Xenomorph is what? General information, species, life cycle, Mentioned in films. Other people (fictional race) What does xenomorph look like

Xenomorph is what? General information, species, life cycle, Mentioned in films. Other people (fictional race) What does xenomorph look like
Xenomorph is what? General information, species, life cycle, Mentioned in films. Other people (fictional race) What does xenomorph look like

Xenomorph (lat. Xenomórph from Greek. Έένος - "Alien" and μορφή - "Form": "Alien form of life" or "Alien Lifeline") - a fantastic alien look from the film "Alien" and its continuation. History of image creation


The script for the film "Alien" of 1979 was originally developed by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Schusetta.

The name of the film was taken at the end of the creation of the script. O'Bannon was immediately rejected by the initial name of the film - "Star Beast", - but he could not come up with another name for his replacement. "I went through the names of the names, and they were all disgusting" - told O'Bannon in an interview, "how suddenly, this word" stranger "suddenly came out of the typewriter. "Alien" is a noun, adjective. " The word "strangers" was subsequently the name of the film and, accordingly, the name of the creation itself.

The term Xenomorph (from Greek. Ξενος - "alien" and μορφη - "Form") was first used in the film "Aliens", later - in the director version of "Alien 3". Widely used and video games expanded universe "Aliens".

On the DVD-edition of all four series "Aliens" indicated the Latin name Internecivus Raptus. The comic book has been given another Latin name - Linguafoeda Acheronsis - in honor of the LV-426 Planetoid Aheron, a gas giant satellite in the grid jet system, where these creatures were found on the legend of films about "Aliens".

The characters are also called someone else's "beetle", "creature", "monster", "beast", "dragon", etc.


Initially, the image of someone else's, as well as the interiors found by astronauts, people of alien ships, created the Swiss artist Hans Rudolf Higer specializing in the "dark" subject. He also developed the appearance of an alien creature for a fantastic film "Space", which is largely very similar to someone else's.

Queen of others was already drawn by the director of the second film - James Cameron - together with the artist Stan Winston. Winston Studio created, especially for a film, foam model with full hydraulic control. It is this model that was filmed in almost all scenes of the film that demanded the presence of the queen in the frame. For this work, the film received the Oscar premium for the best visual effects. Only in the 2004 film "Alien against the Predator", computer simulation of running and a fight of the Queen was applied. In the film "Aliens", strangers depicted disguised acrobats and cascaders, copying the lizard gait.

Life cycle Egg

Royal Lying Chat is a little more, and can postpone two embryos: the first is the queen, and the second is simple, and then he dies.


During development, the embryo receives genetic information from the carrier influencing the further development of xenomorph. The embryo itself has only two chromosomes, and the missing takes from the owner. This allows you to adapt to the environment. Cases of infection of other people, earthly animals, predators and cosmic jockeys are shown. As strangers feel like this, they do not touch the carriers. The development of a conventional embryo lasts about one and a half days, the Queen embryo - about a week. Embryo removal is impossible. Even surgically. The fact is that hitting the host, the embryo creates something like a placenta that connects to the carrier organs. When the embryo is removed, slow loss of organs of organs occurs, and as a result of this, the death of the carrier.

Grudol Ripe embryo is called "grudge", since it is chosen from the body of the carrier, having blurred to him in a chest (in man and other vertebrates), as a result of which the carrier dies. The size of the grudge is small, does not have limbs, however, in the film "Alien 3", the grudge was distinguished from the adult stage only the size. Covered with light skin. The queen's Grudoloma has a collar routine. Interestingly, the design of the creature proposed by the hyiger in this case was recognized as an unsuccessful, and the final image of the grudol was created by Ridley Scott and Roger Dicken. The main activity on this period of development is to search for shelter, eating food for rapid growth and development in an adult person. An adult sex is breastless, which consistent with a sufficient food, begins to develop rapidly, as the "dairy skin" drops several times and reaches a value of 2-3 meters in a few hours. At the end of the growth, the adult individual can be attributed to one of the varieties. The shell is usually dark color. In the films, adult individuals, not counting the "hybrid" varieties, always black. In the future, it is already much slower, the growing creature and the formation of his appearance continues.


Soldiers and drums

They are imposed on protection and hunting, expanding residential space, the construction of the hive, the collection of food, feeding the queen and care for eggs. Under normal conditions, these individuals are not capable of reproduction, but in the absence of the queen can postpone from one to three eggs. Also, in the case of the death of the uterine, the ordinary alien can be a new queen and start putting the eggs as a full-fledged uterus.

Externally, the drone and soldiers are distinguished by sizes and head coating. The drums appear in the films "Alien", "Alien: Resurrection", "Alien against Predator", soldiers - in the films "Aliens" and "Aliens against the Predator: Requiem". In comics and computer games, there are several castes that differ in appearance and behavior.


Queen or uterus - the main and largest individual in the colony. The rest are unquestioned to her, even if it is worth it. Moves only on two big limbs. Its exoskeleton is so durable that the standard 10-mm kinetic weapon does not break it. Unlike constantly modified soldiers, from the moment of growing the appearance of the queen remains almost unchanged: the head is decorated with a huge combidal "crown", turning into the head cover, the presence of additional limbs on the chest, the presence of huge spikes on the back instead of small tubes for breathing, but her main Feature - the presence of umbilical cord eggs. This translucent biopolymer bag filled with eggs is so huge that because of him, the queen cannot move independently and therefore it is in the "cradle" - a kind of hammock made of salivary threads and strips of a biopolymer resin that supports the Queen and its eggland in a suspended state. However, in the case of the danger, the queen is able to break the umbilical umbilical cord and move on his own, after that, after some time, she can grow up a new eggwork and execute its purpose.

Also known is the fact mentioned in the books of Ridley Scott, that the adult queen, fully completing its development, has intelligence, superior to the usual human. Also, the sign of intelligence is visible in the film "Aliens". When Ellen Ripley first demonstrated the effect of flamethrower, and then sent the trunk to the pending queen eggs, then the queen understood her intention and to preserve them, ordered two soldiers who were going to attack Ripley, retreat. Another time the Queen understood the transport destination of the elevator, and then took advantage of them.


Runner is a four-legged form of someone else's, the result of the development of the embryo in the body of the animal. It is smaller and slightly faster than ordinary individuals, spits with acid, on the back not noticeable respiratory tubes. The first is shown in the film "Alien 3", where the carrier is a dog. In the ulle, thanks to its dexterity and speed, the runners play the role of scouts and food miners.

Clones Ripple.

From the remains of the deceased Ellen Ripley, infected with strangers, in the film "Alien: Resurrection" was cloned 8 times. Clones in varying degrees combined the properties of someone else's and human, and also possessed Ripley's memory and alien instincts. The first 6 clones were unwillingly or soon died. Clone No. 7 was destroyed at his own request clone number 8, which was completely humanoid and externally indistinguishable from this Ripley, was able to survive.

Newborn Newborn - a hybrid of man and someone else from the film "Alien: Resurrection."

As a result of the genetic intervention of people when creating a clone of the dead Ripley, infected by the queen of others, the cloned queen at some point stops laying the eggs and gives rise to a new creature. However, the newborn does not feel kinship with the queen and kills her, and Klon Ripley number 8 considers her mother.

