On the writer Lev Davydachev on documents of the State Archive of the Perm Region. Lev Ivanovich Davydychev Davydachev Old man and his greatest love

On the writer Lev Davydachev on documents of the State Archive of the Perm Region. Lev Ivanovich Davydychev Davydachev Old man and his greatest love

Project on the topic:


Lion Ivanovich Davydachev

Performed Tarutina Daria

Pupil 4 "g" class

High School number 3

g. Berezniki Perm Territory


Yashchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

berezniki 2009.

Formulation of the problem.

The Perm region is our homeland, and Perm writers were born here, lived and wrote their wonderful works. Lev Kuzmin, Vladimir Vorobyov, Evgeny Permyak, Lev Davydichev.

I chose the topic of the project "Life and Creativity Leo Ivanovich Davydachev." First, we in the first grade presented the book of Davydychev "Hands up or enemy No. 1", and secondly, when I read the books of this author, I really liked it.

I set me target: To learn more about this wonderful writer, to interest the guys of your class by the works of Davydchev, create an electronic presentation about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev, to spend a quiz.


  • find biographical and autobiographical materials about life and work L.I.Davydchev

  • collect information about the work of the writer and explore it;

  • read books L.I.Davydchev;

  • draft information book;

  • together with the teacher to make an electronic presentation;

  • submit to the protection of a class project at the local conference.

  1. The project I started from visiting the school library and immediately encountered certain difficulties, since the materials of the biography in the school library did not turn out.

  2. Then I turned to the teacher, I read the books that I advised me.

  3. I went to the Children's Library, to the library "Uralkali" and others.

  4. I was looking for the necessary information on the Internet: the facts of biography, portraits, photos.
Then reread his works. Thought about why these works are so unusual.

Outcome My work was the information book about the life and work of the Permist writer L.I.Davydychev, then when the guys of my class rerteced the books of Davydchev, I spent a quiz one of his works "Life of Ivan Semenov".


Davydichev Lev Ivanovich born January 1, 1927 year in the city Solikamsk Perm Region. Since 1939, he lived in Perm, graduated from a seven-year school. And from 1941 to 1945 he studied in oil Technical school on the geological department, where he made the first steps in his literary activities, was editor The newspapers of the geologists "Run", the satirical journal "Pseudomorphosis in the crocodile", in which, as his fellow worker on the Technical School of Matveyev writes, was delivered not only to students, but also to teachers. After graduating from the technical school, the year worked operatoron the oil field in the city of Krasnokamsk. And there soon wrote his first work "Bottle of Oil", which was printed in one of the Perm magazines. In 1946 he entered historical and Philology Faculty of Perm State University. 1946 became the beginning journalist activities L.Davdychev. He is a reporter of the Perm newspapers "Star" and "Young Guard". And in 1952 it comes out first book for children "The wizard of the country village." "I started writing from fairy tales, as it seemed that the fairy tales would write easier everything ... Many later realized that it was most difficult," the author says.

In 1959, the book of the story of L. Kdavdychev "Alien Suitcase" comes in Perm. The most successful of them (according to critics) - "Girl with three braids", "Ryuva". In the story "Ryuva", perhaps, for the first time humor It becomes the means that unobtrusively brings up the reader.

On the day of its sixtieth anniversary of 1987) in the newspaper "Star" L.I. Davydichev says: "In meetings with readers, I am constantly asked how many of my books are printed. And I never thought. But before the 60th anniversary I decided yet. And I got 45. But these are publications and reprints. And in pure form - fifteen. It turns out two years of work on the book. This is an average. It does not work faster. "(1, 135)

Lev Davydachev is known to us, above all, as a children's writer. "Life of Ivan Semenov", "Lilishna from the third entrance" - these names immediately pop up in memory when hearing his name. According to his works, the cartoons, movies were removed, theatrical performances were made. The works of Davydchev were published not only in Russia, but also in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, in Bulgaria.

According to L.N. Davydachev " Hands up! Or enemy №1»Director Vladimir Grammatikov in 1981 the year has been filmed a musical film. Such famous actors were filmed in it: Georgy Vitsin, Tatiana Peltzer, Irina Muravyeva and others. Grammatical films at one time were recognized as the best in the section of children's and youth films at the International Festival in Moscow and San Sebastian, and "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", according to the unanimous recognition of critics, was led to the All-Union week of children's movies in Minsk.

L.I. Dodavychiev has repeatedly elected the responsible secretary of the Perm Regional Writer Organization, was a member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. For fruitful literary activities awarded a medal "For the valiant work to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin." In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Hall Sign, in 1977 - the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In 1985, the writer was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR".

Laureate of the regional award named after Arkady Gaidar.

Portrait of L.I. Davydacheva decorates the foyer of the Perm Regional Children's Library. L.I. Kuzmina (wrote a portrait Honored Artist of Russia, Perm artist Stanislav Kovalev).

November 24, 1988, L.I. Dyavdycheva did not. He died of heart attack. He could not stand the heart of the load that accompanied his work.

