Dmitry Shepelev Year. Dmitry Shepelev started a new love (photo)

Dmitry Shepelev Year. Dmitry Shepelev started a new love (photo)
Dmitry Shepelev Year. Dmitry Shepelev started a new love (photo)

Shepelev Dmitry Andreevich - TV presenter, actor, DJ - one of the most sought-after showmen of several countries at once. In addition to the native Belarus, Dmitry was able to win the sympathy of residents of Russia and Ukraine.

Bright, charismatic, with a stunning sense of humor, in recent years Shepelev, was able to face telepostects, "comic room", "the wealth of the republic" and the sensational, which caused an extremely ambiguous reaction in expert circles, show "In fact" (Channel One, Russia ), where, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bproducers, it should truth. In this show, Dmitry appeared in a new role for himself, PERFORTWWWWWWW This page of his biography.

Growth, weight, age. How many years Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev is one of the most recognizable media persons. Journalists and fans of the showman are interested in literally everything: height, weight, age, how many years Dmitry Shepelev. You can easily find answers on the Internet, Dmitry, like any media person, does not hide the basic information about yourself, is an active user of social networks.

Dmitry birth date January 25, 1983. In 2018, he noted the anniversary - 35 years. The growth and weight of Dmitry is 175 cm and 72 kg.

Biography and personal life Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev's biography and personal life is conditionally divided into three parts. Three times Dmitry radically changed the place of registration, dividing his creative path into three stages. He began his life path of Dmitry on January 25, 1973 in the capital of Belarus. He graduated from the eleventh Gymnasium of Minsk. Already at school showed interest in the profession of the lead. In addition, it has not been good in sports, professionally played tennis, even entered the top 10 young tennis players of Belarus. Probably the tennis would devote his life to his life, if the will of the chance did not find himself in the extras of the Belarusian television, where he later became one of the leading youth program 5 * 5. At the shooting of the program, Dmitry met his wife, Anna Tabolina. The young people met for 7 years, but the divorce that followed three weeks after the wedding put the cross on the relations of Dmitry and Anna.

By entering the faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University, Shepelev already had a worthy experience in the media and being a student continued to receive suggestions from the body and radio channels that then felt the shortage of young frames. So Dmitry was on Alpha Radio and ONT TV channel. The young man and corporate ever scared, with his head plunging into his favorite business, he worked in Nightclubs Minsk. Among the achievements of the early creativity of Shepelev, it is possible to note the radio broadcast of the concert of Robbie Williams, an interview with world stars Brian Adams, Chris Ri, etc.

In 2004, Slava Dmitry went beyond Belarus. Beginner TV presenter, who in a pocket does not climb in a word and will be able to joke so that everything will be funny, and everything will be in censorship, Ukrainian TV channels became interested. The first sentence received Shepelev from Ukraine came from Alexander Asalyuk - the producer of one of the most rated musical channels of Ukraine "M1". Asialyuk conceived to create a morning show that could help Ukrainians wake up with a smile. He suggested that Dmitry Shepelev offered Dmitry Shepelev. The "Guten Morgen" show started at M1 in 2004. For 4.5 years, whispels "wished good in the morning" by Ukraine, Assalyuk never regretted the choice of the lead. Moreover, later suggested Dmitry participation in several more channel projects. So Shepelev became the leading show "Let ride" bursting between Minsk and Kiev, the showman eventually moved to the capital of Ukraine and since 2007 began to cooperate exclusively with the Ukrainian media.

In 2009, Shepelev, having received interesting offers from the Russian media she moved to Moscow. The sign television projects of this period of life for Dmitry became: "Two voices" "the property of the republic." At the same time, Shepelev was noted as leading festivals and concerts: "Five stars", Eurovision - 2015 and many others. Despite close cooperation with the Russian media, Shepelev- still does not refuse interesting TV projects in Ukraine, comes closer to the famous humorist, the leader of the Studio Quarter-95, Vladimir Zelensky and becomes literally the face of the Inter TV channel and the leading one of the most rating projects of the channel "Cheerful comedians". In this time, Dmitry has a novel with a popular singer Zhanna Friske. In 2013, she gave birth to the leading son, Plato. The death of Zhanna from Oncology in 2015 became a real blow for Shepelev.