The newborn is very different from ordinary individuals - it is larger, covered with translucent skin, has no tail. His short skull resembles human. Eyes, nose, teeth and tongue is also more human. It is quite clever and is capable of expressing the emotions of the Mimic.


Chooshoshir (from Predator - "Predator" and Alien - "Alien") - a special kind of someone else's, product development of an embryo in the body of a predator. They have both the features of ordinary strangers and some signs of a predator, for example, hurried and dreaded processes. For the first time I was depicted by the artist Dave Dorman in the illustration in 1992. Then became a character of books, comics and computer games. Later, in 2003 he appeared at the end of the film "Alien against the Predator", in the form of a bustler, and in the continuation of "other people's predator: Requiem" became an adult part. The film has the ability to directly implement the embryo into the human body, and in the amount of up to 4-5 pieces. The choshoshir is a kind of "shame" for the kind of predators, because he is a sign of victory in strangers over the predators and therefore for a predator who killed the flaky is a huge honor.


Pretorian - elite soldier hive. Pretorian many times more and stronger than someone else's drone and someone else's soldier, but less than the queen. When the population of the hive grows to a significant sizes, the queen chooses from among his subjects, who will become her personal guards - Pretorians. Having received "permission" for further development, future pretorians should leave the hive as soon as possible, otherwise they are confused by their bodies in the process of development begin to produce pheromones, annoying other strangers. During molting, Pretorians live separately from the community, getting food and avoiding meetings with the rest of xenomorphs. Most candidates for Pretorians die, but thus the best are selected. At the end of the molting, Pretorian returns to the beehive, becoming an intimate guard of the queen. Pretorian is no longer involved in the main life of the hive. Pretorians are either in the hive or in its surroundings. Praetorians develop only from soldiers, drone and sometimes runners. Chooshoshirs can also become a praetorian, an example of this is a fighter in the film "Aliens against the predator: Requiem". Physiology: Externally, Pretorian resembles a soldier who has grown 2 times. Such a monster has a huge force, a powerful horny cover and a higher intelligence. However, due to heavy armor, they cannot move along the walls and ceilings. Pretorians have the right to command the rest of others, arranging ambushes and the Western opponents.

Queen Mother

Various queen-mothers are the supreme leaders of all kinds of xenomorphs, other queens and the empress they obey them. Each Queen Mother manages its own species of other people, for example, black or red. Possess telepathy and empathia. They are distinguished by five spikes on the edge of the ridge instead of three, like ordinary queens.


The Empress appears in the games "Aliens Online" and "Aliens VS. Predator 2. Particularly large and ancient queen. Even stronger and alive. Perhaps the Queen in Aliens Versus Predator (2010) and Aliens: Infestation are also empress.


This someone else is an developed shape of the runner. He has a huge head that he tall is all on his way. It is hard to kill him, since the head of this someone else plays the role and shield. Appears in Aliens Colonial Marines

Alien mutant

Foreign soldiers mutated as a result of a nuclear explosion on the LV-246. Absolutely blind. Focus on noise. Attack - self-supersion. Appears in Aliens Colonial Marines


Another kind of mutating strangers. Their heads are glowing in the dark. Spits with acid from a decent distance. Very fast. Appears in Aliens Colonial Marines

Underdeveloped Pretorian In essence, the same Pretorian just not fully developed. A distinctive feature is a head like a warrior. Only one individual is found. Only large-caliber weapons fit against him. Also, serious damage can strike hands - a forklift manipulator. Appears in Aliens Colonial Marines


To create a hive, a single licycle that has fallen into a populated area can be enough. After the xenomorph reaches the adult stage in the absence of the queen, it will turn first in Pretorian, then to the queen. Having found a suitable insulated area, as a rule, in the most warm place, and hungry, it will grow eggs and postponed the first eggs. The first lingles are either attacking the approaching, or leave the hive and will find media independently. Having annoyed xenomorphs, reaching an adult stage at freedom, will return to the hive, where they will be as a soldier and drone to feed the queen and take care of the eggs. From that moment on, the lingubats will not have to leave the hive, since adult individuals will deliver future carriers there. The structure of someone else's anatomy

The elongated head covered with a bone helmet shell, bursts with a stupid shield of the forehead, turning into a weak mouth, inside which is hidden in the inner jaw, extended by about 30-40 centimeters. The chest protect the outer ribs, which converge on the back, forming a segmental shell, from which four corrugated pipes of curved traches come out - respiratory organs. In the absence of a favorable environment, breathing and other important vital functions are translated into another position. All the necessary substances are obtained as a result of complex biochemical processes directly in the individual. Shoulders, forearms, hips and lower legs are covered with protective ribbed plates. A long vertebral tail with a spear tip serves as a counterweight, helping to coordinate the accuracy of movements and quickly change the running directions, while being a weapon used to introduce paralyzing neurotoxin into the victim's body. Also in movies, you can see how other people often use their tails as a "whip" with a pointed tip, which is very effective in combat on the close distance.

According to the inner structure, others are similar to insects. These creatures refer to optional anaerobam. Energy supply of two types: In the absence of oxygen, amino acids, sugar and fatty acids are fermented, in the presence of oxygen, oxidation goes along the usual scheme, through the trachea. The exchange products are discovered in the intestine, where water absorption occurs, and dehydrated allocation products are displayed out. Food diet: Most of animal protein compounds that can be swallowed. Accelerated metabolism contributes to the rapid regeneration of the entire body.

Other people do not have a single center of the entire nervous system - their nervous system has a nodular type. Only a complex of senses from which nerve trunks are deployed, which converge into a number of large nerve nodes under the most protected silicon-metal parts of the body parts, therefore, even with the defeat of one of the nerve knots, someone else is still resolved. The bulk of neurons is concentrated in these nodes related to each other, the largest node located in the head is an analogue of the brain. Communication in the nodal nervous system is rigidly fixed, instead of synapses - direct innervation, it gives a gain in the speed and accuracy of responses. Unlike the Queen with a more developed intelligence, intelligence of an ordinary alien, although the animal exceeds, but is inferior to the human (located approximately at the level of monkeys), however, the amazing adaptation ability, highly developed instincts and the ability to mimicry give it an indisputable advantage in the fight. Physiology

The blood system is unlocked: the heart with holes sucks blood between the organs, and pushes it along the vessels to various parts of the body, where it is pushed into the gap between the organs. Lithic blood enzymes turn it into an organic high molecular weight sulfonic acid - real antifreeze, which allows xenomorphs not to be afraid of low temperatures. This substance is a unique absorbent, it is very toxic and even at low concentration kills any infection. After the death of the creature, acid blood fills the space between the cells, entering into the reaction with the intercellular fluid and neutralizing, partially oxidizes some tissues.

The metabolic activity of others does not oppress almost under any environmental conditions. The interstitial fluid is capable of absorbing from the atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen cells necessary for metabolism, separated from any gas mixtures the necessary components and delivered to their tissues, and the ability to control the internal pressure in a wide range helps for a long time to withstand even a cosmic vacuum. Accordingly, it can survive in space. He does not radiate heat, since the inner body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, as a result of which someone else is not visible in the infrared spectrum.