2007 in the Perm Territory - was declared the year L.I. Dodydchev.

October 9, 2008 A commemorative board was established on the building of the regional department of the Union of Writers of Russia (Siberian Street, 30) with the inscription: "In this house worked in the 20th century writers: Victor Astafiev, Vladimir Vorobiev, Mikhail Golubkov, Lev Davydichev, Nikolay Domovitov, Lev Kuzmin, Lev Pravdin, Vladimir Radkevich, Alexey Reshets. "

Pupils of 10 "b" class of Perm gymnasium became initiated initiators.

What are the features of the works of Davydchev?

  1. With each new product humor It becomes more and more strengths of L.I.Davydchev's creativity.
The fairy tale "About the mouse with a golden tail, about the mouse with a silver tail and about the mouse, who has no tilt at all" begins with a dialogue that is already reading funny:

"I went to the zoological store, asked:

Tigers are there?

I sold everyone yesterday, "the seller replied," now it will have to wait until the new year.

Long, - I said, - Are there any interesting animals?

How much. Here is the hedgehog.

No, I don't need hedgehog. Suddenly I do not notice and sit on him? I would be the beast softer. "

The present skill of the writer manifested itself in all his follow-up books. So, for example, in the book about Ivan Semenov, there were a lot of funny moments.

  1. In the full name of the work "Multiple, full of adversity and dangers, the life of Ivan Semenova, a second-grader and a New Year, written on the basis of the personal observations of the author and the stories, which he heard from the participants of the outlined events, as well as some fancy share" 31 Word! And in this - another feature Creative manner of a writer. The story of Ivan Semenov was completed in 1961, and four years later - "Lyulishna from the third entrance, or a story about a good girl, a brave boy, a tame of Lviv, a two-way couple, a ridiculous policeman and other interesting personalities, listed which in There is no opportunity for the name, because it is both too long "(38 words).
In 1969, the story "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", in the full name of which 59 words!

  1. And Davydichev is a big fifteentist. If he wants to say something very important, then comes up unusual line. Sometimes letters are located a column, sometimes diagonally, steps, swarming, right to left. Separate words in the works are recorded with the repetition of letters or syllables. Here are some examples:

  1. Ivan the girls did not notice, stuffed about it and flew by Kuvarka, counting the head of the step.
    A knock!
    A knock!
    A knock!
    A knock!

  2. Left Ivan in the second grade
N and in t about r about y about d!

    Under the pussy

how Ra to the tree!

  1. Horror!
    Ivan has slept!
    Ivan Speak !!!
    Speak Ivan !!!

  • The reader will definitely re-read the desired thought, because he understands: the author emphasizes the unusual situation.

  • Before Lion Ivanovich, nobody played so selflessly in prose strings and fonts, punctuation signs (at least in Perm). And in 1962, the Perm Book Publishing House, pretty having suffered with an unusual layout, released a book about Ivan Semenov.

  • She was published in Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, Kiev, in Moscow, in Perm three more times (last time - in 2004).

Brief history of the creation of the film "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov"

In the early 1960s, Perm writer Lev Davydichev Posted by the story is lych in shape and daring in content. One thing about what is worth - "Multidnient, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year".

In 1966, an art film entitled "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov - Second-grader and the New Yearry was removed on Perm television.

Director: Konstantin Berezovsky.

Writer: Lev Davydachev.

The main role was chosen by an ordinary Perm boy -

Vova Vorobya. Although he is not at all similar to Ivan Semenov from the book.

According to Ivan Semenov - lanky. Nevishy Vladimir Sparrow did not immediately like the director Berezovsky, but Lev Davydichev immediately approved him on the main role as soon as he saw. By the way, Vladimir, unlike his character, was an excellent student and played sports, played in the city team in the leather ball tournaments and the Golden Washer. At first, they planned to make Ivan's grimita exactly according to the book, including drawing freckles. However, they refused, the character and so turned out to be colorful.

The film turned out good.

Vovka Sparrow gained lifelong fame. Forty-three years have passed, but still Vladimir Vaclavovich is invited to schools and libraries to communicate with children and teachers, talk about the filming of the unique Perm film.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bshooting the film about Ivan Semenov on the Permian television studio arose immediately after entering the story of Lion Davydachev. However, Permian televisers did not have experience at the time of the experience of filming a full-length movie. However, as the director Konstantin Berezovsky, who came to working on the Perm Studio Television from Ufa. But after reading the script, and then the book itself, Berezovsky agreed to work on the film, putting the only condition - to give him a year for the preparation of young actors. Every week, the guys were trained every week, the guys trained acting, and the received skills were fixed with television performances . Most guys later played in Ivan Semenov.

