Icicle personification. Impersonation in literature and colloquial speech

Icicle personification.  Impersonation in literature and colloquial speech
Icicle personification. Impersonation in literature and colloquial speech
Impersonation endowment is called animate objects signs and properties of man: Star speaks with a star. The earth sleeps in blue radiance (L.); The first morning breeze without rustling ... ran along the road (Ch.). Artists of the word made personification the most important means of figurative speech. Impersonations are used to describe natural phenomena, things surrounding a person that are endowed with the ability to feel, think, act: Park swayed and groaned (Paust.); Spring wandered along the corridors with a slight through wind, breathing in the face of its girlish breath (Paust.); Thunder muttered sleepily ... (Paust.).
In other cases, the objects around us "come to life", as in the scene described by M. Bulgakov.
Margarita struck the keys of the piano, and the first wailing howl spread throughout the apartment. Becker's innocent armchair instrument shouted frenziedly. The instrument howled, hummed, wheezed, rang ...
Margarita swam out the window, found herself outside the window, swung slightly and hit the glass with a hammer. The window sobbed and shards ran down the marble-faced wall.
Impersonation- one of the most common trails not only in fiction... It is used by politicians (Russia was knocked out from the shock of Gaidar's reforms), impersonation is often found in scientific style(X-rays showed that the air heals), in publicistic (Our guns spoke. The usual battle of the batteries began. - Quiet.). The technique of impersonation enlivens the headlines of newspaper articles: "The ice path awaits", "The sun lights the beacons", "The match has made records."
Incarnation appears in the form of various tropes, most of all these are metaphors, for example, in B. Pasternak: Parting will eat us both, Longing with bones will eat away. The snow is wasting away and is sick with anemia, And you can hear in the corridor, What is happening in the open, April talks about it in a casual conversation with a drop. He knows a thousand stories / About human grief ... Apple and cherry branches Dress in whitish color. Sometimes impersonation is guessed in comparisons, artistic definitions: In those places a barefoot wanderer / Night sneaks along the fence, And after her from the windowsill stretches, Trace of the overheard conversation (Paste.); In the spring, that small grandchildren, with a ruddy sun-grandfather Clouds play ... From small torn, Cheerful clouds Laughs the red sun, Like a girl from sheaves (N.); The east was covered with a rosy dawn (P.).
Interesting are the expanded personifications, thanks to which the author creates holistic image... For example, Pushkin wrote: I brought a frisky muse, To the noise of feasts and violent disputes, Thunderstorms of midnight patrols; And to them in crazy feasts She carried her gifts And, like a bacchante, she frolicked, Sang for the guests over a bowl, And the youth of the past days dragged violently behind her. And in “Little House in Kolomna” the poet even jokingly addresses her: - Sit down, muse: arms in sleeves, Foot pads Don't turn around, rezvushka Now let's start ... make). To illustrate this type of personification, we will give (in abbreviated form) the beginning of the fairy tale - there were Andrei Platonov "Unknown flower".
Lived in the world small flower... He grew up alone in a vacant lot. He had nothing to eat in stone and clay; drops of rain that fell from the sky descended on the top of the earth and did not penetrate to its root, but the flower kept living and living and growing little by little higher. He raised leaves against the wind; specks of dust fell from the wind onto the clay; and in those specks of dust there was food for the flower. To moisten them, the flower guarded the dew all night and collected it drop by drop ...
During the day, the flower was guarded by the wind, and at night, the dew. He worked day and night to live and not die. He needed life and with patience overcame his pain from hunger and fatigue. Only once a day did the flower rejoice: when the first ray morning sun touched its weary leaves.
As you can see, personification is achieved by a number of personifications: the flower lives, overcoming hunger, pain, fatigue, needs life and enjoys the sun. This combination of trails creates a living artistic image.
In the journalistic style, personification can reach a high rhetorical sound. So. during the Great Patriotic War A.N. Tolstoy wrote in his article "Moscow is Threatened by the Enemy", addressing Russia:
My motherland. you have had a difficult test, but you will come out of it with victory, because you are strong, you are young, you are kind, kindness and beauty you carry in your heart. You are all in hopes for a brighter future, you build it with your big hands, your best sons are dying for it.
Rhetoric also identifies a trope opposite to personification - reification, in which a person is endowed with the properties of inanimate objects. For example: a bulletproof forehead of a bandit: A traffic police sergeant with a face that looks like a no-entry sign. Where are you digging up this dumbass! It's a stump, a log! (From gas.) - Among the reification there are many common language - an oak, a saw, a mattress, a hat, health is unstuck.
Writers know how, with the help of reification, to achieve a vivid expressiveness of speech: His heart beat and fell somewhere for a moment, then returned, but with a blunt needle stuck in it (Bulg.); The head drops the foliage, feeling the approaching autumn !. Soon a fly will sit on your head without brakes: the head is like a tray, and what has been done in life! (From the magazine.). Reification is often used in a humorous context, which can be confirmed by examples from A.P. Chekhova: From me vaudeville plots spout like oil from the depths of Baku: I was sitting at home, walking for roses ... not knowing where to direct my feet, and bowing the arrow of my heart now to the north, then to the south, when suddenly - fear ... A telegram arrived.
Like personifications, reification takes the form of metaphors, comparisons, as can be seen from the examples given. Let us also recall the classical reification in the form of comparisons of B. Pasternak: ... When I, in front of everyone's eyes, was like a shoot with a tree, I grew together in my immeasurable anguish ... She was so dear to Him by any trait, As the coast is close to the sea. The whole line of the surf. How the reeds flood. A wave after a storm. Gone to the bottom of his soul. Its features and forms.
In modern stylistics, the trope described by us does not stand out, and the cases of its use are considered as part of metaphors and comparisons. However, rhetoric lends essential as a path appropriate to oral speech speakers.

