Names of guerrilla gossi units. Partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War

Names of guerrilla gossi units. Partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War
Names of guerrilla gossi units. Partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War

We first give a list of the largest partisan compounds and their managers. Here is this list:

Chernihiv-Volyn partisan compound General Major A.F. Fedorov

Gomel partisan compound General Major I.P.Kozhar

partisan compound General Major V.Z.Korzhzh

partisan compound General Major M.I.Naumov

partisan compound General Major A.N.Saburov

partisan Brigade General-Major M.I.Duk

Ukrainian partisan division Major General P.P.versigor

Rivne partisan connection Colonel V.A. Begma

Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement Major General V.A.andreyev

In this paper, we will restrict ourselves to the consideration of some of them.

Sumy partisan connection. Major General S.A. Kovpak

Head of the Kovpak, Soviet state and public figure, one of the organizers of the partisan movement, twice the hero of the Soviet Union (18.5.1942 and 4.1.1944), Major General (1943). Member of the CPSU since 1919. Born in the family of a farmer-poor. The participant of the Civil War 1918--20: He headed the partisan detachment, fought in Ukraine with German invaders together with the detachments of A. Ya. Parkhomenko, fought against Denikintsev; He participated in the battles on the Eastern Front as part of the 25th Chapaevsky division and on the South Front - against Wrangel's troops. In 1921--26, the military binder in a number of cities of Ekaterinoslav province. In 1937--41 Chairman of the Putivl City Executive Committee of the Sumy Region. In the period of the Great Patriotic War, 1941--1945 Kovpak - commander of the Putivl partisan detachment, then the compounds of the partisan detachments of the Sumy region, a member of the illegal CP (b) of Ukraine. In 1941--42, the Kovpac compound was carried out raids in the rear of the enemy in Sumy, Kursk, Oryol and Bryansk regions, in 1942--43 - Raid from the Bryansk forests to the Right-Bank Ukraine in Gomel, Pinskaya, Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions ; In 1943 - Carpathian raid. Sumy partisan connection under the command of the Kovpak passed with battles on the reasons of the German-fascist troops more than 10 thousand km , defeated the enemy garrisons in 39 settlements. The Kovpak raids played a big role in the deployment of the partisan movement against the German-fascist invaders. In January 1944, Sumy compound was renamed to the 1st Ukrainian partisan division of the Kovpak. He was awarded with 4 Lenin orders, the Order of the Red Banner, the orders of Suvorov of the 1st degree, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, orders of Czechos and Poland, as well as medals.

In early July 1941, the formation of partisan detachments and underground groups began in Putivle. One partisan detachment under the command of S.A. Kovpak was to act in the Spare Forest, who was commanded by S.V. Rudnev, - in the Novoslobodsky Forest, the third, headed by S.F. Kirilenko, in the tract Maritsa. In October of the same year, the general detachment meeting was decided to unite into a single Putivl partisan detachment. S.A. Kovpak became the commander of the United Detachment, Commissioner - S.V. Rodnev, Headquarters, G.Y. Bazima. By the end of 1941, there were only 73 people in the detachment, and by mid-1942 - more than a thousand. Small and large partisan detachments from other places came to the campack. Gradually born the connection of folk avengers of the Sumy region. On May 26, 1942, the Kovpakov was released Pututl and held him two days. And in October, breaking through the enemy blockade created around the Bryansky forest, the connection of the partisan detachments was at the raid on the Right Bank of the Dnieper. For the month, Kovpakov took place 750 km. According to the rear of the enemy through Sumy, Chernihiv, Gomel, Kiev, Zhytomyr region. 26 bridges were blown up, 2 echelon with a living force and technology of fascists, 5 armored cars and 17 cars were destroyed. For the period of its second raid - from July to October 1943 - the combination of partisan detachments has passed four thousand kilometers with battles. The partisans brought out the main oil and oil rods and oil pipelines located in the Drohobych area and Ivano-Frankivsk. The newspaper "Pravda of Ukraine" wrote: "From Germany, telegrams flew from: to catch the burdens, lock in the mountains of his detachments. Twenty five times the ring of punishers around the regions engaged in the partisan general, and the same time he left unharmed. "

Being in a difficult situation, and leading fierce battles, the Kovpakov made themselves and from their last entourage shortly before the liberation of Ukraine.

4 .2 Chernihiv-Volyn partisan compound General Major A.F. Fedorov

In this year, Ukraine at the state level celebrates 100 years since the birth of the legendary partisan commander, twice the hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Alexei Fedorovich Fedorova.

