New Year's Games for High School. Competition "Dance Marathon"

New Year's Games for High School. Competition
New Year's Games for High School. Competition "Dance Marathon"

New Year's games in elementary school.

New Year's matinee in grade 1.

Scenario of the New Year holiday in elementary school.

Interesting New Year's view for first-graders.

Scenario of the New Year "Winter Adventures".

Games and entertainment.

Competitions and riddles.

Meeting with the heroes of fairy tales and cartoons.

Hello, guys!
Girls and boys!
The lessons ended, the case ended,
Vacation of fun winter led to you,
And Christmas tree New Year, and friendly dance.
And happy today you are meeting the new year!

Our festive New Year's hello
All - from six and up to eight years!
Today you are waiting for fun and jokes,
Miss you will not be a minute!

1. On the Christmas tree there are no lights!

So that the Christmas tree flashed with lights,

You use the words:

"Beauty we are fancy,

Christmas tree, light the lights! "

No guys are more friendly in the world!

You are ready? Three four!

2. Another game that will be interesting to children of any age , called "different Christmas trees".

Leading pronounces words:"We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest of the Christmas tree we grow different: both are wide and thin, and low, and high." If I say:

"High" - raise hands up;

"Low" - squat and lower the hands;

"wide" - make a circle wider;

"Thin" - make the circle already. "

The guys perform tasks, and the host tries to confuse them. What is it? Strong, what!

3. Chorovode "A Christmas tree was born in the forest ..." (choose "Christmas tree"). Children depict a Christmas tree who are funnier than everyone else.

In the meantime, so not to miss,
I propose to play!

4. Read most to take part in the blitz polling, uttering the words "right" or "incorrectly".


Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He comes exactly at seven, right?
Santa Claus Old man is good, right?
Wear a hat and helos, right?

Soon Santa Claus comes true?
He will bring gifts, right?

The trunk is good at our tree, right?
He was cut from double bastards, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?
Tomatoes and rugs, right?
The view is beautiful at our tree, right?
Everywhere red needles, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the jewel, right?
He's friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, answers are given to questions,
Do you know all of you about Santa Claus? (Yes)

5.Igra "Santa Claus"

I wrote the text here,
Take off to start!

"It goes, Santa Claus goes to us,
Santa Claus goes to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
Gifts brings us. "

Now repeat along with us!

After the text was repeated, it is proposed to replace words to movements and gestures.
The first words that are replaced by words "We" and "us."
Instead of these words, everyone is shown on themselves.
With each new execution of words, it becomes less, and gestures are more.
Instead of words "Santa Claus" all shown on the door.
Word "Go" is replaced by walking in place.
Word "Know" - the index finger touch the forehead.
Word "Gifts" - a gesture depicting a big bag.
In the last execution, all words disappear except prepositions
and the verb will "bring."

6. The conditions of the game "This is me, it's me, these are all my friends."
- Who is Vatago cheer every day walks to school?
- This is me, it's me, it's all my friends.
- Which of you, tell me out loud, catches flies in the lesson?
- It's me, ...
- Who frost is not afraid of skating like a bird flies?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, how will it grow up, only go to astronauts?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, so good, sunbathing in caloes?
- It's me, ...
- Who does a home lesson performs exactly on time?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you keep in order books, handles and notebooks?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you, from kids, walks dirty to ears?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you on the pavement goes upwards?
- It's me, ...
- Which of you comes to the class late for an hour?
- It's me, ...

- Who among you, I want to know, with the adjacent on "five"?
- It's me, ...

7. And you know how to guess the riddles?

1) our silver dagger
For a short house half a house.
We wanted him to raise
And he ran to the threshold!

2) Two smoke girlfriends
Do not fall behind each other.
Both in the snow run
Both songs sing,
Both tapes in the snow
Leave on the run.

3) waited for winter friends;
On the river run, gliding.
Ice cut, like knives,
Performing devices.

8. Postman:
OH.! I brought you a telegram,
Not from dad, not from mom.
From whom - not to disassemble
You will have to guess.

(Reading telegrams by Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Guys)

New Year's telegrams

We wish without interference
Gnawing you a whole year of nuts,
Jump and play burner
Happy New Year! Your (proteins)
I do not know in the Christmas tree
This is a tree for a wolf.
What a tree, tell me
Let's set out in detail.
Address just: Neal.
Happy New Year! (Crocodile)
Snow goes. Wonderful day!
I depart, your (deer).

Took a ticket.
Together meet (new year)
Tail shorter ear
Fast habits.
I rush, that there is a spirit,
For a holiday without looking back.
Who he is guess!
Well, of course, (bunny)

New Year competitions

9. "Put the snow" - 2 teams

Task: to carry the "lump" snow on a spoon, without dropping it.

10. "Snowballs" - all children

Music sounds, players are dancing.

As soon as the music ships, the player raises the "snow".

If the player did not have enough snow - he drops out of the game.

11. "Magic thread" - 1 player

Blindfolded to choose a prize!

12. "Snowman" - 2 teams

With closed eyes "draw" a snowman. Whoever succeeds, this is a prize!

    "Magic toy" - all children

The players pass to the music to the toy, trying not to drop it.

Music subsides - a player who has a toy in his hands, dropping out of the game.

