Alexander Frumin where is buried. Alexander Frumin

Alexander Frumin where is buried. Alexander Frumin

Mikhail Gutseriev returned to the radio son-in-law Arcadia North

The term "Russian chanson" our speech replenished relatively recently - only in the mid-90s of the last century. So began to call a big layer of music, which did not fit into the framework of the official pop. In use, this term introduced a producer from St. Petersburg Alexander Frumin, the creator of the Studio "Night Taxi" and the radio transmission of the same name, which is already engaged in this music for thirty years.

In fact, I did not come up with anything new, "Alexander Viktorovich admitted. - The concept of "Chanson Russe" was present at the turn of the 60s and 70s on the vinyl records of Russian performers who were recorded in Paris. I only adapted this name for Russia and promoted it to spread. The essence of Russian chanson is best formulated Konstantin Kazan - Arranged by French albums Vysotsky and accompaniator Okudzhava and Alyosha Dmitrievich. In an interview, which I took in Paris, he said: "Chanson is music around words." Song creativity, in which poems are the basis that the musician does on stage came from France. Although in Russia a hundred years ago there were their good samples. One of the people of Zhansson in Russian, without any doubt, was Alexander Vertinsky. His frivolous songs about the life of the Bohemian "Silver Century", in which there was a speech about sex and drugs, were exposed to be prohibited during the king. It was believed that they corrupted young people. Then Vertinsky forbade the Communists who came to power. They did not please the romance for the death of junkers "I don't know why and who needs it", which now remembers from the pit Boris Grebenshchikov. Vertinsky even called in the CC. He was frightened and soon went to emigration. In the future, Russian chanson as a musical style was formed from several genre directions. One of them was the traditional author's or, as it was also called, the bard song, which was usually, as a rule, under the guitar. In the time of the USSR, we had a whole movement of the KSP (amateur club - M.F. ), in one way or another, took part of Okudzhava, Galich, Vysotsky, Rosenbaum.

There were underground bards - Arkady North, Vladimir Sandrikov, Vitaly Krestovsky. Another area included in Russian chanson was an emigrant romance. But the emigrants were largely based on the songs of Russian executive authors. Own material for himself composed except Willy Tokarev. BUT Shufutinsky, Mogilevsky, Gulko And others tried the repertoire of the same Rosenbaum and North. Only more efficiently arranged and recorded these songs. Also, I always belonged to chanson in Russian acoustic part of our rock. I agreed with me, in particular, Jura ShevchukWith which I am friends for many years. Several years ago in my radio program "Night taxi" he himself said that when it works not with a DDT group, but solo, with a guitar, or with a small acoustic composition, he performs Russian chanson - songs and courtyards. The same looks expressed Andrei Makarevich And the musicians of the Teiff group. The latter even called their idol Arcadia North. All these musical directions, who served as the basis for the Russian chanson, were combined with the dominance of the semantic load and observation. This is not a fashionable stage for legs. This is the music you need to listen.

Commercial speculation on the topic of freedom

- How did you get that you began to engage in this music?

When I was a boys, such music listened to my family. And this passion passed to me. One of my idols was Alexander Rosenbaum. Then his songs officially were not published on the disks yet. But I collected all his underground records on the cassettes and went to all his performances in St. Petersburg. After the concert in the Palace of Culture named after Dzerzhinsky, I was lucky to meet him personally and receive an autograph from him. In 1984, I went for Rosenbaum in Vorkuta and recorded his concert in the Palace of Miner's Culture. It was my first independent entry. I was then 18 years old. And in 1985, when it came to power GorbachevI created my studio that began to cultivate such music. The first two years she was based on my house. And in 1987 she moved to a large printing enterprise - a typography name Ivan Fedorova. I led the Komsomol Committee there, and on disco and youth evenings, which we had, we began to turn the recording of North, Shufutinsky, Tokareva, along with Pop and Rock Music, Assumption. All slow dances have consistently walked under Chanson. Gradually, my studio has grown and acquired professional sound recording equipment. We recovered archival records from old tape films.

And since 1988, Samson's performers themselves recorded themselves. The first was St. Petersburg Bard Anton Okrug. Then many others began to cooperate with us. Including, the idol of my childhood Alexander Rosenbaum, which I was offered to write down the album "sluggish schizophrenia in 1994." At about the same time, we gathered a large collection of renovated archival records of the Northern, "pearl brothers", the same Rosenbaum. I began to look for a publisher who could release them on cassettes and CDs. And met in Moscow with now the deceased Yuri Sevastyanov. In the days of the first cooperatives, he traded in the market with cassettes with different music. Promotion Anatoly Blights And the group "Red Mold". And at the time of our dating, he joined the company "Russian Supply", which was the first beginning to produce shufutin on CDs, Kalyanov and other Chanson performers. Then, when this company covered, Sevastyanov moved under the wing created Vitaly Belyakov Studios "Union" and opened his sub-link "Master Sound" there. We have a collaboration with him. Then on the CD "Arkady Northern and Ensemble" Four Brothers and Shovel "first appeared marking" Series "Russian chanson". It was in the summer of 1994. Another significant event in my life was associated with the release of this disc. Although the law on copyright in our country has not yet been adopted, I considered it necessary to observe all the formalities and get permission from the relatives of the North (chanson himself died in 1980 - M.F. ). Head of the Ensemble "Brothers Pearl" Nikolay Rezanovwho worked with Arkady, gave me his old telephone 70s. On him answered his daughter Natasha Stardina.

We made friends with her and soon became her husband and wife. In 1997, we had a son. We called him arkadium in honor of the grandfather. And his godfather became Alexander Rosenbaum. So I reached immediately with two legends of the Russian chanson.

- Yuri Sevastyanov, in his interview, argued that the authorship of the term "Russian chanson" belonged to him.- In fact, he took my permission to call his products and without my consent registered a corresponding trademark in Rospatent. I did not let him interfere and instead through the court achieved the disclamation of the term "chanson" - recognition of him unguarded to them all, and not only Sevastyanov. This allowed me with my partners to register, in particular, the trademarks "Chanson" and "Radio Chanson", which were used when creating a radio station. Unfortunately, Sevastyanov distorted the meaning of the term introduced by me and brought him to cheap blessing. Of course, the songs about prison always occupied a considerable place in Russian chance. But these were the right songs, reflecting the terrible prison reality and forcing me to think about life. And Sevastyanov filled the "pop blades" market - commercial speculation on the topic of freedom and non-free singer Match or the group "Vorovayki" with their "hop, trash, do not have a term." And the Russian chanson in the eyes of many began to be associated with this shit. And then the actions of Sevastyanov became completely inadequate.

In 1998, my studio, by the General Power of Attorney, issued to me by Alexander Rosenbaum, prepared for the publication of his Golden Series, which included 21 album. We have already agreed with Sevastyanov. Gave him master discs. And suddenly he announced that he had no funds for the publication. Rosenbaum through me asked him to return all the materials. But Sevastyanov decided to deceive us and restrained the "Golden Series" of Rosenbaum to two other companies - Rise-List and Quadro-Disc, which printed the circulation and released on sale. For me it was a tremendous blow. "I published your plates for five years and earned the moral right to do this," Yuri told me. - I'm not going to apologize to anyone. " After that, disappeared abroad.

After some time, we found it with the help of the prosecutor's office and made the criminal case against him on 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of copyright and related rights". His consideration in Moscow stretched with breaks for six years and ended in 2005 by our full victory. The Tagansky court awarded us with Rosenbaum as victims of compensation from Sevastyanov in the amount of 400 thousand of the then rubles. True, we never got money. The deadline for limitations in the criminal case has already been released. And in the year of Sevastyanov his death went into the world another. But for us it was the main thing that we defended our reputation.

Arkady Frumin, the grandson Arkady North. Photo:

With similar problems I had to face and Misha Circle. The fact that there is such a wonderful author of the artist in Tver, Sevastyanov said in due time. One of the listeners of my radio program "Night Taxi" brought me a Misha Cassette and said: "You should like this guy." At my request, Sevastyanov found a circle and in February 1995 came with him to Peter on Ether. It was the first appearance of Misha on the radio. Then we became friends. Made with him another 3-4 programs. He was recorded on our studio. And Sevastyanov, taking advantage of the inexhaustibility of the circle in legal intricacies, practically free was the right to his most famous albums and without his consent, they were exploited. Misha asked me to help him return to him. "Once you successfully defend Rosenbaum, let me protect me too!" - he said. But his untimely death on July 1, 2002 did not allow this to do. Ironically, the last in the life of the Kroogi Radioester was also in my program. Then he became the laureate of the "Chanson Year" award. For him, the listeners on the Shanson radio website were honest. The ceremony of delivery took place in the Kremlin. But the artistic director of the State Kremlin Palace Schabata I could not stand in a circle and forbade it to start it on the scene. Misha is terribly offended. To somehow compensate for this unpleasant situation, I organized a presentation to him this award at a concert in the St. Petersburg Concert Hall "Giant Hall Conti". After the concert, the circle went with me to the Essentian Studio Radio "Chanson" and gave a great interview. It was a few weeks before his murder.

A case of life

- How did you manage to promote Russian chanson on the radio?

