Sergey lyubavin how old is he. Sergey Lyubavin: “Family is too personal a world where I closed the passage to strangers

Sergey lyubavin how old is he.  Sergey Lyubavin: “Family is too personal a world where I closed the passage to strangers
Sergey lyubavin how old is he. Sergey Lyubavin: “Family is too personal a world where I closed the passage to strangers

For love
Behind that wave
Spanish woman (gypsy)
One love story
Kabak (In memory of Yesenin)
Snow is spinning (feat. Tatiana Bulanova)
Laikayu (x Elena Sparrow)
Le Bourget
Kilometers fly
Sea buckthorn linden
My love (thank you)
My Petersburg
We love the sea
New Year
Dangerous race
In memory of V. Shukshin
A pair of swans ("You do not love me, do not regret")
Migratory birds
Farewell to Isadora
Flight 9208
old friend
Happy eyes
Happiness owes unhappiness
I will steal you
Flower (& Tatiana Bulanova)
This woman (Stolen happiness)

Biography (history) of Sergei Lyubavin

Sergey Petrovich Lyubavin ( real surname Dedov) is an author-performer of Russian chanson.

Sergey Lyubavin was born and raised in the city of Novosibirsk, in the family of the famous Siberian writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov. Back in Siberia in 1981, Sergei Lyubavin created his first school musical group, and by the end of the 80s he became the vocalist of the professional group Voyage.

In the early 90s, Sergei came to Moscow. Zhurfak, then - the vocal studio of the school named after Gnesins. Even then, Lyubavin wrote his songs and recorded them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

Lyubavin's first official album, Seventeen and a Half, was released at Soyuz studio in 1994. The album includes both well-known courtyard songs ("Seventeen and a Half", "Lanterns"), as well as some of Sergey's works of authorship, which are remembered and loved to this day. A striking example to that the song "Sanya".

Now, after almost ten years and eight albums (the ninth will appear in June), Sergei Lyubavin's repertoire includes songs, both simple "boys" and poems by classic poets, including Sergei Yesenin ("Farewell to Isadora") , folk songs ("Kalina Krasnaya", "Cherry"), and songs from films ("Black Raven", "Lyubo, brothers ...", "I called the horse").
But the main part of Sergei Lyubavin's repertoire is made up of original songs, songs written with soul, with sincere love for his Russia, for the Russian people. Just as in life, these songs echo the hard fate of a simple hard worker and the all-consuming love of which only a Russian person is capable. Of course, there will be a place for funny and groovy songs. It is not for nothing that they say in Russia “To be sad, so sad; to love, so to love; to walk, so to walk. "

In numbers and dates:

1980 - 1990 - sang and played in various musical groups of the city, being a multiple winner of city song competitions.

1991 - arrives in Moscow, enters vocal studio the Gnessin School for the course of Eduard Labkovsky.

1993 - diploma holder International Competition"Jurmala 93"

1994 - records the first solo album"17 and a Half" at the studios of A. Kalyanov and V. Markin.

1996 - the second album of S. Lyubavin "The Taste Familiar from Childhood" is published

1998 - Winner of the festival chaired by M. Tanich "Free Song" in Moscow. The next album of the singer "Black Raven" is released.

1999 - published new program singer and the album "Crazy Love" with showman Pierre Narcisse. The first solo concert in the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" followed by broadcast on central television

2000 - The band's album "Robber Songs", recorded at the Soyuz studio with the producers V. Klimenkov and Y. Garipov

2001 - the album "Wolf" is published. During this period, three trips to Chechnya with solo concerts. Has numerous diplomas and certificates of the Union of Veterans of Chechnya and Afghanistan.

2003 - the solo album "Around the Moldavian" is released - a new program with the gypsies of the "Romen" theater. Lyubavin tours widely throughout the country and abroad. The song "Little Wolf" takes 1st place at the radio station "Chanson" in St. Petersburg, as the most ordered work on the Internet survey of radio listeners.

2004 - solo album "Nishtyak, girl". Big tour for the United States of America. Performances in 12 cities for the Russian-speaking audience.

2005 - the publication of the joint album "Country rolls" with the talented Moscow poet Andrei Alyakin.

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Sergey Lyubavin was born on April 10, 1966 in Novosibirsk, in the family of the writer Pyotr Pavlovich Dedov (1933-2013) and the teacher Olga Grigorievna.