13.Igra to attention. (the prize lies in front of each student at his stool)

I'll tell you the story

One and a half dozen phrases

I'll just say the word "three"

The prize immediately take.

Once pike we caught,

Considered inside

Small fish saw,

And not one, but as much as ... five!

Dreams of a challenged guy When you want to remember poems,

Become an Olympic champion They are not bubbling until late night,

Look at the start not the fuck, And about them to repeat,

And wait for the team: "Once, two ... march!" Sitten, the other, and better ... Seven!

One train at the train station

I had to wait three hours.

Well, friends, you have taken the prize,

I put you a rating "five"!

14.Iigra "All the opposite." The lead says phrases, and the audience must answer "yes" or "no" regardless of the rhyme.

We have one secret,
Will we reveal it?
- Hall of smiles warret,
So will there be a holiday?
(Yes.) - Guess without difficulty!
Autumn comes.
- We will celebrate when
Let's say boredom together ...
(Not.) - Santa Claus went to the buffet.
Will we wait for it?
(Yes.) - Here he will come back when
Drong my grandfather?
(Not.) - Very correct answer!
Loves grandfather us?

- Forgets sometimes
Grandfather gifts at home?
- In school, we are always
Let's say "Doubles" only ...
- And "fives", no secret,
We always say ...
- Mom for Candy Courage
We "thank you" say? ...
(Yes.) - past urns without difficulty
Throw Phantili we?
- Forget sometimes
"Hello" say ...
- We will be older in response
Tell a lie?

15. The presentation of gifts.

Encrypt a surprise under the "code name".The presentation of gifts can be organized in the form of a kind of competition.

(On the board magnets attached cards with surprises numbers)

The teacher pulls out a gift and announces: "This prize will receive the one who has the longest name!". Naturally, the one who has already received a gift is not involved in the future. Variants of nominations in such a game are diverse, for example, who has:

    the thinnest waist;

    the longest braid;

    the rare name;

    the largest (or small) leg size;

    the highest (or low) growth;

    the hardest portfolio, etc.

You can simplify a little game. The presenter simply announces that the gift gets the one who, for example, "a textbook in a green cover" or "Red Bow", etc. The main thing is not to forget anyone, and if students remained who did not fall into any of Named categories, then for them it is necessary to choose individual nominations.

It is better to prepare in advance and come up with several "spare options" that will suit everyone.

16.Igra "Snowball". Students take turns take out from the box (pulled out of the bag, etc.) for two folded papers, on which the names of the various parts of the human body are written. After that, they must take turns to "stick together" to each other with these parts of the body. When the whole class "sticks" to each other, it is advisable to take a picture of the guys. Such a photo will decorate any wall newspaper or album class

And today, and now
My Listen to the story:
One beautiful year passed,
In which you worked nicely.
And what to do did not have time
Let everything happen in the new one.

Let the new year that on the threshold
Enter your home as a new friend.

Let them take a way to you
Sadness, adversity and ailment!

And let him be the best,
And the most joyful for everyone!


Loud music sounds
In the dance, Look Magty!
Behind the hands of friends take
Together with them to dance!
Let me reign fun
On New Year's Eve Birthday!

To dance, he will tell everyone
Sing songs will force
All in a row he is fun
Tired does not know.
Already, we live,
Friendly, noisy
Together: Horovoda.

So the whole year of our life comes to the end. Rights holiday. The smell of frosty morning, snow, New Year tree and mandarins is already felt. Bubrenitsy on Santa Claus's sleigh, who with his granddaughter, Snow Maiden, hurries to visit us with gifts, is already being heard.

And I want to spend this year fun and interesting, because he brought us so much joy, pleasant and unexpected moments. I especially want to entertain kids who, like no one, are waiting for the New Year's Miracle. Someone will see Santa Claus for the very first time, and someone does not wait already as soon as possible again to participate in funny competitions in order to get the best gift from the grandfather. Let's help the kids and arrange an unforgettable holiday with games, competitions and entertainment.

We offer to your attention exciting New Year's games for a group of children and games that are perfect for the holiday in the family circle.

New Year's games and contests for children

Houses in a circle of family and friends, gathering all the children near the Christmas tree, you can arrange them very interesting New Year's games and entertainment:

Competition "New Year in the bag"

The game can take part children from 3 years old and older. You can play together, and you can combine several people in 2 teams. The first 2nd representatives from the team are given beautiful New Year's bags, and there is a box with New Year's attributes to the table with the items that have nothing to do with the new year.

Players tie their eyes. And thus, they must choose from the boxes with objects that belong to the new year, and fold them into their bag. Who will graduate faster to put items in the bag, and who will have the most New Year's attributes, he won.

If a whole team is involved in the entertainment, the bag is transferred to each other in turn, and the result of each player is fixed by the leading adult. The team, who completed the play earlier, and gathered more than all the right objects, is announced by the winner and, if possible, gets small souvenirs.

Game for kids "Guess the subject"

We collect a few kids near the New Year tree. One of them tie the eyes and hand the New Year's "Bag of Santa Claus", filled with a variety of New Year's attributes. The child grips any object and describes it, as it can Read more: small, solid, rough, etc. The rest of the participants are trying to guess what keeps the lead in their hands. The kid who can recognize the largest number of items receives a prize.