Impersonation is an extremely common technique that is used by many writers, prose writers, poets and people somehow connected with creativity. This article will show examples of this example in real life.

The essence of impersonation

Sometimes, to give their thoughts and actions described in the work a more emotional basis, authors use personification. In simple words when we give an inanimate object or a complex of objects a quality that is inherent exclusively in an animate creature (man, dog, etc.), this is called personification. With the help of this technique, a work or some particular process becomes more diverse and interesting. Accordingly, the more diverse and more interesting work, the greater its weight among ordinary readers and critics.

In addition, in order to use impersonation, you must have some experience and skills in writing works of any form. The qualitative use of this literary tool speaks of the skills of the writer himself. Many theatrical performances are based precisely on impersonation. Often they resort to giving the stone the properties of a person, thereby emphasizing the cold and callous nature of a person.

Impersonation examples

Example 1:

"The forest has awakened." This phrase is personification, since the forest is a complex of trees, inanimate. At the same time, he was given an action that is characteristic only of a living being. The author could not use this technique and simply describe natural processes that take place in the morning forest. But no, instead he said “the forest has awakened”, making us imagine this picture in the most colorful colors and let your imagination run wild. According to critics, those works that give the reader the opportunity to reflect on their own and draw all the processes taking place themselves, without the help of the author, are especially popular.

Example 2:

"The reed whispers." As you might have guessed, this phrase is an impersonation. After reading it, we can imagine a swamp that is full of reeds and a small breeze that twitches them. From these small twitches, a rustling is created, which can be interpreted as a whisper.

If you ever start creative activity in literature or another similar field, take this tool into your arsenal. You will definitely need it.


Impersonation is a technique when the author endows inanimate objects with human properties.
To create imagery, to give expressiveness to speech, the authors resort to literary methods, personification in literature is no exception.

The main purpose of the reception is to transfer human qualities and properties on an inanimate object or phenomenon of the surrounding reality.

