Ancient Greece is the most interesting. Ancient Greece - Interesting Facts

Ancient Greece is the most interesting. Ancient Greece - Interesting Facts
Ancient Greece is the most interesting. Ancient Greece - Interesting Facts

Ancient Greece can rightfully be called the cradle of modern Western civilization. It was from there that many concepts and terms came to us. The contribution of the Greeks to the development of art, medicine, sports and many other industries is invaluable. This people served as a binder between the developed civilizations of the East and Rome, and already from the Roman Empire historical experience Many nations switched to us. Your attention is offered interesting facts from the history of ancient Greece.

Athenian Acropolis

Politics and art

Democracy came to us from ancient Greece. But even in Athens, the cradle of democracy the right to vote had only adult free citizens who constituted the minority of the population. Now such a form of board would be called the oligarchy, and in ancient world It was believed that the result of the elections is the evidence of a nationwide will.

In Athens, the judges were chosen along the lot and changed every day. So it was assumed to avoid corruption.

Reconstruction of Athenian Acropolis

The word "oligarch" has greek origin. It translates as a "ruling minority", as the management of cities was carried out by rich citizens of Greek cities-states (policies). It was the most common form of government on the Balkan Peninsula in ancient times.

Greek monetary signs Drahmas appeared about 3000 years ago, in 2002 they were replaced by euros.

Initially, portraits on the coins minted in the famine, but the image quickly rubbed, especially the nose, so in the future, the face was minted into the profile. In the city of Olvia, the ruins of which are located in the Nikolaev region, Ukraine, coins were minted in the form of dolphins.

The emergence of the theater, humanity is obliged to the Greeks. Artists were only men, they performed women's roles, dressing women's clothing and image masks female face. Spectators, there were also representatives of a strong sex, women in the theater were not allowed.

Sport and Military

Interesting facts about ancient Greece - sport and army. Initially, the Olympic Games included only running. And always fled with the shield. This was explained by the fact that the shield was heavy, and when the enemy's flight had to be thrown. The retreat with the shield in the hands of shameful was not considered. In Sparta, there was a wish of a warrior - "with a shield or on a shield", which marked "not to disgrace themselves or deceased with honor," since the killed from the battlefield was carried out on the shield, which was a tribute to the brave.

Spartan Warrior

After classes, the athletes rubbed themselves with olive oil and scraped him with themselves with a special scraper. Along with the oil, dust was removed, so olive oil played the role of moisturizing cream and soap.

Olive wreaths and olive oil in amphoras presented the winners in competitions as a prize. At the homeland, the Olympic champions put the statue.

At the time of the Olympic Games, wars were stopped, an Olympic truce was announced.

Only men could have spectators at the Olympic Games. Women to look at the competition forbidden under the fear death penalty. According to the legend, one woman still snuck into competitions, she was identified, but they pardoned only because her son became the Olympic champion.

Fist fights (ancient boxing) were very cruel, since the skins of bulls were wound on the brush, which should have protected the fists, but did blows very traumatic. Boxer fought until he lossed (there was no refresher stages in pairs, as it happens today). Often the champion barely kept on the legs and was all in the injuries. Pancration was similar to Boxing - there were wrestling techniques, captures and throws. Pankration was an even more cruel sport than boxing. Pankration champions were ancient Greek scientists Mathematics Pythagoras and historian Plutarch, student of the Pythagorean school Milon Crotonsky. Being a boxing champion was very honorable, probably because of the danger of this cruel sport.

Hand windings for fist fighters

In many cities, the police were carried out by slaves, armed with braids, often Scythian origin (the Scythians of the Greeks called the entire population of Ukraine). Since they were not related to social relations with the population, they were still, what status is the arrested person.

Lynotorax is the armor that were invented by the ancient Greeks. They were made of flax, folded several times. They pretended to protect the sword and arrows released from Luke.

