Women Full Cavalers of the Glory Order. St. George Cavalers and the Order of Glory of the USSR

Women Full Cavalers of the Glory Order. St. George Cavalers and the Order of Glory of the USSR
Women Full Cavalers of the Glory Order. St. George Cavalers and the Order of Glory of the USSR

I wanted this post on November 8 on the anniversary of the institution of the Order of the Victory and the orders of the "Glory" of three degrees, but I will be on a business trip, so I'll post it now, since I spoke about the heroes. Let me remind you that on November 8, 1943. 73 years ago, these awards were established in the USSR. Full cavaliers of the Glory Order were relatively a bit (list 1 - http://encyclopedia.mil.ru/encyclopedia/gentlemens.htm, List 2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%BF % D0% B8% D1% 81% D0% BE% D0% BA_% D0% B ...)

But here are the full cavaliers of the Order of Glory, awarded title Hero of the Soviet Union was four (at least I found only 4). Post about them.

Aleshin Andrey Vasilyevich

Hero of the Soviet Union, the full cavalier of the Order of Glory - the commander of the instrument calculation of the 175th Guards Artillery-mortar Regiment of the 4th Guards Cavalry Division of the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps of the 1st Belarusian Front, Guard Senior Sergeant;

Born on June 3, 1905 in the village of Novoslovka now Kozelsky district of the Kaluga region in the family of the peasant. Russian. At the age of 7, he was left without a father, he learned from early childhood, he learned the treasures of peasant life. In a four-year school in the village of Vyazov, he studied only 2 years. From 1925 to 1930, he worked as chairman of the Vozkomsky village council. The self-taught was learned by the accounting business and then 2 years worked as an accountant in Kozel MTS, and later a bill in the newly created state farm "3At Ilyich".
In 1938-1940 passed the actual service in the Red Army. Member of the Soviet-Finnish War of 1939-1940. After demobilization returned home.

The army again was called in December 1941, Kozelsky Railoenomatom. Almost all the combat route was held as part of the 4th Guards Cavalry, was a member, from February 1944 - the commander of the gun in the 175th Guards artillery-mortar. He fought on West, Central, Bryansk, 1st Belarusian fronts. In March 1943 he received the first combat award - the medal "For military merit". Member of WCP (b) / CPSU since 1943.
On the night of July 26, 1944, the Guard Sergeant Alyoshin rolled out an instrument to the combat infantry orders and, shooting a straight tip, beat the attack of enemy machine gunners. On July 27, when the city of Mendzyrz-Podlaska (Poland) is released from its instrument, there were 2 machine guns and destroyed a warehouse with ammunition.

By order of the commander of the 4th Guards Cavalry Division (№12 / N) of August 11, 1944, the Guard Sergeant Aleshin Andrei Vasilyevich was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree (№240853).
On January 28, 1945, the village of Dandsburg (Germany), now Ventuzbork (Poland), together with his calculation Aleshin beat the opponent's counterattack, destroying over ten soldiers and machine gun. On January 30, when reflected 3 enemy counterattacks, Aleshin destroyed up to 20 Nazis, suppressed 2 machine guns.

By order of the commander of the 4th Guards Cavalry Division (№11 / N) of March 11, 1945, Sergeant Aleshin Andrei Vasilyevich was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree (re-).
On February 5, 1945, together with its calculation in the south-west district, the city of Szczecin (Poland) was the first to opened the fire and the enemy's big damage was opened, on the spot where the shells were torn to the guns, there were 52 corpses of Nazis. With their actions, it was facilitated by the combat mission of rifle units.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 31, 1945, the Guard of the senior Sergeant Alyoshina Andrei Vasilyevich was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star" (No. 6730).
In early May 1945 Guard Senior Sergeant Aleshin A.V. It was distinguished in the battle in the area of \u200b\u200bthe town of Noah south-west of the city of Fürstenwald (Germany). Three times during the day, together with the fighters, the enemy who lost over the platoon of the soldiers, and a machine gun, was hit by direct tip of the attack.

By order of June 18, 1945, the Guard Senior Sergeant Aleshin Andrei Vasilyevich was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd degree (№196739).
In 1945 was demobilized. Returned to his homeland.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 19, 1955, in the order of the releader of Aleshin Andrei Vasilyevich, was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 1st degree. № 2341). He became a complete cavalier of the Order of Fame.

He lived in the village of Popelvo Kozelsky district of the Kaluga region. He worked as the chief accountant in the state farm "Red Freet." He died on April 11, 1974. Buried on the cemetery of the village of Novoselki of the same area.

He was awarded the Order of Lenin (05/31/1945, No. 44570), the orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree (13.02.1944), Glory 1st, 2nd, 3rd degree, medals ...


25.07.1914 - 22.10.1992

Dubinda Pavel Christforovich - Starmin Rota of the 293rd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 96th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Guard Starshine; One of the 4 full cavaliers of the Order of Glory awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Born 12 (25) July 1914 in the village of the forecast, now the village of Heroye, the hikhropistan district of the Kherson region of Ukraine. After graduating from the 7th grades, worked in Rybalkhoz.

In the Navy since 1936. Member of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. He served on the cruiser "Chervona Ukraine" of the Black Sea Fleet, and after the death of the cruiser, from November 1941, - in the 8th brigade of the marine infantry. With the defense of the city of the Russian military glory of Sevastopol (since 1965, the Hero city) was hardly contused and captured, fled and from March 1944 he served in the ranks of the Red Army in the 293rd Guards Rifle Rifle.

August 8, 1944 Commander of the Department (293rd Guards Rifle Regiment, 1st Belorussian Front) Guard Krasnoamec Dubinda P.h. In the battle for the village of the shell (Sokolow Podlyassky County, Poland), under the fire of the enemy, the first broke into an enemy trench, from the machine and grenades laid seven Nazis.

For this feat of September 5, 1944, the Guard of Red Armenian Dubinda Pavel Christforovich was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree (No. 144253).
On August 20, 1944, in the battles for the railway station and the settlement of the Mostvivka (Warsaw Voivodeship, Poland) Guard Junior Sergeant Dubinda headed the platoon, knocked the opponent from the station, personally destroyed over ten nazis. Being the wounded, remained in the ranks, replaced the retired commander of the company and ensured the execution by a combat velocity.

For courage and courage, manifested in battles, on October 5, 1944, the Guard Junior Sergeant Dubinda Pavel Christforovich was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd degree (No. 5665).

