Results of the second Chechen war. War in Chechnya - the most significant military conflict of the Russian Federation

Results of the second Chechen war. War in Chechnya - the most significant military conflict of the Russian Federation
Results of the second Chechen war. War in Chechnya - the most significant military conflict of the Russian Federation

In the history of Russia, a lot of wars fit. Most of them were liberation, some began on our territory, and ended far beyond. But there is nothing worse than such wars, which were covered as a result of the illiterate actions of the country's leadership and led to terrifying results because the authorities solved their own problems, not paying attention to people.

One of these sad pages of Russian history is the Chechen war. It was not opposition to two different peoples. This war was not absolutely right. And the most amazing thing that this war still cannot be considered completed.

Prerequisites for the start of war in Chechnya

It is unlikely that you can talk about these military campaigns. The era of restructuring, such a pathetic announced by Mikhail Gorbachev, marked the collapse of a huge country consisting of 15 republics. However, the main complexity for Russia was also in the fact that remaining without satellites, it faced inner ferments that are nationalistic. The Caucasus was especially problematic.

Back in 1990, a National Congress was created. This organization was headed by Johar Dudaev, a former major general aviation in the Soviet army. Congress has put its main goal - a way out of the USSR, in the future the creation of the Chechen Republic, independent of any state, was supposed.

In the summer of 1991, the situation of dvoevsty in Chechnya, since the leadership of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was also operating, and the management of the so-called Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, proclaimed by Dudayev.

For a long time, such a state of affairs could not, and the same Johar with his supporters in September seized the republican television center, the Supreme Council and the Radio House. It was the beginning of the revolution. The situation was extremely unsubscribed, and the official collapse of the country carried out by Yeltsin contributed to the development of it. After the news that the Soviet Union no longer exists, the supporters of Dudayev announced that Chechnya comes out of Russia.

The government was captured by separatists - under their impact on October 27, parliamentary and presidential elections were held in the republic, as a result of which the power was completely in the hands of Ex-General Dudayev. A few days later, November 7, Boris Yeltsin set a signature under a decree, where it was said that a state of emergency was introduced in the Chechen-Ingush Republic. In fact, this document has become one of the reasons for the beginning of the bloodshed Chechen wars.

At that time, quite a lot of ammunition and weapons were in the republic. Partially these reserves were already captured by separatists. Instead of blocking the situation, the leadership of the Russian Federation allowed her to get out of control even more - in 1992, the head of the Grachev Ministry of Defense transferred half of all these reserves to militants. Power explained this decision to bring armament from the republic at that time was no longer possible.

However, during this period, there was still an opportunity to stop conflict. An opposition was created, opposed to the power of Dudayev. However, after it turned out that these small detachments cannot withstand the formations of militants, the war has almost already walked.

Yeltsin and his political supporters could no longer undertake anything, and from 1991 to 1994 was actually independent from Russia. Here our own authorities were formed, there was their own state symbolism. In 1994, when Russian troops were introduced into the territory of the republic, a full-scale war began. Even after the resistance of Dudayevsky militants was suppressed, the problem was not permitted completely.

Speaking about the war in Chechnya, it is worth considering that it was guilty to her unleashing, first of all, was the illiterate leadership of the USSR first, and then Russia. It was the weakening of the internal political situation in the country that led to the separation of the outflow and strengthening of nationalist elements.

As for the essence of the Chechen war, there is a conflict of interest and the inability to lead the huge territory from first Gorbachev, and then Yeltsin. In the future, it was necessary to unleash this tangled knot to people who came to power at the very end of the twentieth century.

First Chechen War 1994-1996

Historians, writers and cinematographers are still trying to assess the scale of the horrors of the Chechen war. No one denies that she inflicted great damage not only to the republic itself, but also all of Russia. However, it should be borne in mind that in its nature two campaigns differed quite greatly.

In Yeltsin's era, when the first Chechen campaign of 1994-1996 was unleashed, Russian troops could not act quite simply and freely. The country's leadership solved their tasks, moreover, according to some information, in this war, many have mastered the supply of weapons to the territory of the Republic from the Russian Federation, and militants were often earned by the fact that they demanded large ransoms for hostages.

At the same time, the main task of the Second Chechen War of 1999-2009 was to suppress bandforms and the guidance of the constitutional order. It is clear that if the goals of both campaigns were different, then the course of action differed significantly.