Severe infantry - Goplites were a kind of special forces of the ancient world. They were protected by bronze armor, which included a helmet, kiuras, leasing (leg protection). Before them, in the ancient world, the warriors were often protected in the main shield and helmet, the body and legs were rarely closed by armor. Also, the Greeks were engaged in a lot of sports, military training, and the warriors of other states were rarely professional, they were called for time wars. Having an advantage in armament and training, the Greeks have repeatedly defeated the army of Persians, which sometimes exceeded the Hellenian army ten times (for example, in the battle of Gavgamelah).

Sparta during the twilight could set about 9,000 soldiers. But numerous wars reduced the male population so much that before their decline in the III century BC, the army decreased to 400 people - it is so much in this state there remains free citizens of the draft age. True, the Spartans sometimes included in their army in the form of auxiliary parts of the pericles (free non-citizens) and Ilotov (state slaves), but by the time of the decline of the territory of the territory with the Nepartan population were attached to their neighbors or gained independence. As a sign of respect for the heroic past, Romans gave a small autonomy.

Lifestyle and education

The word "school" came to use from greek. Its value initially was somewhat different. It symbolized the place of exchange of experience large number people (a collection on which people communicated on professional topics in a relaxed atmosphere). Then this word marked training activitieswhich were held in the form of conversations with a philosopher. Later this word was called any educational institution.

The term "teacher" also originated in Greece. The literal translation is the leading child. So called slaves accompanying children to school and brought them back. They also guarded their pupils and taught their skills to self-service in everyday life, etiquette, gave knowledge that could come in handy in ordinary life.

In our consciousness, Athens is often presented as a sample public building. But from here there were a lot of unpleasant, and often terrible customs. For example, a father who, in his opinion, could not feed the newborn baby (Eh, how much the child should eat, in order to not feed him, he himself had something to eat), he could leave him to die outside the city. Anyone could pick up and educate this baby, but if the father could later prove his paternity (it doesn't matter, after how many years), he could pick up a child to his family, even despite the protests of a man who upbring his abandoned and selected on the kid's road . Although than such a return to the family could end - it is unknown, because before Solon reform, the father could sell his child to slavery.

Men spent a little time at home, so in Greek performances almost won't meet the scenes that pass in the premises. Women, on the contrary, rarely came out of the house, in their duties came to do household. Even when guests came, women had to spend time in the house where no one had seen them, and the owner of the house took the guests himself (but to cook food, of course, should have had a hostess).

In Sparta, women occupied very high social status. They received primary educationAlong with men engaged in sports. Mother could beat his son, who showed cowardice in war. They did not take direct participation in political life Countries, but since men who were considered the strongest in the world, often listened to them, they influenced the decisions of the Spartan Kings and the Spartan government. According to the legend, one Spartan woman asked how they had such power over men, she replied that only Spartan women and give birth to men.

The Greeks drank a lot of wine, but rarely were drunk. The fact is that water in ancient times was poor quality due to the unsanitary conditions in densely populated cities. And wine, as an alcohol-containing liquid, disinfected water, so not only adult men, but also women and children diluted (several times) water and women and children were drunk. The Greeks despised drunkenness, they spent excursions for schoolchildren, showing the unsightly kind and ridiculous behavior of slaves, which specially soldered undiluted wine.

Why in ancient Greece lately put a coin under the tongue? Where, according to the ancient Greeks, the winds blow? How did the horn of abundance appear? Since when did the dawn become pink? How and why the ancient Greeks called the Gibraltar Strait? When the floating cliffs of the symplogada became fixed? What kind of labor is called Sisyphus? What does the expression "Achilles Fifth" mean? How did the winged horse of Pegasus appeared on the light and how did he become a symbol of poetry? Who are the ancient Romans called the genius? Why the ancient Romans feared the good gods of manov? What sacrifices brought ancient Romans to Jupiter after a lightning strike? What did the ancient Roman God Yanus look like? How could you be saved from Vasilisk?

