Robin Hood genre. Robin Hood: There was a "noble robber" in fact

Robin Hood genre. Robin Hood: There was a
Robin Hood genre. Robin Hood: There was a "noble robber" in fact

Who was Robin Hood?

Romantic hero, who robbed rich to help the poor, or bloodthirsty gangster, which was idealized by the following generations? What is the true face of a daring defense name named Robin Hood?

In the historical chronicles of the six-year limit possible, it is possible to discover only a brief mention of the approach of the same name, which produced in the forests of Central England.

However, unlikely, the small villain would be awarded the attention of the chronicles if his acts did not stand out from a number of other events of those troubled times. And yet, when wars, plague and hunger were a thing of ordinary, the historiography of that time takes him a few lines. The rest took care of the People's Solva.

Through the depths of the times, numerous legends of the romantic robber reached this day, whose name is now, oddly enough, more on rumor than in his life. This name is Robin Hood.

True and fiction

1988, March - the city council of Nottingham, which in the east of the central part of Great Britain, announced a report on the most famous citizen of the city. Because over the years, thousands of requests for Robin Gude and His Brava Die, the Council decided to make a certain application for this to the Council.

Despite the fact that legends about Robin Hood have a centuries-old history, members of the city council took upon themselves the courage to question the reliability of the legend of the elusive Robin and find out who was Robin Hood.

After a thorough study of the distant past, Nottingham, researchers came to the conclusion that the brave hero, which robbed the rich to help the poor, was not even familiar with the Maryan's maternity - on the legend, his beloved Robin Hood. Monk Tuk, as they consider, and at all a fictional personality. Kid John was an evil and grinding person, nothing in common with a carefree character from Folklore. Such a interpretation was obtained research results.

Developing the legend, members of the Council were hoping with this to save themselves the fame of the discoverers. However, they became only the last in the whole row of skeptics. Because, studying the story of Robin Hood, it is almost unrealistic to separate the facts from the fiction. And before them, many were taken to explore this exciting story, but the image of Robin from this not at all.

So, who is Robin Hood, where the truth, and where is the fiction about a person, whose feats to this day are worried about readers, movies and viewers? Some tend to take on faith what they revealed serious researchers: Robin robbed the passage of people on the Great North Road near Barnesdale in South Yorkshire and engaged in ladder with his gang of criminals in the Sherwood Forest in 30 miles from Nottingham. Others more chooses the romantic version of the legend that this handsome hero in reality robbed, but only the rich to give a bad good poor.

Facts in history

The first reports are that Robin Hood shop in the forests and wasteland of England belongs to 1261. However, in written sources, it was first mentioned only after a hundred years. Made this Scottish historian Fordun, who died in 1386

The next reduction of Robin Gude in the chronicles belongs to the XVI century.

According to the Chronicler of John Stow, it was the robber of Richard I. Rogue. He was the leader of the gang, which was a hundred brave rogue. They were all beautiful arrows from Luke. Although they also produced robbery, still Robin Hood "did not allow the oppression or other violence against women. He did not touch the poor, distributing them all that he took away the sacrais and noble breedes. "

We will look at this story from the most benevolent positions. Let's start with the fact that the fact of the existence of Robin Hood has a documentary confirmation. He lived in Wakefield, Yorkshire, in the XIII - XIV centuries.

In the documents it is written that the legendary robber was born in 1290 and was nailed by Robert Hood. In old registries, there are three writing options for the name: year, Goud and Hood. But no one disputes the origin of Robin: he was Holop Count Warren.

How did the peasant son come on a robbery?

1322 - Robin moved to the service to the new owner, Sir Thomas, Count Lancaster. When the count headed the riot against King Edward II, Robin, as well as the other servants of the count, there was nothing else, how to obey the owner and take up the weapons. However, the uprising was suppressed, Lancaster was captured and beheaded for treason. His possessions confiscated the king, and the County people who participated in Bunte were announced outside the law.

Robin found the perfect shelter in the Deaf Sherwood Forest, on the territory of Yorkshire.

Sherwood Forest held an area of \u200b\u200b25 square miles and adjacent to Yorkshire. Through the Sherwood and Barnesdale forests, the Great Northern Road was laid by the Romans, on which there was a lively movement. This attracted the attention of robbers' robbers.

So there was a legend about Robin Hood, a man in green, under the color of the forest, clothes.

New stories

Legends about Robin are replete with many funny stories about his bold adventures and trips. In one of them it is said about how the shattered and not far bishop of Hersford on the way in York met Robin and his people who fry venison mined in the royal hunting forests.

Having received Robin people for ordinary peasants, Bishop ordered to grab those who killed a deer. Robbers calmly refused: the deer is no longer resurrected, and everything was terribly hungry. Then, by the sign of the bishop of the campfire surrounded his servants. Robbers, laughing, began to begging to spare them, but the bishop was adamant. Robin ultimately tired of interbrying. He filed a signal, and the rest of the chayka arrived from the forest. Sharpheny bishop captured and began to demand redemption.

Wanting how to teach his unlucky hostage, Robin forced him to dance Jig around a huge oak. To this day, the place in the forest is called "bishop oak".

Also say that somehow Robin accompanied by his best friend John's kid dialed in the Whitby Monastery. Abbot asked them to show their praise skill in archery. It was necessary to shoot from the monastery roof. Robin and Kid John happily satisfied his request. His glory they did not dismiss.

Transferring from mouth to mouth, in the people's memory, one of the most favorite stories was preserved about how Robin met Edward II. According to Legend: The king, concerned that the livestock of his deer melts in his eyes, disappearing in insatiable womb of robbery, wanted once and for all to clear his forest from poachers.

The king and his knights changed into the monks, headed to the Sherwood forest, knowing that Robin Hood with a whip lies there of unlucky travelers. And they were not mistaken. Robbers stopped them and demanded money.

The disguised king said that he has only 40 pounds (a rather minor amount for that time). Robin took 20 pounds for his people, and the rest returned the king.

Then Eduard told the leader that he was called in Nottingham to meet the king. Robin and his people fell on his knees and swore in love and devotion to Eduard, then invited "monks" to have dinner with them - to taste their own deer King!

In the end, Eduard realized that Robin simply mock him. Then he revealed before the robbers and forgave them, provided that they all would come to the yard for service, as soon as he would call them.

This story, of course, seems to be improbable, created by the fantasy of Ports of Robin Hood. But, in the end, maybe not all fiction in it.

The fact is that this case is described in the "small feat of Robin Guda", published in 1459. It is known for certain that the king has been in Notagingham in 1332. We also know that a few months after that, Robin Hood is mentioned in reports Yard Edward.

However, soon he suddenly disappeared from royal CourtTo appear in the woods again and in People's Molve.

So, will continue the story about the brave adventures of Robin Hood. He appeared in the Church of St. Mary in Notgingham, where one monk recognized the robber and told Sherif. Robin grabbed only after he struck 12 soldiers alone with his sword. Even being imprisoned, a fearless leader did not doubt that faithful friends would not leave him. Shortly before Robin was supposed to appear before the court, the baby John organized a bold attack and returned their leadership's robbery. For a complete justice, the robbers stopped and killed a monk who made Robin.

Forest fraternity

It is impossible to talk about Robin Hood, without rewarding due to his cheerful Vataga and the legendary girlfriend Device Maryan.

The closest assistant Robin was the baby John, presumably not at all a merry, but a sullen and very wounded guy. Most likely, he was called the baby in a joke, since he was quite high. It was discovered when in 1784 revealed his grave in Haysterisage and found the bones of a rather good man.

