Your attention is offered a new year celebration scenario in retro style. USSR Style Party: Forward To Merry Past

Your attention is offered a new year celebration scenario in style.
Your attention is offered a new year celebration scenario in retro style. USSR Style Party: Forward To Merry Past

The inlet hangs the mailbox. Everyone in the house (to the hall) should write his wish on the postcard and omit there! (Later, after the battle of the chimes, leading these wishes to read everything).

- Building room:

Garlands from stripes of colored paper, lantern balls, lounge to decorate the serpentine, and hang it up a lot of premature, as in the "carnival night", everywhere to cheat the "rain" thin, silver is a symbol of the Soviet New Year, clappers with candy.

Prizes - Vimpels: "Lubage of the New Year Carnival" or "New Year's Eve".

On the wall hang "Menu New Year's night" (better somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen or dining room)

New Year's posters: "New Year's greeting of genetic work!" Hooray! "Comrades!" Or "Comrades Recreation! Observe purity in public areas. Remember: Pure is not there, where they are cleaned, and where they do not sort!" "Welcome to the front of communist labor."

TV (turn off the color so that the image was h / b).

Tribune, decanter, glass for speakers.

The photo sealing "Smile" take a small corner for the salon, hang the price list on the wall (for example, the cost of a photo shoot - New Year's anecdote), the slogan-transparency: ("Employee camera is struggling for the title of drummers of the socialist (or New Year's) labor. Rocket (a rocket is cut out of the cardboard, The windows of the slots are made, in which you can push your head, according to the type of rocket from the movie "Welcome or a foreign entrance is prohibited") - Later to spend a photo session of the guests. Photographer

Festive table:

Salad "Olivier"


Soviet champagne

Ghazry "Buratino" (make labels and paste on bottles - "Cheburashka")

Beer "Zhigulevskoe"

Cherry compote

In dishes, you can stick sticks with the name and manufacturer of dishes written on the leaflet. For example: Cutlet Communist. Soviet dumplings "Made in the USSR" or "Products of the plant" Red Communar ", the price is 5 rubles. Etc.

The lecturer appears (the type - lecturer from the movie "Carnival Night") with a portfolio (desirable antique leather with an iron smear), on top of the jacket, black wrappers are put on top of the jacket. You can grab with you wooden scores.

Lecturer: Dear comrades!

There is an installation - fun to meet the new year! Allow me to announce the festive program of today's evening:

1) reading newspapers. Discussion of the outcome of the year, the behavior of the results of the work of various sectors of the national economy.

2) Execution of songs of Soviet composers on military-patriotic subjects.

3) Checkers tournament.

4) Club of the amateur song "Guitar in a circle"

5) Dance program "For those who are for three hundred ..."

I understand that "the people for depravity gathered"! Therefore, let us consider our festive evening officially open! Hurray, comrades!

Jokes and songs will meet New Year! A friendly team stand up in the dance!


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

In the forest, she grew up

In winter and summer, slim green was!

Gather in this room all

It is a great honor for us

And the achievements of our all

Of course, not to read.

Worked together for a whole year

For the benefit of the whole country

Such people, very,

Of course, everyone needs.

Now we are all smart

Here is driving a dance.

Meet ready fun

Soviet New Year!

There are a bannyy group - pioneers in red ties, piloters, with a drum and a pioneer flag.

New Year - Magic Holiday,

Since childhood, we love you.

Motherland of huge ours

Thank you talk!

And for all native expanses

All glasses ring

And so soon

Turns into piglets.

Now Myskin Year everywhere

Notes the whole world

The main thing, of course, dish -

Delicious with holes cheese!

Cute girl

And her high friend

Who is the poems read loud -

Come out more in the circle!

Competition is held on the best reader of the New Year poem:

Options for adult poems:

Comic poems

I do not believe in Santa Claus

I will not open the doors to him.

A lot of things go here -

Suddenly something is sorted.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Where is my computer?

I brought me a chocolate

It can be seen.

No frost came to me,

Camely sulfted -

With Snow Maiden I have all a year

I saw regularly.

I asked for the new year

New car.

In the morning I get up,

Polloli tire.

Why for the new year,

Who is going

Necessarily to the end

Drink in the insole?

With a white beard,

Strange gait

Grandpa goes to us.

Smell like a herd

Salom and vodka -

Became a new year!

Aunt soon 40 years,

Jumps like a fool

Give the correct answer: who is it? ..-

(Snow Maiden!)

Sandy bunny under the christmas tree jumping,

And the angry wolf passed by - the rope took away.

Since then, all wolves are worn through the forest only to drag

And the hares are sadly crawling, well, how to be here - at least cry!

And at night they see dreams they are that Grandfather Frost

Under the new year, the skill as a gift brought them.

Sand Bunny Bunny under the Christmas tree

And the paws frozen snowflakes rubbed.

He danced Gypsy, built a cancan

And the ear frostbitten with a steel drone.

But here "Green Piss" came and from night to dawn

Called in a timely manner "Zero Three".

And again, the bunny is sulfur under the Christmas tree runs,

And the one who touched the bunny, in the ground is raw lies.

Admiring the Christmas ball,

Tie to him a laugh,

In life, I'm not so beautiful,

I have no such cheeks.

I accidentally instead of a ball,

When the Christmas tree dressed up

On the bitch hung the ball ...

Rocked the ball and growled.

Dad went beyond the Christmas tree

And so far it is not.

Although since then flew

Fifteen happy years.

Santa Claus for New Year

Lined the children in Shan:

"Ivanov, two steps forward!

Get a milk foam! "

"For what, grandfather, - Ivanov. -

After all, I listened to my mother and dad.

