Calendar of significant dates. Conventional and memorable dates More about these musicians and events -

Calendar of significant dates. Conventional and memorable dates More about these musicians and events -

September 1, 1785.225 years ago a typography was opened Perm Gubernskaya Zemstvo. In Soviet times, the Zvezda publisher was held in the building for a long time. Currently, the building is still used for its intended purpose.

September 1Knowledge Day On September 22, 1786, the Main People's School was solemnly open in Perm, in which "taught mathematics, native language, drawing and harm." "25 boys, future students, four young people in the parade form - the teachers who recently arrived from St. Petersburg, deputies from the nobility and merchants - came out of the gate of the governor's home and, accompanied by the crowd of the people, followed the cathedral, and then to the school building." The school was discovered by the order of Empress Catherine II on the establishment of folk schools in Russia. In 1806, the Perm Main People's School was transformed into Perm Men's Gymnasium.

September 1, 1945.65 years ago, the choreographic studio at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater is reorganized into Perm Choreographic School. The first artistic director of him was the soloist of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater. S. M. Kirov Ekaterina Nikolaevna Geidreich.

September 2 - Day of the Russian Guard, I was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". The guard is traditionally called selected, privileged, better than other trained and equipped part of the troops. During the Great Patriotic War, many parts, ships, compounds and associations of the Soviet Armed Forces, distinguished in battles, were awarded the title of Guards. Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation includes three guards divisions - tank canhemirovskaya, motorized rifle Taman and motorized rifle Carpathian-Berlin; Guards Separate motorized rifle Sevastopol brigade and airborne airborne compounds, as well as guards parts and ships of the Navy.

September 3, 1880.130 years ago in Perm on the initiative of the governor V. A. Enakieva was formed committee on the Onlection and Charity of Beggars(department under the provincial prison committee).

September 3Solidarity Day in the fight against terrorism, established by federal law of 13.03.1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia".

September 3, 1990. 20 years ago for the first time the transfer of "Autoradio"- the first alternative radio station in the Urals. Currently - "Autoradio-TV", television and radio company.

4 SeptemberNuclear Specialist Day, I was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

September 5, 1945. 65 years ago born Valentina Feodorovna Telogin, Perm poet, author of the poetic books "Attraction", "Green August" and others was born in Kazakhstan, then worked in the Komi ASSR, in Vorkuta. He graduated from the Moscow Literary Institute. A. M. Gorky, where the leader of her creative seminar was Lev Oshanin. It was friendly with the poet Nikolai Rubtsov. In 1972, after graduating from the Institute, I came to Perm, I worked as a littsophone in the newspapers "Star" and "Big Kama", a member of the Union of Writers since 1977.

September 5Day of workers in the oil and gas industry, I was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.1980 No. 3018 "On Festive and Memorial Days".

September 6, 1970.40 years ago in Kazakhstan born Fedor Vasilyevich Kuzmin. The family moved to Perm, where Fyodor studied and worked. On February 7, 1996, he was enrolled in the new Division of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the fight against organized crime, in a rapid response detachment (column). In the spring of 1996, the consolidated Ural squad served in Chechnya. In one of the battles, Fyodor Kuzmina armored person was chopped up with fire and smoke. "Sawn, guys, I'll cover you," the last words of Fyodor addressed to the comrades were. The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is assigned to him posthumously. He was buried in Perm on the southern cemetery. His name is the Militia of the Military Guard of the Perm Territory.

September 7, 1910.100 years ago Chairman of the Council of Ministers arrived in Perm Peter Arkadyevich Stolypinaccompanied by the Master-Governing LandStower A. V. Krivoshein. High guests visited the handicraft and agricultural exhibition, arranged by the Perm Les.

11 SeptemberVictory Day of the Russian Squadron under the command of F. F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at the Tender Cape in 1790220 years ago. Installed by the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and commemorative dates of Russia".

September 11 (August 30 under Art. Art.) 1890. 120 years ago in Perm opened school for blind children and shelter with it. Evgenia Pavlovna Serebrennikova, an ophthalmologist, a famous public figure in Perm, became the founder of the school. The school was located in a building specifically built for him (at present School No. 22). Now the regional boarding school for visually impaired children is located at the address: ul. Samarkand, 32.

