Means and forms of museum activities: the effectiveness of the impact on the individual. Course: Museum - Museum Marketing - Mad Race

Means and forms of museum activities: the effectiveness of the impact on the individual. Course: Museum - Museum Marketing - Mad Race

K. Basilashvili: Good morning. Timur Olevsky.

T. Olevsky: And Ksenia Basilashvili. Good morning.

K. Basilashvili: We have a very important program today, state, we will talk about state affairs, so I clarify. Are you a citizen of Russia? Can we discuss it with you? I am a citizen of Russia.

T. Olevsky: I do not know, in the current situation, as I can so easily answer this question. Yes, a citizen. Of course, a citizen. Recognize, not recognize - it is not clear. My passport is red.

K. Basilashvili: After half of the hour we are talking about the New Year program of the metropolitan parks and museums, Anton Grown, Head of the Department of Museum and Exhibition Works Department of the Department of Culture of Moscow

T. Olevsky: Are they only for Russian citizens?

K. Basilashvili: We will learn and ask. Minutes in 26 we will go along with Stas Anisimov in new Museum, in the USSR Museum, he opened in the territory of the ICC.

T. Olevsky: We live in the USSR and the USSR Museum, logical.

K. Basilashvili: Do not forget that closer to the end of the hour will the prizes will be a corresponding question. And now main topic - What is a successful museum and how to evaluate the effectiveness of Russian museums.

T. Olevsky: let's imagine a guest. Natalia Samoilenko - Head of Department cultural heritage Ministry of Culture of Russia.

N. Samoilenko: Good morning. Happy New Year.

T. Olevsky: We will not pretend that we are not familiar.

K. Basilashvili: What, now we will just close museums, I understand it?

T. Olevsky: Wait. What happened?

K. Basilashvili: We are from reliable sources it became known that the Ministry of Culture is preparing a rating, an efficiency scale ...

K. Basilashvili: and thunder still. Both schools and universities, and kindergartens. In general, some optimization, which this time has already touched and Russian museums has already affected. What will you close ineffective?

N. Samoilenko: I think how well walk to familiar friends, because you will find out a lot of new things from them. What you say now, I hear for the first time. No rating is preparing the Ministry of Culture. The Ministry of Culture is now engaged in the preparation of a document called the "Museum Development Concept", where the question will be to evaluate museums. And for what to evaluate - understandable. From the point of view of the state, it is important to understand whether the museum operates correctly or it is in a state of hibernation. From the point of view of the state, it is important to understand who must be financed primarily, and whom to the second. This requires the criteria for assessing museums.

K. Basilashvili: And who may not be financed at all.

N. Samoilenko: Yes.

T. Olevsky: If the museum is not effective, as before some time, a museum of decorative and applied art in Moscow was not effective. For a long time, the museum was hacked, not interesting.

N. Samoilenko: And now everything wakes up there, all people began to think how to make the museum is interesting.

T. Olevsky: But the question arises. The museum was not effective - is it an occasion to liquidate or need to change something? If you recognize the museum poorly working, what measures will be made with him?

N. Samoilenko: Measures will be made exactly those that are now produced in the museum of decorative and applied art. Museum of decorative and applied art is looking for, what path he should now go.

T. Olevsky: Changing the authorities - the first question.

N. Samoilenko: Not necessarily.

K. Basilashvili: and closing?

N. Samoilenko: And not necessarily.

T. Olevsky: Moving to another room?

N. Samoilenko: Moving to another room is a separate question. The question is the easiest - and how do we think? If you now asked me a question, did the Ministry of Culture worked well in the past year, I would proudly said that the Ministry of Culture last year worked very well. Because instead of 72 million rubles, which were allocated for procurement in the 11th year, in the 12th year we purchased for museums of works of art, museum items more than 230 million rubles. And immediately everything becomes clear.

K. Basilashvili: Let's understand what the situation is now. Now the ministry, the state gives money to the development of museums, universities.

N. Samoilenko: for maintenance, not for development. The main thing about us is a museum fund. The state must first keep our legacy that is in museums. Fixed assets are now going to support the museum fund: to maintain buildings, focusing, on the restoration of works of art, to service this economy. But at the same time, they are absolutely relevant for today's thing. We absolutely do not know how to determine how interesting it is the viewer.

K. Basilashvili: And what, the means began to miss? Why is it necessary to start a conversation about how to distribute them between museums?

N. Samoilenko: funds are even more, only museums become even more. And this question is what museums must be maintained: only federal, only regional, whether municipalities only? And what to do with private museums? This is a question that needs clarifications and discussions.

K. Basilashvili: Let's start talking about the criteria. Take blockbuster museums, museums that everyone knows, in which everyone will come: Hermitage, Pushkin Museum, Russian Museum, Tretyakovka, State Historical Museum, Peterhof ...

N. Samoilenko: And the problem immediately will arise. For example, Peterhof is the most visited museum of our country today. But Peterhof consists of a variety of objects. How to consider us? One ticket, on a ticket to each object. One ticket is bought in the Hermitage, Peterhof you can buy several. Therefore, the calculation will be different. And the question is - is it good or bad, many tickets or one?

T. Olevsky: So, not quite honestly. It is clear that the Peterhof is not easy to manage, but for the leadership of Peterhof by itself, Peterhof is already a monopoly: here it is, people go there. Try so that it all has not turned into ruins. And the little museum, he does not have such opportunities. How can it be compared with Peterhof?

N. Samoilenko: That's the point. The simple criterion of attendance, it is not unequivocal. Because in some museums do not need to go more people, they are already working at the limit. If there will be more people there, the museum will simply stop exist, it will be flooded, it will need to be repaired twice as much as now. Therefore, for each type of museums, it is necessary to set their criteria.

K. Basilashvili: Here are blockbuster museums. The first criterion for them is attendance?

N. Samoilenko: Yes. Because the museum should be interesting. But just to measure the number of people is strange. If you ask a question what is good museumI can answer this question pretty quickly to this question. This is a museum where you want to come again.

T. Olevsky: And how do you place it in a piece of paper?

N. Samoilenko: Absolutely - how to measure this interest of the audience? Indeed, there are museums where people come once and no longer want to go.

T. Olevsky: there is in museums, in which very few people come, but it is very important that that a small amount of People reached these museums. A simple example. There is a museum at home on the embankment, right in the house on the embankment, a tiny museum, in which a very small number of people go compared to Peterhof. But perhaps the person who comes there, he will change something in his life, then in Moscow's life or even the life of the country. How to evaluate? It must be an expert community, but very respected, which is trusted.

N. Samoilenko: We need to first agree, which is included in museum activities, is there only a number of items in museum activities that we supported and renovated, retained, or museum activities are now wider? Because what you are talking about is a museum that can actually work on the Internet may interact with the modern public, and we will evaluate it for this external activity. These things are connected with the new forms of the Museums in the last 10th anniversary, we need to start considering. They are not catching up yet. To do this, we need to create a new system of criteria for assessing museums.

K. Basilashvili: I want to ask a question to our radio listeners, we launch our voting. Do you mean Museum ratings? If so, for you the ratings of museums will be important, depending on this you will come or you will not come to this museum, then call 660-06-64. If such rating has no value for you, 660-06-65.

T. Olevsky: There is a danger from the leaders of museums. Rating is such a thing to which they can not affect. And if the rules are blurred, then this is a manipulation tool - you can recognize any director ineffective.

K. Basilashvili: Suppose a high salary of employees, higher than in other museums, is it effective or not, is it a criterion or not? Suppose, like the Louvre, for the year an increase in the number of visitors per 1 million is effective, is it a criterion? Name your scale. What is?

N. Samoilenko: If we talk about attendance, we need to understand that there are any limiting opportunities for visiting museums, and we must immediately say about it. Say, Hermitage in modern video Do not digest more than 3 or 3.5 million people per year. But if the Hermitage opens the main headquarter case, if the Hermitage opened the new focus now, this means that in two years there should be attendance in two times, and this is quite real things. Those. Depending on what has a museum, how he works with it. Because if the Hermitage will continue to walk only in the Winter Palace and the Buildings, built along the Palace Embankment, this is one story. And if new Hermitage Square will actively live, it will indicate the effectiveness of the Hermitage.

K. Basilashvili: "In London and Washington, most blockbuster museums are free," Elena reminds us. This is true. We still talk about free museums at the end of the hour. We are just starting to arrange free days in a trial mode, and not all museums agree.

N. Samoilenko: Because they earn money on this.

K. Basilashvili: And if the museum learned to make money, contrary to everything? Now, in principle, legislation does not make it possible to make money. In order to open cafes, you need to pass a lot of structures, commissions.

N. Samoilenko: But in this direction you have to move. The museum should give people the opportunity to be there in a comfortable setting. And this is also one of the main requirements that can lay in the concept of an effective museum.

K. Basilashvili: Availability of a good restaurant, convenient wardrobe.

N. Samoilenko: a comfortable cafe, wardrobe, rooms where you can rimp the child, a bookstore and toilet, without this it is impossible.

K. Basilashvili: i.e. Such an infrastructure. Canceling your fingers: Attendance, the presence of infrastructure ...

N. Samoilenko: and the program.

T. Olevsky: What do you do with the Pushkin Museum, if there is a building that is now? There is no place for a big wardrobe, there will be no buffet there, there is a small buffet, which was from Soviet times.

N. Samoilenko: Pushkin Museum expands and is going to open new stories, and many of them will be service, as well as new Hermitage spaces suggest a new level of service.

T. Olevsky: Good question: "What do residents of Bratsk about Kamyshin museums know?" - Writes Igor from Bratsk. Review of the museum in the area, does she somehow affect the criteria for his work?

N. Samoilenko: Of course. This is a question as the museum works with local audiences, that's what is not caught again in statistics. The Museum of the Big City, which works for tourists, is one thing. The museum, which is in a small town, should be some kind of warm place, such a cultural center, which, besides what stores works, it should somehow more actively work with the public. Because otherwise in no way. He should really give interesting programs For children, for young people, he must become a museum-club.