That before Brother Tuka, then the opinions disagree. Some believe that this legendary character combines the features of two fat monks, others believe that they really had such a cheerful person who loved to have fun and drop in the company of the forest brothers. Maybe it was Robert Stafford, a priest from Sussex (beginning of the XV century), which sometimes under the pseudonym Brother Tuka participated in the adventures of a funny gang.

Maryan's maryan as a character also fits well into the theory at which the image of Robin appeared from folk tales On traditional May holiday festive festives and games. Maryan simply could be a girl chosen for the beauty of the "Queen of May".

Contracted image

The legendary adventures of Robin Hood in the Sherwood Forest ended allegedly in 1346, it is believed that he died in the Kerlesian monastery after severe illness. The superior treated Robin with abundant bloodsplows, as a result of which, weakened and bleeding, he did not recover from the illness.

Such is the romantic image of Robin Hood, the coup and benefactor. But the Anglo-Saxons observes a strange tendency to referring to his idols, and Robin more than others suffered from it.

The director of the exhibition "Trades about Robin Gude" in Nottangham Graham Black believes: "We approached close to the knowledge of the genuine personality Robin Hood."

According to Black real History Robin originates in 1261, when William's Son Robert Smith was declared in Berkshire. The judicial clerk, who wrote a decree, called him William Robingud.

Other court documents preserved, mentioning people named Robingud, most of which are criminals. Therefore, researchers believe that if Robin Hood actually existed, he most likely acted until that time.

The most likely candidate for this dubious role, according to Graham Black, is Robert Year, the inhabitant of the Archbishopianism of York, who escaped justice in 1225. Two years later, he is mentioned in written documents as a trick.

How does the romantic version of the legend come from?

According to some of the versions, Robin was a nobleman. But this is an obvious fiction of the playwright, which in 1597 wanted to attract to his theater. Previously, Robin was considered Vassal Lord.

Glory Robin Hood as the greatest archer comes from stray patriotors who passed from the mouth of the mouth of the legendary robber, recorded in the second half of the 20th century.

As for Maryan's marsman, it is believed that it was a beauty, taped by the insidious prince John. She first met Robin, when he pleased in the ambush, arranged by his people. However, scientists who argued that Marian appeared in the French poem of the XIII century as a shepherd with her shepherd Robin appeared in the French poem of the XIII century. Only 200 years after the emergence of this poem, she finally entered the legend about Robin Hood. A reputation immaculate virgin Maryan has already gained significantly later under the influence of chaste Victorian morality.

According to the legend, Brother Tuk was a merrycloth, which was amused by the robbers with his funny leavings and jokes. The monk was unsurpassed in the fights on sticks. In fact, it turns out, the brother of Tuk also existed. This name was called the priest of the Lindfield parish from Sussex, in reality the killer and robber, when in 1417 the royal decree had to arrest, the priest went to run.

James Holt, Professor of the History of the Middle Ages Cambridge University and the author of the book about Robin Gude, wrote: "Written materials show that Brother Tuk organized his gang of robbers in two hundred miles from Sherwood Forest, and a century after Robin Hood. In fact, Brother Tuk was quite distant from innocuous greeliness, because I ruined and burned the foci of my enemies. "

Kid John, Robin's right hand, was capable of brutal murders. It was he who killed a monk, suspected of Robin's betrayal, then beheaded the young servant of the monk, the witness of the murder.

But the baby John made a lot of bold actions. One of them has already been said - the salvation of Robin Hood from a well-fortified prison guarded by the guards of the notorious Sheriff Nottingham.

Regarding Robin Hood, Professor Holt wrote: "He was absolutely not the same as described. He wore a cap like the monastic hood. It does not have evidence that he robbed the rich to give money to the poor. These fabrications of the legend hurt after 200 and more after his death. And during his lifetime, he was heard by the selected Marauder. "

And yet, after the legends of the gray antique, we prefer to see in Robin Hood the intercession of oppressed and dyeing, brave and cheerful Ataman, the fact and the cause of the power of the power of it.

And we want to believe that, ending with the life path, full of a variety of feats, our hero on the verge of death from the last strength protrude in the horn, as if sending themselves about themselves to the future, and the essays of this signal are to this day hearing the heart.

Most of us know the legend about the noble robber Robin Hood. He is the cradle among the rich and gave the poor, which these rich rejected. In any legend there is some truth and a lot of fiction. The legend of Robin Hood in this sense is not allocated. Scientists have long been trying to understand who was the prototype of this folk hero. For all the time the study of this issue has developed several common versions. Let's deal with.

Robin kind small

Let's start a little non-standard and afar, namely, with folklore of Saxons and Scandinavians - more precisely, from the forest spirit of Pak, or peek, or a bunch ( english PUCK), which in England itself is called Khobov ( english Hob). Folklore Saxza is important here, since part of this ancient German tribe participated in the formation of the ethnic composition of the population of the British islands. Scandinavians also participated, but later, starting with the era of the Norman conquest of England 1066-1072.

Actually, Pak is a forest spirit that scares people and makes those wandering along the plates. And if in the Scandinavian folklore Pak - a creature associated with evil rather, then for the British, this is a joker and dowl, Trixter (can help, and harm it). Rudyard Kipling in the "Tales of Old England" described it as an elf, dressed in everything green. In addition to the colors of the clothes (Robin Hood wore a green cloak / cape with a pointed hood) and a dual behavior (robber, but a good robber), there is a similarity in the name, since the British are called Pak, or Hob, also the name Robin Goodfellow - Robin Good Small . It can be assumed that at a certain stage, the hob "embodied" into the character of the legend about Robin Hood, but it is not quite so.

Historical prototypes

The most common version of Robin Gude is the one in which the robber acts as a contemporary of King Richard I Lion Heart (the second half of the XII century). This is reported in the chronicle of the XVI century. But here there is a nuance - the famous episode from the legend of Robin Gude, which describes its participation in archery competitions. The fact is that such competitions in England began to be held no earlier than the XIII century. However, nothing prevented this plot to be in the legend not immediately.

Other information relating to 1261 reports to us about a certain robber Robin, hosted in the forests of England at the time. Also there are data according to which Robert Gud (Hood or Stroke) was born in 1290, he lived in Eduard II era, at 32, he was in service at Lancaster Count, who was defeated during the uprising against him against the king, and his servants were announced outlaw. To avoid justice, Robert went to the Sherwood Forest, where he collected a robbery gang in order to knock out money from the rich. About the same Robert there is a record that he worked for several months at the court of Eduard II - the legend beautifully beat this episode, enhancing its chronological sequence of events. Robert died in 1346 in the Kirklesky monastery from severe illness.

It turns out that the fact of the existence of the famous robber (or several) is documented and refers to the XIII-XIV centuries. But is he and his gang really corresponded to the image that People's Solve created?

Daniel McLiz. Robin Hood and his people entertain Richard Lion Heart in Sherwood Forest

It seems that there is no, but most likely not at all. Even if he helped the poor, it was not fixed in any document. With a girl Marian (the legendary beloved Robin) he was not familiar. Maryan fell into the legend about the noble robber from the French poem of the XIII century, where she acts as a girlfriend of the shepherd Robin. Monk Tuk, a lover of drinking, a merry and an unsurpassed fighter of fights on sticks on sticks, or a fully fictional character, or his prototype was a real priest of one local church, who in reality created his own robbing gang and lived in the XIV-XV centuries. True friend Robin Hood Baby John, whose grave was opened in 1784, was indeed a man very high height. But he was not a merchant at all. On the contrary - stern, touchy and capable of cruel murders.

