When it is better to visit the church in the morning or in the evening. How to go to church for the first time, how to behave in the Orthodox church

When it is better to visit the church in the morning or in the evening. How to go to church for the first time, how to behave in the Orthodox church
When it is better to visit the church in the morning or in the evening. How to go to church for the first time, how to behave in the Orthodox church

Do not delay what should be done ...

Any church, even in a small village, always striking his beauty and greatness. Bell ringing, dome, gold clothes of clergymen - all this is already inspiring reverence in front of the place where we are going to enter. And in the life of each of us there are such moments when we need to get to the church. Therefore, before visiting the Orthodox church, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior in it. The main thing should be remembered that we are entering the church for prayer, but this will not bring us truth and benefits if we enter the temple without humility.

Before going to the church, the Orthodox should assimilate several rules. In the temple go on an empty stomach, i.e. There is forbidden, even drinking water is undesirable. A woman before going to the temple, should try not to forget to take a head handkerchief with them, which must be covered in the church. Also, before a visit to the Temple, it is nothered to remember that the Church is an official institution, and not a Masquerade ball and a dating house. Therefore, the body should be as close as possible: This statement concerns women, and men. No neckline, bare hands, magicians, short skirts or shorts. Since in the temple it is customary to kiss the hand of the father or touch the lips, the forehead to healing icons, then women are best not to paint at all, at least lipstick should be missing for sure. To come to the church in a state of alcoholic intoxication or with a strong tobacco smell, it is strictly prohibited: this is the house of God - have respect for God and other parishioners.

Before departing to church, it is advisable to read the prayer of the "Going to the Temple" to go safely to worship and return to it.

Prayer going to the temple

I argue about the rustles to me: I'll go to the house of the Lord. Az the same set of mercy, Lord, in your house in your house, worshiped to the temple of the Holy Your Forest in your passion. Lord, there is a true thing to them, the enemy of my forgotten by the sake of my way to you, my way; Yes, without a stumbling block, we will glorify the Divine, Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now and is confused, and forever. Amen.

In general, if we talk about the strict observance of the Christian rules, the Orthodox should every morning, and every evening read prayers, the list and content of which can be found in any prayer. Such morning and evening prayers charge the person with energy, they will be relieved in difficult life situations from rampant actions and solutions.

The morning service in the church usually begins at 8 o'clock and lasts depending on whether the Thanksgiving Prayer is or Sunday service with communion, until 9-12 hours of the day. Evening service begins at 15 o'clock, and lasts also in different ways - until 17-19 in the evening. On Saturday evenings in the divine service, the priest puts bars on the forehead in the Labozhozhan, so that they purified and healed. On Monday, the church usually do not work.

The gates of the temples often sit the beggars who ask for alms. If you have a dear person who died, give them alms and ask to remember the late slave of God's such thing. The Lord God will forgive the departed sins and grants the kingdom of heaven. Women accepted on the territory of the church, i.e. Immediately behind her goal, to be covered with head. Therefore, entering the gate, put on your head on your head, if you are a woman. The man, on the contrary, should remove his cap or hat. Entering the territory of the temple, look at church crosses and cross.

Nothing terrible if you do not know how to be baptized: it's just to learn. Fold a big, second and index finger of the hand together, slide, and the ring finger and the little finger press to hand. Run your hand to forehead and touch it, then touch your abdomen, after the right and left shoulder. All you already know how to baptize. Before entering the temple, especially if the service has already begun, look at the wagon, where they sell candles, buy a few. In a separate room or in the temple itself, it is also possible to order with the help of notes or a snan (a book with records about the ancestors) "On health" and "for the rest" of our relatives, dear people. In special cases, it is possible to order a fortywood for the health of the relatives of relatives in the difficult situation in the difficult situation and behind the peace of deceased ancestors and loved ones. When ordering a prayer service "On health" and "For the rest" you need to attach one candle to the lists.

Before entering the temple and immediately after you entered it, you need to cross. Entering the temple, without fuss, find a place and create three bows. If the service is coming, men become on the right side, women are on the left. In the church it is advisable not to talk. If you talk in short, then you can talk, but only in case of extreme necessity. There is such a belief that people talking in the temple suffer from diseases and ailments of different. If there is no service, you can approach the icon standing in the center of the temple, twice crossed and make lips to the bottom of the icon. After that, you need to cross the third time.

If the grandmother-cashier, which usually takes orders for prayers "On health" and "for the rest," recorded the names of those who need to be mentioned in their notebook, then you can only attach a candle to order and pay for the service. But you can write on the leaves themselves on the leaves, who should be remembered for health, and on a separate leaflet - whoever is behind. Such leaves, or cubs, you need to give the employees of the church, which are usually located at some distance in front of the altar. They will transmit lists of people and pastries to priests to mention during the service.

Having bought candles, they must be put in front of the saints of Jesus Christ, the Virgin, Nicholas and other saints. Please note that if there is no candle on the candlestick before the icon, it is strictly forbidden to light the candle from the lamp!

How to light a candle? Apply the wick candle to the fire already burning candles so that the fire is lit and on your candle. Immediately after that, bring the bottom of your candle to the light of the burning candle, so that it is warmed up and resolved. After that, quickly put a candle in the free candlestick and fix it there so that it stands smoothly. After put a candle - cross and pray to the saint to which it was put.
If you bought a big thick candle, then, most likely, you will not be able to so easily install it in a candlestick: its end must be overtaken by a knife, which is usually stored in grandmothers who follow the candlesticks. You can simply put a thick candle on the candlestick so that the servant is then overshadowed and put it, and you can simply ask your grandmother to prepare a candle and put it yourself.

During the service, it is necessary to be baptized in any mention of the words "Lord God", "Virgin", "Holy Father", "Son" and "Holy Spirit", "Jesus Christ", as well as at the mention of the saints. First, it is difficult to navigate, so see what priests and other parishioners do, and repeat them. During the service, it is advisable to understand what we are talking about. If the essence of worship is not at all clear, read out loud, but with a whisper, "Our Father" and other prayers that you know.

During some prayers, it is necessary to make a belt bow. Whether to fall to the prisoner on the floor, how many believers do it, - to solve you. In general, for a truly believer person there is no bustting with the expressions of the love of God - he can get calmly and knees to become, and kissing her hand to the father, to love the icons. Each itself establishes the boundaries of acceptable and possible behavior. The fact that today seems to you a stupid nonsense, tomorrow can become an integral part of life. Do not regain.

If the burden of service suddenly becomes bad or sick, try to silently go out to catch your breath. Sit on the bench until you come to yourself. And then return to the temple to listen to the service to the end or pronounce the most important prayers, ask God for help and paint yourself with a crumbling sign, leaving the temple.

After the service, you can eat the prosfora - the symbol of the body of Jesus Christ, which is sold right in the church. Also, the grandmother-cashier can usually buy holy water in bottles or bring their empty bottle so that sacred water poured into it.

So that the campaign to the temple happens with benefit, it is necessary to bring my external in the appearance in line with the church charter, do not eat, take a handkerchief and a cunnot with you, to be properly baptized, put candles and pray, not to talk in the church without a reason, do not run It does not disrupt the order and peace at all. Knowing these capital truth will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the church and will save from some problems in life.

