What can not be done in the classroom. Behavior in the assembly hall

What can not be done in the classroom. Behavior in the assembly hall
What can not be done in the classroom. Behavior in the assembly hall

Watching schoolchildren on change and in the classroom, many adults sometimes catch themselves to think that they did not learn themselves as in childhood.

Fifteen or twenty years ago, discipline was attached to the schools much more importance, and students knew the rules of behavior in the lessons and during change. But do you know them? Let's check.

Behavior before the start of lessons

Having come to school, you need to remove the upper clothes and street shoes, convert into replacement shoes. The jacket or coat is hanging in the wardrobe or on a hanger in the classroom, the same leave street shoes in a special package.

It is necessary for 10-15 minutes before the start of the lessons to have time to prepare for the lesson - get out of the portfolio and decompose textbooks, notebooks, diary, handles and pencils from the portfolio. Before starting the lesson, you can open a tutorial and repeat your homework.

The duty student must come early - half an hour before the start of classes to prepare the class. He needs to wipe the board, wash the rag, pour flowers and bring from the teacher's class magazine.

Behavior during the lesson

After the call to the lesson, schoolchildren occupy places next to their own parties. When a teacher enters the class, he welcomed it up. You can sit only after the teacher is allowed.

Silence reigns in the class: during the lesson, conversations between students are prohibited. He speaks only a student who answers at the board or from the spot. Everyone's carefully listen to the teacher. If you need to ask a question, the student raises his right hand and waits when the teacher will allow him to ask it.

During the lesson, it is impossible to engage in unauthorized affairs - draw, dig in the phone, spit chewable paper, etc. It is impossible to get out of the place without the permission of the teacher, it is unacceptable to walk in the class and plan to other students. It is impossible to laugh loudly, knocking on the desk or violate silence in other ways.

Behavior during change

The change between the lessons is needed in order for students to relax a little and get ready for the next lesson. To ventilate the class, everything except on duty, go into the corridor. The duty officer wipes the board, washes a rag, if necessary, brings and puts on the board a new piece of chalk.

During changes, it is not allowed to quickly run along the corridors of the school, pushing, fight, scream loudly, whistling, squander. If you want to run, you need to go into the school yard, where the runway will not interfere with other students and teachers. But it is better to take a tutorial with you and repeat your homework for the next lesson.

Schoolboat behavior

A visit to the school canteen always occurs on change. During the lessons, it is impossible to run in the dining room. Before entering the dining room, students and wipe off with special clean napkins. Each student has its own napkin, follows the duty officer or class headman.

In the dining room, they enter the order, not pursuing, and are seated in their places, behind the tables, fixed behind their class. As a rule, to their arrival plates with breakfast already stand on the tables. Each student takes his plate and a spoon or fork. It is necessary to carefully, not distinguishing and unwinding food on the table.

It is unacceptable to throw food to the floor, crush bread or sculpt the figures from it. Eating, each student removes his plate on a special table.

Behavior in the assembly hall

In the assembly hall, students are gathering on holidays to attend a solemn school meeting or concert. In the hall, they enter the entire class, in order, under the supervision of the teacher, and quietly seard in places. It is impossible to scream, stump, clap with folding seats, become legs on the seat.

At a meeting or concert, you can not talk, whistling, screaming and interfere with others to listen or watch. If I liked the performance, approval can be stressed in your hands. It is impossible in the assembly hall there are candy or buns, click the seeds, especially - to throw a husk or paper on the floor.

It should be done politely and neat. At the end of the concert, it is impossible to push, makesing his way to the exit - it is better to wait for when those who go ahead come out and quietly passage them.

Behavior in the library

In the library should always be observed silence, talking quietly, not to laugh and not stupid. It is unacceptable to silence in the library, bring with me food and greasy fingers to grab the books.

The books must be returned on time, in good condition. If the book was accidentally relieved, the gap must be glued to make other students to use it.

Rules of conduct in conversation with teachers

We need to talk politely with teachers, contact them on "you" and by name-patronymic. Having met the teacher in the corridor or on the street, the student greet the first. If the teachers talk to each other, the student is waiting for them to finish the conversation, and only then appeals to one of them in their work.

You can not interrupt the teachers, insert your comments in his speech, run away without hearing. After a conversation with the teacher, the student must wait for his permission, and only after that you can move away.

If the teacher noticed any disorder of discipline, the violator should file a diary to record comments. It is unacceptable to tear up the teacher, wade into him with hand, grimace, etc. - The punishment in this case can be the removal from the class so that the negligent student does not interfere with his comrades.