Why in ancient Greece, the late clashed under language coin? Where, according to the ancient Greeks, the winds blow? How did the horn of abundance appear? Since when did the dawn become pink? How and why the ancient Greeks called the Gibraltar Strait? When the floating cliffs of the symplogada became fixed? What kind of labor is called Sisyphus? What does the expression "Achilles Fifth" mean? How did the winged horse of Pegasus appeared on the light and how did he become a symbol of poetry? Who are the ancient Romans called the genius? Why the ancient Romans feared the good gods of manov? What sacrifices brought ancient Romans to Jupiter after a lightning strike? What did the ancient Roman God Yanus look like? How could you be saved from Vasilisk?

Why in ancient Greece lately put a coin under the tongue?

According to the ideas of the ancient Greeks to get into the kingdom of the dead, the shadow of the deceased was supposed to cross one of the surrounding owners of Aida river - Styx, Ahernontt, Cock or Pigrifeetton. The carrier of the shadows of the dead through these underground rivers Charon is gloomy, but the energetic stale in a dirty rubble - demanded from each shadow fee in one oblave. It is for this that pious relatives put the late under the tongue. If the shadow of the deceased was without money, she had to short time on the shore.

Where, according to the ancient Greeks, the winds blow?

Once, Rudverzz Zeus concluded all the winds behind the sheer cliffs of the floating island of Aeolia, because it was afraid that, give them a complete will, they would raise into the air and the earth and the sea. To look after them, he instructed Eolu, the king of the island of Eolia. The duty of Eol was to produce winds one by one in accordance with the desire of gods or their own. When I needed a storm, Eola threw a spear into the rock, and winds began to blow from the resulting hole until the ela closed him. Ela coped so well with her duties that, in the opinion of the ger, he deserved honor to attend the gods. There was an unhappy only Poseidon, who considered the sea and the air over him with his property, and therefore believed that Ela was not engaged in his business.

How did the horn of abundance appear?

Saving a baby Zeus from Kronos, Rei hid it in cave Mountain dicks in Crete. Here Nymph Adrasthena focused the future of the thumbnail milk carriage of Amalfia. Randomly broken Horn of Amalfia Zeus, filled with fruits and decorating flowers, made a horn of abundance, in which, at the request of its owner, anyone always appears food and drink. Subsequently, the horn of the abundance became a symbol of the Goddess of the world of Eyren and God of wealth of Plutos.

Since when did the dawn become pink?

About reason pink colour The sky at dawn Ancient Greeks tell the following. Once the goddess of the morning Dawn Eos fell in love with Giant - Hunter Orion and kidnap him. They divided the bed on the sacred island of Delos, and it was from this blasphemy shamelessness that the Rumyantic was poured, and he remained Punchov.

How and why the ancient Greeks called the Gibraltar Strait?

Strait between Europe and Africa, famous for now Gibraltar, the ancient Greeks called heraklovy pillars. And that's why. On his way to the island of Eraphy, located far in the West in Ocean, Hercules reached this strait and erected on his opposite shores two stone Stelas are the so-called pillars heraklov. Some even claim that before the emergence of Hercules, both continents were one whole and that it was Hercules who drove the channel or spread the rocks by creating a strait. Others say that, on the contrary, he narrowed the existing strait so that they could not swim whales And other marine monsters.

When the floating cliffs of the symplogada became fixed?

Floating cliffs of sympliges prevented the passage of bospor ships to Pont Evksinsky and in the opposite direction. When some ship tried to go through between them, the sympliges were closed, crushing his body. Approaching the symplohegads, the argonauts, scientific fingered, released a diet. As soon as we closed the rocks, pulling out several feathers from a bird tail, began to diverge, the feeding typhus sent the "Argo" between the rocks, and the rowers had soaked on the oars that those begged like Luke. The ship was able to overcome the strongest course, and the closest symplogads were only slightly damaged by the stern "Argo", frozen after that forever so that a narrow strait remained between them.

What kind of labor is called Sisyphus?

