Where Sherlock Holmes born city. Who is Sherlock Holmes

Where Sherlock Holmes born city. Who is Sherlock Holmes

May 22 marks 150 years since the birth of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the literary "father" of one of the greatest detectives of all the times and peoples - Sherlock Holmes. The writer himself did not like when the audience forgot that he was the author of the stories not only about the London detective, but also many others. Meanwhile, his hero is still "alive": he became an honorary member in the royal society of chemistry, and thanks to the cinematographers, Holmes got a house in London and his wife.

The return of Sherlock Holmes took place in April 1894 in the story "Empty House".

Since then, the legendary detective has become no less real for the British than its creator. Over the past century, he managed to acquire a house, a monument, numerous fan clubs ... He was even taken to the honorary members of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

Only the Nobel Prize laureates of the Nobel Prize, as well as other celebrities of the world of science and business, were honored to Holmes. The award ceremony took place in the official residence of the detective at: London, Baker Street, 221b.

Recently, a bride was sucking the bride to the avid bachelor and ingenious detective. The mysterious beloved of the detective - Irene Adler - 32-year-old Canadian actress Rachel Makadams will play in the new sequel of the British director Gaya Richie.

By the way, in the original version of Conan Doyle Irene Adler only appears once - in the story "Scandal in Bohemia", but it causes romantic feelings in an impregnable bachelor.

Dr. Watson got the role of Dr. Low, and Robert Downey Jr. will play the most famous detective - the last work in the movie became the main role in the fantastic blockbuster "Iron Man".

Meanwhile, the best of Holmes in the world is unanimously recognized by Vasily Livanov. The Russian actor was awarded the Order of the British Empire for the "best detective". Photo of Vasily Livanov hangs on the first floor of the famous house on Baker Street.

Material prepared by the editors of RIAN.ru based on RIA Novosti information and open sources

The literary hero, invented by the writer and the doctor Arthur Conan Doyle, is one of the most popular fictional characters in the world. London Detective Consultant (London), whose deductive abilities border fiction, not only rare insight, but the slender logic of his reasoning, the ability to change appearance beyond recognition, addiction to the game for a violin and amazing ignorance in matters that Holmes do not need Unraveling detective cases.

It is likely that Sherlock Holmes, without which it is impossible to imagine the modern world, and in particular, literature and cinema would not have appeared if in 1877, the young Arthur Conan Doyle did not meet Joseph Bell, respected Surgeon and Professor of the University of Edinburgh (University of Edinburgh), the assistant of which Doyle later worked at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh (Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh). Like Holmes, Dr. Bell was distinguished by rare insight and the ability to make faithful conclusions from the most tiny observations. Bella was aware that he served as a source of inspiration when creating Holmes, and he was even a bit proud of it.

The first story about Sherlock Holmes, the story "Etude in the White Tones" (A Study in Scarlet) was published in 1887 (the first Russian translation of the story appeared 11 years later). In total, the famous detective appears on the pages of 4 of the ages and 56 stories written by Doyle, not counting countless many creations belonging to Peru followers, imitators, parodists, and even those who wanted to live at the expense of someone else's idea. "Relatives", Kandoylovsky, stories and a story about Holmes and his permanent companion Dr. John Watson (Dr John H. Watson) covers more than 30 years, from about 1880 to 1914, while the last story about the English detective was published in 1927, A couple of years before the death of the writer. All stories, except for four, are told on behalf of Dr. Watson, a friend and Biograph Holmes. Another two storytellor is Holmes himself, and the last two are written from a third party.

Interestingly, Arthur Conan Doyle himself did not consider the story about Sherlock Holmes of the pinnacle of his creativity and more than once rustled to get rid of his hero, having arranged that premature death. However, the popularity of the detective was so high (so far the fifth of the readers is confident that Sherlock Holmes existed in fact) that the desperate readers threw the author and publishers with bags of letters in which they demanded to return the favorite hero. The author refused flatness - Sherlock Holmes "interfered" to him to write historical novels - and then the fans who did not wish to part with the beloved character, they themselves began to create new stories about the British detective. So the stories about Sherlock Holmes appeared their fan fiction, one of the first in the history of this curious phenomenon. By the way, another early example of fanfers are considered stories invented by "Alice in Wonderland" (Alice "S Adventures in Wonderland) Lewis Carroll (Lewis Carroll).

