson Terry Ballantin" They are made of meat. "

Love fiction

Love fiction, romantic adventure works.

The type of fiction can be attributed to the love plots with fictional heroes, magic countries that do not exist, the presence in the description of wonderful amulets, which have unusual properties, and, of course, all these stories have a happy end.

Of course, films removed in the genre. Here are some of them: "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (USA, 2008), "Time Traveler's Wife (USA, 2009)," She "(USA, 2014).

Social fiction

Social fiction is a kind of science fiction literature, where the main role is played by relations between people in society.

The basis of emphasis is placed on the creation of fantastic motives in order to show the development of social relations in unrealistic conditions.

The following works were written in this genre: Strugatsky brothers "Grad doomed", "Bye Hour" I. Efremov, Hwells "Time Machine", "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury. The cinema also has films in his piggy bank in the genre of social fiction: "Matrix" (USA, Australia, 1999), "Dark City" (USA, Australia, 1998), "Youth" (USA, 2014).

As you can see, fantasy is so multilateral genre that anyone can choose what fits him in spirit, by nature, will give an opportunity to plunge into the magical, unusual, terrible, tragic, high-tech world of the future and inexplicable for us - ordinary people.

What is the difference in fantasy from fiction?

The word "fiction" came to us from the Greek, where "Phantastike" means "art imagine". "Fantasy" occurred from the English "Phantasy" (tracing from the Greek language "Phantasia"). Literal translation - "performance, imagination". Here the key point is the words of art and imagination. Art implies some patterns and rules for the construction of the genre, and the imagination is endless, the flight of fantasy does not obey the laws.

Fantasy is such a form of reflection of the surrounding world, which creates a logically incompatible picture of the universe based on real ideas about it. Fantasy is a type of fiction, a type of fantastic art, in the works of which the fictional events in the worlds are depicted, the existence of which is logically impossible to explain. The basis of fantasy is a mystical, irrational beginning.

The world of fantasy is a certain assumption. The author sends his reader to time and space. After all, the basis of the genre is a free flight of fantasy. The location of this world is not specified. Its physical laws cannot be explained by the realities of our world. Magic and magic - the norm of the world described. "Wonders" fantasy act on their system as the laws of nature.

The heroes of modern fantastic works, as a rule, are opposed to whole society. They can fight with a mega-corporation or a totalitarian state that manages the life of society. Fantasy is built on the antithesis of good and evil, harmony and chaos. The hero goes to a distant journey, seeking truth and justice. Often the string of the plot is any incident, awakened the forces of evil. The hero configure or help mythical fictional creatures, which can be consecrated in some "races" (elves, orcs, gnomes, trolls, etc.). The "Lord of the Rings" is recognized as a classic example of Fantasy genre. J.R. Tolkien.


  1. The word "fiction" is translated as "art imagine", and "fantasy" - "presentation", "imagination".
  2. A characteristic feature of the works of fiction is the presence of a fantastic assumption: how would the world be under certain conditions. The author of Fantasy describes an alternative reality that is not associated with the existing reality. The laws of fantasy world are presented as a given, without any explanation. The existence of magic and mythical races is the norm.
  3. In fantastic works, as a rule, there is a conflict between the norms imposed by the norms and the desire of the chief hero to freedom. That is, the characters defend their dissimilarity. In the works of fantasy, the main conflict is associated with the confrontation between the bright and dark forces.


Film fantasy - the direction and genre of artistic cinematography, which can be characterized by an increased level of convention. Images, events and antines of fantastic films often deliberately removed from everyday reality - this can be done both to achieve specific artistic tasks, to achieve the creators of the film more convenient to fiction with the means of realistic cinema, and simply to entertain the viewer (the latter is characteristic primarily for the genre movie).

The nature of the convention depends on the particular direction or genre - science fiction, fantasy, horror film, phantasmagoria, - but they can all be widely understood as film fantasy. There is also a narrower idea of \u200b\u200bthe film fantasics as a massive purely commercial genre of cinema; According to this presentation, the film fantasics is not, for example, "Space Odyssey 2001". This article uses a wide understanding of film fantasics, which allows you to give a more complete picture of the subject.

The evolution of film fantasics largely followed the evolution of much more dynamically developing fantastic literature. However, cinema from the very beginning possessed the property of visuality, which written literature is practically deprived. The moving image is perceived by the viewer as a reliable, existing here and now, and the sense of reliability does not depend on how fantasticly unfolding the action on the screen. This property of the perception of the viewer of cinema has gained special importance after the appearance of special effects.

Cinema fantasy actively uses the technological era mythology. Mythology is part of scientific fiction films.

I am generally a big fantastic fiction and scientific, including. At one time, I read a lot, now significantly less due to the invention of the Internet and lack of time. When preparing the next post I was caught here this rating. Well, I think, now goes away, I probably know everything here! Yeah! No matter how. Half the books did not read, but it is still okay. Some authors I hear almost the first time! Won it like! And they are cult! And how are you doing with this list?

