Picture of chocolate in the Dresden Gallery. "Chocolate" Liotar

Picture of chocolate in the Dresden Gallery.
Picture of chocolate in the Dresden Gallery. "Chocolate" Liotar

"Chocolate" - a picture of the Swiss artist Jean Etien Lyotar, the most famous work author. Written in mid XVIII A century, she still attracts the views of visitors to the Dresden Gallery, whose collection is applied.

Get acquainted with the artist

Jean Etienne (1702-1789) - Nontrivial figure. He walked the "painter of truth", but not because she sought to capture the injustice of the world or expose the power of the property. Lyotar loved the exact image of what he saw. His works are often close to photography. Today, this approach is unlikely to surprise, but at that time there were canvas in the fashion, transmitting reality in the insection form, full shine and mandatory charm. Lyotar can be called a rower, but with a happy fate. He was love strong Mira Some and left the descendants gorgeous portraits of Marshal Saxon, Pope Clement XII, Empress Austrian. The image of the last vision illustrates the author's approach non-standard for the XVIII century: the Queen is written not to the surroundings of the attributes of power or complete thinking about the fate of Austria, in the portrait it looks more like a mother, worried about sons, and a woman breathing healthy.

Jean Etienne was an avid traveler. He visited Moldova and Romania, did not hold his attention to Italy, France, Greece, for some time he lived in Turkey and brought away the love of east and numerous images of gentle beauties against the background of exotic colors. Just some time after the return of the artist from Constantinople, "Chocolate" appears - a picture, which brought Lyobaire world famous fame.

Attention to detail

The composition of the canvas is quite simple: in full height Depicted a girl with a tray in her hands. This is a chocolate man. The author of the picture so managed to capture the young person that it seems as if she was about to go further past the enthusiastic observers. How does this effect be created? It's all about the details. Clothes folds, cup elements, finally, reflected in a glass with water - everything makes the image so realistic that the girl seems alive.

Each element is carefully worked out. It can be noted that the devil of the maid is completely fresh: even the folds have not yet aroused, apparently, it was recently turned it out. The artist paid attention to the drawing and lace on the cape, and on the cup. In the creation of the illusion of movement, not the last role plays free space In the direction where the chocolate girl goes. The picture of Liotar is exactly what bribes: realism and simplicity, not deprived of tenderness.

Light and color

The warmth of the attitude of the artist to the model is always readily read by the viewer. Here it is transferred with the color palette. Gentle, flowing into each other pink, white, golden, silver-gray glow from the inside, like the young chocolate chocolate. The picture is written in pastel, transmitting the slightest nuances of shades. Lyotar preferred this technique of painting Liotar and was considered a real pastel virtuoso.

The author managed to transfer the inner light of the heroine. It is modest, but in the posture and position of the head, the pride and consciousness of their own beauty are read. Simple maid? Ordinary chocolate? The picture allows you to hope that it is not.

Legends of all configuring love

The painter did not exactly draw a girl from his imagination. Despite the fact that the chief biographer of Liotar did not agree with this, the romantic origin of the canvas attributes the romantic origin.

Jean Etienne often depicted beauties, to the number of which also includes chocolates. The author of the picture, according to one of the versions, was hired by Prince Liechtenstein (or the duke of Ditrichstein) to perpetuate the image of his future spouse. The girl is allegedly called Anna or Charlotte Baldauf. IN different versions Legends she served in the Empress or in a small cafe. Future husband noticed her at that moment when she carried a cup of wondrous and fragrant drink Royal individuals or visitors to the institution. Noble in love, despite the protests of Rodney, made anne offer. Having received consent, he turned to the artist with a request to capture his beloved as she appeared for the first time. True, this is either myth, now learn quite difficult. However, it is exactly known that the subsequent fate of the picture was full of adventure and certain romanticism.

To the glory of confectioners and on the edge of death

"Chocolate" visited the collection of the German Kurfürst and fell into the Dresden Gallery. there in late XIX. A century noted the owner of Baker's Chocolate. He loved the picture and inspired by the legends associated with her, he decided to make it a company logo. Chocolate Liotar and to this day can be found on packages of delicacies produced by the company.

