On the day of the anniversary of the school museum. Program of the event

On the day of the anniversary of the school museum. Program of the event
On the day of the anniversary of the school museum. Program of the event

This year, the room of combat and labor glory - the center of the military patriotic education Young people are celebrated 10 years. We present the scenario of the anniversary of the museum room, which was celebrated on November 14, 2013 in MBOU SOSH. Novopolevodino Balakovo district of the Saratov region.

Anniversary of the Museum Room "Jubilee Salute!"
MBOU SOSH with. Novopolevodino Balakovsky district, Saratov region
Konovov N.B., Teacher of History and Social Science
Date: November 14, 2013, 11.00.
The hall is festively decorated: Shirma with garland balls, forming a Russian flag tricolor: white, blue and red, red carnations, on a low red fabric, the inscription "Jubilee Salute!". Music design: fanfare, drum fraction, military music.
Military melody sounds, Vasily Terkin is included:
Terkin. On the left - the slides, on the right - the slides, the survey - this is me. Private Vasily Terkin welcomes you, friends!
And tell me, guys, what kind of city? Balakovo? Kursk? Berlin? Balakovo, Novophalodino, did you say? So the faithful course went! As the enemy we laid on the blades forever, then a little overlooked without soldiers.
(voice over the scenes) Terkin! The commander noticed this, she shook her head and gives an order: to go into intelligence, in Noviphalodino, there was a habit. In the year 2013 (two thousand thirteen) in November to arrive. There, for the scene, lie down in the ambush, to collect everything, ask. Does the children dance, how and what do students live? What is the victory of our victory there, what did we get into battle? Our great-grandfather was well to live in the world? Everyone to divide and notice, on arrivals to report! (Captain comes to Terkin).
Vote. Private Vasily Terkin! Crow it time to you.
The report came: An anniversary concert is expected to be expected in Noviphalodino. Your point of observation is in this school, at that end. Do you understand? Stretch!
Terkin. There is, Comrade Captain! (Spectators). You do not give us out! (Dropped by a pitch) voice behind the scenes. Other in places! So that no one understood even, did not know about you, friends. And let's see what the school will show the audience, guests!
Leading. Time memory - turns to it more often and more often. No more beautiful feelings of centuries, comprehend the depth. And it is important that the values \u200b\u200bare incredible that we carefully love, keep our Balakovo Starin!
Every year on the tradition of November 14, we celebrate the day of memory of our famous countryman's hero, Mikhail Semenovich Volkov. And today we dedicate our event an anniversary of the room of combat and labor glory that wears a name complete Cavalera Order of Glory M.S. Volkov, keepers folk memorywho love and honor the history of the native land, sat down.
At our holiday there are honored guests:
1. Wiktor Ivanovich, Chairman of the Commission on the Heroic and Patriotic Education of the Joint Council of War and Labor Veterans, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation;
2. Lyudmila PavlovnaPasina, a member of the Presidium of the Joint Council of War Veterans and Labor
3. Vasilenko Sergey Aleksandrovich, Head of the Military Patriotic Center "Nabat"
4. Target OMON with GMA, commander of the squad police lieutenant colonel Chebukuki Sergey Alexandrovich;
5. Head of NMO Volkova Lyudmila Ivanovna.; Head of the Administration of the NMO-Kalyeva Kazima Alishevna
6. Volkov: Nikolai Mikhailovich, Yuri Mikhailovich, Sholokhova Tamara Mikhailovna -Eti, the famous countryman's hero, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
7.Gorenkov Vladimir Semenovich, Veteran of the Afghan War, Chairman of the Committee of Veterans and military service Under the United Council of War Veterans, Balakovo
Leading 1. We have an anniversary today! - We congratulate everyone from the heart!
- Welcome to our guests - and the glorious holiday is starting! (Solemn music)
Dear friends, Dear guests! For you dance composition performed by the group "Inspiration". Leader: Shaiko N.Yu. (Dance "Fire and Water")
The word is provided by the director of the school E.G. Baranovskaya. (Awarding the best search engines, local history, guides)
Lead 1: Major Region ... Balakovo Earth ... Earth, inspired the great masters of words and born no less talented writers, which preserved customs, traditions, distinctive character.
Pupils1: Land Balakovskaya - Niva Golden! Hills and steppe, rivers and fields.
And blue from the edge and to the edge. You are part of Russia, Russian Earth.
Pupil 2. The Lazorian steppe lies in front of me, and I run, tearing off the noodles.
I love you, my edge, with all my heart, all soul, my edge, Volga songs and epic. Dear guys, teachers, dear guests, for you performed by the vocal group of students sounds the song " Native land"(Performed Song Uch-Xia about his native land)
Lead 1: How many memorable people of the pages can be found - glorious and bitter, loud and quiet, but always open and honest, like the hearts of those people that they called the edge of Saratov as their stepfather's edge! The word is provided with Pazina Lyudmila Pavlovna, a member of the Presidium of the Joint Council of War Veterans and Labor

