Earth native Likhachev Abstract on chapters. Dmitry Likhachev - Native Earth

Earth native Likhachev Abstract on chapters. Dmitry Likhachev - Native Earth

Youth is all life

When I studied at school, it seemed to me - I grow up, and everything will be different. I will live among some other people, in a different setting, and everything will be different in general. There will be a different environment, there will be some other, "adult" world that will not have anything to do with my school world. And in fact, it turned out otherwise. Together with me, the world and my comrades in school entered into this "adult", and then by university.

The environment changed, but it also changed at school, and in essence remained the same. My reputation as a comrade, a person, an employee remained with me, moved to that other world, which I dreamed of from childhood, and if I changed, it did not start again.

I remember that at my mother's best friends, her school girlfriends remained to the end of her long life, and when they were "in the other world," they were not replaced. The same and my father - his friends were young friends. In adulthood, acquire friends turned out to be difficult. It is in the youth that the character of a person is being formed, the circle of its best friends is formed - the closest, most necessary.

In youth, not only a person is being formed - all his life is formed, all his surroundings. If he chooses his friends correctly, it will be easier for him to live, it's easier to carry the grief and easier to endure joy. Joy after all, it is also necessary to "transfer" to be the most joyful, the most durable and durable so that it does not spoil a person and gave present peaceful wealth, made man even more generous. Joy, not divided with sincere friends, is not joy.

Keep youth to deep old age. Keep youth in your old, but friends acquired in youth. Keep youth in your skills, habits, in your young "openness to people", immediacy. Keep it in everything and do not think that adults you will become "quite different" and will live in another world.

And remember the saying: "Take care of the honor of the Smoloda." It is impossible to go away from your reputation created in our school years, and it is possible to change it, but it is very difficult.

Our youth is our old age.

Art opens to us a big world!

The greatest and most valuable feature of Russian culture consisted in its power and kindness, which is always possessed by a powerful, truly powerful start. That is why Russian culture was able to bravely master, organically include the beginning of the Greek, Scandinavian, Ugro-Finnish, Turkic, etc. Russian culture - open culture, culture of kind and bold, all receiving and all creatively comprehensive.

So there was a Russian from Russian Peter I. He was not afraid to postpone the capital closer to Western Europe, change the costume of Russian people, to change many customs. For not in the external essence of the culture, but in its inner internationalism, high cultural tolerance ...

Different artists (French, Armenians, Greeks, Scots) were always in Russian culture and will always be in it - in our great, wide and hospitable culture. The narrowness and despotism never fought in it a durable nest.

Art galleries must be propagandists of this latitude. We will believe our art historians, trust them, even if we do not understand something.

The value of wonderful artists is that they are "different", i.e., contribute to the development of its diversity in our ... culture.

We will love all Russian, invoking Russian, let's love, say, Vologda and frescoes 1 Dionysius, but we will continue to learn to appreciate and what gave and will still give a world progressive culture and what is new in ourselves. We will not be afraid of the new and we will not distort everything from the threshold that we have not yet understood.

It is impossible to see a fraudster and a deceiver in every new one by its method, as it often makes low-domestic people. For a variety, wealth, complexity, "hospitality", breadth and internationalism of our ... Culture and Arts will appreciate and respect that a great deal that art galleries make, I introduce us with different arts, developing our taste, our spiritual susceptibility.

      Understand mathematics - you need to learn.
      Understand music - you need to learn.
      Understand painting - also need to learn!

Learn to talk and write

After reading such a heading, most readers will think: "This was engaged in early childhood." No, learn to speak and write all the time. The language is the most expressive than a person possesses, and if he stops paying attention to his tongue, and it will be to think that he has already mastered the extent to them, he will render. Behind his tongue - oral and written - you need to monitor constantly.

The greatest value of the people is his language, the language in which he writes, says, thinks. Thinks! It must be understood thoroughly, in all the many-risk and meaningfulness of this fact. After all, this means that the whole of a person's conscious life passes through his native language. Emotions, sensations are only painted what we think about, or pushing the thought in some point, but our thoughts are all formulated by the language.

About Russian as a language of the people wrote a lot. This is one of the most advanced languages \u200b\u200bof the world, the language developed for over the Millennium, which gave in the XIX century. The best literature and poetry in the world. Turgenev spoke about Russian: "... it is impossible to believe that such a language is not given a great people!"

Speech in this my note will not go about Russian in general, but one or another person uses this language.

A faithful way to learn a person is his mental development, his moral appearance, his character - listen to how he says.

So, there is a language of the people as an indicator of its culture and the language of a separate person as an indicator of his personal qualities, the qualities of a person who enjoys the language of the people.

If we pay attention to the man's manner of themselves to hold, his gait, his behavior, on his face and judge them about a person, sometimes, however, the human language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture.

But it happens that the person does not say, but "spits words." For each misfortune, he does not have common words, but justice expressions. When such a person with his "Plevkov's words" says, he wants to show that he is not going to him that he is higher, stronger than all the circumstances, smarter than everyone around him, laughs over everything, nothing is afraid.

And in fact, it is because he calls for his cynical expressions and mocking nicknames, those or other items, people, actions that he is a coward and timid, is unsure of himself.

Look, listen, what is such a "brave" and "sage" cynically responding, in what cases does he usually replace words with "spitches"? You will immediately notice that this is all that he is afraid of what he is waiting for trouble to himself, which is not in his power. He will have "his" money words, for earnings - legitimate and especially illegal, - for all kinds of frauds, cynical nicknames of people whom he is afraid (are, however, the nicknames in which people express their love and affection to Man is another thing).