Cheerful game "New Year's snowfall"

For the game you will need large white and blue buttons and large thick gloves for adults. Buttons scatter on the floor. Babies will need to pull gloves and try to collect buttons from the floor, folding them into special boxes issued to them before the start of the game. The participant who will collect the most buttons for a certain number of minutes, is declared the winner and receives a prize.

The game requires dexterity and smelting. In addition, fun with it is simply guaranteed!

Saves snow.

In this game, 2 children compete in one round. Each is given tablespoons and snowballs from cotton. The task of children is to put snowball on a spoon and how quickly make a circle around the tree, trying not to drop your snowball. The kid who will be able to make such a difficult thing is declared the winner and is awarded.

Movable game "Lion tail"

This game is better when several people play together. Kids should be lined up in one line, as for playing a cheerful train, and take behind the belt there. The first standing kid puts on a lion mask, and the closing line puts on a lion's tail (we bind the tail around the waist). The essence of the game is that the "Lion's head" runs away, and the "tail" is trying to catch up with her. Becoming between head and tail kids should be kept to hold on with each other and do not get closed. If the exaggeration occurred, the "tail" and "head" change roles. In the role of parts of the body of a lion should be all participants. The game continues while children are fun and mischievously.

Hunters for gifts.

One of the most beloved games of all children and adults has been many years. However, it does not lose his love and relevance. At a suitable height (available for children), a rope with minced items (toys) and sweets (sweets and chocolates) is stretched out. Children in turn are tied with eyes and safe scissors are handed. The baby is required to the touch to cut off the rope as many candies and gifts in 5 minutes. Won the participant who had more than all cut items.

A variety of contests for the new year are able to turn the New Year's celebration in an unforgettable holiday that is unforgettable your family and make it long ago to worry about bright emotions.

Puzzle folds.

Snow Snipers.

For this New Year's game, it is best to organize teams. Prepare snowballs in advance, crumpled of white paper sheets. Each player takes himself 2 snow. Further, the participants in the order of queue must throw them into the basket (a separate basket is issued for the command, in the role of which the usual bucket, located at a distance, approximately 2 m from the participants). The team, who has more hits to the basket, is declared the winner and receives prizes.

No less fun games with "home snowballs" are collected in our article "". Any of these games will also decorate the New Year holidays.

Of course, not only the younger family members can participate in merry holiday games. New Year's games in the family circle, together with moms and dads, much more will pay your fidgets. Here are some examples of such games and contests.

New Year's games in the family circle

Funny nonsense.

Pre-for the game should prepare paper sheets with funny questions written on them and answers (equally and those and others). Then in one beautiful New Year box, mix folded pieces of paper with questions, and in the other - with answers. Participants at random pull the question and read it out loud to all players, and then pull out the answer from another box, which is also read out loud. After such a game, everyone is ensured by a good mood for a whole day.

Exemplary list of funny questions:

  1. Do you like to gossip?
  2. Do you enjoy when listening under the door?
  3. Do you like to swim in the mud?
  4. Do you like to rush in passersby embraces from the balcony?
  5. Do you enjoy when you put a pig surrounding?
  6. Do you like kolotnoy dishes in anger?

Sample list of funny answers:

  1. Only on Fridays.
  2. Only in frosty nights.
  3. Only when no one sees.
  4. I always dreamed about it.
  5. No, I am very modest.
  6. I do it only at a party.

Use fantasy and make your own funny questions and answers. We are sure that you will get even better!

Choir boys and girlfriend girls.

This fun karaoke invariably will give a good mood and will liberate any party! For the game you need to cook a few that can sing and kids. For example: "A Christmas tree was born in the forest", "the little Christmas tree is cold in winter", "I didn't have winter" ...

The essence of the game is that it is necessary to sing a song in different ways, which are determined by the draw. In a beautiful box, put the rolled papers on which it is written how the participant must perform a song. For example:

  • as if you are an ensemble of military pensioners;
  • as if you are kids for 3 years in diapers;
  • as if you are the guitan boys choir;
  • as if you are a choir of military pilots, etc.

Of course, you can independently add this list. Participants pull off a piece of paper at random and a cheerful performance and a good mood to all are provided.

Merry mousetrap.

Adult in this game is a mousetrap. And kids are cheerful mice. The lead-adult ties his eyes, and the children are starting with a swarming. Mousetrap problem Catch mice, making movements with hands, similar to scissors. The caught mouse goes to the mousetrap - a special highchair. The game continues until all mice are caught.

Funny dream.

The task of this game is to portray the fact that you want to get the most in the new year. All participants are distributed large sheets of white paper. Best, A3 format. And, of course, eye dressings. The dream should be drawn in complete darkness. The best recognizes the drawing for which it will be possible to guess, what a person dreams about, his drawing.

Then these drawings can be signed and pack. And next year to find out whether the artist's dream came true.

Sample snowflakes.

Before the game you need to cut several beautiful snowflakes from paper and then lay them on the table in front of the contestants. Players should simultaneously blow on their snowflakes. That Snowflake wins, which will fly on to all from the table.