For the fact that Sisif (Sisif) issued the secret of Zeus, for the fact that he deceived Aida and Persephone, and maybe for living with a robbery and killed the tramplers caught by the rules, pressing them with a huge stone, he received appropriate punishment. The judges of the dead sentenced Sisif to roll a huge stone block on the very top of the mountain, and then descend her along the opposite slope. However, Sisif never managed to reach the vertices: when the stone approached it, the stone overturned it and rolled down. By the body of Sisif, the sweat was incentive, and cloud dust clouded over his head, but he had to start all over again. From here, the expressions of the "Labor Susifers" and "Sisyphers of Stone" appeared, meaning severe, infinite and unsuccessful work and flour. So the gods showed Sisif the futility of his attempts to win the top over them.

What does the expression "Achilles Fifth" mean?

In Greek mythology Achilles (Achilles) - Son Pelia and Marine Nymphs Fetis, one of the greatest heroes Troyanskaya war. In an effort to make the Son invulnerable and thus give him immortality, Fetis ordered the baby Achilla on fire, and then rubbed ambrosia. Ply snatched her son when Fetis had already made the immortal all his body, with the exception of the ankle, which remained unworthy. According to another version, Fetis Okunala Achilla in water Underground river Styx, holding him for the heel. The heel, the remaining dry, was the only unprotected part of the body of the hero. Hence, there was an expression "Achilles Fifth", meaning the most vulnerable, sensitive place from anyone.

How did the winged horse of Pegasus appeared on the light and how did he become a symbol of poetry?

IN greek mythology Pegasus - Winged Horse, Son Poseidon and Gorgon Medusa, emerging together with the warrior Chrysor from the dead body beheaded by the monsters. Bellerofont climbed the Pegasus presented to him by the Athena of the Divine Jesz and with the help of a winged horse defeated the monstrous chimeura, and then defeated Solimov and Amazons. When intoxicated by the glory, Bellofont dares to take off at Olympus, the Immortal, Zeus sent the oat, who was stung by Pegasus under the very tail, - the horse stood up on the souls and reset the saddle. Pegasus was taken to Olympus, where he delivered thunder and lightning Zeus. From the impact of the heft of Pegasus on Mount Helikon, where the muses lived, scored the source of the hypocrene. As the source began to give the poets inspiration, the winged Pegasus became a symbol of poetry. The expression "Sent Pegasus" means catching creative inspiration.

Who are the ancient Romans called the genius?

In the Roman mythology of genius - the original satellite and spirit - the patron of men (women patronized Juno). This supernatural being was also a defender of the family, houses, communities, cities and states, the personification of vitality and energy. The genius was originally considered as a personification of internal properties. man, then became an independent deity that born with a man (sometimes two geniuses were expected - kind and angry). Throughout the life of the genius led the actions of a person, and after his death wandered near the earth or joined other gods. Roman's birthday was considered the feast of his genius. It was sustainable that geniuses had not only people, but also cities, individuals, corporations, military units.

Why the ancient Romans feared the good gods of manov?

In Roman Mythology Mana - Gods morbon world, then the deified perfumes of the ancestors. The Romans believed that the mana of their ancestors appear from their tombs for several days in February, and these days they committed a solemn ceremony to lose them. Victims were brought - wine, water, milk, black sheep, bulls and pigs. At the time of these celebrations, the temples of all the rest of the gods were closed, wedding ceremony Forbidden. Mana were considered good godsHowever, they were afraid because the terrible Underground Goddess of Mania was connected with them, while madness.

What sacrifices brought ancient Romans to Jupiter after a lightning strike?

According to the ancient Roman myth, one day the Roman king Numa Pubrugi caught the trick of two forest gods - Faun and Peak. To mix the wine into the water they drank, he brought the secrets of witchcraft spells and magic drugs. Jupiter designed with this, Jupiter descended to the ground, to build a terrible calculation rite, which henceforth should be made after the lightning strike, considered the sign of anger or the will of the king of the gods. Due to the wit and courage in handling the high deity of Num, it was possible to incline Jupiter to mercy and mitigate the rules of the rite. The peaceful thumbnail agreed to victims in the form of heads, human hair and small fish, although at first intended to demand human heads.

What did the ancient Roman God Yanus look like?