I did well at the table,

That the other day I was born. "

"Conversations in the ranks, - shouted frost. -

Too much you know the words.

Too you, Ivanov, curious.

I do not like you, Ivanov. "

Lecturer:Dear comrades! By summing up the outgoing year, allow the following comrades to the pioneers! (There are either the best employees if it is a corporate party or the most active participants in contests)

Lowned pioneers are tied up ties and dresses saws. Following the lecturer, all the choir repeat the oath. For example:

"I, Soviet pioneer, in the face of comrades solemnly swearing in the year of the pig to be honest and fair, not late to work, do in the morning charging and brushing your teeth, combed and cut your nails, I promise to get rid of all bad habits, to give up in public transport Senior , Translate old women across the road, Love animals and fun to celebrate the New Year. "

Runs a buffet in a lace apron and kokoshnik.

Barmaid: Dear citizens and citizen. Our buffet presents a wide range of New Year's dishes. Everyone can go to the festive table.

New Year's banquet.

You can remember the tradition of Soviet people to write notes with desires and while the chimes are hit 1,2 you need to burn ashes drown in a glass with champagne and drink this rattling mixture so that everything will certainly come true!


Blue light

Parade star


Karaoke battle

New Year's appeal to the people.

Make a frame-TV, to transfer it to the music, and when music. Stay in turn congratulate each other Happy New Year.

Competition for the best New Year collection from tables (if the New Year's banquet is held in the hall). Solvection should consist of that. What is on the tables. Teams must come up with the name of their collection and be sure to advertise it.

Competition for the creation of the longest garland from orange peel. Oranges and knives are distributed to the participants.

Competition for the best Socialist slogan

Running in bags (you can use this traditional Soviet fun if the size of the room is allowed.)

Competition for the fastest and clever paper lantern manufacturer to decorate a Christmas tree to distribute scissors, adhesive pencil, colored paper, how to make a flashlight - not to tell. Let the guests try to remember themselves.

Competition for far throwing serpentine

Competitions between the pioneer link and the Employee asterisk in the style of KVN-Exprompt.

Competition for cutting snowflakes from napkins

Competition for the best connoisseur of New Year films

Quiz cinema

1. Occupit the entire list, Pzhajuist

2. Larisa Ivanovna want

3. And the headdress, by the way, do not wear

4.New shoes want - Size 42, 43, 45

5.And fat, this is your fading fish

6. Why do we need a blacksmith?

7. How to go to the library

8. O-plot! (The only phrase on which everyone is thinking about)

9. Beautifully float, group in striped swimsuits!

10. Is there any life on Mars ...

11. Well, I asked not to make noise when I work with the author.

12. Note, I did not suggest

13.Mooled - do not register!

14. (If the last 3 phrases have gone)

Catch upboard - it's utopia

Photo show "Smile"

The photographer covers his head with a dark bedspread and takes pictures of the guests with a digital camera. Someone keeps the inscription "Photo studio" Smile "2007" so that this inscription is obtained in the corner of the photo. From the received photos, you can run a slideshow to the TV during the feast.

The script can also be supplemented with games and contests.

Compiler Scenario Langer Maria


The inlet hangs the mailbox. Everyone in the house (to the hall) should write his wish on the postcard and omit there! (Later, after the battle of the chimes, leading these wishes to read everything).

- Building room:

Garlands from stripes of colored paper, lantern balls, lounge to decorate the serpentine, and hang it up a lot of premature, as in the "carnival night", everywhere to cheat the "rain" thin, silver is a symbol of the Soviet New Year, clappers with candy.

Prizes - Vimpels: "Lubage of the New Year Carnival" or "New Year's Eve".

On the wall hang "Menu New Year's night" (better somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen or dining room)

New Year's posters: "New Year's greeting of genetic work!" Hooray! "Comrades!" Or "Comrades Recreation! Observe purity in public areas. Remember: Pure is not there, where they are cleaned, and where they do not sort!" "Welcome to the front of communist labor."

TV (turn off the color so that the image was h / b).

Tribune, decanter, glass for speakers.

The photo sealing "Smile" take a small corner for the salon, hang the price list on the wall (for example, the cost of a photo shoot - New Year's anecdote), the slogan-transparency: ("Employee camera is struggling for the title of drummers of the socialist (or New Year's) labor. Rocket (a rocket is cut out of the cardboard, The windows of the slots are made, in which you can push your head, according to the type of rocket from the movie "Welcome or a foreign entrance is prohibited") - Later to spend a photo session of the guests. Photographer

Festive table:

Salad "Olivier"


Soviet champagne

Ghazry "Buratino" (make labels and paste on bottles - "Cheburashka")

Beer "Zhigulevskoe"

Cherry compote

In dishes, you can stick sticks with the name and manufacturer of dishes written on the leaflet. For example: Cutlet Communist. Soviet dumplings "Made in the USSR" or "Products of the plant" Red Communar ", the price is 5 rubles. Etc.

The lecturer appears (the type - lecturer from the movie "Carnival Night") with a portfolio (desirable antique leather with an iron smear), on top of the jacket, black wrappers are put on top of the jacket. You can grab with you wooden scores.

Lecturer: Dear comrades!

There is an installation - fun to meet the new year! Allow me to announce the festive program of today's evening:

1) reading newspapers. Discussion of the outcome of the year, the behavior of the results of the work of various sectors of the national economy.

2) Execution of songs of Soviet composers on military-patriotic subjects.

3) Checkers tournament.

4) Club of the amateur song "Guitar in a circle"

5) Dance program "For those who are for three hundred ..."