The glands of the inner and external secretion produce high-molecular blood acid, neurotoxic poison-paralytic, biopolymer resin and pheromones. Toxin, entered in a stranger in the body of the victim, selectively paralyzes some functions of the bark and brain stem, completely immobilizing the victim. However, the poison does not affect the work of lungs, hearts and glands, but only sharply slows down. The poison applies only in some games. In the films, a hint for the presence of poison was only in the same scene in the film "Aliens", when the queen tried to hit the tail of Ripley in the working robot.

Sense organs Oriented by smells using a pheromone locator. Perceived electromagnetic radiation and use low-frequency ultrasound to navigate. It is not known what other people's vestibular apparatus, but they are able to drastically change their position in all three planes, without losing orientation in space. Someone else's easily distinguish androids from people and usually do not touch them.

Life expectancy

Life expectancy is unknown, but the age of some koroles reached many thousands of years, for example, the age of Queen Matriarch in the game "Aliens Versus Predator (2010)" - about 100,000 years. The age of soldiers can also be measured by millennia. Old strangers are distinguished by light gray color and less strength and speed. Relationship with other species

With predators

In the film "Alien: Resurrection" and the eponymous game and comic book, others were cloned by the military on the spacecraft "Auriga" (Auriga). In the game "Aliens Versus Predator", Wayland-Yutani Corporation used others to create security cyborgs, so-called xenoborgs and created hybrids of other people and predators. In the game "Aliens Versus Predator 2" Wayland-Yutani outlined strangers using defenseless colonists for this and explored them. In the comic "ALIENS: SACRIFICE" (Rus. Slage: Sacrifice) People once every two days left someone else's cloned child, and he did not touch them for it. In the comic "Aliens: Alchemy" (other people's: alchemy), strangers were the subject of a cult. In the comic book "Green Lantern Versus Aliens", Hal Jordan did not kill strangers, and, considering just animals, moved to the planet for my, which brought obvious trouble for the crew of the ship who had committed a forced landing.

Planets where they met foreign land

In the films "Alien against the Predator", "Slans against Predator: Requiem", "Batman: Tupik"

Many thousand years ago predators bred strangers in the temple located in Antarctica, and hunted them. When the situation came out from under control, the temple was destroyed.

Researchers in October 2004 accidentally woke out strangers in Antarctica. This was learned by predators, and three of them arrived in place. Queen managed to free himself, and she was fatally wounded the last of the predators, but she managed to drown in the ocean. The rest of the strangers were killed before.

The remains of the predator were taken to the ship of his relatives. On the ship I got brushed out of it. The ship suffers a wreck near a small town, and strangers frank it. To stop them, the city is destroyed by an atomic bomb.

Analogies of other people and actually existing animals

Externally, strangers are not like insects - this is the fruit of the artist's imagination. But their habits and social devices are borrowed from earthly colonial animals.

Arthropods as hard exterior covers drop down.

Termites are practically blind and prefer dark. The dwelling is built from its own secretions and utility material. Fuzhair leaves the nest at night at the species that do not build tunnels for their movement. Terms are capable of corrosion of metals. Their queen is not capable of moving independently, and the workers are fed.

The ants are similar to termites, but they are faster, stronger and have strong chitinous cover. Their organism produces formic acid that causes the opponent's muscle paralysis.

In the Bechle, the nebenogenesis is peculiar to the neutral matte, however, in this case, only drowned eggs appear from eggs. The jaws of the uterus are served, and the workers are smooth. Workers have a retractable language.

But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inner pull-out jaw was actually borrowed from the Naad - larvae of dragonfly - which have a strongly elongated lower "lip", forming a grabbing organ - a mask. When capturing production, it is thrown forward, it covers his head at the bottom and / or from the sides. The "retractable" jaws, a little resembling jaws of someone else, also has a shark-house. Through the jaws and Mauren work.

Osa-Sfex paralyzes the nervous centers of their victim and leaves the egg. The hatched larva begins to eat a still insect. Riders lay an egg into the body of a live insect, and the larva eats it from the inside. Some insect eggs are capable of waiting for favorable conditions for a long time.

Many spiders wrap a cocoon victim.

Eusocial warehouse colonies, immunity to acids, cacototermia, the ability to survive with a lack of oxygen, insensitivity to pain, as well as sharp smells and tanging are characteristic of naked farms.

BDELLOIDEA travelers due to horizontal gene transfer receive genetic information from organisms that are powered by. This process allows them to do without sexual fertilization.

Scorpions during the hunt use a poisonous sting at the end of the "tail" if the victim is too strong to cope with it "in hand-to-hand".

Mole can make a subpople under the sacrifice located on the surface, and drag it underground.

Unlike fiction in nature there are no predators who would have eaten the victims of the same species that serves as the owner for the larvae of these predators.

Alien, or xenomorph - a terrible alien monster with an oblong skull, two pairs of jaws, a sharp tail and acid blood, "they know even those who are not familiar with the eponymous film and its continuations. But it is definitely worth seeing. After all, in addition to the legendary monster, the "strangers" spawned the original and dark universe, which develops to this day, and not only on the movie screen.

The appearance of others

It is difficult to imagine that such a huge franchise was born due to a successful coincidence. Working on the scenario of "Alien", Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Schusett did not expect their names to enter the history of the cinema. The initial plot of "Alien" was far from the fact that the audience saw: Producers David Gailer and Walter Hill rewrite him more than once. They were involved in the story of Android Easha, adding a science fiction drama to Horror. As a result, it turned out incredibly beautiful and brave for his era tape on how the seven of space truckers find an abandoned ship with larvae of unknown beings on a distant planet. One of which penetrates their soupes and arranges a bloody bath.

The idea to make the heroes of the film simple work turned out to be successful. Spectators were easy to associate themselves with such characters, empathize with them and understand the motives of their actions

With the design of the film is incredibly lucky. O'Bannon participated in the work on the "Dune" Alejandro Hodorovski, and, although the project was closed, he allowed the script to get acquainted with the works of Hans Rudy Giger, at the same time terrifying and erotic. Directed by the "Alien" Ridley Scott Creativity Giger also had to do. The artist was commissioned to come up with the appearance of the aliens at all stages of development, the situation of the alien ship and the views of another planet. His models of lingleps were so realistic that when trying to bring them to shooting in the US, Giger was detained at customs. Could not believe that this is only scenery.

Frighteningly realistic and at the same time alien to our world Biomechanical designs of Hans Rudy Giger are impressive at first sight. It would hardly be a "alien" to cultivat, work on its design less eccentric and talented artist

The director Ridley Scott, and Grimør, and Decorators, and, of course, was laid on the full coil. Sigurney Weaver as Ellen Ripley became no less brightly a strong fantastic heroine than Princess Leia from "Star Wars".

The story has opened tremendous opportunities for the creation of sequels and covers for every taste. Cosmos "Alien", according to the canons of old good fiction, is not at all friendly and tired a lot of dangers and discoveries - like the Earth with the authorities who have seized the power of sinister corporations and robots, indistinguishable from people.