In the early 90s in Russia there was the only musical FM radio station - "Europe Plus", which the French opened. Head of Aeroflot-Bank Volodya Sipachev I wanted to have the same my own station broadcasting English-speaking rock music. Found young talented managers Seryo Arkhipova and Steppa stroin and financed the creation of Rocks Rocks. So called Sipachev. But to rock music, this name had no relationship. It deciphered as "Russian Commerce and Construction Association". The new station was allocated frequencies in several cities, including in St. Petersburg. They needed a regional partner. And through the Directorate of the Petersburg Radio Sewer Center, they found me. I acquired a franchise with them, opened the company Radio Rocks St. Petersburg and received the right to do his programs. And since I was never interested in Western music, I became my favorite chanson at night. The Moscow Directorate was terrified. But, under the contract, I had to broadcast and maintain their broadcast with some news, concerts on applications and advertising only until 12 o'clock in the morning. And after midnight, it could carry out local broadcast at its discretion. So my author's program "Night taxi" appeared. For the first time she was broadcast in September 1993. And from February 18, 1994, it began to go constantly. After a couple of years I became a little night ether on Rocks. I wanted to appear the station, which would turn around the round day in the FM range in Russian. New frequencies for broadcasting then, without any competition, opened a deputy minister Mikhail Abramovich Elizarov. And his son Igor just planned to create a new station at a frequency of 105.7. I got acquainted with him. And we agreed to cooperate on the same scheme for which I worked with Rocks. True, I myself had no time to engage my radio. He was busy with the launch of Muzvat's TV channel. And lead a new station put his business partner Volodya MaslovaWith whom I once studied together. Since the experience of working in the field of radio did not have, Elizarov sent him to Peter to study. And I convinced him to go for an unusual at that time a step - to make a Russian-speaking music station entirely and call it "Russian Radio". "Yes, who needs it? - At first doubted the oils. - Russians do not really know how to sing. And the music of Russian on CDs is little. " "You will see, you will collect all advertising," I insisted. - And this radio will feed you not one decade. " As a result, Maslov agreed with me and began to offer me to move to Moscow to realize this project. "Not, not fig! - I refused. - I was born, and came in handy there. I have everything in St. Petersburg - both family and real estate, and your favorite job. I can only come to visit you and help something. " Sereza archups by that time doried with Sipachev, left with Rocks and was engaged in some funny project - arranged the race of nude models in one of the Moscow pools on inflatable boats.

I suggested to take it for the "Russian Radio". "Sasha, what kind of fool?! - He began to shout. - I can not endure Russian music. " But I still persuaded him. Arkhipov became the general producer of the "Russian Radio". Led to him Sereg Kozhevnikovawho still commands there. And the money pulled out in the face Vitaly Bogdanova, current senator, and at that time the owner of the company, where equipment for my studio has always been bought. By 2000, I myself provided the regional broadcasting of the Russian Radio in St. Petersburg. In parallel, since 1997 he was led by the local St. Petersburg station "Russian chanson", which has already fully specialized in my favorite music. Then with the "Russian Radio", swaying with Arkhipov and Kozhevnikov, left the initial founders Igor Elizarov, Volodya Maslov and Igor Brarka. Together with them, we bought Rocks Radio and at its frequency in 2000 opened Radio "Chanson" in Moscow. As an individual I had a stake in it. And my company "Night Taxi" under the contract ruled the St. Petersburg ether, under which my partners took the frequency of the "Russian Radio" belonging to them. True, dividends as the shareholder of the Moscow "chanson" did not pay me. It was believed that I should make a profit at the expense of St. Petersburg ether. But it suited me.

- Why did you go with the "chanson" six years ago?

At some point I stopped I like the format of the station. I became the general director of Maslov, who owned a blocking package - a quarter of stocks, dragged there a bunch of frankly pop performers, by and large, who did not have any relation to chanson, but those who were presented as the main chason stars - Valeria Kurasa, Evgenia Ross, Andrei Bander, which after events in Ukraine began to be called its real name of themestev, etc. He explained to shareholders that it was supposedly necessary to attract advertisers. And I have always been against the pop in the chance. I wanted smart songs on the air, not afraid of conflicts and sharpness, so that Chanson did not become one-row with stations that chain the tuft of varying degrees of popusiness. Perhaps this my independent position brought me dissatisfaction with Maslov. Or maybe I became unwhatever because I knew too much about him. One way or another, for some reason he set forth the goal to survive me from the station and invented a scheme for which to broadcast to Petersburg was technically possible directly from Moscow, without my participation. To remain just a shareholder who is not related to music, to programs, I was not interested. As a result, in the summer of 2009, I left Chanson, sold my share and switched from the radio to the Internet. Along with the "Mosfilm", Lenfilm, Russia Today and RIA Novosti, I among the first signed a direct contract with Google and built Youtube on her the largest licensed music channel with more than 20 million viewers. And in April 2015, unexpectedly for me and for all Radio "Chanson" in Maslov and other shareholders completely bought structures Mikhail Gutserieva (owner of the company "RussNeft" and part-time poet songwriter - M.F. ). New Director General appointed Andrei Neklyudova (former director of Nikolai Baskov - M.F. ). He turned to me and offered to lead the St. Petersburg representative office station. From communicating with Sorudov, I had the impression that the new owners share my views on Chanson and want to change the station for the better. I gladly accepted their offer. And since July, the broadcasting of Radio "Chanson" on Petersburg began to be held from my studio again. One of the programs "Starting Platform" I lead together with my son Arkady FRumin - Grandom Arcadia North. With his mother, Natasha Stars, we broke up in five years of living together. But still remain in friendly relations. And our son lives with me and with my new wife Elvira. I hope he will continue the case to which I dedicated all my life.

Frumin Alexander Viktorovich (10/10/1966 - 04/16/2017) - Producer, collector, founder of the studio "Night Taxi", one of the organizers of Radio "Chanson" was born and lived in St. Petersburg.
Father - Viktor Pancyovich (shipbuilder), mother - Emilia Maxna (doctor-therapist).
One of the first professional records of Alexander Fruumin is a recording of Alexander Rosenbauma's concert in Vorkuta city in the House of Shakhtarov in 1984, which many years later was published by a separate record. In October 1985, Alexander Frumin organizes the studio "Night Taxi", and since 1988, the studio starts not only to restore the phonograms, but also to do the first professional records of the artists of the genre "Chanson in Russian". The first artist, who signed up in this studio, was the Leningrad Author-performer Anton Okrug.
On August 15, 1993, Rocks Radio appeared in Leningrad, and on New Year's Eve from 1993 to 1994, the author's program of Alexander Frumum "Night Taxi" was published, where the songs performed by Arkady North and other chanson sounded. And since the spring of 1994, the program began to go out regularly, and since 2000 she comes out on the waves of Radio "Chanson" to the whole country.
In 1990, Frumum graduated from the Leningrad Publishing and Printing Technical Church of the State Committee of Russia in the specialty "Publishing Adjustment and Editing". Then the Moscow Printing Institute was, which he graduated from the specialty "Chief Editor-Director of the Publishing House". And in 1992, in Jurmala (Latvia) - ABS College in the specialty "supervisor of electronic media". In 2004, in St. Petersburg - Academy of Department in the specialty "Management of the media".
Since 1994, the Studio "Night Taxi" has released about two hundred number-in-room albums of the Russian chanson genre, this is: Alexander Rosenbaum, Mikhail Circle, Trofim (Sergey Trofimov), Slava Bobkov, Zinovy \u200b\u200bBelsky, Vitaly Aksenov, Tatyana Kabanova, Vladimir Asmolov and many -a lot others. It was at the studio "Night Taxi" in 1994, Alexander Frumin again gathered the legendary ensemble "Pearl Brothers", the first official album of the group "10 songs in 20 years" was recorded there. And team members have become regular musicians of the studio for many years. Concert and guitar albums Arkady North, the album of remixes was released and published.
Since 2004, video films in the DVD standard have already been recorded at the Night Taxi, which are already over thirty, from 2009. - Blu-ray standard.

Official site of the Studio "Night Taxi":

On April 15, 2017, at 13 o'clock in St. Petersburg at the Military Medical Academy at the 51st year of life, one of the founders of Radio Chanson, the music producer and the head of the Night Taxi Studio, the author of the same name, died Alexander Viktorovich Frumin.

He was a friend, like-minded man, a man dedicated to once and for all his beloved business - music in the genre of Chanson in Russian. Studio "Night Taxi" and the memory festival Arcadia North is a matter of all his life, a favorite brainchild and, as family and relatives said today, the case will continue.
The 22nd Memorial Festival Arcadia North, and now and the memory of Alexander Frumum will be required on April 24, 2017 at the A2 St. Petersburg Nightclub.

The Santson Information Port site expresses the most sincere condolences to the family of Alexander Frumin, his loved ones, friends and staff of the Studio "Night Taxi".

View biographies.