On October 22-25, 1944, in the battles on the approaches to the city of Stthartlupönen (Eastern Prussia, the city of Nesterov, Kaliningrad region), the Russian company Dubind, commanding a platoon (3rd Belorussian Front), captured the profitable line. Developing this success, the rifle units captured the city. In a hand-to-hand fight, he personally struck four enemy soldiers and took the officer.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 24, 1945, for the exemplary fulfillment of the tasks of the command in battles with the German-fascist invaders of the guard of the guard, Dubinda Pavel Christforovich, was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 1st Degree (No. 26), becoming a complete cavalier of the Order of Glory.
On March 21, 1945, the platoon under the command of the Guard of the German Pavel Durbid in the battles of the south-west of Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) reflected the counterattack of superior enemy forces. When the ammunition ended, Dubind captured an enemy machine gun and opened fire on the enemy, forcing him to retreat.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 29, 1945 for the exemplary execution of military assignments of the command at the front of the fight against the German fascist invaders and the courage and heroism of the guard of the head of the Honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the medal "Golden Star "(№ 7501).
After the war guard, the foreman Dubinda P.Kh. Demobilized. Returned to his homeland. He served as a boatswain on the ship of Antarctic whaling flotilla "Glory".

He was awarded the Order of Lenin, the orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 3rd degree, the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the glory of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, medals ...

15.11.1922 - 16.11.1994


Hero of the Soviet Union, a full cavalier of the Order of Glory ...

Dracheko Ivan Grigorievich - Senior pilot of the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment of the 8th Guards Assault Aviation Division of the 1st Storm Aviation Corps of the 5th Step Front Air Army, Guard Senior Lieutenant; One of the 4 full cavaliers of the Order of Glory awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".

Born on November 15, 1922 in the village of Great Sevastyanovka now the Christian district of the Cherkasy region in the family of the peasant. Member of the CPSU since 1944. He graduated from high school and Leningrad Aeroklub.
In the Red Army since April 1941. In the summer of 1943, he graduated from the Tambov military aircraft school of pilots and was directed to the front as a pilot-navigator.

Senior pilot of the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment (8th Guards Assault Aviation Division, 1st Storm Aviation Corps, 5th Air Army, Steppe Front) Guard Junior Lieutenant Drachenko I.G. On the Kursk Dug 21 combat departure was made, destroyed 3 tanks, 20 cars with ammunition and the living force of the enemy, 4 anti-aircraft guns, a warehouse of ammunition, to the company of soldiers. Awarded the Order of the Red Star.

On August 14, 1943 in the Kharkov district, saving the regiment commander, the enemy fighter tagged on Il-2. Landed on a parachute. When Taran was seriously injured. In an unconscious state, captured. In the camp under Poltava, the Soviet doctor made him a complex operation, but the right eye could not be saved. In September 1943 he managed to escape and move the front line. After treatment in the Moscow hospital in March 1944, he returned to his regiment. In medical documents, nothing was said about the loss of the eye, and Dracheko began to fly again. I made another 34 combat departure, destroyed 8 tanks, 12 cars, 2 anti-aircraft batteries, ammunition warehouse, to the company of soldiers. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

On April 6, 1944, during departure for exploration, 5 FW-190 fighters was attacked. On a strongly damaged aircraft managed to reach the airfield and land. For brought valuable intelligence, he was awarded the Order of the 3rd degree Glory (order of June 5, 1944 No. 68612).
On June 26, 1944, the Guard Junior Lieutenant Dracheko flew at the head of the pair for exploration in the Yass area. When performing a combat task entered into battle with German fighters and beat all their attacks. Then he made a storming of the echelon at the railway station of Tuyar and returned to his airfield. Awarded the Order of the Glory of the 2nd degree (order of September 5, 1944 No. 3457).

October 7, 1944 for 55 successful combat departures I.G. Dracheko was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 2nd degree, on November 26, 1968 he was redirected to the Order of the Glory of the 1st Degree (No. 3608).
By August 1944, 100 combat departures for exploration, the destruction of the live strength and technique of the enemy. In 14 air battles hit 5 opponent aircraft.

The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the medal "Golden Star" (No. 4618) of the guard of the senior lieutenant Drachenko Ivan Grigorievich was awarded to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of October 26, 1944.
Later, it was distinguished in the Vistul-Oder and Berlin operations, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The war finished the title "Captain".

Total years of war I.G. Drachenko made 151 battle departures, in 24 air battles hit 5 opponent aircraft, another 9 destroyed at the airfields, broke 4 bridges, destroyed a lot of equipment and the living force of the enemy.
After the war, the brave pilot-attachment entered the Air Force Academy, but in 1947, as a state of health, was fired to the reserve.
He was awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, 2 orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the orders of the Red Star, Glory 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, medals ...

But the legend was ...

His combat path began on a Kursk arc. After the end of the Tambov military school of pilots, he arrived at the front of 1943 to the front in the 140th Guards Assault Aviation Regiment. The first combat departure of the young pilot made on July 5, and on the 22nd - August 14 - his enemy fighters were shot down. In the unconscious state, Drachenko was captured.
Scary days survived Ivan Grigorievich in the fascist camp in Poltava. Beatings, torture were commonplace. The pilot dismissed the face, knocked the tooth, he finally lost his right eye damaged in battle ...

Our army continued the offensive, and the Nazis were in a hurry to get out of Poltava. In the September night, the prisoners were immersed in indoor cars and were lucky to the West. Everyone understood that this is the last path. Drachenko and another pilot on the road strangled the conversion sitting in the body. Five people managed to jump on the go.
A few days later, Ivan Dracheko met in the transfer with our intelligence. Then there was a hospital in Moscow. He was treated. Instead of the right eye inserted a glass prosthesis. Externally, it was difficult to notice. The patient for a long time gained Professor Kollov and eventually "knocked" his certificate of such content: "Junior Lieutenant Dracheko I.G. He sent to his part for further service. "

This document again opened the way the road into the sky, and he immediately went to his part.
Returning to the regiment, Drachenko admitted in his ailment only to two friends.
From the memories of the hero of the Soviet Union N.N. Kimka:
"Dracheko opened my secret in the first conversation." I promised to keep her and help each other every way. We were at first such such, for example, tactics, not all understandable. When Drachenko sat down, I went to the landing "T" and conducted by landing. Some wondered, other understandingly sympathized with: a person, they say, only from the hospital, the littleness was forgotten by piloting technique. And then he became with us the best airborne intelligence. He knew the whole front. And the attack aircraft was excellent. The most difficult tasks sent his regiment commander.

He knew the secret of Drachenko and another one-sex - Nikolai Pushnin.
"Fly to you, Ivan, will be very difficult," said the pilot. - If you find out the arrows, it is unlikely to agree to fly with you.
That conversation accidentally heard Arkady Cyriletz. And not only agreed, and literally thus stated to take him to the crew. Fifty battle departures made Dracheko with him on IL-2. Of course, it was difficult without an eye. In Flight, Dracheko often opened the lamp.
Comrades warned: "Do not fly without armor", they advised not to brave. But then it was not in courage: he had better seen with an open lantern.