In the Roman mythology, Janus is the God of entrances and exits, doors, gates and any start (first month of the year, the first day of the month, the beginning of the day, the start of the human life). Pictured Janus with keys, 365 fingers (by the number of days a year, which he started) and with two people looking to the opposite sides, from where his nickname "duality". The two-incidence of Janus was explained by the fact that the doors are in and inward, and in the midnight at home, and his faces considered him facing the future and the past, which he was led.

How could you be saved from Vasilisk?

In Roman mythology, Vasilisk is a monstrous snake who possessed supernatural ability To kill not only poison, but also a look, breathing, from which the grass dried and climbed the rocks. He had a ridge in the form of a diadem, from where his name is "King Snake." From Vasilisk, it was possible to escape, showing him a mirror: snakes died from his own reflection. Mortal for Vasilisk was also considered a view or a cry of a rooster.

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3333 caverzny question and response

According to the ideas of the ancient Greeks, to get into the kingdom of the dead, the shadow of the deceased was supposed to cross one of the surrounding owners of Aida Rivers - Styx, Aheront, Cock or Pryighethton. The carrier of the shadows of the dead through these underground rivers Charon is gloomy, but the energetic stale in a dirty rubble - demanded from each shadow fee in one oblave.
It is for this that pious relatives put the late under the coin under the tongue. This was the so-called "the right of the dead." Further, in the hand of the dear invested honey pellets. Her appointment is to deliver the three-chapted cerper guarding entrance to the kingdom of the dead.
If the shadow of the deceased was without money, she had to short time on the shore.

In addition, it was customary to leave the dead all that he could need: men put a weapon in the coffin, women - jewelry.

Where, according to the ancient Greeks, the winds blow?

Once, Rudverzz Zeus concluded all the winds behind the sheer cliffs of the floating island of Aeolia, because it was afraid that, give them a complete will, they would raise into the air and the earth and the sea.

To look after them, he instructed EOLU, the king of the island of the Aeolia. Euola's obligation was to produce winds one by one in accordance with the desire of gods or their own. When I needed a storm, Eola threw a spear into the rock, and winds began to blow from the resulting hole until the ela closed him. Ela coped so well with her duties that, in the opinion of the ger, he deserved honor to attend the gods. There was an unhappy only Poseidon, who considered the sea and the air above him

Why zeus, younger son Kronos and Rei, became the main among the Olympic gods?

Kronos, father of Zeus, afraid to be lowered by his children, swallowed every time the child was just born.

At first he swallowed the gesture, then Demeter and Gera, then Aida, and then Poseidon.

Reya was beside himself from what is happening, and when Zeus was born, she, washed the stone, gave him to the Kronos to swallow instead of a baby. The deception has succeeded, and the baby Zeus survived. Mattening, Zeus, on the advice of Titanides, Hydius asked to make it a vinorrel of the Kronos. Reya expressed her willingness to help her son and even took out mustard and salt, which the same methda advised to mischride Kronos into Honey Drink. Bubble drinks, the Kronos first jumped out of the mouth of the stone, and then swallowed earlier senior brothers and sisters of Zeus. Everyone was safe and unharmed and in gratitude offered Zeus to head them in the fight against titans.

War (Titanoachea) lasted ten years while Gay (Earth) did not predict his grandson to Zeus, provided that he would take himself to the allies of the depths of Kiklopov and Storukhi.

Having killed the keeper Tartar Campu, Zeus liberated those and others, for which Kiklopa was forgotten to him. Nadiva Helm Aida, who made him invisible, Zeus imperceptibly penetrated into the abode of the Kronos and struck him with lightning, and then the storuchny began to throw the stones of the remaining titans. Crowns and all defeated titans, except Atlanta, were overthow in Tartar, where they were left under the protection of the storuchi. All Titanide thanks to the intervention of methis and rei spared.