September 11, 1955. 55 years ago in Perm (Molotov) took place for the first time excursion over the city by plane. Tour bureau was looking for new forms of work. The local airport has allocated a convenient passenger aircraft, in which 10 people were placed. Excursants were happy to fly over the city from the upper mullov to Kamskaya HPP.

12-th of SeptemberTankista Day, I was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 31.05.2006 No. 549 "On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation". The beginning of the domestic tank buildings is referred to by 1920, when the Sormov workers built the first Soviet tank, called "Fighter for Freedom Comrade Lenin".

September 13, 2000. 10 years ago at the World Exhibition "Expo-2000" in Hanover (Germany) took place Day of the Perm region. The Perm region was represented by 40 leading enterprises, Perm Scientific Center, Perm State Art Gallery and Perm Philharmonic.

September 14, 1920. 90 years ago born Boris Alekseevich Chazov, Geographer, scientist, teacher, Professor of Perm State University. Its basic research is devoted to the problems of regional and anthropogenic landscapes. The author of numerous works on the physico-geographical zoning and landscapes of the Ural Prikamye, a valid member of the Academy of Natural Science.

September 17, 1995. 15 years ago in the Perm Palace of Culture. V. I. Lenin was opened The International Festival of New Documentary Cinema Flaertiana-95.The founder of the unique international festival of non-chamber cinema became Pavel Pechenkin, the organizer of a film studio "New course". The festival has become traditional.

September 18, 1925.85 years ago born Lyudmila Grigorievna Dakson, Historian, Director of the Perm Regional Local Lore Museum in 1950-1981, Honorary Citizen Perm, Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR. Died on January 16, 2008.

September 18, 1965. 45 years ago born Natalia Evgenievna Sokolova, historian, archaeologist, museum worker. In 1989 he graduated from the historical faculty of PGU. Since 1989, he has been working as a researcher at the Perm Regional Local Lore Museum, since 1995 - the head of the Archeology Department of the Museum. The theme of its research is "the material culture of the Prikamsky cities of the XVI-XIX centuries.". Actively participates in archaeological excavations in the territory of the Urals.

September 19.Day of forest workers, I was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.1980 No. 3018 "On Festive and Memorial Days". Celebrated from August 13, 1966. On the first day of the October Socialist Revolution, all forests were nationalized, and the "Basic Forest Law" (1918), signed by V. I. Lenin, determined the procedure for their use. V. I. Lenin signed more than 100 documents on the protection of nature. In the 1923th DU II, the session of the Central Executive Committee of the 10th convocation adopted the Forest Code of the RSFSR. Multidisciplinary activities of forestry workers are aimed at solving the problems of the ecology and economy of the country.

September 19, 1965. 45 years ago born elephant Johnny. On this day, the Day of His birth is celebrated in the Perm Zoo annually. The pride of the zoo, the elephant Johnny traditionally receives a huge cake from porridge and fruit on his birthday.

September 21Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary. According to legend, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary was made miraculously. Her parents Joachim and Anna had no children. They were warmly prayed for changing them by Chad. When they were already elderly people, the Lord revealed their mercy to them, and the daughter was born wonderful. According to the execution of the sortie of three years, parents led her to the temple, where she was brought up to 14 years of age.

September 21, 1740. 270 years ago born Ivan Ivanovich Lepjin, naturalist, traveler, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1760-1770, he led one of the units of the academic expedition to study the nature and natural resources of the Urals. He died in 1802.

September 21 - The day of the victory of the Russian regiments, led by the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Kulikova Battle in 1380, was established by the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the Days of Military Fame and Memorial Dates of Russia".

September 22, 1915. 95 years ago in the village of Subarka Sucunsky district was born Viktor Petrovich Painters, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. He was the rector of the Perm State University in 1970-1987. He died on October 22, 2006.

September 22, 1970. 40 years ago by a resolution of the Bureau of the Republic of History of the USSR in Perm was organized Ural Branch of the Archaeographic Commission. The doctor of the historical sciences F. S. Gorova became the chairman of the department.