In 1981, while studying at school, he created his first musical group. In the late 1980s he began performing with the Voyage group. Repeatedly won city song competitions.

In 1990, Sergei came to Moscow, graduated from the vocal studio of the V.I. Gnesins (course of Eduard Labkovsky). At the same time, Sergei writes his songs and records them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin.

In 1990 he entered the Faculty of Journalism, the course of Gennady Seleznev, in the student group he was listed as Sergei Dedov.

The debut of Sergei Lyubavin on the professional stage took place in 1993 at the Jurmala-93 competition.

The first solo album was recorded with local musicians. The producer was Lyubavin's classmate Bayzak Asylbekov. The album was sold in a pirate manner. And Lyubavin's official first album "Seventeen and a Half" was released at the Soyuz studio in 1994. Then in 1996 the "Cossack" album "The Taste Familiar from Childhood" was released, in 1998 - "Black Raven", in 1999 - a live concert disc "Robber Songs". In 2002, two albums at once: "Wolf" and the concert "Siberian tract". In 2003 - the album "Around the Moldavian" and the reissue of the first album "Seventeen and a Half", supplemented by two new songs.

In 1996, a mini-album "Taste Familiar from Childhood" was released, consisting of six songs, many of which were written under the strong influence of the works of Sergei Yesenin. Clips for the songs "The wedding is spinning" and "Oh, there was not" were released.

In 1998 he became the winner of the "Free Song" festival held in Moscow under the chairmanship of Mikhail Tanich.

In 1999, Sergei Lyubavin had his first solo concert at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia" [ ] .

In 2003, the song "Little Wolf" took first place on the St. Petersburg radio station "Chanson" as the most ordered work in the Internet survey of radio listeners.

During a tour in the United States in 2003, the singer successfully performed in front of representatives of Russian emigrant families, as a result of which it was decided to organize a fan club for Sergey Lyubavin in the United States. The organization of the club was taken over by Mrs. Laura Swann, to whom the singer later dedicated his song "Tenderness". This song stayed on the top lines of the "Chanson of the Year" charts for more than 20 weeks [ ] .

In 2010, the song "Flower" ("Moscow and the Neva will not converge"), performed in a duet with Tatyana Bulanova, gained popularity. In June 2010, a romantic video was filmed for the song.

On April 7, 2011, the first solo concert took place at the State Kremlin Palace. In the same year, a solo concert with the program "My Earthly Love" was successfully held at the Moscow Variety Theater.

They call him a singer with Yesenin Russianness, they note the non-pathetic manner of performance and openness. Image, lyricism, depth - everything is very similar, close, for real. The echo with the great poet is confirmed today by a whole series of works of authorship written by Sergei Lyubavin on the verses of Sergei Yesenin ...

Sergey Lyubavin is a famous Russian chanson singer. He was born on April 10 (according to the Aries horoscope) 1966 in Novosibirsk (Russia). His height is about 182 centimeters, and his weight reaches 88 kilograms. Real name - Sergey Dedov.

Sergey was born in a fairly educated and creative family... His father, Peter Dedov, was a fairly well-known and talented writer, as for the mother, Olga Grigorievna occupied a pedagogical niche in society and taught such subjects as the Russian language and literature. In addition to Sergei, his beloved brother Alexander was also brought up in the family, who, to great grief, died in 1998 during another operation, since at one time Alexander worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Thus, in the future, Sergei will write a touching song called "Brother".

From an early age, Sergei was completely immersed in literature, music and sports. Thanks to his mother, he was able to discover the delightful world of music, in which there are so many colors and sounds. Parents have always encouraged the desire of their children to be creative and have always supported them in this field.

At the age of 15, Sergei even decided to form his own group, which consisted of only two people: he and his classmate. True, in the 90s they had to follow different paths and Sergei eventually becomes part of a musical group called Voyage. The group performed in cafes, clubs and restaurants. And thanks to their activities, they even managed to go around almost all of Siberia. But after a while, Sergei realizes that for greater success he needs to leave his native land and receive a special education. So, he moved to Moscow and began his studies at one of the most prestigious musical schools named after the Gnisenykh.

Musical career

After some time, Sergei Lyubavin decides to leave the music school and enter the university at the faculty of journalism. There he begins to actively write songs and eventually becomes a member of "Jurmala-93", and then a winner. In the same year he released his first album "17 and a half". This was followed in 1996 by another album entitled Taste Familiar from Childhood. Since then, Sergey has become a very popular person and in a short time earns an army of fans and real glory... This was followed by a large number of concerts, awards, competitions and albums.