I was specially done by this question, so, believe me, I know it, and not just assume.

Human language is his worldview and his behavior. As he says, so, therefore, it thinks.

And if you want to be a truly intelligent, educated and cultural person, then pay attention to your language. Speak correctly, accurately and economically. Do not make others listen to listen to your long speeches, do not bounce in your language: do not be a narcissistic talker.

If you have often publicly advocate, - at meetings, meetings, just in the society of their friends, then, first of all, watch your performances are not long. Keep track of time. It is necessary not only from respect for others - it is important that you understand. The first five minutes - the listeners can listen carefully; the second five minutes - they still continue to listen; Fifteen minutes later, they only pretend that they listen to you, and in the twentieth minute - they stop pretending and begin to whisper about their affairs, and when it comes to what they interrupt or begin to tell each other, "you disappeared.

The second rule. To the speech was interesting, all you say should be interesting for you.

You can even read the report, but read it with interest. If a speaker with interest tells or reads and reads and the audience feels, then the listeners will be interested. Interest is not created in the audience itself, - interest suggests the audience speakers. Of course, if the topic of the speech is not interesting, from attempts to inspire interest the listeners will not work.

Try so that in your speech there was not just a chain of different thoughts, and so that there was one, the main thought that everyone else should be subordinated. Then it will be easier to listen to you, in your speech will be the topic, intrigue, "waiting for the end" will appear, the listeners will guess - what you will behave, what you want to convince them - and will listen with interest and wait for you how you formulate your The main idea.

This "waiting for the end" is very important, and it can be supported by purely external techniques. For example, the protruding two-three times speaks in different places about his speech: "I'll tell you about it," we will return to it, "" Pay attention to ... ", etc.

And you need to be able to write well not only to the writer and scientist. Even well, freely and with the famous share of humor written by the letter to a friend characterizes you no less than your oral speech. Through the letter, let you feel myself, your location of the Spirit, your discrepancy in contacting the person's cute you.

But how to learn to write? If, in order to learn how to talk well, you need to constantly pay attention to your speech and others, sometimes writing successful expressions that exactly express the thought, the creature of the case, then to learn how to write, it is necessary to write, write letters, diaries. (Diaries should be conducted from the young years, then they will be just interesting for you, and at the time of their writing you are not only learn to write - you are involuntarily reported in your life, consider what you were and as you did.) In a word: " To learn how to ride a bike, you need to ride a bike. "

Dmitry Likhachev

1 fresco (ITAL. FRESCO - Fresh) - a picture written by paints divorced on water and applied to fresh plaster.


  1. You have read several chapters from the book D. S. Likhacheva "The Earth is native", which is written in the publicistic genre, that is, the genre, illuminating topical, modern questions of our life. What did the author dough our attention? How did you understand the chapter "Art opens up to us a big world!"?
  2. How do you understand the saying: "Take care of honor"? Why can't you completely get away from the reputation created in school years?
  3. How are cultures of different nationalities in ordinary life combine? What exhibitions, art crafts "live" in your area?

Change your speech

Prepare a message on the topic "Art of my native land" (orally or writing - to choose from).

Use the Tips D. S. Likhachev, expressed in the chapter "Learn to talk and write", for example: 1. To make a speech and speech, it is impossible to use in the message and in conversation, the slang words ("Words-Ruths"). 2. Make sure that the performance is not long, it should be accurate and economical. 3. To perform the performance to be interesting for everyone, it should be interesting for you, etc.

Literature lesson Grade 7

D. S. Likhachev. "Native land"

Today we will get acquainted with the chapters from the book "Earth's native" specialist inold Russian literature , Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhacheva.

With this topic, a new literary genre comes to you - the genre of journalism.

1. What is this genre ? What is interesting? Why became such popular in recent decades?( see the section on the theory of literature and reference book of literary terms).

From the autobiographical story given in the book "Native Land" tell me)about scientist Likhachev

B.) How is the word "earth" as explained in the book and how does it be played in the text?2 Read the judgments D. S. Lihachev on various topics in chapters: "Youth is all life," "Art opens up a big world to us!", "Learn to talk and write", which are included in the textbook.

Consider each of the heads of the book "Earth Native", included in the textbook - Pressittomat.

A) For example, in the chapter "Youth is the whole life" the scientist says that the schoolboy seemed to him: "I grow up, and everything will be different. I will live among some other people, in a different setting, and everything will be different in general.But in reality it turned out otherwise. " How was it?

B.) "My reputation as a friend, a person, an employee remained with me, moved to that other world, which I dreamed of from childhood, and if I changed, it did not start again."What examples the author leads this? What advice gives a scientist young?

C) Head "Art opens up to us a big world!".What thoughts in it are important to us today?

Why is Russian culture called the author open, good to the bold, all host and creatively comprehensive?

What is the value of wonderful artists? What you need to understand the literature music , Painting?

D) a completely unusual chapter "not to be funny."What is important to know and do not be funny?

It is necessary to everyone "learn to speak and write." Children are learn from the first class, but the scientist says not about this skill.

What is human language? What do you need to publicly act and at the same time be interesting listeners?

The chapter ends with words; "To learn how to ride a bike, you need to ride a bike."How do you understand this ending?

D.) Read the other chapters of this book, think about them. How is the read written characterizes the author himself? Which of the Soviets D. S. Likhachev seemed especially necessary for you?