It turns out that the real prototype, the foregoing of the legend about the noble robber Robin Hood and his gang, still existed. But people in those harsh times so wanted the "Light of Light" that his collective image was completely unrecognizable ...

History about Robin Hood knows everyone. For some, it is a beautiful legend, for others - a really existing character. Stories about Robin Gude washed with romance and legends.

However, it is confidently to declare that Robin Hood existed in fact. For the first time, he was remembered in 1377 in the ballad about the forest robber - the enemy of the rich and defender oppressed. At about 1510, a pamphlet was issued in which history was told, and according to her Robin Hood met the king. He pretended that he did not recognize his sovereign, and he invited the coup in the corona service. Since then, all new and new versions of the feats of the national defender have become emerging and each of the authors put all new and new data into their stories, not always believing with the facts.

And Robin Hood in each new version Increases its status in society - from a small-earth peasant to Count Hantigton. However, all legends converge in one - the noble robber unfolded active when the central government struggled for the authority with the local.

Called a person who has become a prototype for folk legends Robert Good. He was a native Wakefield in the County of Yorkshire and was born about 1280. He had a wife Matilda, served in the royal army during battles with the Scots and supported the Duke of Lancaster in his war with King Edward second.

After his patron saint of the General Battle lost in 1322, the future hero of legends moved to an illegal position. He created his own partisan squad And he stretched the war with the royal power. And, of course, fought with the Nottingham Sheriff, without sparing the clergy.

And the sheriff, and his sworn enemy constantly turned out to be each other in captivity, but, oddly enough, they disperse peacefully. It seems that both enemies agreed on among themselves the section of the authority between the center and local authorities. Soon the king for negotiations arrived in the chapter of the Sherwood Forest. And only after that Robert Hood agreed to dissolve his troops, adopting a bed presented by him sovereign. It was a fairly high post, opening access directly to the king.

Nevertheless, soon Gud left London and returned back to his native forests. The punitive expeditions were constantly expected against him. Several outgrows he managed to defeat. One of these detachments was headed by the Norman Knight Sir Guy Gisborne. After the victory, Robert Hood cut off this knight head and planted her on the count. The same fate has suffered a NOTTIGEM Sheriff.

After that, it was impossible to stay in England, and the forest robber tried to float. But he was not lucky - the storm returned him as shore. After that, Robin Hood was sheltered in his castle one and hostile borons. Nevertheless, he could not fight with the state. After several defeats from government troops, the legendary partisans are seriously ill and went for treatment at the women's monastery in Kirosis. Local Abbatis sheltered a fugitive and took it to treat him. In therapeutic purposes, she launched her patient blood, but she forgot to stop her.

After that, the studious robber buried near the abbey. It is rumored that in the nineteenth century, the tombstone with the grave of the Hood was let the sterben for the local railway.

Many researchers are not too clear why Robin Hood is so popular. For example, abuse over the sheriff and Sir Gisborne looks not too attractive. In addition, it looks illogical to his constant conflicts with the king, when Robin himself could become part of power. Even the versions are given that he had an unconventional sexual orientation, which was due to the conflicts with the Church.

It is possible that such a rigid position of Robin Hood is associated with the intensive royal power. Sheriffs were represented on the ground. They headed the councils of counties, managed by royal property, gathered Casta and drove the army. Of course, the sheriffs had conflicts with local lords and yomen.

At the beginning of the thirteenth century, under the pressure of the barons, one of the most unlucky kings of John Farmless was forced to sign the great Charter of Valibilities. And she was named Great not only because of his historical meanings, but also because of the amount of rights and freedoms that are subject to subjects. According to one of the items, if the king violated the charter, the barons had the right to the uprising, which should not be ended with the death of the king or his family members.

However, almost immediately, John landless began violating these promises, which led to a new uprising. Under Edward, editors were submitted to the Great Charter of Valibilities, which prohibited the central authorities to collect taxes without the consent of the entire English community. Nevertheless, Edward second strengthened his power, limiting all the liberties of citizens. This led to the excitement and made Robert Guda go to the forest.

Robin Hood was not the only one who demanded from the authorities to fulfill these promises, but it was he who was remembered as a folk defender.

Video - Robin Hood. Secrets Stories

Already almost 700 years there is a legend telling about the noble robber. He robbed the rich, and their selected wade disassembled poor. This man headed the hammer of the "knife and ax workers", numbering more than a hundred people. The desperate people in the Sherwood Forest (the County of Nottinghamshire) lived and delivered a lot of trouble with dishonest, greedy and greedy citizens.

Robin Hood (Robin Hood) - so called the legendary hero who wins the good of the simple and honest people. He is written about it so much laudatory ballads, which involuntarily begins to believe in the reality of this person. But did the noble robber live in reality or legend about him - a beautiful myth who has nothing to do with genuine life?

In the second half of the XV century, an unknown author wrote 4 ballads dedicated to the brave leader of forest robbers. In the first ballad It is told about how Robin helps a poor knight, a ripped greedy abbot. The poor thing is leaving a big amount of money, and to help is given a faithful squire of the noble leader of Robbers Little Joe. It was a huge kids endowed with neurogenic strength. Naturally, the knight agitates a greedy abbot, and good triumphs.

Second ballad It is devoted to the conflict between the Sheriff from Nottingham and the noble robber. "Romance S. big expensive"They staged a hunt for deer in the lands of the sheriff, and then with the help of tricks were invited to the feast and the most terrible guard of order.

Third ballad Talks about the meeting of Robin with King Edward. He secretly arrives in Nottingham to incognito to investigate violations of the legality of local authorities. The defender of the poor and the thunderstorm of the rich goes to the service for the king and swear to his loyalty.

Fourth ballad The saddest. It tells about the death of a noble robber. He again begins to engage in dangerous fishery, but heats and goes to the Kärkley Abbey to undergo a course of treatment. However, the insidious prisons treats his leeches. Those suck blood, the noble robber weakens the day of the day and, in the end, dies.

Such is brief the essence of the legends about mushroom manThat faithfully served in ordinary people. Such ballads were written a great set. Robin is represented by proud and independent person, opposing the rich, oppressing the people. At the same time, the noble robber was faithful to the king and read the church. Near him all the time was a cheerful and kind monak named so.

As for the origin of the glorious hero, then some consider it a free peasant, others believe that he was a small nobleman. My wife was named Marian, however, she could be not his wife, but just a battle girlfriend.

Experts studied the registers of the Census of England in the period from 1228 to 1230. In these lists, a person named Robin Hood was found, which was listed wanted for crimes. This time is noteworthy folk unrest. He headed them some Robert Twing. Under his leadership, the rebels robbed the monasteries, and the seized grain was distributed to the poor peasants.

Some historians tend to believe that Robert Fitzug was the legendary robber. He was born around 1170, and soil approximately in 1246. This man had lost all his wealth Count Huntington. In essence, he was a rebellious aristocrat, but for some reason he did not oppose the king, but only assisted the noble nobles.

So Robin Hood is represented in Hollywood

Who sat on the royal throne during the activities of the noble robber? If you rely on ballads and legends, you can find the names of several crowned persons. In particular, it is Heinrich III (1207-1272). During his rule, civil war broke out in 1261. At the head of the rebel, Count Simon de Montfort (1208-1265).