During the Second World War, it, together with other masterpieces, were taken away from the constantly subjected to bombardments of the city and hid in one of the fortresses. In the mined basement, they found it soviet soldiers And saved from an imminent death, returning back to the gallery.

The picture "Chocolate", the photos and reproductions of which are already calculated by thousands, and today is in Dresden. Written for more than two centuries ago, it continues to fascinate and inspire.

Swiss artist J.-E. Lyobare called "the painter of kings and beautiful women". Everything in his life was made up of happy accidents and circumstances that talented painter, gifted to the same practical mind, skillfully took advantage.

At one time, the family of J.-E. Lyotar was forced to emigrate from France to Geneva. Future artist At one time I studied in Paris at the Grarera and miniaturist mass. Then in the life of J.-E. Lyobare began years of wanderings, during which he visited many cities and countries. He traveled as a satellite noble person, as it often had to do many artists XVIII. century.

Travel gave J.-E. Lyotaru is a varied material for observations and taught it almost to the documentary accuracy of sketches. For portraits J.-E. Liotar is characterized by exceptional accuracy in the reproduction of the model, and this is the artist that the European glory consisted itself and acquired high patrons. He met the warm welcome and the Austrian Empress of Mary Terezia in Vienna, and the Roman Pope in Rome, and turkish Sultana In Constantinople. Everyone liked in portraits J.-E. Liotar The similarities of the persons, the completeness in the image of materials of clothing and jewelry and the colorfulness of his canvases.

Portrait of Beauty Anna Baldauf (Anna Baltauf), world-famous called "Chocolamnitsa" (Fr. "La Belle Chocoladiere") and the unquietial number of times copied and engraved (located in the Dresden Gallery) was written in Vienna.
Most likely, Anna was a servant at the court of the Austrian Empress Mary Teresia, where the painter and noticed the girl. Anna, the daughter of a deceased knight, served as a maid at the courtyard.
They say it was there her beauty noticed the young Prince Dietrichtein.
He fell in love and - to the horror of the aristocracy - married her.
As a wedding gift, Prince Ditrichstein ordered Jean Etienne Lyotaru, who worked at the Viennese yard at that time, the portrait of his bride in the very clothes in which he first saw it.
They say, on the wedding day, the bride invited familiar chocolates and, being happy with his own elevation, filed her hand with the words: "Now! Now I have become a princess, and you can kiss my hand."
This picture is notable for the fact that it was first depicted by the first china Europe - Meissen

Now this canvas is located in the Dresden art gallery, but originally he bought the Venetian Count Algarti, an expert and lover of painting. In one of his letters, he reported: "I bought the famous Lyobaar Pastel. It is executed in inconspicuous dedisions of light and with excellent relief. Transferred nature is not much changed; being European work, pastel is fulfilled in the spirit of the Chinese ... It concerns the completeness of the work, then we can say in one word: it is a golbane pastels. On it is depicted in the profile of a young German figure of the Cameric, which carries a tray with a glass of water and a cup of chocolate.

Indeed, the picture shows only one female figure.
But it is depicted so that the majority of viewers visiting themselves famous gallery In Dresden. J.-E. Lyotar managed to give the picture the character of the genre scene. Before the "chocolate" - free space, so the impression is that the model is not posing by the artist, but passes in front of the audience with small chains, carefully and carefully carrying a tray.

but the consciousness of his attractiveness covers all its gentle and cute lyrco. Her posture, the position of the head and hand - everything is full of natural grace. Its small leg in a gray shower on a high heel modestly looks out of the skirt.

Colors of clothing "Chocolate" chose J.-E. Lioter in soft harmony: Silver-gray skirt, golden corsage, shining white apron, transparent white cake and fresh silk cape - pink and gentle, like rose petal ... The artist with an accuracy inherent in it does not drop away from the most detailed form reproduction Body "Chocolate" and her clothes. So, for example, the thick silk of her dresses is completely actually stray; The folds of the apron have not yet straightened, which has just been removed from the lounge drawer; A glass of water reflects the window, and the line reflects top edge Small tray.