Check ...

1. Time Machine

Roman Herbert Wells, his first major science fiction work. Recycled from the story of 1888 "Argonauts of Time" and published in 1895. "Time Machine" introduced into fiction the idea of \u200b\u200btraveling in time and the time used for this machine, which was used later than the many writers and created the direction of chronopantascular. Moreover, according to Yu. I. Kagarlitsky, both in the scientific and universal relations of Wells "... in a certain sense anticipated Einstein," which formulated a special theory of relativity thus after the reversion of the novel

The book describes the journey of the inventor of the time machine to the future. The basis of the plot is the fascinating adventures of the main character in the world in 800 thousand years, describing who, the author proceeded from the negative trends in the development of the modern capitalist society, which allowed many critics to call the book by Roman-warning. In addition, the novel was first described by many ideas related to time travel, which for a long time will not lose their attractiveness for readers and authors of new works.

2. stranger in someone else's country

Fantastic philosophical romance Robert Hainline, in 1962 awarded Hugo Prize. In the West has a "cult" status, considering the most famous of fantastic novels ever written. One of the few fantastic works included in the Congress library to the list of books formed America.

The first expedition to Mars disappeared without a trace. The Third World War pushed the second, successful expedition for long twenty-five years. New researchers have established contact with original Martians and found out that the first expedition was not died. And "Mowgli of the Space Age" is brought to Earth, Michael Valentyan Smith, brought up by local intelligent beings. Man by origin and Marcianin on education, Michael bursts a bright star into the familiar weekdays of the earth. Mind by the knowledge and skills of the ancient civilization Smith becomes a Messiah, the founder of a new religion and the first martyr for his faith ...

3. Saga about Lensmen

Saga about Lensmans is the story of a magnifiance confrontation between two ancient and powerful races: the evil and cruel Eddoian who are trying to create a giant empire in space, and the inhabitants of Arrisia, the wise patrons of young civilizations, emerging in the galaxy. Over time, the Earth with its Mighty Space Fleet and the Galactic Patrol of Lensmans will take place in this fight.

The novel became unprecedentedly popular among fiction lovers - he was one of the first major works, the authors of which risked to derive the action outside the solar system, and since then, smith, along with Edmond Hamilton, is considered the founder of the "Space Opera" genre.

4. Space Odyssey 2001

"Cosmic Odyssey of 2001" - a literary scenario reworked in the novel (which, in turn, is based on the early story of Clark "Watch"), which became the classics of film fantasics and dedicated to the contact of humanity with extraterrestrial civilization.
The 2001 Cosmic Odyssey film regularly includes the list of "the greatest films in the history of the movie". He and his continuation "2010: Odyssey two" received Hugo Prizes in 1969 and 1985 as the best fantastic films.
The influence of the film and books on modern culture is huge, like the number of their fans. And although 2001 has already arrived, "Space Odyssey" is unlikely to forget. She continues to remain our future.

5. 451 degrees Fahrenheit

The novel-anti-nightopia of the famous American science fiction Ray Bradbury "451 degrees Fahrenheit" became, in a sense, an icon and a guide star of the genre. He was created on a typewriter, which the writer took rent in the Public Library and was printed for the first time in the first releases of Playboy magazine.

The novel epigraph says that paper ignition temperature is 451 ° F. The novel describes a society that relies on mass culture and consumer thinking, in which all books forcing themselves to think about life are subject to burning; Storage of books is a crime; And people who are able to think critically appear out of law. The main hero of the novel, Guy Montag, works "Firemen" (which in the book implies the burning of books), being confident that he performs his work "for the benefit of mankind." But soon he is disappointed in the ideals of society, part of which he is, becomes a bandwidth and joins a small underground group of marginals, who are supporting the texts of books to save them for descendants.

6. "Foundation" (other names - Academy, Foundation, Foundation, Foundation)

The classic of science fiction, tells about the collapse of the Great Galactic Empire and its revival with the help of the Seldon Plan.

In the late novels of Azimov, the world of the foundation with other products of the Empire and positron robots associated. The combined cycle, which is also called the "Foundation", covers the history of mankind for more than 20,000 years and includes 14 novels and several dozen stories.

According to rumors, Roman Azimova made a huge impression on Usama Bin Laden and even influenced his decision to create a terrorist organization Al-Qaida. Ben Laden ordered himself Gary Seldon, who manages the society of the future in advance of the planned crises. Moreover, the name of the novel translated into Arabic sounds like Al Qaida and, thus, could cause the name of the Bin Laden organization.

7. Loaf number five, or crusade children (1969)

Avtobiographical Roman Kurt Vonneguta about Dresden bombardment during World War II.