On December 1, 1994, air strikes were applied to airfields located in Khankala and Kalinovskaya. And already on December 11, Russian divisions were introduced into the territory of the republic. This fact was marked by the beginning of the first campaign. The entrance was carried out at once from three directions - through Mozdok in, through Ingushetia and through Dagestan.

By the way, at that time by the land forces, Edward Vorobyev was led by the land forces, but he immediately resigned, finding unreasonable to lead the operation, since the troops were completely unprepared for the maintenance of full-scale hostilities.

At first, Russian troops advanced quite successfully. The whole northern territory was occupied by them quickly and without special losses. From December 1994 to March 1995, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation stormed Grozny. The city was built up pretty tightly, and Russian units simply stuck in the shootouts and attempts to take the capital.

The Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Grachev expect to take the city very quickly and therefore did not regret human and technical resources. According to the estimates of researchers, over 1500 Russian soldiers and many civilians in the republic died under Grozny. Armored vehicles also suffered a serious damage - almost 150 units came out.

Nevertheless, after two months of fierce fighting, federal troops still took Grozny. Participants of hostilities subsequently recalled that the city was destroyed almost to the ground, the numerous photographs and video documents confirm.

During the assault, not only armored vehicles, but also aviation, and artillery was used. Almost every street was bloody battles. The militants during the operation in Grozny lost more than 7,000 people and under the leadership of Shamil Basayev on March 6 were forced to finally leave the city, which passed under the control of the Armed Forces of Russia.

However, this war, which brought the death of thousands of not only armed, but also peaceful people, was not over. The fighting continued first on the plain part (from March to April), and then in the mountainous regions of the republic (from May to June 1995). Argun was consistently taken, Shali, Gudermes.

The militants responded to terrorist acts implemented in Budennovsk and Kizlyar. After the variable successes of the other, the decision was made on the negotiations. And as a result, on August 31, 1996 were concluded. According to them, the federal troops left Chechnya, the republic's infrastructure was subject to recovery, and the question of independent status was postponed.

Second Chechen campaign 1999-2009

If the country's authorities expect that, going to an agreement with the militants, they solved the problem and battles of the Chechen war remained in the past, then everything turned out to be wrong. For several years, dubious band formation truce only have accumulated forces. In addition, more and more Islamists from Arab countries penetrated into the territory of the republic.

As a result, on August 7, 1999, Hattaba and Basayev militants invaded Dagestan. Their calculation was based on the fact that Russian power at that time looked very weak. Yeltsin practically did not lead the country, the Russian economy was in deep decline. The militants hoped that they would rise on their side, however, they had a serious resistance to gangster groups.

The unwillingness to put on its territory of Islamists and the help of federal troops forced Islamists to retreat. True, for this it took a month - the militants were knocked out of only in September 1999. At that time, Chechney was led by Aslan Maskhadov, and, unfortunately, it was not capable of fulfilling full control over the republic.

It was at this time that, a member of the fact that Dagestan was not able to break, Islamist groups moved to the conduct of terrorist acts in Russia. In Volgodonsk, Moscow and Buinaksk, terrible terrorist acts were committed, taken tens of people's lives. Therefore, to the number of those who died in the Chechen war, they must also be attributed to those civilians who did not think that she would come in their families.

In September 1999, a decree was released "On measures to improve the effectiveness of counter-terrorism operations in the territory of the North Caucasus Region of the Russian Federation" for the signature of Yeltsin. And on December 31, he announced his resignation from the post of president.

Power in the country as a result of the presidential election passed to the new leader - Vladimir Putin, the tactical abilities of which the militants did not take into account. But at that time, Russian troops were already on the territory of Chechnya, again conducted the bombings of Grozny and acted much more competently. The experience of the previous campaign was taken into account.

December 1999 - another of the painful and terrible pages of the war. The Argun Gorge Otherwise, it was called "Wolf Gate" - one of the largest Caucasian gorges over the length of Caucasian. Here, the landing and border troops conducted a special operation of the Argun, the purpose of which was to win the Khattab's troops, the site of the Russian-Georgian border, and to deprive the militants of the routes of weapons from the Pankisi gorge. The operation was completed in February 2000.

