Natural wealth of the Adriatic Sea. Adriatic Sea on the World Map

Natural wealth of the Adriatic Sea. Adriatic Sea on the World Map
Natural wealth of the Adriatic Sea. Adriatic Sea on the World Map

The Adriatic Sea separates the Italian Peninsula (Apennins) from the Balkan Peninsula. Adriatic is the northernmost part of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Adriatic Sea extends from the spiring of Otranto (where it connects to the Ionian Sea) to the North-West Valley of the software. Countries on the banks of the Adriatic - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia.

The sea is divided into three pools, the north - the most small, southern - the deepest (with a maximum depth of 1233 meters). The submarine ridge of Otranto-Sill is located on the border between the Adriatic and Ionian seas.

Hydrography of the Adriatic Sea

The prevailing flows are moving counterclockwise: from the spiring of Otranto, along the east coast and back to the shed along the Western (Italian) coast. Tidal movements in the Adriatic Sea are insignificant, although sometimes large amplitudes occur.

The saline of the Adriatic is lower than the Mediterranean, because the Adriatic Sea collects a third of fresh water flowing into the Mediterranean Sea; This makes the Adriatic diluting pool for the Mediterranean Sea.

The temperature of the water surface usually ranges from 30 ° C in summer to 12 ° C in winter, which significantly stabilizes the climate of the Adriatic basin.

The Adriatic Sea is located on an apoise or an adriatic microplate, which is separated from the African slab. The slab movement contributed to the formation of the surrounding mountain chains and the tectonic raising of the Apennine after the collision with the Eurasian stove. In the late oligocene, the Apennine Peninsula was formed, separated the Adriatic pool from the rest of the Mediterranean.

All types of precipitation from possible are found in the Adriatic; Moreover, the bulk of water is transported to the sea from the river along and other rivers of the west coast. The west coast is alluvial (terraced), and the east coast is severely cut with pronounced patterities.

The depth of the Adriatic Sea is 259.5 meters, and the maximum depth is 1233 meters; However, the north-Adriatic pool rarely exceeds a depth of 100 meters. The north-Adriatic pool extends between Venice and Trieste to the line connecting Ancona and Zadar (only 15 meters deep in the north-west end). The average adriatic pool to the south of the Ancona-Zadar line (also called the pet-depression or the jabuk yum), has a depth of 270 meters. The deep-water lobster threshold (170 meters) is located south of the middle Adriatic Pit, separating it from the South Adriatic Poison (1200 meters) and the middle adriatic pool from the South Adriatic basin. Next to the south, the sea floor rises to 780 meters to form Otranto Sill on the border with. The South Adriatic pool is largely similar to the Northern Ionian Sea, to which he is tied.

In the transverse direction, the Adriatic Sea is asymmetrically: the Apennine Peninsula is relatively smooth (Mone Mone Conero and Gargano, these are the only significant protrusions in the sea); Unlike the Balkan coast, which is replete with numerous islands. The strength of the coast is caused by the proximity of the Dinar Alps, in contrast to the opposite (Italian) coast, because the Apennine Mountains are further from the coastline.

It is assumed that the entire volume of the water of the Adriatic exchanges through the Sranto strait for 3.4 years. This is a relatively short period. For example, for the exchange of all the water of the Black Sea, approximately 500 years is required.

Since rivers flowing into the Adriatic Sea reaches the volume of water 5,700 cubic meters per second, then this speed is 0.5% of the total volume of the Adriatic Sea or the 1.3 meter of the water layer every year.
After the river, the second and third place, the significance of the water exchange, has the Rivers of Neretva and Drin. Another significant contribution of fresh water to the Adriatic is an underwater reset of groundwater through underwater sources. According to estimates, their contribution is 29% of the total flow of water in the Adriatic. Underwater sources include thermal waters found on the shelf near the city of isola. Thermal spring water is rich in hydrogen sulfide, has a temperature of from 22 to 29.6 ° C.