K. Basilashvili: This is such a spurla whip from the Ministry of Culture to the Russian Museums. And now we go to the new private museum. To them too will be some criteria apply? We will talk about it. And now the Word of Stanislav Anisimov, who first visited the USSR Museum.

Report from the museum

S. Anisimov: One of the most important events of the 20th century, which in history may become one step with a split of the Roman Empire, is the collapse of the USSR. In order to learn about the characteristic signs of the past, to get acquainted with the history and the life of that time, and the USSR Museum was created at the ICC. We are encountered by the administrator Igor and talks about what the USSR is in the context of the work of the museum.

Museum employee: Today, many are different to the country of councils in different ways, but most residents of Russia were born in this country. One thing is unquestioned - it was a powerful empire that made a considerable contribution to the history of mankind. The purpose of our museum is the opportunity to remind those things that many of us surrounded in Soviet times.

S. Anisimov: Looking around and watching, you find out that you are among things that once amounted to part of your own life. Today they are all exhibits of the USSR Museum.

Museum employee: in our museum there are many medals, cubs on food, various equipment, interior items, crystal, televisions. All this is done in the USSR.

S. Anisimov: But there is in the USSR Museum that there is no anywhere. This is a slightly frightening exhibit - your own mini-mausoleum.

Museum employee: Attention I wanted to turn one of our leaders. This is Lenin, who rests in us in Mausoleum, our little. At the same time, its feature is that he breathes. The only place in the world is our respected Lenin, covered with a black blanket, in a jacket, very elegant, and he breathes. We can see how his chest moves.

S. Anisimov: Museum of the USSR at the ICC. If nostalgia suffered you, then this is a great place to remember the old years.

K. Basilashvili: Lenin breathes, Natalia Yuryevna, in a private museum.

N. Samoilenko: This is a question - in general what is a museum? And this is a question of accreditation.

K. Basilashvili: Let's talk about this after the news.

K. Basilashvili: We continue the "Museum Chambers". Today, our guest is Samoilenko, the head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. We say that the Ministry of Culture begins to evaluate the effectiveness of Russian museums.

N. Samoilenko: Thinks how to evaluate how to get to it.

K. Basilashvili: looking for criteria. We are now with your help, dear listeners, find these criteria. SMS number - + 7-985-970-4545. You can send some kind of solutions where that effectiveness. We have now named: This is an infrastructure - a cafe, a comfortable wardrobe, places for swarenia, as well as attendance ...

T. Olevsky: Sasha from Taganrog sent: "Chekhov's house is the warmest place in Taganrog. I would not want to flood it. " Why cause concern all attempts to count if culture institutions work well?

N. Samoilenko: Because usually calculations are very simple. What we talk about, the development of these criteria is not a quick thing. I want everyone to calm down. I think it will not less than a year Very serious conversations in the professional community so that we identify these criteria for which museums can be evaluated. Will there be a rating - this is generally a special question. But there is another moment. When we listened now about the USSR Museum, I unwittingly asked a simple question - and things that are in this museum, are they part of the Museum Fund or not? Most probably not. Therefore, from the point of view of our legislation, this is no museum. For the Union of Museum, a professional organization that unites our leading museums now, it is a very serious question - how to separate yourself, serious museums, from those organizations that the museum name is used simply to attract attention.

K. Basilashvili: It's like a story with the latest universities, which are rendered to verification and not at all universities. Those. If there is a certain private museum and the professional community believes that this is not a museum, then what then? And people go there. Can not be called a museum in this case?

N. Samoilenko: It is impossible to prohibit, it is impossible to ban walk, but, on the other hand, this organization is unlikely to receive government funding. I told, for example, about the purchase of museum objects, which the Ministry of Culture leads. We are conducting this purchase not only for federal museums. The Ministry of Culture finances federal museums, but the purchase is conducted for different museums. So here's a museum that is not a museum in essence does not have objects of the museum fund and does not have qualified employees, cannot claim preferences by government agencies, can not live for taxpayers money.

K. Basilashvili: and may not get into your rating.

N. Samoilenko: Of course. And will be rented at full, and not how they rented other cultural organizations.

K. Basilashvili: And cultivated organizations is given a relaxation for one name "Museum"?

N. Samoilenko: This is a complex system: what is a monument, as it must be supported, where the museum is. This is a relationship system. This system of relations should be built, it is necessary to conduct, maybe certification or accreditation, not necessarily the state. For example, in the UK and Ireland, they successfully make non-state organizations. But this certificate that you are a museum, already talking about what we are dealing with a professional organization that can enjoy benefits.

K. Basilashvili: I would like to summarize our voting. We asked whether it was important for our listeners what this museum is the first in the ranking or he did not get into this rating at all? Only for 4% of the voted it matters, and for the overwhelming majority - 95.7% does not matter.

T. Olevsky: I understand it very easy, because no one knows how to use it. Because there are no these ratings, it is not clear how to use them. There is a rating of the magazine "Poster", and on it orient.

K. Basilashvili: Now named, for example, Liverpool Museum.

N. Samoilenko: who is considered the best museum of the year.

K. Basilashvili: The Council of Europe has identified him with the best museum of the year.

N. Samoilenko: They have their own criteria.

K. Basilashvili: What?

N. Samoilenko: This is the presence of a collection, the ability to work with the collection, the availability of programs ... This is all conditional. But for each of us, there are ratings with you. We, going to Paris, take a guide and pay attention to the main museums that entered this guide. In Paris, Museums are more, the guide is already a rating.

K. Basilashvili: And it seems to me that the fact is that they do not trust the state body, they do not understand who will be drawn up, and see in this desire to act, close, evict from the mansion.

N. Samoilenko: The state does not have such a task - to build a rating. The state while the task is to simply figure out. And what will come out of this - whether this state, not a state rating, is the case is still quite a long enough future.

N. Samoilenko: Reviews in the media have the relation Evaluation of effectiveness?

N. Samoilenko: No. And should have. We must evaluate the museum not only by the fact that there is stored extraordinarily valuable, but by how the museum attracts the public to itself, as far as the public finds interesting, exciting knowledge there.

K. Basilashvili: This is not the path to corruption - these reviews?

T. Olevsky: It is good ingest to gather and discuss three museums, find out which one is the best. When it is within the country, it is clear that the director of small museums will depend on their colleagues: from officials in the Department of this city and so on. It is very important here who will evaluate.

N. Samoilenko: This requires professional communities. We have such communities: IKOM (International Museum Association), the Union of Museums of Russia, the Association of Museums of Russia. It is these professional organizations that are those who should think about what the museum is what is not a museum.

K. Basilashvili: But in these organizations, in the same IKOMOW, there are director of these museums that will evaluate themselves.

N. Samoilenko: Nothing terrible. In Ikom, there are not only director, but also other people, there are still experts.

T. Olevsky: If this was a multi-level system, which takes into account the opinions of different people who are not related to each other ...

N. Samoilenko: I heard. As a multi-level system, we will create a rating system, not one-dimensional. Because museums are different, problems are different, and there are still conflicts of interest.

K. Basilashvili: We are now making a little switching and a small turn in our "museum wards." In the second half of the hour we tell about the exhibition, which opened in Moscow. This time a little wider. Before we give the floor to the guest, which is already listening by phone, I will ask a question for our radio listeners.

Question for listeners

K. Basilashvili: And now you can already submit our guest.

T. Oleolesky: Anton Gorysov - Head of the Department of Museum-Exhibition Works Department of the Department of Culture of Moscow. We are talking about the New Year program of metropolitan parks and museums.

K. Basilashvili: I think Anton Valentinovich is ready to tell us what criteria it would apply to good and efficient museums in Moscow. Hello.

A. Hotrip: Good afternoon, Ksenia. Good afternoon, Timur and Natalia Yuryevna. I am very pleased to congratulate you on the New Year. You have a serious topic. We are preparing for the holiday, and you are reading criteria.

K. Basilashvili: And how? Mayakovsky Museum, apparently, appreciated by the Department as ineffective, director dismissed, new Director Appointed, some kind of re-exposure is coming. Ineffective, apparently.

A. GOROGIN: It seems to me that the conversation about the criteria and ranking a little early to endure to the public. I will explain what is the reason. Cause in the 83rd federal Lawwhich obliges us to finance museums based on the specific results of their activities. In fact, the law provides for the definition of efficiency. And for this, the state task is introduced - we have already lived in government assignments for several years, only yesterday finished the preparation of a consolidated statement under the state task for the 13th year, which is very consulted effects. From documents that are internal use in the Department of Culture, it is difficult to draw conclusions. And your vote, the fact that 95% of visitors do not want to focus on some ratings, suggests that this is an internal document. Our task, as the management of the cultural process, do all museums interesting, equally interesting.

T. Olevsky: They can't equally attract the public.

A. Hotrov: Of course. Little Museum-Apartment has its own scale of activity. In a small museum, events should occur, large-scale space. It is impossible to compare the large museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno" and little Museum Paustovsky. At the same time, for the significance of culture, no one can say that the paustic is not worthy of the museum and, as you say, the rating will lead to the closure of the Powesta Museum. On the contrary, the rating will show which activities of different museums should become priority for the next period. And for the Department of Culture, this will be a signal in order to finance these areas of activity.

K. Basilashvili: Anton Gorysov - Head of the Department of Museum and Exhibition Works Department of Culture of Moscow. Anton, now we would like to hear from you how to stimulate the work of the Museums Department. I know that on New Year's days there will be free skipping in metropolitan Museums. In which? In the metropolitan, in those who oversee the department.

A. Hotrip: Yes. This, unfortunately, for our residents and guests of the city is always a mystery. Therefore, we urge before going to the museum, first referred to information on the site of the Department of Culture, which is the management of this museum. All Moscow museums who enter our management (and their 64 with branches and 27 exhibition halls), this year will support the initiative, from 2 to 8th, we will let all visitors absolutely free.