Unusual Christmas tree

Before the game prepare a beautiful New Year's garland and christmas toys, balls, sweets and others suitable for decorating Christmas tree items. The company chooses an adult who agrees to become a New Year's Christmas tree. Players are wrapped with an adult garland, and then with the help of clothespins for linen attach to the garland toys. This cheerful fun will enjoy all those present, and the dressed "Christmas tree" can be photographed. We guarantee that the photo received will raise the mood and cause a smile for a whole year.

Who am I?

Before the game you should prepare rectangles from the cardboard of medium sizes. On each of them we write any name: a plant, an animal, invented name ... The main thing is that the word is funny and caused a smile. A card with the title to the back of one of the players who need to guess his new name on the leading issues that he asks the participants. The questions are responsible for questions briefly: the words "yes" or "no". Playing time flow. One who fastest reigns his new name is recognized as the winner in the game.

Predatory Sugarb

For the game you need to prepare a sheet in advance and stretch it along the room. Leading adults lower and raise the sheet up and down the waves, and children run under it or try to jump over it. The one who caught him is tucked (carefully) and ship back. But how much laughter and fun!

At the end of this list, I invite you to watch a video from the Children's Holidays Channel about New Year's games and contests for children and adults!

We hope that you liked our cheerful games and contests. We wish you to spend the New Year holidays on a positive! Happy New Year!

With love,

Marina Talanina and Lyudmila Piecene.

Students are sitting at the tables in the classroom. Each table is a team, whose representatives are involved in various competitions. The winners of the competitions are awarded with candy, chocolates, waffles, apples, bananas, etc.

Competition "Business Card"

Each table team is the name and motto. After that, each participant appears on the chest emblem.
Warming up (for the right answers a candy is awarded)
1. How much will it be 2 + 2 * 2? (6)
2. How much will it be, if the fifty divide half? (2)
3. Name the pronouns that interfere with drivers on the road. (I - we)
4. What pronouns are the cleanest? (you are-you)
5. Name words in which one hundred identical letters. (STAN, STO-P, STO, ST-L)
6. Why is the canary called Canary? (come from the Canary Islands)
7. Where does Siberian cats come from? (from South Asia)
8. What animal is attached to one place all life? (coral)
9. What birds are the wings covered with scales? (Penguins)
10. Who has the longest language? (Muravded)
11. Why a glass of water in which sugar is located, will cool faster than a glass without sugar? (The process of dissolving sugar requires heat)
12. From the bird begins, the animal ends like the city is called? (Raven-hedgehog)
13. Name the bird capable of digest metal. (ostrich)
14. What is easier: Iron or Sun Pone? (weigh the same)

Competition "Apple Puree"

(2 apples, 2 graters, 2 plates)
More than 200 years ago, the new year celebrated on September 1. Dear guests were treated with apples straight from the trees. What is like half of the apple? On the second half. So, the competition is to cook apple puree. Playing is issued by 2 identical in the magnitude of the apple, each of the grater and plate. The speed and quality are taken into account. The winner is awarded the prize, the second apple.

Competition "Get an apple"

Before each participant of the competition put a bowl of water. The condition of the competition is to get a floating apple without hands.

Competition "Relay"

(saucepan, spoon, glass of water)
Each member of the team with the help of a spoon transfers water from the pan into a glass. Who is faster and who in a glass will have more water.

Competition "Take the Prize"

(Chair, prize)
The stool holds a package with a prize. Around chair - participants of the competition. The host reads the poem "times, two, three!". Those who tried to grab the prize inadequately drop out of the competition.
I'll tell you the story
One and a half dozen times.
I'll just say the word "three" -
The prize immediately take!
Once pike we caught,
Planted, and inside
Fish small numbers -
And not one, but two.
Dreams of a boy ordered
Become an Olympic champion
Look, at the start not the fuck,
And wait for the team once, two, seven.
When you want to remember poems,
They are not bubbling until late night,
And about them to repeat
Sita, the other, and better five!
Recently train at the station
I had to wait three hours.
But what are you a prize, friends, did not take
When was the opportunity to take?

Contest "Theatrical"

(cards with tasks)
The wishing to contestants are issued cards with the task they are performed without preparation. We must walk in front of the tables like:
- woman with heavy bags;
- Gorilla by cell;
- Sparrow on the roof;
- stork on the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- girl in a narrow skirt at high heels;
- watch, guarding food warehouse;
- Baby, just learned to walk;
- The guy in front of an unfamiliar girl;
- Alla Pugacheva during the song execution.

Competition "Make a Word"

On the blackboard they wrote "strange" words. In them over "to rearrange the letters in such a way that the word ceases to be" strange. "
OPLE - (field)
Rvania - (January)
Lauci - (Street)
Badus - (fate)
Cleroz - (mirror)

Competition "Soap Bubble"

(air balloons)
Wishing boys inflate balls. Then divided into pairs, each of which is trying to "crush" the ball with its belly. The surviving ball is a reward.

Competition "Get candy"

(bowl, flour, candy)
In the bowl of the hill poppy of flour. Candy is inserted into it so that she sticks out the tip for which it can be pulled out. If the nose, the cheeks are not dirty to flour, candy can be taken as a prize. Not representatives of the teams can take part in this competition, but all those who want to test their dexterity.

