Your name Yuri Khovansky. Who is Yuri Khovansky

Your name Yuri Khovansky. Who is Yuri Khovansky
Your name Yuri Khovansky. Who is Yuri Khovansky

Yuri was born in Nikolsk Penza region on January 19, 1990. His father Mikhail Khovansky is the technical director of the "Red Giant" plant.

In the young years, Yura loved to play the courtyard football, where he often stood on the gate, and at home he paid a lot of time online games.

In the high school classes, Yuri was a member of several amateur rock bands, but because of creative disagreements with other participants in these teams, he did not do this type of activity for a long time.

By the way, still as a teenager, Jura was addicted to alcohol, which is now close to the liver cirrhosis.

University and Activity to YouTube

After school, the parents insisted that Yura entered the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University. He filed documents there, but the contest could not pass. Instead, Yuri entered another institute on a programmer, but over time she threw a study, because I realized that this profession is not suitable for him.
Later, he still enters the economist in absentia. Despite disagreements with teachers, in 2014 Khovansky received a diploma of a specialist with honors. According to him, education was only necessary for parents to take away.

Before starting a videoclogger career, Yuri met the work of the promoter, the waiter, an employee of the call-center, courier, etc.

First steps and formation on YouTube

Activities, one way or another associated with video bulling, Yuri began with transfers and voicing the speeches of foreign stand-comic comedians. Some time worked on the Internet radio and released blogs on the site "Thank you, Eve!". In parallel under the nickname "that guy with a guitar" he performed songs of his writings mainly on humorous topics.

In 2011, Yuri finally moved to YouTube, where he began to engage in his own project "Russian Stand-Up". This show was raised by witness and discussed various life situations. It was then that Khovansky began to position himself as a comedian and promote alternative humor in Russia.

A feature of Khovansky's rollers was the absence of any restrictions in his speeches. He spoke hard and openly, which made video more emotional. Not the whole audience perceived such a format, but still interest in Yuri at the Internet community arose. He was able to take a steady position in the niche of the video blocking with the support of the famous blogger Ilya Maddison.

At the same time, Khovansky begins living stand-speaking, it works on a rather successful project "E * as I love" and launches the show "Khovansky will destroy."
Interestingly, Yuri took part in the voice of the Russian localization of the game Dota 2. So one of the heads of the character "OGR-Mag" says Khovansky's voice.

The first season "Russian Stand-Up, according to Yura, was to become" impressive. " To his shooting, a crowdfunding campaign was launched, during which he collected more than 400 thousand rubles. But in the end, the season turned out to be failed, and Khovansky decided to give the 4th season (2014) of a disappointed audience, after which the project was frozen indefinitely.

Next, the blogger begins to work in other formats. An example of this was the transfer "asked for", where he goes to visit other famous bloggers and communicates to different topics. At the same time, the first editions of "Khovansky in the Videosochat" and "Bombilage" are published.
In 2015, such popular shows appear as "Shaver-Patrol" and "Visiting Khovansky".

Popularity leap in 2016

At the time of the beginning of 2016, the Canal Yuri Khovansky did not use much popular and clearly not methyl into the millionic channels. So it was as long as the conflict of Yuri Khovovsky with blogger Dmitry Larina did not lead to their collision on Versus Battle, where Yuri won a unconditional victory.

After the battle, Khovansky's popularity began to grow rapidly: he began to talk popular Internet publications and other bloggers, his videos began to gain more views, for the year the subscription audience increased to more than 2 million.

Since then, Yuri has started to try on the image of "Gangster" and released several rap clips that came to the audience. Although some rap performers reacted to the work of the blogger very critically.
Also in 2016, Yuri Khovansky tried himself in director, removing the short film "Ozone" with Kuzma Gridin in the lead role.
At the moment, Yuri Khovansky continues to work on his projects, removes individual rollers, appears in the video of other bloggers and is preparing for the release of its rap album.

Personal life

It is not known whether Yuri Khovansky has a second half. According to him, he lives alone, although it was mentioned in one of his blogs, that he is "a married man without five minutes."

The range of friends of Khovansky is so St. Petersburg video blocks: Kuzma Grdin, Nick of Chernikov, Yulik, Ruslan CMH, restaurant. In good relations, Yuri and Eldar Jarakhov, Nemagia and Rakamakafo.