Roman was devoted to Mary O'Hair (and Dresden Taksist Gerhard Muller) and written in the "telegraph-schizophrenic style," as it is expressed by Svoingut. In the book, realism, grotesque, fantasy, elements of madness, cruel satire and bitter irony are closely intertwined.
The main character is American soldier Billy Pilgrim, ridiculous, timid, apathetic man. The book describes his adventures in the war and the bombardment of Dresden, which imposed an implanial imprint on the mental state of the pilgrim, since childhood is not very sustainable. Wonnegut introduced into the story a fantastic element: the events of the life of the main character are considered through the prism of the post-traumatic stress disorder - the syndrome characteristic of veterans of the war, which crossed the perception of the character of reality. As a result, the comic "story about aliens" grows into some slim philosophical system.
Aliens from the planet Tradlephamador take away Billy Pilgrim on his planet and tell him that time does not actually "flow", there is no gradual accidental transition from one event to another - the world and time and forever are given, everything that happened and happens . About someone's death, the sneakers simply say: "Such cases." It is impossible to say why something happened - that was the "moment structure".

8. Hitchhiker for the Galaxy

Guide "Hitchhiker's Galaxy". The legendary ironic scientific fiction saga Douglas Adams.
Roman tells about the adventures of the uncomfortable Englishman Arthur Dent, who with his friend Ford the prefect (a native of a small planet somewhere near Bethelgeuse, who works in the editorial office of the guide for motorways) avoids death in the destruction of the Earth of the Bourdes-Vogon bureaucrats. Biblbrox Zaphod, Ford's relative and president of the Galaxy, accidentally saves the Denta and Ford from death in open space. On board the ship stolen by the Zaphod on an incredible Tract "Golden Heart" are also depressed robot Marvin, and Trillian, she is Tricha McMilllan, which Arthur once met at the party. She, as Arthur soon understands, the only surviving earthland, besides himself. Heroes are looking for the legendary planet Magrata and try to find a question suitable for the final answer.

9. Dune (1965)

The first Roman Frank Herbert from the Saga "Chronicles of Dune" about the sandy planet Arrakis. This book made it famous. "Dune" was awarded the Hugo and Neule premiums. "Dune" is one of the most famous science fiction novels of the 20th century.
This book climbs many political, environmental and other important problems. The writer managed to create a full fantastic world and cross him with a philosophical novel. In this world, the most important substance is a spice that is needed for interstellar flights and on which the existence of civilization depends. This substance is only on the same planet called Arrakis. Arrakis is a desert inhabited by huge sandy worms. On this planet live the tribes of Forms, in the lives of which water is the main and unconditional value.

10. Neuromancer (1984)

William Gibson's novel, a canonical work in the "Cyberpank" genre, awarded awards "Neuly" (1984), Hugo (1985) and the prize Philip Dick. This is the first Roman Gibson, which opens the trilogy "cyberspace". Published in 1984.
In this work, concepts such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, genetic engineering, transnational corporations, cyberspace (computer network, matrix) are long before these concepts have become popular in mass culture.

11. Do the Androids dream of electricians dream? (1968)

Sci-fi novel Philip Dick, written in 1968. He tells the story of the "hunter for heads" Rick Decard, who pursues androids - creatures almost indistinguishable from the person declared out of law on Earth. The action takes place in poisoned radiation and partially abandoned San Francisco of the future.
Along with the "man in a high castle", this novel is the most famous work of Dick. This is one of the classical fantastic works in which the ethical problems of creating androids are being investigated - artificial people.
In 1982, Ridley Scott took off the film "Running on the blade" with Harrison Ford. The scenario, which was created by Hampton Fancher and David Piples, is quite different from the book.

12. Gate (1977)

The scientific fantastic novel of the American Writer Frederic Paul, published in 1977 and received all three main American awards of the genre - "Inconsive" (1977), "Hugo" (1978) and Locus (1978). The novel opens the Cycle Hichi.
Near Venus, people found an artificial asteroid, built by an alien race, called Hichi. Space ships were found on the asteroid. People figured out how to manage ships, but they could not change destination. Many volunteers experienced them. Some returned with discoveries, thanks to which they became rich. But the majority returned with anything. And some were not returned at all. The flight on the ship was reminded Russian roulette - might be lucky, but it was possible to die.
The main character is a researcher who was lucky. He is tormented by the remorse of conscience - from the crew to whom luck fell out, only he returned. And he is trying to figure out his life, confessing the psychoanalyst robot.

13. The game of Ender (1985)

"The game of Ender" received the "Neule" and Hugo award for the best novel in 1985 and 1986 - one of the most prestigious literary premiums in the field of science fiction.
The action of the novel occurs in 2135. Humanity survived two invasions of the alien race "Zhugers" (English. Buggers), only a miraculous of the survivors, and is preparing for the next invasion. To search for pilots and military leaders who can bring the Earth victory, a military school is created, in which the most talented children from an early age are being sent. Among these children and the title hero of the book - Andrew (Ender) Wiggin, the future commander of the International Fleet of the Earth and the only hope of humanity to salvation.