Homeworkanswer the remaining questions , prepare reasoning-reflections in the journalistic genre on themes : "Why is it difficult to be a teenager?", "On the partnership in our class", an essay on the topic: "What are the ideas of classic writers might be a teaching?", "Aid of writers and scientists who cannot be not followed."

Dmitry Sergeevich Likchev

Native land

To our readers!

The author of the book Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, the publisher of the Soviet scientist in the field of literary studies, the history of Russian and world culture. Its Peru owns more than two dozen capital books and hundreds of research articles. D. S. Likhachev is a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, twice the winner of the USSR State Prize, an honorary member of many foreign academies and universities.

Dmitry Sergeevich's erudition, his pedagogical talent and experience, the ability to talk about complex things simply, intelligible and at the same time brightly and figuratively - that's what distinguishes his work, makes them not just books, but a significant phenomenon of our entire cultural life. Considering multivalued issues, moral and aesthetic education as an integral part of the Communist Education, D. S. Likhachev relies on the most important party documents calling for the greatest attention and responsibility to cultural education of the Soviet people, and especially young people.

Dmitry Sergeyevich's propaganda activities are widely known, who is constantly taking care of the ideological and aesthetic education of our youth, his persistent struggle for the careful attitude towards the Art Heritage of the Russian People.

In his new book, Academician D. S. Likhachev emphasizes that the ability to comprehend the aesthetic, the artistic perfection of unfaded masterpieces of the cultural past is very important for the younger generation, contributes to the upbringing of genuinely high civil positions of patriotism and internationalism.

Fate made me a specialist in ancient Russian literature. However, what does "fate" mean? Fate was in me: in my inclinations and interests, in my choice of the faculty in the University of Leningrad and in the one of the professors I began to go to classes. I was interested in old manuscripts, I was interested in literature, I was attracted to my ancient Russia and folk creativity. If you add all this together and multiply a well-known accumulation and some stubbornness in keeping the search, then all this together and opened me the way to the attentive study of the ancient Russian literature.

But the same fate who lived in me itself, at the same time constantly distracted me from the training of academic science. By nature, I obviously, a restless person. Therefore, I often go beyond the boundaries of strict science, beyond what I should do on my "academic specialty". I often spend in wide print and write in the "non-academic" genres. Sometimes the fate of the ancient manuscripts sometimes worries me when they are abandoned and not studied, then the ancient monuments that are destroyed, I am afraid of fantasies of restorers, sometimes "restoring" monuments in your own taste sometimes worries the fate of the old Russian cities in the growing industry, interests education In our youth patriotism and much, much more.

In this revealed, the reader has now reflected many of my non-academic unrest. I could call my book - "Book of Anxiety." There is a lot of my anxious, and I would like to convey to my readers, - to promote the education of the work, creative - Soviet patriotism in them. Not patriotism, satisfying achieved, and patriotism, striving for the better, seeking to convey this is the best - and from the past, and from the present - to future generations. In order not to make mistake in the future, we must remember our mistakes in the past. We must love your past and be proud of them, but you need to love the past is not just like that, and the best in it - what can really be proud and what we need and now, and in now.

Among the lovers of antiquities, collectors, collectors are very often found. Honor and praise. They have a lot of preserved, which then came to state repositories and museums, - presented, sold, transmitted by the will. Collectors are collected - rare for themselves, more often for the family, and even more often to make a museum, in their hometown, village or even just a school (in all good schools there are museums - small, but very necessary!).

I have never been and I will not collect the collector. I want all values \u200b\u200bto belong to everyone and serve everyone, staying in their places. The whole earth owns and keeps values, the treasures of the past. It is a beautiful landscape, and beautiful cities, and in the cities of their collected many generations of art monuments. And in the villages - the tradition of folk art, labor skills. Values \u200b\u200bare not only material monuments, but also good customs, ideas about the good and beautiful, the traditions of hospitality, friendlyness, the ability to feel their own, good. Values \u200b\u200bare the language, accumulated literary works. All do not list.

What is our land? This is with an incredible, unpredictable speed of the treasury racing in the outer space of unusually diverse and unusually fragile creatures of human hands and human brain. I called my book "Native Land". The word "land" in Russian has many values. It is the soil, and the country, and the people (in the last sense speaks of Russian land in the "Word about the regiment of Igor"), and the whole globe.

In the title of my book, the word "land" can be understood in all these meanings.

A person creates Earth. Without it, he is nothing. But the land creates a man. It depends on its preservation, the world on Earth, the multiplication of its wealth. From a person depends on to create conditions under which they will persist, grow and multiply the values \u200b\u200bof culture, when all people will be intellectually rich and intellectually healthy.

This is the idea of \u200b\u200ball sections of my book. I am writing a lot in different ways in different genres, in a different manner, even at a different reader level. But all I am writing about, I strive to associate a single idea of \u200b\u200blove for my land, to his land, to his land ...


Appropriately beautiful in the past, we must be smart. We need to understand that, bowing to the amazing beauty of architecture in India, it is not necessary to be a magomethanic, as it is not necessary to be a Buddhist to appreciate the beauty of the temples of the ancient Cambodia or Nepal. Are there people who would believe in the ancient gods and goddesses? - Not. But will there be people who would deny the beauty of Venus Milos? But this is a goddess! Sometimes it even seems to me that we, people of the new time, more appreciate the ancient beauty than the ancient Greeks themselves and the ancient Romans. They were too familiar.