Initially, the rebels won with the establishment of a rebellious graph dictatorship, but then Henry III in 1265 managed to return power. However, part of the rebels did not bow the head to the king. The nobles went into the forest and became robbers. Among them was our glorious hero. The king took everything from him, but could not pick up a noble heart. Some researchers believe that the courageous nobleman from the XIII century and became a hero of ballads and legends.

Robin Guda is also associated with the Graph Thomas Platagenet Lancaster (1278-1322). He opposed King Eduard II (1284-1327) and headed the baron opposition. The cause of dislike was that the count did not appoint the chief adviser at the court. In 1322, there was a rebellion. He was brutally depressed, and Lancaster himself beheaded.

Part of the rebel king pardoned. One of them was a man with legendary name. He was taken to serve at the courtyard and gave the rank of chamener. During the year, this Mr. gently paid a salary. Then the newly minted valer disappeared, and that it became further with him - unknown. It is possible that for a number of reasons, he became a noble robber.

If we consider Eduard II as the main royal figure, then it can be assumed that "romantic and non-care from a large road" created good things in the period from 1320 to 1330. but famous writer And the historian Walter Scott (1771-1832) depicted the image of a noble robber in his novel "Richard Lion's Heart". This English king lived in the period from 1157 to 1199 years. And this indicates the earlier deadlines for the existence of Robin Gouda, or rather at the end of the XII century.

Nowadays, many researchers believe that bright and mysterious person It is a prefabricated image. That is, there was no particular person, and there was only a folk dream of a fair and honest Hero-robber. This is a purely folk creation, born in the environment. ordinary people. Since the image was extremely interesting and romantic, it became popular among poets and novelists. Creative nature turned him into a symbol of the eternal struggle of good with evil. That is why he remains not only popular, but also relevant for several centuries..

"He also did not break the beard, but was already the shooter ..."

A long time ago, in the old good England, in the green Sherwood forest, there was a noble robber named Robin Hood ... so, or something like that, each of the stories about Robin Gude begins. And these stories every year becomes more and more, they are invented and tell everyone who's not too lazy. On the replacement of English bards with their simple ballads, the novelists headed by Walter Scott and Alexander Dumas, and then, with the development of technologies, screenwriters, television serials and cartoons. And that is characteristic: each of these narrator has invariably went out their own Robin Hood, who is not confused with the rest. As a result of such collective creativity, the legend of Robin covered new details, became incredibly complex and confusing, even contradictory.

The personality of Robin Hood could not be interested in historians. With the words "we are now quite accurately finding out who was this Robin Hood" they put forward several mutually exclusive versions of True Robin. Sherwood robber finally turned into a character, about which everyone can think everything he wants. And here also creators computer games contributed to their contribution. And they thought not so much about following the letter of the legend (in one or another version of it), how much about the game balance, fascination and other things, to the Robin Houdo himself, no relation to those who do not have. As a result, a few more new Robins appeared.

Now the legend of Robin Gude is a legend without a hero. That is, everything, of course, know who Robin Hood is, just that everyone has every robin at least a little bit of her. This may, and makes his image in such an attractive, because the lack of a clear canon opens up tremendous opportunities for imagination. The legend of Robin never happens to be boring, because all the time changes.

But for a beautiful legend, most likely stood a very real person. Researchers have not yet come to the final conclusion that there was a legendary robber in reality. But a lot of indirect evidence has been preserved confirming that the legend of Robin Gude has a fair proportion of truth.

Place and time of action

So now the legendary bishop oak looks like.

All versions of the legend converge in one: Shaka Robin Guda operated in Sherwood forestlocated on the border of counties Nottingemshire and Yorkshire. Yorkshires, by the way, still consider Robin Hood to be their countryman and offended by residents Nottinghamwho assigned a great robber.

The Sherwood name comes from SHIRE WOOD, which means "the county forest". In the Middle Ages, the Sherwood Forest occupied the territory of about 25 square miles and was a reserve, to hunt in which only the king could. Of course, local residents They wanted to spit on the prohibitions and regularly complemented their meager diet with fresh velinins from Sherwood. The authorities in turn brutally punished caught poachers.

Through Sherwood and nearby with him Barnesdalesky Forests passed Great northern tractlaid by the Romans and connecting the capital of North England York with southern counties. It was one of the most important roads of the country, and the movement on it was always very busy. It is not surprising that the path literally kishel robbers. In general, robbery on big roads was in the Middle Ages one of business cards England, the authorities could finally cope with him only by the beginning of the XIX century.

Sherwood forest exists now. This is a small, with an area of \u200b\u200bonly 4 square kilometers, a reserve in the northern part of the scared city of Nottingham. Every summer, the Robin Hood festival is held in it. The main attraction of modern Sherwood is an ancient oak, around which, as it is believed, sailed by Jig caught by Robin Bishop. Oak so called - Episcopal.

Monument Robin Gouda in Nottingham.

It is interesting:the age of the bishop oak may be achieved thousands of years. Its branches are so great and heavy that in the XIX century. I had to establish special backups for them. Currently, a project is being carried out on the cultivation of bishop oak clones in the largest cities of the world.

Which time the events described in the legend can be attributed? There is no unambiguous answer to this question. The first written mentions of the legend of Robin belong to the end of the XIV century. Thus, he could not live later this time.

IN folk balladah about Robin Gude mentioned archery Competitionsthat began to be held in England only in the XIII century. In addition, in one of the ballads there is a king named Eduard. Three kings with the same name ruled in England in the period from 1272 to 1377. So, if you rely on the text ballad, Robin Hood lived at the end of the XIII - early XIV centuries.

However, certificates relating to the activities of Robin Hood to an earlier period are preserved. In 1261, someone William Smith was announced outside the law. The text of the corresponding Declaration of Smith was named Robingud. That is, then the name of Robin Hood was a nominal one. Historians of the XV-XVI centuries. They argued that Robin lived either in the XIII century, or even earlier, at the end of the XII century, during the king times Richard I Lion Heart. FROM light hands Walter Scott version for which Robin was a contemporary Richard I and his younger brother John, became the most popular.

Candidates for heroes

What's in a name?

It will die like noise sad

Waves splashing in the shore date

As the sound of the night in the forest is deaf.

It is on a commemorative sheet

Leaves a dead trail like

Pattern of inscription gravestone

In incomprehensible language.

A. Pushkin

About Robin Guda, you can pour a lot: robbed rich, helped the poor, mocked the priests and sheriff, shot out of Luke without a mischief ... But there is only one hook that allows you to find this Robin among the set "Autlo" (declared out of the law of robbers), which produced in the Sherwood forest in the XII - XIV century. This hook is his name.

"Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown". Robin Hood shoots money from passing through Sherwood.

It, by the way, leads to certain suspicions. It has long been noticed that the name Robin Hood (Robin Hooded), greatly looks like Robin Goodfellow (Robin is kind small, he is Pak). So the name of the naughty forest spirit from the pagan legends, the leader of the gang fabulous beings. This is not the only circumstance linking the legend about the Sherwood Robber with the Doharistian tradition. For example, in one of the ballads about Robin, it is argued that in a year no twelve (as in church calendar), and thirteen months. It was clearly pagan, and a holiday dedicated to Robin a feast, a long time celebrated by English peasants. So the legend of Robin Gude may well be the later version of the pagan legend, and a real person becomes one of the candidates for legendary robbers, but an ancient forest deity.

