Why take the earth from the grave at the funeral. Visiting a cemetery, a person must honor traditions and know the rules of behavior in a sorrowful place

Why take the earth from the grave at the funeral. Visiting a cemetery, a person must honor traditions and know the rules of behavior in a sorrowful place
Why take the earth from the grave at the funeral. Visiting a cemetery, a person must honor traditions and know the rules of behavior in a sorrowful place

You found on the grave of the late relative, something similar to a magic lining: coins, candles, convolutions, bags, a bottle, a scarf on a fence or something else. What does this mean and how to react?

The lining on the grave is a fairly common thing. I constantly write anxious letters about certain finds found at the graves of late relatives. Here is a standard example: "Hello, Vladimir Petrovich! Were in the cemetery, and on Birch, next to the grave of Svetra, they found a tied node a stem white female handkerchief (her grandmothers love to wear). Tell me, please, is it a reason for concern?"

For the author, the letter has no reason to worry. If the appearance of this scarf on the grave had a witch origin (and, for sure, it was), it was simply chosen by the grave, suitable for a number of signs (gender, name, age of late, etc.). For example, in some kind of magic ritual it could be said that after certain manipulations, the handkerchief tied to the knot should be left on the grave of a man with a name that coincides with the name of the witchcraft object. The grave of your mother-in-law corresponded to these criteria, that's all.

The absolute majority of strange finds on the graves have exactly the origin. With the help of cemetery magic, it is damaged and removed damage, there are attributes and challenges, provoke either treating illness, solve the problem of alcoholism, etc. But, in any case, to relatives of the deceased, on the grave of which a magic lining was discovered, such things are usually not related. The grave was simply chosen, suitable for some conditions of the ritual. For example, sometimes it is required to do something on the grave located with the edge; on the grave where a man of such age is buried; On the grave where a woman is buried with such a name, etc. etc. In order for my readers better imagine the essence of such phenomena, I will give specific examples.

One of the methods of pointing the damage to the epilepsy is as follows: the attacker refers to a certain number of chicken eggs on the grave, where the man was buried, who had the same name that the victim was damaged. A special conspiracy is pronounced, then the eggs remain on the grave for a certain time. With adherence to special rules, the eggs are taken from the grave and later give a person to a person designed to damage. Soon the first epileptic seizure occurs. When the disease enter the chronic phase, the attacks are enhanced by that day of the month, when the cemetery manipulations were made. At the same time, the attacker, of course, is absolutely not interested in the relatives of a person buried in that very grave.

One of the leading rituals is somewhat similar. A photo of a beloved man belongs to the grave, where a man of close age was buried, who had the same name. A number of manipulations are performed, special conspiracies are pronounced, and the victim of the love spell is beginning to experience deadly longing without the object of his passion. If the relatives of the late "not on time" will visit his grave, they, of course, will find a surveillance photo, will remove it from the grave and, thus, this time the intention of the attacker will arise, but they themselves will not suffer.

It should be noted that the cemeteries make rituals of various directions, the black magic of knowledgeable people are not limited. The graves can be used in the treatment of various diseases (including all the same epilepsy), to deliver a person from alcohol addiction, to remove the love tray, etc. If you, visiting the grave of some kind of relative, suddenly discover the bottle of vodka on it, it may mean that someone has damage to alcoholism, or, on the contrary, someone is trying to get rid of drunkenness.

Thus, if you find on the grave where your relative was buried, some foreign items (coins, chicken eggs, photos, etc.), you should not panic. Most likely, this witchcraft has nothing to do with you. Why am I writing: "Most likely"? The fact is that sometimes some kind of wolders on the graves are still addressed precisely to relatives of the deceased. Such sublores are usually not found at any arbitrary time, but on the eve of the memorial day marked in a week after Easter (the so-called "red hill"). Either on some anniversary of death. That is, it was when it is reasonable to expect visits to the relatives of the cemetery for cleaning or comers. For example, you can detect chicken eggs, coins or anything else, quantitatively coinciding with the number of members of your family.

What should be done with such finds? Not a touching thing with bare hands (use gloves, package, paper), you just need to remove it from the graves. But remember that direct contact with these things is very undesirable, because do not take them in hand and do not step on them. If you still have a feeling that you "hooked out", or you reasonably assume that the lining was addressed to you and members of your family, click on the button below and write me a letter.