After that, three brothers - Zeus, Poseidon and Aid - divided power among themselves. Zeus got the primacy over the other Olympic gods and domination in heaven, Poseidon - the power of the sea and in all the waters of the Earth, Aid - the Kingdom of the Dead (Earth and Olympus remained common). Thus, Zeus ranked the dominant position in the family of the Olympic gods thanks to two circumstances: first, it was he who freed his brothers and sisters from the womb of their father, and, secondly, only him - the throat - the zipper was suspended, and sometimes only fear Before her deadly force did obedient inhabitants of the Mount Olympus.

Why did Prometheus kidnapped the fire and gave it to people?

Some say that people blinded from the ground and water in the image of the gods of Prometheus, and Athena breathed life in them.

Others argue that people and animals were created by the gods of a mixture of fire and land, and Prometheus and his brother Epimeta gods instructed to distribute the abilities between them. Improved epimeles generously endowed animal abilities, leaving people with defenseless.

It turned out that the animals were carefully equipped with everything necessary for survival, and the man "Nag is not wound, without a bed and without weapons." In addition, Zeus decided to lime humanity hunger, forcing best part Food sacrifices to the gods. However, Prometheus managed to overcome it.

When the question was resolved, what part of the bull should be sacrificed to the gods, and what to leave people, Prometheus sorted with a bull to the skin and sewed two bags from it. Separating a carcass, he folded the whole pulp in one bag, covering it on top of the demand - the least seductive part of any animal, and in the second staged all the bones, hiding them under a thick layer of fat. Zeus, who Prometheus offered to choose a bag, succumbed to deception and took a bag with bones and fat, which since then was considered belonging to the gods. Finding the trick of Prometheus, Zeus decided to teach him, having deprived people of fire and forcing them "eat their flesh."

Then Prometheus kidnapped fire (according to one version, took him in the forge of Hepesta, on the other - with the help of Athena rising from the black entrance to Olympus, lit a torch from a fiery solar chariot) and gave it to people.

In addition, he taught people to build houses, ships, crafts, wearing clothes, read, write and count, distinguish between the seasons, bring victims to the gods and guess. But at the same time he deprived them of the knowledge of the future (which they had previously possessed), so as not to break their hearts.

At night, Zeus saw Miriada flickering on Earth Olympus and became furious. According to his command, Prometheus was chained to Caucasian Mozham.. Every day, an eagle-vultureThe attached to him and tormented his liver, which grown to the next day again.

How did Zeus punished people for the stealing of the fireplace?

To punish people for the stealing of Fire Protem, Hermes on the command of Zeus cut out from
clay woman - Pandora, making it stupid, evil, lazy, cunning and false.

Athena breathed in Pandora's life, after which Aphrodite gave it to an irresistible charm.

Accompanied by Hermes, the Thunder sent Pandora to Titan Epimeta, who immediately captured her beauty and took her to his wife.

In the house epiteration kept left for him

storage Promethem, his brother, a vessel in which Prometheus had previously concluded with great difficulty, had all the annoying adventures of Humanity: old age, generic flour, illness, madness, vice and passion. Once Pandora, without staging before the natural female curiosity (Zeus extended to this), opened the vessel. Instantly, thousands of troubles flew out of it and began to stratum Pandora and Epimeta, and then hit the mortals. The unrealized dream, which Prometheus also hidden in a vessel, did not give people to end.

There are those who claim that the vessel belonging to the vessel was kept all the good gifts, which he intended to make mankind. When Pandora opened the lid, they scattered to never return, and only slow hope was left at the bottom.

Who headed the rebellion of the Olympians gods against Zeus?

One day, the arrogance and capriciousness of Zeus became so uncompromising that hera, Poseidon, Apollo and other Gods-Olympians rebelled against him.