Many remember the feat of the 6th company of the 104th parachute regiment of the Pskov Division of the Airborne Forces. These fighters became real heroes of the Chechen war. They sustained a terrible battle at the 776th height, when they, in the amount of only 90 people, managed to restrain over 2000 militants during the day. Most of the paratroopers died, and the militants themselves lost almost a quarter of their composition.

Despite such cases, the second war, in contrast to the first, can be called sluggish. Perhaps so she lasted longer - many things happened during the years of these battles. New Russian authorities decided to act differently. They refused to conduct active fighting conducted by federal troops. It was decided to use the inner split in Chechnya itself. So, on the side of the federals, Mufti Ahmat Kadyrov moved, and even more often the situation was observed when simple militants folded weapons.

Putin, realizing that such a war can last infinitely, decided to use internal political oscillations and increasing the authorities to cooperate. Now it is already possible to say that he succeeded. The role of May 9, 2004, the Islamists committed the terrorist attack in Grozny, aimed at reducing the population. The explosion thundered at Dynamo Stadium during a concert dedicated to the Victory Day. More than 50 people were injured, and Ahmat Kadyrov had died from the injuries.

This odious terrorist attack brought completely different results. The population of the republic was finally disappointed in the militants and rallied around the legitimate power. A young, who understood the entire futility of Islamist resistance to the place of his father. Thus, the situation began to change for the better. If the militants made a bet on attracting foreign mercenaries from abroad, the Kremlin decided to use national interests. Chechnya are very tired of war, so they have already voluntarily moved to the side of the pro-Russian Force.

The counter-terrorist operation mode introduced by Yeltsin on September 23, 1999 was canceled by President Dmitry Medvedev in 2009. Thus, the campaign was officially completed, since it was not called war, but who. However, is it possible to assume that the veterans of the Chechen war can sleep well if there are still no battles and terrorist acts are carried out from time to time?

Results and consequences for the history of Russia

It is unlikely that anyone can specifically answer the question of how many dead were in the Chechen war. The problem is that any calculations will be only approximate. During the exacerbation of the conflict before the first campaign, many people of Slavic origin were repressed or forced to leave the republic. During the years of the first campaign, a lot of fighters died on the other side, and these losses are also not amenable to accurate calculation.

If military losses can still be more or less calculated, then no one has been practicing losses from the civilian population - except human rights defenders. Thus, according to the currently existing official data, the 1st war took the following number of lives:

  • russian soldiers - 14,000 people;
  • militants - 3,800 people;
  • civilian population - from 30,000 to 40,000 people.

If we talk about the second campaign, the results of the calculations of the dead are as follows:

  • federal troops are about 3,000 people;
  • militants - from 13,000 to 15,000 people;
  • civilian population - 1000 people.

It should be borne in mind that these figures are very different depending on which organizations they lead. For example, discussing the results of the second Chechen war, official Russian sources speak of a thousand who died among the civilian population. At the same time, "International Amnesty" (non-governmental organization of the international level) gives completely different numbers - about 25,000 people. The difference in this data, as you see, huge.

The result of the war can be called not only impressive figures of losses among those killed, wounded, missing people. This is also a destroyed republic - after all, many cities are primarily a formidable, subjected to artillery shelling and bombardments. All the infrastructure was practically destroyed in them, so Russia had to remove the capital of the republic from scratch.

As a result, the Grozny is among one of the most beautiful and modern. Other settlements of the republic were also rebuilt.

What happened in the period from 1994 to 2009 can learn anyone interested in this information. There are many films about the Chechen war, books and various materials on the Internet.

However, those who were forced to leave the republic lost their relatives, health, - these people are unlikely to want to dive again in the already experienced. The country was able to stand in this most difficult period of its history, and once again proved that they are more important for them - dubious appeals to independence or unity with Russia.

The history of the Chechen war has not yet been studied. Researchers will quickly search for documents on losses among military and civil, recheculting statistics. But today we can say: the weakening of the tops and the desire of disagreement always leads to terrible consequences. Only strengthening state power and unity of people can finish any confrontation so that the country can live in the world again.

Ten years ago began "The Second Chechen War"

On September 23, 1999, President of Russia Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On measures to improve the effectiveness of counter-terrorist operations in the territory of the North Caucasus Region of the Russian Federation". Almost the same day, massive bombings of the city of Grozny and other cities and settlements of Chechnya began. September 30, federal forces entered the republic.