People who are sitting in air-conditioned offices read fashionable magazines and listen to advanced radio stations, probably believe that there is no popularity of the musician in the country. More sensible will be called Philip Kirkorov. Within the Garden Ring, this dispute may have some meaning. But in Russia the leader is one - Mikhail Circle. If you think you do not know him, you are mistaken. Suffice it to say: the song "Vladimir Central", which is popular with us, about how in England - Yesterday, he wrote it.
40 days ago Mikhail Croge killed.
And the songs remained ...

Mikhail Circle could perish in a car accident. Drown. Die from a heart attack. The only thing that he did not threaten, is violent death. The status of the People's Artist himself was better than the Presidential Security Service. So everyone thought.
Probably, therefore, what happened to the July night, caused such a shock from everyone.
Those who loved the circle, those who did not love him, and even those who recognized his name only from the incident column in the newspaper. Probably, therefore, Mikhail's relatives still can not come to themselves and refuse to communicate with journalists. And friends and familiar singer talk about him with tears in their eyes.
This is not an exaggeration - it's true.

Marina Baturina, classmate:
- After Mishkoy death, I twice saw it in a dream. Live. I ask: "Misha, how so? After all, you died. " And he: "Yes, I played it all." Just those who knew him could not believe that he was no longer. When Misha was not yet such a star, she lived in the neighborhood and we met, respectively, more often, we somehow started a notebook with his verses. He composed poems from school from school, although then no one seriously perceived this, of course. Playing the guitar and sing he also started at school. Our class was musical: they scored those who wanted to learn music. All of the arrivals checked hearing and voice. At the school was a teacher who was engaged with us. The first year we did not fit the tool at all: Solfeggio, the choir ... It's all that, of course, it seemed boring, and the people began to be filled. Misha, who studied in the Bayan class, was dropped too. As a result, the music school has graduated from eight people. And in the class was thirty with excess - forty. The teacher said: "Does one of you become a singer or a musician?" One and became. Misha. Although it was probably like him, no one really counted.
Alexander Frumin, Director General of the Petersburg Radio Shanson Studio:
- I collect Chanson's music, naturally, is friends with other collectors who write this music and distribute. They also suggested to get acquainted with the Tver author. It was in the 94th year. We phoned. Misha was waiting for a call, but was surprised that I am not just a collector, but from the radio that we have a professional studio and there are living "pearl brothers". It turned out very fun with them. Misha loved these musicians very much and thought for some reason that they were no longer alive. Therefore, it was genuinely happy, which was wrong. We talked on the phone. We agreed that he would come to us in St. Petersburg to participate in the Night Taxi program. By the time there was neither Radio "Chanson" nor "Russian Radio". We worked on Radio Rocks. And it was the first program about the Russian chance. Naturally, in Moscow they did not hear it, only in St. Petersburg. I met him at the Moscow railway station. That is what I imagined it myself. Strong guy, strict, with military hairstyle. Short but not prison. Small mustache. He corresponded to his voice, timbre. Misha was very happy with Peter, such an unusual reception for him. There was a concert dedicated to the first year of the release of the Night Taxi. Studio, musicians, direct and listeners radioster. Misu after all did not miss anywhere: non-format, it is impossible. And we met him, as had to meet a talented person. He was very worried about the meeting with Alexander Rosenbaum, who, naturally, did not hear anything about him. Misha was photographed with him and then showed this picture to everyone. Very proud of what stands next to Rosenbaum. For him, it was a tremendous joy, because he was bewildered.
Alexander Rosenbaum, singer:
"Mikhail Circle is sympathetic to me first of all purely humanly." It was a real man. The man is kind and courageous, with him it was nice to communicate. We coincided in our views on many things: love, war, sport. And I really like a number of his songs that brought him completely well-deserved popularity.
The circle cannot be attributed to outstanding poets and composers of modernity. But those who say about his work: "Think, three thorough chords", I just note. Stop citizens. Take the courage and admit that his songs are popular with a huge number of people. And people - not cattle. They have a head, and a soul, and heart. He liked both the professors of the conservatory, and taxi drivers, and teachers, and journalists ... and for me, for example, it is much more valuable than the opinion of snobs than the "great" works of "outstanding" poets and composers, which no one listens and does not read. "Beatles" are the same three thorough chords. Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava claimed that he was not a composer, he meloded his works. Galich was generally bad with music ...
The song of the circle "Vladimir Central" has already become a classic genre. And if you wrote at least one song that would not die, then this is already a great success and a huge victory.
Katya Spark, singer:
- He was very worried about to dignally convey to the public his creativity. It happened, the sound engineer confuses the backing tracks, the light will not be so installed - it is very frustrated, because of these trifles there is an opinion about the artist. After all, for the viewer, this is not "illuminator (or sound engineer) to blame," and "the artist is a bad concert". Once it was, the organizers were very tightened by Mishin Concert. I do not remember exactly, but it seems that something with the equipment was not that. People in the hall were waiting for almost an hour when Misha will come out. And he rushed behind the scenes, he cursed, nervous, several times rushed to go to the microphone - he was told: it is impossible, not ready ... He was very worried. And people in the hall worried. But, surprisingly, when he went on stage, he was perfectly accepted, as if there was no time waiting.
Marina Shamshonkova, Director of Mikhail Circle Concert Programs:
- By virtue of its activities, I often had at concerts, and not only in the circle. There is such a concept in show business - "Take the Hall". Many singers did it with the second third song. And Misha went to the scene, said: "Hello." And all is His Hall. He loved the audience. There was such an extraordinary energy from him. Many came to just listen to Mikhail. Do not see the show, but to listen. If after the concert we did not rush to the station, then Misha handed out autographs. How many people are suitable, so many and sign. Considered disrespect to refuse.
Leonid, friend:
- Most of the Mishina songs I first heard. He has a gorgeous bathroom, large, with armchairs. I came to him, sit down, drink seagull. "Well, let's go," says. And we climbed into this room. He took the guitar and began to sing ... "Well, how?" The songs then did not rejoice. Only in one, I remember, the words changed - "drink vodka, vodka," She was already recorded, but Misha rewrote it with the "pearl brothers" and changed a few words - I was surprised even.
I have a house in the village. Pretty far from Tver. How many songs there are normal born. Misha came there, rested, batted in the bath, immediately took the guitar, he began to sing something.
Once Misha showed me the first lines of the "Vladimir Central". "Mishe," I say, "this is such a ... crap" (we both muttered with him). She is! You do not understand anything!". We were knighted. And the song has become famous. Then I was present at the studio when she was recorded. And then I began to understand it. Even advised something Mishe. It was my idea with a backing vocal - to "becky" Timur prescribed. I'm the musician myself (I do not say "in the past," because the person does not happen in the past), playing the guitar and sang too. But here "Vladimir Central" did not understand first. And Misha had flair on the songs. He knew how to build, sat on the studio from and before, I said to everyone: it is necessary to sing so that way, so play ...
Vadim Tsyganov:
- I can say that Vika has a very warm relationship with Misha. They began to communicate immediately in souls immediately, and I first came out a commercial party first. The alliance was interesting with him at the same time, because Misha himself considered himself a producer, like me. And at first there were powerful differences, because I saw everything somewhat differently, but still we worked together, it even seems to me that I felt more often. If I accepted some decisions yourself, he met it in the bayonets. Or I could, for example, to tell him dramatically: Misha, it does not hit. And he was a touchy man, threw the guitar and said that then he would no longer sing. Very touchy was, but quickly cooled. So the character was heavy, but at the same time, he, as an Orthodox man, knew how to forgive. Even if they quarreled, he said: "Vadka, you know how I treat you." I knew how to smile, joke. In fact, he opened me just two months before that, when I learned that he had a considerable tool for the construction of temples, for schools. That shook me.
Trofim, singer:
- His songs did not leave anyone indifferent. I have friends for whom the thunder is very close. So they really liked the Misha could express them on it. They said that such a beautiful language did not hear. Not a prison feature, but intelligent. Unique. And Michael it easily went out. He was generally a very talented stylist.
Marina Shamshonkov:
- Some hit Misha, they say, did not sit in prison, so it does not have the right to sing such songs. And at one concert he asked a question about this. He replied: "Well, I did not sit. Yes. And Daniel Defo, by the way, wrote about the sea, but was not a sailor. "
Katya Spark:
- There was a lot of things in my life. And prison, and zone. But Mishka never sat. But sang about it. And, you know, I was absolutely not annoyed. On the contrary. I believe that it is ingenious when a person can sing about what I have not seen, and so what the soul takes! Vysotsky has excellent songs about the Great Patriotic.
Misha and I met when they worked with him in one concert in St. Petersburg. "It's time for you, Kat, with Misha to meet", "said Sasha Frumin. And he led me before a concert to his dressing room. I, honestly, even frightened a little. He knew: Misha man domineering, with character. In addition, he was then already known, and I could say starting. Well, I think it will be now. But I did not see any pathos. And saw a man of cultural, correct, friendly. Misha took me quite welcome. I was surprised. Home to Moscow returned joyful. Everywhere I wanted to tell: I met the Misha Circle.
Marina Shamshonkov:
- The requirements for touring Misha had minimal. No Samoram. In the room - so that hot water is and bed. No "Lux" - and okay. In the dressing room tea, water without gas. Well, when you went to eat, there was not in the dishes and garlic. But this is not just a fault of some kind, he was allergic to these products, but also on tomatoes and red peppers. As the smell, they will feel, so tears from the eyes and gasp began. One day we arrived in the city, and there in a good hotel only one room remained - all foreigners occupied. Misha was settled there, and the rest in the hotel simpler. He was indignant: "I want with everyone. What did you set me separately! And how to play domino? ". I am: "Mishe, yes you know, here the rooms are not very." - "So what? All the same in the domino will play. " And moved to us. Gambling was. It sniffs when loses. Chips will throw, leave. But quickly leaves. My couple with him always played, he spoke: "Marine, well, you look at me! You watches than I go. "
Vlad Savosin, Boyanist, Group "Travel":
- Mikhail played gorgeous in Domino. In the chess again. During the tour: after concerts or on the road, on the train. The road is long, and Misha's airplanes did not really love - it was not afraid of flying, he had pressure risen. We played in charaks, and games. Misha - man was cheerful, cheerful.
Igor Fishermen, Odnoklassnik:
- Alone with Misha from the first to the eighth grade studied. It happened at one desk sat, it happened both drove out from the lesson. Our class was in half divided: "Germans" and "British". So we were "Germans" with him. For some reason, it was at the lesson of the German language Misha who loved his songs to sing. Silence. Teacher loud some text reads. Suddenly he whispers: "Do you want to drink a song? I just composed "-" Come on "and Mikhail in increasing:" Cyrmingdira - Kirimmingdira. Kirimimmidira - Krista ". A teacher from the textbook so slowly eyes raises ... Girls look at me, then Misha. "And now the translation:" The sun rises above the Huanghe country. The Chinese go to the fields. " All: "ha-ga-ha". Teacher: "Sparrow! (This is his real surname) Won from class! " That's how we taught German. "Four" is the highest assessment.
Marina Baturin:
- He sat at the desk right in front of me. Already after the school I remembered constantly: "You did not give me off." I missed: "Yeah, did not give." Yes, I myself have tried to write off anyone. Misha, though did not go in the honors, was the leader in nature. Was a person. He could directly enter into the eyes to express both peers and teachers. Somehow we had a school "light" and we collected money to tea drinking, for cakes. And not everyone passed the money. And all came. And Misha said right at the table: "Why did I share the money, and such something did not pass, but he still sits at the table and eats?". Bear - he was very fair, did not tolerate injustice.
Vlad Savosin:
- Mikhail in the work was strict. Could finf. For business. And none of the musicians were offended by him - a normal working time. Despotism was not. There was a discipline. Each of the musicians could advise something in terms of work. And Mikhail listened. But decisions took only himself. As a leader who is responsible for the final musical product. Of course, creative disputes happened. But they were solved peacefully. And you thought as in "fun guys": "This phrase is played so"?
Irina Petrovna Lyubimova (worked with a circle in the autocolone):
- Misha was a hot-tempered man. I loved everything to be all as he said. He could increase the door, to slam the door, cringe with the authorities. I never shouted on me. In general, I tried not to swear with women. We had such a deputy general director of traffic safety. Harmful man. And he had three mechanics in his helpers. He constantly forced them to do something for his personal car. Then the wheels to pump up, then fix something. And suddenly one day the newspaper appears on our board. It draws this boss and three mechanics who drag to his wheel the wheel. And so everything seems like. It turned out to be Mishina. He did not hide it. Uncle This newspaper has risen, crumpled, threw me on the table. The scandal, of course, was not - for such not punish. But after all, the bosses are not decided every way. I kept the newspaper for a long time, glued in pieces, and then, when they moved, threw. In vain.
He was a soul company. Never sucked. Optimist in life. And then he is more serious and more seriously became music. In Moscow ride. This, of course, did not approve, caused a mockery of others. We laughed even over it in the open: "That's, Bear was singing!"
"I knew him before the army normally - walked in that area where he lived. And after the army, in the 90s, we have already talked tightly. Then a few have understood that you need to do something, in the bulk there were old, communist, glances, we tried to save the place. Misha worked in the autocolone, but about what you need to do something in creativity, I was seriously thinking. Since then, we started communicating. And help each other. For creativity and in life. It is no secret that the fame of Misha brought his second album - "Zhiga Lemon". I participated in his record. In the sense that I was already in commerce, and Misha also worked. The album was recorded at the studio in Tver, Misha quit from work, and the tour began to tour.
Anatoly Dniprov:

- With Mikhail, we met a few years ago, in one of the nightclubs, where many performers operating in the genre of Chanson were performed. The boyfriend came up behind the scenes to me, he introduced himself as Misha Circle, gave his cassette and asked to listen. Many are suitable for me who work in this genre bring cassettes, ask to say their opinions. Because everyone consider me one of the people of Chanson, but I believe that it is completely not involved in it, that's for sure. Mikhail also was important my opinion. At the same time, neither television, nor on the radio did not exit, young guys were not allowed at all, but I still sounded songs somewhere. Very closely, I did not communicate with Misha, but I did not feel that he was some kind of closed, in no case. He was the same as I, I was not afraid to say everything that he thinks. In this I found something right.
Irina Petrovna Lyubimova:
- Few people believed that he would succeed. It seems to me because of envy. He began to do things, for many unusual. As I have already said, we had a company, it was also the direct Mishin chief. He came to him at a pleasant one, asked to leave somewhere in his musical affairs. And that one great moment stopped letting him go. And then Misha waved his hand. After all, at that time, it received a good money - 300 with excessive rubles, and went to nowhere. Made up his mind. His deed of many then surprised. There was a scandal, he wanted to dismiss on the article. Because Misha still leaving about his affairs, and he put a string for this. But he himself quit, at his own request. After all, it was convenient for him to work as a driver. Good constant earnings, growth perspective, respect. Where he could know that on a new path he was successful. Misha risked greatly. And worried about this. But he was an independent person who was accustomed to responding for his actions. Then his cassettes began to appear. Many proud that he rose. Someone, on the contrary, envied. But Misha did not change with the arrival of popularity. Recently, the guys remembered how he he himself, who wanted him on his article, he met near the bakery. Merry, the cake bought. Misha came to him himself, said that the son was born. But he could come up and remember the old resentment or generally pretend that he did not notice. After all, we stayed there far behind. Who are we for him? And in the autocolonna he came to us. True, less and less time - time lacked on everything.
Galina Pankratova, classmate:
- Misha completely has not changed. Whatever was 20 years ago, so remained. The same full, calm, simple. Somehow, he gave a concert in our school 39th (I teach it). The local teacher decided to look at the director's office, look at the celebrity. And Misha was waiting for the beginning of the concert, when the guys in the hall will gather. "Oh, Gal, come in." - "What did you know me? We have not seen so much. " - "You were pebbles. Pebbles and remained. " Then the cinema shot about him. Also in our school. Misha took me to an oakha, and until he was interviewed, I was standing around - I did not let go. The street was found: "Hi" - "Hi" and that's it. After the eighth class, he left, and we somehow sorted up with him. I spent more with those who studied in the nine-tenth. And when they met with him, they talked about life, like all former classmates, who where, as in the family, etc.
Alexander Frumin:
- There are very few people in the world that are strong inside. Here is a person gained popularity, began to make money, and it makes it different. Let's not say what corrupts, just changes. This is especially true of people of public professions: artists, musicians, TV presenters. And Mikhail Vorobyov did not. Immersely appreciated that at one time he was recognized as the best author of Tver at the author's song contest in the 87th year. In the jury, the chairman was our St. Petersburg Bard Evgeny Kleachkin. By the way, this tragic song "Day like a day" is dedicated to the memory of Kleachkin. And then in some of the newspapers they wrote that this song was requiem to Mikhail himself. This is not true.
Mikhail Sheleg, singer, publicist:
- He was completely calm with us communicated without any arrogance, characteristic of many, asked by glory and fans. Very funny told about filming in the movies. He played the role of criminal authority, thief in the law of Viktor Petrovich in the film Konstantin Murzianko "April". He told what a mutual activity: six o'clock grimit, twenty minutes take off. And only two phrases should be said, which for some reason no way climb. We also talked about the chance. The circle told that he organized his direction in music, which is called "Russian genre". He said: "Now all the albums will be released only in such a series. Moreover, take artists will be a meeting. We must already separate this tinsel, which rushes to Chanson. Let them be chansoniders, and we will work in the Russian genre. "
Katya Spark:
- We were brought together similarity of characters. I am with regard to work, a hard person. And Mikhail was so. Himself gave work a hundred percent and demanded the same from others. He could not be "tired", "fell ill", "bad." That is, of course, it happened, you will come to him before the concert, and he: "Oh, Kat, hurts, I don't know how now I will work" ... but I went to the stage - and as if there was a magic wand kneading: neither sick throat, Not fatigue. Because of his bad well-being, he could not cancel the concert. Because she loved his audience and could not deceive her expectations. Misha was a workaholic. I respect him for it. He lived his work, proud of her. I am sure that he would never go after the song selling something, doing business, like others. If it were not for this tragedy, he would sing all my life, would not change the profession.
- Misha came with different projects: let's put money there, here. And he was not a merchant, he was well versed in music, but he was not a merchant, and it was advised to consult me. I said: "Misch, the market has long been divided. And they know them, those and those. Want to go out - go to them. " And he started: "Oh, Lesh, forever you start." I explain: "This project is knowingly deadly, anyway, what to take and just throw money. Buy equipment, to gain people - and in Tver good specialists are not so much - and not get anything. " He started even more ... Although, by the way, none of the commercial projects so seriously hooked. All the same, he was closest to the music. He treated it very seriously.
Vlad Savosin:
- I wrote all the albums with Misha. We met on some musical party. I worked in one restaurant-type fabric bayanist. And Mikhail there came to visit a friend who was worked there. This friend knew that Michael was participating in competitions, in the festivals of the author's song. Well, introduced us - like a colleague. With Mikhail, during the evening several songs played together, he immediately suggested to speak with him at a competing of a amateur song, which soon passed in Tver. Since this all started. At one time we made three of us - the third was Volodya Ovcharov. Then Misha began to bring other musicians. Heard a guitarist - led. Colleagues advised a good violinist - Viktor Chilimov. So, gradually, after a year and a half, a group "Travel" - six people formed. The composition was then repeatedly changed, for all the time a man worked in the "fellow traveler" twenty. But this happens in many teams.
Marina Shamshonkov:
- I'm working with Mikhail for 6 years. Yes, he is a demanding - I as director I say, but demanding rightly, logical. He loved the order so that everything was clearly. It happened, grumble, fails. But the disposable was, Mat did not swear. In the team we had a dry law. At each concert were invited to sit. Imagine that these gatherings could pour out, and the next day the concert, another city. We have no one musician. Somehow he wanted beer much. "Want - Pey." The guys warned him that we had expensive beer, but he did not understand. I got drunk, no morning. At the concert, everything was bad. And beer rose to him in the price of the concert. So it is really expensive. But the next time he did not want. Generally Misha united wonderful guys. Harves. No one was late, everyone tried.
Mikhail Gulko, singer:
- I remember was a very interesting point. I then stayed in Tver. Night deep. After the concert came home, dinner and went to rest. Suddenly the call: "Misha, cut out!" His friends drank a little bit, and in such a state the police stopped. Well, Misha commerce to gather on revenue, and their material itself, but kindly, in dope. I went with him. Tver Center. Machines stand, traffic cops, his men - guilty faces. Suddenly Misha whispers me: "Uncle Misha, sign the traffic cops of the record." And with me they were. I come to them: "I'm here on tour, singer, allow the gifts to do", etc. And Misha shy his name to use, did not like when he was recognized. In general, the guys were released. I got acquainted with him interesting. At night in a restaurant car. We drove for the evening of chanson to Peter, in Gorky DK. I then took vodka, dinner. And he: "I do not drink." So got acquainted, I already knew the name of the circle. In the year 93, he gave a concert in the zone near Krasnoyarsk. I just flew from New York. And suddenly I hear from some kind of wolfone, which brought the chipboard, the voice comes from the car. And with some kind of shy, sings. "Who is it?" - "Mikhail Circle". Then I realized who he was listening in Russia. After our night dating, we came together and went by train to Moscow. When he went out in his Tver, so for some reason he walked sadly. We exchanged phones. He at first, the director was such a frivolous boy. Misha, I remember, he was constantly said: "You are tagged." And then Marina appeared.
Katya Spark:
The nature of Misha, of course, is difficult ... was. He could get angry, shout. But this is a creative person. Personality! Primarily. Would he be without character - would he be a mishe circle? .. And with him, for example, it was easy to communicate. Although, of course, we quarreled, and they were offended, happened, each other ... there was such a case. We both hated onions with Misha. And he also did not eat garlic. In restaurants, we put it with him for a separate table, fed separately from the rest. So, once in Israel, when we were on tour, we argued with him because of something in a supermarket. Because of the nonsense of some kind, the price tag, or ... so on the last concert, in Tel Aviv, when all each other were satisfied with some subds, I took and found the Microphone Mishin onion. When he went to the scene and approached him, he had such a face! Threw the microphone, nervous - the people will not understand what is the matter. And the room was so decent. Light - Misha had such a back vocalist - I understood what was the matter, and I began to laugh loudly on the stage ... When Misha left behind the scenes, he thought on another person and poured a bottle of sweet water on him. And I stayed aside. And then he has not been admitted for a long time. Not, I think, it is better to reach Moscow - there I will say, Misha was quick-tempered, but leaving. About what I did, someone else told him. He is only: "Kat, well, what are you, kat" ... then I couldn't forget it for a long time, I told me: "Well, Katka, wait for you, I also arrange something." Did not suit. Because I did not have time. But, probably, I would come up with something funny. With his pretty harsh appearance, he loved to joke, possessed a wonderful sense of humor. For example, I played, scared little. For example, we have concerts with him in the same city. He calls me on the phone or comes for the scenes: "Kat, and you have canceled the concert." Or: "You have a bad thing, I interrupted you all, two people are sitting in the hall." And I started to worryly worry.
Vlad Savosin:
Misha was very worried if the hall was not filled. We constantly had alloclags. But the organizer is rearranged and will make four concerts in one city for the year. And it would be necessary - one or two. When for the fourth time for the year we arrive, of course, there was no full room. So in Chelyabinsk once, for example, it turned out. Mikhail was very frustrated, did not understand: "The city seems to be good, what's the matter?". But he was heard the day, and the next is another city. Not to disorders. A month could be 20-25 concerts. Once, during a long and difficult tour tour, on one of the last concerts, Mikhail on the stage directly forgot a few lines in the song and on the melody, spent on the rhythm: "And then I just forgot. And something else there, I do not remember. " The people were awesome. But applauded.
Igor Fishermen:
When Misha became on tour ride, it changed very much. Time began to appreciate. Shours, business, a second thought. Also with mom on a green passage lived. She expresses something to him. And he: "Mom, all, no time." And ran away. This is whom the military should have become. Exactly, the general would have served. With him somehow talked to this topic. I wanted to leave the army and decided to consult with him. And he said so: "Do not go anywhere. You are a military, and be it. The citizen is very hard. "
Katya Spark:
We always tried to help out each other. Not money, no ... In this somehow there was no need. I also do not remember some critical situation. But we always supported each other. When Misha had a birthday, I had to come to him. If the concert was scheduled for this day - tolerated. And Misha came to my birthday. Artists are generally invited to the holidays. I was asked: "Did you give a circle with a circle, so that he arrived?" I was indignant: "Why? What does it mean: how much did it give? We are friends. Misha to me as a friend came. Do you think everyone is for money? "
Marina Baturin:
Misha's friends have always been ready to help. Twice he was very squeezed by my son. When he failed the exams at the institute - the first time during admission, the second time - already during study, I called Mishe. He responded immediately: "Marin, well, I, of course, help you." And helped. Materially, I needed money then.
As we come together, the whole city was surprised. I asked me as many times: how can you communicate with a teddy bear, he is the explosive, it can break away, and you kind of and do not swear and always everywhere together. I said: I don't know why so ... because he is an explosive, and I - like water. He caught fire and - P-sh-sh, cooled. I not only helped Misha. But those who did the soul inserted, rose and then went past me such detached: hello, lech, and that's it. And the bear is where I did not expect - I was ready to put my head for me. I happened to help him, so after the first concert that he brought money to him, he came to me: "Here, Lesha. This is for you". I say: "Stop it, I have money, you let us develop. I will not take anything. " He then: "Well, become my director, my producer." This is true, Misha was sharp, bold, but the souls in it still had more.
Mikhail Gulko:
- Misha knew the price to people. Who did not love, he did not love. Did not bring to himself. And good did it imperceptibly. He had no Ponte. And on stage - like a child. Lips pieces, mustache. If you carefully look at when he sings, then it's noticeable how he twitches the upper sponge ... I can not say in the past time ... Misha with Irocheh (second wife) I have here, in New York, stayed. I didn't yet know that he didn't eat onions and garlic, simply advocated a meeting. But the food went to the trash bin. Misha asked me sausages with cabbage. And he has very delicious borschy at home - this is the main dish under which it drinks well. Herochka is well preparing. He is a very broad soul man. In his house 24 hours did not close the entrance door. Friendly with all layers of the population. When I came to him in Tver, he always sent a car to Moscow. Asked friends to bring. And we always always arrived. And concerts there made joint and just some holidays celebrated. Misha had a lot of friends, and I am very glad that I got into the circle of approximated. He was not closed, but to him, as they speak in the people, you will not come up. Not every tried to find a common language.
Mikhail Sheleg:
- With the circle, we often intersect at the prefabricated concerts, all kinds of festivals and in a recording studio on Ryazan Avenue. To call our Communication friendship was impossible, it was just a friendly relationship.
Mikhail is a closed person, quite self-sufficient, confident, proud and did not come to contact everyone. Near the famous person always goes many different personalities - and fans, and adventurers. Therefore, Mikhail applied to everyone carefully, but since we were a long-standing acquaintance, he invited me to himself in Tver for the studio. It was June 13, he led us to a restaurant, where we talked. They took ice cream, coffee, he was so homely dressed in a T-shirt and training pants. Misha dropped a chance of ice cream to a T-shirt and then when I photographed it, covered with a wicked saucer.
Igor Fishermen:
- It so happened that the bear in the last houses of the Green Drive lived, and I in the middle. And we practically did not intersect after lessons. Their company in the yard was going, with guitars. The best "brother" schools. I did not touch me, because I was engaged in sports, and "Botany" was not considered. They were going, solved by the Council: "This is how to touch this, that's it." When I was outraged, Teddy Teddy said: "You, Igor, silent. It's not yours. Silent. " In general, ordinary boyish life. First, in the buffet of high school students from the queue, then we, when we grew up. Normal army school. Misha starting from the first class was a very serious boy. Loved that he was listening.
- I saw him different. Saw evil. Just this summer we went to swim on your careers. They took the car of vodka, on a beer bank. Mood at all! He says: "Leh, how well bathed! Let's go to me, eat. " We come, and Irina Borsch Watal. And something forgot something to put there. Misha lifted the pans lid - I see, boils. "All, Lech, we will not eat!" And the lid threw. I: "Yes, stop." And he already started from anything: "She did not put it again!". I: "Misha, good, let's face, fight, I want to eat." Departed: Everything I need to feed me. We went with him, a table on the street was pulled out, the chairs set, shedding. And he flourished again - as if nothing was. He left for two minutes.
Vlad Savosin:
- Mikhail was quick-tempered, but leaving. It happened, bows a man, and then immediately begins to praise to charge it with optimism and good. With me, let's say, the organizational puncture has happened. Alcohol associated. Mikhail sent me a month on vacation - something average between holidays and dismissal. And when he returned back in a month, he began to protigerate my creativity. Come on, says, in the middle of the concert, our song is sleeping another.
Alexander Frumin:
- Misha really appreciated people, respect his musicians. He had a very strict discipline in his group. All the musicians knew that they would come to work and should do it very thoroughly. Misha appreciated each of the guys. Could bissing, but not with strangers. If one came to Peter one, then I stayed with me if with a group, then only with them, in the hotel. Misha knew my parents well. And at concerts dedicated the song to my mom and father. We were friends in fact families. Every time I brought Tver gifts. As a rule, drinks. I - their local beer. And my wife is some kind of pouring, very peculiar. Sometimes it was delayed with us after the concerts. Somehow stayed on the day to see Spartak football match with Zenit. Twice a year he called me necessarily. On my birthday and the new year. Although in fact our meetings happened more often, but in these two days Iron Iron. Even the border found. He considered his duty to congratulate. All eight years of our communication. And always the conversation ended the same way: "End of Communication".
Marina Baturin:
"He's a happy birthday congratulated us with Irinka (classmate)." This year I also invited him, but almost certainly I knew that he could not come - Recently, Misha was very busy. And for sure. He said: "Sorry, please, but I have a tour." And he had a tour in Krasnodar, where another our classmate lives. Misha later told: "After the concert, I heard how someone shouts from the crowd, because of the protection:" Skip me to him, I studied with him. " - "Oh, - I say, - Who studied with me there?" It turned out, Vika. We sat for a long time, talked. She began to ask: "How is the girls?" And then I was ashamed that I did not congratulate you with Ira. " And for Valentine's Day, February 14, Misha came to work with flowers, with cognac. Did not find me. I went home to me, I quickly fired a chicken, sat ...
I really miss conversations with him. Misha has an interesting speech - such revs! And you could chat with him about everything. About personal. He supported me emotionally, tips. I worked in a friendly thing that I do not have a reliable wealthy groom. And once even introduced me to a man. My birthday was. Misha came with flowers, with a gift and - with his former director. With whom we later really even communicated for a while. And there was even a funny case. One very famous firm in our city marked the day of its foundation. There was a concert, and Misha participated in it. And he and two girls from my work he spent on this concert. We were in his dressing room, when the Misha suddenly came from television. He is immediately a crust in a snack and stands an interview. I thought one remove him. Ask: "What are you waiting for this company?" He says something about gasoline, about the fact that he is always refilled on the benzokolones of this company. And then suddenly the microphone stretches to me: "And what are you waiting for this company." I got lost. Teddy bear whispers: "Grooms, grooms" ... I am mechanically repeating: "And I'm waiting for the company from the company." Showed all the Tver (laughs). Bear suggested in a friendly.
He generally somehow treated women, regretted us. Very worried about mom. And Mom proud of them: After all, from a simple family, and what son turned out. Sister Ole for a birthday car bought a new "six", the apartment is good.
Marina Shamshonkov:
"When there were a huge suitcase of a manual embroidery in Germany in Germany. And it is expensive there. "Mamulka". For him, Mom was all. And Irishka became pregnant - in every city I asked me: "Marin, let's go together. Choose booties, diapers. " Suitcases brought. I asked him: "Why do you need so much?" - "Nothing. Ira will choose. "
Marina Baturin:
- Misha had a very slender theory about the relationship between a man and a woman. Slender and correct. It did not have any promiscuity. Another would have started money, there are glory - and let's take off the girls right and left. And Misha dreamed of meeting real love, dreamed of a family so that the child was one more - after a divorce from the first wife, he left his son Dimka to himself. We talked about him about personal. I asked: "Misha, how do you feel that this is the present?" He answered: "But you feel: you hug, fit and understand that nothing else needs." And so he met Irina, and we all were happy for him, Sasha was born ...
I do not remember that at school Misha somehow especially liked girls. In our class, another boy was the first "fiance". And he had children's love for the girl with which they lived in different entrances of one house. Of course, it was as it was: to pull the pigtail, bring the briefcase ... He did not like it. She Pickled him, repelled.
After, by completing the eighth grade, he left the school, and we somehow met a new year with him. I was with a girlfriend, and he came with a girl. And so interesting was, we were 15-16 years old, and he is an adult: "This is my girl. Marina". They got up, kissed. Marina was a pretty girl, high. But for some reason she didn't immediately like it. When Misha went to the army, she did not wait for him, married. He was very worried. A few years later there was a moment - they came together again. But nothing good did not come out.
Irina Petrovna Lyubimova:
- He had unfortunate love. The girl from the army did not wait. He suffered. He said: "I feel bad." Worried. Then the light - the first wife - met. I remember came with her for the evening. Proud one. The son was born, Dimka. But they did not hold out something. First, the light with the mother-in-law did not find the general language, and they moved with Misha into the hostel. And then, for some reason, she decided that Misha and Dimochka her aura was "eaten." I do not know that this happened to her happened. In general, Misha and his son moved to mom.
Igor Fishermen:
- My Misha and I have more actively communicate after school. We somehow had a company of classmates, and we were periodically going together. True, Girls - Ira Frolova, Marina Baturin - seeing more often with him, to his mother, Zoe Petrovna, came. And our meetings can be called phased. After school I entered the military school and went to North Ossetia for 4 years, then to the Far East. I arrived in Tver already with a lieutenant, somewhere in the 86th year. We crossed with Misha near the shopping center. "Where are you from?" - "From the Far East." - "And I have a holiday today - the Son was born. Dimka called. " - "I also have Dimka. It should be noted this case. " - "Sure". We stood an hour 1.5-2. Talked about life. Purely symbolically drank and spread.
The next time we met in the 91st. Then everything was on the coupons. Bear on the car worked, milk delivered shopping. He was already seriously engaged in music at the time, in the Chemicals, he acted. I asked how he had with money. "As you can see, earning."
Irina Petrovna Lyubimova:
"I was the chairman of the trade union committee, when Misha came to us. He was a competent, initiative worker and literally in a month became the driver at GAZ-52. Drove milk. And after a while he was appointed by the head of the column, but he did not love to command, so in his will, he switched to drivers, brigadier. Misha in those years was my most important and faithful assistant. We had a small company, and we often went to the vulgarity or simply got into nature. Misha had a bonfire and answered the kebab, because he did not eat onions and garlic, he did marinade in his recipe. You can not imagine what it means to head the brigade of the milk. He had a man in submission 20. It was necessary to get up early, about 4 am. Medical control daily, if someone has not come, it was necessary to find a replacement. Self, instead of someone in the flight went out. Very responsible business. By 6 am, on the dairy kitchen, then to the shops. But it was possible to rely on it. There is such a back of drivers who know that they will not go, they will definitely go to work. After all, all sorts of applications have been compiled from the evening, plans were painted, and it was very difficult to find a replacement in the morning. He also repaired the car. Resperating driver will never give her a locksmother who does not know her as he himself. Since I was a trade union worker, I was responsible for all entertainment events. Misha helped me in this. Once we came up with him - "Dance of the Little Swans." Imagine a few guys (and they were all the major, like Misha) in ballet packs dancing. Putchi them specially sewed. Misha still so coquetty shoulder one exposed ...
Galina Pankratova:
"If we knew that he would become a celebrity ... Literally a couple of years ago, I didn't even assume that our teddy bear was Mikhail Circle. I do not fond of such music, so when he heard the edge of his songs, I could not even think that it was. And somehow met girls, classmates, they told me about our celebrity. Then specially went to the neighbor to ask the cassette Mikhail Circle. I listened - exactly, his timbre. I didn't even know that he was able to play guitar.
Igor Fishermen:
- I finished the last course of the Military Academy named after Zhukov. There is a lesson. Suddenly a knock on the door, and a person familiar to me appears in the doorway: "Major fishermen does not study you?". I took over to go out: "What are you doing here?" "I got acquainted with the elderly from your course. He asked us to play in graduation evening. Listen, do you have to smoke? " I shouted in a fellow cigarette. We stood, talked. "You know, there was one price per speech. Now another. We speak almost free. " He rehearsed from us several times with a group "Travel". Already a solid one became, I was replenished. That evening I saw the first time that the bear stands. His then came from Moscow. In general, he raised raging. The money went.
Alexander Frumin:
- For the first time, Misha went abroad with us. In November 97th. Together with the "pearl brothers" with a 10-day concert tour of Germany. He was very afraid, did not want to fly. Misha did not like aircraft and preferred to ride the train. We hardly persuade him, taking tickets for the best aircraft. In Germany, he laughed all the time, because I did not believe that it was abroad. In principle, it could be understood as we lived visiting emigrants. Our former compatriots came to concerts. Everywhere spoke in Russian, and Misha was greatly surprised. In Germany, he bought to all relatives and familiar souvenirs. I spent almost the entire earned fee, which in the time was rather big. He acquired a leather jacket from such a reddish skin. Brandly wonderful black solar glasses. Real, dear. Music center, because his house then did not even have a laser player. And the Misha bought the best Rhine wine for the remaining money. He was a small man. Practically did not use alcohol. But the good wine loved. He bought a wine that was sold in a special store at a wine plant. At a crazy price. And the bottles were huge, each roughly half the meter. There, probably, lither three came. I remember him, said: "Maybe you will bring money to Russia at least bring some?" He then earned a little. And the organizers of the concerts paid in Doychmark. Misha looked at the currency unknown to him and said: "We have only one bank in Tver, and I'm not sure that this money will change to rubles or dollars. So come on, Sasha, I will celebrate my first trip abroad and return home with gifts. "
Marina Shamshonkov:
- Many believe that he has accumulated a lot of money. But it is not. He built a house, herself. The sister with the apartment helped other relatives. He did not have a cube, in which he folded savings. Misha was a believer man, and believed that the accumulation was sin. It happened, will come with tour: "Marin, you need to meet with the father. How is the chapel? " Only from the train to the house will enter, right there in the car and watch how the chapel is built. Saint Mikhail Tverskaya - his own patron. I watched. Rejoiced like a child. Not only for this chapel the money sacrificed, but also to other temples of the city. Somehow came from Ufa. And we were welcomed there or dedudation children, the doors were presented to us, made with their own hands. And here we only arrived in Tver: "Marin, let's give the children a camcorder. Find out the address. " Gathered the parcel - the camcorder, video tapes, another bunch of gifts - and sent. He did not have a scopeidism. To our local one helped to write and write down spiritual songs, put in it a lot of money, attracted her musicians. In each city we went to the church, if possible, visited holy places. He became lighter there. Confectedly walked.
Vika Tsyganova:
"Mishin Son became my kid, so I also have a spiritual connection with Misha. In my life, this second such death is very hard for me. Recently, I noted the anniversary of the death of my father. Before that, there were friends, but they lived far and no matter how time to open. And with Misha, it happened literally in the last months of our communication. So he, at the table, sitting down, was always baptized. He could crouch, but immediately apologize and died heartily. This speaks of his great sincerity, about the purity of his soul. Two these deaths were so looked internally. It has come a feeling that time is very violently and you have to do a lot to do.
- I'll say so: I had one friend, and Misha has one. Both of his son are my gods. Now, I think I have two families. With Misha, we had competition competitions. I have three children, the youngest in December was born. He has three: Dima from the first marriage, Marishka, Irinin's daughter, and now the common Sasha was recently born. I called my youngest Mikhail. Misha wanted his name to Leonid. But somehow we were with him in the same company, and they asked me: Did you call my son in honor of the Tear of the Circle? I say: "Why?" (Although there was such an idea.) My father Mikhail was, and the father, the confessor, too, Mikhail, and he was born on the day of St. Michael ... It's true, I have a circle of some bears. But it was not necessary to talk loud about it. Misha was offended. And the son called Sasha. But I was not upset.
Marina Baturin:
- So Misha has been well evolved. And then it happened here ... The last time I talked to him by phone. On Thursday, and on Sunday Misha did not. I'm as if someone jerked: Call. Congratulated him with the birth of a son. Asked how we called when we wash the legs of our school company? He replied: closer to autumn, is now very loaded. I also asked if he would perform at the bottom of the city? He says: No, I'm leaving. Probably, it was the first time Misha did not speak at the bottom of the city.
Marina Shamshonkov:
- A few days after the tragedy occurred, we gathered with musicians to decide what to do next. Because immediately fell out proposals to work with other performers or in other teams. Misha knew as a demanding person, and since so long worked together, it means everything is in order. If something was not satisfied with him, he immediately parted with a man. You know, I have such an association. It was a man with a banner, he was killed, he dropped the banner, and everyone else turned back and went back. Banner is like a song. How to quit everything? Discern how cockroaches, work calmly with others, forgetting everything - easier. And you can find an excuse for yourself - all families have to feed them. What about Misha? We had concerts were scheduled until February 2003. Naturally, there could not be anything and speech. But there were calls that concerts will not be canceled so that we just arrive with the group and sang the songs of the circle. Guys know how good musicians. Their Misha called multimuits, because each of them plays several tools. They are professionals. For example, we somehow got sick keyfront, and they went smaller. Misha sang a song, Vlad Savosin played on the accordion. And while Misha said something, Vlad went to the keys, and the one who stood behind the keys took the guitar. We do not plan something for a distant future. But while we will work on the concerts that we were invited. Author's family will go, mom, wife. Irocha with three children remained in his arms. Imagine?
Vlad Savosin:
"Someone says:" Yes, you now, like "Quina" without Mercury, are going on his songs, try to make a starting platform. " But we do not care about such conversations. Native Mikhail want his songs to sound. And the audience wants to hear them. For Mikhail we will sing everything. This is very responsible. How many such concerts will be - I do not know. But we marked for ourselves that after the anniversary of the death of Mikhail, it will be already blasphemy - to perform with these songs.
- After Mikhail's death, I conduct his business. And who else? His no one knew him better. Slowly begin to understand the show business. Although any domestic business, especially the show business, is very difficult ... The worst thing when after the death of the performer about him, about his family begin to forget, each of his "friends" begins to drag everything in his side ... on forty days we want Arrange the evening of Mikhail Circle's memory. Now I am doing this. Fully. And after all, as it happens: Call the artist somehow - it is necessary to help. And he says: if the entrance to the concert is free - I will come, and if you take some money - no. Guys, well, we are all mortal, we go all under God. I always urged everyone and urge: there is an opportunity - help today. This money will bring to the family. I do not pretend to them, only organize everything. So that there was no such thing: a man died, and forgotten him.