Alexey Fedorov, a native of Ekaterino Slavs (now Dnepropetrovsk region), served in the civil war in Red Cavalry, participated in the battles with a gang of Tyutyunnik. Then he was educated and worked in trade union and party bodies in Ukraine.

The Great Patriotic War was found by A.F. Fedorov as the first secretary of the Chernigov Regional Committee KP (b) y. After the Chernihiv region occupation, the Germans continued his work in the underground, and the first secretary was headed by the headquarters of the partisan movement. At the initiative of Alexei Fedorov, five partisan detachments based in the north of Chernigov region were combined into a single regional detachment.

Over time, the famous Chernihiv-Volyn compound has grown out of it, the bold actions of which were one of the bright pages of the partisan movement. In early spring of 1943, by order of the Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement, Major Fedorov led his connection to the raid on Volyn. So the Operation "Cowel Knot" began, which military historians call the "peak of the partisan art of General Fedorov."

Soviet intelligence has established that on the summer campaign of 1943 the Germans are preparing a powerful offensive operation "Citadel" on the Kursk arc. In order to disorganize the ways of supplying the German-fascist troops, the Soviet command decided to deploy a large-scale "rail war" in the rear of the enemy.

The partisan compound A.F. Fedorov received a task to act in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kovel railway station, through which there was a significant part of the goods for the German "Center's German Army Group.

In July 1943, five sabotage battalions have begun to fight enemy's echelons on the paths overlooking the Covel.

On some days, the uniforms of the compound were destroyed in two or three enemy echelon. The strategic node was paralyzed.

For ten months of the Kovel Operation Operations, under the command of A.F. Fedorov, allowed 549 echelons with ammunition, flammable, military equipment and a living force of the enemy, destroying about ten thousand invaders. For the operation of the Kovel Knot, Alexey Fedorov received the second gold star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the war, A.F. Fedorov headed the Izmail, Kherson and Zhytomyr Commander of the Party, worked as the Minister of Social Security of the Ukrainian SSR, was elected by the deputy of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian SSR and the USSR.

Partisan movement (partisan war of 1941-1945) is one of the parties to the resistance of the USSR with the fascist troops of Germany and allies during the influx of Patriotic War.

The partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War was very large and, most importantly, well organized. It was different from other folk performances by what had a clear system of command, was legalized and subordinate to Soviet power. The partisans were controlled by special bodies, their activities were spelled out in several legislative acts and had the goals described personally to Stalin. The number of partisans during the Great Patriotic Party has numbered about a million people, more than six thousand different underground detachments were formed, in which all categories of citizens entered.

The goal of the partisan war is 1941-1945. - Destruction of the infrastructure of the German army, disrupting food and weapons, destabilization of the entire fascist car.

The beginning of the partisan war and the formation of partisan detachments

The partisan war is an integral part of any protracted military conflict, and quite often the order about the beginning of the partisan movement proceeds directly from the country's leadership. So it was in the case of the USSR. Immediately after the beginning of the war, two directives "party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions" and "On the organization of the struggle in the rear of the German troops", who talked about the need to create popular resistance to the assistance of the regular army. In fact, the state gave good to the formation of partisan detachments. Already a year later, when the partisan movement was in full swing, Stalin issued an order "On the tasks of the partisan movement", which described the main directions of work underground.

An important factor for the emergence of partisan resistance was the formation of the 4th Department of the NKVD, in the ranks of which special groups were created, which were engaged in subversive work and intelligence.

On May 30, 1942, the partisan movement was legalized - the central headquarters of the partisan movement was created, which was subordinate to local headquarters in the regions, headed by most part, heads of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. The creation of a single managerial body served to the development of a large-scale partisan war, which was perfectly organized, had a clear structure and submission system. All this significantly increased the efficiency of partisan detachments.

Principal activities of PARTIZAN'S MOVEMENT

  • Diverse activities. The partisans were trying to destroy the supply of food, weapons and living forces to the German army headquarters, pogroms in the camps were very often accomplished in order to deprive the Germans of fresh water sources and expel from the place.
  • Intelligence service. An equally important part of underground activity was intelligence, both in the territory of the USSR and in Germany. The partisans tried to paint or learn the secret plans of the attack of the Germans and transfer them to the headquarters so that the Soviet army was prepared for the attack.
  • Bolshevik propaganda. Effective fight against the enemy is impossible if the people do not believe in the state and should not be uniform, so the partisans actively worked with the population, especially in the occupied territories.
  • Fighting. Armed clashes happened quite rarely, but all the same partisan detachments entered into an open confrontation with the German army.
  • Control of the entire partisan movement.
  • Restoration of the USSR power in the occupied territories. The partisans tried to raise the uprising among the Soviet citizens who were under the oppression of the Germans.