The last bright stroke in Dmitry's activities was the current show "In fact", the premiere of which was held on the Russian first channel in the summer of last year. The mature and seems that I changed the role of an eternal merchant on a wise psychologist and analyst, Dmitry, as part of this talk show, is trying to solve the problems of people who came into a dead end. However, not so long ago, Dmitry himself, almost ended up in a dead end. In mid-2017, the World Wide Web blew up the news that Dmitry Shepelev was arrested.

Officially, this information was not confirmed then, however, lawyers argued that the showman could face a prison sentence in connection with the non-fulfillment of the obligations assigned to him on the establishment of the relationship and communication of the son of the late Friske with singer's relatives. The fact is that the parents of Zhanna for a long time they sued Dmitry for the right to see and communicate with the grandson, as a result of which the court decided to recover from Dmitry a fine, and according to lawyers, the next court decision, with the failure of Dmitry the previous decision of the judicial authority could be more Hard (up to imprisonment).
Shelelev does not greatly advertise his personal life. With the submission of parents Friske, the media public spoke about the Roman Shepelev with the cosmetologist Zhanna, Ksenia Stepanova. The couple really lit up on a joint vacation, and Svetlana takes an active part in the education of Plato. Most recently, the excitement caused Dmitry's photo in the doctor's clothes. The fans decided that the photo was made in the hospital, and Shepelev for the second time became his father. There was no official confirmation of this, leading only intrigue said that was ready for the birth of the second child and wants it to be a girl.

Family and children Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev's family and children are also an urgent topic for discussion among his talent fans. Dmitry was born in a poor family Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev Natalia Alexandrovna Shepelovy. Father worked as a programmer, and the mother accountant. Despite the fact that Dima was the only child in the family, he was brought up in rigor. From the very childhood he had to work out, distributing leaflets on the streets of Minsk.

The first marriage with a colleague on the workshop by Anna Tabolina, today Dmitry calls the mistake of youth. I have a real love, he knew with Zhanna Friske. The fruit of their relationship was the son of Plato. Officially register the marriage of the stars and did not have time, Zhanna after a long illness died, almost on the hands of Dmitry. After that, the showman prefers not to spread about his personal life. According to some data, he lives with Friske's girlfriend and even thinks about the second child, but there is no official confirmation.

Son Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev

Son Dmitry Shepelev - Platon Shepelev - Born in America on April 7, 2013. Child's mother - singer Zhanna Friske, Dmitry's relationship with which began to actively discuss long before the boy's appearance. Today, the five-year-old son Shepelev looks like a happy child, fascinates friends and artist fans. The popularity of his person is explained by the conflict of Dmitry and relatives of the late Zhanna Friske.

Significantly the cause of disagreements is unknown, but according to information appearing in the media, Dmitry in every way prevents the Son to communicate with his grandparents. Sometimes the media is given "on the mountain" terrible information on the type that Shepelev told the son that his grandmother died.

Former wife Dmitry Shepelev - Anna Tabolin

Today, Dmitry Shepelev's first marriage calls the mistake of youth, at the same time in the late 90s young showman fell in love with his colleague on the youth show 5 * 5 Anna Startsev (Taboline). Their passionate romance lasted for 7 years, after which Dmitry dared to make the proposal of the girl's hands and hearts. However, the joint life scattered illusions, and less than a month later the couple divorced. Dmitry Shepelev's former wife - Anna Tabolina today is a practitioner psychotherapist, she successfully married, is the mother of two children.

Civilian wife Dmitry Shepelev - Zhanna Friske

Civilian wife Dmitry Shepelev - Zhanna Friske - became one of the brightest pages in his life. It is significant unknown where and under what circumstances did the stars met, but their novel was actively discussed, since 2009, and in 2013 Friske gave birth to the son of Plato and said the father of the boy - Dmitry Shepelev.