The most memorable combat departure Dracheko considers the one for which the first Order of Glory received.
... The case was in the summer of 1944. Two "Ila" received an order to divide the defense of the enemy under Yassami. Ours prepared a big offensive, and air intelligence data were extremely necessary. One attack aircraft told Ivan Dracheko, the other - Kostya Kruglov. Scouts photographed defensive frontiers and roads in the Yass area, Hushi and Roman. Then they took a course to the north, along the West Bank of the River Seryet on Tergul Frosmos. There was a "iba" with enemy fighters.

Twelve "Messerschmittov" fell on us, "Darycheko told me. - In the hot battle, the Kyrille and I knocked out two, but also "Il" Kruglov was shot down. I had to leave. The river fell to the shaving flight. And "Messiers" did not lag behind. Recruited the church in the village of Egorovka. Jumped to her and went around the bell tower to make the devices. Here we left enemy cruise. I barely reached my airfield. Technicians counted several hundred scratches in the plane. But, fortunately, the camera turned out to be integer: the intelligence task was fulfilled.

The second Order of Fame Junior Lieutenant Drachenko received in September for the courage, manifested during the destruction of the enemy railway train. And in October 1944, he was awarded the third Order of Glory - this is already for 55 new combat departures. [But this Order of Glory was, as well as the previous one, is the second degree. Only after 24 years, November 26, 1968, he will be redirected to the Order of the Glory of the first degree, and will become a complete cavalier.]

One day the attack aircraft received an order to destroy the headquarters of the Tank Corps of the Nazis. The group "Ilov" met a strong anti-aircraft fire. In this flight, Dracheko had a special task - he had to deceive the enemy - "burn and fall." Above the headquarters, the smoke checker hidden in the bombus was activated and began to smoothly "fall" to the ground. Zenitchiki, putting a cross on him, moved fire to other cars. And at that moment Drachenko turned rapidly and struck with erases and guns along a staff building. Other attack aircraft added. Only ruins remained from the headquarters.

In October 1944, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 12 Assa of the 2nd Air Army was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Among them was the junior lieutenant Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko.
As stated in a premium document - this is a reward for 100 combat departures for exploration, the destruction of the living strength and technician of the enemy, for participating in 14 air battles, which he committed to August 1944.

So fought with the enemy the pilot, who returned to the combat system.
- When did your mystery revealed? I asked him.
"It happened in 1945 at the KP Regiment," answered Ivan Grigorievich. I began to wipe the right eye with a scarf, and he turned over 180 degrees with a pupil. Someone shouted: "Brothers, Ivan crazy!" The guys saw a white stain under the right eyebrow. But everything ended well. In the Sunchast, I admitted in my defense. I was learning a strict check. After returning Colonel Volodin rose to me into the air, checked the piloting technique and tactics. Over the flight watched the commander of the building General Ryazanov. When they landed, the general told the regiment commander: "Well, if all the pilots flew so much. Let be fighting to victory. "

So it turned out. He made the last departures to Berlin and Prague.
From the archive document:
"For two years of war, Dracheko made 178 combat departures on the aircraft" IL-2 ", personally hit five opponent aircraft and nine burned at the airfields, destroyed dozens of enemy tanks and armored vehicles, a lot of other techniques and the living force of the enemy."
So he was, Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko, man and warrior ...

29.04.1922 - 11.09.2008


Hero of the Soviet Union, a full cavalier of the Order of Glory ...

Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich - Commander of the guns of the 369th separate fighter-anti-tank artillery division of the 263rd rifle division of the 43rd army of the 3rd Belorussian Front, Starshine; One of the 4 full cavaliers of the Order of Glory awarded the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union".
Born on April 29, 1922 in the village of Pyutuchi, now the Vytegorsky district of the Vologda region in the peasant family. Russian. Since 1936, he lived at the station's stations of the city of Apatity of the Murmansk region. He graduated from 7 school classes, FSU school in 1938, worked as a mechanic on the construction of a hydropower station No. 8 in the city of Kandalaksha Murmansk region. Member of WCP (b) / CPSU since 1944.

In the Red Army since 1941. At the front in the Great Patriotic War since August 1941. He graduated from front-line special school, as a scout and intelligence officer, the intelligence officer participated in the exit to the deep rear of the enemy. He took part in the Blue Line breakthrough and battles behind the Crimea.
From October 1943 - the gunner and commander of the guns of the 369th Anti-Tank Artillery Division of the 263rd Rifle Division. On April 23, 1944, in battle under the settlement of Mekenia, located in 10-kilometers east of the city of the Russian military glory of Sevastopol commander of 45-mm guns of the 369th separate fighter-anti-tank artillery division (263th Infantry Division, 51st Army, 4 "A Ukrainian Front) Sergeant Nikolay Kuznetsov with his calculation suppressed 2 enemy machine guns, providing the promotion of rifle units. Later, finding the tanks of the enemy, one of them is spent the first shot from the gun.

For courage and courage shown in battles, on May 17, 1944, Sergeant Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree.
October 5-10, 1944, acting in an advanced squad of the commander of 76-mm guns (2nd Guards Army, 1st Baltic Front) Senior Sergeant Kuznetsov N.I. With subordinate direct flooring covered several firepoints and before the platoon of the Nazis. On October 10, 1944, during the battle for the station Shamaytkein (Lithuania), a direct hit of the enemy car was touched by a direct hit.

For courage and courage shown in battles, on December 1, 1944, Senior Sergeant Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich was awarded the Order of Fame 2nd degree.
On February 1, 1945, in battles for the settlement of Labyau (now the city of Polessk Kaliningrad region), the instrumental calculation of N.I. Kuznetsova (43rd Army, 3rd Belorussian Front) Straight Podgery Tank, broke 2 machine guns and destroyed over the infantry branch.

For courage and courage, manifested in battles, on February 10, 1945, the foreman of Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich was re-awarded the Order of the Glory of the 2nd degree.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 12, 1980 for the exemplary fulfillment of the tasks of the command in battles with the German-fascist invaders, the Nikolai Ivanovich, Nikolai Ivanovich, was redesigned by the Order of Glory 1st degree, becoming a complete cavalier of the Order of Glory.

When storming the capital of Eastern Prussia, Königsberg fortresses (now - the city of Kaliningrad) fighters of the calculation of the elderine Kuznetsova N.I. Supported several firepoints and destroyed the adversary infantry platform.
In just over the years of war, the instrumental calculation of Nikolai Kuznetsova hit 11 enemy tanks.
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 19, 1945 for the exemplary execution of combat missions on the front of the fight against the German fascist invaders and the courage and heroism of the German Kuznetsov Nikolai Ivanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal "Golden Star" .