Spellings and conflicts

Yuri Khovansky often attracted attention to sharp statements regarding famous personalities. For example, he released a number of rollers about Victor Tsoe, in which the musician's life described the life of the musician in a negative context, and he recorded the podcast about the late Mikhail Gorsdev, where it was also unfair about him.
But it is special, as usual to say, "Haip", Yuri Khovansky received after conflicts with famous rap performers and video blocks:

  • Noize MC;
  • Danila transit;
  • Dmitry Larin;
  • Afonya TV.

In addition, the blogger had a collision with Ruslan Usachev, Dmitry Shilov, Kristina Si, Sergey Simonov and Addict Pavlik.


Yuri Khovansky for his videosoblogger career was able to take a special niche in this area. He earned popularity not only with his work, but permanent conflicts with celebrities. Now his rollers have become truly high-quality and interesting, and Hovansky himself is a reputable and respected blogger ... well, at least in a certain circle.

Yuri Khovansky is a popular Russian video block manager and a stand-comedian comedian from St. Petersburg with scandalous glory. He leads its own channel on YouTube called "Russian Stand-Up".

A young man acts as a director, screenwriter and letters.

Childhood Yuri Khovansky

Yuri Khovansky was born on January 19, 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, located in the Penza region. He grew up ordinary boy - loved football and computer games. The teenager of Yura was fascinated by the game on the bass guitar, was a member of several amateur rock bands.

After graduating from school, he went on the parents and tried to enter the Engineering Institute in St. Petersburg, but unsuccessfully. Khovansky began to study on a programmer, but he quickly realized that his numbers and algorithms were not interested. The young man worked as a courier, a waiter, a call center employee, and later he graduated from St. Petersburg State Economic University with a Red Diploma.

Career Yuri Khovansky

Work in the specialty did not attract Yuri. Glory, success and material well-being, has achieved thanks to virtual reality.

In 2011, Khovansky began to lead his own vlog (abbreviated from the "video blog") on YouTube, laying out the video of foreign stand-comedians in his translation. Also there came the videos of the "one guy with a guitar", in which Khovansky performed his songs, often humorous.

Yuri Khovansky - Bear to schoolchildren on the Internet

After that, he was noticed by Ilya Maddison - a famous video clrokener, a video game browser. It was he who submitted the Khovan idea about the shooting of his own humorous videos. So the debut project "Russian Stand-Up" appeared. A beginner showman in a sharp and sometimes cynical form shared with his thoughts and reasoning about various life aspects.

Although the blogger in his speeches was often crimeed by a generally accepted morality, his show was alive and emotional, therefore quickly gained popularity. However, after the release of the four seasons, Khovansky lost interest in the show and frozen the project. Instead, there were new programs that had a different degree of popularity.

Yuri Khovansky and his project "Drunk yards"

The design of the showman has the following projects: "[Standing]", "Lex Play", "Russian Drink Time", "Zaicot-TV", "Shaver-Patrol", "Assessed", "big smoking bunch of sketches" and a number of other extravagant Justion like the lessons of playing the guitar and survival lessons per thousand rubles per week. And in 2014, the blogger became a judge in the popular Rap-Battle "Versus".

Personal life Yuri Khovansky

The scandalous video block member does not advertise his personal life, and therefore, both fans and opponents of his creativity remain only to build assumptions about the lady of the heart of Khovansky. But in social networks, Yuri is not married to status.

Showman does not hide what is an amateur of alcoholic beverages, and with youthful years. Once he told that in the past it could drink up to eight liters of the foam, but since then he has suffered greatly.

On July 20, 2012, a message appeared on the Kovansky page in Vkontakte that he died. Information confirmed Maddison, but by the evening it turned out that it was he and is the author of this joke.

Yuri loves the animated series "My little pony" and even participated in an alternative amateur voice acting at once three characters.

In 2014, he launched an online petition, called Senator Elena Mizulin to a forced mental health check. Under the document, 116 thousand people signed.

Scandals Yuri Khovansky

Although Yuri has a very non-conflict character, he has quite a lot of real enemies, including Rapper Noize MC. Khovansky repeatedly spoke about his work in a negative key, and in September 2014, during the filming of the next "Versus", he pounced on a blogger with fists.