Then they were called one of the most beautiful star couples and propheted a long lucky future. However, Dmitry already knew about the death rate of his beloved. Dmitry Shepelev's civilian wife - Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna

After the death of Friske, Dmitry decided to fully pay himself to upbringing the heir. For some time, the showman refused to interview public meetings at all and offers television channels. It seemed that television had lost one of the brightest and charismatic leading 21st century. However, not so long ago, he suddenly decided to return to TV. According to rumors, a relationship with Ksenia Stepanova (close by Friske's close friend) has been rumored to such a solution.

Dmitry Shepelev and his new girl after Zhanna today became the subject of hot battles of Internet users. Separate users condemn the idol, others believe that the showman has the right to a personal life without resorting to the vow of celibacy
Officially, his relations with Ksenia Stepanova, Shepelev does not comment, but Ksenia takes part in the education of the Son Jeanne and Dmitry and spends quite a long time with him. And not so long ago, the host said that he was not against re-becoming a father.

Transfer show "In fact" with the leading Dmitry Shepelev

At the beginning of 2017, one of the most popular search engines was: "Dmitry Shepelev's new program on the first channel."

The transmission show "In fact" with the leading Dmitry Shepelev - became a new stage in the life and work of Dmitry. Already crowded and widthed experience, in the new current show he tries to understand the problems of other people, give the right advice. To increase the rating of the show to participate are attracted by famous personalities. At one time, connect yourself to the detector of lies in the studio "In fact" allowed Masha Rasputin, Ivan Krasko, Danko.

"In fact," became the most controversial project in the biography of Dmitry. Critics poured the format of the program criticism, considering some conclusions of the leading inappropriate and incorrect, and the actors of the program were simply purchased. In favor of such conclusions of experts, the statements of the above stars are also talking about that their participation in the show generously was bred. However, modern television has to be accepted into such a lies - by no means opening.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev

Dmitry Shepelev is an active user of social networks. Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Shepelev is of particular interest in fans. It is the photo albums of Dmitry, constantly updating the leading, give a reason for intrigue and gossip about the personal life of the showman today. In his instagram, Dmitry predominantly lay out its photos and joint photos with the Son, made during traveling in various countries.

Shepelev has officially confirmed accounts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They regularly appear the brightest impressions from the life of the showman. Photos, as a rule, are accompanied by a text comment written in the style of Dmitry, with a notch of self-irony and a smile, which many years later, no matter what, not coming from the face of the lead.

Television and radio host.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in Minsk in the family of the programmer Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev and the accountant Natalia Alexandrovna Shepelev.

    Medium education received in Minsk Gymnasium No. 11.

    Shepelev received the first job, learning in the seventh grade, along with a friend during the summer holidays he settled to hand out leaflets. In the eighth grade, Father Dima, Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev offered the Son to work on his company, which was engaged in the development of computer databases. I liked working under the guidance of Father Shepelev, he gladly fulfilled all the tasks and received a deserved remuneration. Baduchi nine-grader, Dima began working on television, in the 5x5 program.

    At the end of the gymnasium, Dmitry entered the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Journalism (Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting). At the University of Shepelev twice was threatened by the deductions for numerous, although forced, skipping.

    In 2004, Shepelev received a proposal from the Ukrainian Music Channel M1 and decided to move to Kiev. In the Ukrainian capital, Shepelev led several shows at once on various TV channels.

    In 2005 he graduated from the university, with honors by defending the thesis on the topic "Theory and Practice of Commercial Broadcasting".


    In Belarus

    Shepelev began his career in the Belarusian television, after school years, accidentally appear in the crowd. After the shooting, he signed up to the TV presenter school. Still in the ninth grade, Shepelev becomes one of the leading youth program "5x5". The first experience was so successful that Shepelev entered the faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University (television and broadcasting department). As a student, he started working at the Alfa Radio radio station in parallel, after the UNISTAR radio and ONT television channel, as well as leading in nightclubs. On the radio Shepelev found himself by the will of the case: in the school of the TV presenters, he met with one of her teachers - the program director of Alpha Radio Vitaly Drozdov. One day, Drozdov offered everyone to record a skimmer (eyeliner, in which the master declares songs, jokes and manifests his talents in every way). Shepelev recorded his option and six months later, at the age of 20, received a place at the most popular radio station of Minsk.

