Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - the creator of the Russian household comedy in the XVIII century. The life and creative path of Fonvizin

Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - the creator of the Russian household comedy in the XVIII century. The life and creative path of Fonvizin
Creativity Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin - the creator of the Russian household comedy in the XVIII century. The life and creative path of Fonvizin

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Magic edge! There in the old years, the satirs of the bold lords, blown Fonvizin, friend of freedom ... A.S. Pushkin

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Born in a rich noble family. From 1755 to 1760 he studied at the Gymnasium at Moscow University, and in 1761-1762 - at the Faculty of Philosophy of the same university. IN student years Engaged in translations. In 1762, Fonvizin was determined by the translator into a collegium of foreign affairs and moved to Petersburg.

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The nobleman by origin, Fonvizyn of the Ten of the Ten years passed in the gymnasium just opened at Moscow University. In 1760, among the ten best Pupils He was taken to St. Petersburg to a meeting with the founder of the University - M.V. Lomonosov. A student of the philosophical branch, Fonvizin proven himself to transfers from Latin, French and German. Excellent knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bled him to a service in a colleague of foreign affairs. In St. Petersburg, he gets closer to outstanding writers His Time - Derzhavin, Heraskov, Princess ...

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The Literary Activities of Fonvizin begins in the 60s of the XVIII century. Inquisitive and witty man, he was created in order to become a satyrian. And the reasons for Gorky laughter was enough in the Russian reality of that time. Fonvizyn saw that Caterina, bribes, careerists were gathered around the throne of Catherine II, that the waves of peasant uprisings are the formidable signs of the impending folk storm.

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As a result of communication with a circle of young officers, Volnodums, created a "message to servants of my ..." (1769) - a satirical work that appeared on the traditions of Russian Bassni and Satira. At the same time, the writer shows interest in the drama, he arises the idea of \u200b\u200bthe original Russian satirical comedy. The first sample in this way was his "Brigadier" (1766-1769).

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Drama as one of the birth fiction It is significantly different from lyrics and epic primarily by the fact that it is intended for execution on the scene. Its content is speech, conversations acting persons In the form of a dialogue (conversation two or more characters) and a monologue (speech, stories, expressions of thoughts and feelings from the first person). The speech of the actors is accompanied by remarks - copyrights of the situation, about the inner state of heroes, their facial expressions and gestures.

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The main types of dramatic works are tragedy, drama, comedy. In the comedy, those or other parties of public life are ridicule negative traits and properties of people's characters. Satire (from lat. Sature-mixture, messenger) - view of the comic, most mercilessly rumoring human imperfection, sharp condemning by ridicule human vice or imperfection human life

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In its most significant work - the Comedy "Nepalm" (1781) - Fonvizin indicates the root of all the troubles of Russia - serfdom. The author evaluates and judges not human flavors by itself, but above all public relations. Positive heroes - Enlightened noblemen - do not just condemn the serfdom, but fighting with him. The comedy is built on acute social conflict. Life in the house of spaces is presented not as a total picture of ridiculous customs, but as a system based on serfdom.

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The author creates multifaceted characters, exposing the internal drama of such negative characters as Eremeevna and Prostakov. According to N.V. Hogola, "Lady" - "... Truly public comedy" In 1782, Fonvizin resigns and deals only with literary activities. In 1783, he publishes a number satirical works. The Empress itself answered them with irritation.

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The last years of the life of Fononvin was seriously ill (paralysis), but continued to write until death. In 1789, he began working on autobiographical audience « Other recognition In my affairs and thoughts, "but did not finish this work. The story is a wonderful product of Russian prose. Here in the image of the author is recreated the character of a person and writer - Russian in the warehouse of the mind, yumor, irony, shows the spiritual wealth of a person who can rise over their weaknesses and fearlessly to tell about them with their compatriots.

1745, April 3, the son of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin was born in the family of an average owner of the middle wealth. (According to other information, date of birth - April 3, 1744)

1755 studies in the Latin school of the noble gymnasium who was preparing for admission to Moscow University.

1759 End of gymnasium, translation into students of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

1761 Translates from the German Bassni of the Danish Writer Golberg.

1762 in the university journal "Meeting the best writings Translations from Menandra are printed to the distribution of knowledge and the work of pleasures. Begins work on the translation of the tragedy of Voltaire "Alzira". Writes "Meaning to servants." The first original work is a satirical fable "Fox-Kaznodin". The end of the university, moving to Petersburg as a translator of the Foreign Affairs College.