The earliest settlements on the Adriatic coast were Etruscan, Illyrian and Greek. By the 2nd century BC, the shores were under the control of Rome. In the Middle Ages, the Adriatic shores and the sea itself were monitored by a number of states, primarily the Byzantine Empire, the Serbian Empire, the Republic of Venice, the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Empire. Napoleonic wars led to the fact that the first French empire received control over coastal areas, and British efforts to combat the French in the area, ultimately provided it most of the east coast of Adriatic and the Valley of the Austria. After the unification of Italy, the Kingdom of Italy began its expansion to the East, which lasted until the 20th century. After the First World War and the collapse of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire, the control of the east coast went to Yugoslavia and Albania. The first disintegrated in the 1990s, four new states appeared on the Adriatic coast. Italy and Yugoslavia agreed on marine borders by 1975, and this border is recognized by the successors of Yugoslavia. But the sea boundaries between Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian-Herzegovinsky and Chernogorsk waters are still disputed. Italy and Albania agreed to their maritime border in 1992.

Fisheries and tourism are considerable sources of income throughout the Adriatic coast. The tourism industry in the Adriatic Croatia grows faster than in the rest of the Adriatic basin.
Sea transport is also an important branch of the region's economy: there are 19 seaports, on the Adriatic, each of which serves more than a million tons of cargo per year. The largest seaport of the Adriatic Sea is Port Trieste. And the port of Split is the largest port of the Adriatic Sea through passenger traffic.

Adriatic are dozens of sea protected areas. Reserves are designed to protect karst habitats and marine biodiversity. The sea is rich in Flora and fauna - more than 7,000 species are identified as relatives for the Adriatic, many of which are endemic, rare and disappearing.
The shores of the Adriatic Sea inhabit more than 3.5 million people. The largest cities - Bari, Venice, Trieste, Split.

Islands of the Adriatic Sea

In the Adriatic Sea there are more than 1,300 islands and islands of all sizes, including those that appear when they are located. Miscellaneous of them are located along the Eastern Coast of Adriatic, especially near Croatia. The largest Croatian Islands of Cres and Krk, each of which is 405.78 square kilometers with an area of \u200b\u200b405.78 squares, and the highest - brach, whose peak reaches 780 meters above sea level. Losin Island is divided with the island of the Cess is a narrow shipping channel, dilated during classical antiquity; Previously, the island was known as aphsirtide. In the Croatian Islands there are 47 permanently inhabited, among which the most populated Krk, Korcula and Brac. Islands along the Western (Italian) Adriatic coast are less numerous. But the most famous of them are 117 islands, on which the city of Venice is built.

The name "Adriatic Sea" exists with ancient times. In Latin, it sounded like Mare Hadriaticum and its origin, probably took from the name of the city of Adria or Hadri.

The Adriatic Sea is the coast of countries:

coast of Croatia - The length of the coast of the Adriatic Sea of \u200b\u200bCroatia is 1777 km;

The highest island - Brac.
Vidos Mountain on it towers 780 meters. After it, the cres - 639 meters and hvar - 628 meters.

The biggest length of the shore at the Pag Island is 269.2 km. After him, Hvar Island - 254.2 km and Cres Island - 247.7 km.

Sea currents in the Adriatic warm. Directed from the south of Croatia to the north, and along the Italian coast - from the north to the south. On the Italian coast of Adriatic, water significantly pollutes the PO River, but due to the direction of flows, polluted waters are not suitable for the Croatian shore. Therefore, the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea is considered the most pure in Europe.

The Adriatic Sea is a semi-closed sea, as part of the Mediterranean Sea, which shares the Balkan and Apnepsinsky Peninsula.

The Adriatic Sea is washes the shores of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Montenegro, Italy and Croatia.

History of the Adriatic Sea

The Adriatic Sea was named after the ancient port in Italy, which was built by Etrusca in the VI century BC. This port was called Adria.