K. Basilashashvili: Some unusual, new Year's program Prepare museums?

A. Hotrov: Traditionally, our programs have been enjoying many years in great demand, tickets sold already in advance. These are family Christmas balls in the Pushkin Museum, for example. Museum "Tsaritsyno" 5 years ago included in this New Year's history and conducts very successful holidays for children, New Year trees in the Museum "Tsaritsyno". And all museums are preparing in their own way, prepare exhibitions. In the Museum-Manor "Kuzminki" a very interesting exhibition, it is called "New Year in Moscow", a retrospective exhibition, with a private collector Sinyakina we made this exhibition. There, retrospectively, over the past hundred years, all traditions are shown: and the cancellation of the new year, and the introduction of it again, and the New Year Christmas Gifts ...

T. Olevsky: only there it can be understood why we have an old new year.

A. Hotrip: Only at this exhibition, yes. Similar exhibitions opened over the last week and in the estate "Kolomenskoye". In the Darwinian Museum you can find out why the new year of the snake, the exhibition is called "meeting the year of the snake."

K. Basilashvili: And it's all for free from the 2nd to the 8th can be visited. I opened the site, the whole program is detailed there. Something new in Moscow parks. Artists from France come with an enchanting program.

A. Hotrip: Yes. We have the artists of the French street theater Quidams come with touring in Moscow parks, which will be held from the 2nd to January 7th. And on January 7, the final speech will be held on the Revolution Square.

K. Basilashvili: It is very interesting in the parks, now every park has acquired its name. Our Taganansky, where I live, named Park "Mandarin". I know that the Bauman Park opened an interesting lighting installation.

T. Olevsky: in our Sokolniki Loss go.

K. Basilashvili: Thank you very much. We thank Anton Gorynikov, head of the department of museum and exhibition work of the Department of Culture of Moscow. Happy New Year to you and your Department. And I can already call the winners. Announcement of winners. We have a lot of reactions from our radio listeners.

T. Olevsky: I understand that everything is frightened. People write about little museums. Fully sms-ok, people believe that you, Natalia, must urgently report, for example: "Egoryevsky Historical and Art Museum is the most interesting museum that I have seen lately. I did not expect such a miracle in the provincial town. "

K. Basilashvili: "In converted many small museum homes, not only Okudzhava, Pasternak, are under threat of capture. Is it possible to protect them? Konstantin".

N. Samoilenko: These are state museums, even federal significance, so everything is fine. The only question is that they work so that everything is saved there and at the same time so that it was interesting.

T. Olevsky: Maybe there is not enough small museums?

N. Samoilenko: In fact, there is not enough information, there is not enough abilities of such structures that have the branched structure of small museums. Proper to work with the public, correctly submit your public programs. In this regard, interaction is very important.

K. Basilashvili: Successful Museums - Your Personal Rating, Natalia Samoilenko, Specialist in the museum case long years.

N. Samoilenko: I will not talk about russian museumsbecause otherwise the panic will immediately begin. Let me say about foreign. If we talk about London, then from my point of view, the most successful museum is the London National Gallery. There are always a lot of people, while there is very comfortable. And most importantly - when I see how the eyes are burning in children who come to the programs, I immediately understand that everything is right here. In addition, there is a wonderful site from which you can learn everything about the museum. And small museums in London are also beautiful. There is a museum of John Sound, this is a museum that has been preserved in at least 19th century. And it is absolutely alive created by the architect of the museum, which preserves its attractiveness precisely as a holistic artifact until today.

K. Basilashvili: When do we expect the emergence of certain ministerial criteria in relation to museums?

N. Samoilenko: It will take place at least a year, as long as the criteria will appear.

T. Olevsky: about December next year.

N. Samoilenko: I think, yes, it will be possible to talk seriously about what criteria for small, to the big museum, how to take into account the opinion of the public. This will be a serious conversation.

K. Basilashvili: Thank you very much. Natalia Samoilenko - Head of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of Russia. Timur Olevsky.

T. Olevsky: Ksenia Basilashvili.

K. Basilashvili: Happy Holiday.

T. Olevsky: Happy New Year.

The features of museum communications considered in the previous paragraph from the point of view of the possibilities of including the museum into the pedagogical process of society are expanding the possibilities of educational activities of the Company through the use of museum instruments. Today, the inclusion of forms and means of museum activities into the educational process can be considered as innovation,

Innovative techniques in education are the variational implementation of the tactical and strategic goals of the pedagogical process: training, education and development of the personality. Elementary translation of the concept of "innovation" as "internal innovation, novelty" defines the place of new methods of educational activities: they should be included in the existing forms and methods of the pedagogical process, tested by time and practice. Speech, in fact, about new technologies, new accents in the pedagogical forms of the Company's activities. Retrospective pedagogical activity (as the process of passing public knowledge) is a retrospective innovative activity: Transfer of experience on the example of practical activities ( primitive society); Semantic consolidation of information and the connection of the practical form of transmission with verbal; Development of designs (forms) of information transfer (actually forms of training); Structuring forms of training and development of complemental methods of the process of learning. Search for new paths, the techniques of the pedagogical process occurs both at the level of theoretical generalization and development and at the level of experimental and practical action, organizational management process. Innovation Today is a systematic reading of the strategic tasks of public knowledge: the inclusion of differentiated knowledge into a single process, invariant "Commonwealth", the development of interdisciplinary relations at the level of knowledge of knowledge and methods of knowledge.

An innovative movement includes several levels:

· Theoretical and methodological understanding of innovative processes

· Management of innovative flows

· Development of innovative directions in the interdisciplinary field scientific knowledge

· Development and implementation of innovative techniques, technologies in differentiated knowledge.

Historical knowledge is a special knowledge, its purpose and its content is the formation of historical thinking, which is filled with the seldely content of all human existence. Therefore, learning history should be deprived of a despervant, mentoring tone. The teaching of history as the base for the formation of historical thinking should be the most approximately to the requirements of the individual, intensify the personal-oriented process of knowledge. The formation of historical thinking should begin with the earliest stages of personality formation and, of course, take into account the psychological portrait of a person in socio-age differentiations. This requires a constant search for new technologies for the introduction of historical knowledge into a cognitive process. Historical knowledge Useless if purchased without the disclosure of the historical meaning and the formation of historical thinking. Historical knowledge becomes an achievement of personality when "produced" in emotional and creative search, mental or practical activity. New technologies in historical education are based on a personal-oriented approach. Personality is associated with an external environment in terms of:

· Formation of the intellectual potential of the personality associated with the development of thinking, imagination, memory, mind

· Landmarks on the emotional side of the individual, including an emotional sensual sphere, emotional experiences

· Directions on the effective-practical side of the individual

· Accounting for the ski side of the person.

Development of pedagogy XVII-XVIII centuries. (Epoch of Enlightenment) offered the education of the personality, taking into account the very personality, its structure. XIX-XX centuries. In the domestic pedagogy, an installation on education on the regulatory values \u200b\u200band installations of society, not providing for any choice, in the absence of a value attitude towards a child, his psychological age-related individuality, identity, creative potential. Nevertheless, the development of a personal-oriented approach by leading teachers began in the middle of the XIX century. K. D. Ushinsky spoke about the integrated education of the person. In Germany, the direction of "Pedagogy of Personality" was made. F. Olport at the beginning of the XX century. He puts forward an idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic approach to the study and development of a person based on intellectual, emotional, volitional, effective-practical parties. In the second half of the XX century. B. Skinner offers the theory of incentives in the education and development of the person: Social adaptation of the child, a holistic approach, approval of responsibility, citizenship, refusal of authoritarian pedagogy, a rapid approach to education and development, incentives for cognitive activity, moral behavior at the expense of pedagogical technologies. At the end of the XX century. A. Masu offers the concept of humanistic education of personality, where the person acted as the holistic value of the personality: cognitive potential, the talent of creativity, independence. Specifying the system, in terms of expanding knowledge of the methods themselves and their application, continues today.

Method How the way of mental work on mastering knowledge consists of a number of various, agreed receptions. The main methods developed by the first half of the XX century. And actively used pedagogy are:

· Dogmatic process of perception of the finished material. The actual intake of dogmatic work in the literature is only a verbal method (teacher's words or reading book). But, in fact, the visual-subject (illustrative-real) and motor (effective) techniques can wear a dogma pattern if they are offered as an illustration, proof to the trouble-free wordless interpretation of the fact

· The heuristic method expands the search frame, but the discovery is programmed by the teacher, and, therefore, again herself to dogmatics. The teacher is preparing to an independent search, but according to a pre-promoted direction, deriving the work of the problem from the process

· The research method expands the framework of creative activity, but the search again occurs at a certain framework specified directions, where the person becomes subordinate to the established goal. Personality (consciousness) is programmed in the desired one for society, based on the directions established by the society corresponding to the modern perception of the truth of the movement.

In these methods, the consciousness of the person as a value is absent, the personality is completely subordinated to public significance, which limits the search for new directions of movement and leads to the conservatism of society itself. In the 1960-1970s. In the pedagogical literature, the problem of "leading idea" is formed, which is used as a method. The method of "leading ideas" is aimed at the knowledge of the worldview depth, but on the basis of existing knowledge. Actually, the highest levels of knowledge are excluded from the process: artistic, creative, which are based not only on existing knowledge of being, but also form a new reality.

The definition of innovative (modern) methods, according to V. V. Schogan, should depend directly from consciousness, and because We are talking about schoolchildren, child consciousness. The child is most closely close to the transcendent vision of himself and the world. This requires new grounds for the implementation of educational space, which make it possible to create a new semantic world from their own existence perception, the level of mythologicalness. In the mind of the child there is a "creation" of fairy tales, legends, parables through a contemplative retrospective journey into history. The myth for a child is not a concept, but by being, not a dogma, but the poetic image of the world, the myth connects the reality and objectivity of the past with a modern understanding of the past. New myth-resistance is fixed and expressed in art, in artistic work. Therefore, the "leading ideas" method V. V. Shogan proposes to replace with another term "personal and significant theme" as a special module representing the internal mechanism of the conditions of self-development of the children's consciousness. This module is most close to children's thinking, semantic experience, practical dialogue with society. The myth-making personality helps the awareness, mythoprotia of world history, where the "myth" is building a whole, holistic ("birth, development, dying ... Birth of a new one, etc."), comprehension of globalization of civilization processes, the essence of the phenomenon. The opening of the meaning of history is a structural unit of historical education.