14. 1984 (1949)

In 2009, the newspaper The Times included the "1984" novel on the list of the top 60 books published in the last 60 years, and Newsweek magazine put the romance to the second place in the list of the best books of all times and peoples.
The name of the novel, its terminology and even the name of the author subsequently became nominalized and used to designate a social structure resembling the totalitarian regime described in "1984". Repeatedly became like a victim of censorship in socialist countries and the object of criticism from the left circles in the West.
The fantastic Roman George Orwell "1984" tells about Winston, who is engaged in rewriting history, based on party interests during the reign of Totalitarian junta. Smith rebellion leads to terrible consequences. As the author prevents, nothing can be worse than the total non-free ...

This is a work that was banned in our country until 1991, called the XX-centuries. (Hate, fears, hunger and blood), warning about totalitarianism. The novel boycotted in the West due to the similarity of the ruler of the country of the Big Brother and the real heads of state.

15. On the wonderful new world (1932)

One of the most famous novels-anti-nightopy. A kind of antipode "1984" Orwell. There are no torture styles - everyone is happy and satisfied. The pages of the novel describes the world of a distant future (the action takes place in London), in which people are grown at special embryonic plants and in advance (impact on the embryo at various stages of development) are divided into five different in the mental and physical abilities of castes that perform different work. From "Alpha" - strong and beautiful workers of mental work to Epsilons - hedresses, which are only available to the most simple physical work. Depending on the caste, babies are brought up in different ways. So, with the help of the hypoptee, each caste is raised in front of a higher caste and contempt for the castes of the lower. Suits for each caste of a certain color. For example, Alphas go in gray, gamma - in green, delta - in Khaki, Epsilons - in black.
There is no place in this society, and it is considered indecent not to have regular sex contacts with different partners (the main slogan "Everyone belongs to everyone else"), but pregnancy is considered a scary shame. People in this "world state" are not aging, although the average life expectancy is 60 years. Regularly, to always have a good mood, they use the Drug to "Some", which has no negative actions ("Soma Gram - and there is no dram"). Henry Ford is God in this world - "Lord Our Ford" is called, and the Soulstee comes from the creation of the Ford T car, that is, from 1908. e. (In the novel, the action takes place in 632 "Era of Stability", that is, in 2540, N. E.).
The writer shows the lives of people in this world. The main characters are people who cannot fit into society - Bernard Marx (representative of the top class, alpha-advantage), his friend Successful dissenting Helmholts and savage John from the Indian reservation, which all his life dreamed of getting into the beautiful world, where everyone is happy.


And according to the literary topic, let me remind you that I imagined and what was The original article is on the site Inforos Link to an article with which this copy is made -

Fiction - It comes from the Greek concept of "Phantastike" (art imagine).

In a modern sense, fantasy can be defined as one of the types of literature, which is capable of creating a magical, wonderful picture of the world, opposing the existing reality and is familiar to all of us.

It is known that fiction can be divided into different directions: fantasy and science fiction, solid science fiction, cosmic fiction, combat and humorous, love and social, mysticism and horrors.

Perhaps these genres or as they are also called, subspecies today are the most famous in their circles.

Let's try to characterize each of them separately.

Science fiction (NF):

So, science fiction is the genre of literature and film industry, which describes the events taking place in the real world, and differ from historical reality in any meaning.

These differences can be technological, scientific, social, historical and any other, but not magical, otherwise the entire idea of \u200b\u200bthe concept of "science fiction" is lost.

In other words, science fiction reflects the impact of scientific and technological progress on the ordinary and familiar life of a person.

Among the popular stories of the works of this genre can be noted flights to the uncharted planets, the invention of robots, the opening of new forms of life, the invention of the latest weapons and so on.

Among the admirers of this genre are popular with the following works: "I, Robot" (Azekza Azimov), "Star Pandora" (Peter Hamilton), "Attempt to escape" (Boris and Arkady Strugatsky), "Red Mars" (Kim Wednie Robinson) and Many other wonderful books.

The film industry also removed many films of the science fiction genre. Among the first foreign paintings, George Milles "Journey to the Moon" came out.

It was removed in 1902 and is truly considered the most popular film that was shown on large screens.

You can also note other pictures in the genre "Science Fiction": "District No. 9" (USA), "Matrix" (USA), the legendary "Aliens" (USA). However, there are films that have become a classic genre so to speak.

Among them: "Metropolis" (Fritz Lang, Germany), shot in 1925 struck his idea and representing the future of mankind.

Another movie School, who became a classic, "2001: Space Odyssey (Kubrick, USA), who came to the screens in 1968.

This picture tells about extraterrestrial civilizations and very much resembles a scientific material about aliens and their lives - for the audience of the distant 1968, this is really something new, fantastic, that they have never seen and have not heard. Of course, it is impossible to bypass the side and "Star Wars.

Episode 4: New Hope "(George Lucas, USA), 1977.