Not because we, and we, Soviet people, have become so sharply to perceive the beauty of the ancient Russian architecture, the ancient Russian literature and the Old Russian music, which are one of the highest peaks of human culture. Only now we begin to realize it, and that is not fully.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likchev

Native land

To our readers!

The author of the book Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, the publisher of the Soviet scientist in the field of literary studies, the history of Russian and world culture. Its Peru owns more than two dozen capital books and hundreds of research articles. D. S. Likhachev is a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, twice the winner of the USSR State Prize, an honorary member of many foreign academies and universities.

Dmitry Sergeevich's erudition, his pedagogical talent and experience, the ability to talk about complex things simply, intelligible and at the same time brightly and figuratively - that's what distinguishes his work, makes them not just books, but a significant phenomenon of our entire cultural life. Considering multivalued issues, moral and aesthetic education as an integral part of the Communist Education, D. S. Likhachev relies on the most important party documents calling for the greatest attention and responsibility to cultural education of the Soviet people, and especially young people.

Dmitry Sergeyevich's propaganda activities are widely known, who is constantly taking care of the ideological and aesthetic education of our youth, his persistent struggle for the careful attitude towards the Art Heritage of the Russian People.

In his new book, Academician D. S. Likhachev emphasizes that the ability to comprehend the aesthetic, the artistic perfection of unfaded masterpieces of the cultural past is very important for the younger generation, contributes to the upbringing of genuinely high civil positions of patriotism and internationalism.

Fate made me a specialist in ancient Russian literature. However, what does "fate" mean? Fate was in me: in my inclinations and interests, in my choice of the faculty in the University of Leningrad and in the one of the professors I began to go to classes. I was interested in old manuscripts, I was interested in literature, I was attracted to my ancient Russia and folk creativity. If you add all this together and multiply a well-known accumulation and some stubbornness in keeping the search, then all this together and opened me the way to the attentive study of the ancient Russian literature.

But the same fate who lived in me itself, at the same time constantly distracted me from the training of academic science. By nature, I obviously, a restless person. Therefore, I often go beyond the boundaries of strict science, beyond what I should do on my "academic specialty". I often spend in wide print and write in the "non-academic" genres. Sometimes the fate of the ancient manuscripts sometimes worries me when they are abandoned and not studied, then the ancient monuments that are destroyed, I am afraid of fantasies of restorers, sometimes "restoring" monuments in your own taste sometimes worries the fate of the old Russian cities in the growing industry, interests education In our youth patriotism and much, much more.

In this revealed, the reader has now reflected many of my non-academic unrest. I could call my book - "Book of Anxiety." There is a lot of my anxious, and I would like to convey to my readers, - to promote the education of the work, creative - Soviet patriotism in them. Not patriotism, satisfying achieved, and patriotism, striving for the better, seeking to convey this is the best - and from the past, and from the present - to future generations. In order not to make mistake in the future, we must remember our mistakes in the past. We must love your past and be proud of them, but you need to love the past is not just like that, and the best in it - what can really be proud and what we need and now, and in now.

Among the lovers of antiquities, collectors, collectors are very often found. Honor and praise. They have a lot of preserved, which then came to state repositories and museums, - presented, sold, transmitted by the will. Collectors are collected - rare for themselves, more often for the family, and even more often to make a museum, in their hometown, village or even just a school (in all good schools there are museums - small, but very necessary!).

I have never been and I will not collect the collector. I want all values \u200b\u200bto belong to everyone and serve everyone, staying in their places. The whole earth owns and keeps values, the treasures of the past. It is a beautiful landscape, and beautiful cities, and in the cities of their collected many generations of art monuments. And in the villages - the tradition of folk art, labor skills. Values \u200b\u200bare not only material monuments, but also good customs, ideas about the good and beautiful, the traditions of hospitality, friendlyness, the ability to feel their own, good. Values \u200b\u200bare the language, accumulated literary works. All do not list.

Current page: 1 (Total book 20 pages)

Dmitry Sergeevich Likchev
Native land

To our readers!

The author of the book Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, the publisher of the Soviet scientist in the field of literary studies, the history of Russian and world culture. Its Peru owns more than two dozen capital books and hundreds of research articles. D. S. Likhachev is a valid member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union, twice the winner of the USSR State Prize, an honorary member of many foreign academies and universities.

Dmitry Sergeevich's erudition, his pedagogical talent and experience, the ability to talk about complex things simply, intelligible and at the same time brightly and figuratively - that's what distinguishes his work, makes them not just books, but a significant phenomenon of our entire cultural life. Considering multivalued issues, moral and aesthetic education as an integral part of the Communist Education, D. S. Likhachev relies on the most important party documents calling for the greatest attention and responsibility to cultural education of the Soviet people, and especially young people.

Dmitry Sergeyevich's propaganda activities are widely known, who is constantly taking care of the ideological and aesthetic education of our youth, his persistent struggle for the careful attitude towards the Art Heritage of the Russian People.

In his new book, Academician D. S. Likhachev emphasizes that the ability to comprehend the aesthetic, the artistic perfection of unfaded masterpieces of the cultural past is very important for the younger generation, contributes to the upbringing of genuinely high civil positions of patriotism and internationalism.

From the author

Fate made me a specialist in ancient Russian literature. However, what does "fate" mean? Fate was in me: in my inclinations and interests, in my choice of the faculty in the University of Leningrad and in the one of the professors I began to go to classes. I was interested in old manuscripts, I was interested in literature, I was attracted to my ancient Russia and folk creativity. If you add all this together and multiply a well-known accumulation and some stubbornness in keeping the search, then all this together and opened me the way to the attentive study of the ancient Russian literature.