1763 Decree of Catherine II is appointed "for some cases" at the State Counselor I. P. Elagine. Remiers to the Russian Lad. Rodram Gress "Sydney" - called Corion. Lives in St. Petersburg, Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof.

1764 Comedy Success "Corion" on the scene of the Court Theater. 1766-1769 Writes a comedy "Brigadier".

1769, December appointed to a collegium of foreign affairs to the post of secretary, the actual assistant Minister N. Panin. Printed the Comedy "Brigadier".

1771. He writes and publishes the "Word for Recovery" the heir to the throne of Paul.

1777. Prints translation political essay French enlightener Toma "Praise Word Mark Aurelia", which shows the perfect monarch philosopher.

September. Going on a trip to France, during which the diary leads, in the form of letters regularly sends it to Moscow. Upon returning from the journey, it starts working on the comedy "inexpensive."

Together with N. Panin, a project of fundamental laws for the future of Emperor Paul is preparing.

1782 year. Posted by a comedy "Lady".

March 7 submits in the name of Catherine II, a petition about dismissal from the service. The petition is satisfied.

1783 year. Participates in the journal "Interlocutor of Russian-Word Fans", which edits Princess E, R. Dashkov, and the checkered - Empress. Publishes satirical miniatures in the form of a passion from the dictionary of synonyms, a satire on the nobleman "Magnificent Russian Minerwe", "the journey of imaginary deaf and dumb", "a few questions that can excite in smart and honest people
attention". Catherine II gives the police an indication not to print the writings of phonvizin.

March. Death of a friend, N. Panin. Writes "Life N. I. Panin".

1784-1785 Traveling in Italy, studies italian Theater., music, painting. He leads a diary, which again sends to Moscow in the form of letters. Upon returning to Russia, Fonvizin breaks paralysis. Leaving to Karlsbad.

1787 returns to Petersburg, without restoring health. Decides to publish their own satirical magazine called "Friend of honest people, or old-doom."

Prepares for the magazine the writing "court grammar", in which mercilessly refuses the courtyard.

1788 The magazine is closed, Catherine prohibits Fonvizin to be printed. Forbidden Common Collection of Fonvizin Works.

1791 year. Transfers four apoplexic strikes.

Writes about the death of Potemkin "reasoning about human vanity", trying to declare sinful all his literary activities.

Begins last work "Frequent recognition in my affairs and thoughts." Prepares five volumes Complete assembly Works for publisher P. Bogdanovich, including prohibited articles from "friend of honest people".

1792, November 30, at the evening in the House of Derzhavin, the last comedy of the "Gofmeister" ("Choosing Gutener") is read.

Introduction 3.

1. general characteristics Creativity D. I. Fonvizin. four

2. Artistic features. 8

3. The value of creativity D. I. Fonvizin. eleven

Conclusion. fifteen

Literature. sixteen


Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin is a special name in Russian literature. He is the top of the Russian comedy. "The Russian comedy began long before Fonvizin, but began only from Fonvizin: his brigadier and inexpensive made terrible noise at their appearance and will remain forever in the history of Russian literature, as one of the most noteworthy phenomena" - wrote Belinsky.

Pushkin really appreciated the fun and extremely regretted that in Russian literature "so little truly funny writings." That is why he lovingly noted this feature of Fonvizin's dating, indicating the direct continuity of Fonvizin and Gogol's drama.

"In the works of this writer, for the first time, the demonic start of sarcasm and indignation was revealed, which was destined to penetrate all Russian literature since then, becoming a dominant trend," A. I. Herzen noted.

Speaking about the work of Fonvizin, the famous literary critic Belinsky wrote: "In general, for me, Cantemir and Fonvizin, especially the last, most interesting writers The first periods of our literature: they tell me not about the transcendental primary principles on the occasion of bad illuminations, but about living reality historically existed, about the rights of society. "

General characteristics of creativity D. I. Fonvizin

Fonvizin gave a very vibrant types of modern noble society, Dal bright paintings life, although the "Brigadier" comedy was built on the old classic samples (Complied with the unity of the place, time, a sharp division of heroes on positive and negative, the 5-most composite composition).