In the altar you can enter only the clergyman and the male face that he blesses.To put candles about the health of relatives and loved ones before the icons of the saints. In order to put candles on the rest of the souls of the dead, in the temple there is a clock canonon. It has a small crucifix.

  • Breasting and kneading needed when you fall:

- Holy Gospel;
- manner;
- Holy bowl.

  • Just adopt your head, not peeling, you need when:

Autonomous candles;
- blessed with hand;
- Cady.

You can put a candle with any hand. But you only need to be baptized.The blessing is obtained by the priest or bishop (but not at the Dacon). For this you need to approach the shepherd, folded the palm of the cruciform (right from above), and after the blessing kiss the desk (right hand) blessing.If you want to ask anything, please contact the priest.

What can you do in the church?

To talk loudly.

Hold hands in pockets.

Chew chewing gum.

Switch on one side of the Church to another before reading readers or priests.

Came your hand familiar.

Subscribe membership fees to the cashier and conduct other money (except for the purchase of candles) during worship.

What and where is it located?

Altar. Here are the icons of the most distortions of the Orthodox Saints and Apostles. For example, Sergius of Radonezh, Serafima Sarovsky, Andrei of the First-Called, Apostles Peter and Paul. The icons of saints are necessarily present, whose name wears the temple, as well as the Holy Trinity.

Anal is a high stand that icons and church books are put on (the Gospel at Evening Worship). Icon on an analog varies depending on the holiday.

Where to put candles?

In health. Candles in health put in special candlesticks, which in the temple there can be several. Candlesticks are located in front of the icons of the saints - Mikolaya (Nicholas of the Wonderworker), Saints Kirill and Methodius, Ksenia St. Petersburg, Mary of Egyptian and others. In almost all seaside temples there is an icon of Port Arthur Mother's Library (lists). It is necessary to put candles depending on the needs of the necessary saint praying before the icon.

Over the rest (right). The clock canonik in the temple is only one. You can find it in square shape and small crucifixion, on it installed. However, candles for rest in Easter Sunday are not put.

How to confess?

Remember all the sins that made free or unwittingly. Especially those that have not yet been confessed.Consider in sins frankly because God already knows them and only waiting for your recognition. Do not be ashamed to talk about sins to the priest. We tell him about his sins, as a doctor of physician would be told in the hospital, and get sincere healing.

Confessions in every sin separately and detail.Do not complain about anyone during confession. The condemnation of others is also a sin.It's not good to talk about my sins of cold-blooded. Thus, you do not cleanse from sins, but increase them.Do not confess, if you do not believe in Christ and do not hope on his mercy.

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Often the priest asks the question given in the title, and begin to justify.

- We need to sleep, stay with your family, make homework, and here you need to get up, go. What for?

Of course, in order to justify your laziness, you can find and not such objections. But you must first understand what the point in the weekly walking in the temple, so that we are already compared with this our self-ration. After all, the requirement is not invented by people, but is given in ten commandments: "Remember the day of Sabbath to sink it; Six days work and do any things in them, and the day of the seventh - Saturday, the Lord, your God: Do not do anything to you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your slave or your own Neither donkey yours, not every cattle, nor the frank, who in your dwellings; For in six days, the Lord of the sky and the Earth, the sea and everything in them, and on the day of the seventh soil; Therefore blessed the Lord Saturday's day and consecrated him. "(). For violation of this commandment in the Old Testament, the death penalty was relying as for murder. In the New Testament, the big holiday was Sunday, because Christ, Reza from the dead, consecrated this day. According to church rules, the violator of this commandment falls output. According to 80 Rules of the VI of the Ecumenical Cathedral: "If someone, bishop, or presbyter, or deacon, or any of the sudden to the Clear, or a laity, having no urgent need, or obstacles to which it would be for a long time to be eliminated from his church, but staying in the city, on three Sunday days to continue three weeks, will not come to the church assembly: then the cleric will be erupted from the clearing, and the layer will be late from communication. "

It is unlikely that the Creator would have gave us ridiculous commandments, and the church rules were not written at all to torment people. What is the meaning of this commandment?

All Christianity grows out of the self-consumption of the God of Trinity, manifested through the Lord Jesus Christ. Entry into his inner life, participation in Divine Glory is the goal of our life. But since "God is love and abiding in love - in God is, and God in it"According to the Apostle John (), then you can only communicate with him through love.

According to the word of the Lord, the entire law of God comes down to the two commandments: "Love the Lord God of your God with all your heart and everything is your soul and yours and all the intelligence of yours: this is the first and the greatest commandment; The second one similar to it: Love your neighbor, like yourself; In this two commandments, the entire law and prophets are approved. " (). But can these commandments be fulfilled without visiting the temple? If we love a person, don't you strive to meet him more often? Is it possible to imagine lovers to avoid meetings with each other? Yes, you can talk and on the phone, but it is much better to speak personally. So and a person who loving God seeks him to meet him. An example for us will be the king David. He, being the ruler of the people, leading countless wars with the enemies, carried out justice, said this: "How your dwellings are linked, Lord forces! My soul was deceived, wishing to the courtyards of the Lord; My heart and my flesh are admiring to God to God. And the bird finds themselves housing, and the swallow's nest to himself, where to put their chicks, in your altars, Lord forces, my king and my God! Blessed in the house of yours: they will continually praise you. Blessed person who is power in you and whom the path of the path is directed towards you. Passing the valle of crying, they open sources in it, and the rain covers it with a blessing; Come from the strength in force, are before God in Zion. Lord, God forces! Hear my prayer, hurt, God, Iakovlev! God, our defender! Digesions and proud on your face anointed. For one day in your yards are better than thousands. I wish it better to be at the threshold in the house of God, rather than living in the tents of wickedness " ().

When he was in exile, I cried every day that I could not enter the house of God: "Remembering this, I pour my soul, because I went to the crowded, I got into the house of God with the eyes of the joy and the Slavs of the celebrating Sortman" ().

That's exactly this attitude and gives rise to the need to visit the temple of God and makes it internally necessary.

And it is not amazing! After all, the eyes of the Lord are continuously converted to the temple of God. Here he is his body and blood. Here he revives us in baptism. So - our small heavenly homeland. Here God forgives us sins in the sacrament of confession. Here he gives us himself in the Holy Communion. Is it still possible to find such sources of imperious life? According to the ancient devotee, those who have been fighting with the devil during the week seek on Saturday and Sunday to come running to the sources of living water by communion to church to quench the thirst for the heart and laundered themselves from the dirt of the deficiencies. According to ancient legends, deer hunt for snakes and devour them, but the poison begins to burn their insides, and they flee to the spring. Also, we must strive to the temple to jointly cool the irritation of our heart. According to the priest, "Try to gather more often for the Eucharist and the Slavs of God. For if you are often going together, the forces of Satan are lowered, and the misfortune of your faith is destroyed. There is nothing better than peace, for they are destroyed by every brand of heaven and earthly spirits " (Schchench. Ignatius Godpherd Message to Ephesians. 13).