I understand that "the people for depravity gathered"! Therefore, let us consider our festive evening officially open! Hurray, comrades!

Jokes and songs will meet New Year! A friendly team stand up in the dance!


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

In the forest, she grew up

In winter and summer, slim green was!

Gather in this room all

It is a great honor for us

And the achievements of our all

Of course, not to read.

Worked together for a whole year

For the benefit of the whole country

Such people, very,

Of course, everyone needs.

Now we are all smart

Here is driving a dance.

Meet ready fun

Soviet New Year!

There are a bannyy group - pioneers in red ties, piloters, with a drum and a pioneer flag.

New Year - Magic Holiday,

Since childhood, we love you.

Motherland of huge ours

Thank you talk!

And for all native expanses

All glasses ring

And so soon

Turns into piglets.

Now Myskin Year everywhere

Notes the whole world

The main thing, of course, dish -

Delicious with holes cheese!

Cute girl

And her high friend

Who is the poems read loud -

Come out more in the circle!

Competition is held on the best reader of the New Year poem:

Options for adult poems:

Comic poems

I do not believe in Santa Claus

I will not open the doors to him.

A lot of things go here -

Suddenly something is sorted.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Where is my computer?

I brought me a chocolate

It can be seen.

No frost came to me,

Camely sulfted -

With Snow Maiden I have all a year

I saw regularly.

I asked for the new year

New car.

In the morning I get up,

Polloli tire.

Why for the new year,

Who is going

Necessarily to the end

Drink in the insole?

With a white beard,

Strange gait

Grandpa goes to us.

Smell like a herd

Salom and vodka -

Became a new year!

Aunt soon 40 years,

Jumps like a fool

Give the correct answer: who is it? ..-

(Snow Maiden!)

Sandy bunny under the christmas tree jumping,

And the angry wolf passed by - the rope took away.

Since then, all wolves are worn through the forest only to drag

And the hares are sadly crawling, well, how to be here - at least cry!

And at night they see dreams they are that Grandfather Frost

Under the new year, the skill as a gift brought them.

Sand Bunny Bunny under the Christmas tree

And the paws frozen snowflakes rubbed.

He danced Gypsy, built a cancan

And the ear frostbitten with a steel drone.

But here "Green Piss" came and from night to dawn

Called in a timely manner "Zero Three".

And again, the bunny is sulfur under the Christmas tree runs,

And the one who touched the bunny, in the ground is raw lies.

Admiring the Christmas ball,

Tie to him a laugh,

In life, I'm not so beautiful,

I have no such cheeks.

I accidentally instead of a ball,

When the Christmas tree dressed up

On the bitch hung the ball ...

Rocked the ball and growled.

Dad went beyond the Christmas tree

And so far it is not.

Although since then flew

Fifteen happy years.

Santa Claus for New Year

Lined the children in Shan:

"Ivanov, two steps forward!

Get a milk foam! "

"For what, grandfather, - Ivanov. -

After all, I listened to my mother and dad.

I did well at the table,

That the other day I was born. "

"Conversations in the ranks, - shouted frost. -

Too much you know the words.

Too you, Ivanov, curious.

I do not like you, Ivanov. "

Lecturer:Dear comrades! By summing up the outgoing year, allow the following comrades to the pioneers! (There are either the best employees if it is a corporate party or the most active participants in contests)

Lowned pioneers are tied up ties and dresses saws. Following the lecturer, all the choir repeat the oath. For example:

"I, Soviet pioneer, in the face of comrades solemnly swearing in the year of the pig to be honest and fair, not late to work, do in the morning charging and brushing your teeth, combed and cut your nails, I promise to get rid of all bad habits, to give up in public transport Senior , Translate old women across the road, Love animals and fun to celebrate the New Year. "

Runs a buffet in a lace apron and kokoshnik.

Barmaid: Dear citizens and citizen. Our buffet presents a wide range of New Year's dishes. Everyone can go to the festive table.

New Year's banquet.

You can remember the tradition of Soviet people to write notes with desires and while the chimes are hit 1,2 you need to burn ashes drown in a glass with champagne and drink this rattling mixture so that everything will certainly come true!


Blue light

Parade star


Karaoke battle

New Year's appeal to the people.

Make a frame-TV, to transfer it to the music, and when music. Stay in turn congratulate each other Happy New Year.

Competition for the best New Year collection from tables (if the New Year's banquet is held in the hall). Solvection should consist of that. What is on the tables. Teams must come up with the name of their collection and be sure to advertise it.

Competition for the creation of the longest garland from orange peel. Oranges and knives are distributed to the participants.

Competition for the best Socialist slogan

Running in bags (you can use this traditional Soviet fun if the size of the room is allowed.)

Competition for the fastest and clever paper lantern manufacturer to decorate a Christmas tree to distribute scissors, adhesive pencil, colored paper, how to make a flashlight - not to tell. Let the guests try to remember themselves.

Competition for far throwing serpentine

Competitions between the pioneer link and the Employee asterisk in the style of KVN-Exprompt.

Competition for cutting snowflakes from napkins

Competition for the best connoisseur of New Year films

Quiz cinema

1. Occupit the entire list, Pzhajuist

2. Larisa Ivanovna want

3. And the headdress, by the way, do not wear

4.New shoes want - Size 42, 43, 45

5.And fat, this is your fading fish

6. Why do we need a blacksmith?

7. How to go to the library

8. O-plot! (The only phrase on which everyone is thinking about)

9. Beautifully float, group in striped swimsuits!

10. Is there any life on Mars ...

11. Well, I asked not to make noise when I work with the author.

12. Note, I did not suggest

13.Mooled - do not register!