September 23, 1990.20 years ago, the first issue of the regional social and political newspaper "Perm News" was published.

September 25, 1880. 130 years ago in the village of Arkhangelsk Solikamsky County of Perm Province was born Konstantin Timofeevich Babykin, Ural architect. He graduated from the real school in Perm. Architectural education received in Kiev. Labor activity began the architect in the management of the Perm Railway, then worked in Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk). Completed projects of railway stations in Solikamsk, Vereshchagino, Chusov, railway workshops in Perm. Since 1931 he taught, organized and headed the department of architecture in the Ural Polytechnic Institute (1947). He died in Sverdlovsk on November 14, 1960.

September 25, 1920. 90 years ago in the village of Trinity was born Sergey Fedorovich Kufonin, Hero of the Soviet Union. He graduated from the Perm Aviation School. During the Great Patriotic War was the navigator of the 135th Aviation Regiment. After the war, he continued to serve in the army. In 1955 he graduated from the Air Academy, lived in Moscow. He died on February 24, 1979. The name of Kufonin is Named Street in the Dzerzhinsky district of Perm.

September 25, 1950. 60 years ago born Natalia Leonidovna Nohrina, Museum worker, local history, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation (1997). Since 1971, it works in the Perm Regional (now - regional) of the Museum of Local Lore. Especially engaged in excursion and exhibition activities, research work, it is published a lot, organized and conducted a number of interesting scientific conferences. Until 2009, he was heading the Literary Department of the Museum.

September 26Mashinostroitel day, I was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 01.10.1980 No. 3018 "On Festive and Memorial Days".

September 26, 1895. 115 years ago born Vladimir Mikhailovich (Waldemar Martynovich) Azin, Member of the Civil War in the Urals. He fought under Kungur, in the southern regions of the modern Perm region, dismissed Kolchak Yekaterinburg from the troops. He died in 1920 in captivity of the White Guards. One of the most heroic and romantic personalities of the Civil War. The name of the legendary nation of the 28th rail division is well known in the Urals and Siberia. Hello songs, writer-revolutionary Larisa Reisler perpetuated him in his works. No less legendary and confusing is his biography, in which, so far, researchers have a lot of white spots.

September 27, 1935. 75 years ago born Nikolai Nikolaevich Boyarchikov, artist and balletmaster, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985), Laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR. M. I. Glinka (1977). In 1971-1977 he was the main balleraster of the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater and put here the best performances: "Three Musketeers", "Three Maps", "Romeo and Juliet", "Wonderful Mandarin", "Tsar Boris", "servant of two gentlemen "Orphea and Eurydica" and others. With his name, the concept of the "golden age of the Perm ballet" is connected. It was during this period that Perm first began to claim the title of the Baltic Capital of Russia. Since 1977, N. N. Boyarchikov - Chief Chief Maker and the artistic director of the Leningrad Mal Opera House Ballet, St. Petersburg Opera and Ballet Theater. M. P. Mussorgsky. Professor of the Leningrad - St. Petersburg Conservatory.

September 28Atomic Industry Day, I was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03.06.2005 No. 633 "On the Day of the Atomic Industry Employee".

September 29, 2000. 10 years ago published the first issue of the newspaper "Friday".The newspaper was represented as "Internet digest", an infotainment weekly. Founder and Publisher - Publishing House "Companion", editor - Valery Mazanov. Circulation 30,000 copies. Currently, the Perm urban newspaper "Friday" comes out of 70,000 copies, is distributed free of charge.