Many are now afraid of the evil eye, damage, witchcraft. Many are covered by all shoals with needles, take themselves as Christmas trees, amules, smoky all the corners with candles and forget that church prayer alone can save a person from the violence of the devil. After all, he trembles the power of God and is unable to harm the one who resides in God's love.

How Tsar David sang: "If the regiment feels against me, my heart will not be crammed; If the war rises to me, and then I will hope. I asked me the Lord, it's only looking for to stay to me in the house of the Lord in all the days of my life, to contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit the Holy Temple of him, for he would cover me in the tabernacle of his disaster, hid me in the captive place of the village His, ascend me to the rock. Then I would be ascended my head over the enemies surrounding me; And I would bring in his tabernacle of the sacrifice of the Slavs, began to sing and chanting before the Lord " ().

But not only that in the temple, the Lord protects us and gives us strength. He also teaches us. After all, all worship is a true School of God's love. We hear his word, remember his wonderful things, learn about our future. Truly "In the temple of God, he all announces its glory." (). Before our eyes are the feats of martyrs, the victory of devotees, the courage of the kings and priests. We learn about his mysterious nature, about the salvation that Christ gave us. Here we rejoice in the Light Resurrection. No wonder we call the Sunday worship "Malaya Easter". It often seems to us that everything is terribly terribly, scary and hopeless, but the Sunday service tells us about our foreclose hope. No wonder David says that "We reflected, God, about your goodness in the middle of your temple"(). Sunday service is the best tool against those countless depresses and seals that live in "gray life." This is a sparkling rainbow of God's covenant among the fogs of the universal fuss.

Our festive worship service has a prayer and thinking about the sacred scriptures, whose reading in the church has a special force. So one devotee saw from the mouth of the Dyakon, who read the Word of God on Sunday Liturgy, the fiery languages \u200b\u200brose. They cleaned the souls of praying and sealed to heaven. Those who say that they will be able to read the Bible and at home, as if for this you do not need to go to the temple, mistaken. Even if they really open the book at home, their removal from the Church Assembly will prevent them from understanding the meaning of read. It is verified that those who do not participate in the Holy Communion are practically not able to learn the will of God. And not surprising! After all, Scripture is like "Instructions" for heavenly grace. But if you just read the instructions, without trying, for example, collect a wardrobe or to produce programming, it will remain incomprehensible and quickly forgotten. After all, it is known that our consciousness quickly filters unused information. Therefore, the Scripture is not separated from the Church Assembly, because it was given to the church.

On the contrary, those who visited Sunday Liturgy and after this house took the Scripture, he will see in it the meanings he would never have noticed. It often happens that it is for the holidays who will recognize the will of God about themselves. After all, according to prep. . "Although God always awards the slaves of their gifts, but the most annual and gentlemen"(Word to the Shepherd. 3, 2). It is not by chance that those who regularly go to the temple are somewhat different and in appearance, and in terms of mental state. On the one hand, for them virtue becomes natural, and on the other - a frequent confession prevents from making serious sins. Yes. Often, Christians are also exacerbated by Christians, because Satan does not want people to be eliminated from the dust to the skies, from where it was low. Therefore, Satan attacks us as on his enemies. But we should not be afraid of him, but should fight him and defeat. After all, only the winning inherits everything, the Lord said ()!

If a person says, he is a Christian, but does not communicate in prayer with his brothers, what kind of believer is he? According to the fair word of the largest connoisseur of church laws, the patriarch of the Antioh's Feodor Walsamon, "one of this opens one of two - or what such does not make any care about the fulfillment of divine commanders about prayer to God and chanting, or he is not faithful. For, why did he not want to be in church with Christians for twenty days and have communication with the faithful people of God? "

It is no coincidence that the Christians we consider exemplary, the Christians of the Apostolic Church in Jerusalem "They were together and had everything in common ... and every day unanimously stayed in the temple and, refraining the bread at home, took food in the fun and simplicity of the heart, the praise of God and being in love with the whole people" (). It is from this disposal and their inner force arose. They were in the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit, which was poured on them in response to their love.

It is no coincidence that therefore the new covenant is directly prohibited to neglect church meetings: "We will not leave your meetings as I have some custom; But we will exhort each other, and even more so, the more see the approach of the day of it " ().

All the best, thanks to which Rus is called the Holy, thanks to which other Christian peoples exist, gives us worship. In the church we get rid of the oppression of our fuss and break out of the crises and wars in God's peace. And this is the only right decision. Not swearing and revolution, no malice and hatred, and church prayer and virtue can change the world. "When the foundations are destroyed, what will the righteous? Lord in the holy church " (), And he runs away to him to find protection. This is not cowardice, but wisdom and courage. Only stupid will try to cope with the onslaught of the worldwide evil himself, whether the terror or natural disaster, revolution or war. Only the Almighty God will protect his creation. It is no coincidence that the temple has always been considered a refuge.

A truly temple is a heavenly embassy on Earth, where we, Wanderers, seeking heavenly hail, get support. "How precious is your mercy, God! Human sons in the shade of the wing of your deceased: satisfied from the Tuka at home, and from the stream of sweets you will see them, for you have a source of life; In the light of yours we see the light " ().

I think it is clear that the love of God requires as often as possible to resort to the house of the Lord. But the second commandment is also required - love for neighbor. After all, where can I contact the most beautiful in man - in the store, cinema, clinic? Of course not. Only in the house of our common father we can meet with the brothers. And our joint prayer will rather be heard by God than proud loneliness prayers. After all, the Lord Jesus Himself said: "If two of you agree on Earth to ask for anything, then what would be asked if they are from the father of my heaven, for, where two or three are collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them" ().

Here we go out of the fuss and can pray for our troubles, and about the whole universe. In the temple, we ask God to heal the disease of their relatives, to free the prisoners, preserve the travelers, save the perishes. In the temple, we communicate with those who left this world, but did not leave the Church. Dead, being, begged to pray for them in churches. They say that every remembrance for them is like a birthday, and we often care about it. Where then is our love? Imagine their condition. They are without a body, can not come true, external good deeds (for example, alms) can not do either. They are waiting for support from their relatives and friends, and only excuses receive. It's like saying a hungry mother: "I'm sorry. I will not give you to eat. It hurts to sleep. " But for the dead church prayer - this is real food (and not vodka, poured on the cemetery, not necessary to anyone, except demons and alcoholics).

But holy worships worthy of our glorification are waiting for us in the temple. The holy images give them to see, their words are proclaimed in the service, and they themselves are often visited by the House of God, especially in their holidays. They together with us pray to God, and their mighty gloriousness as eagle wings are assessed by the church prayer directly to the Divine throne. And not only people, but also disembodied angels participate in our prayer. Their songs sing people (for example, "tris and"), and they sing our anthem ("worthy"). According to the church legend, in every consecrated temple over the throne there is always an angel whoars the prayer of the church to God, as well as the entrance to the temple there is a blissful spirit, which follows the thoughts of those incoming and emanating from the church. This presence is felt quite tangible. No wonder to many unskilled sinners becomes bad in the temple - this power of God rejected their sinful will, and the angels punish them for lawlessness. They need to not ignore the church, but to repent and get forgiveness in the sacrament of confession and not forget to thank the Creator.