Pupil 1: Look at our ancestors, on the heroes of past days.
Remember their goodwalk, glory to them, stern!
Glory to our side! Glory to Russian antiquity!
Pupil 2: Glory to our side! Glory to Russian antiquity!
And about this old, I will start talking
So that people know about the affairs of the native land!
Host: Each museum, rooms have their own face, their own unique appearance. After all, it is in him the most extensive information about the history of the village, culture, life, traditions, natural wealth With his small homeland, his corner of Russia.
The word is provided by Gorenkov Vladimir Semenovich, a veteran of the Afghan War, Chairman of the Committee of Veterans and Military Service with the United Council of Veterans of War Balakovo
1. Watching: - walking along the school corridor, with many doors, we will definitely pay your attention to one cherished with the inscription "Room of Combat and Labor Glory" or how a small rural school museum is known for the fellow villagers. " On the other side of this door, it is not just a training class, not just a room, behind it - the history of our country, the native land, the village, schools, the fate of ordinary residents, old-timers, ceiling, war and labor veterans, the workers of the rear. The keeper of the glorious history of our native land, the village, the beloved school is the school museum room!
Pupil 1. Party fanfare louder,
We celebrate the first anniversary!
10 years not yet age, nevertheless
Many people will tell you our rural museum! (Drummer phonogram)
Pupil 2:
From the anniversaries in life will not leave.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry through the years
Heat soul, heart particle.
Leading. The word is granted to Wiktor Viktor Ivanovich, Chairman of the Commission on the Heroic-Patriotic Education of Pupils of the Joint Council of War and Labor Veterans, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation;
Terkin: forty fifth! Forty fifth! Me, please, Berlin! I'm 2013, we made it, we came!
Vote. Where are you?
Terkin: Noviphalodino. Scene. Anniversary concert. I inform everything in order, everything is alive, everything is healthy. Our grandchildren, our children commemorate us and honor. They sing well and dance, they live wonderful!
Voice behind the scene. Where is our Terkin? Vasya, where are you? Vasya, children are nice! Let dance and sing. You think about the main thing: how do the great-grandchildren live? Suddenly they do not know about us? And the times broke the thread?
Terkin. Accepted. Understood. I promise to report very soon! For now, I need to arrive at school again!
Lead 1: Memory Keepers, time in the museum room work,
The service of the Fatherland is true. The memory of the story is long, eternal in the hands of centuries transmit. (Word of our Museum Council) Block of the Museum Council. (Live newspaper)
Here, get to know our museum advice! SHOULD YOU FLAME Hi!
We are employees of the Council! We are guides, notes. We are lecturers, portraits! We are search engines, local history. We are poems, stories, songs. We are all together!!!
Leader: In 2002, when humanity stood on the threshold of the third millennium, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a school room of combat and labor glory was born. The task that stood before the organizers is to pass the experience gained by generations, youth. The school museum room is designed to contribute to the formation of civilian-patriotic qualities in students, expanding the horizons and the upbringing of cognitive interests, mastering the skills of search and local lore and research work.
Student 1: Work on the collection of exhibits, the design of expositions took more than eight months. The result of work has become grand opening Museum room on November 14, 2003, on the eve of the birthday of the famous countryman's hero, a complete cavaller of the Order of Glory M. S. Volkov.
The Word is provided to the son of the famous hero-countryman Volkov Nikolay Mikhailovich.
Student 2: A great merit in the opening of the museum room belongs to the search group, local leaders, graduates of 2004 and the local lore group of 2006. Today we are glad to welcome former members of the search and local lore groups on our anniversary.

Student 3: Over the past 10 years since the opening, the museum room has become the center of local history and military-patriotic work at school. The museum work was organized by the museum Council, which includes representatives of the administration, public, students.
Pupil 4: On the basis of our museum room there are lecturers and excursion groups, search engines, local historians, which led by the teacher of the history of N.B. Konnov.
Student 5: Tour Council of the Museum developed and excursions through the native land, in the city heroes, about the veterans of the war, the workers of the rear. For the past 10 years, dozens of cities, countries, from which guests visited our museum room were available on the route map of our small rural museum.
Kazakhstan, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, Saratov, Volsk, Holyshnsk, Penza, Voronezh, Moscow, Balashov, Marx, Saint Petersburg Pugachev.

Student 6: Every year the number of visitors to the museum room is growing. These are students of schools and areas, parents, war veterans, graduates of school, residents of the village, representatives of the city and district administration. For 10 years, 625 excursions have been held.
Konovov N.B. Letters and memories of Frontovikov, meetings with war veterans, excursions in martial glory found a worthy reflection in the museum's expositions. Section "Great Patriotic War" - one of the most informative! The students of the school was written by the Book of Memory of the village, where the names of the heroes-fellows were inscribed with gold letters, courageously and persistently defending our homeland from the German fascist invaders.
Pupil 7: We are forever in front of the homeland in response,
Protecting the silence of fields so that people on the planet slept peacefully
So that the explosions no longer was on it!
Leading. All those who have not returned from the war left on the fields of great battles who are not with us today, but who gave her life for peace on earth, for our happy life Dedicated to this song performed by the vocal group of students.
(Uch-Xia Vocal Group performs the song "White Birds")
Student 8: "My native village" is the most vivid exposition. Exhibits collected by students, teachers, residents of the village keep the history of the school, the native village, of our region.
Student 9: In 2008, the school celebrated the 10th anniversary. Under the leadership of the Council of the Museum, a large search and research work was organized. The museum funds were replenished with dozens of new exhibits: archival documents of the 50s of the 50s of the last century, photographs of teachers and graduates, certificates of honor.
Konovn NB: Museum activities Extensive and diverse. The guys work with the archive, keep records of exhibits and their inventory, organize the collection of information, hold museum lessons, rules, oral journals, lessons of courage, memory, meetings with interesting people to significant Date, participate in contests and conferences, conduct correspondence with former graduates who serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Russia. Here are the lines from the last graduate letter sent (lines are read from the letter of Caymuldin Rinat)
Student 10.
Store pages, stands and showcases of shine glory and bitter years. All in memory of the save should we, we do not dare to forget about the past, no!
Pupil 11. We are today, the museum room, your holiday is celebrating. You have a lot of devotees, faithful friends. And success to you, and the accomplishments to you. With the 10th anniversary! From the soul you congratulate you all, our small rural museum!
Pupil 13. Our museum room is a whole in the life of the era. These are dozens and hundreds of village meetings. The exhibits were collected together for crumbs, the fact that the villagers managed to save!
Lead 1: The school rightly can be proud of the best students search engines and researchers and their students - winners of the city, regional and all-Russian competitions of creative and research work:
Pavlova Katya, Pavlova Sasha and Burmistrova Irina - Winners, 2nd place in the All-Russian Competition dedicated to the 450th anniversary of the Pokrovsky Cathedral, they went to Moscow for a solemn award ceremony, April, 2010;
Konovov Dasha, an incentive certificate for active participation in the All-Russian competition of research works "Man in the history of Russia XX century"; January, 2009
Zaipulaeva Elvira, 3th place in the municipal competition of search and research works "P.A. Stolypin - our countryman! ", February, 2008;
Shaiko Natalia, 2 and 3 places in the municipal scientific and practical conference "People, History, Culture!", April, 2009
Banking Dasha -2 place in regional competition "My family", March, 2010,
Kristina's repair - prize spectator sympathy In the contest "My Family", March, 2010.
Burmistrova Irina, 2nd place in the network contest "I love you, my land is native!" "Letter P.A. Stolypin! ", April 2013;
Shaiko Stas and Zhinaliev Azamat - 1 and 2nd place in the All-Russian Quiz dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad, May, 2013

