Scenario holding evening in the museum. Scenario of the museum lesson "History of vintage things

Scenario holding evening in the museum. Scenario of the museum lesson "History of vintage things

- Every year on May 18, we celebrate a professional holiday workers of all world museums . This tradition lasts since 1978. And today we dedicate our event to those guardians of people's memory who love and honor the history of the native land.

- How did it all start? The first collecting attempt was carried out in the temples of ancient Greece, when special temples were erected for folding gifts. These temples were called "Treasurers." In the ancient Greek treasures and pyramids of ancient Egypt, huge collections were gathered. They are considered to be a prototype modern museums .

- Since ancient times, people have a need for gathering, but initially in the circle of collectors involved in the demonstration, storage and collection of cultural heritage included the most educated and intellectually developed representatives of their time.

- In Europe, the first institution of the museum type has become Kunstkamera. A little later - in the XVI-XVII centuries, such concepts like galleries, "cabinets", "cameras" began to appear.

- At the end of the XVII - early XVIII centuries, many European collections become available for visits, it was brighter all this was observed in Germany, Italy, France. The first museum of the modern sample was formed on July 26, 1791. It is on this day the door Lover Opened for the general public.

- in the history of the formation russian museums Peter I and Catherine II played a big role. They stood at the origins of creating unique collections, which later became museums of national importance - Hermitage and Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg.

- To date, the modern museum is a kind of culture symbol, which has its own points of view, position, opinions. The museum appears in numerous faces: in the form of a "treasury", creative "laboratory", "Cathedral of Persons", "Machines of Time", "Storades", "Living Organism". In this polyhedrality, the contour of what we used to call the museum are determined.

- Traveling through continents and countries, we will see the treasures of the Dresden Gallery, Louvre, Prado, the National Gallery in London and many other museums, which also includes the museums of our country - the Russian Museum and Hermitage, Tretyakovka and the Moscow Kremlin. .

"And very soon it will be possible to visit the unique museums of the city of Voronezh - this is a literary museum named after A. Koltsov, the regional local history museum, M. Mordasova Museum, Venevitinova Museum. (Slides show).

"Going along the school corridor, with a lot of doors, we will definitely stumble upon one cherished with the inscription" School Museum ". On the other side of this door, it is not just a classroom, not just a room, behind it is the history of our country, the native land.

- Time Guarders
In museums work,
The service of the Fatherland is true.
Memory of history
Long, eternal
In the hands of centuries transmit.

- The head and first organizer of the school museum is invited to the scene.

(The head briefly tells the history of the museum).

- The following composition sounds in your honor.

- Take years, changing generations, young guys are excursions become adults. As the experience of several years have shown, at the end of the school, extensive guides come to military schools, pedavses, choose historical specialties.

- The first tours of the museum is invited to the scene. (A guys are acting - the first employees of the school museum).

- These wonderful poems sound in your honor.

- Our holiday approached an end. Congratulations to the Guardians of Memory, Keepers, as well as all those present with this wonderful holiday - the Day of Museums. Good luck to you in hard, but very interesting and useful!

Characters:Guide. Journalist. Voice of Petit Shilova. Voice of the city of Canidine. Misha Doynikov - Wild man. Preliminary preparation. The guide and journalist can be both boys and girls. They are dressed arbitrarily. However, the guide can be adjusted to a pointed hat from foil and cloak - he is magic Guide. He has a pointer in his hands.

Presentation Scenario "Cheerful School Museum"

To decorate the scene, you will need a stand on which the slingshot is hanging. Nearby are portraits of old women, sheets from schoolbook with large letters "Ischo" and "Koterin", sheets with poetic inscriptions, a magnetoin layout.

In the course of the production it will be necessary for the assistant to speak for the scene by the voices of Petit Milov and the city of Canin. It is necessary for the words he pronounced quite clearly to be understandable to the audience sitting in the hall. The journalist must have a notepad and handle.

Misha Doynikov Wear in the skins, on the legs ripped sneakers. It can be scene from the very beginning of the scene as the exhibit of the museum. And if it is hard, can come out later when it takes. You will also need a Baton sausage (can be a boutaphoric) and any school textbook.

