Table theater "cat, rooster and fox". Table theater "cat, rooster and fox" Preschool development of children with the help of unique materials

Table theater "cat, rooster and fox". Table theater "cat, rooster and fox" Preschool development of children with the help of unique materials

Early development has recently become especially popular with modern parents. This is due to a significant increase in the level of training that a first grader should have. "Pea" is website, child development with which it will become an exciting experience for the whole family.

We tried to fill our portal with the most interesting materials that are designed to help parents in their daily work on the upbringing and education of preschoolers. Early Childhood Development Site"Pea" offers all the variety of games and interesting tasks for children, aimed at acquiring certain skills by the child and improving their own skills. All materials posted on the portal have one goal - to prepare the child for school as much as possible.

Presentations for children as one of the best ways to teach a child

Information technology has made great strides in recent years. Modern children easily master computer technology, and as a result of this, they have become especially common presentations for child development... This is a special type of material that helps babies to more easily master all the information.

When carried out preparation of children to school, presentation is often of key importance. Bright and colorful pictures allow the kid to visually see the world around him, to imagine plants and animals that he has never met before. Children's presentations for children presented in the public domain, which allows all parents to use them in independent studies with the child.

Electronic presentations for children download - it is so simple

Modern sites present a wide variety of materials that parents can use in their activities with their child. We tried to make our own free presentations for children slightly different from all the others.

First of all, our materials are quite informative. They will be interesting not only for preschoolers. Such presentations for elementary school children will work just as well. A logical question arises - can a first-grader and a three-year-old child learn one volume of information that will be interesting for the first and available for the second to understand.

Definitely not. Our materials work on a slightly different principle. Mainly presentations for children of the preparatory group... They cover all the points a child needs to know before school. However, it is still necessary to start teaching the baby earlier - for example, at 3-4 years old, the child is already ready to see presentations for kindergarten children.

At this age, the baby is tormented by a wide variety of questions that adults, at times, cannot answer. But successful child development possible only when he gets free access to all things interesting in his understanding. He may not understand some of the materials that are not yet so interesting to him due to his age, but if you repeat the lesson six months later, the little one will learn more points.

Preschool development of children using unique materials

The uniqueness of our materials lies in several important points. First, as mentioned above, is the availability and completeness of information, which makes development of preschool children successful. The second point is bright and colorful pictures. Thus, preschool child development site trying to make it interesting, that is, the baby will definitely be interested in high-quality photographs and pictures that are in each presentation.

And finally, one more point, in our opinion, one of the most important. Free presentation for children implies the presence of certain tasks at the end, aimed at consolidating materials and developing certain skills of the baby. These can be games for logic, thinking, speech development, the development of fine motor skills and others. Thus, the child easily assimilates all the information received and has a pleasant time with his parents. Perhaps these are the best parameters for successful learning.

Svetlana Shmeleva
Summary of the lesson using finger theater in the younger group. Reading the Russian folk tale "Fox, Hare and Rooster"

Summary of the lesson in the younger group: « Reading a Russian folk tale« A fox, hare and rooster» .

Goals: Introduce Russian folk tale help to understand the meaning of the work (little daring, but brave)... Form the ability to answer the teacher's questions. Development of speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Material: Finger theater to a fairy tale« A fox, hare and rooster» .

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations for fairy tale"Cat, rooster and fox» , reading or retelling a fairy tale"Cat, rooster and fox» with using illustrations.

The course of the lesson.

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the table.

Educator: Guys, remember fairy tale"Cat, rooster and fox» ... What can say about cockerel? What is he?

Children: Timid, weak.

Educator: And now I will ask you riddles, listen carefully.

The teacher makes riddles.

Educator: Fluffy tail, golden fur, lives in the forest, steals chickens in the village.

Children: a fox.

The teacher shows the children a fox toy from finger theater.

Educator: A fox, which?

Children: Redhead, cunning.

Educator: Show how he walks a fox.

Children represent a chanterelle.

Educator: Well done! Now listen to the next riddle. A lump of fluff, long ear, jumping dexterously, loves carrots.

Children: Hare.

The teacher shows the children a bunny toy from finger theater.

Educator: Right. What bunny?

Children: Small, cowardly, white in winter and gray in summer.

Educator: Show me, bunny.

Children show.

Educator: Now sit down on the chairs. See what kind of toys I have. These are heroes from another Russian folk tale -« A fox, hare and rooster» - the cockerel in this tale is strong and brave... Do you want to listen to this fairy tale.

The teacher reads fairy tale, using finger theater toys... After reading a fairy tale the teacher asks questions:

About whom story?

What was a fox?

What bunny?

Who helped the bunny?