On the events of a decade ago, which became a prologue to a new bloodshed, most residents of the republic have a vague representation. People remember the invasion of Basayev's Militants and Hattab's detachments to Dagestan to help "fighting Muslims", explosions of houses in Moscow and Volgodonsk, Promise Putin "Watering terrorists in a sorter".

However, even before the events in Dagestan and the explosions of residential buildings in which Moscow accused Chechens, the Russian military actually seized part of the territory of the unrecognized Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.

"Today, it is not customary to say about this, but the actual invasion of the Russian army into the territory of Ichkeria, despite signed in 1997 between Yeltsin and Maskhadov (Aslan Maskhadov - President of the CRI, approx." Caucasian Knot ") agreement on the world and principles of relations between Russia and Cry, according to which both parties refused "from the use or even threat to the use of military force in solving any controversial issues", occurred back at the end of July 1999. Then parts of the federal forces entered the territory of Ichkeria from Dagestan, destroying the border and customs post And they delved to the territory of the republic by 10-12 kilometers, "says one of the former deputies of the Ichkeria Parliament, who wished to remain unnamed.

Then this promotion was declared "alignment of the border." "Maskhadov and his government have repeatedly tried to enter Yeltsin and discuss the emerging situation, but everything was vain," says the interlocutor of the correspondent of the Caucasian Knot.

"The question of the new war in Moscow was decided long until 1999 - it can be said immediately after the completion of the first military campaign. Despite the signed peace treaty and a deferred question about the status of Ichteria, Russian special services led to active subversive activities in Chechnya. All for In order to discredit the management of Chechnya, first of all, President Maskhadov, whom Moscow previously recognized the legitimate leader, to submit Chechens with bandits and terrorists and so on, "said the former Ichkerian deputy.

According to him, these goals were achieved largely due to the absence of mutual understanding between the former Maskhadov comrades.

"Fearing the opportunity of the beginning in Chechnya of the Civil War (in the summer of 1998, there were collisions between the detachments of Wahhabis and government forces - approx." Caucasian Knot "), Maskhadov missed the fact that revanchistic moods were strong in the military-political leadership of Russia. When he tried to join the dialogue with the Kremlin, it was already late. The car was already running, and no one was going to stop her, "says the interlocutor.

As a result, "received what was obtained: the destroyed republic, tens of thousands of killed on both sides and mutual distrust and hatred".

"Those who say that the reason for the re-invasion of Russian troops to the territory of the CRI has become explosions of residential buildings in Moscow and other cities of Russia or the Basayevsk-Khattabov campaign to Dagestan, are deeply mistaken," the interlocutor says.

According to the resident of the Terrible Rizvan Madaeva, that the new war in Chechnya is inevitable, it was known in advance. "In the summer of 1999, the article" War in Chechnya will start in October ". I personally read it and perfectly remember that it even contains the numbers and names of parts and units of the Russian army, which are planned to be used in a new war. . So today you can talk as much as you like and argue, but I did not start any Basayev or Maskhadov. I was started by the Kremlin, "said Madaev.

The beginning of the second war in the republic is associated with the name of the current Russian premier Vladimir Putin. "It is enough to remember 1999, when an unknown lieutenant colonel of the FSB retired Putin suddenly first became the director of this service, and then the Russian Prime Minister. The military operation in the Chechen Republic was planned specifically in order to bring him to power," the employee believes One of the local community organizations Sultan.

According to him, Yeltsin did at the beginning of the bets and Primakov, and on Stepashin, and chose, ultimately, Putin. "The first decree, which was signed by Vladimir Putin's acting President of Russia, was a decree on providing guarantees of the inviolability of the former president of Russia and his family. In fact, Putin came to the Kremlin in the Chechen war," says Sultan.

On September 23, Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On measures to improve the effectiveness of counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus Region of the Russian Federation", in accordance with which the united grouping of troops (forces) was created in the North Caucasus (OGM (C) for the "counter-terrorist operation" On the territory of the Chechen Republic. Almost on the same day, massive bombings of the city of Grozny and other cities and settlements of Chechnya began. A week later, federal forces were re-entered the republic.

On October 5, 1999, Maskhadov signed a decree "On the introduction of military situation in the territory of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria." Large-scale fighting on the territory of Chechnya was carried out until the mid-2000, after which the war acquired guerrilla.