    Later on the UNISTAR radio station, Shepelev Vyul and produced the morning show, prepared the first in Belarus's direct radio broadcast of the Robbie Williams concert, took an interview with Brian Adams, Chris Ri and many other stars. He was the first commentator "Grammy" ceremony in Belarus.

    In Ukraine

    In 2004, Dmitry Shepelev received a proposal from the Ukrainian Music Channel "M1": he was called to lead the morning show "Guten Morgen". 4.5 years old Shepelev worked in Belarus, and in Ukraine, spending a week in Minsk on radio funds, and a week - in Kiev, on television broadcasts. As a result, Shepelev decided to finally move to the Ukrainian capital.

    In 2007, he became the leading car show "Let Razing" on the TV channel "M1".

    In 2008, he was the leading rating show, in the entire history of the Ukrainian TV "Factory Star-2", in the same year he began to maintain the program "Zyrka karaoke". Also led the program "Graysh Chi not Grade" - the Ukrainian version of the TV game "Deal or No Deal".

    In 2009, he began to actively work in Russia and decided to move to permanent residence in Moscow.

    However, in 2011, Dmitry again appeared on the air of Ukrainian television, as the leading humorous program "Komika laugh".

    In the summer of 2013, a new culinary show "Summer kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev" started at Inter, in the autumn of 2013 on the same channel, began to lead a new, family, song show "One family".

    In 2014, began shooting a new karaoke show "Sing as a star" (Ukrainian adaptation of the Turkish format Keep Your Light Shining) The premiere took place on February 27, 2015.

    In Russia

    In 2008, Dmitry Shepelev tried himself as a lead program "Can you? SPEA "on the" Channel One ". In 2009, Konstantin Ernst, who marked the work of Shepelev in the show, invited him to join the team of his channel. In August 2008, he was also one of the leading Music Festival "Five Stars" ("First Channel").

    In May 2009, he was leading in Green Room to Eurovision 2009 and spent around 80 press conferences. On September 26, 2009, TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev became the owner of the Russian Prize in Teffi -2009 television (for work at the Eurovision contest).

    From September 6, 2009, the Program of the Republic of the Republic in a pair with Yuri Nikolayev.

    In the summer of 2010, I led the program "Hello, girls!" on the "First Channel". In the fall of 2010, he was a permanent member of the Jury of the project "Loda and the Flame".

    From 2011 to 2013 was one of the leading "minutes of glory" on the "First Channel".

    In 2014, the new program "Empire Illusions: the Safronov Brothers", the permanent member of the jury of which were Dmitry Shepelev and Tigran Keosayan became a permanent member of the jury. The premiere of the show took place on February 21, 2015 at the CTC.

    Eurovision 2015 declared estimates from Russia.

    Dmitry Shepelev - Handsome and Pet of millions of women, popular TV host, was born in the capital of Belarus, Minsk 01/25/1983.


    The parents of the boy did not have any relation to the show business and worked with ordinary engineers. Weaving in the family was small, and the boy was not particularly bald. Therefore, in high school, he, to have his own pocket money, worked on vacation in the mail.

    Dmitry was fond of sports - loved to swim, played the water polo and he was seriously engaged in large tennis since childhood. He could have done a good sports career, as the school even entered the top 10 juniors. However, he had other plans.

    Interestingly, Dmitry was not too sociable in the school years. He resigned all sorts of school parties and concerts. He was infrequently able to meet in the crowd of classmates on the street. He loved to read and preferred humanitarian subjects, the exact science studied with great reluctance.

    He dreamed of a journalist's career, but, not being confident in his own power, he did not talk about it, trying to somehow break into his own goal. The dream led him to the casting of an entertainment show on the local television "5x5". He hoped at least to place in the crowd, and he got the role of lead. It immediately made Dima with a school star and attracted the attention of all the girls to him.


    Having received a certificate, Dmitry enters the faculty of journalism to Minsk University. By this time, his face was already recognizable, and even in stores it was often missing without a queue. Naturally, it was very stalling his pride and stimulated to develop a career.

    Now he has already worked on not by mail, but as a DJ or leading on local radio stations, which even more attracted to his person's gym. Dmitry has gradually formed a circle of fans. Later he goes to the Yunistar channel, where he takes an interview with famous musicians.