Leading 2: The work of the school and the school museum room for military-patriotic education was marked by numerous certificates and thanks:
2 certificates of the Council of Veterans (2007, 2008)
3 thanks to the All-Russian Competition "Man in history. 20th century "(2009, 2010, 2011)
1 grades of the Committee for Education of the city of Balakovo, the Military Committee, the Council of Veterans for 1 place in the competition centers of patriotic education (2005)
1 grades from the Department of Internal Affairs, for active work on the patriotic education of young people, 2006
2 diplomas from the head of the administration of Novopolevodinsky Municipal Education
Terekin appears again (voice over the frame).
Well, intelligence, report with expressing on your face, how do you have songs, dancing, viewer? How is the concert go now?
Terkin: Songs, Dancing - All beautiful! I can not understand one thing: no focuspons nor waltz ... And under what to dance?
Vote. Vasya, what are you? These dances today went to the past, rules new style in the world, chief dance All the earth! I can not call even this free pa-de-de .. on the site everybody is important and dancing himself!
Terkin: I do not believe in these dances. And where are they? Voice: Now, you will see everything, because the Great Grand Class will be shown to us. (Tango dance)
Terkin: Well, 2013 (two thousand thirteen) sorry, it's time for us to return to our cherished forty fifth to the morning. On the Reichstag sign, to relax on the styelka. It is a pity to part with you, but everyone has his own way. Vote. And the lot that over Ryndan is: you love, create and live ...
Terkin: Well, we go to the stars to other floors. (Music, Terkin leaves)
Student. We keep old, new-folances, we can. And manor, relics, bells: rural our proud room - a museum, where the memory of the village of the village came to life!
For all guests present, the song "Russia" sounds performed.
Leading 2: We thank everyone who came today at our anniversary!
And now we invite everyone to a festive tea party.

Methodical development of the anniversary holiday of Talovian local Lore Museum

"Road long in 40 years"

Beneveyeva Elena Rudolfovna

MBOU "Tyleovayskaya Sosh",

Teacher visual arts,

head of the Museum of Local Lore.

Development is designed for students

1-11 classes and tours of the museum

of different ages


Methodical development of the event "Road in length of 40 years" is devoted to the celebration of 40 - summer anniversary Tylean Local Lore Museum. He introduces the history of the museum, its founders, the search engine for the red trackers, which began in the 60s of the last century.

Prepared material can be used, both in the classes of local lore circle and in educational work with students (in class lessons and cool clock), in the work of the museum when conducting excursions and museum lectures.


Museum B. modern society - Center of Culture, Decisive Terms of Development and Education Comprehensively developed personality.

The museum, as a window in the past and the world around, gives a powerful stimulus to form and develop the child's personality, strengthens the individual faces of the upbringing and significantly expands the range of interaction between the personality with society.

The museum as a way of knowledge of the world contains a huge potential for the personal development of children. It is able to successfully solve a number of tasks: the acquisition of the child to Russian and national culture.

IN russian life The concept of "patriotism" is returned. For the first time in many years in Russia, the ideals of the patriotic consciousness are classified as a social and educational policy, the ministry of the Motherland, loyalty to their Fatherland, love for their small homeland. Newly informed public installations and moral landmarks return the spiritual and moral development of the child as priority tasks.


The admission of students and the entire population to preserve the spiritual and cultural values \u200b\u200bof the native land.

The current generation memory, traditions becomes relevant today. This formulation of the problem is creating a child in the world the relationship of the past - the present - the future.


This methodological development has no analogues and is drawn up to a specific anniversary date, but can be used in the preparation of such events of the school museums of our republic.

Goals and objectives:

    Acquaintance with the history of the museum and its organizers.

    Summing up the search results for students of school during the existence of the museum.

    Education of respect and love for their small homeland.

    Popularization of patriotic education and the transfer of historical heritage.

    Development of business qualities of students in conducting common events And in communication with each other.

    Development of work skills and the use of ICT in educational and extracurricular activities.

Holiday Plan:

    Arrival of guests:

Guest registration (1st floor)

Issuance of booklets about the museum.

    Meeting of guests (2nd floor):

Folklore ensembles "Oshmes" and "Soaps-Kiddy" (rite meeting guests).

3. Acquaintance with the material of the exhibition "It was recently - it was a long time ago - the history of tracker work (2nd floor).

4. Excursion in the Tilean Local Lore Museum (3 Floor):

Museum halls,

Exhibition (3 floor, corridor) "Equestrian tourism - Walking through the spring edge."

5. Solemn part on the scenario "Road in length of 40 years":

Presentation "Road Long 40"

View a fragment of the video about the organizer of the museum

Literary - musical compositions (scenes)


Guest speeches.

6. Festive dinner:

Guest rite, ( folklore ensembles)

Scenario of the anniversary celebration

"Road long in 40 years"

Calm music sounds in the hall.

(Udmurt melody)

    Leading (clothing-classic form) come to the scene)

(1 Vedas.) - Zecbühz Gazano by Otha, but Lytam Esheez! Mi Tuzh's noise of Pyatsy Pumitskiy Taleyz Tallowing Shirts.

(2 Vedas) - Good afternoon, dear fellow villagers, countrymen, invited guests! On May 18, World Museums Day marks, the Tileanian Museum of Museum celebrates its 40th anniversary. Allow this triumph is considered open.

(Music call sign !!!)

(1 Veda) Poems Such dates are celebrated not often

Today in the hall there are many guests

Let's welcome we are friendly

All those who came to us on the anniversary

    On the screen scene slides with rear views

Business card Sela

(7 people participate in the business card)

Songs the phonogram song "City"

Tall, our best, best on earth

Today we say the word, the word about you

Here our house here is all cute warmth, comfort

Sketch century people live here!

    good day


    We are Tileans

    We are from the river

    We are craftsmen, well done

    We love our land

    We are just people

And what does our tile?

Tar- undergrowth, grove Wai- The influx of the river flowing from under the fishing line

    Tallow is our pride

Our village is an open and affected book.

In it, each page is the live life

    And every village is its own story.

    And rich our earth by people famous and talented, here are some of them

    Galichanin Alexander Nikitievich - Organizer Soviet power On the village.

    G.M. Korepanov-Kamsky Honored Artist Russian Federation, national artist Udmurt Republic, Honorary Citizen of the Udmurt Republic, Honorary Citizen of the Debesysky District, Member of the Union of Composers of Russia.

    Ososimova Ekaterina Vasilyevna - Honored Teacher R.F.

    Yakovlev Yuri Vasilyevich - Honored Artist U.R.

    Tronin Evgeny Nikolaevich - Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences.

    Voronchikhina Valentina Nikolaevna - Honored Doctor R.F.

    Valentina Trofimovna and Efim Savelievich Valentina Savelievich Organizers of the Museum of Local Learning Museum.

(bow, go)

(on the screen slide about tylovaya


    On the Slide screen (Panorama rear)

Sounds unobtrusive background music.

(2 Vedes) Poems There are thousands of museums in the world,

Razin and go - eye

But one of them is carved in the heart,

Humanity eternal Museum!

Our holiday is dedicated to the past and true museum and light memory His creators - Valentina Trophimovna and Efima Savelievich is the first.