However, this version does not use much popularity, the benefit in the ancient documents there is plenty of references to the robber, whose name was Robin or even Robin Hood. Among the multiple versions are the most believable three.

According to the first of them, Robert Goud.He is Hood or move, born in 1290 in Yorkshire. He was a servant of Count Warren and lived together with his wife Matilda in Wakefield village. In 1322, Robert moved to Sir Thomas, Count Lancaster. Soon the count headed the riot against the king Eduard II., defeated and was executed, and all the meter participants, including Robert Goud, were declared outside the law.

No documents pointing to the fact that the former servant of the Lancaster Count leisurely launched in the Sherwood forest was not preserved. However, it is known that in 1323, Eduard II visited Nottingham, and next year, a person named Robert Gouda appeared among his servants, perhaps the very thing that he did not participate in the mouse. This fact is very well combined with one of the ballads. It tells how the king Edward visited the robbers camp in Sherwood, was accepted by them, gave Robin and his friends an amnesty, after which he took them to his service. This Robin Hood died in 1346

The second candidate in the legends of Sherwood, Robin Year from Waterbi, on nicknamed the house, lived at the beginning of the XIII century. In 1226, he escaped from justice, and all his property, the total value of 32 shillling and 6 pence, was chosen to the hands of Sheriff York. Soon, this sheriff moved to the nearby city of Nottingham. There he declared a reward for the "criminal and villain" Robin from Waterbi. As a result of "operational search activities", Robin was caught and hanged.

However, the third version is most popular. According to her, a true Robin was someone Robert Fitz UT, Count Huntington. He was born somewhere around 1160 and died on November 18, 1247. This Robin Hood could not see King Edward, but in his favor he says single direct evidence. The fact is that next to Kirkley monasteryin Yorkshire, which in all legends is called the death site of the legendary robber, preserved mogile Robin Guda. On the tombstone, a barely distinguishable epitaph was preserved. Here is her text recorded in 1702 by Thomas Gale: "Here, under this small stone, Lies Robert, True Count Huntington. There was no archer arterily him. And people called him Robin Hood. Such exiles as he and his people, England will never see again ".

Robin Hood dies surrounded by the closest friends. The noble robber has bent to bury himself where the latter released by the arrow will fall.

It is interesting: The current owner of the estate, in whose territory Robert Fitz-ut is buried, can not stand the legend about the Sherwood Robber and leads a tireless struggle with the admirers of Robin Hood. Every time someone is trying to look at the grave of Count Huntington, the owner of the estate causes the police. Local bastard refers to him not otherwise, like Sheriff Nottingham, and regularly shelters his home made of homemade bows.

However, there are big doubts that the most Robin Hood is really underway under this stone. Now the text of the epitaph is no longer possible to read completely, and Thomas Gale could well blow something when she rewritten. Author of two books about Robin Gude Richard Rouserford Moore, although it believes in the authenticity of the grave of the robber, argues that he was reburied, and his old grave was completely different.

Robert Fitz-ut was deprived of his inheritance to him, and in 1219, his younger brother John became another Graph Huntington. Perhaps this was a consequence of the demandless character of Robert's count. Modern graphs of Huntington claim to relate to Robin Hood, although in reality do not have any relationship to Roberta. The genus of Yorkshire Huntington has long stopped, and the title has since managed to go from hand to hand several times.

It is also possible that the prototypes of Robin Hood from folk ballads were all three, and the various plots of legends rise to the activities of different robbers.

Attention is the myth: Robin Hood is often called Robin from Locxley or just Locksley. Three villages with such titles claim to be called the birthplace of the legendary robber. However, none of the possible prototypes of Robin Hood had no relation to any of these villages.

Merry Well done from green forest

Let there be no cola and no yard,

But do not pay the king taxes

Knife workers and ax -

Romance with a big road.

Y. Entin, "Romance with a big road"

The first meeting of Robin with the kid John almost ended with membership.

"We do not have a hundred rubles, and I have a hundred friends" - says Russian folk proverb. Robin Hood, according to legend, friends were much more than a hundred. Only in his gang, 140 jomen were listed outside the law. These people were called Merry Men.what is usually translated into Russian as "funny boys" or "Merry men". But the word Merry has another meaning: "The follower and associate of a person announced outside the law."

"Merry guys" usually perform in the stories about Robin in the role of a kind of massive, but some of them are not only named by name, but also the flavor will not ignore the leader.

Kid johnhe was the right hand of Robin Hood. It is already mentioned in the earliest ballads, which is depicted as a person very smart and talented. In later ballads, John was a real giant, and the baby's nickname got a joke from his friends. In a gang " merry guys"He entered after he defeated Robin Hood in battle on sticks. Later, the baby John has repeatedly saved Robin and was the only person who was present at his death. John was pretty cruel man: Once he personally killed a monk who gave Robin Sherif. In one story, it is narrating like John entered the service for Sherif, called Reynold Greenlif (and set as a sherif trap).

As in the case of Robin Hood, some testimonies are preserved, indicating that the baby John existed in reality. In the village of Haysersage in Derbyshire, you can still see his grave. When this burial was opened in 1784, then in it really discovered the skeleton of a very good man. As this grave belonged to the Nailor family, John's baby is also sometimes called John Nairhor.

Along with the baby, John in the earliest ballads also mentioned Will Scarlet., or Skatlock, I. Mach, Son Melnik.

The toddler of the baby John.

Will Scarlet is one of the most young members of Gang Robin Hood. He was quick-tempered, hot, loved to fascinated in beautiful clothes. Nickname Scarlet (i.e., "dressed in red") he received for the fact that he often wore clothes from red silk. Will is better than all other "fun guys" fought on swords. In one of the ballads, it is argued that the real surname of Scarlet Gamwell and that he was a nephew of Robin Hood. Robin accepted Will in his squad after he killed a man and disappeared into the forest from justice. It is believed that Scarlet was buried at the church cemetery in Blidwort, not far from Nottingham.

Mach, son Melnik, is usually depicted almost a boy, although in the early ballads this name is an adult and an experienced person. Forest robbers saved him from hanging to which he was sentenced for poaching. In most stories, Mach turns out something like the "Son of the Shelf" with "fun guys." Sometimes it is called not Mach, but Mid.

Will Statleyappears in two late ballads. Sometimes it is confused with Will Scarlet. When the baby John joined the "cheerful guys", it was Statley who made him " great Father"And he is called" baby ". One day, Statley spied behind the sheriff and was caught by the guards. But the "fun guys" did not quit a friend in trouble and rescued it from Sheriff's shy.

Monk Tukthere was a kind of chaplain in the detachment of forest robbers. However, he was not famous for his piety, and drunkenness, gluttony and ability to fight on sticks. It was kicked out of the monastery for disobedience and lack of respect for the bosses. Usually, the Tuk is depicted with a lie and a fat merry, although sometimes it demonstrates non-Ravy physical strength.

Robin is recreated through the river, sitting at the monk Tuka on his back.

Tuka is usually called freary, that is, a member of the beggar monastic order. Such orders appeared in England, after the death of Richard, the lion's heart. So, if Robin Hood lived in the times of Richard, he could not be Friara in his detachment.

The prototype of the monk Tuka is usually called some Robert Staffordwho lived at the beginning of the XV century. This monk from Sussex was really known under the name of Tuk. He was the leader of the hay of the forest robbers operating in 200 miles from Sherwood, and later stories about his adventures became part of the legend of Robin Hood. According to another version, Monk Tuk is a collective image that united the features of several monks who lived in the Sherwood Forest.