Search for innovative techniques (in retrospective) of historical education is directly related to the development of theories of learning and education:

· Associative-reflex concept (S. L. Rubinstein, Yu. A. Samarin, Yu. K. Babansky), offering solutions to cognitive tasks through perception, understanding, memorization, application of knowledge;

· The concept of a phased formation of mental actions (P. Ya. Galperin, D. B. Elkonin, N. F. Talyzin) at the formation of attitudes towards cognitive activity;

· The concept of problem learning aimed at the formation of creative thinking and cognitive interests.

The use of techniques in the learning and education process necessarily takes a certain form, i.e. Process design, external expression of communicative activities. Forms educational process may differ in the mass of the audience, at the place of holding and by duration. Significant differences in forms allowed them to divide them into independent systems: class-grade, lecture-practical, excursion, confederal, game, training, etc. But any system tends to expand and complicate its structural design. Do not be surprised, therefore, that the prisoner-class design proposed by Ya. A. Komensky, which has become a universal, to work with a children's audience, strive to continuously add and update its own structure. The school lesson is an open system that can be typical on the lessons of control, corrective lessons, lessons-consolidation, etc. But in practice it is combined, including both the structural elements, all of the above forms of lesson, and form-converted to other designs: lesson Lecture, Lecker-Tour, Lesson-game, Lesson-Conference, Lesson-Practice, etc. Lesson as a structural unit of a class-paper system persists: Traditional duration, union of the simulty audience, subject typology, design student, the process of knowledge transfer and its design assimilation, planning of the process and control over the process, etc. Introduced forms of the educational process "include" in an independent cool-term system as a variable structural element, a conversion design to an invariant form, introducing a species diversity in the form of a class-paper system. A new design is created, consisting of a minimum of two elements: a class form - a form-game, or a polystruidary design: a lesson shape - a form-game - a form-excursion - a form-lecture - a form-holiday - a-theater. When allocating in these designs of the base form, we can consider the rest as methods of ordered interaction, i.e. variable methods of cognitive activity that are not just expanding quantitative composition traditional methods, and change their qualitative potential, i.e. It includes them into interaction, become structural elements or friendly systems, or form a new system structure:

· Excursion without clarity, illustrative can not be an excursion

· Lecture without verbal-problem filing of material absurdity

· Game without exercise, accumulation and consolidation of experimental experience I.T.P.

Invariant forms of educational activities in terms of including them in the school system are considered in the theory quite linearly:

· The urban-class subsystem of school life is traditional as a form and a little variable on the method of interaction of a student-teacher

· An extracurricular subsystem of the school may include elements of additional education and education through variable forms, methods and techniques of interaction of a student-teacher: electives, circles, studios, olympiads, quiz, hikes, theatrical evenings, etc.

The extracurricular subsystem expands the boundaries of educational and educational design, allowing you to actively use non-traditional forms of working with the audience as a form and as a method. The urior-class subsystem invariant technique applies at the level of the experiment, which reduces its effectiveness in the desire to translate the mentoring tone of the usual urgent scheme to the individually conscious maintenance of ever-growing curiosity at the level of interest in the cognitive process. This is all the more surprising that consideration of the educational and cognitive potential of various ways to increase the effectiveness of solving cognitive tasks is one of the constant topics. Consider the potential of several forms, which from our point of view may be not only methods of the urior-class system, but also become the form of the lesson itself.

The excursion is one of the means of communication, in the process of which the dialogue between the subject and the object arises by the visual (visual), motor and verbal perception. Excursion is a way out, departure, speech, traveling with a certain goal, when a student "meets" with the object of study in a natural environment, its habitat. Positive excursion potential is laid in:

· Cathedrals of the excursion form: The process of knowledge includes not one object with all its multidimensionality, but the habitat of the object (i.e. in the system), its retrospective analysis, comprehensive use of existing knowledge different areas

· Confirmation of the truth of factual information based on a meeting with genuine objects in the natural situation for them

· Heuristic - the joy of independent opening of the object in its system

· Individuality of perception, based on the brightness of impressions, the birth of new skills, disclosure unrealized in everyday life of the personal qualities (Travel Psychology)

the collectivity of the perception of information, which contributes to the natural socialization of the person.

The main trait of the excursion is its complexity: with all the thematic heterogeneity (geographical, historical, landscape, ethnographic, natural, domestic, etc.) all excursions are cultural in nature: it is impossible to see one object and not to notice, evaluate the co-object included in Life system of object.

In the excursion laid "Scholarism", which makes it possible to consider it an integral element of the educational process (learning and education). It is read in the term:

"EX" is an emergency, overlooking everyday life (familiar school reality); "CURCUS" is a constant course, the main line (the school system itself, the form of the lesson). This allows you to use the excursion as a mandatory form of learning or as the main method of the "Lesson-Tour" form. But the excursion, on the basis of his "EXTENSION", can not be the only form of training that is repeated from day to day. Excursion must be an introduction, verification, consolidation, i.e. fulfill

· Functions for the development of cognitive curiosity (problem-research method)

· Checking information at the level of search for evidence of the truth of information through a genuine subject number

· Fastening through the solution of practical tasks in the existence of an object of study

· Creative-transforming tour function allows you to see what should be converted to contribute to the aesthetic development or introduction of new objects to the excursion process.

The problem of excursions as a necessary element of the completion of theoretical education was offered Catherine II as a program for the education of Cesarevich, as the future leaders of the Empire (state). The proposal of the Russian Empress was connected with the competent reading of the ideas of French enlightenment. J. Zh. Rousseo recommended widespread use of the excursion as a method of education of creative observation, intestinal activity, the activity of the child by independently researching the world (excursions in nature). Practical application This thesis found in the educational program of Cesarevich Alexander Romanova (Emperor Alexander II - a trip to Russia), Zesarevich Nikolai Romanova (Emperor Nicholas - around the world). Excursion as the necessary element of good full formation considered by an outstanding Russian teacher P. F. Kaptheria, who continued the concept of "Museum Council" proposed in late XIX. in. Russian thinker N. F. Fedorov, in relation to traveling for the Fatherland, around the world, as a final point of receipt of education, which can be replaced by a visit to the museum. In the XIX - XX centuries. Excursions are widely used by Western schools as a teaching method, equivalent classes in class or laboratory. In the second half of the XIX century. And in Russia (gymnasium, craft schools) actively use this method. The excursion firmly began to enter school courses: Excursions Handling professional and industrial (for craft schools), thematic excursions (appropriate school curricula), integrated excursions in nature, culture, etc. On the basis of materials collected by schoolchildren-excursions under the leadership of teachers-excursions, the collections of school curriculum museums were a collection. Excursions as a practical consolidation of verbal material of the school program were introduced as mandatory elementcompleting the school year. Schoolchildren were released on vacation only after an expedition excursion, a campaign of local history topics. To solve economic problems (financing of mandatory training excursions), a preferential passage was introduced for students in the summer period. The problem of excursions as a mandatory form of the school system became the central object of pedagogical study at the beginning of the XX century. The problems of school excursions were discussed at the Methodological meetings of Teachers 1906, 1907, 1908. B. E. Raikov, A. Ya. Zaks, N. P. Aziferov, D. N. Angert, N. A. Kuznetsov, M. M. Rubinstein, A. G. Yaroshevsky, K. V. Polneikov - bubbin, and. M. Grevs, N. A. Gaine. The speech was indeed about the whole study of the excursion form of education, in terms of school Education and enlightenment of society. The excursion was generally understood as part of the cultural, educational work of the Company, which is directly related to the school training system as one of the form of training outside the school audience. From this point of view, the excursion was perceived two-dimensional:

· Mandatory form of educational activities included in educational programs

· Exclusive (outstanding) phenomenon that rarely (with all its obligatory) is used in the school system so as not to introduce an element of addiction, dogmatism in the process of sightseeing.

Unfortunately, the theoretical understanding of the excursion as a method and excursions as forms of educational activities in the school system actually ended with the creation in the late 1920s. 1930s. tourist-sightseeing societies. The tour began to be associated with tourist activities and for a long time disappeared from the sphere of interests of teachers. In the mid-1950-60s. Excursions, in relation to the school system, began to be divided into: educational and uncommon (contributing to expansion of the horizons, but optional). Excursions were not indispensable, but an auxiliary, secondary meaning. The excursion began to be perceived only as a form, the excursion method of study is derived from general education and is firmly determined in the museum space as a type of museum communication, the subject of which are values, the understanding of which comes only in direct assistance to the guide ,. Those., between the object and the subject, an intermediary appears in the face of a guide, instead of the scheme "Object (museum subject) - a subject (student)" scheme appears "Object - subject (guide + teacher) - subject (student)". Curiosity disappears from the tour before the discovery, the joy of discovery, the interest of the researcher, the collectivity of the search, those components that are necessary in the competent socialization of the individual. The excursion method is by the end of the XX century, according to the definition of museum, as the basic science studying the problem of excursion work, in the museum activity includes:

· Immediate (verbal) Chatting of the guide with the excursion group

· Spectatic perception, living contemplation of the museum object

· Motority (movement on a specific route) perception

· Logical display sequence

· Inspection team.

Let's try to compare the technique of a traditional lesson in the classroom:

· Verbal communication of the teacher and student

· Spectatic perception (visuality through an illustration)

· Motority (exit in board, movement of teacher in class)

· Logic lesson

· Team of lesson.