In the hands of Misha, you can give a stone ax.

The scene is decorated under the museum exposition. Hanging portraits of old women and old men, on the stand attached sheets of paper and slingshot. From the right edge of the scene still, as if the exhibit is worth Misha Doynikov. Above the scene "There was no and will not".

Output Guide.

Guide (Squinting exhibits exhibition).

Disputes, "Two", Hooliganism
not disappeared suddenly without a trace,
And pretense with grafomanism -
For children, all this is harmful.

I, the guide of an old, exposure presented
And on these pictures to see you all forced everyone!

Runs Journalist. In his hands notepad and handle. He looks carefully.

Journalist. Oh, what is it? Where did I get it?

Guide. Before you - the museum exposition called "there was no and will not be".

Journalist. And what is your exposure so interesting? I am a journalist by profession. Therefore, I would like to write about you a big article in a famous newspaper.

Guide. Have you read the name of the exposure?

Journalist. Yes. It is called "there was no and will not". Strange name. Why is it so called?

Guide. Yes, because we all have to make efforts to ensure that all this is not. This is a magical exposition. Here look! Before you the first exhibit of our exposition. This is a slingshot.

Journalist. Found something to amaze. Slingshot like a slingshot. What is outstanding in it?

Guide. Do not hurry with conclusions. Do you know how much school glasses were born with this slingshot? Record number. And she belonged to the long-term approach and the gaby hero Listaiter.

Journalist considers a slingshot.

Journalist. M-yes, curious. What is she gigantic! After all, this is a miracle of engineering equipment! And who, wondering, invented the first slingshot?

Guide. History silent about it.

Journalist. And what else do you have?

Guide. Notebooks. Their set! With errors and poems.

Journalist. And what, there are curious mistakes?

Guide. ABOUT! Yes. For example. This is a notebook of our school celebrity Dasha Churbanova. Tell me how much, in your, letters in a simple Russian word "still"?

Journalist (shrugs). There is nothing to think here. In the word "still" only three letters. (Believes bending fingers on hand.) E-sh. Yes, just three letters. Here you want to make a mistake, and it will not work.

Guide. But Dasha Churbanova could do it. She managed to write the word "more" with four mistakes.

Journalist. Four? How did she do it? After all, in the Word only three letters?

Guide. But how - "Ischo". (Demonstrates on the table Writing the word "ischo".) You see, the letters have become four, but none of them belongs to the word "yet."

Journalist. You know, I realized that a wonderful article can get from your story. Only I have to listen carefully to carefully. What are you still surprised me?

Guide. But the diary.

Journalist. Well, what is amazing here. Each of us had their school diaries.

Guide. And this is a diary of another two, you see, her name and surname - Katerina Krasnevich are written on the cover.

Journalist. But let me allow, I see that her name is written a few, to put it mildly, strange.

Guide. Completely, here it is written here - "Koterin". You see, this is a girl's diary, who even wrote his own name through the letter "O" - "Koterin".

Journalist. Is there any word that these two girls wrote right?

Guide. There is. This is the word "vacation". They wrote it in their diaries in big letters and worshiped him how the pagans worshiped the sun god. Now let's move on to the following exhibits. Now we will talk about such a phenomenon as graphoman.

Journalist. Graphomanism? What it is? A, I remember, this is the quality that has been inherent in many schoolchildren. In some specified age, all the guys begin to compose poems. Not always these poems are good, but the grapomanism will not forbid.

Guide. True, this is the graphomanism. Poems, but what! Here, I recommend. The whole poem on the extraordinary students of the third class.

Journalist. What are these disciples unusual?

Guide. In all this class there were amazing ears! (Sens.)

Listen to the chastushki about our class and our ears.
How Oli Biyukov's ears hooked up.
Churbanova from Dasha's ears - two empty bowls!
And Kukovy Andryushki bold big ears.
And Petit in Milova's ears, like a horn of a cow.
Gavrilova has ears bears, like a bump on the Christmas tree!

Journalist. Enough, enough! Yes, cheerful song. And some graphoman is straightforward.