14. (If the last 3 phrases have gone)

Catch upboard - it's utopia

Photo show "Smile"

The photographer covers his head with a dark bedspread and takes pictures of the guests with a digital camera. Someone keeps the inscription "Photo studio" Smile "2007" so that this inscription is obtained in the corner of the photo. From the received photos, you can run a slideshow to the TV during the feast.

The script can also be supplemented with games and contests.

Compiler Scenario Langer Maria

Your opinion on the article
Your nameEmail
I think that...

B1. Good day!
B2.Good, dear comrades!
B1. So, in the spirit of the time, we decided to turn to our audience today
B2.: Friends, do you remember my first impression from watching all the famous movie "The irony of fate, or with a light steam!"? Or, as Khrushchev firmly promised to build communism in the USSR, but, as they say in one joke, the Olympiad prevented?
IN 1. And touching a song about Mishke, on the closure of this Olympics?
AT 2. Today's evening for those who remember, the country where gasoline cost cheaper sodes with syrup !!!
In 1: We invite you to return to the USSR again! To visit the festival of memories and nostalgia ...
In 2: Feel the time of change, the first freedom and spirit of pioneering! Plunge into the golden time!
In 1: Today, throughout this evening, we suggest to remember what was popular during the Soviet Union!
In 2: Well, of course, no evening will not be in the evening really bright without a good mood. And so, are you ready?
In 1: then we start our concert
Together: "Styles new"
B1: Why nevertheless new?
In 2: Because today we will recall not only the golden time of the styles of the 60s., But we will also go for a long time ... After all, even the 90s can already be called a retro - epoch ... who also had his own style ...

Albina Husnutdinova - Gray eyes.

In 2: Let's plunge into no old 90s ...
B1. Do you remember how everyone then lived?
B2.What did they go, how did you get the products?
In 1: Yes, it used to be different in another ... ..
In 2: New artists began to appear on the stage, some of them had a great success - hands up, Zemfira, group "Arrows", Irina Saltykov, c. Bravo and many others ...
In 1: I propose to remember how it was

Nikolai Malinovsky - I need that.
At 2: rearrangement, new Russians in raspberry jackets with gold chains on Mercedes,
In 1: TURBACE ZVVACHE and Love IP ... Let's remember the wrong things from the 90s:
Adiki - Sneakers "Adidas",
Soaps - rubber sandals.
Palm, women's hairstyle. The hair gathered on the pattern in the tail, bonded with colored rubber band (rubber bands), then flipped in the form of palm trees.
Laces - parents.
Cycles - short pants in tightness.
Kapor - a female headdress-hood (fluffy AZ Angores).
Bars (jeans that specifically boiled in a bleach)
ZUKO, YUPPII, INVITE - Drinks dry.
And what products entered the food order? (packaging "buckwheat", tea "with an elephant", sausage "Doctoral", jars "Riga sprats", "bulls in tomato") ...
In 1: And as a rule, food laid out on the counters almost always before the holidays ...
In 2: oh, and you - how do you know ???? / go /

T \\ K \\ "Stars" - a flamber.

In 1: We continue the excursion by year ... We move in the 80s ... Remember how the Bulgarian pepper rolled into banks ...
In 2: And now, the Bulgarian pepper rises hysteria, asks for a concert of 20 thousand dollars and travels around on a white limousine.
In 1: and "Prima"? Previously, the "accept" smoked, and now they drive out of the Bolshoi Theater ...
In 2: Yes, before, there were a lot of things that they did that and now and in the head will not get up to do.
Well, for example, remember machine guns with carbonated water. There was still a graded glass - one at all. Today, no one else will come to drink from a common glass!
In 1: And before, they all drank from these glasses ... the usual thing! And no one was afraid to catch some infection ...
In 2: in a vegetable store we drank juice. The most delicious - tomato, and spoons for salt stood in a glass with water.
AT 2. Pie with jam - well, isn't it a miracle? Never guess from which side it will come out!
IN 1. And remember the pissing boy on the toilet door ...
AT 2. TV "Rubin" - Take the Passatia and Tyne-Tyn! ..: Is such a miracle, an avoska with meat for the vessel?
IN 1. Or a small window from the kitchen in the bathroom - what to watch there?
In 2: ... smoke brings, caustic smell throughout the apartment. Pioneers, what do you study a fire bonfire? Not. In fact, this is the process of you-hay-ni-me. The usual thing!
In 1: just millions of Soviet children, burned postcards for their favorite mothers on March 8. "Mommy, I congratulate you on International Women's Day! I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and your son is a bike ... ".

Vladik Stasenok - Lucy.

2: 80s ... I am associated with Alla Pugacheva ..
In 1: And we cannot leave our concert without a song of the legendary Alla Borisovna ... Of course it will be harlequin ...
In 2: But I did not guessed ... For all his creative life, Alla Pugacheva performed many good and beautiful songs ... And here is one of them.

Natalia Samsonova - you.

In 2: You're good remember the domestic films of the USSR, isn't it? And we now check it now.
In 1: Tell me the famous phrase from the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession," which Ivan Grozny said when he saw new-built Moscow.
Answer: Beauty is what! Lepota!
In 2: List all the positive qualities of the main heroine of Nina with k / f. "Caucasian captive", which was described by Comrade Saakhov at the event.
Answer: Komsomolka, student, athlete and just beauty.
In 1: Whoever worked as the main character with k / f. "Gentlemen of Good luck" before he has become an associate professor named Cake.
Answer: Head in kindergarten.
In 2: Put the favorite song Seeds Seeds from k / f. "Diamond hand", which he brilliantly performed in the restaurant "Iva".
Answer: Song about Zaitsev.
In 1: where went every year on December 31 with friends Evgeny Lukashin with k / f. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!".
Answer: Bath.
In 2: "What a muck, what kind of nasty is yours ...." - What had the type of hippolyte with k / f. "Irony of Fate or Enjoy Your Bath!" Calling "fatty".
Answer: Flower Fish.
In 1: "George Ivanovich, he is Gogh, he is Gosh, he is Yuri, he is a mountain, he is also a zhore, here lives?" - From which k / f. This quote.
Answer: "Moscow does not believe in tears."
In 2: "- Girl, and, girl, what is your name?
- Tanya.
- And me Fedya! "
Answer: - Well, the fool!