In the older, this port was an important trading point on the Adriatic Sea and in general on the Mediterranean.

The Adriatic Sea played a big role in the formation of the Roman Republic, and then the empire, providing him with access to the Mediterranean Sea and allowing him to lead an active marine trade.

Adriatic Sea on the map

What rivers fall into the Adriatic Sea

Among the large water arteries that fall into the Adriatic Sea can note such rivers as:

  • By, the length of which reaches 650 kilometers;
  • Adige, whose length is 410 kilometers.

Where the sea falls

The Adriatic Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea, which in turn flows into the Atlantic Ocean.


The seabed is predominantly a large hollow with a small amount of depression. Sea bottom advantage is covered with sludge and sand.


On the Adriatic Sea coast there are many large port cities. In Italy, for example, the city is Trieste, which, besides, is an independent city as part of Italy.

One of the most beautiful cities of Italy is Venice, which is also located on the seafront. Venice's population hardly exceeds 260 thousand people, but its popularity is so high that it is one of the most tallets for tourists around the world, and all thanks to the unique architecture and canals, together traditional streets.

Among the large Italian coastal cities should also be called Bari, Ancona and Brindisi. From the Croatian cities on the coast should be noted Rijek, the incredibly beautiful city of Split and the popular port town of Dubrovnik. The Albanian city of Durres is also a very beautiful and large city on the coast. The city boasts the unique architecture of the Roman and Byzantine periods. An equally beautiful city is also a shoulder.

Flora and fauna

As in the Mediterranean Sea, the animal world of the Adriatic is extremely rich. There are many mollusks, marine hells and crustaceans whose variety simply amazes. Mussels dwell, oysters, sea hedgehogs and sauces, crabs and sea cucumbers. Jellyfish are found.

In a huge variety of seaweed (about 750 species), in which sea skates are hidden. With increasing depths, such large crustaceans are beginning to appear as lobsters, cuttlefish, octopuses, large crabs, moray, starfish and acne.

The number of plankton in water is also large enough. Among the most common fish should mention a huge variety of Sardin, tunitsa, mackerel. They are found in the Adriatic Sea and sharks, among which there are the following types: Night shark, blue shark, barbed shark and marine fox.

Adriatic Sea. Star star photo

Also in the waters of the Adriatic, you can meet a giant shark, which is the second largest in the world after the whale shark. Present in the Adriatic and representatives of mammals, such as: dolphins and seal monks (they are also called - whites of seals), which are now under threat of disappearance.


The Adriatic Sea area reaches 144 thousand kilometers square. The maximum depth reaches up to 1230 meters, the average depth is 240m. In general, the Adriatic Sea is quite petty, so in the northern part of it, the depth is for the most part reaches 20 meters and a little more.

The eastern shores of the sea are mostly highful, but Western most low-albele. There are many islands in the Adriatic Sea. Among them, Dalmatian Islands, which are a popular holiday destination for tourists deserve special attention. Among the large islands can also be noted KRK, Brac, Cres, Pag, Hvar and Korcula.

The climate in the Mediterranean Adriatic Sea - for almost the entire year the temperature is held within +20 degrees. As for precipitation, their number is insignificant, which in general corresponds to the climate of the territory of the Mediterranean. The temperature of the water in summer exceeds 20 degrees, and in winter does not fall below +8 degrees. Water cells from 35 to 38 ppm.

  • The shores of the Adriatic Sea, as well as his islands, are resorts where millions of tourists come from all over the world annually;
  • On the shelf of the Adriatic Sea is actively producing gas and oil.

Part of the Mediterranean is the Adriatic Sea, located between the Balkan and Apennine Peninsula. This sea refers to the type is half-cranked, therefore it is called part of the Mediterranean. This sea ishes the shores of Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Italy.