The school period is one of the principal stages of the child's maturity. In addition to obtaining knowledge on general education disciplines, a child learns to communicate with other people in the school walls, aware of his role in life, he knows himself. Here he makes the first steps in communicating with the opposite sex, manifests its leadership qualities.

Meanwhile, the school is also certain, rather strict, framework for the behavior of an adhent man. The school allows children to study the regulations of generally accepted behavior, teaches treads, diligence and helps parents in education. In order for the baby to be not white crow and understood how he should behave in new situations, it is necessary to tell him about what he has to come across school and how he should behave in it.

Image: Depositphotos.com

The content of the article:

Pupil rights in school

School is, among other things, a huge stress for a child. On the one hand, it is tormented by fear of bringing, disappointing parents, on the other - fear often too strict teachers, new rules to which children are not always ready. The child feels unprotected, afraid to make the wrong step - and therefore it can lose the motivation and the desire to learn at all.

So that this does not happen, it is important to explain to the child that in school he has not only certain responsibilities, but also the rights that the teachers are obliged to provide him.

  • The teacher has no right to drive a child from the lesson for disrupting discipline. The right to study was recorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and, preventing the visit to the occupation, the teacher violates the law. The same goes for desets - even if the child was late for a lesson, the teacher is obliged to let him into the class.
  • No one can forcibly make the child work. Saturdays, cleaning school premises and other similar extracurricular activities should be carried out in a strictly voluntary form.
  • The child also has the right to decide independently, attend or not optional classes. Additional lessons, excess of the binding load, cannot be required.
  • Teachers are not entitled to demand to take money in a classic or school fund, collecting funds for protection, cleaning or any other school needs. Education in our country is completely free.

At the same time, the kid has a number of commitments that he is obliged to perform at school. We are talking about discipline, rules of behavior in lessons, change, in the dining room and in the school.

How to dress to school

The appearance of the child is a reflection of the accuracy and tidy of his parents, their own kind of business card. In some schools, a free form of clothing is allowed, in others it is strictly regulated: parents can sew it to order on a certain sketch or buy in a particular store.

School form - a rather controversial question. On the one hand, she unifunerates schoolchildren, deprives them of individuality, on the other promotes discipline and concentration on studies. In schools where the free form of clothing is allowed, disputes often arise and even conflicts between teachers and students. At a certain age, the girls are trying to stand out from the crowd, and they make it with too bright, even candid clothes.

Optimal school clothing looks like this:

  • For girls - skirt to the knee or strict pants, a light blouse, jacket or vest.
  • For boys - classically pants, light shirt, jacket or vest.

All clothes should be clean, fresh, ironed, look neat. Separate requirements School presents to students' shoes: to school you need to bring with you a replacement pair and pereobulk before starting classes. It should also be clean and neat.

Hairstyles of schoolchildren should not be causing: it is impossible to paint the hair into bright, unnatural colors, to make itching, combing hair under Pankov or, on the contrary, stealing hair under zero.

How to come to school according to the rules

Many schoolchildren come to school a few minutes before the first call, it is deeply undressing and perevating. Some literally run into the class with a call, and the first few minutes of the lesson are forced to configure and enter the working rhythm.

In order for the child to be as working as much as possible and could easily absorb the material in the lessons, the rules of behavior of students at school recommend coming to school 15 minutes before the start of classes. During this time, he can calmly change clothes, put on removable shoes, relax, decompose your school supplies and even chat with friends. It will not be distracted by these simple classes during the lesson, which will improve the discipline and will contribute to better performance.

It is not recommended to bring outsiders to school: toys, cosmetics, knives and other things. Many boys belong to the latter as a way to self-affirmation, with a perico knife, they feel more confident, but parents must understand that this is a kind of cold deadly weapons, and he is not a place in his hands in the child.

How to behave in the lesson

The behavior of children in the lessons is the main headache of many teachers. Culture of behavior during classes should be laid in a child's family. Parents must teach him respect to listen to the elders, do not interrupt, do not make noise, do not argue with the teacher and not distracted by outsiders.

During the lesson in a child, a lot of temptations: a phone, a neighbor in a desk or a view in the window can hardly distract its attention, especially if there are problems with concentration. In order for your child to be the reason for the breakdown of the lesson, it should be accustomed to the simple rules of the behavior of students in school:

  • It is necessary to come to the class in advance (in 5-10 minutes).
  • It follows to your place.
  • On the desktop should not be extraneous distracting items.
  • During the lesson, it is necessary to observe silence.
  • You can get out of the office, asking the permission from the teacher.
  • To ask a question, you need to raise your hand and wait for the permissions.
  • Do not suggest other students the correct answers.