Today, Stories about Sherlock Holmes became one of the most fascinated literary works on Earth. Starting with a dumb thirty-second short film "Sherlock Holmes Baffled" (Sherlock Holmes Baffled), which appeared in 1900, more than 210 kinocartin and television series on this topic were removed all over the world. The most recent of them are the detective militants of Guy Richie "Sherlock Holmes" and "Sherlock Holmes: Shadow game" (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) with Robert Downey Jr. (Robert Downey Jr.); The sensational British series "Sherlock" (Sherlock) with irresistible Benedict Cumberbatch (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the lead role; American "Elementary" (Elementary) with Johnny Lee Miller (Jonny Lee Miller) distinguished himself, turning Dr. John Watson to Joan Vansen performed by Lucy Lucy Liu; and Russian "Sherlock Holmes" with Igor Petrenko (Igor Petrenko). Although for Russia, of course, the most familiar and beloved Sherlock Holmes is a wonderful actor Vasily Livanov. Successful jokes and replicas from the most popular screen vessels

cies have long become "covered expressions." It is unlikely that anyone in our country did not hear the phrase "damn, Holmes, but how did you guess?" Or "it is elementary, Watson!".

Despite the deafening glory and known to everyone and every details of his affairs, about the canonical Holmes reader, in fact, a little known. Arthur Conan Doyle did not bother even to give the character of the exact date of birth, and there are still fierce disputes among the fans of the British detective - what date and in which year Holmes appeared. Currently it is considered that Sherlock was born on January 6, 1854. And, judging by the story "The Creeping Man), and Holmes, and Watson well heard in 1923. Nothing is known about their fate.

For the first time about the deductive method, Holmes was still a student, thanks to the father of one of his fellow students, who praised his insight. For about six years, he spent as a detective consultant, before the financial difficulties forced Holmes to search for a neighbor in the apartment, which Dr. Watson became. At this point, the reader and meets both of them. Holmes and Watson live in London, on Baker Street, 221b - when Conan Doyle wrote his stories, there was no house with such a number. Then they extended the street, and one of the houses officially appropriated postal address 221b - it was in him that the Museum of Sherlock Holmes was located, in which the interior described described by the writer was played to the smallest detail.

The family of Holmes is also almost not said. One of the grandmothers Sherlock was a French man, the sister of the artist, and about other ancestors Holmes responds as a rural landowner who led the usual life for his estate. The reader knows that Sherlock has an older brother Maikroft (Mycroft Holmes), an influential state official who has the same talents as Sherlock, and from time to time it turns to his brother for help, he helps him. However, Holmes himself repeatedly spoke Watson about the fact that Maitrofte's abilities many times superior to his own, but at the same time the elder brother Holmes does not have any ambitions or the energy required to solve the mysterious affairs. He does not even give himself a little labor to check the conclusions to which he came by deduction, and this is just usually engaged in his younger brother. It is worth noting that in the film and teleadaputations, the Maitrof usually appears to the audience much more enterprising and energetic than its literary prototype.

What else do we know about Holmes? He is eccentric, smokes the phone, plays a violin, perfectly boxes, owns a revolver, sword and whip, disassembled in poisons, types of soil and tobacco ash, is quite indifferent to the money - Watson often have to take on the functions not only Holmes biographer, but also Treasurer, especially in the issues of fees for the revealed business. He is not looking for fame and often seems to other people arrogant and arrogant, although in fact he is simply immersed in another riddle. Friends are not enough, but fans, thanks to Watson's stories, more than enough. It happens at the famous detective and black times - when Holmes has no suitable affairs, it is immersed in such a longing that it can only dilute it with cocaine. His brain does not tolerate downtime, peace literally kills him in the literal sense. And although Watson often reproaches Holmes in the naval attitude towards his health, it is possible to dispel black melancholy Holmes in one way - slipping the same thing that will not be on the teeth to all the colors of Scotland Yard (Scotland Yard), combined.

Sherlock Holmes - Detective consultant, main character of the series. He is the world's first detective consultant, because He came up with such a profession for himself. Holmes has an extraordinary passion for strange and unusual crimes having many secrets and secrets - without such affairs, he gets bored quickly. To keep your brain in activity, it uses nicotine plasters (instead of a traditional smoking tube).

Holmes is extremely smart and observed. His ability to notice and draw conclusions from, it would seem, the little things are not equal and is its main tool in the disclosure of crimes he investigs. However, his unusual views, mostly asocial, served as a reason for hostility and rejection from the surrounding.

At the time of the meeting with John Watson, the Afghanistan or Iraq said, and also told him almost all about John Watson, which brought John to a shock state.

At the beginning of the series, it acts as a little-known private detective, but, according to Watson, Holmes will become "almost world famous."


Since Sherlock Brother Mycroft Holmes, who works at the British government, he very often resorts to Microftea's relationships and sometimes to his help.


Sherlock has the opportunity to "go to the drawbacks of the mind." This means that he can get any point of his consciousness, examine it and even resort to a detailed search and analysis.