Biology of others

A stranger, or xenomorph (from a combination of the Greek words "Alien" and "Form"), is an opening creature, which consists at the same time from organic and inorganic matter and has two powerful jaws, a sharp tail, durable exoskeleton and acid blood. The life cycle of someone else is made up of several stages.

Colonies of xenomorphs on the device resembles an anthill or bee hive. You can select a few species of other people who differ in appearance and abilities. The largest and smart - queen. She lays eggs to continue the genus and controls the hives. His inhabitants are divided into workers and larger and aggressive warriors. The appearance and ability of other people can vary depending on whether they used themselves to develop. In comics and games there are more species of other people, than in the movies, and they can change their specialization if necessary. But it is not entirely clear what kinds, in addition to those shown in films, can be considered canonical.

From horror - in militants

Despite the excellent fees of "Alien", Fox was in no hurry to give the green light to Sikwell. Few presented, in which direction to develop a series. As a result, David Gailer made a bet on the appropriate expensive director of James Cameron. Its scenario to the Terminator was impressed by the producer, and Cameron became both a screenwriter, and directed by Seicvel called "Aliens".

Cameron's efforts from horror series turned into a fighter. The director was a long-standing fan of the "star landing" Heineine and wanted to make a film not about helpless victims, but about the soldiers of the future, ready to face an unknown threat. Their history reflected the interest of Cameron to the War in Vietnam. Like American soldiers, the marines in the film are well armed and trained, but the meeting with an unknown opponent in someone else's territory turns around for them by a real nightmare.

After Ripley with the help of a robot loader won the Queen of others, such devices have become a popular weapon to combat evil creatures

The universe of "Alien" perfectly approached the militant, and even the surviving after the first part of Ripley could not fit into the plot. For fifty years, while she was in a cryogenic dream, on the ill-fated planet, where her team faced a stranger, founded the colony. Communication with its inhabitants is broken, and an armed detachment is sent to the investigation. Ripley flies with him, hoping that the victory over the old enemy will help her restore the reputation and get rid of nightmares. What happens next, it is not difficult to guess. Instead of one inborn killer, the detachment meets the whole brood of the creatures that made the colony with her home.

"Aliens" became a rare sequel, overworn in popularity of the original. Fast paced, bloody action and brave heroine impressed the audience, and critics. In addition, the fantasy of Cameron expanded the universe "Aliens". It turned out that xenomorphs have an intelligence of the Queen, capable of putting off the eggs, and they themselves are divided into soldiers and workers, like ants or bees. Not only strong and lively, but in addition, smart and organized aliens have become worthy opponents for people.

After "strangers", Ellen Ripley was jokingly called Rambolina. And what, she looks no worse than the Hero Stallone. And they can deal with the enemies, and civil will save

Evil corporation

Wayland-Yutani Corporation is constantly trying to get a sample of someone else's. The main direction of its activities is the development of new planets and the manufacture of all necessary for this technique, from space ships to spacecraft and onboard nutrition. She also produces indistinguishable android people. The corporation emerged as a result of the merger of the American company "Wayland" and the Japanese "Yutani". And although the company's history of the company is set forth in different ways in the "Prometheus" and the original tetralogy, its business model remains unchanged. Wayland-Yutani is a classic evil corporation, which is ready for everything to get new technologies and earn money on them. She sends the colonists into the populated planet inherent in the population, puts inhuman experiments and eliminates their witnesses. According to Ripley, it is not clear who worse: killing other people's or people from the instinct, ready to kill each other for the sake of profits.

Fall and oblivion

By the beginning of work on the third part of Sagi, luck from the authors turned away. Producers could not decide how to develop a story. For "Alien 3", several scenarios were written. But Schusetta and O'Bannon did not arrange stories about the conflict of two powers, rival in the development of biological weapons, about the transformation of animals on an agrarian colony in other people's own or a meeting of hermit monks with xenomorphs.

As a result, the film is based on the plot of criminals on the planet prison, which are struggling with a monster. Ripley is getting there in the company of lingubat, which by arrival infects the larvae of someone else's dog. Ripley again has to hunt the monster, this time especially fast, and local prisoners do not rush to help her. In addition, the chief of the queen of others is developing inside the heroine itself, behind which the unprincipled corporation agents are already flying.

Unfortunately, due to the conflict, producers with the director David Fincher did not succeed with the story. The differences were so strong that the young director left the project, barely finished the shooting, and mounted a picture without him. As a result, instead of a masterpiece, an average sewing of a fighter with mesh ideas came out. Nothing new in the universe of other people's film did not add. Only confirmed that xenomorphs can use not only people for reproduction, and hybrids with other creatures will look a little different.

At the end of the third film, Ripley sacrifice himself to destroy the Queen's larch living in it. At this story, the heroine could be beautifully finished. But the greed of the film company defeated common sense

The final scene "Alien 3" could put a spectacular point in the history of the series. But, despite the protests of the authors of the franchise, the studio decided to make more money. The next scenario was ordered from Joss Odon, and the director's chair received the Frenchman Jean-Pierre Zheny. They tried to find a fresh look at the losing popularity of the series, but instead it turned out a tape, which only Ripley and Xenomorphs associated with the "stranger". Interesting topics that could affect the plot, did not find incarnation in a typical story about the steep guys, exterminating evil aliens.

In the new film, the military cloned Queen of others (and Ripley for the company) and remove several xenomorphs. Those are running along the research ship and begin to hunt the crew. This time Ripley has to get rid of them in the company of cosmic pirates. And the cloned Ripley is almost superheroid. Thanks to its built-in in its DNA, it became much faster and stronger, and its blood turned into acid. Not such a completion was waiting for fans. Yes, and the ordinary viewer, another typical action movie was not particularly impressed about what the modest cash collections testified.

Clone Ripley, combining the features of man and someone else, is an interesting character. But alone, pull out the "Resurrection" from the Puchin of Banality and Mediocrity, he failed

Stranger on paper and monitor

After 1997, strangers disappeared for a long time from the movie screen. But the franchise was not forgotten: video games and comics continued to produce xenomorphs, a crossover with a "predator" appeared.

Games in the universe of strangers began to go soon after the premiere of the first film. First, adventure games appeared for doptop computers and consoles, later the arcade guns were included, where xenhorphs could be shot from light pistols. From the middle of the nineties at the beginning of the two thousandths, the Horror and Alien Trilogy and Alien Resector and Alien Resector of Aliens Online were saw and ahead of the Alien Online team shooter.

Alien: Colonial Marines has become one of the main gaming failures of 2013

Interest for the modern audience can be a two-dimensional Side Scroller Aliens Infestation for Nintendo DS, the controversial quality of the Aliens shooter: Colonial Marines, released on the PC and the consoles of the last generation, and, of course, Alien: Isolation - a sorrowful horror in retrofuturistic scenery in which you can play On modern consoles and PC. Plots of games do not amaze imagination, but allow you to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the series.

Another thing is a stunning alien: isolation, aged in the spirit of the first film

In addition to movies and games, a lot of novels and comics, both included in the canon, and remaining fanfikov, were published. There are a variety of texts - from stories like Ripley saves from the paws of xenomorphs another group of colonists (and in the final, to avoid inconsistencies with films, loses memory), to large-scale clips of the capture of the Earth by aliens and people's attempts to win the planet. In the books received the development of such undeservedly forgotten characters in films like Morpe Hicks and the Colonist Girl Nut from "Aliens".