But many say:

- Okay! We must go to church, but why every Sunday? Why such fanaticism?

Answering briefly, it can be said that since the Creator says so, the creation should be unquestioned by obedience. The Lord of all time gave us all day of our life. Is it really not to demand that we make four of the week from 168 hours? And at the same time the time spent in the temple is good for us. If the doctor prescribes the procedures to us, do not try to accurately fulfill his recommendations, wanting to heal from body disease? Why do we ignore the words of the great doctor of souls and tel?

Here you need to think about the words that are given at the beginning of our reflection:

"Sunday is the only day off, you need to sleep, to stay with my family, to make homework, and then you need to get up, go to church.

But no one makes people go to the early service. In cities, they almost always serve early and late liturgia, and no one sleeps on Sunday for a long time. As for the metropolis, no one bothers to come on Saturday from the evening service, talk to his family, to read an interesting book and after evening prayers to go to bed around 11 - 12 o'clock in the morning, and in the morning to get up in half and go to Liturgy. Nine hours of sleep can almost everyone to restore forces, and if this does not happen, then we can "peck" the missing day sleep. All our problems are not connected with the church, but with the fact that the rhythm of our life does not correspond to God's will and there is so cold. And communicating with God is the source of all the forces of the Universe, of course, only can give a person and spiritual, and physical forces. It has long been noticed that if you develop internally internally, the Sunday service fills the inner force. And this power is, including bodily. It is no coincidence that the devotees who lived in the inhuman conditions of the desert, lived to 120-130 years, and we barely reach 70-80. God strengthens those hoping for him and serving him. Before the revolution, an analysis was conducted, which showed that the longest life expectancy was not at the nobles or merchants, but for priests, although they lived in much worse conditions. This is a visible confirmation of benefits from weekly walking in the house of the Lord.

What concerns communicating with the family, then who prevents us from going to the temple of the full composition? If children are small, then the wife can come to church later, and after the end of the liturgy, you can always walk together, go to the cafe, talk. Does it compare with the "communication" when the whole family is very sinking in a black box? Often those who do not go to the temple due to the family, do not exchange with close and ten words per day.

As for homework, the Word of God does not allow to fulfill those cases that are not essential. It is impossible to arrange a general cleaning or washing day, billets canned for a year. The time of peace lasts from Saturday evening until Sunday evening. All hard work must be transferred on Sunday evening. The only kind of hard work that we can and should do on Sunday and holidays are mercy. To arrange a general cleaning in a patient or an old man, help in the temple, to prepare the products of the Syrote and a large family - this is a true and pleasing creator the rule of respect for the holiday.

With the question of homework on holidays is inextricably linked the problem of summer visits to temples. Many people say:

- We will not be able to withstand the winter without those billets that we grow in our sites. How can we go to the temple?

I think the answer is obvious. No one bothers to go to the village temple to the service, and work on the garden or on Saturday, or in the second half of Sunday. So our health will continue, and the Will of God will be observed. Even if there is no temple nearby, we must dedicate Saturday evening and Sunday morning prayer and Scripture. Those who do not want to fulfill the will of God receive his punishment. Expected harvest devours locust, caterpillars, illness. When it is necessary to rain - drought comes when you need supu - flood begins. So God shows everyone who in the world of the owner. Often God punishes both the contemplations of his will. Familiar doctors told the author about the phenomenon of "Sunday death", when a person is plowing all the weekend, without raising her eyes to the sky, and in the same place, in bed and dies from stroke or infarction, face to earth.

On the contrary, those who fulfill the commandment of God, he gives unprecedented yields. For example, in the optical desert of yields exceeded the harvest of neighbors four times, although the same land use technique was used.

Some people say:

- I can't go to the temple, because it's cold or hot, rain or snow. I will feel better at home.

But about a miracle! The same person is ready to go to the stadium and under the open sky in the rain to hurt for his team, until it drops to dig in the garden, all night dance on the disco, and only to the house of God to reach his strength he has no! The weather is always only an excuse for her reluctance. Can we really assume that God will hear a prayer of a person who does not want and something small to sacrifice for him?

Also ridiculous other, often occurring objection:

- I will not go to the temple, because you have no benches, hot. Not that Catholics!

Of course, this objection cannot be called serious, but for many considerations of comfort, more important than the issue of eternal salvation. However, God does not want death and rejected, and Christ will not break and dismissed the rod and the flax of smoking. As for the benches, this is not fundamental question at all. Orthodox Greeks have seats throughout the temple, there are no them among the Russians. Even now, if a person is sick, then no one bothers him to sit on the benches located behind in almost every temple. Moreover, by the litrorship charter of the Russian Church at the festive evening service, parishioners can sit seven times. In the end, if it is difficult to stand all the service, and all the benches are busy, then no one prevents the folding stool with them. It is unlikely that someone will condemn for it. It is only necessary to get up for the reading of the Gospel, the Kheruvim Song, the Eucharist Canon and about a dozen of the most important points of service. It seems that this will not be a problem. Disabled people do not concern these rules.

I repeat once again that all these objections are not completely serious and cannot be the cause of the commandment of God.

Also does not justify the person the following objection:

- You have all such evil in your temple, angry. Grandmas are hissing and swearing. And Christians! I don't want to be like this and therefore I will not go to the temple.

But no one demands evil and angry. Does anyone in the temple makes it so? Did it require boxing gloves at the entrance to the temple? Do not seize and do not swear and then you can fix others. As the Apostle Paul says: "Who are you condemning someone else's slave? In front of his Lord it stands, or falls? " ().

It would be fair if the priests were taught to swear and smoke. But it is not. Neither the Bible nor the Church nor her servants have never taught it. On the contrary - on any preaching and in chants they call us to be Croes, merciful. So this is not the reason for the reliever in the church.

It should be understood that people do not come to the temple not from Mars, but from the surrounding world. And there it is just accepted to swear so that sometimes men and Russian words do not hear. One mat. And in the temple it is just not. It can be said that the church is the only place closed for the Materian.

It is in the world that it is taken angry and pouring their irritation to others, calling it a struggle for justice. Do not the old women do in the clinics, casting bones to everyone, starting with the president, ending with a nurse? And really, these people can enter the temple, how to instantly change the magic wand and become Croes, like sheep? No, God gave us freedom of will, and without our efforts can not change anything.

We are always in church only in part. Sometimes this part is very large - and then the person is called the saints, sometimes smaller. Sometimes a person keeps only a little girl for God. But the judge and appraiser are not us, but the Lord. While there is time, there is hope. And until the end of the picture, how can you judge it, except for the finished parts. Such parts are saints. According to them, it is necessary to judge the church, and not for those who have not yet finished the earthly path. It is not for nothing that "the end is crowned business."

The church itself calls himself a hospital (the confession says "Further came to the doctor, but not non-isdess"), so is it wisply to expect that it is filled with healthy? Healthy is, but they are in heaven. That's when everyone who wants to heal the help of the church, then she will appear in all its glory. Saints - this is who clearly shows the power of God acting in the church.