In 2016, Showman decided to try his hand as a rap performer. The debut composition of the "Bath in the building" from the five-hundredth mini album immediately received the recognition of the public and earned several million views on YouTube. Along the way, Khovansky once again insulted the Noize MC line "Bezom Noize saw a battle and just * altogether." In the next, Yuri released the track "Noise", in which Rapper "put" again.

MS Khovansky - Katya in the building

At some point, an authoritative rapper Oxymyron was stated for Noize MC, which said that "Khovansky began to play." Khovansky's song with apologies "Forgive me, Oxymyron" did not make himself wait - he presented it on December 28, 2016.

Also, the blogger had a conflict with Cristina Si, the pupil of Timati's musical label. In his tweet, she called Handanish Alkash and indignant that he judges "Versus". Khovansky did not remain in debt. The result of their rewritten was the video of Christina "Jurik", dedicated to Khovansky, in which the girl called a blogger "Failed comic, an amateur of other people's moms."

Kristina Si - Answer Yuri Khovovsky on Versus

Khovansky has another "personal enemy" - blogger Dmitry Larin. "Somehow Larin appeared, began to learn everyone: how it is ridiculous to joke how to make rollers like a benta. Such a feature, starving, "Yuri responded about him so.

In March 2016, they encountered the "Verryus" site, Khovansky won the victory. This issue was one of the most popular project in the entire history of the project.

Yuri Khovansky now

In the spring of 2017, Yuri Khovansky, together with Vlogher, Nikolai Sobolev presented the track "Beer drinks" - a parody of the sensational clip "Melting" mushrooms.

Ms Khovansky - Beer drinks ("Melting ice" grills)

At the same time, he recorded another parody track - "Superweigaper", remix at the het 2016 "Patramiker".

Yuri was born in 1990 in the city of Nikolsk, which is located in the Penza region. The father of the boy Mikhail Khovansky held the position of technical director of the federal state unitary enterprise.

In adolescence, he loved to play in the courtyard with boys in football, where he performed as a goalkeeper, and at home could sit at a computer for a lot of hours while enjoying online games. Also in young years, Yuri became interested in music. A young man played a bass guitar in amateur rock bands.

After school at the insistence of parents, Khovansky filed documents to St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University, but did not pass through the competition. The young man began to study in another university on a programmer, but after a while she realized that this direction was not interesting, and threw classes.

Later, Yuri graduated in absentia St. Petersburg State University of Economics, and he received a diploma with honors. True, the rank of specialist did not bring dividends. Khovansky worked as a promoter, waiter, an employee of a call-center, courier. Successary Yuri, including financial, brought a virtual world.


The first thing Yuri Khovansky began to lay out on the "YouTube" rollers of foreign stand-comedians, for which he made a translation into Russian and voiced them. Also blogger under the name "That guy with a guitar" performed songs, often humorous. In parallel, Yuri led rubrics and podcasts on third-party projects "Maddyson FM" and "Thank you, Eva!".

On the Internet Radio, the young man met Ilya Davydov, more famous as a browser of films, clips and video games Ilya Maddison. This young man recommended Yuri to shoot his own comic rollers. Thus, the first project of Khanovansky "Russian Stand-Up" was born. The first fans were interested in the creative biography of the blogger.

The first season started at the end of September 2011. Against the background of the brick wall, the showman shared his opinion and thoughts about the various aspects of life, not embarrassed to speak abruptly and somewhere even cynically. Yuri was also often replaced by the feature of generally accepted taboos, but the speeches were emotional, alive and eloquent, which relatively quickly affected the popularity of the show.

Best days

In total, the 4th season of "Russian Stand-Up" was filmed, after which Khovansky decided to freeze the project, since he lost interest to transmission. Instead of this program, Yuri launched a number of other shows - "Large steaming a bunch of sketches", "[standing]", "Lex Play", "Russian Drink Time", "Shaver-patrol".