Guide. But here on the tape recorder was recorded the voice of our legendary Lododar Petit Milova. He is famous for which he always spoke on his own, only his understandable language.

Journalist. Schoolboy spoke in his own language?

Guide. Well, not completely in your own language. But some words were just amazing.

Journalist. Can I listen to us?

Guide. Make a favor (turns on the tape recorder).

Journalist. You know, a lot of Zhargon heard, but the school forgot. You will not translate me: what did he say there?

Guide. He said: "This is all nonsense. I will not learn this nonsense. And let I get tomorrow "I'll get a" two ".

Journalist. Should be this Peter Milov - just a monster? I imagine it! Chrome, with huge dirty hands, with black dishwashed hair and rotten teeth?

Guide. No, he is very pretty.

Journalist. That would not be thought that a person with a normal appearance can say that. I thought I hear a conversation of some kind of monster! I think no one in the world could talk like that.

Guide. You are not right. His friend named Vova Canidine understood him perfectly. But what Vova Kanidin speaks in response to his friend. (Includes a tape recorder.)

Journalist. And this is also a normal person?

Guide. Yes, even though it is clearer, but he also does not want to learn.

Journalist. And who is in the corner? (Indicates Misha Doynikova.) Neanderthals?

Guide. Not. You're wrong. This is not at all the Neandertalets.

Journalist. Then pictecanthrop?

Guide. Now you will learn who it is. I'll introduce you.

Journalist (cowardly). Isn't it dangerous?

Guide (Misha calls). Hey, go here.

Heavy terrible music sounds. Misha Doynets shudders, turns his head on the call and a leisurely gait is making a call. His movements are clumsy and automatically like a robot.

Misha (Rug). R-R-RD!

Journalist. Oh, moms! (Sat and closes his head with hands.)

Guide. Calmly. ( Misha Dohniki freezes in a strange pose.) It is - Misha Doynikov. He did not want to learn, wash, did not want to clean her clothes and stitch the cuts on it. And here's the result. He almost turned into a savage. His dream was to turn back to the monkey, so as not to learn, do not work and live on everything ready in the zoo.

Journalist. And what, he was taken to the zoo?

Guide. Not. They said that such good is full everywhere. And Paval Misha In our exposition.

Misha (grumbling). Warrra Warre!

Guide. And he remained only primitive reactions. For example, at the sight of sausages loses the will (shows Misha Doynikov Baton sausages).

Misha Takes his eyes, served forward with a blissful view and pulls the paws to the sausage.

Journalist. Just think about it!

Guide. At the sight of the textbook flows into panic. (Shows Mishe ordinary school textbook.)

Misha tremble and blocked by hands.

Guide. And at the sight of girls begins to dance.

Journalist. And how would it check?

Guide. And see, Mishahow much beautiful

girl sits in the auditorium!

Incendiary music sounds. Misha Smiling widely, smugly growls and tested twist.

Guide. Okay, Misha, Go!

Misha. Noth! (Denting, sits something insensitive.)

Journalist. It is necessary, what primitive reactions!

Guide. He will not leave the girls here. (Refers to the auditorium.) Hey, girls, fold the palm of the boat and hide the face! Then I can learn Misha.

Girls hide face behind palms.

Journalist. Oh, and why Misha still does not leave?

Guide. This he saw our temples Marina Fedorovna. And accepted her for the student. Marina Fedorovna! Rather hide and you and then Misha Will not leave!

Plant hide face. Music ships. Misha The bats sadly stop dancing and goes to their place.

Journalist. Yes, complete degradation. How is it possible?

Guide. If you do not work on yourself, but to swim downstream, throw lessons, then it is also not like that.

Journalist (Fits a stand with a portrait). And this is someone's portrait?

Guide. This is a portrait of our long-life Natasha Krasnova. See, here she is already a grandmother. And all this is because in every class she was sitting for two or three years. She is slow girl, never anywhere in a hurry, no matter how teachers did not ask her.

Journalist. She's kopeck, yes? Rolling, digging, and then it goes?

Guide. Well, that's all our values. And I write an article about this or not to write, think for yourself.

Journalist (comes forward). This is the exposure of this exposure! I saw a lot of museums, but tako-oh!