    Show on the slide screen (spouses first)

(1 Vedas.) A kind, hospitable look (with photos on a memorable board) meet visitors at the entrance to the Valentine Trophimovna Museum and Efim Savelievich. Tile - these are their malaya Motherland, the hot love of which they carried through their whole life.

Thanks to the tireless labor of Valentine's trophimovna and Efim Savelievich, the richest local history material was collected, which allowed to open the museum. And then until the end of his days, they carefully kept the memory of the people in his halls.

Valentina Trofimovna was born in 1922, in a large family, the eldest among the six children was Valya. When the Father and two brothers went to the front, the care of the family fell on her fragile shoulders. During the war, Valentina Trofimovna worked in the office of the district party, was the first secretary of the Talovian RK VLKSM, then the employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after the district reorganization, before retirement - the head of the precinct, then children's libraries.

So there was a life that it was not possible to finish high school and having on the hands of 5 children (younger Nina was 1 year), went to the evening school, which was successfully completed in 1962. Courses of library workers passed. And working in the library, caught fire by the story of a small homeland. She was fascinated, infected with his passion for children: multi-day campaigns, meetings, letters, collecting exhibits for the future museum.

Coming out at 50 years ago, the rest of my life devoted to his beloved business. Until recent days, the museum was the day of her with his home.

Its labor is highly appreciated by the public, visitors to the museum, diplomas and the assignment of the title "Honored Worker of Culture of the Udmurt Republic".

    Dear guestsYour attention offers Valentina Trophimovin ...

    Slides about the organizers (Efim Savelievich)

(2 Vedas.) The museum's life did not leave an indifferent spouse Valentina Trophimovna Efim Savelievich, who enthusiastically joined the work of the museum.

Efim Savelievich was born on December 25, 1915 in the village of Tallovay, in a large family, where there were 6 brothers and 3 sisters.

He graduated from school - a seventel in his native village in 1932 and artistic school in Izhevsk in 1935.

From October 1937 to February 1940, the service in the ranks of the Red Army, in 1939 - a participant in battles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Halkin River - goal.

The whole war from 1941 to 1945 was at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, which ended for him in battles with Japan.

Four of his brothers fought in this war, two of whom were killed on the battlefield, and Efim Savelievich was injured and the contused returned home.

He was awarded combat medals "for military merit", "For the capture of Koenigsberg," "For the victory over Germany," "For the victory over Japan", the orders of the Red Star (twice), "Patriotic War" 1st. And 2st., "Polar Stars "- for international duty in Mongolia, awarded the title" Warrior - Internationalist ". He graduated from the fighting path in the rank of captain.

Demobilized, returned to his homeland. He worked as a military business teacher in the Tilean school, also taught labor and drawing lessons. He was a good pedagogue, strict and fair. He loved and respected students and colleagues, 42 years old "sowed reasonable, kind, eternal".

Efim Savelievich's labor journey was inextricably linked to the Tilean School of School and Talovian Historical - Local Lore Museum.

Even by retirement in 1975, he did not go to rest, but continued his work and devoted the rest of his life to the museum. The entire assembled material was systematized by them, recycled and reported to visitors to affordable form. His "golden" hands were decorated by the halls of the museum.

It was worried and the past of their homeland and countrymen and modern life. He responded to any acute material or undertaking with his articles in the district newspaper, republican and central publications.

During the year he sends almost as many letters as they come from all other readers. We are amazing his tireless energy, "the newspaper" New Way "writes about it.

His disinterested work, loyalty to his beloved case is an example for many generations.

    Slides about the organizers (spouses)

(1 Vedas) spouses first managed to collect unique material About the history of the region, her people and to preserve it, having wanted not one "fight", defending the fate of the museum, which over the 40 years of its existence has resistant 7 moves, while maintaining exposure and continuing to take visitors.

For a long 25 years, until 1991, they worked on a public basis, on personal enthusiasm, not receiving anything for their work ...

The creation of the museum is their work feat and memory left to descendants.

(2 Vedas) Man ... Why does he live? What a trace will leave on earth? Will the descendants be remembered about him?

Poems There are no people not interesting in the world.

Their fate - as the stories of the planets.

Everything is all special, its

And there is no planets similar to it.

And if someone imperceptibly lived

And with this inconsistency was friends,

He was interested in people

Self-inconsistency of his.

Everyone has their own secret personal world.

There is the best moment in the world ...

Best MiG ...

(1 Vedas.) Probably that moment, when people will be responded with love and gratitude to you ... and remember what valuable contribution you contributed to the village, and left a huge thing.

Today they are not with us, ... Almost their memory of a minute of silence.

(Minute silence)

    Slide of spouses Perhabiny

(2 Vedas) in a kaleidoscope of everyday days, in a business bustle, we do not attach the importance to what we already live in the 21st century. And the anniversary date, which we celebrate today, originates in the 20th century.

    Slides about trails

The beginning of the path of the long path was 1964.

In winter, preparatory work was carried out on the study of the native land. Valentina Trofimovna managed to passion and infect his child's passion.

(1 Vedas) in the summer during the holidays, together with the older pioneer-vacancy of Galina Konstantinovna Vorontsova, went to the first multi-day campaign. Outwasted by the fire, spruce ear. The indelible impression in the hearts of the guys left meetings with interesting people, conversations with veterans of civil and great domestic wars, memories and stories of eyewitnesses, collected exhibits, and then all this dragged themselves.

So, the Victorian district, the village of Cukui (the collective farm "Mir") discovered the corps of the unexploded bomb of the period of the Civil War. For 75 kilometers, young local historians dragged this mahuer on themselves.

Tropins in one trail The young trackers fused hundreds of kilometers to Deberesian, Sharkan, Iskhansky, Votkinsky, Yakshur - Bodinsky districts, the Most Bolshestsky district Perm region, Kirov region ...

(2 Vedas) Step by step took place in the footsteps of the heroic battles of the Special Vyatka and the 30th Urals - Irkutsk division, in the footsteps partisan detachment Zhuravleva. They met with some warriors of these compounds, some of the fighters and commanders learned the addresses and established a written connection with them. Requests to Udmurt, Kirovsky, Perm, Tatar, Latvian state archives, to the archive of the Ministry of Defense, the central archive of the history of the USSR. We used all the opportunities to learn more about the history of our people.

People answered willingly, sent their memories and photos, some of them came to the meeting.

(1 Vedas.) In 1965, having gathered the material about the organizer of the Soviet power on the village of Galichanin Alexander Nikitievich, the hands of the children were installed by him a monument in the rural library's courtyard. Later, in the 90s, the monument was moved to the territory new school.

(2 Vedas) The material about the fighters of the civil war was gradually assembled, and a memorial plaque was established on the headquarters of a special Vyatka division (former joinery of the school).