The picture "Chocolate" is distinguished by the finished in every detail, to which he was constantly striving for J.-E. Lyotar. Art historian M. Alpatov believes that "due to all these features" chocolate "can be attributed to the miracles of the deception of vision in art, like those of grapes in the picture of the famous ancient Greek artist who tried to peck sparrows." After the convention and the manners of some masters of the XVIII century, almost photographic accuracy of the painting of J.-E. Liotar made an impression of revelation.

The artist worked exclusively in pastel technique, very common in the XVIII century, and owned it perfectly. But J.-E. Lyotar was not only virtuoso Master This technique, but also its convinced theorist. He believed that it was the pastel that naturally transfers the flavor and the finest transitions of lighting within the light colorful tones. The most task is to show a figure in white apron against the white wall background - this is a complex picturesque task, but Zh.-E. Lyotar combined with gray-gray and white apron with pale-gray shadows and a steel tint of water there is a real poetry of paints. In addition, using thin transparent shadows in the "chocolate", it has reached perfect drawing accuracy, as well as maximum bulge and certainty of volumes.

Jean-Etienne Liotar. Chocolate. Pastel, parchment. 82,5x52.5 cm. 1743-1745 Gallery of old masters in Dresden

This is not known who posted Lotaru. Much on this expense legends. The most popular says that the daughter of the disassembled nobleman is before us.

She simply liked the shrouded in the cafe, he decided to marry a girl. And before the wedding, I ordered her portrait in that outfit, in which I loved. That is, in the dressing chocolate.

Rather, it's just beautiful legend. Which played a significant role in the fact that the picture became one of the most recognizable in the world. She is almost the main business card Dresden Gallery (along with).

But I'm not surprised why such a legend was born in principle. Her picturesque characteristics themselves are encountered on the thoughts of the heroine nobility.

Look, as far as the chocolate is light skin with a gentle blush. The girl of simple origin was unlikely to afford it. After all, she needed a lot of air.

In addition to working in a cafe, it is necessary to do more work at home: to carry water from the well, to go to the bazaar or even mess around in the garden. And in this case, her skin would certainly be dimly.

Her hands are also very rooted. Liotar wrote them with a special tenderness. The working girl could not afford this alone. Sewing, washing the dishes and other household troubles would certainly impose their mark.

Jean-Etienne Liotar. Chocolate (fragment). 1745-1747 Gallery of old masters in Dresden

Gives a girl and statutory posture. To have such a back, it was necessary to follow her with early childhood. And this was possible only as part of a noble family.

In addition, Liotar picked incredible colors. Golden corset color. SERO Blue Skirt Color. Gently pink cape with blue ribbon. Snowless white apron and handkerchief. All colors are bright, emphasizing the feeling of freshness and well maintenance.

If the artist chose other colors, then the impression of the picture would be definitely different.

Still pay attention to how carefully Liotar wrote a glass and a porcelain cup on the girl's tray. Can be said they also "from higher Light».

Most likely, precisely because of all these "noble" details and was born a legend about the lady blue bloodwho fell into the service due to the financial problems of the family.

But something tells me that the whole thing is in the artist Lyotar. He clearly possessed a subtle taste and knew how to create a nobility where it was not in such quantities. And gladly stolen his models.

Jean-Etienne Liotar. Portrait of Mary-Joseph Saxon, Dofhens France. 1751 Reyxmuzeum in Amsterdam

Such was the era of Rococo. Art had to be easy and to carry people beauty. Liotar himself said that painting is only a mirror, which reflects the most beautiful of the real world.

Swiss artist Jean Etienne Liotar, "Chocolatnitsa" of which is the pearl meeting of the Dresden art gallery, for his long and happy life (1702-1789) Created about 400 works. "Golbaine Pastels" (so-called Liotar Colleagues, thereby recognizing his unconditional talent) did not write bad works, but the Master of World Painting became the canvas at the beginning of the article.

