Development of students' creative abilities through a system of extracurricular activities. Conducting and organizing cultural events

Development of students' creative abilities through a system of extracurricular activities.  Conducting and organizing cultural events
Development of students' creative abilities through a system of extracurricular activities. Conducting and organizing cultural events

Analyzing the work of libraries, directly attending events, you notice a certain obsession with the same forms of work.

Today, few people use such, albeit not new, but solid and, unfortunately, forgotten forms, such as panoramas, kaleidoscopes, oral journals.

Events are held with success, based on co-

some ideas lie, for example, suchtelevision projects such as: "Brain - ring", "Two grand pianos", "The finest hour", "Field of miracles", "Own game".

We offer you unusual and interesting forms of holding events ininter-settlement libraries.

Dialog- exchange of views between two or more interlocutors with different views, as a rule, on one problem. This is a conversation that takes place in a friendly, friendly atmosphere. The purpose of communication is

clarify the idea, develop an agreed position.

Discussion -form of research of any problem, controversial issue. Participants are divided in advance into groups with different or opposite opinions. The purpose of the discussion is to establish a system, or at least as close as possible to it. The discussion is characterized by a thorough theoretical preparation of the participants and a thorough analysis of the argumentation of opposing concepts.

"Information +" -it is a living story that contributes to the deepening of students' knowledge about politics, economics, ecology, and culture. "+" In this publication indicates that in addition to information about a particular event, comments, interviews, journalistic sketches are possible. The main goal is comprehensively

to acquaint readers with events in various areas of human life and activities, to contribute to the formation of their active life position.

"Inform-digest" - short, vivid messages on various topics. A small group of readers (4-5 people) prepares information about any one event that interested him.

"How it was"- one significant topic is covered by the example of the TV show of the same name. A large role is played by

is found in the leader. The host provides basic historical and political background information, introduces guests and organizes dialogue. Presentations should be short (3-5 minutes) and

are devoted to a specific fact that allows you to deepen and diversify the knowledge of listeners. A plus can be the use of films - and video materials, photographs, etc.

"Years and People"- dedicated to professional biographiesachievements of cultural workers, politicians, economists in our country and abroad.

"We asked - we answer" - information is collected in advance from a certain group of readers about what events of modern life they are interested inmost of all; questions received; the received questions are distributed among the readers, then selectedmaterial and performances are being prepared.

"Press conference" - includes elements of play, artistic, creative activities.

Participants of the "press conference" act in a certain role: politicians, scientists, journalists,

art tellers, photojournalists, etc.

« Young Connoisseurs Club "- a cognitive game, the main goal of which is to expand the horizons, develop cognitive activity and creative thinking among readers. Two or more teams are involved and usually perform the same tasks at the same time.The speed, accuracy, originality of their implementation are taken into account. Within the framework of the competition, you can

hold a quiz, questions of which are asked to the teams in turn.

Oral journal -a form of expanding and deepening the knowledge of schoolchildren about the culture, life and work of people.He acquaints listeners with information on a particular topic and presented on the pages of the magazine. The number of pages is determined. Literary and musical arrangement, visual aids are discussed. There are two types of oral journal: thematic and variegated.

Round table -a form of free exchange of opinions on any problem.The moderators of the "round table" develop a plan for discussing the problem on specific issues. The purpose of the "round table" is to attract the attention of the participants to the discussion of relevant aspects of the chosen topic

Talent auction - n auctions usually sell useful or valuable items. Anyone who offers a high price for it will be able to purchase this thing. In our auction - both things for sale and “unusual money. As a sold item, there can be either a real, valuable prize (cake, book, etc.), or a comic prize, but something memorable for everyone present: a button from the costume of the director or class teacher, etc. Ras-

You will have to pay for the right to receive this prize with your talents: reading poetry, a story about your favorite book, etc.

conducting familiar forms of events:


A game in response to questions, usually united by some theme. Quiz requirements:

Common topic;

Questions should be specific;

Pick up a certain number of questions;

Think over the form of holding - “What? Where? When? "," Field of Miracles "," Brain Ring "," Happy Accident ".

The quiz can be with different tasks:

Explain if you can;

Which statement is true, etc.

Living room (poetry, musical)

Decorated with music, rather quiet, melodic, soft rhythms. The hostess of the living room helps everyone to get comfortable, she gives everyone a smile, welcoming, and makes “psychological stroking”.

The first point is introducing the guests. If a new person appears, then first of all, they introduce him to the guests who came. Then anyone can say a few words about someone as additional information that deepens knowledge about that person. These words can be witty, humorous, funny - the main thing here is a good disposition to each other, the psychological climate of the living room. Living room themedetermines the theme of memories: in the music living room they recall episodes of their lives related to music; on the poetical - what has determined today's interest in poetry. In the living room, anecdotes are always heard - witty short stories. It is necessary to take care of a beautiful, comfortable interior, free movement of guests, beauty of decoration, costumes of the "hostess" or "host", the colorfulness of the treat or the hygiene of tea drinking.

To emphasize the elasticity of this form, let us point out some examples of unusual living rooms: the canine parlor - gathers guests who love dogs; astrological living room - guests are fond of astrology; psychological living room - guests who are interested in psychological problems gather.

Dispute -a form of collective discussion, a clash of many views, opinions, opposing and mutually exclusive judgments, positions regarding one or anotherProblems. The purpose of the dispute is to expand the understanding of the phenomenon, achieve clarity, clarify their views and positions.

Dispute is an oral scholarly dispute that takes place in front of an audience between persons who have different points of view on any issue or problem.

1. It is necessary to choose in advance a topic with adolescents.

mute questions.

2. Questions should be specific, relatedwith the life of people, their activities or life experience.

3. Topics should be interesting, teenagers should be worried.

4. At the dispute, you can discuss literary articles, TV shows, films.

5. Preparatory work - selection of literature, exhibition, viewing, reading.

6. The atmosphere at the dispute should be relaxed.

7. Psychological attitude of the audience: to be able to listen, not to be offended, to be able to prove their opinion, boldly express their thoughts.

8. The leader must quickly navigate, choose the main thing from the statements, draw a conclusion.

Topics: What is courage and heroism? There is always a place for exploits in life. Is it always? I have such a character. Is it true that the dream is the sail of life? Know how to cherish love. About the beauty of a person.

List of forms of library work.




Evening - meeting

Evening is a memory

Evening is a celebration

Evening - reflection

Meeting with …

Meeting of two generations

Meeting with the Cossack dynasties

Meeting of brothers in arms

Meeting with recruits

Video lectures

Memory watch


Living room

Day of military glory

Day of Remembrance

Information Day




Entertaining program


Reading competition

Competitive game program


Literary and music lounge

Literary - musical composition

Minutes of trust



Book presentation

Political debate

Cognitive program

Crossroads of opinions

Poetic composition



Holiday game

Knight Tournament

Communication salon

Thematic program

Tribune for bold hypotheses

Theatrical children's holiday

Theatrical competition

Creative evening

Thematic evening

Creative meeting

Theatrical game program

A lesson in courage

Health lesson

Ethics lesson

Artistic and publicistic composition

The cycle of transmissions, conversations

An hour of personal opinion

Hour of problematic questions

Trust hour

Show program

Relay of generations

Dear Colleagues! We hope this material will help improve the quality of public events held in libraries.

Compiled by: I.M.Rabota, chief bibliographer of OIRIT

The definition of "leisure" is the time between useful work. Its functions can be revealed by composing cultural and leisure programs that will characterize the forms of activities in recreational and developmental activities, which includes a whole complex of carefully selected culturally synthesized active energy that fills the entire leisure space.