The child should not just remember these rules, he must understand why they exist. For example, why can not help your friend answer to a difficult question if he himself knows the answer? Explain to the child that each person must independently come to the decision that this will allow him to learn more quickly and become smarter. Bans without an explanation of the causal relationship, the child will not take seriously.

How to behave on change

The noise and madness during the change - the reason to the teacher think about how disciplined his class. Junior schoolgirls are more difficult to control, and therefore should help students comply with the rules of behavior in school during change. If you offer them certain games during change, you can control their activity and gradually teach them to discipline.

  • Even after a call to change, the child should not jump from the scene before the teacher finishes the lesson.
  • During changes, it is impossible to sit on the windowsill, open the windows - this is contrary to the rules of fire safety.
  • During change it is impossible to run along the corridor, shout, push other children. Also in the corridor can not eat.
  • When passing along the corridor should be held on the right side.
  • In the dining room you should calmly wait for your turn, do not overtake the kids, follow all the rules of etiquette.
  • You can not sift in the toilet, write on the walls or spoil the property of the school.

How to behave on a school area / school yard

On the territory of the school for students, the same rules of behavior are applied, which act within its walls. Children should behave politely, any manifestations of aggression and violence are prohibited: quarrels, fights or clarification of relations should be immediately settled by adults.

On the school area is forbidden to break trees, tear flowers, bending shrubs. The damage of any property belonging to the school will entail a fine imposed on parents.

How to communicate with the teacher and other schoolchildren

School weekdays are a real school of life, children learn to communicate with each other, show their strong qualities, meet with the first difficulties in communicating with each other. The first serious conflicts, emotional shocks, positive and negative, also occur at school.

So that the child was ready for any situation, it is necessary to morally prepare it before entering the first class. You should tell and explain to the child that he must respect with his classmates, not to join conflicts, do not take other people's things, do not spoil them. At the same time, the child should be able to stand up for himself, to fight with hooligans, but in the framework of decent behavior.

Older children in the transition period may experience difficulties in communicating with peers of a completely different nature. Features of age can make them aggressive, however, in any case, they must respect with all their classmates.

Ethics of communication with the teacher dictates the following requirements:

  • To contact the teacher must be strictly named and patronymic, on "You";
  • Teachers can not be interrupted;
  • All tasks and instructions of the teacher should be performed;
  • After the teacher enters the class, it is necessary to get up.

Mobile phone at school

Ten years ago, the problems of using mobile phones in school did not arise. Today, almost every first-grader comes to school with a modern gadget, stuffed games and applications. Instead of communication on a change, children play their phones, which makes them closed and uncommunicable.

The mobile phone of the child must perform the only function - to be a means of communication with parents. Moms and dads want to be able to learn at any time where their child is and whether everything is fine with him. This is an absolutely justified desire, but the child must be explained: in school, he must use the phone differently than at home. The schoolboy should not get the phone in the lessons, play it or listen to music.

The child will never have problems with studying or adapting to the class and new people around if he comply with the simple rules of the behavior of students in school.

School is a place of accumulation of a large number of people. And imagine if everyone here begins to behave as it is pleased. What then turns a public place? In the forest! That this does not happen, each student and his parents need to know all the rules of behavior in school.

General provisions

  • Each student is obliged to behave a worthy way, know and adhere to all the rules of ethics and morality.
  • Each student shows respect for the eldest, assists the younger, if they need it, carefully applies not only to their own, but also to someone else's things, performs all requests and demands of school institutions.
  • Students do not apply physical strength and rude expressions, do not enter into conflict situations.
  • All students are inferior to adults, boys - girls, senior - younger.
  • It is forbidden to leave the territory of the school during the lessons without the knowledge of teachers or school leadership.
  • It is forbidden to use or wearing drugs, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, fading agents.

School uniform

In the question of school form, disagreements often arise. If at school it is customary to wear a certain form, then there should be no problems, the main thing is to ensure that it is always neat: clean and ironed. But in some educational institutions do not require the form of necessarily, from here, and problems appear. Schoolchildren decide that they are allowed to dress as it looks like. As a result, their appearance leaves much to be desired. They look as if they would like to gather on a disco or as if at home, dressed carelessly.

It is impossible to allow this. It is necessary to comply with business style in clothing. You can wear skirts or sundresses, only if they are not too short and not bright colors, pants and jeans of dark shades, it is desirable that the trousers are with the arrows. Various shirts, white blouses, vests, jampers and sweaters will fit well to them.

Very nice when boys come to study in costumes. Of course, they are more suitable for holidays, as they do not allow to play after lessons in football. You must understand that you create a schoolboard with your clothes not only yourself, but also classmates, and teachers. Attitude towards a person in a business suit is completely different, more serious.