Photographic image accuracy

What does "Golbain Pasteli" mean? The work of the greatest german artist Younger are famous for the portrait similarity and jewelry production of the drawing. But he wrote butter, and Pastel glorified Liotar. "Chocolate" - the most famous clothperformed in this manner. All paintings of the Swiss artist are characterized by photographic accuracy, the smallest generation of every detail. One of the art historians compared Liotar with an ancient Greek artist Zevxis, famous topicsthat, wishing to prove your superiority over the master of realism in Parrazy, painted such grapes, on which birds immediately flew away to shove him.

Perfect and fragile

The same virtuoso was Liotar. "Chocolate" refers, according to this art historian (M. Alpatov), \u200b\u200bto those masterpieces in which there is a wonderful illusion. A lot of this work is written, including because it is made in a manner that occurs much less frequently than watercolor, engraving, and even more oil painting. Artists resorted to pastels less often due to its fragility and exposure to destruction with the smallest careless movements, because the binders in the source material - the pastel (therefore "pastel") - added extremely few. From here and not obsoleting freshness of paints on the canvases made in this manner (materials added to oil paints, darken). And pastel works are tremendous and destroyed during transportation. Over time, the authors of such paintings came to the conclusion that the best of all, they are preserved under glass, resting on the passe-cardboard edging of the canvas, on which the work is performed. In this case, the glass does not touch the drawing. But these fragile works are distinguished by fascinating radiance, velvety and specific softness.

Free, Valya, Mysterious ...

In this manner and wrote Liotar. "Chocolate" is the most famous and best, according to many specialists, a work done by pastel, although the artist himself did not allocate him from all the previously created. Talented and lucky, he walked the master, drawing the reigning persons and beauties. Jean Etienne was secured and could afford to engage only with loved things - drawing and traveling. Lyotar was absolutely free and in life, despite the presence of five children, and in creativity. He was extravagant and mysterious, he patronized royal houses in Europe.

Mysterious model

One of the versions beautiful girldepicted in the picture, - Anna Baldauf, daughter of a deceased knight. Noble origin allowed her to be a maid at the court of Empress Austria Maria-Terezia. The artist noticed her beauty and grace there. On another, more romantic version, Prince Dinochtein, visiting the beauty of the waitress at first sight was captured. He married her, contrary to the will of the family, and her portrait gave her Cinderella to the wedding in the outfit, in which he saw Anna for the first time. The gift was royal, as Liotar was a court artist, and his work was very expensive. There are other versions about the positive model.

Charming simplicity

The picture is pleasing, it fascinates, despite the fact that its plot is more than simple. After cleaning the cauldons, let's say, the same Watto, which depicted flirty ladies and holders, a lonely figure of a girl carrying a tray along the white wall, looked unexpectedly simply, naturally and charmingly. The size of 82.5 x 52.5 is performed on parchment pastel, which perfectly owned the artist Liotar. "Chocolate", written in strikes the filigree accuracy of objects - apron girl just pulled out of the chest, the slightest fold, the chocolate serve itself seems to be breathing, and the chocolate smells.

Physics benefit

In chocolate, everything is charming - a small leg, the back is straight, but not tense, the girl is not exhausted, but a slim. The costume is remarkable, the colors are wonderfully chosen. And after all, it is necessary to take into account that only the white wall serves as the background - there is no bobbin or flowers with flowers. But a special delight among the connoisseurs of painting from the moment of the appearance of the picture and to the present day causes a lacquered Chinese tray in the hands of a girl, on which there is a glass with water and a cup with chocolate. The picture is valuable also by the fact that it was first captured by the famous having a long and wonderful story. But the glass of water filled with water was discharged that, according to the testimony of specialists, brightly demonstrates on the border of two transparent media (Snellius law). This is one of the best praise, which he deserved J. E. Liotar. "Chocolate" is considered not a portrait, but a genre scene.