According to some Chechen political scientists, "Second Chechen", however, as "first" could be avoided. "If Yeltsin at one time met with Dudayev (Johar Dudaev is the first president of the CRI, approx." Caucasian Knot "), then there would be no first military campaign in the Chechen Republic. If he or Vladimir Putin met with Maskhadov, it was not And the second war, "says the local political analyst, who wished to be unnamed. - If Basayev invaded Dagestan, then why did the federal troops be released from there? It was possible, in extreme cases, just block the troops of the militants in the mountains of Dagestan and destroy, and then Already from the position of the winning side, to put the conditions of Maskhadov. And I am sure, Moscow and the Grozny would sooner or later come to a consequential opinion. "

"Any war is unleashed by the strongest. Well, how can we say that a tiny Chechnya, the territory of which is less than one Moscow region, attacked Russia, nuclear power? Moscow really did not have anything to do Dudayev, nor to Maskhadov, nor to Basayev or Hattaba. The desires of the special services could eliminate them exactly in two hours, as Grachev said at one time. Instead, a bloody slaughter was arranged here, destroyed thousands of people and for ten years they could not defeat some one and a thousand militants. This is absurd, "says Lecturer Umar Khankarov.

"The culprits of the last two wars in Chechnya are Yeltsin and Putin. This is definitely. Because they were the presidents of Russia. Neither, nor the other did nothing to avoid bloodshed, stop the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people. I really hope that sooner or later everything Those who are involved in the unleashing war in Chechnya will appear before the international tribunal, as the leadership of the former Yugoslavia, "a resident of Grozny Milan Ahmadova said on this occasion, who lost several close relatives during two military campaigns.

1 prehistory
2 character
3 chronology
3.1 1999
3.1.1 Exacerbation of the situation on the border with Chechnya
3.1.2 Attack on Dagestan
3.1.3 Chechnya Bombing
3.1.4 The beginning of the ground operation

3.2 2000
3.3 2001
3.4 2002
3.5 2003
3.6 2004
3.7 2005
3.8 2006
3.9 2007
3.10 2008
3.11 2009

4 Excusing the situation in the North Caucasus in 2009
5 Command
6 sacrifices
7 conflict in art, cinema, music
7.1 Films and Series
7.2 songs and music

Second Chechen War


The second Chechen war (officially called a counter-terrorist operation (who) - fighting on the territory of Chechnya and the border regions of the North Caucasus. It began on September 30, 1999 (the date of entry of Russian troops in Chechnya). The active battle phase continued from 1999 to 2000, then As the control of Russia's armed forces is established over the territory of Chechnya, it turned into a glowing conflict, in fact continuing to this day. From 0 hours on April 16, 2009, who is canceled.

1. Prehistory

After signing the Khasavyurt agreements and the withdrawal of Russian troops in 1996, the peace and calm in Chechnya and the regions adjacent to it did not come.

Chechen criminal structures have made business on the massive abductions of people, the seizure of hostages (including official Russian representatives working in Chechnya), the embezzlement of oil from oil pipelines and oil wells, the production and smuggling of drugs, the release and distribution of fake cash bills, terrorist attacks and attacks on Neighboring Russian regions. In Chechnya, camps were created for the training of militants - young people from the Muslim regions of Russia. Here were sent from abroad an instructor on the mine-subversive case and Islamic preachers. A significant role in the life of Chechnya began to play numerous Arab mercenaries. Their main goal was destabilization of the situation in the Russian regions neighboring from Chechnya and the spread of separatism ideas into the North Caucasian republic (primarily Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Kabardino-Balkaria).