Each person who goes to school should be replaceable shoes. This requires the rules for the behavior of students at school. Change, as well as the shoes in which you walk down the street, should be clean. High heel shoes are impossible.


All students must be neat, neat, clean. The hairstyle should also correspond to a business style, causing haircuts, motley hair painting, haircuts under the "zero" or punk "under the punk". The student himself must follow the purity of teeth, nose, hands, body and carry a handkerchief with him.

Dressing room

  • Coming to school should be 10-15 minutes before the call to classes. Not later than 5 minutes before the lesson, all students are obliged to be in the classroom.
  • At the entrance to school, immediately rebuild in replaceable shoes.
  • Leave things in the locker room on your hanger, for this, the outerwear should have a loop. For removable shoes do not forget a spacious bag.

At the lesson

  • Do not be late for a lesson if there is no valid reason.
  • Prepare notebooks, textbooks, pen, pencil, ruler, and everything else will need in class.
  • In the lesson, observe silence, listen to the teacher, without distracting, not talking, not engaged in unauthorized affairs.
  • It is not allowed to chew a gum, swear, tear the lesson, interfere with classmates, teacher and write off.
  • Do not interrupt the teacher or classmates.
  • Wanting to answer the question, do not shout, but just with a suit hand.

Rules of Safe Conduct at School

  • Do not run along the corridors and stairs, it is unsafe! Such quick games, sooner or later lead to the bruises or injury.
  • Target to the property of the school.
  • Prohibited fights, damage to other students.
  • To protect the health of other schoolchildren and teachers, do not come to classes with high temperatures, infectious and viral diseases.
  • Completely excluded weapons, cannon or acute items.

School canteen

  • Each class visits the dining room on a certain change, so as not to destroy the order.
  • Do not come to the dining room without removing the upper clothes.
  • Conduct a conversation with classmates should be quiet and calmly, so as not to interfere with those who lunch in the neighborhood.
  • You do not need to run to the dining room, to push everyone and make yourself without a queue in the buffet, ahead of babies.
  • Perform all the rules of behavior at the table.
  • Treat with respect to all school canteen workers.
  • Each time after meals, remove the dishes.


  • It is forbidden to make noise, talk loudly, sift in the library and the reading room.
  • Return on time all the literature that you take home.
  • Do not harm the books.


The rules for the behavior of children in the school regulate the behavior of students not only during classes, but also on change, before and after the end of the lessons.

  • During breaks, schoolchildren should clean the cleanliness in their workplaces.
  • If the teacher requests to get out of all of the class, students must leave the office.
  • It is forbidden to run on corridors and classes.
  • It is impossible to be in the attic, in the kitchen, in the basement, in chemical and physical laboratories.
  • It is impossible, without the permission of teachers, open windows or sit on the windowsill.
  • If your class is on duty, you all should help keep track of the discipline to the duty teacher.


You will start to duty from 7 to grade 11 and you will be required:

  • To help younger students to undress at the entrance to the school institution, check the presence of replacement shoes.
  • To ensure that all the locker rooms have been ordering.
  • Follow the areas of the school that are fixed. They must be clean.
  • Helping teachers and school management to organize an educational process.
  • After graduating from the educational process, each duty officer puts order on its sites and gives them to their class teacher or duty teacher.
  • If someone from students violates discipline, the duty officer has no right to apply physical strength to it.

Making tasks, keeping notebooks, diaries, textbooks

  • Every day you are obliged to perform all the tasks that the teacher sets the house. They are performed only in full.
  • If the teacher sets his homework not the next day, you still have to perform it in advance. If you are absent for good reasons in the lesson, you still perform your homework, which was specified. If you have not fulfilled the tasks for any reason, your assessment will be unsatisfactory.
  • If you have special reasons that did not give you the opportunity to prepare for the lesson, tell your teacher about it before the lesson started. If you sick, then you had a respectful reason not to attend lessons, but you must bring a certificate from the hospital and be ready for a lesson, having a homework performed.
  • Every notebook and school textbook must be signed and wrap. The covers of notebooks are made competently.
  • Every day you have to wear a diary and all the notebooks and textbooks on this day.
  • All entries in notebooks are made in blue or black handle (depending on the requirements of the school leadership). The rules of behavior in elementary school require that all students of grades 1-4 make records only with ballpoint handles. Without the permission of the teacher, the use of pencils, markers, colored handles and stickers are unacceptable.

The knowledge of each rule of the behavior of students in the school will lead to order, discipline and high level of learning, so follow this charter every day. Successes in school!

Rules of behavior in school.