He headed the rebellion of Hera, the legitimate wife of Zeus, the bowl of patience of which has long been
i overflowed because of the frequent marital trees.
The rebels surrounded the sleeping thumbnail and "dropped" the raw belts of hundreds of nodes so that he could not move.
Zeus threatened them to death, however, in response, the gods, who prudently shook his lightning, only laughing offensively. When they have already celebrated their victory and Zeus's Ryano, who was to become a successor to Zeus, Fetid, who anticipate the interne-worker on Olympus, rushed to search for Stroke Briaria. He, acting by all his hands at once, quickly unleashed the belts and freed his owner. Since Hera stood at the head of the conspiracy, Zeus, with the help of gold bracelets, suspected his recalcitrant spouse for wrists for the sky, and tied an anvil to his feet. Although all the gods were up to the depths of the soul, as a cruel act of the thumbnail, none of them dared to recover the hero. In the end, Zeus promised to free hera, if all the gods give an oath no longer rebel against him. With great reluctance, each of the gods gave such an oath. Zeus punished Poseidon and Apollo, sending them to slaves to the Trojan king Lomedont. The remaining gods were pardoned as coercion.

Interesting facts about ancient Greece - it sounds intriguing, especially for lovers of history. Modern story It is obliged to a lot of ancient Greece. This civilization had a great influence on our world, and development human history. It was in Greece that art, medicine, literature, and much more took their start.

  1. Politics came in modern world From ancient Greece. When elections were held, people received payment for participating in them. It is for this reason that all residents of Greece actively participated in the elections. So took its very beginning to democracy.

  2. The ancient Greeks were not so fearless as describes history. They were very afraid of water, most of them do not skillfully swim. They floated on ships only along the coast. On the basis of this fear they had a lot of water gods, which they prayed for help, and salvation if they were far from the coast.

  3. Ancient Greece - Motherland Theater. But the Greek Theater was very different from modern. All productions were very tragic, there were many deaths and suffering. Only men could play in the theater, they played both men's roles and female also. Only men could go to watch.

  4. The Greeks had special armor, they were called "Lynotorax". There were such armor from flax in several layers. These armor were really unique, they perfectly protected from swords, and onions.

  5. Ancient Greeks were absolutely not shy, they were not ashamed. Quite a large period of time participants olympic Games Ranged absolutely naked. It happened after one runner slept a loin bandage, and he ran his distance naked. Yes, and in ordinary life, they could afford to go nagi.

  6. In the first Olympic Games there was only one competition - running.

  7. Rich, secured Greek women, was not accepted to learn and work. Them favourite hobby It was considered decorations.

  8. Women who were formed, smart, were called "Goethers". Such women were not valued, they did not even want to take their wives.

  9. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato was an athlete. He participated in the Olympic Games, namely, in the fight against the struggle, and even twice received a victory in them.

  10. Our modern word school happened from Greek. Only then in ancient times it had a different meaning. For the Greeks, it was leisure and rest. IN in public places Greece did benches, they were made to relax people, in such places there were always clusters of citizens. Over time, different speakers began to gather there, they had many listeners. In such conversations there were a lot of disputes and discussions, and this was a constant tradition. So there was a need for educational institutionschool.

  11. Greeks were pious, believed in afterlife . According to their convictions, in order to get into the world of dead, shadow or soul, the deceased should go through some of the rivers surrounding the kingdom of Aida. The carrier of the shadows was called Charon. For their services, he took a fee from each shadow. In order for the shade to cover the costs of transportation, relatives of the deceased, put him under the tongue. If the coin is not put, the soul of the dead man was doomed, she could not get into the kingdom of the dead.

  12. There is a legend that all goddesses of Greece had blue eyes. And all the Greeks mostly had brown eyes. Women wanted at least a little bit on the goddesses, and for this was poured into the eyes of a copper cune. The eyes of this really acquired a blue shade, but on health it had a very negative impact.

  13. The name of precious stone Amethyst was invented in Greece. The value of this word is uneximizing. The ancient Greeks made vessels from amethyst for wine, and it was thought to drink from such a vessel, it is impossible to bexicated.

  14. In ancient Greece, the national currency was drachma. And what is most interesting, it was changed to the euro only in 2002, it turns out drachma lasted by the main voluntary of civilization for almost 3000 years.

  15. Ancient Greece was not one common state. Each city of Greece had his personal laws, rules, army. Very often, conflicts and misunderstandings arose between cities.