With such a situation, the position of teachers who are not aspiring to change the classroom at the museum - actually, the main source of information (museum subject) "closes" from communication with the introduction of additional subjects. The problem of "unclaimed" the value of museum scripts in the process of socializing the identity of the child began to be aware of musevants who have noticed a decline in the activity of visiting museums. A decline in interest in using the excursion as a method of learning activities has become aware of both teachers who have become more and less often to seek the search for the "truth" knowledge of the museum halls. Eternal questions: "Who is to blame" and "what to do" began to be resolved primarily musevians who initially tried to find the cause. This process led to the division of the assessment of the essence of the museum exposition, the museum space in terms of communication:

· Museum exposure must perform pedagogical (educational) functions, directly standing in front of the school (museum pedagogy)

· The museum exposition must fulfill the cultural order of society, the museum object becomes the center of communication, the personality (child) should not only learn in the museum, the person must become a person through the inclusion in a single cultural process. The basis of this communication is the doctrine of the museum phenomenon.

The difference in approaches leads to the separation of an understanding of the meaningful component: in the first case - a tour of the museum of the addition or repetition (fixation) of the curriculum block; In the second case, the tour of the museum becomes an amazing discovery that allows you to include various iconic languages \u200b\u200bon a tour, helping to properly solve the cognitive tasks of the educational and educational process:

· Semantics actually museum object

· Aesthetics Language Museum Design

· Theatricalization language of the museum space (musical and dramatic performances, reconstruction of various rituals, retro games and challenges)

· Manipulation language (interactivity through contact areas with reconstructions, remarks, video audio-computer reproducing means; craftsmen craftsmen, role-playing games).

The inclusion of variations in the excursion form expands the excursion method as in the museum space, and allows you to use individual structural elements of the excursion method into the school system. If earlier (historically established excursion perception as a method), the excursion was perceived as the use of other (not traditional for the manner-class system) outside the framework of classes, then today individual techniques of the excursion method can be used directly in the classroom: a lesson tour turns into a tours. In this case, the change of places of the components changes the essence of activity:

· Excursion lesson: carrying out the usual lesson in an unusual atmosphere

· Lesson-excursion: carrying out an unusual lesson in the usual setting.

The latter option expands the capabilities of the excursion method in the frequency of its application. Not disturbing the rhythm of school life, which is quite difficult for various reasons, the teacher expands the possibilities of the lesson:

· The truth of the fact is established through the authenticity of the museum object (replica - as accurate copybut which can be explored using tactile means)

· Verbal funds become only guided comments

· Abnormality ceases to be a copy, but becomes an artistic way to increase and reveal the creative potency of the student

· Forms of extracurricular work (circular activity) enters the class of lesson, which leads to the formation of the installation of public benefits of both educational and historical knowledge.

educational and educational purposes.

Studying the history of the museum business and the generalization of best practices of Soviet museums allow us to formulate the main, historically established social functions of the museum:

Documentation function (evidence, confirmation). Its implementation serve as monuments of nature, history and culture, objective processes and phenomena in nature and public Life;

Function of education and education. It is due to the cognitive-cultural meaning of museum monuments and includes cognitive, propaganda, moral and educational, aesthetic-educational aspects.

Social functions of the museum are in constant development.

The history of the museum business shows that the content of social tasks solved by museums changes depending on public queries and a specific historical situation.

Social functions of the museum are interrelated and determine its originality.

Performing documentation function, the museum creates a fund of museum objects - sources necessary for research in different areas Knowledge, and therefore is a research institution.

To satisfy informative-cultural requests of society, the museum uses its meetings to disseminate and promoting knowledge. On this basis, it performs educational and propaganda tasks and thereby acts as a scientific and educational institution.

The specifics of museum activities determine, therefore, the assembly of monuments of nature, history and culture.

Monuments included in the Museum Assembly, it is customary to call museum objects. The museum object is a documentary certificate (primary source) of facts, phenomena, events, processes in nature and public life. The value of the museum object is determined by the social value of information, the carrier of which it is, its scientific, historical, cultural, artistic and aesthetic value.

Objects that have specified signs, but do not belong to the museum, i.e. are located in the existence environment (monuments of material and spiritual culture) or in a natural natural environment (nature objects), it is customary to call the objects of museum significance.

Museum subjects, as well as subjects of museum importations, include diet, visual, written sources. With the development of audiovisual technical means, a cinema and photo sources are becoming increasingly in the collections of museums.

Museum objects due to their authenticity, reliability and external expressiveness have special persuasive, evidence, have an emotional impact.

The properties inherent in museum objects determine the specifics of museum information. This is a combination of knowledge about specific processes, phenomena, events, facts occurring in nature or public life, documented through museum objects and transmitted through museum items organized into a specific scientific system in the Funds and Museum Expositions.

Museum information is also transferred through museum publications: catalogs, guidebooks, booklets, popular science literature, scientific worksbased on the study of museum objects

Subject, persuasiveness and emotionality of museum information create a crucial premise for the museum of educational function, its scientific and educational activities. An important role belongs to museums in aesthetic education, in the development of cultural heritage by the young generation.

These possibilities of museums are widely used by the school. Describe the main directions of museum activities that meet the social functions of the museum.

Completion of museum funds - identification, selection and acquisition of museum museum items. It is carried out according to a specific program (or plan), for the most part by expeditions - natural science, historical and domestic, ethnographic, archaeological, etc., business trips, purchases of the population. Museum objects are often transmitted as a gift to the museum by institutions and organizations, individuals.

Stock work - accounting, study, storage of ideological assembly. It is aimed at the scientific training of museum objects for modern scientific and educational use and maintain them for future generations.

Exposure work - building museum expositions and exhibitions for the transfer of specific museum information. Her task is to introduce museum objects into an educational circulation.

Scientific and educational work is carried out on the basis of museum expositions in the forms of excursions, lectures, consultations, thematic events, etc.

So, the museum is a research and scientific and educational institution based on museum items a function of documenting, education and education. The social functions of the museum are carried out in the process of recruiting, accounting, storing, studying, exhibiting and promoting museum assembly.

The museum is often compared with the school, since its orientation on pedagogical functions is well known. True, this school is unusual, since the coming here not only receives knowledge, but also learns to be a person. And it is impossible to finish it, because a child, and an adult, visiting the museum halls, discover something new, unknown from what was created by the creative genius of humanity. Comprehensive these treasures can be all life.

On domestic researchers and educational practitioners museums Having had the effect of view famous philosopher N. F. Fyodorova, who considered the museum by moral and educational institutions actively affecting the goals and meaning of human activity. In his work, "Museum - his meaning and appointment" of Fedorov called the Museums "Higher Institution of Unity." The scientist saw in them the Institute of Social Memory and the method of incarnation of the past in the present. Store the memory of "On Father", their things and acts, returning to the life of the "remains of the taught", the museum forms soul. It is not by chance that, according to Fedorov, a museum, embodying the Cathedral, Storage, School, should be all its content for all citizens, regardless of the level of education and social status. In the educational significance of the museum - the "highest instance of society" - the philosopher allocated three main functions: research, tagging and activity, the total implementation of which will contribute to the formation of spirituality and creative began.

Fresetting Fedorova, the keeper of the Rumyantsev Museum in Moscow N. I. Romanov recommended include a small number of works in inspection, which helps solve the following methodological tasks:

Through the conversation of the "Socratic" character to encourage the experience of the perceived work.

Based on the experiences of the viewer, find out the features of the artwork of the work and its style.

Secure the results of the excursion by independent work (abstracts, etc.) in the consciousness of the audience.

The reform of museums in 1918 was directly related to the education reform, with the concept of a new labor school. Orientation new school The formation of a harmonic, creative person was required to develop the theory of artistic education based on the appropriate method of excursion work in museums. The largest specialist in this area was the theorist and historian of art, critic and outstanding teacher of the time A. V. Bakushinsky. Considering the educational activities of the museum as a pedagogical process, A. V. Bakushinsky proceeded from strict observance of the age-related specificity of the viewer, in which he saw the "object of impact", but, before, the entire partner. He paid great attention to the role of the teacher, putting three mandatory conditions in front of him:

To be able to survive the work of art.

Know the historical and artistic context of the work.

Have a psychological approach to the group.

He considered it necessary to create a system in the field of domestic artistic education, the purpose of which is the formation of a free creative person who is capable of converting activities. They also identified the conditions for achieving this goal:

Support on the needs of the child, based on the specifics of its age development;

Cooperation with the teacher;

The main thing in comprehending the work of art is the accommodation of an artistic image.

When in 1998, the association of Museum teachers of Russia was registered, specialists of the Registration Chamber were perpepsed "what kind of museums, we know" - who also know such teachers. But who are such museum teachers, is incomprehensible.

Life shows that the museum pedagogy knows little not only in the registration chambers, but also in schools, colleges, universities.

By itself, visit the museum is not enough for. It is necessary that what he saw has become a personal experience, the heritage of the soul. Only then visits to any cultural institutions will have an educational effect.

Museum pedagogy closely come into contact with art and natural science, linguistics and other disciplines. On the other hand, the museum pedagogy is also on the field of culture.

So, the museum pedagogy and the science industry, and at the same time part of the culture.

Working with schoolchildren who currently obtained significant development showed how important it is to include children in the process of "museum" education. Attentionally, it is possible to lay interest in museums in which a person finds new and interesting for himself.

At the same time, the role of museums in the assimilation of schoolchildren of the rich historical experience studied by them in the lessons of history, social studies, literature, etc. To understand the local, school museum on its specific local lore material is helped by public processes in the development of the country. Working with schoolchildren is focused on the deepening of knowledge obtained in the process of studying one or another course of training with the projection on the features of social, historical, cultural development of the region. This makes it possible to make the abstract value of the subject personally significant for each student, emphasize his connection with the Earth, on which he lives and learns, with the country in which he was born.

Excursions in museums pursue the goal to explain the individual treasures presented in the exposition halls. Under the excursion work means "disclosure" of the exhibited material in accordance with this or that topic of the tour.