The oldest brand of the United States

From the moment of writing, fate favors this work - it is very concentrated and incredibly popular, including today. This can not boast of any product of the XVIII century. What is the case? Since 1765, the canvas is in the art gallery of Dresden, and after 120 years she saw her when visiting famous Museum The owner of the oldest American concern Bakers Chocolate, which was engaged in the production of this product. Henry L. Pierce was fascinated by the fact that he drew Jean Liotar. "Chocolate" becomes a company signature sign. La Belle Chocolatiere ("Beautiful Chocolate") - a logo approved in two years, entered the story as the first and oldest trademark in the United States and one of the oldest in the world.

Wide and nobody did not exceed the USSR gesture

In the Soviet Union, this picture became particularly popular when in 1955 the Dresden Gallery of the will of N. S. Khrushchev returned the paintings obtained by the country in the form of military trophies.

Most renovated by the best soviet masters The masterpieces were exhibited before shipping from May 2 to August 20, and people from all over the immense country were in a hurry to say goodbye to the paintings, among which was the famous canvas, which was created by Jean Etienne Liotar, "Chocolate".

Jean-Etienne Liotar and his "Beautiful chocolate"
To the 270th anniversary of the creation famous painting

"Chocolate" can be attributed to the wonders of deception
Vision in art, like grapes like grapes in the picture
ancient artistwho tried to peck the birds "
M. Alpatov. Academician of Art History

Who does not remember one of the pearls of the Dresden Gallery, an elegant picture of "chocolate", on which the young Vienna beauty is depicted, gracefully carrying a fragile porcelain cup with a new-fashioned chocolate drink and a glass of clean transparent water? Written by almost three centuries ago on parchment in pastel technique, the picture striking picturesque skill and poetic freshness.
The author of "chocolate" (other names - "Beautiful chocolate", it. "Das Schokoladenm; DChen", Fr. "La Belle Chocolati; Re") is swiss artist Jean-Etienne Liotar (1702 - 1789). He was considered one of the most mysterious masters of his time. Many legends have survived about his wanders and adventures.
Lyotar was born in Geneva in the family of a jeweler from the French Protestants, who had once had to emigrate to the Alpine Republic. He showed a tendency to draw in childhood. He liked to draw portraits of friends, scenes from Roman history, was fond of miniatures and enamel painting. Starting in the workshop of Gardeel, in a few months surpasses his teacher. Lyotar virtuoso copies the canvas of old masters.
In 1725 the artist is sent for three years to Paris to improve its technique. A few years later, he finds himself in Rome, where he creates many pastel portraits, including the Pope of Clement XII and a number of Cardinals, it was the beginning of his fame in Europe.

It must be said that Jean-Etienne had two main hobbies: painting and craving for wanderings, and a lot in the life of the artist was made up of happy accidents and circumstances related to travel. Once, thanks to acquaintance with a noble Englishman, Lyotar makes a trip to the east (Messina, Syracuse, Malta, Smirna, Delos Islands and Paros), which ended in Constantinople. Here the artist "delayed" for the whole of 5 years. He embalted his impressions in magnificent drawings, in which the skill and freedom of owning technician (the fancy vych of patterns, lines, sophisticated tones of silver pencil and red-red sanguines) were combined with a documency reproduction of the appearance of the characters, their costumes, fabric textures and even cut clothes. People organically fit into the lush decoration of the premises with an abundance of carpets, drapes, tables, vases, pillows. True, his eastern beauties sometimes resembled sophisticated Parisians.
Returning to Europe, Lyobar continued to wear a long beard, a bathrobe and turban, for which he received the nickname "Artist-Turk". He constantly moved from one country to another, communicated with interesting people, wrote their portraits, leaving the descendants reliable "... exterior appearance For a long time disappeared from the face of the earth of people. " The synthesis of the decorativeness of the French Rococo and the clarity of the Dutch realism of the XVII century in the artist's work, brought a great success to Lotaru.