All school classes are held in accordance with the schedule approved by the school principal.

The duration of the lesson is 45 minutes.

The duration of change is determined by the order of the School Director.

Preparation for the lesson should be carried out only on change.

If the student is late for a lesson in his diary, an appropriate entry is made.

Classroom rules

  1. Coming to the lesson, the student must have a homework performed.
  2. The student at each lesson should have a decorated diary of the established sample, which is presented to the teacher for the first requirement.
  3. Before the start of classes and on the change, the student must prepare for the lesson by posting all the books, notebooks on the desk, other necessary training materials written accessories.
  4. The student should not interfere with others in preparation for the lesson.
  5. To ask a question or speak, the student is obliged to raise his hand and ask the permission from the teacher. It is unacceptable to interrupt the teacher or talk with another student during the lesson.
  6. The student must show independence of thought and actions. Cheating and plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
  7. At the end of the lesson, the student must write a homework in the diary and make other necessary records.
  8. At the end of the lesson, the student must collect his belongings and put in order a workplace.
  1. The exit of students for the territory of the school during training sessions is prohibited, with the exception of cases of exemption from exercise for a good reason (in each such case, the basis for leaving the school is the order of the duty administrator). After graduation, students leave school only accompanied by parents or those who are authorized. Alone to leave school is allowed only by students who have written permission of parents.
  2. in the event of a pass, students should present acquittal documents to the class teacher: a medical certificate or a statement of parents.
  3. Student. I missed more than 3 lessons during the week and did not impose acquittal documents, it can be allowed to work only after a written explanation in the name of the director.
  4. The student who missed without the acquittal documents of more than 3 days of the month, can be allowed only after a written explanation addressed to the director of the school and the written statement of the parents.
  5. The student is responsible for the fact that he independently examines the entire missed material during the week, if only there is no other agreement with the teacher.
  6. The skip of lessons does not exempt the student from passing the test teacher on the material of the missed lesson and performing homework.
  7. Exemption from training sessions is possible for a certain period on the basis of a statement of one of the parents of the student, which in advance (no later than the week) is applied to the School Director. In this case, the missed training sessions should be compensated either independent work of the student, or its additional classes with teachers before or after the missed period. About work for the missed time, the student is reported by performing the appropriate test work.
  8. For physical education, students should have appropriate clothing, otherwise the student is not allowed for classes, and the lesson is considered missed without a valid reason.
  9. it is not allowed to stay in the premises of the school of persons in the upper clothes.
  10. Staircases and passages must be free. Using the stairs. Students must adhere to the right side and go calmly not to run, do not push and not interfere with the movement of others.
  11. It is strictly forbidden to write on the walls, desks, chairs, wardrobes for clothes, scratching and breaking school furniture, equipment and other property.
  12. It is forbidden to make inscriptions on books and manuals belonging to school, pull out pages from books. In the event of damage or loss of library books or benefits, the student is obliged to fill it (it) exactly such (such) or pay monetary compensation 5 times higher than the cost of a book or benefit.
  13. Students are not allowed to bring medical drugs, narcotic drugs, explosives, weapons (including gas, pneumatic and firing toy charges, water). Gas cans and cartridges with paint, tobacco, matches and lighters, drinks containing alcohol, stitching, cutting and other items that are damaged to health and property.
  14. Smoking is prohibited in the school (for smoking the penalty of parents 100 rubles), the use of alcoholic beverages. The trash should only be thrown into the urns. In the corridors are not allowed to run.
  15. It is forbidden to bring seeds to school. Chew chewing gum during training sessions.
  16. Use mobile phones. pagers, electronic games, etc. Allowed only during changes.
  17. comprehensively forbidden foul language and manual attribution.
  18. Each student, wherever he is. Must demonstrate the qualities that approve and reinforcing high school reputation. He shows respect in relation to other people, cares about his appearance, he behaves worthy.

The behavior of students is governed by these Rules. Disciplinary violation is considered:

  1. Foundation for classes.
  2. passing lessons without good reason.
  3. foul language.
  4. handscript.
  5. smoking
  6. eating alcoholic beverages.
  7. insult on the word or the action of surrounding people.
  8. conscious spanking school property.
  9. other violations of the rules of behavior in school.

any person who believes that the behavior, words, or actions of a student or a group of students insult his dignity, or who has witnessed a disciplinary violation, should immediately inform the duty administrator.

in case of violation of discipline, the following recovery can be applied to students:

1. Warning.

2. Record comments in the diary.

3. Announcement of a leaf in the order at school.

4. Transfer to another class.

5. Removal from training sessions or ban on participation in extracurricular activities.

6. Exception of a student from school.