If you have the need for personal appeal to me for any explanations, consultations or due to the need to solve certain problems, click on the button and write me a letter:

(Voronezh: NGO "Modek" 2002)

What is a cemetery?

So, for a believer Christian there is no death of death, there is no essence and death, but only the rest, or the Assumption in the hope of a wonderful morning of the Resurrection.

For Orthodox Christians, unlike many other religions, the body is not a "dungeon for the soul." Christians believe in the resurrection of the whole person, and not just such a component, like a soul. That is why they appeared on the Russians of the cemetery as God's field of universal resurrection, and the bodies are not burned and do not surrender to animals.

The order of the burial in the cemetery

The burial in the cemetery of the Orthodox Christian is performed after three days after death, if death came as a result of infectious disease. In such cases, with the permission of the doctor and at the request of the circumstances, you can bury the previous three days.

On the first day of Easter, the Nativity of Christ and other high-terrified church days, the burial can be made no earlier than the beginning of the evening service or on the 2nd day of the holiday.

In the cemetery, the body of the deceased rushing after the funeral in the temple. The Holy Church as a sign of reconciliation and unity with the soul of the deceased on the edge of the grave betrays his body of the earth. To do this, before closing the coffin and the position of it in the grave, relatives and relatives are approaching to say goodbye to the late, give him the last kissing. Usually kiss the icon on the chest of the deceased and forehead, where the whine is lying, after which they return to the places where they were before. After that, from the chest of the deceased, the icon is closed, which should be left in the temple to forty days or immediately attached to the house of the deceased, and women who have a monthly one for this day are forbidden.

After that, the deceased completely covers the bedspread and the priest crossed the land on the body of the deceased "betrays his land" with the words: "Lord Earth, and the fulfillment of the Egypt, the Universe, and Wsi living on it." Then, on the deceased, the firings are ruined into the banning that the deceased has already graduated and made the sacred exploits to which he was called, and now his soul is to go by Najkia and achieve the kingdom of glory. Finally, the ashes of the codil is made on the body of the deceased in the banner that the death of a pious Christian, similar to the fragrant Fimiam, was fed for the Earth, but not for the sky. If the cemetery is far from the temple, then this last rite is performed in the temple. At the same time, the tropari is: "From the spirits of the righteous ..." Now the coffin is closed with a lid, which is nailed with nails. After that, when singing lithium, the coffin with the body on the ropes or on long wide towels is lowered into the grave, legs to the east, and during the singing of the trails: "From the spirits of the righteous ..." the grave falls asleep earth. Then, according to the rank of lithium, there is a praying ebony (the diligent prayer of believers to God about the mustache), and after the grave is completely covered, it is pronounced to leave: "Thank God, Sita, who arranged."

When the grave is falling asleep, the grave hill is arranged over it. On a raised grave, they immediately make a cross, at least small, temporary, until they put a new one, in human growth. The cross can be both drawn on the tombstone and be supplied over the tombstone. The cross is installed in the legs of the buried so that the crucifixion was drawn to the face of the deceased. The cross symbolizes the faith of Christians to the fact that the body of the deceased is here, in the ground, and the soul in the sky. Russians in past centuries have been common custom to put the crosses with a bunk coating on the graves, under which the icon was installed. Such crosses were called the "Chapel".

About the grave of the Orthodox Christian

The grave for an Orthodox Christian is an earthen bed, where he expects a universal resurrection and a terrible court. Therefore, during the lowering of the coffin with the body in the grave, those who came three times: "Holy God, Saint Strong, Holy Immortal, Pomoty us." All those who came to the burial before the closure of the grave thrown into her on the lump of the earth. This action symbolizes the words of God: "Earth Esi - and in the land of alliants" (Gen. 3.19).

Conduct rules in the cemetery

The graves in the cemetery are considered a place that can not be discharged: to ruin, clean, and even more so to dig up to steal the preserved things from it. So, according to the rule of Vasily the Great: "Rushing coffins for the embezzlement, it takes away from the communion of the Holy Tynents for ten years." It is also forbidden to take wreaths, lamps left on the grave. It is also not permissible to turn graves into garbage dumps, including the land to them when digging a new grave.

The church does not prohibit moderate crying on the departed, but it does not allow obscene manifestations of grief in the cemetery, characteristic of the pagans. Loud wedding, breaking clothes are not peculiar to Orthodox Christians, imposing their hope for the fishery of God. So, the Russian people, although he perceived to heart everything related to death, but never associated cemetery with a gloomy place, as is considered today. The cemetery for our ancestors was the place where they regularly came to pray for their deceased relatives, a place that was injected into useful reflections, the place of adoption of many evil solutions in his life.