So in the temple it is necessary to watch not on others, but on God. After all, we come not to people, but to the Creator.

Often refuse to go to the temple, saying:

- You do not understand anything in the temple. Serve in incomprehensible language.

Let's paraphrase this objection. A first-grader comes to school and, overhearding the lesson of algebra in the 11th grade, refuses to walk to classes, saying: "There is nothing understandable." Stretch? But also ineffectively refuse to teach divine science, referring to incomprehensibility.

On the contrary, if everything was clear, it means that learning is meaningless. You are already already knowing everything that experts say. Believe that science live with God is no less difficult and elegant than mathematics, so let it have its own terminology and its language.

I think that it is necessary not to give up temple training, try to understand what it is not clear. In this case, it is necessary to consider that the service is not intended for missionary among unbelievers, but for believers themselves. We, thank God, if we pray attentively, everything becomes clear after a month and a half permanent walking in the temple. But the depths of worship can be revealed years later. This is indeed an amazing mystery of the Lord. We have no flat preaching of Protestants, but, if you please, the eternal university, in which the liturgical texts are educational aids, and the teacher himself is the Lord.

Church Slavonic language is not Latin and not Sanskrit. This is the sacred form of the Russian language. It is only necessary to work out a little: buy a dictionary, several books, to learn the fifty words - and the language will reveal their secrets. And God will reward for this work Stormice. - During prayer it will be easier to collect thoughts on the divine mystery. Thoughts will not pass through the laws of the Association somewhere in the distance. Thus, the Slavic language improves the conditions for the blasting, and it is for this that we come to church. As for the acquisition of knowledge, it is transmitted in the temple in Russian. It is difficult to find at least one preacher who would say the preaching of Slavyansky. In the church, everything is connected by wisely - and the ancient language of prayer, and the modern language of preaching.

And finally, for the Orthodox Slavic language itself, the fact that he gives us the opportunity to least hear the Word of God as accurately as possible. We literally can hear the letter of the Gospel, because the grammar of the Slavic language is almost identical to the grammar of Greek, on which the revelation is given to us. Believe me that both in poetry and jurisprudence and theology, shades of meanings often change the essence of the matter. I think that anyone who is fond of literature understands it. And in the detective, a random match is able to change the course of the investigation. So for us, an invaluable opportunity to hear the words of Christ as accurately as possible.

Of course, Slavic language is not a dogma. In the Ecumenical Orthodox Church, worship is made more than eighty languages. And even in Russia, theoretically refusal to the Slavic language is theoretically. But it can only happen when it becomes as far for believers as Latin's Italians. I think so far the question is not even worth it. But if this happens - then the church will create a new sacred language, which exactly as possible by the Bible and does not give our mind to elude the country of distant. The church is still alive and has the strength to revitalize anyone entering it. So start the course of the Divine Wisdom, and the Creator will introduce into the depths of his mind.

Others say:

"I believe in God, but I don't believe Popam, and therefore I will not go to the temple."

But after all, no one asks for a parishioner so that he believes the priest. We believe God, and the priests are only his servants and the instruments of his will. Someone said: "The current goes on a rusty wire." So grace is passed and via unworthy. According to the faithful thought of the saint, "We ourselves sitting on the department and students are woven with sins. Nevertheless, we do not despair in human-lithuania God and do not attribute to him a crucial. In order for God and painted the priests themselves to challenge the passions, so that they learned from their own experience to relate to others. " Imagine that there will be a sinful father in the temple, and Archangel Mikhail. After the first conversation with us, he would flash fair anger, and only a scoop of ashes would remain from us.

In general, this statement is comparable to the abandonment of medical care due to the vigorist of modern medicine. The financial interest of individual doctors is much more apparent, as everyone who fell into the hospital is convinced. But for some reason, because of this, people do not refuse medicine. And when it comes to a much more important thing - about the health of the soul, they remember everyone and there were no disadvantages, just not to go to church. There was such a case. One monk lived in the desert, and a priest went to him to approach him. And once he heard that his priest's priest was blamed. And then he refused to take communion. And on the same night he saw the revelation that it was worth a gold well with crystal water and from it, the golden bucket draws the water leament. And the voice of God said: "You see how water remains clean, although it gives her a lee, so grace does not depend on who she is served through." And after that, the deserted again began to commit about the priest, not arguing, he was righteous or sin.

But if you think, then all these excuses are completely insignificant. After all, how can I ignore the direct will of the Lord God, referring to the sins of the priest? "Who are you, condemning someone else's slave? He stands before his Lord, or falls. And will be restored; For Silen God restore him " ().

- The church is not in the logs, but in the rhers, they say others, "so you can pray at home.

This saying, allegedly Russian, actually dates back to our home-grown sectarians, who, despite the Word of God, separated from the church. God really lives in the bodies of Christians. But he enters them through the Holy Communion supplied in the temples. At the same time, the prayer in the church is higher than the prayer in the houses. Saint says: "You are mistaken, a man; It is possible to pray, of course, at home, but praying as in the church, where such a lot of fathers, where the song is unanimously renewed to God, it is impossible at home. You will not be heard so soon, praying to the Vladyka at home, as praying with its brothers. There is something more like that: unanimity and consent, the Union of Love and Prayer of Priests. In order to come, the priests are coming so that the prayers of the people, how the weakest, connecting with their prayers are the strongest, together they were torn to the sky ... If Peter helped the prayer of the church and made this pillar of the church (), as you, tell me, neglect her by force And what can you have an excuse? Listen and God himself, who says that he is conserved by the reverent prayers of many () ... Not people alone alone terribly appear here, but the angels fall to the Lord and the Archangels pray. It's time to favors them, the most sacrifice contributes. As people, taking oilseed branches, amazed by them before the kings, reminding them by these branches about the grace and philanthropy; So exactly the angels, representing instead of the oil branches, the most body of the Lord, begging the lord for the human race, and as if they say: we pray for those whom you yourself have once honored such love that I betrayed your soul for them; We pour praying for those who have shed blood; We ask for those for whom you sacrificed your body "(Word 3 against Anomeev).

So this objection is perfectly unreasonable. After all, as far as the holy house of God's house is, as above the prayer, brings in the temple, the prayers of home.

But some say:

- I am ready every week to go to the temple, but a wife or husband, parents or children do not let me.

Here you should remember the terrible words of Christ, who often forget: "Who loves his father or mother more than me, not worthy of me; And who loves her son or daughter more than me, not worthy of me " (). This terrible choice should always be done. - Choosing between God and Man. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it may be hurt. But if you chose a man, let that you think small, then God will reject you on the day of the court. And is it close to help you on this scary answer? Does your love for native justify you when the gospel says the opposite? Do not you be with a longing and bitter disappointment to remember that day when you reject God for the sake of imaginary love?

And practice shows that the one who chose someone instead of the Creator will be devoted to them.

Others say:

- I will not go to this church, because there is bad energy. I feel bad in the temple, especially from Ladan.