Partisan detachments

Large and minor partisan detachments by the middle of the war existed practically throughout the USSR, including the occupied lands of Ukraine and the Baltic States. However, it should be noted that in some territories the partisans did not support the Bolsheviks, they tried to defend the independence of their region, and from the Germans, and from the Soviet Union.

The usual partisan detachment numbered several dozen people, however, with the growth of the partisan movement, the detachments began to consist of several hundred, although it happened to be infrequently, on average, one squad was about 100-150 people. In some cases, the detachments were combined into the brigades in order to have serious resistance to the Germans. In service with the partisans, there were usually light rifles, grenades and carbines, but sometimes large brigades have had mortars and artillery weapons. Equipment depended on the region and the destination of the detachment. All members of the partisan detachment took the oath.

In 1942, the post of commander-in-chief of the partisan movement was created, which took Marshal Voroshilov, but soon the post was abolished and the partisans were subordinate to the military commander-in-chief.

There were also special Jewish partisan detachments, which consisted of the Jews remaining in the USSR. The main goal of such detachments was the protection of the Jewish population, which was subjected to special persecutions from the Germans. Unfortunately, very often the Jewish partisans faced serious problems, since in many Soviet detachments the anti-Semitic sentiment reigned and the Jewish detachments came to help quite rarely. By the end of the war, Jewish detachments were mixed with Soviet.

Results and meaning of the partisan war

The Soviet partisans became one of the main forces that resist the Germans and largely helped to solve the outcome of the war towards the USSR. Good partisan movement management made it highly efficient and disciplined, thanks to which the partisans could fight on a regular army on par.

We first give a list of the largest partisan compounds and their managers. Here is this list:

Sumy partisan connection. Major General S.A. Kovpak

Chernihiv-Volyn partisan compound General Major A.F. Fedorov

Gomel partisan compound General Major I.P.Kozhar

partisan compound General Major V.Z.Korzhzh

partisan compound General Major M.I.Naumov

partisan compound General Major A.N.Saburov

partisan Brigade General-Major M.I.Duk

Ukrainian partisan division Major General P.P.versigor

Rivne partisan connection Colonel V.A. Begma

Ukrainian headquarters of the partisan movement Major General V.A.andreyev

In this paper, we will restrict ourselves to the consideration of some of them.

5.1 Sumy partisan compound. Major General S.A. Kovpak

Head of the Kovpak, Soviet state and public figure, one of the organizers of the partisan movement, twice the hero of the Soviet Union (18.5.1942 and 4.1.1944), Major General (1943). Member of the CPSU since 1919. Born in the family of a farmer-poor. The participant of the Civil War 1918-20: He headed the partisan detachment, fought in Ukraine with German invaders together with the detachments of A. Ya. Parkhomenko, fought against Denikintsev; He participated in the battles on the Eastern Front as part of the 25th Chapaevsky division and on the South Front - against Wrangel's troops. In 1921-26, a military committee in a number of cities of Ekaterinoslav province. In 1937-41 Chairman of the Putivl City Executive Committee of the Sumy Region. During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 Kovpak is the commander of the Putivl partisan squad, then the compounds of the partisan detachments of the Sumy region, a member of the illegal CP Central Committee (b) of Ukraine. In 1941-42, the Kovpak compounds were made raids in the enemy's rear in Sumy, Kursk, Oryol and Bryansk regions, in 1942-43 - Raid from the Bryansk forests to the Right-Bank Ukraine in Gomel, Pinskaya, Volyn, Rivne, Zhytomyr and Kiev regions; In 1943 - Carpathian raid. Sumy partisan connection under the command of the Kovpak passed with battles on the reasons of the German-fascist troops more than 10 thousand km, defeated the enemy garrisons in 39 settlements. The Kovpak raids played a big role in the deployment of the partisan movement against the German-fascist invaders. In January 1944, Sumy compound was renamed to the 1st Ukrainian partisan division of the Kovpak. He was awarded with 4 Lenin orders, the Order of the Red Banner, the orders of Suvorov of the 1st degree, Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1st degree, orders of Czechos and Poland, as well as medals.