Of course, modern cemeteries differ significantly from the polls of the Christian Christian. It is difficult not to notice the difference between the old traditionally Orthodox monastery cemetery and the modern "residue" of Soviet times. If old Orthodox cemeteries are forced to think about eternity, about God, about the prevailing ancestors and spiritual communications with them, then the modern granite hero alleys of gangster disassembly in full growth are forced to think about somewhat other things. Looking for black granite, nothing but feeling cold and darkness does not occur. Even the appearance of the tombstones and monuments of Orthodox Christians is very different. If Christian tomb inscriptions instill hope and consolation, like this: "You will live in God," "The soul returned to Christ," Alexander rests here in the world to resurrect in Christ, "the modern inscriptions often do not go further. From the brother "or the Soviet Soviet sample" Sleep quietly, dear comrade "written under the star. By the way, according to the 9th rule of the Laodicine Cathedral: "It will not be allowed to go faithful to the cemetery of all sorts of heretics, and violating this rule to deprive church communication for a while:". It is impossible to turn the mummation of the deceased in the cemetery into ordinary boots, and even more so pouring vodka on the grave hill. Natives can remove the late aircraft (boiled wheat grains with honey or boiled rice with raisins), candy. Here, the grains symbolize the resurrection, and honey, raisins, sweets - sweets that righteous enjoy in the kingdom of heaven. Commemorate the deceased Buckets on custom in 3, 9, 40th days after his awaits.

In addition, since the ancient times, the Orthodox Church is customary to visit the graves of the deceased relatives on Radonitz (or Radunitsa). On this day, the overall commencement of the dead is committed. As a rule, it is Monday or Tuesday after a fomine of the week (8th or 9th days after Easter). On this day, believers come to the graves of their relatives and loved ones with the joy of resurrection to Christ. From here there is the name of the holiday. To this day, people try to render the graves, sprinkle their sand. On the Radonitsa on the graves arranged a meal, commemorate the deceased. Living Christians with the dead, bring painted eggs with themselves on the graves. In some places, before this day, the custom of painting the eggs is not red, but in yellow or darkness. Eggs are given to beggars, leave on the graves, crumble for birds. Prayers were served on Radonitz on the cemeteries. It should be emphasized here that it is to Radonitz, and not at Easter Christ the cemeteries attend.

There is also quite a pious custom to arrange on the grave "Garden": plant flowers, fruit trees.

The order of mercy of the mustache

The custom to remember the departed was already installed in the Old Testament Church. The commemoration of the departed is also said in the apostolic decisions. They indicate prayers for the departed during the commission of liturgy, as well as days in which it is especially necessary to remember the well-willed Orthodox Christians: the third, ninth, fortieth, anniversary.

The most powerful and effective means to bring up the mercy of God is liturgy for the deceased, bringing to rescue the bloodless victim.

Many people before death did not have time to ensure the sacraments of repentance and the Holy Communion, they died unexpectedly. They can no longer repent themselves to submit alms. Only bringing a bloodless victim about them, the prayers of the church can alleviate their marginal fate.

In order for your deceased lovers to remember on liturgy, you need to submit a church note on the church note. In it, you list the names of all those deceased who are dear to you, but necessarily baptized in the Orthodox faith. Momentification of unreleased in church services is not performed. There is also a mismatch of suicides, as those who refused to help God.

Notes on custom liturgy is better to serve after evening service, but in the morning, if you come before the start of the service. Names are written in the parental case, in church spelling. For example, George, not Yuri, Dionysius, and not Denis. The completion of the first forty days from the moment of death is made by the appointment of the "new-promoted", and when the children has to remember to seven years, "Baby".

Notes for prayers or memories that are committed after the end of the liturgy are served separately.

Also, immediately after the death of a person close to you, it is necessary to order a forty-daper - daily prayer for forty days, when a particle from prosphora occurs every day for the newly represented.

Of course, a private, homely prayer Christians is an important point of the mercy of the departed. It is especially important when it comes to people of dead unresolved, suicides. But it is necessary to make such prayers again with caution, with the blessing of the priest. In such prayers, Orthodox Christians are relied on the infinite mercy of God and the dorned representation of the Mother of God and the Holy Rogues of God.