    In 2004, he accidentally noticed the leadership of the M1 music channel. They liked the relaxed style of communicating the lead, and he was invited to work in Kiev to the program "Guten Morgen". For some time, Dmitry had to constantly dangle between Kiev and Minsk, because of which he almost flew out of the university. But he was still a diploma, and with honors.

    Career Dmitry in Ukraine developed much more successful and rapidly than in Native Minsk, and in 2008, becoming the leading second "star factory", he takes a fateful decision and finally moved to Kiev. He immediately receives new proposals, and he already leads several entertainment programs at once.

    Literally a year later, he lures it to Moscow himself, who offered him a place on the first channel. Now Dmitry lives into two countries again: it flies between Russia and Ukraine, where it begins to work tightly with the "95 quarter" in the Komik laugh program.

    In 2009, Dmitry occupies a prestigious place in Green Room, becoming one of the representatives of Russia at Eurovision. It was literally in a few days he had to spend more than 80 interviews and press conferences. It was difficult, but made it recognizable and even brought him the Thafi Prize.

    Subsequently, Dmitry became the leading several popular music programs, as well as the show project "Ice and the Flame". His career on Russian television continues to actively develop, but the Dmitry does not plan to move to Moscow yet. Moreover, he is very in demand on Ukrainian television.

    Personal life Dmitry Shepelev

    In school for a long time the girls did not pay any attention to a modest and quiet boy. While he did not become leading on television. But now Dmitry itself was not interested in the novels, but the development of their own career. Therefore, even though he stolen attention, but he did not start serious relationships.

    However, one of the girls still managed to conquer his heart. With Anna Startseva, he met more than seven years, and in the end they still got married. But after three years, they officially divorced, because Dmitry was engaged only by his own career.

    With Anna Startseva

    With his second spouse, Zhanna Friske, Dmitry met in Miami. However, most likely it happened much earlier, as they have already celebrated the 39th birthday of Zhanna. And then, already officially appearing in public as a couple, together met a new year.

    In 2012, he literally glowed from happiness, and the press believed from one of the most beautiful couples of the Russian show business. And a year later, Zhanna fans learned about her pregnancy. In one of the most prestigious Miami clinics in April 2013, their long-awaited son Plato was born.

    And after a year, the fans of Jeanne were shocked by another news - the singer was discovered brain cancer. The struggle for her life began, and Dmitry supported Zhanna, constantly being close to her and her son. For some time, he even almost abandoned his career. However, they failed to defeat death - in June 2015, Zhanna died.

    Officially, they did not register his marriage. Having learned about the disease, Jeanna wanted to play a wedding after his recovery, but she did not live before him. Her relatives began to accuse Dmitry that he pursued mercenary goals in this union, and because of him, Zhanna could not be treated normally, they did not even give him to see his son.

    But gradually passions lay down, although the pain remained. Dmitry often takes the boy to himself and continues to build a career. He tries to keep himself in shape and in his free time loves to visit the pool.


    Rating 5.

    Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio host in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev say that his fate lies in a constant flow of life waves. It is quite difficult for him to resist his life and the moment when he decides to begin to oppose the waves, can sink him under them. He was born on January 25, 1983 and is a water ..

    Summary 5.0 Excellent

    Dmitry Shepelev is a famous television and radio host in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev say that his fate lies in a constant flow of life waves. It is quite difficult for him to resist his life and the moment when he decides to begin to oppose the waves, can sink him under them. He was born on January 25, 1983 and is an aid on the sign of the zodiac. His element - water and air. This is a fairly thin warehouse of the soul, ironic, smart, falling on everything beautiful. It does not have a physical force that can resist the strong world of this, and also has some kind of cowardice. All these qualities do not make it bad people, it's just a fairly developed feminine in it.

    Shepelev today

    Shepelev Today is a man who has faced a number of problems. At the moment when a child and native people should become the only consolation in life, he stumbles into a large number of vital turmoils related to the inheritance of his wife, beautiful Zhanna Friske.

    If, during the life of the singer, he was next to her, raising his own son Plato, starred in a television show, and was happy, beautiful and lucky, the black stripe was overwhelmed at that moment when he learned about Zhanna's disease. Read more about the life of the ex-soloist of the group Brilliant and wives Dmitry Shepelev can be found in this article.