Until Journalist Says these words, the curtain closes behind his back or the light goes out for a moment. When it is lit, Guide And all museum "values" disappear.

Journalist (Looking around). Oh! What is it? Everything disappeared ... as if there was no no more! Then, what, and the article does not need to write about it? Perhaps, really, I will not write an article in the newspaper about it. Suddenly, in these guys, one of you recognizes yourself, and he will be offended. And in your class there are such guys, the story of which can be placed in this exposition "was not and will not be"? Just so that they all disappear too? Then I, perhaps, write about such guys from your class so that they think about their shortcomings.

Nomination "Extracurricular activities and additional education during childhood"

Imagine the scenario of the event at the Museum of Educational Institution. This event is designed for a children's audience of younger school age. The scenario of this event can be used in the lessons of history, ICN and class clock.

The purpose of the event: Educating students in the spirit of love for their native land, to his history, culture, everyday life, language, expanding knowledge about the fatherland, about their small homeland.


  • acquaint students with history, life, traditional culture of the region;
  • strengthen communication between generations;
  • upbringing a respectful attitude towards your people, its traditions;
  • formation of research worldview;
  • wider use the possibilities of the museum in the educational process.

Training Means: Pointer, Riddles for Fastening studied material.

1. Organizational moment: focusing;motivation of pupils.

2. Preparatory moment: message themes and goals of classes.

3. The main stage: assimilation of a new material (zone or actions),fastening the material, its systematization.

4. Final moment: assessment of the success in achieving the tasks of classes (as worked, they learned what they were mastered).

5. Information point: determination of the prospects for the next lesson,homework.

Structure occupation

1. Organizing time

Hello, dear guys! Today we will go to a fascinating trip back into the past. Let's close your eyes together. Once, two, three - in the past doors to divert! (Guys close their eyes, at that moment the teacher opens the museum doors).

2. Preparatory moment

Guys, look around, what do you think, where did you get with you? That's right, we wound with you in the old Russian hut. There are various interior items and the life of the time when our ancestors lived.

We will get acquainted with the life and traditions of our people in order to raise the love of the native land, to his history, culture, life, language, as well as expand their knowledge about the fatherland, about their small homeland.

3. The main stage

Welcome to the old village hut. Here you can see various household items. Namely: the table, shop, "Russian oven", chest, baby cradle, etc. Each item, every thing meant a lot for the owner. Even in the hut, in the so-called "red" corner there was an icon. Icon in Russia at all times was considered a fire from fire. All these and many other household items will help us today to learn about the lives of Russian peasants in the old days, will introduce the decoration of the Labor and tools.

Guys, look, grandmother live in this hut ( grandma gets from the simulated furnace). She gets up before everyone, a few hours before dawn, dressed, lights the lamp with images (so in the old days called icons) and then walked the rest of the households ( in the course of the story of the teacher grandmother produces these actions). There was a lot of responsibilities on it: she had to work, showing all the example, but left, of course, later.

Grandma draws attention to children.

Grandmother: Hello, kids! Where did you come from?

Teacher:Hello, grandmother, we arrived from the future to see the past. To see you, yes to show yourself. Tell me, grandma, how do you cope with all your farm?

Grandmother: Grandchildren help me manage with a huge household. So, for example, throwing wood, to flood the furnace, bring water.

And what do you think, how do we wear water? (Children answers Choir). Right. Water was worn from the river, lake or with a well. But from the long distance in the hands of two buckets are very hard, so on this people used the rocker (shows the rocker).

Well, the water was applied, began to boil and bread oven. Flooded oven. And when firewood will fight, need a kocherga (shows the poker).

Do you know what? Guess the mystery: "The full stable of red cows, the black will go, will fade away" (coals and a kocher). The kocherga was needed to interfere with coal.

Teacher: And what did the soup cooked?

Grandmother:Of course, in cast iron (shows cast iron). And in order for cast iron to put one thing in the oven. What? And try to guess yourself. Here you have a mystery "Horg, and not a bull, it is enough, but not full" (gravit). That's right, guys, it's grasp (shows). Now it's time for dough knead and roll buns.