Every summer, young trackers went hiking, but already in the larger composition and in long-distance routes.

    On the Slide screen (photo and list of participants of the campaign)

Scene about campaign (Tronina GV and Students School)

(1 Vedas) As it was: Here they are, the first young local historians, we arrived at this meeting. Please rise to our scene.

What memories remain about these campaigns?

What is interesting to tell?

(2 Vedas) When the collected documents, numerous things, the objects of life and labor were put in order and small premises of the children's library no longer accompanied the assembled material, then the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a museum arose.

    Slidestore halls of the museum ...

(1 Vedas.) So on November 11, 1967, its opening was held in one of the class schools. And after 3 years, the museum was awarded the title of "Best School Museum" of the Republic. It would seem that he would flourish further, but the museum fate turned out to be not difficult: I had to wander in different buildings.

Only in 1987, there was a place for all exhibits in the spacious halls of the first building.

    Slides of 1 hull and museum halls ...

(2 Vedas) In 1991, the museum became a branch of the Museum of History of the Siberian Tractor, with the staff of researchers, caretaker, worship, a fire and cleaner ... But the joy was short, the rates were gradually reduced ...

(1 Vedas.) And in 2004, the museum had to move again, now in the new school building.

    Slide with School View

(2 Vedas.) Today, the museum in terms of the number of exhibits is one of the largest rural museums of the republic. More than 1,300 unique exhibits are stored in its funds. In the former school classes posted sections of the museum:

    Slides of modern exposures.

(1 Veda) Ethnographic .

The national Udmurt clothing is presented here. 19-20 centuries, embroidery, weaving: elegant festive tablecloths, towels and bedspreads, made in the technique of severe weaving, the guns of peasant labor, household items, local toponymics (names of fields, meadows, rivers, rods ...)

(2 Vedes) Martial glory.

Keeps the memory of feats of countrymen, participants in the civil and great domestic wars, their photos, front-line letters, memories. In the hall stored awards, combat weapons The period of the Civil War.

(1 Veda) History of small homeland.

Talks about the emergence of the rear and first settlers, the creation of collective farms, MTS (machine-tractor station), high school, hospitals, outstanding people - countrymen.

One of the exhibitions is devoted to our famous countryman G.M. Korepanov - Kamsky, whose name is known not only in our republic, but also far beyond.

The initiative group of employees of the culture of the village was developed a project to perpetuate his memory and work on the organization of the museum-manor, which will present all the material about the life and work of Gennady Mikhailovich.

Poems Here a nightingale, picking up strength

From the mouth of Korepanov - Kamsoy took off,

And inspired at Udmurtia's beloved

He called the Trellier of ...

    Performance of the song G.M. K._Kamsky "Chipchirgang "(Anya Korepanova)

(2 Vedas) In the museum there are constantly existing expositions, new thematic exhibitions are drawn up in the museum and beyond. Meetings and holidays, lectures and conversations are held. The museum lives not only in the past, but also by the present, collecting the material about today's life of the village and its workers ...

    Traditions continue, slides (today's local historians)

(1 Vedas.) The current schoolchildren, working in the museum science, continue the traditions of the first local history trackers, conduct search work on the history of the school, are actively involved in the work of the museum, district events on local history. Great help was provided in the preparation of this holiday.

    Legend of the origin of the village of Yakovr . (Scene - school students)

(2 Vedas) Every year more than 2,000 people visits our museum, from the date of its opening more than 60,000 people from different corners Our country, near and far abroad visited here.

    Slides with visitors of the museum, tourists ...

(1 Veda) Beautiful nature Always attracts tourists. Thanks to the equestrian route organized by Yuferev A.A., hundreds of riding lovers visited our village and certainly visited our museum.

The museum causes constant interest in all visitors, as evidenced by entries in the book of feedback. Here are just some of them:

Reviews ...

    « Low you bow and admiration for your amazing museum. It's all invaluable. Saving and save for descendants. Health and longevity. Sincerely, local historians

    "We are tourists - connants, visiting your wonderful museum, experienced a feeling of joyful surprise, even shock! You are a great worker, thank you very much for your museum. Now we will remember the wonderful exhibits that demonstrate the history of the Udmurt people. We will carry it in your heart, thank you very much. Successes to you in your noble deedHealth !!! "

A group of tourists from St. Petersburg, Kazan, Izhevsk.

    "We thank the heart for the delivered pleasure! This museum gave us more than all academic museums with their dead exhibits. And here is all the living, carrying the imprint of the bright peasant soul. Thank you again !!! "

Equestrian tourists from Izhevsk, Perm, Kazan, Syktyvkar.

    "Thank you very much to enthusiasts - the founders of the museum. Thanks to those who are here. The museum collections are very interesting, it really wants to hope that they will be at the upbringing of respect for their native culture. "

T.G. Vladykina Lead Researcher UDM. Inyal Uro RM doctor of philological sciences.

S.E. Lozhkin graduate student of the Folklore department.

    "It's amazing how the museum keeps the museum on the enthusiasm of people and the founding of the museum continues. Very interesting, original exposition. We wish your Museum of prosperity and replenishment with new exhibits. "

Tourists from Moscow., N.Novgorod, Izhevsk.

    "For the first time I saw a magnificent museum with my own eyes. These rooms act as a catalyst for something holy, good, oasis of morality in our turbulent time. I am very pleased to know that the memory of V.T. The forefield, which at one time infected me with local history disease. From myself personally and the Debez region "Bayigurase" I wish to live! "


    Execution of the song "Tile" ( Korepanova E.F., Kozhevnikova F.I.)

Poems Among photographs are colorful

And yellowed papers

Livers live in district centers

In squat small houses.

Along the walls behind the sofa, in the dresser

Card files are in bulk

And found in the garden

The bayonet is resting on the cotton.

Eats into weak lines

He is a passion of one fellow

And all this knows to the point

About your weightless area.

Kolchakov Shots

District Drummers Slear

All twilight and dawns

They are taken to strict account

We dedicate these poetic lines to patriots - local arts, all workers museums ...

Now give the floor to guests who arrived at our holiday.

1. Collective "Oshmes" (rite congratulations)

2. Dear friends!

Good day!

We are glad to visit,

For us, we have been found.

We invite to the scene

- Chapter MO "Debesse District" Kamashev Vladimir Dmitrievich,

- Chapter of the administration of the Ministry of Debesisky district Ivanov Andrei Serafimovich,

- Deputy. Chapters on social issues Ivanova Leonid Yurevich,

- Chief of Management of Culture and Tourism Dokuchaev Hope Vasilyevna,

- Shikhova Natalia Yakovlevna

3. Every person has a place that he is especially expensive, the place in which he was born. And call him a small homeland. Wherever the man lived then, it pulls it all the time in his native places. His parents, friends, relatives live here, here is his roots. Here they are waiting and loved.