In 2013, Sergei's father passed away, and a year later he released the album "Leave the last dance for me ...".


During his studies, Sergei meets his future wife Elena, who in 1992 gives him a son, Ivan. Today Elena is Sergei's producer, and their son is the owner of a hockey school for children.


Among the large number of Russian performers who sing chanson, there is one singer whose work is very much loved by fans of romantic music. Refined style, impeccable manners, pleasant voice and High Quality texts - meet Sergey Lyubavin (biography). The wife is the only woman in life. He is called the sex symbol of the Russian chanson. Compare with Sergei Yesenin. He gathers full houses and whole stadiums applaud him. Women in armfuls give flowers at concerts and creative meetings... What is the reason for such popularity?

Fans have always been interested in learning as much as possible about the personal life, character and hobbies of their idol. The biography of Sergei Lyubavin deserves special attention, as well as beautiful songs that he sings. Where was the singer born? How real is the image and romantic hero his songs are similar or different? What he likes to do in free time Sergey Lyubavin? The singer's biography may reveal the reasons for his popularity. Curious facts and features creative personality... A little about everything.

The beginning of the creative path

He was born in Novosibirsk, in a creative family famous writer Peter Dedov and teachers. Not wanting to take advantage of his father's fame, he decided to take a pseudonym, from the name of Vasily's novel of the same name which Sergei always liked. He even has a song dedicated to the genius Russian prose writer.

The first acquaintance with the world of music happened in childhood. My brother taught me to play the guitar. Seriously Sergey began to study music in school age creating music group... Behind him is the Gnessin vocal studio and the Moscow Faculty of Journalism.

Sergey Lyubavin (biography). Family: wife, children

While studying at Gnesinka, Sergei met a girl, Elena. She subsequently became his wife. Son Ivan was born. Elena devoted all her time to her son and husband. She is the producer of Sergei, draws up his creative schedules and travels with him on tour around the country.

Son Ivan has been fond of hockey since childhood, now he has opened a hockey school for children. Sergei Lyubavin does not like to talk about his family, believes that this is a world closed to outsiders, and protects it very much. The journalists only managed to reveal it a little. Thanks to them, we learned that a devotee and loving husband, a caring and demanding father is Sergey Lyubavin (biography). Family is the most important thing in his life.

Curious facts

  1. When Sergey was in school, he independently created his first musical group.
  2. A schoolboy never refused to participate in music competitions and reviews of songs. Very often he won prizes.
  3. For one of his first performances on stage, the costume was given to him by Laima Vaikule.
  4. Sergey Lyubavin has a scar on his neck, a mark from a bear's paw, which he received while hunting in the taiga.
  5. My father taught me how to express my thoughts correctly. He put Sergei at a typewriter and taught him to write stories in different topics... And then he pointed out the shortcomings and praised for particularly successful places.
  6. Loves a real Russian bath and dumplings.
  7. The excitement around social networks Sergey Lyubavin does not support and is in no hurry to register in them. The singer's biography confirms that live communication is more important than virtual communication.
  8. Favorite cities - Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg.

"Flower" with Tatiana Bulanova

One of the most beloved and popular songs of the singer has interesting story... Initially, Sergei Lyubavin wrote it for one person to perform. But when he sang it to his colleagues, they offered to find a partner and sing the song together. I had to try with the choice, not every singer was suitable for her performance. After all, it was necessary to portray two lovers living in different cities and missing each other.

Sergey could sing in a duet with Elena Vaenga, but because of the singer's heavy workload, this did not happen. Intervened mystical powers... Once Lyubavin had a dream that he was singing "Flower" with Tatyana Bulanova, although he was not even familiar with her. When the singer was offered to perform this song in a duet, she immediately agreed.

A long search was crowned with success, and fans of the singer's creativity got an amazing opportunity to hear the monologue of two lovers, stunningly performed by Sergei Lyubavin and Tatyana Bulanova.

Sergey Lyubavin's secret of success

You can talk a lot and for a long time about this person. He is multifaceted. A singer who composes beautiful poetry; composer, music writer; musician playing guitar. Each side of his talent is worthy of admiration and special attention.

The way Sergey Lyubavin treats fans and listeners who come to his concert is especially respectful. Biography: family - wife, children convince us that creative person draws its inspiration here. If a person has a reliable rear, then he and favourite hobby always to your heart.