In the development of Fonvizin's action followed by French classical theory, the outlines of characters studied at Molter, Golberg, Dead, Skarron; push to creating a comedy on national Topics He was given Lukin (his comedy "ILO, Love Corrected" and his critical comments about what to write comedies "in our shorts").

In 1882, it was written, and in 1883 the second comedy Fononvizin "Nepali" was printed - a culminating point in the development of Fonvizin's creativity - "the work of the mind of a strong, sharp, a man of the gift" (Belinsky). In his comedy, Fonvizin responded to all those questions that worried the most advanced people of that time. State I. public system, civil duties of a member of society, serfdom, family, marriage, education of children - this is a range of issues set in "inexpensive." Fonvizin gave an answer to these questions with the most advanced positions for his time.

The realistic outcome of the acting persons largely contributed to the clearly pronounced individualization of the language of the characters. The positive heroes of "inexpressible", the resonants are schematic, they are little individualized. However, in the replicas of resonants, we hear the voice of the most advanced people of the XVIII century. In resonors and virtuous people, the voice of smart and well-mens of the time of time is heard for us - their concepts and image of thoughts.

When creating his comedy F. used great amount Sources: and articles of the best satirical magazines of the 70s, and works of modern Russian literature (works of Lukina, Chulkov, Emin, etc.), and works of English and french literature XVII-XVIII centuries. (Voltaire, Rousseau, Dukelo, Lyabruyer, etc.), but at the same time Fonanzine remained quite independent.

Best works F. Brightly and truthfully reflected life, walled minds and helped the people to fight for changing their difficult situation.

Peru D. I. Fonvizin belongs - the most famous to the modern reader of the comedy "inexpensive" and "brigadier", "Universal court grammar", autobiography "Frequently recognized recognition in the affairs of my and thinking", "Choosing Goover", "Conversation at Prinjea Haldina". In addition, Fonvizin served as a translator in a foreign collegium, so it was quite eagerly translated by foreign authors, for example, Voltaire. Amounted to "reasoning about the exterminated in Russia at all state Board And on the fact that the state of the Empire and the most sovereigns, "which criticized the picture of the despotic regime of Catherine. From journalism you can call "reasoning about indispensable state laws," where he offered not to eradicate the serfdom completely, but simply alleviate the fate of the peasants.

Among the predecessors for Fonvizin was Lukin Vladimir Ignatievich. This is a playwright who prepared the comedies of an accusatory nature of the appearance of "cheap". It should be noticed that Lukina was accused of not praising "glorious Russian writers", even the most "Russian Voltaire" Sumarokov, and found a bad thing that was the most original in his work, "new expressions", the desire for independence, to the simplicity of Russian speech, etc. in latestly Lukin can be considered not only the forerunner of Fonvizin - which, as to the opponent, belonged to it disliked, despite the huge difference of their gods, - but even the forerunner of the so-called " genuine school". Being in the then imitative literature, the jealous of the nation, Lukin demanded from the comedy of Russian content and understood the fate of the direction adopted by the Russian drama.

The special contribution of Fonvizin introduced into the literary language of his era, which was taken by the followers and was actively used in the future literary works. In the language of his prose, people's spoken vocabulary and phraseology are widely used; as building material proposals are various non-free and semi-free speaking phrases and sustainable turns; happening so important for the subsequent development of Russian literary language Association of "ordinary Russian" and "Slavic" language resources.

They developed language techniques of reflection of reality in its most diverse manifestations; The principles of building language structures characterizing the "image of a narrator" were planned. Outlined and received the initial development of many important properties and trends that found their further development And they received a complete completion in the Pushkin reform of the Russian literary language.

Fonvizin was the first of the Russian writers, who understood, describing the complex relationships and strong senses of people simply, but for sure, it is possible to achieve a greater effect than with certain verbal tribs. It is impossible not to note the merit of phonvizin in the development of receptions of a realistic image of complex human feelings and life conflicts.

Inversion used in the comedy "inexpensive" inversion: "Slave of Gnus Passions of His"; Rhetorical questions and exclamations: "How to teach them a harm?"; Complete syntax: abundance puttinglements, common definitions, involved and particle turns and other characteristic funds of book speech.