This ribbon probably looked at each of us and not once. So it delays and attracts with their special effects, unusual costumes, gorgeous scenery and the heroes unprecedented for us.

Although, if we talk about the genre, in which this film has been removed, I would rather take it to cosmic fiction than a scientific.

But, in justification, the genre can be said that, probably, no film is removed in a certain genre in its pure form, there is always a retreat.

Solid science fiction as a subsided NF

Science fiction has the so-called subsoance or subspecies called "solid science fiction".

Solid scientific fiction is different from the traditional scientific fact that during the story, scientific facts are distorted, laws.

That is, it can be said that the basis of this subgenar is a natural scientific knowledge base and the entire plot is described around a certain scientific idea, even if fantastic.

The plot line in such works is always simple and logical, built on several scientific assumptions - the time machine, ultra-speed movement in space, Extroinsensoric, etc.

Space fiction, one more subgenher NF

Space fiction is a science fiction scene. Its distinctive feature is that the main plot unfolds in outer space or on various planets in the solar system or beyond.

Planetary Roman, Space Opera, Space Odyssey.

Talk about each form.

Space Odyssey:

So, the Space Odyssey is a storyline, in which actions occur most often on space vessels (ships) and heroes need to fulfill a global mission, the fate of the person depends on the execution of the execution of which the fate of the person.

Planetary Roman:

The planetary romance is much easier by the type of development of events and the complexity of the plot. Basically, the entire action is limited to one specific planet, which is inhabited by exotic animals, people.

A lot of works in this kind of genre are devoted to a distant future in which people move between worlds on a spacecraft and this is a normal phenomenon, some early works of cosmic fiction describe simpler plots with not so realistic ways of movement.

However, the goal and the main theme of the planetary novel is one for all works - the adventures of the heroes on a specific planet.

Space Opera:

Space opera - no less interesting subspecies of science fiction.

Its main idea is the crown and growing conflict between the heroes using the powerful high-tech weapons of the future for the conquest of the galaxy or the liberation of the planet from cosmic aliens, humanoids and other space creatures.

The actors of this cosmic conflict are characterized by heroic. The main difference between the cosmic opera from science fiction is that there is almost a complete refusal to the scientific base of the plot.

Among the works of cosmic fiction, which deserve attention can be noted the following: "Lost paradise", "Absolute enemy" (Andrei Livadnaya), "Steel rat saves the world" (Harry Harrison), "Star Kings", "Return to Stars" (Edmond Hamilton ), "Highway for the Galaxy" (Douglas Adams) and other wonderful books.

And now we note a few bright film in the "Space Fiction" genre. Of course, it is impossible to go around the well-known film "Armageddon" (Michael Bay, USA, 1998); The whole world of Avatar (James Cameron, the USA, 2009) blowing up, which is distinguished by unusual special effects, bright images, rich and unusual nature of the unknown planet; "Star landing" (Paul Verkhovlen, USA, 1997), also popular in his time film, although many kinomans and today are ready to revise this picture more than once; It is impossible not to note all parts (episodes) of "Star Wars" George Lucas, in my opinion, this masterpiece of fiction will be popular and interesting to the viewer at all times.

Combat fiction:

Combat fantasy is a form (subway) of fiction, which describes military actions that are coming back or not very distant future, and all actions occur using heavy-duty robots and the newest weapons of the unknown person today.

This genre is quite young, its birth can be attributed to the middle of the 20th century during the war of war in Vietnam.

Moreover, I note that combat fiction has become popular and the number of works and films increased, directly in proportion to the growing conflict in the world.

Among the popular authors of the representatives of this genre are allocated: Joe Holdeman "Infinite War"; Harry Harrison "Steel rat", "Bill - Hero of the Galaxy"; Domestic authors Alexander Zorich "Tomorrow War", Oleg Markelov "Adequacy", Igor Paul "Guardian Angel 320" and other wonderful authors.

Many filmed and films in the genre "combat fiction" »Frozen soldiers" (Canada, 2014), "Future Future" (USA, 2014), Starterk: Retribution "(USA, 2013).

Humorous fiction:

Humorous fiction is a genre in which the presentation of unusual and fantastic events occurs in a humorous form.

Humorous fiction is known from antiquity and develops in our time.

Among the representatives of humorous fiction in the literature are the most bright are our favorite brothers Strugatsky "Monday begins on Saturday", Cyrus Bulychev "Miracles in the Huslar", as well as foreign authors of humorous fiction Predchatt Terry David John "I put on midnight", Bester Alfred "will you wait?" ", Bisson Terry Ballantin" They are made of meat. "

Love fiction:

Love fiction, romantic adventure works.

The type of fiction can be attributed to the love plots with fictional heroes, magic countries that do not exist, the presence in the description of wonderful amulets, which have unusual properties, and, of course, all these stories have a happy end.