Teacher:And how to put them in the oven so as not to burn?

Grandmother:On a special shovel.

Teacher:What was the name of the dishes?

Grandmother:Flowers, spoons (shows).

Teacher:And what is the bake of bread from?

Grandmother:Here you guys, the riddle: "Brother's brother tert, white blood flows." What is it? That's right, flour. What are you great! But to bake bread, it is necessary to sift the flour. What do you think it is necessary to take for this? Guess the riddle of "hundreds of eyes, and the blind himself, climbed the eyes of the flour." Well, of course, it is a sieve! (Shows).

Pedagogue: Where do you take flour?

Grandmother:Everything is simple. Flour turns out as a result of wheat milk, and wheat is grown in a field that will pre-plow. Clear?

Pedagogue: Yes, guys, it's hard work, because the field is difficult to plow the field. Grandma, and what are you a lot of land?

Grandmother:For plowing, special fixture - soha (shows). Soka is a mild gun, as only coulters are made of iron. For the necessary plowing depth, it was necessary to lean on it with force. So we, simple peasants, is not easy for a loaf of bread.

Pedagogue: Grandma, and tell us with the guys, how did you sow wheat?

Grandmother:In such a lukshko (shows), the grain poured and manually scattered it in a fat.

Pedagogue: What do you clean the harvest?

Grandmother:To begin with, guess the riddle: "Bend to the arc, in the summer in the meadow - in winter on the hook." Yes, indeed - this is a braid (shows). Our men braid mowed wheat and harvested the hay for the winter. And women and girls taped wheat. What do you think than? Well, of course, the sickle (shows the sickle). And the grains from the spikelets were delivered by a chain (shows the circuit).

Teacher:Well, guys, now you know how the wheat was sown and harvested. Grandma, and what else do the grandchildren help you?

Grandmother:Help me my grandchildren and in such a difficult craft as weaving. Long path passed tiny linen seed before the shirt becomes. At first it was sown to the ground. Bloomal flashed beautiful blue flowers, and when the flowers turned into small boxes, Len was cleaned. Boxes cut off and made flaxseed oil. The stems themselves in the river were treated and still scolded from above, so as not to pop up. Two weeks were pulled out Flax from the river, dried, and then he was treated with a toothed plate, which is called Rubel (shows Rubel), or sneaming in a stupe (shows the stupec) so that the fire (garbage) was flying in all directions. Then he was combed with a wooden ridge (shows the ridge). As a result, the fudelka was obtained, which was tied to a spiner (shifts).

Guys, what do you think, with what kind of subject we hurt linen threads? Here is a riddle: "The more I turn, the thicker becomes." Well done! That's right - it is spindle (shows).

Teacher:How do you erase and smooth underwear?

Grandmother:Everything is quite simple. The laundry laundry rolls were used in this way: a woman wars underwear in the river, puts it on the flesh board and beats the roller several times, dips underwear and beats again. In this way, she knocked out dirt and soaps of linen.

There are also wooden linen rolls (shows). The underwear is wound on a stick and a roller movement on the table. This is a very large load for women's hands. With this roller, you can make clothes comfortable for socks.

Teacher:What it is? (Shows on the table).

Grandmother:So this is a samovar! It always stands in the middle of the table, treating all the households with delicious, hot tea, and it is important to chunkitis and puffs.

Teacher:Grandmother, with the guys are interested in how your grandchildren have fun? Here we have there, in the future, there are many types of entertainment. For example, TV, cinema, theater, computer with access to the Internet, and you?

Grandmother:Yes, strange words something ... incomprehensible. We are all easier. In winter, young girls arrange evening gatherings. They are going together to needle up. Guys come and guys are danced, entertaining needlewomen. Maiden put on beautiful sundresses, tapes tapes. Guys put on embroidered shirts.

Teacher:So after all in the evening dark, how to needker?

Grandmother:Delivered birch or aspen from the stove or was covered and cleaved it on thin sticks, which are called mud (shows Luchin). They are investing in the lights (shows) and ignited. So the hut was so lit, and the floor was put on the floor or cast iron with water, or trough with sand. Guys, what do you think for what? So that the flats do not fall from the rays to the floor.