The developed methods of conducting excursions, focused on a child of a certain age, served as the basis for the widespread development of excursion work with schoolchildren in all subsequent years.

Now experienced guides, so interestingly reveal our cultural treasures that the campaign in the museum becomes a joyful event. Masterfully work with schoolchildren, see each of them the person, to which their story, conversation addressed. Knowledge of the features of the age psychology of children, they skillfully use traditional techniques, creatively apply them in their practice. These guides know that the language of history needs to be taught on the excursion that children are badly familiar with him and, if we say not to sharpen attention, for example, on the word "peasants", then in the future the guys will not be understandable to the meaning of this word.

If you look at today's museum documentation, we see huge numbers indicating large-scale excursion work.

Previously, museums, as a rule, conducted excursion work with schoolchildren, starting from grade 4. Now a number of museums, and, above all, artistic, as well as historical, ethnographic, literary, includes the plans of scientific and educational activities with preschoolers and schoolchildren of junior classes. Learning museums that make up the basis of the museum network are greater opportunities for working with children. Children introduce here mainly with today's day of the edge in which they live. For them, there are, for example, the excursions "Dad, Mom and I" (Nikolaev-on-Amur City Local Lore Museum), "What the Rostov Region is given by the Rodov" (Rostov Regional Local Lore Museum).

In Ivanovo, in the museum of the First Council of Workers' Deputies, the occupation with first-graders "You became a schoolboy the homeland of the First Council" is conducted within one hour. Researcher starts him with a greeting of little excursions, who first came to the museum, and asked: "Does the children always went to school?" In this matter, the topic of the excursion is indicated. A party veteran is invited to meet, which tells about his childhood. After the story of the living witness of the past, perception in children is especially exacerbated. They show items from the stock assembly - toys that the children of Ivanovo-Voznesensky workers played. The guys compare them with modern. Then the researcher shows photos of children of manufacturers and tapes. Several children from the group, as directed researcher, put toys to the desired photo.

At another lesson with students of grade 2 - "Story about Exhibit" - Schoolchildren show a photo of Ivanov's city, made a hundred years ago, the interior of the weaving corps and offer to imagine children who went to work with their parents under the beep of the factory pipe.

In excursions for schoolchildren, the natural, theme, which largely corresponds to the interests and opportunities of the perception of the child, solves the task of environmental education, is included in the primary school program. For example, the Perm Regional Local Lore Museum holds for schoolchildren 1 - 3 classes of excursion "Birds of our Territory", "Animal World of Our Territory", etc. Lipetsk Museum uses a mobile exhibition "Red Book of Nature" for students, and in Vologda Regional Museum for Junior Schoolchildren Guide S.I. Alexandrova has developed a cycle of excursion-lessons on the exposition of the Nature Department: "Winter life of animals and birds", "Seasons", "Forms of the Earth Surface" and "Minerals".

In these classes, primary school teachers are actively involved. In Vologda, the museum made a special methodical guide, which helps the teacher in the consolidation of the museum material. The teachers are not only carried out in the class of conversations on the topic of excursions, but also a variety of information is used in the museum. In the lessons of the Russian language, children make up proposals with words that were remembered in the tours, and in the arithmetic lessons tasks decide, applying the terminology heard in the museum or using "museum situations". In the same museum for students 2 - 3 classes, a school of knowledge about the nature "Our Forest" was organized. With children once a quarter, one-day trips to the forest are held, on nature.

It seems that those museums that begin to systematically work with children with acquaintance with the museum specificity come correctly. Therefore, the first excursion should give them an answer to the question "What is a museum?". This will help to arm the child with the knowledge that he needs to perceive the museum language will contribute to the formation of a museum culture of a small visitor.

Systematically solve the problem of the "Museum and Children" in the State United Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The first visit to the Museum of Children begins here with the excursion "Hello, Museum!". They get acquainted with the concept of "Museum", learn how the items become museum, who and how keep them, hear fascinating stories about exhibits, master the rules of behavior in the museum, master the role of excursants new ones.

In the excursion for students of 1 and 2 classes, the themes "Good people on the vicinity" are also included, "how we learn about the life of people in the distant past", "Stories about the Russian Warrior." On these excursions, the guys in an affordable form are told about the Museum's profile, about the sciences that are engaged in the study of the past, types of historical sources. The upbringing of the museum culture includes a significant task to help children on these excursions systematically assimilate the minimum of terms and concepts related to the perception of expositions.

For students of 3 classes that already know what a museum is, a tour of "what a monument is" is offered. Schoolchildren get acquainted with the concepts of "Monument", "Types of Monuments", "Memorial Plank", etc. The main educational goal of such an excursion is to form in children the consciousness that the monument is a public domain, whose protection should be involved.

In working with children, besides excursions, many other forms are used.

In the Perm Regional Local Lore Museum, in addition to the excursion service of children (for them, the Museum has developed a tour subscription "Nature of the native land"), birds day are held, the days of the specialized service of younger students - the day of the first grader, day open doors For first grader, the exhibition "Children - our future, our hope" was organized, on the basis of which various events were held. For several years, the camp "Young artist" is working, where employees of the Perm art gallery are engaged in children with children. Employees of this museum systematically arrange various contests on the topic "Drawing on asphalt". They are reported on the radio, the last round is shown on television.

Stories for children about exhibits It is important to combine with conversations about subject world, things that may also have museum importance. As a result, the concept of relic is transferred to the region of the daily life of the child, which is very important for the formation of its museum culture.

Such work can be carried out both in the museum itself and outside it. The latter is especially important when there is no museum in the city, settlement or village. For example, the School is organized by the matinee "We have a museum of a museum", where there is a correspondence acquaintance with him. The rod of such an event can be a conversation about the museum subject - how and why it becomes an exhibit, which determines its value, as it is stored and studied, etc. In this case, children are formed a loyal view of the museum as a place not only exhibiting unique, Memorial items, but also their storage.

Promising form of work with preschoolers and younger schoolchildren There may be cycles of events for kindergartens and elementary schools, including excursions, and exit events, and thematic classes in the museum.

Of particular importance is the question of the basis of working with children. As a rule, this exposition, which, due to its versatility, serves as the basis for working with the most various categories of museum visitors. This puts forward a very difficult task of selection of those exhibits, complexes, partitions that can be used when working with preschoolers, students of junior classes. This task is all the more difficult because now neither expositioners nor artists in the process of creating an exposition, as a rule, do not take into account the children's audience, place the material in such a way that children cannot always consider exhibits, read texts.

The basis for working with children can also serve as special exposures, and exhibitions, the content and design of which correspond to the peculiarities of children's perception - these are peculiar "museums in the museum",

With children are also possible special classes, game lessons with museum sources. They can be organized and conducted by the joint efforts of museum workers and teachers, educators of kindergartens, while not only in the museum, as already noted, but also outside it - for example, in kindergarten.

Museum items can be found in every city and in any village. These are not only vintage things, but also objects of the times of civil and great domestic wars, collectivization and industrialization, about each subject of museum importance, you can spend the occupation with children, having prepared a scenario for this.

As we see, today employees of museums use the most diverse forms Work with preschoolers and younger schoolchildren. However, it is important that familiarity with the museum or with museum objects has become only the beginning of a large, systematic work with students

The public recognition of the educational and educational role of museums was expressed in the creation of a special distribution at the beginning of the 20th century. Pedagogical museums and museums of visual benefits discovered in educational districts, directations of popular schools and urban self-government. Along with visual benefits, samples of school equipment, etc. Collections that characterize local nature, archeology, ethnography, history, economy were concentrated. These collections were used in the educational process.

Thus, along with the public needs of scientific and economic nature an important factor The formation and development of museums was their educational and educational significance.

The last decades are increasing interest in the history of the native land, regional and local local lore programs are being implemented and implemented. This is reflected in the organization of various types of local history educational activities: the work of optional, circles, search detachments, groups, clubs and other associations in educational institutions. The natural result of the local history activities of students is often becoming: the creation of museums, exhibitions, expositions on the history, culture and nature of the native land, their institution of education.

In schools and institutions of additional education of children in the Russian Federation there are about five thousand museums:

historical 2060;

military historical 1390;

complex local history 1060;

These data concern only passported museums and do not take into account the diverse formations of the museum type - exhibition, corners, exposure.

In school museums undergo meetings with local residents - warways of war and labor, thematic excursions are organized, the lessons of courage, exhibitions, cool hours, evenings, discussions, etc.

On the base school museums Successfully operate numerous children's interests: mugs, clubs, sections.

As a rule, a school adult asset is formed around the museums, self-government bodies are being created, the Council of Museums, the Council of Promotion, Section, Working Groups.

At the same time, cooperation of the museums of educational institutions with state museums, archives, libraries, etc.

With the help of specialists, topics and content of search and collective and research work in museums, school museum funds are replenished with new materials reflecting little studied or forgotten Pages regional and local history. Educational museums are also of great importance for the implementation of the regional component in education.

At the same time, many museums of educational institutions continue to experience serious difficulties in organizational and methodological and material support. The issue of effective use of museum potentials in the educational process in educational institutions has not yet become the subject of attention of pedagogical teams.

The possibilities of the museum in the ideological and political, labor and moral education of students, in the development of art tastes, instilling the skills of aesthetic activity are diverse.

Further development of the instructive experience of interaction, the complementance of the school and the museum in the formation of a new person, his training and education seems to us especially fruitful on the basis of the scientifically based "Museum - School" system. The efficiency of such a system will be the higher the more interested, both of these educational institutions will be more mutually demanding.

The formation of the "Museum - School" system, for which, in our opinion, have already created considerable prerequisites, is a qualitatively new stage in the work of each of these institutions. It will require not only the strengthening of contacts between them and the management bodies of the national education and culture serving their scientific teams. It will be necessary to master others, largely new activities.

Let us last briefly at some organizational moments of creating and improving such a system.