Alexander Shcherbakov - Anastasia.

B1: In the era of stagnation, people lived poorly, but fun. And now they have become too serious, and this is despite the huge number of humorous programs who flooded our television
B2 Although there are still TV shows that we can observe since that time, so it is KVN, and the club "What is where when", good night kids ...
In 1: by the way about the kids ... Now our smallest participants will come to the scene ... And they have a debut today. So we ask you to support them with stormy applause.

T \\ to "buttons" - housing.

In 1: It's time to remember about the old movie. You can tell a lot about those good, naive and noble films.
In 2. The computer graphics and special effects were not so developed so developed - but it did not prevent the masterpieces of such films as the "Diamond Hand", "Gentlemen of Good luck" or "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession."
In 1: And if you remember such a wonderful movie, as "Moscow does not believe in tears." When viewing this film, which was blown over time, filled with wonder aromas, nostalgia and charm, the younger generation really learned how people lived in the USSR.

At 2: in one 1975th year in the USSR were removed:
"Afonya", (dir. George Dannelia)
"Star of captivating happiness", (dir. Vladimir Motyl)
"Hello, I'm your aunt!", (Dir. Victor Titov)
"The irony of fate, or with a light steam!", (Dir. Eldar Ryazanov)
"Caucasian captive", (dir. Georgy Kalazosischvili)
"They fought for their homeland," (dir. Sergey Bondarchuk)
"Adventures of Buratino", (dir. Leonid Nechaev)
"Tabor goes into the sky," (dir. Emil Lotanu)
"There, beyond the horizon," (dir. Yuri Egorov)
"Finist - Clear Falcon", (dir. Gennady Vasilyev)
"We did not pass", (dir. Ilya FREZ)
In 1: And this is not a complete list of films created in these years ... And how many beautiful music was ....
In 2: especially for children ... Orange song, a song about a grasshopper, a song crocodile genes, forest deer and many others.

Lera Mineeva - Forest Deer.

In 1: in the 70s, teams of electrical tools were replaced by jazz orchestras. Accompanied by their mass song sounded in a new way.
In 2: without vocal tool ensembles, the history of popular music cannot be fully represented. The 70s became turning in the history of popular music.
Let's remember Via of those times .... After all, it is precisely vocal - instrumental ensembles have become popular in those years ....
Funny boys
Singing guitars
Wasya, the song ... You can enumerate indefinitely ...
In 1: But on the eve of the Great Holiday, we remember one wonderful song of that time ...

Alsa Khazieva - Soldiers goes around the city

In 2: beautiful rhythms of songs new,
Love them and sake them
But years check the word,
And in their hobbies.
In 1: Do not forget the songs of old
They will tell you a lot
They sang them under the harmony and under the guitar,
And just like that, and just like that.
In 2: they were separated by the wind by the wind,
But in our years, nowadays,
For joy and sadness light,
They will come to your friends.

Guzel Sultanova - Tenderness.

In 1: Eh, and which in those years were dancing ...
In 2: They are still a classic of choreographic art - twist, rock - n roll, and from Russian - this is of course dance and ladies ... Classic ...

T / to "buttons" - laryware.

In 1: in the 50s and 1960s a large number of musical comedian films is created.
Songs that sound in them are becoming a "folk".
In 2: Let's run on the songs. I call phrases of songs - you are a movie in which it sounds
And a smile without a doubt suddenly touches your eyes - "Carnival night"
In the dark blue forest where the aspen tremble - "Diamond Hand"
Happiness suddenly knocked in silence in the door - "IV.VAS"
When spring comes, I do not know - "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"
Somewhere on white light - "Caucasian captive"
Your wellness Mrs. Glutch - "White Sun of Desert"
How were you - "Kuban Cossacks"
If you do not have aunt - "Irony of Fate"
Wake up and sing - "Gentlemen of Good luck"
There are so many gold lights - "The case was in Penkov"
Fatigue is forgotten - "new adventures of elusive"
Hey, sailor! - "Amphibian Man"

Dinara Marsutdinova - Hey, sailor!

In 1: songs of different years ... those that we love to listen and sing always. They have come to our lives since childhood.
2: 60 - years ... At the concert stage, good lyrical melodies sound on the radio and from the first long-playing records - about a peaceful and happy life, friendship and love ... The country revived and sang songs of the festivals of young people and students, songs who came from the movie screen, and After - from the screens of black and white TVs - first sounded in the legendary "blue lights" and during the broadcasts of large festive concerts.

Ans. Elegy - Ivushka.

In 1: songs, they accompany us all their lives. Such different and close to our heart that have become an integral part of ourselves.
In 2: Let's continue to remember together and sing our favorite songs. I give you options for song lines, and you continue them.
People meet ...
At the forest on the edge ...
Lily of the valley, valley ...
Summer is wandering around the alleys ...
We will go, we wonder ...
In 1: And there are songs that can be found literally with 2 letters. Let's try.
Oh ... blooms Kalina
Oh ... frost
And ... in our yard
Eh ... good in the country of Soviet live
We ... you honestly want to say
There ... where the maple is noise
All ... can kings
No need .... Under
In 1: Well done, see just wonderful. And we continue to sing old songs from good and kind movies.