In their works, writers use these artistic techniques. Impersonation is one of the varieties of metaphor, for example:

D the trees are awake, the grass is whispering, fear has crept up.

Impersonation: the trees woke up as if they were alive

Thanks to the use of personifications in their statements, the authors create an artistic image that is distinguished by brightness and originality.
This technique allows you to expand the ability of words to describe feelings and sensations. You can convey a picture of the world, express your attitude to the depicted object.

The history of the emergence of impersonation

Where did the personification come from in the Russian language? This was facilitated by animism (belief in the existence of spirits and souls).
Ancient people endowed inanimate objects with soul and living qualities. This is how they explained the world that surrounded them. Due to the fact that they believed in mystical creatures and gods - formed pictorial technique like impersonation.

All poets are interested in the question of how to correctly apply techniques in artistic presentation, including when writing poetry?

If you are an aspiring poet, you need to learn how to use impersonation correctly. It should not just be in the text, but play a certain role.

A pertinent example is present in the novel by Andrey Bitov “ Pushkin house”. In the introductory part of the literary work, the author describes the wind that circles over St. Petersburg, the whole city is described from the point of view of the wind. In the prologue, the main character is the wind.

Impersonation example expressed in the story "The Nose" by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. What is most interesting, the nose of the protagonist is not only described by the methods of personification, but also by the methods of personification (a part of the body is endowed with human qualities). The protagonist's nose has become a symbol of doubles.

Sometimes authors make mistakes when using impersonation. They confuse it with allegories (expressions in specific image) or anthropomorphisms(transferring the mental properties of a person to a natural phenomenon).

If in a work you give human qualities to any animal, then such a technique will not act as an embodiment.
It is impossible to use allegory without the help of personification, but this is already another pictorial device.

What part of speech is impersonation?

Impersonation must put a noun into action, animate and create an impression for it, so that an inanimate object can exist as a person.

But in this case, you cannot call impersonation a simple verb - this is part of speech. It has more functions than a verb. It gives the speech brightness and expressiveness.
Using techniques in artistic presentation allows authors to say more.

Impersonation is a literary trope

In the literature, you can find colorful and expressive phrases that are used to animate objects and phenomena. In other sources, another name for this literary reception- personalization, that is, when an object and a phenomenon are embodied by anthropomorphisms, metaphors or humanization.

Examples of impersonation in Russian

Both personalization and epithets with allegories contribute to the embellishment of phenomena. This creates a more impressive reality.

Poetry is rich in harmony, flight of thoughts, dreaminess and colorfulness of words.
If you add such a technique as personalization to the proposal, then it will sound completely different.
Personalization as a technique in literary work appeared due to the fact that the authors sought to endow folklore characters from ancient greek myths heroism and greatness.

How to distinguish impersonation from metaphor?

Before starting to draw a parallel between the concepts, you need to remember what is personification and metaphor?

Metaphor - a word or phrase that is used in figuratively... It is based on comparing some objects with others.

For example:
Bee from a wax cell
Flies for a tribute to the field

The metaphor here is the word "cell", that is, the author meant the beehive.
Impersonation is the animation of inanimate objects or phenomena, the author endows inanimate objects or phenomena with the properties of living ones.

For example:
The silent nature will be comforted
And the high-spirited joy will think

Joy cannot be thought of, but the author endowed it with human properties, that is, he used such a literary device as personification.
Here the first conclusion suggests itself: a metaphor is when the author compares a living object with a nonliving one, and personification - nonliving objects acquire the qualities of living things.

How metaphor differs from impersonation

Let's take an example: diamond fountains are flying. Why is this a metaphor? The answer is simple, the author hid the comparison in this phrase. In this combination of words, we ourselves can put a comparative union, we get the following - fountains are like diamonds.

Sometimes a metaphor is called a hidden comparison, since it is based on comparison, but the author does not frame it with the help of a union.