Uses the words of emotional and estimated meanings: soulful, heart, corrupted tyrant. Fonvizin avoids naturalistic extremes of low-style, which many modern outstanding comedes could overcome. He refuses coarse, non-vertical speech funds. At the same time, it constantly retains in vocabulary, and in the syntax of the travelers. Coloring speech characteristics created by attracting words and expressions that used in military houses are evidenced by the use of techniques of realistic typing by attracting words and expressions and archaic vocabulary, quotes from spiritual books; and broken Russian vocabulary.

Meanwhile, the tongue of comedy Fonvizin, despite its perfection, nevertheless did not go beyond the traditions of classicism and did not constitute a fundamentally new stage in the development of the Russian literary language. In the comedies of Fonvizin, a clear distinction between the language of negative and positive characters. And if in the construction of the language characteristics of negative characters on the traditional basis of the use of the surprise, the writer reached great animation and expressiveness, the language characteristics of positive characters remained pale, cold-rhetorical, cut off from the living element of the spoken language.

In contrast to the comedy language, Fonvizin's prose language represents a significant step forward in the development of the Russian literary language, here are strengthened and further develop the trend that has emerged in Novikov's prose. The work that marked the decisive transition from the traditions of classicism to new principles of building a language of prose in the work of Fonvizin was the famous "letters from France."

In "letters from France", national-spoken vocabulary and phraseology, especially those of its groups and categories, which are devoid of cutting expressiveness and to a greater or lesser extent close to the "neutral" lexical-phraseological layer are pretty: "Since my arrival I can not hear…"; "We are pretty moving"; "Where are not like, everywhere full of more."

There are also words and expressions other than those given above, they are endowed with the specific expressiveness that allows them to qualify them as the sponsored: "Both these town I will not take a gift"; "At the entrance to the city crushed us a nasty stench."

Developed in the "letters from France" the features of the literary language were further developed in the artistic, scientific, journalistic and memoir prose of Fonvizin. But two points still deserve attention. First, it is necessary to emphasize the syntactic perfection of the prose of phonvizin. In Phonwan, we find not separate successfully constructed phrases, but extensive contexts that differ in variety, flexibility, slimness, logical sequence and clarity of syntactic structures. Secondly, in art prose Fonvizin gets further development of the taking story from the face of the narrator, receiving the creation of linguistic structures serving the means of disclosing the image. Analysis of various works by D. I. Fonvizin allow us to talk about, of course, an important role Its in the formation and improvement of the Russian literary language.

Name:Denis Fonvizin (Denis Fonvizin)

Age: 47 years old

Activity: Writer, playwright, translator

Denis Fonvizin: Biography

Denis Fonvizin is a Russian writer, translator, playwright and publicist, secretary of the head of Russian diplomacy Nikita Panin. However, became the creator of the national household comedy, Representative of Russian classicism. It became famous for the work of "cheap".

Childhood and youth

Denis Ivanovich was born in Moscow in April 1745 in the family of an old German nobleman, whose representatives in the mid-16th century arrived from Germany to Russia. Father of the future writer left the military service in the rank of major, had a modest income. Despite the German roots, except for the Russian language, in childhood the boy did not know any other, so German studied already at school. Unlike other Russian nobles, french He taught, already adult.

The Family Family family reigned a patriarchal situation, primary education Denis got at home, like the other 7 children of this family. At the age of 10, he became one of the first who entered the doctrine to the noble gymnasium at Moscow University. His thrust for literature was already very noticeable.

I studied 5 years, Denis enters the Faculty of Philosophy of the University. Together with your younger Brother Pavlom, among other best gymnasists, boys go to St. Petersburg. During this trip, he started acquaintance with, and also, who at that time was the first leader of the Russian theater. In addition, during the trip, Denis was visited by the theater for the first time in his life, where he watched the staging of the play "Heinrich and Pernill".

During his studies, the young man often translated the articles for university journals, and since 1761 he was engaged in this professionally. The Moscow Trader Books ordered from Phonvizin's Basinie Holberg, and a year later, a man translates the works of "Alzira or Americans", the novel "Heroic Virtue, or the life of Sif, Tsar Egypt" and other books. In the following years of life, he had to be translated from various writers.

In parallel with this at 18, the young man is arranged on public service To the Empress, or rather the secretary of the Cabinet-Minister Elagina. And after 6 years, it becomes serving as a personal secretary to the count of Panin, who later became a trustee.


At the same time, as Fonvizin translated literature, the first works of the writer began to appear, which wearing sharp satirical tones. Already in 1760, one of them was released. And after 8 years, readers were presented satyrian comedy called "Brigadier".