Alexandra Ovchinnikova - Girls stand.

In 1: no matter how it seemed strange, but in recent years it became a common and fashionable dance of the bougie - Vuy ...
In 2: But this dance came to us from the West, and it was in the 60s that was gaining greater popularity among young people ...
In 1: it became fashionable to dress brightly, to behave not like everything ... and for such behavior could exclude from the party, and it did not scare anyone .... Because it was the time "style".

T \\ K "Joldiz" - Buggs-Vuy.

In 1: Soviet song love people of all ages and professions.
In 2: songs like the beauty of the melody, latitude and depth of feelings. The best of them, prompted by life, become our faithful friends. They are with us and joy, and in moments of sadness.
In 1: the most informative, deep of them become musical calls for time. The language of poetry and music they write a song chronicle of our affairs. Singers give a song.
In 2: the search continues, as the influx of new young forces continues on the stage, is the key to its development, its future. Spectators applaud new pop talents, imposing their hopes on them.
In 1: who will say, do they come true?
In 2: Given the peculiarities of the previous years, it is impossible, of course, to establish direct links between the old and the new pop, but also it is impossible to forget that there were wonderful masters on the stage. Their names should be near the names of those who go on stage today, delivering the audience joy.
In 1: And today they performed:
Dance Team "Yoldiz", Guzel Sultanova, Albina Khusnutdinova, Dinara Marsutdinova, Dance Team "Stars", Alsa Khazieva, Alexander Ovchinnikova
Vladik Stasenok, Valery Mineyev, Alexander Shcherbakov, Dance Team "Buttons"
Ensemble__Elegia, Nikolai Malinovsky
Leading concert - Victor Praporov and Natalia Samsonova.
In 1: Allow it to provide the word to the director of our Center for National Cultures Denmark Galimizanov Musina. / Presentation /

In 2: Dear our friends! Here and approached the end of our retro - concert ... We want to thank our friends - patterned, it is: ...... ..
And of course you, our dear viewers! After all, you are our best and true friends!

Final song! "Friendship"
Thanks for attention!
To new meetings!

Characters:1st Presenter, 2nd Presenter, Santa Claus Snow Maiden - Selected from participants, Rooster, Empty teams

New Year's corporate is held in the hall decorated with New Year's Eve. There are tables, guest chairs; 2 microphones for leading from the scene; Coffee table for props. While guests are going, music sounds.

1st lead

Good evening, dear friends!

Good, festive evening!

2nd lead

And this evening is not just a festive, he is New Year, and therefore he is full of surprises and surprises.

Gas out the overall light. The light effects are included. The participants of the dance collective are published and perform a modern pop dance. Then their place is occupied by the vocal team with the New Year block (New Year Popourry).

1st lead

We brought artists here:
And singers, and harmonists,
And they are without progress
Start a present!

There is a performance of teams of amateur-in-law or professional artists.

1st lead

We wish you to live with 200 years! If you do not reach this time, then, unfortunately, you will not see all the most interesting! For the new year, everyone always wants happiness, and today, in the 21st century, happiness is not only when there is a lot of money, real estate, etc.

2nd lead

And remember the times when we wanted happiness in large and small. If you got a piece of bathing soap at the place of work - this is a little happiness, and if a big piece of economic is large!

1st lead

If you have time from time to time you managed to get clothes, shoes, electrical goods and sugar - you just balung fate.

2nd lead

And it was necessary to have a good health to dot it all before his threshold.

1st lead

We prayed the Lord to send us a bright mind in order to come up with how to sink mined in your small and combined apartment.

2nd lead

And so that keeping my face between all this, do not solve at every step to come to which it is better to come, on a spare Iron or Sleeping mother-in-law.

1st lead

We wished us so that we would buy shoes for the spring, the boots - by winter, and the sown's pacifier - to his birth, and not to protect the diploma, because the road spoon to dinner.

2nd lead

As it was "sweet," when I got all sorts of delicacies long before the new year, and then they were afraid, no matter how much it was green, like a Christmas tree ... And we were such happy and young! .. Happy New Year holiday, dear friends!

The background sounds instrumental music (15-20 minutes) of the 90s. Guests and participants can talk to each other at this time.

1st lead

We accompany the year of the monkeys, and we meet the year of the rooster. (Any year can be delivered when conducting.)

In order for the new year to be prosperous for us, let's dump the cockerel.

2nd lead

And read the well-known poem about the rooster:

Petya, Petya, Cockerel!
Gold scallop!
Oil head,
Silkova Borodka.

What do you get up early,
Do you want to sleep?

1st lead

And now, dear friends, everything is smoking together: "Ku-Ka-Re-ku!" - We must call our cockerel.

All shouts shout. The Ku-Ka-Re-ku music comes out the rooster accompanied by chickens (participants of the team of artistic amateur activities).

Rooster (in rap style).

Hello hi,
good evening.
I am glad today our first
a meeting.

Usually the first pancake happens
And you can meet me

But I will try all of you
To winter in the evening we all
do not be sad.

Rap, tango, music of all styles,
Maybe someone wants to listen

Please ask
All for you.

Lovers can include
Even jazz.

So, melodies for every taste,
So that with the shoulders fell ordinary

Life difficulties we break
If visiting the rooster we will visit.
Our meeting What Session Chumaka.
Holiday hour - and sadness disappeared
without a trace

Two - and fatigue, and scarce
In the past, leave
without regret!