Alien and predator

Crossovers with the participation of someone else was a lot, but in a large-scale series there is only one conversion. In 1989, to keep the perfect killer and a born hunter thought on the pages of the Alien VS comic. Predator Dark Horse Publishing House. On the big screen, they met only in 2004, in the film "Alien against the Predator". The spectacle turned out to be a bloody, but stupid. However, this did not prevent in three years to release the sequel even lower quality. It is not surprising that the creators of the "Alien" disengaged from this dilogy and it is considered not to be considered unrelated to the canon.

Crossover "Alien against Predator" is not considered a canon for a series of others

But the conflict of other people's and predators with people has become an excellent topic for video games. Particularly faced a series of first person shooters developed by Rebellion Developments. It could be played for the hero of any fraction, and each of the three had not only its plot, but also the individual style of the game. They loved these games and for the frightening atmosphere and excavation cruelty. Well, where else can you handle the spine from the back of a living person? Is that in Mortal Kombat. In the last part of which, by the way, can be played for someone else's predator.

But if stories about the fights of other people, predators and people still look convincingly, then on the cover of comics about the struggle of Batman, Superman, the judges of Dreddda and a green lamp with xenomorphs difficult to look without a smile. But they were not published as a parody, but on full serious. Superman, for example, had to face a stranger on the planet, where there is little sunshine, because of what the superhero lost part of the power and could not quickly deal with the monster.

Forward to the past

A truly series returned to a large screen in 2012, when Prometheus was released - ambitious fantastic tape, shot by Ridley Scott. Although it is directly to the history of "Alien", it does not fail, the easiest way to describe it as preques to the main series.

Starship "Prometheus" flies with a research mission for a distant planet. Scientists have calculated that on the numerous patterns left by the ancient civilizations, the gods pointed out to her. In the hope of finding answers to questions about the emergence of mankind and the meaning of its existence, the crew explores the ruins of alien buildings, one of which turns out to be a cosmic ship. He kept the course to Earth, but his whole team, with the exception of one sleeping in the cryogenic chamber of the Humanoid, died. An attempt to establish contact with the aliel fails: he throws people who spoke to him. In addition, the bag of his ship is packed by vessels with black alien, causing terrible mutations in humans. At the end of the film, this leads to the emergence of a creature similar to someone else's ...

Thanks to the beautiful video of the "Prometheus" leaves a pleasant impression

"Prometheus" is not shy to raise eternal questions about the faith and sense of life, at the same time talking on the topics popular in fiction as the relationship of robots and people. Android David performed by Michael Fassbender, on the form friendly, but in the depths of the digital consciousness, who had a hostage for his creators, became the main pearl picture. The remaining characters also came out cute, although they acted illogical for professional researchers. But this is perhaps the only significant complaint against "Prometheus". The film is saturated with the spirit of old good science fiction, whose universe is full of mounted and at the same time deadly dangerous secrets. And walking along the dusty tracks of a distant abandoned world in the company of heroes turned out to be very nice. Not least due to the beautiful design of a film that combines the design of a hyger and modern expensive special effects.

"Prometheus" completed the universe of "Aliens" well, raising the curtain of the mystery over the origin of the pilot of an alien ship, which heroes of the first film stumbled upon. At the same time, the picture left many questions unanswered, hinting for the possibility of continuing. And he did not have to wait long. "Alien: covenant" became the first in the trilogy of films connecting the events of "Prometheus" and "Alien". The film came out in May and got rid of the part of the lack of "Prometheus" - returned to other people's own, answered a few long-time issues of the universe, and besides, it was also beautiful. That's just heroes were also not in freaks with logic ... Maybe in the next movie you will fix?

* * *

A series of stranger turned out to be a lively monster, like the monogram. And although the first two films raised the quality bar so high that it is almost impossible to repeat their success, their prehistory and continue still want to see. Created without a short forty years ago, the universe, inhabited by bizarre monsters, insidious robots and unprincipled employees of giant corporations, continues to disturb the imagination. And I want to believe that the skill of screenwriters and directories will allow the world of others to develop further, and not to buy in oblivion.

Brake - also mechanism

Bolshaya is such a sheet about Alienov \u003d)))

Xenomorphs, also known as other people - Race anthropomorphic aliens, from a series of films "Alien" and "Alien against the Predator". The Swiss artist Hans Rudolf Giger was invented (02/05/1940-12.05.2014). Especially for the film, the appearance of xenomorphs was constantly changing.

There are two versions of the origin of xenomorphs.

Version 1.
The simplest: this is a natural reasonable view of the animal, which developed on an unknown planet natural way.
And this version immediately becomes implausible, since for breeding the cubs xenomorph should be born from the body of some creature, thereby killing it (see below). As a result, every time a new cub is born, a person dies any kind of creature, and behind him and the whole species die. If xenomorphs continue to be so multiply, there would be no living being on their planet, and then they would die with hunger.
However, an option is possible in which they live in the native planet of xenomorphs in symbiosis with any other species for which the life cycle of xenomorphs is not flowable. Roughly speaking, this hypothetical species during evolution (as protection against the dominant predator - xenomorph) developed a special sphincter (perhaps a part of the digestive tract), through which brushed painlessly in painlessly for the parental individual appears.

Version 2.
Xenomorphs were created by the Mala civilization "like (cosmic jokes) as a living weapon. They were used to put an end to the Civil War, which destroyed their civilization. But xenomorphs went against their creators and destroyed their civilization completely.


Xenomorphs possess the same intelligence that typical primates representatives possess. Although they do not demonstrate their highly civilized level of development (for example, abstract reasoning, self-analysis and technical progress).

The blood system is unlocked: the heart with holes sucks blood (there are molecular acid between the blood), which is between the organs, and pushes it along the vessels to various parts of the body, where it is pushed into the gap between the organs. Lithic blood enzymes (in this case - acid) turn it into an organic high molecular weight sulfonic acid - real antifreeze, which allows xenomorphs not to be afraid of low temperatures. This substance is a unique absorbent, it is very toxic and even at low concentration kills any infection. After the death of the creature, acid blood fills the space between the cells, entering into the reaction with the intercellular fluid and neutralizing, partially oxidizes some tissues.
The metabolic activity of others does not oppress almost under any environmental conditions. The interstitial fluid is capable of absorbing from the atmosphere of oxygen and nitrogen cells necessary for metabolism, separated from any gas mixtures the necessary components and delivered to their tissues, and the ability to control the internal pressure in a wide range helps for a long time to withstand even a cosmic vacuum. Accordingly, it can survive in space. He does not radiate heat, since the inner body temperature is equal to the ambient temperature, as a result of which is not visible in the infrared spectrum.
The endocrine system consists of glands producing high-molecular blood acid, neurotoxic poison, biopolymer resin (for the construction of the nest) and pheromones. Toxin, entered in a stranger in the body of the victim, selectively paralyzes some functions of the bark and brain stem, completely immobilizing the victim. However, the poison does not affect the work of lungs, hearts and glands, but only sharply slows down. The poison applies only in some games. In the films, a hint for the presence of poison was only in the same scene in the film "Aliens", when the queen tried to hit the tail of Ripley in the working robot.