But the same fate who lived in me itself, at the same time constantly distracted me from the training of academic science. By nature, I obviously, a restless person. Therefore, I often go beyond the boundaries of strict science, beyond what I should do on my "academic specialty". I often spend in wide print and write in the "non-academic" genres. Sometimes the fate of the ancient manuscripts sometimes worries me when they are abandoned and not studied, then the ancient monuments that are destroyed, I am afraid of fantasies of restorers, sometimes "restoring" monuments in your own taste sometimes worries the fate of the old Russian cities in the growing industry, interests education In our youth patriotism and much, much more.

In this revealed, the reader has now reflected many of my non-academic unrest. I could call my book - "Book of Anxiety." There is a lot of my anxious, and I would like to convey to my readers, - to promote the education of the work, creative - Soviet patriotism in them. Not patriotism, satisfying achieved, and patriotism, striving for the better, seeking to convey this is the best - and from the past, and from the present - to future generations. In order not to make mistake in the future, we must remember our mistakes in the past. We must love your past and be proud of them, but you need to love the past is not just like that, and the best in it - what can really be proud and what we need and now, and in now.

Among the lovers of antiquities, collectors, collectors are very often found. Honor and praise. They have a lot of preserved, which then came to state repositories and museums, - presented, sold, transmitted by the will. Collectors are collected - rare for themselves, more often for the family, and even more often to make a museum, in their hometown, village or even just a school (in all good schools there are museums - small, but very necessary!).

I have never been and I will not collect the collector. I want all values \u200b\u200bto belong to everyone and serve everyone, staying in their places. The whole earth owns and keeps values, the treasures of the past. It is a beautiful landscape, and beautiful cities, and in the cities of their collected many generations of art monuments. And in the villages - the tradition of folk art, labor skills. Values \u200b\u200bare not only material monuments, but also good customs, ideas about the good and beautiful, the traditions of hospitality, friendlyness, the ability to feel their own, good. Values \u200b\u200bare the language, accumulated literary works. All do not list.

What is our land? This is with an incredible, unpredictable speed of the treasury racing in the outer space of unusually diverse and unusually fragile creatures of human hands and human brain. I called my book "Native Land". The word "land" in Russian has many values. It is the soil, and the country, and the people (in the last sense speaks of Russian land in the "Word about the regiment of Igor"), and the whole globe.

In the title of my book, the word "land" can be understood in all these meanings.

A person creates Earth. Without it, he is nothing. But the land creates a man. It depends on its preservation, the world on Earth, the multiplication of its wealth. From a person depends on to create conditions under which they will persist, grow and multiply the values \u200b\u200bof culture, when all people will be intellectually rich and intellectually healthy.

This is the idea of \u200b\u200ball sections of my book. I am writing a lot in different ways in different genres, in a different manner, even at a different reader level. But all I am writing about, I strive to associate a single idea of \u200b\u200blove for my land, to his land, to his land ...


Appropriately beautiful in the past, we must be smart. We need to understand that, bowing to the amazing beauty of architecture in India, it is not necessary to be a magomethanic, as it is not necessary to be a Buddhist to appreciate the beauty of the temples of the ancient Cambodia or Nepal. Are there people who would believe in the ancient gods and goddesses? - Not. But will there be people who would deny the beauty of Venus Milos? But this is a goddess! Sometimes it even seems to me that we, people of the new time, more appreciate the ancient beauty than the ancient Greeks themselves and the ancient Romans. They were too familiar.

Not because we, and we, Soviet people, have become so sharply to perceive the beauty of the ancient Russian architecture, the ancient Russian literature and the Old Russian music, which are one of the highest peaks of human culture. Only now we begin to realize it, and that is not fully.

Of course, producing your attitude and struggling for the preservation of monuments of the artistic culture of the past, you must always remember that, as F. Engels wrote about the historical conditionality of the form and content of medieval art, "the worldview of the Middle Ages was most advantage of the theological ... The church gave religious consecration to the secular state system Founded on the feudal basis ... From here, it happened that the church dogma was the initial point and the basis of all thinking "(Marx K., Engels F. Sob. Op., vol. 21, p. 495).

I appreciate the beautiful in the past, protecting it, we thus follow the Testament A. S. Pushkin: "Respect for the last one is the trait that distinguishes the formation of wildness ...".

Word to young

Your profession and your patriotism

It is very difficult to say the farewell of youth. Much has already been said, and it is said very good. And yet I will try to say what I think the most important and what, as it seems to me, to every person who enters into a large life is to be firmly realized.

A lot of what a person reaches in life what he takes the situation in it, which brings others and gets for himself, depends on him himself. Good luck does not come by chance. It depends on the fact that a person considers luck in his life, as he himself appreciates himself, which life position chose, what finally, his goal is in life.

Many, many arguing about this way: I am a smart, I have such abilities, I will deal with such a profession, I will achieve much in life, I will become a man "with the Regulation". No, this is not enough! Random failure on the entrance exams (let's say, really random, and not an imaginary random), a random error in his abilities (boys often exaggerate them, girls are too often underestimated by themselves), "randomly" appeared influential in the life of the enemies and so on t. n. And in life everything is gone. To the old age, a person feels deep disappointment, offense on someone or "so, in general."

Meanwhile, he is to blame - with the exception, maybe very rare cases ...

Think attentively at what I will tell you, young friends. And do not think only that I want you to just "read morality."