Regarding the commemoration of the departed Christians in the third, ninth, fortieth day and the anniversary of death should be made the following explanation.

Massone the deceased on the third day after his death is committed in honor of the three-day Resurrection of Jesus Christ and into the image of the Blessed Trinity. On the third day, the soul of a person crashes on the sky to worship God. In the ninth - in honor of the nine angelic ranks that petition for the pardon of the deceased. From the third to the ninth day of the soul, accompanied by angels contemplates the paradise abode. In the ninth day, the soul again appears before God, after which she was taken into hell, where the torments of unrevious sinners are contemplated until the fortieth day. In the fortieth - in memory of the Ascension of Jesus Christ on the sky. In the fortieth day, the death of the soul is for the third time the all-bad throne. Now it is decided by her fate - she is appointed a certain place whom she was awarded for their affairs. Anniversary for an Orthodox believer is a birthday for a new, eternal life.

In addition to these days, the church has established special days for the solemn, universal commemoration of all the dead. These are the days: Saturday meat (before the cheese week), three Saturdays of the Great Post (second, third and fourth), Radonitsa (Tuesday, the second week for Easter), Trinity Parental Saturday (before the Holiday Trinity), Dimitriev Parent Saturday (Saturday before Dimitra Day 8 November by n. Art.).

The mismatch of the deceased warriors of the Orthodox Church is committed on May 9th. Art., September 11, on the day of the court of the head of John the Forerunner.

It is also necessary to remember the deceased in all anniversary of his death, birthday, the days of the angel.

The commemoration of Orthodox Christians are carried out without the subject of alcoholic beverages, chinno, reverent, in prayer. These days it is advisable to make the beneficiaries and close in memory of the mustache.

Superstitions associated with dried close and behavior in the cemetery

The sacrament of death has always blinked the minds of people. Impossibility to look up to the term of the earth's life did "that light" by frightening and attracting at the same time. Basically, this circumstance gave rise to people in people a lot of prejudices and adopted with death. Many of them appeared during the times of paganism, but "safely" flew out these days.

So one of the superstitions are such actions as the room in the coffin to deceased, various foods, decanter with vodka. Leaving on the grave of the late inverted pot, allegedly, so that the late "on that light" was from what to drink. In addition, there is a turn to the grave pot with smoldering coal, for the "heating of the dead man." Also, a harmful superstition, having his roots in folk magic, there is instilled in the prestorts, other people's fields related to the dead man, soap, combs, etc. With these actions, the superstition is connected that the dead man will not find the road home.

In the Old Russian "Word of St. Gregory "(according to the miracle list of the XVI century) condemned Satanian affairs, like it, to sweat from the courtyard and burning garbage to the great Thursday to" warming the dead ".

A very harmful superstition is the idea that the Earth with the grave helps to overcome fear, longing and illness. For this, the land with fresh graves is rawped to relatives of the deceased for a tear, rub the place near the heart, put into the water, which is washed. The fact is that the grave land is very widely applied in malicious magic and witchcraft. Often you have to see in the temples on the readings of people, brutally affected precisely from the grave land. Do not allow anyone to put "experiments" from this land, in order not to lose sincere and physical health. It does not say about the sand with the graves of saints, which is really perceived by Christians and acts as a shrine.

The next superstition belongs to the belief that in the event of insufficient sizes of the grave when it is necessary to expand, soon a new decease will go to the buried there. The same applies to those cases when the grave is great. Do not be afraid if the edges of the grave or there will fall there anyone by negligence. Nothing terrible in this, the Orthodox Church does not see.

Supervising also refers to throw money into the grave, allegedly, so that the dead man bought himself a place in the cemetery.

It is also unacceptable to incite fires on the grave of a stillborn child.

Also, the superstition is going to dawn on the first day of Easter on the cemetery to ask for forgiveness from the mother and the Father of those who were cursed by the late parents. It was believed that if the rumble will be heard in the Earth, then this means that his father or mother forgave his child, and therefore they adopted the Earth, which did not take them for the sin of the curse.

The next superstition is to peel into the stove or in a barrel on returning from the cemetery to not be afraid of the dead man.

The church also opposes the challenge on the fomine food week in the water by families where there are drinkers.

Another superstition is to sleep the bath for the dead on the week, instilcing Easter eggs in the grave hill.