From an interview with Mikhail Krug:

"I was born in Tver on April 7, 1962. He studied at the Music School in the Bayan class, but then threw. Animated hockey, was a goalkeeper. After the eighth grade, he entered PTU and received a motion engineering profession. I went to the army, served in the military school of junior specialists in the driving instructor. After the army, he got married, entered the preparatory department of the Polytechnic Institute. In the same place, in polytechnic, it came across an announcement that the Eighth Regional Festival-Competition of the author's song will be held. He became a laureate from the first sunset, left the institute. I worked then by the head of the autocolone, but the work was soon left too. Recorded the first album, then the second, third. True, they were not converted. But the fourth album, "Zhigan Lemon", won popularity. It was 1994. After that, other discs came out: "Green Prosecutor", "Living strings", Madame and Rosa. So, if briefly ... "

"I hate communists and homosexuals. Even your hands will never give these sex perverts and will not speak with them in one concert. "

"This is a Russian thieves song. Although the genre is determined by the French word "Chanson". Vysotsky called his yard romance. Neither Novikov nor Rosenbaum nor Tokarev is taking the name "Chanson". But time goes, and somehow it is hearing. After all, on the bills do not write - a thicker song. "

"I dream to buy a" seagull ", but I can not. I have a six hundred "Mercedes", "Volkswagen", but this is all such nonsense compared
With "Seull". There is no better car in the world. But it costs 200 thousand dollars. This, unfortunately, for me is unacceptable price. Although
I am sure that the times will come when I acquire my dream. "

"We have every second sitting in prison or his loved ones.
I myself was two times under the investigation, but, thank God, did not sit. Bugs of youth. Let's not talk about it. I unpleasantly remember
All your experiences. I entered the conscience to honor ... This is the first time. And the second time - already for speculation, there was such an article. "

"Imagine that in 1380 in the Kulikovsky battle or in 1812 on the Patriotic War, Mom would not let their children. Who then goes to restore order in Chechnya? Everything that is happening there is really a barbarism that is not incoming in any Omon Rules. Only men can bring order in the country. "

"I am a former alcoholic! Saw at store shelves. Drown and spent the night in tritons. In general, I lived the way all my school lived
And the courtyards do not dream of do not dream of anything, I don't seek anything ... "