In fact, any church of the energy is one - God's grace. All temples are consecrated by the Holy Spirit. In all churches, Christ is the Savior with his body and blood. The Angels of God are at the entrance to any temple. Case only in man. It happens that this effect has a natural explanation. For holidays, when the "Possibles" visitors attend temples, those paes are clogged by people. After all, in fact the sacred places are extremely small for such a variety of Christians. And therefore, really it becomes just stuffy. Sometimes it happens that in poor temples are a poor-quality incense. But these reasons are not basic. It often happens that people get bad and in a completely empty temple. Christians perfectly know the spiritual reasons for this phenomenon.

Evil affairs in which a person does not want to repent, drive away the grace of God. This is the resistance of the evil will of the person by the power of God and is perceived by them as a "bad energy." But not only a person turns away from the Lord, but God himself does not accept the egoist. After all, it is said that "Gordy God oppresses" (). Similar cases are known in antiquity. So Maria Egyptian, who was a damnitz, tried to enter the temple of the Globe of the Lord in Jerusalem and worship a life-giving cross. But the invisible force dropped it from the gate of the church. And only after she repented and promised to never repeat his sin, God allowed her home.

There are also cases that hired killers and prostitutes could not bear the smell of Ladan and fainted. Especially often this happens to those who are engaged in magic, astrology, psychic and other demonic. Some strength twisted them at the most important moments of worship, and from the temple they were taken to the "ambulance". Here we are faced with another reason for the rejection of the temple.

Not only a person, but also those who stand behind his sinful habits, do not want to meet with the Creator. These creatures are real angels, demons. It is these unclean entities that interfere with a person to enter the temple. They will take the strengths that stand in the church. It happens that the same person can sit for hours in the "rocking chair" and is not able to spend ten minutes in the presence of the Creator. Only God can help someone who is captured by the Devil. But he helps only the one who repented and wants to live by the will of the Lord Almighty. And so all these arguments are only an ill-conceived repetition of satanic propaganda. It is not by chance that the terminology itself is taken from psychics (and the church knows that they all serve the devil) who love to argue about some energies that can be "recharged" as if it were about the battery, and not about God's Chad .

Symptoms of spiritual illness are visible. Instead of love, people are trying to manipulate the creator. This is just a sign of demonism.

The last objection, related to the previous one, is most often found:

- I have God in the soul, so your rites are not needed. I just do it only good. Is God really send me to hell just because I do not go to the temple?

But what to understand under the word "God"? If we are just talking about conscience, then, of course, at any person, this voice of God sounds in the heart. There are no exceptions. Neither Hitler nor Chikatilo were deprived of him. All villains knew that there was good and evil. The voice of God tried to keep them from lawlessness. But really just because they heard this voice, are they already saints? And conscience is not God, but only his speech. After all, if you hear the voice of the president on the tape recorder or by the radio, does it mean that he is in your apartment? Also, the availability of conscience does not mean that God is in your soul.

But if you think about this expression, then who is God? This is an almighty, endless, omniscient, righteous, good spirit, the Creator of the Universe, who will not contain the sky and heaven of Heaven. So how can you accommodate his soul - it, whose face is afraid to see angels?

Is it really saying so sincerly thinking that this immeasurable power is with him? Let us doubt. Let him show her manifestation. The expression "God in the shower" is stronger than an attempt to hide a nuclear explosion. Is it possible to hide in secret Hiroshima or eruption of a volcano? So we demand from talking such evidence. Let him create a miracle (for example, will resurrect the dead) or tell God's love, substituting the other cheek - who hit him? Will he be able to love enemies - at least to the hundredth of how the Lord is our who prayed for them before crucifying? After all, to say: "God is in my shower," can only be saint. We demand from the speaker so holiness, and otherwise it will be a lie, whose father is the devil.

They say: "I just do good, really God will send me to hell?" But let me doubt your righteousness. What to consider the criterion of good and evil by which you can determine what you or I do good or evil? If you consider the criterion of yourself (as often they say: "I myself define for myself what kind of good and evil"), then these concepts simply lose any value and meaning. After all, Beria, and Goebbels, and the sweat fee considered themselves absolutely right, so why do you yourself think that they deserve censures? If we have the right to identify for themselves Merilo Good and Evil, then the same should allow all killers, perverts and violences. Yes, by the way, let me also help God disagree with your criteria, and you are not judged by yours, but by your standards. And then somehow it turns out unfairly - we choose Merylo ourselves, and forbid themselves to judge our own laws. But for them without repentance before God and the Holy Communion, the person will be in hell.

If you feel honestly, then in front of the face of God our standards of good and evil, if we do not even have the right to legislative activities. After all, we did not create any bodies, nor the soul, no mind, no will, nor feelings. Everything that you have is a gift (and not even a gift, but temporarily entrusted to preserve the property), for some reason we can decide that they can be managed with impunity in their will. And to the one who created us, we refuse to demand aware of how we took advantage of it. Doesn't this require a somewhat bold? Why did we take that the Lord of the Universe will perform our will damaged by sin? We violated the fourth commandment and at the same time believe that he is obliged to us something? Is it stupid?

After all, instead of a Sunday a day to devote to God, he is given to the Devil. On this day, people often get drunk, they swear, faster, and if not, then they are not having fun in a good way: they look dubious television shows, movies where sins and passions are beaten through the edge, etc. And only the Creator turns out to be superfluous in his own day. But was God who gave us everything, including times, does not have the right to demand from us just a few hours?

So hell awaits those contemptants who ignore the will of God. And the reason for this is not God's cruelty, but the fact that they, leaving the sources of water of life, began to try to dig empty wells for their excuses. They abandoned the sacred bowl of communion, deprived themselves in the words of God and therefore wander in the darkness of this evil century. After removing from the light, they find darkness by leaving love, they find hatred, throwing life, they rush in an embrace of eternal death. How not to mourn their stubbornness and do not wish them to return to the house of our Heavenly Father?

We, together with the king David, say: "According to the many grace of your, enter your house, worship the holy temple in your fear" (). After all "We entered the fire and into the water, and you brought us to freedom. Enjoy your house with all-in-laws, I will repulse the vows of mine who uttered my mouth and I say my tongue in sorrow " ().

The temple, in other words, the House of God is a special room in which worship is performed. It is believed that there are a special grace, sent to people from the Most High through the clergy. He tells about the fact that the Lord himself is invisible present in the holy places, therefore, behave there, respectively. Every parishioner should know how to go to church correctly and how to behave in worship.

Church rules at the entrance to the temple and preparation for worship

To the entrance to the christian christians are preparing in advance. It is not recommended to take food before the service, all sacred sacraments are acquired on an empty stomach. Of great importance is the appearance. The clothes should be clean, neat, modest, not bright and not throwing (for Easter and holidays, light tones of robes are suitable, it is better to pick up dark colors in the sorrowful dates). Women cover hair with a handkerchief and necessarily wear a skirt with a hen length below the knee. Top of dresses or blouses necessarily with a long sleeve, covered shoulders and without deep neckline. Apply makeup is also not recommended. Men are allowed to stay with a uncoated head. Clothes also implies modest and tidy. No shorts and open legs, only classic pants. The remaining details of the robes, accessories and additional elements of the wardrobe should not attract the attention of others and distract from worship.