Competition "Merry Pictures"

(chalk, board)
On the board you need to draw simultaneously: one hand is a triangle, and the other is a square.

Competition "Mosaic"

(envelopes with postcards)
An envelope is issued for each table, in which a beautiful postcard is cut into various geometric shapes. Task - Collect a postcard. (You can "restore" a landscape picture, a portrait of a writer).

Competition "Times of the ring, two rings"

(Items, Rings)
At a distance of 2-3 meters from the contestants there are objects wrapped in paper. Each is issued for 3 rings with a diameter of 10-15 centimeters from dense cardboard. Competition participants must draw rings on these items. The item on which the ring hit is becoming the ownership of what.

Competition "Merry Chephach"

(Paper strips sets with text)
This contest improves the mood of those present, gives the holiday to the festival.
In the leading two sets of paper strips. In the left hand - questions, in the right - answers. The lead is bypassing the tables, which are alternately "blindly" pull out the question (read out loud) that answer. It turns out cheerful nonsense.
Use your fantasy when drawing up questions and answers. The more the list of questions and answers, the more options for funny combinations.
Approximate questions:
- Do you read other people's letters?
- Do you sleep quietly?
- Do you listen to other people's conversations?
- Do you beat dishwashes with anger?
- Can you put a pig to the friend?
- Do you write anonymously?
- Do you spread gossip?
- Do you have a habit to promise more your opportunities?
- Would you like to marry the calculation?
- Do you have intrusive and rude in your actions?
Sample answers:
- This is my favorite lesson;
- occasionally, for the joke;
- only in summer nights;
- When the wallet is empty;
- only without witnesses;
- only if this is not related to material costs;
- especially in someone else's house;
- This is my old dream;
- No, I am a very shy man;
- I never refuse such an opportunity.

Competition "Jump-Skok"

Competition participants are in one line. With the word of the lead "sushi", everyone jumps forward, with the word "water" - back. Competition is carried out in a rapid pace. The presenter has the right instead of the word "water" to pronounce other words, for example: the sea, river, bay, ocean; Instead of the word "land" - shore, land, island. Jumping the nefple drop off, the winner becomes the last player - the most attentive.

Competition "Chamomile"

(Chamomile from paper)
A large chamomile has been made, which has so many petals, how many tables in the classroom. The representative of each table takes off the petal with the task. The whole team takes part in the competition.
Possible tasks:
- Show advertising of goods;
- portray a silent picture of the fairy tale;
- play a scene from school life, etc.

Competition "His hand - Vladyka"

(rope, scissors, "candy", gifts)
The same "candy" hangs on the rope, within which it is indicated that he will receive as a gift with the knotted eyes cut off the "candy".

At the end of the holiday, the presenter (or representatives from each table) can read the poem:

Came to us again the new year,
And the days of wonderful come!
And thirty first will leave:
And for sale will take
All our two and sadness.
And the wishes are clear
And every year alone and the same:
Peace and peace for the whole country
And children of different embroidery
Boots, caps and pants
Change once a year - but no less often;
There is sweet, protect the stomach;
Roll, but not a hooligan;
Chop cutlets, there is compote;
Go to the cinema, the theater and in the bath;
So - fight, well, with those - be friends,
And in general - to do as it should
And to go to school every day,
For that without requiring an award!

Family New Year's holiday suggests a cheerful pastime for all family members, therefore, in this matter, it is worth paying attention to both adults and babies. Movable, funny, funny contests will make an unforgettable holiday to the younger family members and will give them a lot of pleasure and, of course, a lot of sweet prizes.

Competitions for erudition, dexterity and a bit of frankness will also do not interfere with the senior family members of the family. We picked up the best contests for the new year for children and adults designed for at home in an ordinary apartment. We hope the article will become useful instructions for holding a merry New Year leisure.

Merry contests for children for the new year

Small children love to take part in fun, because in addition to good mood, they receive many prizes.

But there are some features in working with babies, so I want to advise the following:

  • kids quickly switch attention, so it is necessary to carry out no protracted contests and better make them dynamic;
  • several contests in a row are capable of tiring small participants, so they should be diluted with their musical pauses and the performance of small artists;
  • be sure to give many gifts not only to the winners, but also to the participants.

We offer a selection of diverse contests, where there is a place for both active children who adore attention and shy, but not less charming guys.

Drive, drive dance

At any holiday, there are arrogants who are difficult to captivate with any or kids, quickly distracted and lose interest in what is happening. These babies are quite difficult to entertain, but there is a fun who likes almost all children, regardless of age - dance around the Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree was born under the lyrics in the forest and a little Christmas tree in winter, the bastard fun circles around a beautiful festive Christmas tree.

Playing what a Christmas tree

The presenter announces the rules of the game. First you should ask where the Christmas trees grow? Having received an answer, the presenter continues the story that the Christmas tree is high, low, wide and thin. Next, the guys become in the circle and take hands.

They should raise hands if the lead speaks about the high trees, squat, the code is talking about low trees, make a circle wider when they hear about the wide herringrs and pressing each other with rumbling when there are words about thin seals.

Musical competition

The competition will be held using Songs from the film Cinderella as musical accompaniment.