The created play caused public resonance, and although the writer's books, as well as biography, have not yet been known, the man was called to Peterhof. He personally read Comedy Empress Catherine II. "Brigadier" had an unprecedented success, the book was created by the stage performances that did not go with the poster for a long time.

After that there were other readings that helped the writer to get close to the educator - Count Panin, and since 1769 the writer began to serve him. At the same time, continued to develop his creativity, always worked a lot and created new literary masterpieces.

In 1777, Denis Ivanovich goes abroad and the following year and a half lives in France. In 1779, returning to Russia, a man becomes an adviser to the Office at a secret expedition and at the same time deals with the translation of the book "Ta-Gio".

In 1778, after returning from France, Fonvizin begins work on the work of "inexpensive" and ends it to writing in 1782. Today this book is included in the mandatory program. modern schoolchildren. In the 18th century, the word "cheap" called young people noble originWithout education. They were not taken to the service and did not give out a document that would allow marriage.

The main characters of the book were a fear of a fear-serpentine, Mrs., and her son-inexpressible. The play turned out to be straightforward on the problem, but not only it was the reason for the popularity of the book. The work fell in love with readers due to memorable bright images negative heroes, subtle humor, liveliness of the dialogues that are used today as aphorisms.

Characters of Comedy Denis Fonvizin "Nepal"

At the beginning of 1783, the release of the book "The reasoning of indispensable state laws" was coming, this work was recognized as one of the best in Russian journalism. It was intended to be the future emperor Pavel Petrovich.

In the same year, the writer decides to go on a journey through Europe, but after 2 years he happens the first apoplexic strike, and after another 2 years, a man returns to his homeland. Despite the paralysis, leaving the service, the man is fully engaged in his favorite business. But the last 5-year-old collection of works is welcomed by a sharp disapproval by Catherine II, which prohibits Fonononovin to publish a book.

In your last period Life man wrote mainly an article for the magazine. Also, his bibliography was replenished with several dramatic works, among which the "conversation of Knyagini Haldina", the comedy "Choosing Gutener", published only in 1959, and autobiography "Frequent recognition."

An interesting fact from the biography of Denis Ivanovich is that under the life of a man considered Fart. He carefully watched external species, I preferred shoes with big buckles, wore a fruit from a sable and decorated with clothes with alive flowers.

Personal life

About the personal life of the famous writer often knows that he himself found it necessary to reflect in autobiographical work. In "comprehensive recognition", it is described as young Fonvizin, being a 23-year-old Junca, fell in love with the Cook Anna. As he himself described in the book, the woman captured his mind, she touched the heart of the man with his advantages and until the end of the poet did not come out of his thoughts.

Documentary About Denis Fonvizin

The woman was read, intelligent, prone to literature and sang perfectly. Despite all personal traitsShe did not differ in beauty, but it did not worry Fonvizin, because he also had an ordinary appearance, as evidenced by the portraits of the writer. He even dedicated one of the translations of this woman by writing in dedication:

"You are one of the whole universe for me".

Anna answered Denis Ivanovich reciprocity, but could not completely surrender to the feelings, since it was married, a sense of duty did not allow the mistake. Fonvizin was forced to accept that he could not fully enjoy his beloved woman.

The writer married a little later. With the future wife, I met the service when, on behalf of the Empress, a one confusing trial of the widow of the lieutenant was led by the name of the Flap.

Statue of Denis Fonvizin on the Millennium Monument of Russia

In the course of work, the Fonvizin had to contact a lot with Katerina slammed, and the woman fell in love without a memory, which was noticeable for others. At the last meeting of the court, a man even accused that he defends his mistress, and in response, Fononovin stated that he was married to her, and had restrained the promise.

There were no children from Phonwan, but the writer has gained a reliable friend, assistant and support in the face of fragile Katerina. When Denis Ivanovich broke palsy, he lost the ability to speak and could not control his hand, the faithful spouse was like a nannik. Then the man was a little more than 40 years old, and Katerina managed to go out. But after several years, paralysis again fastened the man's body, but he did not stop writing until the last day. And his wife had been near his wife all this time, helped and cared for Denis Ivanovich.


IN last years Fononvin's life was badly sick, after the second apoplexic strike, the man almost completely lost mobility, struggled with difficulty, but did not stop working.