Teacher:And besides entertainment, what did they do on these gatherings?

Grandmother:The girls embroider, bent, tkut, and guys weave lapties yes baskets, screw ropes, laid felt boots.

Teacher:You see, guys, as in the old days rested with benefit, and worked for pleasure. Well, it's time to say goodbye.

Grandmother:Where are you?

Teacher:Back to the Future. Thanks for the hospitality. We with the guys were very nice to learn so much for yourself new and interesting.

Grandmother:Thank you for warm words. Farewell! (Guys thank her grandmother for the story, say goodbye to her)

Teacher:Well, guys, it's time to turn back, we close your eyes, once, two, three back to the future of us transfer.

Children cover their eyes, at this time the teacher closes the curtain corner of the Russian hut.

Well, here we returned to our time. Did you like the journey? You today learned a lot about the life of the peasants from the old Russian villages. I got acquainted with the life and life of an old Russian hut. There was a lot in the freest of things and that is not the subject matter of the whole story.

Did you remember all? Let's check. I will read the riddles, and you answer. Now let's see what you are not smart.

  • Two brothers are seen, and together will not be gather (gender and ceiling);
  • What do not pull out from the hut? (bake);
  • Black horse jumps into the fire (Kocherga);
  • Krivoy Belmes under the pot of climb (gravit);
  • Under one hat four brothers stand (table);
  • The most common shoes in Russia (lapties);
  • Without which dinner is not possible in Russia (without bread);
  • Thin long chopping from dry linen for illumination of huts (beaches);
  • Bright front room in the house (Torny).

Well done boys! With the task coped.

4. Total moment

Today we have learned the life and life of the old Russian hut. I got acquainted with the history, life, traditional culture of the Russian people, thereby strengthened the relationship between generations, as well as became respectful to their people, its traditions.

Summary: The museum hosts a tour. It turns out that the most interesting exhibit is a person. He is a unique God's creation. And the Bible is an instruction for his life. Scene with humor.

CHARACTERS: Guide, tourist, guard and several other people depicting objects.

On the stage there are four pairs holding in their hands covered, they close museum exhibits. The scene includes a guide and tourist.

Excursion: Welcome to our wonderful museum, where unique exhibits of all times and peoples are collected. Here you can see unique specimens of science and technology. This excursion will remember you for a long time. Here is a completely wonderful exhibit. This subject was invented at the dawn of humanity. So, before you are a mechanical clock.

Covered, covering the first exhibit drops. An unusual picture opens the viewer: two people depict the clock. At the same time, one of them shows the arrows, the other - the cuckoo. Tourist expresses his emotions. The clock is closed again with a bedspread.

Guide: The second exhibit of our museum is an object, easy to use, affordable in advertising. Washer!!!

Covered again falls. Now three people depict a washing machine. Two shows the square, and the third, sitting in the middle turns some rag.

Excursion: Another unique exhibit of our museum is a friend and assistant in a family that will help you save time when cleaning the apartment. A vacuum cleaner!!!

The bedspread falls, on stage without any movements there is a person with a broom and a scoop in his hands.

Tourist: How does it work?

Guide: Now I turn it on.

The guide presses "on the button", which is somewhere behind the left ear at the "vacuum cleaner", and he immediately begins to work: puff, sweeping the floor with a scoop and broom, raising as much dust as possible. He leaves the scene.

Guide: And now let me surprise you a little, because our next exhibit ...

Covered as it were not yet scheduled. Spectators see that the man is lying on the floor. He swells sweetly. The guide in bewilderment is attacked by him.

Guide: Makarych !!! Get up now! What are you doing here? (Makarych frightened and trying to justify himself) Sorry, this is our watchman, fell out on the post. What are you doing here, am I asking you? What a disgrace! And this is in front of a foreign delegation! You are fired, get away from here!

Tourist: Wait, wait! This is also a difficult invention. You can say even the museum exhibit.

Guide: What? Museum exhibit? Makarych - Museum Exhibit? Go from here, you dismissed, did not hear?