In early July 1941, the formation of partisan detachments and underground groups began in Putivle. One partisan detachment under the command of S.A. Kovpak was to act in the Spare Forest, who was commanded by S.V. Rudnev, - in the Novoslobodsky Forest, the third, headed by S.F. Kirilenko, in the tract Maritsa. In October of the same year, the general detachment meeting was decided to unite into a single Putivl partisan detachment. S.A. Kovpak became the commander of the United Detachment, Commissioner - S.V. Rodnev, Headquarters, G.Y. Bazima. By the end of 1941, there were only 73 people in the detachment, and by mid-1942 - more than a thousand. Small and large partisan detachments from other places came to the campack. Gradually born the connection of folk avengers of the Sumy region.

On May 26, 1942, the Kovpakov was released Pututl and held him two days. And in October, breaking through the enemy blockade created around the Bryansky forest, the connection of the partisan detachments was at the raid on the Right Bank of the Dnieper. For the month, Kovpakov took place 750 km. According to the rear of the enemy through Sumy, Chernihiv, Gomel, Kiev, Zhytomyr region. 26 bridges were blown up, 2 echelon with a living force and technology of fascists, 5 armored cars and 17 cars were destroyed.

For the period of its second raid - from July to October 1943 - the combination of partisan detachments has passed four thousand kilometers with battles. The partisans brought out the main oil and oil rods and oil pipelines located in the Drohobych area and Ivano-Frankivsk.

The newspaper "Pravda of Ukraine" wrote: "From Germany, telegrams flew from: to catch the burdens, lock in the mountains of his detachments. Twenty five times the ring of punishers around the regions engaged in the partisan general, and the same time he left unharmed. "

Being in a difficult situation, and leading fierce battles, the Kovpakov made themselves and from their last entourage shortly before the liberation of Ukraine.

1941 - 1945 - this is part of the resistance movement, which was designed to destroy the system of German security (undermining provisions, ammunition, roads, etc.). As you know, the fascist invaders were very afraid of this organization, so it was very cruel with its members.


The main points of the tasks of the guerrilla movement were formulated in the Directive of 1941. In more detail, the necessary actions were described in the order of Stalin from 1942.

The basis of the partisan detachments was ordinary inhabitants, mostly occupied territories, that is, well-known life under a fascist sight and power. Such organizations began to appear from the first days of war. There were old people, women, men who, for some reason, did not take the front and even children, pioneers.

The guerrillas of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 conducted sabotage activities, they were engaged in exploration (even agent), propaganda, provided the combat assistance to the USSR army, directly destroyed the enemy.

In the territory of the RSFSR, there was an innumerable number of detachments, sabotage groups, compounds (about 250 thousand people), each of which brought tremendous benefits to achieve victory. Many names remained forever in the chronicles of history.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, who became a symbol of heroism, was abandoned to the German rear for arson Petrishchevo village, where the German regiment was located. Naturally, it was not alone, but, by coincidence, their group partially scattered after arson of three houses. Zoya decided to return there alone and finished started. But the inhabitants were already on guard and zoya grabbed. She had to go through terrible torture and humiliation (including compatriots), but she did not give a single name. The fascists hung the girl, but even during the execution, she did not lose their breath's cheerfulness and called on the Soviet people to resist German invaders. The first of the women was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Belarusian SSR

On the territory of Belarus lasted from 1941 to 1944. During this time, many strategic tasks were solved, the main of which was the conclusion of the German echelons and directly the railway tracks for which they moved.

The partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 had invaluable assistance in the fight against invaders. 87 of them were awarded the highest military award of the Soviet Union. Among them was Marat Kazai, a sixteen-year-old boy whose mother was executed by the Germans. He came to the partisan detachment to defend his right to freedom and a happy life. Along with adults, he performed tasks.

Before the victory, Marat did not survive exactly a year. He died in May 1944. Each death in war itself is tragic, but when the child dies becomes a thousand times more painful.

Marat, along with his commander, returned to the headquarters. By chance they met the Carators. The commander was killed immediately, the boy could only hurt. Shot, he disappeared into the forest, but the Germans pursued him. Until the bullets ended, Marat left the chase. And then he accepted an important decision for himself. The boy had two grenades. One he immediately threw into the group of the Germans, and the second he kept tightly firmly in his hand until he was surrounded. Then he blew her, picking up with him to the light of German soldiers.

Ukrainian SSR

The partisans during the Great Patriotic War in the territory of the Ukrainian SSR were united in 53 compounds, 2145 detachments and 1807 groups, a total number of about 220 thousand people.