In 2014, the network broke out a conflict between R "N" B singer Cristina Si, the artist of the Black Star Inc. label, and Yuri Khovansky. The girl posted a comment in Twitter on the viewed Battle "Versus", in which he called the leading contest - Yuri - Alkash. To which the young man gave an offensive answer and called Christine to fight him personally in the online playground. The singer sent musical dissence, where in poetic form threatened to blog reprisifier from Armenian mafia. After a couple of days, Yuri Khovansky told that he was attacked in his own entrance, which was accused Kristina Si. The conflict ended when the singer was caught by Khovansky in the arrogant lies and stopped communication.

Khovansky acts as a permanent leading Rap-Battle "Versus". At the native platform, the blogger once became a member of the competition. In 2016, Khovansky fought against the colleague Dmitry Larina. Competition won Yuri.

Personal life

The romantic adventures of Yuri Khovansky does not apply, and fans of creativity can only be lost in guessing and speculation on the topic - there are their idols, a high, state-like young man (Yuri's growth is 182 cm), the lady of the heart. The only thing is known from social networks, so this is what Yuri is not married.

Yuri is a fan of a cartoon television series "My little pony: Friendship is magic" and even participated in an alternative amateur voice acting, giving the Russian voice to three characters at once. By the way, among the fans of this cartoon there are many other bloggers and movie stars.

Yuri Khovansky now

In 2017, Khovansky released a disk with his own songs in the style of hip-hop "My Hangsta", which included tracks "Baby in the building", "ask your mother", "Forgive me, Oxymyron", "whisper of the trunks". In August, two issues of Translation "Moscow - Jupiter" appeared in the network "VKontakte", where Yuri spoke as the co-host Dmitry Malikova. In the program, Khovansky, the role of the humorist was allocated, and Dmitry from time to time diluted the blogger's monologue with his jokes. In October, Khovansky starred in a video for MTS advertising about the world without the Internet, the author of which was Vasily Sigarev. Dmitry Malikov and Ida Galich also starred in the clip.

Now the scandal is gaining momentum associated with the statement of Khovansky about Mikhail Zadornov. The young man posted a post in Twitter, where he pointed out that the humor was paid for his own statements. This post caused a negative reaction from users, but the blogger did not refuse his own words. After some time, a snapshot appeared in the "instagram" of Khovansky, where a young man sits in a prison with a magazine, on the cover of which can be seen a photo of the deceased satiric cancer.

The ability to play in the prison chambers appeared at the blogger during participation in the reality show "Experiment-12", where the blogger appeared as the head of the prison. The creators of the Russian show with round-the-clock broadcast decided to repeat the Stanford experiment in 1971, the essence of which was to divide the Volunteer Group on the conditional prisoners and warders.

Every day, the arrestants are obliged to perform the task received from the head of the prison, Khovansky. At the end of the week after counting the audience votes, an indicative execution of one prisoner is carried out. The process looks naturally, but for the person himself is not dangerous. The guards are forbidden to apply violence to Cames, but the arrestants cannot leave the project before its completion.


"Russian Stand-Up"

"Large smoking pile of sketches"

"Lex Play"


"That guy with a guitar"

"Khovansky will destroy"

Shaverm Patrol

"Beach Purchase"

"Losted in Jacuzzi"

"Visiting Khovansky"


"Bar rack"

"Khovansky in the video chat"

"Moscow - Jupiter"

Yuri Khovansky is known to people who are interested in the work of video blocks. From childhood, he spent a lot of time at the computer, playing in online mode with virtual opponents. Actively develops a humorous movement that does not like everyone. Why? Learn from this article.

Yuri Khovansky: biography

The hero of the article was born on January 19, 1990 in the city of Nikolsk. In addition to hobbies with computer toys, he was engaged in the rock team. The game on the bass guitar was part of his amateur creativity. After graduating from school, Yuri Khovansky entered the St. Petersburg State Engineering and Economic University. The decision on training in this school adopted parents, considering it most serious for the Son. Yura was honest filed documents and passed the exams, but he failed to pass a competitive selection.

After this failure, it was decided to try their strength in another institute. The faculty of programming was selected. But after a couple of years, Yuri Khovansky, whose biography and before that was not decorated with solid education, threw her studies. He substantiated this solution to reluctance to develop in the selected direction. Nevertheless, despite all the difficulties, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University of Economics. He studied in absentia.