Of course, films removed in the genre. Here are some of them: "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton" (USA, 2008), "Time Traveler's Wife (USA, 2009)," She "(USA, 2014).

Social fiction:

Social fiction is a kind of science fiction literature, where the main role is played by relations between people in society.

The basis of emphasis is placed on the creation of fantastic motives in order to show the development of social relations in unrealistic conditions.

The following works were written in this genre: Strugatsky brothers "Grad doomed", "Bye Hour" I. Efremov, Hwells "Time Machine", "451 degrees Fahrenheit" Ray Bradbury.

The cinema also has films in his piggy bank in the genre of social fiction: "Matrix" (USA, Australia, 1999), "Dark City" (USA, Australia, 1998), "Youth" (USA, 2014).


Fantasy is a fiction genre, which describes the fictional world, most often the middle ages, and the plot line is built on the basis of myths and legends.

For this genre, such heroes like gods, sorcerers, gnomes, trolls, ghosts and other creatures are characteristic. The works in the genre "fantasy" are very close to the ancient epic, in which the heroes face magic beings and supernatural events.

The genre of "Fantasy" is gaining momentum every year and it becomes more fans.

Probably, the whole secret is that in our primitive world there is not enough tales, magic, miracles.

The main representatives (authors) of this genre are Robert Jordan (fantasy cycle of the "Wheel Time" books, which includes 11 volumes, Ursula Le Guin (Cycle of Land Circle - "The Wizard of the Earth", "The Wheel of Atuana", "on the last bank", "Tukhan "), Margaret Ways (cycle of works" Dragonlance ") and others.

Among the films shot in the genre "Fantasy" are quite enough to choose and suit even for the most capricious kinoman.

Among the foreign tapes, I will note such as: "The Lord of the Rings", "Harry Potter", Favorite at all times "Highlander" and "Phantom", "Kill the Dragon" many other wonderful films.

These films delay us with great graphics, actors' game, mysterious plots, and viewing such pictures give emotions that you will not get from watching movies in other genres.

It is fantasy that adds additional paints to our lives and admires again and again.

Mystic and horrors:

Mystic and horrors - this genre is probably one of the most popular and attractive for both the reader and the viewer.

He is able to give such unforgettable impressions, emotions and increase adrenaline, like no other genres of fiction.

At one time, before films and books about traveling to the future became popular, horrors were the most unusual and favorite genre from lovers and admirers of all fantastic. And today, interest in them did not disappear.

Bright representatives of the book industry in this genre are: the legendary and all beloved Stephen King "Green Mile", "Dead Zone", Oscar Wilde "Portrait of Dorian Gray", our domestic author M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

And the films in this genre are removed the great set and it is quite difficult to choose the best and brightest of them.

I will list only a few: by all the favorite "nightmare on Elm Street" (USA, 1984), Friday 13th "(US 1980-1982)," Code of Devil "1,2,3 (USA)," Premonition "(USA, 2007 ), "Destination" -1,2,3 (USA, 2000-2006), "Extrasence" (United Kingdom, 2011).

As you can see, fantasy is so multilateral genre that anyone can choose what fits him in spirit, by nature, will give an opportunity to plunge into the magical, unusual, terrible, tragic, high-tech world of the future and inexplicable for us - ordinary people.

greek. Phantastike - art imagine) - a form of reflection of the world, at which a logically incompatible picture of the universe is created on the basis of real representations. Completed in mythology, folklore, art, social utopia. In the Xih - XX centuries. Science fiction develops.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


greek. Phantastike - art imagine), a type of fiction, where artistic fiction gets the greatest freedom: the borders of fiction extend from the image of strange, unusual, fictional phenomena before creating their own world with special patterns and opportunities. Fantasy has a special type of patterns, which is characteristic of the violation of real connections and proportions: for example, the sliced \u200b\u200bnose of Major Kovalev in the story of N. V. Gogol "Nose" himself moves through Petersburg, has the rank above his master, and then wonderful ways himself turns out again on his place. At the same time, the fantasic picture of the world is not a clean fiction: it is transformed into it, raised to the symbolic level of the real reality event. Fantasy in grotesque, exaggerated, transformed form opens the reader the problem of reality and reflects on their solution. Fantastic imagery inherent in a fairy tale, epic, allegory, legend, utopia, satire. A special subspecies is a science fiction, in which the image form is created by the image of the fictional or valid scientific and technical achievements of a person. The artistic peculiarity of fiction is in opposition to the world of fantastic and real, so every work of fiction exists as it were in two plans: the world created by the imagination of the author somehow correlates with real reality. The real world is either endowed beyond the text ("Travel Gullyer" J. Swift), or is present in it (in Fausta I. V. Goethe events in which Faust and Mephistofel are involved, opposed to the lives of the rest of the citizens).