Among the main command is the partisan movement in Ukraine, K. I. Pogorelova, M. I. Karnukhova, S. A. Kovpaka, S. V. Rudneva, A. F. Fedorova and others.

Sidor Artemyevich Kovpak on the orders of Stalin was engaged in promoting in Right-Bank Ukraine, which was practically not active. It was for the Carpathian raid that he was awarded one of the awards.

Mikhail Karnukhov headed the movement in the Donbas. Subordinates and locals nicknamed his "Batei" for warm human relations. Batie was killed by the Germans in 1943. Thai residents of local occupied villages gathered at night to bury the commander and give him proper honors.

Heroes-partisans of the Great Patriotic War were reburied later. Carnukhov rests in Slavyansk, where his remains were postponed in 1944, when they freed the territories from the German invaders.

During the actions of the Karnaukhov, 1304 fascist (from 12 were officers) were destroyed.

Estonian SSR

Already in July 1941, an order was given to the formation of a partisan detachment in Estonia. In his command, B. G. Kumm, N. G. Karotamm, Y. H. Lauristin.

The partisans of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 were encountered with an almost insurmountable obstacle in Estonia. A large number of local residents were friendly to the Germans and even rejoiced by such a coincidence.

That is why underground organizations and sabotage groups, which had to think more in this territory, which had to think over their moves even more carefully, since the betrayal could be waiting from anywhere.

Leden Kulman became (shot by the Germans in 1943 as a Soviet intelligence) and Vladimir Fedorov.

Latvian SSR

Until 1942, the activities of partisans in Latvia did not fit. It was due to the fact that most of the activists and party figures were killed at the very beginning of the war, people had bad training both physically and materially. Thanks to the denominations of local residents, the fascists were destroyed by any underground organization. Some heroes-partisans of the Great Patriotic War died unnamed, so as not to issue and do not compromise their comrades.

After 1942, the movement was activated, people began to come to the detachments with the desire to help and free themselves, since the German invaders sent hundreds of Estonians to Germany to the hardest work.

Among the leaders of the Estonian partisan traffic was Arthur Spranis, whose training was held by Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. He is also mentioned in the Hamingway book "The Kom calls the bell."

Lithuanian SSR

In the Lithuanian territory, partisans of the Great Patriotic War, 1941 - 1945, made hundreds of sabotage, as a result of which almost 10 thousand Germans were destroyed.

With a total number of partisans in 9187 people (just installed) seven are the heroes of the Soviet Union:

  1. Yu. Yu. Aleksonis. The underground radioist, died in an unequal battle, surrounded by the Germans, in 1944.
  2. S. P. Apivala. Destroyed seven echelons personally with an opponent's ammunition.
  3. G. I. Boris. The commander of a special sabotage group died from the hands of Gestapo, after imprisonment in captivity in 1944.
  4. A. M. Cheponis. Rasteist who died in 1944 in a single fight against the German division. Killed 20 fascists.
  5. M. I. Melnikite. It was captured, he spent a whole week in torture, without saying the fascists not a word, but was able to shift one of the officers of the Wehrmacht slap. Shot in 1943.
  6. B. V. Urbanavichus. He headed the subversive group of partisans.
  7. Yu. T. Vitas. Head of the partisan underground Lithuania. He was captured and shot by the fascists, after the denier's denoter in 1943.

Heroes-partisans of the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945 fought in Lithuania not only with fascist invaders, but also with the Lithuanian liberation army, which did not exterminate the Germans, but sought to destroy the Soviet and Polish soldiers.

Moldavian SSR

For four years, the actions of the partisan detachments on the territory of Moldova, about 27 thousand fascists and their accomplices were destroyed. There is also an extermination of a huge number of military equipment, ammunition, kilometers of communication lines. Heroes-partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 were engaged in the release of leaflets and information reports in order to maintain the spirit of spirit and faith among the population.

Two - Heroes of the Soviet Union - V.I. Timoshuk (commander of the first Moldovan compound) and N. M. Frolov (14 German echelons were blown up under his leadership).

Jewish resistance

In the territory of the USSR, 70 purely Jewish liberation units operated. Their goal was to save the remaining Jewish population.

Unfortunately, the Jewish detachments had to deal with anti-Semitic sentiments even among Soviet partisans. Most of them do not want to provide any support to these people and the Jewish youth in their units were reluctant.

Most of the Jews were getto refugees. Among them were often kids.

The partisans of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945 did a great job, they had the invaluable assistance of the Red Army in the liberation of territories and victory over the German fascists.