The first Perm full-length film was released on April 1, 1966. At the same time he became a laureate at the first All-Union Festival of Television Films in Kiev, and the young actor of Volodya Sparrow - received a prize for the best execution of a child role. The picture seemed to many miracle, among other things, from an economic point of view: 33 thousand rubles went to her creation, which was in 7 Once cheaper movies created in metropolitan studios. How many "Ivan Semenov" earned at the box office - and they were also watched abroad - one state is known.
About Ivan Semenov, songs and compose continued. His willingly paint and children and adults:
- artist Valery Averkiev (1976);
- Second-grader Easthin Rudik (2001);
- artist Olga Davydychev, the granddaughter of the author (2004);

Writer Vladimir Kishin (2003).

Ivan Semenov's dreams about glory came true. In recent years, the love of Permyaks has increased to him even more. Writers Vyacheslav Zapolsky and Vladimir Kishin, for example, created Society of friends Ivan Semenova- For "propaganda and development of Perm literature, search and support of young talents."

And in 2003, Ivan even installed a monument. The sculpture of the work of Nikolay Chromova, carved from a solid piece of granite, is now in the reclining near the theater of dolls.

We recognize: the former executor of the role of the role of "his" monument took a skeptical, called him uninteresting: "This is not a monument to Ivan Semenov, this is a sculpture depicting Scholyar. To Ivan Semenov has nothing to do with

Vladimir Sparrow stands for a monument to Lion Davydichev and the Alley of his name, in which many famous heroes of a talented children's writer would be settled, including Ivan Semenov, but the other.

The Perm School No. 2 opened the Writer Museum. Pupils of Perm School No. 2, where the film was filmed, the design of the "Museum of Children's Book of Kamaje" and the literary cafe "Ivan Semenov". Olga Davydacheva, the granddaughter of the writer became the culprit of these undities. She, heiress, got his huge archive, many paintings, books and manuscripts. All this she proposed the Perm art gallery, where she was reported on the existence of humanitarian school №2. It was there that, about 40 paintings with the gift inscriptions of artists, Lion Davydachev's library - Most of the books, too, with the author's gift inscriptions, the archive of manuscripts and a typewriter, on which the famous children's writer worked. On the first floor of the school, the literary cafe "Ivan Semenov" was already opened The design of which was attended by the executor of the role of a second-grader and a New Year in the film of the same name Vladimir Sparrow. From the walls on visitors, photos of Ivan and shots from a cult child film are watching. According to the school administration, the cafe should be the meeting place for high school students, various literary evenings, intellectual games.

At the initiative of the Governor of the Perm Territory, Oleg Chirkunova, a tradition has emerged to give all first-graders of the Perm Territory of the Book of Perm Writers. So, in 2004, the book about Ivan Semenov was reprinted, in 2005 - "Lilishna from the third entrance", in 2006 - "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", in 2007 - "This sweetheart Lyudmila." In these books, the original illustrations that Olga Davydachev drawn (granddaughter of the writer). She admits that in the publisher, when she worked on the book, the atmosphere of laughter reigned - from every angle, the laughter was heard.

Works L.I. Davydychev and now love and read children.


I believe that the goal set by me is achieved. I learned a lot of interesting things about L.I. Davydychev, created an electronic presentation about his life and work, interested the guys of their class with the works of L.I. Davydychev, we watched the film "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov", I spent a closer on the book "Life of Ivan Semenova."


  • Bottle of oil. Story. (1952)

  • The wizard of the country village. Sat Story. (1952)

  • Hot hearts. Tale. (1953)

  • At ringing streams. Sat Story. (1953)

  • As a bear porridge ate. Story. (1954)

  • Hard love. Tale. (1955)

  • My friends are friends, or a story about how the guys lived in the lower roosters. Tale. (1957)

  • Why cried girl: three stories notebooks. (1959)

  • Someone else's suitcase. Sat Story. (1959)

  • My familiar sparrow. Story. (1960)

  • The root of long-distance trains: five notebooks of stories. (1961)

  • Multi-hard, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year art. (1961)

  • Lilishna from the third entrance. Tale. (1963)

  • Old man and his greatest love. Sat Story. (1965)

  • The soul is not in place: seven notebooks stories. Sat Story. (1965)

  • Hands up! Or enemy number 1. Roman. (1969)

  • Random satellite. Tale. (1975)

  • The longest moment. Sat Story. (1977)

  • Uncle Kolya - Pop Popov - can not live without football. Tale. (1979)

  • This cute Lyudmila. Novel. (1980)

  • Chumazy Fedotik. Sat Story. (1983)

  • Lieutenant-General Samoilov returns to childhood. Roman for children.

  • About the mouse with a golden tail ... Tale (1960)

  • Capricious vasya and obedient foys of Athos. Story.

  • Daughter of revolution. Story.

  • General Shito-indoor.


  • Three and a half days from the life of Ivan Semenov - second-grader and the New Yearbook (film) - 1966

  • Hands up! (film) - 1982


  • The life and suffering of Ivan Semenova - 1964

  • Chip's adventure - 1979

  • Petkins Tricks (according to the book "Lilishna from the third entrance") - 1980


  • 1. Works of Perm Writers in elementary school (texts and guidelines for primary school teachers). Perm, Publisher Poipcro, 1993.