Also left one to clarify:
In the year of the rooster, let's be friends.
Your support and your eyes
Will help me work wonders.

Well, that, we will not lose time,
It's time to start dancing.
Meet, communicate,
and you are waiting for success

In the year of the rooster - good luck for everyone!

1st lead

Here the first waltz already sounds, lights shine, the ball is open.

There is a dance block of 5-6 dances. During the Waltz, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are selected - winners of the dance competition.

2nd lead

We help us
Look in the workshop and in the house
If anyone knows
You will tell us later.

The number of artistic amateur activities is executed - "Chastushki".

1st lead

Everything is fine now,
But someone is missing here,
we have.
Who could be
And do not forget about us?

2nd presenter.

Everything.Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

1st lead

Friends! We offer to spend here today, in our evening, solemn coronation and choose among the Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

2nd lead

So, we listen to your suggestions.

Solemn music sounds. Two stools are taken on the scene. Leading are suitable for applicants and bring them to the scene. A woman dresses a hat and tinsel, a man - Santa Claus hat and a staff is given. Friendly applause in the hall. If there are no suggestions, then the presenters offer for the role of Snow Maiden and Santa Claus distinguished during the dance block.

1st lead

Snow Maiden and Santa Claus welcome participants of the team of artistic amateur!

The number is executed.

2nd lead

Ladies invite cavaliers.
Where tie is where
There seems to be before.
Two steps left,
Two steps right
Step forward, on the contrary.

1st lead

Friends! We invite you to participate in the competitive program:

New Year competitions

1. Place the beak to the painted rooster (poster) - 3-4 participants.

2. "Who managed, he and sat down" (chairs, kegli). Conditions of the game: 10 participants are called, 9 chairs and 9 kegles are set. Each participant gets around in a circle, opposite the chairs, on the chair there is a bow, when the music sounds, all participants go in a circle and perform movements that the lead will say (hands on the sides, hands on the belt, etc.), with the "Sit" command All participants must take a bow in the hands and sit on the chair.

To whom did not get a chair, he drops out of the game. The game continues until two participants remain and one of them will not be the winner.

3. "Football" - alternately two participants call the streets of the neighborhood, streets and squares of the city.

Speech by teams of amateur amateur (2-3 rooms). Dance block (3-4 dance).

1st lead

Dear friends! All of us who loved the television game "Field of Miracles" today came to us to our hall! And we offer it to you.

2nd lead

Question No. 2. In addition to the fundamental contribution to the hidden construction.

Question № 3. Cold, cold, and not hungry.

Answers. 1. Ostrovsky. 2. Chicken. 3. Refrigerator.

1st presenter.Here every self artist:

Singer, dance and harmonist!
What is just not in the program!
Play and dance with us.

There is a dance block of 3-4 dances.

2nd lead

Let the twelve beats! Everything is ready for us,
What relies when changing years:
Last - a grateful word
Incoming - Great Hi!

1st lead

Happy New Year!
With new happiness
Congratulations, friends!
Only sorry that this evening
It is time to part.

Farewell melodies sound.

New Year's Eve - It's time wonders, magic and even time travel! At this hour, you can travel by decades ago and celebrate the holiday as our grandparents did in the 1950s: brightly, noisy, with rock and roll and dancing until the morning. So arrange the New Year's Eve retro party and plunge the cheerful atmosphere of these years. You will make an unforgettable trip to the era of vinyl plates, bobble tape recorders, short trousers and lush dresses, sodes from a machine and ice cream "Eskimo". Fun, drive, a lot of dance and good music, as well as mandatory games and contests will not allow anyone to miss anyone!

Interior design

A good design of the room is the key to the success of the party. Since the main entertainment will be dancing, the hall must be as spacious as possible. For decoration, use more Christmas tiny tinsel and serpentine, as in the movie "Carnival Night". Get the old things that can be cheap to buy on the "flea market." Rarity lamps, players, watches, curtains, furniture - Everything is useful for creating the desired atmosphere.

Example of a stylish design interior for retro party

The most necessary thing on the retro party is the vinyl recorder player. Perhaps such a "radiol" will be found on the mezzanine from someone from your relatives. Old plates can be used not only by destination, but also as decor. Decorate walls and furniture. The Spirit of the era is well transmitted by agitaplacates - they can be found in grandmother archives or download from the Internet. Such posters will become an excellent background for pictures.

Complete the solemn environment will help with tenderloin of old newspapers. Make decorations is easy, you only need to get a bunch of "waste paper". From the pictures you like, cut the flags and secure them on the rope. For lighting, use muffled light of electrical garlands from ordinary light bulbs with tinted glass.

Working pattephone - just a find for your holiday!

Musical instruments will fit into the entourage - for example, a guitar or a saxophone. It is best to contact the theater studio, where it is certainly full of details in the style of the 50s, which is used in ideas. Take it for rent in order not to collect the entire setting on the grains.

Invitations to the party

In the manufacture of thematic invitations, follow the same principle: you need to use bright colors and large inscriptions. For example, make a pink base for invitations, and lay out the inscription on it by sequins. Old plates are also suitable for this purpose. Stick in the central part of the small plates circle with the text of the invitation. The only difficulty is to find a sufficient amount of unnecessary vinyl records.

Invitations for the New Year, made in Scrapbooking technique

Invitations in the form of ice cream "Eskimo", which was sometime so popular will be originally. Prepare white cardboard, wooden wands for ice cream, adhesive tape of different colors. Make two rectangle from cardboard, round the corners. Spread the cut in the inner sides, securing the bottom of the wooden wand at the bottom. Decorate the "ice cream" by pieces of adhesive tape. Sign up the invitation marker and send the guest.