Alan-E-Dale was a stray minstrel. His beloved was to marry the old knight. But the "fun guys" broke this wedding, after which one of the forest robbers, not the baby John, not the monk of Tuk, changed the bishop and marked Alan with his beloved. Alan-E-Dale appeared in the legends about Robin too late, but became quite popular Character. It was Alan-E-Dale who inspired the authors of the role-playing game "Dungeons & Dragons" to create a class "Bard". Dale Abby's village halfway between Nottingham and Derby claims to be called the birthplace of Alan.

Arthur Blynd.Like the baby John, joined the gang after he defeated Robin Hood in a duel. Sometimes it is called the cousin of the baby John.

This young man in Krasnoye is a stray minstrel Alan-E-Dale.

ABOUT David from Doncasterit is known quite a bit. This "brave young man" persistently advised Robin Bouda not to go to the archery competition made by Sheriff. David felt that it was Western, and in the end turned out to be right.

"Merry guys" had many friends and intercessors. For example, in some versions of the legend on their side it turns out to be the king himself. The poor adored Robin because he defended them from the arbitrariness of the authorities and helped in difficult moment. Knight Richard Lie One day, saved the "fun guys" from the sheriff, to cover them in his castle. Shortly before that, Robin helped Sir Richard to pay the debt abbot and regain his lands.

A special place in stories about Robin Gude is his beloved, virgin Maryan.. Its character will vary greatly from history to history. Sometimes it is depicted by a versatility, sometimes - a noble lady, even a princess. In one of the versions of the legend Robin and Maryan, after a long separation, do not recognize each other and begin to fight the swords.

Actually none of the ballads about Robin Hood has no character named Marian. They also say nothing about whether Robin beloved. However, the character named Marian has no less long historythan Robin Hood himself.

Initially, Deva Maryan was one of the central figures on traditional May playing. Sometimes it was also called Queen May.. Since these players have always been closely related to the forest and archery, they soon began to call them Happy Robin Guda. And Maryan turned into a Sherwood Robber's bride. According to another version, the name of Maryan came to the legend from the French pastoral play. Robin and Maryan first connected in the XVI century. And since then there is a hand in hand on the pages of books and cinema screens.

Opera group from Nottingham.

Honor and envy our role.

Can't without guards king.

When we go - tremble the earth.

We are always beside the king.

Y. Entin, "Royal Protection"

Once good guys in the legends about Robin Gude, everything is completely robbers, poachers and their accomplices, the workers of the law and order were inevitably inevitably.

The most important enemy of Robin Hood - sheriff Nottinghamsky. He commands all sorts of guards and foresters, he is supported by the church and feudal to know. On his side, the law and chests stuffed with gold. But he can't do anything with brave Robin, on the side of which not only the ability to shoot onion from Luke, but also an outstanding mind and support of the wide masses ...

"Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood". The last fight between robin and sheriff.

Sheriff In medieval England, he was a primary responsible for the fight against crime, in fact, by the head of the criminal police. This position appeared even to the Norman conquest of 1066. However, only under Normann, England was divided into the districts, in each of which was his sheriff. These districts did not always coincide with counties. For example, in the jurisdiction of the Sheriff, the Nottinghamshire was also the neighboring county of Derbyshire.

Sheriff - actor All ballads about Robin Hood, but he is not named in any of them by name. Its possible prototypes are usually attributed William de Vendenal, Roger de Lacy. and William de Berry. In any case, in the reality of the existence of the Nottingham Sheriff, it is not necessary to doubt.

In the early ballads, the sheriff was the enemy of "merry guys" simply because he was a sheriff and was obliged to fight robber and poachers. However, in later legends, he turns into the rejuvenation. He ruthlessly oppressing the poor, illegally captures other people's lands, introduces exorbitant taxes and in general, in every way abuses its official position. In some stories, he also domes Lady Maryan and is trying to take the throne of England.

It is interesting: A few years ago, the city council of Nottingham decided to remove the image of Robin Hood from the city coat of arms. The only one who voted against this decision was Derek Cressell, who took the post of Nottingham Sheriff at that time. Mr. Cresser, explaining his position, stated that rumors about his hostility with Robin Hood were greatly exaggerated.

In most stories, the sheriff is not distinguished by special courage. He usually sits in his castle and thinks over new plans for catching Robin Hood. At the same dirty work for him, his subordinates usually do.

Another enemy of Robin behaves very differently - sir Guy Gisborne. This is a skillful and brave warrior, perfectly fighting on swords and shooting out of Luke. In one of the ballads, it tells how Gisborne went to the forest to kill Robin and get for this award from the sheriff. As a result, Sir Guy himself fell from Robin Hood's hands. Usually, Gisborne is called a noble knight, although in some stories it turns out to be a cruel and bloodthirsty killer standing outside the law. Sometimes he also becomes a fan or even the bride of the Virgin Maryan. His appearance Pretty unusual - instead of a raincoat, he wears a horse skin. Gisborne is a fictional character. Perhaps he once was the hero of a separate legend, which later merged with the legend of Robin.

Forest robbers welcome King Richard Lion Heart.

Prince John, the future king of John Unbounded, fell into the legend of Robin Goud by the efforts of Walter Scott. In the novel, "Ivanho" Robin Hood helps back in England after the crusade and captivity king Richard to return his throne, usurped him younger Brother John. Later, this plot was repeatedly repeated (with small variations) in numerous books, films and computer games.

John really took the throne of England during the lack of his brother and was not in a hurry to redeem Richard from captivity. He even sent the Holy Roman Empire to the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire of Henry VI, which he asked to keep the legitimate English king away from England. Some historians argue that John tried to protect his country from not the wise rule of Richard. However, he himself did not shine at all talents. His own reign, which began after the death of Richard in 1199, was one solid catastrophe. John with a crash lost the war with France and was forced to give her Normandia. Rims up with Pope Roman, he brought out excavation from the church in England. As a result, he brought his country to a complete ruin and forced his subjects to take up the weapons. The rebels won over and forced John to sign the famous Great Charter Wolnitiesunderlying modern English democracy.

As for the simple minions of the sheriff and other enemies Robin Hood, they are in the mass of their nameless. Sometimes, however, in the text ballads there are names of individual guards and foresters inserted there, it is necessary to believe for consuming persuasiveness.

Dark side Robin Guda

I am terrible Robin Bad.

I hurt people.

I hate the poor

Widow, orphans and old people.

O. ARH, "Robin Bad"

IN lately In England, several attempts were made to debunk a beautiful legend about Robin Gude.

The city council of Nottingham, which has long been very concerned about the fact that their dynamically developing city around the world is associated exclusively with the robber. In 1988, the city authorities made an official statement in which Maryan, Monk Tuk, Alan-E-Dale and Will Scarlet were declared fictional characters. Kid John was recognized historical personHowever, from a noble robber turned into an evil grumble and a bloodthirsty killer. Robin Gouda from the current authorities of Nottingham got less than his associates, but the impeccability of his reputation was also more doubted.

"Merry guys" hurt the element after a well-performed operation to leave the richly worthwhile cash.