  • 2. N.A. Knyazeva "Little Permyak. Alphabet of Lyelda »1, 2, 3 class. Perm, "Book World", 2007.

  • 3. Writers of the Perm region / Perm region. writing organization; Cost. V. A. Bogomolov. - Perm: "Book", 1996. - 186 p.

  • 4. Davydachev L.I. Life Ivan Semenova. Lilishna from the third entrance: Tale / Artist V. Averskin. - Perm: KN. Publishing house, 1990. - 279 p.

  • 5. http://archive.perm.ru/page.php?id\u003d401

  • 6. WWW. . liter. perm. ru

  • 7. http://59.ru/generation/14.html?p\u003d1

  • 8. http: //abursh.. sytes.. net.

  • 9. http://podb.perm-krai.ru/

  • 10. Davydachev L.I. Multiple, complete adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year art. - Perm, 2004.


according to the book L.I. Dodavydcheva "Life of Ivan Semenova"

1. Find all the mistakes in the letter Ivan Semenova (write it right)

2. Who are these heroes?

- "Imagine a strong tall-old boy with a naked married and such a huge head that it's not any hat on it"

(Ivan Semenov)

- "If this girl was born a boy, then from her (that is, from him) would be a fighter or a boxer of the most severe weight. This fourth-grader was rising as an eighth grader "


- "They monuistrate so the unfortunate child," she, "she was crushed ... only one knows - to bring up and re-educate. And you need to regret the child, it is necessary to feed it "


"He could not learn to correctly pronounce words with the prefixes" pre-"and" re- ". He got:

I broke.

I jumped.

I'm per-fled.

(First-grader Alik Solovyov)

Friend Ivana

(Pasha Sparrow)

Who got from all the trick of Ivan

(Kolya Vetka)

- "No, you will not become a famous person, she said, - You're a famous Lodody"

(teacher Anna Antonovna)

Who got Ivan from under the bath?

(Militiaman Friushkin)

3. What's the signage read Ivan? What do these words mean?

Bakana, tour

(Grocery, Grocery)

4. Ivan dreamed that a stone board will be nailed on the school building, and it is written on it ... What?

(In this school suffered and suffered, but with honors, she graduated from a wonderful, but the most unfortunate man in the world Ivan Semenov)

Tarutina Daria

The Perm region is our homeland, and Perm writers were born here, lived and wrote their wonderful works. Lev Kuzmin, Vladimir Vorobyov, Evgeny Permyak, Lev Davydichev.

I chose the topic of the project "Life and Creativity Leo Ivanovich Davydachev." First, we in the first grade presented the book of Davydychev "Hands up or enemy No. 1", and secondly, when I read the books of this author, I really liked it.

I set me target: To learn more about this wonderful writer, to interest the guys of your class by the works of Davydchev, create an electronic presentation about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev, to spend a quiz.



Project on the topic:


Lion Ivanovich Davydachev

Performed Tarutina Daria

Pupil 4 "g" class

High School number 3

G. Berezniki Perm Territory


Yashchenko Tatyana Viktorovna

Berezniki 2010.

Formulation of the problem.

The Perm region is our homeland, and Perm writers were born here, lived and wrote their wonderful works. Lev Kuzmin, Vladimir Vorobyov, Evgeny Permyak, Lev Davydichev.

I chose the topic of the project "Life and Creativity Leo Ivanovich Davydachev." First, we in the first grade presented the book of Davydychev "Hands up or enemy No. 1", and secondly, when I read the books of this author, I really liked it.

I set metarget : To learn more about this wonderful writer, to interest the guys of your class by the works of Davydchev, create an electronic presentation about the life and work of L.I. Davydychev, to spend a quiz.


  1. find biographical and autobiographical materials about life and work L.I.Davydchev
  2. collect information about the work of the writer and explore it;
  3. read books L.I.Davydchev;
  4. draft information book;
  5. together with the teacher to make an electronic presentation;
  6. submit to the protection of a class project at the local conference.
  1. The project I started from visiting the school library and immediately encountered certain difficulties, since the materials of the biography in the school library did not turn out.
  2. Then I turned to the teacher, I read the books that I advised me.
  3. I went to the Children's Library, to the library "Uralkali" and others.
  4. I was looking for the necessary information on the Internet: the facts of biography, portraits, photos.

Then reread his works. Thought about why these works are so unusual.

Outcome My work was the information book about the life and work of the Permist writer L.I.Davydychev, then when the guys of my class rerteced the books of Davydchev, I spent a quiz one of his works "Life of Ivan Semenov".