Costumes for party

Create a festive image is not easy, but look like the style icon of the middle of the last century is even more difficult. In clothes you should not use monochrome materials and muted tones. Everything should be bright and spectacular, even the color of the socks. The most fashionable and beautiful in the 50s were considered dresses with a deep neckline and a magnificent skirt, which a little covered his knees. With it wearing a fatin nadkin.

Retro party gives good to bright fabrics and lush skirts!

Colors of clothing must be saturated. Give preference to bright patterns - for example, peas. The girls of those times adored clothes with flower prints: roses, poppies, sunflowers, lilies. You can supplement the outfit with a wide belt with a large buckle, long gloves, stockings with a seam and shutters at a low heel.

Actual jewelry to such a dress was a green handbag and a larger tape for hair with a big flower. Among hairstyles, high styling prevailed - for example, a node on the top of a curly curls on the sides. In order to preserve the twist, the hair was wetted with sugar syrup and wrapped on forceps. Such curls did not straighten for a long time and smelled like caramel. Also fashion guards decorated the hairstyle of a small hat-tablet.

Makeup should also be bright. To create an image, draw wide black arrows in the corners of the eyes and on the edge of the century. Pick shadows of peach, yellow, blue and blue shade. And be sure to use red lipstick! From jewelry, select beads, large plastic bracelets. Put the necklace or brooch with colored pebbles.

Do not modest - Choose Culky Makeup in Pin-Up

The men's fashion of this period also did not differ in particular modesty. After all, the guys dictated the style of youth in the USSR. When selecting costumes, focus on the fact that the guys in the 50s and 1960s were tested, raspberry and green pants "Dudi". The length of the pants should not be below the bone. Such pants opened the motley socks and shoes on a high sole.

For dark monotonous trousers, be sure to put the bright shirt. Even Hawaiian colors were popular. In tone to the shirt, a long narrow tie "sled" was chosen. Fashion's pisk was checkered jackets and felt-trenchcots (coats). Stirsters made hairstyles in the style of "Coc" or put on a hat. Retro image can add some kind of musical instrument.

To set the table, use the checkered tablecloth. Red, white or black cell will always be by the way at your party. The menu can be written on the same vinyl records. The choice of service is not fundamental, but try not to use completely white or transparent dishes. It is better to take the service of bright color, glasses decorated with motley ties and fate skirts, "gold-plated" kitchen appliances and amber napkins.

Retro party - It's time to get oldest sets and crystals!

New Year's party can not be imagined without alcohol. Whiskey, Punch and other American alcohol was in those days in a special honor. Cognac, whiskey with a cola, a variety of cocktails with orange juice and martini - the most suitable hot drinks for a party. As a treat, make fish tartlets and mini sandwiches. The main dish can be stuffed chicken or turkey, ribs on the grill. For dessert, prepare cookies in bright glaze, cupcakes or cake.

Gifts for the holiday

In those days, the objects of "luxury" were popular: imported portraits, lighters, photo albums, fountain pen. For the present girl, prepare a leopard color or something of bright jewelry. Souvenir alcohol is suitable.

Music for party

Selection of play-sheets - an important criterion for the success of your party. Music should be an easy, recognizable and clockwork, charging drive. When choosing musical accompaniment, you can safely use the hits of the 50s and 1960s, the soundtracks to the films "Styles", the songs of the Bravo Group, Zero and Time Machine. Include in the list of works by Louis Armstrong, Glanna Miller, Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly. Under the compositions "Let's Twist Again", "I Wander", "We're Gonna Rock Around The Clock", "Yes Baby" cannot be resolved on the spot! This music will become an excellent background for games and contests.


Contests, fun and dancing are the main functions of this party.

  • Dance on the record. For the competition, there will be several records and music of different styles (Bogi-Vui, Tango, Jazz, Waltz, Rock and Roll). The number of participants is at least three pairs. Each of them is given a plate. A pair should be danced in the rhythm of the composition so as not to get off the plate. Musical styles must constantly change. Participants who have not kept on the record leaving the competition. The contest continues until only one pair remains on the dance floor.
  • Dance "Snowball". All guests take part in this game. To begin with, choose the lead. He will have to say one phrase from time to time: "Snowball". Then all those present become in a circle, and three or five people are in the middle. Guests in the center are dancing in tact with music, and the "circle" stands, holding hands. The phrase "Snowball" is a signal for dancing in a circle. After it sounds, dancers need to break the circle and draw inside another one by one participant. Each time the number of dancing increases. The meaning of the game is that at the end all participants danced.
  • Dance restrictions. Everyone will participate in this fun. At the beginning of the game, choose the host. It should call any part of the body with small intervals, and participants - cease to use it in dance. If the host says: "Left leg", dancers will jump on one leg and try not to use another every way. At the same time, you need to continue to move in rhythm. Only one remains to defeat this competition.
  • Competition with ribbons. Prepare a few tapes of 2 meters long. Multious three pairs are involved. Girls are wound on the waist ribbon, and the end give the guy. The task of the partner is to rewind the belt to the belt as soon as possible, moving in the dance rhythm. The winners become the most prompt.
  • Dress up style. The game participates a pair number of players. Used bag full of various clothes. Players are divided into two teams. One dresses guy, the other is a girl. All things lie in the same bag, and you can take them from there when the previous participant finished to wear the chosen thing. The team that caresses its "mannequin" is defeated by the most stylish and outcast.

For winnings in contests, assign a certain number of points. At the end of the holiday, count the points of all guests, determine the main winner of the party and reward it with a prize.