September 30, 1935.75 years ago born Stanislav Romanovich Kovalev, schedule, artist book, illustrator, honored artist RSFSR (1986), Corresponding Member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts (1993). Books decorated and illustrated by Kovalev went out in the publishing houses of Moscow, Perm, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Minsk, as well as in foreign publishers. The artist drawn up textbooks on nature scientists, native speech, Buvwari - Komi-Permytsky and others. For the Belarusian wardrobe (Minsk, 1973) was awarded the gold medal at the competition of Zabwaria in Leipzig (1977). "Pushkin's fairy tales" in the design of Kovalev was published in 16 European languages. "Russian folk fairy tales" in the artist's illustrations in 2005 came out five millionth editions in China. The author of many picturesque works, the topics of which "came out" from literary works. In 2000-2005, he wrote a 22 portrait of Russian and foreign writers for the literary and art complex of the regional (now - regional) of the children's library. L. I. Kuzmina. Participant of international and Russian book exhibitions fairs in Moscow, Bulgaria, Germany. Personal exhibitions of works took place in the Perm art gallery. Prize winner in the field of art and culture of the Perm region (1995). Works S. R. Kovaleva are in the collections of the Museums of the Perm region, the Urals, Siberia, in the private collections of Russia and abroad.

September 30, 1975. 35 years ago officially opened Perm Institute of CultureCurrently - Perm State Institute of Art and Culture (PGIIK). The decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR "On the Organization of Culture Institute in Perm" was adopted on March 26, 1975. October 1 at the university began classes. The Institute was preparing club and library workers for the Perm and Kirov regions, Udmurt and Komi ASSR. In June 1979, the first release of specialists was held - 186 people. Currently, the university preparations of 16 specialists (23 specializations). During its existence, more than 9 thousand specialists have prepared in the field of culture and art.

Famous Russian Classic Style Wrestler
Alexander Karelin is a three-time Olympic champion, a nine-time world champion, the twelvethicar champion of Europe. The Greco-Roman struggle began to study since 1981 at the Section of the Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute at the coach of Viktor Kuznetsov. In 1997, the Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded for merits to the Fatherland Kareline. Kareline is among the 25 best athletes of the world of the 20th century, along with such stars as Pele, Mohammed Ali, etc.

On this day were born

1877 Mikhail Tarkhanov, Russian Actor, Artist Mkat
Staying one of the leading MCAT masters, in 1942-1948 Tarkhanov was the artistic director of Gityis. A.V. Lunacharsky (now rati). Doctor of Art History (1939), Professor (from 1939), taught acting skills, stage speech, as no one possess the secrets of expressive intonation, voice timbre and shades of speech. The national studios (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Chuvash, etc.). "Outstanding duel" called the historians of the theater execution of the role of Luke at the bottom of the brothers Muscovites and Tarkhanov. Both played this role for 36 years ...

Events, Facts, Accidents

1941 Kiev are taken by German troops
For more than two months, the defense of Kiev, due to the order of Stalin, to keep the city at any price ended with the environment of the defeated city of troops. The Nazis included in the city in the first days destroyed over thirty thousand remaining in the city of Jews and wounded in Babi Yar, which became the place of mass executions in the next two years.

1982 Elena Zalolodchikova (1982), Russian gymnast, world champion

1979 Tatyana Muratova (1979), Russian athlete, world champion in modern pentathlon

1975 Gao In (1975), Chinese athlete, Bronze Mediterranean Olympiad-2000 in the shooting of a pistol

1972 Sonny Anderson (1972), Brazilian footballer, Lyon striker

1972 Ulrish Rama (1972), French football player, Bordeaux goalkeeper

1969 Konstantin Tszyu (1969), Russian boxer, world champion among professionals


Alexander Karelin (1967) is a three-time Olympic champion, nine-time world champion, twelve-time champion in Europe, hero of the Russian Federation.

1966 Eric Rudolph (1966), American terrorist, organizer of a number of explosions, one of the most wanted FBIs

1963 David Siememan (1963), English football player, Arsenal goalkeeper and England team

1949 Anatoly Kidkov (1949), Shakhtar footballer and Kiev "Dynamo", Cup winner, coach

1949 born twiggy, english mannequin (1949)