Davydichev Lev Ivanovichborn January 1, 1927 year in the city Solikamsk Perm Region. Since 1939, he lived in Perm, graduated from a seven-year school. And from 1941 to 1945 he studied inoil Technical school on the geological department, where he made the first steps in his literary activities, waseditor Newspapers of geologists "Run", satirical journal"Pseudomorphosis in the crocodile", in which, as his fellow in the Technical School of Matveyev writes, it was delivered not only to students, but also to teachers. After graduating from the technical school, the year workedoperator on the oil field in the city of Krasnokamsk.And there soon wrote hisfirst work "Bottle of Oil", which was printed in one of the Perm magazines. In 1946 he enteredhistorical and Philology Faculty of Perm State University.1946 became the beginningjournalist activities L.Davdychev. He is a reporter of the Perm newspapers "Star" and "Young Guard". And in 1952 it comes outfirst book for children "The wizard of the country village." "I started writing from fairy tales, as it seemed that the fairy tales would write easier everything ... Many later realized that it was most difficult," the author says.

In 1959, the book of the story of L. Kdavdychev "Alien Suitcase" comes in Perm. The most successful of them (according to critics) - "Girl with three braids", "Ryuva". In the story "Ryuva", perhaps,for the first time humor It becomes the means that unobtrusively brings up the reader.

On the day of its sixtieth anniversary of 1987) in the newspaper "Star" L.I. Davydichev says: "In meetings with readers, I am constantly asked how many of my books are printed. And I never thought. But before the 60th anniversary I decided yet. And I got 45. But these are publications and reprints. And in pure form -fifteen . It turns out two years of work on the book. This is an average. It does not work faster. "(1, 135)

Lev Davydachev is known to us, above all, as a children's writer. "Life of Ivan Semenov", "Lilishna from the third entrance" - these names immediately pop up in memory when hearing his name. According to his works, the cartoons, movies were removed, theatrical performances were made. The works of Davydchev were published not only in Russia, but also in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, in Bulgaria.

According to L.N. Davydacheva "Hands up! Or enemy №1»Director Vladimir Grammatikov in1981 the year has been filmed a musical film. Such famous actors were filmed in it: Georgy Vitsin, Tatiana Peltzer, Irina Muravyova and others. Grammatical films at one time were recognized as the best in the section of children's and youth films at the International Festival in Moscow and San Sebastian, and "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", according to the unanimous recognition of critics, was led to the All-Union week of children's movies in Minsk.

L.I. Dodavychiev has repeatedly elected the responsible secretary of the Perm Regional Writer Organization, was a member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. For fruitful literary activities awarded a medal "For the valiant work to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin." In 1971 he was awarded the Order of the Hall Sign, in 1977 - the Certificate of Honor of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In 1985, the writer was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR".

Laureate of the regional award named after Arkady Gaidar.

Portrait of L.I. Davydacheva decorates the foyer of the Perm Regional Children's Library. L.I. Kuzmina (wrote a portrait Honored Artist of Russia, Perm artist Stanislav Kovalev).

November 24, 1988, L.I. Dyavdycheva did not. He died of heart attack. He could not stand the heart of the load that accompanied his work.

2007 in the Perm Territory - was declared the year L.I. Dodydchev.

October 9, 2008 A commemorative board was established on the building of the regional department of the Union of Writers of Russia (Siberian Street, 30) with the inscription: "In this house worked in the 20th centurywriters : Victor Astafiev, Vladimir Vorobiev, Mikhail Golubkov,Lev Davydichev , Nikolay Domovitov, Lev Kuzmin, Lev Pravdin, Vladimir Radkevich, Alexey Reshets. "
Pupils of 10 "b" class of Perm gymnasium became initiated initiators.

What are the features of the works of Davydchev?

  1. With each new producthumor It becomes more and more strengths of L.I.Davydchev's creativity.

The fairy tale "About the mouse with a golden tail, about the mouse with a silver tail and about the mouse, who has no tilt at all" begins with a dialogue that is already reading funny:

"I went to the zoological store, asked:

Tigers are there?

I sold everyone yesterday, "the seller replied," now it will have to wait until the new year.

Long, - I said, - Are there any interesting animals?

How much. Here is the hedgehog.

No, I don't need hedgehog. Suddenly I do not notice and sit on him? I would be the beast softer. "

The present skill of the writer manifested itself in all his follow-up books. So, for example, in the book about Ivan Semenov, there were a lot of funny moments.

  1. In the full name of the work "Multiple, full of adversity and dangers, the life of Ivan Semenova, a second-grader and a New Year, written on the basis of the personal observations of the author and the stories, which he heard from the participants of the outlined events, as well as some fancy share" 31 Word! And in this -another feature Creative manner of a writer. The story of Ivan Semenov was completed in 1961, and four years later - "Lyulishna from the third entrance, or a story about a good girl, a brave boy, a tame of Lviv, a two-way couple, a ridiculous policeman and other interesting personalities, listed which in There is no opportunity for the name, because it is both too long "(38 words).

In 1969, the story "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", in the full name of which 59 words!

  1. And Davydichev is a big fifteentist. If he wants to say something very important, then comes upunusual line. Sometimes letters are located a column, sometimes diagonally, steps, swarming, right to left. Separate words in the works are recorded with the repetition of letters or syllables. Here are some examples:
  1. Ivan the girls did not notice, stuffed about it and flew by Kuvarka, counting the head of the step.
    A knock!
    A knock!
    A knock!
    A knock!
  2. Left Ivan in the second grade

N and in t about r about y about d!