    Zhanna Friske gave birth to a healthy boy, whose named Platon Dmitrievich Shepelev. Almost immediately became aware of Zhanna's disease, the problems began immediately after the birth, and she had to go to the clinic. All this time, Dmitry was near the child. Zhanna had to treat a lot and transported in different clinics.

    Her diagnosis was cancer, and psychics talk about Dmitry Shepelev, that the man of his nature could suffer from this even more, even to some extent regret herself more than the wife dying in his eyes. Zhanna is a strong person who was more leader in their relationship than Dmitry. It is rumored that she even contained Shepelev, which is quite ridiculous, given the fact that Dmitry Personality is famous and in demand.

    Dmitry Shepelev was not present at the time of the death of Zhanna - he was with a child Plato in Bulgaria with his parents. Just took it there for the summer. Psychics say that Plato's parents did not want the baby to see how his mom melts on his eyes.

    Jeanne remained with his parents who disliked Dmitry for personal reasons. She died in a family circle, but after death began to spread because of money. The sources of finance two - the first were collected by the fans of Zhanna 25 million, and others are the inheritance of Zhanna Friske, which was recently divided by the Son (his representative Dmitry), Father and Mother Zhanna.

    Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske say that the situation that arose after the death of the girl was not the most pleasant. They believe that the problem of both sides is the pain that both sides are experiencing. Each has accepted its decision and tries to follow him in order to restore the equilibrium in his own heart.

    Parents Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev

    FRESK Parents want to see the grandson of Plato, so that he reminds them to Jeanne. They are ready for hours to tell him about what his mom was. But he has not even decided to report mom's death.

    Dmitry Shepelev, in turn, wants to make the Son forget about Joan, he hopes that the child will quickly forget mom, and he will not have to hurt, explaining about her death. He hopes that time will be able to drive out pain in the heart of the child, and afraid of the consequences that can occur due to the frequent meetings of the parents.

    Communication among themselves Parents Zhanna Friske and Dmitry Shepelev can also not. They want Dmitry to show his pain, proved that he loved the daughter at least tears, and he keeps coldly trying to keep her face, and this invariably displays from the equilibrium Father Zhanna Friske.

    A hot man takes the rapid decisions that cause pain to the baby, because of which the whole cheese-boron caught fire: the grandfather threatens with a child. With a little kid, Father Friske suits the attack on Shepelev. In the eyes of the child beat the father and break the fingers to the personal driver!

    Dmitry Shepelev was silent for a long time, even the performances of Frank Father on various shows, as "let them say." After attacking him and son, he still interrupted his silence and laid out a video message that says that all these actions do not consider normally and precisely for the reason for the reason to see the parents of Friske with his son that they do not adequately behave and need in psychological treatment. View the video message Dmitry Shepelev here here:

    Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev

    The situation comes to the absurd. Numerous girlfriends of Zhanna Friske, who are trying to warm up a little more in her rays. The best friend Friske Olga Orlova, also a soloist from the group "Brilliant" believes that she is the godfather of Plato, gives her the right to take guardianship over the child. She is against Dmitry Shepelev, he believes that he did not have the right to call the journalists to be photographed with Jeanne during E illness, when she did not make a single photo with her friend.

    Olga Orlova and Dmitry Shepelev did not have an open conflict, although the star of show business considers Dmitry with a dishonest man who also hides Plato from her. "The godfather must be near his child," she believes.

    "I do everything for this that in my power. Sure, . But I would like to give him my love, help, be close, "said Orlov.

    Dmitry Shepelev and Rusfund Money

    In addition to all these strife with a child, there is another wave of conflicts associated with money. The fact is that wicked 20 million rubles from the money that allocated the RusFond for the treatment of Jeanne. In total, her fans gathered about 25 million rubles, which were listed to her personal account.

    Dmitry Shepelev ordered by these expenses, hiring doctors and paying operations, however, was able to provide a report of only 4 million from this money. The remaining 20 disappeared somewhere. FRESK PARENTS, in which the card was last time, also do not know what this money went. Can not explain to their loss and Dmitry Shepelev.