Using impersonation in conversation

All people use impersonation when speaking, but many are unaware of this. It is used so often that people stop noticing it. A striking example of impersonation in colloquial speech- finances sing romances (singing is peculiar to people, and this property was endowed with finances), so we got a personification.

To use a similar technique in colloquial speech - to give it pictorial expressiveness, brightness and interest. Who wants to impress the interlocutor - use it.

Despite such popularity, personification is more often found in artistic presentation. Authors from all over the world cannot pass by such an artistic technique.

Impersonation and fiction

If you take a poem by any writer (no matter Russian or foreign), then on any page, in any work, we will meet a lot of literary devices, including personifications.

If the fictional presentation is a story about nature, then describe natural phenomena the author will be using impersonation, example: frost painted all the glass with patterns; walking through the woods, you can see the leaves whispering.

If a work from love lyrics, then the authors use impersonation as an abstract concept, for example: love could be heard singing; their joy rang out, longing consumed him from the inside.
Political or social lyrics also include impersonations: and the homeland is our mother; with the end of the war, the world breathed a sigh of relief.

Impersonation and anthropomorphisms

Impersonation is a simple pictorial technique. And it is not difficult to define it. The main thing is to be able to distinguish it from other techniques, namely from anthropomorphism, because they are similar.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Impersonation is one of the artistic devices in literature.

Together with "brothers" -, - it serves the same purpose. It helps to saturate the work with vivid images, makes it more colorful and interesting.

But unlike the rest, his easiest to recognize and understand what it is.

What is it with examples

Here is an example of Fet's famous poem using impersonations:

The pond cannot dream, and the poplar cannot doze. Likewise, acacia cannot "beg". All these are artistic techniques that revive the inanimate and bring beauty to a literary work.

Let's leave literature aside for a while and give an example from our usual vocabulary. Remember how often you yourself say or hear:

The weather whispers
The clock is running / falling behind
The trumpet is calling
Things went uphill

From the point of view of literal understanding, these phrases are meaningless and incorrect. After all, finances cannot sing, whisper the weather, call the trumpet - they do not have a mouth for this. And a watch with legs is hard to imagine.

All these Verbs applicable only to living things, whether human or animal. But not inanimate objects. But this is the meaning of PERSONALIZATION.

This word itself came to the Russian language from Latin. True, one can often find there - personification, formed from two parts - persona (person) and facio (do).

Traceable and historical roots- in ancient times, people often attributed human properties to the forces of nature, endowed them with any object. And it helped them understand better the world... From this hoax a literary device was born.

A few more examples for clarity:

I would call this technique a little differently - animation... This makes it easier to understand its meaning.

Impersonation in Russian folklore

Since we are talking about ancient times, we must definitely mention that many personifications can be found in Russian folk proverbs and sayings. And most importantly, we know them, we constantly use and we perceive it as something absolutely normal:

The word is not a sparrow, it WILL FLY OUT - WILL NOT GET IT
FOUND a scythe on a stone
If the mountain DOES NOT GO to Mohammed
The master's case IS AFRAID

And another bright one with the use of impersonation - here it is as unambiguous as possible:

As in our bazaar
Pies are baked with eyes.
They are baked - they RUN
They are eaten - they LOOK!

More avatars can be found. It is full of all sorts of inanimate objects that can move, talk and generally behave like living things.

Well, for example, you can remember the flying carpet, Baba Yaga's stupa, the stove that helped the children escape from the Swan Geese. Yes, even Moidodyr, Nutcracker, Pinocchio and the Scarecrow with the Tin Woodman will come here. Surely you will remember many more examples where an inanimate object suddenly becomes alive.

V " A word about Igor's regiment»You can find the following examples of impersonation:

And how many beautiful personifications are found in Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin... It is enough to consider the "Tale of dead princess". Remember who Tsarevich Elisha asked for help? By the wind, the moon, the sun.

Light is our sun! You walk
All year round in the sky, you bring
Winter with warm spring
SEE all of us under you.