Each person, in addition to small and "temporary" personal goals, in life should certainly have one big personal goal, and then the risk of failures will be reduced to a minimum.

Indeed. For little purposes, the proportion of possible failure is always big. They put on behalf of a purely household task - to buy good things, and you got the things of the second variety.

This happens often. If this little task was the main thing for you, you will feel unhappy. But if this little goal for you was "passing" and you realized it as a "passing" and small, you even don't even pay attention to your "failure." You react to your "failure" quite calmly.

Put yourself a bigger task. For example, become a good doctor. There will be less random failures. Firstly, you will depend well to prepare for the entrance exams in the Medical Institute. But let's say, on the entrance exams, it came to you unfair (or it seemed to you - unfairly). There is no big catastrophe yet. The task is only moved away, but it will depend on you so that time before the next receipt does not disappear for you in vain. But here can be still failure. This must be recognized.

Well, if you put yourself an outdoor goal, suppose the most common thing: to bring more benefit as possible to people? What are the "fatal" failures here? Can you prevent you from performing this big vital task? It can be striving for it in any circumstances, and failures? Zero result, and only in some cases ... But in general, the success will be accompanied by the success and recognition of others. And if in achieving this task you will be accompanied by a personal success, then you will be provided with happiness.

"Bring as much benefit to people!" Is it too general and abstract task? Yes, of course, let's try to specify this life position of a person so that she can really direct his life.

At all, it is not necessary that an overnight life task turns into flour for a person. If the help of others is direct or indirect - does not bring joy to the one who has it is performed with Natuhai and only "from the principle," it is bad for business.

It is necessary to be enthusiastic profession, with their own business, those people who directly provide assistance (especially it is necessary to a teacher or doctor), and those who bring help "published" without seeing them. The latter is especially difficult, but not unattainable. And now I want to tell about this as clearer.

In a person's life, love plays a huge role. First, this is love for your parents, to your family. Then this is love for his school, to his class - classroom comrades and girlfriends; To his village or the city. Another major step is love for your people, to your country.

Love for his country and his people is that there is an outcading principle that truly sanctifies (makes holy) all human activity, brings him real happiness, eliminates the troubles, small personal failures.

If a careerist person, he always risks to get under the wheels themselves built by the car careerism, experience terrible disappointment. If the desire to take in life the best position is adjusted by the fact that this personal situation will give him the opportunity to make benefits to compatriots anymore, then the one or another official failure will not be collapsed, but simply a "zero result" - nothing terrible.

And how to reduce the risk of failure outlines! In science, if the scientist is looking only to truth, it will always reach more durable and reliable results than the one who craves "famous". The search for spectacular and affecting results rarely lead to great discoveries, and often lead (especially in humanitarian sciences, where the experiment that gives the most accurate check) to the falter, "firework" hypotheses, dangerous and for those who seek them to run into the air.

Caring for truth is brought up with love for people who need this truth, it is raised by patriotism. Patriotism, it is the Soviet patriotism, as a class of a conscious feeling of love for his homeland, to her long-suffering and heroic history, to its excellent traditions of culture - this is a great and elevating person feeling. M. I. Kalinin said: "The preaching of the Soviet patriotism cannot be torn off, not bound by the roots with the last story of our people. It must be filled with patriotic pride for the acts of his people. After all, Soviet patriotism is a direct heir to the creative deeds of the ancestors moving forward to the development of our People ... So, Soviet patriotism takes its origins in the deep past, ranging from the National Epos; He absorbs the whole best, created by the people, and considers the greatest honor to take care of all his achievements. "

However, patriotism should not be mixed with nationalism. Patriotism is love for your people. Nationalism is neglect, disrespect, hatred for other peoples. True, if you think about what I said, is one incompatible with another.

If you love your family if your friend is friendly, then she always has a lot of friendly families who love to attend your family and love to invite her to themselves. Friendly family radiates the atmosphere of friendliness and outside ... This is a happy family, whatever diseases and death have visited it.

If you love your mother, you will also understand others who love their parents, and this feature will not only be familiar to you, but also pleasant.

If you love your people, you will also understand other peoples who love their nature, their art, their past.

Everyone knows how, for example, Bulgarians love their small country. But this is exactly what makes them such hospitable towards everyone who comes to them.

It is necessary to strive to master the cultural achievements of the whole world, all the peoples inhabiting our small planet, and all the cultures of the past. It is necessary to develop intellectual flexibility in understanding the achievements and be able to separate the fake from genuine and valuable.

It is necessary to know other people's cultures, cultures of our time and past, you need to travel a lot - not necessarily "legs", moving from place to place, from one country to another, but "travel" on books, with the help of books (books - the greatest of the greatest achievements Human culture), with the help of museums, with the help of its own intellectual mobility and flexibility. Interested in others, in the advantage of unlike us, peculiar. Then we will evaluate your own.

And the first "journey", which a person must do is "journey" in their own country. Acquaintance with the history of his country, with its monuments, with its cultural achievements is always the joy of an endless opening of a new one in a familiar, the joy of recognition of the familiar in the new. Familiarity and familiarization of others (if you are a real patriot) - careful attitude towards your old days, to its history, for its own country, in addition to measuring in space, has a "fourth dimension" - in time.

If you love your parents, then you love them "in all dimensions": you like to watch old albums with photos - what they were in childhood, before the wedding, young and aged (oh, how beautiful the old faces of good people are beautiful!). If you love your country, you can't not love your story, you can not not protect the monuments of the past. You can not be proud of the glorious traditions of the country of the Soviets.