  1. Under the pussy


How Ra to the tree!

  1. Horror!
    Ivan has slept!
    Ivan Speak !!!
    Speak Ivan !!!
  1. The reader will definitely re-read the desired thought, because he understands: the author emphasizes the unusual situation.
  2. Before Lion Ivanovich, nobody played so selflessly in prose strings and fonts, punctuation signs (at least in Perm). And in 1962, the Perm Book Publishing House, pretty having suffered with an unusual layout, released a book about Ivan Semenov.
  3. She was published in Vilnius, Warsaw, Prague, Kiev, in Moscow, in Perm three more times (last time - in 2004).

Brief history of the creation of the film "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov"

In the early 1960s, Perm writerLev Davydichev Posted by the story is lych in shape and daring in content. One thing about what is worth - "Multidnient, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year".

In 1966, an art film entitled "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov - Second-grader and the New Yearry was removed on Perm television.

Director: Konstantin Berezovsky.

Writer: Lev Davydachev.

The main role was chosen by an ordinary Perm boy -

Vova Vorobya. Although he is not at all similar to Ivan Semenov from the book.

According to Ivan Semenov - lanky. Nevishy Vladimir Sparrow did not immediately like the director Berezovsky, but Lev Davydichev immediately approved him on the main role as soon as he saw. By the way, Vladimir, unlike his character, was an excellent student and played sports, played in the city team in the leather ball tournaments and the Golden Washer. At first, they planned to make Ivan's grimita exactly according to the book, including drawing freckles. However, they refused, the character and so turned out to be colorful.

The film turned out good.

Vovka Sparrow gained lifelong fame. Forty-three years have passed, but still Vladimir Vaclavovich is invited to schools and libraries to communicate with children and teachers, talk about the filming of the unique Perm film.

"The idea of \u200b\u200bshooting the film about Ivan Semenov on the Permian television studio arose immediately after entering the story of Lion Davydachev. However, Permian televisers did not have experience at the time of the experience of filming a full-length movie. However, as the director Konstantin Berezovsky, who came to working on the Perm Studio Television from Ufa. But after reading the script, and then the book itself, Berezovsky agreed to work on the film, putting the only condition - to give him a year for the preparation of young actors. Every week, the guys were trained every week, the guys trained acting, and the received skills were fixed with television performances . Most guys later played in Ivan Semenov.

The first Perm full-length film was released on April 1, 1966. At the same time he became a laureate at the first All-Union Festival of Television Films in Kiev, and the young actor of Volodya Sparrow - received a prize for the best execution of a child role. The picture seemed to manymiracle , among other things, from an economic point of view: 33 thousand rubles went to her creation, which was in7 Once cheaper movies created in metropolitan studios. How many "Ivan Semenov" earned at the box office - and they were also watched abroad - one state is known.

About Ivan Semenov, songs and composecontinued. His willingly paint and children and adults:
- artist Valery Averkiev (1976);
- Second-grader Easthin Rudik (2001);
- artist Olga Davydychev, the granddaughter of the author (2004);

Writer Vladimir Kishin (2003).

Ivan Semenov's dreams about glory came true. In recent years, the love of Permyaks has increased to him even more. Writers Vyacheslav Zapolsky and Vladimir Kishin, for example, createdSociety of friends Ivan Semenova- For "propaganda and development of Perm literature, search and support of young talents."

And in 2003, Ivan even installed a monument. The sculpture of the work of Nikolay Chromova, carved from a solid piece of granite, is now in the reclining near the theater of dolls.

We recognize: the former executor of the role of the role of "his" monument took a skeptical, called him uninteresting: "This is not a monument to Ivan Semenov, this is a sculpture depicting Scholyar. To Ivan Semenov has nothing to do with

Vladimir Sparrow stands for a monument to Lion Davydichev and the alley of his name, in which many famous heroes of a talented children of a writer would be settled, including Ivan Semenov, but the other.

The Perm School No. 2 opened the Writer Museum. Pupils of Perm School No. 2, where the film was filmed, the design of the "Museum of Children's Book of Kamaje" and the literary cafe "Ivan Semenov". Olga Davydacheva, the granddaughter of the writer became the culprit of these undities. She, heiress, got his huge archive, many paintings, books and manuscripts. All this she proposed the Perm art gallery, where she was reported on the existence of humanitarian school №2. It was there that, about 40 paintings with the gift inscriptions of artists, Lion Davydachev's library - Most of the books, too, with the author's gift inscriptions, the archive of manuscripts and a typewriter, on which the famous children's writer worked. On the first floor of the school, the literary cafe "Ivan Semenov" was already opened The design of which was attended by the executor of the role of a second-grader and a New Year in the film of the same name Vladimir Sparrow. From the walls on visitors, photos of Ivan and shots from a cult child film are watching. According to the school administration, the cafe should be the meeting place for high school students, various literary evenings, intellectual games.