First of all, the personnel of teachers and museum workers are needed for her, equally interested in cooperation. In special educational institutions They should get - appropriate professional knowledge and skills. For their improvement, the faculties of public professions of universities are now used and received now. Special attention should be paid to training in the pedagogical institutions of methodologists-organizers of the museum business, specially trained collective, custody, educational and other forms of work in the environment of schoolchildren, students, adult population.

Apparently, it is advisable in every way to promote the level of pedagogical knowledge of museum professionals and museum preparation of teachers. This could contribute to pedagogical councils or teacher assets in museums whose members participate in the discussion of exhibitions, methods of excursions and other scientific and educational activities for schoolchildren.

This is the best way to find the optimal relationship between the information that the schoolboy receives in the process of studying the curriculum in school, and the one that becomes accessible to him when meeting the museum collections.

To activate the contacts of museums with schools, as well as the development of self-work skills of students in museum funds and expositions, it is imperative to prepare guidelines for a teacher who wants to use the museum in the educational process. They must contain, apparently, a brief description of the expositions, options for issues and tasks that schoolchildren will be able to fulfill the museum in the process of self-study. This will increase the effectiveness of the teacher's activities in the preparation of schoolchildren to visit the museum, and will also consolidate educational material In the memory of the student as a result of this visit. It seems that such guidelines may be prepared by employees of each museum and published by head museums or methodological centers of the national education system.

The organization of basic schools could most benefit, where museum specialists, together with the teams of teachers, would have the opportunity to test the diverse forms of collaboration, experimental programs, etc., and then recommend them for widespread use in joint practical activities to schools and museums of various profiles.

As already emphasized, students of pedagogical universities and schools cannot be left away from all this work. They in the near future will be implemented in practice the reform of the general education and professional school, and therefore, significantly improve the training and education of children and adolescents, which is impossible without constant creativity, the tireless work of thoughts, tremendous spiritual generosity, love for children, limitless loyalty. Essential assistance in this will provide the teacher, undoubtedly, serious museum and seeding. In institutions and schools, it is advisable to introduce teaching the foundations of museums, to establish curriculum in museums, more widely use the opportunities for the collaboration of the museum and school when writing the graduates and coursework students, many other forms of educational and extracurricular activities. All this, in deep conviction, is the right way to form generations of teachers who do not think their professional activities without a museum. The upbringing of the Museum culture of the future teacher will also help solve many issues in the field of creating, preserving and successful work of numerous school museums.

To improve the Museum - School system, it is equally important to coordinate the efforts of scientific institutions, ministries of culture and education: in exploring the actual problems of interaction with educational institutions. In a number of these problems - ensuring the consistent implementation of the principle of a differentiated approach of extracurricular institutions, in particular museums, to work with schoolchildren.

All age groups of guys, starting from preschoolers and younger students, must certainly be included in the activities of the museum. According to experts, it is at an early childhood that needs, the general culture of a person, including the museum culture, is most actively forming. So, the sooner the museum will turn on to the child's education, the more effectively it will be its impact in the future.

Until now, work with younger schoolchildren and preschoolers more or less constantly engaged in the main galleries. In recent years, the teams of museums of other profiles have been interested in the children of this age category. A certain experience of such work is accumulated, for example, by the state historical museum in Moscow, the Khabarovsky regional museum, the Museum of the Heroic Defense and the liberation of Sevastopol, the Bakhrushin State Theater Museum and others.

In working with children of younger ages, they are effective, as practice shows, special expositions and exhibitions, special children's museum rooms. By the way, children's galleries - peculiar museums in museums - already exist in different countries World. It is important that teachers, educators be involved in this case, in order to this case, according to the museum workers.

The differentiated approach involves taking into account the situation of the museum visit: whether a schoolboy comes into a museum alone, with parents, with comrades, with school excursion. For all such cases, it is important to have specific means of optimizing the process of exposure examination, say, guidebooks - with the inclusion of questions in them, tasks, etc.

In particular attention, it needs, undoubtedly, the observance of the principle of the continuity of the forms of scientific and educational work, the main requirement of which is that all channels of impact on schoolchildren are closely related to each other. This will give students the studies of various age groups gradually and every time at a qualitatively new level to master the museum information. The principle of continuity makes the system "Museum - School" effective at all stages of child learning. This circumstance determines the need to develop a solid work program for all training groups Schoolchildren, starting with junior classes and ending with graduates.

The greatest effect gives museum work with schoolchildren, organized on the basis of cyclical forms: excursion subscriptions, lecturers, clubs or circles in museums. For example, an optional memorial museum-apartment A. S. Pushkin on a car wash involves the cooperation of the museum with one of the school schools throughout school year. The program includes excursions and lectures, classes in the Museum Foundations, as well as, which is especially important, independent work of students in expositions, the result of which are abstracts, reports.

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To prepare for the meeting, it is important to have a formulated goal of the meeting. The purpose of one of the meetings will be the identification of important and actual exhibitions for the Gokhran of Russia. The purpose of participating in them is to maintain the image of the organization through the exposure of historical jewelry components of greater importance for society.

It is important to prepare a list of planned events for the year and materials for each.

As a support of the image of the Gokhran of Russia, the author was invited to participate in exhibitions by providing historical jewelry exhibits:

1. Jewelry exhibition "Treasure of St. Petersburg" (05/27/2016- 29.05.2016.)

2. Jewelry exhibition "Treasures of Russia" (08.06.2016 - 11.06.2016.)

Presented exhibitions are described in detail in Appendix 2.

An example of a questionnaire for new exhibits and the oldest satisfaction is given below:

1. Are you satisfied with the exposure presented?

o satisfied

o Rather satisfied

o rather dissatisfied

o Unfallen

2. Are you satisfied with the service?

o satisfied

o Rather satisfied

o rather dissatisfied

o Unfallen

3. What would you like to see in the next exhibition?

o Exhibits K. Faberge

o Unique nuggets

o Jewelry works of the XVIII century

IN modern world The media plays a huge role for the image of the organization. It is very important to spend several times a year an interview with the head of the organization, this not only makes the organization more open, but also discloses horizons for new customers and partners. Thus, the author of the work is invited to increase the number of interviews for the year. As well as you can spend an excursion to the enterprise or open day. Thanks to the above events, Gokhran will become a more open organization for society.

Development of the exhibition

For the further development of the Russian overseas industry, various PR events are proposed, including exposure activities. Exhibitions and fairs contribute to the formation of a positive image and attracting public attention to the organization itself, its activities and goods.

Therefore, the most interesting and advantageous to improve the existing situation is the development of the exhibition.

For a modern man who is accustomed to bright images sent by all sorts of digital and analog media, the traditional exhibition of the exhibition may seem somewhat boring. Or at least every ordinary. Therefore, modern technologies, deeply penetrate exhibition activities.

So, for example, great interest among visitors to exhibitions and fairs causes the use of video materials. This is explained by psychological fatigue due to a rather static action occurring at exhibitions. Video design makes a feeling of dynamics, expanses, real life into the atmosphere of any exhibition. And, of course, it is simultaneously used for effective advertising The activities of the organization and attract attention to the problems of the industry. At the proposed interactive exhibition, video will be used, duration from 1 to 3 minutes with various artistic or jewelry exhibits. The hall will also be created with a film shown on giant screens. The film will be called "Jewelry Art: the path from diamond to a diamond", he will tell about the creation of a diamond since the beginning of its prey. In addition to the interactive aspect of the exhibition, new, not yet exhibited specimens from the State Treasury. And the exposition will be decorated with new unique exhibits of modern jewelers. In the present interactive exhibition project, the musical accompaniment of modern and classical symphonies will be used to create the desired atmosphere.

This interactive exhibition will give the opportunity to learn the visitors how the works of jewelry art are created, and will be a good PR pass to maintain the image of the organization.

The purpose of this interactive-exhibition project will be an acquaintance with the cultural heritage of Russia, attracting young people to the ridiculous industry and improving the image of the profession of cutters and jewelers, as a result of which the increase in the image of the Gokhran of Russia.

Important functions interactive exhibitions is the prompting of visitors to thinking, creativity, active participation in the exhibition.

The specifics of the exhibition will be a short film "Jewelry art: a path from diamond to a diamond" on several large screens (Appendix 1). We will calculate the cost of the sound system, screens and projector:

3 luxury screens with stationary frame size 270x350cm100 000 * 3 \u003d 300 000 rub.

One widescreen projector 160 000 rub.

Acoustic system 200 000 rub.

The approximate budget of the 30 minute film will be 5,000,000 rubles.

Suppose that the average permeability per hour will be 100 people.

Exhibition mode from 9.00 to 20.00

11 hours * 43 people \u003d 469 people per day. The estimated length of the exhibition is 3 months, it is approximately 85 business days. The cost of the entrance ticket is 250 rubles.

469 * 250 \u003d 117 235 rubles per day.

117 235 * 85 \u003d 9,965,000 rubles for the entire exhibition period.

469 * 85 \u003d 39,860 visitors for the entire exhibition period.

Since the exhibition is non-commercial and pursues the goal of drawing attention to the problem of the lack of professional cutters and jewelers in Russia, then the provision of tickets on a preferential (free) basis for schoolchildren and pensioners in the amount of 15,000 people will be provided.

Due to the fact that Gokhran Russia has already conducted an exhibition in GMI them. A. S. Pushkin, the exposure place will remain the same. It means that there is a stable work of the exhibition, four employees are needed with a working shift two days after two, excluding cashiers. According to the plan, there will always be two employees at the exhibition, that is, the prospect of achieving the goal is quite real.

To calculate the budget of the exhibition, first of all, it is required to calculate the area for exposure. For design stands, it is necessary to meet two halls 50m². For a hall with multimedia show50 m². Consequently, the size of the leased area will be 100 m².