Denis Ivanovich's death came at the end of 1792 in St. Petersburg, the man was buried at the Lazarevian cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

In memory of the Great Writelf, the streets in different cities of Russia are named after Denis Fonvizin, and in 2016, in the Moscow Metro opened new station - Fonvizinskaya. In Veliky Novgorod, the figure of a man is present in the sculptural group "Writers and Artists" on the monument "Millennia of Russia".


  • 1768 - "Brigadier"
  • 1780 - "Callisphen"
  • 1782 - "Nepal"
  • 1783 - "The argument of indispensable state laws"
  • 1783 - "The narration of imaginary deaf and dumb"
  • 1786 - "Universal court grammar"
  • 1786 - "Life of Count Nikita Ivanovich Panin"
  • 1788 - "Admission of uncle to his nephew"
  • 1791 - "Frequency recognition in the affairs of my and thoughts"


"According to my calculation, not the rich that counts money to hide them in the chest, and the one who counts is superfluous to help those who have no needed"
"We don't have your love to her husband, which was like a friendship b. Have a friendship to him, which would like to be like "
"The lets there is a creature, which not only about others, does not have a good opinion about himself, all his desire to immediately blind the mind of a person, and then do from him that he is needed. He is a night thief, which first puts off the candle, and then steal will become "
"My father told me the same thing: I have the heart, I have a soul, and you will be a person at all time"
"Help! One respect must be flattering man - spiritual; And the mental respect is worthy of only the one who is not in the money in the ranks, but in meaningfulness not by the ranks "

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, the famous Russian writer, bright representative The literary era of Catherine II, was born on April 3, 1745 in Moscow. He took place from the ancient German nobleman, who, with Ivan, Grozny left Liflaland (Baron Peter von Visin; This name was written back in mid XIX. in. Separately: Visiting background, and only later established dynamous writing). Up to 10 years of age, Fononovin was brought up at home. His father, a man, although not too educated, he trained his eight children. At the establishment in Moscow, the University of Fonvizin-Father was given to the open-air gymnasium of two senior sons, Denis and Paul. In the gymnasium, Denis was on an excellent account; He repeatedly received awards, twice performed on public acts with speeches in Russian and German. In 1758, young Fonvizin, among the best students, was taken to St. Petersburg to represent the patron of the university, I. I. Shuvalov, and Empress Elizabeth. The magnificence of the yard and, in particular, theatrical ideas Made a stunning impression on the boy. In 1759, Fonvizin was "produced into students", and after 3 years, 17 years old, he graduated from his university education.

At this time, the university was only still arranged, and at first there were many drawbacks in his organization, but Fononvin, as well as his comrades, carried out of it and cultural interests and sufficient knowledge both in the sciences and in foreign languages. During these years creative biography Fonvizin Moscow University was the most notable center literary life in Russia. Under the leadership of one of the university officials, M. M. Heraskov, since 1760 began to be published by the Journal of Useful Miscellaneous, which united on its pages of all almost young writers of that time related to the same unity literary school: All of them were more or less consistent students of Sumoros. Literary traffic covered and students; Many of the university students tried their strengths in translations, then printed later in "useful entertainment." Fonvizin was among them; In the journal, Heraskov was placed his translation of the native story "Ruthless Jupiter". At the same time, Fonvizin at the proposal of the university class of Vevey, who heard about the gifted by the student, translated from german language Basin Basen of the Danish Writer Golberg; Translation was then printed (1761). The following year (1762), Fonvizin has energetically collaborated in scientific and popular magazine His teacher, Professor Reikhel ("Collection of the Best Works") - He placed 5 transfer articles in it. At the same time, he translated "Metamorphosis" of Ovid (not printed) and 1 volume of the extensive political and moral novel of the terrace "Heroic Virtue and the life of Sif, Tsar Egypt" (1762, the following 3 volumes were printed to 1768; Translation was made from German). At the same time, Fononovin first tried his creative forces on the field of poetry; He translated the tragedy of Voltaire Alzira. However, he himself remained dissatisfied with his translation and did not give it to the stage or in print.

Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

End of the University, Fonvizin turned out to be a sergeant of the Guard Semenovsky Regiment, in the service in which he, according to the custom of that time, was listed since 1754, that is, from 9 years of age. Military service I could not interest him, and at the first opportunity, using the arrival of the courtyard and the government at the end of 1762 to Moscow, he settled in a colleague of foreign affairs by a translator with a salary of 800 r. per year, and at the same time he was sent with the Honorary Officer to Schwerin. In 1763, together with the Phonvizin courtyard, he moved to St. Petersburg, and in October of the same year, he passed to the service for the "Cabinet of Minister" at the adoption of addressed to the Empress of the Cheerballe, I. P. Elagin, who later received (from 1766) to his maintenance and theaters management. Fast steps of Fonvizin on the service field are explained to a large extent of his literary successes and secular talents. From the early childhood An unusual liveliness began to manifest itself in his character. Over the years, it developed that the ability to see all the things from their funny side, thrust to wit and irony, which did not leave it until the end of the biography. His epigrams, witty and evil comments on people went in society. By this, he has acquired a lot of buddies, but also a lot of enemies. Among the latter was the secretary of Elagina, the most discerning playwright V. I. Lukin, Enmunto, who made the Fonvizin service very difficult.

In Petersburg literary creativity Fonvizin continued. He translated in 1763. Roman Bartelemy "Love Carits and Polydor", continued to translate "Sif". At that time, he came up with a circle of young people who were passionate about the doctrines of French educators and preaching atheism. Fonvizin gave tribute to this hobby; Traces of religious skepticism remained in Satire written in this era ("Meanings to servants"; may be, the fox-Kaznodin fables and some other poetic plays that have come down to us in excerpts belong to the same time. However, quite soon, Fonavizin renounced doubts and again became a religious person, which was in the father's house and university. In 1764, Fonvizin put on stage his poetic alteration of the comedy GRESS "Sydney", entitled to them "Corion". It was a sample of "decline on our morals", i.e., a free translation with the transfer of action to Russia and a corresponding change household detailsNames, etc. This was the recipe for the Scriptures of the comedy in the group Elagina, which was included in Fonvizin and Lukin. "Corion" had a dubious success; Opponents of the system alterations were unhappy with them.

Saving from collisions with Lukin in more or less long holidays to Moscow, Fonvizin in one of these trips graduated from his famous Brigadier. Upon returning it to St. Petersburg (1766), the comedy became famous in society; The author, the masterfully reading it, was invited to read Her Empress, and then in a number of cannon houses. Success was unprecedented. Brigadier was put on stage and for a long time did not go with her. Fonvizin immediately became one of the literature cornea; It was extroduced by praise, compared with the Moliere. Major Lavra on the field of dramaturgy, Fonvizin did not leave other birth of literary creativity. In 1766, he published his transition of the treatise Quay "Trading nobility, opposing nobility of the military" (with the addition of Justice; lane. With it.), In which it was proved that the state and the nobility of the noble estate is that nobles are engaged in trade. In 1769, he was released by the sentimental story of Arno Sydney and Silly, and the translation of the extensive work of the Bitobe "Joseph" (2 volumes).

In the same 1769, Fonvizyn, displeased with the slowness of his career and cooled to Elagina, went to the service of foreign affairs to N. I. Panin, in which he consisted before the death of the latter. In this service, Fonvizin has advanced. He worked hard, conducted correspondence with Russian envoys in Western Europe, helped N. I. Panin in all his endeavors. The diligence of Fonvizin was rewarded; When, in 1773, Panin received with the marriage of his pupil, the Grand Duke Paul Petrovich, 9000 souls, he presented 1180 souls (in the Vitebsk lips.) Fonvizin. The following year, Fonvizin married Widow E. I. Whea (born. Cornea), which brought him a significant dowry.

Fonvizin. Inexpensive. Performance of small theater

In 1777, Fonvizin went to correct the health of his wife to France; From there he wrote extensive letters of his sister F. I. Argamakova and his boss, P. I. Panin; He described his journey in detail, the morals and customs of the French. In witty and bright sketches, he depicted a deciding society of pre-revolutionary France. He faithfully felt the approach of thunderstorm and saw the madness that swept the country to the catastrophe; In addition, he didn't like much because he did not want and could not refuse to evaluate the culture from his, Russian, landlords. To their letters Fonvizin treated as a real literary work; This can be seen at least from the fact that he introduced many comments in them borrowed from French and German publicists and geographers.