We do not know when our earthly road is completed, but we know that everything will end in Christ, through which everything began to be. In Christ, we are Sunday. As shown by God through the Prophet of Ezekiel: "The bone will join the bone, the joint to the joint, and the veins, flesh and skin are formed, and it will be shed (perfect bodies)" (Iesek. 37, 7-8). And the apostle, knowing that we will argue with the bodies, taught us, saying: "Approaches the thyed inland, and deceased in immortality" (1 Cor. 15, 53). That is why Christians belong to cemeteries, as to the venues of the future resurrection, they protect them and take care of their preservation.

Cemetery energy is very dangerous for a living person. Because of this approval, the people of the eyelids adhered to the traditions associated with behavior in this place. To protect yourself from negative, do not be dangerous your own life and health, you need to know the signs about the cemetery. There are many of them. Even skeptics listened to them and adhere to. With the world of dead, you should not joke, and the cemetery is their home. You can never tell exactly what consequences one or another careless act from a person can lead, because it is desirable to relate to these signs more.

The rules of behavior in the cemetery should be known to everyone

Specificity of behavior

Signs in the cemetery, as well as the place itself, have strong mystical properties. The biggest problems arise from those who desecrate the graves or is engaged in theft. If a person becomes accidentally stupid near the grave, it does not foreshadow anything good, in a short time it can overtake the trouble. In the meaning, the signs say that after what happened to quickly leave the cemetery, hands and face wash with holy water. Relieve from unwanted consequences will help the Prayer "Our Father", read three times. It doesn't matter where a person will do it near the cemetery or temple, only his sincere thoughts are important.

We will analyze other common superstitions:

  • do not speak out loud about your progress and achievements, being in the cemetery. You can lose this, leaving everything here;
  • do not consider money. If they fell by chance, do not hide them back into a wallet or purse. Take them to the grave to the relative, you can have a test. This will help drive a possible poverty and premature death. Remember that any thing that fell on the cemetery no longer belongs to its owner;
  • it is impossible to bring things to the house from the cemetery, even valuable. Taking things from the dead, you can stick over yourself or your relatives trouble and illness. The headscarves leave the funeral on the site, it is impossible to carry them outside the cemeteries;
  • do not be photographed in a cemetery. Negative energy present in the pictures will remain with a person and no one knows what consequences will lead.

Broken tombstone

Nothing good foreshadows the situation when monuments or crosses fall without visible reasons. This speaks of the unfinished affairs of the dead man in this world, something worries him, does not give rest. Monuments spoiled by no human fault, foreshadow the death of another family members. The broken cross, the crack on the pedestal, asking land formed by the pit - all this can say that the relatives of the deceased should be feared for their lives. Carefully examined the place of the collapsed Earth, it is possible to determine what person death makes its indication:

  • south side - to the death of a man;
  • northern side - dying woman;
  • eastern side - the death of an elderly person;
  • western - threatened the life of a small child.

Sloping gravestone - to trouble

Cat at the grave

According to one of the legends of our ancestors, the souls transfer information to the world of living through animals: birds, cats, dogs. The most mysterious and dangerous mediator are cats.

In the house, on the death of one of the inhabitants, the pets needed to isolate so that the spirit of the deceased was not able to move into the body of his pet.

The arrival of the cat in the cemetery according to the signs can be interpreted as follows:

  • if the cat walks near the grave or falls on it, it is necessary to leave this place, it can have a strong, destroying aura, influence on a person;
  • cat with black color - on a witch's walk or not the rest of the soul of the deceased in sins;
  • a cat with a white color is the soul of a righteous person, may impose a disease or danger;
  • the cat running past the grave does not foreshadow any misfortune - this is someone's soul to see the deceased.

A cat in the cemetery should be respectful. You can not beat or drive it. Give her a better than a hotel, so you will distract the animal from myself.

The cat on the grave signals the strong negative energy of the place

Allowed and prohibited days of visits

We always try to pay the maximum amount of attention and care to your relatives and friends. When a man is dying, we visiting him and continue to bother about his rest. Not everyone knows the rules for visiting the cemetery.

Walking on the cemetery is worth:

  • on the day of the funeral;
  • on the third, ninth and fortieth day after the burial;
  • on the day of the death of man;
  • in a memorial day;
  • in meat subrus;
  • in the second, third and fourth Saturday post;
  • on the day before the celebration of the Holy Trinity;
  • in the first Saturday of November.