War brave artilleryman finished in the Danzig district (now Gdansk, Poland), where until May 13, 1945, the warriors of the division did not want to give up the enemy.
Participant of the historic parade of Victory on Red Square in Moscow on June 24, 1945.
In 1945, the foreman Kuznetsov N.I. Demobilized.
Awarded the orders of Lenin, a red banner, two orders of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the orders of Glory of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, the Order of the Friendship of Peoples, medals (including the two medals "for the courage", the medal "for The defense of Sevastopol ", the medal" For the capture of Koenigsberg ") ...

Wonderful material on the topic of the St. George Order of the Soviet Union served in the Armed Forces and openly wearing pre-revolutionary military awards. Part of the photos seen earlier at the military historical forums, but in a selection a lot of new things for me.

St. George Cavalera. Soviet Union.

In print and the Internet, I stumbled on the statements of the liberal and alternative-gifted accusers of the USSR that Stalin is the forerunner of the Antichrist, there was a cross and St. George Cavalers in his era hiding their awards, for "if anyone finds out and reports" - inevitable cold basements of NKVD bolts And a bullet from a bloody revolver of Chekist.

Anokhinsky letter and the draft decision on it decided not to publish, it is also known to everyone. Rokossovsky, Malinovsky, Budyona does not touch. It is a major caliber commanders.

So, let's begin.

George hangs from a soldier next to the Order of the Red Star, without a ribbon, apparently will simply be sewn. The photo would donate (remembering the institutional course species) year 1944, at least spring. But there may be an offseason 1944-45.

1947, Riga. Stalin is still alive. The cross of the participant of the liberation of Prague, the Major Guard, private manufacture, called "Kuchkinsky". That is, it was obtained at the end of the First World War.

The most famous St. George Cavalier of the Great Patriotic War. Having a "full bow", he became the hero of the Soviet Union.
Depositary Konstantin Iosifovich 21. 5. 1889 - 13. 12. 1978

1944, Leningrad.
The Guardsman is the Order of the Red Star, Fame III degrees, two medals for courage and the St. George Cross IV degree.
But the neighbor again has an interesting front-line mulley in the method of wearing the "Guard" sign - with a substrate, in order to screw the sign not colue in the chest.

Again, the period of the Great Patriotic War. Epoch Stalin.
The foreman carries a cross on the old block. Snapshot time - winter of 1943 or after her, but no earlier.

Writer, playwright, Military Correspondent Vsevolod Vishnevsky at the steps of Reichstag, May 1945.
The photo seems all the more terrible that on the chest he, along with a cross, two medals "for courage", on the obverse of which Nicholas II profile. At the same time, his Soviet awards is modestly represented by planks, but the royal period is in all its glory.

Doctor. What is noteworthy, on the chest, the Military Order of St. George IV class is "officer Georgy".
Matushkin was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree - the order of the ranks of civil No. 37 of July 31, 1916, and. D. Senior Doctor of the 21st Siberian Rifle Regiment for the fight on August 1915

People's Hero of Yugoslavia and awarded seven orders of the USSR Alexander Teolaanovich Manachadze with his uncle Semyon Dmitrievich Manachadze

On the chest of the clergy, the full bow is peacefully adjacent to the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War" with Profile I. V. Stalin. And nothing.

Sailor with Cruiser "Varyag".
For this fight, the Soviet government awarded his participants by the Medal "For Cooking". The last medal is like a clergyman.

Vladimir Nikolaevich GRASLANOV

The photo was made in the interval of 1975-1978. From the Soviet awards medal "For the courage" and two "for military merit"

Year 1949. Three Crosses "Mious", in return lost. Cavalier - Mikhail Yerömenko. It is he who walks under the portrait of Stalin on the first photo.

Cavalier - Mikhail Kazankov

"When the artist drew Mikhail Kazankov, he was 90 years old. Each wrinkle of his harsh person is glowing deep wisdom. In three wars, he was able to participate: Russian-Japanese (1904-1905), First World War (1914-1918), Great Domestic (1941-1945). And he always fought hard: in the first world awarded by two St. George crosses, the Order of the Red Star and several medals received for the struggle with German fascism. "

Volkov Daniel Nikitich. Order of the Red Banner - for the Civil War.
After the revolution, I served in the auto printivatory named after Ya. M. Sverdlov VCHK - OGPU. The Order of the Red Banner received on civilian. After injury and amputation, the leg was demobilized.

Unknown to me. The photo seems to be 1958, but for sure until 1965.

Khizhnyak Ivan Lukich. The end of the 40s.

Until 1975. And hanging on the veteran of the nicheless icons to him turn it to IMHO, in the Christmas tree.

Both Cavalers are George and the complete owner of the Son. The father and son of Vanachi from the village of Lohn's Gududi district of Abkhazia.
At that time, Temuri Vanachi was 112 years old.

Samsonov Yakov Ivanovich. 1876-1967. Four Cross and Four Medals

Kruglyov Timofey Petrovich. From 1965 to 1970.

Kuzin Pavel Romanovich. Until 1948.

The photo was made after 1965 and, probably until 1970. This cavalier defended the Caucasus and went well in Europe to the Great Patriotic War, took Budapest and Vienna, dismissed Belgrade. Well, both Romania and Bulgaria.
Awarded the medal "For military merit".

Unique veteran, Konstantin Viketyevich Khrutsky.
Member of the Russian-Turkish war 1877-1878. At this photo of 1963 he was only 112 years old, and he lived for another 4 years.
on his chest, he has the Order of Georgy Dimitrov, the Order "Sign of Honor", the medal "40 years of the Armed Forces of the USSR".
Well, he dressed in specifically for him a sewn shape of the Bulgarian militia.

I went on the network and I can not show the thing for that war
Life Guard of the Lithuanian Regiment of the Unter-Officer Karl Neubovsky, for the capture of the city of Plevna, November 28, 1877, his shoe

Kuzma Petrovich Trubnikov. Period 1965-1970.

Kuzma Petrovich Trubnikov was born on October 27 in the village of Gatishch now the Volovsky district of the Lipetsk region. In the Russian army since 1909. The service was held in the Semenian regiment. During the First World War, an inclusive Unter-Officer, then the junior company officer, head of the pedestrian team, Lieutenant. Cavalier of four soldiers of St. George crosses. In the Red Army since 1918. In the years of the Civil War, he commanded the platoon, then with a rotary, battalion, regiment, rifle brigade. In 1927 he graduated from the Kuvnas at the M. Frunze Military Academy. Commanded a regiment, division. In June 1938, it was arrested and before February 1940 was under investigation in the NKVD bodies. At the end of March 1940, he was restored in the ranks of the Red Army and sent to teaching work. A month after the start of the Great Patriotic War, K. P. Trubnikov was appointed commander of the 258th rifle division of the 50th Army of the Western Front, who took part in defensive battles under Eagle, Bryansk and Tula. From November 1941, he commanded the 217th Rifle Division of the same army. For the skillful control of the parts of the division during the defense of Tula was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. From June 1942 - Deputy Commander of the 16th Army, and from October - Deputy Commander of the Don Front. He was directly involved in the organization and management of troops in the Stalingrad battle. Since February 1943, Deputy Commander of the Central Front. In April to September - Commander of the 10th Guards Army, who participated in the liberation of the city of Yelni. In September 1944, he was appointed Deputy Commander of the 1st Belarusian Front, and soon the Deputy Commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front. At the Victory Parade of 1945, Colonel Truck General headed the consolidated regiment of the 2nd Belorussian Front. After the war, the Deputy and Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Northern Group of Forces. Since 1951 - retired. He was awarded with 2 Lenin orders, 5 orders of the Red Banner, Cutuzov's 1st and 2nd degree orders, 2nd degree Suvorov, 2 orders of the Red Star, medals, as well as foreign orders and medals. Kuzma Petrovich Trubnikov died on January 16, 1974 in Moscow. May 9, 2010 in p. The Volove Lipetsk region was opened a monument in honor of Colonel-General Trubnikov.