Refair from sleep On the day of the temple visit, thank the creator for a peaceful night and a new day, wash, light the lamp and read the morning prayers. Remember, it is better sincere and from the bottom of my heart to pronounce one appeal to God than a long time and hard to read prayers with thoughts about the speedy completion. On the way to church, the prayer should be pronounced Jesus Christ. And already on the threshold of the temple there are three processions in front of the controversial of the Savior and three waist bows. For each of the bows, the following prayers are negligent:

  • "God, gracious Budy I am sinful" - to the first;
  • "God, to clean my sins and surviving me" - to the second;
  • "Without the number of sinners, Lord, forgive me" - to the third.

You should be baptized during church chants: with the words of appeal to the Almighty, God's Mother and other Saints; when starting and ending prayers; under the asks "Amen" and the proclaims of "Aliluya"; When scribling "bow" and "false". When removing gifts, earth bows are relying.

The main norms of behavior during the service for adults and children

As already mentioned above, in holy and holy place there are their rules of behavior. It is not enough to be able to competently enter the temple, you need to know how to properly keep yourself in worship.

  1. To come to the church, it is necessary in advance in order to have time to put candles, apply notes and make it to icons before the start of chants (first of all kiss the main icon, which is opposite the royal gates).
  2. Parishioners should keep themselves quiet, modestly and reverently.
  3. Thoughts should be directed towards God, everything should be released everything and forgive everything is bad.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to talk, and even more so laugh and behave the caller. Sin try to attract attention and disrupt the construction of chants.
  5. In no case can not be turned back to the altar.
  6. Go from place to place, fuss and create a panic is also prohibited.
  7. You can sit down in case of ailment. If you allow forces, it is better to spend time on ministry standing. While the royal gates are open, and patients should be standing, and weak.
  8. Be sure to turn off the cell phone! And the resolution on the video image is pre-requested by the abbot.

The rules act for adults and for young children. If the mother does not succeed to inspire the Rules of humility and humility, then the Shalun should be withdrawn from the temple, in order not to create inconvenience for the presence of other parishioners. And it is better to spend a conversation with the baby and explain the whole importance of decent behavior in sacred places.

We must not forget that you should not leave the temple until the end of the service. It is not just a bad tone, it is dismissive. Perhaps those who came to worship for the first time or only beginners attend holy places do not know how to go to the church and other subtleties and nuances, but you can always seek help to clergy. At each temple, Sunday schools are organized for children and adults, where Orthodoxy are easily known. Also, printed literature will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation. In the end, it is not terrible to seek advice for the elder generation. The main thing is to make everything with a pure open heart and sincere love for our Lord.

Nowadays, you can often hear the phrase: "Why go to the temple? I have God in the heart! " It would seem that such a person can only be envied. Indeed, if you have a god in the heart, then the visit of the temple looks like an excess. But the question arises here: how justified this confidence? Maybe God is at this person in some other part of the body, for example, in the stomach? Or maybe the stomach itself became God for a person, according to the word of the Apostle Paul: Their God - Verevo (FLP. 3, 19).

A person can be in confidence that he became the temple of the Spirit of God, being a playing of unclean spirits

But if a person is right, and his heart really became the abdomen of God, then is it possible to be sure that this is God true, and not the one that is being strengthened to put himself with God without being so? This is what Saint Feofan says about this: "The post plan and the prayer room published feel demons and run away from him to not get a painful blow. Is it possible to think that where there is no post and prayer, there is already a demon? Can. Demons, putting up in a person, do not always discover their intercourse, and they are attached, the sophistication of the teaching of his owner would every evil. " In other words, a person can be in confidence that he became the temple of the Spirit of God, being playing unclean spirits.

Someone will say: "Here, I'm singing and pray, I don't go to the temple." It can be answered that it is a good and necessary to pray and fast, but in itself insufficient.

If a Christian, even if not leaving a personal prayer, in its will removes from temple worship, then, according to the Holy Father of the Church, this is an indicator of spiritual unhealthy. Rev. Wronsonophogs Optina offers the following reasoning on this topic. One of the Holy Father was asked: "Are there faithful signs for which you can find out if the soul is approaching to God or is distinguished from him? After all, relatively ordinary items have certain signs - they are good or not. When, for example, they begin to rot the cabbage, meat, fish, it is easy to see it, because spoiled products make a bad smell, change the color and taste, and their appearance indicates damage.

Well, the soul? After all, it is disembodied and cannot make a bad smell or change their kind. " On this question, the Holy Father replied that the faithful sign of the surning soul is evasion from church services. A person who goes to God first of all begins to avoid going to church. First tries to come to the service later, and then stops visiting the Temple of God at all.

A sign that God is in the heart - love for temple worship service

Thus, the desire for church service is for a Christian to the spiritual charter, with whom we can always check the condition of our soul. A sign of the fact that God is in the heart, is love for temple worship.

This can be likened by human relationships. If we love someone, we try to be close to him. If we say, for example, your friend: "You are always with me, you are in my heart, so I didn't come to congratulate you on your birthday," then we hardly heard the answer words for approval and understanding. Just with God. If God is in our heart, if we love him or at least strive for this love, then how we are not almost a birthday or the resurrection of Christ, the Son of God, who has become the Son of Human, who suffered the sake of our rescue of humiliation, pain and death, how forget About the memorable date of the Mother of God, through which we got access to the incarnate God, or neglect the days of the celebration of the heavenly forces of the obsolete and saints, who are upcoming before the throne of God and tirelessly praying about us, lazy, sinful and strong only on the words of self-assessment?

Church is Christians connected to Christ in a single Godchild

In the center of temple worship is the greatest Christian sacrament - the sacrament of the body and the blood of Christ. All worship was built in such a way as to prepare us to this sacrament in the best way, and is already in itself the opposite and anticipation of our eternal stay with God. In the church service, the teaching about the church is visible, as a body of Christ. The church is Christians connected to Christ into a single Godchild organism. As a body, naturally maintain unity, and for a Christian, it is natural to strive for unity with the head of the Church - Christ and with all Christians united in Christ into a single body. Therefore, participation in worship is for a Christian not a gravitative sentence, not a harsh punishment or sophisticated torture, but some natural and vital aspiration. The lack of such should serve us by the signal that we are spiritually sick and are in a serious danger that our life requires a speedy correction.

Of course, it is not always easy for us to participate in public utilities, I do not always want. Each have the states when they have to force themselves to go to the temple. But without this, spiritual life is impossible.

Where does this burden in us, is it unwilling? All from there - from our passions, which are so much in our souls, that they became for us as if by the second nature ("Habit - the second nature"), from which, without difficulty and without illness, do not get rid of.

The influence of civil servants on passion can be compared with the action of light on the inhabitants of the dark cave. Animals and insects, accustomed to the night and darkness, with the appearance of light come into motion and strive to fly away, escape, console to the familiar places, in the dark place, "safe", distant from light.