The name of the Adriatic Seapoculine, the name of the ancient port of the port, Adria, not quite usual hearing. It was built in the Adige River Delta. Initially, the Greek people called so only the northern part of the sea, on which this port was located, but then it passed on the whole reservoir. The Romans called the Adriatic Sea "Mare Seperum" or "Hadriaticum". For two thousand years, the local coast relief has changed so much that now the place where the port of Adria stood, is from the sea for 25 kilometers. This happened due to the appearance of nansures made by delta local rivers.

The Adriatic Sea has an area of \u200b\u200b144 thousand square kilometers, the depth in the north is 20 meters, and in the south-east - 1,230 meters. Thus, the bottom of the sea is gradually deepened from the north to southeast. With the Ionian Sea Adriatic is connected by the Strait of Otranto. Dalmatian islands are located inside the sea; There are many comfortable bays for ships, the largest of which are referred to as Manfredonia, Venetian and trilative. It is convenient for shipping here and the fact that the shores are located at a sufficient depth. Sea shores sandy or pebble, so the resort zones are well developed here.

The water temperature in the northern parts of the summer is up to +24 degrees, in winter - +7 degrees; In the southern parts of the summer - +26 degrees, in winter - +13. In the summer there is sunny and warm, and in winter it is often raining and often overcast.

Flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea is quite rich. About 700 species, which are divided into brown, green and red, are known from algae. In the coastal zone, bivalve and buchetic clams having durable and thick shells live; Crustacean and Icharkin. Mussels, oysters, sea sauces, sea cucumbers, hedgehogs, stars, moray and acne are also common. Of the fish are known such species like sardines, mackerel, tuna, pelamic. Sometimes the flow brings whole clouds from transparent and gentle jellyfish, as well as hydroid polyps, which mysteriously glow in the dark. Delivered in the waters of the sea and sharks: giant, blue, barbed, black. And from mammals common seals and dolphins.

Today, there are many resort zones on the coasts of the Adriatic Sea. Croatia is famous for areas such as Schibenik, Dubrovnik, Split, Pula, Makarska Riviera and resorts located in the Dalmatian Islands. The main resort of Montenegro is the Budva Riviera. Slovenia belongs to small and cozy towns on the coast: Portorož, Isola, Piran and Koper, and Bosnia and Herzegovina - Neum. The most numerous resorts of Italy are about ten here, the most popular Rimini, Cattolica, Idea Marina and Bellaria. Guests of Albania can relax in Durres and T.N. "Color shores".

Going - you will make them the best gift.

The best adventure that will be remembered for all your life.

Recently, tours in Montenegro, Rimini - resorts located on the Adriatic Sea are very popular in Russia.

Do you know that it is washes six countries and is the leading places in their purity? What attracts the tourist wadriatic sea? Where is it located?

History and location

The sea received its name from the ancient port called Adria. However, this city is now removed from the coast of 25 km. During the period of many centuries, the water has departed, freeing the part of the land, on which the famous resorts are now located.

The Adriatic Sea is between two large peninsula - Balkan and Apennine. Its depth varies from 20 to 1230 meters.

It is part of the Mediterranean Sea and ished six countries:

  • Albania;
  • Italy;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Slovenia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Croatia.

The biggest coasts got Italy (about 1000 km) and Croatia (1,700 km). Albania occupies 472 km of luxurious beaches of the Adriatic Sea, and Montenegro is 200 km. The smallest seas of the coast went to Slovenia (47 km), as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina (25 km).


The Adriatic Sea is very warm. The temperature in the summer reaches +26 degrees, which allows guests to enjoy this paradise corner of the Earth with his delightful climate. In winter, the weather becomes cloudy and rainy. The water temperature at this time is +7 ... + 13 degrees.

Absolutely all visitors to the resorts fascinates the crystal purity of the Adriatic Sea. Transparency of these water is about 56 meters! This indicator is one of the highest in the world.

The rich darities of the sea will not leave indifferent diving lovers. The underwater world is famous for the variety of mollusks and crustaceans. Here are inhabited crabs, mussels, oysters, nautical hedgehogs, lobsters, octopuses. At the great depth you can meet Caracatians, Muren, eels. Also in the sea there are some types of large sharks (blue, white).