    Psychics about these money and Dmitry Shepelev say. What people like him are not accustomed to consider money and live on a complete coil. The fact that for ordinary people is considered wastefulness, for example, flight by plane in a business class for 50 thousand rubles, when you can travel by train for two thousand, is considered ordinary affair from media persons. In fact, the money was unlikely to disappear somewhere, and were rapped by a star family for various needs and organizational moments related to the treatment of Zhanna. So, for example, Olga Orlova, Girlfriend Zhanna and the Cross mother of Plato, finds a funny, offensive and provocative suggestion of the press that they and Zhanna could settle in New York at their girlfriend Oksana, as if they could not afford their own housing " Most likely, a huge amount of 20 million for us was spent on various bribes and such trifles,

    • as a private housing,
    • dear Chamber,
    • service VIP
    • and all sorts of joys of life that could brighten the last days of the fanning star Zhanna. That is why there are no checks for these amounts - they managed money, without thinking about their account.

    Dmitry Shepelev - not father Plato?

    Unfortunately, for many, the inheritance of Zhanna Friske is a country house and an apartment in Moscow - a lacquer. It is known that the priority in possession of property has a little plander, so many people want to become his guardians. I recently appeared another fan of the Nazi named Radik Gushchin, who composed the legend that he was the father of Plato, and Dmitry Shepelev had nothing to do with it. The application was not only done in the press, but it was written in a real application to the court with a proposal to make DNA analysis to paternity. It is not known what the Radik Gushchin hopes. Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev and Platon Shepelev say that this is undoubtedly two kindred souls. In addition, even an externally, the baby already has the ears of his father, his cheekbones and sowing faces, the truth is slightly plump, as it happens at the kids who did not hope for the death of a loved one.

    Olga Orlova - Plato's godfather

    Psychics perfect accurately confirm that Plato is the son of Dmitry Shepelev and Zhanna Friske.

    Dmitry Shepelev and personal life after Zhanna

    Dmitry Shepelev after Friske did not officially confirm the relationship, mainly the son and work.

    Journalists on the tip of parents Zhanna Friske suspected Dmitry in relations with Oksana Stepanova. They say that she pays a lot of time to Dmitry, and Plato. During the illness of his wife, Oksana Stepanov helped a lot and took care of Joan, and now she switched to Dmitry. Parents even say that it was she who filed Dmitry Signal when Jeanne began to fade so that he would take away the Son in Bulgaria, and then looked around him. In fact, these are unconfirmed data, in addition, nothing

    lochy is that the young father helped take care of the child - no.

    Psychics see the sexual aura of Dmitry Shepelev defective. The line of fate at the moment is broken, it means that he had no sexual, nor astral Socia for the last 9 months.

    Dmitry Shepelev and his son

    From the point of view of the judiciary - only the Father and Mother first of all have the right to dispose of the child's fate if they are not deprived of parental rights. That is why Dmitry Shepelev can do everything he wishes or considers it necessary to care for his own son. Grandparents, and even more so harvest mother should not interfere in this situation and arrange PR and a circus performance from the death of a person's dear person. It seems that they all forgot that the dispute occurred from pain, everyone is trying to insist on their own, applying gross strength, and by this by scaring Dmitry Shepelev from cooperation.

    Psychics about Dmitry Shepelev say that his mission is now to take care of the child. Inherited from Zhanna, he received his own house, which they bought together with Zhanna three years ago. There he is going to live afterwards with his son, now it makes the price of 25 million rubles in the house. So far, they live on a removable apartment, except for Dmitry Shepelev and Plato in the apartment there are always nanny Plato, a security guard and a few more people from the servant. Among them - the cosmetologist Oksana, which was suspected by the Father Zhanna in love relations with Dmitry Shepelev. Parents are crazy about the fact that the child lives on a removable apartment at least this is not a two-way apartment in a combined bathroom, but gorgeous choirs that many dream of.

    Shepelev on the Son will not bother, psychics about Dmitry say that from it should be a good father-friend who could not bring up, but only to support the child, play with him and protect from mother's instructions. He is not very good for the role of a person who prohibits something, so psychics consider it a good step that the whispels of the child often hires psychologists and teachers, the main thing is that they complement, and not replaced the attention of the father.