Month, month, my friend,
Gilded Horn!
You RISE in the deep darkness,
Chubby, light-eyed,
And, your custom is LOVE,
The stars are LOOKING at you.

Wind, wind! You are powerful
You are RUNNING flocks of clouds,
You stir the blue sea
Everywhere you blow in the open
NOT AFRAID of anyone,
Except for one god.

See, here they are all endowed with human properties. And after the question "Have you seen the princess?" they also answer Elisha. That is, they behave like absolutely alive.

Examples of impersonations in literature

And it is no coincidence that we mentioned Pushkin. In the literature, a similar technique most often found in poetry... After all, this one is more melodic, dreamy, in it, like nowhere else, the flight of thought and various images are welcomed.

For example, Fedor Tyutchev whole mountains come alive with just one word:

Through the azure dusk of the night
Snowy Alps LOOK;
Dead eyes
Stabbed with icy horror.

Or the famous "Parus" by M.Yu. Lermontov. Indeed, the poem does not say a word that people are driving the boat. She is on her own - the main character of the whole poem, who lives, fights the waves and moves towards one goal known to him:

The sail of the lonely grows white
In the fog of the blue sea! ..
What is he LOOKING for in a distant country?
That he threw in his native land?

Yesenin in his work he generally perceived nature as a living organism. And therefore, in his works you can often find personifications.

For example, “THE GOLDEN GROVE WAS DISCOVERED”, “THE WINTER SINGING, AUCHES, the shaggy forest BAYUKETS”, “The hemp-growers DREAMED about all the departed”, “The moon WANTED like a clown”. And already in the poem "S Good morning"And at all impersonation on impersonation:

The golden stars were asleep,
SMILE sleepy birches,
TREATED the silk braids ...

The wattle fence has overgrown nettles
Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl
And rocking, WHISPERES playfully:
- Good morning!

In prose you can also find vivid examples impersonation.

The eyes, still glistening with tears, Laughed impudently and happily. (Turgenev)
The pot IS ANGRY and STUMPS over the fire. (Paustovsky)

Still, prose always looks poorer than poetry. Therefore, all the most bright images and the techniques should be looked for precisely in poems.

Impersonation in advertising

We can also see examples of impersonation on TV screens or street banners every day. Advertisers have long started to use bright images and "Revive" that product to sell.

Everyone is familiar with the series of videos for the “M & M’s” dragee, where the main characters are the Yellow and Red candies.

And many have heard similar slogans:

  1. "Tefal always THINKS about us!" (Tefal pans);
  2. “SPEAK YOUR BODY LANGUAGE” (Always pads);
  3. “CARE for the beauty of your legs” (Sanpellegrino tights);
  4. "WISHES you autumn without flu and colds" (Anaferon drug);
  5. “Regular mascara will never get that far” (L'Oreal mascara).


By the way, if you noticed, then the verb is always the personification... it distinctive feature this literary device. It is the verb that "animates" a specific noun, endowing it with certain properties.

But at the same time, this is not a simple verb that we use in our speech (he walks, he sees, he rejoices, etc.). In this case, it also adds to the text expressiveness and brightness.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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PERSONALIZATION (or personification) is an expression that gives an idea of ​​a concept or phenomenon by depicting it in the form of a living face endowed with the properties of this concept (for example, the image of the Greeks and Romans of happiness in the form of a capricious goddess of fortune, etc.). Very often O. is used when depicting nature, edges are endowed with one or another human traits, "Revives", for example: "the sea laughed" (Gorky) or the description of the flood in " The Bronze Horseman"Pushkin:" ... The Neva all night / rushed to the sea against the storm, / did not overcome their violent foolishness ... / and she could not argue ... / The weather was more ferocious, / The Neva swelled and roared ... / and suddenly, like a furious beast, / rushed to the city ... / Siege! Attack! evil waves, / like thieves, climb through the windows ”, etc.
O. was especially popular in precision and pseudo-classical poetry, where it was carried out consistently and developed; in Russian literature, samples of such O. were given by Tredyakovsky: "Riding to the Island of Love", (St. Petersburg), 1730.
O. in essence is therefore a transfer to the concept or phenomenon of signs of animation and is so. arr. kind of metaphor (see). Trails.