Initially, fantasy was associated with the embodiment of mythological images in the literature: Dr.). Samples of antique fiction can be considered "Odyssey" of Homer, where many amazing and fantastic adventures of Odyssey, and "Metamorphosis" of Ovid - the history of the conversion of living beings in trees, stones, people in animals, etc. In the works of the Epoch of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, this trend continued: in the Knight's epic (from Beowulf, written in the 8th century, to the novels of the Kretiene de Troita 14 century) appeared the images of dragons and wizards, fairies, trolls, elves and other fantastic creatures. A separate tradition in the Middle Ages is Christian fiction, describing the wonders of saints, visions, etc. Christianity recognizes evidence of this kind genuine, but this does not prevent them from being part of a fantastic literary tradition, since the extraordinary phenomena is described, uncharacteristic for the usual course of events. The richest fiction is presented in Eastern culture: "Thousand and One Night" fairy tales, Indian and Chinese literature. In the Renaissance of the Renaissance of the Knight's Romans, the "Gargantua and Pantagruele" F. Rabl and in the Don Quixote, M. Cervantes: Rabelas presented a fantastic epideus, rethinking traditional fiction stamps, Cervantes parodes fantasticity, his hero everywhere sees fantastic creatures, No, it falls because of this in ridiculous positions. Christian fiction in the revival era is expressed in the poems of J. Milton "Lost Paradise" and "Returned Paradise".

Literature of Enlightenment and Classicism is alien to fiction, and its images are used only to give an exotic flavor action. The new fiction flourishing occurs in the 19th century, in the era of romanticism. Genres appear, entirely based on fiction, such as a gothic novel. Diverse forms of fiction in German romanticism; In particular, E. T. A. Gofman wrote a fairy tales ("Lord of Bloch", "Nutcracker and Mouse King"), Gothic novels ("Elixir Devil"), enchanting phantasmagoria ("Princess Brambill"), realistic stories with fantastic background (" Golden pot "," Selection of the Bride "), philosophical fairy tales (" Kroashka Tsakhs "," Sandy man "). Fantasy in the literature of realism is also common: "Peak lady" A. S. Pushkin, "Pigos" M. Yu. Lermontov, Mirgorod and Petersburg Tale N. V. Gogol, "Sleep of a Funny Man" F. M. Dostoevsky etc. There is a problem of combining fiction with the real world in the text, often the introduction of fantastic images requires motivation (Tatiana's sleep in Evgenia Onegin). However, the approval of realism pushed fiction to the periphery of literature. It was treated to give a symbolic nature of images ("Portrait of Dorian Gray" O. Wilde, "Shagreen Skin" O. de Balzak). The gothic tradition of fiction develops E. software, in whose stories are unmotivated fantastic images and collisions. The synthesis of various types of fiction represents Roman M. A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Fantasy in literature.The definition of fiction is the task that caused a colossal number of discussions. The basis for no less dispute was the question of what fiction consists of how it is classified.

The question of the allocation of fiction in an independent concept was as a result of development in the second half of 19 and early 20th centuries. Literature, firmly related to scientific and technical progress. The plot basis of fantastic works was scientific discoveries, inventions, technical foresight ... Herbert Wells and Jules Verne were recognized as recognized fantastic authorities. Until the middle of the 20th century Fantasy kept somewhat mansion from the rest of the literature: it was too much connected with science. The theoreticals of the literary process, this gave reason to say that fiction is a very special kind of literature, existing according to the rules inherent in him, and has a special task.

Subsequently, this opinion was shaken. Characteristically, the statement of the famous American science fistina Ray Bradbury: "Fantasy - literature." In other words, no significant partitions exist. In the second half of the 20th century. The former theories gradually retreated under the onslaught of changes in fantastics. First, the concept of "fiction" began to include not only the "science fiction" actually, i.e. Works ascending by its samples of Julvernovsky and Wells production. Under one with them, the roofs were the texts associated with the "horror" (horror literature), mysticism and fantasy (magic, magical fiction). Secondly, significant changes occurred in science fiction: "New Wave" of American science and "Fourth Wave" in the USSR (1950-1980-E 20 century) led an active struggle for the destruction of the borders of the "ghetto" of fiction, its merger with literature "Basic flow", the destruction of the tested taboo that dominated the classic science fiction of the old sample. A number of directions in the "Neafantastic" literature, one way or another, gained a fantastic sound, borrowed fiction entourage. Romantic literature, literary fairy tale (E. Shvartz), Fyshwagoria (A.Grin), Esoteric Roman (P.Koello, V. Velevin), a lot of texts lying in the tradition of postmodernism (for example, Mantissa Faulza), recognized in the science of science "His" or "almost their", i.e. Border, lying in the Broadband, to which the spheres of influence simultaneously are the literature of the "main flow" and fiction.