He tirelessly gives his autographs to everyone. And he gives roses to women attending the concerts. He looks at those around him with a gentle smile, he wants to listen to him and smile in return. Behind the lyrics, one can see the breadth of the Russian soul, suffering and loving. He sings not only his songs, but also to the poems of Sergei Yesenin, with whom he is often compared. They are really similar, and the similarity is rather internal. Anxiety about the fate of their country, first of all, brings these people together.

Sergey Lyubavin is used to achieving everything himself, but willingly helps novice performers. And he formulates the formula for his success very simply: "give people their souls without looking back, and then - come what may!"

Sincerity in each song, full dedication at concerts and creative meetings, a beautiful voice, elegance and artistry - that's business card Sergey Lyubavin.

Sergey Lyubavin (biography): family

His wife, children (photo above) are the sources of his work. They inspire him to new hits. Thanks to their love and support, Sergey can calmly do his favorite thing - write the lyrics of his songs.

The main themes of creativity: love for Russia and admiration for women. A large number of Sergey Lyubavin dedicated songs to the beautiful half of humanity. But Sergey keeps the fans at a distance, because in his life there is only one woman - his beloved wife Elena. They have been together for more than a dozen years, but they managed to maintain tenderness and love for each other, about which Sergei Lyubavin sings in his songs.

The family biography is something that he and his wife can be proud of. The secret of a strong and long-term relationship is quite simple - both a man and a woman should be good and comfortable in a marriage.

  • Always find time for rest and proper sleep.
  • A woman who wants to be loved must definitely find her image and feel comfortable in it.
  • To choose clothes not according to the principle that it is fashionable now, but guided by the peculiarities of your figure.
Singer, composer Sergei Lyubavin, according to audience reviews, is a real discovery recent years... Unusual, mesmerizing timbre strong voice, fresh, clean songs about love for a woman, the lyrical Yesenin note of his works, a completely live sound on solo concerts- this is what attracts people to the work of Sergei Lyubavin. Sergey Lyubavin was born on April 10, 1966 in the city of Novosibirsk in the family of a famous Siberian writer and teacher. In 1981, Lyubavin creates his first school musical group, in which he and his classmate Oleg Gorbunov are part of, he performs in numerous city and regional competitions amateur song. By the end of the 80s, Lyubavin became the vocalist of the Voyage professional group under the leadership of Vladimir Irzhanov. The group, like most of the professional entertainers of those times, works in restaurants. In the early 90s, Lyubavin came to Moscow and entered the vocal studio of the V.I. Gnesins to the course of Eduard Labkovsky. At the same time, Sergei writes his songs and records them at the studios of Alexander Kalyanov and Vladimir Markin. First solo album with local musicians. The producer was Lyubavin's classmate Bayzak Asylbekov. The album was sold in a pirate manner. And Lyubavin's official first album "Seventeen and a Half" was released at the Soyuz studio in 1994. Then, in 1996, the "Cossack" album "Taste Familiar from Childhood" was released, in 1998 - "Black Raven", in 1999 - a live concert disc "Robber Songs". In the fruitful 2002, two albums at once: "Wolf" and the concert "Siberian tract". In 2003 - the album "Around the Moldavian Woman" and the reissue of the first album "Seventeen and a Half", supplemented by two new songs. In the repertoire of Sergei Lyubavin you can find songs, both simple "boys", and the poems of classical poets, incl. Sergei Yesenin ("Farewell to Isadora"), folk songs ("Kalina Krasnaya", "Cherry"), and songs from films ("Black Raven", "Lubo, brothers ...", "I called the horse"). But the main part of Sergei Lyubavin's repertoire is made up of original songs, songs written with soul, with sincere love for his Russia, for the Russian people. Just as in life, these songs echo the hard fate of a simple hard worker and the all-consuming love of which only a Russian person is capable. Of course, there will be a place for funny and groovy songs. After all, it is not for nothing that in Russia they say "To be sad, to be so sad; to love, to love so; to walk, so to walk." Sincerity, extraordinary timbre of voice and complete dedication - these are the main components of the talent and success of a simple Russian guy, singer Sergei Lyubavin. Awarded the Honorary Badge of the Chanson Museum "For Contribution to the Development of the Genre" - September 24, 2014. Producer, organization of concerts: 8 (905) 722-55-92 Elena Dedova [email protected] [email protected] promotion director: 8 (906) 760-08-93 Paramonova Vera [email protected]