Do you think dogs and bears are stronger than foxes?

Why couldn't they help the bunny?

Children: They are strong but cowardly.

Educator: How scared them a fox? What song was she singing?

Children: How I jump out, how I jump out -

Scraps will fly through the back streets.

Educator: What is allowed say about the rooster smaller and weaker than a fox?

Children: Brave cockerel.

Educator: What song was singing Cockerel chasing out a fox?

Children: Ku - kA - re - ku!

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to cut the fox!

Go a fox, get out!

Educator: Heard fox song, got scared and ran away.

Educator: Yes, brave cockerel... IN people say: "Small, but daring".

Note. At the end classes and in independent activity, children play up a fairy tale using finger theater and models.

screening of a table theater based on the plot of the Russian folk tale "Cat, Fox and Rooster".
Purpose: To bring joy to children. Learn to listen to a fairy tale, observing the action taking place on the table. To foster a love for Russian folk tales.
Material: a table for demonstrating a fairy tale; house models: cock and cat, foxes; models: forests, mountains; demo material: cat, fox, rooster.
-Guys, today the Golden scallop cockerel came to visit us. Look how handsome he is. (The children examine the cockerel.)
And, also a cat called Kotok came to visit us. (children examine the cat).
Cockerel: "Guys, do you want us to tell you one story that happened to me?" (the children agree, and a fairy tale is shown and told on behalf of the cockerel).
“Once upon a time I was a cockerel Golden scallop and my friend the cat Kotok. I was in charge of the house: I cooked dinner, tidied up the house, and Kotok was an amateur before hunting, he went hunting all the time. One day Kotok went hunting, and he strictly punishes me: “In our places the fox Potrekeevna has appeared, a big deceiver. You sit at home, do not open the door to anyone but me. Otherwise it will steal you. " Kotok left, and I tidied up the house, cooked dinner, and sat down on the cat's perch to wait. And at that time Lisa was running past. She ran to the window and sang: "Cockerel, cockerel, Look out of the window with a golden comb, I will give you a pea." Poorly I listened to the instructions of the cat, looked out the window, and the fox grabbed me and carried me to his dwelling. I began to call the cat to help: “Kitty - brother, help. The fox carries me over the dark forests, over the high mountains. " A cat was hunting nearby, he heard a call for help and came running. Saved me from the fox. The next day the cat went hunting again. Punished the fox cockerel not to listen. The cockerel in the house tidied up, cooked dinner, and sat down on the cat's perch to wait. And the Fox came running again. She ran to the window and sang: "Cockerel, cockerel, Look out of the window with a golden comb, I will give you a pea." I didn’t listen to the fox, I didn’t look out. And she says: "Look, someone was driving, carrying peas, but scattered along the road, how much." I wanted a pea, looked out the window, and the fox grabbed me again and carried me to his dwelling. I began to call the cat to help: “Kitty - brother, help. The fox carries me beyond the dark forests, over the high mountains. ”The cat was far away and did not hear me. The cat returned home, but I was not. The cat sat down and burned. I decided to go save me. I went to the bazaar and bought golden strings of guseries. I went on my way. I walked through dark forests, high mountains, found foxes a dwelling place, looked out the window, and there the fox drowns the stove, wants to cook me in the stove. We must save a friend. The cat started playing the harp:
Streni - bullshit, geese,
Golden strings!
Is Fox Patrekeevna at home?
With your kids:
One son Terentyushka,
Another Melenyushka,
The third Alyoshka is a boy,
One daughter Chuchelka,
Another Half-bang,
Third Sweep - Six,
4th Give - Shuttle.
The fox sent me to see who was singing there. I went out onto the porch. When I saw the cat, I almost cried out for joy: “Ku-ka-re-ku!” The cat picked me up and ran home.
Here's a story. Now I always obey my elders and I wish that to you. Let's play with you.
Children play t in the game "Cat and Mouse". Children - "mice" sit in holes - on benches or chairs, along the walls of the room or on the sides of the playground.
The teacher - "cat", is in the corner of the playground or room.
The cat falls asleep, and the mice, having fun, scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice, which should at the same time run away into the burrows and take their places on the chairs. After all the mice have returned to their burrows, the cat walks around the room again, and then returns to its place and falls asleep.
The game is repeated 4-5 times.
- We really enjoyed playing with you. But it's time for us to leave. Goodbye guys. The cock and the cat say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Svetlana Vodopolova


screening of a table theater based on a Russian folk tale"Cat, fox and rooster» .

Target: To bring joy to children. Learn to listen fairy tale watching the action taking place on the table. To cultivate love for Russian folk fairy tales.