The resulting diploma did not save the young man from problems with the search for a prestigious place of work. For a very long time, he was not addicted to any interesting proposals, so I had to work in the lowest posts for the minimum salary. Yuri Khovansky managed to work as a waiter in the restaurant, courier on the delivery of orders, promoter on the distribution of leaflets, as well as the Call Center operator. Yuri Khovansky, the growth of which is 1.86 centimeters, sought to achieve more.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating your own channel on YouTube

Yuri Khovansky is a video block manager with an experience of 6 years. But the thought of trying himself in the shooting of videos arose forced. The lack of permanent earnings and career prospects led to such a decision, which subsequently became the main source of decent income.

"That guy with a guitar"

To shoot short videos independently, Yuri was not immediately. At first he simply translated the performances of foreign stand-up-comic and laid out on his page. Then the memorable nickname was invented - that guy with a guitar under which he sang social and humorous works. Then he was to invite him to perform on the wave of Internet radio, and Yuri Khovansky also helped relieving visibility videos of already popular bloggers.

Acquaintance with Ilya Maddison

On the Internet there is a party, where all the audience know the most popular people. Ilya Maddison is one of the most recognizable movie browsers and video games. It was he who attracted the confidence of Yuri, advising to actively engage in the promotion of his own channel. For his part, Ilya provided full assistance - made powerful advertising of a creative comic. To this day, they periodically work together to create new joint projects for the development of blogs.

Emotional Russian Stand-Up

After such a useful acquaintance, "Born" This blogger Yuri Khovansky. How many years have been spent in vain! It was the invented author's show Russian Stand-Up in 2011 brought the desired effect. It was the first full-fledged project that covered the problems of real people and personal reflections on a given topic. A special chip of the narration is the charismaticness of the author and the unusualness of the submission of a public speech. Yuri Khovansky shoots video funny and emotionally, applying personal charm and intelligence. What attracted a huge number of viewers? The highlight of the project was ease and lack of forbidden topics for discussion. He says what he thinks about this, even if it sounds hard and unacceptable. Thanks to his bold manner, Yuri Khovansky became a popular blogger.

Closing the debut project

Gradually, the canal scored more than a million subscribers. But a successful project was extended only for 4 seasons, after which Khovansky suspended his activities, referring to the loss of interest on this topic.

New horizons and scandalous glory

To implement the creative potential, Yuri has developed several directions at once. Among them are "Lex Play", "Shaverm Patrol", "Bar Stand" and others. When Hovansky's popularity gained impressive revolutions, he began to call himself "emperor humor" without constraining, and it is also important to specify the fact that he became the first comic of Stand-Up on the Internet.


For many idols - Yuri Khovansky, the growth of the audience confirms it. But far from everyone likes the activity of an unprincipled blogger. Ignoring the moral side of what is happening sometimes annoys, so the presence of a large number of opponents of the creativity of Yuri Khovansky is quite natural. A number of persons consider it a non-smooth person with the poor humor and the lack of conscience.

Life position and worldview

Repeatedly expressed in a negative key of the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. For your own PR, uses all methods that do not be fucked by anything.

Conflicts in 2016

Participation in conflict situations traditionally heels interest in the person, so in 2016, Yuri was seen as a member of controversial situations. The conflict case with Dmitry Larin was completed by Battle and marked the victory of the article's hero.

Andrei Afonin actively tried to provoke Yuri on emotions, in the open declare of his uncomfortable lifestyle and propaganda of unhealthy nutrition. Ultimately, Khovansky took off several response movies and ignored the opponent's reaction. Obviously, he calmly refers to such criticism and does not seek to prove his point of view until the latter.

Personal life

It would seem that a person with such an open soul can not hide anything. However, there is one topic, which Yuri intriguing is silent. The talkative blogger never tells about the relationship, nothing is known about his girlfriends. Officially not married.

Yury Khovansky - Russian video unit, which has become popular with Youtube video portal. He considers himself the first stedap comic in Russia. It has a peculiar vision of reality, cutting in expressions, in places inadequate. Lover beer and shaver. Drinks a lot and fancy. But, despite the immoral image, very popular and discussed on the expanses of Runet.