1948 Nadezhda Tkachenko (1948), Russian athlete, Olympic champion in pentathlon

1946 John Coglen (1946), Drummer of the English Rock Group "CVO Status"

1936 George Gladyshev (1936), Russian Biophysician, President of the Academy of Creativity

1934 Brian Epsteen (1934), Beatles Group Manager

1924 Don Harron (1924), Canadian Writer, Actor, Producer

1922 Emil Popopek (1922), Czech runner, fourfold Olympic champion

1911 William Golding (1911), English Writer, Nobel Laureate ("Lord Muh", "Spire", "Visible Darkness")

1887 Vera Pash (1887), Russian actress, small theater artist

1871 Yanuarian Tshovich (1871), Russian General, Commander of the 3rd and 7th Army (1917)

1839 George Cadbury (1839), American businessman, the creator of a large firm for the production of chocolate

1803 Nikolai Pavlov (1803), Russian writer and publicist, publisher of "Russian statements" ("Name Day", "Auction", "Yatagan")

1802 Lyosh Kohut (1802), Head of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, Supreme Ruler of Hungary (1848-49)

2003 Zhirinovsky insulted Russia

2002 Spanish athlete what Martinez overtook the bus

2001 UAZ-31622 car at the VII Moscow Industrial Exhibition-Fair 2001 awarded a Gold Medal

The 2000 Son of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein Udya was found servant in his home unconscious. He tried to choose the number of sleeping pills. One of the reasons for suicide attempt was to be a personal drama: after the attempt on him in December 1996, the Uda could not have children.

2000 Anna Kournikova bought a house in Miami for 5 million dollars

2000 In Berlin, an attempt was made to a pitch of the Reichstag. A 22-year-old German in his car Volkswagen Golf tried to break through the glass showcases to break through inside the building. The car is stuck. Later it turned out that she was lured from all sides by gasoline.

2000 In London, unique frames shot by English scientists were demonstrated. They are an asteroid that flew into the atmosphere of the Earth, passed on tangential and again flew into space. According to astronomers, if he walked 20 km lower, she would have crashed into the ground, which would cause a powerful explosion, as from a large nuclear bomb

1997 German Johan Schweyzer near Frankfurt committed the longest jump on the elastic cable - he jumped from a helicopter at an altitude of 2500 meters on a 284-meter cable

1997 A student Daian Falconi from Ontario won a record $ 21.8 million to the Lottery for Canada

1996 Government Guatemala signed a peace treaty with leaders of revolutionary formations, completing a 35-year-old civil war

1993 Deputies of the Supreme Council of Russia spent the night in the White House due to rumors about the intention of Yeltsin declare the dissolution of parliament

1993 Japanese Mac Ishumi set the current world record in Run 20 km - 1 hour 6 minutes. 48.8 seconds.

1988 Launched into space First Israeli satellite

1958 Elvis Presley went to military service to Germany

1950 Allies allowed West Germany to have their own foreign ministry

1946 Soviet government established a commission on collective farms for the return of collective farm ownership assigned to peasants during the war

1940 In Germany, non-Jew women are forbidden to work in Jewish houses

1939 In Brest-Litovsk, the German and Russian troops arrived in the Poles

1938 England and France demanded from Czechoslovakia to submit to the German requirements for the self-government of the Sudeten