Partisan War 1941-1945 (Partisan traffic) is one of the components of the USSR resistance to the fascist troops of Germany and allies during the Great Patriotic War.

The movement of the Soviet partisans during the Great Patriotic War was very large-scale and differed from other folk movements of the highest degree of organization and efficiency. The partisans were controlled by the Soviet authorities, the movement existed not only their detachments, but also headquarters and commander. In total, during the war there were more than 7 thousand partisan detachments operating in the USSR, and several hundreds of hundreds working abroad. The approximate number of all partisans and underground workers was 1 million people.

The goal of the partisan movement is the destruction of the German front system. The partisans had to violate the supply of weapons and food, separating communication channels with the General Staff and to destabilize the work of the German fascist car.

The appearance of partisan detachments

On June 29, 1941, the Directive of the "party and Soviet organizations of the front-line regions" was published, which served as an incentive to form a national partisan movement. On July 18, another directive was published - "On the organization of struggle in the rear of the German troops." In these documents, the USSR government formulated the main directions of the struggle of the Soviet Union with the Germans, including the need to conduct an underground war. On September 5, 1942, the order of Stalin "On the tasks of the partisan movement" was published, which officially fastened the partisan detachments that were already actively working by the moment.

Another important prerequisite for the creation of an official partisan movement in the Great Patriotic War was the creation of the 4th Department of the NKVD, which began to form special detachments designed to lead a subruptive war.

On May 30, 1942, the central headquarters of the partisan movement was created, which was subordinate to local regional headquarters, headed by the heads of the Communist Party. It was the creation of headquarters who served as a serious impetus to the development of the partisan war, since a single and clear system of management and communication with the center significantly increased the effectiveness of the guerrilla war. The partisans were no longer chaotic formations, they had a clear structure, like the official army.

The partisan detachments included citizens of different ages, gender and the material situation. Most of the population, not occupied directly in hostilities, was related to partisan movement.

Main activity of partisan traffic

The main activity of partisan detachments during the Great Patriotic War was reduced to several main points:

  • diverting activity: The destruction of the infrastructure of the enemy is a violation of food supply, communication, the destruction of water supply pipes and wells, sometimes undermines in camps;
  • intelligence activities: there were a very branched and powerful network of agents who were engaged in exploration in the enemy's mill in the USSR and beyond;
  • bolshevik Propaganda: To win the war and avoid inland riots, it was necessary to convince citizens to power and the magnitude of power;
  • directly fighting: Partizans rarely performed openly, but the battles still happened; In addition, one of the main tasks of the guerrilla movement was the destruction of the enemy's vitality;
  • destruction of falsePartizan and clear control over all partisan movement;
  • restoration of Soviet power in the occupied territories: This was carried out mainly due to the propaganda and mobilization of the local Soviet population, which remained in the territories employed by the Germans; Partisans wanted to win these lands from the inside.

Partisan detachments

Partisan detachments existed practically throughout the USSR, including the Baltic States and Ukraine, however it is worth noting that in a number of regions captured by the Germans, the partisan movement existed, but did not support the Soviet power. Local partisans fought only for their own independence.

Usually, the partisan detachment numbered several dozen people. By the end of the war, their number increased to a few hundred, but in most cases the standard partisan detachment consisted of 150-200 people. During the war, in case of need, detachments were united in brigades. In service with such brigades, there were usually light weapons - grenades, hand rifles, carbines, but many of them have and more severe technique - mortars, artillery weapons. Equipment depended on the region and the tasks of the guerrilla. All citizens who join the detachments took the oath, and the detachment itself lived according to strict discipline.

In 1942, the post of commander-in-chief of the partisan movement was proclaimed, which took Marshal Voroshilov, but then this post was abolished.

Especially it should be noted by Jewish partisan detachments that were formed from the Jews remaining in the USSR, who managed to escape from the Ghetto camp. Their main goal was to rescue the Jewish people, which was subjected to special persecutions from the Germans. It was complicated by the work of such detachments by the fact that even in the circle of Soviet partisans often reigned the anti-Semitic moods and get help to the Jews were not from where. By the end of the war, many Jewish troops mixed with Soviet.

Results and meaning of the partisan war

Partisan traffic in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. It was one of the main forces of resistance along with the regular army. Due to the clear structure, the support of the population, the competent leadership and good equipment of the partisans, their sabotage and intelligence activities often play a decisive role in the Russian Army War with Germans. Without partisans, the USSR could lose war.