Sense organs
Oriented by smells using a pheromone locator. Perceived electromagnetic radiation and use low-frequency ultrasound to navigate. It is not known what other people's vestibular apparatus, but they are able to drastically change their position in all three planes, without losing orientations in space (moving around the ceiling, wall and semi). Singles easily distinguish androids from people and usually do not touch them.

Life expectancy
Life expectancy is unknown, but the age of some Korolev reached many thousands of years, for example, the age of Queen Matriarch in the game "Aliens Versus Predator" (2010) is about 100,000 years. The age of soldiers can also be measured by millennia. Probably aging is still subject to: in the comic "Aliens: Wraith" (strangers: the ghost) is shown by an ordinary foreign one. Old strangers are distinguished by light gray color and less strength and speed.

Physical data
Adult xenomorph is a real living weapon, which is known for its cruelty and inexpressibility. In full maturity xenomorph has a great physical force and dexterity. They are watches; Their favorite method of hunting to attack from the ambush. Their black skin helps them be more secretive in the dark time. In the film "Aliens" it is shown that they prefer a nightlife.
Xenomorphs are ready for everything (even getting big injuries), just to destroy their enemy.
Adult xenomorphs are very clever creatures. They are able to climb even vertical surfaces. They are also very maneuverable, and are able to believe in any attacks.
Xenomorphs can withstand critical conditions for many other forms of life: in the film "Alien: Resurrection" xenomorph Passed short-term effects of liquid nitrogen, and in the film "Alien 3", it was alive from the chamber with molten lead (although he died, exploding when it was sharply cooled ). In addition, xenomorphs can grow lost limbs and, if necessary, they are discarded themselves.

Life cycle

Xenomorphs eggs



Infant xenomorph form. The embryo of the Grossoloma is usually delivered to the body of the bearer with a lingup, although in the film "Aliens against the Predator: Requiem" it can be seen that some species of adult xenomorphs can enter the embryos directly, without the participation of lingup. The embryo absorbs nutrients from the body of the carrier, forcing it a lot of it. In the novels of the film "Alien" Alan Dina Foster states that the embryo absorbs X-rays and looks like a dark spot on an x-ray image. When the embryo of the Grossoloma will develop (and very fast), he will start looking for a way out of the body and will be forced to kill his bearer being, breaking his chest and get out of there. At this stage of development of white-colored xenomorph with underdeveloped limbs.
Despite the dimensions, a very strong breast: in the film "Alien" it is clear that the Space Jockey Spacery and the Spacery joke, and in the film "Alien: Resurrection" he broke through the human head, which was pressed against the chest of the embryo carrier.
The breast is carried by the hereditary information of the substance of the carrier, for example, if the breast is born from a two-way creature, it will also be two-legged; If from the four-way creature, then it will be runner; If the branger is born from Yutga, he will be a fighter.
By fueling and being in relative security, the breast is linked and turns quickly into an adult xenomorph.

The cocoon breaks myself and turns into a young xenomorph.
Young xenomorphs differ from adults lack of limbs, but other features of the adult body are present.

There is also an alternative development in an adult xenomorph: a breast can immediately become an adult, throwing off the "dairy skin", that is, the line. It is not known how this metamorphosis occurs externally.

It is not known how much xenomorphs live. But for example, the queen-uterus can live to 100,000 years.
Old someone else can be discharged along the bright gray skin, as well as less power and speed.

Types of xenomorphs

Classic xenomorphs appear from people and are based on their drones.

The main attacking force in the ulle, while other xenomorphic castes are most likely defensive.

The main difference of the warrior from drone xenomorph is his ribbed head, although there is a smooth head warrior.
They also have a more complex head pattern on the sides than the drone.

Chooshir (preyed) - Xenomorph and Yutga hybrid. Appears as a result of attaching the lingup to the representative of the race of Naja.

Biology and appearance
The choshoshir is higher than ordinary xenomorphs (except Pretorians and Queen). His external structure of the body and head is very similar to the body and head of ordinary xenomorph, but the head also has "dreadlocks", like Yutja, as well as Mandibuli. The choshoshrick partly has a gray-green color, and partly black.

Life cycle
Stages of eggs and liding are similar to these stages in other xenomorphs, as they receive genetic information from infectious creatures only at the embryo stage.

The bustler of the chochoshir looks differently, rather than a breast of ordinary xenomorph. Its color is brownish (greenish - at the end of the film "Alien against Predator"). His jaws also look like jaws of Yutga. The squeak of this embryo is almost the same as the peak of ordinary sadness, but with some lever.

Adult Path
After the breasts pierces the chest of infected by Naja, it quickly absorbs a large amount of food to grow rapidly in an adult. His "skin" is fixed, making it more resistant to damage.
The adult special is most different from other xenomorphs. Its the main difference from other xenomorphs, which is able to infect (to launch the embryos of the sadness) without the help of lingubats. Moreover, it can run from 4 to 5 embryos.

Elite xenomorphs. Its key role in the ulle is to protect and protect important and key places, as well as the Queen itself.

Life cycle
When the population of the hive grows to a significant sizes, the queen chooses from among his subjects, who will become her personal guards - Pretorians. Having received "permission" for further development, future pretorians should leave the hive as soon as possible, otherwise they are confused by their bodies in the process of development begin to produce pheromones, annoying other strangers. During molting, Pretorians live separately from the community, getting food and avoiding meetings with the rest of xenomorphs. Most candidates for Pretorians die, but thus the best are selected.

Anatomy and physiology
Pretorian is very similar to the queen and at the same time on a soldier. Height he reaches 2 meters. It also has a lot of strength, stronger skin and a higher intelligence than xenomorphs-drum.

Interesting Facts
Pretorian cannot climb vertical (or for any other) surfaces.

Runner xenomorph
Runner (or dog xenomorph) - scouts in the horses of others.

This subspecies of xenomorph is significantly different from other castes in the hive of ordinary xenomorphs. It is born from four-legged animals (from a dog to cattle), and already fully formed - he remains only to grow.
It has a longer tip of the tail, has no spine "pipes", as well as, he has more subtle limbs.
Runner is very fast and deft. He also knows how to spit with acid.

Proto-xenomorph or deacon - a Ksenomorph of the creature, which was born from the creator in the film "Prometheus".

This creature seems the ancestor of xenomorphs (the appearance of the planet in neighboring with the LV-426; the acid blood of the worm, similar to the licycle; oral infection by the host of the embryo; similar appearance, obtained as a result of the "inheritance" of the owner's damn), although chronologically appeared later.

It distinguishes acids from its blood some acid and pour to her victims. It is able to explode after death, lift the acidic smoke or pour the acid around his corpse. Evvalu is the nearest fellow boiler.

Boiler is a xenomorph mutant from the game "Aliens: Colonial Mariens".