Cultural and leisure programs and their features

The peculiarities of cultural leisure and its programs determine the differences between cultural leisure itself and additional education programs. The differences are that the cultural and leisure program is not specially organized and studied - its implementation takes place spontaneously, like the preparation and conduct of mass leisure events. Knowledge and skills appear as a result of the process of independent work outside the classroom. Forms of events can be very diverse.

Subjects can be people of all, both the organizers of a mass event and children together with teachers and / or parents. In the course of the implementation of the cultural leisure program, a large number of all kinds of new roles (or positions) are envisaged - teaching or improvising. There are organizers, performers, authors, spectators, artists, costume designers, even designers, musical designers, lighting and other stage workers, presenters, jury members, and so on. The quantitative and qualitative filling of the roles will depend on the form of the events.

Types of cultural activities

The proposed classification is based on the degree of mass character of the event and its length in time.

1. One-time program in the form of a game. The forms of the events do not depend on the preparation of the participants, who are included in the game in the course of the action. Games can be both intelligent and mobile; both at the table and in the game room, in the hall or in the fresh air. The length of this lesson is adjusted depending on the age of the participants. The description of the game is most often a scenario plan. The literary script confirms the qualifications, pedagogical culture, and skill of the organizers.

2. The competitive game program (a given topic) requires preliminary preparation of the participants. The forms of events can be KVN, a tournament, all kinds of such programs have educational and educational goals and consist of training, implying joint creativity. For adults, the meaning of this form of conduct is the acquisition of team play skills.

KVN form

A competitive game program of this form cannot be carried out without a complete scenario, where the tasks are formulated, the preparation is described, and a list of recommended literature is given. New forms of events make it possible to organize a well-thought-out and anticipated holiday by the public.

Among the features of the preparation of such a plan of competitive gaming programs and their implementation, the main aspects are as follows:

  1. It is very important not to turn this fun game into a boring exam, when there is no place for invention, imagination and improvisation.
  2. On the other hand, independence should be subtly but unswervingly accompanied by the leadership of the leaders in order to avoid bad taste and all sorts of vulgarity.
  3. If KVN is held among schoolchildren, it is important to instill a taste for subtle humor, an intelligent joke, teach them to find funny both in themselves and in the life around them.

Intelligence games

The forms and methods of the event allow the organization of massive intellectual games as a type of competitive game program. Here success comes at the expense of erudition, intelligence, thinking abilities of a person - ingenuity, ingenuity, the ability to predict the situation.

Real practice prefers intellectual games of combined forms. Good, for example, story quizzes in which there is an economic strategy. The forms of leisure activities are not very diverse here: most often these are questions offered to participants. Therefore, it is the selection of topics and the compilation of questions that are most important for organizers.

Playing the theater

The play-performance assumes the presence of the leaders of this game program. They are most often the organizers of the holiday, if it is for adults, and teachers, if the holiday is for children. The forms of carrying out cultural and leisure activities provide in this type of game the obligatory plot, built in such a way that absolutely strangers can complete tasks or play small roles without preparation. The fate of the heroes of this semi-improvisational performance will entirely depend on the direct participants in the theatrical action.

Story game

This is also a theatrical event. What are the forms of holding such events? Very varied. The main thing here is to create a certain atmosphere and develop a clear design of the game situation. The preparation period can be lengthy. A very interesting move is the preparation of an initiative group, which, in the process of a theatrical plot game, will gradually attract outsiders to the action.

Advance information on the topic is very important. For example, a few weeks in advance, a costume ball called "The Nineteenth Century. Pushkin and His Muses" is announced. Interested participants will try to get or make costumes and feel the atmosphere of a social event. Further, all the trump cards will be in the hands of the organizers. To hold such a holiday, you will need a detailed plan with clearly stated tasks, preparation of the exposition (decorations, and so on).

Spectacle and celebration

The main forms of events are just spectacular. It can be concerts, sporting events and much more. Performers and spectators are usually present here. Often such forms are used as fragments of folk festivals and other public events.

A holiday is a time consuming type of leisure program. It requires a lot of preparation, a variety of activities and techniques to get as many people as possible to participate. Entertainment should alternate from spectacle to mass participation.

These are all kinds of gatherings, contests, shows, festivals, creative reports, greetings, ceremonies, presentations, festivities, carnivals, theatrical performances, sports and physical events, themed days, weeks, and so on. Many different types of work can be used within the framework of a mass celebration. Here, awards take place, heroes of various important events perform, all kinds of game programs and solemn rituals are held.

Holiday program

The program should be printed in several copies and be kept not only by each of the persons responsible for the holiday and organizers, but also by those participants who prepared in advance who are involved in all fragments of the program. With a simple list of concert numbers, the holiday may not work out. Also, in the program, all preparations for the holiday, organizational measures with an indication of those in charge, etc. should be detailed in the program.

Long-term leisure program

This is the name of a program designed for a more or less permanent composition of its participants. For example, an art studio, an aircraft modeling club, and so on. This program lasts, depending on the form of cultural and leisure activities, from several days to several years. There are literary studios that have celebrated their fiftieth anniversary, for example.

The type of these events is closest to the role-playing games, and the main thing here for a successful and really long period of work of the leisure program is the presence of some social idea (plot), the creative activity of the team (a system-forming factor), self-expression of the individual in a variety of game situations, free choosing a theme and changing it if desired.

For children

In pedagogy, the program of activity of a plot-role-playing game is applicable both within the school, and in the summer camp, and in children's groups of additional education. There is a rule for such programs, which is mandatory for execution: the delineation of clear stages that begin and end with some bright event. These are role-playing situational games of the Hobbit type, and "Travel with halts", and all kinds of "Robinson's".

Long-term leisure programs are especially popular in summer camps, as an epic game can become the basis of a whole camp change if you combine all the activities with one theme. The activities of all collectives, all camp mass celebrations will be subordinated to this theme. The experience of conducting such role-playing games is huge. For example, the game "New Civilization" is very popular for high school students.

Examples of

1. The game "Republic". A kind of state is being created, where the basic law reflects both the rights and obligations of all citizens (both children and adults). A civic position is fostered through participation in the modeling of state governance, the skills and abilities of democratic life are imparted.

2. The game "Journey", during which the course is navigated in the Ocean of Teaching.

3. The game "Building". This program can be especially useful for captivating younger students. Each team builds its own "home" from relationships within the team. This is how a microdistrict of useful deeds grows.

Long-term leisure programs are usually highly educational in nature. The form of its implementation can be all of the above leisure programs, both game and competitive, and necessarily - festive, which are included in the program as constituent elements, for the sake of which all other activities are started. The undoubted value of long-term leisure programs is undeniable, since the development of skills and abilities is stimulated. Children get the opportunity to realize their needs in a variety of areas of creativity, social adaptation is accelerated, social activity is stimulated.

I. Introduction.

The current stage in the development of pedagogy and school requires innovative approaches to solving the problems of educating the child's personality. Along with the principle of democratization of the entire education system, the principle of the competitiveness of different school models, methods and programs of education, the method of creativity should also be presented - an orientation towards creative processes in pedagogy, towards the formation of a creative personality.