    (1983-01-25 ) (36 years)

    Dmitry Andreevich Shepelev (born January 25, Minsk, Belarusian SSR) - Belarusian, Ukrainian and Russian television and radio.


    Dmitry Shepelev was born on January 25, 1983 in Minsk, in the family of the programmer Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev and the accountant Natalia Alexandrovna Shepelev.

    Medium education received in Minsk Gymnasium No. 11.

    From six years he was engaged in sports, in particular water polo and swimming; Taking big tennis, he reached considerable heights: he was among the top ten tennis players of Belarus among juniors. Shepelev received the first job, learning in the seventh grade, along with a friend during the summer holidays he settled to hand out leaflets. In the eighth grade, Father Dima, Andrei Viktorovich Shepelev offered the Son to work on his company, which was engaged in the development of computer databases. I liked working under the guidance of Father Shepelev, he gladly fulfilled all the tasks and received a deserved remuneration.

    Being a nine-grader, Dima began working on television, in the 5x5 program.

    At the end of the gymnasium, Dmitry entered the Belarusian State University at the Faculty of Journalism (Department of Television and Radio Broadcasting). At the University of Shepelev twice was threatened by the deductions for numerous, although forced, skipping.

    Career in Belorussia

    Shepelev began his career in the Belarusian television, after school years, accidentally appear in the crowd. After the shooting, he signed up to the TV presenter school. Still in the ninth grade, Shepelev becomes one of the leading youth program "5x5". The first experience was so successful that Shepelev entered the faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University (television and broadcasting department). As a student, he started working at the Alfa Radio radio station in parallel, after the UNISTAR radio and ONT television channel, as well as leading in nightclubs. On the radio Shepelev found himself by the will of the case: in the school of the TV presenters, he met with one of her teachers - the program director of Alpha Radio Vitaly Drozdov. One day, Drozdov offered everyone to record a skimmer (eyeliner, in which the master declares songs, jokes and manifests his talents in every way). Shepelev recorded his option and six months later, at the age of 20, received a place at the most popular radio station of Minsk.

    Career in Ukraine

    In 2004, Dmitry Shepelev received a proposal from the Ukrainian Music Channel "M1": he was called to lead the morning show "Guten Morgen". 4.5 years old Shepelev worked in Belarus, and in Ukraine, spending a week in Minsk on radio funds, and a week - in Kiev, on television broadcasts. As a result, Shepelev decided to finally move to the Ukrainian capital.

    In 2007, he became the leading car show "Let Razing" on the TV channel "M1".

    In 2008, he was the leading rating show, in the entire history of the Ukrainian TV "Factory Star-2", in the same year he began to maintain the program "Zyrka karaoke". Also led the program "Graysh Chi not Grade" - the Ukrainian version of the TV game "Deal or No Deal".

    In 2009, he began to actively work in Russia and decided to move to permanent residence in Moscow.

    However, in 2011, Dmitry again appeared on the air of Ukrainian television, as the leading humorous program "Komika laugh".

    In the summer of 2013, a new culinary show "Summer kitchen with Dmitry Shepelev" started at Inter, in the autumn of 2013 on the same channel, began to lead a new, family, song show "One family".

    In 2014, began shooting a new karaoke show "Sing as a star" (Ukrainian adaptation of the Turkish format Keep Your Light Shining) The premiere took place on February 27, 2015.

    Career in Russia

    In 2008, Dmitry Shepelev tried himself as a lead program "Can you? SPEA "on the" Channel One ".

    From September 6, 2009, he leads the Program of the Republic of the Republic "In a pair with Yuri Nikolaev.

    In the summer of 2010, I led the program "Hello, girls!" on the "First Channel". In the fall, 2010 was a permanent member of the jury of the project "Loda and the Place".

    From 2011 to 2013 was one of the leading "minutes of glory" on the "First Channel".

    In 2012, together with Yana Churikova, the Summer Music Sparring Marathon "Factory Stars Russia - Ukraine", in which graduates of the Russian and Ukrainian "Factory" took part.

    In 2013, Dmitry Shepelev was a permanent participant of the show "