In early March 1999, the Plenipotentiary representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Chechnya Gennady Siggun was abducted at the terrorists airport. For the Russian leadership, this was evidence that the President of Chers Maskhadov is not able to independently deal with terrorism. The Federal Center undertook measures to strengthen the fight against Chechen Bandoffs: Self-defense detachments were armed and police units over the entire perimeter of Chechnya were strengthened, the best operatives of units to combat ethnic HRGPRENT were sent to the North Caucasus, several missile attitudes "Point-U "Designed to apply point shocks. The economic blockade of Chechnya was introduced, which led to the fact that the cash flow from Russia began to dry out sharply. Due to the tightening of the regime on the border, it became harder to transfer drugs into Russia and seize hostages. Gasoline, manufactured at the underground factories, it became impossible to take out of Chechnya. The struggle against Chechen criminal groups, actively financing militants in Chechnya. In May-July 1999, the Chechen-Dagestan border turned into a militarized zone. As a result, the incomes of Chechen field commanders sharply decreased and they have problems with the purchase of weapons and the fee of mercenaries. In April 1999, Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov was appointed Commander internal troops, successfully led by a number of operations during the first Chechen war. In May 1999, Russian helicopters caused a rocket blow to the positions of the Hattaba militants on the Terek River in response to the attempt of bandforms to seize the internal troops in the Chechen-Dagestan border. After that, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Rushailo, announced the preparation of large-scale preventive strikes.

In the meantime, Chechen gangs under the command of Shamil Basayev and Hattaba were preparing for an armed invasion of Dagestan. From April to August 1999, conducting intelligence a fight, they only committed more than 30 tensions in Stavropol and Dagestan, as a result of which several dozen soldiers, law enforcement officers and civilians were killed. Realizing that the strongest groups of federal troops are concentrated on Kizlyar and Khasavyurt directions, the militants decided to strike on the mountainous part of Dagestan. When choosing this direction, the gangs proceeded from the fact that there are no troops, and in the shortest possible time to transfer the forces to this hard-to-reach area will not be possible. In addition, the militants were counting on a possible blow to the rear of federal forces on the part of the Kadar zone of Dagestan, from August 1998 by local vakhchabits.

According to researchers, destabilization of the situation in the North Caucasus was beneficial to many. First of all, Islamic fundamentalists seeking to disseminate their influence on the whole world, as well as the Arabic oil sheikh and the financial oligarchs of the Persian Gulf countries, not interested in the beginning of operation of oil and gas fields of the Caspian Sea.

On August 7, 1999, a massive invasion of militants was committed from Chechnya in Dagestan under the general command of Shamil Basayev and the Arab mercenary Hattaba. The core of the militants grouping was foreign mercenaries and fighters of the "Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade" associated with Al-Qaeda. The plan of militants in the transition to their side of the population of Dagestan fell, the Dagestanians had invaded gangsters desperate resistance. Russian authorities offered to Ichkerian leadership to conduct a joint operation against Islamists in Dagestan with federal forces. It was also proposed to "resolve the issue of the elimination of bases, places of storage and recreation of illegal armed formations, from which the Chechen leadership is in every way." Aslan Maskhadov in words condemned the attacks on Dagestan and their organizers and inspirationors, but did not take real measures to counteract.

For more than a month, there were fights of federal forces with invading militants who ended with the fact that the militants were forced to retreat from the territory of Dagestan back to Chechnya. On the same days - September 4-16, a series of terrorist acts was carried out in several cities of Russia (Moscow, Volgodonsk and Buynaksk) - explosions of residential buildings.

Given the inability of Maskhadov to control the situation in Chechnya, the Russian leadership decided to carry out a military operation to destroy militants in Chechnya. On September 18, the borders of Chechnya were blocked by Russian troops.

On September 23, Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree "On measures to improve the effectiveness of counter-terrorism operations in the North Caucasus Region of the Russian Federation". The decree provided for the creation of a unified grouping of troops in the North Caucasus for a counter-terrorist operation.

On September 23, Russian troops began massive bombings of the Terrible and its surroundings, on September 30, they entered the territory of Chechnya.

2. Character

Having broke the resistance of the militants by the force of the army troops and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (command of the Russian troops successfully applies military tricks, such, for example, the lubrication of militants into mine fields, raids on the reasons of bandforms and many others), the Kremlin made a bet on "Chechenization" of conflict and luring Side part of the elite and former militants. So, at the head of the procremia administration of Chechnya in 2000, a former supporter of separatists, the main mufti of Chechnya Ahmat Kadyrov became. The militants, on the contrary, made a bet on the internationalization of the conflict, engaging in their struggle armed detachments of nonsense origin. By early 2005, after the destruction of Maskhadov, Hattaba, Baraev, Abu Al-Walid and many other field commanders, the intensity of the sabotory-terrorist activities of militants decreased significantly. For 2005-2008, there was not a single major terrorist attack in Russia, and the only large-scale operation of militants (raid at Kabardino-Balkaria October 13, 2005) ended with a complete failure.