Origin, appearance and habits
As a result of the thermonuclear explosion of xenomorphs, which lived in the sewage system of the "Hope Hadley" colony, mutated in this type. It is possible that xenomorphs-warriors mutilated in the boilers, since both in the other ribbed head surface. After the explosion, the skin has acquired light gray color, lettuce blesba appeared on the body, outgrowths were formed on his back. Absolutely blind, but they have acute hearing. If everything is quiet around, then they just leisurely "stroll" on sewage, but hearing some suspicious loud sound, the boiler changes significantly in behavior. His bleaks begin to glow brightly, xenomorph will make unpleasant sounds. And then the boiler rushes directly to the sound source and if the sounds continue, the creature will remain near the source and explode with acid. This suicide attack is deadly not only for boiler, but also in most cases for the victim. However, boilers can not distinguish the sound of a person and the pump and therefore can explode near the pump ...

Interesting Facts
1. And the boiler, and the Plevun has glowing blambes;
2. Both are spitting with acid (albeit differently).

Queen Xenomorphs
The largest and most motive representative of his hive. She, as a rule, is the mother of all his workers and the soldiers of the hive, and also she is almost the only one who has the right to postpone the eggs.

The height of the Queen Ksenomorphs is about four and a half meters. It has an extremely powerful tail, the length of which is equal to its own height. The queen's cranial crown is somewhat flat compared to the adult xenomorph skull and extends about two meters back from her head. The queen possesses secondary hands (the total number of her hands is six), which are approximately three times shorter. When the queen is part of the functioning hive, it is suspended under its ceiling in a robust resinist "hammock". In addition to the unusual cranial crown, the most famous physical sign of the Queen is a large translucent egg-line-length-length almost 8 meters stretching from her body. Egglad, as well as the Queen itself, support a special resinous network.

Life cycle
The queen of xenomorphs is born as an ordinary xenomorph and lives just like the usual one. But after a few days, the xenomorph female drops off the skin of a conventional xenomorph and becomes pretorian first, and then the queen. It is not for sure how much the Queen's life continues, but there were individuals who lived at about 100,000 years.

Building Ulya
The queen is looking for an open empty place and begins to build a future hive. After the construction of the queen, a giant biopolymer bag is formed, from which it laying eggs and reproduces its soldiers and drones.

There is a drummer (soldiers with a smooth head) and Pretorians are large males.

Rare and unique xenomorphs

Empress Xenomorphs

The empress of xenomorphs is the highest caste of xenomorphs. The empress of xenomorphs rule almost all Castami Xenomorphs, even the Queen themselves.
Appears in the games "Aliens Online" and "Aliens VS. Predator 2. Particularly large and ancient queen. Even stronger and alive. Perhaps the Queen in Aliens Versus Predator (2010) and Aliens: Infestation is also Empress.

Xenomorph Gorill
Xenomorph Gorill is semi-reasonable creatures living in the jungle of the planet Ziven. In many respects, the physique really resemble gorillas, and in the appearance of ordinary xenomorphs. Their licycle has blue skin color.

They have long hands, capable of quickly grabbing their prey. But their main weapons are their secondary mouth. It is more powerful than the usual xenomorph, due to the large sizes of his skull.

Wearing xenomorph

Washing xenomorph is a type of xenomorphs, which is born from the rhino, or from another major earthly creature. Most likely, his analog was presented in the Aliens Colonial Marines game form of Bosa and as a second activatar (first boiler) an activator represents a mass of the substance of which highlights the queen if you play for xen, when it glows, click what it will show your xen will die and you will be revived Giant.


As a result of the genetic intervention of people when creating a clone of the dead Ripley, infected by the queen of others, the cloned queen at some point ceases to postpone the eggs and gives rise to a new creature. However, the newborn does not feel kinship with the queen and kills her, and Ripley feels with his mother.

The newborn was very different from ordinary individuals - it is larger, covered with translucent skin, does not have a tail, his short skull resembles human (including pronounced eyeballs). Eyes, nose, teeth and tongue is also more human. He is pretty smart and knows how to express the emotions of the Mimic.

Xenomorph number 6.
Facely declined xenomorph in Weyland Yutani Corporation Laboratories. He is the main hero in the game for someone else's. №6 is smarter, tricky, physically strong and hardy, in addition is aware of themselves as an individual and knows who he is.
The sixth was experimentally grown in Wayland Yutani's laboratory on the BG 386 planet. From his very appearance, Wayland considered it special. During some tests with this, the strangers occurred in the power system because of which the xenomorph was released. He freed his fellow and the queen after which he went with the rest in the Beehive at the factory. After that, he began to fulfill the orders of the queen. Thanks to its intellectual and patience, he was able to destroy no 10 Morpekhov and even killed 2 predators and took the one predator-warrior. However, when he returned to the hive, the queen was killed by Morpe, so he lost consciousness and was taken by Wayland fighters and taken out of the planet, but this time he escaped and killed or infected the whole team. After that, he was polished and became the queen. The ship on which he was flies most likely to the "main xenomorphs".

Beehive xenomorphs
The location of the nesting is Corleva, as well as the place of residence of its "subjects" xenomorphs. Usually, the hives becomes what can conquer xenomorphs - houses, cosmic ships, etc.
The beehlah is highlighted by spine pipes xenmorofs. They consist of a substance similar to the resin. The xenomorphs of the warriors often merge with this braid to arrange an enemy who went into the hive, ambush and attack him. The largest area, embraced by braid hive, is the main xenomorphs.

Tape Ulya

Home xenomorphs

The main xenomorphs (or A6 454) is the main habitat of xenomorphs. The main xenomorphs has almost the same dimensions as the Earth, and consists of three main continents with a small ocean. On the entire planet there are hives of xenomorphs, although the deserts, mountains and oceans are found from the other terrain.
The main xenomorphs were shown several times in the Aliens Versus Predator 2010 game - the first time the youngest at the end leads the ship's course just at the main xenomorphs, thereby finding the most extensive place to hunt the Yutagi on xenomorphs; And the second time, when at the end of the game for the sixth, it is transported from BG-386 to the same planet.

Mala "As
Mala "How, or also cosmic jokes - a reasonable alien race of giant sizes.

For the first time, cosmic jockey appears in the movie "Alien" of 1979. Space tug "Nostromo" receives a signal that leads it to the LV-426 planet, rotating around the stars of the mesh in the double star of zet grid. Going to the source of the signal team detects an abandoned jockeyev ship, and inside - the jockey itself in the pilot's chair. According to team members, he died so long ago, which had already managed to petrify and the police in the chair. In the lower cutting of the ship, they find eggs from others, and in the meantime, one of the members of the crew Ellen Ripley can be partially decorated the signal and it comes to the conclusion that the signal was not a call for help, as they thought, but a warning about danger. After Thomas Kane infects the liding, the team leaves the jockey ship and flies off the planet. More characters about jockey in the film do not mention.
In the comments of publication on DVD, Ridley Scott suggests that the space jockey ship was a bomber ship, and the eggs on his board were weapons with which they fought with an unknown enemy.