Yuri Khovansky - full biography, age and growth

Born on January 19, 1990, grew and graduated from school in Nikolsk, a small town of Penza region. In childhood, like many guys, fond of football and computer games. After graduating from grade 11, parents insisted on entering Injacon (engineering and economic university in St. Petersburg), but Yuri did not have enough points to enroll in the desired specialty. Therefore, he enters the programmer, but over time he understands that this profession does not fit him, and stops learning without finishing it. Later, deciding to take on education, ends another St. Petersburg University, which is surprising, with honors. I studied at the correspondence department and received a programmer's diploma.

The youth of the future Utuber passed quite violently and fun. Addiction to alcohol, performances in musical groups as a bass guitarist. During the search for a suitable profession, Yuri Khovansky managed to work in many positions, among which courier, promoter, waiter and call center operator.

The first steps on the Internet were not associated with any blogger, nor with a standup. Video and audio under the name "The same guy with a guitar" was recorded, it was sarcastically ineptly rework and reeded a lot of famous songs. At the beginning of her career, Youtube translated and voiced the foreign stars of the standa, which further influenced the image of the comic and the direction of the channel development as a whole. For a long time, Khovansky could not unleash, but thanks to his friend, Ilya Meddison, with whom a lot of fun joint video and letters were shot, began to collect his own public. The number of subscribers of the Khovansky channel began to grow rapidly after launching the RUSSIANSTANDUP project, the same name is also the channel itself.

The first season started in the fall of 2011. I am struck by a direct approach to packed topics, no censorship attitude towards different aspects of life, the abundance of the mat, as well as beer instead of the usual mineral water, with pleasure being broken between phrases. Later, the second season came out, the quality of the video and the depth of theme was improved, the popularity of grew. In parallel with RUSSIANSTANDUP, letters were recorded, a series of video "E.The as I love ...", "Khovansky will destroy", where the fans and Yuri acted on Skype, the Muzad, where he performed as an "expert" in the discussion of the clips, a joint project with Moledison "on Spala" with their conversations for life.

In 2012, he launched a new show "Standing", this is the same standa, but diluted with different funny sketches. In 2013, fundraising was launched on the further development of the RussianStandUp project, fans with pleasure helped Yuri. But when the new season began to postpone into the network, many viewers were disappointed, because something new, grandiose was expected, and in the end it was even worse than before. Despite this, it was pressed on season 4, after which the project was closed. Hovansky himself explains such a solution to the loss of interest in the project.

For all seasons, completely different topics were discussed, they were worn so much that it was easier to name those that were not affected than to list the agreed. In 2015, "Shaver-Patrol" started to continue the development of the channel, where he and friends tried different Shawerma from all areas of Peter. In the same year, "visiting Khovansky" began to be filmed, where the famous jutubers were invited.

In 2016, took part in Versus Battle, although it was previously one of the judges of this show. After a confident victory in the competition, the image of Gangster, who found his continuation in the Kathie in the building, gaining more than 11 million views.

Now, despite the cessation of the release of Standapov, Khovansky does not sit idle. It tastes Shawerma, he is looking for a normal beer among cheap, then teaches to celebrate the new year with a minimum of money. He teaches cooking, writes new songs and removes clips. Sharp, too frank, rough and places, obscene humor in the end, found his connoisseurs, and now, when the canal has almost 2 million subscribers, Yuri can shoot complete nonsense, but due to an extraordinary video approach, the video is obtained interesting and unique.

Artist 26 years old, he is young, although his appearance is originally. Growth - 186 cm, the figure is not very courageous. Shaggy hair, beer belly, pale leather, but despite this, has a bunch of fans. Until now, I have not found my choices. For a long time I was attributed to my novel with Ilya Middison, then with a nickname Chernikov. Now "is officially in relationships" with Dmitry Larina. Such an approach to personal life once again confronts the adequacy of Yuri Khovansky, but do not forget that it is still a comedian, and he plays his controvered image.

Yuri Khovansky in VKontakte, Instagram and YouTube

You can get acquainted with the work of Khovansky on its pages in social networks:

  • VKontakte -
  • Instagram - or @yrykhovansky
  • YouTube -

Yuri has its own website:

Most Popular Video RUSSIANSTANP

One of the most popular stand-videos, which addresses the current problems of modern youth. Caution, abundance of mat.