Many noise has done the book of Professor Cambridge University James Holt. "Legends about Robin Gude. Between truth and delusion. " Holt writes about Robin: "He was absolutely not like that, how he was depicted in folk songs, legends, and later in books and film guards. There is absolutely no evidence that he robbed rich to give money to the poor. With these fabrications of the legend in two hundred and more years after his death. And during his lifetime, he was heard by the selected Marauder, the sadist killer, Izmembling over defenseless victims and the disorder. In a word, he live now, not to avoid Robin Had of life imprisonment in prison ... " The historian and the monk Tuka, who, according to him, "was very far from innocuous greeliness, because I ruined and burned the houses of my enemies ... robbed the passing of the passage, and, without smiling his greed, caught up with the already convened and brutally I killed them ... I personally raped women and children, and then chopped them with axes like a cattle ... ".

However, everyone survived Professor english literature From Cardiff University Stephen Knight. This scientist husband straightened that Robin Hood, and his "fun guys" were actually ... gay. In confirmation of his trial, Knight refers to the ambiguous excerpts from the ballads. He also emphasizes that in the original ballads, nothing is said about the beloved Robin, but the too often mentioned his close friends like the baby John or Will Scarlet. Point of view of Knight separates Professor of the University of Cambridge Barry Dobson, believing that "Robin Hood's relationship and the kid John were very ambiguous." This opinion is adhered to all sorts of fighters for the rights of sexual minorities. One of them, someone Peter TetchellIt requires that the version of the unconventional sexual orientation of the Sherwood Robber taught at school.

The desire to deprive Robin Hida of a romantic halo and turn it into a banal robber and the killer is so great that the calls are already being heard to carry the statue of a noble robber in Nottingham and welding the monument in honor of the Nottingham Sheriff in her place.

However for huge number People around the world Robin Hood remains a favorite hero and a role model. After all, the Sherwood Robber personifies such positive qualities as the desire for justice, devotion to friends and the desire to help you in trouble.

Robin Hood B. artistic literature

Lips hair to us on sweaty foreheads,

And sucked under the spoon sweet from phrases,

And our heads the smell of struggle circled,

From the pages of the yellowed flying on us.

V. Vysotsky, "Ballad about the struggle."

"Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood". Robin, Maryan, Kid John, Statley, Scarlet and Tuk on the background of trophies.

Many treated Robin Hood addresses english writers, for example, poets Robert Kikts.and Alfred Tennison. Penu Tennison belongs to the play "Forestry, or Robin Hood and Deva Maryan". In 1819 he saw light famous Roman Walter Scott "Ivango". In this novel, Robin Hood is the leader of the squad of Saksov, fighting against the oppression of their Norman knights. It can be said that the modern image of Robin Hood is obliged to be the appearance of Walter Scott. Did not bypass the noble robber and Alexandr Duma, writing the adventure novels "Robin Hood - King of Robbers" and "Robin Hood in Exile."

The Victorian era of the Legend of Robin Gude was adapted for children. In 1883, a classic compilation was released Howard Paila "Merry Adventures Robin Hood." It was collected and literaryly treated with all the history of Robin Gude, with the exception of those in which Maryan was mentioned (after all, the collection was intended mainly for children, and the demands of the Victorian morality were extremely strict). Paul idealized medieval England. In the Sherwood Forest from his book never happens winter, and there is no end to the merry. Robin Hood at Paul appears to a certain ideal philanthropist and altruist. The collection of Paul was recycled in 1956 Roger Green. His book differs from the creation of Paul only to the fact that Lady Maryan is present in it.

"Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood". Mount Torpov by central Square Nottingham.

The twentieth century gave the world a huge number of new, sometimes completely original stories about Robin. Terens White Made Robin the hero of his book "Sword in Stone" telling about the childhood of King Arthur. Michael Cadnam Posted by two novels based on the legends about Robin Gude: "Forbidden Forest" and "In dark forest». The main character The first book is a baby John, and the second is no one else like Nottingham sheriff with his own person. In the novel Teresa Tomlinsonlady Maryan is coming to the fore, which turned unwitted robbers from a large road in the legendary fighters for justice. In the novel Gary Blackwood The "lion and unicorn" tells about how the cunning alan-e-dale beat his beloved from Robin. In Dilogy Park Godvina"Sherwood" action occurs during the times of King William Red, and in the trilogy Stephen Lojonda - In Wales. In the novel Robin McKornley"Autlo from Sherwood" Robin Hood does not know how to shoot onion, but with interest compensates for this deficiency due to its intelligence. From under feather Jennifer Roberson The loving adventure dilogy on Robin and Marien came out. In the book Clayton Emer. The narrative is conducted on behalf of the inhabitants of the Sherwood forest of animals and fairy creatures. Among the huge number of books for children, you can highlight the cycle Nancy SpringerDeeds the adventures of the young daughter Robin Hood. American writer Esther Frisner Made Robin the hero of the science fiction novel "Sherwood game". In this book, the talented programmer Karl Sherwood creates virtual Mir For the game about Robin Gude. Suddenly, this world comes out from under the control of its creator, and Robin Hood and other characters of the game begin to live an independent life. In story Adam Stemplathe action also takes place in virtual reality: the Spirit of Robin Hood's breath has been engaged in the redistribution of world wealth over the Internet.

"Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown". Sherwood forest from a bird's eye view.

Not left aside and russian writers. Ballads about Robin into Russian translated Nikolai Gumilev and Marina Tsvetaeva. And the color translation came out very free. Robin Gud, according to the poetess, lived at all in the vicinity of Nottingham, but somewhere in Scotland. Mikhail Gershenzon Made a classic Russian-speaking retelling legends about Robin. If in soviet times Robin Hood was a hero of basically children's books, and recently, in recent years, domestic science fiction writers seriously occupied. In the "sword and rainbow" Elena HetskaRobin Hood is a secondary, but very colorful character. Anna Ovchinnikova Suggested a very unusual version of the adventures of Sherwood outlo. The main character of her book "Friend and Lieutenant Robin Hood" - our contemporary and compatriot Ivan Menshov, moving in time and space and became a baby John. Robin's gang, on Ovchinnikova, had only ten people, Monk Tuk was Vagant, and one of the negative characters of the book was named Huntington.

Many writers, although they did not write directly about Robin Gude, invested some of his features in their characters. For example, it is very reminiscent of Robin Hood Forest Rogue John Middle-in-All of the Black Arrows Robert Lewis Stevenson.

Screen life Robin Hood

Such a character like Robin Hood, just could not not get to the movie screen. In the legend there is everything you need to create a spectacular film, doomed to cashier success: medieval romance, beautiful forest landscapes, love story, the struggle of goodness with evil, humor, scuffle using all kinds of cold weapons ...

On this film recorder depicts Errol Flynn in the image of Robin Hood.

The first film about Robin was filmed back in 1908. However, the first truly successful filmography of the legend was made only fourteen years old. In the film 1922, the role of Robin Guda performed Douglas Fairbanks, one of the main stars of the era of a silent movie. And in 1938 a film came out on the screens "The Adventures of Robin Hood", main role in which the inimitable Errol Flynn was performed. This picture was provided a huge impact Not only for all subsequent Hollywood films about Sherwood robber, but also for all the filmters of the same genre.

Classical legend, according to which Robin was killed by a cunning monk, received a completely unexpected interpretation in the film "Robin and Maryan" (1976). The old and gray robin hood (Sean Connery) returns to the Sherwood forest after a very long absence. And it discovers that his beloved Maryan (Audrey Hepburn) has long gone to the monastery and even managed to become a prime. Maryan, forced to choose between loyalty to his monastic womb and love for Robin, eventually kills his beloved, and then cums the life of suicide.