In the eullations of the film Alan Dina Foster, which was written in the final version of the script, Wyland-Yutani managed to decide the signal from the space jockey ship, because of which the Nostromo ship sat on the planet. According to decryption, an alien ship sat on the LV-426 with a research task. Obviously, his team, like Kane, found one or more eggs of strangers and also infected them. Even before the whole team was interrupted, they realized that it was too late to send a distress signal, so they installed the transmitter with a hazard warning signal. "Whoever they are, they will not refuse them in the nobility. It remains to hope that humanity is still someday will meet with them, but in a more favorable setting, " - Says android Ash.

In the scene cut from the rolling version of the stage, his ship after 57 years finds the family of the colonists of Georden, however, it is not known whether they found Jockey himself. Meanwhile, in the novels of phoster, during the commission meeting, mentions the jokes, although in the novels of the first film the jockey is not present.

Other people's predator: requiem
Zochey Skull is present in the film "Slans against Predator: Requiem". It hangs upstairs in the trophy room in the frame, where the predator processes a skull of someone else's.

In 2012, the film "Prometheus" was released, which, according to Ridley Scott, was removed in order to at least partially show jockey history.
According to the plot, archaeologists throughout the earth find images of how people worship high humanoids pointing to the stars. Analyzing the images, scientists conclude that in these images it is possible to calculate the star system, from where the aliens arrived. The expedition of the Prometheus ship is organized to the LV-223 - one of the three natural satellites of the giant gas planet, rotating around the star ζ2 of the grid as part of the double stars of zeta grid. On the surface of the planetoid expedition detects artificial structures, near one of which they sit down. Inside the crew detect the corpses of the creators themselves and some vessels with black liquid of organic origin. Scientists take the head of one of the humanoids and explore it. It turns out that what was taken as a head is helmet. Inside the head of a human-like creature, which in appearance (with the exception of growth) and DNA is extremely similar to people.
As a result of the circumstance, one of the members (Charlie Holoway) of the expedition comes into contact with the liquid from the vessels, as a result of which he has symptoms of fatal disease (or mutation) and kill it. One of the women scientists (Elizabeth Show), as a result of an intimate connection with Charlie, will prenten, and the fruit is a squid-like monster, since Holloway was infected at that time. Behind all these heroes come to the conclusion that the planet is a military base, where the creators kept the stocks of biological weapons, over which he lost control and died. Under the artificial construction, the spacecraft is found within which there is also a live representative of this race in a hyper-dream. At the same time, Android David launches a hologram on the ship dashboard, which shows that the creators were going to fly to Earth and, obviously, this biological weapon was intended for earthlings. When attempting contact with the creator (where the show is trying to ask him why their race was going to destroy the land), he kills scientists and prepares the ship to takeoff. The team "Prometheus" decides to go to the ram and knock the ship to save humanity. They succeed, (although "Prometheus" himself and all whoever, on board, die), but the creator survives and attacks the show, which is the only one who survived. She managed to raise a squid-like monster at him, extracted from her earlier. The monster paralyzes aliens and introduces a larva in his body. Woman and Android David fly on another ship creators to find out why they first created people, and then decided to destroy them. In the meantime, an esision of alien is escaped from the body of alien.

In the carved stage, David leads a more unfolded dialogue with the creator and when the show later asks him, what they said, he replies that the question from where their race arrived, the creator said the word, which in most ancient earthly languages \u200b\u200bindicated paradise.

The size, appearance and features of the adult individual are largely determined by the owner, in which its development occurred. In any case, the number of limbs is reduced compared to the licycle: together with the balancing tail, they give xenomorph the possibility of fast bipoint movement. The enlarged ostic vertebral processes provide sufficient support for musculature fastening. The tail also serves to damage the extraction and injection into it paralyzing toxin - perhaps the same that the licycle is used to temporarly immobilize its owner.

The famous elongated skull of xenomorphs, according to most scientists, serves for echolocation. A similar mechanism is used by dolphins, the high "forehead" of which helps in the generation of narrow-controlled sound signals of the desired frequency and allows you to detect even very small objects. And vice versa, small and sides of the sides of the eyes I. Raptus indicate rather weak vision. It is also assumed that they are able to feel (and create) electromagnetic fields and have a sharp smell.

Second jaw

A characteristic feature of adult xenomorphs is a pharyngognaty, the presence of an added pharyngeal jaw. The very fact of its development is also not unique: a similar mechanism uses some fish, including cichlids and moray. In both cases, an additional jaw fills the shortcomings of the "basic". She helps to turn the hard food, and Murenam is swallowed. Their weak jaws are unable to create a pressure gradient between the external environment and the throat, as they do, swallowing, and fish, and people. Instead, Murena capture the extraction of the second pharyngeal jaw and fill it straight to the esophagus. The mighty jaws of an adult individual of xenomorph is difficult to suspect in the inability to cope even with very solid mining. However, almost complete absence of lips and a narrow language can create problems with holding it in the mouth and, of course, with swallowing. Therefore, it will be logical to assume that the pharyngeal jaw I. Raptus performs the same function as Mooren: the seizure and immobilization of the victim - and its fast delivery to the digestive authorities.

Origin and ecology

Motherland of xenomorphs It is customary to be the satellites of the gas giant Calpos in the double star system for zeta grid, which remains unexplored, despite its relative proximity (only about 39 light years from the Sun). However, the "acid" metabolism and powerful protective shells may indicate extremely rigid conditions that reign in their native world. Indirectly speaks of this and weak vision, it is unlikely effective in an atmosphere filled with a microcapel acid.

Any life here should be perfectly adapted to these conditions, and rivalry certainly determined many features of the structure and behavior of xenomorphs. It is worth remembering that the buffaloes are the object of hunting for Shakalov and Lviv, but at the same time are quite dangerous, and predators will not always go to confrontation with an adult strong male. It can be assumed that the Natural Victims of I. Raptus are well protected and even armed. This is also indicated by the excellent abilities of khenomorphs to the regeneration of damaged tissues and the entire limbs that they have demonstrated more than once.


Communications via fragile signaling substances are widespread in social insects, such as bees and ants, with which the xenomorphs relatives are very much. And those and other eggs can grow in a female female of the queen or in the "working" special, soldier or drone. Factors that direct this development remain unknown. The Queen is distinguished by large sizes, an enhanced exoskeleton, a grain-like "crown" on the skull and eggland, with which it is connected by "umbilical umbilical". It is often claimed that the Queen has a high level of intelligence, although none of the documented observations makes it possible to make an unambiguous output about the rationality of xenomorphs. According to Professor Yuri Sakamoto, in this "they can be compared with the middle dog." The visibility of rationality xenomorphs can give them high sociality. In the same way, the "intellectuals" may appear and the similarities that xenomorphs demonstrate constantly - up to the carrying of paralyzed victims closer to the eggs, where the linglesows will have more chances to capture them. With this, the reduction of the internal organs and the eyes of the lingleps can be connected: seemingly dealing with already prepared victims, they ceased to need them.

However, an even more intriguing opportunity offers the theory of Yuri Saakomoto, which develops the parallel between I. Raptus and ants. The scientist notices that, except for a person, some species of ants are the only animals on Earth, who made wars of wars, one of their main activities. Similar conflicts may well be unfolded between colonies (or even varieties) xenomorphs leading incessant contractions for the resources of their non-microgenic world. Only beyond, among where less "tough" creatures like people, they managed to turn into almost non-alien invasive predators.