The guys should repeat the movements, which comes in the song:
  1. Stand up, children, stand up in a circle, stand up in a circle, stand up in a circle! Chlo in the palm, do not regret your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump yes ICK, jump yes IC! Now sweep, do not regret your feet!
  2. 3a's hands we will rise as soon as possible, fun and raise your hands up, jump above all! Hands we lower down, let's get down the leg of the leg, the left left we feet and twist your head!

These checklists should be repeated twice so that the baby can have time to do and come up.

Game fit christmas tree

Children are divided into two teams and before each, at a short distance, install an artificial Christmas tree. Commands are provided on a basket of unbreakable toys. Next, the fun music is included, which the team participant takes one toy, runs to the tree, hangs the decoration on his branch and returns to the team.

Only after the player's return has the right to flee the next contestant. A team who dressed up the Christmas tree will win faster than everyone. Entertain young children. The case is complex, but burning eyes and the sea of \u200b\u200blaughter will become worthy remuneration for their efforts.

And do not forget to reward all the little participants, in a small age it is very important to get even a small prize for participation.

Competitions for elementary school children

Grown children demand more serious contests.

Dance and moving fun no one canceled, but it is possible to introduce into the program already and intelligent puzzle games.

Best Santa Claus

For the contest you will need:

  • bags for gifts;
  • boxes with unbreakable toys;
  • beards and hats of Santa Claus;
  • bandages on the eyes.

In this competition for children for the new year, 2 to 4 people are selected, desirable boys, because the stage image is more male. Each participant ties eyes and summarize to the boxes with toys and explain that they should be decorated to fill their bag with gifts, but from the box you can get only one subject. Next includes cheerful music for 30-40 seconds, and children begin to perform the task.

The winner is the one who in the bag will be more toys.

Look at the Christmas tree

The attributes of the game competition will perform the following things:

  • big beautiful bags;
  • box with a prize;
  • christmas tree.

Children are invited to divide into two teams and become at a certain distance from the Christmas tree. The meaning of the competition is to pick up the prize, which in a single copy is under the Christmas tree.

The task of participants take turns to jump in the bags around the ate and transmit the next team to the next participant. The last participant must pick up the prize and return to the team. Won the one who managed faster.

Game Congratulations from Snow Maiden

Children's competitions for the new year must be mobile, only so possible to attend children. The following items will be required in the game:

  • chairs;
  • snow Maiden suit suites.

Competition is an individual, selected several girls from those who want. On the chairs lies with clothes, torn inside out. The task of girls is faster than everyone to twist, put on all the elements of the clothes and in the end to shout congratulations - Happy New Year!

New Year's games for children 10-12 years in school

Despite the fact that the teenage period is already close, the children of the age of 10-12 years old are still adorable to children's New Year's games. But it is already possible to pick up contests with a subtle humor and count on boys and girls who can already like each other.

A Christmas tree loves

New Year's games for children are not at all there should be a highlight of the festive program. There are contests that can be carried out before the feast.

And the Christmas tree loves - a children's New Year's competition-workout at the beginning of the holiday, designed to disconnect only guests. Grandfather Moroz appeals to those present with a request to help figure out what his New Year Christmas tree loves. He says the words, and children should confirm loudly or deny the words yes or not.

The list of words may be as follows:
  • clappers, laughing;
  • guns, beaters;
  • laughter and mood;
  • joy and fun;
  • songs, poems;
  • dancing, dance;
  • sadness and adversity;
  • toys, tinsel;
  • tears and Handra;
  • kids and gifts;
  • stars, lights;
  • boredom and idleness;
  • quarrels, squabbles;
  • kindness and generosity;
  • jokes, booms;
  • children's dance and fun new year.

There are no winners and losers in the game, and it will become an excellent early evening.

Competition I am faster

Before starting, prepare:

  • two chairs;
  • ropes, binding hands;
  • two sealable containers with corn chopsticks.

Chairs are becoming a back to the back so that the participants do not see each other. Next, children bind their hands behind their backs, so that there was no temptation to help themselves, and under fun music they must have corn sticks for a minute. Won the one who ate more rival.

Merry bunny game

It will take:

  • rims with hare ears;
  • ball, symbolizing snowball.

As a snow, it is possible to use the ball, covered with white paper. Participants are divided into two teams, wear rims, turning into hooks. The task of everyone is to take the snowball, jump with it to a certain place and back, passing the relay to the next contestant. Whose team coped faster, she won.

New Year's contests for children and adults at home

Meet the magic night in a warm family-owned company very good, because busy families do not often manage to do this, and fun games and contests will help us right and tune in for a festive way.

Pass the other game

The presenter puts in a bag of clothing objects from those that will find in the apartment. For clockwork music, the bag is transmitted in a circle between guests sitting at the festive table.

When the music breaks down, the participant who will have a bag in his hands should not look to get a thing from it and put on himself. The game ends when all guests are shooting and in the end it is possible to dance the incendiary dance in a new image.

Game guess me

The names of animals, professions and more are written on leaves, and another, fold in the header or the box. Each participant takes turn leaves and, without showing his audience, trying to explain gestures and failing to explain who he is at the moment.

In another interpretation of the game, the words are written on stickers, glue to the forehead and a person with the help of leading questions trying to guess who he is.

New Year mafia.