In 1991, Sean Connery again starred in the film about Robin Hood. But this time he plays not Robin, but King Richard. The role of Robin Locksley in the Hollywood blockbuster "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" I got Kevin to the costra. The creators of the film said a new word in "RobingFood science", introducing a black Saracin Guda to Robin Gunda.

In 1993, a brilliant comedy appeared "Robin Hood: Men in Triko",parting films with Eroll Flinn and Kevin Costner.

Soviet filmmakers went their way. If in Western films Robin Houds, everything is completely knights and nobles, then our Soviet Robin Hood is a bearded peasant played by Boris Khmelnitsky. Films Sergei Tarasova "Arrows Robin Hood" (1975) and "Ballada about the valiant knight of Ivanho" (1983) remembered many thanks to the beautiful songs of Vladimir Vysotsky.

Of course, it was robin a place in cartoons. Who just did not speak as Robin Hood or his friends! And rabbit bugs bunny, and duck Duffy, and even pink panther ...

"Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown". Vzhik-Vzhik Vzhik! Using the prepared ...

In 1967, during the vast popularity of science fiction films and TV shows, a multi-sieuled cartoon was shot. Rocket Robin Hood. The action of this series takes place in 3000 G. Robin and his gang of "funny cosmonauts" live on a Sherwood asteroid and fight against an evil sheriff ... In general, all the same as in the XIII century, only the entourage has changed.

Finally, in 1973, Walt Disney was held for business. In their cartoon all characters - human-like animals. Robin and Maryan became a fox, the baby John, naturally, the Bear, Sheriff - Wolf, Tuk - Barsuk, and Alan-E-Dale - Rooster. Not without Robin and in the cartoon "Shrek". He is there, however, the hero is episodic and besides not very positive.

Robin Hood has repeatedly appeared on the television screen. The most famous from television series about Robin was called "Robin from Sherwood" and went on British television from 1984 to 1986. Unlike the overwhelming majority of books and the film about Robin, this series was made in fantasy genre. The main villain in Robin from Sherwood is a powerful sorcerer Baron de Baal. And the main positive heroes Immediately two: after the death of the peasant Robin Loksley, his case continues Count Robert Huntington. By the way, both really wear hoods, and not green hats with feather. The famous Irish group "Clannad" wrote music to the TV series.

Tribute Legend about Robin Gude gave both the creators of the science fiction series "Star path: next generation". In one of the Series team, Enterprise Starship has to reincarnate in the characters of the legend and feel like real forest robber.

Robin Hood in Computer Games

You can get to become, a neighbor,

Or maybe I will be

For now hundreds of years

No death Robin Gouda!

Evgeny Agranovich, "Brave Robin Hood"

"Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown". Nottingham Sheriff listens to a merchant complaint robbed by "fun guys."

Computer games opened before fans of the legend of Robin Gude new opportunities. If, reading a book or watching a film, a person passively perceives the finished information, then in a computer game it can actively influence the development of the plot. In other words, computer games allow the player for a while feel in the skins of Sherwood Outlo.

The first video game about Robin came out in 1985. It was a fighter called "Super Robin Hood". In the same year a game appeared "ROBIN OF THE WOOD". IN classic game "Defender of the Crown" (1986) Robin is one of the allies of the player in the struggle for the union of the Civil War In England. However, it is impossible to play directly for Robin in this game.

On the wave of the popularity of the film "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" was released at once several games. "The Adventures of Robin Hood"- role-playing game with militant elements. The player manages brave robin, which makes all sorts of heroic actions, increasing its popularity among the local population. In Quest "Conquests of the Longbow: The Legend of Robin Hood"a lot depends on the number of robin gang and on how well the player it commands. The plot in the game is nonlinear. The case can end and gallows, and a wedding.

"Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood". Drummers made from Sherwood forest.

In strategy "AGE OF EMPIRES II"there are such heroes like Robin Hood, Tuk and Sheriff Nottingham. Also in it there are cards "Sherwood Forest" and "Heroes Sherwood". In many role-playing games You can find characters that are strongly reminiscent of Robin, although wearing other name. IN "MEDIEVAL II: TOTAL WAR"Robin is not. But, playing England and building the Lesnik Guild, you can access the fighter called "Sherwood Archer". Play for Robin, although not immediately, you can in the game "Shrek SuperSlam".

In 2003, a remake of the game "Defender of the Crown" was made. IN new gameServed "Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown"The player manages not one of the English barons, but by Robin Hood himself. And he will fight against Sheriff Nottingham.

As in the original game, the action takes place on the map divided into several counties. Only this is not the map not England, but the nearest neighborhoods of Nottingham or some other city. As a result of "counties", the names are rather strange for gravity: forest, trails, bridge, mills, tract. The player has many opportunities. He can command the armies in battle, storming the locks, fight in tournaments, arrange raids on the treasury of the sheriff and shoot from the bow passing through the Sherwood Forest of the nonsense. Only here it looks like it is quite monotonous and very annoying. Much more fun to save from captivity beautiful ladies. By the end of the game Robin collects a whole collection of noble maidens. And where are only Lady Maryan watching? In the break between the skins, you can chat with someone from "fun guys" or read stories about Robin's exploits.

"Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood". Robin Hood and Kid John came to visit the prince John.

The game "Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood" (2002) from "Spellbound Studios" published in the series tactical gameswhich also includes Desperados and Chicago 1930. The player leads the actions of Robin Hood and other "fun guys." In order to achieve victory in the game, you need to successfully pass several missions, the complexity of which is constantly increasing. In addition to missions, there are several missions that can not be held, bribing the enemy army or choosing another task.

Each task is sent from one to five characters. It can be both Robin himself and his friends. Robin starts alone, but Will Statley, Scarlet, Tuk, Kid John and Lady Maryan joined him. In addition to these characters, the death of which means the end of the game, there are many ordinary gang members, which can be used as cannon meat or free labor. Forest robber who did not go to the task can produce any useful things or improve their fighting skills. Each character has unique skills. For example, Robin and John can cut down the enemy, without killing him, Scarlet shoots a lot of slingshot, Statley - pretending to be a beggar, and Tuk - connects prisoners and can make guards.

"Robin Hood: Defender of The Crown". Robin Hood and Will Scarlet.

The plot of the game is quite simple: it is necessary to put an end to the evil goat of the sheriff and Prince John. Tasks are two types: in the forest and in the city. And there and there you can rob the looted, raging your treasury. The amount of money, however, does not affect the success of the game. The fact is that the gang is growing at the expense of volunteers coming in Sherwood after each mission. Their number directly depends on the percentage sparsenemies. So be too bloodthirsty in this game is not recommended. If you regularly finish missions without a single corpse, then at the end of the game on Sherwood will be wandering the crowd, much superior to your needs working power.

Undoubted success of the game developers - the fencing mouse. All the fights are very tense and exciting. True, sometimes in battle one one to win more difficult than cope with a detachment of a dozen guards. The enemy behaves very adequately: the archers do not climb the dog and shoot off the shelter, the Lakers are covered with boards from arrows, and horse knights prefer to attack with acceleration. If the guards are in the minority, they run in different directions and raise the alarm.

Not all game situations, however, look realistic. But she is the game to differ from reality.

The legend of Robin Hood, no doubt, was an excellent material for creating computer games. But its potential is not yet revealed to the end. Let's hope that in the future there are a lot of new wonderful games about the noble robber from Sherwood Forest.