Nikitin Sergey Nikitovich, military. Strange sign - Republican (Khorezm) Order of the Red Banner.
Well, and its screw orders of the Red Banner of the RSFSR, he legally replaced with the world-union.
Top photo from 1975 to 1978.

Nikitin Sergey Nikitovich (1893-1961)
He served as a photo gallery in the detachment E. Kurty. The first flights made with Kuteye, then aimed at studying at the Gatchina School of Military pilots to the soldier's department. In 1916 he graduated from her, returned to the front as a pilot. For courage and courage in battles were awarded in three St. George crosses. After the revolution, Sergey Nikitovich Nikitin became one of the first Soviet military pilots. Faced on the fronts of the Civil War, against Basmachi in Central Asia, for which he was awarded the four orders of the Red Banner and the Order of Lenin

A meeting. 1943.

Edenkin Grigory Dmitrievich.
During the First World War, the Russian Expeditionary Corps fought in France, was awarded the French Military Cross. On the second photo, the French cross is already without a ribbon, just will be sewn. I demonstrated such a cross in one of themes.
Here is the break of the template for stupid anti-Sovetchists - and Georgy, and a foreign reward from the imperialists, and abroad was, and the crosses do not hide - where did the NKVD looked?
Also awarded medals "for courage", for the victory over Germany, Japan, "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War"

But there were such. Participant of the ice campaign.

"Ice hike" (k. Yang-25 FV 1918) - the retreat of the 4,000th volunteer army under the command of Kornilov L. G. under the blows of the Red Guard from Novocherkasska to Novorossiysk to Kuban on the ice of the Black Sea. In the future, it was planned to go to Ekaterinodar (Krasnodar), in order to raise the Kuban Cossacks against the Reds. Forces made their way to Kuban with huge losses. General Kalin A. M. In the attack of depression shot himself. From the direct hit of the projecture, General Kornilov L. G.

In reflections on a large silver medal "For courage", which he received a joiner from the Wavea Street on Culov grapes by the name Malko.

Country the USSR the USSR A type order Status Not handed Statistics Parameters Diameter 46 mm Date of institution November 8, 1943 First award November 28, 1943 Number of awards more than 1 million Opelness Senior award order "For Personal Courage" Junior award order of Labor Glory I degree Order of Fame in Wikisklad

Order of Glory - Military Order of the USSR, established. The Order was awarded military personnel of an ordinary composition, sergeants and elders of the Red Army, and in aviation - and persons having the title of younger Lieutenant. Awarded only for personal merits, military units and connections were not awarded.

For courage and heroism shown in battle on the left bank of the Vistula River on January 14, 1945 during the Volo-Oder Operations, all ordinary, sergeants and the elders of the 1st battalion of the 215th Red Banner Shelf of the 77th Guards Chernihiv's Red Banner Order of Lenin and Suvorov Rukkrov Divisions were awarded the Order of Fame, the commander of the mouth of this battalion - the Order of the Red Banner, the commander of the platforms - the Order of Alexander Nevsky, and the commander of the battalion B. N. Emelyanov and the commander of the platoon of Guryev, Mikhail Nikolaevich became the heroes of the Soviet Union. The division, thus, became the only one in which all fighters for one fight received the Order of Fame. For a collective feat of the soldiers of the 1st Rifle Battalion Military Council of the 69th Army assigned to him the honorary name "Fame Battalion" .


The Order of Glory awarded the individuals of the ordinary and sergeant composition of the Red Army, and in aviation and persons who have the title of younger lieutenant, who showed the glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland.

The Order of Fame consists of three degrees: I, II and III degrees. The highest degree of the Order is the degree. The award is performed in series: first the third, then the second and, finally, the first degree.

The Order of Fame is awarded the one who:

  • Broke through the first in the arrangement of the enemy, personal courage contributed to the success of a common cause;
  • Being in the tanned tank, continued to perform a combat challenge;
  • At a minute, the danger saved the banner of his part from the capture of the enemy;
  • From a personal weapon, the label has destroyed from 10 to 50 soldiers and officers of the enemy;
  • In battle, no less than two tanks of the enemy disabled the fire of the anticoned shotgun;
  • Destroyed manual grenades on the battlefield or in the enemy rear from one to three tanks;
  • Destroyed artillery or machine gun of at least three opponent aircraft;
  • Despised the danger, the first broke in the jot (dot, the trench or blond) of the enemy, the decisive actions destroyed his garrison;
  • As a result of personal intelligence, weak defenders of the enemy, and brought our troops in the enemy rear;
  • Personally captured a prisoner of an enemy officer;
  • At night, I took off the guard post (watch, secret) of the enemy or captured it;
  • Personally, with the resourcefulness and courage, coming to the position of the enemy, destroyed its machine gun or mortar;
  • Being in the night college, destroyed the enemy warehouse with military property;
  • Risking life, saved in the battle of the commander from the immediate danger threatening him;
  • Neglecting personal danger, in battle captured the enemy banner;
  • Being wounded, after the dressing returned again;
  • The opponent's aircraft shot down from personal weapons;
  • By destroying artillery or mortar fighters of the enemy, ensured the successful actions of its division;
  • Under the enemy's fire, the passage of the opponent was done for the upcoming division;
  • Risking life, under the flame of the enemy assisted the wounded for a number of battles;
  • Being in a poverty tank, continued to perform a combat task from the tank weapon;
  • Rapidly crashing on his tank in the opponent's column, crumpled it and continued to perform a combat challenge;
  • His tank crushed one or more enemy tools or destroyed at least two machine guns;
  • Being in intelligence, I received valuable information about the opponent;
  • The fighter pilot destroyed in air combat from two to four enemy fighter aircraft or from three to six bomber aircraft;
  • The attachment-attack aircraft as a result of the assault rod destroyed from two to five tanks of the enemy or from three to six steam locomotives, or blew up the train at the railway station or the distillation, or destroyed at least two aircraft at the opponent's airfield;
  • The pilot-attack aircraft destroyed as a result of bold initiative actions in air combat one or two enemy aircraft;
  • The crew of the daily bomber destroyed Railway Echelon, blew the bridge, the warehouse of the ammunition, fuel, destroyed the headquarters of any opponent's unit, destroyed the railway station or distilted, blew up the power plant, undermined the dam, destroyed the military vessel, transport, boat, destroyed the enemy at least two aircraft;
  • The crew of a light night bomber blew the warehouse of ammunition, fuel, destroyed the headquarters of the enemy, blew up Railway echelon, undermined the bridge;
  • The crew of the far night bomber destroyed the railway station, blew the ammunition warehouse, fuel, destroyed the port construction, destroyed the sea transport or railway echelon, destroyed or burned an important plant or factory;
  • The crew of the daily bomber for a bold effect in air combat, as a result of which was shot down from one to two aircraft;
  • The crew of the scout for successfully performed exploration, as a result of which valuable data on the adversary were obtained.