In the late 20 and the first years of 21 centuries. The destruction of the concepts of "fantasy" and "Scientific fiction" are growing up for fantastic literature. A lot of theories were created, one way or another, fixed on these types of fiction strictly defined boundaries. But for the mass reader, everything was clear on Ancturing: Fantasy is there, where witchcraft, swords and elves; Scientific fiction is there where robots, starships and blasters. Gradually appeared "Science Fantasy", i.e. "Scientific Fantasy", which perfectly connected witchcraft with starships, and swords with robots. A special type of fantasy was born - "Alternative History", in the future replenished "cryptoistory". And there, and there are science fiction as a familiar withdrawal of science fiction, and fantasy, or even connect them into a non-historical whole. There were directions, within which there is no particular importance to scientific fiction or fantasy. In Anglo-American literature, this is primarily cyberpunk, and in domestic - turbolysis and "sacred fiction".

As a result, the situation was developed when the concepts of science fiction and fantasy, previously firmly separated fantastic literature, blurred to the limit.

Fantasy as a whole represents today the continent populated by very Pestro. Moreover, individual "nations" (directions) are in close relationship with neighbors, and sometimes it is very difficult to understand where the boundaries end with one of them and the territory begins completely different. The current fantasy is similar to a melting boiler in which everything is melted with everything and integrates everything. Inside this boiler loses its meaning any clear classification. The boundaries between the literature of the main flow and fantastics were almost erased, in any case, there is no definition here. Modern literary critic does not have clear, strictly defined criteria for separating the first from the second.

Rather, the borders erect the publisher. The art of marketing requires appeal to the interests of well-established groups of readers. Therefore, publishers and sellers create the so-called "formats", i.e. Formed parameters, within which specific works are taken to print. These "formats" dictate fictions first of all the human entourage, in addition, the receptions for building the plot and, from time to time, thematic range. The concept of "non-format" is widespread. This is called text that is not suitable in its parameters to any well-established "format". The author of the "non-format" fantastic work, as a rule, arise difficulties with its publication.

Thus, in fiction, the critic and literary critic does not have a serious impact on the literary process; He is directed primarily by the publisher and book service. There is a huge, unevenly outlined "world of fantastic", and next to him - a much closer phenomenon - "format" fiction, fantasy in the strict sense of the word.

Is there at least a purely nominally theoretical difference of fiction from non-fiction? Yes, and it equally concerns literature, cinema, painting, music, theater. In a concise, encyclopedic form, it sounds as follows: "Fantasy (from Greek. Phantastike - art imagine) - the form of displaying the world, in which based on real representations is created logically incompatible with them (" supernatural "," wonderful ") picture of the universe.

What does this mean? Fantasy - method, not a genre and not a direction in literature and art. This method in practice means the use of special reception - "fantastic assumptions". And the fantastic assumption is completely simple. Each work of literature and art involves the creation of his "secondary world" by the Creator, built with the help of imagination. There are fictional heroes in fictional circumstances. If the author of the Creator introduces elements of the unprecedented world into his secondary world, i.e. In principle, according to his contemporaries and fellow citizens, in principle, could not exist in the time and in the place that the secondary world of the work is connected, it means that we have a fantastic assumption. Sometimes the whole "secondary world" is completely real: Suppose it is a provincial Soviet city from Roman A. Amirera House Skaltsev Or provincial American town from Roman K. Saymak All alive. Suddenly, inside this usual for the reader of reality, something unthinkable (aggressive aliens in the first case and reasonable plants in the second) appear. But maybe quite differently: J. R. R. Tolkin created the power of his fantasy the world of Mediterranery, never anywhere, but nevertheless has become 20 centuries for many people. more real than surrounding their reality. Both are a fantastic assumption.

The number of unprecedented in the secondary world of the work does not play roles. The fact of its presence is important.

Suppose the times have changed and the technical unprecedency turned into something ordinary. For example, high-speed cars, wars with the massive use of aircraft or, let's say, powerful submarines were in practice impossible for the time of Jules Verne and Herbert Wells. Now this will not surprise anyone. But the works of century ago, where all this is described, remain fantastic, because for those years they were.

Opera Sadko - Fantasy, for the folklore motive of the underwater kingdom is used. But the very old Russian work about Sadko fiction was not, since the representations of people who lived in times when it arose, admitted the reality of the underwater kingdom. Film Nibelung - fantasy, because It has an invisible hat and "Live Armor", who made man invulnerable. But the ancient Germann epic works about Nibelungs do not belong to fiction, because in the era of their occurrence, magical items could be presented with something unusual, but still really existing.

If the author writes about the future, then his work is always referred to fiction, since any future - by definition, there is no accurate knowledge about it. If he writes about the past and makes existence in the time immemorial times of elves and trolls, then falls on the field of fiction. Perhaps the people of Middle Ages and considered the presence of the "small population" in the neighborhood, but the modern world studies denies. In theoretically, it is impossible to exclude that at 22 c., For example, the elves will again be an element of the surrounding reality, and such a representation will become massive. But this case is the work of 20 V. will remain fantastic, given the fact that it was born fantastic.

Dmitry Volodikhin