And this love for the past of their people should be in people of all professions, all scientific and unscientific specialties. For patriotism is that great overnight superbate of all of your activities, which will save you and from too acute troubles, personal failures and correctly, on an error-free way to direct your activities in search of truth, truth and reliable personal success.

Just do not make a mistake in your life position. Always put yourself big and outcading tasks, and you will achieve great and reliable in your life. You will be happy!

On the upbringing of Soviet patriotism, about continuity in the development of culture

We often meet with opposition to natural sciences, which are considered accurate, "inaccurate" literary criticism. At this opposition, the attitude towards literary reference is based on the science of the "second grade".

However, natural and social sciences are unlikely to vary greatly among themselves. In principled - nothing. If we say that humanitarian sciences differ in the historic approach, then among the natural people there are historical sciences: the history of flora, the history of the fauna, the history of the structure of the earth's crust and other and so on. The complexity of the study material is distinguished by geography, oceanography and many other sciences. Humanitarian sciences are of the benefit with statistical laws of random phenomena, but many other sciences are also dealing with. Other features are also relative to the same features.

In the absence of fundamental differences, there are practical differences. The so-called "accurate" sciences (and among them there are not much "accurate") much more formalized (I use this word in the sense, in which representatives of the "accurate" sciences consume it, they do not mix research with popularization, messages already mined earlier information - with the establishment of new facts, etc.

Speaking that humanitarian sciences have no fundamental differences with "accurate" sciences, I do not mean the need to "mathematization" of our science. The question of the degree of opportunity to introduce mathematics into humanitarian sciences is a special question.

I mean only the following: There is not a single deep methodological feature in the humanitarian sciences, which in one or another it would not be in some sciences of non-immantitarian.

Finally, a remark about the term "accurate" science. This term is not accurate. Many sciences seem accurate only from the side. This also applies to mathematics, which at its highest levels is not so accurate.

But there is one side in literary research, which really distinguishes it from many other sciences. This is an ethical side. And the point is not that literary studies studies the ethical issues of literature (although this is not enough). Literary criticism, if it covers a wide material, has a very large educational value, increasing the social qualities of a person.

I have been doing ancient Russian literature all my life. Ancient Russian literature belongs to a special aesthetic system, an uninterrupted for an unprepared reader. And to develop the aesthetic susceptibility of readers is extremely necessary. Aesthetic susceptibility is not aesthetics. This is a huge importance public feeling, one of the parties to the social sociality of a person who opposes the feeling of national exclusivity and chauvinism, it develops tolerance in a person in relation to other cultures, foreign or other eras in a person.

The ability to understand the ancient Russian literature opens the veil over other, no less complex aesthetic systems of literature, for example, the European Middle Ages, the Middle Ages of Asia.

The same thing in the visual arts. A person who truly (and not fashionable) is able to understand the art of ancient Russian iconopus, cannot but understand the painting of Byzantium and Egypt, the Persian or Irish medieval miniature.

The literary critic lies a big and responsible task - to educate "mental susceptibility." That is why the concentration of literary criticism on a few objects and issues of study, on the era alone or on a few problems contrary to the main public sense of the existence of literary studies as science.

In literature, various topics and large "distances" are needed precisely because it struggles with these distances, seeks to destroy barriers between people, nations and centuries.

Literary criticism has many industries, and in each industry has its own problems. However, if you approach literary research on the part of the modern historical stage of human development, you should pay attention to what. Now in the orbit of the cultural world includes all new and new peoples. The "demographic explosion", which is now experiencing humanity, colonialism and the emergence of many independent countries - all this leads to the approach of the progressive sides of various cultures on the globe, promotes their fruitful mutual influence and interpenetration in the indispensable condition for the preservation of the national person of all cultures. Therefore, in front of humanitarian sciences is the most difficult task - to understand, explore the cultures of all nations of the world: the peoples of Africa, Asia, South America. In the spotlight of literary crituals, therefore, the literature of the peoples standing on the most different stages of social development are included. That is why now the great importance of the work, establishing typical features of literature and folklore, peculiar to those or other stages of the development of society. It is impossible to be limited to the study of modern literatures of highly developed peoples in the stage of capitalism or socialism. The need for work devoted to the study of the patterns of the development of literature at the stages of feudalism and the generic society is now very large. The methodology of typological study of literature is also important.

One of the problems of literary studies is to clearly separate the tasks of research from popularizer.

Mixing the tasks of the study with the tasks of popularization creates hybrids, the main disadvantage of which is a scientificness. The sciencelessness can displace science or dramatically reduce the academic level of science. This phenomenon on a global scale is very dangerous, as it opens the gate into literary science of various kinds of chauvinistic or extremist trends. National borders in literature are very running. Therefore, the struggle for the national belonging of a writer, for a particular work, even just for a valuable old manuscript, becomes more and more acute in different ends of the world. Only high science can stop this struggle for the cultural heritage: a detailed philological study of works of literature, texts and their language, evidence and impassiveness of arguments.

And here we return to the initial moment of our reflection: to the question of the exact and inaccurate sciences. If literary studies and inaccurate science, then it must be accurate. The conclusions of literary studies should have a complete evidentiary strength, and its concepts and terms differ with rigor and clarity. This requires a high public responsibility that lies in literary criticism.


Now, when we strive to build a new, communist culture, it is especially important for us to know its origins. New forms of culture are never created from scratch, V. I. Lenin said about it.