Literary encyclopedia... - In 11 volumes; Moscow: publishing house of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V.M. Fritsche, A.V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M .: Rosman. Edited by prof. A.P. Gorkina 2006 .


PERSONALIZATION also personification(lat. Persona and facio), prosopopeia(Greek Προσωποποια) is a stylistic term denoting the image of an inanimate or abstract object as animate. The question of how much the personification corresponds to the poet's actual view of things goes beyond stylistics and belongs to the field of world outlook in general. Where the poet himself believes in the animate nature of the object he depicts, one should not even speak of personification as a phenomenon of style, because then it is connected not with the methods of representation, but with a certain one, animistic outlook and attitude. The object is already perceived as animate and is depicted as such. In this very sense, it is necessary to interpret many personifications in folk poetry, when they refer not to devices, not to the form of expression, but to the very animated subject, that is, to the content of the work. This is especially pronounced in all mythological creativity. On the contrary, personification, as a phenomenon of style, appears in those cases when it is applied as allegory, i.e., how such an image of an object that stylistically transforms his. Of course, it is far from always possible to establish with precision what order of personification we are dealing with, just as in a metaphor it is difficult to find objective signs of the degree of its real imagery. Therefore, stylistic research often cannot do without drawing on data and from the field of individual poetic perception of the world. So, very many personifications of natural phenomena in Goethe, Tyutchev, German romantics should be considered not at all as a stylistic device, but as essential features of their common view of the world. Such are, for example, Tyutchev's personifications of the wind - “What are you howling, night wind, What are you so madly complaining about?”; thunderstorms, which "rashly-madly will suddenly run into the oak grove"; lightning, which "like demons, deaf and dumb, conduct a conversation among themselves"; trees that "tremble joyfully, bathing in the blue sky" - for all this is consistent with the poet's attitude to nature, which he himself expressed in special poem: “Not what you think, nature - Not a cast, not a soulless face. It has a soul, it has freedom, it has love, it has a language, "etc. On the contrary, in such works as fables, parables, and different types allegories (see), one should talk about impersonation, as about artistic reception... Compare, for example, Krylov's fables about inanimate objects ("The Cauldron and the Pot", "Cannons and Sails", etc.)

Especially in cases of the so-called. incomplete impersonation, it is common stylistic device, which is used not only by poetry, but also common speech... Here we are dealing, strictly speaking, only with individual elements of personification, often so common in speech that their direct meaning is no longer felt. Compare, for example, such expressions as: "The sun rises, sets", "the train is going", "streams are running", "the moan of the wind", "the howl of a motel", etc. Most of these expressions are a type of metaphor , and about their meaning in the poetic style, the same should be said as about the metaphor (see). Examples of stylistic personifications: “The air does not want to overcome its slumber ... The stars of the night, As accusatory eyes, Behind it they mockingly look. And poplars, embarrassed in a row, Shaking their heads low, As the judges whisper among themselves ”(Pushkin); “Nozdryov had long since stopped twirling, but there was only one pipe in the barrel organ, very lively, not wanting to calm down, and for a long time after that she was whistling alone” (Gogol); "A bird will fly out - my melancholy, Will sit on a branch and begin to sing" (Akhmatova). The image of plants and animals in the image of people, as is found in fairy tales, fables, animal epics, can also be considered as a type of personification.

A. Petrovsky. Literary Encyclopedia: Dictionary literary terms: In 2 volumes / Edited by N. Brodsky, A. Lavretsky, E. Lunin, V. Lvov-Rogachevsky, M. Rozanov, V. Cheshikhin-Vetrinsky. - M .; L .: Publishing house L. D. Frenkel, 1925


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