Many people know the course of the game and even this is not a very new year, it is possible to redo the new way.

Played at least once in the New Year mafia?


For example, replace the main actors:

  • peaceful residents - bunnies;
  • commissioner - Santa Claus;
  • mafia is a witch;
  • doctor - Snow Maiden.

And we defeat, as in the classic version, bunnies or witch.

Games and contests on corporate

On the corporate party should begin with games where guests can sit and do not get out of place. As the degree is raised, it is possible to move to more mobile and bold entertainment.

Game and I have in pants

The presenter pre-prepares phrases recorded on the leaves, and puts them in a special box. Further, it is suitable with the microphone to the guests, it proposes to say the phrase: and in me in the pants ... then the participant pulls any phantha and continues the proposal.

And the end is the following:

  • dry and comfortable;
  • there are still balls in sharovar;
  • joy goes away;
  • general cleaning required;
  • the quieter you go, the further you'll get;
  • lyubovoy to look;
  • good mood;
  • you can watch with hands do not touch.

Game Wand Celebrate

A team of 6-10 people is gaining. Participants are in a circle, they are given a stick. The stick is transmitted in a circle to the music, and the one, the melody came around on the com, should go into a circle and perform the task.

For example, to dance with a stick as with a pylon, catch fish, jumping on a horse, raise a barbell or sing a song like a microphone.

Fun my thoughts

Initially, you will need to prepare a hat with fields or another interesting headdress as a props. The hat is on the guests in turn and at the same time turns on the passage of a well-known song, denoting what thoughts are now in this head.

Excerpts can be used from the following compositions:

  • Send him to - Lolita;
  • We are all worm banks - Irina Alegrova;
  • Well, the girls, in a small - Elena Cuccary;
  • I am so cool - Leningrad;
  • Let's drink for love - Igor Nikolaev.

In the process of adult contests, it is not necessary to be shy, but also you should always remember who at the table, so as not to overload the stick too bold contests.


Competitions and games during the New Year holiday are designed not only to cheer and entertain children, and and instill them the ability to communicate and work in a team. Games, contests for the new year with children will help you find a common language with them and liberate them. Try that no child stood aside, and everyone together took part in the New Year's fun.

As a prizes, it is possible to give markers, kinders, soap bubbles, coloring and more, in any case the prize will like it, because it is honestly earned.

Game-fun "Old and New Year"

The presenter is selected, it becomes in the center of the circle. His hands are elongated in different directions (one hand symbolizes the old one, the new year). All other players stand in a circle, pronounce words under which the lead turns with their eyes closed. At whom at the end of the text, the host will show hands, they change places.

The task of the master is to take free space.

New year is coming,

Old year is not inferior.

We can make themselves

Switched them in places.

Only up to three we counted -

They were changed in places.

One two Three!

Comic music game "Dance with broom"

Everyone dance couples, one boy - with a broom. At any time, he can knock down the broom on the floor three times, and all the other boys must let go partner. The boy, putting the broom, quickly invites any lady. The rest of the guys after that immediately invite girls to continue the dance. Who remained without a girl, takes the broom and dancing with her or knocks on the floor.

Raffle game "New Year's Zoo"

The presenter invites the guys to walk in the zoo and asks to perform the movements that he calls:

1. Raise your hands up, cross them, spread your fingers, make surprised eyes. Wonderful! This picture is called "Deer for the first time they saw the New Year tree."

2. Sit on the floor, take yourself for your ears and pull them out to the sides, praise the feet feet loud. The scene is called "Martyrs meet Santa Claus."

3. Stand up, smudge, pull forward the right hand, not removing your hands, burst into it with your nose, hide your left hand over your back and open it up, turn right, leaning, take your right hand to the neighbor's left hand. The picture "Sloniki water dance".

Black-eyed game or Maslenitsa "Good news"

The presenter reads the text, and the players after each phrase perform actions with their hands or legs. If the news is good, then everyone claps in your hands, if bad, tolerate.

We gathered the winter to spend the winter! (Applause)

Have a drink tea and pancakes to eat! (Applause)

Play, sing, ride on the top three! (Applause)

And to the same way with a neighbor to quarrel! (Topot)

Get a gift for the game, so huge!

But it turns out that he is naked straw!

This day is a festive, excellent!

Loss in the crowd you passport passport!

Today, the winter will not be so easy!

Each resident of the treasure huge will find!

Today it will require payment for everything!

And to a million will grow with your salary!

There will be a rain pouring all summer long!

Each resident will buy a personal aircraft!

And all year old have excellent health!

Instead of beer, drink everything will be milk cow!

New Year's crurch "We invite Santa Claus"

The lead several times repeats the crurch, calling for the participation of boys, then girls:

That's the Christmas tree.

And the lights are burning.

So the holiday comes!

But someone is missing!

We must call him

You need to scream loudly.

Who is louder? Here is a question!

Well, guys ... (Santa Claus!)

Hey, girls, above the nose!

I'm smoking friendly ... (Santa Claus!)

New Year's game "goes, goes to us Santa Claus"

The presenter offers the guys to learn the words and perform a song on the motive "a Christmas tree was born in the forest." Gradually, all words are replaced by gestures. At the end, it turns out a song without words consisting of gestures:

Goes, goes to us Santa Claus,

Santa Claus goes to us.