The school conducted a survey of schoolchildren: "Have you ever tried to compose poetry, music, draw on your own, invent, invent something new?" It turned out that 48% of students, who, having forgotten, probably, about their preschool and first school years, claimed that he did not try to do any of the above. “I didn’t try, because it wouldn’t work anyway”; "I don't like it, that's why I didn't try." Lack of faith in their capabilities and interest in creativity among schoolchildren - what could be more alarming for a teacher! The development of a methodology for various types of creativity is one of the tasks of creativity pedagogy.

At the same time, the school should be considered as a pedagogical center for the comprehensive development of the individual. It should provide real opportunities for the active and creative participation of schoolchildren in all types of activities, coordinate all the influences of the environment on the personality, its formation.

II. Educational space as a means of developing students' creative abilities.

Among the concepts of pedagogy, the concepts of “educational space”, “educational environment”, “environment in the environment” are gradually coming to the fore. The upbringing space is a tool for upbringing, subject to the purposeful use of its capabilities in working with children. The influence of the educational space is due to the child's perception of it, involvement in the process of its creation and improvement. The effectiveness of the development of this space on the part of the child depends on how he sees it.

The following characteristics of the educational space are distinguished:

  1. The educational space is a developed, natural, cultural, social, informational environment that is adapted for solving pedagogical problems.
  2. The educational space is the result of mastering the educational environment.
  3. Educational space does not fold by itself or by order from above. It is born within pedagogical reality due to specially organized activities.
  4. An educational space can become a means of developing the creative potential of a child's personality only if it is a space of a child's community, filled with real and meaningful questions for children, which need to be answered if children perceive the space as their own territory, for which they are responsible ...
  5. The creation of an educational space includes internal processes associated with the choice of priorities for pedagogical activities, and external ones, which include the development of the environment by the community of children and adults.

III. The system for the development of students' creative abilities in the educational space.

According to the above rules for realizing the creative potential of the educational space, the teacher-educator needs to clearly think over the goals of his work.

There are no untalented people, but there are people who are not busy with their own business. Talents are different: management talent, communication talent, artistic ability and many others, which can only be revealed in extracurricular activities. In this case, the goal of the teacher's work is the formation and disclosure of the student's creative individuality. The realization of this goal implies the solution of the following tasks:

  1. To create conditions for the intellectual, moral and emotional self-expression of the child's personality, for the discovery and development of children's abilities in various fields of activity.
  2. Provide pedagogical support for the student's creative aspirations.
  3. Promote the role of student self-government in planning, organizing and analyzing life in the classroom.
  4. Ensure the participation of parents in the preparation and conduct of key educational activities in the classroom.
  5. Form a circle of traditional activities in the classroom that allows for optimal distribution of students according to their abilities.

Children's collective is a collective aimed at creativity. Only in a creative team do children grow up, not adapting to life, but transforming it around them. How can we do so in every possible way to develop the independence and initiative of each child? So that when various events are held at the school, most of the children at these events are full-fledged hosts, and not bored guests? Ways and means of achieving goals in the educational space in this case should also be creative:

  • The teacher needs to learn to treat children as junior companions in difficult but very interesting work.
  • You need to be able to find something good in every child, share this good, involve everyone in the search for something that can be done interesting and useful for your class, for the people around you.
  • Develop in children the habit of taking care of others and thinking not only of themselves, but also of others, striving to make everyone feel good and interesting.
  • In his work with children, the teacher adheres to the principle: everything that children can do themselves, they must do on their own.

Build educational work according to the algorithm:

  • preliminary work of the organizer;
  • collective planning;
  • collective training;
  • collective conduct of the case;
  • collective summing up.

Methods in the educational space must correlate with the forms. The concept of form - means a way of organization, a way of existence and expression of a content, object, phenomenon, process. The main form of the educational process at school is considered to be an event.

An event is an organized collective action aimed at achieving some goals. The event should be implemented as a purposeful interaction of a teacher, class teacher, educator with each student, the children's collective as a whole, aimed at solving the set educational tasks. In this case, the event itself acts as a form of educational activity, in which separate methods of its organization are purposefully combined, combining goals, objectives, content, methods, means and techniques. In the process of this activity, such educational situations are created in the life of the collective, which, by their content and emotional manifestation, affect the personality of the child.

In pedagogy, there is no unified approach to the classification of forms of educational work. The most common is the classification of organizational forms of education, depending on how students are organized: mass, group and individual forms. In addition, there is an approach to determining the forms of educational activities associated with the directions of educational work.

For example, the organization of cognitive and developmental activities of students is most consistent with the following forms: quiz, knowledge auction, meeting of the curious club, project competition, erudite competition, intellectual marathon, business games, knowledge review, scientific conferences, competition of inventors and dreamers, speaker tournament, oral magazine, etc.

In the implementation of the tasks of moral education and self-education, the following forms are widely used: a round table, press conferences, an oral journal, disputes, evenings of questions and answers, conversations on ethical topics, self-education, a review of literature on various problems, literary and musical compositions, practical exercises , distance travel, charity actions, search activities, etc.

Activities related to vocational guidance of schoolchildren are most consistent with the following forms: meetings with representatives of different professions, “In the world of professions”, “How to choose a profession?”, Excursions to production, a game-competition “Whose profession is better?” etc.

When organizing aesthetic education, the following are widely used: literary and musical evenings and matinees, "Hour of Poetry", excursions to museums and exhibitions, walks in nature, talks about music and painting, arts festivals, magazine reviews, the release of handwritten publications, etc.

When organizing physical education, games such as "Merry Starts", small Olympic games, hiking trips and relay races, meetings with representatives of various sports, sports evenings and matinees, conversations and hygiene, health and physical education, etc. are widely used.

In primary school, especially in grades 1-2, such a form of education as play is important. The inherent thirst for activity in children often finds its expression in play, which replaces the work that the child needs. Every game teaches them to act in concert, to be accurate and timely in front of the team or group for which they are playing. In voluntary submission to the rules of the game, without which it ceases to be an organized action, conscious discipline is established and strengthened. Finally, volitional qualities are brought up in the game, which is most often an individual or group competition. In the educational process, the game must meet the following requirements:

  • The game should promote team building.
  • Have a cognitive value.
  • To intensify the social activities of children.
  • Provide the mental activity of the participants in the games.
  • Create conditions for children's creativity.
  • To comply with the principle: “As few spectators as possible, as many actors as possible”.

The purpose of the educational game: to make the educational process joyful, interesting, and memorable for children. To awaken the child's soul, to develop the creative abilities inherent in nature, to teach communication, orientation in various life situations, to bring up an elementary culture of behavior - these are the main tasks that are realized in the game.

Complex and diverse problems of education can be solved only through the complex use of various forms of organizing the educational process. The more varied and richer in content these forms are, the more effective the educational process.

In the process of implementing any form, it is necessary to use a step-by-step set of actions of the classroom team:

  1. Creation of a temporary initiative group, development of a plan for an upcoming event.
  2. Development of the composition of the upcoming event.
  3. Drawing up a list of things to do, funds, materials that will be required to implement the plan.
  4. Distribution of instructions for the implementation of each item of the program.
  5. Implementation of the planned activities to prepare for the event.
  6. Carrying out the event.
  7. Final discussion of the implementation of the event.

Such an organization allows the team to increase the degree of independence in organizing the life of the class. The development of students' ability to interact, self-government, cooperation, the development of individuality, social competence, responsibility is one of the areas of work of a teacher-educator to reveal and develop the creative potential of a child's personality.

IV. The system of work of a primary school teacher to develop the creative abilities of students in the educational space through a system of extracurricular activities.

In order to teach children creativity, the teacher needs to learn how to work creatively on his own. Preparing for an event is a process that requires choosing the best methods, means and forms of education.