The cost of 1 m² of area is 7,500 rubles, therefore, the price per 100 m² will be 750,000 rubles per month. The amount for three months will be 2250,000 rubles. The total cost of the organization to create the exhibition is presented in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10

Expenditure Amount, rub. % to the result
Film budget 5 000 000 50,18
Exhibition Square Rental, Installation / Disassembly Exposition 2250 000 22,58
The cost of placement and movement of exhibits 1 000 000 10,04
Costs for the purchase and installation of sound system, screens and projector 660 000 6,62
Advertising company 400 000 4,01
Staff 360 000 3,61
Promotional materials and souvenirs 120 000 1,20
Unexpected expenses 100 000 1,00
Fare 60 000 0,60
other expenses 15 000 0,15
TOTAL: 9 965000

Budget exhibition campaign

The most significant costs are the cost of shooting the film - 50.18%. Among other categories are the most high following costs:

Square rental costs - 22.58%;

The cost of placing exhibits is 10.04%.

Costs for the design of the hall with film - 6.62%;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the creation of a museum exhibition.

Philip. Kotler, who is considered by the "father" of modern marketing, belongs ingenious and therefore a simple definition of this concept "marketing" is a type of human activity aimed at meeting the need through the Obmna Communder through ObMіn.

. Marketing of cultural institutions - This is the formation of demand and meeting the leisure needs. In the field of leisure today, a huge market potential focuses. The leisure industry since the end of XX in has become a priority

attractive for investment and stable high-yielding sphere of post-industrial economy

For most Museums of developed countries in the 21st century, the norm is to contain separate marketing departments. While for Museums of Ukraine, marketing activities still remain a low-faceted wonder

Marketing has actually become a philosophy and ideology of market activity. The last decades are characterized by the fact that marketing took the place of the leading management concept and in the non-commercial sector of developed current and strengthening marketing communications allowed, for example, to form a fundraising system that today provides a stable financial basis for the implementation of cultural projects.

The marketing theory is based on the market exercise. By. F. Kotler, the market is a combination of all buyers (both real and potential) specific types of goods or services. The volume of the market depends on how much ushti buyers who are able to respond to a particular market offer. Commercial marketing focuses efforts on two basic market ranges:

the available market - the aggregate of people who are interested in interest and have financial opportunities and convenient access to the product or service;

potential market - a set of people who are interested in a certain product or service

. Museum Marketing (From the English Market - the market) is a system of knowledge about the theory and practice of creating, promotion to potential consumers and sales of the museum product, as well as the establishment of a complex of communicative dialogue between museums and society and its individual institutions.

Based on these provisions, the Museum marketing must be implemented in two strategic directions:

presentation and promotion of the museum and all forms of its social activities (non-commercial marketing);

presentation and promotion of specific museum services or goods (commercial marketing)

. Commercial component of museum marketing - This is the system of organization and sales of the museum product, focused on meeting the needs of consumers and receiving profits on the basis of research and forecasting the market, studying the internal museum and foreign market, institutional and public and cultural environment, development of measures to improve the museum product, the museum assortment Services and goods, study of the needs and coils of requests for visitors, holding competitive pricing policies, formation of demand, promoting visits, PR and advertising.

The concept of the external environment of museum marketing is distinguished by seven factors:

political: political system (its values \u200b\u200band declared course in the field of democratization and humanization of society, openness of partnerships with other government agencies, support for culture and that urizm) and legislative and legal regulation of museum activities

international factors: good-neighborly relations, the availability of national cultural heritage of international tourist flows and the degree of integration of the national museum network in the Global Industry of Tourism

social and cultural environment: various groups of people having different cultural characteristics, mentality and value system;

economic factors: Employment level, inflation, expense structure consumer basket citizens, price conjuncture, etc.;

The market research suggests: a) the determination of the capacity of the market, as well as the possible share of our participation in the citywide and regional museum offer markets b) forecasting the development trends of the Museum of the Museum and wider - leisure market for the next season / year c) to identify the development trends of the cultural and leisure market on Five or more. Rocky.

The study of consumers gives answers to the following questions: whom can be considered potential consumers of our services and goods, such a number and geography of each segment, which motives are prerequisites or. Despay of the Wock to visit our museum, which are their educational, educational, cultural and aesthetic and leisure-entertainment needs, are not satisfied with museum-competitors.

The study of goods involves finding answers to the question: a competitive our offer is compared with the museum product (and its service characteristics) of competitors; As need to reorganizes our exposition exhibition and cultural and mass activities according to the identified needs.

The study of competitors finds out: who is our main competitors than the neighboring museums are in great demand among consumers, which price and lifting strategies apply our competitors, which to the channels of advertising and PR promotion are chosen by them and why; which are promising innovations they are doing now and in general, we can learn from them.

In the daily practice of the museum business there is a marketing monitoring - communication of the museum with its visitors regarding the perception or surprise of the museum exposition. To identify the real opinion of visitors about informality, compositional and real quality, ashlation, aesthetics, expression and visual harmony of the museum's exposure is carried out by special express survey I or question mark. Such marketing surveys give museum workers the opportunity to explore the main groups of visitors, their interests and wishes.

New monitoring capabilities provide information technology. Each modern museum site has a visiting counter, many of them contain questionnaires for visitors with which inventories are collected for further marketing research. In addition, modern information technology significantly accelerates and reduce the cost of specialized and selective marketing polls.

Today, trends towards reducing life cycle Goods and services, the desire of people to novelty and manifold increases. The interests of consumers are actively changing - hence the trend I am to grinding markets. In such a situation, the success of marketing strategies is determined by the accuracy of the segmentation of the audience, the ability to adjust the proposal for rapidly changing demand and maintain interests with intensive communications.

IN early XXI Museum Marketing is differentiated (multi-partition) marketing, based on an individualized approach to segments, for each of which concentrated marketing Mr (in particular, individual strategies for schoolchildren and lyceums of children's and teenage age groups, for student youth, for tourist groups from Other regions of Ukraine, who arrived in the city or are serviced by the city of urfirmama, for inturists, for members of creative circles or sports sections, for mothers with children, for the weekend family leisure of parents with children, for journalists and business representatives for the elderly, for a minority, For confessional community, etc.). This is due to the peculiarities of demand, primarily a low level of social interest by the museum product, non-systematic (forgenous or spontaneity) of its consumption and high level of interchangeability of museum and alternative leisure products. Untifferentiated marketing in the museum practice is applied a much more product.

Products and services of the culture of culture as a whole, including museums and galleries, intended to meet the so-called "high order" needs - in self-affirmation, self-esteem, social affiliation (the answer in accordance with the common concept of the "hierarchy of the needs" a. Oilutreb. A .. Oil).

Marketing technology provide goods and services social meaning. The demand for goods and services offered by the sphere of culture is directly associated with the socio-psychological motives of people and relating to a certain public circle. That is why commercial museum communications rely on the model of social behavior, and the name:

joining to most;

the desire to purchase goods or consume the service not to "fall behind";

match the lifestyle of a certain social group

Be fashionable;

stand out from a regular crowd;

emphasize and demonstrate those surrounding their own exception and awareness

The demand for museum products and services are divided into potential and relevant. The volume of potential demand is estimated by the number of people who show interest in culture. Current demand is quantified. The number of real current visitors to museums and buyers of their products. The quantitative difference between potential and relevant demand is the subject of professional efforts of museum marketers. The volume of demand for the museum product depends on many factors, but that the most important thing is amenable to targeted influence.

Practically in all museums of Ukraine there is a significant gap between potential and relevant demand, i.e. There is a very large proportion of people with relevant cultural queries that do not know about the proposed and museum product, and therefore do not become its consumers. Thus, today in the museum marketing, it is necessary to develop first of all "conquering" marketing strategies aimed at informing the audience and advertising of the museum offer of proposal.

for those who know, but do not consume, it is advisable to apply stimulating marketing strategies focused on improving the attractiveness of the museum offer. The main thing here is to dispel a different kind of Reggency, associated with sustainable ideas about the outdated, boring and inappropriate proposal of many museums.

Expansion actual demand At the expense of those who consume competing goods and services, is carried out using corporate marketing strategies aimed at creating joint projects and programs, as well as a joint product with organizations offering competing goods and leisure services. Practice shows that frequently competence here is artificial and there are huge entities to combine efforts and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The importance of museum marketers provide commissioning and maintaining regular communication between the museum and its regular customers (individuals and legal entities). In each Western Museum, Special Banks of Persons (Dossier) of Permanent Customers will be introduced and the posts of special workers are introduced, whose professional duties include maintaining information dialogue with these clients (usually there are solid person, well-known politicians, scientists, businessmen, athletes, journalists, representatives show business and creative professions and other representatives of Elite Beaumda, as well as firms that care about the round of their own image and internal corporate culture).

ukrainian museum for the formation of such a data bank on the baseline may serve. The book of reviews in which visitors are divided by their wishes and impressions of acquaintance with the Museum Further, the Eva Museum must be supported with these visitors, to acquaint them with new museum projects and shares through postal mailings, personalized invitation cards for these Ak y and t. d .. ordinary practice become computer mailing (e-mail) museum announcements and press releases in the offices of all firms of the local settlement (potential business partners or corporate clients), and acts of maintaining daily interactive communications with travel firms and excursion burgroaches.

whole informational resources And technology in the XXI century become the basic infrastructure of museum marketing. The trend of recent decades is the movement of marketing technologies in the Virtual World:. Inter rents, specialized information networks.

Modern information technologies and communication capabilities. The Internet allows you to maintain the stability of the available markets, to actively expand them and form new, create a special offer for different market segments, use a wide range of marketing strategies.

Successful Commercial Museum Marketing Strategies are focused on increasing sales. As practice shows, presentation, advertising and promotion of the museum offer in open information about the osservation still increase sales. Virtual bookstores, Computer Sale and Booking Tickets, Advertising on Banners and Link Exchange. The Internet sharply increase the audience and sales volumes. Deploying Museums Marketing Strategies in. The Internet causes an increase in attendance and sales volumes not only in virtual spaceBut in real museum stores, salons during visits to exhibitions, museum expositions and other cultural shares held by the museum. In fact, modern information technologies provide the availability of a museum offer for Global Audi Toria. So, commercial success is formed as a result of the scale of communications katsії.