At the initiative of the Governor of the Perm Territory, Oleg Chirkunova, a tradition has emerged to give all first-graders of the Perm Territory of the Book of Perm Writers. So, in 2004, the book about Ivan Semenov was reprinted, in 2005 - "Lilishna from the third entrance", in 2006 - "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", in 2007 - "This sweetheart Lyudmila." In these books, the original illustrations that Olga Davydachev drawn (granddaughter of the writer).She admits that in the publisher, when she worked on the book, the atmosphere of laughter reigned - from every angle, the laughter was heard.

Works L.I. Davydychev and now love and read children.


I believe that the goal set by me is achieved. I learned a lot of interesting things about L.I. Davydychev, created an electronic presentation about his life and work, interested the guys of their class with the works of L.I. Davydychev, we watched the film "Three and a half days from Ivan Semenov", I spent a closer on the book "Life of Ivan Semenova."


  1. Bottle of oil. Story. ()
  2. The wizard of the country village. Sat Story. ()
  3. Hot hearts. Tale. ()
  4. At ringing streams. Sat Story. ()
  5. As a bear porridge ate. Story. ()
  6. Hard love. Tale. ()
  7. My friends are friends, or a story about how the guys lived in the lower roosters. Tale. ()
  8. Why cried girl: three stories notebooks. ()
  9. Someone else's suitcase. Sat Story. ()
  10. My familiar sparrow. Story. ()
  11. The root of long-distance trains: five notebooks of stories. ()
  12. Multi-hard, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and the New Year art. ()
  13. Lilishna from the third entrance. Tale. ()
  14. Old man and his greatest love. Sat Story. (

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.

Lev Ivanovich Davydychev born January 1, 1927, He died on November 24, 1988 - a children's writer. Born in the city of Solikamsk Perm region in the family of the employee. In 1946, he entered the correspondence historical and philological department of the Perm University, at the end of which he worked as a literary employee of the newspaper "Big Change", and then editor in the regional book publishing house. Since 1950, he acts as a professional writer. The first book for children L. Davydicheva - a collection of stories "The Wizard of the Country Plant" - was published in 1952. A kind of humorist writer came to children's literature. Humor is necessarily present in each work, he is the most important acting face of any new story. The characteristic feature of the style of Davydachev is the author's retreats: the writer loves, stopping the action, insert a few commenting phrases, sometimes it seems to be not related to the case, the phrases of these invariably humorous. The writer manner of Davydicheva is very original. So, the action of the story "Lelishna from the third entrance" begins with a parade of participants, both in the circus, and the plot develops like a circus representation: in three acts with intermission and calls. Behind this mischievous appearance is a serious sense, and lyric is organically combined with comic. And it is this that gives the book a special charm. Many innovative makes themselves in themselves and other Novels of L. Davydachev: "Multi-hard, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenovich, a second-grader and a reagent", "hands up! Or enemy №1" and a novel for high school students "This Mute Lyudmila". Davydchev's readers leads to the idea that the nobility, loyalty, kindness, willingness to come to the rescue - all this should manifest itself in people since childhood, that the main thing is our vocation - to be a man.

Dear, young readers! I offer you several contests on the works of Lev Ivanovich Davydachev.
1. Contest of fantasies.
From each team choose two participants. They read out loud the story of why the village of Nizhny Cockery (the story - "My friends, friends") received such a name. The task of each group is within 10 minutes to prepare its version of the origin of this name.
2. Competition "Choose a friend"
Each team chooses any hero from the writer's leader and proves opponent team, why it is possible to call it a friend. During the proof, you can read the passages from the story, to express personal opinions. The competition is estimated at three points, and the conviction and reasonable response is taken into account. For the preparation of the answer is given five minutes.
3. Competition "Homework"
Teams should prepare the drainage or expressive reading of the most funny, in their opinion, the episode of any of the three leaders L. Davydachev.

L. I. Davydichev - Famous Ural Writer. L. I. Davydichev - Famous Ural Writer. Born in the city of Solikamsk Perm region January 1, 1927 was born in the city of Solikamsk Perm region on January 1, 1927 there were many books in the house, and the boy began to read early. There were many books in the house, and the boy began to read early. After school-seven -1e Davydichev studied in the Perm Oil Technical School. After school-seven -1e Davydichev studied in the Perm Oil Technical School. Then he worked on the Krasnokamsky oil industry. C1946 - In newspapers, in the Perm book publishing house and in absentia studied at the university. Then he worked on the Krasnokamsky oil industry. C1946 - In newspapers, in the Perm book publishing house and in absentia studied at the university.

And now the solution is ripe: it is necessary to write. And now the solution is ripe: it is necessary to write. But the children's writer Lev Ivanovich became not immediately. He found the key to the soul of a child when he himself became his father and composed for his son's cheerful stories. But the children's writer Lev Ivanovich became not immediately. He found the key to the soul of a child when he himself became his father and composed for his son's cheerful stories. His first book for children - the "wizard of the country village" - appeared in 1952. His first book for children - the "wizard of the country village" - appeared in 1952.