Creative activities are activities that involve creativity in their implementation and are designed to use the creative capabilities of students in them.

Hours free from classroom activities should be filled reasonably, it is interesting that they are an effective means of raising children. To a large extent, this depends on the teacher, his ability to captivate children with an interesting work, give an outlet for his energy, develop cognitive, creative powers, abilities, expand the horizons and the sphere of communication. And in order to satisfy the interest and desire of each student, it is possible and necessary to offer several types of activities: each student chooses what he likes and what he can do.

Play, a constant companion of childhood, can be of great help in this. For example, contests:

  • "These funny animals"
  • "Space travel",
  • "Young Firefighters",
  • "Hot hearts",
  • "Come on, girls"
  • "Future defenders of the Fatherland",
  • “The most, the most, the most ...” etc.

The purpose of these contests is to form a creative personality who is able to navigate correctly and efficiently in various life situations.

Among the different kinds of games, the following can be distinguished and classified:

  1. Game-dramatization.
  2. The game is a mystery.
  3. Game modeling.
  4. Play with subsequent reflection.

Game-dramatization- most acceptable for younger students. It is a kind of stage play, the essence of which is playing out a scene or poem of moral content for the audience. In the process of preparation and playing, a double effect on the personality is provided: performing activity requires entering the role of another and evaluating his actions from the inside, unobtrusively forming an attitude, position, and encouraging introspection; on the other hand, the reaction of the audience has an additional effect, a single emotional state is created that unites children.

Riddle game: children are invited to act out situations of various levels of complexity, in which erroneous actions are laid. The task of the audience is to detect errors in the behavior of the characters and explain them or find a way out of the current situation. (example: a student walks past two teachers talking to each other and only greets their homeroom teacher).

Game simulation- the creation of imaginary situations of moral choice. Role-playing games have the greatest creative potential, in which only the contours of the behavior of the characters are outlined, but the situation itself unfolds directly in the process of game interaction. Such situations require the child to independently design their actions based on penetration into the inner state of the character being portrayed.

Play with subsequent reflection allows you to create a situation for students to acquire a certain emotional experience and its awareness, comprehension with the help of the subsequent reflection of their feelings and experiences:

Game "Blind and Guide": students are divided into pairs. One plays the role of "blind", the second - the role of "guide". The “guide” leads his partner blindfolded around the room for five minutes, then they change places. Then the students reflect on their feelings in each role.

Washing machine game: students line up in two lines facing each other and imagine that they are a washing machine, it is necessary to “wash” the one who will pass through it, to make him more joyful, happy. The discussion after the game allows the students to sort out their feelings.

Directing, choreographic, literary, musical abilities are most effectively realized during the holidays:

  • "Golden autumn",
  • "Farewell to the ABC",
  • "Holiday of traffic rules",
  • "Holiday of health",
  • "New Year",
  • "Gift for mothers",
  • "Hello summer",
  • “Farewell to elementary school,” etc.

Creative holiday for a child it is the creative inspiration of his soul, the realization of his thoughts. Each holiday is a step-by-step creativity of students and teachers, starting with the collection of draft material, its processing, design, presentation form, topic of conduct, analysis of collective creative work, when everyone has his own little responsibility, can make his own contribution to the final conduct of the CTD.

Of course, the role of conversations, round tables, press conferences, meetings, excursions and other forms of educational work in the development of a child's personality should not be underestimated. Nevertheless, the above forms in primary school age, especially in grade 1-2, effectively solve the problem of developing students' creative abilities.

V. Conclusion.

Extracurricular activities allow students to experience a variety of role positions: organizer, author, team member, designer, etc. Role positions are an effective tool for establishing and expanding the way a child interacts with the outside world, developing his creative abilities, and personal growth. Delivering joy and pleasure, KTD correspond to the internal motivation of students and ensure the harmonious development of the personality.

In the classroom, interpersonal relationships are formed and changed, group roles are distributed, leaders are nominated, value orientations are formed. The criterion for the success of educational work is the dynamics of interpersonal relations and self-satisfaction.

The more actively the child's creative abilities manifest and develop in the educational process, the more active and successful his life position will be in the future.

The forms and types of cultural and leisure activities, methods of holding various kinds of events have in their structure one common skeleton - these are organizational stages, stages of preparation, rehearsal period, the final stage is the actual implementation of the plan. Cultural events provide free expression and formation of opinions, introduction to culture, stimulation of creative potential, development of spirituality, self-development and self-education. They act as a means of introducing children and adults to joint action according to the plan and theme.

In the modern world, where the availability of computer technologies is high, where censorship does not stand up to any criticism, where the culture of society is getting lower every year, there is a need for various kinds of events aimed at self-development, at familiarizing with culture and sports.

The level of education of children, in comparison with the past decades, is becoming an order of magnitude lower. It is enough to read the correspondence of teenagers in chats and make sure of this. Children spend all their free time at the computer, which also negatively affects their physical shape.

Children stopped reading

Forms of activities for school institutions include educational measures aimed at introducing children to reading. The book has always been a source of information. In the moral, intellectual and aesthetic development of children, her role is indisputable - reading improves literacy, raises the general cultural level, opens up new horizons, emotionally enriches, reveals creative potential and, importantly, has a rather strong influence on the formation of the spiritual foundation of the individual.

But the more information and computer technologies penetrate into a person's life, the less often children pick up a book. This is primarily due to their unwillingness to read. It's much easier to turn on the tablet and start the game. The book makes you work.

The event for children in the library sets itself the goal of introducing the child to the world of literature, showing that you can get aesthetic pleasure from reading, teach the child to empathize with the heroes of the work, prove that a book and only a book is the only true, inexhaustible source of information, that it can become a friend and advisor. Through literature, children learn to see the good, the rational, the eternal.

Organization of the Open Book Day

All organizational and preparatory stages are assigned to the librarian. The program of events is drawn up taking into account the age category of children, the range of interests and current trends. The primary task is to determine the theme and form of the event. Then an approximate scenario of the event is written. To achieve the goal (familiarizing children with reading and books), there are many different in complexity and laboriousness in the preparation of options for its implementation. These are various quizzes, literary courts, KVN, circles of literature lovers, book clubs and much more.

As for the form of events, it can be arbitrary, but in any case, it is important to take into account the following factors:

  • The event should not be overloaded (its duration should correspond to the age category: for children of primary school age - 20-30 minutes, taking into account their restlessness, for older children, adolescents and high school students - about an hour).
  • If this is a quiz or competition and all the participants present are involved in it, then the questions should be of the optimal level of difficulty. Due to very difficult and overly easy questions or tasks, children will quickly lose interest in the event.
  • An event is not an end in itself, but a means of education.
  • The event should be interesting, exciting, evoke strong emotions and experiences among participants and visitors, stimulate the creative abilities of children.

Library - the foundation of culture

The library is an important social institution of society, the main task of which is the harmonious intellectual and creative development of the younger generation. During the academic year, the library holds many actions, events, exhibitions, throughout the year, students, book lovers, actively attend literary circles.

Summer camp

In the summer, when the period of games and entertainment begins, when there is an opportunity to take a break from studies, relieve stress, replenish energy resources, the city authorities, together with teachers, organize a summer school camp.

He plays a very important role in the improvement and education of children. For children attending the summer camp, the most comfortable conditions have been created for an exciting and rewarding pastime. The program includes trips and excursions to iconic places of the city, various quizzes, competitions, literary games. High school children are often recruited to summer camp as counselors in the younger groups, thereby developing leadership skills in them. Exercises are carried out daily, dances and all kinds of quests are often organized. Children in these camps are often provided with food to replenish the energy expended in active play.