Tourist: Wait, but he is a man, which means that this is the most unique creation, which ever was created. And no washing machines, no hours and vacuum cleaners come with it even in comparison. Because a person is the highest creation of God.

Excursion: You want to say that he ..

Tourist: And he, and you, and me, and they (shows on the audience) are unique. Tell me, what can be more difficult to arrange than a person? And here's another. As with all these devices, the instruction is also attached for a person. She is with me with me. This is the Bible. God is our inventor, creator or manufacturer if you want. He created us in his image and likeness, endowed the eternal soul, mind and free will and gave us his word - instruction for use, whether you want to know more about it? (refers to the audience) Today, this will be discussed.

Scenario on the regional view-competition museums

In the country is huge, among many schools,

There is one, in which I have come to come,

There is one in which we work, friends,

There is one, such, without which it is impossible,

There is one, but however, we all consider

School 12 is so there!

Good afternoon dear friends! You welcome the team of the Asset of the Historical and Art Museum "Meeting" of School No. 12 of the city of Bratsk.

Children should live in the world of beauty, fairy tales, music and creativity, considered the famous Russian teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky. This is exactly what students of our school live, which is the only one in the city of Bratsk entered the international project of Associates of UNESCO.

The history of our school takes its beginning in 1988, when the builders handed the school director with a symbolic key from a new building.

At that time it was a unique project not only for the city of Bratsk, but also for the region as a whole. In addition to the main building, the designers have provided a block for feeding sixlet. It was in this block that our school museum is located.

"Each school has pride

She is difficult to get.

And in Bratsk 12 school

Museum of famous.

Although not big, but he

For each child.

Panels of past banners

Weapon on the sidelines ...

And how many photos here

on stands and in the shop windows.

And on the walls of paintings not read

and many things of vintage.

When the windows of spring

and the sun looks more fun

We celebrate every year

Birth of the museum.

He is taking the 10th anniversary.

He is not older than us

But we are wiser.

He will tell me how to be in life.

Tell me how to become stronger.

We are proud and we save

His traditions are saints.

And by the birthday of the birthday

For memory things expensive.

Let him grow from year to year,

Nowhere else is no more.

He is the honor and glory of our school.

The "Meeting" historical and art museum began its activities in June 2003. Passport and certificate received on December 17, 2007.

The initiator of the creation of the museum was the director of School of Proskuryakova Natalia Ilyinichna. The work of the museum began with the conduct of the school chronicle, the guys were engaged in collecting material about important and interesting facts and events from school life.

What is interesting to learn elementary school students, coming to the museum today ...

Exposition "School Planet"who meets from the first step of the museum ...

You can see photos of our students and teachers at various events in the photos of the past academic year.

"In a good way, school!" - It is under the title of September 1, 1988 in the newspaper "Red Banner" an article was published on the opening of a new school in 23 microdistrict of Bratsk. On September 1, 1988, the first disciples came to school for the first time. The guys are built before the school porch. And here everything is ready to meet. Scarlet cloth above the doors: "Welcome!", Orchestra, a call, tied with a red ribbon. The solemn rally dedicated to the opening of the new, 12th high school opens up the director of the School of Proskuryakova Natalia Ilyinichna. 25 years have passed since the day.

25 years…

How many events occurred during this period! Something forgotten, but much remained in memory and became a story. School Planet, "one of the exhibitions that reveals the activities of a pioneer organization. Hands of students and teachers collected attributes of pioneering life: Horn, drum, pioneer tie, badges, school uniform, photos. Exhibits of the last century, symbolizing school life. It also presents the "Glitter Medal" stand, the pride of our school gold and silver school medalists.

"The teacher is the Creator"- So our students consider, and so called our first museum project. Exposure on school teachers awarded with high sectoral awards, uniting the materials of this project, takes a central place in our museum.

It has not only photos and milestones of the labor path, but also the statement of teachers about happiness: "All people strive for happiness - from this rule there are no exceptions. Happiness is to love to do what I do, "if you successfully choose work and put all my soul into it, then happiness will find you." The creation of the museum was made possible thanks to the vast assistance of school veterans, which shared memories, photographs, educational supplies of different years. Educational and research - local history work The museum is often based on the support of school veterans.