And we know that Santa Claus

Gifts carries us.

Words are replaced gradually in the following order. Instead, the word "goes" it is necessary to stomp legs, "Santa Claus" - to show a long beard, "we", "we" - to show on yourself, "Gifts" - to make a large circle, "we know" - to bring the index finger to the forehead, " Carries "- put your palm ahead.

New Year's game "Once a year for the New Year"

The task of playing - after the phrase of the leader of the choir add: "Once a year under the New Year."

We celebrate this holiday ...

Christmas tree dressed up ...

In the house of friends we invite ...

We do not go to bed at night ...

Before the morning we have fun ...

President congratulates us ...

And we wanted health ...

Comic game "Draw Santa Claus"

Distribute to players sheets of paper and offer draw a drawing, placing a sheet on the scalp. The host lists what the players should draw: a circle (or torso), a small circle (head), left leg, right hand, nose, boots on his left leg, right leg, eyes, bag with gifts, beard, boards on the right leg, Left hand, gifts in the bag. You can also offer to draw mittens on your hands and a headdress.

To ensure that the game is more interesting, the presenter should not just list what it is necessary to draw, but to approach it creatively: for example, tell me how Santa Claus froze the right foot and it is necessary to put on boots, etc. Now each player transmits his drawing to the neighbor right, which counts the amount of points. Points are calculated as follows: 10 points, if the legs of Santa Claus are in the right place, 15, if the nose is on his head, 20, if the boots are on the legs, 25, if the eyes are located on the head, 30, points are accrued if the bag is not Santa Claus hurts, 35, if mittens in hand, 40, if gifts are in the bag, 45, if the hands are drawn in place, 50, if the beard is located on the face, 75, if the headpiece is on the head of Santa Claus.

A gift receives a player, the drawing of which is estimated by a large number of points.

New Year's bluff club

Do you believe that ...:

When on New Year's Eve watches beat 12 times, in Portugal people twitch themselves with their right hand for the left ear? (Not)

In Vietnam, for the New Year's table do not sit without a bouquet of colors? (Yes)

In India, during the New Year's offensive, everyone sprinkled each other in tea? (Not)

In France, as a New Year's gift brought a thick floor? (Yes)

On the island of Sardinia in honor of the arrival of the new year, a matriarchy is established for a day? (Yes)

In Hungary for the new year, friends give a clay figurine piglet? (Yes)

On the first day of the new year, the streets of Guinea water elephants? (Yes)

In Denmark, in the first morning of the New Year, we climb on the roof and throw copper coins into the pipe? (Not)

In Cuba in the New Year, are water from windows? (Yes)

In Greece, in the New Year's Eve, lead to the house of the goat and rub the horns with olive oil? (Not)

In Japan, the new year is celebrated three times? (Not)

In Russia, under the New Year love to dress up a fluffy christmas tree? (Yes)

In Romania, instead of the Christmas tree, under the New Year dress up poplar? (Not)

New Year's mini-kinoviktorina

What is the name of the film director who recognized and loved the whole country after his New Year's film "Carnival Night" passed on the screens? (Eldar Ryazanov)

What kindergarten writer fought the planet of the New Year's trees? (Gianni Rodari)

What was the name of the boy from the famous children's film, whom Dad, Mom, brothers and sisters left for Christmas holidays at home alone? (Kevin)

What material was made by a man, whom a harmful wife sent to the forest for a Christmas tree in the cartoon "Failed last year's snow"? (From plasticine)

What popular movie is the main heroine for the new year by the voice of Alla Pugacheva? ("Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry" Eldar Ryazanova)

Which New Year's toy in the fairy tale K. Gofman turned the young prince king of mice? (In the Nutcracker)

In which movie the main characters, beautifully played by Evgeny Leonov, George Vicin and Saveli Kramarov, met a new year in the country of Professor archaeologist? ("Gentlemen of Good luck" A. Gaidai)

What was the name of the village, in which one day in the Christmas night at the request of one of the residents of the feature stole the moon? (Dikanka)

In what fairy tale under the New Year by the fire are going to all the brothers and months? ("Twelve months") in what fairy tale the main heroine melts from the fire? ("Snow Maiden")

New Year's mini-quiz "In which country ...":

Before the new year, should pay all debts? (In Italy)

In the New Year shoot from Luke by burning arrows on a paper snake? (In India)

As a New Year's gift brought a piece of coal? (In England)

New Year's treats sweeping livestock? (In Poland)

Santa Claus personifies a shepherd-cattle breeder? (In Mongolia)

Under the New Year bake patties with surprises, which are starting rings, coins, porcelain pupae and red pepper pods? (In Romania)

New Year can be called the holiday of red lanterns? (In China)

Under the New Year dress black outfits? (None in any. This is a question of a joke)

Favorite New Year's entertainment is the lottery? (In France)

After the clock is trying 12 on New Year's Eve, the hostess goes to the courtyard and breaks the fruit of the pomegranate fruit? (In Greece)

Favorite New Year's entertainment Devya is driving dance and conducting entertainment games under a decorated Christmas tree? (In Russia)

Residents of cities love to celebrate New Year on the roofs of houses? (None in any. This is a question of a joke)