The truth is born in a dispute

The phrase "Truth is born in a dispute" is attributed to Socrates, but at the same time it is said that Socrates "opposed the dispute with dialogue." Every high school student has a moment when he no longer has enough information about the rules and norms of behavior provided by the teacher. A person at this time manifests such qualities as self-esteem, criticality, social activity. There is a desire for self-development, as well as a desire to independently understand difficult situations. At this age, high school students have a need for disputes - this form of extracurricular work helps to express to the student their point of view, to defend it.

A literary dispute is a clash of opinions, a divergence of views, a verbal struggle of one participant (a monologue dispute), when one participant argues with himself in the presence of listeners (such a dispute is also called an internal dispute), two or more participants (dialogue dispute) when everyone present is involved in a dispute about a specific topic.

The task of the leader is to determine the form of events, ensure their quality, and involve participants in an organized dispute. The main goal is to train young men and women to resist opponents, which will have a positive effect in their adult life, when, having already left the care of parents and teachers, they, falling into spontaneous disputes, will be able to withstand and prove themselves with dignity. The ability to behave correctly in a dispute, to defend one's point of view can also help in the future when hiring. Such debates are held among schoolchildren in order to develop emotional stability in front of an opponent, the ability to control their emotions during a heated argument.

The right profession is half the battle

A way to help a student, a teenager approaching the final stage of education in a general education school, at least for a small fraction, to decide on the direction of further education and profession is an event that is often called the Open Day. Such events have become a good tradition and are held in all higher (and not only) educational institutions at least once a year. On this day, parents and students visit various universities.

The purpose of the event is to convey information about a particular educational institution that is important for the future student, applicant, and highlight its advantages and benefits. Naturally, for the educational institution holding this event, this is a guarantee of attracting as many students as possible, here there is a commercial benefit. But even for parents who are unsuccessfully trying to persuade their child to devote themselves to a particular profession, this is a chance to clearly demonstrate all its positive aspects and persuade the child to make the right decision.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an event as the Open House Day. It has a lot of positive aspects, and for everyone - both for organizers and for visitors. In addition to the informative part of the event, guests will have excursions to the classrooms, the opportunity to communicate with future teachers and other students, learn from them about their successes, and much more. This means that it provides a unique opportunity to change a suddenly made decision or once again make sure that it is correct. Therefore, the applicant should definitely visit the chosen university on the open day.

Extracurricular activities as a means of education

Another important component of the educational process is such an educational event as an extracurricular activity conducted directly by a teacher or teacher with the aim of direct educational impact on children. The organization of extracurricular activities on the subject contributes to more successful learning, as well as ensures the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. This corresponds to one of the main ideas of the educational process.

Extracurricular activities help build a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and form professional qualities. Developing educational activities contribute to the identification and development of individual abilities, the disclosure of creative potential through the involvement of schoolchildren in the implementation of various projects.

A feature of extracurricular activities is the absence of any strict regulations in the choice of means and methods. In most cases, the control of the results is carried out empirically, based on the observation of the team.


Since ancient times, various kinds of intellectual games have been held as cultural and leisure activities; chess, checkers, and mahjong are considered one of the most ancient of such entertainment. These are forms of spending leisure time for children, where erudition is the main tool. In such games, as a rule, it is required to answer questions related to various areas of a person's life, and the winner is awarded some kind of prize. The following games are very common: "Own game", "Intellectual Olympiads", "What? Where? When?" and many others.

As a form of the educational process, such an event is able to turn the quite serious intellectual employment of students into a holiday, an exciting action in which not only children of primary grades, but also high school students take part with pleasure.

The forms of holding events of an intellectual nature, in contrast to serious subject Olympiads, are more interesting and exciting. Intellectual games cover a wide range of human activities. The purpose of their implementation in educational institutions of various levels is to identify abilities and stimulate the development of the creative potential of students. They help teach children to think outside the box, make unexpectedly correct decisions in a limited time, allow children to express themselves, apply knowledge and skills in specific situations. The participation of children in intellectual games allows them to broaden their horizons, train their erudition and logical thinking. Indeed, without proper recharge, even the brightest talent will eventually come to naught.

Sport - is life

Sports events and mass physical culture forms of celebrating holidays for the development of a strong body and a healthy mind in the younger generation play an important role. The main goal of sports events is to popularize sports, as it is the key to the health of the nation. Physical exercises distract young people from addictions, instill decent qualities, and contribute to the formation of sustainable mental health (sport helps people with disabilities to adapt to a normal life, taking into account their individual characteristics). Sports activities help to channel the physical aggression of adolescents into a peaceful channel.

The history of sports dates back to ancient times, when the idea of ​​the ancient Romans to hold the Olympic Games was born. Such activities help to generate the energy of the group and direct it to the implementation of positive social action, eliminating the danger of destroying the established order. Through sports competitions, you can amazingly unite members of the same group and create a real team! Now, in addition to standard competitions such as wrestling, running, shooting, and so on, the most unimaginable and funniest sports appear, nevertheless, interesting and useful.

As part of the school program for the physical training of children, sports agitation teams are annually organized in the form of a music and sports festival, in which children promoting a healthy lifestyle take part.

A holiday for everyone

A large number of people, sometimes the population of the entire city, take part in cultural and leisure activities. The very definition of the term "cultural event" has a fairly wide range of options. It can be held in the form of noisy celebrations, various celebrations, festivities and fairs. Usually cultural events are held outdoors, in stadiums, city squares. They can be of both political, leisure and advertising nature.

This is an opportunity for city residents to rest, relax, and for musicians and various amateur groups - to show themselves. Politicians through such events can attract as many electorate as possible to their side. Such events organically combine spirituality and physical culture, sports and art.

A musical and poetry evening as one of the forms of a cultural event is a performance by one or several artists dedicated to a particular art event or figure, often such evenings are spent in a pleasant romantic atmosphere, with the reading of poems by great poets, famous figures, with the performance of songs to the words of the poet's poems, to whom the memorable day is dedicated.

At fairs, manufacturers have the opportunity to show their products, tell about it, and visitors can try this or that product and make a first impression about it. At this time, young talents from all fields of art show musical and theatrical performances, thereby making advertising for themselves. Guests of the fair are also pleased with festive trade, an exhibition of technology, elite breeds of poultry, craft rows and attractions, sports competitions.

The program of events usually consists of a description of events, an indication of the time of their holding, published in advance on the city's website. Also, posters are prepared and booklets are issued so that everyone can attend a celebration timed to any event. Events that involve a gathering of a large number of people are regulated by law. During the entire holiday, enhanced security is provided for all areas covered by the promenade.

New Year's holidays: holding events

New Year and Christmas are celebrated all over the world. Everyone is waiting for them - from babies to their grandparents. Events in the main squares in all cities, matinees in all houses of culture and creativity, schools and kindergartens, New Year's performances in higher educational institutions are timed to them. Organizers and participants, as a rule, start preparing for the New Year holidays long before they begin. The scenario of the event is approved by the supreme competent authority of a particular institution that conducts this or that event. In schools and kindergartens, children are attracted to the celebration, contests and various entertaining scenes are prepared.

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is a decorated Christmas tree, around which it is customary to lead round dances. Cultural events associated with New Year's celebrations were introduced in Russia at the end of the 17th century by Peter the Great. In truth, the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year not on September 1, but on January 1 quickly caught on.