3. Chronology

Exacerbation of the situation on the border with Chechnya

· June 18 - from Chechnya attacks were made on 2 outposts at the Dagestan-Chechen border, as well as an attack on the Cossack Road in the Stavropol Territory. Russian leadership closes most of the CPP on the border with Chechnya.

· June 22 - For the first time in the history of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, an attempt was made to commit the terrorist attack in its main building. The bomb was neutralized in time. According to one of the versions, the terrorist attack was a response of Chechen militants at the threat of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Rushailo to hold romance shares in Chechnya.

· June 23 - shelling on the part of Chechnya, the head of the village of Pervomaiski Khasavurtovsky district of Dagestan.

· June 30 - Rushailo said: "We must respond to a more crushing blow; On the border with Chechnya, the team apply preventive strikes on armed gangs. "

· On July 3, Rushailo said that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "proceeds to the hard regulation of the situation in the North Caucasus, where exactly Chechnya acts as a criminal" brainstorm ", managed by foreign special services, extremist organizations and the criminal community." Deputy Prime Minister Chry Kazbek Mahashev in response said: "We are not intimidated by threats, and this Rushailo is well known."

· On July 5, Rushailo said that "early in the morning of July 5, a preventive blow to the clusters of 150-200 armed militants in Chechnya was inflicted.

· July 7 - a group of militants from Chechnya attacked for a stamping of the Grebensky bridge in the Babayurt district of Dagestan. Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation and Director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin said that "Russia will continue to take not preventive, but only adequate actions in response to attacks in border with Chechnya regions." He stressed that "Chechen authorities do not fully control the situation in the republic."

The article briefly tells about the second Chechen war - the military operation of Russia in Chechnya, which began in September 1999, large-scale combat operations went to 2000, after which the operation passed into a relatively calm phase, which consists in the elimination of individual bases and terrorists. The operation is officially canceled in 2009

  1. The course of the second Chechen war
  2. Results of the second Chechen war

Causes of the second Chechen war

  • After the withdrawal of Russian troops from Chechnya in 1996, the situation in the region remained restless. A. Maskhadov, the head of the republic, did not control the action of militants, and often closed his eyes to their activities. In the republic flourished the slave trade. Russian and foreign citizens abducted in the Chechen and neighboring republics, for which the militants needed a ransom. Those hostages who for any reason could not pay redemption, were subject to death.
  • The militants were actively engaged in the theft of the pipeline passing through the territory. Sale of oil, as well as underground gasoline production has become a significant source of militant income. The territory of the republic became a transshipment of drug trafficking.
  • A severe economic situation, the lack of jobs forced the men's population of Chechnya in search of earnings to move on the side of militants. In Chechnya, a network of databases for the preparation of militants was created. Learning was led by the Arab mercenaries. The plans of Islamic fundamentalists Chechnya occupied a huge place. She was intended to be the main role in destabilizing the situation in the region. The republic was to become a bridgehead for the attack on Russia and the seedlings of separatism in the neighboring republics.
  • Russian authorities were concerned about the inclined abductions of people, supplies from the Chechnya of drugs and gasoline underground production. Of great importance was the oil Chechen pipeline, which was intended for large-scale transportation of oil from the Caspian region.
  • In the spring of 1999, a number of tough measures were taken to improve the situation and suppress the activities of militants. Chechen self-defense troops increased significantly. The best specialists in counter-terrorism arrived from Russia. The Chechen-Dagestan border has become actually a militarized zone. The conditions and requirements of the border passage were significantly increased. In the territory of Russia, the struggle in the struggle with Chechen groupings financing terrorists.
  • It applied a serious blow to militant income from the sale of drugs and oil. They have problems with paying the Arab mercenaries and the purchase of weapons.