The rewarding of the Order of Glory is made by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Awarded the glory of all three degrees, the rights to assign military ranks are honored:

  • ordinary, corporal and sergeants - elders;
  • having the title of the foreman - the younger lieutenant;
  • younger lieutenants in aviation - lieutenant.

The Order of Glory is worn on the left side of the breast and, if there are other orders of the USSR, is located after the Order of the Honor Sign in the order of sentences.

Description of Order

Reverse Order of the 3rd Degree

The sign of the Order of Glory is a five-pointed star of size between opposite vertices of 46 mm. A slightly convex star rays surface. On the front side in the middle part of the star - a circle-medallion with a diameter of 23.5 mm with a relief image of the Kremlin from the Spasskaya Tower in the center. In the circumference of the medallion - the laurel wreath. At the bottom of the circle, the convex inscription "Glory" on the red enamel ribbon.

On the revolving side of the Order - a circle with a diameter of 19 mm with a relief inscription in the middle of the "USSR".

On the edge of the star and the circle on the front side - convex sides.

The Energy Order Sign is made of gold (sample 950). Gold content in the Order I degree - 28,619 ± 1,425. The total weight of the Order - 30,414 ± 1.5 g.

The order of the order of the second degree is made of silver, and the circle with the image of the Kremlin from the Spasskaya tower is gilded. Silver content in the Order of the II degree - 20,302 ± 1,222. The total weight of the Order - 22.024 ± 1.5 g.

Silver Silver Orders Sign, without gilding in the central circle. Silver content in the Order III - 20.549 ± 1.388. The total weight of the Order - 22,260 ± 1.6 g.

The sign using the eater and the ring is connected to a pentagonal block, coated with a silk moored ribbon width of 24 mm. On the ribbon five longitudinal equal width of alternating strips: three black and two orange. On the edges of the tape has one narrow orange strip 1 mm wide.

History of the creation of the Order

Initially, the soldier's order was supposed to be called the name of Bagration. 26 sketches were developed by a group of nine artists. A. V. Chrulev selected 4 of them and presented to Stalin on October 2, 1943. It was envisaged that the Order would have four degrees and rush on a black and yellow ribbon - smoke and flame colors. N. I. Moskalev offered Georgievskaya tape. Stalin approved the ribbon and decided that the Order would have three degrees as the Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov. Having said that victory is not without fame, he suggested calling the reward to the Order of Fame. The new sketch of the Order was approved on October 23, 1943.

Full Cavalier of Glory Orden

The first cavaliers of the Glory of Glory II in the Red Army were soldiers of the 665th separate sapper battalion of the 385th rifle division. Starshin M. A. Mostov, Krasnoarmeytsy S. I. Baranov and A. G. Vlasov (Order No. 634 for the troops 10th Army dated December 10, 1943).

In the postwar years, work was carried out on bringing the statute of the Order of the rewarding of the Order of the Order of the Order of the Order and the Overgrace (replacement of one sign on the other, the following degree). No special documents for full cavaliers of the Order of Glory at that time did not exist. Only the Order of the General Samplebook was awarded awarded, and it lists all three degrees of the Order and other awards (if any). However, in and 1975, additional benefits were introduced to complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory, which equalized them with the heroes of the Soviet Union. In particular, the right to appoint them personal pensions of allied importance, major housing benefits, the right of free travel, etc. The consequence of this was the appearance of a special document in 1976 for full cavaliers of the Order - the Order of the Horde Awarded the Glory of Trete degrees. The first such books were discharged in February 1976 by military commissariats at the place of residence awarded.

The current legislation of the Russian Federation confirms the full cavaliers of the Glory orders all the right and benefits provided to the Soviet period.

On the same day, the Order of Victory and the Order of Fame were established. The latter was awarded ordinary soldiers, Sergeant and Starinsky composition, as well as the younger lieutenants of the Air Force. The Great Patriotic War has already existed orders and the USSR medals, which are called the names of the famous Russian commander. Therefore, the Order of Glory wanted to be called in honor of the war hero 1812 - Bagration, who became famous for his courage and heroism among ordinary soldiers.

How was the Order of Glory?

In August 1943, a group of nine artists submitted 25 different sketches of the future Order for consideration by the Commission. The selected four options were shown to Stalin. Joseph Vissarionovich chose the project of the artist N. Moskalev, on which against the background of a five-pointed star was depicted by the contour of Field Marshal Bagration.

At the very beginning it was planned that the award would contain four degrees. However, Stalin decided that the Order would contain three degrees, like others. And he must be called the Order of Fame, because there is no victory without courage and glorious feats.
The final version of the award was approved in the same 43rd year in autumn. The Order was created in the form of a five-pointed star with a painter of an Spasskaya tower, which is framed by a wreath. Below on the red field was placed the inscription "Glory".

Order of Glory 3 degrees for what was given?

In November 1943, the Charter of the Order was officially approved, providing phased awards, starting from the 3rd degree. Therefore, the Order of Glory 3 The degrees of the Second World War was made of silver, a 2nd degree - of gold with silver inserts, and the 1st degree was completely gold. The award was presented for the fact that warriors:

  • broke the first to the position of the enemy and their own exploits ensured the success of a combat operation;
  • were in a burning tank, continuing the fight;
  • in a dangerous situation, the banner of military compounds was saved;
  • the fighter destroyed from the rifle weapons from 10 to 50 enemy soldiers and officers;
  • the Order of Glory of 3 degrees were awarded to someone who picked up 1-3 tank;
  • being in intelligence was able to obtain valuable information about the enemy;
  • hit 2-4 opponent aircraft;
  • during the night battle, hit up to four enemy aircraft;
  • i was able to undermine the enemy warehouse of ammunition.