The teacher is a person who behaves in life to the knowledge of a small citizen of the country from the age of the age before the age of adulthood, and then his children, and sometimes grandchildren. Teacher - Great Word.

Next, we will introduce you to exposure under the name "Art Gallery". Gallery exploits replaceable exhibitions of artists and the applied creativity of people of our city. During these years, about 100 exhibitions of creative, talented, interesting people were organized in the museum, 7 social projects were implemented and among them the project "Epochs of different, and the Motherland alone" to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the Decembrist P.A.Mukhanov. As part of continuity, we carry out the exhibition of creative works of pupils and parents of kindergarten No. 134.

To the opening of the autumn Assembly "and the smoke of the Fatherland of our sweet and pleasant," the exhibition of the Reproductions of the Peerichi Light of Art was dedicated to the Year of Russian History. This collection belongs to the Cultural Exhibition Center, which is located in the village. Old hangasol on the shore of Baikal.

In our museum there are meetings and musical lines, lessons of courage, classes in subjects of the humanitarian cycle (history, citizen ...). The museum is the traditional meeting place of veterans, at its base, meetings, meetings of veterans with students, their parents, representatives of public organizations. The museum's asset participates in the preparation and conduct of military-patriotic activities. As part of the celebration of Victory Day, the traditional school competition of drawings and works, lessons for elementary school about the Great Patriotic War, quiz for high school students, on creative living rooms veterans greet the students of our school and guests of the city with musical concerts. In our museum, living rooms are held regularly, for example: "War" has long over "," I will bow the great years, "" in the glory of the Fatherland "and others. In the yard for 2013. It is 68 from the end of the Great Patriotic War. The glory of God is alive witnesses of those terrible days - war veterans. We treat them with deep appreciation and care. Students of our school are frequent guests of veterans. They help them in household cleaning, the purchase of products and medicines, congratulate on the holidays. So it turns out that time takes the heroes who gave us freedom of our country, providing a happy childhood. War remains in the past. In each museum there must be a corner of combat fame. No exception and our museum. We assembled material about veterans living in our neighborhood. The exposition of the "Veterans Gallery" decorated. At the 110th anniversary of Athanasius Pavlandevich Beloborodova, the exhibition "Always in battle" was executed. This is our legendary countryman who passed the whole of the Great Patriotic War, troops under his command distinguished themselves in the war against imperialist Japan. Afanasy Pavlandevich is buried in the area of \u200b\u200bSnegiri Station, next to those who, under his command, stopped the enemy on the approaches to Moscow. In the city of Irkutsk in honor of him, the street is named in the village of Power Engineers.

Exposition "Microdistricular foremostroids" Dedicated to people who were erected by a mighty hydroelectric power station and our native city Bratsk. Districtcoma VLKSM in Komsomolskaya vouchers sent the best representatives. At the request of the young man and the girls went to the taiga, the forest was piled, fought with a gnus ... they lived in large army tents, so the tent town called "green." A mockup of a tent town performed by students of our school is one of the central exposure exhibits. The showcases are photos, materials about the outstanding builder Namushin Ivan Ivanovich, information booklets and books about the history of the city, released in different years, kindly presented by veterans, unfortunately not to those who have lived to today's days. This exposition helps to introduce the young generation Bratchan, how our city originated. And now we live in a modern city, even if not quite large, but developing. In the city, famous for its achievements even outside Russia ...

In the exposition of the Museum "Life and Life of the inhabitants of Priangarya", objects of home utensils, irons, sewing machines, napkins, subzoras, as well as tools, without which people could not do during landing and harvest, such as a sickle and so on.

More than 200 exhibits for museum lessons on history, physics, technology, mathematics, literature, from and other subjects are collected in the museum expositions. They can be touched, powered, use in production.

We love our school museum and together with the head of the museum, we try in every way to maintain order in it and replenish it with new exhibits.

The school lives and develops, confidently goes to the future, in tomorrow. But she has a beautiful past that is carefully kept in the school museum and is the property of each student and teacher, the subject of pride and admiration.

Thanks for attention!