"Favorite woman I will never forgive lazy! If she won't cook, stroke, wash and care for me, I just kick her. I generally do not understand why people hire housekeepers. Warm female hand, heating family hearth, is just what you need to children, and first of all to me. Lazy woman will never live next to me. With the same success, you can buy a rubber doll in a specialized store and use it for its intended purpose. And a woman who does not understand such banal things, I would never bought gifts. In this regard, a conservative, a man of old views ... You know, in one of my songs there are such lines:
"And the wives are not to wash, do not wash.
Machines, clothes, money on mind
Cheaper will come out street b.,
And what in bed, there is no difference! "
My first wife was just from this category. She was an amateur to wear expensive things, nothing giving anything in return. My current wife Irina fully complies with my requirements. She is high, beautiful, cheerful ... She knows how to walk and relax, but at the same time always monitors the house. I wake up, and I have clean panties and socks every morning. I hold on it with two hands. Here for such a woman I will turn the mountain, I will do everything for her. I love my wife and respect. And, by the way, for the year that we are together, I have never changed her ... "

"We have the biggest circulation. All six of my albums came out with a circulation over 50 million. Another thing that I have not received from this
Neither a penny, since we have in Russia for one licensed album -
10 pirated. Therefore, Russian artists earn only at concerts. "

"Five years ago I turned to God and repented in all sins. Now I believe that treason is a very big sin! Alcoholism also tied. I go to church. I pray before meals, overnight and in the morning. There is no such elderly person who would say that God is not. God exists. Even the most ardent atheists come to this ... "

"The times of" bulls "have long gone. And if someone "forgotten", I can also call in the horny compartment. I am a person who is not deprived of force, and engaged
up to 30 years sports "

"Happiness is when mom is alive, dad is alive, your children are healthy and there is a wife who can take care of you. This is happiness, and the rest ...
First you think: it would be known, to earn money, - And when all this comes, you realize that, besides mom, dad, children with my wife, - nothing needs in this life. "

Mikhail Gutseriev returned to the radio son-in-law Arcadia North

The term "Russian chanson" our speech replenished relatively recently - only in the mid-90s of the last century. So began to call a big layer of music, which did not fit into the framework of the official pop. In use, this term introduced a producer from St. Petersburg Alexander Frumin, the creator of the Studio "Night Taxi" and the radio transmission of the same name, which is already engaged in this music for thirty years.

In fact, I did not come up with anything new, "Alexander Viktorovich admitted. - The concept of "Chanson Russe" was present at the turn of the 60s and 70s on the vinyl records of Russian performers who were recorded in Paris. I only adapted this name for Russia and promoted it to spread. The essence of the Russian chanson was best all formulated by Konstantin Kazansky - the arranger of the French albums of Vysotsky and Accompanic Okudzhava and Alyosha Dmitrievich. In an interview, which I took in Paris, he said: "Chanson is music around words." Song creativity, in which poems are the basis that the musician does on stage came from France. Although in Russia a hundred years ago there were their good samples. One of the people of Chanson in Russian, without any doubt, was Alexander Vertinsky. His frivolous songs about the life of the Bohemian "Silver Century", in which there was a speech about sex and drugs, were exposed to be prohibited during the king. It was believed that they corrupted young people. Then Vertinsky forbade the Communists who came to power. They did not please the romance for the death of junkers "I don't know why and who needs it," which is now remembered from the pit Boris Grebenshchikov. Vertinsky even called in the CC. He was frightened and soon went to emigration. In the future, Russian chanson as a musical style was formed from several genre directions. One of them was the traditional author's or, as it was also called, the bard song, which was usually, as a rule, under the guitar. In the time of the USSR, we had a whole movement of the KSP (the club of the amateur song - M.F.), in which, one way or another, took part of Okudzhava, Galich, Vysotsky, Rosenbaum.

There were also underground bards - Arkady North, Vladimir Shanndrikov, Vitaly Krestovsky. Another area included in Russian chanson was an emigrant romance. But the emigrants were largely based on the songs of Russian executive authors. Own material for himself composed except Willy Tokarev. And Shufutinsky, Mogilev, Gulko and others trimmed the repertoire of the same Rosenbaum and North. Only more efficiently arranged and recorded these songs. Also, I always belonged to chanson in Russian acoustic part of our rock. I agreed with me, in particular, Jura Shevchuk, with whom I am friends for many years. Several years ago in my radio program "Night taxi" he himself said that when it works not with a DDT group, but solo, with a guitar, or with a small acoustic composition, he performs Russian chanson - songs and courtyards. Andrei Makarevich and musicians of the Teiff group expressed the same views. The latter even called their idol Arcadia North. All these musical directions, who served as the basis for the Russian chanson, were combined with the dominance of the semantic load and observation. This is not a fashionable stage for legs. This is the music you need to listen.

Commercial speculation on the topic of freedom

And how did you get that you began to engage in this music?
"When I was a boy, such music listened to my family. And this passion passed to me. One of my idols was Alexander Rosenbaum. Then his songs officially were not published on the disks yet. But I collected all his underground records on the cassettes and went to all his performances in St. Petersburg. After the concert in the Palace of Culture named after Dzerzhinsky, I was lucky to meet him personally and receive an autograph from him. In 1984, I went for Rosenbaum in Vorkuta and recorded his concert in the Palace of Miner's Culture. It was my first independent entry. I was then 18 years old. And in 1985, when Gorbachev came to power, I created my studio, which began to cultivate such music. The first two years she was based on my house. And in 1987 she moved to a large printing enterprise - the printing house named Ivan Fedorov. I led the Komsomol Committee there, and on discos and youth evenings, which we had been held, we began to turn the recording of North, Shufutinsky, Tokarev, Assumption, along with Pop and Rock Music. All slow dances have consistently walked under Chanson. Gradually, my studio has grown and acquired professional sound recording equipment. We recovered archival records from old tape films.

And since 1988, Samson's performers themselves recorded themselves. The first was St. Petersburg Bard Anton Okrug. Then many others began to cooperate with us. Including, the idol of my childhood Alexander Rosenbaum, which I was offered to write down the album "sluggish schizophrenia in 1994." At about the same time, we gathered a large collection of renovated archival records of the Northern, "pearl brothers", the same Rosenbaum. I began to look for a publisher who could release them on cassettes and CDs. And met in Moscow with now the late Yuri Sevastyanov. In the days of the first cooperatives, he traded in the market with cassettes with different music. He contributed to the promotion of Anatoly of the Blight and Group "Red Mold". And at the time of our dating, joined the Russian Supply company, which is the first beginning to produce Schufutinsky, Kalyanov on CDs and other Chanson performers. Then, when this company was covered, Sevastyanov moved under the wing created by Vitalik Belyakov Soyuz Studios and opened his sub-believer "Master Sound" there. We have a collaboration with him. Then on the CD "Arkady Northern and Ensemble" Four Brothers and Shovel "first appeared marking" Series "Russian chanson". It was in the summer of 1994. Another significant event in my life was associated with the release of this disc. Although the law on copyright in our country has not yet been adopted, I considered it necessary to observe all the formalities and get permission from the relatives of the North (the chanson himself died in 1980 - M.F.). The head of the "Brothers Pearl" ensemble Nikolai Rezanov, who worked with Arkady, gave me his old telephone 70s. On him answered his daughter Natasha Stardin.

We made friends with her and soon became her husband and wife. In 1997, we had a son. We called him arkadium in honor of the grandfather. And his godfather became Alexander Rosenbaum. So I reached immediately with two legends of the Russian chanson.
- Yuri Sevastyanov, in his interview, argued that the authorship of the term "Russian chanson" belonged to him.
- In fact, he took my permission to call his products and without my consent registered a corresponding trademark in Rospatent. I did not let him interfere and instead through the court achieved the disclamation of the term "chanson" - recognition of him unguarded to them all, and not only Sevastyanov. This allowed me with my partners to register, in particular, the trademarks "Chanson" and "Radio Chanson", which were used when creating a radio station. Unfortunately, Sevastyanov distorted the meaning of the term introduced by me and brought him to cheap blessing. Of course, the songs about prison always occupied a considerable place in Russian chance. But these were the right songs, reflecting the terrible prison reality and forcing me to think about life. And Sevastyanov filled the "pop blades" market - commercial speculation on the topic of freedom and non-free singer Match or the group "Vorovayki" with their "hop, trash, do not have a term." And the Russian chanson in the eyes of many began to be associated with this shit. And then the actions of Sevastyanov became completely inadequate.

In 1998, my studio, by the General Power of Attorney, issued to me by Alexander Rosenbaum, prepared for the publication of his Golden Series, which included 21 album. We have already agreed with Sevastyanov. Gave him master discs. And suddenly he announced that he had no funds for the publication. Rosenbaum through me asked him to return all the materials. But Sevastyanov decided to deceive us and restrained the "Golden Series" of Rosenbaum to two other companies - Rise-List and Quadro-Disc, which printed the circulation and released on sale. For me it was a tremendous blow. "I published your plates for five years and earned the moral right to do this," Yuri told me. - I'm not going to apologize to anyone. " After that, disappeared abroad.