So and passion in us, while we are far from the church, from the temple, from worship, dorms in the usual and cozy soulful Mraka. But it is worth it to come to the temple to the service, and as if all the forces of hell ride in our bodies and souls. The legs are cotton, in the head mist, the back hurts ... Yes, and around everything is outraged: the readers read it unclear, singing and fake, the priest or not, or he rushes somewhere, at the deacon then dark, and if they joke and smile, it is also annoying ("in the holy place!"), etc. T.P. Well, of course, the background is thought: "What am I doing here?" And if you do not understand the need for temple prayer, then there is almost no chance to keep in the temple. Nevertheless, we will not get a true consolation in except for the temple.

Many people are familiar to the state of despondency, or, as they are now being taken to express, depressed, when nothing pleases and everything loses its meaning. You don't want to go to the temple in this state. But Orthodox people know that if still forced yourself and get to the temple and worship, then everything is miraculously changing. It seems to be stood in the service of Pestocho, the prayers almost did not hear, I myself prayed so much as I tried to cope with the mental storm or with silent thoughts, but you leave the temple, and on the heart. It seems to be nothing changed, the circumstances are all the same, but they no longer seem so insurmountable as before.

In the temple, our prayer gets complete, connecting with the prayer of the whole Church of Christ

And it is not surprising. After all, in the temple, our imperfect prayer gets completeness, connecting with the prayer of the whole Church of Christ, in which The Spirit itself petitions for us with the rehabils (Rome. 8, 26). Therefore, in most cases, even the deepest and concentrated private prayer will not be so beneficial as well as imperfect church prayer.

Holy Fathers often refer to the temple "Head on Earth". In it we are in contact with the world, we enter, if you can put it in the space of eternity. Here we get the doubt of passions and protection against the violent influence of evil spirits, taking (at least at the time) inaccessible to them. Every time, entering the space of the temple, we make our personal small outcome from the world, which lies in the evil (1 in. 5.19), and avoid his deadly sting.

The action of the public prayer is the reverse side of the bile of the commandment of God's love for God and to the neighbor, since the personal prayer of every Christian, who praying in the temple, enhances, on the one hand, the prayers of other prayers, and on the other - the energy of the Divine.

This is what our old Russian saint Simon wrote about it, Bishop Vladimir and Suzdal: "Do not be false, under the pretext of bodily physical sensitors do not leave the Church Assembly: how rain will grow the seed, and the church entails the soul into good deeds. Everything is unavailable that you are doing in Keels: Li Psalter read, you sing twelve psalms, "all this does not compare with one Cathedral:" Lord, humbucky! " That's what we understand, my brother: The Supreme Apostle Peter himself was the Church of God Living, and when he was captured by Herod and was planted in a dungeon, didn't the church prayers been delighted by Herod's hand? And David prays, saying: "I ask the Lord's one and that only I am looking for to stay to me in the house of the Lord in all the days of my life, contemplate the beauty of the Lord and early to visit Holy Temple." The Lord himself said: "My home prayer house will be set." "Where," he says, "two or three collected in my name, there I am in the midst of them." If such a cathedral is gathered, in which there will be more than a hundred brethren, then how don't you believe that the Lord God is here. "

Of course, sometimes there are objective circumstances, really preventing a visit to the temple. But not everything seems to us the obstacle, is such in the eyes of God. In this regard, the case described in the life of the righteous Juliania Murom: "The one winter was so student that the land was shown from frost. And she did not go to the church for some time, but he prayed to God at home. And once came the pop of that church early in the morning alone in the church, and there was a voice from the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the verbal so: "Go, tell me with gracious world: what does not go to the church on prayer? Although the home prayer for her God is pleasant, but everything is not as church. "

For a person who approved on the path of the Divine, a visit to the church service becomes a need for no less, but sometimes even more than the nutrition of physical ones. Especially acutely felt this need for the saints. So, the righteous John Kronstadt recognized: "I'm fading, I dying spiritually, when I do not serve in the temple for a whole week, and I'm ignorant, we live in soul and heart when I serve ...".

However, today, probably, in every Orthodox church, you can meet at least one parishioner, which, like the Gospel Anne, the propheted (cf. Lux. 2, 36-37), almost constantly resides in the temple. The fact that those surrounding this can not be contributed by no means. And her close to it, and their own, Orthodox, convince the dimness to influence, and she, overcoming years and illness, is hardly a crawling, and everyone strives for a kindly sulled heart "lunch".

In conclusion, I would like to bring an amazing example of an invincible love for the divine service of one of the Greek Mobility of the Pienem of the XX century: "The Bogoly Quiet Ketie did not want to miss a single evening and liturgy. She wanted to go to the service every day, so I was looking for temples, where liturgy was performed on weekdays. She sacrificed her sleep, made many hours hiking transitions, just not to miss the Divine Liturgy<...>

Ketie tried to get acquainted with the priests of all neighboring villages, so that there was an opportunity to invite them to serve as Liturgy. More often went to the Temple of Pantanass. At night, the Louur River passed on the rope bridge. Often in winter it was covered with ice, and Keta had always had several bags with products for the poor.

Once when the bridge was demolished by water, one old shepherd helped her on the otherside. Sometimes she was made on the way for many hours. Once the dog was attacked by Kiet, another time she met the bear, but the beasts did not harm her.

It is difficult to describe everything that happened to Keti. There were no phones. Once, none of the acquaintances of the Jerev warned it about Liturgy. After the work, Keta still went on the road. First reached the Philippia. Then visited the villages of Cambi, Pantanass, Saint George. But nowhere service was not, and in the meantime hemet. Ketie (still on foot) went to Kerasovo, and from there to a vulystist, where the sister of the father joined her. On the way, they stumbled and fell into a pit. Women kneeling fell into asbestos. They led themselves in order and went to Liturgy. In total, the evening and night, Keta passed the distance of 30 kilometers. And it was often often.

<...> Once in the Keti Temple fell from the chair, which she climbed to light the lamp. She had a fracture of the hip. She fell into the hospital, where she was prescribed bed regime. But how could she be able to attend the services? Chrome, she came out of the hospital, stopped the car and went to the temple of St. George Sellia Filipiad, where she served her friend - Father Vasily Zalakostas. She lay down in the temple focus. Twenty days and night she spent in the church. A priest came daily and committed Divine Liturgy.

Once, in winter, strong bad weather happened. The wind with the root pulled the trees. But it did not become an obstacle to Keti. For a second, no doubtful, she went to the liturgy, but it was not returning back for a long time. Colleagues in the excitement were waiting for Keti. Finally it seemed. Her face was happily shone, although all the legs (as far as they were visible under her long dress) were in the blood. She explained that late is due to the fact that she had to be climbing through the fallen trees that had occurring on her way.

So what did Keta feel during the Divine Liturgy? Probably, it was something inexplicable if she, overcoming all the difficulties, did everything possible and impossible to get to the service. She sang herself, gave the priests, wore heavier liturgical books with them.

Sometimes she went to the night service, and in the morning I was in a hurry for another divine liturgy. And then, visiting his friends and hearing, as the service broadcast the service, it became on prayer for the third time. She got up on his knees and worked out earthly bows. No noise could distract her.<...>

Her love for worship was such that often, falling asleep, she whispered: "Church, Church ...".

It remains only to wish to all of us to strive at least a small tolik of the love for church service, which is described in these lines!