In 1745, fate brought Jean-Etieny Liotar to Vienna, where in 1740 the imperial throne took 23-year-old Maria Teresia, eldest daughter Emperor Charles Vi. Empress Preded famous artist The warm welcome and instructed the prince of Ditrichstein, a man is close to the yard, a guardian of the guest.
Soon Lyotar creates his Galati here - "Beautiful chocolate" (82.5; 52.5 cm). The non-politicalness of the composition, the lightweight atmosphere and almost photographic accuracy of pastels, after convention and manners characteristic of the masters of the XVIII century, produced the impression of revelation on contemporaries. Pastel was perceived by them as a masterpiece in the same row with the works of Sharden and Vermeer, with their characters, in blurred in their daily classes. Venetian Count Algarti, an expert and lover of painting in one of his letters wrote about "chocolate": "As for the completeness of the work, it can be said in one word: it is a golbain pastels."
Lyotar's masterpiece dedicated great amount Articles and research giving a detailed description of it. Here is a small sample of them: "... In this simple genre scene, nothing special happens, but it captures the poetry of the perception of life, great picturesque skill. ... here everything caresses the eye - a pretty girl with an open, clear face and light gait, calm, harmonious combinations blonde flowers - White, pink, golden brown, gray. ... The girl is depicted on a practically neutral background formed by a light wall and floor.
The artist has her left center of the painting, as if giving heroin the opportunity to move forward. The direction of its movement is emphasized by gesture extracted handscarrying an elegant lacquer tray, floor lines. ... looking at this picture, admire how virtuoso and accurately transferred the subtlety of a porcelain cup (Pastel for the first time in European art depicts a recently invented Maissen porcelain), a glass with transparent water reflects the window, and refracts the line of the upper edge of the tray.
Wonderful texture of velvet, silk, laces. Some fabrics fall heavy elastic folds, other, lungs and movable, shimmer different shades Colors, gently enveloping a figure. ... Colors of clothing "Chocolate" chose J.-E. Lioter in soft harmony: Silver-gray skirt, golden corsage, shining white apron, transparent white cake and fresh silk pink cap. "

Significant information about who the artist depicted in the image of the "beautiful chocolate" is not. In the most romantic and most beautiful version The legend of the creation of "chocolate" sounds like this. Once in the damp winter day of 1745, Prince Dietrichstein looked into a small Viennese Coffee Show to try a new-fashioned hot chocolate drink, which at this time there was a lot of conversations. A pleasant drink was also considered therapeutic, and served it with a glass of water. Served the aristocrata. Young waitress Anna Baldauf, daughter of impoverished nobleman. The prince was so fascinated by the grace and the beauty of the girl, which immediately falls in love with her. To get acquainted with Anna closer, he from course attended the coffee shop almost daily. Contrary to the strong resistance of the court nobility, even in the same year, Anna becomes the wife of Dietichtein and the Austrian princess. As a wedding gift, newlywed ordered the artist Lyotaru's picture "Beautiful chocolate". The master created a masterpiece, which depicted Anna in a wakeries-chocolate suit, having loved love at first sight.

Lyobar's life closed on June 12, 1789, when the "artist of kings and beautiful women" dies, returned to his homeland in Geneva. He created a lot excellent work, especially pastels, but in the memory of descendants, it remains famous for both the author of "chocolate".
Since 1855, Chocoladnz has been in the collection of the famous Dresden Gallery.

During World War II, the picture together with other masterpieces was transported by the Nazis in Königstein's fortress castle above the Elba in Saxon Switzerland, near Dresden. Here, in a deep mined caasemate in flat pine treasures, treasures from Dresden were discovered by Soviet troops. This is a miracle that they were not blown up during retreat german troops, survived and did not have time to die from the cold and dampness.
In 1955, Pastel Liotar was demonstrated at a farewell exhibition in Moscow among other German artistic trophies before returning it to the Dresden Gallery. Pictures were exhibited from May 2 to August 20, 1955. The people came from afar, sometimes standing by days in line to see the legendary treasures, among which the modest "chocolate" Jean-Etien Liotar was not lost.