Material: table, for demonstration fairy tales; model houses: cock and cat, foxes; model: forests, mountains; demonstration material: cat, a fox, rooster.

Guys, today came to visit us cockerel golden scallop... Look how handsome he is. (Children are considering cockerel.)

And, also a cat called Kotok came to visit us. (children look at the cat).

Cockerel: "Guys, do you want us to tell you one story that happened to me?" (the children agree and it begins showing a fairy tale and telling it on behalf of the cockerel).

"Once upon a time I cockerel Golden scallop and my friend the cat Kotok. I'm around the house hosted: he cooked dinner, tidied up the house, and Kotok was an amateur before hunting, he went hunting all the time. Then one day Kotok went hunting, and I was strictly punishes: "In our places a fox Potrekeevna appeared, a big deceiver. You sit at home, do not open the door to anyone but me. Otherwise it will steal you. " Kotok left, and I tidied up the house, cooked dinner, and sat down on the cat's perch to wait. And at that time by The fox was running... I ran to the window and sang: « Cockerel, cockerel Look out the window with a golden scallop. I'll give you a pea. " I was listening poorly the instructions of the cat, looked out the window, and a fox she grabbed me and carried me to her dwelling. I began to help the cat call for fox for dark forests, for the high mountains. " A cat was hunting nearby, he heard a call for help and came running. Saved me from the fox. The next day the cat went hunting again. Punished do not listen to the fox cockerel. The cockerel cleaned the house, cooked lunch, but sat down on the cat's perch to wait. BUT The fox came running again... I ran to the window and sang: « Cockerel, cockerel, Look out the window with a golden scallop. I'll give you a pea. " I didn’t listen to the fox, I didn’t look out. And she and speaks: "Look, someone was driving, carrying peas, but scattered along the road, how many"... I wanted peas, looked out the window, and a fox She grabbed me again and carried me to her dwelling. I began to help the cat call for: “Kitty - brother, help. Carries me fox for dark forests, beyond the high mountains. ”The cat was far away and did not hear me. The cat returned home, but I was not. The cat sat down and burned. I decided to go save me. I went to the bazaar and bought golden strings of guseries. I went on my way. I walked through dark forests, high mountains, found foxes a dwelling place, looked out the window, and there fox heats the stove, wants to cook me in the oven. We must save a friend. The cat played in gusli:

Streni - bullshit, geese,

Golden strings!

At home Lisa Patrekeevna

With your kids:

One son Terentyushka,

Another Melenyushka,

The third Alyoshka is a boy,

One daughter Chuchelka,

Another Half-bang,

Third Sweep - Six,

4th Give - Shuttle.

Sent fox see me who sings there. I went out onto the porch. As I saw the cat, I was almost croaked: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" The cat picked me up and ran home.

Here's a story. Now I always obey my elders and I wish that to you. Let's play with you.

Children play

in Game "Cat and Mice"... Children - "Mice" sit in burrows - on benches or chairs, along the walls of the room or on the sides of the playground.

Educator - "cat", located in the corner of a playground or room.

The cat falls asleep, and the mice, having fun, scatter around the room. But then the cat wakes up, meows, begins to catch mice, which should at the same time run away into the burrows and take their places on the chairs. After all the mice have returned to their burrows, the cat walks around the room again, and then returns to its place and falls asleep.

The game is repeated 4-5 times.

We really enjoyed playing with you. But it's time for us to leave. Goodbye guys. Cockerel and the cat say goodbye to the guys and leave.

Our felt finger theater invites you to the premiere! All our artists - finger puppets - are handmade! You and your child are directors, stage directors and puppeteers. The screenwriter is the Russian people. This game is not only very popular with children, but also has a huge developmental potential. Children learn to use their hands and fingers, coordinate their actions, and get pleasant tactile sensations from contact with soft felt. And, of course, finger theater develops speech. Moreover, both directly - children get acquainted with Russian fairy tales, learn short repetitive rhymes, try to pronounce them "with expression", and indirectly. After all, the development of fine motor skills, fine finger movements stimulates the centers of speech. You can play such a finger theater made of felt with children from two years old, and you can make felt dolls with your own hands in just 2-3 hours.

A master class on making a finger doll with your own hands. Rooster

We print or draw the finger puppet template ourselves. Cut out.

Using a stapler, we pin the template to the fabric and cut it out. For the base, we cut out 2 parts, one for the beak, tuft and beard.

We sew the beak on one of the parts of the base, placing a beard under it. We sew the beak from all sides.

Sew the two parts of the base with a buttonhole seam, placing a comb between them.

The rooster is ready.

How to make a finger doll of a cat with your own hands can be seen in a fairy tale, and foxes in a fairy tale