In the village of Sholokhovsky Rostov region, the guys created a circle to study the "word about the regiment of Igor" and called their "Boyan" circle. They chose me with an honorary member of the mug. Correspondence has failed. I suggested that the guys spend the dispute on the topic "What gives a man love to his homeland?"

I met the materials of the dispute and answered the guys:

"Dear members" Boyan "mug!

You sent by the dispute materials "What gives a man love for his homeland?" Interesting, and I will try to use them ...

But I have what question to you. You write that love for homeland makes life easier, brings joy, happiness. And this is all definitely true. But is one of the joy bring love to the homeland? Does she sometimes have to experience grief, suffer? Does it sometimes bring difficulties? Think about it. And why still do you need to love my homeland? You will say in advance: difficulties in human life are inevitable, but, having a goal, caring for others, and not about yourself, it is always easier to endure any difficulties. You are ready for them, you do not stive, and you work well.

Love for the Motherland gives the meaning of life, turns life from stagnation into meaningful existence. "

I love ancient Russia. In ancient Russia, there were many such parties that would not need to admire. Nevertheless, I love this era, because I see the struggle, the suffering of people, an attempt is extremely intense in different groups of society to correct the shortcomings: both among the peasantry, and among the military, and among the writers. No wonder in ancient Russia, journalism was developed, despite the most severe persecution of any manifestation of a hidden or explicit protest against exploitation and arbitrariness. Here is this side of ancient Russian life: the struggle for the best life, the struggle for correction, the struggle even just for the military organization is more perfect and better, which could defend the people from constant invasions - she attracts me.

Knowledge of the distant past deckless, long-suffering and heroic, makes it deeper to understand, see the true roots of the mobility, courageous ministry interests of the native land, the interests of their people.

Patriotism is a creative beginning, the beginning that can inspire a person's life; Election of their profession, the circle of interest is to determine everything in a person and light everything. Patriotism is the topic, if you can say, a person's life, his creativity.

Patriotism should certainly be the spirit of all humanitarian sciences, the spirit of all teaching. From this point of view, it seems to me that the work of local historians in a rural school is very indicative. Indeed, patriotism first of all begins with love for its city, to its locality, and this does not exclude the love of our entire immense country. How does not exclude love for his school, say, love primarily to your teacher.

I think that the teaching of local history in school could serve as a basis for the upbringing of this Soviet patriotism. In the last school classes, the two or three years of the course of local history associated with excursions in historical places, with romance of travel, would be extremely helpful.

I adhere to the glance that love for the Motherland begins with love for his family, to his house, to his school. She gradually grows. With age, it becomes also love for his city, to his village, to his native nature, to his countrymen, and the ripe, becomes conscious and strong, until death, love for his socialist country and its people. You can not jump through any link of this process, and it is very difficult to bore the whole chain again, when something, it fell or, more of it was absent from the very beginning.

Why do I consider interest in culture and literature of our past not only natural, but also necessary?

In my opinion, each developed person should have a wide range. And for this little to be familiar with the basic phenomena and values \u200b\u200bof only its modern national culture. It is necessary to understand other cultures, other nationalities, - without this it is impossible to ultimately communicate with people, and how important it is, each of us knows in its life experience.

Russian literature XIX century. - One of the tops of world culture, the most valuable heritage of all mankind. How did she have? On the thousand-year experience in the culture of the word. Ancient Russian literature remained incomprehensible for a long time, as is the painting of that time. Genuine recognition came to them relatively recently.

Yes, the voice of our medieval literature is quiet. Nevertheless, she is striking us by the monumentality and the magnitude of the whole. It is strong and the people's humanistic principle that should never be forgotten. She pays large aesthetic values \u200b\u200b...

Remember the "Tale of Bygone Years" ... This is not only the chronicle, our first historical document is an outstanding literary work, talking about the great sense of national self-consciousness, about a wide view of the world, about the perception of Russian history as part of the history of the world, associated with its inseparable Uzami.


Tract for ancient Russian culture - the phenomenon is symptomatic. This traction is caused primarily by the desire to turn to their national traditions. Modern culture is repelled from all kinds of depletion associated with the development of standards and patterns: from a faceless "international" style in architecture, from Americanizing life, from gradually weathered national foundations of life.

But it's not only that. Each culture is looking for connections with the past, turns to one of the cultures of the past. Renaissance and classicism appealed to antiquity. Baroque and romanticism appealed to Gothic. Our modern culture appeals to the epochs of a large civil lift, to the epochs of the struggle for national independence, for heroic topics. All this is just deeply represented in the culture of ancient Russia.

Finally, we note that it would seem, a private but very important phenomenon. Ancient Rus attracts our contemporaries aesthetically. Old Russian art, like the art of people, is distinguished by conciseness, colorful, cheerfulness, courage in solving artistic tasks.

Interest in Old Russian culture is typical now for young people. Books in the ancient Russian culture, literature, art will be published and reprinted everywhere. It is enough to say that the first twenty volumes of the work of the department of the Old Russian literature of the Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House) are reprinting abroad twice - in the USA and Germany. Repeatedly published such monuments such as "Tale of Bygone Years", "Kiev-Pechersky Catema", "Word about Igor's regiment", "Daniel Charple", "Avvakum Protopopopa" and many others. I note that the literary monuments of ancient Russia are transferred and published even in Japan. In the old capital of Japan, Kyoto comes out the collections "Ancient Rus". It is impossible to list all publications and reissue monuments of ancient Russia in the West and the East.