We invite to the scene of our countrymen from the organization "Bayiguris" named after GM. Korpanova-Kamsky.

4. Let I be born in other parts

And with your place is not familiar,

In the ground I settled

Forever becoming a countryman.

The head of the administration of the MO Tyleovskoye Nikitin V.L.

5. We invite them to the scene colleagues at work, employees of the Museum of History of the "Siberian Tract".

6. And also did not remain aside by the local history of the district, we ask them to say the word.

7. Male

Favorite to pain!

Yes, don't you see you in a dream?!

I didn't lure me in the field

Staking towards affectionate spring?

And in the evenings sang under the harmony,

On the curtains, raising the dawn ...

Will you put it on the palm

All those words what I say

About the house, about the forest,

About the springs in the ravine, and how they mounted and wait for them ...

When poems are not lines on paper,

And those roads that go home.

We invite our countrymen who came to us from Ekaterinburg, who organized a Udmurt diaspora in the Urals ...

8. Close cooperation, warm and friendly relations Valentina Trophimovna with local leaders from the city of Glazov. We ask you to rise to us on the scene of Lojkin Gennady Mikhailovich ...

In these poor edges

Give your hand

Talovian side -

Motherland My love

I give the word to the first trails.

We invite to the scene of relatives Valentina Trophimovna and Efim Savelievich.

8. Hey singers and bayanists,

Call Song Creek!

Hey, dancers and artists,

Go to our scene.

The team from the village of Urmoshur "Soak - Kiddy".

9. Someone Malaya Motherland is a big city, and for us - a small village of Tiles, lost among forests and logs on the shore of Tileyki River

I love you at any time of the year

My native cute village.

And on a warm day, in any bad weather

With you, I always have a light on my shower.

We invite managers and representatives of the organizations of the MO "Tyleovskoye"


Today's long-awaited meeting took place thanks to all of you who arrived for this celebration.

We are grateful to everyone who provided assistance in doing this anniversary:

Administration MO Debesysky district

Administration Mo Tyleovsky,

Employees of the museum of the history of the Siberian tract,

Management of culture and tourism,

Culture workers Mo Talovayskoye,

Teachers and student schools schools,

Sponsors of the event:


ChP Yufereev Andrey Vyacheslavovich,

ChP Beneveev Vitaly Petrovich,

KFH "Temp" carrier Tatyana Stepanovna

So the solemn part came to the end, we ask all the guests to go for festive table in the dining room.


This event was the result of the work of the Tilean Local Lore Museum for the long period of its existence.

In the holidays took part students and teachers of the Tilean school, the first trackers (60 -70s), cultural workers (employees of Talovaysky and N. Tylovaysky leisure centers, libraries ...), Oshmes folk groups and "soap-kiddy".

Relateds were invited to the holiday of the organizers of the museum, local lores of the district and the staff of the Museum of History of the Siberian Tract, the administration of the Deberesky district, the administration of the MO Tyleovsky, heads of enterprises and organizations of the Talovian settlement.

For the celebration of the anniversary, preparatory work was carried out:

Compiled the scenario of the event,

Prepared a presentation about the museum,

Invitation tickets and booklets about the museum are decorated,

Made souvenirs - gifts for guests,

Decorated assembly Hall For the celebration and the exhibition about the history of the traveler work "It was recent ... It was a long time ...",

Prepared art numbers on script,

Organized a festive dinner and entertainment

When developing methodical material ICT technology used and applied, the work is made inMikrosoft.Word., compiled a presentation in the programMikrosoft.PowerPointIn the same program, the application has been prepared - a photo materials from the anniversary of the museum, a booklet in the program was drawn upMikrosoft.Publisher..

The use of modern ICT contributes to productive work in educational process, relevant and popular.

List of sources used

In compiling this development, it was used:

    search photos - research material,

    archival documents

    manuscript Perveoshina E.S. and the leader V.T.- organizers of the museum,

    photos and albums of the Talovian Museum of Museum,

    recording video about the organizers of the museum,

    audio recording.


"With the anniversary of the school our museum!",

dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the museum of combat fame

Location:MOU "SOSH №93", assembly hall

Time spending: 02.21.2014 at 15 .00

Participants: leaders of the MOU "Sosh" museums (district, city); Guests and workers related to the history of the Museum of the Movie Fame of Three Women's Avials.

Characters: leading a dancing group "Victoria", vocal groups and soloists and choir "Generation".

  • Song "School Museum" (alteration of the song "I want to go home to Russia")
  • Scene of "flyers" + song "We are born to make a fairy tale"
  • Song "You remember"
  • Song "Afghanistan"
  • Staging the song "Darkzhanka"
  • Final song "Happy Birthday, Museum!"
  • 1. Introducing:Our museum is a whole in the life of the era,

    This is a set of memorable, significant meetings,

    Exhibits their collected on crumbs,

    And on long years I managed to save them.

    Leading together: Today - 50 years of the school museum of the combat fame of three women's airlocks.

    2. Verifying:Guardian of the memory of people

    And the storehouse of wisdom, rush

    You congratulate you nationwide

    Jubilee from the soul!

    3. Video by: In honor of such a solemn event, respected guests hurried to us, whose fate amazing manner I intertwined with the birth, the formation and work of the school museum.

    4. Embody: We managed to leave your significant trail who presented the unforgettable moments of discoveries, crowded with a sense of pride and complicity in historical events.

    5. Watching: Well, of course, guests for which today's life is inextricably linked with the fate of the museum, giving his knowledge and valuable materials to the new generation, as if stretching the invisible thread between the past and the future. What is certainly pleased with us.

    6.So it is time to present a pleiad of wonderful, interesting and not indifferent people.

    1. Introducing: Friends, we will meet their loud applause!


    2. Verifying:Our museum is the work of the Council of Students and the Total Pedacal of the 93rd School for many years. You can imagine the path that it has passed since the reasons and to the present day.

    3. Video by:How many love, heart and soul are invested in it. And we have something to be proud there is something to convey to the future generation. And why it all began.

    Against the background of the music "Time Forward" + Slides of the past

    4. Watching: Year 1961 -for 218 first-graders sounded 1st call. In total, the school threshold crossed more than 1000.

    5. Watching: The director of the school appointed Korenman Issak Pancyaakovich. Energetic, resistant, having charismatic data, it becomes the main founder of many ideas and traditions that our school still lives.