In the 1770s, Fonvizin wrote and printed a little ("Callisphen", "Ta-Gio or Great Science", "the Word for the recovery of Pavel Petrovich" 1771, "the word commendable brand Aureliya" 1777). But since the beginning of the 1780s, he again begins the rise of creative energy. All works of this stage of his biography are presented by the fruit of deep reflection on the themes of political, moral, and pedagogical. Also in " Purchase Word Brand Aurelius "Tom translated by phonvizin, and in some other works more early era visible his interest in questions state Device and politicians. Then, on behalf of N. I. Panin and, without a doubt, under his leadership, Fonvizin is a draft reform necessary for the prosperity of Russia. This project also says about the liberation of peasants, on the restriction of autocracy, etc. Abroad, Fonvizin is exploring not only philosophy, but also legal sciences: State system and legislation of France. In 1782, his "Questions" appears in the "interlocutor of Russian lovers", in which he boldly indicates the shortcomings of the state and court life of Russia; Together with the "questions", the Empress of Catherine's empress, which was so unhappy with the keenness of Phonon, was printed, which he had to printed apologize to her. In the same journal was placed "CHILDREN OF RUSSIAN MINERWE FROM Russian writers"The article in which Fonvizin protests against the dismissive attitude to the literature classes; He himself believed that writing is one of the useful and elevated ways to serve the Fatherland and humanity. By the same period, the biography of Fonvizin include: "The experience of a Russian priorist", the excerpt of the dictionary of synonyms, in which original satirical attacks, "teaching, speaking in perfume in the spirits, and finally" inexpressible ", are attached to borrowings from the dictionary of French synonyms of the Girard.

If, in Brigadier, Fonvizin gave only a gallery of comic types and a number of satirical attacks that are not commented with the help of abstract reasoning and not painted by the tendency, then in "inexpressible" (see on our website. Short content, full text and analysis of this play) The finished cycle of ideas as described by individual characters and those who are essential. The harmfulness of ignorance, which arises from here the abuse of serfdom, moral and mental decline of the nobility, are the main ideological rods of the comedy. Fonvizin requires a nobleman first of all consciousness, hard work and devotion to the idea of \u200b\u200bhonor, which he considers the basis of the welfare of society. In the field of pedagogy, he, according to Western teachings of that time, approves the championship of moral education before the message of specific knowledge, believing that the scientist of the villain is dangerous at least ignoram. The development of its views of Fononovin reinforces bright satire on the life of the provincial nobility; It is passing along the courtyard with its intrigues, false, zejalism and the like. "Lady" was delivered in 1782 in St. Petersburg to Benefis I. A. Dmitrevsky, who played a senior. Success was full, stunning; Fonvizin was on top of glory. Despite the resistance of the Moscow censorship, he achieved comedy and at the Moscow Theater, and since then she has not gone from the stage for many decades and still enjoys a reputation as the best Russian comedy of the XVIII century.

It was the last creative success Fonvizin. In 1783, N. I. Panin died, and Fonvizin immediately retired with the rank of Stat advisor and a 3000 r pension. in year. In 1784 - 1785 He traveled in Western Europe; He spent a lot of time in Italy, where it was purchased, by the way, art objects for the merchant of the trading house with the merchant of Klosterman; So Fonvizin practically carried out the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "trading nobility." Because of the border, Fonvizin wrote a long again literary letters sister. Upon returning to Russia, Fonvizin struck paralysis, depriving him of the use of left hands and legs and in part. Subsequent years is the years of fading. Fonvizin saw in his illness punishment for sins and misconception of youth and traveled in search of healing. He could not continue the literary creativity. In 1788, he prepared a number of satirical articles for the foreigner or friend of honest people, which was prescribed to the publication of the magazine, but forbidden to prohibit the publication; Apparently, "questions", the draft reform, and perhaps, and some seats "inexpressible" were not forgotten by the government; Even the thought of Fonavizin to translate Tacitis met the disapproval of power. Shortly before the death of Fonvizin wrote a small comedy "Choosing Gooverber" and began to write the autobiography "Certificate recognition in the affairs of my and thoughts." He died December 1, 1792

Brilliant talent, a big mind and wide readiness give us the right to consider phonvizin one of outstanding people Catherine era. And B. private life He was a wit, mockery. The fool, a lover of painting, poetry, theater, as well as a good table, in his youth, striving for all his strength to the official career, under the old age, which took the soul, cunning, but fair man, he was a characteristic representative Russian noble intelligentsia of that time.