By the decree of Peter the Great, an exemplary holiday scenario was developed - to decorate the entrance to the dwelling with pine, juniper, spruce branches, to burn fires from January 1 to January 7, have fun, give each other gifts. New Year's events came to Russia from Europe, and Peter I personally supervised the implementation of all the rules of the celebration. In 1700, the people saw fireworks never seen before. The idea to postpone New Year's events to the winter period was that Peter the Great was striving for Europe, which at that time was 1699 from the birth of Christ, while in Russia it was 7208 from the creation of the world. Such a large calendar difference brought great inconvenience to political relations with Europe. The transition to chronology from the Nativity of Christ solved a lot of problems at once.

Mass festivities

Mass festivities in the spirit of the primordially Russian traditions of a cheerful mass holiday, such as Maslenitsa, Svyatki, Svetlaya and Radonitskaya weeks, the Semitsko-Troitsky cycle, have been held in Russia since ancient times. Usually they were held in the open air with dancing, dressing, games, round dances, playing accordions, nozzles, pipes, with characteristic rituals of setting fires, symbolic burning of a scarecrow.

Mass events, accompanied by multi-day folk festivals, date back to pre-Christian times. Maslenitsa was their ancestor. This holiday can be considered the brightest and most cheerful, because it is timed to the day of the spring solstice, that is, to the beginning of the new year. The date of Maslenitsa celebration is not fixed, it is celebrated exactly one week before the beginning of Lent, therefore solemn folk festivals are celebrated every year at different times.

Seminar "Forms and methods of work club-type cultural institutions: innovation and tradition " The main questions of the seminar:

  1. Forms as a way of realizing the content of the activities of cultural institutions of the club type.
  2. Classification of the main, traditional, forms of club activities.
  3. Innovative forms of cultural and leisure activities.
  4. Means and methods - the structural basis of the form of the event.
  1. Teaching the basic forms and methods of activities of cultural institutions of the club type.
  2. Professional development of specialists of cultural and leisure institutions.
  1. I... Forms as a way to implement content
activities of cultural institutions. The most important components of the methodology of cultural and leisure activities include the forms of activities of institutions, elements of functioning of a cultural institution, a component of cultural and leisure activities. The forms - programs of cultural and leisure activities should be understood as ways and methods of organizing people in a cultural institution, at the place of residence in order to bring them to a certain content. Forms - programs of cultural and leisure activities - do not exist by themselves. In relation to the content, the form - the program is dependent in nature. Each means of influence requires appropriate forms of organization of people. Noting the dependence of forms and their correct use, in turn, is of great importance. Forms - programs have a certain independence, they can and do have an opposite effect on the content of the activity. The result of the activity often depends on the choice of forms. The content of the activity must necessarily be clothed in a certain form. The forms of work of club institutions are the ways and techniques of organizing a club audience. The chosen form of the program influences the selection of the content, and the content, in turn, molds the form. Form is the way content exists.
  1. II... Classification of the main forms of club activities.
Depending on the methods of organizing the club audience, the forms are individual, group and mass. Individual forms:
  1. Conversations: in the ordinary sense - a literary or theatrical form of oral or written exchange in a conversation between two or more people; - in philosophical and scientific senses - a specific form and organization of communication, communication.
  1. Targeted service. Cultural and leisure form for a certain category of people with limited mobility. Refers to new forms of work of cultural institutions.
  1. Consultations: explanation, clarification of any concepts. Answers on questions. Fully refers to the methodological and educational forms of work. Applicable to the activities of cultural institutions can be used as an integral part of any club form (master class, targeted service, evening meeting, etc.)
Group forms: BUT). Leisure, entertainment. 1. Evenings: this is a good opportunity to organize people in a certain place, relax, communicate, discuss and analyze situations, problems and successes. Evenings can be of several forms, depending on the purpose of organizing leisure:
  • Evening meeting. These can be meetings with interesting people, with veterans, with village poets, etc.
  • Evening remembrance. It can be as a separate event, but in most cases it is used as an integral part of other forms (for example, living room, evening meeting, etc.)
  • Relaxing evening. This event is of an entertaining nature, using a variety of music, games, competitions, dances. An evening-cafe is considered as a kind of an evening of relaxation - an evening of relaxation at tables, with the use of drinks and other foodstuffs.
  • Discos. Dance programs with minimal use of other means and methods of organizing leisure activities.
  • Chamber forms of organizing leisure time salon and living room are events for a narrow circle of people connected by a common interest. A special couple is holding them in a small, confined space, close to a cozy home environment with a relatively small number of participants, where the performers are in close proximity to the audience. In art, the concept of "chamber" often carries the meaning of "abbreviated".
  1. Game programs: The main method of organizing leisure time in these activities is game elements. Depending on the other methods used, the game programs can be:
  • Competitive gaming;
  • Theatrical and playful;
  • Subject-game (for example, according to the plot of TV games).
B). Outreach activities have a bright thematic focus and are characterized by the presence of cognitive content, elements of agitation and propaganda are possible (for example, a healthy lifestyle).
  1. An exhibition (excursion) is a show, whatever its name, by presenting the means at the disposal of mankind to meet the needs, as well as for the purpose of progress in one or more areas of its activity. There are periodical (temporary) and permanent exhibitions. For UKKT, exhibitions, as a rule, are held for a short period of time, i.e. temporary. They can be either a separate event or an integral part of another event.
  1. Round table - a meeting within the framework of a larger event In the modern sense, the expression round table has been used since the 20th century as the name of one of the ways to organize the discussion of a certain issue.
Moreover, the round table often plays an advocacy role rather than a tool for developing specific solutions.
  1. Thematic program. Its content, methods and techniques are strictly thematic. Elements of other various forms of events can be used to achieve an optimal result in conveying information on the selected topic to the audience. The focus can be different (patriotic, musical, play, preventive, environmental, literary, etc.).
  1. Agitation brigades are a propaganda form of events. Currently, it belongs to the outdated forms of cultural and leisure activities.
  1. 5. Lectures: oral systematic and consistent presentation of material on a problem, method, topic of the question, etc.
Trainings: an active learning method aimed at developing knowledge, skills and attitudes. Master classes: form and method of practical teaching and training of certain skills Lectures and trainings are not forms of club work, but can be used in other forms of outreach events or classes of club formations. IN). Club formations. 1. Amateur associations or clubs of interest. Created on a voluntary basis by the participants themselves or by cultural specialists on the basis of the KDU. They are distinguished by the common interests of the participants, freedom of communication, freedom of choice of forms and frequency of communication. The activities of amateur associations are governed by the regulations on club formations and the charter of a particular association, adopted in agreement with its members.
  1. A circle is a creative association of people with common interests in the field of creativity, whose main activity is to master certain skills of creative activity of various genres (vocal, choreographic, etc.). Circles are the basis for the activities of amateur art groups.
Bulk forms. Mass forms include entertainment programs designed for a large number of spectators and participants.
  1. A concert is a public performance of musical works, ballet, pop, etc. numbers according to a certain, pre-compiled program.
  1. The play is a work of stage art. A performance in a drama theater is based on a literary work - a play or a script that requires improvisation, in a musical theater - a musical and dramatic composition.
  • Literary and musical composition is a kind of performance, the difference of which is the combined use of works by several authors (poets, writers, musicians)
  1. The fair is a regular market of wide significance: a market regularly, periodically organized in a traditionally defined place, accompanied by a theatrical concert and game program.
  1. Holiday - a day of celebration, established in honor or in memory of someone, something, a fun pastime of free time; day of some joyful event. As a form of leisure organization, a holiday is a massive entertainment event that includes a set of cultural and leisure means and methods, using various cultural and leisure forms of work and having a relatively long continuation in time - at least two hours. Holidays can be:
  • Calendar (New Year, Day of the Elderly, etc.);
  • State (Victory Day, Constitution Day, etc.);
  • Folklore (Maslenitsa, Spas, Trinity, etc.);
  • Family (birthday, anniversary, wedding, etc.);
  • Professional (teacher's day, builder's day, etc.).
  1. The ball is a gathering of a large society of both sexes for dancing. Balls differ from ordinary dances or discos with increased solemnity, stricter etiquette and a classical set of dances, following in a predetermined order. A masquerade ball differs from a ball by the presence of carnival masks or costumes on those present. Currently, in the practice of cultural and leisure institutions are rarely used.
  1. 6. Competition. In cultural and leisure activities - a demonstration competition. The event is designed for a wide range of spectators with pre-prepared participants, with competitive elements, with the ultimate goal of identifying the winner.
  1. Festival - a massive celebration, showing the achievements of musical, theatrical, variety, circus or other art without identifying a winner or determining a rating among the participants.
  1. A rally is a solemn event dedicated to an important event or date.
  1. A parade is a solemn passage in front of spectators, the public, troops, various collectives, organizations, movements or parties, etc.
This is an approximate classification of traditional forms of cultural and leisure activities that have been used by cultural specialists for many years. It should be noted that quite rarely the forms are used "in their pure form", basically they complement each other or move from one category to another. For example, a competitive play can go to a disco, and a group form of an evening of relaxation can become massive with a large crowd of visitors. But some of them lose their relevance and relevance, undergo modification, adapting to modernity. As a general pattern, the old is replaced and in addition to the traditional, the new comes. III... Innovative forms of cultural and leisure activities. The political upheavals of the late 1980s and early 1990s, followed by economic transformations, led to significant changes in the socio-cultural sphere. Ideological education and cultural services were dealt with faster than anticipated. Today we are all witnessing a new stage in the development of culture and leisure. The "cultural and educational work" has been replaced by the same cultural and leisure activities, the problems and development prospects of which are much spoken and written today. The word “activity” itself, as it were, characterizes the processes developing in the sphere of free time: the democratic ways and means of organizing leisure activities, the lively and direct participation of the population in the implementation of cultural projects and programs. In any case, one has to give up decisively and irrevocably with the old stencil-stereotyped approaches and, seemingly, frozen for eternity methods in organizing people's leisure activities. The lofty ideals, in the name of which all the cultural and educational work was carried out among the masses, and by which the cultural workers were guided, turned out to be unviable. The potential audience of educational cultural and leisure activities has expanded significantly, and its real (not anticipated, as it was before) needs have changed dramatically. This circumstance at first put the cultural workers at a standstill: they could no longer work with the old methods, and they had not yet mastered the new ones. In this situation, the plenipotentiaries of culture, as has happened more than once before, followed the path of mechanical imitation of Western models and standards, without due grounds transferring to Russian soil the overseas experience alien to the mentality of Russians. Gambling houses, casinos, night bars and clubs have appeared, where you can hear and see much of what until recently was considered a forbidden fruit. The previous methods of upbringing - condemnation and censure, suppression and punishment - were not particularly effective before, but in the conditions of complete permissiveness generated by unlimited democracy (everything that is not forbidden is possible), they simply do not work. Neither party dogmas, nor trade union subsidies, nor Komsomol optimism, nor even the efforts of the public now work, there is no one to hope for, all the economic, managerial and pedagogical decisions now have to be made by cultural workers on their own. In a word, the time has come to thoroughly revise your professional background, look for innovative approaches, master new technologies of activity and management. In fact, a new stage is coming in the development of culture and leisure. Modern culturology considers cultural and leisure activities as a process of creating conditions for a person's motivational choice of subject activity. Moreover, this process is determined by the needs of the individual, her interests. The time has come not only to condescendingly take into account the requests of a potential or real audience, but to put them in the basis of all today's activities of cultural institutions. With the development of market relations, cultural and leisure activities have come close to marketing technologies, which are based on the problem of finding and meeting the needs of individual citizens or social groups. The very same cultural and leisure activities are gradually transformed into the leisure industry. Optimization of the activities of cultural and leisure institutions lies at the intersection of several directions: a critical analysis of the experience of our predecessors and the need to take from it everything that can still work in modern conditions and contribute to solving today's problems; creative use of foreign experience (the experience of both near and far abroad is equally suitable) in organizing the leisure of the population and, finally, own tireless searches for each cultural and leisure institution, each creative team and each creatively thinking cultural worker. Innovative forms of activity of cultural and leisure institutions are dictated by the needs of the population. The new club work forms include such forms as:
  • Stock- this is a limited time impact on the target population group with the aim of popularization and propaganda. Public socio-political actions aimed at attracting attention. Often, actions do not have a clear long-term goal and are not connected with other events in which their participants are involved. The result is achieved with the help of striking external attributes;
  • Corporate- there is no precise definition of this form yet, but it can be defined as "a holiday in a team, organization, company, enterprise"
  • Show- an entertainment event. Usually performed in front of an audience. Has a staged character. Something ostentatious, designed for a noisy external effect Maybe: aviation, automobile, television, ice, laser light, circus, political, etc. As a form of club work has not yet emerged. Popular types of complex leisure programs are show programs, magnificent costumed stage action with the participation of "stars" (in small towns - of local importance), dynamically bright, saturated with special effects, spectacular, carrying a cross-cutting plot with a tie, culmination and denouement.
  • Flashmob is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people appears in a public place, performs pre-agreed actions (scenario) and then disperses.
  • Team building Is a corporate role-playing game aimed at team building. Any corporate leisure can be attributed to this form;
  • Battle- this is a type of competition, a duel between groups or individual participants with elements of an impromptu struggle, demonstration.
Currently, in the structure of modern culture, an increasing place is occupied by entertainment programs, various shows, which are assigned a significant role in the ideological, moral and artistic education of people, the organization of their life and leisure. Of course, leisure creativity, which is predominantly amateur, does not always reach the highest professional level; nevertheless, it, acting as a reliable means of revealing the talent of each person, has a great social effect.
  1. IV... Means and methods are the structural basis of the event form.
Means of cultural and leisure activities are ways (channels) or ways of conveying content (ideas, scientific views, events, facts, images of works of art, life examples) in order to influence the consciousness, feelings and will of visitors to a cultural institution. In the methodology of cultural and leisure activities, means are called tools with the help of which the content is revealed. The content of the activity, concluded in one form or another, cannot be realized without the use of certain means. Means are the main tools with which social and cultural activities are carried out, a kind of "mechanism" for bringing the content of the activity to the audience. They are subdivided into:
  • Artistic - expressive means: living word, music.
Living word- The word as a leading means in social and cultural activities. The living word is a form of literary and sometimes oratory, an artistic performance in which text, poems, stories, essays are spoken rather than sung. Music- a kind of art, the artistic material of which is sound, specially organized in time.
  • Choreography, singing, drama.
Choreography- dance art in general. One of the oldest types of creativity, the expressive means of which are the movements of the human body associated with musical accompaniment. Origin singing associated with the desire of a person to express his mood in the sounds of his voice. Gradually developing, singing becomes an object of special art. Singing is used not only in solo, but also in joint performance (duet, trio, quartet, quintet, chorus, ensemble, that is, singing of soloists with a choir). Dramaturgy- theory and art of constructing a dramatic work, as well as a plot - figurative concept of such a work. The totality of the dramatic works of an individual writer, country or people, era is also called dramaturgy. Understanding the basic elements of a dramatic work and the principles of drama are historically fluid. The drama was interpreted as an action taking place (but not already done) with the interaction of the character and external position of the characters. An action represents a known change at a known time.
  • Visual aids: decoration of the club space (stage of the hall, foyer, lobby, circle rooms, etc.); light, scenery, costumes, video (cinema, slides, video, television)
  • Technical means: lighting, audio and video equipment.
Light- electromagnetic radiation emitted by a heated or excited substance, perceived by the human eye. Often, light is understood not only as visible light, but also in the wide spectral regions adjacent to it. Audio is a general term related to sound technology. Often, the term audio is understood as sound recorded on an audio medium; less often, audio means recording and reproducing sound, sound recording and sound reproducing equipment. Video equipment - many technologies for recording, processing, transmitting, storing and reproducing visual or audiovisual material, as well as a common name for the actual video material, TV signal or film, including recorded on a physical medium (video cassette, videodisc, etc.).
  • Material resources: equipment, inventory, musical instruments, stationery, craft materials (fabric, paper, wood, metal, clay, paints, plasticine, etc.)
  • Financial resources- a set of economic relations arising in the process of formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds. Usually we are talking about trust funds of the state or economic entities (enterprises). The most important concept in the field of finance is the budget.
  • The main place is occupied by mass media, which are divided into printed and electronic. They are the main source of information about events in the world of politics, economy, social sphere, science, culture, education, sports, show business, used in cultural and leisure activities.
Each tool serves as a carrier (transmitter) of this or that content. Depending on the nature of the content and purpose, a specific tool or, more often, a set of tools is selected. The arsenal of means of cultural and leisure activities is diverse. Personnel should be able in each specific case to select and use those of them that will give the greatest effect, will be the most effective, will ensure the best performance of the task. Word as a leading means in social and cultural activities. Patterns of using visual means in cultural and educational activities. Regularities of the use of artistic means in social and cultural activities. Optimization of the use of professional and amateur art as a means of cultural and educational activities in all forms of work of cultural institutions. The principle of systematization of the means of intellectual and emotional expressiveness of social and cultural activities. It should be noted that all means are closely interconnected and are selected taking into account a specific object of influence and the thematic focus of the event. For the successful use of the means of social and cultural activity, the following requirements must be met: the choice of means must depend on the goal of the event, educational action, since it is the goal that determines the means; the number and nature of the selected means of influence must correspond to the tasks, and the lack of funds, as well as their excess, are equally harmful; the teacher must be fluent in the methodology of using the means of social and cultural activity, know their strengths and weaknesses. ... Methods of social and cultural activity In cultural and leisure activities, there are three generic methods: the method of illustration, the method of theatricalization, the method of play. Other methods used in cultural and leisure activities do not belong to generic ones, they are brought in from other areas of knowledge: sociology, pedagogy, psychology. So, for example, when planning work with a specific audience, various methods of studying it are used - methods of sociological research. In order to create a cultural and leisure program, it is not enough just to be well versed in the laws of its dramatic construction. It is necessary to understand, to know exactly the potential of the methods of editing, illustration, theatricalization and acting. Illustrative method The essence of the illustration method consists in a special organization of the content of information material with the help of display in any form. Speaking about the method of illustration, it should be borne in mind that, due to the synthesis of various emotional and expressive means, it complements the information, making it visible. In all cases, within the framework of information-developmental material that is homogeneous in content, its illustration (display) by means of art creates an art form that has a great power of emotional impact. At the same time, illustration not only introduces an element of artistry into the content of the cultural and leisure program, but reveals, develops, deepens, concretizes the topic. The same theme can be illustrated in different ways, taking into account a variety of artistic means of expression. The director gives preference to the method of illustration depending on the type of program, its form, and the nature of the audience. By its nature, the method of illustration corresponds to the type of information and educational programs, and in art - journalistic and cultural - entertainment programs, it can be used as an additional method. In practice, there are two types of illustration: artistic and visual. For example, in a lecture, which is both a method of disseminating knowledge and a form of cultural and leisure activities, the method of illustration is used in the form of book exhibitions, photo stands or exhibitions of reproductions, art reading, music, showing fragments from popular science and documentary films. The introduction of an element of artistry into the informational and educational program using the method of illustration makes it possible to create a stage composition in which documents, documentaries, photographs in combination with artistic images - poetic, choreographic, musical - achieve an emotional effect of enormous power. Theatricalization method The method of theatricalization in modern leisure programs consists in combining sounds, color, melody in space and time, revealing the image in different variations, asking them through a single “end-to-end action” that unites and subordinates all the components used according to the laws of the script. The method of theatricalization is an artistic and pedagogical method, which, on the one hand, is a way of uniting the dramatic processing of material according to the laws of theater, where there is an outset of an action, its development, culmination and denouement, and on the other hand, an artistically designed action of a group, collective or masses of participants, which is a stimulus for the game action of the mass of participants themselves. Consequently, the method of theatricalization appears not as one of the methods in cultural and leisure programs used in all its variants, but as a complex creative method that is closest to the theater and has a deep social and psychological justification. Game method The next generic method of cultural and leisure activities is play. The game also has its own theory, this is both a method and a form. It is generally accepted that the initial determining factor in the game is that the participant in the game creates an imaginary situation for himself instead of a real one and acts in it, performing a certain role, in accordance with his own knowledge, skills and abilities, which he at the same time gives to the surrounding objects. The transition of action into an imaginary situation is especially characteristic for the development of play in specific cultural and leisure activities. Play is viewed here as a product of development, moreover, outstripping the needs of practical life, as an action from within the maturing functions, giving birth to functions that are born in relationships with the surrounding world. The method of playing in a cultural and leisure program most successfully combines information - logical and information - figurative principles, synthesizing education, pedagogy, art and creativity, which have an extraordinary power of influence on the thoughts and feelings of a person. Practical task: The audience is given sheets of paper on which different forms of work are written. It is necessary within 5-10 minutes to draw up a scenario plan of the event on a given topic (one for all, for example, International Women's Day) and according to the specified form (for each of its own). Experts face such a situation on a daily basis (there is a topic, you need to choose a form). This task demonstrates the variety of forms, the breadth of choice. Discussion is going on. The discussion identifies the factors that can influence the decision when choosing the form of the event. Conclusion. A specialist in social and cultural activities is the central figure of the educational process, it is he who is the bearer of goals and ideals, ideas, traditions, the owner of scientific knowledge and mastery of education. The question of the methods of cultural and leisure activities is a complex one. It is very difficult to give their clear classification, but the content of the work is obvious, the need for a creative approach to the choice of methods and techniques in the activities of cultural institutions, which have accumulated extensive experience in using various means, forms and methods depending on the situation and the tasks to be solved. Specialists in the social and cultural sphere should be able to master them, be able to apply them creatively. The professional skill of a specialist of a cultural institution consists in choosing from the whole variety of means, forms and methods, those that in each specific case will give the opportunity to best solve the tasks at hand. In one case it will be a thematic evening, in another - a lecture, in the third - a concert of amateur performances, etc. It is necessary to search for new, more effective combinations of content, forms, methods and means in order to arouse people's interest, to attract them to a cultural institution. Bibliography
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