    6. Year 1964 The school is growing, growing, becomes a homely welcome. The main task of the pedacral is the patriotic education of the younger generation, and this is reflected:

    3 Host: February 23 School Museum of Combat Glory 3-EX-Female Avia performances opens.

    1. Introducing:In the hostilities of brave shutters at once, three airports at once began their active work. Search detachments under the direction of the director of the Museum of Galna Galina Petrovna, the older leader of Sórovsky Lydia Viktorovna, who became the director of the school, and Mikheyeva Galina Gavrilovna.

    2. Verifying:That lifting, the desire and the mood, which was boiling then in the school walls, lived in the hearts of many guys.

    Song "School Museum" (alteration of the song "I want to go home to Russia")

    4. Embody:Friends, we were lucky, we have a wonderful opportunity to hear those memorable and historical moments from the participants themselves unforgettable years.

    5. Watching: And we are in a hurry to give the word Galina Galina Mikhailovna former student, daughters of the director of the museum, and the Peharovy Lydia Viktorovna.

    Speakers: Glotov Galina Mikhailovna.

    Surovtseva Lydia Viktorovna.

    6.Wost: 1968 There are two significant, we can say the grandiose events in the history of the school, the work of the museum gives its results and brings fruit.

    1. Introducing:1st place in the city competition among school museums.

    2. Verifying: AND 9th Mayobelisk is opening the brave flyer Marina Rubalova, more than 300 flyers, navigations, technicians of all 3 air strikes gathered on his discovery.

    3. Video by:IN 1975. The second palate of the veterans of female airlines, which provided great help to the school in the development of the museum.

    4. Embody:IN 1985. The museum meets delegations from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Borisov, Chelyabinsk, Khabarovsk, Severodvinsk, Samara and other cities. The third palace of veterans of the airlocks and trackers-rodovtsov passes.

    Military video is included

    5. Watching: On the self a terrible war The XX century and the woman had to become a soldier.

    6. 1941 year. The enemy is torn to Moscow. The legendary flyer, the GSS Marina Mikhailovna Oblov, seeks permission to form women's aviation regiments in the deep rear.

    1. Introducing: In such a rear, the city of Engels, that is why 89 Saratov girls fought in the shelves.

    Scene: Formation of airlines + song "We are born ..."

    2. Verifying: I am very girls, inexperienced, nonstunted ...., But after a few months I fought on a par with men.

    3. Watching: 46. Aviation Regiment is a unique phenomenon in the history of aviation, a purely female regiment of night bombers who caused genuine fear from the Germans, "Night Witches" they called our pilots.

    4. Embody: 122 and 586 Aviation shelves were mixed, fought near Stalingrad, in the battle on Kursk Dug.and before last day The enemy rumbled, firmly believing the inevitability of the future victory.

    5. Watching:Our guest visited the flyer of Raisa Aronov, the only woman in Saratov - HSS in his poem she wrote

    Poem on the background of music "Men easier ..." on the background of music 6Wost: Men lighter in the severity of earthly

    The power of muscles helps to cope,

    In women, this force is missing -

    They have soulful forces Double consumption.

    Men hardly know in war,

    Not all of their bullets by side will arrive.

    Happens and the woman is fighting

    But then it is more difficult to twice, triple.

    1. Introducing:Our museum stores many unique documents, things, letters of personally written by the pilots and we are the owners of cassette audio records with the lively voice of the pilots, where they fulfill their song.

    2. Verifying:The feat of three women's airlines still admire and leaves the indifferent young generation.

    Against the background of the music "Time Forward"

    3.Worving: 1987johnarmes detachments, memory watch, contests building and songs. School Museum occupies prize place in all-Russian competition School museums.

    4. Embody: The search and colors of the school museum, in the framework of the study, continues to develop their areas of work and one of the topic of interest to the Council of the Museum - a feat of people in the rear during Vova.

    5.Leading: Women, old people, children from dawn to dawn worked at industrial enterprises, fed the country with bread. It was they rushed from the legs of the spoons, it was they ate bread with swan and nettle, swallowing bitter tears of war.

    6. With the workers of the rear of the plant №205, now on the "building", our school museum has been preserving a warm friendship for 30 years and is in close cooperation.

    1. Introducing: Inseparable from the work of the school museum was the creative Agitbrigada BAM under the guidance of the Volodarsky Boris Israelich.

    2. Verifying: Until now, teachers - Old-timers and former graduates remember their bright performances.

    Song "You remember"

    Leading: Yes, this was the era of a powerful Komsomol movement, great accomplishments and incredible enthusiasm.

    3. Video by: And we want to give the floor to our school activist of those years by Balaguer Andrei, who studied, at that exciting time.

    Speakers Bougureur Andrey

    4. Embody: Time flies on the threshold 90, the history of the twentieth century includes such concepts as Afghan, chechen War, "hot Spots". And now for more than 20 years, the chronicle of the history of our museum participants of those events, our countrymen are continued.

    5. Watching: It is always hard for losses to speak hard and hurt, but when very young leaves, it is very young, then it is very doubly talking.

    6. February 19, 2004 On the school building, a memorial plaque was opened to our former graduate, A. Pankratov, a memorable sign, which again and again reminds us of war, about the death of people, about maternal, human grief.

    1. Introducing: In the museums of schools of the Kirovsky district, the books of memory of Saratovs who have not returned from Afghanistan and Chechnya are stored.

    2. Verifying: In 2012 The school museum opens a new exposition "serving the Motherland".

    4. Embody: And thanks to participation in the city competition "Our heroes are our pride." The "corner of military glory" was decorated, which was solemnly discovered with the participation of veterans, participants in local wars and conflicts.

    5. Watching: Being frequent by our guests, the organization "Combat fraternity" and today on this beautiful day with us.

    6. And the word is provided by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Saratov City Branch "Combat Brotherhood", a member of the All-Russian public organization Veterans "Combat fraternity", colonel of stock veteran fighting in Afghanistan. Sergienko Oleg Fedorovich

    SERHIENKO OD + Song "Afghanistan"

    Leading:Memory to all those killed in all wars is declared a minute of silence.

    Minute silence

    1. Introducing: We could not get around the attention and teachers of our school - participants in the war and veterans of pedagogical work, which made a huge contribution to the organization and development of the school and the museum. They are dedicated to the material of the stand "The teachers are famous for Russia."

    2. Verifying: A huge material has been accumulated, not a single generation of museum activists increased, thanks to which we can touch the history of our country.

    3. Video by: And in the heart of heart grateful, our creative pedagogical team prepared a music gift to colleagues -vethers. Meet!