And this is not the entire list of exploits for which the Order of Fame was presented. Soldiers, sergeants or junior officers received this reward for brave acts, helping the Red Army to win over the invaders.

How did the award awards happened

Full Cavalers of the Order of Glory have the right to be awarded the following military titles. For example, the ordinary soldier, the corporal or sergeant could become elders, those who have already had this rank, - younger lieutenant, and in aviation to reach Lieutenant.

The Order of the 3rd degree was handed the commanders of such large compounds, as divisions and hulls, the 2nd degree - the commander of the army or the front, and the 1st degree was given only by the decision of the Supreme Council.

Like many orders and the USSR medals, the Order of Glory was handed over to the front after the end of a successful combat operation. The first documentary evidence of the Order of the Order is dating 20 days of December 1943. This award was awarded the Saper of the 140th Rifle Regiment Sergeant G. A. Israelian.

The first awarded

The first numbers of the Order of Glory 3 degrees got the 2nd Ukrainian Front. Thus, the Order No. 1 was given by the commander of the infantry platoon, the senior sergeant I. Harina. When protecting defensive positions, he from the anti-tank gun undermined three enemy tanks and two self-propelled artillery guns. In the future, there were often episodes when the Order under the initial number was presented later than the Order with subsequent numbers.

The first rewarded 2nd degree glory

Initially, the 2nd degree of soldiers of S. Baranov and A. Vlasov were awarded. They were SPEPERS-reconnaissance of the 665th Miner Division, which helped to leave the surroundings of the 385th Krichevsky Rifle Division. They completed the war with full cavaliers of the Order.

Awarded 1st degree glory

The first to have received the highest degree award was the Spern of the 338th Rifle Regiment Efreitor M. Pitenin and Art. Sergeant of the 110th division K. Shevchenko.
The initial copies of the Order of Glory 1st degree fell to the Leningrad Front.

Cavalers Order

Most of those who participated in the Second World War received various combat awards, but the Order of Glory became one of the mass awards among the fighters of an ordinary, sergeant and officer.

Over the period from 1943 to 1945, the number of soldiers awarded this award exceeded 45 thousand people, among which more than 2,500 fighters received all three degrees.

In the history of the Second World War, there are cases when the Order was awarded whole battalions for hacking enemy positions that led to victory over the enemy in a given direction. Subsequently, such units wore the name "Fame Battalion".
Among the awarded Order of all 3 degrees there are four Hero of the USSR and four weak representatives.

Material assistance to state Cavaliers Order

By decision of the Supreme Council, monthly subsidies received by this Order:

  • the Order of Glory 1 degree - 15 rubles per month;
  • 2nd degrees - 10 rubles;
  • 3rd degree - 5 rubles per month.

Also, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory owned the right to an increased retirement with the loss of ability to work and the possibility of free training in universities.

Historical Facts Awards

Sailor P. Dubind in 1941, when the war began, served in the Navy. In the summer of 42nd, he was seriously injured and captured. In the spring of 1944, Dubind fled from the invaders and again joined the army by an ordinary fighter. In August, the 44th, when attacking the German position, he broke into enemy shelter and neutralized the 7th enemy soldier. For this act, he acquired the Order of Glory 3 degrees.

After a couple of weeks, the Battle of the Polish village near Warsaw, Dubind changed the wound commander of the platoon and successfully carried out an attack on the enemy position, for which the Order of Fame 2nd degree earned.

In October 1944, he managed to destroy four fascist soldiers and captured the German officer. For that, he was received by the Order of the 1st degree.

The second similar hero, who earned all three degrees of the Order and the title of Hero, was artillery A. Aleshin. In the spring of 1943, on an instrument position, which was held by the battery of the future Cavaller Order, was moved about ten enemy tanks. Three tanks were beaten, the rest retreated. For this, Aleshin acquired the Order of Glory 3 degrees.

In the winter of the 45th Artillery Calculation of A. Aleshina under Fansburg, two German counterattacks beat off, applying sensitive damage to the enemy. For this, he was awarded the Order of Glory of the 2nd degree.

A little time, he had to beat three enemy attacks. The Germans retreated, loss of losses killed 40 people. And Aleshin for it was awarded the Order of the Glory of the 1st degree.

The next famous Kavaler Order is the pilot I. Drachenko. For the period 1943-1944 He made about 50 combat departures on his plane, while destroying the 3 tank of the enemy, 20 cars, 4 anti-aircraft guns and more than a hundred soldiers and officers of the enemy. For this, he was awarded to the Order of 3 degrees.

On June 26, 1944, the Schurist-Sturmovik I. Drachenko at the station Tuzir near the town of Iasi, he beat off the strike of German aircraft and destroyed the enemy composition, for which award was awarded - the Order of the Glory of the 2nd degree was awarded.

He acquired the next degree in the fall of 1944 for the combat departures he made in September-October 44th. The total number of departures amounted to more than 50.

Another hero of the USSR, who was awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees, was an artilleryman N. Kuznetsov, who received all three degrees for the liberation of the city of Sevastopol. He established the banner of victory over the station, reflected the tank attacks in the battle for Lithuania and hit 10 German tanks under Königsberg. However, he received the last reward only in 1980, although he was awarded in 1945.


What is the feature of the described award? That she was awarded to almost everyone who was her worthy, from a simple prone to lieutenant. And to get a higher level of award, it was necessary to have the previous one, that is, for awarding the Order of the 2nd degree, it was necessary to have the Order of Glory 3 degrees. Thus, this award was issued independently of the title, and thanks to the courage, manifested during the combat situations. In this, by the way, was the plus order. Awarded the Order of Glory 3 degrees, the 2nd and 1st, differed by real heroism. If many general medals and orders were awarded only to those who occupied certain positions, then this soldier's awards were honored with heroes for specific actions, despite the epaulets.

So, the numerous Cavalers of the Order of Glory 3 degrees, because the real courage, courage and bravery can be found on the advanced, in the opposite, in the heart of a simple soldier, and not in the headquarters, among colonels and generals. Although there were many brave people among them, but this is another story.

Cavalers of the Order of Glory of Three degrees

Brief biographical dictionary

General Army D.S. Sukhorukov - Chairman; Doctor of Historical Sciences Colonel (A.A. Babakov); Major General P.S. Bushev; Candidate of Historical Sciences Colonel V.O. Dynes; Academician Raen General Major V.A. Zolotarev - Deputy Chairman; Lieutenant-General O.S. Kupriyanov; Major General N.I.Lutsev; Colonel V.T. Pets; Major General Yu.I.Stadnyuk; Colonel-General V.A. Yakovlev.

Author's team:
A.A. Babakov (Head), A.N.Ageev, N.V. Borisov, I.V.Vlasova, P.N. Dmitriev, G.I. Zagorsky, so-called. Ilina, G.A. Cocery, O.S. Kupriyanov, Yu.K. Rudenko, G.L. Rusovskaya, I.P. Chugunov, V.I. Shapokhn, V.P. Shevchuk.