Interesting facts about ancient Greece.
Ancient Greece is reasonably considered a cradle of world civilization. The traditions and foundations remaining relevant and to today's day. The foundations of philosophy, democracy, feminism and many other phenomena have ancient Greek origin. It is worth noting that Ellade and its population have a number of specific features.

The mythological belief system of ancient Greece is characterized by complex systematization and a large variety. Numerous legends and legends closely enveloped the life of the ancient Greeks. So, famous myth About the apple of discord with the participation of competing goddesses became the basis for a fairly known custom. For the manifestation of their sympathy to representatives of beautiful sex, the Men Eldlats threw them with apples. Such a somewhat dangerous way of expressing feelings was evidence of the influence of mythological beliefs on daily life societies.

The consequence of the developed system of mythology was the institution sports Sportsheld in honor of the numerous gods of the ancient Greek Pantheon. Local sporting event over time has gained large-scale fame and worldwide popularity. A number are also associated with this event. interesting facts. For example, the first Olympic Games held in 776 BC., Included only one sport - running. And antiquity athletes for the greatest convenience performed on sports game extremely naked. In the future, the composition of the Olympic Games somewhat varied. In particular, the athletes began to compete in different types Martial arts.

It is worth noting that the ancient Greek athletes differed in incredible excitement. So, the ancient Greek champion Arrichion won the last victory already being dead. In a terrible confrontation with the enemy, he managed to bring him to the knockout, however, he himself died from choking. The judges recognized his corpse winner and held the appropriate award ceremony.

Politics was also one of the favorite topics for discussion. To people who are not interested in this problem, they treated quite dislike. They were denoted by the term "idiot". When drawing up laws also often occurred interesting moments. For example, the Green Law existed without changes for a long time. The reason for this was one interesting point, which said that a person proposed to make some amendments to the legislative system was to commit a suicidal act with a positive consideration of his proposals.

Democracy is also a product greek civilization. Entertaining fact It is that to attract a large number of people to participate in the elections, they made them paid. That is, every citizen of Greece, who expressed his opinion through a vote, received a monetary reward. And to distract people from transient material values, iron bars served in some regions of Greece. Their heavy weight and big size contributed to the curiosity of corruption actions.

It's no secret that the ancient Greeks loved to relax well. Special place on their holidays occupied alcohol. It was then that Pythagore was invented a glass that prevents rapid alcohol intoxication. Designed in accordance with the law on reporting vessels, the glass could be filled only to a certain mark. Excess the features threatened with the pouring of the entire contents.

Women of ancient Greece occupied a special place in the life of society. The main purpose of their existence was to decorate the world around the world with their presence. Therefore, most often they did not burden themselves to get any knowledge. Opposition Most women accounted for so-called "hetera". The originating notes of feminism provoked them to receive education.

As for the male, the education played an important role in his life. Many modern terms from the education sector have ancient Greek origin. The truth was used in Eldead in a slightly different meaning than now. For example, the word "school" initially meant rest. People, tired of everyday fuss, gathered in certain places and led the philosophical conversations. Gradually, such people have young listeners, gradually turned into students. And the term teacher was marked by people who contributed to the upbringing of children. However, during the period of ancient Greece, this contribution was to bring the child to school and pick it up from there.

Considerable success achieved ancient Greece in the field of medicine. Hippocrates, famous for his oath, first in history began studying oncological diseases. The cancer tumor takes its name from his work. Describing the tumor, the hypocrat compared it appearance With a stabulous being. Subsequently, the name is somewhat transformed, but the essence remained the same to the present.

The art of love was highly revealed by the ancient Greeks. Famous phrase Socrates "I know that I don't know anything" has a continuation. The famous philosopher noted "I always say that I don't know anything, except for one very small science - erotica (Love science). And in it I am terribly strong. " The term love in ancient Greece had many semantic shades. Dozens of different concepts were used to designate this light feeling.

Homosexuality was sufficiently disseented in the territory of ancient Greece and did not disagree. The facts suggest that even created special military units and units, which included men with non-traditional orientation. It is noteworthy that such detachments were distinguished by special courage and courage. And examples of desertion and flights of them were practically observed.