Do not visit the cemetery:

  • for the holidays of Easter, Annunciation, the Nativity of Christ;
  • it is impossible to celebrate the Trinity Cemetery, during this period you need to visit the church place;
  • women should not attend the cemetery in the menstrual period or during the baby tooling.


Cemetery signs are a serious thing to which it is worth treating caution, even if you are not a superstitious person. You can not believe in the signs, but you must respectfully to visit the shower of the shower.

Each rite that is associated with the dead, appeared no coincidence.

Think about it, no accident for many centuries adhere to these traditions.

The places of the last resistance have always attracted attention, it is not surprising that cemetery superstitions are so numerous. What can warn secret signs that otherworldly send us in a sorrowful place? We understand the question.

In the article:

Signs in the cemetery - what can be done

Many superstitions are connected with this place. It is required to follow all rules of behavior. You can not come with empty hands -, bread and other treats, leave them on the grave.

Alcohol at the funeral

To be on the place of restoring thousands of people in a drunken form is prohibited. Also unacceptably drink alcohol at the funeral.

Especially alcohol is unleashing the language, and it is better to follow the words in the cemetery in order not to insult the deceased. For the rest of the soul drink on the commemoration.

What should I say

There is such a sign:

What good on the grave say, then on it will remain.

With dead relatives, you can share experiences and joys, while you should not cause envy or excessive pity. Because in one, and in another case, they will want to pick up the speaker. The phrase like "I live so badly, it is better to die" can become fatal. Perfumes regarding this as a call for action and "come to the rescue" to the suffering that so seeks to get to the otherworldly world.

It is necessary to remember that it is possible to afford to be open only with that relative who trusted during life and with whom were close. If you talk loudly and boast your victories in someone else's grave, then everything is good to go to relatives of her inhabitant.

Refrain from finding out relationships and swearing among the graves. Specz says that who will come back in the cemetery, he will live in eternal disassembly.

Is it possible to take things from the grave

Of course not. Remember this rule and explain to his children: the house is the territory of the living, and everything that is in the cemetery belongs to this place. Take something from there - very bad sign.

Bring Cemetery Earth - I don't care what to recognize your home part of the cemetery. For the spirits, he will be "marked" as their sphere of influence. It will be necessary to help a very strong magician to clean the dwelling from gravestone.

Something raised from the grave means to take this thing in the dead man. And the deceased is very jealous of what belongs to them.

Can I consider money to the cemetery

There is another known sign: Calculate money on the grave - you will break up with them forever. Bank fell out - do not touch them. Even a big amount let him lies.

If you raise money from the cemetery land, because of your negligence and greed, you can nourish problems and diseases and spend much more money on their solution than they could leave.

I had to get a wallet on the cemetery - Leave the coins on the grave. It is better at the head of a relative or at least the target.

Is it possible to be photographed on the cemetery

Most will not say that it is impossible, since this is the place of accumulation of negative energy. The mystical relationship between the person and his image in the photo is known - the picture will remain an imprint of the entire negative place.

If you capture yourself in the kingdom of the dead, then either eliminate them to yourself or go there soon go there.

Especially recklessly take a picture near the coffin with the dead man, as well as on the graves under forty days. It has long been known that this period is incomplete, it is so much a negative energy that has been released during the death of man. The soul of the deceased is among the living, not gaining peace. The consequences of such a photo may be destructive - until the emergence of serious diseases.

It is believed that the memories of this belief were preserved for a long time in the word "term". "The time has come out," he also passed forty days.

Photographing can be disturbed by the souls of people drunk in the graves that hit the frame. They will return to their home or come to the one who took a photo. In this case, it is quite actually encountered.

The cemetery is used not only for the burial of the departed. This is one of the main places of black rituals. Here, ask, and the witch here. It is impregnated with powerful negative information that will remain in the picture.

It does not matter, paper photography or electronic. The second option is even worse, because digital pictures are easily copied. Do not post them to the network.

The storage of "dead" images is fraught with a deterioration in the atmosphere in the dwelling, household diseases and the emergence of problems in relations, monetary issues and other aspects. Children are especially suffering from such sources of negative - they are more susceptible to magical attacks than adults.

If there are already similar photos in the house, and part with them, despite the bad signs, no desires, keep them face down, so that the images are not visible. You can pack the source of the negative in a tight envelope.