Cavalers of the Order of Glory Three degrees: a brief biographical dictionary / pre. ed. College D.S. Sukhorukov. - M.: Military-publishing, 2000 - 703 s, with a port.

ISBN 5-203-1883-9.
The dictionary contains 2642 biographies of full cavaliers of the Order of Glory. In addition, the Appendix provides articles about 94 heroes of the Soviet Union, complementing the two-volume brief biographical dictionary "Heroes of the Soviet Union".
The vast majority of biographies are provided with portraits.
BBK 63.3 (2) 722.78 K12
ISBN 5-203-1883-9
Milivdat, 2000.

From the editorial board

The feats of those who during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 will remain in the memory of the people in the years of the Great Patriotic War and the lifetime itself. The Holy Love for Fatherland, Flame Patriotism, Fair War Objectives, a deadly threat, which emanated from the German fascism, mobilized the peoples of the Multinational Soviet Union to rebuff the enemy.
In this harsh time, Soviet people showed an inflexible will to victory, cohesion and dedication. Their heroism in the fight against the enemy was massive. 11 thousand 694 Warrior of the Army and Fleet, partisan and the underground for the exploits committed during the war years awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, 5 million 300 thousand people are marked by orders. Among them, about every fifth awarded the Order of Fame.
The Order of Glory was established on November 8, 1943. With its introduction it was decided to appeal to the glorious combat traditions of the past. In the era of Napoleonic Wars in 1807, a special mark of the distinction of the Military Order of St. George was introduced to award ordinary and nonsense officers in the Russian army. Initially, he had one degree, in 1856 he received four degrees, and since 1913 he became referred to as a Georgievsky cross, as she was worn on St. George Ribbon. The continuity of the introduced new Soviet state award was emphasized primarily by the fact that the Georgievskaya ribbon, orange with black, was taken for the Order of Glory. Like the St. George Cross, the Order of Glory was presented consistently. Only awarded the third degree could get the second, and then the first.
These soldiers' awards were similar to their statute. The St. George Cross was handed over to the lower ranks for the valor on the battlefield. In the Statute of the Order of Glory said: "The Order of Glory is awarded the individuals of the ordinary and sergeant composition of the Red Army, and in aviation and persons who have the title of younger lieutenant, who showed the glorious feats of courage, courage and fearlessness in battles for the Soviet Motherland. The tradition has been preserved and in the manufacture of three degrees of the Order of Glory. If the George crosses of the first and second degree were gold, and the third and fourth silver, then the first degree glory Order is golden, the second is silver with a golden middle, the third is silver.
In the course of combat operations, according to the Statute, the Order of the Warry Warriors could be awarded - infantry and air arrows, tankers and scouts, artilleryrs and sappers, pilots and sanitary instructors. The right to awarding the Order of Glory of the third degree was provided by the commander of divisions and buildings. Thanks to this distinguished fighter, they could have a combat award literally on the day of the making day.
In less than two years of the Great Patriotic War, about 980 thousand soldiers were awarded the Order of the Fame of Fame, almost 46 thousand - the Order of the Fame of the Second Degree. The first full cavaliers of the Order of Fame July 22, 1944 were the Efreitor Mitrofan Trofimovich Pitenin and Senior Sergeant Konstantin Kirillovich Shevchenko. 2631 The warrior was marked by the Order of the Glory of Three degrees for tact exploits, and the pilot of the assault aviation regiment Ivan Grigorievich Drachenko, the Marine Pavel Christforovich Dubinda and Artilleryrs Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov, Andrei Vasilyevich Aleshin during the war of the war of the Hero of the Soviet Union.
Among the defendants of the Glory of three degrees, the brave daughters of our Motherland: Aerial shooter Rasteist Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Zhurkina (Kiyek), which committed 87 combat flights; Sanitary instructor Matringer Semenovna Nepeportukova (Nzompacheva), under the fire of more than a hundred fighters and commanders from the battlefield; Sniper Nina Pavlovna Petrova, who struggled dozens of soldiers and officers of the enemy; Martherometer give Yurgio Stanilien (Marcausken), who passed in the battles from the Eagle to the native Lithuanian land.
Many of the heroes of the last war have achieved great success and on a peaceful field. Thus, the full Cavalers of the Order of Glory Maxim Konstantinovich Velichko, Pavel Andreevich Litvinenko, Anatoly Alekseevich Martynenko, Vladimir Israylevich Peller, Hatmulla Asylgaruevich Sultanov, Sergey Vasilyevich Fedorov, Vasily Timofeevich Khristenko, Mikhail Savvich Yarova for labor achievements awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for labor achievements. The successes of others are marked by orders and medals.
The exploits of warriors, selflessly served the Motherland, who defended her in the godine of the hardest tests, are rightfully an example for future generations, a model of military debt. They awarded the Order of Glory three degrees, this short biographical dictionary is dedicated.
This number did not enter the warriors, devoid of this award (see the list on p. 676), as well as the Cavalers of the three orders of glory, relegated to the Order of 1 degrees of the orders of the Ministers of Defense Ministers and Ukraine (their lists are placed on S.675, and the biographies of eleven of the They are given in this edition).
"Cavalers of the Order of Fame are three degrees" - work created in the close community of researchers of the Institute of Military History of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and specialists of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Central Museum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The main source in the preparation of short biographies of the cavalier of the Order of Glory was the archival documents: premium sheets, personal and premium files and other credentials that are in the General Directors of Personnel, Institute of Military History, Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. During the preparation of the dictionary to publish the documentary data provided by local authorities, government agencies, military commissariatants, as well as correspondence with awarded, their relatives and information obtained during personal conversations with them.
The editorial board and the author's team express our sincere gratitude to all persons who provided certain information about the two degrees awarded glory. The vocabulary compilers will be grateful to readers for comments, suggestions and wishes for its content and design.
A brief biographical dictionary is designed for a wide range of readers interested in the history of our Motherland.
The editorial board found it appropriate to publish in the dictionary as an application materials complementing the two-volume brief biographical dictionary "Heroes of the Soviet Union", published in 1987-1988. As a result, for the first time in our country, a wide reader was given the opportunity to get acquainted with the full (without withdrawal) by the composition of persons awarded the highest degree of differences in the USSR for the entire period of assigning this title in 1934-1991. The application contains articles about 94 heroes of the Soviet Union. Among the new heroes of 56 participants in the Great Patriotic War, 13 soldiers- "Afghans", 6 test pilots, 10 cosmonaut pilots, 5 military seafarers, etc. The appendix also publishes: a list of persons deprived of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union; The list of persons excluded from the decrees of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to assign the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and the decrees to assign the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union who were canceled; Supplement to the list of citizens of foreign countries awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.