And then there are dozens of books in Perm, in Moscow and abroad - in Hungary, in Poland, Bulgaria. And then there are dozens of books in Perm, in Moscow and abroad - in Hungary, in Poland, Bulgaria. On them films were removed and the performances were raised ... Movies were removed and the performances were taken ... Once the writer said: "If you gather all the heroes of my books, then, perhaps, they would not fit in my apartment." Once a writer said: "If you gather all the heroes of my books, then, perhaps, they would not fit in my apartment."

Books "Hands up! Or enemy1 "" Uncle Kolya - Pop Popov - can not live without football "" This sweetheart Lyudmila "" Chumazy Fedotik "" General - Lieutenant Samoilov returns to childhood "" Multiple, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenova, a second-grader and a New Year " Lilishna from the third entrance "

"Multivated boys and girls! Choose yourself any way in life, any profession that you like. Be anyone, just not lazy. A lot of harm brings themselves to themselves and others. Be kind. Try to help others more often than asking for help yourself. In general, to become smart and understand everything, you need to live life. So I wish you to live it in the works, concerns and joy. "L. Davydichev

"There was one day such a case: Dad gave me a purse, I went out into the street, walked, cried and thought: I need to write about it. She studied in the class third ... "- told in an interview with one of the Perm newspapers Writer Lev Ivanovich Davydychev.

Much later, his works will be published in the Union Republics of the former USSR, in Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, as well as in the Bulgarian Publishing House "Fatherland", which produced the best satirical and humorous works of world literature.

The native of Solikamsk, Lev Ivanovich Davydychev, is known to us, above all, as a children's writer. "Multi-hard, full of adversity and dangers of life Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a reagent", "Lelishna from the third entrance" - these names immediately pop up in memory when you hear the name of Davydchev. According to his works, the cartoons were removed, theatrical performances were made. "Usually, children do not think about the fact that the book is a living person. But I understood it immediately and I thought about it all the time, "said the Young Guard newspaper in one of the interviews in 1986 by Davydich, - then I tried to compose poems. And during the war he began to write suddenly, one can say seriously. For some reason, there was a typewriter for some reason. Wrote a filmcenery. All my life dreamed of penetrating the movies. "

According to L.N. Davydacheva "Hands up! Or enemy №1 "director Vladimir Grammatikov filmed a musical film. Actors were filmed in it: Vitsin, T. Peltzer, I. Muravyova. Grammatical films at one time were recognized as the best in the section of children's and youth films at the International Festival in Moscow and San Sebastian, and "Hands up! Or enemy №1 ", according to the unanimous recognition of critics, was led to the All-Union week of children's movies in Minsk.

Materials about Lev Ivanovich Davydachev are presented in the State Archive of the Perm Region in the Foundations of other Perm Writers. These are a selection of newspaper publications, memories of it contemporaries, biographical data, its reviews on the works of other authors, photography, correspondence, as well as books and stories with writer autographs.

Lev Ivanovich Davydichev was born on January 1, 1927 in the city of Solikamsk, graduated from a seven-year school in Perm, and then entered the geological department of the oil collapse, where he made the first steps in his literary activities. He was the editor of the geologists' newspaper "Run" and the Satyrian magazine "Pseudomorphosis in Crocodile", in which, as his fellow worker on the Technical School of Matveyev writes not only students, but also to teachers. After graduating from the technical school Davydichev, he received a direction to work in the Krasnokamsk oil survey and there soon wrote his first work "Bottle of Oil", which was printed in one of the Perm magazines. In 1946 he entered the Faculty of Philology of the Perm University.

"Began to write from fairy tales, because It seemed that fairy tales would write easier ... I understood a lot later that it was the hardest thing, "says Davydichev.

In 1952, his collection of fairy tales "Wizard of the Dacha village" was published. The famous "Life of Ivan Semenova" was written by Davydichov based on personal observations and stories that he heard from the participants of the outlined events and, of course, some fantasy share. "I wrote somehow unexpectedly for myself," Davydichov said in an interview with the Perm newspaper, "nothing funny was going to write." And the fairy tales appeared a story, "difficult love", "hot hearts", "My friends", "This Mute Lyudmila".

Davydachev worked in district and regional newspapers, in the Perm Book Publishing. Since 1956, he is a member of the Union of Writers. Repeatedly elected secretary of the Perm Writer Organization, he was part of the Board of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR, more than 20 years participated in the work of the editorial board of the journal Ural. He was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Order of the Hall Sign. In 1985 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Davydachev awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the RSFSR Culture".

But first of all, it is valuable that his works and films still love them, read and watch.

His contemporaries, Perm writers and poets left their memories of him: Alexey Domnin, Vladimir Radkevich; Vladimir Aleksandrovich Chernenko collected a selection of publications about many Perm writers, including about Lev Davydichev. The State Archive of the Perm Region is also kept numerous photos of the children's writer and reviews on his work.

Chief Specialist of the Information Department, Publication and Scientific Use of Documents Yu.V. Tiunova