Signs at the funeral and cemetery

Wires on the last path is a very serious event. :

  • standing not in black apparel, but in white or multicolored;
  • talk loudly, show disrespect for the deceased;
  • take any things from the coffin (even if the deceased promised to give them during his lifetime);
  • telling stories that do not concern the topic of the event;
  • talk badly about the dead;
  • wear open shoes (naked fingers, heel).

To get rid of the negative energy of the place, you should take a bottle of holy water with you and at the exit washed face, hands and legs. You can only leave the cemetery with the way that came.

Sketches - if fell in the cemetery

This sign indicates that the fallen person pulls to the grave land, and maybe him. The one who fell at the funeral should urgently retire from the cemetery. After that, it is necessary to read three times a prayer " Our Father", Wash the holy water and cross the church-burning candle.

If the monument fell in the cemetery

In this case, they say that this is the insancing soul of the deceased makes itself felt. If a person keeps something in this world, he will try to figure out what cause is the delay.

Perhaps the mustache has an unfinished mission or he needs to protect his relatives or friends from something - the Spirit will try to contact them in every way. Fallen monument is a clear sign that the soul wants to be heard. You should contact the medium for help and find out what to relatives.

Cat at the funeral - bad sign

In ancient Egypt, the cats were considered intermediaries between alive and dead. According to legends, these animals could speak from the face of the deceased and even temporarily be a refuge for his soul.

In the room where the dead man lies, there should be no pets. This is especially true of cats. As soon as the misfortune happened, they need to withdraw from home. And even better - for some time send to relatives.

Cat is torn back - to the new dead man. Especially dangerous if the animal feels sleeping under the coffin with the departed. This suggests that soon in the family will happen one more grief.

The animal attached to the procession is better to drive, but respect for it. Do not beat the legs and do not push - in his image it can come someone else. Throw in the direction of the hotel, which is not a pity - pay off.

If the cat jumps on the late or coffin cover, it foreshadows the death of the closest man of the deceased. In some countries believe that such a cat behavior indicates a terrible prediction in the form of a vampire or a gloa for the deceased.

Much depends on the color of the cat coming on the graveyard. Of course, the signs special attention is paid to black individuals. It is believed that in their appearance there may be a witch or magazine-necromancer. According to old legends, they are spots of sinners. The white cat is the incarnation of the righteous, who has not completed some kind of living in the world. But the meeting does not promise anything good with him, it is a sign to a disease or a serious danger.

The cemetery is a special place. On it "join" the world of living and the world of the dead. Therefore, it is necessary to treat him respect to him and comply with certain signs and the rules of behavior are necessary not to angry the dead and not pay for their disrespect.

Do not come to the cemetery after sunset - it is disturbing the dead. Also dangerous can be drunk. With this you annoy the souls of the deceased. But they will be happy to sweets and liver. Be sure to take a sweet treat and spread on the graves.

With a conversation with someone, be careful: it's not worth telling and share about the lucky days of your life. They can quickly end. Also do not complain to the dead to life - they can pick you up to themselves.

Exists many will take about the cemetery. Even deeply indifferent to superstitions, people try to adhere to them. This is this place. No one knows that he can bring the world of the dead, so it is better to take the signs carefully.

Is it possible to walk in the cemetery.

Pregnant women should not attend a cemetery. According to the signs, the following events may occur:

The souls of the dead will take the soul of an unborn baby with them;

In an unbounded child can settle someone else's soul.

Dexplifiers of graves, cemetery thieves, is waiting for the sad fate, for they are haunted by the evil rock.

Stumble on the cemetery - not good. Even worse - fall. Signs are advised to immediately leave the cemetery, wash the holy water, to cross and read the prayer "Father our" three times.

A monument or a cross fell without a reason, it means that the soul of the deceased did not complete important things for her, something worried about her.

Do not take anything from the cemetery and do not bring to the house, whatever this valuable thing is. By signsYou will take it from the dead, and they will punish you by troubles and diseases.

Never consider money in the cemetery - they will leave you; If suddenly dropped bills or a trifle, better leave them where they fell.

Do not take pictures of the cemetery; Surrounding the negative energy in the picture, and who knows how it will affect your destiny.

Suicides can be remembered only when the bird bears scattered on their grain grain. If the bird is not approaching the stern, forget about the deceased, it is impossible to remember it!

If you know that you will visit the cemetery, take water with you, and when you easily have a mock and face, to remove negative energy. Leave the cemetery always that expensive.

Mystical stories about the cemetery and funeral you can read.

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