September 1 - All-Russian holiday "Knowledge Day". (Installed in 1984).
September 1 - World Peace Day. (It is observed on the day of the beginning of World War II 1939-1945).
September 2 - memorable date of Russia. End of World War II (1945). (Installed by Federal Law of July 23, 2010 No. 170-FZ "On the Days of Military Fame and Memorial Dates of Russia").
September 2 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian writer Alexander Petrovich Kazantseva (1906-2002).
September 3 - memorable date of Russia. Solidarity Day in the fight against terrorism. (Installed by Federal Law of July 23, 2010 No. 170-FZ "On the Days of Military Fame and Memorial Dates of Russia". It is associated with tragic events in Beslan, when militants seized one of the city schools. As a result of the terrorist attack at school number 1, more Three hundred people, among them 150 children).
September 3 - 105 years since the birth of the Russian poet Sergei Grigorievich Island (1911-2005).
September 3 - 75 years since the birth of the Russian writer Sergei Donatovich Dontaistova (1941-1990).
September 4 - the day of the employees of the oil and gas industry. (It is celebrated on the first Sunday of September since 1965).
September 6 - European Day of Foreign Languages. (Noted from 2001 at the initiative of the Council of Europe).
September 7 - International Day for the destruction of a military toy. (It has been celebrated since 1988 on the initiative of the World Association for the help of orphans and children deprived of parental care).
September 7 - 75 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vladimir Nikolayevich Krupin (P.1941).
September 8 - the day of the military glory of Russia. Day of the Borodino battle of the Russian Army under the command of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov with the French Army (1812). (Established by Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and commemorative dates of Russia").
September 8 - International Dattle of Literacy, Reading. (It has been celebrated since 1967 by decision of the 14th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, held in November 1966).
September 8 - International Day of Solidarity of Journalists. (Held by decision of the 4th Congress of the International Journalist Organization).
September 8 - Crane Day.
September 8 - 105 years since the birth of the Russian Prose and Publicist Vasily Ivanovich Ardamatsky (1911-1989).
September 9 - World Beauty Day. (It is held on the initiative of the International Committee of Aesthetics and Cosmetology (Sidesco) since 1995).
September 11 - the Day of the Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Russian Squadron under the command of Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at the Tendra Cape (1790). (Established by Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and commemorative dates of Russia"). September 11 - day tanker. (It is celebrated on the second Sunday of September since 1946).
September 11 - International Day of Memory of Fascism Victims. (It is celebrated annually from 1962 on the second Sunday of September).
September 12 - 95 years since the birth of the Polish writer Stanislav Lema (1921-2006).
September 13 - 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer Gennady Alexandrovich Cherkashin (1936-1996).
September 13 - 100 years since the birth of the English writer Roald Dalya (1916-1990).
September 14 - 80 years since the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Semenovich Kushner (r. 1936).
September 15 - 125 years since the birth of the English writer Agatha Christie (n. Clarissa Miller) (1891-1976).
September 16 - International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. (It is noted by the decision of the UN General Assembly, since 1995, on the day of signing the Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances).
September 19 - 105 years since the birth of the Russian poet, Prosaik, Translator Seeds of Israeliyevich Lipkin (1911-2003).
September 19 - 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer Stanislav Timofeevich Romanovsky (1931-1996).
September 19 - 105 years since the birth of the English writer William Gerald Golding (1911-1993).
September 20 - International Day of Peace. (It is noted by the UN decision since 1981. On the third Tuesday of September).
September 21 - the Day of the Military Glory of Russia. The Victory Day of the Russian regiments headed by the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Kulikovsky battle (1380). (Established by Federal Law of March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ "On the days of military glory and memorable dates of Russia).
September 21 - 150 years since the birth of the English writer Herbert George Wells (1866-1946).
September 22 - 125 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ruvim Isaevich Frarman (1891-1972).
September 24 - World Sea Day in Russia. (It is celebrated since 1978 at the UN initiative, it is celebrated on the last week of September. In Russia, this day is celebrated on September 24).
September 24 - 120 years since the birth of the American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940).
September 25 - International Day of Deaf and Dumb. (It is celebrated since 1951 on the last Sunday of September in honor of the creation of the World deaf and dumb federation).
September 25 - World Heart Day. (It has been celebrated since 1999 on the last Sunday of September on the initiative of the World Heart Federation with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNESCO).
September 25 - Mashinostroitel's Day. (It is celebrated on the last Sunday of September since 1966).
September 25 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian composer Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich (1906-1975).
September 26 - European Day of Foreign Languages. (Celebrated since 2001, on the initiative of the Council of Europe).
September 27 - World Tourism Day. (Established the 3rd session of the General Assembly of the World Tourist Organization in 1979, held in Torremolino. This date was chosen in connection with the adoption on this day (1970) of the Charter of the World Tourism Organization).
September 27 - day of the preschool worker. (Celebrated since 2004).
September 30 - World Internet Day. Internet Day in Russia (Runet Day). (On this day in 1998, the first census of Runet users was held, at that time their number reached a million people).
September 30 - the day of faith, hopes, love and mother of their Sofia.
September 30 - International Interpreter Day. (It has been celebrated since 1991 on the initiative of the International Federation of Translators).
September 30 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian writer Lyubov Fedorovna Voronkova (1906-1976).