    Staging the song "Darkzhanka"

    4. Embody: The main museum fund is 1815 exhibits.

    5. Watching: The museum immediately performs several directions of its activities. These include:

    6.Collecting and replenishment museum Funds,

    1. Introducing: Creation and holding of various exhibitions and exposures, 2. Leading:Lecture activities and preparation of highly qualified guides, as well as

    3. Video by: Managing the work of military-patriotic education of students of our school.

    4. Embody: Activists of the 21st century museum, headed by L.G., continue the work of their predecessors, observing their traditions, take part and become winners, prize-winners of urban, regional tracks and competitions.

    5. Watching: Store pages, stands and shop windows

    Glowing glory and bitter years.

    All in memory of the save should we

    Forget about the past we do not dare, no!

    6 .Leading: AND in 2013 On the eve of the anniversary, the materials of our museum were presented in Moscow at the exhibition in Central Museum Great Patriotic War.

    1. Introducing:And our school journalists prepared a report and thereby made a gift for the anniversary of the museum, becoming the winners of the interregional contest - the "body class" festival in the nomination "Remember me (about veterans)".

    2. Verifying: The school museum of combat glory of 3 women's airlines was and remains the center of patriotic education, which gives the necessary spiritual and moral content, which at all times is the main component of everything educational process.

    2 Host:And we hurry with pleasure to provide the word to the director of our school of rewriting E.B.

    It is the director of the School of Perepelikin E.B.

    3 .Leading: Congratulations to the guardians of memory, the keepers of times, as well as all those present with this wonderful holiday - the 50th anniversary of the school museum. Good luck to you in hard, but very interesting and useful!

    4. Host:Let the time be favorably
    Stopping your run for the day
    Make us in the eyes take a look at those people
    Days, years and centuries keeping his shadow.

    Final song "Happy Birthday"

    Shooter Zoya Aleksandrovna

    - Every year on May 18, we celebrate a professional holiday workers of all world museums . This tradition lasts since 1978. And today we dedicate our event to those guardians of people's memory who love and honor the history of the native land.

    - How did it all start? The first attempts of collecting were carried out in the temples Ancient GreeceWhen special temples were erected for folding gifts. These temples were called "Treasurers". In the ancient Greek treasures and pyramids Ancient Egypt Collected huge collections. They are considered to be a prototype modern museums .

    - Since ancient times, people have a need for gathering, but initially in the circle of collectors involved in the demonstration, storage and collection of cultural heritage included the most educated and intellectually developed representatives of their time.

    - In Europe, the first institution of the museum type has become Kunstkamera. A little later - in XVI-XVII centuries - They began to appear such concepts as galleries, "cabinets", "cameras".

    - at the end of the XVII - early XVIII Centuries many European collections become available for visits, it is brighter all that was observed in Germany, Italy, France. First Museum modern Sample Formed on July 26, 1791. It is on this day the door Lover Opened for the general public.

    - in the history of the formation russian museums big role Peter I played and Catherine II. They stood at the origins of creating unique collectionswho subsequently became museums of national importance - Hermitage and Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg.

    - To date modern Museum It is a kind of culture symbol, which has its own points of view, position, opinions. The museum appears in numerous faces: in the form of a "treasury", creative "laboratory", "Cathedral of Persons", "Machines of Time", "Storades", "Living Organism". In this polyhedrality, the contour of what we used to call the museum are determined.

    - Traveling through continents and countries, we will see the treasure Dresden Gallery, Louvre, Prado, National Gallery. In London and many other museums, which also includes the museums of our country - the Russian Museum and Hermitage, Tretyakovka and the Moscow Kremlin. .

    - And very soon it will be possible to visit the unique museums of the city of Voronezh - this literary Museum named after A. Koltsova, Regional Museum of Local Lore, Museum M. Mordasova, Museum-Manor Verevieninova. (Slides show).

    "Going along the school corridor, with a lot of doors, we will definitely stumble upon one cherished with the inscription" School Museum ". On the other side of this door, it is not just a classroom, not just a room, behind it is the history of our country, the native land.

    - Time Guarders
    In museums work,
    The service of the Fatherland is true.
    Memory of history
    Long, eternal
    In the hands of centuries transmit.

    - The head and first organizer of the school museum is invited to the scene.

    (The head briefly tells the history of the museum).

    - The following composition sounds in your honor.

    - Take years, changing generations, young guys are excursions become adults. As the experience of several years have shown, at the end of the school, extensive guides come to military schools, pedavses, choose historical specialties.

    - The first tours of the museum is invited to the scene. (A guys are acting - the first employees of the school museum).

    - These wonderful poems sound in your honor.

    - Our holiday approached an end. Congratulations to the Guardians of Memory, Keepers, as well as all those present with this wonderful holiday - the Day of Museums. Good luck to you in hard, but very interesting and useful!

    Another anniversary at the Kolyvan Museum. He's 40 years old. These days, first of all, remember those who have decided to create a museum and who stood at the origins of the museum business in the area.

    The names of enthusiasts are unlikely to be forgotten. Vasily Georgievich Korzunov - even earlier in the 1960s - created the so-called People's Museum at the House of Pioneers. Collection of historical material continued Vyacheslav Sergeevich Gordienko.

    He is considered the founder and first director of the museum. The exposition is very creative processAnd amazing people took part in it: A.F. Tsysin, S.T. Agafonov, V.N. Lysov, L.I. Morozova, Z.V. Yushkova, V.V. Alekseeva and others.

    Thanks to the residents of the district, the Foundation was replenished with interesting items with an unprecedented speed. The unusual museum became known outside the district. And as of course, of course, the decision of the District Executive Committee (dated 24.02.1976) on the allocation of additional area for the museum under the leadership of Valentina's director Alexandrovna Kuritskiy.

    The exposition that represents the story from the ancient period to the present day was posted in the 8th halls. There was also a good luck!

    Decision of chapter areas V.P. Averin about the allocation of the House of the merchant E.A. Zhernakova - still perceived by our visitors as strategic. They write about it in the book of reviews: "... what a reasonable decision, for the future, if not to say on the century ...", "... The Kygivans are lucky - nothing to say ...".

    Words of admiration We hear from guests from other regions of Russia, as well as England, Germany, China, Japan.

    All of them celebrate a special atmosphere, reigning in the halls, transmitting the history of the Siberian merchant city. In a chic two-story building, a new exposition "The place of the Kolyvan in the history of the Russian state" is presented.

    The museum is recruited a good rate on the implementation of the main goal - to preserve and popularize the history of the district. He is still considered one of the oldest and best in the area, confirming this title and becoming the winner on regional cultural competitions.

    Today, among numerous awards in his piggy bank - two gold and bronze medals in the nomination "Best exhibition project" And this is the result of the work of the current team.