Adriatic coast of Italy

The resort zones of this area are a series of streets on which luxury hotels and cottages are built.

The most popular corners for the paradise holiday on the coast of Italy are:

  • Rimini;
  • Pesaro;
  • Bellaria;
  • Cesenatico;
  • Chervia;
  • Milano Marittima.

All cities have a developed generated infrastructure. Holidays in these places will enjoy all: and shopping lovers, and fans of stormy nightlife. The beach area is extensive, with small sand and necessary equipment for a comfortable pastime.

Most cities are drowning in the gardens of gardens and parks. A network of expensive luxurious hotels and a variety of entertainment is presented in the famous Italian resort Riccione. It is here that there are: huge dolphinarium, water park, jacket for yachts, elite boutiques and the most incendiary discos Italy.

Excellent Slovenia

The most popular resort of this country is Portorož. Here are cozy hotels with good medicinal bases, wellness programs and SPA procedures. Neat streets and a calm atmosphere of the city give a unique feeling of a relaxing holiday and complete peace.

Equally, the resort towns of Isola, Koper, Piran, as well as the most beautiful Strog Natural Park. Thanks to the soft climate and the dormitory sea, the swimming season lasts from June to October, and the water temperature reaches +25 degrees.

If you have not yet decided where you go on holidays, choose the Adriatic Sea. Rest here is just unforgettable.

Fascinating Montenegro

This is a country of beautiful landscapes and amazing picturesque places. Green gardens, bright flowers, overflowing the Adriatic Sea- Everything in this edge is perfect and created for rest.

In Montenegro, you can easily meet world stars. Madonna often rest here, Michael Douglas with his family, Alla Pugacheva, Jeremy Irons, Claudia Schiffer. Many famous personalities in Montenegro have their own villas in which they relax and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of local landscapes.

Chernogorsk coasts more than once occupied the leading places in the nomination "The best beaches of Europe". Here is the most extensive canyon of Europe, as well as a very popular nudist center.

Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina?

These states are located in the neighborhood, and they are washes the purest Adriatic Sea. Countries are famous for their amazing resorts and distant from civilization is the islands where you can hide from curious eyes and find full privacy.

The most famous place is the Croatian Istria Peninsula. In mainly, pebble and rocky beaches are dominated here, and the sandy is not so much. You can go to such resort zones as the average and southern Dalmatia. Here, in the purest Adriatic Sea, you can relax perfectly, breathe fresh air filled with breath of pines, and have a great time. In Croatia, the beach Runta Rata (Brel), which is included in the number of beautiful places in the world.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the length of the coast of the Adriatic Sea takes only 25 km. But it is here that the quiet and cozy town of Neum, in which there are cheap hotels and there is no mass influx of holidaymakers. Lovers of a secluded rest consider this place to be a paradise. There are low prices and hospitable residents, and if you are an excursion amateur, you can always go on a tour of Bosnia - an excellent country with an amazing story and wonderful traditions.

Coast Albania

This country was closed for a long time for tourists, and now many fear of this harsh edge. However, according to holidays, rest in Albania is very calm and also inexpensive. The Adriatic Sea is famous for its purity and softness, so the beach season is open until October.

The most favorite resorts of the elite - the Albanian cities of Dermi and Himar. Here, rest is expensive, but the infrastructure is very developed, and the service is always at the height. Lovers of outdoor activities will be asked to visit local attractions: museums, the fortress of the city of Crash, Sheikh Al-Zamil's mosque.

Rest in Albania is suitable for family holidays and for those who do not love the bustle and noise of megacities. Here you can forget about everything and just enjoy the comfort, beautiful nature and the majestic Adriatic Sea.

Now you know which states are washes the Adriatic Sea, where the most beautiful beach is located and why any tourist dreams. Resorts of these countries - paradise corners created by the wise nature for an unforgettable holiday!