The course of the second Chechen war

  • In the spring of 1999, in connection with the exacerbation of the situation, Russia was carried by a helicopter missile blow on the positions of militants on the river. Terek. According to the information they prepared a large-scale offensive.
  • In the summer of 1999, a number of preparatory soldering of militants in Dagestan was performed. As a result, the most vulnerable places were revealed in the positions of Russian defense. In August, the invasion of the main forces of militants took place on the territory of Dagestan under the leadership of S. Basayev and Hattaba. The main shock force was the Arab mercenaries. Residents provided stubborn resistance. Terrorists could not resist the Russian army repeatedly superior. After a few battles, they were forced to retreat back. To gray. September borders of the republic were surrounded by the Russian army. At the end of the month, the bombings of the Terrible and its surroundings are held, after which the Russian army enters the territory of Chechnya.
  • Further actions of Russia are to combat balances residues in the republic with emphasis on attracting the local population. A wide amnesty for participants of the terrorist movement is announced. The head of the republic becomes the former opponent - A. Kadyrov, who creates combat-ready self-defense detachments.
  • In order to improve the economic situation in Chechnya, large financial flows were sent. It should have stopped recruiting the poor in the population by terrorists. Russia's actions led to achieving certain success. In 2009, the termination of the counter-terrorist operation was announced.

Results of the second Chechen war

  • As a result of the war, relative peace of mind was finally achieved in the Chechen Republic. It was almost completely finished with drug trafficking and slave trade. The plans of the Islamists on the transformation of the Northern Caucasus to one of the world's terrorist movement centers were torn.

Second Chechen campaign.

"Only the one who meets the blow to the blow becomes stronger."

The second Chechen war was a serious test for Russia, which our country survived with honor. A feature of this war was that this time in the hostilities of the Russian army met a complete encouragement from the general public, and the influence of political forces on the actions of the Army of the Russian Federation was reduced to a minimum.

This was largely due to the fact that the movement of the Wahhabis in Chechnya had gained increasingly and greater scope, and this "scope" more and more acquired "someone else's taste". More and more presence of radical forces were felt in Chechnya, which caused a persistent rejection even at the indigenous Chechens.

In Chechnya, rumors about the detachments were held who were commanded by foreign mercenaries (in particular, sustainable rumors that one of the prominent field commanders of Chechnya was a resident of Jordan). Also in the Russian media of that time, very "deaf" (the media of Russia in the described period of time were hostile to the army of Russia - repeal at least the then NTV) rumors that the misconception of Usama bin Laden "shut down" about 30,000,000 dollars to some influential persons Chechnya. (It is believed that these were some Basayev and Hottab).

Some sources (again - the author cannot say with confidence that it is true) Clawsno state that the same Osama Ben Laden personally (!!!) visited the divergent camps of militants under a certain place Serge-Yurt, shortly before the attack of Wahhabits on Dagestan.

And there are absolutely wild rumors that a certain B.A. Berezovsky (absolutely unfamiliar to modern "sofasperts") shortly before the invasion of Wahhabis to Dagestan sponsored the militants as much as 1 (one !!!) million dollars on "strengthening the friendship of peoples).

The purpose of Wahhabits was the creation of the "United Islamic Caspian Caspian Republic", which would allow the "cover" the entire Caucasus, Transnistria, Georgia, etc. That under the "Pr" not specified, but it can be concluded - the idea of \u200b\u200bWahabits was to capture "all Russia The most Washington and London. "

Wahhabits began to fulfill their plans, but these plans came across a sharp opposition to the Russian Federation. And even the legendary B.A. B. It turned out to be powerless to oppose the oncoming strike of the Russian Federation.

So the Second Chechen war began. And this war ended - the victory of Russia, which was able to take revenge for defeat in the first Chechen war.

The militia from among the local residents at the parade in memory of the dead Dagestan soldiers and local residents during the invasion of Chechen militants. Village Agali. Tsumadinsky district. The Republic of Dagestan. RF. October 2000.

Mi-24 combat helicopter barrage over the location of the Russian troops. Chechen Republic, October 16, 1999.

BMP-2 crew at the road to Grozny. Selo Samashka. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. December 1999.

Chechen fighter with a gun gun "Borz", 1995.

And about. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin among fighters of the federal forces of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus. Chechen Republic. December 31, 1999.

Russian soldiers in the break between battles. Grozny. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. January 2000.

After the assault, Sela Komsomolskoe. Chechen Republic. The Russian Federation. year 2000.

Fighters of the 101st special brigade of the prompt destination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The inscription on BMP - "Let it not right - she is my homeland!" Grozny. Chechen Republic. February 9, 2000

Delivery of weapons by illegal armed formations. S. Zandag. Chechen Republic. August 16, 1995.